They are totally transitioning this to jump ship when ratings are low enough to justify it. As long as they can springboard Kate onto other projects to keep her happy they're golden.
So they've lost almost half the viewers from the beginning of the season, in what - 3 shows or something? Your first post is spot-on, Admin, followed by the sound of crickets chirping!
How in the world does TLC justify paying $250,000/episode plus travel/filming costs for numbers that are around 1/2 what they were when J&K were making $75,000/episode or less?
I think it's going to be much sooner than Christmas. Networks are fickle and the second you don't pull your weight you are gone. Plus now they have a great excuse, Kate now has this ET job and other projects are opening up for her, possible Celeb Apprentice. It's a perfect time to cut her loose.
I think the ratings no longer justify the expense of this show. This show is way more expensive than say Little People where they mostly just filmed them at home. They're going on all these expensive trips with entourages and all the works. Kate is living like a rap star on TLC's dime. But she's not pulling the numbers. Half the reason networks love reality shows is they are cheap. This show is no longer cheap like it used to be.
1.6 is more around what a normal, and expendable, TLC show makes. 1.6 was around what the now cancelled Little People was making.
I'm laughing at TLC. Good luck with washing your hands of that mess. The TLC people had better say a novena that darling Kate has a successful career in show business. Or else, she'll turn around and sue TLC for mental bondage (or something silly like that). Afterall, it's never her fault...
She can springboard all she wants, just as long as the kids are off t.v.
For all I care, she can springboard into an active volcano. By the way, I still would not tune in to see that either.
Anyway, unless she changes her evil ways, she will fail miserably at everything she does.
The two up-coming shows will likely cover the Alaska and N.C. working vacations. With the children in school now maybe this will be a wrap. TLC will have to take a hard look at close to 50% drop in viewers.
This is way OT but it does tie into TLC. Don't underestimate the influence they have.
I just went on Youtube to show hubby a series from England that was a couple of years ago called Freaky Eaters, about people with food phobias. I couldn't find one video on YT!!
Guess what? Next week, TLC is introducing a new series called....wait for it....Freaky Eaters (a US version). Ironic isn't it? All the British versions of the series are gone from YT when they were just there a few weeks ago. Coincidence?
I read an article today from last night's show where Cara said she did not want to pose for a photo and Kate told her she would pose or she would leave her there with people she didn't know. Great mother, right? What mother says something like that to their child when they are in a strange place -- and in front of the TV cameras??
I just viewed the picture above of her running with the cones. Question, what mother dresses like that while touring NY City with her kids? Her hunger for fame is over the top. I bet as soon as she thinks in her little pea brain that Hollywood wants her she will drop TLC like a hot potato and her kids as well and run to Hollywood with her VB duffle bag. Nice mother, yeah right. She has 8 kids in school and all she can do is look out for herself. I don't like this woman at all. Thank you for letting me get this off my chest.
The only part of the show I saw was when they were at the Statue of Liberty. I could not believe how white-trash Kate looked. The whole outfit was ridiculous with the heels, short-shorts, and her boobs completely falling out the front and the sides of her top. I used to be a big Jon and Kate Plus 8 fan until I realized what a jerk she is, but I still wanted to be able to see the kids. Now, I just wish the whole thing would be canceled. The kids are still cute but enough is enough. Give them some privacy.
The two sheeple cannot defend this at all so they're back to the only argument they have left--we're jellus. They say we're just jellus that Kate and the kids got to go on a nice trip to NY. I go to NY at least two or three times a year. I can go to NY whenever I want. I like NY. What am I jellllus of again when I've been to NY and done everything they did there before? Also why aren't I jeallllus of everyone else who went on a family vacation to NY this summer?
I agree Barbara. What kind of mother would say something that horrible to her child- or any child?
I'm afraid, Kate (through her own insecurities) is setting her children up for insecurities when they become adults, particularly the twins. Instead of "building up" her children, and PROPERLY & RESPECTFULLY speaking to them, she prefers feeling superior by bullying them into frightened, submissive, and obediant underlies.
Anonymous said... The two up-coming shows will likely cover the Alaska and N.C. working vacations. With the children in school now maybe this will be a wrap. TLC will have to take a hard look at close to 50% drop in viewers.
August 31, 2010 6:45 PM
The Alaska footage is for Sarah Palin's show starting in November. The next two epis of Kate Plus Kate will be Bald Head Island and probably the school shopping/haircut/free shoes footage.
This is way OT but it does tie into TLC. Don't underestimate the influence they have.
I just went on Youtube to show hubby a series from England that was a couple of years ago called Freaky Eaters, about people with food phobias. I couldn't find one video on YT!!
Guess what? Next week, TLC is introducing a new series called....wait for it....Freaky Eaters (a US version). Ironic isn't it? All the British versions of the series are gone from YT when they were just there a few weeks ago. Coincidence?
I take it this British show is a different Freaky Eaters?
I don't know. TLC has kept series on for less viewership than what she just pulled in. And what new job on ET? I know she did the after Emmy's interviews. Has it been announced ET has hired her on a regular gig?
I guess I'm just not getting my hopes up. I will say a prayer of thanks when the show is finally done, but will try not to count my chickens before they hatch.
Our concern for Hate's "further and harsher abuse" of her children when her phony life comes crashing down on her was hashed and rehashed on GWoP about two years ago. Look through the archives, I'm certain you'll find it; you can't miss it as it went on FOREVER.
Bottom line: What are you going to do? Let a child play with fire because he'll cry if you take away the matches and gasoline? Let all the criminals out of prison because they're unhappy? Declare anarchy because some people don't like the way our government runs things?
Ultimately, (adult) people are responsible for their behavior and choices. Blaming others eventually blows up in our faces, no matter WHO started IT. That goes for TLC and Hate, too.
Kate is hopeless as an entertainer. She is not riveting to watch, she clearly doesn't practice or do her research, she keeps showing up thinking she can just talk about her kids and her struggles and people will stay tuned in. Now she has changed her look to a Hollywood bimbo, way to stand out in a crowd Kate. I see she is also copying Mary Hart's hairstyle and dress for her stint on ET. Sad really.
Emmy said... Am I the only one who is truly concerned about how Kate will blame/punish these children when her 15 minutes end?
Emmy I thought the same thing. I was so happy when I saw the drop in viewers but then I started to think about those children. They are in a no win situation. Kate needs them now to keep her mug on television and look at how she treats, rather mistreats them. When they are no longer of any use for her to further her career and her '15 minutes' how will she treat them. When they are no longer supporting her extravagant life style. I guess it is a good thing that they are old enough to tell others (father, teachers) what is happening in their home. I truly fear for them. I don't care if she does ET or anything else if she wants to. I won't watch but then she leaves them with nannies 3000 miles away. In an emergency, she could not get to them. An arrangement needs to be worked out so that if she wants to work away from home, the children are left with Jon. He would need help but at least they are with a parent. I am sure the nannies are lovely people but they are not the parents that children want and need in their lives. I truly am worried about those children whichever way this goes.
I also noticed Jennifer Grey's complete lack of amusement at Kate trying to be cute. Good for you, Jennifer. I hope Jennifer is Tony's new partner. And ET, are you paying attention to the weekly drop in ratings for Kate + 8? If not, you should be, because your ratings will also plummet w/ Kate as part of your team.
I don't think they're ready to dump her yet, even by Christmas. She has a contract, after all. I think the series will have to pull in under a million before she's gone...1.6 million is not that bad for a cable show. Let's just see if there is more filming. Now that school is back in session and she will be flying to LA all the time for the DWTS/ET interviews, I'd say all TLC will have will be reruns. I give it a last gasp in the spring. Jon better finish up his book or get a job! And from what I'm hearing about the show Monday night, it looks like the pre-teen hormones are kicking in. Kudos to Cara for speaking up.
Amy above said "Jennifer Grey is my new hero". I totally agree, except that I think Jennifer knows exactly who (and what) Kate Gosselin is, and that perhaps explains her icy attitude when Kate was...what was Kate doing? Trying to interview her? Oh my...I can only say that ET got the short end of the stick when TLC offered up KG as a mic-waving 'interviewer' to the stars. LOL! Why ET would want TLC's cast-offs is beyond me. As for Kate, I predict that she will now be literally hounding any and all agents/producers/talent scouts in Hollywood, seeking to launch her ACTING career (LOL!). I further predict that those 8 kids will very quickly become boat anchors around her neck as she transforms herself into a thespian. What a mess. I honestly think most/many in California know her by reputation (not good!) and that she is setting herself up for a crash and burn. She should have taken the millions and understood that this whole 'reality' thing was fleeting at best. What a horrible woman.
Yes, it is a different series than the Harry Hill one on YT. This one was like a documentary style reality show. There were three seasons of it on YT. I even checked on Bing and they have photos of the videos but when you click on the video it takes you to YT where it states the video has been deleted. Crazy huh?
I don't think Kate will mind if the show is cancelled because, based on her interviews at and after the Emmys, she believes she has a real future in show business. She says that she would like to try her hand at acting and thinks it would be fun - that's right, Kate, because acting is so easy anyone can do it!
I just watched some of the show on Youtube. I can see why now the ratings are going down...barking orders, shouting curtly to your kids, screaming, cartoon"ish" voices, hooker clothes, big butt shot climbing up a ladder...and what torture for those kids in that heat. Jon was the calming, voice of reason and now there's just complaining and shouting. The dynamics of two different parenting styles is what made the show interesting.
I do have to think that Kate must have had some gigantic"ish" blisters on her feet after walking in that heat in heels, but with what she is getting paid, what's a few bleeding toes.
And poor Jamie was silent and was nothing more than Kate's servant. And that dressing alike...bizarre. I wonder what Jamie's motive is for involving herself in the show? Money? Face time as a newly divorced woman? Maybe biding time for her own tell-all book?
Kate is no parenting role model (and the sheeple that think so need counseling) and TLC's formula for this show is definitely worn out. I was just curious if it was as bad as what I have read. It was. And to think I once was a fan. Yep, the show is a goner.
Whatevah- The so called "Documentation" of Jon threatening to call CPS on Kate if she doesn't give him money isn't worth the paper it's written on. Firstly, the "extortion" comment is on a different page and written in the third person; I would like to see a handwriting expert take a look at this.
Secondly, this appears to be a list of things that need to be cleared up between Jon and Kate, including bank accounts, salary, possessions. Everyone who has been divorced has made a list like this.The only mention of extortion is on the separate page.
Thirdly, Hailey Glassman is a troublemaker and a liar. It's strange that now, when Jon is beginning to get things together to make a better life for himself and his children, that this famewhore comes up with this pathetic attempt to discredit him.My guess is that she is being paid by TLC or Kate to stir the pot.It's happened before.
ROL is despicable for being complicit in this tawdry attempt to interfere, once again, in the children's lives.
I agree w/ you Admin.... I think Hailey is still trying to get back at Jon and by bringing up this past stuff, its clear she is still trying to hold on to her 15 mins of fame. I think Hailey really needs to move on and grow up.
For all Hailey is saying Jon tried to extort money, what exactly is she doing selling her story a year after their relationship?
And speaking of extortion, what exactly did TLC have to do to get Jon to let them use his kids for another contract period? And what will they try to do to get him to sign the next contract?
Also, even assuming even 1% of this is true, people say and do things in a divorce they would never normally do. It's incredibly stressful. There's no indication he ever actually followed through with calling CPS. Threats, shmets, who cares.
"TLC has been mum about “A Touch Of Kate,” a second series the network had planned for Gosselin."
I think that Fox Philly needs to check its sources or proofread! When I read this, I thought...ANOTHER new show, and the realized that they mean TWIST of Kate.
It also reports that Jon takes care of the kids when she's not around. Nope. ONLY when she lets him...even when she's not around, the nannies take care of them. I can understand that she wants to get out of being herself and wants to be someone else. That's probably the most honest statement she's made. Who WOULDN'T want to be anybody but her?
This Hailey thing just may backfire. What she has put out there is that there's a possibility that Kate mistreats the kids. He knew it. He saw it. If she did not mistreat the kids, it nevertheless puts it in the minds of the public that SOMETHING may have gone on (or IS going on) in regards to the treatment of the children. If this were true (the "extortion") wouldn't you think that Kate would have gone screaming to the public about this? She didn't. And if she were guilty of something, of course she wouldn't. To speak out against Jon would have been opening up a can of worms (her mistreatment of the kids). She certainly didn't want to put THAT possibility into the minds of her adoring fans!
I think it's time that Jon gets a darn good pitbull of an attorney.
Is it just me, or does Hailey seem rear her ugly head whenever Kate's press is less than stellar?
I agree, those notes look more like he just wanted to make sure he remembered his points when talking to the shrieking shrew. Just because Hailey sold ROL a piece of paper doesn't mean it's authentic. If Jon sold ROL this same type of note alleging that Kate wrote it, the sheeple would be screaming from the tallest barn that it was a fake.
