Monday, August 30. Kate and the kids travel to NYC by train, from Chinatown to Times Square.
In blistering, record breaking heat and humidity, the camera roll on. Also of note, the show has switched from Sunday night to Monday night. Often when a show is on its way out it's moved around to different time slots and days.
Please keep Emmys discussion on the Emmys threads and K+8 discussion here.
68 sediments (sic) from readers:
Three cheers to Cara for booing her mother!
Kate Gosselin running through the streets of New York in full hooker regalia with ice cream dripping down her elbows... This is the clip TLC teases it's audience with? And Kate STILL doesn't get what they're doing to her. I wish I could find it in me to feel sorry for her.
I think TLC moved the show to Monday to coincide with her Emmy appearance. It's the perfect cross-promotion, having the media speculate about what Kate might do at the Emmys and, by the way!, there's a new special of Kate Plus 8.
I'd boo Kate too if I was one of the twins because Kate would probably let the sextuplets choose their flavors first, leaving the twins with the unwanted leftovers...as usual! I'm glad Cara voiced her opinion, instead of agreeing or remaining silent.
Wow...Kate and her great organizational skills! How hard is it to jot down the flavors each kid wanted? She already limited it to four choices. If she has horrible short-term memory, I'm sure there's an app for that in her (fifth!) iphone she loves to tote around everywhere.
Not to mention, is there really a special carry-out container for ice cream cones? What the?! That's what cups are for! You can always ask for a cone to put on top.
Kate is really going for MILF/Cougar instead of Good Mommy, with all the young men in her crew! Now I can see why she wears those low tops, shorts shorts/skirts, and high heels!
At the beginning of the video one of the little boys (Joel?) is sleeping in the back of the bus. Poor kid,totally exhausted and the day hasn't even begun yet.
Notice Stevie guarding the door to the ice cream shop.How precious!Looks like he closes the door on the guy with the red shirt.I guess he was making sure Kate didn't get hit over the head with an ice cream cone.
She just wanted an excuse to run through the streets of NY in her hooker heels. Who buys ice cream a heat wave and transports it across a block. Just an excuse to be the "stah" of the show. She is pathetic. I am sure the kids really enjoyed that mess by the time they got it and what did the bus wait for them?
Oh and her BFF was there sans her own kids I guess. I wonder how that makes her feel?
I agree TLC just moved the show because she was on the Emmy's, although I don't believe it was a cross promotion, but because her ratings would be low on Sunday night opposite the Emmy's.
That was the worst clip ever: hooker outfit, boobs jiggling, and dripping ice cream cones. That was the dumbest idea ever in that heat. What idiot thought that would be funny?
And poor Cara. Dismissed by mom again. Cara shows real emotion, while mommy dearest play acts and ruins the kids' treats. Oh yeah, this show is unscripted...NOT.
I love this website- hard for me to keep away too long ;o)
Is that the best TLC can do to promote that celebrity parasite?
She looked like a man in drag galloping down the street.
I agree with Gosselin Gossip. That ice cream cone scene was down-right idiotic. The only thing missing, was a bunch of baton waving Keystone cops chasing after her.
Oh Gee...So sorry I clicked on the video. She is such an idiot and from what I can see the show is going down the toilet fast
Won't be watching this money hungry b!tch pimp her kids out.....instead I will be watching the RHONJ Reunion Part 1 on Bravo.
How hard is it to figure out that you get a cone and put it upside down into a cup? Ask for spoons?
The outlandish outfit, the WooooHoooo!!!!, the running in heels just screams "Look at me! look at me!"
And yes Kate, you ran faster than your servants, even in heels.
Truly, she looked like a smacked ass, making a fool of herself.
....so. It's ok for HER to make a mess....but not her 3 year olds.
Hypocrisy is her name.
Am I the only one who noticed that there seemed to be people outside the ice cream store laughing?!?
And correct me if I'm wrong or feel free to agree, but doesn't Kate running through NYC with a bunch of relatively young men seem like something out of Jersey Shore? Not that I've ever watched it but...come on! WHO just WHO wears heals when you're touring a city?! I think sneakers would be far more appropriate I don't care if it's hot wear comfortable sandals!
GEEZ this curtain can't fall fast enough! But yes, make a list of what your kids want of ice cream, if they prefer a cone put it on the top in the a cup, it sure would save Kate the "hours" she spends doing laundry, it would cut down on the mess and everything.
