Truly unbelievable. After a lengthy shoot in Alaska, now Kate and TLC have dragged the kids down to North Carolina for another shoot. Another beachgoer snapped some pics. The places they've been dragged to this summer alone: Florida, New York City, Alaska, Los Angeles and now North Carolina.
Where did their summer vacation go?
119 sediments (sic) from readers:
THIS. Is truly crazy.
You have many more readers than I do and I wanted everybody to see this. I'm ANGRY and I don't really know why. Are we surprised? no. So why do I STILL get angry?
Shame Shame SHAME TLC and Kate.... and Jon.
Oh Joy Joy!!! We'll all be blessed yet again, with another never ending batch of photo ops with Kate in a bikini, showing off her misplaced belly button, her fake boobs, her bright teeth veneers and her pretending to not know the Paps are taking her pictures, AGAIN!!!
How boring are these new shows going to be? Each year there is another episode of the family at the beach, the family at the barbershop, the family at the zoo, the family at the dentist, the family at the battleship tour and on and on and on and on and on................
Maybe Kate should have taken them down to Mississippi to help pick up tar balls on the beach. Perhaps they would have found Jon amongst the tar balls.
There is an Extra interview/video out today, where Kate talks about her perfect man. What she neglected to mention is that the man has to be willing to give up all rights to privacy and have every moment of his life on camera. Who would sign up for that???!!?
And, I am with Dani...this latest just pisses me off.
Quit crying poor...quit dragging the kids all over the country...and turn the damn cameras off!!!!
Too be so greedy ..... so so greedy .... Shame on you ... Shame on you Kate. Throw in a few commercials and alot of hair shaking, diatriabes about how tired she is, and how great she is and a bunch of kid belittling and she gets 5 episodes out of the trips this summer and rake in $1.25 million on her kids`back ...
Wow that could keep her tanned well until November ....
Of course, time for more bikini photos Kate!
Way to go Kate & TLC! Nothing like making the Gosselin children work/play/make memories (can't keep track anymore) during their summer vacation. Is this going to be the last trip for those innocents before school starts, or are you planning on sneaking/squeezing in another meaningless filming trip/gig?
That's o.k. right Kate, you fool? You can rename your show: "Gosselin Workcamp". Anyway, the kiddies have ample time to rest & and play like regular kids do- with their NANNIES & their father...
What did Jon say that it is ok for them to film now, because they won't be fliming a lot? or constantly? or very much? I am pissed too. Hurry up and FILM school almost here! Maybe we can get ONE more vaca in?? This stupid idiot gets the chickens then leaves for almost the entire summer. Geez
I can't even describe how ill this woman makes me. She is so incredibly selfish it's mind boggling. I don't like to wish bad things on anyone but one day karma will get her and it will be long overdue for what she has done to these poor children. Even with all her millions in the bank she will never be happy. She''ll always be a miserable,selfish bitch.
My blood pressure is already high--after seeing this, it is now out of control. I didn't think I could hate this absolute bitch anymore than I already did. Kate and TLC can go to HELL.
So, after having a carefree summer of film, film and film some more, Ms. wannabe famous will be appearing at the Emmy's, but, sniff, with a broken heart because she will miss out on her children's first day of school. This means she will not be there for the tups first day of kindergarten. What a horrible, horrible women she is. To quote her blog:
It breaks my heart that I couldn't be there to see them off on their first day of school, but I have to work to take care of them"
Thank god for those Nannys.
I knew that she would throw another work week in before the kids had to go back to school. i told ya guys she would, she might even throw another episode in before Aug 30 just so ya know. She considers this a vacation for them and adventures even though its actually work. Don't worry kiddies, school will start in 3 weeks than mommy is on her own.
So sad .... enough footage probably for 5 episodes this summer alone. Throw in a bit of hair shaking, silly laughter and child belittling and that represents approximately $1.25 million. Ought to be enough to keep her in pedis, manis, hair extensions, tans and whitening toothpaste
Shame on you Kate Gosselin - you should be charged with theft - Grand Theft of 8 kids`childhood.
Shame on you ... how do you sleep at night .... how do you do it?
Hogans Heroes had more free time in Stalag 13 than Kate's brood do in Wernersville. Wonder how long it will take the tups to dig a tunnel from the garage staging area to the road and then to freedom.
Keep pimping them out Kate. You get the benefit of the cash while they do all the work. Wonder how long it will be before you start wearing the velvet top hat, white plastic shoes and all the gold bling around your neck while the kiddies work the cameras and you sit on your plastic chair barking orders and being the abusive human you've always been.
"This stupid idiot gets the chickens then leaves for almost the entire summer. Geez"
But with her $250,000 per episode salary, isn't it good to know that they are saving $16.00 a week on eggs? Every little bit counts!
I hope that the nannies and yard maintenance/chicken caretakers like eggs! Someone has to be eating them!
I still have a difficult time believing that ALL 8 kids LOVE filming. Take any 8 kids and they won't agree on everything. How are we supposed to believe that ALL 8 just "love" playing in front of the cameras? Is that why Colin is so happy to get his pictures taken?
School starts for the twins in two weeks. Summer must be a blur to them.
Jon is too busy watching movies to worry about his kids traveling and working to give a hoot. He gets paid for letting TLC get the work permits and work his kids all summer with Mother Goose so he can sit on his ass all day and play video games and watch movies at night. Shes' just an idiot who loves to be on camera and complain about her life. Wonder why we haven't seen any pictures of her lately coming out of the tanning salon, now we know why.