This is just another case of the "adults" in this situation more concerned with hurting and slamming each other while showing no regard for the children :(
Regarding the radaronline documents, there is NO WAY the person who wrote the first page also wrote the other pages. The handwriting and the way each of the letters are written are totally different. I do believe Jon wrote the other pages (just not the first one).
The first page was written in third person. I've never heard Jon refer to himself in third person on any of the shows. Ever. I think that alone proves Hailey a liar. The lettering being different also proves her a liar. Look at the individual letters and how the k, y and d and other letters are written.
I also think the details that Jon probably did write on the other pages put Kate in a bad light.
Jon wanting 50k doesn't prove it was in extortion. According to the other things written there it was money Jon felt was rightfully his.
It is mid week, the show ratings are diving and lookie loo, ROL has a blockbuster story on Jon and Kate and Hailey to turn our turned away heads back to this sad mess. How will Kate respond? All eyes on Kate now as she bravely appears on ET, the View and LKL to discuss this latest tragedy with her non revealing answers - I'd like to comment but I can't, I will say however that I am happy to have moved on and am no longer married to him (they don't say his name anymore). Then all eyes on Jon as the Rabbi holds a special on tv counselling session to figure out why the mother of his children would let an ex-girlfriend sell him out like this. Then stay tuned for the announcement that Hailey is wrestling Heidi in a match up put together by Micheal Lohan. Sad, pathetic and so predicatable.
Notice too on the "documents" it says go to DA. Could mean the District Attorney, could be short for Divorce Attorney. What could Jon go to the DA with? Notice it does NOT say CPS anywhere.
I've always thought TLC was behind Hailey speaking out against Jon each time. Their attempts are pretty pathetic, though, because they are only hurting their own cause. After all, what kind of dirt must Jon have on Kate vis-a-vis her treatment of the kids to be able to threaten her with calling CPS?! Assuming Hailey's claims are true, THAT to me is the interesting piece of info in all this, NOT that Jon tried to get $ out of Kate.
I wouldn't worry too much about what happens to the kids if the show is canceled. This woman isn't going to spend any time with the kids once the show is over - she'll be history. That's actually a GOOD thing.
Their father will have them, and likely, the help of his previously rejected family. There's no way this woman is going to to go out of her way to have anything to do with these kids unless they are her meal ticket. She can't stand to be around them.
Dr. and Mrs. Glassman must be so proud of their daughter! Weren't Mrs. Glassman and Kate "really close" during Kate's recuperation from the tummy tuck? Didn't Kate say at one point that Mrs. Glassman was her new best friend? Thank goodness Jon got out of the relationship with Hailey...that gal is Trouble, with a capital T! She's not a person that the children need in their lives.
It scary because Kate CAN act a little bit. Those tears and boo hooing she did on The Today Show crying about how broke she is, the way she fleeced the churchgoers by acting like she was struggling, the fake tears on the couch crying about the divorce and disappointing her kids....
It was all acting! She can turn on the waterworks on comnmand. She can make people believe she's borderline destitute while she simultaneously walks out of a fancy restaurant, spa or salon.
And her best acting ability is that she can fool a lot of people ( not all ) into thinking that she is a good mom ( ex.Sherri Sheppard, Mary Hart, Brooke Burke ).
If she were offered a role along the lines of Joan Crawford/Mommy Dearest or Reagan from the Exorcist, she'd be terrific because she can draw on her own character. She'd win an Oscar for one of these roles.
Administrator said... I refuse to post anything Hailey says. She really needs to get over Jon. ______________________________
Bravo, Administrator! Remember Hailey on that magazine cover? She'll do anything for notoriety--ironic how she's just like Kate in so many ways, including the lies.
mama mia said... It is mid week, the show ratings are diving and lookie loo, ROL has a blockbuster story on Jon and Kate and Hailey to turn our turned away heads back to this sad mess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hope this is totally off topic but an Asian male with a bomb has taken hostages at the Discovery Building outside of D.C.
"A man with what appears to be an explosive device on him has taken at least one hostage at the Discovery Building in downtown Silver Spring, Montgomery County Police said.
Cpl. Dan Friz said police received a call about 1 p.m., of shots fired in the lobby.
Tactical officers are on the scene and developing a plan to deal with the situation.
Police initially said the building was being evacuated, but employees said they were told via email to stay at their desks.
Officers have not fired their weapons, Friz said,
The building, as well as areas near it, are being evacuated, she said.
Discovery employees said they were told via email to stay at their desks. Some have said on their Twitter accounts that shots have been fired, but police have not confirmed that."
If these notes are legit they are Jons personal property. If Hailey took them when she wiped out and trashed the apt wouldn't they be stolen property???? Sounds like Hailey is selling and rol is buying stolen property. Your thoughts???
It's disgusting how other working moms have defended Kate Gosselin with such utter and complete disregard for the consequences to the Gosselin kids. No one in their right mind would/should condone what is happening to them under the guise of their mother "working" to support them. What a load of crap that is. It's the other way around. Without the kids Kate has no future. She sure as hell can't sing. Or dance. Or act. She does cry on cue very well but that's because of her histrionic personality. Crying is not a talent. Either is running through the streets of New York carrying dripping ice cream cones. Or having a boob job and lying about it.
I can't recall where I saw it but I know I did. PLEASE tell me that her "bodyguard" isn't allowed to scold the hcildren, as in someone said Steve has told the kids, "Don't talk to your mother like that."
WT...??? That is not normal! I don't know what Kate thinks she needs protection from 1 pap and a camera crew for, but that is WAY over the line!
I am NOT a fan of the show however last night I wanted to watch a few minutes just to see how Kate is with the children. She is ABSURD! I was stunned with how cold, pushy and manipulative she is with the children. Not to even mention how crazy her outfits were. She was mean with the children however when ever fans started screaming her name her dispotion completly changed and was totally happy. She was even forcing her children to wave at people when they didnt want to. I honestly feel so sorry for the children and hope and pray Jon is doing what ever he can to stop her. She is not treating the children well.
I knew from the get-go that this Hailey chick was baaaaad news. She had scuzbucket written all over her the moment I first saw her....the very first pic of her with her back to the camera as she stood with her mom and Jon in NY with drinks in their hands. I knew right then she was a sleeze, a user and just a bad person.
At the time Jon was so smitten with her, I just wanted to reach through the tv and tabloids and scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jooooooooon!!!! She will turn on you in a nanosecond!!!!!
Incident at Discovery Channel's headquarters in Silver Spring, MD:
Shots fired, evacuation, man demanding to speak with CEOs, upset over programming. The gunman is reported to have taken part in past protests at the building.
The man has tentatively been identified as James Lee.
It still doesn't change the fact that Kate is DONE. Kate + 8 ratings are plummeting quickly simply because of nasty Kate. She is finished.
Dear, for real- the disgruntled ex-girlfriend thing is so BORING, and really looks bad on you. There are plenty of fish in the sea- as they say. Don't waste your time on this one.
Now pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. You still are young, healthy and attractive.
Count your blessings, at least you are not one of the Gosselin 8...
Oh my goodness! The man in moose mania's news has done this before, he protests that we don't need anymore humans on earth, and he wants Discovery and TLC to stop airing shows about more kids brought into the world.Wow,guess kate would tick him off, as he likely knows exactly who she is.Scary!
my husband noticed when we watched a portion of the show where they were eating Dim Sum, that none of the kids wanted to sit with Kate and Jamie had to take one of the kids over to Kate's table... sad sad sad...
Kates show is tanking and the ratings are steadily falling.Everyone is growing tired of Kates single mom of eight spiel.
What prefect timing to pull skanky Haley out of a potted plant, give her another fifteen minutes, and throw Jon under the bus.
Since we all know Haley has diarrhea of the mouth, why wasn't this brought up before? Why did she even mention Mady,that kid has enough on her plate. How cruel. Boy, those Glassman's really raised a KLASSY daughter didn't they.
I personally think Kate's camp set up this new Jon scandal to discredit him since he has a new book coming out. The worse they can make him look before it comes out, the more it will look like what he wrote is just a bunch of lies.
Have you ever seen such a nasty, vile person ( Kate ) be so protected in the media before? This is a first for me. The woman is famous simply for being so hated and controversial, and this brings she gets a free pass. She can be as hateful as she wants as long as she breaks no laws, and the media will keep torturing us with her presence. Pathetic.
Incident at Discovery Channel's headquarters in Silver Spring, MD:
Shots fired, evacuation, man demanding to speak with CEOs, upset over programming. The gunman is reported to have taken part in past protests at the building.
The man has tentatively been identified as James Lee.
Ugh, today's photos. The photos of her at the gas station today are basically an F-YOU to all the comments she received about the clothing she wore in the NY episode IMO. The bath towel I wrap around my body post-shower is bigger than the dress she's wearing with her 4 inch heels (to run errands and pump gas in of course).
Hailey's "proof" just makes me think we have been right along about the abusive, narcissistic, greedy but controlling by money, manipulative Kate Gosselin. I hope and pray the Gosselin children don't run wild or hook up with people like Hailey Glassman when they escape the clutches of the mother narcissist Kate. Shame on TLC/ABC for using her personality problems to gain ratings. Shame on TLC/Discovery for exploiting more children in their "just one more" bid for ratings. Litters of children may be rare in America, but so are multiple vacations in one year by a large (or small) family, who could dare afford going to the movies these days in this economy. Where is the reality in that, TLC? Save the Gosselin 8 and all multiples exploited for profit and ratings.
Good grief! Did this woman get another new "set?" Look at the front view (photo #3 with her holding a plastic bag). Did she forget her miracle push-up bra, or is it around her no-waist?
TLC needs to listen that people are sick of this monster and will not watch her. She is turning out to be nothing but a selfish pig! Don't even like the kids anymore. So done with all the horrible things everything kate brings. Sad and simply unbearable, who wants to watch such lies and bs. It is not reality, it is Kate having everyone do for her and the kids are lost in the mix! Poor kids, overworked and unhappy while mom Kate cracks the whip on them to do as she says not have what she has. It's all mine like she said on the show with the new house. Monster person, mom she is not-will never watch anything she is on. She is a disgrace to all human beings and a disgrace to motherhood.
Regarding that 3 page note Jon is suppose to have written. I question if the 1st page is his handwriting. Some of the letters don't appear to be the same from page 1 to page 2 and 3. Also, if Jon refers to himself in the 3rd person, then why on page 2 and 3 does he refers to "me", 'I'm", "I"? I call BS on page 1 being Jon's.
Haha, now Jamie is Kate's slave boy!!! No wonder no one watches the show, Kate is horrible and why don't they just let her strip down to nothing and say "TAKE ME-HERE I AM"! I want someone to do me! I will do anything, sell my kids life, give me money and I will give you what you want! Such a sick person is what Kate Gosselin is-sick and selfish. Sick-sick of her own responsibilites so she sells them out to the highest bidder while she can go out and dress like a hooker and look like one to. Come on TLC, this is just trash now, get rid of this thing! Your next TLC, she will take you out too!
The picture that Admin. has posted here makes me think that Khate's next project is going to be The Amazing Race. Apparently the secret envelope told her to run through the streets of NYC in hooker heels with ice cream cones and find a double decker bus filled with 8, count em' 8, kids.
I'm no handwriting expert, but I am 100% certain the writing in the "jon-as-third-person" note vs the other documents doesn't match. The Ds, As, and Ys are differernt, just for starters, plus the letter spacing is off. And seriously, who really believes Jon is going to make to-do notes to himself referring to himself in the third person? Hilarious!
Well...Bubbles has to go make dinner now...peace
TLC is behind this, Kate is falling fast so they think by drumming up drama her ratings will rise again..Why else would Hailey hold on to those (so called letters) for so long??? Dont fall for it, PLEASE don't watch K8
Oh dear lawd! I watched some of the epi on YouTube. Let's see.. Asia. It'a a continent, not a language and for the love of Pete, who couldn't understand the servers? Kate acted like they couldn't speak English. That cracks me up. How's your Canonese, Kate? If she speaks a second language it's "ishisms" as in "wrapperish dumplingish". It's not cute, it's moronic. The whole dim sum thing didn't just happen as they walked by the restaurant when Kate's blood sugar was low (hint....carry food if you actually are hypoglycemic). This was planned by the production crew, and it's so obvious. She had no clue. If she did some homework, she'd know what dim sum is and generally what's served. Those kids must be mortified by her behavior, not to mention her breasts hanging out and her inability to walk normally because she's jacked up on 4-5 inch heels.
Oh, sheesh! Now Jon's life coach, Sylvia Lafair, is getting into the act. She says that "Claims with CPS were never filed, and there is no CPS in PA, it’s called Children and Youth Services.
Wrong, Sylvia. It's called the Office of Children, Youth and Families. There is a Child Protective Services Law, to which Jon allegedly may have been referring.
She needs to keep it zipped, because she's going to do him more harm than good. Obviously she didn't know about the CPS law.