No one has commented on the fact that she took two production guys with her to help her get ice cream. I thought this was reality. I thought this was about a single mom and how it all rests on her, "all, all, all."
How is this real?
Admin you are completely right! This does not make it reality, it makes it pure joke.
Kind of defeats her stating she does everything alone, when clearly it is obvious she doesn't.
She has: production crew, assistants, security, maybe a not-a-nanny or two. I do not call it reality, I call it "the Scripted Circus."
Were all the choices "white" flavors? Remember the episode where she took the kids for ice cream but tried to dictate that they choose vanilla-type flavors because they don't stain as badly??? (The guy behind the counter told her that actually it was the opposite--vanilla stains worse.) It's so sad when kids can't even choose what flavor ice cream they're going to have because then Mommy won't get as much $ reselling their clothes.
Also in this clip, notice the stellar parenting: Cara voices her opinion, and Kate basically says, Shut up; I don't care.
What no body guard?
Admin said:
No one has commented on the fact that she took two production guys with her to help her get ice cream. I thought this was reality. I thought this was about a single mom and how it all rests on her, "all, all, all."
How is this real?
The jig's been up for quite some time now. I too was a fan of the show, so I've seen earlier episodes, you know, when they recognized a "Y" chromosome contribution to the children (unlike now, with Kate the so called "single mom" who acts like she's an only parent).
Early on, she'd yell at Jon if he looked at the camera or acknowledged the crew,or, heaven forbid, talked about their lives in seasons.
Now, Kates a camera hog who constantly mugs and flirts and thinks she's oh-so-funny (when in fact her sense of humor is as poorly developed as her grammar).
Oh no, the assistants help her with many things, she who does it all by herself.
How does she do it all?
It reminds me of on of the last episodes of JK+8, when scraping the bottom of the barrel for show ideas, Jon took the twins to a go cart place. An assistant had to drive with one of the twins, while Jon drove with the other. The looks on one of the girl's face (Mady, I think) was one of pure anger. She absolutely did not want to be there.
But you know, they love filming and don't even see the camera, right? Like when on of the girls says "my turn!" in the above clip, as she muscles her way to get her lot of camera time.
So I guess when Mady wrote the sign "keep out with cameras!" and taped it to her door, she wasn't seeing the cameras.
Kate is exerting so much control over these kids it will backfire and backfire big time at some point.
She never lets them eat what they want, she always parces down a menu so they have a few choices or no choices at all. She did this at Discovery Cove as well. All because she doesn't want to deal with the hassle of eight orders. But she gets to pick whatever she wants. It is rude and marginalizes her kids.
There's a simple solution to this. You have two minutes to read the menu and decide. If you do not decide, I'll decide for you. Instead she says, everyone gets hamburgers and everyone gets cookiedough icecream. What a buzzkill.
ok I have a question for any Kate supporters that are lurking.
I hear her say over and over that she does it all alone. No one to help her. She is a single mom with no help. Everything is on her. I was divorced with 4 children who were 1 -11 at the time so I try to comprehend.
My point - a mom all alone who must do it all alone, leaves her small children alone on a tourist trolly to hop off and trot a few blocks away for ice-cream? Cara is the eldest at 9, was it her job to mind all the others? In an open trolley in NYC? The camera crew is just filming their regular life, so in regular life is this OK now? Hopping off the trolly to trot in heels for blocks for ice cream and leaving the children all alone?
(I admit I have envied Kate running all those errands every day, apparently leaving Cara in charge of the family, I could never do that- always had to take mine with me everywhere since like Kate, I was all on my own with no one to help me. Well, occasionally my mother but she worked full time and then an evening job too.)
Not only did she take two production guys with her to get ice cream, she had people back at the bus watching the kids.
Singe mom my a$$. She's got more help and butt kissers than married women do.
I'm sure she'll go on and on and on to the camera about how she didn't spaz out this time over melting ice cream like she did at Disney. She'll see this as her redemption...she laughed about melted ice cream rather than going ballistic and yelling and screaming. Yay for Kate! Th great can-do Kate is back, yeeee hawwwww!!!
TLC could have at least put the kids in an air conditioned bus
I just can't get over how BAD her hair looks, especially the back. Those are some bargain basement extensions right there. Someone got terribly ripped off.
