After flying below the radar for several days after this disturbing video of the children wailing for Jon was released, Kate has emerged to take the kids out for haircuts today as part of filming. Maybe Team Kate decided haircuts was a nice neutral thing to do for her first appearance since that debacle.

190 sediments (sic) from readers:
I don't see any cameras but someone said they were filming.
If they are filming haircuts, we've already seen that ep. And first haircuts are somewhat interesting, but haircuts at 6 years old? Isn't that more of a chore than entertainment?
They did film this. I think maybe gossip center had the photo with the camera guy. It seems there has been an awful lot of filming for just a few "specials".
I now think calling it a few sporadic update specials was just a way to appease the massive outcry about too much filming. This blog proves they have filmed these children nearly every single week this summer, often for several days at a time. The kids just got back from a huge trip and after a brief visit with Jon were right back to filming. Maybe the kids want to get their hair cut without their entire class being able to watch it next month.
Length of filming has nothing to do with how long or short the production will be. Two hour movies can film for three months. But a two hour TV double episode may only film a few weeks.
Just because the Gosselins have only made a few specials doesn't mean they haven't filmed according to a lengthy shooting schedule.
And by the way since the kids appeared on Sarah's show, not their own, does that mean it was a totally different crew from Alaska and total strangers to them.
The night photo does seem to align with the rumor that they left the camping trip early. Someone said the sun sets there close to midnight. Seems kind of late to come home from a camping trip. But just right if you finally decided you couldn't hack it.
There is nothing neutral about this photo. Yet again, the kids look sad and resigned to parading behind Kate Kate looks like a streetwalker, just ridiculous
Could TLC be losing interest in Kate at last? I saw the new promo about fall and going back to school and Kate and the kids aer not in it. All the TLC stars...Roloffs, Buddy, biker guys, duggars appear in this and no Gosselins.
Kate's body language is so strange in this picture and the other pictures at INF. The kids look so sad. I wonder if this is for a back to school special for the tups who are REPEATING kindergarten so that they can be available for filming. Sick just sick.
Since you have been very diligent in tracking and keeping a timeline of Kate/the kids/TLC filming here on this blog, and based on the story about Kate pitching a diva fit and not a tent in Alaska, you should know that I came up with an interesting list of events:
* Why Alaska? It is not exactly what I would consider "kid friendly" for 6 year olds with no Disneylike park.
* Then it becomes clear that Alaska was chosen so TLC can score points with Sarah Palin and Kate camping together - footage for 2 shows for the price of 1. I have to admit I thought camping trip would be a great educational opportunity for the kids.
* Photo of kids late at night without Kate and Steve. It was reported that one child asked where mom was. Since we now know she left camping trip early, how long was she MIA and away from her kids?
* Kate and kids stop in LA after Alaska. It was suggested on a blog that she might be in CA to check out real estate to further her career. Now it is being suggested she had to do damage control with bosses but TLC is headquartered in Maryland, not LA.
* On Friday Kate and kids fly from LA to PA.
* On Saturday, 24 hours after getting home from Alaska, Chris(?) takes photos of Kate spending money on herself at her spa. We also learned that the kids are at father's apartment playing in pool.
* I read somewhere - here on this blog? - that someone at the apartment complex overhead kids talking about Alaska trip with Jon when they were at the pool. Rumor has it that kids said trip was OK but Kate did not have a good time. What? Since when does Kate not appreciate FREE trips?
* Photos hit Internet of happy and smiling kids with Jon after he takes them to a local place called The Works. Easy to note that photos of Jon and kids are always vastly different than photos of Kate and kids.
* On Monday very disturbing video hits Internet of hysterical kids when Jon has to drop the kids off outside the driveway gate going into Kate's compound.
* Story hits Internet of Kate acting like diva on Alaska camping trip with Sarah Palin. I keep smiling just picturing what probably happened during this disaster of a camping trip.
If this story is true - yes I am inclined to believe it - I figure that TLC won't use any footage for Kate+8 since Kate's true colors showed up loud and clear. Which is actually unfortunate because I might be tempted to tune into this episode to see the meltdown ... but then I stop myself because I know I will not watch Kate+8 because I will not add to the viewer numbers. I know that the only way to save those kids is not to watch or record Kate +8 so it is taken off the air.
Now, with Kate's help - the rumored antics on this camping trip - I can only hope and pray that TLC will finally say enough is enough, it is not worth all the Kate drama and FREE THE GOSSELIN 8!
Administrator said...
The night photo does seem to align with the rumor that they left the camping trip early. Someone said the sun sets there close to midnight. Seems kind of late to come home from a camping trip. But just right if you finally decided you couldn't hack it.
Remember Leah on the "camping trip" (think it was Leah) asking, "Where did Mommy go and when is she coming back?" Looks like she abandoned the kids with no explanation. When a parent is leaving for an extended period of time, a caring parent explains to the child why they are leaving or even that they are leaving so that the child does not feel abandoned. Another Gold Star for Kate...NOT.
Maybe it's for Twisted Kate. She is going to work a day in the life of a children's hairdresser!!!!
Of course the kids are matchy and miserable and Kate is dressed to stand on a corner. I hate seeing the girls in those black school shoes with no socks - blister city!
Of course Kate is dressed in full hooker gear. She actually appears to some how be managing 8, yes 8 children all by herself. At least no nannies or Steve are visible in these shots. What an amazing woman she is. Maybe Steve is already in the salon having his hair cut and there meeting him there? I wonder how much longer purse boy will be on the payroll since her ship is quickly sinking? What I think happened on the camping trip was that she probably freaked out and since they didn't get enough footage for one of her "specials" now they are going to incorporate in to a Sarah Palin special. I'm sure the TLC suits are getting a little fed up with their little princess but they helped to create the monster so suck it up.
Celebrity Gossip Net mentions the camera crew. Another day of filming for those poor kids. TLC already has 2 years/5 season's worth of footage of Kate handing her kids off to others while she mugs to the camera about how difficult life is. They have covered the haircuts, the dental visits, the free trips and until the writers create fictional things for these real non fictional kids to do/perform, it is just more of the same. The cameras can't show the reality of these kids, how quickly they tire of filming, how they miss their dad, how they miss their mom, how they crave attention and touch, how they throw themselves at the crew and crawl all over them. These children are miserable with Kate and overindulged with Jon, they have no chance.
Where was Kate and Ratclaw during the two days they were missing in Alaska? This was when a girl tup asked where Kate was and when was she coming back. I thought maybe this was the infamous non-camping trip.
What a sad confusing world those kids live in.
Oooooooh, haircuts.... how special...
On the next episode of Kate Plus Eight: Kate's amazing kids brush their teeth ;o)
Wonder if she's still receiving the free haircuts. And BTW -- I agree, another haircut episode? Did they film one or two? Either way -- could this show become more boring?
She just loves to make a "statement" when she strolls though the streets and parking lots of Wernersville, Pa.,with her good fashion sense. and the TLC cameras stuck up her ass.
She is such a freakin' fool and a rotten excuse for a mother.
The clock is ticking Kate and you better start sticking some of that $$$ away for a rainy day !
Who dresses like she does to run errands in town and to take your kids for haircuts? Who?
MY goodness TLC and Kate is desperate to film about the hair cuts...Kate looks like a hooker..
Thats why the kids were crying in the van begging daddy not to leave them there, They knew that they had to work this week again. Filming this haircut thing was just the beginning, bet they filmed as soon as them kids got home from being dropped off by their dad. TLC cameras were already in motion to film and make the kids work. Nice way to spend the summer. The twins won't have to write how they spent their summer vacation essay, the school already knows.. = )
At least they aren't dressed alike. But really....haircuts?! I guess they wanted to film Kate "controlling" how their hair is cut rather than letting the girls, particularly, Mady and Cara, decide for themselves. Geez, if this goes on, will we be treated to watching Cara and Mady buy feminine hygiene products? Shave their legs? Buy their first bras? And, I bet those haircuts were freebies since they were filming.
And for goodness sakes, what mother in their right mind would take eight kids to get their hair cut all at once anyway? What kind of reality is that? Oh that's right...it's all about filming melt downs.
"The night photo does seem to align with the rumor that they left the camping trip early. Someone said the sun sets there close to midnight. Seems kind of late to come home from a camping trip. But just right if you finally decided you couldn't hack it'
The "reports," if one can believe them, say that she spent two hours at the campsite, moved to a cabin with electricity and running water while Sarah (and family) slept in the tent, and all of them flew back to Sarah's home in Wasilla the next morning.
BTW, TLC has shot themselves in the foot with "Sister Wives". As usual, TLC's press release to Radaronline is up and so far, every comment is negative. What modern day woman with any self respect would watch such garbage? On top of the Duggars, the toddler beauty queens, diva Kate, etc., TLC does nothing but put women down and show them as weak, whiney, baby machines and subservient to men. Eileen O'Neill is the worst---a woman who hates women.
I just have to admit that I would love to be a fly on the wall at the restaurant where the DWTS Season 10 contestants hold their reunion!
You know, the reunion that it was reported that ALL were invited BUT Kate due to her diva antics?
Can you just imagine the conversation now that it is being reported Kate pitched a fit while on a camping trip with Sarah Palin?
Seriously, other than when Kate is depositing money into her bank account, is she ever truly happy?
Look at Mady's face - so, so happy to be out with Super Mom and her camera friends for an outing in town. Strange if they are indeed filming because the matchy-matchy is not happening.
Camping Kate, what a riot, wonder how Sarah Palin's ratings are going to go?
"Eileen O'Neill is the worst---a woman who hates women."
I thought Ms. O'Neill has a fondness for women!
"Kate's body language is so strange in this picture and the other pictures at INF. The kids look so sad. I wonder if this is for a back to school special for the tups who are REPEATING kindergarten so that they can be available for filming. Sick just sick."
Where is this coming from? The kids are NOT repeating Kindergarten. They were in Pre-K, three days a week last term. In a few weeks they will be in full time Kindergarten. NO REPEAT!
