As long suspected, Kate makes more money than Davey Crocket pimping her kids. A cool $250,000 an episode.
Several questions for Kate:
- Is all that money tied up in manicures, pedicures, tanning and haircuts?
- How much of that $250,000 is set aside for the children?
- Why are you still telling reporters you're not set for life? You can't get yourself set for life on $250,000 an episode? Where has the money gone?
- Do you know you make more than Betty White? Is she crying poor? Watch Kate cry poor to Billy Bush just last spring: http://www.realitytvkids.com/2010/06/kate-still-crying-poor-says-she-doesnt.html
- Was all the estranged family and friends, the shattered marriage, the legal bills, the time away from your kids, the media ridicule, worth $250,000?
- Do you feel good about putting a $250,000 price tag on your children's privacy?
- Is $250,000 how much happiness costs?
39 sediments (sic) from readers:
In regards to TV viewers:
a. Not everyone who watches TV is computer literate;
b. Not everyone who owns a computer even knows about the Gosselin blogs.
I'm so happy this news regarding Kate's $250,000 per episode salary has shown up in print in TV GUIDE.
If I'm not mistaken, isn't TV GUIDE still one of the most read magazines? Doesn't TV GUIDE have more sales than PEOPLE?
Any TV viewer who has recently seen Kate cry on TV or read in a magazine about her not having any money will now call Kate a liar and a hypocrite. Boy oh boy, TLC and Kate's PR team are going to have a hard time denying this little tidbit printed in TV GUIDE :)
THANK YOU TV GUIDE!!! The viewers can see through Kate's lies now better than ever!
tick tock tick tock tick tock ...
Where are the kid's money? That's what I would like to know. How much are they getting? I would really love a reporter to dig deep and find that out. I hope they aren't getting screwed over what is rightfully theirs, because Kate "needs" her mani/pedis, hair extensions, make-up team, nannies, cleaning staff, chefs, etc. These children are the REASON Kate is making that kind of money. They deserve to be banking that money, not Kate. It angers me to no end!
The sad part is, it will all come to an end, & the kids won't have anything left to show for it because Kate squandered it all away for perks. Those poor kids need someone on their team. An unbiased manager, lawyer, anyone who can fight for them. They are too young to see what's going on. Hello, Jon!!?? Fight for your kids!
Kate has confirmed the old saying "money doesn't buy class".
And apparently in her case, per the Billy Bush interview, college educations for your kids who've been working since birth practically.
Famous for her clown car uterus...
I'm astounded that Kate Gosselin, the no-talent shrew, who has destroyed her kids' childhood is rewarded with 250,000K per episode. I wonder if she made a deal with the devil.
What comes around goes around. K-K-K-Karma.
I hope the Hollywood "machine" gives her a big *FU* when she pulls her diva nonsense with them.
Kate's made her millions and if she'd quit spending like a drunken sailor, she wouldn't have to keep making an ass out of herself and embarrassing her kids everytime she turns up on one of these specials. That ten year $720,000 mortgage with Susquehanna could have been paid out even with a penalty by now and the taxes on that property can't be more than $15,000/yr. None of us are so naive to think that it doesn't cost money to raise eight kids, but the fact is she's made the money already. Enough should have been banked for the kids college and smart investing would have been the order of the day. She could easily rent out that garage loft for a grand a month to go toward paying the taxes, plow a couple of acres of that land into a nice vegetable garden, go back to nursing, and let her children try to live a reasonably private life again with what's left of their childhood. With a little effort it would be do-able. But it's obvious by now that won't happen because Kate Gosselin is an out-of-control narcissist who will never be satisfied with 'enough'.
The vast majority of narcissists end up at the very top or the very bottom – derelict, desolate, schizoid, bitter, decaying and decrepit. You won’t find any in the middle.
