ET has confirmed Kate will join the show during DWTS for "a couple appearances as a guest correspondent."

DWTS cast list.
Meanwhile Tony on Twitter yesterday:
TonyDovolani Sorry I'm not aloud to give you hints all I can say is that I am very happy. :-D
about 16 hours ago via Twitterrific
TonyDovolani My partner is so sweet :) Yey lol
about 16 hours ago via Twitterrific
75 sediments (sic) from readers:
This is actually good news. Kate can continue to make a fool of herself and we can all get a few laughs and the kids will be free from her for a while at least.
Oh for F**k's sake. Guess ET didn't read their comments on Facebook, did they?
Good. I hope they're stuck with the ugly buffoon for the next twenty years.
If it keeps that sicko away from her kids for any length of time, it would be a huge plus for the G8.
Won't be watching DWTS again this year and ET is off my tv as well.
Who is supporting this "itless", untalented Kate Gosselin?
I just hope Jon gets his butt to court. Great for Kate if she can continue to get the Hollywood gigs she so desperately wants and can work without the kids, but it is absolutely insane that Jon has to leave his kids with nannies while she's away.
Admin is a lawyer so maybe she can answer this, but why would any judge allow children to be left with paid employees instead of their father who wants them and has proven himself fit as a parent?
I think the powers that be still believe Kate is a draw because of people who dislike her. Yet, I don;t see how they can claim this. So she was on DWTS. So was Pam Anderson--so WHO actually brought the viewers in?
And as far as her Emmy "appearance" how many stars were featured? Did they *really* think more people watched because she was in an opening skit? It's LAUGHABLE. Putting her on ET is a bad move, as it highlights her complete incompetence and i hope some celebs refuse to be interviewed by her.
But TV is so dumb now, maybe they are going for incompetence.
Guess ET didn't read their comments on Facebook, did they?
I think ET had something much bigger in mind for Kate, but after reading all the negative feedback, they vastly scaled back her appearances. JMO.
They're that desperate for "special correspondents" for DWTS? So it will be more of Kate cackling and turning to the camera with "when *I* was on the, me, ME!!"
I bet Tony and Maks both just wish she'd drop off the face of the earth. I know I do.
Entertainment Tonight needs to start reading the blogs to see how universally hated this manipulative grifter is--they are insane to put her on as a special correspondent for DWTS. In addition, it's not fair to the DWTS's cast who despise her and must now be forced to interact with the talentless twit. Will NEVER watch ET again as long as Kate is associated with it in any manner whatsoever. Keep it up, ET, because you are going to see your ratings drop, drop, drop.
Another thought, now that I read ET will be using her "a couple days a week"...are they going to be flying her out to L.A. each week during the entire run of DWTS? Will she once again be in L.A. more than home with her kids?
Looks like that calendar will need to be re-established, Admin!
Oh S**T!
ET can keep her!
Oh, by the way, ET will never grace my t.v. screen again.
Good, maybe she'll move to LA and leave those kids alone finally and at last. Of course, this won't last because she sucks at interviewing and she's completely unlikeable. But at least those poor kids will get a break from their horrible mother for a while. Hey, maybe they can spend more time with their DAD!
As for ET, never watched 'em anyway. Not going to start now.
Who is the fame ho now?
Oh by the way, please note it's a temporary job. Hardly any jobs in Hollywood are long-term gigs, anyway (does Kate realize that? LOL), but they'll see how the ratings are after maybe two or three appearances and decide from there.
If she's additionally hard to work with, that'll be a nail in her coffin (and she will be).
I suggest if you want to get this woman off your TV, don't watch anything she's in. The TLC show is already tanking, Twist of Kate isn't going to happen, so this is pretty much all she's got left. DON'T. WATCH. ET.
"Another thought, now that I read ET will be using her "a couple days a week"...are they going to be flying her out to L.A. each week during the entire run of DWTS? Will she once again be in L.A. more than home with her kids?"
Will they be building a DWTS replica set in her basement so she can practice down there with the microphone?