5 states in 2 1/2 months! when does school start for these poor kids? and Jon only appears to have had them for 1 week-end during the summer. I wonder if they over heard Kate telling the not-a-nannie about this "vacation" and that is why they were pitching such a fit when Jon dropped them off at home.
Do these people ever go on a vacation that does not consist of a camera crew with a boom box? Even simple things like taking her kids for a hair cut has to be filmed, get a grip woman.
And nice Christian Ashley gets her tuition at Liberty college likely covered, again.
It is so sad that the kids just can't get any down time.
Seeing the pictures, taken from a distance, gives you a good idea of the lonely, desolate lives those kids have. Nobody to protect them from their insane, cruel mother and every other piece of trash making a buck of those tiny backs. I'm spent on the outrage. It's just sad as hell..
If you didn't read the comments after the article/pics, you need to go back and read them! Only 3 pgs., but they are hysterical. This however, was one of the more thoughtful ones...
"No one cares. The fact that this publicity-hound does everything "with camera crew" tells you all you need to know about her sad little attempt to trade ruining her family for short-term fame.
Why does Huffpost ENABLE her addiction to the vapid exploitation of herself and her family?
Any media outlet that participates is part of the problem. Its not enough to say "everyone else is covering her, we have to as well, viewers like it..."
Your viewers will swallow any swill you offer them, the media is the message, so why not offer them something substantial?
Wake me up when she makes a real lasting and useful contribution to society.
I want to see more Huffpost Articles about women scientists, writers, and those who earned their fame through accomplishing something other than EXPLOITATION.
I propose a two-tiered MEDIA RATING SYSTEM. The top rating, NEWS, is reserved for fact based events and investigative journalism the way it was practiced last century. The second tier is called TABLOID and deals with pesonalities doing shameful things in public to get attention, which is 90% of what people think is news these days.
Educate the public and coerce the media into bifurcating the types of crap they run "posing" as news, until the vapid stuff is segregated to the sites and channels that serve the people who want that, and news news is again restored to its place as a facilitator of an educated democratic"
and....a couple of the funny ones...
Single mom with 4 nannies, 2 bodyguards, 5 or 6 production people, and........8 kids.
Fans Huh? She has no help - she says so ;)
Not only is the subject matter riveting, but did Ansel Adams shoot those incredible pix? Wow!
Poor Ansel is turning over in his grave right now, at being mentioned here.
My only thought on this is whether or not being part of the film crew is a good job or if they all drink heavily after they're done shooting.
How creative - dentist, amusement park, haircut, Bald Head, rinse and repeat....
No wonder:
"Kate Plus Eight," which replaced "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" after the couple's divorce, has received considerably lower ratings.
What puzzles me is why does TLC think that the public is interested in continuously watching these children go on vacation? The fact is the Gosselin children have lost the cute factor. They are just like any other 6 year old.
I don't know about you, but it is torture for me when people bring out there vacation pictures and videos.
Could it be possible that TLC is working the Gosselins half to death so that they can capture Kates FINAL breakdown on tape? Recently Kate has been having more and more mini breakdowns. I believe the BIG one is very close.
Love that Katie Krieder brought along her white throne to sit on the beach...
Guess all TLC will be playing are vacation spots with the Gosselins in the next few months on TLC. Nice, here we are in a recession and they film a woman with 8 kids going on vacations every other week, and yet they say its the most Realist Reality Show out there. I'm thinking, yeah right.
The chickens left the day after they were filmed.
They were just props for the show....then they were back in the farmers coop.
When in the hell do these kids get to leave that prison for good ?
I guess when they learn to drive.....
I am wondering if all these "field trips" are just a way to dodge the permit issue of the children being under 7 years old in Pennsylvania? Just a guess...
Nothing like a mom that pimps her kids all over the country.......
It looks like vacation for the Gosselin children is school time. I think Kate knows that her 15 minutes are almost over and she wants to make the most of it.
Good God, I bet those kids are going to LOVE school starting because they'll be in school full-time and it'll be like a vacation compared to being dragged all over the earth this summer!
(Unless she yanks them out of school repeatedly to work.)
And you know, I think it's silly to take six year olds to all these places anyway. A six year old can't possibly appreciate that they are in ALASKA! Or at the STATUE OF LIBERTY! They can know where they are, but still not have much of a conception of what it means, much less any appreciation. That comes when they get older. Hell, with as many places as they've gone, they may not remember much! One summer, we took an epic driving tour of the west--over 6000 miles in 16 days and saw the MOST amazing things and even as adults, they started to blur together after a while. Carlsbad Caverns, Mesa Verde, the Grand Canyon, Four Corners, every national park in Utah, the Great Salt Lake, Yellowstone, Medicine Wheel, Mt. Rushmore, Rocky Mountain National Park. By the end, we were like yeah, huge mountains WHATEVER. And it was hard to remember the distinct stuff between the beginning and the end.
And I was 35!
These kids are just going to remember being dragged all over God's green earth. Six year olds want to play with Play-Doh and play kitchen and ride on outside toys, have snacks, yell and run, color, spend time with their parents. That is what makes them happy.
My thoughts are they were probably there for a few days already which convinces me if she wants to avoid the paparazzi she can. I would think they wouldn't have wanted it to be seen they are filming the kids yet again. They have been filmed their entire vacation when with their mother.
Also probably why those trees went up. They didn't go up when the parents were switching the kids in the driveway to offer privacy. Didn't even go up when Kate was seen hitting Leah. They only went up when pictures of the kids being filmed showing the episodes before they aired started.
Alas this is only my humble opinion.
Seriously, TLC??!??
ANOTHER beach episode? What's this make--three or four now? Enough already.
You're already losing viewers big time. This should help put the final nail in the coffin.