@ Denise,
Maybe it'll be a day in the life of a street walker :)
I read that someone on GWOP surmised that the reason Kate flew to LA from Alaska was a dressing down from TLC. Well, Eileen O'Neill was in LA at the same time for the annual 2010 Television Critics Summer TV Press Tour. We know she was there because of press releases. O'Neill must have been furious. Palin is bigger than Kate and O'Neill must have been furious. And it's getting much play among the different entertainment outlets that Kate Plus 8 is no longer TLC's top draw. Ahhh....it'll be over soon.
Lauren said...
I wonder if this is for a back to school special for the tups who are REPEATING kindergarten so that they can be available for filming. Sick just sick.
This is untrue. They are not repeating kindergarten. Junior kindergarten and kindergarten are not one and the same. Junior kindergarten exists because some children are not ready for kindergarten at age 5. Do you label all parents whose children need a year in JK "sick?"
Yep, the show is on its final leg; time to remove life support.
With as much filming as they've done I cannot understand why they used two reruns for the last shows.
TLC stinks said... And it's getting much play among the different entertainment outlets that Kate Plus 8 is no longer TLC's top draw.
Are there links?
Lauren, where did you see that the tups will be repeating Kindergarten? Do you know if they were in pre-kindergarten last year?
Hello Moose,
Maybe Ms. O'Neill is not fond of straight women. It is a misconception that all gay women love all women. Whatever is going on, I don't think her guidance at TLC is not good for the image of women. It is confusing and I don't it.
Drives me crazy when I see parents put on leather shows or sneakers on their kids with no socks. Only lazy parents do that, and yet she has time to get her hair, nails and toes done, along with her orange glow.
INFdaily has the whole set of pictures, and yes, there is a cameraman there on the sidewalk to the right. Also, the boys ARE matchy-matchy, all in the same shirts and shorts. Kate is probably a laughing stock. Her town is a small, quaint town much like mine (apparently) and we just laugh and laugh at some of the women who go to the gym in full makeup or inside the coffee shop or grocery store in big sunglasses and maxed out clothing, especially if they are not traveling to or from work. Same Kate cliches: fake tan (tanorexic), fake teeth, overprocessed and flatironed hair, french manicure, pedicure flowers on the toes (not saying she has that and don't care), giant and expensive purse, arriving in a huge SUV that they use to transport their ONE kid around in. (To me Kate does not need the SUV as she has the van for taking the kids around.) One big, stupid, fake bundle of cliches. To me, that outfit is not too bad IF she had on cute little sandals or flip flops. WHY does she continue to buy shoes that are too small so that her toes are hanging over the front? She is just a mess, and not a hot one either.
This must be Kate's "Mary Tyler Moore" pose. Seriously, she has to be a bit anxious IF the story is true that she was in hot water w/TLC over the camping fiasco.
Oh, I just saw that Dr. Glass does have the Gosselin video and an article about it.
I wonder if her short disappearance in Alaska was due to a mental health issue. Bet Stevie had his hands full with that one.
They were filming, I added a pic.
Silly me thinking Kate was taking care of her children's needs for the pure sake of taking care of them. Bet the nanny takes the kids for their haircuts when the crew isn't in town. I did.
RE: the trip to Alaska. Last year when Jon stopped the filming, one of Kate's MANY interviews, ( I surely wish I could find it!) The interviewer asked where did the children want to go on a trip, that they did not get to go. Kate answered "I want to go Alaska" Never said where the kids wanted to go. Just where SHE wanted. That was way before Sarah and TLC contract. I remember it well, because she said "I" and even the interviewer paused, waiting for what the KIDS wanted. LOL So, where they planning this trip all along? As one poster said a few weeks ago, Kate is NOT a rough and camping girl, so why ALaska? Which is true. But someone else heard her say Alaska too. I am really confused now about this trip. I bet this meltdown DID happen. Many times "sources said" are people leaking some juicy stuff. Kate is doing herself in. (Thank you!)
The LA meeting with the TLC person would make sense except why in the world would you drag everyone to LA for that? Could she not have sent the kids, not a nannies and bodyguards home without her royal presence? We know she knows how to do this one. Nope, perhaps just another TLC smokescreen for Happy Family on Vacation.
@ Diane, I read Lillians Blog and I can 't agree with her. She has Jon pre/planning the whole thing and for one I don't think he is smart enough or would bother taking the time to do that. As for her comment about one pap, its the same fellow that follows Kate around Target, Whole Foods and her me time. I believe this fellow stays there in PA. probably renting a apartment close by stalks them. While all the other pas have left for greener pastures, Chris has stayed and has been adopted by the Gosselins. Nice try Lillian, but I'm too old to be fooled by your blog.
I think Kate split from the campsite because she was intimated by SP. And I'm sure Sarah figured out in less than a minute what an idiot Kate is. Whatever one's opinion is about Palin, let's face it, she's more experienced and informed than KG on many topics. Kate on the other hand is just a famewhore who can't put a sentence together without mentioning herself five times. So she had her usual meltdown and Stevie rescued her. What's new? Oh and to hell with how the kids feel - they're used to getting rousted out in the middle of the night to go somewhere with mommy dearest. Kate would say that's just 'normal' for them.
I can't get my name to post on the comment but I'm Sharon. Anyway, I read the Lillian Glass blog and we share the same concerns. Something about that video is off. I loathe Khate and her entire brand but I still am unsure about this video. I wish someone would either buy TLC and change their entire format or fire Eileen and replace her with a man who's been scorn like Jon!
Oh how nice... I see Kate is back to HER kind of stardom. A nice, tidy, film shoot showing her doing what every mother in America does every damn day. Except like another poster said, any other time the nanny probably takes the kids for haircuts.
While it sucks that the kids have been subjected to filming all summer, I am excited for them for the school year to start (minus the long bus ride) Hopefully, the five day a week school schedule away from their mother and the film crew, will provide structure and stability. I think they will blossom in this enviroment. I just hope every school break won't involve having a camera in their face.
Dr. Glass uses a lot of speculation in her recent article about the kids screaming. In the end of the article she says Jon walks away leaving the kids locked up in the van by themselves (did she not see the nanny get into the driver's seat?)
She also talks about Mady and Cara's awkward hug where they turn their faces towards the camera. I would think she would point out that since Jon was bent down on their level, their faces were against his neck so it's natural to turn you face away.
She also mentions how she's suspicious of there only being one pap. There are RARELY more than one pap outside that gate anymore (as per Al and Werny Gal).
I don't think she was trying to slant it but since she doesn't have all the info, it definitely made a difference in her accuracy (imo)
And once again, we have Kate galluping around the streets of her town dressed like a hooker. Maybe it wasn't filming haircuts for the kids but take your children to work day?
Ok, Hot in PA, so they're not repeating pre-K. The tups were born in 2004, right? My son was born in 2003 and he's starting grade 2 in September. Those tups should be in grade 1 so I don't think it's splitting hairs to say they're "repeating." The fact is they are behind.
"Whatever is going on, I don't think her guidance at TLC is not good for the image of women.'
Do you mean, "I don't think her guidance at TLC is good for the image of women?"
@ Facts Matter, I think Lauren meant TLC & Kate are sick for holding the tups back for filming. Not that the tups are sick.
"Oh, I just saw that Dr. Glass does have the Gosselin video and an article about it."
There was a post, either on this blog or another one, that the blogger was submitting it to her for her response. I don't think this is the analysis that person quite expected. When you forward videos like this for comments, sometimes it backfires. In this case, it did. Bet the Sheeple are having a field day...licking their mutton chops over Lillian's questions and comments.
Another hooker outfit. I agree with the post above regarding the children should have socks on with those shoes. But what else can you expect from a woman who walks around NYC in her bare feet. I thought she was supposed to be a nurse. I think the 'haircut episode' will be part of a back-to-school show. Those poor children have worked the whole summer. Shouldn't six year olds be going into grade one?
"Drives me crazy when I see parents put on leather shows or sneakers on their kids with no socks."
I thought they were wearing sandals...can't see too clearly what's on their feet. However, I always make my kids wear socks with sneaks. There are times, though, when I think I'm catching them sans socks, and they'll say, "We ARE wearing socks!" It's hard to see those little short sneaker socks inside the shoes. Maybe her kids wear those with their sneakers, who knows?
It drives me crazy when I see men wearing loafers with no socks!!
Haircuts were done with TLC so she didn't have to pay!
Anonymous said...
This must be Kate's "Mary Tyler Moore" pose.
She'd have to be throwing a hat up in the air, with music in the background, "Who can turn the world on with her smile?"
I think we all know that doesn't fit here! LOL!
Gee, I wonder why TLC has not released Wednesday night's ratings?
I read that Glass piece of Poo. Wow, I never read an article where the writer was CLEARLY talking out both sides of their mouth. The article starts off with "I'm not trying to bash Jon..bla bla.." BUT, then does just that. She is trying to be subtle, but then just abandons that and hits square on the jaw.
I read one of the comments that said she was a contributor for Nancy Grace. IF that is true, then it explains it. It won't be long before NG is using the Glass article to "Expose" Jon's manipulative and terrible exploitation of his kids! Plus she will do it OVER & OVER until it is believed by the masses just because they heard the story a million times.
(Disclaimer: I am NOT a Kate, Nancy Grace or Glass fan). I will give Jon the benefit of the situation.
My wife tells me that Kate feels she could get acting job along the lines of Reese Witherspoon? Don't you need to have some sort of "it" factor when in the entertainment field? With the pool of really talented people looking for work, I don't see how Kate's YES people can keep telling her she is in demand. All the rumors and articles about Kate's attitude is one thing, she could always dispell the rumors by being nice where ever she is.
What is that saying: It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool, then to open your mouth and prove them right.
Wow! I got a reply from Dr Glass on my comment about her article (on her site). I'm glad I was nice!
Did you think the kids had booties socks on? Geez. Stick to the facts, there are plenty.
Haircut episode #1 - their first haircuts.
Haircut episode #2 - the one where Hannah asked if she could get her hair cut shorter and Kate told her no, the hairstylist said she would never cut off Hannah's hair, ever!
Haircut episode #3 - the Kindergarten cuts.
I guess Mady and Cara were just along for the ride on all these. They don't seem to matter too much to TLC, do they?
Perhaps Haircut episode #4 will be after Collin,
Joel and Aaden sneak into the girls rooms with scissors one fine night.......