BeDoneNow said...
My point - a mom all alone who must do it all alone, leaves her small children alone on a tourist trolly to hop off and trot a few blocks away for ice-cream? Cara is the eldest at 9, was it her job to mind all the others? In an open trolley in NYC? The camera crew is just filming their regular life, so in regular life is this OK now? Hopping off the trolly to trot in heels for blocks for ice cream and leaving the children all alone?
There is an adult, blonde (Jamie?) there with them, and she stays with the kids while Kate gets the ice cream.
Why is the big girl next to her upset?
She can't even walk in her heels. She really should practice more. It really is laughable, watching her walk. HAHAHAHA. She looks ridiculous trying to walk sexily in those hooker heels. She can't! Practice in the mirror at home, Kate. You'll look a little better when trying to come off as a sexy Cougar, (which, frankly, you're not). I can't get over that a 30-something woman can't walk in heels! It looks like she has something up her butt. Or like she is new born baby calf or something. LOLOL
Hate running down the streets of NYC carrying ice-cream cones - is this the MOM version of the old Mary Tyler Moore show intro?
Or maybe That Girl? You know, That Mom!!!
I had to come back--I still cannot get over how dumb she is about the cones. Cups, spoons, put a cone on top so they can still have a cone. DONE.
Get trays to carry them all, even better idea.
Maybe do it when the trolley isn't six freaking blocks away from the ice cream shop?
And if you really do it all on your own, Kate, then DO IT ALL ON YOUR OWN.
But the fact of the matter is, she's never done anything totally on her own with no help.
But don't you all know, Kate says the kids only see the crew but don't see the cameras. WHAT kind of logic is this? CRAP I tell you. She is certifiable.
I don't know about you guys but in the sweltering heat if I got my kids ice cream, I got it in dishes, not cones that are going to drip every where. It's not rocket science,just a little common sense.
BeDoneNow The difference between you and Kate was that you didn't have a tribe of nannies looking after yours kids 24/7. You were a REAL single mom who deserves credit for taking care of her family. Kate is a phony and has no clue how to be a real mother. I don't think she even likes her kids to be truthful, there a source of income to her and that's it. She shows them no love or affection what so ever.
Who is watching the chicken said...
There is an adult, blonde (Jamie?) there with them, and she stays with the kids while Kate gets the ice cream.
Now see, that is very nice. One time I took mine for Christmas pictures and my sister hired a sitter for her own kids so that she could come with me to help, so mine would all be still and clean for a nice pic. That was one time.
How nice that Kate was able to find a friend who was willing to make that sacrifice! Was the NYC trip a few days long? How lovely that the friend used her vacation time from her job, got full time care, and then spent her own time-off-work to travel with Kate, otherwise this poor alone mom wouldnt have had any kind of summer family-time with her children. I was never able to that, we only took day trips.
I feel for her, so alone, all alone, screeching and running from ice-cream muggers through a strange city just trying to get her poor children a cool little treat. And in her sad little running shoes, too. Such a dedicated mommy. Well, at least Kate was able to make the most of her 5 days paid vacation time from her job and plan a little something with her children. Otherwise they would have just been cooped up in that little 2 bedroom house, watching cartoons on TV all week and playing charades for entertainment. Maybe a game of hopscotch on their little driveway or toss a ball in their tiny yard. All alone, all on her own, no one to help her. Doing it all for the children, especially the running shoes and screeching.
(I know some wont recognize sarcasm so here is your hint.)
"Who buys ice cream a heat wave and transports it across a block."
Exactly. When I saw this, I thought...what moron buys ice cream cones for eight kids during a NYC heat wave and can't foresee that it's going to melt...and then acts surprised that it's dripping? I sometimes wonder if she has any brain cells left under those hair extensions.
Kate says, "It's melting everywhere!"
We probably didn't hear her say, "I didn't know ice cream could do that!"
What a dingbat.
"TLC could have at least put the kids in an air conditioned bus"
How long do you think that would have kept the kids entertained...cooped up in a bus? Adults certainly would prefer that during a heat wave, but I think they were hoping this would be a unique experience for the kids...something new and different, and what better way to experience the sights, sounds (and smells!) of NYC than out in the open?
They should have waited until fall to film this, when the kids could have had a good time.