~~From the Monster in the Mirror
Katie Irene Gosselin perverts the truth for her gain. She's always been a liar- we all know that. Unfortunately (for her), in her thirst for fame & fortune, many more people are realising what a liar, and exaggerator she really is. More sadly, she's in charge of those 8 precious little lives. God help those babies- their adolescence is going to be one for the books! How long before one or more leaves home early to get away from the emotional torment?...
Yes Kate is being paid $250,000 per episode and yet she is not happy. I sincerely doubt Kate will ever be truly happy.
I also wonder if any of her 8 children will know true happiness as adults too.
I happen to believe that the root of all evil is the love of money.
This morning I watched the episode of HOT IN CLEVELAND that I recorded last night. I could not help but laugh after the following dialogue of two of the characters:
Melanie/Valerie Bertinelli: "I don't know how (my son) is doing. He rarely speaks to me ... I get an occasional grunt on Mother's Day."
Victoria/Jane Leeves: "Kids can be so ungrateful ... you get them the best nannies money can buy and they blackmail you with threats to write a mommie dearest!"
The comment that the Victoria character said definitely made me laugh out loud.
Unfortunately I think that one day Kate Gosselin will say the same thing, the difference will be that Kate will be as serious as a heart attack.
It is ALL on tape.
June 25, 2010
"the kids..uh..a portion of the money put away..........NOT ENOUGH TO SEND TO THE KIDS TO COLLEGE".
Second video on page, at approx 4:17
"I feel like in everybody's life, you make sacrifices. Everybody has to work. Everybody has a job. Ours is a very unique job. It's taught us many things. It's given our kids many opportunities they would not have otherwise had. THEY EACH HAVE SUBSTANTIAL COLLEGE FUNDS. THEY WILL ALL GO TO COLLEGE. I have made sure of that, and so I don't live my life in regret. I typically tend to look forward, not backward, and I still feel like this is a good thing. It's healthy, and the kids would agree."
So which is it? Did Kate squander the funds? Did she lie in 2009 or in 2010? Why all the lies? This is what turned so many against her. She LIES. She lies when it suits the circumstances. She has to play "broke" to give people the impression she HAS to film the kids to EAT.
The June 25th tape is the one where she claims the kids have gotten together with their "beloved" film crew several times since the filming stopped. Yet, on the very first episode of Kate plus 8, she CLEARLY states that the kids HAVE NOT THE CREW since they stopped filming. Does this LIAR not realize that what she says is on TAPE?
I really despise liars.
The report about the $250,000. indicates that Kate "earns" that per episode. I agree some research is required to delve into exactly what the eight children "earn". They are the reason people tune in. Since Jon appeared to be quite the hands-on father especially while Kate was out and about on her book and lecturing tours, and Kate has the larger income, I don't understand why she is not paying him alimony.
Michelle said... Kate has confirmed the old saying "money doesn't buy class".
And apparently in her case, per the Billy Bush interview, college educations for your kids who've been working since birth practically
It's amazing how even though a fortune has crossed Kate's hands over the years, it is never, ever enough. When the initial donations of clothes, furniture, diapers and formula died down after all the tups were home from the hospital, Take and Yawn sent the infamous email with their mortgage and utility accounts and adresses on them, begging people to pay their bills. They then obsessively begged and plugged for that 15 passenger (not 14 passenger not 10 passenger) van for the first year of the tups lives (we can't all go to church together, waaaaaaahhhh!) until they gave up and bought one. On the infamous now-defunct Sixgosselins website of gimme, their "desperate" financial situation was always front page news, complete with "prayer list" and clear cut instructions on "how to help." The one time Kate posted on the site was to complain how small the Reading house was and that she prayed God would lead someone to buy them a new, bigger one. All of the outpouring of donations and volunteers was never enough, they always wanted more and better. Not long after the show started, Kate wasted no time getting TLC to spring for chef and maid service, a part time personal assistant and someone to do laundry. Not pleased with getting a free tummy tuck, Kate tried to grift for a boob job, too. Not satisfied with the beautiful kitchen she never uses in her new mansion, she had it gutted and redone so she can have an on-trend kitchen of the moment. Which she still never cooks in. And in the Billy bush interview, even though the kids have made millions of dollars for her, she's still begging for that last gem on her crown- free college. I could go on & on. I'm no professional, but I would love someone who is to analyze this behavior and explain why Kate is never satisfied and constantly seeks fulfillment in material objects. Like her nickname, she takes and never gives.