Bottomline: Katie is worse than a street walker....she sells children.
Is the National Enquirer the original source for the troubled camping trip? I looked it up on the internet and it seems to be. If that is the case, I would put zero trust in it. I really doubt the production staff would give Palin and her children grilled hamburgers and grilled hotdogs and yet give Kate and her brood cheese and processed meats on crackers. Think about it. Really!!! I guess only time will tell.
Wow, they WERE filming the haircuts, huh? Guess they ended up being another freebie in exchange for promotion on the show. God forbid Khate spend her own money on her children.
The tups received free haircuts from one establishment through the age of five. That freebie has gone bye bye now that the kids are six. Time for Khate to sponge off the next salon then!
You know I don't want to always talk about how our Christian Katie kreider dresses, but the twins are plenty old enough to be ashamed of how short their mother's skirts are and how low-cut her tops are, I just bet they already think she dresses dumb, no other mothers look like their mother.Poor girls, I just hope it all gets better for them,and soon.
OH! Please let this be a film of the kids standing around cracking wise while KATE gets her locks chopped off. If any of the Gosselins needs a haircut, it would be Kate.
I take it back since the boys are dressed alike. I had hoped that she was beyond the dressing them alike freak show when I saw the first photos posted at the top of the thread. It's creepy that she does this to them at such an age.
I agree it must be for the back to school episode.
She's wearing a tank top and shorts/shirt that's maybe 3 inches above the knee. My shorts are only five inches and I've got on spaghetti straps. Am I dressed like a hooker or dressed like it's hot?
Just my opinion said... Lauren, where did you see that the tups will be repeating Kindergarten? Do you know if they were in pre-kindergarten last year?
August 7, 2010 8:42 AM
Kate said during the American Chopper episode last year that the kids were attending junior kindergarten. After junior kindergarten is regular kindergarden. Kids would never have to repeat junior kindergarten unless they were educably mentally handicapped. This will be their first time in kindergarten. They aren't techincally repeating since junior k doesn't cover all the skills that regular k does.
I teach kindergarten, and LOTS of parents whose children have summer birthdays hold them back because even though they may be the same age as the others when school starts, a lot of them really stick out like sore thumbs compared to the kids who turned 5 in the fall or winter before starting K. Add being a preemie born in a family of multiples where you get little, if any, one on one learning time....and added to that a mother who thinks a trip to Hawaii at age 4 is more important than learning your colors/numbers/shapes/.....it is no wonder the kids weren't ready for regular kindergarten last fall. The odds were greatly stacked against them.
Joel, bless his heart, appears to me to be the one who struggles most. I just pick this up by the way he speaks and how he acts a little more reserved and younger than the others. He seems (to me) that he has to try hard to keep up with his siblings. I could be wrong, but it's what I pick up based on what is shown on tv. The little guy seems like he's not sure about where his place is in that family, and often just mimicks what his siblings do to keep up.
Is there a fan on set blowing Kate's hair everywhere?? Because if it is a wind gust, all the kids hair aren't moving in it, kinda of strange isn't it?? I guess Kate wants that celebrity-sighting-in-the-street-look.
How silly of me to think that Kate was actually out alone with the kids until the additional pictures popped up of what else but a camera crew of course!! Is this how desperate they have become that someone is actually going to be entertained by watching a bunch of kids get a hair cut,seriously? With their mother of course bitching and whining the whole time. This is so pathetic. I would imagine that Kate has a contract for a certain amount of specials therefore TLC will have to put together whatever crap they can to meet their obligation. And who dresses like that to take your kids for a hair cut? That outfit wouldn't be so bad if she wore ballet flats but looks silly with her usual hooker heels that are to small for her big feet
Vanessa, streetwalkers dress better and don't have to use their kids to drum up business!!
Can you imagine if she had to run or lean over in that "outfit"?
I guess comments about Nancy Grace or Dr Glass are not allowed? Oh well...
It doesn't bother me that the kids are starting on the later end in itself. It's not THAT late. But it does bother me that they may not have gotten all the prep necessary to get them ready because they were too busy making their TV show.
Question, when school starts up again and Mady and Cara have a school report to work on the same day that filming is going on, what happens?
To correct erroneous information. The tups were in Pre-K last term, Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. They will be in full-time Kindergarten in the fall. They are not, and I repeat, NOT REPEATING any grades!
Ok normally I don't get into the comments about Kate's appearance because I'm more concerned about the ongoing exploitation of the kids and being raised by a narcissist, but...
those SHOES! Oh my God, I actually laughed out loud when I saw these pictures! If I saw a mom of a bunch of little kids out to get their hair cut wearing this, I'm afraid I really would laugh right in front of her.
Those are the kind of shoes a woman would wear out to a nightclub to go dancing and meeting available men on a weekend or something. They are completely impractical except to show off the legs and look sexy. So if you are out running errands with your kids, why would you want to look sexy? I don't get it. It's not as though there aren't tons of really cute strappy sandals out there that would be JUST as cute, but far more appropriate for the occasion.
It's like she ACTUALLY has no sense at all.
And I never really thought much about the kids and their matching stuff (in this case, you have matching shoes and things on the girls), but the older they get, the more it bothers me. When they are very little, they don't know or care how matching they are. Or why.
But I think as kids get older, they need to be making some simple decisions and feel the satisfaction of autonomy. Choosing their outfits is a GREAT way to let them do that. When my daughter was three, she started picking out her own clothes. Yes, there were days when she picked some CRAZY sh*t to wear to preschool. And that's why I had stickers that read "I dressed myself today!" So no one would think I intentionally put those things on her, LOL. It worked out fine. By the time she was six (the tups age), she was a pro at picking out her own clothes and shoes. And liked being able to.
Kids have control over so little in their lives, especially the Gosselin kids. Why not let them have control over *something?*
Not only are the twins old enough to be embarrassed by how Kate dresses, but I think they're old enough to be embarrassed at being followed around everywhere they go with cameras in their faces.
They are coming up on an age where some preteens and teens can be VERY self-conscious.
The children just can't get a break from filming/working to privately enjoy the rest of their summer. Notice the girls are not dressed alike, but Kate still dressed the boys in matching polo shirts to get hair cuts. Can't she even allow the boys to be individuals and wear different shirts? Kate had a meltdown in Alaska because she didn't pack her favorite hooker heels and had to wear clogs and sandals for two weeks. The camping plastic potty and food tantrums were most likely withdrawal symptoms from not wearing her hooker heels.
Laura D. said...
@ Facts Matter, I think Lauren meant TLC & Kate are sick for holding the tups back for filming. Not that the tups are sick.
I didn't say she said the tups are sick. I asked if she labeled all *parents* who put their children in JK "sick."
what the hell is she wearing? Those shoes belong with a pair of pants not a short skirt. That whole outfit belongs in the nighttime. Who wears that stuff during the day? I don't even see 20 year olds dressing like that. She is ready for a breakdown.
Seriously, filming haircuts? Yawn.
"Question, when school starts up again and Mady and Cara have a school report to work on the same day that filming is going on, what happens?"
August 26. No prep work for Lower School. That doesn't start until 6th grade (Middle School). They'll be just fine.
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss The Enquirer. They broke the John Edwards story.
I don't think the outfit is "hookerish" except for those shoes with the heels. Not appropriate for running errands. Seems to me she'd be a lot more comfortable in some sandals but she is fixated on looking tall, plus some gals think heels make your legs slimmer. Goes to show she is ulta concerned about her appearance, and what's funny is that Jon used to comment on her terrible fashion taste.
Wait till her twin daughters start going into her closet for some me clothes, she'll screech and make them put her hooker clothes back.
Dr. Glass has a new blog up about "itless" female celebrities. Kate Gosselin is one she talks about, among some others, such as Salahi and Uchitel.
And she has edited her blog about Jon and the upset tups. She took out some parts and some speculations she had in her original post. I guess she watched it again and saw that the nanny was there among other things.
I would like to add that it appears to me that some of the tups are more mature, so maybe people are uncomfortable that the idea that those who could have gone ahead with full time kindergarten were deliberately held back. Kate is obsessed with the pack mentality in regards to the tups, IMO.
This is random, but this thread reminded me about a previous episode in which they were preparing for an appearance on the Oprah show. I'm pretty sure it was one where they thought they were going to fly there but then they ended up doing the show via satellite.
Anyway, in the episode, Kate takes the twins to get their hair cut, saying that she was going to make them have bangs because she was tired of them not doing their hair like they were supposed to. The girls were both upset and crying about it. When the Oprah appearance happened within the next few days (maybe even the next day), Cara & Mady didn't have bangs, and I haven't seen either one of them with bangs since then that I can recall.
So her kids will be 6 in Kindergarten!!!! I thought they were in kindergarten last year. Pre/k starts at the age of 4. If your 5 in the start of school year, than they should have started kindergarten. She celebrated their birthday months ago, I believe in April or May, so they will actually be almost 6 in half in kindergarten. Thats impossible, or is it? Who helps her kids with their homework and after school activities while she was doing all that running around with her body guard?
What in the world could Kate Gosselin and Sarah Palin have to talk about? Outside of being loved by some and deeply condemned by others, I can't say they have much in common. Sarah can't relate to multiples, Kate can't relate to anything. I just don't get why they were thrown together for 2 hours, much less the expected 2 days. Reality shows aside, the mix just makes no sense. It's like having Cake Boss show up on What Not To Wear with tips for rolling fondant. What??
Hopefully, Sarah was giving Kate some clothing tips. I will say this about Mrs. Palin. She has some wonderful professional clothes and she knows how to dress for any occasion, including
the wilderness. She looks put together for the job at hand even if it's fish spearing. Kate has nothing to bring to that table, I'm afraid.
"I read one of the comments that said she was a contributor for Nancy Grace."
She is, she is. Dr. Lillian appears as a "panel" member on Nancy's show. Birds of a feather...
What is that saying: It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool, then to open your mouth and prove them right. "
And we all know that keeping her mouth shut is not one of Kate's attributes. Remember when she said she was keeping the details of her separation/divorce private, and it was just a matter of days before she was interviewed and disclosed personal information and bashed Jon? Private, my big toe!
Pa Mom ALSO said...