Good Lord that pumping gas outfit. Every time I think it can't get worse. Where in the world was she going dressed in platform heels and a tiny itty bitty strapless dress?
I've been seeing little clips on youtube here and there and one thing that is striking me more and more is how rarely she even interacts with the kids. In the stuff from the Statue of Liberty cruise, she's mostly crouched under that stairwell messing with her phone. Jamie is the one handling the kids.
On the train, she's sitting by herself in many shots, again busy on her phone.
It's surprising to me how often her lap is empty or there just aren't any kids around her, especially seeing as she has eight of them and they are young. Six year olds are still VERY affectionate and a loving mom would end up with at least a kid or two every time she made a dang lap. But they don't really go near her, anyone else notice that?
"I personally think Kate's camp set up this new Jon scandal to discredit him since he has a new book coming out. The worse they can make him look before it comes out, the more it will look like what he wrote is just a bunch of lies."
Not necessarily! It may have the reverse effect. This could serve as an appetizer, a mini-scandal that would be good for book sales. Viewers might actually want to buy the book in order to find out what other juicy tidbits he can spill.
For some reason, I can't pull up those "docs." I tried it on two computers, and all it does is make the computers freeze up. I'd really like to check them out. While I am no handwriting expert, I did have several handwriting analysis courses as part of a criminal justice program. I bet it wouldn't take me long to spot a forgery. I'll keep working on it!
Boston Bonnie said... "Apparently the secret envelope told her to run through the streets of NYC in hooker heels with ice cream cones and find a double decker bus filled with 8, count em' 8, kids."
Very clever. You made my evening. Great material for some hilarious parodies on Kate, if you think about it.
mama mia said...Kate would be appearing on Larry King Live, and the View to discuss the latest with Jon. Is this true? I looked on Larry's website and I didn't see anything about it. Why does she write and spread this if it is not true.
Please someone clarify if Kate is going on LKL and the View to talk about this?
maggie said... mama mia said...Kate would be appearing on Larry King Live, and the View to discuss the latest with Jon. Is this true? I looked on Larry's website and I didn't see anything about it. Why does she write and spread this if it is not true.
Please someone clarify if Kate is going on LKL and the View to talk about this?
September 1, 2010 7:44 PM
The View is on hiatus so she's not going on that show to talk about this.
Why is Hailey bringing this up now? Why not ages ago?
Why doesn't she sue Jon in court if she wants her $200,000 back instead of trying to litigate this in the court of public opinion. What does she expect to happen Jon to say you're right I was wrong? In America we have remedies for when someone wrongs you, you go to COURT. If her case is so strong take him to court.
Why did Hailey save these notes? That's weird and obsessive.
Notes like these would never come into evidence, you could never possibly authenticate them. Also, a list of various words mean nothing. Any judge I've ever known would laugh. Also why would Jon leave a paper trail if he was doing something improper? The guy is dumb but not that dumb.
Thinking about calling CPS is not the same as actually calling. I bet it's crossed Kate's mind too or other bad things she's wanted to do to Jon given she talks about him all the time and is clearly not over him. Everyone has moments where they think something would be a good idea, but when rethinking are not good ideas.
At least when Kate has a problem she (usually) goes to a court of law and has the proper attorneys handle the matter for her. Hailey is worse than Kate always crying to Radar Online as if they can do something about it.
Maybe Hailey tried to get an attorney to help her and he said she had no case. If her only evidence was those few sheets of paper I would tell her you can hire me but don't waste your money.
She needs to get some therapy to help her move on from a relationship she feels burned on.
It's surprising to me how often her lap is empty or there just aren't any kids around her, especially seeing as she has eight of them and they are young. Six year olds are still VERY affectionate and a loving mom would end up with at least a kid or two every time she made a dang lap. But they don't really go near her, anyone else notice that?
It's creeping me out, to be honest."
I agree. Her detachment and the children's reaction to it (not attempting closeness and affection) says that they are long used to it and have given up trying.
OMG...what a shock the ratings are down!!The public isnt as stupid as tlc and kate would like to believe. Kate is a single mom working just to support the kids...Jon is such a deadbeat doing nothing.Jon paying 20+ grand a month and being with the kids every time he's ALLOWED dosent matter. All that matters is that kate is being a mom when she's being paid to play one on tv.Kate is super mom when the cameras are rolling. As for hailey? WHO CARES? She didnt care about the kids or Jon.She's only speaking up now cause the cash is coming in.hailey dear...we see thru you like we see thru kate.It would be best for you to shut your mouth and move on.You trying to get fame off the suffering of the go$$elins kids looks so very bad for you! *gag* *puke* and *choke*
So the ratings are down...Thank God.The public isnt as stupid as tlc wants us to be.We are so tired of hearing about how hard kate has it....SURE...every single mom can take 5 vacations in one summer.We single moms can spend thousands in 3 months.RIGHT...Kates time is done...everyone is tired of her BS!
Why is everyone thinking Jon is the villain here. He was only asking for what was rightfully his in a divorce. He did not write - "Jon giving Kate ultimatums." Everyone seems to be losing sight of the fact that she hurt one of the kids - how many other times has that happened. The way she yanks them around by the arm all the time. He was obviously concerned about it and had brought it up to her in the only way that she would understand - or else. It is Khate that he is dealing with here. Can you imagine the horror? I do believe he was letting her know the only way she would understand that he is not going to let her get by with that and she better not do it again. This is Khate and you have to "know how to talk to her" and Jon does know how to talk to her.
It's surprising to me how often her lap is empty or there just aren't any kids around her, especially seeing as she has eight of them and they are young. Six year olds are still VERY affectionate and a loving mom would end up with at least a kid or two every time she made a dang lap. But they don't really go near her, anyone else notice that?
My nana died when I was 6 years old (now 46) and the ONLY memory I have of her was that she "had no lap". I don't ever recall sitting on her lap unlike my maternal grandmother who had a lap big enough for 26, count em' 26, grandchildren.
How sad that these children have that memory of their mother.
In my opinion Hailey is a woman scorned and desperate to stay in the limelight. I also think she's a tad mentally unstable. If this were true I would think she would have brought it to light sooner. Of course Perez ripped Jon a new one like everything Hailey said was the gospel truth. On another note, I couldn't believe what KateDashian was wearing yesterday to pump gas. Could that dress have been any smaller??
Anonymous said... "TLC needs to listen that people are sick of this monster and will not watch her." . . . "It's all mine like she said on the show with the new house. Monster person, mom she is not-will never watch anything she is on. She is a disgrace to all human beings and a disgrace to motherhood."
Yes, TLC needs to listen, just as ET does. And I well remember her looking out her kitchen window at all the acreage and saying, "It's's all MINE." And, yes, she IS a disgrace to motherhood and humanity. Also, to avoid over-posting, Jon bought Hailey an expensive SUV...perhaps Hailey should return that. Hailey is a word that rhymes with gut.
Dum, dum, dum... the b!tch is back and lookin her ever hoochie self while pumpin gas. The dress and shoes are cute... just not on her and not together. She needs some black flip-flops or some kitten heels.
INF's title for the photos remind me of the part in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts is walkin up to Richard Gere in the Lambo and her friend is tellin her to "work it, work it, own it".... LOL!!!!
It's pretty obvious that the kids have attached themselves to anyone and everyone other than Kate. You saw it in the pictures with Ellen, you see it with the interaction with the crew, and you could definitely see it with Jamie on the NYC trip. When there is a problem or something they want to share, it's never with Kate, it's with someone else. Kate is too removed from the kids to actually give them the love and encouragement they need. It goes to show that anyone can 'have' kids, but it takes someone really special to actual be a mother to them.
The thing that kills me about the pumping gas photos is that she made it VERY clear during the show that SHE DOES NOT PUMP GAS. Servant Jon ALWAYS filled the cars with gas.
Ridiculous. *All of a sudden* after th divorce she is seen at the gas station what two three times a week for photo ops?
Seems to me like anyone who watched the NY episode where she was blatantly abusing the kids for entertainment would have no doubt that is capable of hurting one of the kids.
Regarding the notes from Hailey, it looks to me like Jon may have written the three pages but the other one (misfit writing and "going to the DA" page) sounds like Hailey was writing that down herself while listening to Jon on the phone.
That dress is hilarious. I'd be pissed if I'd paid for boobs and they were that low! Kate: breasts look best when they are centered between the shoulder and the elbow. Yours appear to be resting on the might wanna call the surgeon and see if he can revise your "bra."
1) Why do the kids have nannies watching them when Kate is NOT around, if Jon is available? Shouldn't they be with a parent as much as possible?
2) Kate Plus 8 may very end due to lack of viewer ratings? I don't think anyone has an issue with Kate doing her own work, leaving the kids out, but would Jon then be able to parent the kids when Kate is gone, instead of the nannies? And if not, why not, if a parent is absent?
3) Why does Jon get so little time with his kids, in spite of Kate's travels. Even if she is home, shouldn't he get 50% time with them, instead of Kate's nanny-sitters.
4) Why is Jon not allowed on the property for drop-off/pick-ups? Crazy how kids can not be dropped off at front door for pre-scheduled visitation.
5) What Hailey Glassman says at this juncture is meaningless. The girl will say anything for attention, sad as it might be. Not a nice person.
Jon bought Hailey an expensive SUV...perhaps Hailey should return that. Hailey is a word that rhymes with gut. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Was it ever confirmed that he bought her the car...or that he was paying the lease on it? If he had money to buy her a car, then why did he need to borrow money from her? Wouldn't she just have bought the car herself? Something just doesn't make sense.
"Hailey is worse than Kate always crying to Radar Online as if they can do something about it.
Maybe Hailey tried to get an attorney to help her" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
I'm confused. What is it that is Hailey's problem? What would she want an attorney to do? How could an attorney help her? To do what? Exactly what is she hoping to gain by making this public? If she's thinking that he could be charged with extortion, she wouldn't be the plaintiff in this? Kate would! She would be the object of the attempted extortion -- not Hailey!
It's my understanding Hailey says Jon needs to return $200,000 to her. That's what I mean when I say she needs to get an attorney. If he really stole $200,000 I'm sure an attorney would be happy to take on the case and get his cut. She has money for an attorney, why hasn't she gotten one if he's wronged her so?
She comes out with bad stuff about Jon every few weeks I think in an attempt to black him into returning the money. As in I'll keep revealing bad stuff about you until you pay up. Real mature.
Anonymous said... Seems to me like anyone who watched the NY episode where she was blatantly abusing the kids for entertainment would have no doubt that is capable of hurting one of the kids.
September 2, 2010 8:22 AM
Oh yeah! No doubt!
We've seen her pinch Alexis on the shoulder at GMA, we've seen her spank Leah, we saw her shove Colin back in his seat on the NYC bus and yelled at to eat his ice cream, we saw her hurt Mady's arm the day they went to Dutch Wonderland...
then there's the tabloid story of a former nanny saying they were on vacation and one of the boys was spanked pretty badly with a spoon by Kate after she had been drinking wine.
And the threats of "penalty of severness" if they stepped foot in her new bedroom. hmmmmm
And the time she looked at Joel like she was going to murder him when they were playing dress up in the basement...
I think she is very capable of hurting one of the kids. I personally believe she has many times already but her inner circle looks the other way because they want to remain employed. You can tell the kids are scared to death of her and try hard not to piss her off.
But I also think Jon has, too, in the past....maybe less frequently and to a lesser degree. And this is why he isn't so quick to blow the whistle on Kate.
Bubbles said... That dress is hilarious. I'd be pissed if I'd paid for boobs and they were that low! Kate: breasts look best when they are centered between the shoulder and the elbow. Yours appear to be resting on the might wanna call the surgeon and see if he can revise your "bra."
If Kate would stand up straight and put her shoulders back instead of hunching over, she might actually 'look' normal and her boobs wouldn't be hanging down like she's 75 yrs. old. She has terrible posture, always has. I have often wondered if she may have scoliosis that was never diagnosed and/or treated. She looks she has about a 30-40 degree curve to me.
"She comes out with bad stuff about Jon every few weeks I think in an attempt to black him into returning the money. As in I'll keep revealing bad stuff about you until you pay up. Real mature."
So she wants $200,000 and she puts this bad stuff out there about Jon until she gets it? Even though no demands are made, isn't this a kind of "silent" extortion? ;-) I would think that rather than helping her cause (to get $200,000) this is really going to tick him off and he's not going to pay, if indeed he owes it! You can't catch flies with vinegar!
If she has scoliosis or kyphosis it makes her an even bigger idiot for putting two gallons of silicone on her chest and trying to walk around with that unnatural weight in front. Anyway you look at it, she's a complete asshat.