Will ET be giving her those big pink cards with the questions written on them so Kate, who has no interest whatsoever in anyone but herself, will know what to ask the dancers? Will she even stop talking about HER dancing experiences long enough to ask any questions of the dancers?
I wonder if ET will be setting her up in a condo to stay in while she's doing her interviewing gig. Flying her back and forth and paying for her to stay in a 5 star hotel, which she'd demand, seems rather foolish.
I hope this is the beginning of the end for the filming of the kids. I read a review of last night's K+8 and apparently all she did was complain. I hope ET hires her full time and she moves to LA without the kids. (I've never watched ET and never will.) Didn't she say she runs every day because she's so stressed? The court needs to hear these things. She doesn't have a maternal bone in her body.
Well, I guess I'm done with ET too. Enough already. She's a disaster - one need only have the briefest look at the clips we've seen from Emmy after-party. Mic grabbing, cackling, self-absorbed commentary, cue cards. Enough. Will be very interesting, don't you think, to see how long she remains interested in having full custody of those kids as her "acting career" heats up. My guess is that they will very quickly become 8 albatrosses around her neck that will cramp her style. Oh...and here's just a snippet of how popular she really is in tinsel town: "From New York Magazine"...
"Speaking of DWTS, Kate Gosselin was the first to arrive on the carpet for ET, with bodyguard. She took no questions and basically spent the entire night alone. She never talked to anyone and seemed to stay for the entire night."
How embarrassing for all concerned. Especially ET. I'm done...
And we all thought Kate was boffing STEVE! Obviously it's someone else, who is powerful in what we laughingly call the Entertainment Industry.
That's the only reason I can think of that this talentless piece of work keeps getting gigs on TV.
I hope Tony Dovolani and his new dance partner win on DWTS. Poor guy. Kate almost sucked the life out of him. ANYONE he's paired with from now on (and pre-Kate) will be nothing but pure joy for him.
If anyone on that show is REALLY HONEST, they will realise what an albatross Kate was/is.
ET is an old show that is looking to spice things up. I haven't watched it in ages. So does this officially mean no "Twist of Kate"? Even more time alone for Kate and Steve? I hope the Hollywood paps catch them.
For Kate Gosselin to be on ET speaks to the dumbing down of TV. Oh well, at least it gets her away from the kids, but of course, she will proclaim on the show how much she misses them. Yeah....rrrright.
TMZ showed a clip of Tony getting his back shaved.
Had to laugh. He deserves a sweet partner.
That is such a slap in the face to the DWTS cast and the viewers to hire Kate as a guest correspondent. She had no respect for the efforts of the dancers and her fellow competitors during her ill-fated run on the show. I don't understand why ET is still promoting her. The public is clearly fed up with her overpromotion. It is obvious from her Emmy show interviews, that she does not make her interview subjects comfortable. I lose respect for every show that she is promoted on and am switching to other programs more often. Is this the intended result? To lose viewers? It's working!
I wonder how much TLC paid ET to take Kate off their hands?
It should be fairly awkward when she interviews Bristol Palin.
"Umm, thanks for dissing my mom when you guys went camping!"
I really don't understand where ET is coming from ... why hire Kate as a correspondant when she's so disliked by the DWTS cast that it was reported that she wasn't even invited to their get-together a couple of weeks ago. Even ignoring Kate's lack of interviewing skills, does ET really think her dislike by the dancers will result in any kind of wonderful interview?
Whatevah said... I wonder how much TLC paid ET to take Kate off their hands?
EXACTLY! And I wonder why it isn't more apparent to the average JoeQPublic.
Whatevah said...I wonder how much TLC paid ET to take Kate off their hands?
LOL!! Good one!
Entertainment Tonight is officially banned from my house.
They should have listened to the FB comments.
AMD, I agree.
I don't blame Jimmy Fallon, Mary Hart, etc. They probably (much like Jon) have no choice in the matter but to deal with HER. I wanna know who's in bed with the suits at TLC/ABC/NBC - the injustice that this monster continues to be rewarded despite her abuse,neglect and exploitation of her own children is beyond reason. There must be an AWFUL lot of hush money being paid.