To correct erroneous information. The tups were in Pre-K last term, Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. They will be in full-time Kindergarten in the fall. They are not, and I repeat, NOT REPEATING any grades!
Kate Gosselin is that you? I doubt it.
Just theories, nothing is confirmed.
Didn't the tups do junior kindergarten TWICE? Wasn't last year a repeat of junior kindergarten where they SHOULD have been in regular kindergarten?
The Enquirer can be reputable about certain facts. Given TLC's propensity for lawsuits and lobbyists, I'd bet money the story is dead on truth. Otherwise, guess who'd be hauled into court next? TLC throws its weight around like nobody's business. The NE would be stupid to tangle with them by printing a false Kate story.
Someone has to tell Kate that ankle strap shoes only look good on people with LONG slender legs and some ankles. Beleive me I have tree trunk legs and I know that I could NEVER wear shoes like that. One must accept their body and dress appropriately to their body structure. There are a TON of cute things I would like to wear but I know I can't and so I highlight other parts of me instead. She needs to GROW UP!
Dr.Lillian says there was only one pap there. There had to be two - a videographer and a still cameraman. While the video was playing you could hear the still camera clicking away.
I saw the same video Dr.Lillian did and had a completely different impression about what was going on.In my opinion she was speculating irresponsibly in an effort to discredit Jon, as there are far more logical ways to explain the actions seen on the video.
She apparently is unaware that Jon has been able to speak briefly with the paps all along, but sometimes has chosen not to.If Chris sounded scripted, it was probably an effort on Chris' part to appear sympathetic, in order to get Jon to open up.
I think anything she says should be taken with a large grain of salt.
Remember how advanced Mady & Cara were at age 3? They were reading short sentences that Kate wrote for them. It went something like: "Hi, Mady. Please help daddy with the babies today. Love, Mom."
The tups are probably behind because their parents neglected to teach them like other parents do. They've had ALL the opportunity to teach the kids their letters/shapes/colors/numbers/writing. They basically did NOTHING but film when the tups were 1.5 to 5 yrs old.
Seems like a lot but it's not. It's basic things that happen during the day while you play with your kids. "What color block are you holding Collin?" "How many dolls do you have Alexis?"
Then again, Kate doesn't show the kids much attention unless a camera is on. Junior K, 3x's a week? THEN regular Kinder? What a joke.
When you say there is "no prep work" do you mean no homework?
I find that very hard to believe. Commonplace now is to give daily homework assignments to every single grade starting in first grade to prepare you for the lot more homework you'll get in middle school.
This is a prestigious private school, simply to keep their stats up they would have to give homework.
Even if for some odd reason they are not getting homework, I disagree they will be "just fine." When I get home from work I get to do what I want for my time. Why do the kids have to work when they are home from school? Instead of doing what they please.
Yes the Enquirier broke the John Edwards story. Yes they are subject to the same exact libel and slandar laws that any other publication is subject to. TLC is welcome to sue them any time.
Except you can't sue when the info is true.
I don't read the Enquirier but it's not a complete fiction every day either.
Just a thought: I remember well the "camping out" in their own backyard, just so many feet from the safety and comfort of their home.
Kate didn't enjoy that too much.
Why would they do a "camping" trip again? Well, I don't watch anymore, but they've done haircuts, doctor check ups, dentist visits, let's see....maybe she will do a show on how she uses Q-tips on their ears, or something exciting like that.
Hasn't TLC just run out of material now???
@ PA MoM, Sorry but all kids have homework, from K to 12th grade. I don't know why you would say such a thing. My sister lives in Hershey, PA and her grandkids are in 3rd and 4th grade. Those kids have been coming home with homework since kindergarten. By the way, her grandson is one year younger than Kates twins,,see a resemblance.
I don't actually think Dr. Glass nailed it either, but, she did respond and gave the issue a column. I'm happy about that. More people to see it.
A@12:49, Hi. I think the shoes make all the difference in hooker status of any outfit. I think Kate likes these shoes. She has worn them several times. Just like you accentuate either your eyes or lips, but, not both. You have to choose cleavage or shoes. It's a tough choice.;)
Laura D, Hi. I do think the tups are behind their peers. They did repeat pre-k. I'm not sure they got to use many scissors, paste or crayons. Who knows if they have leaned their numbers or letters? My 4 year old grandson is learning to read and spell. He can add in his head and is learning multiplication....just the theory of it, but still. He's far above them, IMO. Of course, I am his grandma. lol
My daughter is 5 and starting 1st grade next week. She'll be turning 6 shortly thereafter. She's about 3 months younger than the sextuplets. They will be 7 by the end of Kindergarten which is pretty unusual.
My opinion is that the kids were probably tested and some of them were ready for regular Kindergarten while some were not, but Kate (a) doesn't want to separate them because she wants them all lumped together as much as possible and (b) saw the opportunity for more filming time if they were only in school 3x/wk instead of 5 and (c) saw an opportunity to keep up their "younger" appearance because she knows the older they get the less appealing they are to the general public.
I don't think Mady & Cara were actually reading sentences at age 3. If they were, it's only because someone other than Kate taught them how to do it!
"@ PA MoM, Sorry but all kids have homework, from K to 12th grade. I don't know why you would say such a thing. My sister lives in Hershey, PA and her grandkids are in 3rd and 4th grade"
Say what? That the kids will be fine when they go back to school? Do your sister's kids go to the same school as the Gosselins? Are they in public or private school?
If not, then how do you know the summer assignments these kids have? They will be fine when they go back to school. Of course, it all depends on what you call summer "homework." Extensive summer reading assignments, as well as other projects, begin in 6th grade, not in Kindergarten.
I do know, and that's why I say such a thing!
Please, someone, anyone, what were the ratings from wednesday night's show? That's all I want to know, but no one seems to have an answer this time!
My oldest is in 6th grade, my youngest in 1st. All my children have had homework daily from kindergarden on. They have school projects starting in 2nd grade.
My youngest is born the same time as the tups. He had little hearing from birth to 18 months of age. Meaning he did not talk until after the age of 2. An operation and lots of therapy (speech) and he is in the 1st grade. He still gets speech therapy in the public school system, but he was emotionally and academically ready for Kindergarten. Pre-K is another word for preschool. My child did that when he was 4 (though he did it 5 days a week)
Either she held them back (which is her/and TLC doing) OR they are developmentally challenged. If it's the former, shame on her. The latter, then good for her. I haven't watched in ages, so I have no idea if it could be the latter.
"They will be 7 by the end of Kindergarten which is pretty unusual."
They will be seven on May 10. School is over on May 26. That means when they finish Kindergarten, they will be seven for a grand total of sixteen days. I don't think, in the scheme of things, anyone is going to remember, or even care.
I do remember the twins reading @ a young age. I think thats when they first filmed for Discovery. Mady did read a note Kate had left for the twins and she read it quite clearly. I just think with the filming for all those years and her not being home and leaving Jon to care for everything, nobody took the time or effort to work with them 6. They are still in highchairs and wearing bibs for crying out loud. She refuses to believe that they are no longer babies. As for homework, they will get some, but she will also have to help them with reading, writing and math. The teachers do expect parental responsibilities to advance their kids at home too. Whether the nanny helps them or the twins, I see those kids behind most kids their age.
Boy, I did alot of reading today, about the beginning of their public lives, sure did learn alot! She would sell the pictures at the churches, saying that the money would go right into the tups college funds!Way too much to tell, but so easy to see how she planned her fabulous,"itless" life right from day 1. I will be going back to that website, and reading alot more, I find it is easier when you have alot of background info,to better understand the mess she has become today.Many people had her figured out, way back to Mother's Day 2008! She had no tact or class then, just like she has none today.I just wish the kids could find a hero.
Re: National Enquirer
Not only did National Enquirer break the news re John Edwards when no one else thought it could possibly be true, but wasn't it also the National Enquirer that broke the news FIRST that the Gosselins were allowing people to think that they were financially struggling when in fact they had paid staff and volunteers too?
Didn't the National Enquirer print two stories on the Gosselins?
Is there still a link on GWOP for these NE stories I'm referring to?
Hi Ashley 24, The twins are 3 1/2 years older than tups. When the twins were 3, the sextuplets had not been born, yet. When Mady was "reading" the note Kate left...she was at least, 5 years old. But, I do agree they were more advanced than their younger siblings. I would bet that the twins felt neglected with that many new babies and their lives have never and will never be the same.
What about the Tups themselves? I don't think we should assume that the Tups won't be embarrassed to be older than everyone else. We shouldn't assume that other students might think they WERE held back because they are "dumb." Kids are cruel.
They didn't appear to be ready for it anyway so it's too late for things to change.
I have a feeling that the gosselins are filming haircuts (yawn) to make up for the lack of footage from the Alaska trip. TLC has been releasing 2 episodes at a time and was probably counting on using the camping trip for the next go around All reports before and during their time in Alaska stated that they were filmng for Kate plus 8. Now it appears that tlc is backpedalling and doing damage control since Kate was such an ungrateful, bitchy, embarrassing fool in front of Ms Palin. Sounds like Kate crossed the line and that much of the footage is unusable, even by tlc's standards. So they throw together another outing for the family; something they can film quickly and cheaply since so much time and money was wasted in Alaska. The public is fed up with Kate and her rude treatment of the former governor of Alaska would have probably garnered her more haters than DWTS. To know Kate is to hate her.
And yes, the kids must be embarrassed by her behavior and her ridiculously slutty, inapproriate outfits.
I retained all my sons for a second year of KG and it was a good decision. My daughter went into first grade VERY young (in fact when she graduated high school at 17, she was still the youngest in her class). It was the correct choice for her.
The school the Gosselins attend has placement tests which I imagine the tups were required to take. I don't blame Kate for keeping them all at the same level. It would be traumatic for 2-3 to go ahead of the others. Multiples are often a little behind singletons.
They are at an excellent school and will probably be OK. I worry much more about what goes on in the home.
I'm thinking she dressed like that because they were probably getting treated afterwards to their favorite restaurant. I don't like her but, we do have to assume she got dressed up for a special occasion. I don't see moms dressed up with chunky heels and mini skirts just to run errands with their kids, so I'm giving her the benefit of doubt. As for the kids wearing no socks with them leather shoes, ughhhhhhh. That is way to uncomfortable because your feet sweat and can blister. She should take more time dressing them kids properly.