Here's and idea Kate, why not take Cara with you as well as Mady? That way they can help you remember what the tups wanted and would feel helpful. Those poor kids, they are just crumbling, a real Mom would be aware of this and trying to build them up.
What did the idiot expect, it was blistering hot in NYC, not to mention HUMID. Yes, ice cream melts. UGH. I for one will not be watching tonight. Only Kate can take something as normal as getting ice cream for your kids and make a 10 minute commentary out of it. And seriously, what kind of mom showing her kids around the city dresses like that? That's right, NOBODY. Because the only people who would be caught dead dressed like that are hookers
Sure hope no one plans on tuning in in 10 minutes...I won't be.
Moose Mania said... "Who buys ice cream a heat wave and transports it across a block."
I sometimes wonder if she has any brain cells left under those hair extensions.
August 30, 2010 12:32 PM
She and Jon shared a brain cell, and he had custody of it that week.
My eyes are still burning from seeing all that boob hanging out of her top. Yikes!
She was spilling out everywhere! I'm sure she purposefully wore that knowing she would be surrounded by men that day.
And puhleeze don't get me started about the back of her hair when it's down. That is the fugliest nasty mess ever! Bring back the reverse mullet!
Poor Cara. She seems to be suffering from depression or something.
When was the last time TLC showed her happy and smiling? The poor kid seems to always be sulking. Guess I would, too, if I were her.
Come to think of it, Mady isn't as perky and talkative as she once was.
Did anyone watch? I'm way too exhausted I might try to watch a bit later. Just wondering how bad was it.
Admin, it was awful. It's obvious that it's all about Kate and not the kids anymore. Shrieking, bossy, complaining and traipsing around NY with her boobs on display.
Each new episode is more disgusting than the last.
Sample: (talking to her kids)Kate says, "If you drop a penny from the roof of the Empire State Building, it will kill people on the street... isn't that right, Mr. Narrator?" No, the building is designed so the penny would flow close to the building and land on the awnings. (hint, you are looking up at the building, K8 --Think!) "Ooohhh, I did not know this."
Stopped watching when she blamed Cara for being upset and threw her under the bus "for her pre-teen situation". Hmm, what is Kate trying to say? Will TLC start running feminine teen products as product placement soon?
They exploited every other aspect of the Gosselin kids' lives, why not that too?
"PatK said... Admin, it was awful. It's obvious that it's all about Kate and not the kids anymore. Shrieking, bossy, complaining and traipsing around NY with her boobs on display. Each new episode is more disgusting than the last. "
I haven't seen any episode in....well, I couldn't tell you when, so I have nothing really to compare it to. This was terrible. Disgusting. I turned it on because a friend of mine was at the train station the day they filmed there, and I wanted to see if she was shown there.
There was Kate, hooker heels, hooker outfit, strawy hair a knotted mess, chewing gum like it was going out of style. Does she ever watch herself on these episodes? She reminded me of Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in the opening scene in Pretty Woman, except Vivian, as a hooker, looked much better and had more class! That's how bad this was. Of course there was the usual whining, fussing, "I'm going to vomit" comments over and over again until you just wanted to scream..."Then for heaven's sakes, go and throw up and get it over with!"
The children were better behaved than she was. Of course, it was all about her. Everything. She did say that Jamie is her best friend for nine years, and she's a surrogate mother and is exactly like Kate. I forget her exact words, but it was enough to make me think...gosh, I had hoped they threw away the mould when they made Kate, but now we're told that there's another one just like her?
In the Statue of Liberty scene, her boobs were hanging out of her top, she strutted around in those heels, trying to climb a ladder (TLC got a nice shot of her rear end) and making the most stupid, inane comments I think I ever heard coming out of her mouth. She really is not an intelligent person.
My question is...why is she doing this? When did she go from a sort-of-normal mom, modestly dressed, to a cheap 35-year-old tramp trying to look like a teenager? For whom is she doing this? There has to be a reason. Is this the first step in a downward spiral? Will she be shaving her head next? There's something seriously wrong there, and it won't surprise me in the least if we read that she's had a breakdown.
After reading through this...I'm so VERY glad that I havent watched any kate and the kids shows since the divorce was announced.
But hearing that Cara spoke out just makes its more sad.This was the quiet child who held it all in.I know its not good to hold in your feelings.I was happy to hear that Cara said something...BUT to hear that she spoke out says alot about how ALL the kids are feeling.