Which brings me to my next point. When Kate and Jon gave an interview to our local (PA) paper about the tups first birthday and the nursegate dustup, Kate gave the reporter the same line she gave the Reading reporter about feeling society should help pay to raise her kids, since society invented fertility drugs. When the shiz hit the fan Kate called to retract the statement from both papers. IIRC, I don't think the Reading paper did, but our paper ran a retraction stating that Kate Gosselin did not feel society should help pay for her children, but that perhaps there should be a private foundation in place to assist families of high order multiplies. This article is located in the Patriot-News archives, but you have to pay to retreive it. I would love for someone to pull that article out during an interview and ask her if she indeed started a private foundation to share her good fortune and help families like hers. The look on her face would be priceless!
When do you think Meredith will have Kate back on set to gloat about her $250,000 paycheque and end to her money woes? Oh right, won't happen. Being part of the lie and scam is what keeps it going. So when Kate and Steve announce their engagement are we all to believe they were never a couple when they were trying to hide such? No doubt the sheeple will align their thinking to make Kate's lies fit into their world.
Just stopping by to say how much I love reading your blog! Your threads are always up to the minute on the Gosselin news, and respectful and interesting to read.
Regarding this subject, I would believe that the quoted $250K would be for Kate AND the kids. I don't believe the kids get paid separately? Wasn't it supposed to be Kate's responsibility to put a certain percentage of money away for them? If so, I guess $250 paid out to 9 people wouldn't be soooo far fetched.
Still too much for her, as far as I'm concerned, but maybe more in the ballpark when viewed like that....
Kate spent the money on JAMIE...
Huffington Post has pictures of Kate and the children filming in North Carolina at the same beach they "vacationed" at last year. She is going to work them right up until school time.
Another "non-working" vacation.
I'm sick to my stomach.
Looks like another 250K. Kate is back in NC with the kids:
"Kate Gosselin, her eight children, a camera crew and bodyguards are in North Carolina this week.
The working vacation, on Bald Head Island, was captured by a bystander in the photos below. This is the same beach Kate and the kids went to and filmed from in May 2009, shortly after Jon and Kate's split."
I just read an article on Extra where during the interview Kate talks about not wanting to be alone and that she "doesn't want to be in charge anymore" And didn't like it when she was. Yea right. Gee didn't Kate just yell at the kids on camera just a few short weeks ago "I'm in charge and always will be"?? Hmm,more lies of course to make herself look like the poor victim She is so full of crap.
Wayward- Nice summary.
I think everyone has reached their limit as to when enough money is ever enough for this greedy witch. Never mind all of the freebies, clothes, food, trips, furniture, gift cards, etc... People like Kate never appreciate all they have, but rather look to more at every step, and in spite of the millions she has made, a huge house, many free trips and gratuities, it will NEVER EVER be enough to satisfy her, as she believes she deserves MORE no matter what. Focus is never on her kids but rather earning power and fame. We all feel bad for these kids as they have become an afterthought in her pursuit for fame and fortune she believes she deserves. You can't fill a bottomless pit, and in the case, with Kate, that is what you are dealing with. We are all hoping for the best for these kids, as they deserve so much better, much of which has nothing to do with money, but rather a parent who has their best interest at heart. Rather than a greedy nothing is ever enough parent who spends as little time as possible with her kids, while hiring nannies, cleaners, assistants to do her job, as she simply does not want to be bothered with the day to day situation she signed on for and now avoids every step of the way, while crying poor me so she can pursue her endless need for fame over her kids. It is simply insane for any person to believe she does not have enough money to stay home with her kids.