The leather shoes without socks comment...
It looks like one of the girls is wearing the new MacKenzie croc...not leather, no socks required.
My Dog Dimmie said... I'm thinking she dressed like that because they were probably getting treated afterwards to their favorite restaurant. I don't like her but, we do have to assume she got dressed up for a special occasion. I don't see moms dressed up with chunky heels and mini skirts just to run errands with their kids, so I'm giving her the benefit of doubt.
You're too kind and must have missed the photos of her wearing those shoes with shorts and a halter top to Target and for touring the Statue of Liberty.
The boys are always wearing sneakers without socks, thats bad. The girls are wearing what appears to be Stride Rite leather Mary Janes. She does not take the time anymore to take care of her kids. I don't believe she cleans her house or feeds them kids like she claims. Its all the hired help. She relies to much on other staff members and TLC to take care of her house and kids to the point of no return. As for watching her show, I'll pass. Anything TLC is all fake. I use to like Cake Boss, but watching a few of those eps just got on my nerves and turned the channel. Cake Boss is so fake too. He does make beautiful cakes and has a blooming business though. If TLC was to drop his show Buddy will just be fine. He has talent making cakes and keeping a fine business. By the way, does anyone know how Mr. Duggar makes a living? I know he has rental property, but what does he do other than collect rent from a house or two?
Anyone remember that the local hair salon offered free haircuts for all the tups through age 5. Now that they are 6, Kate has to get the cuts done "on air" so that TLC will pay for them. That's why they are filming it.
I am by no means a Sarah Palin fan, but I am appalled that a guest in anyone's home, be it their house, backyard, camping site or anywhere, would show the bad manners that apparently Kate Gosselin displayed in Alaska. To read that SP felt that she 'had been played' is probably an understatement. Not that I will watch the TLC Palin show, but I wonder how they can edit this rudeness. If someone, anyone, had paid for my vacation in that beautiful state, I sure could have spent a night in a tent. The narcissist sees nothing but themselves.
This is sort of OT but I watched several episodes of Raising Sextuplets today (The Masche's). I was instantly pulled into this show ..but not because of the kiddos. The dynamics between Jenny and Bryan were entertaining (but not in a good way).
Here's my review:
The Good: The show seems to center more on the adults than the kids.
I really like Jenny's parents. They seem like wonderful people and so very helpful/supportive!
Jenny seems sweet and very personable.
The Bad: The babies were filmed in the tub. Bryan has a bad temper and is very disrespectful towards his wife. They argue constantly and it seems like she has to back down an awful lot.
The Ugly: They use a "spoon" to spank with! Bryan is WAY too impatient with the kids. They hired an "expert" (and I use that term LOOSELY) to help them get the tups to sleep in their own room. Her advice was to put them to bed, turn out the light and LOCK THEIR DOORS! She explained to them that they (the tups) have to know that once they go to bed, their parents will not come back for any reason (she actually said that!!!). Bryan thought it was brilliant, Jenny was hesitant. They did it the first night and you could see the torment on Jenny's face. She put three to bed and he put three to bed (can't remember who had who). They weren't settling down for her...they were crying. They settled right down for him BUT...he walked out of the room carrying a plastic spatula!!!
Bottom line: This couple seems to need therapy (which they are getting) but I think they need to keep it private. I wouldn't have a problem with them doing this show if 1. There were proper safeguards in place for the kids 2. There was limited filming of the children and NO FILMING in their bedrooms or bathrooms or during meltdowns or discipline issues!
While I can see how people would tune into this show (as I did), I won't watch it again because I really didn't like the way Bryan treated his wife or children.
Hey Mickey,
Is this the National Enquirer article you were looking for?
@ mommyinca...My sister watches that show with the other sextuplets and noticed how arrogant he is towards his wife. She don't like him. I for one have not seen that show but she does. He sounds like Kate Gosselin. Does anyone remember the episode where the kids had face painting on and a few came running to Jon cause their eyes were burning and face? I do. Kate had rubbed alcohol on their face to take the face painting off and Jon asked her why she had done that. She never did answer him but I do remember the kids crying and going to their father. Also, I use to think it was odd that Jon had to knock several times on the bedroom door warning her that he was leaving for work as all 8 kids were running around and she never exited her room till much later leaving the kids for the camera crew to take care of. Just a few thoughts of the old house. Didn't watch many when they moved to the Mc Mansion.
I recently saw the Masche's show for the first time, also. I saw 2 episodes - one where they were having a farewell party because they were moving to FL, and then one where they were actually driving there/moving.
It's really hard for me to comprehend why they'd move so far away from their families when their families have provided so much support for them, not to mention that the kids love their grandparents and other family members and now they're going to know no one. The extended family was a big contrast to the Gosselins. I felt so sad for Bryan & Jenny's parents, they are just devastated by the move.
I truly hope for all their sakes that the move doesn't end up tearing their family apart. The stress of moving far away from family is hard enough, but add the stress of six 3-yr-olds and no support system into the mix and you've got a recipe for disaster.
The mentioned Jon & Kate on one of the episodes I saw, so they're obviously aware of what has happened to them...just hope they're not blind to the idea it could happen to them, too.
I just read drlillianglass. Spelling and grammar issues aside, is she on drugs or something? Seriously. Awkward hugs? Twins posing for paps?
I'm sorry but this woman doesn't even seem on the right page.
Those kids were screaming. NOT because Jon set up a "photo op" but because they were upset. If they are upset over leaving dad, seeing mom or knowing they have to work this weekend, who knows but "Dr" Glass should be more considered about the kids than Jon's motives.
If Kate behaved wonderfully on the camping trip there wouldn't be any tabloid stories. So I think TLC plants these just to keep their bankable villian a topic of chatter.
The children paid for their haircut ..Their mom never pays..The children can say,"When they are older we paid our way as we were growing up b/c mommy dearest wouldn't have no other way,and old us to deal with it."
Looks like Lillian Glass took down her post, it's not there anymore. I'm glad her suggestions that Jon set the whole thing up and said something to make the kids hysterical really bothered me. But saying that Mady's hands were clenched in fists and that she was angry REALLY pissed me off. Her hands were not clenched at all and were sad, not mad. I hate it when people suggest Mady is, as she is portrayed by TLC.
"The boys are always wearing sneakers without socks, thats bad. The girls are wearing what appears to be Stride Rite leather Mary Janes."
They are Crocs MacKenzie back-to-school shoes. Go to the Crocs site and look them up! We don't know that the boys are wearing sneakers without socks. Kids wear very low cut socks with sneakers all the time, and you cannot see them inside the sneakers!! Kids don't wear Stride Rite Mary Janes anymore -- at least not for casual wear in the summer!!
I think you are very observant regarding the wind blowing Kate's hair (dramatically), and not the kids' hair even though they are right next to her. LOL
Isn't this the third haircut episode they have shown? What next - a trip to the dentist? [eyeroll]
prairiemary- looks like Kate Plus Eight is still "MIA" for this past Wednesday night ratings.
Maybe they're waiting to include the ratings numbers from encore showings, and the internet (YouTube, TLC website, etc...)into the total ratings?
Guess Kate needs those "free hair cuts" which ended at 5. We all know what a freeby whore she is. Like she could not afford haircuts for these kids, but chose to advertise them so she could continue with freebies. Thus, another TLC episode so she could get free haircuts.
SHE demands star treatment when it comes to her hair, and is probably getting comped for HER hair services by the NY salon or else TLC. She is surely queen of the grifters. I believe even at this point, with all of the money that she has made, that she EXPECTS freebies, in spite of much money she has stockpiled away. There was previous mention of many accounts, which are not immediately liquitable, without a penalty, but she acts like she does not have any money. What a laugh.
I've come to the conclusion that every family on a reality show series is dysfunctional in a really bad way. Let's face it, no "normal" family with stable parental guidance would allow the cameras to violate their own children in this manner.
nanb, the Lillian Glass post is still there. It's under the ITless post which coincidentally has Khate in it. Just scroll down and you can read it.
I don't believe that the small hair shop is giving her free hair cuts. She makes far more money than the owner and I'm sure the people in that town are aware of how much she is raking in. If she didn't pay, than it must have been paid for through TLC. I can't imagine them giving her free anything and expecting other families with small incomes to pay.
I guess the boys' invisible socks are manufactured by the same magical elves that manufacture Kate's invisible bras. TLC will have an exploitive show on them next.
Diane said... Hey Mickey,
Is this the National Enquirer article you were looking for?
Yes Diane. I also noted last night that they can still be found on the sidebar at GWOP too.
So as far as the credibility of the National Enquirer, I don't just automatically dismiss a story in it because especially in the John Edwards case, they were the ONLY media that had the story.
After reading Dr. Glass' comments regarding the INF video I was under the impression that whereas Dr. Glass agreed that the children were absolutely screaming in terror and/or panic, she did not know WHY without asking specific questions of Jon or Kate.
Because Jon was in the video she had more questions for Jon; she was not even aware that there were two paps there. Chris, the voice in the video and the guy who picked Jon up (per WernyGal he is another pap too). I'm thinking the driver was the one doing the still photos.
Anyway, the post re the video does appear to be MIA but there is a new article regarding women who are ITLESS. Yes, there was a segment on Kate called THE UNTALENTED, ENTITLED AND ITLESS KATE GOSSELIN and I find the entire article is an interesting read.
nanb said...
Looks like Lillian Glass took down her post, it's not there anymore.
Yes it is. It's directly under her Aug 7 blog, "Rewarding ITLESS and Infamous Women- from Kate Gosselin, to Michaele Salahi, Rachel Uchitel, and Alexis Neiers, and Ashley Dupree -What Message Does It Give To Young Women?"
When networks see that they have a cash cow, like they did with Kate Gosselin, they will do anything and everything to make sure that they succeed no matter how ITLESS they are. They will re make their physical image and show them off on every major show like Dancing With the Stars so they will get more popular and so that even more people will watch them on their network.