Not surprising that TLC takes the 8 to NC since there are no child labor laws. See article on Paul Peterson.
A sheeple reply to the Huff article:
"No scripts, no sets, just being filmed playing is not acting. Maybe you need to look up the meaning of acting. Sign me and my children up for this. We would love to travel to interesting places and get educational outings too. Just love, love how people assume the kids will be messed up when they grow up. The facts are it's only the kids that had family problems before they ever were in the media that have had problems when growing up. Statistically the vast majority of children in the media have grown up to be perfectly successful normal people. We only hear about the tiny few that have messed up. It can happen whether your children are in the media or not. Some people I guess would love to see Disney shut down too. Oh where will you take your kids? Disney has filmed children for decades and the majority have grown up just fine. There are far too many people sticking their noses into someone else's business. Nobody has a right to tell you how to live your life or the lives of your children. Guess what? Kate brings in ratings and is a hot item. There are thousands of women in the media with children and who cares how they make their living as long as their children are healthy, happy and getting a great education?"
Bonnie, is that you?
Wow, how lucky these kids are to go to all these places and have so many vacations. I am envious!
No one said the kids are acting. We said the kids are working! You don't have to be "acting" to be working on a set. That sheeple does realize that when you're on a set that typically, you get paid?
Paid to go on vacations. I want their jobs.
Where on Kate's blog does she say she's missing the first day of school for the Emmys? If she said that they've since cut it out!
According to several psychologists the children ARE acting because they cannot just be themselves in front of the camera. The camera changes how you act even small children.
The amount of filming they've done this summer is criminal. Admin, too bad we couldn't have a filming calender to show how many days the kids have been working.
What's truly frightening is we just happened to see this filming because a beach goer took a few pics. What if that person wasn't there?
Makes you wonder how much filming is going on we simply never hear about.
YEP! shame,shame ,but like Kate tells it the show must go on regardless who like it or not...
"And you know, I think it's silly to take six year olds to all these places anyway. A six year old can't possibly appreciate that they are in ALASKA! Or at the STATUE OF LIBERTY! They can know where they are, but still not have much of a conception of what it means, much less any appreciation."
So true. In the episode where they were going to Discovery Cove, Kate quizzed them beforehand about where they thought they were going. One of the guesses? Pennsylvania! These are children who at the time had been to many different states all over the country on multiple trips, and had discussed a trip to Southeast Asia. Yet they have no concept that they're not already *in* Pennsylvania. But "they're having experiences that they would have never got to have." Whatever.
"It breaks my heart that I couldn't be there to see them off on their first day of school, but I have to work to take care of them"
Was this on her TLC blog? Because it's not there now.....interesting....
The kids screaming for their Daddy makes all the more sense now. They were about to be dragged on yet another plane ride to yet another strange place. They don't want to go on another dang plane ride. They don't want to go on another dang trip. They just got back! Maybe they want to just stay at home and spend time with their daddy and their friends. I simply don't believe that children this age want to spend all summer on the road. It's not your college days where everyone backpacks in Europe and gets drunk all summer. They are KIDS.
You know summer is an important time for a child socially. There is nothing wrong with going on a vacation or two for a short time, but it's also a time for children to spend time with the friends they made throughout the previous school year. How can they possibly do any summer sports, summer camps, playdates, and other important activities for children their age?
The highlight of my summer at that age was Vacation Bible school and Girl Scout camp and horseback riding lessons with my best friend. And swimming in our pool with Daddy and siblings.
Why do you people think that Jon, after all these years, is going to step up to the plate and defend and protect his kids????
Jon is worse than Kate. He's just not getting camera time to exploit them. He's being paid to shut up, sleep late and keep on trucking. He's as big a loser as Kate.
Stop looking for Jon to step in and take the bull by the horns. Jon is as much about money as Kate is. He's been out of work for years, has no employable skills, doesn't seek any and pretends he's the good dad.
Let me tell you, NO GOOD FATHER would have allowed anyone to see his kids in such turmoil during a visitation drop off as Jon did the other day. Good fathers protect their kids at any cost and won't allow their kids to be exposed to outsiders when the kids are hurting.
Dads protect their kids more than MOMS. Dad's keep their kids from harms way, sometimes make excuses for their kids behavior, are firm but fair and don't put their kids out their when they are at their most vulnerable state for all the world to see.
I know this for a fact. I'm a Dad. I'm a protective Dad and a loving Dad. I provided for my kids throughout their lives and I was the buffer between them and the outside world. I brought them into this world, wiped their asses when they were young, wiped their tears as they grew older and wiped the slate clean when they were old enough to spread their wings and try it on their own.
Jon is a piss poor example of a father. Probably worse than Kate but the two of them are examples of what parents shouldn't be.
I am so sick and tired of people talking about how happy the kids are with Jon and miserable with Kate. Truth is, these kids are miserable, confused and a weekend of happy times at the arcade with Jon doesn't make up for the week of abuse with Kate.
Jon's a Disney Dad as most divorced dads are with kids during visitation. Take them to the arcade, buy them an ice cream cone, indulge them for 48 hours and then send them home to the same old abuse. If Jon cared a smidgen for these kids, wanted to truly have custody, he would have rented the biggest apartment he could get to take care of these kids and make them feel like they were at home with their parent.
What did Jon do??? He rented a ONE bedroom apartment and brings 8 kids over, every other weekend. How is that a home life???? 8 kids sleep on the floor, Jon sleeps in his room and when they leave that hell hole, they have to go back to the regular hell hole they live with Kate, during the week.
When will these people GO AWAY!!!!!!