The list on FB of people expressing their displeasure with ET is growing and they claim they are listening. Maybe they need to hear more.
I guess she is just never going away is she? I do not see why they keep bringing her back, she has absolutely no interview skills at all. It is so painful to watch her talk. The bright side is that these gigs do not involve the children, and for that I am thankful.
OMG. I just realized that I bet Tony's partner is Bristol!
A "couple of apperances" does not mean that she's going to be taking over ET hosting duties anytime soon. All it means is that they're trying to cash in on her infamy from last season on DWTS. This doesn't mean that she's going to be on the show itself so we can probably watch without having to see her. I personally don't watch ET so she won't be gracing my TV any time soon. Also, as a guest correspondent she will not be able to force her gag orders on any of the DWTS stars....if she's a total a$$ they will be free to say so.
Anyone up for organizing a Vote For Tony campaign for the next series of DWTS?
TurnoffET, I can't figure out how to post a comment on ET's facebook page. Where's the "comment" icon?
I wonder if part of her contract with TLC makes TLC responsible for helping Kate get another job if they think Kate plus 8 will not continue. Just a thought.
Why do you have a picture of Kathie Lee Gifford with Mary Hart?
oh, my bad.
KateSteveTLCandETSuck said... Oh for F**k's sake. Guess ET didn't read their comments on Facebook, did they?
You took the words right out of my mouth.
At this point, I can really see why Kelly has given up the whole Gosselin thing. I'm about ready to call it a day myself. Clearly this woman isn't going away any time soon. I think I'm going to have to take myself off this blog (but it will have to be done slowly, can't quit it cold turkey LOL). I think I need a break from the Gosselins too.
She has NO talent as an interviewer:
You can watch her here. She looks terrible.
This is one of the 'exciting" interviews by Kate. That hair! It looks dirty and stringy. Watch towards the end when she turns her head to reveal her left side. Ugh. Her boobs in full display. Sounding so "cutsy", and flirting with the Hoff. LOL
DLCF said... Anyone up for organizing a Vote For Tony campaign for the next series of DWTS?
August 31, 2010 1:46 PM
Absolutely not. When he was with Kate, he made a comment about the naysayers and how they just love to hate. He said something about not being able to comprehend how people ( anti-Gosselin blogs ) can hate like that...insinuating that people hate Kate just because they are evil. And he went on and on about what a great mom she is...blech!
I used to love Tony. Now I don't see him the same anymore.
I'll gladly give all my votes to Tony. Unless his partner is Bristol Palin.
@Lolly..."Watch towards the end when she turns her head to reveal her left side. Ugh. Her boobs in full display."
There's also an outline of the implant showing from that angle.
Just heard Bristol is paired with Mark Ballas. Whew.
Oh good grief. WTF gives with Kate? "Welcome to the world of DWTS". As IF that bitch has any right to say that. She was everything that was NOT representative of that show.
Note to ET: Next time put a dunce cap on her head when she talks so people can laugh at her face instead of behind her back.
Oh my goodness, I watched that link, and she is BAD. She interjects herself wherever possible (which we expected), but a lot of the time, the person answering the question couldn't be heard because the mic was still in front of Kate's face as she mugged for the camera. She seriously seems to think she is cute or something with those over-exaggerated facial expressions. Wow. I watched a little ET last night, which I don't usually do and was struck by how Mary Hart looks into the eyes of the person she is LISTENING to and gives them her full attention. Someone paid her a compliment and she got flustered, returned the compliment very sincerely, and then she and that person (Kyra Sedgewick perhaps) both got emotional, but she never took her eyes off the other person. Kate needs some coaching and she needs to be told to shut up about herself. She's not there to talk to those people about herself. I don't know why I find this idiot so fascinating, but it's amazing to me how BAD she is at EVERYTHING and she thinks she's doing great!
PJ's momma said..."She's not there to talk to those people about herself. I don't know why I find this idiot so fascinating, but it's amazing to me how BAD she is at EVERYTHING and she thinks she's doing great!"
What's amazing to me is the fact that nobody is coaching her, directing her, giving her a crash course in interviewing. You would think that with all the pros out there, all the handlers, somebody somewhere would explain to her the facts of life when interviewing.