That is exactly what they did with Kate Gosselin. It doesn’t matter if you or I believe that Kate has absolutely nothing to offer. It doesn’t matter whether you or I think she has some relevant issues in her psyche that causes her to be so angry, arrogant, and self centered to name a few. She will continue to alienate people and she will continue to do it over the airwaves. She was even invited to do Sara Palin’s new show in order to boost the ratings.
Like it or not, this woman is here to stay with not one, but with two television shows and a myriad of appearances and television specials. This former nurse simply took fertililty pills and got pregnant with septuplets, six of whom survived in her womb. Luckily a guardian angel- TLC found her. They helped her out and gave her a show, so she could feed her family. We, in turn got to watch cute babies develop. At first, people watched the show because of the cute kids. But then, even more people watched the show to see how awful Kate was and how terribly she abused husband Jon.
Then the fiasco between them exploded into a full blown media He Say She Says war, which made even more people watch their show. TLC was thrilled as people took sides and waited to see the “bad car accident”.
Then Jon pulled the plug, not allowing the kids on the air. He went even further to try and destroy TLC’s ,by trashing Kate so badly and causing so much havoc in the press with his multiple relationship scandals.
This pissed off TLC to no end and they were not going to allow him to destroy their money making TV venture. So they showed him a thing or two. They not only gave Kate her own show, but a second show to boot. In addition they slapped him with a lawsuit and silenced him.
They took this “itless” untalented, nasty, self absorbed woman- Kate Gosselin and tried to make her into a sympathetic victim by having her cry all over the airwaves. (And please don’t waste your time calling me a Kate hater. Kate is not on my hate list. That list is reserved for people like Hitler and Stalin, terrorists, child molesters, and for those who do word for word copying of my work, among others I won’t bother to name ).
Continued 1/2
Continued 2/2
I am simply reporting behaviors I have observed. If you can’t see it them as well, let me suggest you take off your blinders and open your eyes and watch a re-run of her egregious behavior on DWTS when she fights with her esteemed dance teacher).
TLC gave her opportunity after opportunity and she of course took it. They were on full throttle and determined to make Kate not only a household name, but a house-gold name earning scores of money for them .
They redid her image from the frumpy housewife to the glamourous beauty, had her co- host the View where millions would see her, appear on late night shows, and on TV specials where they even had her and had her cry on cue to make her appear more sympathetic. But when they put her on DWTS they really saw how powerful their brand was.
Her fight with her teacher Tony Dovolani which showed her disrespect and arrogance and entitlement, garnered the highest ratings. People who loved her, watched to see her succeed, while people who hated her watched to see her fail. When she was voted off the show, DWTS ratings plunged and TLC knew they hit the jackpot with Kate.
They even gave her another show and trotted her out there with more books so more people could connect to her. They threw her back on the View and Kimmel Live and everywhere else. TLC created this “itless” who some consider to be a “monster,” out of spite for Jon and they succeeded.
So like or not, love her or hate her, she is here to stay no matter how many latters you write or emails you send. The more people hate her the more they will watch her and the higher her ratings will be.
I only hope she remakes her insides as she did with her outsides for the sake of her kids. While both Kate and her “itlessness” bore me, my only concern is for her kids and how they will turn out. I clearly didn’t like it when I saw the videotape of the kids crying in terror when it came time to go back home to Kate after an outing with Jon. While we don’t know the exact reason the childen are terrified, if they are terrified because of Kate’s behavior towards them, maybe TLC should use some of the money they earned because of Kate’s infamy and spring for some therapy for both Kate and those kids.
Betsy said... Also, I use to think it was odd that Jon had to knock several times on the bedroom door warning her that he was leaving for work as all 8 kids were running around and she never exited her room till much later leaving the kids for the camera crew to take care of.
I don't remember that. Jon used to bring her coffee, creamed and sugared exactly to her specifications, before he left for work.
How do you know how long she stayed in the bedroom? Was the crew filming them running around? I must have missed those episodes.
I would like to see the clip of Kate fake crying on camera fretting about whether people perceive her as a good mom or not juxtaposed with the INF video of the kids crying hysterically, juxtaposed with Collin begging for her help when constipated, juxtaposed with "she is ruined" and all the other nasty bits that made Kate the most despised mother in America.
I'm watching the Parent Trap (II), the camping scene, and thinking that Kate's behavior must have mirrored that of the stepmother-to-be in that camp-out disaster! The twins (Lohan) called her "Cruella!"
Westcoaster said... To read that SP felt that she 'had been played' is probably an understatement.
Is there a link? I'd dearly love to read what Sarah Palin thought of Kate's behavior. Thanks.
nanb, Dr. Glass still has it up. It's the 2nd one down now. I just checked. She has the "itless" people up 1st now....which includes Kate. Now Dr. Glass and Harvey at TMZ think Kate won't make in hollywood. Awww.
I know their have been people who have had careers being a villain. But, that was when they were playing parts in movies. I don't think reality show villains have a long shelf life. JMO.
Hi Dani, I don't think Jon could get even half of those kids to scream like that no matter what he did or said to them. I think they are depressed. They do have clenched fists and crossed arms in some pictures. Remember that pic of Aiden where he has his hands in fists, making a face and pointing his fingers at the pap? That pic sent me off searching out signs of depression in children. I think they are all depressed. The twins get to me most of all. Mady saying I'll just die and poor Cara....so shy and willing to stay in the background and always looking so sad. If they are exposing these pics and magazine articles just to get people to keep tuning in for that train wreck, that is despicable. JMHO.
FYI Dr. Glass' comments re the INF video are still on her website.
The comments follow her new article called:
"Rewarding ITLESS and Infamous Women- from Kate Gosselin, to Michaele Salahi, Rachel Uchitel, and Alexis Neiers, and Ashley Dupree -What Message Does It Give To Young Women?"
Bubbles, I think they moved far because even though they love their families and appreciate the help, they felt like they needed to "go it alone". I can understand since I get the feeling that Bryan's parents may be a bit toxic.
They mentioned several times that they haven't been alone since the babies were born because of all the help (needed but overwhelming I'm sure).
They mentioned that it would be nice when it's just the two of them to rely on each other and work on their relationship. They also said (which my dh commented that was ironic) that they will be happy when there are no other people in the house all the time (uh, camera crew?)
It seems like the reason they ARE still together is because of all the distractions and responsibility. The even mentioned if the babies hadn't come along, they probably still wouldn't be together. It's really sad and I truly hope they can work on their relationship and make it work for the kids.
Hi again Mickey,
Here is another link to that NE article that shows the date, July 28th, 2008. And, they were right again.
The tups are going to be 19 when they graduate high school. Talk about embarrassing.
Lillian Glass had lots of opinions about which way the children had their heads turned, but no one has anything to say about how sad and terrified the children were to be returning to their home. Why oh why is everyone so focused on what section of concrete the van was parked on and whether or Jon stepped left or right? Why is the main issue of the children's pain being ignored?
The children were not screaming due to:
*Where the van parked.
*Whether or not their dad had the code.
*Whether there was 1 or perhaps 2 paps.
*Whether or not someone tipped the pap off.
*Whether the pap had scripted lines.
*Who Jon's ride home was.
*Which door (really??) Jon used to hug them.
*Their big sisters getting in the van for a ride up the driveway.
*Because there may or may not have been a cooler in the front seat.
*Their daddy wears a ball cap backwards.
Point, point, point, tsk, tsk, tsk, wag wag wag. But why are the children afraid to go home?
NOT due to any of the reasons above.
And now TLC has done a very good job of redirecting our attention! Leaking the camping disaster sure got everyone away from the issue of the kids' fear, didnt it? We are all back to talking about Kate being a diva, but at least we are talking about KATE! and not the children being afraid. Good job TLC!
BeDoneNow said...
And now TLC has done a very good job of redirecting our attention! Leaking the camping disaster sure got everyone away from the issue of the kids' fear, didnt it? We are all back to talking about Kate being a diva, but at least we are talking about KATE! and not the children being afraid. Good job TLC!
Very interesting.
BeDoneNow said...
Your post says it all. Yes, why are these children howling at the gate?
John always hugs and kisses each child hello and goodbye.
I am hoping someone with voice enhancing software can amplify and document just what these children were saying.
And please let's keep the abuse of these children in the forefront.
Haircuts be damned. What Mother shows up dressed like that for her kids haircuts?
TLC has now sunk into the mud.
To add to the discussion of the tups and their schooling, I think they will be just fine. I think alot of people get confused over the jr. kindergarten and regular kindergarten programs offered by the tups private school, because it is a little different than what public schools offer.
I have a co-worker (coincidentally, a vindictive, holier-than-thou Kate-type)who actually admitted to us she purposely didn't send her youngest to kindergarten when he turned 5 at his late April birthday, because she wanted her ex to be on the hook for another year of child support! So this kid will be 19 for his last 6 weeks of high school. He will be entering his sophmore year in a few weeks and he is a distinguished honor roll student and a standout in his chosen sport. He isn't teased at all about his age. It is so common for kids, especially boys, to be held back from kindergarten anymore, I don't think it will be a big deal. Sadly, I think the DVDs and YouTube are going to be more of an issue for them :(
The invisible socks...
I guess you don't have boys who wear the low-cut sneaker socks (Nike "No-Show") or you would know that there is nothing magical about them, especially when you have to wash them!! We've had quite a few go-arounds here because it looks like the boys aren't wearing socks. They like it. I think it looks ridiculous.
Socks are a required part of the school uniform, and teachers, especially the PE instructors, are now requiring that socks must be seen!
BeDoneNow - I agree. No one is going to look into why these children are so unhappy and miserable, least of all their parents. I have to say, I don't see what the draw is with Dr. Glass. I mean seriously, I feel sure I could look at a picture/video of K or J w/the kids, and make comments on it based on body language, etc. I would also like to think that I would put out a piece that wasn't riddled with typos, misspellings, incorrect word usage, etc. I'm not impressed w/Dr. Glass.
@BeDoneNow. I completely agree. Those are NOT the reasons why the kids were upset. IMO, the kids were upset because they wanted to stay with the better parent, Jon, away from the cameras, the spotlight, & the nagging ME ME ME of their mother. I can't imagine what they went through when they walked in that door & khate saw them weeping for their father.