"It breaks my heart that I couldn't be there to see them off on their first day of school, but I have to work to take care of them"
Was this on her TLC blog? Because it's not there now.....interesting....
Huh? Their first day of school is August 26. Isn't the show on the 29th? Why couldn't she be there to see them off, unless she plans on being at pre-Emmy rehearsals, dinners, etc.?
Judy....you wrote that the chickens were gone after that episode. Is this something you read (confirmed) or your opinion?
Kelly, I'm certainly not expecting Jon to do anything about this disgusting mess, and I really don't see most other people expecting that either. He's had his chance, he blew it. I think most of us have accepted that by now.
It's a fact the kids were horrendously upset and wanted to be with Jon. I think it's because they didn't want to go back to filming at the McMansion. Has nothing to do with Jon being a better parent. I don't think he's a better parent at all, not anymore anyway. He's simply a safer haven from them away from the lens. They are probably not old enough to fully understand that Daddy is getting hush money every month to send them back to Mom and filming. They just know Daddy equals privacy and hanging out at a pool.
All that clip told me was that something is horribly wrong at Kate's. Since filming all happens at Kate's, we all drew our conclusions.
I completely disagree that Dads are more protective of moms. As a woman, I feel that protective instinct all the time and it's powerful. I don't know why a man would somehow feel that deeper. I think protection has little to do with gender. And I also think people who would normally be protective start drooling when someone is dangling Benjamins in front of them. Money, the great conflict of interest.
Quite frankly, I'm not sure any of us really know what we would do if millions were hung in front of us. Naturally we'd all like to think we would turn it down. But this is why we have child labor laws, because we simply cannot trust that every parent will put their kids ahead of the pile of cash.
Your statement:
"I completely disagree that Dads are more protective of moms. As a woman, I feel that protective instinct all the time and it's powerful. I don't know why a man would somehow feel that deeper. I think protection has little to do with gender.
I can't argue with you regarding that and totally understand that heartfelt protection you would feel as a woman towards those you love, anymore than you could argue with me regarding mine. Neither of us would have a powerful argument about the power of love that either a dad, a mom, a man or a woman would feel towards their children, siblings or family.
There is no measure or scale that could prove which gender loves more. All I can profer is that as a Dad, I loved my kids from the day they entered this world and as the years pass, I'm sorry that I'm getting older and one day, I won't be in their lives.
I do believe that as a woman, you have that other instinct that males don't have, a more forgiving, understanding, loving, in touch and passionate guidance that men might not have but on the other hand, us guys, also have that forgiving understanding, loving, in touch and passionate guidance too. We just need you guys to help explain our point of view to the kids.
Behind every successful man is a good woman. We can't do it without you.
You know I used to get at least one or two trolling sheeple comments defending Kate and breaking at least one or two rules in the process that I delete.
I haven't really been getting those lately. Once in awhile, but not nearly as often as before.
I wonder if the last few remaining sheeple are starting to say their last baas. Kate at the Emmys, Kate filming the kids all summer long, Kate making oodles of money, they really cannot defend this anymore.
The twins start on the 26th and the little ones go for 2 hours. The sextuplets start full day Kindergarten on Monday the 30th.
Kate will be sleeping in at a 5 star hotel in L.A. recuperating from the Emmys. When the morning papers arrive and someone brings her coffee, she will realize she was the laughing stock of the show.
Kate needs to get herself on a redeye that night so she is home in time to see those precious kids off to school.
You only have your first day of kindergarten once. Well for them, twice.
According to FoxPhilly, Kate is a millionaire...
this one puts her at net worth of $3million
The kids done good, worked hard to put Kate where she is today!
Does anyone remember these photos of Kate Gosselin? Whew.
The person who posted the "sentence from Hate's Blog" about missing the first day of school WAS TRYING TO BE FUNNY - there was NO such entry. Maybe "we" should be more careful when quoting tongue-in-cheek for a laugh, no? Once again, this is how RUMORS get started and I would hate for THIS BLOG to be thought of as irresponsible.
No one is spreading any rumors Kate is missing their first day of school. It became obvious it was tongue and cheek after no one could find that statement on her blog. And it's kinda funny! If anything, everyone asked that if that statement were true that they be directed where it is.
The fact remains the Emmys are right around the children's first few days of school, which to many kids, is a really important event and something they want Mommy around for instead of distracted by Emmy duties. The fact remains, look at Kate's salary. No one needs to be gone around this important time if their name is Kate Gosselin and they are making that much money already.
I don't think Take will miss the children's first day of school due to flying off to the Emmys, that is, unless she wants to miss it. We all know how near and dear to her heart spending time with her children rates, right?
I'd bet the farm that Hate made that quick stopover in L.A. on the way home from Alaska Disaster to pre-record/tape her big funny for Emmy night.
I hope it goes over like a lead balloon.
Fat chance, huh?
Administrator said...
You know I used to get at least one or two trolling sheeple comments defending Kate ....
I haven't really been getting those lately. Once in awhile, but not nearly as often as before.
I'm not surprised. It was just this morning that I went over to the dark side because I was curious as to what their thoughts were after the announcements this week, in particular that Kate is getting paid $250,000 per episode.
Generally speaking, there are some who think it is great she is getting such a nice paycheck and others ... you know it is one thing to defend Kate after she complains that she does not have enough money to pay her bills or pay for college for 8 kids, but then to find out she is getting a lot more than a lot of us will ever see in this lifetime and it is not a surprise that some supporters are not being so supportive. I'm not saying that they are being vocal; I'm saying that there does not seem to be as many comments as in the past.