Mady and Cara might know how to play this game now...the tups will be a few more years.BUT I do believe we are seeing the last of kate! Thank god!!
This was a TLC plan. They read the blogs, remember? Everything we've bitched about they exploit. They know Hannah was "ruined" at DisneyWorld so they had ice cream melt on Kate.
IMO ....
Administrator, I watched (never will again)--it was all about Kate. I posted my remarks on the wrong thread. They haven't posted yet, but would you mind moving them from the Steve and Kate thread to this one? Thanks, and I'll be more careful in the future.
Yeah, she was a complete moron on that bus tour. She seemed like she was drunk. Of course the gum hole was chompin' away but there was still plenty of room for her foot. I was watching The Terminator but caught some of this mess on commercials and I don't know which was more horrific.
She's such an idiot. Signs "written in Asian," being competitive with her own 6-year-old kids on a stupid carnival game, complaining that the gift shop was too crowded to shop (hey, dumbass, kick out the cameraman, the lighting guy, the nanny and the bodyguard and there would be enough room for you and the people who actually paid to be there and didn't have a private ferry and get to jump the lines!).
The show was simply horrible. Kate and her "girls" constantly on view and her bipolar behavior toward her children. It was nauseating beyond belief.
I'm convinced this is how TLC is planning to rid themselves of her - making her look so bad that people who still tune in will be disgusted enough to stop watching altogether and they can cancel the show.
My husband watched it for like 5 seconds...then screamed "I can't do it"
We caught a glimpse of her highness climbing up the boat ladder in heels...in shorts and boobs-a-flailing.
Nice mom. Nice.
I would have died of embarrassement had my mom done anything like this.
Not that she would have since
a) She has respect for herself
b)she is not an attention whore
c) She loves her children
So glad I did not watch this tripe!
Wowee, look at the body language of the twin sitting next to her in the photo above. Very telling, and very sad.
This was another time Kate was in New York: the older girls were turning six and she and Jon took them to the American Girl place. God, the difference is astounding, but you can see glimmers of who she is now even here:
I found it odd that she told Jon "you're not supposed to say 'now that we're filming' anymore." What was that about?
Anyway, compare that to THIS New York trip. Wow.
Here's what bothered me -- the complaining, whining, bitching, moaning, for the entire episode. Here is a woman who has been given everything (undeserved). She's been blessed with eight beautiful, healthy children, but it's not enough. She makes everything difficult. She should have known that NYC is hotter than Berks County during a heatwave. She should have known that ice cream melts. She should have known that the SOL giftshop is crowded with tourists in the summer, etc. etc. She chose to film them there, and then she turns around and whines about it. For someone who, by her own admission, is organized, she should have figured that a tourist doesn't parade around the city in high heels, and have planned accordingly (flip flops in a bag). BUT SHE DIDN'T! Why not?
I think that TLC is milking this new (and more horrendous) Kate for all it's worth. This isn't a show about the kids anymore. How much of the children did we really see? What we saw were Kate's meltdowns. Notice how many times the camera focused on just her. She's the trainwreck factor. That's why people watch. TLC knows it. It's all about her, and she loves it.
It's the moaning and groaning that makes it unbearable to watch. It's depressing, it's annoying, and I would venture to say that the end is coming. Viewers are disgusted and realize that this is not only about greed and exploitation -- it's about a woman on the brink of collapse.
And then she has the balls to say that she treasures each photo because one day when she is old, she'll look at the photos and remember that when the kids were young they visited New York City. Pleasant memories, Kate? How were these pleasant memories when you whined the entire time and wanted to vomit? Why not just stay home and take photos of the kids swimming in the pool, having sleepovers with their friends, going out for milkshakes on a pleasant summer evening at the local Dairy Queen, building forts, catching fireflies...
Those are the moments you want to capture to remember...the good times in your life. I hope Jon has a camera and records his time with the children on film. Betcha those are the ones that go into the kids' photo albums...not the ones of a gum-chewing Kate dressed in a lady-of-the-night attire, or bribing the kids with ostrich boogers and turtle turds.
My summary of the show-yes, I do still watch.
Cara does seem very sad. Mady and Cara weren't on camera that much.