And you were also right about swaying everyone's attention away from that disaster with the camping trip. But I tend to wonder, why hasn't khate's PR people (TLC) stepped forward & said "NO, this has not happened. Kate did not freak out when she went camping with Sarah Palin". Does this mean there is truth to this rumor? TLC could have easily said something, anything to protect kate & make her look good against this claim that she acted like such a bitch with a former VP candidate, instead, crickets. Why? I think it's true. Kate laid it on thick with her diva attitude. This is just another nail in the coffin, so keep going Kate! You're doing a great job of effing up that "career" of yours.
I haven't been keeping up with the Gosselin family lately. Does anyone know why BM went from a crazed Kate lover to not even updating her site? It seems out of character for her.
I commented on Dr Glass story and she emailed me right away. Below is her response. My comments are below her email reply. At least she reads the blog comments.
RE: [Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language Blog] Please moderate: "Did Jon Gosselin Try to Gain Public Sentiment or Are the Children Really In Fear About Going Home To Kate?"Back to MessagesFrom: Lillian Glass <7lily7g@msn.com> View Contact
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Sent: Sat, Aug 07, 2010 10:06 AMDownload All | Troy
To answer your questions I am not a writer for Nancy Grace. I am a commentator on her show where I give my opinions about cases in the news. She talks about her twins on her own. As for getting paid by TLC that is hardly the case.I am not trashing Jon. There is no inuendo and if you read my blogs you will see that I am very open about my views and don't have to use innuendo. I say what I think and make it clear. In this case, I am wondering what the situation is- that is it- nothing more or nothing less. The only think I am sure of is from a voice point of view, those children sounded like they were terrified of something. WE just don't exactly know what that something is. Also if you have ready my blogs you would know that I am not a Kate lover or Kate supporter when she has acted abusively. Thank you for reading my blog
> Date: Sat, 7 Aug 2010 16:55:32 +0000
> To: drlillianglass@drlillianglass.com
> From: donotreply@wordpress.com
> Subject: [Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language Blog] Please moderate: "Did Jon Gosselin Try to Gain Public Sentiment or Are the Children Really In Fear About Going Home To Kate?"
> A new comment on the post "Did Jon Gosselin Try to Gain Public Sentiment or Are the Children Really In Fear About Going Home To Kate?" is waiting for your approval
> http://drlillianglassbodylanguageblog.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/did-jon-gosselin-say-something-to-make-sextuplets-panic-and-sob-to-gain-public-sentiment-were-they-still-in-the-van-when-jon-drove-away-in-another-car/
> Author : Troy > URL :
> Comment:
> Funny how you say you are not trashing Jon, yet you do that with inuendo and speculation. You must not have watched the video very well, I can see Jon using the phone calling someone, right after he rolls the window up.
> Is it true that you write for Nancy Grace? Are you her writer for each of her "twin" stories? OMG, tell her to STFU already and try to report with less opinions and more facts. Can you say "Tabloid Trash TV"?
> You must be paid by TLC. This is clearly an "evidence" Piece for the sheeple. Now they can refer to your "Story" when they want to justify their love for Kate.
BeDone Now,
You are right! After the release of the alleged diva antics on the camping trip with Sarah Palin, talk has switched from the heartbreaking video to all about Kate.
Then Kate takes the boys for haircuts with TLC cameras in tow wearing an outfit that is guaranteed to generate comments on the blogs.
TLC's PR team has once again manipulated the bloggers!!!
But I think they have underestimated us. Seriously, does TLC honestly think anyone can ever forget THAT video?
The Only Way To Save The 8 Screaming Terrified Kids In The Video - DO NOT WATCH OR RECORD KATE PLUS 8!!!
I don't know why this wasn't posted but I had a comment saying that if the kids are going to be six when they start kindergarten, they will have just turned 19 by the time they graduate from high school. Put in those terms, doesn't it seem like they're a year behind?
I just finished reading Kate's blog about her grocery shopping,what a load of crap!! She buys 20-25 bags of groceries(was she shopping for the Duggar family?) and of course bags it all herself filling 2 carts and of course is dreading "the unload" when she gets home. How come we never see her doing this during her frequent shopping trips? Wouldn't this be a great photo op to demostrate to all of us non-believers that Kate is really the hardworking single mom that she says she is?? We don't see it because she doesn't do it, her hired help is!! Anyone who has seen that lazy ass knows she would never do all they work when she could delegate it to some one else. And 20-25 bags?? Yea right. I grew up with 9 kids so I do know what it's like to feed a large family and my parents never came home with 25 bags of groceries especially when kids are that young and we actually ate well. We didn't get 1\2 a sandwich and a box of Juicey Juice for a meal like Kate's poor kids.
Thank you each and every one who gave a bit of validation to my post above. I dont think I realized before how tightly moderated some of the other blogs are.
I believe strongly that TLC/Disc Inc, leaked the facts about the camping trip to get the attention off of the drop off video. Kate and TLC CANNOT spin the video in any way. They want us to be suspicious of Jon's motives for putting it out there and then for us to forget about it. What is on the tape is not explainable and cannot be modified to suit them. Their ONLY option is to make us forget it.
It didnt take long to find something that we can talk about instead of the video: The Camping Trip. There.... that's better. Now we are back in our rightful places, talking non-stop about Kate The Diva. Coming Soon To a TV Near You! Brought to you by...! $$$!
What children, what screaming, what terror? Whatever that was, in our distant memories, it must have been Jon's fault for parking in the wrong place. They want us to be very fuzzy about this.
The sheeple have forgotten it already because those pesky children almost soiled their Goddess.
I don't know why this wasn't posted but I had a comment saying that if the kids are going to be six when they start kindergarten, they will have just turned 19 by the time they graduate from high school. Put in those terms, doesn't it seem like they're a year behind?
They will be getting driver's licenses in 9th grade.
"I don't know why this wasn't posted but I had a comment saying that if the kids are going to be six when they start kindergarten, they will have just turned 19 by the time they graduate from high school. Put in those terms, doesn't it seem like they're a year behind?"
The kids will turn 19 on May 10. They will graduate the third week of May. They will be 19 for two weeks at the most when they graduate. Nobody is going to care or tease them about their age. It is inconsequential. They will not be alone. Not all parents enroll their children so that they will graduate when they are a certain age. They enter Kindergarten after extensive testing to make sure all of the students are on the same academic and social development level. Actually, PA law does not require compulsory education for any children under age eight. By that time, they better darn well be in school!
They have been kept back a year. They attended a pre-school church program, and instead of entering Kindergarten at their current private school, they were placed (by the school...after testing) in its three-day Pre-K program so that they would be ready for Kindergarten this fall.
I was reading an interesting discussion on another blog and thought I would bring it here for input. A blogger was saying that there must be witnesses to her bad behaviour when she is out and about, whether her in own town or in her travels, past schoolmates, past boyfriends, etc. The question that was raised was why has no one come forward when there seems to be an abundance of information concerning Jon. To say it is because of the children would rule out negative stories about Jon, so I don't think that is the reason. Why the fear of exposing Kate's negative behaviour? Any theories?
We've heard lots of stories about Kate's bad behavior. People just refuse to believe it.
For example the Croc guy from ages ago spoke out about how rude she was, so did a relative of the air boats. Tons of reports came from DWTS about her diva behavior. And the latest report about her behavior on Sarah Palin's camping trip.
I sort of disagree we "never" hear anything negative about Kate. But I also think that it's not as widely reported when we do because it doesn't fit neatly into the "deadbeat dad, super mom" story the media has decided to spin. That's why I think the video with Jon wasn't distributing, it just doesn't fit the "story."
Forgot to add the reason I addressed Admin on my last post was because I was wondering if there would be a strong legal case to be made against anyone who were to speak up, especially if it were true and there were witnesses. No I don't know anything - LOL!
If it were true there is no legal cases.
Absent a confidentiality agreement, anyone can say anything they want about her as long as it's true, without fear of a lawsuit. Of course some people might not realize that and that could be stopping them. They also might not want to hurt the kids by trashing the parents (this is my theory for Beth), or they believe if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. Some may feel it's tacky to invite someone to your establishment, i.e. Chocolate World, then turn around and trash them.
I didn't call the media when I was worked for a few divas in my day.
We heard negative stories on DWTS, but then again we saw interviews with various DWTS contestants saying postive things about her? Do the networks tend to look out for each other as far as posting negative stories unless they are breaking the law?
I guess I'm just trying to understand how she seems to get by with things Jon never could. I had a run in with a diagnosed narcissist last year (not a family member) and it was like a bad horror movie. Just when you would think things were about to resolve she would come up with something else and somehow knew just how to get away with it. I took to carrying a small tape recorder in my purse. It is crazy making!
Admin, I disagree.
BLOGGERS have heard negative stories of Kate's behavior.
The mainstream entertainment press has not picked up any of the stories. NONE. Remember how EVERYONE loved Kate of DWTS? How she and Erin were best friends, texting all the time? How Meredith Vieira came to Kate's defense after bloggers had reported the story of Kate's diva behavior on the today show?
Are the stories out? Yes. But only to bloggers. All other press has been so gosh, durn sunshiney, except when raking Jon over the coals (I'm not a fan of Jon's either, but he's been taking all the crap, as it seems to just slid right off her heinous). GAG ME.
Why are people so afraid of harming the kids when talking trash about Kate, but LOVE to talk trash about Jon?
The "I don't want to harm the kids" arguement doesn't hold up. So mom needs to be left alone, but dad's a complete jackass and we can bash him freely?
Nah, I think TLC has thrown quite a bit of $$ around to keep everyone hush hush. I 'm starting to believe not having Kate practice for DWTS was intention as TLC was afraid to have her around the other cast members for prolonged periods of time.
Because the antequated view that dads are just deadbeat lazy sperm donors and that children should always be with their mother over the father is apparently still upheld by many people. I know it sure is by some in family law court even though the law no longer says that it's prefered that children should be with their mother. No, children should be with both parents if there is no abuse, one parent if the other is abusive, or none if they are both abusive. Doesn't matter if it's Mom or Dad.
New post is up, check it out. Another disturbing flashback.