I think it comes down to everyone is impacted in this economy in one way or another except Kate. For her to drag kids all over the country on these working "vacations" and getting an extremely nice paycheck - plus $20,000 per month in child support from Jon - when so many families are struggling from one paycheck to the next paycheck is hard to swallow.
I really think Kate + 8 will tank pretty quick now because the remaining diehard Sheeple won't be able to save this show by their low viewer numbers. So it still will be up to the haterz not to watch Kate + 8 just to snark on Kate. So it still comes down to
Some sheeple from the dark side have quietly disappeared who used to be very vocal in the past.
They would never admit they were wrong just disappeared instead.
It was the first day of school for my kids yesterday - 1st, 2nd and 7th graders. I had to work an evening shift, but I was able to drop them off at school and then see them again for (literally) 2 minutes after school and it was really hard on them that I wasn't able to be here in the evening to hear all about their day. They would have been very upset if I wasn't here at all on their first day. Maybe Jon can tear himself away from his movie-viewing and online-survey-taking long enough to be there for them...hahaha! I crack myself up - like that's going to happen. I'm sure Ellen's chihuahuas will need to be walked or something else of utmost urgency will require his attention.
Folks when these sheeple are saying they still would put their own kids on a reality show, we're coming from such fundamentally different values systems we'll never find a place to meet in the middle.
I would never put my kids on a reality show, period end of story. Anyone else?
Kelly said: "but on the other hand, us guys, also have that forgiving understanding, loving, in touch and passionate guidance too. We just need you guys to help explain our point of view to the kids."
Wow Kelly, this is SO true! My DH has a tough time with communicating his feelings. I often need to "explain" things to the kids...not in a bad way...but more an interpretive way.
This was very raw and real and I appreciate your being here offering the man's side :)
I honestly do not understand why she gets child support of any kind, but then again if Jon were to take her to court to reduce his payments, his little deal with TLC would blow away. What a b*^#@. Oh and no, there is no way I would expose my family to that kind of intrusion - I don't even want my home used for filming, and we get requests for it in my neighborhood on a regular basis.
"And you know, I think it's silly to take six year olds to all these places anyway. A six year old can't possibly appreciate that they are in ALASKA! Or at the STATUE OF LIBERTY! They can know where they are, but still not have much of a conception of what it means, much less any appreciation."
Children aren't even INTERESTED in sight-seeing. They don't WANT to be dragged around here, there and everywhere their parents want to visit. They'd rather swim in the pool, go to the beach, go to an amusement park. If parents want to sight-see they should go ALONE, then take the kids when they're older.
"Six year olds want to play with Play-Doh and play kitchen and ride on outside toys, have snacks, yell and run, color, spend time with their parents. That is what makes them happy."
Exactly. But these kids would have had barely any time for these things with all the trips they've been dragged on.
More pictures of Kate and kids from Bald Head.
INF pictures, wonder how???
"Plugging away on more material for her hit show, Kate Gosselin and the kids were spotted working on the beach in Bald Head Island, North Carolina on Thursday afternoon (August 12).
The TLC reality star mom and her brood followed the producers directions as they played with kites while the cable film crew captured all of the waterfront action."
I sent TLC an email saying that any Gosselin shows have jumped.the.shark
I invite anyone else who feels like expressing this to TLC to do the same.
So here are more pictures on the beach & flying kites. Bolding is mine:
Plugging away on more material for her hit show, Kate Gosselin and the kids were spotted working on the beach in Bald Head Island, North Carolina on Thursday afternoon (August 12).
The TLC reality star mom and her brood followed the producers directions as they played with kites while the cable film crew captured all of the waterfront action.
Kelly said...
Keep pimping them out Kate. You get the benefit of the cash while they do all the work. Wonder how long it will be before you start wearing the velvet top hat, white plastic shoes and all the gold bling around your neck while the kiddies work the cameras and you sit on your plastic chair barking orders and being the abusive human you've always been.
August 12, 2010 2:43 PM
Kelly-you forgot the diamond and mother of pearl grill.
Cracks me up that she complained about the price of eggs when she had the coop delivered to her house along with chickens. Did she ever mention how much it cost for the coop and the chickens? Its because the coop and the chickens were free from TLC and she didn't pay a dime for that. How can one complain about the price of eggs with her income? The nerve of that woman!
As soon as she is filming the kids on that beach she'll high tail out of there on the next plane to LA leaving the nanny in charge of kids.
Jimmy Fallon will be on Regis and Kelly this morning. Maybe he will tell more.
I rather draw public assistance,or work several jobs b/c I would never put my children on a reality show..
The photog is there to
I love to watch America's Got Talent,b/c the young and the older performers makes their own choice, and the little girl, Jackie Evancho made her own choice to sing on America's Got Talent,and she got a very beautiful little voice...The Gosselin children do not have a choice , they are forced to work,and support their mom & dad...The Kfreaks will say,"The children have to follow Kate rules b/c they are not old enough to make choices,and there nothing wrong filming the Gosselin children."What so funny the Kfreaks will turn around,and post the Duggar should not have their children on TLC ..
Kate knew what she was doing when she wanted all the 8 children b/c she could make a living off of them...The Gosselin children paid for the coop and the chicken,just like they pay for the trips,their home,their groceries and so forth...
Maybe if Kate could break away from the camera,Steve,and Jamie she could spend more time withe HER children..
Absolutely not! Why would any NORMAL parent want their children's day to day lives exposed for the world to see. The moment I saw anti- Mady websites criticising this innocent child (and defending her mother), I knew that Jon & Kate made a HUGE mistake putting those children on t.v. If Kate wanted to record memories of her children, she could have easily taken photos or filmed it for personal family viewing.