Of course, maybe they have told her, and she just doesn't listen and won't take direction...kind of like what we saw on DWTS.
Midnight Madness, I go with the theory in your second paragraph. They want her to do OK, because whatever she does reflects on ALL of them. I have to wonder if she IS getting a crash course, but her deep need to be the center of attention is over-riding her ability to hear anything. The only time she's been openly criticized (besides in the media) was on DWTS, but I doubt she heard a word of that either. Her eyes went completely black and I think she blocked it all out. Because if she had heard them, she would have worked hard to improve week after week.
Oops! Silly me! I used the words work and Kate in the same sentence!!!
Take heart everyone, Kate is a creature of habit and EVENTUALLY she will turn on all of her "friends" at Entertainment Tonight.
She will soon grow tired of them and start burning bridges.
She made enemies with Tony Dovolani and Maksim and the entire cast of Dancing with the Stars. She will do the same to the people at ET.
It seems like TLC is almost done with her now too. Put that together with all the bad press she is getting and it's only a matter of time.
Interviewing the Hoff, she said to him "you saw how well I did on DWTS". He said "No, how did you do?" He had no idea who she is. LOL. All she did was talk about herself hardly allowing the interviewees to get a word in. LOLOLOLOLOL. Pathetic. And she is in Ca and the children are with the nannies.
Doesn't Kathy Lee Gifford have the same problem with her eye, just like kate, her older sister does?
Just watched the DWTS interview on ET. What a twit and I just realized how much I hate her voice. She is so full of herself and her facial expressions so out of place. On the plus side the children are safely thousands of miles away and will not be part of this farce.
LisaNH said...At this point, I can really see why Kelly has given up the whole Gosselin thing. I'm about ready to call it a day myself. Clearly this woman isn't going away any time soon. I think I'm going to have to take myself off this blog (but it will have to be done slowly, can't quit it cold turkey LOL). I think I need a break from the Gosselins too.
I'm joining the ranks along with you and Kelly. Kate's ging to be around for some time in one bizarre capacity or another.
I think the continual harping about her faults has taken the "punch" our of valid criticism. It's same ole, same ole now. Just as we've tired of Kate continually complaining about all the stress in her life, I'm tiring of the same old replay her all her faults.
Joan Rivers comment was refreshing because we haven't heard from her before. It was cogent and pertinent. The continual badmouthing, not so much anymore.
Udder Nonsense said...There's also an outline of the implant showing from that angle.
WOW it sure does. I didn't even notice that, I was so disgusted by that EXPENSIVE hair and awful it looked. Good bra indeed. LOL
Her little cutsy faces and remarks she makes, turning the subject to "me, me, me" and ET is PAYING for this rot.
I cannot do these clips anymore. NO MORE. ugh
"I used to love Tony. Now I don't see him the same anymore."
I think that Tony talks out of both sides of his mouth. Depending on the circumstances, and to whom he is speaking, he says what the person (interviewer or writer) wants to hear.
But I'm wondering if anyone else could have put up with Kate as long as he did without totally losing it. I'll give him credit for that. The money couldn't have been THAT good! LOL!
Shame on ET and Jimmy Fallon for giving her 15 minutes an extension. She has 8 children, count em 8, in school and no mother home supervising them on doing their homework, making lunches, reading stories to them, playing with them, cleaning up after them...ughhhhhhh. Instead it is all about her and always will be. Nice to be able to leave your kids home and looked after by a stranger while mama sells herself and makes an idiot of herself as well. Payback for her when they are all teenagers is going to be fierce.
I think Tony was just trying to be nice and classy defending Kate and she spit it back in his face. You could feel his irritation when basically after all that she didn't even bother to give him a phone call. Show was over, she had used what she could of Tony, and like any good narcissist she was off to the next person to suck what she can out of. Vampire. He should have known!
I hope he gets the Dirty Dancing chick he deserves someone who can dance and win.