Count me in as one of those who doesn't feel the Gosselin children starting kindergarten at age 6 is a problem at all. One of my daughters has a July birthday and I wish I would have waited until she was 6 to start. One of my sons has an October birthday and is now starting 2nd grade at a month shy of 8 (he started kg according to our state law.) There shouldn't be so much pressure to put children in school early. Keep them at home and nurture and love them, because before you know it they'll be grown and you'll wonder why you worried so much about a few months of age difference when they were 5 or 6.
Also - the people who are saying "all kids have homework from K-12" obviously do not have the experience of having kids at every state, town, or school in the U.S. My kids' elementary school doesn't have mandatory homework until about the 4th grade. Once again, don't worry about such things (1st graders without homework) because you'll realize once they get to high school and beyond that it really is more important for young children to have play and down time than it is to do school work at home.
That being said, I think there are plenty of other points to be made about Kate Gosselin's poor choices as a parent. But the sextuplets not starting kindergarten until six is NOT one of them.
Forgot to add the reason I addressed Admin on my last post was because I was wondering if there would be a strong legal case to be made against anyone who were to speak up, especially if it were true and there were witnesses. No I don't know anything - LOL!
I was reading an interesting discussion on another blog and thought I would bring it here for input. A blogger was saying that there must be witnesses to her bad behaviour when she is out and about, whether her in own town or in her travels, past schoolmates, past boyfriends, etc. The question that was raised was why has no one come forward when there seems to be an abundance of information concerning Jon. To say it is because of the children would rule out negative stories about Jon, so I don't think that is the reason. Why the fear of exposing Kate's negative behaviour? Any theories?
I just finished reading Kate's blog about her grocery shopping,what a load of crap!! She buys 20-25 bags of groceries(was she shopping for the Duggar family?) and of course bags it all herself filling 2 carts and of course is dreading "the unload" when she gets home. How come we never see her doing this during her frequent shopping trips? Wouldn't this be a great photo op to demostrate to all of us non-believers that Kate is really the hardworking single mom that she says she is?? We don't see it because she doesn't do it, her hired help is!! Anyone who has seen that lazy ass knows she would never do all they work when she could delegate it to some one else. And 20-25 bags?? Yea right. I grew up with 9 kids so I do know what it's like to feed a large family and my parents never came home with 25 bags of groceries especially when kids are that young and we actually ate well. We didn't get 1\2 a sandwich and a box of Juicey Juice for a meal like Kate's poor kids.
@BeDoneNow. I completely agree. Those are NOT the reasons why the kids were upset. IMO, the kids were upset because they wanted to stay with the better parent, Jon, away from the cameras, the spotlight, & the nagging ME ME ME of their mother. I can't imagine what they went through when they walked in that door & khate saw them weeping for their father.
And you were also right about swaying everyone's attention away from that disaster with the camping trip. But I tend to wonder, why hasn't khate's PR people (TLC) stepped forward & said "NO, this has not happened. Kate did not freak out when she went camping with Sarah Palin". Does this mean there is truth to this rumor? TLC could have easily said something, anything to protect kate & make her look good against this claim that she acted like such a bitch with a former VP candidate, instead, crickets. Why? I think it's true. Kate laid it on thick with her diva attitude. This is just another nail in the coffin, so keep going Kate! You're doing a great job of effing up that "career" of yours.
To add to the discussion of the tups and their schooling, I think they will be just fine. I think alot of people get confused over the jr. kindergarten and regular kindergarten programs offered by the tups private school, because it is a little different than what public schools offer.
I have a co-worker (coincidentally, a vindictive, holier-than-thou Kate-type)who actually admitted to us she purposely didn't send her youngest to kindergarten when he turned 5 at his late April birthday, because she wanted her ex to be on the hook for another year of child support! So this kid will be 19 for his last 6 weeks of high school. He will be entering his sophmore year in a few weeks and he is a distinguished honor roll student and a standout in his chosen sport. He isn't teased at all about his age. It is so common for kids, especially boys, to be held back from kindergarten anymore, I don't think it will be a big deal. Sadly, I think the DVDs and YouTube are going to be more of an issue for them :(
This is sort of OT but I watched several episodes of Raising Sextuplets today (The Masche's). I was instantly pulled into this show ..but not because of the kiddos. The dynamics between Jenny and Bryan were entertaining (but not in a good way).
Here's my review:
The Good: The show seems to center more on the adults than the kids.
I really like Jenny's parents. They seem like wonderful people and so very helpful/supportive!
Jenny seems sweet and very personable.
The Bad: The babies were filmed in the tub. Bryan has a bad temper and is very disrespectful towards his wife. They argue constantly and it seems like she has to back down an awful lot.
The Ugly: They use a "spoon" to spank with! Bryan is WAY too impatient with the kids. They hired an "expert" (and I use that term LOOSELY) to help them get the tups to sleep in their own room. Her advice was to put them to bed, turn out the light and LOCK THEIR DOORS! She explained to them that they (the tups) have to know that once they go to bed, their parents will not come back for any reason (she actually said that!!!). Bryan thought it was brilliant, Jenny was hesitant. They did it the first night and you could see the torment on Jenny's face. She put three to bed and he put three to bed (can't remember who had who). They weren't settling down for her...they were crying. They settled right down for him BUT...he walked out of the room carrying a plastic spatula!!!
Bottom line: This couple seems to need therapy (which they are getting) but I think they need to keep it private. I wouldn't have a problem with them doing this show if 1. There were proper safeguards in place for the kids 2. There was limited filming of the children and NO FILMING in their bedrooms or bathrooms or during meltdowns or discipline issues!
While I can see how people would tune into this show (as I did), I won't watch it again because I really didn't like the way Bryan treated his wife or children.
My Dog Dimmie said... I'm thinking she dressed like that because they were probably getting treated afterwards to their favorite restaurant. I don't like her but, we do have to assume she got dressed up for a special occasion. I don't see moms dressed up with chunky heels and mini skirts just to run errands with their kids, so I'm giving her the benefit of doubt.
You're too kind and must have missed the photos of her wearing those shoes with shorts and a halter top to Target and for touring the Statue of Liberty.
I have a feeling that the gosselins are filming haircuts (yawn) to make up for the lack of footage from the Alaska trip. TLC has been releasing 2 episodes at a time and was probably counting on using the camping trip for the next go around All reports before and during their time in Alaska stated that they were filmng for Kate plus 8. Now it appears that tlc is backpedalling and doing damage control since Kate was such an ungrateful, bitchy, embarrassing fool in front of Ms Palin. Sounds like Kate crossed the line and that much of the footage is unusable, even by tlc's standards. So they throw together another outing for the family; something they can film quickly and cheaply since so much time and money was wasted in Alaska. The public is fed up with Kate and her rude treatment of the former governor of Alaska would have probably garnered her more haters than DWTS. To know Kate is to hate her.
And yes, the kids must be embarrassed by her behavior and her ridiculously slutty, inapproriate outfits.
Hi Ashley 24, The twins are 3 1/2 years older than tups. When the twins were 3, the sextuplets had not been born, yet. When Mady was "reading" the note Kate left...she was at least, 5 years old. But, I do agree they were more advanced than their younger siblings. I would bet that the twins felt neglected with that many new babies and their lives have never and will never be the same.
My oldest is in 6th grade, my youngest in 1st. All my children have had homework daily from kindergarden on. They have school projects starting in 2nd grade.
My youngest is born the same time as the tups. He had little hearing from birth to 18 months of age. Meaning he did not talk until after the age of 2. An operation and lots of therapy (speech) and he is in the 1st grade. He still gets speech therapy in the public school system, but he was emotionally and academically ready for Kindergarten. Pre-K is another word for preschool. My child did that when he was 4 (though he did it 5 days a week)
Either she held them back (which is her/and TLC doing) OR they are developmentally challenged. If it's the former, shame on her. The latter, then good for her. I haven't watched in ages, so I have no idea if it could be the latter.
My daughter is 5 and starting 1st grade next week. She'll be turning 6 shortly thereafter. She's about 3 months younger than the sextuplets. They will be 7 by the end of Kindergarten which is pretty unusual.
My opinion is that the kids were probably tested and some of them were ready for regular Kindergarten while some were not, but Kate (a) doesn't want to separate them because she wants them all lumped together as much as possible and (b) saw the opportunity for more filming time if they were only in school 3x/wk instead of 5 and (c) saw an opportunity to keep up their "younger" appearance because she knows the older they get the less appealing they are to the general public.
I don't think Mady & Cara were actually reading sentences at age 3. If they were, it's only because someone other than Kate taught them how to do it!
@ PA MoM, Sorry but all kids have homework, from K to 12th grade. I don't know why you would say such a thing. My sister lives in Hershey, PA and her grandkids are in 3rd and 4th grade. Those kids have been coming home with homework since kindergarten. By the way, her grandson is one year younger than Kates twins,,see a resemblance.
Dr.Lillian says there was only one pap there. There had to be two - a videographer and a still cameraman. While the video was playing you could hear the still camera clicking away.
I saw the same video Dr.Lillian did and had a completely different impression about what was going on.In my opinion she was speculating irresponsibly in an effort to discredit Jon, as there are far more logical ways to explain the actions seen on the video.
She apparently is unaware that Jon has been able to speak briefly with the paps all along, but sometimes has chosen not to.If Chris sounded scripted, it was probably an effort on Chris' part to appear sympathetic, in order to get Jon to open up.
I think anything she says should be taken with a large grain of salt.
Didn't the tups do junior kindergarten TWICE? Wasn't last year a repeat of junior kindergarten where they SHOULD have been in regular kindergarten?
So her kids will be 6 in Kindergarten!!!! I thought they were in kindergarten last year. Pre/k starts at the age of 4. If your 5 in the start of school year, than they should have started kindergarten. She celebrated their birthday months ago, I believe in April or May, so they will actually be almost 6 in half in kindergarten. Thats impossible, or is it? Who helps her kids with their homework and after school activities while she was doing all that running around with her body guard?
Wait till her twin daughters start going into her closet for some me clothes, she'll screech and make them put her hooker clothes back.
what the hell is she wearing? Those shoes belong with a pair of pants not a short skirt. That whole outfit belongs in the nighttime. Who wears that stuff during the day? I don't even see 20 year olds dressing like that. She is ready for a breakdown.
Seriously, filming haircuts? Yawn.
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