Anyone know what type of syndication/residuals she gets when the show is broadcast in other countries. Don;t know the correct terminology.
celebritynetworth.com states that Kate's net worth is $3 million US. That's AFTER taxes, folks. It also states that Jon's net worth is
$1 million US.
Why are the children still working? Why is there no money for college? Why is the house not paid for?
Why not live on the interest from $3 million, plus child support, and release the children from their years of involuntary servitude, which I believe is unconstitutional since Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves?
IDModo said... celebritynetworth.com states that Kate's net worth is $3 million US. That's AFTER taxes, folks. It also states that Jon's net worth is
$1 million US
Those figures have been there for about 1 1/2 years. She has made a hella lot since then.
"I don't understand why she is not paying him alimony."
Quite possibly because we don't have "alimony" per se in PA. It falls under spousal support/maintenance.
This type of maintenance is very short-term and provided to enable the husband or wife to get back on their feet after the divorce. There is also permanent maintenance, usually given to a spouse who is permanently handicapped or mentally incapacitated.
This maintenance/spousal support is very hard to obtain and very limited in scope. It is not broad, as in other states that freely award alimony.
It all falls under "support," and since he doesn't need support, either short-term rehabilitative, or permanent, he hasn't been awarded "alimony." He has to pay child support because the children live with her. She isn't entitled to spousal support, since, obviously, she is the major bread-winner.
For me, if Kate were making that kind of money and making a difference with it, I wouldn't begrudge her a dime of it. But she has so selfishly kept that money to herself.
We don't make a lot of money, my husband and I, but we are comfortable, no debt to speak of, we watch our spending and use coupons (no, we really do and use them wisely-unlike Kate who chastized Jon for not using one for a shower head!). But we always make a point of donating to Salvation Army, the USO and care packages for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'm not saying all this to make us sound better than Kate,(eventhough my biggest fantasy is to win the lottery and buy a van for DAV or build a house for a wounded warrior) but what I am saying is that Kate wouldn't know a charitable cause if it came up and bit her on the nose. If she is worried about the money she could always attend a charity event to show her support.
Then again, who am I kidding? Kate can't even be bothered to put money away for her children't college (I'm presuming), so why would she give any money to a good cause?
$250,000 per episode and $20,000 per month in child support and yet Kate still claims she is having trouble making ends meet.
I've said for over a year now that she could quit tomorrow and still live comfortably off the interest from what she's made so far! And that includes raising the kids!
I usually have to remind her three fans of that whenever they go off about how "oh at least she's working (insert snide comment here about Jon) to support those eight kids, what else is she supposed to do?"
Well, she could QUIT! I loved it when she was crying on DWTS all about how she wanted to be making cookies with the kids in the kitchen. First of all, no she didn't want to do that. That's so out of character for her as to be laughable. Secondly, THERE'S NOTHING STOPPING HER FROM DOING THAT!
She's more fortunate than about 98% of all Americans! She can just live off the interest! No worries about going back to nursing or anything else. If she didn't spend a mint on a small army to do everything for her (is there someone whose job it is to wipe her butt? It would not surprise me), she could spend oodles of time at home. All of it, in fact!
She's such a classic example of a greedy entitled self-centered grifter. If she didn't exist, screenwriters would have to make her up.
What I love most is how many people seem to be turned off by her assholery these days. Finally the clock seems to be counting down on her nasty self.
When the divorce was finalized they mutually agreed not to pay alimony.
Linda said...
I've said for over a year now that she could quit tomorrow and still live comfortably off the interest from what she's made so far! And that includes raising the kids!
I'm half-agreeing with you, and half disagreeing. If her assets of three million are correct as reported, and assuming that if that money were invested at a decent rate of return she might be netting $200,000 a year, depending upon taxable income/structure and her tax bracket. This isn't taking into the cost of living or inflation rate from now until the children are 18, so the interest generated isn't going to have the same spending power in the next 10+ years that it has now.