Kate seemed hyper to me, and I got the feeling she wanted to get the crew their footage and be done with it. Don't think she had a good time being hot, hungry and in the crowds of people.
Glimpses into the kids behavior, Aaden seems like he can be bratty. Hannah seems pretty sweet and articulate. Colin is gonna shine one day and rebel against his Mother and Dad by doing something astonishing.
The open air bus ride was filmed at twilight, that's why the kids were nodding off.
Kate is an idiot and TLC is not setting her up in hopes people will tune out. If they wanted to fire her, I am certain they would kick her straight to the curb.
But don't you see? Things are just starting to get interesting people? Kate is wigging out. Cara is on a downward spiral, Jon is on the brink of acting out again. This is so not anywhere done.
And as always, where there is buzz, such as what comes from this and other blogs, Kate will keep on keeping on.
Kate thanks you...well not really!
Ratings for the latest Kate Plus 8 special:
Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 1.613 million viewers
- 1.2/2 HH
- 0.6/2 A18-49
from TravisYanan (where tvbythenumbers.com gets their cable ratings, Monday ratings not officially posted there yet)
How bad down is that as compared to the last time?
Excuse the double post:
Ratings reference comes from Travis Yanan's twitter, click http://twitter.com/travisyanan.
Linked from tvbythenumbers.com (see Sunday Cable Ratings)
Just wanted to verify where I got the info, in case some of you are suspicious.
Is anyone else as annoyed as I am by the falsetto screech that she does? I just saw the preview for the BHI episode, and by darn, she did it again....""Heeeelllllllooooooo Bald Head Island!" Is it so juvenile, so immature, so attention-getting, so nails-on-the-blackboard!!
Moose Mania, you made a really good point I hadn't fully realized: they really DON'T show much of the kids anymore. It's ALL about Kate.
I wonder how that makes people feel who used to say they loved to watch the show because of the KIDS. Not seeing too terribly much of them now, eh?
I agree TLC is just taping the human trainwreck. They know she's on her way out, trust me, and they're just milking the downfall for everything they can get.
You know, she just has NO CLASS! She acts like a hill-billy would act,with their first time coming into the big city! I think people are watching because it is so hard to believe that there is actually a real person acting this way, in front of the world. And she doesn't care, just humiliates Mady and Cara. What kind of family programming is this show, with boobs and butts hanging out all over? kate-call Vivid entertainment, I bet they have an opening for you, so you can be an actress,and become a huge stah!!!!!!!
Oh my Lord. I just watched a movie, The Stoning of Soraya M., a true story about a woman stoned in Iran, set up by her husband who knew she was innocent so he could marry a 14-year-old girl. When I took it out, TLC was on. Last 5 minutes of this show. I literally sat there with my mouth open like the mouth breather that both Jon and Kate are, simply amazed at what was coming out of her pie hole. She said they could only go high enough to see up Lady Liberty's dress. I thought that ironic, since we could see down her shirt and there was much boob spilling to the side too. She was SO RUDE to Jamie. Who treats their friends like that? She said the other 500 million people kept them from shopping in the gift shop and LITERALLY EVERYONE in the shop wanted a picture of them. Guess what? It's a National Park, they have the RIGHT to be there, and a bunch of them looked disgusted! How many do you think have their lifetime memory of going to New York tainted by the fact they were pushed aside in favor of this circus? (I live in a touristy city and when I see someone who looks clueless or lost, I wonder if they saved their whole lives for that one opportunity, and am extra nice and helpful to them.) More blah blah blah, me me me, and then she had the audacity (drum roll please) to say that next time, then corrected herself to say the next SEVERAL times she comes through the tunnel to New York, she'll remember that she got to do it as a tourist and not only for work (and I hope it's to get fired). I laughed at that one. This witch and her stupid ex actually think they have something to offer in show business. As themselves, they come off as monotones and simpletons, average at best. Oh my gosh. I'll probably have nightmares now. Not only from watching that movie, but from this wench. She and Jon and every other reality star should watch The Stoning of Soraya M., so they can thank their lucky stars and God that they live in this country and can whore themselves and/or their kids out for money. Because women are being stoned to this day based on mere false accusations of doing less much than that.
While channel surfing, I caught a glimpse of Kate G in NY. That gum smacking, open mouth was sickening. So trashy. Not just the attire, but the actions. This show can't go on much longer.