I don't see how Kate can miss the first day of school. The kids start school the end of August and the Emmys are the end of September.
And another trip to Bald Head Island? Boring! I predict the show is cancelled by the end of the year at the latest.
Admins said: Makes you wonder how much filming is going on we simply never hear about.
Now, Admin, you know there can't be anything we don't know about because the paps follow Kate EVERYWHERE! She has told us that time and time again, so it must be true. NOT!
My mistake. The Emmys air on Sunday August 29th. Sorry about that.
So THIS is where she has been hiding!!!!!! I was beginning to think that maybe the kids got so sick of her Royal Highness dragging them all over God's creation that they hog tied her to the chicken coop and stuffed an apple in her so they could finally enjoy the rest of the summer... AT HOME!!!!!! Doesn't surprise me that TLC, Figure 8 and Kate are trying to get some last minute filming done before school starts. I bet the kids get real excited when Kate tells them of all the places they go, you know.... explaining the wonderful vacation they are going to take and the wonderful opportunity they get.... but the happy faces turn sad real quick because they realize that the camera crew will be tagging along and its not just a vacation but WORK!!!! The person who needs to go fly a kite is KATE!!!
Beach episode @ Bald Head... been there... seen that.... not gonna bite!!!
My mistake. The Emmys air Sunday August 29th. Sorry about that!
TLC needs to wake up and smell the coffee. This constant travel is a "slap in the face" to hardworking people trying to put bread on the table. No one can relate to Kate G and her brood of kids. They appear to be entitled, spoiled, self-promoting, greedy and ungrateful. Which one is it, "working or non-working" vacation? The longer this farce goes on, the worse for the kids!
Why drag the kids all the way to NC? We have great beaches a little more than two hours away. For filming purposes, a beach is a beach, and quiet little seaside towns like Ocean Grove, Barnegat, Harvey Cedars, etc., would have done just fine.
Aren't those places good enough, or could it be the lack of child labor laws in NC that prompts so many visits there?
Here Here Kelly!! You sound like a great dad & I agree 100% with you about the kind of dad Jon is. Your description fits him to a Tee. A "disney dad". He could stop all this if he really wanted to fight for it. Step up Jon. Be a frigin' man, & let the kids be kids.
Admin, you say that the kids should be home, spending time with their friends. Do you think they have friends? Do you think Khate allows them to have any? I always wondered that. Would they or their parents have to sign confidentiality agreements? How sad would that be? I find it so sad that these kids get dragged all over the country so mommy can live the highlife. I agree with all the posters who said these kids don't look happy, & that they are just repeating what viewers have already seen. Why is TLC doing the SAME show over & over? We don't care! It would be like me telling my friends the same story of my 4 day beach trip to Maine last week over & over on Facebook. They would cancel me as their friend. Why isn't anyone canceling Kate? I think it's coming, I do. It's recycled, boring, trite, & yes, child exploitation. Do the Sheeple enjoy the SAME story over & over & over? Ugh. Tick Tock Kate.
"Maybe Jon can tear himself away from his movie-viewing and online-survey-taking long enough to be there for them...hahaha! I crack myself up - like that's going to happen."
Don't crack yourself up too much! Jon has always been the hands-on parent when it comes to supporting his kids in their school activities.
Kate is the absentee parent when it comes to school picnics, field trips, and various other school-related events.
Poor kids. As many have said, bet they just want to be home, doing normal things without cameras stuck in their faces. I wonder if they could get sick, going from one temperature extreme to another? I'm sure Kate wouldn't care, the show must go on, regardless if one is sick or injured! As an Australian, it fascinates me that the US school year starts now, as ours starts at the end of Jan/start of Feb and ends in Dec. Anyway, I also wonder if these kids will get weekends to themselves, at least, once they're in school full time, or will Kate/TLC take them away too?
"TLC needs to wake up and smell the coffee. This constant travel is a "slap in the face" to hardworking people trying to put bread on the table. No one can relate to Kate G and her brood of kids."
Here's the thing. I don't think that TLC knows what to do with them. If they take multiple vacations, people are sick of seeing the entitlement because the average family cannot afford to be country-wide travelers. Viewers don't want to see travelogues...if they did, they'd watch Samantha Brown.
On the other hand, if they stay home and feed chickens or power-wash houses, how boring is that? Ratings would drop...you can only film the mundane chores so many times before there's no appeal left. And so we have the haircuts, dental visits, ad nauseum. TLC doesn't have an original bone in their entire bodies. They've exhausted any creativity that they had. It's over and done.
Let's face it...there's nothing left that would up the ratings. It's all a case of been there, done that. The viewers know it. TLC knows it, but TLC doesn't know quite how to handle the severence. Kate can't make it on her own; Twisted Kate will never be a money-maker. That leaves TLC with a choice. End it now while the going is fairly good, or let it die a slow death and go out as an embarrassment in the television industry.
Our society has become so selfish and greedy it's sad. Too many people, like Kate and her followers, WILL sell-out their kids, families, parents, even the family dog, for cash and perks. And nothing anyone says or does will change these people because that's how they are. Karma and the good Lord is all they have coming in the end.
I wouldn't give up my family's private moments for 100 times what Kate is making. It's just not worth it to me. And regardless of whether or not these kids or ANY kids agree to being in show business...they are not old enough or mature enough to understand the consequences and responsibilites that go along with it. It's up to the parent's to weigh all of that and make the decision for them. The RIGHT decision. And to protect those kids every step of the way. I don't see that happening here. I see a woman who is riding the "celebrity" wave on the backs of her kids like they were 8 little boogie boards. THAT is disgusting.
North Carolina AGAIN?