I remember reading Hailey's tweets a while back...maybe 8 or 9 months ago, and she was complaining that Jon had borrowed that much money from her, acting like he had to have it because of the kids. I got the impression that she felt "conned" by him. She also tweeted repeatedly that her attorney had given a certain date by which he had to repay her. Seems like that timeline came and went. But she definitely is acting like a woman scorned, and I must say that whenever they had pics of them together, they always appeared very happy. Maybe he more or less dumped her, and she is feeling bitter. But, better to handle the owed money legally, rather than blast him publicly over "inside information" that she has. After looking at how Kate looked at the camera when she was in the ice cream shop, and took a taste of the ice cream that the guy was holding, etc...I have to wonder what the heck happened to her as a child. She acts like maybe she had such a rigid upbringing that she could never fool around and have fun as a pre-teen and teenager. Without the kids around, she is giddy and laughing and putting her face into every camera and looks like she can't get enough attention. Like she can't function without being the center of attention. Seems like she's too old to be acting so immature; but then again, I don't know. Also, it's because of the children that she is famous. And yet, I get the idea that she's in competition with them. I think this will increase as the older two hit their teenage years. She will keep trying to outdo them. It's terrible.
In my opinion Hailey is a woman scorned and desperate to stay in the limelight. I also think she's a tad mentally unstable. If this were true I would think she would have brought it to light sooner. Of course Perez ripped Jon a new one like everything Hailey said was the gospel truth. On another note, I couldn't believe what KateDashian was wearing yesterday to pump gas. Could that dress have been any smaller??
If she has scoliosis or kyphosis it makes her an even bigger idiot for putting two gallons of silicone on her chest and trying to walk around with that unnatural weight in front. Anyway you look at it, she's a complete asshat.
"I personally think Kate's camp set up this new Jon scandal to discredit him since he has a new book coming out. The worse they can make him look before it comes out, the more it will look like what he wrote is just a bunch of lies."
Not necessarily! It may have the reverse effect. This could serve as an appetizer, a mini-scandal that would be good for book sales. Viewers might actually want to buy the book in order to find out what other juicy tidbits he can spill.
Good Lord that pumping gas outfit. Every time I think it can't get worse. Where in the world was she going dressed in platform heels and a tiny itty bitty strapless dress?
I've been seeing little clips on youtube here and there and one thing that is striking me more and more is how rarely she even interacts with the kids. In the stuff from the Statue of Liberty cruise, she's mostly crouched under that stairwell messing with her phone. Jamie is the one handling the kids.
On the train, she's sitting by herself in many shots, again busy on her phone.
It's surprising to me how often her lap is empty or there just aren't any kids around her, especially seeing as she has eight of them and they are young. Six year olds are still VERY affectionate and a loving mom would end up with at least a kid or two every time she made a dang lap. But they don't really go near her, anyone else notice that?
Hailey's "proof" just makes me think we have been right along about the abusive, narcissistic, greedy but controlling by money, manipulative Kate Gosselin. I hope and pray the Gosselin children don't run wild or hook up with people like Hailey Glassman when they escape the clutches of the mother narcissist Kate. Shame on TLC/ABC for using her personality problems to gain ratings. Shame on TLC/Discovery for exploiting more children in their "just one more" bid for ratings. Litters of children may be rare in America, but so are multiple vacations in one year by a large (or small) family, who could dare afford going to the movies these days in this economy. Where is the reality in that, TLC? Save the Gosselin 8 and all multiples exploited for profit and ratings.
Incident at Discovery Channel's headquarters in Silver Spring, MD:
Shots fired, evacuation, man demanding to speak with CEOs, upset over programming. The gunman is reported to have taken part in past protests at the building.
The man has tentatively been identified as James Lee.
It still doesn't change the fact that Kate is DONE. Kate + 8 ratings are plummeting quickly simply because of nasty Kate. She is finished.
Dear, for real- the disgruntled ex-girlfriend thing is so BORING, and really looks bad on you. There are plenty of fish in the sea- as they say. Don't waste your time on this one.
Now pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. You still are young, healthy and attractive.
Count your blessings, at least you are not one of the Gosselin 8...
I am NOT a fan of the show however last night I wanted to watch a few minutes just to see how Kate is with the children. She is ABSURD! I was stunned with how cold, pushy and manipulative she is with the children. Not to even mention how crazy her outfits were. She was mean with the children however when ever fans started screaming her name her dispotion completly changed and was totally happy. She was even forcing her children to wave at people when they didnt want to. I honestly feel so sorry for the children and hope and pray Jon is doing what ever he can to stop her. She is not treating the children well.
I hope this is totally off topic but an Asian male with a bomb has taken hostages at the Discovery Building outside of D.C.
"A man with what appears to be an explosive device on him has taken at least one hostage at the Discovery Building in downtown Silver Spring, Montgomery County Police said.
Cpl. Dan Friz said police received a call about 1 p.m., of shots fired in the lobby.
Tactical officers are on the scene and developing a plan to deal with the situation.
Police initially said the building was being evacuated, but employees said they were told via email to stay at their desks.
Officers have not fired their weapons, Friz said,
The building, as well as areas near it, are being evacuated, she said.
Discovery employees said they were told via email to stay at their desks. Some have said on their Twitter accounts that shots have been fired, but police have not confirmed that."
mama mia said... It is mid week, the show ratings are diving and lookie loo, ROL has a blockbuster story on Jon and Kate and Hailey to turn our turned away heads back to this sad mess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It scary because Kate CAN act a little bit. Those tears and boo hooing she did on The Today Show crying about how broke she is, the way she fleeced the churchgoers by acting like she was struggling, the fake tears on the couch crying about the divorce and disappointing her kids....
It was all acting! She can turn on the waterworks on comnmand. She can make people believe she's borderline destitute while she simultaneously walks out of a fancy restaurant, spa or salon.
And her best acting ability is that she can fool a lot of people ( not all ) into thinking that she is a good mom ( ex.Sherri Sheppard, Mary Hart, Brooke Burke ).
If she were offered a role along the lines of Joan Crawford/Mommy Dearest or Reagan from the Exorcist, she'd be terrific because she can draw on her own character. She'd win an Oscar for one of these roles.
Notice too on the "documents" it says go to DA. Could mean the District Attorney, could be short for Divorce Attorney. What could Jon go to the DA with? Notice it does NOT say CPS anywhere.
This Hailey thing just may backfire. What she has put out there is that there's a possibility that Kate mistreats the kids. He knew it. He saw it. If she did not mistreat the kids, it nevertheless puts it in the minds of the public that SOMETHING may have gone on (or IS going on) in regards to the treatment of the children. If this were true (the "extortion") wouldn't you think that Kate would have gone screaming to the public about this? She didn't. And if she were guilty of something, of course she wouldn't. To speak out against Jon would have been opening up a can of worms (her mistreatment of the kids). She certainly didn't want to put THAT possibility into the minds of her adoring fans!
I think it's time that Jon gets a darn good pitbull of an attorney.
Whatevah- The so called "Documentation" of Jon threatening to call CPS on Kate if she doesn't give him money isn't worth the paper it's written on. Firstly, the "extortion" comment is on a different page and written in the third person; I would like to see a handwriting expert take a look at this.
Secondly, this appears to be a list of things that need to be cleared up between Jon and Kate, including bank accounts, salary, possessions. Everyone who has been divorced has made a list like this.The only mention of extortion is on the separate page.
Thirdly, Hailey Glassman is a troublemaker and a liar. It's strange that now, when Jon is beginning to get things together to make a better life for himself and his children, that this famewhore comes up with this pathetic attempt to discredit him.My guess is that she is being paid by TLC or Kate to stir the pot.It's happened before.
ROL is despicable for being complicit in this tawdry attempt to interfere, once again, in the children's lives.
Yes, it is a different series than the Harry Hill one on YT. This one was like a documentary style reality show. There were three seasons of it on YT. I even checked on Bing and they have photos of the videos but when you click on the video it takes you to YT where it states the video has been deleted. Crazy huh?
I don't think they're ready to dump her yet, even by Christmas. She has a contract, after all. I think the series will have to pull in under a million before she's gone...1.6 million is not that bad for a cable show. Let's just see if there is more filming. Now that school is back in session and she will be flying to LA all the time for the DWTS/ET interviews, I'd say all TLC will have will be reruns. I give it a last gasp in the spring. Jon better finish up his book or get a job! And from what I'm hearing about the show Monday night, it looks like the pre-teen hormones are kicking in. Kudos to Cara for speaking up.
Kate is hopeless as an entertainer. She is not riveting to watch, she clearly doesn't practice or do her research, she keeps showing up thinking she can just talk about her kids and her struggles and people will stay tuned in. Now she has changed her look to a Hollywood bimbo, way to stand out in a crowd Kate. I see she is also copying Mary Hart's hairstyle and dress for her stint on ET. Sad really.
This is way OT but it does tie into TLC. Don't underestimate the influence they have.
I just went on Youtube to show hubby a series from England that was a couple of years ago called Freaky Eaters, about people with food phobias. I couldn't find one video on YT!!
Guess what? Next week, TLC is introducing a new series called....wait for it....Freaky Eaters (a US version). Ironic isn't it? All the British versions of the series are gone from YT when they were just there a few weeks ago. Coincidence?
I take it this British show is a different Freaky Eaters?
I agree Barbara. What kind of mother would say something that horrible to her child- or any child?
I'm afraid, Kate (through her own insecurities) is setting her children up for insecurities when they become adults, particularly the twins. Instead of "building up" her children, and PROPERLY & RESPECTFULLY speaking to them, she prefers feeling superior by bullying them into frightened, submissive, and obediant underlies.
This is way OT but it does tie into TLC. Don't underestimate the influence they have.
I just went on Youtube to show hubby a series from England that was a couple of years ago called Freaky Eaters, about people with food phobias. I couldn't find one video on YT!!
Guess what? Next week, TLC is introducing a new series called....wait for it....Freaky Eaters (a US version). Ironic isn't it? All the British versions of the series are gone from YT when they were just there a few weeks ago. Coincidence?
Want to see your comment published? Follow a few simple rules:
1. Do not use Anonymous. Pick a name (click Name/URL to type in a name) and stick to the same name. 2. Anonymous insider stories should be emailed to us directly (in confidence). They will not be posted here unless we can verify the validity, such as with photos. This is not to discourage legitimate insiders from speaking out, but to guard against all the fake stories out there. 3. No insulting other posters or picking fights, refusing to let things go and move on. Stop with the snotty comments--they will be rejected. Treat people here like how you would talk to the person you most respect in your life, it's just pleasant that way. 4. No trash talking other blogs/bloggers here.
155 sediments (sic) from readers:
They are totally transitioning this to jump ship when ratings are low enough to justify it. As long as they can springboard Kate onto other projects to keep her happy they're golden.
So they've lost almost half the viewers from the beginning of the season, in what - 3 shows or something? Your first post is spot-on, Admin, followed by the sound of crickets chirping!
We should all keep up with the boycott of anything "kate", i.e., TLC, ET, etc.
How in the world does TLC justify paying $250,000/episode plus travel/filming costs for numbers that are around 1/2 what they were when J&K were making $75,000/episode or less?
It's a beautiful day :)
I think it's going to be much sooner than Christmas. Networks are fickle and the second you don't pull your weight you are gone. Plus now they have a great excuse, Kate now has this ET job and other projects are opening up for her, possible Celeb Apprentice. It's a perfect time to cut her loose.
I think the ratings no longer justify the expense of this show. This show is way more expensive than say Little People where they mostly just filmed them at home. They're going on all these expensive trips with entourages and all the works. Kate is living like a rap star on TLC's dime. But she's not pulling the numbers. Half the reason networks love reality shows is they are cheap. This show is no longer cheap like it used to be.
1.6 is more around what a normal, and expendable, TLC show makes. 1.6 was around what the now cancelled Little People was making.
Whatever day it's pulled, WILL be Christmas!
TV guide is showing new K8+8 for the next two Mondays, maybe that will be it if the numbers continue to spiral.
Hallelujah! And praise the Lord!
I'm laughing at TLC. Good luck with washing your hands of that mess. The TLC people had better say a novena that darling Kate has a successful career in show business.
Or else, she'll turn around and sue TLC for mental bondage (or something silly like that).
Afterall, it's never her fault...
She can springboard all she wants, just as long as the kids are off t.v.
For all I care, she can springboard into an active volcano. By the way, I still would not tune in to see that either.
Anyway, unless she changes her evil ways, she will fail miserably at everything she does.
That's right it will be Christmas when this show is cancelled!
Won't matter to the kids, they are forced to celebrate Christmas on the wrong day anyway!
Just imagine what the ratings would be if the only people that watch are fans, Kate plus 8 viewers 250
Maybe Jon won't have to worry about getting the kids off television...TLC will do it for him! Oh, the delicious irony that would be!
Just imagine what the ratings would be if only the Kate fans watched, Kate plus 8 viewers 250
The two up-coming shows will likely cover the Alaska and N.C. working vacations. With the children in school now maybe this will be a wrap. TLC will have to take a hard look at close to 50% drop in viewers.
The Donald is not doing a Celebrity Apprentice this season. It is for people who have lost their jobs.