Given her current expenses of mortgage, maintenance (house, land and pool) paid help, clothing, food, education, etc., she'd barely squeak by on that. I'm in her area. I've owned a property that was considerably larger in size (square footage), but not in acreage, so the expenses more or less equal themselves out. I know the cost of utilities and maintenance, taxes, education, insurance, and so forth. It's not going to last long before she'd be dipping into the principal, and it's certainly not going to be enough to sustain the family until all of the kids are 18. I wouldn't be surprised that in the near future, Jon's child support payments would be drastically reduced.
This, of course, is based on her staying on the current property, If she gave up this lifestyle, found a more manageable property, fired the help, then yes, she could do it. However, I don't think that's in the cards for her. She's gotten so accustomed to that lifestyle that it would be quite a comedown to have to give it all up.
Congratulations Kate Gosselin. By playing with medical science you have managed to find a way to a $250,000 per episode paycheck for a reality TV show that exploits your own children, as well as a prestigious red carpet appearance in Hollywood.
It does not matter that you are IT-less when it comes to talent per Hollywood standards. It does not matter that you are not up to win any award, or that you are not going to be a presenter.
Kate, YOU will be at the 2010 Emmys!
It appears that you know you will be the butt of a joke prompted by Jimmy Fallon at the beginning of the Emmys. Still you are willing to come to CA on yet another free trip and take part in the joke - because it is an opportunity of a lifetime and you will get paid for it. Alas, it seems you might miss the six pack's first day of kindergarten but that is OK. I'm sure the kids will understand, besides the nanny can handle it.
As I am sitting here I am wondering about what you will wear. How many clothing designers can't wait to put one of their gowns on you? Is there a Rodeo Drive jeweler who can't wait to dip you in diamonds too? Will you once again be making a fashion statement? If so, will you wind up on a best or worse dressed list?
I don't think anyone could have imagined that a simple mom in PA could have found her way to the Emmys, and yet you did exactly that. But I think this appearance at the Emmys will be one of the last times we see you other than on Kate+8. That is, before it is canceled due to no viewers.
See I think your 15 minutes are just about up - and now thanks to TV GUIDE where it announced your $250,000 per episode salary not too long after you are shown worrying about paying for 8 college educations - it will accelerate the process.
TV viewers are not stupid and you can't insult their intelligence. Also, viewers really, really don't like (1) liars, (2) people who cheat on their spouse, (3) people who exploit or abuse children, and (4) people who abuse or neglect animals. IMHO you are guilty of all four; yet I can't confirm #2 by using youtube. However, to some viewers it does not matter if there is proof on video or not because they still see Steve is with you at all times so their minds are made up.
Bottom line: Kate, you have been busted in so many lies - all of which came out of your own mouth and have been documented forever on film - and now those lies are catching up with you. Just remember that when it is finally over, the only person to blame will be the one you see in the mirror every day. Not Jon. Not the kids. You and you alone but hey, you pulled something off that no one could have seen happening, and it was all just because a six pack of kids hit the ground on May 10, 2004.
Anonymous said... Anyone know what type of syndication/residuals she gets when the show is broadcast in other countries. Don;t know the correct terminology.
August 12, 2010 1:30 PM
Hi Anon,
I live in Australia. Here J&K is buried on a paytv station called 'Discovery Health'. It screens at 6.30pm each night.
Approximately 7% of Australians have Paytv and we have over 100 channels. I can't think that many people would therefore watch J&K particularly as our episodes when I checked the description were way behind.
Approximately 6 months ago one of the 5 major stations ran the first special, and about a month before that one of the 3 major magazines ran a very balanced article on the Gosselins. At the time I wrote to the magazine (and was chosen as 'letter of the week') about the Gs and there has been nothing since. I also wrote to the television station and the Australian branch of AMC afraid that they were testing audiences before introducing the main series, but there has been nothing since. My feeling now is that the show was run on a Sunday night early to fill a gap.
I'm sorry I don't have any hard figures but I don't know how to find such information!