Why drag the kids all the way to NC? We have great beaches a little more than two hours away.
I have to ask: where exactly are PA's little beaches? I lived here all my life, and I never visited the Pennsylvania coast yet.
Hot in PA said we have great beaches a few hours away. She wasn't saying PA has beaches. She was saying, PA is easily accessible to a great beach. I assume she was referring to New Jersey. Which is only a few hours away from Jon and Kate, who live on the east side of PA, closer to Jersey.
But forget New Jersey, they have been gone all summer long, what's wrong with just hanging out at the pool in their own backyard? The pool the kids' paid for.
"Hot in PA said we have great beaches a few hours away. She wasn't saying PA has beaches. She was saying, PA is easily accessible to a great beach. I assume she was referring to New Jersey. Which is only a few hours away from Jon and Kate, who live on the east side of PA, closer to Jersey."
Thanks, Admin., that's exactly what I meant! I would have thought that the poster would have known that Ocean Grove, Barnegat and Harvey Cedars are in New Jersey, not in PA, and just a little more than two hours away.
Come to think of it, though, we do have a beach in Mt. Gretna (PA)...sand and all! It's not the real deal, but it sure is a relaxing place to spend a hot summer day! If they absolutely HAD to film, that would have been a great place...renting a cottage by the lake for a few days, letting the kids play on the beach and swimming in the lake, having sundaes at the Jigger Shop, rollerskating, playing mini golf...and only 45 minutes away for the Gosselins. Think of it...less than an hour's drive, as opposed to dragging them on a 10 hour trip (one way) to NC.
But, I guess for Kate, Mt. Gretna would have been slumming it.
"Anyway, I also wonder if these kids will get weekends to themselves, at least, once they're in school full time, or will Kate/TLC take them away too?"
Watch for filming to resume on Nov. 23-30, fall/Thanksgiving break. Bet they go somewhere.
"We" in PA don't have a coastline. "We" go to states with coastlines. Here in PA a lot of us choose NC over NJ. Just because Kate does it doesn't mean it's wrong.
I'm guessing the NJ beaches are too crowded for the filming and Bald head Island is more exclusive. It sure looks that way from the photo. Personally, I think it was a better choice for that reason over the NJ beaches.
Is it really that hard to admit Kate does some things right?
Real Person, I lived in PA for many years, so I can speak about PA too. No one said PA has a coast. But by the way, I lived nowhere near a coast and we still went to the lake and called it going to the beach. It had sand brought in. It was a beach. It was also 15 minutes away, so it didn't require a TRIP.
There is nothing wrong with going to a beach in NC. I have been to NC too many times and to its beaches, they are some of my favorite. You're missing the entire point. No one is mad at Kate for simply going to a beach. The point is this is just yet another trip FAR from home. It makes no different whether it's North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, New Jersey, Maryland. The point is, it is the fifth place they have been this summer. Fifth! They have been filming and traveling ALL SUMMER LONG.
What exactly did Kate do right here? Nothing. She has worked these kids to death all summer and they have not been able to enjoy their sumemr vacation. They were screaming when they had to go back to Kate. It's all on video. Maybe they are EXHAUSTED from all this and just want to relax around an apartment pool. I wouldn't blame the poor kids.
I won't be distracted from the real issue. The issue is not the beach and you know it.
It's true, these poor children have traveled/worked all summer long (not to mention their entire little lives)with TLC's video cameras on top of them. Instead of enjoying their summer playing with their friends, their lives are upside down being shuttled from airport to airport, hotel to hotel, and most likely not allowed to go about as they please. As an adult, I think I would go BONKERS if I spent my entire summer doing that. Before they know it, it will be time to go back to school. Well, at least (thank God) that is an area in their lives that is stable. Just alittle side note: while I agree that the Jersey shore can be pretty crowded- I am willing to wager that Kate & TLC chose to go back to Bald Head Island, North Carolina because this state has very relaxed child labor laws-in addition to the privacy & its beauty.
I live in Florida, we have beautiful beaches around here, and we only go several times a year. My kids just love going, because we don't over do it. Heck we could go every week, but it would lose its appeal. We also live a few hours from disneyworld but only go a few times a year to keep the element of excitement. As an adult, I am not big on going on vacation, it is exhausting and lots of work to prepare for. So we do a few mini trips and everyone in our family likes that. We do every so many years go on a week long vacation, and it stresses me out to plan and go on the trip. But I do it for the kids. They are pretty much exhausted and ready to go home after mini trips or even a week long trip. They like the their simple fun summer routine at home much better(pool, summer camp, Vacation bible school, sleepovers). My point: I do not know how the Gosselin kids do it.....they must be burnt out! They are so young and really traveled out. There really is nowhere left for them to go........I wish Kate would stop this madness and let the kids finish their childhoods as children, doing kid things and letting them be kids! How can she be so selfish? Truly how?
"I'm guessing the NJ beaches are too crowded for the filming and Bald head Island is more exclusive. It sure looks that way from the photo. Personally, I think it was a better choice for that reason over the NJ beaches."
I'm not sure if you really didn't know that the beaches I mentioned are in New Jersey (or if you were just making a snide little remark about PA's coast), but there are many lovely, quiet, uncrowded beaches on the New Jersey shore. Been there, just got back. Not every beach has the casino-going crowd, with throngs on the boardwalk, and wall-to-wall people on the beach kicking sand in your face. Our vacation is spent in a quiet seaside community, not unlike those found in NC. It is located in a lovely little community, with an uncrowded beach, beautiful white sand, sandbars as far as the eye can see, and glorious sunsets.
Admin said..."The point is, it is the fifth place they have been this summer. Fifth! They have been filming and traveling ALL SUMMER LONG."