Little People, Big Spenders has not been cancelled for this season, but for next season. This season will be their last.
Love this blog!
Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 1.613 million viewers
What are those numbers?
- 1.2/2 HH
- 0.6/2 A18-49
This is way OT but it does tie into TLC. Don't underestimate the influence they have.
I just went on Youtube to show hubby a series from England that was a couple of years ago called Freaky Eaters, about people with food phobias. I couldn't find one video on YT!!
Guess what? Next week, TLC is introducing a new series called....wait for it....Freaky Eaters (a US version). Ironic isn't it? All the British versions of the series are gone from YT when they were just there a few weeks ago. Coincidence?
I didn't see the show but saw a small recap on line, I do not intend to watch anything TLC on my television ever again.
I read an article today from last night's show where Cara said she did not want to pose for a photo and Kate told her she would pose or she would leave her there with people she didn't know. Great mother, right? What mother says something like that to their child when they are in a strange place -- and in front of the TV cameras??
I just viewed the picture above of her running with the cones. Question, what mother dresses like that while touring NY City with her kids? Her hunger for fame is over the top. I bet as soon as she thinks in her little pea brain that Hollywood wants her she will drop TLC like a hot potato and her kids as well and run to Hollywood with her VB duffle bag. Nice mother, yeah right. She has 8 kids in school and all she can do is look out for herself. I don't like this woman at all. Thank you for letting me get this off my chest.
The only part of the show I saw was when they were at the Statue of Liberty. I could not believe how white-trash Kate looked. The whole outfit was ridiculous with the heels, short-shorts, and her boobs completely falling out the front and the sides of her top. I used to be a big Jon and Kate Plus 8 fan until I realized what a jerk she is, but I still wanted to be able to see the kids. Now, I just wish the whole thing would be canceled. The kids are still cute but enough is enough. Give them some privacy.
The two sheeple cannot defend this at all so they're back to the only argument they have left--we're jellus. They say we're just jellus that Kate and the kids got to go on a nice trip to NY. I go to NY at least two or three times a year. I can go to NY whenever I want. I like NY. What am I jellllus of again when I've been to NY and done everything they did there before? Also why aren't I jeallllus of everyone else who went on a family vacation to NY this summer?
Oh sheeple!
I agree Barbara. What kind of mother would say something that horrible to her child- or any child?
I'm afraid, Kate (through her own insecurities) is setting her children up for insecurities when they become adults, particularly the twins. Instead of "building up" her children, and PROPERLY & RESPECTFULLY speaking to them, she prefers feeling superior by bullying them into frightened, submissive, and obediant underlies.
Am I the only one who is truly concerned about how Kate will blame/punish these children when her 15 minutes end?
I worry about the further and harsher abuse abuse of the kids when she's truly alone with them.
Anonymous said... The two up-coming shows will likely cover the Alaska and N.C. working vacations. With the children in school now maybe this will be a wrap. TLC will have to take a hard look at close to 50% drop in viewers.
August 31, 2010 6:45 PM
The Alaska footage is for Sarah Palin's show starting in November. The next two epis of Kate Plus Kate will be Bald Head Island and probably the school shopping/haircut/free shoes footage.
Kate's not worried. Her whole physical transformation was specifically for moving on to bigger and better things than being on a show with her kids.
And Kate is very determined to get what she wants.
LisaNH said...
This is way OT but it does tie into TLC. Don't underestimate the influence they have.
I just went on Youtube to show hubby a series from England that was a couple of years ago called Freaky Eaters, about people with food phobias. I couldn't find one video on YT!!
Guess what? Next week, TLC is introducing a new series called....wait for it....Freaky Eaters (a US version). Ironic isn't it? All the British versions of the series are gone from YT when they were just there a few weeks ago. Coincidence?
I take it this British show is a different Freaky Eaters?
I don't know. TLC has kept series on for less viewership than what she just pulled in. And what new job on ET? I know she did the after Emmy's interviews. Has it been announced ET has hired her on a regular gig?
I guess I'm just not getting my hopes up. I will say a prayer of thanks when the show is finally done, but will try not to count my chickens before they hatch.
Kate Gosselin wants to be an actress. Perhaps a villain on one of ABC's daytime soaps. Whaddya think? All My Children Meets Kate Gosselin?
Our concern for Hate's "further and harsher abuse" of her children when her phony life comes crashing down on her was hashed and rehashed on GWoP about two years ago.
Look through the archives, I'm certain you'll find it; you can't miss it as it went on FOREVER.
Bottom line: What are you going to do? Let a child play with fire because he'll cry if you take away the matches and gasoline?
Let all the criminals out of prison because they're unhappy?
Declare anarchy because some people don't like the way our government runs things?
Ultimately, (adult) people are responsible for their behavior and choices. Blaming others eventually blows up in our faces, no matter WHO started IT. That goes for TLC and Hate, too.
Kate is hopeless as an entertainer. She is not riveting to watch, she clearly doesn't practice or do her research, she keeps showing up thinking she can just talk about her kids and her struggles and people will stay tuned in. Now she has changed her look to a Hollywood bimbo, way to stand out in a crowd Kate. I see she is also copying Mary Hart's hairstyle and dress for her stint on ET. Sad really.
Emmy said... Am I the only one who is truly concerned about how Kate will blame/punish these children when her 15 minutes end?
Emmy I thought the same thing. I was so happy when I saw the drop in viewers but then I started to think about those children. They are in a no win situation. Kate needs them now to keep her mug on television and look at how she treats, rather mistreats them. When they are no longer of any use for her to further her career and her '15 minutes' how will she treat them. When they are no longer supporting her extravagant life style. I guess it is a good thing that they are old enough to tell others (father, teachers) what is happening in their home. I truly fear for them. I don't care if she does ET or anything else if she wants to. I won't watch but then she leaves them with nannies 3000 miles away. In an emergency, she could not get to them. An arrangement needs to be worked out so that if she wants to work away from home, the children are left with Jon. He would need help but at least they are with a parent. I am sure the nannies are lovely people but they are not the parents that children want and need in their lives. I truly am worried about those children whichever way this goes.
I also noticed Jennifer Grey's complete lack of amusement at Kate trying to be cute. Good for you, Jennifer. I hope Jennifer is Tony's new partner. And ET, are you paying attention to the weekly drop in ratings for Kate + 8? If not, you should be, because your ratings will also plummet w/ Kate as part of your team.
Why is Kate permitted to do ET, when Jon wasn't allowed to do anything?
I don't think they're ready to dump her yet, even by Christmas. She has a contract, after all. I think the series will have to pull in under a million before she's gone...1.6 million is not that bad for a cable show. Let's just see if there is more filming. Now that school is back in session and she will be flying to LA all the time for the DWTS/ET interviews, I'd say all TLC will have will be reruns. I give it a last gasp in the spring. Jon better finish up his book or get a job! And from what I'm hearing about the show Monday night, it looks like the pre-teen hormones are kicking in. Kudos to Cara for speaking up.
Amy above said "Jennifer Grey is my new hero". I totally agree, except that I think Jennifer knows exactly who (and what) Kate Gosselin is, and that perhaps explains her icy attitude when Kate was...what was Kate doing? Trying to interview her? Oh my...I can only say that ET got the short end of the stick when TLC offered up KG as a mic-waving 'interviewer' to the stars. LOL! Why ET would want TLC's cast-offs is beyond me. As for Kate, I predict that she will now be literally hounding any and all agents/producers/talent scouts in Hollywood, seeking to launch her ACTING career (LOL!). I further predict that those 8 kids will very quickly become boat anchors around her neck as she transforms herself into a thespian. What a mess. I honestly think most/many in California know her by reputation (not good!) and that she is setting herself up for a crash and burn. She should have taken the millions and understood that this whole 'reality' thing was fleeting at best. What a horrible woman.
I hate to give ROL the hits on this story but don't know any other way....
She answers to stumpy said... LisaNH said...
I take it this British show is a different Freaky Eaters?
Yes, it is a different series than the Harry Hill one on YT. This one was like a documentary style reality show. There were three seasons of it on YT. I even checked on Bing and they have photos of the videos but when you click on the video it takes you to YT where it states the video has been deleted. Crazy huh?
I don't think Kate will mind if the show is cancelled because, based on her interviews at and after the Emmys, she believes she has a real future in show business. She says that she would like to try her hand at acting and thinks it would be fun - that's right, Kate, because acting is so easy anyone can do it!
I just watched some of the show on Youtube. I can see why now the ratings are going down...barking orders, shouting curtly to your kids, screaming, cartoon"ish" voices, hooker clothes, big butt shot climbing up a ladder...and what torture for those kids in that heat. Jon was the calming, voice of reason and now there's just complaining and shouting. The dynamics of two different parenting styles is what made the show interesting.
I do have to think that Kate must have had some gigantic"ish" blisters on her feet after walking in that heat in heels, but with what she is getting paid, what's a few bleeding toes.
And poor Jamie was silent and was nothing more than Kate's servant. And that dressing alike...bizarre. I wonder what Jamie's motive is for involving herself in the show? Money? Face time as a newly divorced woman? Maybe biding time for her own tell-all book?
Kate is no parenting role model (and the sheeple that think so need counseling) and TLC's formula for this show is definitely worn out. I was just curious if it was as bad as what I have read. It was. And to think I once was a fan. Yep, the show is a goner.
Kate Gosselin Ratings Plunge Again
"TLC has been mum about “A Touch Of Kate,” a second series the network had planned for Gosselin."
I refuse to post anything Hailey says. She really needs to get over Jon.
Whatevah- The so called "Documentation" of Jon threatening to call CPS on Kate if she doesn't give him money isn't worth the paper it's written on. Firstly, the "extortion" comment is on a different page and written in the third person; I would like to see a handwriting expert take a look at this.
Secondly, this appears to be a list of things that need to be cleared up between Jon and Kate, including bank accounts, salary, possessions. Everyone who has been divorced has made a list like this.The only mention of extortion is on the separate page.
Thirdly, Hailey Glassman is a troublemaker and a liar. It's strange that now, when Jon is beginning to get things together to make a better life for himself and his children, that this famewhore comes up with this pathetic attempt to discredit him.My guess is that she is being paid by TLC or Kate to stir the pot.It's happened before.
ROL is despicable for being complicit in this tawdry attempt to interfere, once again, in the children's lives.
I agree w/ you Admin.... I think Hailey is still trying to get back at Jon and by bringing up this past stuff, its clear she is still trying to hold on to her 15 mins of fame. I think Hailey really needs to move on and grow up.
For all Hailey is saying Jon tried to extort money, what exactly is she doing selling her story a year after their relationship?
And speaking of extortion, what exactly did TLC have to do to get Jon to let them use his kids for another contract period? And what will they try to do to get him to sign the next contract?
Also, even assuming even 1% of this is true, people say and do things in a divorce they would never normally do. It's incredibly stressful. There's no indication he ever actually followed through with calling CPS. Threats, shmets, who cares.
If anything is extortion it's that.
"TLC has been mum about “A Touch Of Kate,” a second series the network had planned for Gosselin."
I think that Fox Philly needs to check its sources or proofread! When I read this, I thought...ANOTHER new show, and the realized that they mean TWIST of Kate.
It also reports that Jon takes care of the kids when she's not around. Nope. ONLY when she lets him...even when she's not around, the nannies take care of them.
I can understand that she wants to get out of being herself and wants to be someone else. That's probably the most honest statement she's made. Who WOULDN'T want to be anybody but her?
This Hailey thing just may backfire. What she has put out there is that there's a possibility that Kate mistreats the kids. He knew it. He saw it. If she did not mistreat the kids, it nevertheless puts it in the minds of the public that SOMETHING may have gone on (or IS going on) in regards to the treatment of the children. If this were true (the "extortion") wouldn't you think that Kate would have gone screaming to the public about this? She didn't. And if she were guilty of something, of course she wouldn't. To speak out against Jon would have been opening up a can of worms (her mistreatment of the kids). She certainly didn't want to put THAT possibility into the minds of her adoring fans!
I think it's time that Jon gets a darn good pitbull of an attorney.
Is it just me, or does Hailey seem rear her ugly head whenever Kate's press is less than stellar?
I agree, those notes look more like he just wanted to make sure he remembered his points when talking to the shrieking shrew. Just because Hailey sold ROL a piece of paper doesn't mean it's authentic. If Jon sold ROL this same type of note alleging that Kate wrote it, the sheeple would be screaming from the tallest barn that it was a fake.
This is just another case of the "adults" in this situation more concerned with hurting and slamming each other while showing no regard for the children :(
OK, but what if Kate did hurt Mady's arm?? Is there any proof to this? The way that maniac has been acting, I can really see it as a possibility.
To Admin:
What is your take on these "notes" alleged to be written by Jon Gosselin referring to Steve (the bodyguard) as a "trustee"?
Personally I think this is viable information and worthy of its own thread for discussion.