Wow-Implant Alert! You couldn't miss seeing the shape of it! Is it just me, or do her implants look bigger than usual? Maybe because she was so flat to begin with, they needed to gradually stretch her skin slowly, going bigger abit at a time, and now she has the larger ones implanted? I read about how they do it that way,so this could be why we see her getting so big over time. She sure looks hefty with them!
Either Jennifer Grey doesn't know who Kate Gosselin is, or she did a fine job pretending she didn't when Kate shoved the mike in her face. The woman has class and wouldn't stoop to her level.
prairiemary said...Maybe because she was so flat to begin with, they needed to gradually stretch her skin slowly, going bigger abit at a time, and now she has the larger ones implanted
So would Kate have a zipper under the boobage to keep inserting bigger implants? Bwhahahaaha
Tony deserves someone who wants to dance. I hope he gets Jennifer Grey. When do they reveal the partners?
Who's going to fall in love with Cheryl, or another dancer, this season? Who's Bristol going to "hook up" with? Who will get hurt?
Tony got Audrina Patridge. Derek got Jennifer Grey.
Ingrid-good idea, seems the easiest way to do it! I am all for Jennifer Gray this year, especially how well she ignored kate, while she was trying it interview her! Awesome!
Oh, I forgot to mention what I read this morning,I read that Bristol Palin is pregnant again.Anyone know if this is true or not?
Wow, I just Googled the ET interviews and watched the full thing instead of clips. She talked about HERSELF and only herself in every single interview. It's Kate's World--we just live in it.
Those rumors have been floating around since mid-July and then kind of died down. Was there something else published today about it?
I seriously don't think if she were pregnant, she'd be doing DWTS...would she?
Ingrid-good idea, seems the easiest way to do it! I am all for Jennifer Gray this year, especially how well she ignored kate, while she was trying it interview her! Awesome!
prairiemary said...Maybe because she was so flat to begin with, they needed to gradually stretch her skin slowly, going bigger abit at a time, and now she has the larger ones implanted
So would Kate have a zipper under the boobage to keep inserting bigger implants? Bwhahahaaha
Wow-Implant Alert! You couldn't miss seeing the shape of it! Is it just me, or do her implants look bigger than usual? Maybe because she was so flat to begin with, they needed to gradually stretch her skin slowly, going bigger abit at a time, and now she has the larger ones implanted? I read about how they do it that way,so this could be why we see her getting so big over time. She sure looks hefty with them!
Udder Nonsense said...There's also an outline of the implant showing from that angle.
WOW it sure does. I didn't even notice that, I was so disgusted by that EXPENSIVE hair and awful it looked. Good bra indeed. LOL
Her little cutsy faces and remarks she makes, turning the subject to "me, me, me" and ET is PAYING for this rot.
I cannot do these clips anymore. NO MORE. ugh
Take heart everyone, Kate is a creature of habit and EVENTUALLY she will turn on all of her "friends" at Entertainment Tonight.
She will soon grow tired of them and start burning bridges.
She made enemies with Tony Dovolani and Maksim and the entire cast of Dancing with the Stars. She will do the same to the people at ET.
It seems like TLC is almost done with her now too. Put that together with all the bad press she is getting and it's only a matter of time.
Oh S**T!
ET can keep her!
Oh, by the way, ET will never grace my t.v. screen again.
Another thought, now that I read ET will be using her "a couple days a week"...are they going to be flying her out to L.A. each week during the entire run of DWTS? Will she once again be in L.A. more than home with her kids?
Looks like that calendar will need to be re-established, Admin!
I think the powers that be still believe Kate is a draw because of people who dislike her. Yet, I don;t see how they can claim this. So she was on DWTS. So was Pam Anderson--so WHO actually brought the viewers in?
And as far as her Emmy "appearance" how many stars were featured? Did they *really* think more people watched because she was in an opening skit? It's LAUGHABLE. Putting her on ET is a bad move, as it highlights her complete incompetence and i hope some celebs refuse to be interviewed by her.
But TV is so dumb now, maybe they are going for incompetence.
Won't be watching DWTS again this year and ET is off my tv as well.
Who is supporting this "itless", untalented Kate Gosselin?
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