The poor kids looked drained from the heat! Who wouldn't be in 103 plus degrees? Sad.
While channel surfing, I caught a glimpse of Kate G in NY. That gum smacking, open mouth was sickening. So trashy. Not just the attire, but the actions. This show can't go on much longer.
The poor kids looked drained from the heat! Who wouldn't be in 103 plus degrees? Sad.
Oh my Lord. I just watched a movie, The Stoning of Soraya M., a true story about a woman stoned in Iran, set up by her husband who knew she was innocent so he could marry a 14-year-old girl. When I took it out, TLC was on. Last 5 minutes of this show. I literally sat there with my mouth open like the mouth breather that both Jon and Kate are, simply amazed at what was coming out of her pie hole. She said they could only go high enough to see up Lady Liberty's dress. I thought that ironic, since we could see down her shirt and there was much boob spilling to the side too. She was SO RUDE to Jamie. Who treats their friends like that? She said the other 500 million people kept them from shopping in the gift shop and LITERALLY EVERYONE in the shop wanted a picture of them. Guess what? It's a National Park, they have the RIGHT to be there, and a bunch of them looked disgusted! How many do you think have their lifetime memory of going to New York tainted by the fact they were pushed aside in favor of this circus? (I live in a touristy city and when I see someone who looks clueless or lost, I wonder if they saved their whole lives for that one opportunity, and am extra nice and helpful to them.) More blah blah blah, me me me, and then she had the audacity (drum roll please) to say that next time, then corrected herself to say the next SEVERAL times she comes through the tunnel to New York, she'll remember that she got to do it as a tourist and not only for work (and I hope it's to get fired). I laughed at that one. This witch and her stupid ex actually think they have something to offer in show business. As themselves, they come off as monotones and simpletons, average at best. Oh my gosh. I'll probably have nightmares now. Not only from watching that movie, but from this wench. She and Jon and every other reality star should watch The Stoning of Soraya M., so they can thank their lucky stars and God that they live in this country and can whore themselves and/or their kids out for money. Because women are being stoned to this day based on mere false accusations of doing less much than that.
Here's what bothered me -- the complaining, whining, bitching, moaning, for the entire episode. Here is a woman who has been given everything (undeserved). She's been blessed with eight beautiful, healthy children, but it's not enough. She makes everything difficult. She should have known that NYC is hotter than Berks County during a heatwave. She should have known that ice cream melts. She should have known that the SOL giftshop is crowded with tourists in the summer, etc. etc. She chose to film them there, and then she turns around and whines about it. For someone who, by her own admission, is organized, she should have figured that a tourist doesn't parade around the city in high heels, and have planned accordingly (flip flops in a bag). BUT SHE DIDN'T! Why not?
I think that TLC is milking this new (and more horrendous) Kate for all it's worth. This isn't a show about the kids anymore. How much of the children did we really see? What we saw were Kate's meltdowns. Notice how many times the camera focused on just her. She's the trainwreck factor. That's why people watch. TLC knows it. It's all about her, and she loves it.
It's the moaning and groaning that makes it unbearable to watch. It's depressing, it's annoying, and I would venture to say that the end is coming. Viewers are disgusted and realize that this is not only about greed and exploitation -- it's about a woman on the brink of collapse.
And then she has the balls to say that she treasures each photo because one day when she is old, she'll look at the photos and remember that when the kids were young they visited New York City. Pleasant memories, Kate? How were these pleasant memories when you whined the entire time and wanted to vomit? Why not just stay home and take photos of the kids swimming in the pool, having sleepovers with their friends, going out for milkshakes on a pleasant summer evening at the local Dairy Queen, building forts, catching fireflies...
Those are the moments you want to capture to remember...the good times in your life. I hope Jon has a camera and records his time with the children on film. Betcha those are the ones that go into the kids' photo albums...not the ones of a gum-chewing Kate dressed in a lady-of-the-night attire, or bribing the kids with ostrich boogers and turtle turds.
She's such an idiot. Signs "written in Asian," being competitive with her own 6-year-old kids on a stupid carnival game, complaining that the gift shop was too crowded to shop (hey, dumbass, kick out the cameraman, the lighting guy, the nanny and the bodyguard and there would be enough room for you and the people who actually paid to be there and didn't have a private ferry and get to jump the lines!).
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