Thanks in advance!
Regarding the radaronline documents, there is NO WAY the person who wrote the first page also wrote the other pages. The handwriting and the way each of the letters are written are totally different. I do believe Jon wrote the other pages (just not the first one).
The first page was written in third person. I've never heard Jon refer to himself in third person on any of the shows. Ever. I think that alone proves Hailey a liar. The lettering being different also proves her a liar. Look at the individual letters and how the k, y and d and other letters are written.
I also think the details that Jon probably did write on the other pages put Kate in a bad light.
Jon wanting 50k doesn't prove it was in extortion. According to the other things written there it was money Jon felt was rightfully his.
It is mid week, the show ratings are diving and lookie loo, ROL has a blockbuster story on Jon and Kate and Hailey to turn our turned away heads back to this sad mess. How will Kate respond? All eyes on Kate now as she bravely appears on ET, the View and LKL to discuss this latest tragedy with her non revealing answers - I'd like to comment but I can't, I will say however that I am happy to have moved on and am no longer married to him (they don't say his name anymore). Then all eyes on Jon as the Rabbi holds a special on tv counselling session to figure out why the mother of his children would let an ex-girlfriend sell him out like this. Then stay tuned for the announcement that Hailey is wrestling Heidi in a match up put together by Micheal Lohan. Sad, pathetic and so predicatable.
Notice too on the "documents" it says go to DA. Could mean the District Attorney, could be short for Divorce Attorney. What could Jon go to the DA with? Notice it does NOT say CPS anywhere.
I've always thought TLC was behind Hailey speaking out against Jon each time. Their attempts are pretty pathetic, though, because they are only hurting their own cause. After all, what kind of dirt must Jon have on Kate vis-a-vis her treatment of the kids to be able to threaten her with calling CPS?! Assuming Hailey's claims are true, THAT to me is the interesting piece of info in all this, NOT that Jon tried to get $ out of Kate.
So first Hailey said Kate is a wonderful mother then she goes on record saying that Kate is abusive and actually caused physical harm to Mady.
I wouldn't worry too much about what happens to the kids if the show is canceled. This woman isn't going to spend any time with the kids once the show is over - she'll be history. That's actually a GOOD thing.
Their father will have them, and likely, the help of his previously rejected family. There's no way this woman is going to to go out of her way to have anything to do with these kids unless they are her meal ticket. She can't stand to be around them.
Dr. and Mrs. Glassman must be so proud of their daughter! Weren't Mrs. Glassman and Kate "really close" during Kate's recuperation from the tummy tuck? Didn't Kate say at one point that Mrs. Glassman was her new best friend?
Thank goodness Jon got out of the relationship with Hailey...that gal is Trouble, with a capital T! She's not a person that the children need in their lives.
It scary because Kate CAN act a little bit. Those tears and boo hooing she did on The Today Show crying about how broke she is, the way she fleeced the churchgoers by acting like she was struggling, the fake tears on the couch crying about the divorce and disappointing her kids....
It was all acting! She can turn on the waterworks on comnmand. She can make people believe she's borderline destitute while she simultaneously walks out of a fancy restaurant, spa or salon.
And her best acting ability is that she can fool a lot of people ( not all ) into thinking that she is a good mom ( ex.Sherri Sheppard, Mary Hart, Brooke Burke ).
If she were offered a role along the lines of Joan Crawford/Mommy Dearest or Reagan from the Exorcist, she'd be terrific because she can draw on her own character. She'd win an Oscar for one of these roles.
Administrator said... I refuse to post anything Hailey says. She really needs to get over Jon.
Bravo, Administrator! Remember Hailey on that magazine cover? She'll do anything for notoriety--ironic how she's just like Kate in so many ways, including the lies.
mama mia said... It is mid week, the show ratings are diving and lookie loo, ROL has a blockbuster story on Jon and Kate and Hailey to turn our turned away heads back to this sad mess.
My thoughts exactly.
Gun man in Discovery Headquarters in MD
I hope this is totally off topic but an Asian male with a bomb has taken hostages at the Discovery Building outside of D.C.
"A man with what appears to be an explosive device on him has taken at least one hostage at the Discovery Building in downtown Silver Spring, Montgomery County Police said.
Cpl. Dan Friz said police received a call about 1 p.m., of shots fired in the lobby.
Tactical officers are on the scene and developing a plan to deal with the situation.
Police initially said the building was being evacuated, but employees said they were told via email to stay at their desks.
Officers have not fired their weapons, Friz said,
The building, as well as areas near it, are being evacuated, she said.
Discovery employees said they were told via email to stay at their desks. Some have said on their Twitter accounts that shots have been fired, but police have not confirmed that."
If these notes are legit they are Jons personal property. If Hailey took them when she wiped out and trashed the apt wouldn't they be stolen property???? Sounds like Hailey is selling and rol is buying stolen property. Your thoughts???
It's disgusting how other working moms have defended Kate Gosselin with such utter and complete disregard for the consequences to the Gosselin kids. No one in their right mind would/should condone what is happening to them under the guise of their mother "working" to support them. What a load of crap that is. It's the other way around. Without the kids Kate has no future. She sure as hell can't sing. Or dance. Or act. She does cry on cue very well but that's because of her histrionic personality. Crying is not a talent. Either is running through the streets of New York carrying dripping ice cream cones. Or having a boob job and lying about it.
Hostage 911 at Discovery -- Man with Gun
An man believed to be wielding a gun and carrying explosives is hold up at Discovery Channel Headquarters in Silver Spring, MD.
Swat team on scene
Story developing ~
I can't recall where I saw it but I know I did. PLEASE tell me that her "bodyguard" isn't allowed to scold the hcildren, as in someone said Steve has told the kids, "Don't talk to your mother like that."
WT...??? That is not normal! I don't know what Kate thinks she needs protection from 1 pap and a camera crew for, but that is WAY over the line!
I am NOT a fan of the show however last night I wanted to watch a few minutes just to see how Kate is with the children. She is ABSURD! I was stunned with how cold, pushy and manipulative she is with the children. Not to even mention how crazy her outfits were. She was mean with the children however when ever fans started screaming her name her dispotion completly changed and was totally happy. She was even forcing her children to wave at people when they didnt want to. I honestly feel so sorry for the children and hope and pray Jon is doing what ever he can to stop her. She is not treating the children well.
I knew from the get-go that this Hailey chick was baaaaad news. She had scuzbucket written all over her the moment I first saw her....the very first pic of her with her back to the camera as she stood with her mom and Jon in NY with drinks in their hands. I knew right then she was a sleeze, a user and just a bad person.
At the time Jon was so smitten with her, I just wanted to reach through the tv and tabloids and scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jooooooooon!!!! She will turn on you in a nanosecond!!!!!
And she did. What a piece of dirt she is.
Breaking News:
Incident at Discovery Channel's headquarters in Silver Spring, MD:
Shots fired, evacuation, man demanding to speak with CEOs, upset over programming. The gunman is reported to have taken part in past protests at the building.
The man has tentatively been identified as James Lee.
Sorry one really cares anymore.
It still doesn't change the fact that Kate is DONE. Kate + 8 ratings are plummeting quickly simply because of nasty Kate. She is finished.
Dear, for real- the disgruntled ex-girlfriend thing is so BORING, and really looks bad on you.
There are plenty of fish in the sea- as they say. Don't waste your time on this one.
Now pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. You still are young, healthy and attractive.
Count your blessings, at least you are not one of the Gosselin 8...
INF Daily has some cute pictures of the children visiting Jon for an after school swim on Tuesday.
Oh my goodness! The man in moose mania's news has done this before, he protests that we don't need anymore humans on earth, and he wants Discovery and TLC to stop airing shows about more kids brought into the world.Wow,guess kate would tick him off, as he likely knows exactly who she is.Scary!
my husband noticed when we watched a portion of the show where they were eating Dim Sum, that none of the kids wanted to sit with Kate and Jamie had to take one of the kids over to Kate's table... sad sad sad...
Dear God! I hope he releases those hostages, and no one gets hurt.
That poor man has come undone.
Kates show is tanking and the ratings are steadily falling.Everyone is growing tired of Kates single mom of eight spiel.
What prefect timing to pull skanky Haley out of a potted plant, give her another fifteen minutes, and throw Jon under the bus.
Since we all know Haley has diarrhea of the mouth, why wasn't this brought up before? Why did she even mention Mady,that kid has enough on her plate. How cruel. Boy, those Glassman's really raised a KLASSY daughter didn't they.
I personally think Kate's camp set up this new Jon scandal to discredit him since he has a new book coming out. The worse they can make him look before it comes out, the more it will look like what he wrote is just a bunch of lies.
Have you ever seen such a nasty, vile person ( Kate ) be so protected in the media before? This is a first for me. The woman is famous simply for being so hated and controversial, and this brings she gets a free pass. She can be as hateful as she wants as long as she breaks no laws, and the media will keep torturing us with her presence. Pathetic.
Moose Mania said... Breaking News:
Incident at Discovery Channel's headquarters in Silver Spring, MD:
Shots fired, evacuation, man demanding to speak with CEOs, upset over programming. The gunman is reported to have taken part in past protests at the building.
The man has tentatively been identified as James Lee.
Wow...I have friends that work there.
What is going on the View and Larry King to discuss Hailey's stupid claims?
Ugh, today's photos. The photos of her at the gas station today are basically an F-YOU to all the comments she received about the clothing she wore in the NY episode IMO. The bath towel I wrap around my body post-shower is bigger than the dress she's wearing with her 4 inch heels (to run errands and pump gas in of course).
Hailey's "proof" just makes me think we have been right along about the abusive, narcissistic, greedy but controlling by money, manipulative Kate Gosselin.
I hope and pray the Gosselin children don't run wild or hook up with people like Hailey Glassman when they escape the clutches of the mother narcissist Kate. Shame on TLC/ABC for using her personality problems to gain ratings. Shame on TLC/Discovery for exploiting more children in their "just one more" bid for ratings. Litters of children may be rare in America, but so are multiple vacations in one year by a large (or small) family, who could dare afford going to the movies these days in this economy. Where is the reality in that, TLC? Save the Gosselin 8 and all multiples exploited for profit and ratings.
Good grief! Did this woman get another new "set?" Look at the front view (photo #3 with her holding a plastic bag). Did she forget her miracle push-up bra, or is it around her no-waist?
TLC needs to listen that people are sick of this monster and will not watch her. She is turning out to be nothing but a selfish pig! Don't even like the kids anymore. So done with all the horrible things everything kate brings. Sad and simply unbearable, who wants to watch such lies and bs. It is not reality, it is Kate having everyone do for her and the kids are lost in the mix! Poor kids, overworked and unhappy while mom Kate cracks the whip on them to do as she says not have what she has. It's all mine like she said on the show with the new house. Monster person, mom she is not-will never watch anything she is on. She is a disgrace to all human beings and a disgrace to motherhood.
Regarding that 3 page note Jon is suppose to have written. I question if the 1st page is his handwriting. Some of the letters don't appear to be the same from page 1 to page 2 and 3. Also, if Jon refers to himself in the 3rd person, then why on page 2 and 3 does he refers to "me", 'I'm", "I"? I call BS on page 1 being Jon's.
Haha, now Jamie is Kate's slave boy!!! No wonder no one watches the show, Kate is horrible and why don't they just let her strip down to nothing and say "TAKE ME-HERE I AM"! I want someone to do me! I will do anything, sell my kids life, give me money and I will give you what you want! Such a sick person is what Kate Gosselin is-sick and selfish. Sick-sick of her own responsibilites so she sells them out to the highest bidder while she can go out and dress like a hooker and look like one to. Come on TLC, this is just trash now, get rid of this thing! Your next TLC, she will take you out too!
The picture that Admin. has posted here makes me think that Khate's next project is going to be The Amazing Race. Apparently the secret envelope told her to run through the streets of NYC in hooker heels with ice cream cones and find a double decker bus filled with 8, count em' 8, kids.
I'm no handwriting expert, but I am 100% certain the writing in the "jon-as-third-person" note vs the other documents doesn't match. The Ds, As, and Ys are differernt, just for starters, plus the letter spacing is off. And seriously, who really believes Jon is going to make to-do notes to himself referring to himself in the third person? Hilarious!
Well...Bubbles has to go make dinner now...peace
TLC is behind this, Kate is falling fast so they think by drumming up drama her ratings will rise again..Why else would Hailey hold on to those (so called letters) for so long??? Dont fall for it, PLEASE don't watch K8
Oh dear lawd! I watched some of the epi on YouTube.
Let's see..
Asia. It'a a continent, not a language and for the love of Pete, who couldn't understand the servers? Kate acted like they couldn't speak English. That cracks me up.
How's your Canonese, Kate? If she speaks a second language it's "ishisms" as in "wrapperish dumplingish".
It's not cute, it's moronic.