I would guess that the 250k per episode is just for Kate + 8, thus only for the 5 or so shows she is doing. The old Jon and Kate + 8 was likely a lot less per episode. So this figure is relatively new.
When Jon and Kate first signed the contract with TLC to do J&K+8 they did so without legal representation. Because of this they signed a contract where they do not get residual paychecks as the shows continue to air in the years to come, or even if they are sold to other networks in other countries.
Jon and Kate also do not get any percentage of any sales of any merchandise either. So the proceeds of all the DVDs sold worldwide go to TLC.
Two nights ago I saw a special on Gilligan's Island. This TV show from the 1960's has been on the air somewhere in the world at all times for the last 35 years. Yet one of the actors said that they have not seen a residual check since 1967. Even the producer said the network has made millions over the years, million$!
Hey Kate instead of spending money on your busted weave, why don't you buy enough food for your kids so they don't have to fight and spit on each other for the other half of a granola bar.
You treat your kids as if they such an inconvenience. Bitch.
I don't understand why she chewed Jon out about forgetting to use a coupon, yet she freely gets her hair, nails, and tanning done. Does she use coupons for any of those? And I agree- why does she complain and cry about "I need to feed my kids" when she makes $25,000 an episode? I understand that it's expensive to raise 8 kids all under the age of 10, but at $25,000 an episode, you should be set for life!
Hey Kate instead of spending money on your busted weave, why don't you buy enough food for your kids so they don't have to fight and spit on each other for the other half of a granola bar.
You treat your kids as if they such an inconvenience. Bitch.
Linda said...
I've said for over a year now that she could quit tomorrow and still live comfortably off the interest from what she's made so far! And that includes raising the kids!
I'm half-agreeing with you, and half disagreeing. If her assets of three million are correct as reported, and assuming that if that money were invested at a decent rate of return she might be netting $200,000 a year, depending upon taxable income/structure and her tax bracket. This isn't taking into the cost of living or inflation rate from now until the children are 18, so the interest generated isn't going to have the same spending power in the next 10+ years that it has now.
Given her current expenses of mortgage, maintenance (house, land and pool) paid help, clothing, food, education, etc., she'd barely squeak by on that. I'm in her area. I've owned a property that was considerably larger in size (square footage), but not in acreage, so the expenses more or less equal themselves out. I know the cost of utilities and maintenance, taxes, education, insurance, and so forth. It's not going to last long before she'd be dipping into the principal, and it's certainly not going to be enough to sustain the family until all of the kids are 18. I wouldn't be surprised that in the near future, Jon's child support payments would be drastically reduced.
This, of course, is based on her staying on the current property, If she gave up this lifestyle, found a more manageable property, fired the help, then yes, she could do it. However, I don't think that's in the cards for her. She's gotten so accustomed to that lifestyle that it would be quite a comedown to have to give it all up.
When the divorce was finalized they mutually agreed not to pay alimony.
I've said for over a year now that she could quit tomorrow and still live comfortably off the interest from what she's made so far! And that includes raising the kids!
I usually have to remind her three fans of that whenever they go off about how "oh at least she's working (insert snide comment here about Jon) to support those eight kids, what else is she supposed to do?"
Well, she could QUIT! I loved it when she was crying on DWTS all about how she wanted to be making cookies with the kids in the kitchen. First of all, no she didn't want to do that. That's so out of character for her as to be laughable. Secondly, THERE'S NOTHING STOPPING HER FROM DOING THAT!
She's more fortunate than about 98% of all Americans! She can just live off the interest! No worries about going back to nursing or anything else. If she didn't spend a mint on a small army to do everything for her (is there someone whose job it is to wipe her butt? It would not surprise me), she could spend oodles of time at home. All of it, in fact!
She's such a classic example of a greedy entitled self-centered grifter. If she didn't exist, screenwriters would have to make her up.
What I love most is how many people seem to be turned off by her assholery these days. Finally the clock seems to be counting down on her nasty self.
Another "non-working" vacation.
I'm sick to my stomach.
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