The whole dim sum thing didn't just happen as they walked by the restaurant when Kate's blood sugar was low (hint....carry food if you actually are hypoglycemic). This was planned by the production crew, and it's so obvious. She had no clue. If she did some homework, she'd know what dim sum is and generally what's served.
Those kids must be mortified by her behavior, not to mention her breasts hanging out and her inability to walk normally because she's jacked up on 4-5 inch heels.
Oh, sheesh! Now Jon's life coach, Sylvia Lafair, is getting into the act. She says that "Claims with CPS were never filed, and there is no CPS in PA, it’s called Children and Youth Services.
Wrong, Sylvia. It's called the Office of Children, Youth and Families. There is a Child Protective Services Law, to which Jon allegedly may have been referring.
She needs to keep it zipped, because she's going to do him more harm than good. Obviously she didn't know about the CPS law.
Soooo tired of Hailey and her wahhhh poor me crap. He is not your boyfriend anymore so get over it and move on.
Good Lord that pumping gas outfit. Every time I think it can't get worse. Where in the world was she going dressed in platform heels and a tiny itty bitty strapless dress?
I've been seeing little clips on youtube here and there and one thing that is striking me more and more is how rarely she even interacts with the kids. In the stuff from the Statue of Liberty cruise, she's mostly crouched under that stairwell messing with her phone. Jamie is the one handling the kids.
On the train, she's sitting by herself in many shots, again busy on her phone.
It's surprising to me how often her lap is empty or there just aren't any kids around her, especially seeing as she has eight of them and they are young. Six year olds are still VERY affectionate and a loving mom would end up with at least a kid or two every time she made a dang lap. But they don't really go near her, anyone else notice that?
It's creeping me out, to be honest.
Steve is a trustee? What's that about? I think ol' Hailey opened up a can of worms for Kate, not Jon.
"I personally think Kate's camp set up this new Jon scandal to discredit him since he has a new book coming out. The worse they can make him look before it comes out, the more it will look like what he wrote is just a bunch of lies."
Not necessarily! It may have the reverse effect. This could serve as an appetizer, a mini-scandal that would be good for book sales. Viewers might actually want to buy the book in order to find out what other juicy tidbits he can spill.
For some reason, I can't pull up those "docs." I tried it on two computers, and all it does is make the computers freeze up. I'd really like to check them out.
While I am no handwriting expert, I did have several handwriting analysis courses as part of a criminal justice program. I bet it wouldn't take me long to spot a forgery.
I'll keep working on it!
Boston Bonnie said... "Apparently the secret envelope told her to run through the streets of NYC in hooker heels with ice cream cones and find a double decker bus filled with 8, count em' 8, kids."
Very clever. You made my evening. Great material for some hilarious parodies on Kate, if you think about it.
mama mia said...Kate would be appearing on Larry King Live, and the View to discuss the latest with Jon. Is this true? I looked on Larry's website and I didn't see anything about it. Why does she write and spread this if it is not true.
Please someone clarify if Kate is going on LKL and the View to talk about this?
maggie said... mama mia said...Kate would be appearing on Larry King Live, and the View to discuss the latest with Jon. Is this true? I looked on Larry's website and I didn't see anything about it. Why does she write and spread this if it is not true.
Please someone clarify if Kate is going on LKL and the View to talk about this?
September 1, 2010 7:44 PM
The View is on hiatus so she's not going on that show to talk about this.
Kate seriously needs to lay off the online shopping. Obviously she doesn't try on the things she buys before she goes out in public wearing it. Blech!
So I see Hailey Glassman crawled out from under a rock to stir up the shit again.
Is it a coincidence that this new scandal comes out right about the time that low ratings for Kate's show are released. Nope.
I think it's outstanding that Jon jumped on this right away and refuted her accusations.
I think Hailey Glassman and Kate are working together to slam Jon. I wonder how much Kate paid Hailey.
Hailey's parents should be ashamed of her.
Why is Hailey bringing this up now? Why not ages ago?
Why doesn't she sue Jon in court if she wants her $200,000 back instead of trying to litigate this in the court of public opinion. What does she expect to happen Jon to say you're right I was wrong? In America we have remedies for when someone wrongs you, you go to COURT. If her case is so strong take him to court.
Why did Hailey save these notes? That's weird and obsessive.
Notes like these would never come into evidence, you could never possibly authenticate them. Also, a list of various words mean nothing. Any judge I've ever known would laugh. Also why would Jon leave a paper trail if he was doing something improper? The guy is dumb but not that dumb.
Thinking about calling CPS is not the same as actually calling. I bet it's crossed Kate's mind too or other bad things she's wanted to do to Jon given she talks about him all the time and is clearly not over him. Everyone has moments where they think something would be a good idea, but when rethinking are not good ideas.
Administrator said...
Why is Hailey bringing this up now? Why not ages ago?
Exactly. Timing is everything.
New scandal *could* generate ratings.
I read somewhere that Hailey had stolen the notes from Jon. Creepy.
At least when Kate has a problem she (usually) goes to a court of law and has the proper attorneys handle the matter for her. Hailey is worse than Kate always crying to Radar Online as if they can do something about it.
Maybe Hailey tried to get an attorney to help her and he said she had no case. If her only evidence was those few sheets of paper I would tell her you can hire me but don't waste your money.
She needs to get some therapy to help her move on from a relationship she feels burned on.
Anne said:
It's surprising to me how often her lap is empty or there just aren't any kids around her, especially seeing as she has eight of them and they are young. Six year olds are still VERY affectionate and a loving mom would end up with at least a kid or two every time she made a dang lap. But they don't really go near her, anyone else notice that?
It's creeping me out, to be honest."
I agree. Her detachment and the children's reaction to it (not attempting closeness and affection) says that they are long used to it and have given up trying.
OMG...what a shock the ratings are down!!The public isnt as stupid as tlc and kate would like to believe.
Kate is a single mom working just to support the kids...Jon is such a deadbeat doing nothing.Jon paying 20+ grand a month and being with the kids every time he's ALLOWED dosent matter.
All that matters is that kate is being a mom when she's being paid to play one on tv.Kate is super mom when the cameras are rolling.
As for hailey? WHO CARES? She didnt care about the kids or Jon.She's only speaking up now cause the cash is coming in.hailey dear...we see thru you like we see thru kate.It would be best for you to shut your mouth and move on.You trying to get fame off the suffering of the go$$elins kids looks so very bad for you! *gag* *puke* and *choke*
So the ratings are down...Thank God.The public isnt as stupid as tlc wants us to be.We are so tired of hearing about how hard kate has it....SURE...every single mom can take 5 vacations in one summer.We single moms can spend thousands in 3 months.RIGHT...Kates time is done...everyone is tired of her BS!
Why is everyone thinking Jon is the villain here. He was only asking for what was rightfully his in a divorce. He did not write - "Jon giving Kate ultimatums." Everyone seems to be losing sight of the fact that she hurt one of the kids - how many other times has that happened. The way she yanks them around by the arm all the time. He was obviously concerned about it and had brought it up to her in the only way that she would understand - or else. It is Khate that he is dealing with here. Can you imagine the horror? I do believe he was letting her know the only way she would understand that he is not going to let her get by with that and she better not do it again. This is Khate and you have to "know how to talk to her" and Jon does know how to talk to her.
Anne said:
It's surprising to me how often her lap is empty or there just aren't any kids around her, especially seeing as she has eight of them and they are young. Six year olds are still VERY affectionate and a loving mom would end up with at least a kid or two every time she made a dang lap. But they don't really go near her, anyone else notice that?
My nana died when I was 6 years old (now 46) and the ONLY memory I have of her was that she "had no lap". I don't ever recall sitting on her lap unlike my maternal grandmother who had a lap big enough for 26, count em' 26, grandchildren.
How sad that these children have that memory of their mother.
In my opinion Hailey is a woman scorned and desperate to stay in the limelight. I also think she's a tad mentally unstable. If this were true I would think she would have brought it to light sooner. Of course Perez ripped Jon a new one like everything Hailey said was the gospel truth. On another note, I couldn't believe what KateDashian was wearing yesterday to pump gas. Could that dress have been any smaller??
Anonymous said... "TLC needs to listen that people are sick of this monster and will not watch her." . . . "It's all mine like she said on the show with the new house. Monster person, mom she is not-will never watch anything she is on. She is a disgrace to all human beings and a disgrace to motherhood."
Yes, TLC needs to listen, just as ET does. And I well remember her looking out her kitchen window at all the acreage and saying, "It's's all MINE." And, yes, she IS a disgrace to motherhood and humanity. Also, to avoid over-posting, Jon bought Hailey an expensive SUV...perhaps Hailey should return that. Hailey is a word that rhymes with gut.
Dum, dum, dum... the b!tch is back and lookin her ever hoochie self while pumpin gas. The dress and shoes are cute... just not on her and not together. She needs some black flip-flops or some kitten heels.
INF's title for the photos remind me of the part in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts is walkin up to Richard Gere in the Lambo and her friend is tellin her to "work it, work it, own it".... LOL!!!!
It's pretty obvious that the kids have attached themselves to anyone and everyone other than Kate. You saw it in the pictures with Ellen, you see it with the interaction with the crew, and you could definitely see it with Jamie on the NYC trip.
When there is a problem or something they want to share, it's never with Kate, it's with someone else. Kate is too removed from the kids to actually give them the love and encouragement they need.
It goes to show that anyone can 'have' kids, but it takes someone really special to actual be a mother to them.
Well, if hoochie momma is the look she's going for- I'd say she succeeded.
P.S. Ummm...Really, those shoes? With that dress?....
The thing that kills me about the pumping gas photos is that she made it VERY clear during the show that SHE DOES NOT PUMP GAS. Servant Jon ALWAYS filled the cars with gas.
Ridiculous. *All of a sudden* after th divorce she is seen at the gas station what two three times a week for photo ops?
Seems to me like anyone who watched the NY episode where she was blatantly abusing the kids for entertainment would have no doubt that is capable of hurting one of the kids.
Regarding the notes from Hailey, it looks to me like Jon may have written the three pages but the other one (misfit writing and "going to the DA" page) sounds like Hailey was writing that down herself while listening to Jon on the phone.
That dress is hilarious. I'd be pissed if I'd paid for boobs and they were that low! Kate: breasts look best when they are centered between the shoulder and the elbow. Yours appear to be resting on the might wanna call the surgeon and see if he can revise your "bra."
Okay - a few questions/comments:
1) Why do the kids have nannies watching them when Kate is NOT around, if Jon is available? Shouldn't they be with a parent as much as possible?
2) Kate Plus 8 may very end due to lack of viewer ratings? I don't think anyone has an issue with Kate doing her own work, leaving the kids out, but would Jon then be able to parent the kids when Kate is gone, instead of the nannies? And if not, why not, if a parent is absent?
3) Why does Jon get so little time with his kids, in spite of Kate's travels. Even if she is home, shouldn't he get 50% time with them, instead of Kate's nanny-sitters.
4) Why is Jon not allowed on the property for drop-off/pick-ups? Crazy how kids can not be dropped off at front door for pre-scheduled visitation.
5) What Hailey Glassman says at this juncture is meaningless. The girl will say anything for attention, sad as it might be. Not a nice person.
Jon bought Hailey an expensive SUV...perhaps Hailey should return that. Hailey is a word that rhymes with gut.
Was it ever confirmed that he bought her the car...or that he was paying the lease on it? If he had money to buy her a car, then why did he need to borrow money from her? Wouldn't she just have bought the car herself? Something just doesn't make sense.
"Hailey is worse than Kate always crying to Radar Online as if they can do something about it.
Maybe Hailey tried to get an attorney to help her"
I'm confused. What is it that is Hailey's problem? What would she want an attorney to do? How could an attorney help her? To do what? Exactly what is she hoping to gain by making this public?
If she's thinking that he could be charged with extortion, she wouldn't be the plaintiff in this? Kate would! She would be the object of the attempted extortion -- not Hailey!
It's my understanding Hailey says Jon needs to return $200,000 to her. That's what I mean when I say she needs to get an attorney. If he really stole $200,000 I'm sure an attorney would be happy to take on the case and get his cut. She has money for an attorney, why hasn't she gotten one if he's wronged her so?
She comes out with bad stuff about Jon every few weeks I think in an attempt to black him into returning the money. As in I'll keep revealing bad stuff about you until you pay up. Real mature.
Anonymous said... Seems to me like anyone who watched the NY episode where she was blatantly abusing the kids for entertainment would have no doubt that is capable of hurting one of the kids.
September 2, 2010 8:22 AM
Oh yeah! No doubt!
We've seen her pinch Alexis on the shoulder at GMA, we've seen her spank Leah, we saw her shove Colin back in his seat on the NYC bus and yelled at to eat his ice cream, we saw her hurt Mady's arm the day they went to Dutch Wonderland...
then there's the tabloid story of a former nanny saying they were on vacation and one of the boys was spanked pretty badly with a spoon by Kate after she had been drinking wine.
And the threats of "penalty of severness" if they stepped foot in her new bedroom. hmmmmm
And the time she looked at Joel like she was going to murder him when they were playing dress up in the basement...
I think she is very capable of hurting one of the kids. I personally believe she has many times already but her inner circle looks the other way because they want to remain employed. You can tell the kids are scared to death of her and try hard not to piss her off.
But I also think Jon has, too, in the past....maybe less frequently and to a lesser degree. And this is why he isn't so quick to blow the whistle on Kate.
Those photos are just more proof that Kate is a low class whore that is to stupid to know that TLC will have the last laugh!
Those poor children deserve better. I still have to ask...where are the family members backbone?
They could end all of this by siding with Jon and taking that low class piece of whoring trash to court!
Bubbles said... That dress is hilarious. I'd be pissed if I'd paid for boobs and they were that low! Kate: breasts look best when they are centered between the shoulder and the elbow. Yours appear to be resting on the might wanna call the surgeon and see if he can revise your "bra."
If Kate would stand up straight and put her shoulders back instead of hunching over, she might actually 'look' normal and her boobs wouldn't be hanging down like she's 75 yrs. old. She has terrible posture, always has. I have often wondered if she may have scoliosis that was never diagnosed and/or treated. She looks she has about a 30-40 degree curve to me.
"She comes out with bad stuff about Jon every few weeks I think in an attempt to black him into returning the money. As in I'll keep revealing bad stuff about you until you pay up. Real mature."
So she wants $200,000 and she puts this bad stuff out there about Jon until she gets it? Even though no demands are made, isn't this a kind of "silent" extortion? ;-) I would think that rather than helping her cause (to get $200,000) this is really going to tick him off and he's not going to pay, if indeed he owes it! You can't catch flies with vinegar!
I've long thought that Kate has scoliosis and/or kyphosis. If she does, she can't help the poor posture.
If she has scoliosis or kyphosis it makes her an even bigger idiot for putting two gallons of silicone on her chest and trying to walk around with that unnatural weight in front. Anyway you look at it, she's a complete asshat.
I remember reading Hailey's tweets a while back...maybe 8 or 9 months ago, and she was complaining that Jon had borrowed that much money from her, acting like he had to have it because of the kids. I got the impression that she felt "conned" by him. She also tweeted repeatedly that her attorney had given a certain date by which he had to repay her. Seems like that timeline came and went. But she definitely is acting like a woman scorned, and I must say that whenever they had pics of them together, they always appeared very happy. Maybe he more or less dumped her, and she is feeling bitter. But, better to handle the owed money legally, rather than blast him publicly over "inside information" that she has.
After looking at how Kate looked at the camera when she was in the ice cream shop, and took a taste of the ice cream that the guy was holding, etc...I have to wonder what the heck happened to her as a child. She acts like maybe she had such a rigid upbringing that she could never fool around and have fun as a pre-teen and teenager. Without the kids around, she is giddy and laughing and putting her face into every camera and looks like she can't get enough attention. Like she can't function without being the center of attention. Seems like she's too old to be acting so immature; but then again, I don't know. Also, it's because of the children that she is famous. And yet, I get the idea that she's in competition with them. I think this will increase as the older two hit their teenage years. She will keep trying to outdo them. It's terrible.
I have only three words -- Kate, please vacate!
I have only three words -- Kate, please vacate!
In my opinion Hailey is a woman scorned and desperate to stay in the limelight. I also think she's a tad mentally unstable. If this were true I would think she would have brought it to light sooner. Of course Perez ripped Jon a new one like everything Hailey said was the gospel truth. On another note, I couldn't believe what KateDashian was wearing yesterday to pump gas. Could that dress have been any smaller??
If she has scoliosis or kyphosis it makes her an even bigger idiot for putting two gallons of silicone on her chest and trying to walk around with that unnatural weight in front. Anyway you look at it, she's a complete asshat.
I've long thought that Kate has scoliosis and/or kyphosis. If she does, she can't help the poor posture.
"I personally think Kate's camp set up this new Jon scandal to discredit him since he has a new book coming out. The worse they can make him look before it comes out, the more it will look like what he wrote is just a bunch of lies."
Not necessarily! It may have the reverse effect. This could serve as an appetizer, a mini-scandal that would be good for book sales. Viewers might actually want to buy the book in order to find out what other juicy tidbits he can spill.
Good Lord that pumping gas outfit. Every time I think it can't get worse. Where in the world was she going dressed in platform heels and a tiny itty bitty strapless dress?
I've been seeing little clips on youtube here and there and one thing that is striking me more and more is how rarely she even interacts with the kids. In the stuff from the Statue of Liberty cruise, she's mostly crouched under that stairwell messing with her phone. Jamie is the one handling the kids.
On the train, she's sitting by herself in many shots, again busy on her phone.
It's surprising to me how often her lap is empty or there just aren't any kids around her, especially seeing as she has eight of them and they are young. Six year olds are still VERY affectionate and a loving mom would end up with at least a kid or two every time she made a dang lap. But they don't really go near her, anyone else notice that?
It's creeping me out, to be honest.
Well, if hoochie momma is the look she's going for- I'd say she succeeded.
P.S. Ummm...Really, those shoes? With that dress?....
Hailey's "proof" just makes me think we have been right along about the abusive, narcissistic, greedy but controlling by money, manipulative Kate Gosselin.
I hope and pray the Gosselin children don't run wild or hook up with people like Hailey Glassman when they escape the clutches of the mother narcissist Kate. Shame on TLC/ABC for using her personality problems to gain ratings. Shame on TLC/Discovery for exploiting more children in their "just one more" bid for ratings. Litters of children may be rare in America, but so are multiple vacations in one year by a large (or small) family, who could dare afford going to the movies these days in this economy. Where is the reality in that, TLC? Save the Gosselin 8 and all multiples exploited for profit and ratings.
Moose Mania said... Breaking News:
Incident at Discovery Channel's headquarters in Silver Spring, MD:
Shots fired, evacuation, man demanding to speak with CEOs, upset over programming. The gunman is reported to have taken part in past protests at the building.
The man has tentatively been identified as James Lee.
Wow...I have friends that work there.
Dear God! I hope he releases those hostages, and no one gets hurt.
That poor man has come undone.
Sorry one really cares anymore.
It still doesn't change the fact that Kate is DONE. Kate + 8 ratings are plummeting quickly simply because of nasty Kate. She is finished.
Dear, for real- the disgruntled ex-girlfriend thing is so BORING, and really looks bad on you.
There are plenty of fish in the sea- as they say. Don't waste your time on this one.
Now pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. You still are young, healthy and attractive.
Count your blessings, at least you are not one of the Gosselin 8...
I am NOT a fan of the show however last night I wanted to watch a few minutes just to see how Kate is with the children. She is ABSURD! I was stunned with how cold, pushy and manipulative she is with the children. Not to even mention how crazy her outfits were. She was mean with the children however when ever fans started screaming her name her dispotion completly changed and was totally happy. She was even forcing her children to wave at people when they didnt want to. I honestly feel so sorry for the children and hope and pray Jon is doing what ever he can to stop her. She is not treating the children well.
I hope this is totally off topic but an Asian male with a bomb has taken hostages at the Discovery Building outside of D.C.
"A man with what appears to be an explosive device on him has taken at least one hostage at the Discovery Building in downtown Silver Spring, Montgomery County Police said.
Cpl. Dan Friz said police received a call about 1 p.m., of shots fired in the lobby.
Tactical officers are on the scene and developing a plan to deal with the situation.
Police initially said the building was being evacuated, but employees said they were told via email to stay at their desks.
Officers have not fired their weapons, Friz said,
The building, as well as areas near it, are being evacuated, she said.
Discovery employees said they were told via email to stay at their desks. Some have said on their Twitter accounts that shots have been fired, but police have not confirmed that."
mama mia said... It is mid week, the show ratings are diving and lookie loo, ROL has a blockbuster story on Jon and Kate and Hailey to turn our turned away heads back to this sad mess.
My thoughts exactly.
It scary because Kate CAN act a little bit. Those tears and boo hooing she did on The Today Show crying about how broke she is, the way she fleeced the churchgoers by acting like she was struggling, the fake tears on the couch crying about the divorce and disappointing her kids....
It was all acting! She can turn on the waterworks on comnmand. She can make people believe she's borderline destitute while she simultaneously walks out of a fancy restaurant, spa or salon.
And her best acting ability is that she can fool a lot of people ( not all ) into thinking that she is a good mom ( ex.Sherri Sheppard, Mary Hart, Brooke Burke ).
If she were offered a role along the lines of Joan Crawford/Mommy Dearest or Reagan from the Exorcist, she'd be terrific because she can draw on her own character. She'd win an Oscar for one of these roles.
Notice too on the "documents" it says go to DA. Could mean the District Attorney, could be short for Divorce Attorney. What could Jon go to the DA with? Notice it does NOT say CPS anywhere.
To Admin:
What is your take on these "notes" alleged to be written by Jon Gosselin referring to Steve (the bodyguard) as a "trustee"?
Personally I think this is viable information and worthy of its own thread for discussion.
Thanks in advance!
This Hailey thing just may backfire. What she has put out there is that there's a possibility that Kate mistreats the kids. He knew it. He saw it. If she did not mistreat the kids, it nevertheless puts it in the minds of the public that SOMETHING may have gone on (or IS going on) in regards to the treatment of the children. If this were true (the "extortion") wouldn't you think that Kate would have gone screaming to the public about this? She didn't. And if she were guilty of something, of course she wouldn't. To speak out against Jon would have been opening up a can of worms (her mistreatment of the kids). She certainly didn't want to put THAT possibility into the minds of her adoring fans!
I think it's time that Jon gets a darn good pitbull of an attorney.
Whatevah- The so called "Documentation" of Jon threatening to call CPS on Kate if she doesn't give him money isn't worth the paper it's written on. Firstly, the "extortion" comment is on a different page and written in the third person; I would like to see a handwriting expert take a look at this.
Secondly, this appears to be a list of things that need to be cleared up between Jon and Kate, including bank accounts, salary, possessions. Everyone who has been divorced has made a list like this.The only mention of extortion is on the separate page.
Thirdly, Hailey Glassman is a troublemaker and a liar. It's strange that now, when Jon is beginning to get things together to make a better life for himself and his children, that this famewhore comes up with this pathetic attempt to discredit him.My guess is that she is being paid by TLC or Kate to stir the pot.It's happened before.
ROL is despicable for being complicit in this tawdry attempt to interfere, once again, in the children's lives.
She answers to stumpy said... LisaNH said...
I take it this British show is a different Freaky Eaters?
Yes, it is a different series than the Harry Hill one on YT. This one was like a documentary style reality show. There were three seasons of it on YT. I even checked on Bing and they have photos of the videos but when you click on the video it takes you to YT where it states the video has been deleted. Crazy huh?
I don't think they're ready to dump her yet, even by Christmas. She has a contract, after all. I think the series will have to pull in under a million before she's gone...1.6 million is not that bad for a cable show. Let's just see if there is more filming. Now that school is back in session and she will be flying to LA all the time for the DWTS/ET interviews, I'd say all TLC will have will be reruns. I give it a last gasp in the spring. Jon better finish up his book or get a job! And from what I'm hearing about the show Monday night, it looks like the pre-teen hormones are kicking in. Kudos to Cara for speaking up.
Kate is hopeless as an entertainer. She is not riveting to watch, she clearly doesn't practice or do her research, she keeps showing up thinking she can just talk about her kids and her struggles and people will stay tuned in. Now she has changed her look to a Hollywood bimbo, way to stand out in a crowd Kate. I see she is also copying Mary Hart's hairstyle and dress for her stint on ET. Sad really.
LisaNH said...
This is way OT but it does tie into TLC. Don't underestimate the influence they have.
I just went on Youtube to show hubby a series from England that was a couple of years ago called Freaky Eaters, about people with food phobias. I couldn't find one video on YT!!
Guess what? Next week, TLC is introducing a new series called....wait for it....Freaky Eaters (a US version). Ironic isn't it? All the British versions of the series are gone from YT when they were just there a few weeks ago. Coincidence?
I take it this British show is a different Freaky Eaters?
I agree Barbara. What kind of mother would say something that horrible to her child- or any child?
I'm afraid, Kate (through her own insecurities) is setting her children up for insecurities when they become adults, particularly the twins. Instead of "building up" her children, and PROPERLY & RESPECTFULLY speaking to them, she prefers feeling superior by bullying them into frightened, submissive, and obediant underlies.
This is way OT but it does tie into TLC. Don't underestimate the influence they have.
I just went on Youtube to show hubby a series from England that was a couple of years ago called Freaky Eaters, about people with food phobias. I couldn't find one video on YT!!
Guess what? Next week, TLC is introducing a new series called....wait for it....Freaky Eaters (a US version). Ironic isn't it? All the British versions of the series are gone from YT when they were just there a few weeks ago. Coincidence?
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