Admininstrator said it best. It's not that they chose NC as the place in which to film, although they've been there and done that and we really don't need to see it again. It's the fact that these kids have had no summer in which they can just be kids without having cameras shoved in their faces.
And don't forget that not all of the excursions have been pleasant for the kids. The NYC fiasco, in which the kids were paraded around the streets of NYC in 103 degree heat when excessive heat warnings were issued, is something that upset many viewers. It was unconscionable.
Life's a beach, but in this case, Kate did nothing right. What would have been "right" was to let the kids have much more time to swim with their dad in his pool. It certainly appears that this is what they like to do best. THIS is where we see the smiles, and hear their cries when they are returned to their home. This where the kids can be kids.
Real said: "We" in PA don't have a coastline. "We" go to states with coastlines.
Who in the heck said that we (in PA) have a coastline? Why the nit-picking? If one wants to go to a seaside resort, isn't it a given that a state with a coastline is a logical choice?
There aren't too many here who need a geography lesson to determine whether or not Pennsylvania has a coastline! However, here it is: six states border PA, including New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, and Ohio (PA also shares a water border with Canada at Lake Erie).
Move on, please!
@ a real person...
I would admit if Kate ever did the right thing. Problem being, I can't think off hand of anything she has done right. Seriously. Please enlighten me. What exactly has she done right?
Maybe Jon can tear himself away from his movie-viewing and online-survey-taking long enough to be there for them...hahaha! I crack myself up - like that's going to happen. I'm sure Ellen's chihuahuas will need to be walked or something else of utmost urgency will require his attention.
Didn't I read from a Penn. local who seems to
know a lot about the Gosselins that Jon is the parent who supports all their school activities?
"Didn't I read from a Penn. local who seems to
know a lot about the Gosselins that Jon is the parent who supports all their school activities?"
You did that you did. That would probably be moi, and yes, he does.
a real person ;) said... Why drag the kids all the way to NC? We have great beaches a little more than two hours away.
I have to ask: where exactly are PA's little beaches? I lived here all my life, and I never visited the Pennsylvania coast yet.
Yes we do have a coast in PA. Presque Isle on Lake Erie. The Great Lakes are referred to as the country's North Coast.
"Yes we do have a coast in PA. Presque Isle on Lake Erie. The Great Lakes are referred to as the country's North Coast."
I didn't know that there was a coast in northwest PA on Lake Erie. I knew that there was a water border there, but didn't know it was an actual "coast" with a beach! I just pulled up the pics, and it's beautiful! Thanks for the info. Interesting! You learn something every day!
"We" in PA don't have a coastline. "We" go to states with coastlines. Here in PA a lot of us choose NC over NJ. Just because Kate does it doesn't mean it's wrong.
I'm guessing the NJ beaches are too crowded for the filming and Bald head Island is more exclusive. It sure looks that way from the photo. Personally, I think it was a better choice for that reason over the NJ beaches.
Is it really that hard to admit Kate does some things right?
North Carolina AGAIN?
Here Here Kelly!! You sound like a great dad & I agree 100% with you about the kind of dad Jon is. Your description fits him to a Tee. A "disney dad". He could stop all this if he really wanted to fight for it. Step up Jon. Be a frigin' man, & let the kids be kids.
Admin, you say that the kids should be home, spending time with their friends. Do you think they have friends? Do you think Khate allows them to have any? I always wondered that. Would they or their parents have to sign confidentiality agreements? How sad would that be? I find it so sad that these kids get dragged all over the country so mommy can live the highlife. I agree with all the posters who said these kids don't look happy, & that they are just repeating what viewers have already seen. Why is TLC doing the SAME show over & over? We don't care! It would be like me telling my friends the same story of my 4 day beach trip to Maine last week over & over on Facebook. They would cancel me as their friend. Why isn't anyone canceling Kate? I think it's coming, I do. It's recycled, boring, trite, & yes, child exploitation. Do the Sheeple enjoy the SAME story over & over & over? Ugh. Tick Tock Kate.
Absolutely not! Why would any NORMAL parent want their children's day to day lives exposed for the world to see. The moment I saw anti- Mady websites criticising this innocent child (and defending her mother), I knew that Jon & Kate made a HUGE mistake putting those children on t.v. If Kate wanted to record memories of her children, she could have easily taken photos or filmed it for personal family viewing.
The chickens left the day after they were filmed.
They were just props for the show....then they were back in the farmers coop.
When in the hell do these kids get to leave that prison for good ?
I guess when they learn to drive.....
Love that Katie Krieder brought along her white throne to sit on the beach...
And nice Christian Ashley gets her tuition at Liberty college likely covered, again.
It is so sad that the kids just can't get any down time.
School starts for the twins in two weeks. Summer must be a blur to them.
I knew that she would throw another work week in before the kids had to go back to school. i told ya guys she would, she might even throw another episode in before Aug 30 just so ya know. She considers this a vacation for them and adventures even though its actually work. Don't worry kiddies, school will start in 3 weeks than mommy is on her own.
Way to go Kate & TLC! Nothing like making the Gosselin children work/play/make memories (can't keep track anymore) during their summer vacation. Is this going to be the last trip for those innocents before school starts, or are you planning on sneaking/squeezing in another meaningless filming trip/gig?
That's o.k. right Kate, you fool? You can rename your show: "Gosselin Workcamp". Anyway, the kiddies have ample time to rest & and play like regular kids do- with their NANNIES & their father...
Oh Joy Joy!!! We'll all be blessed yet again, with another never ending batch of photo ops with Kate in a bikini, showing off her misplaced belly button, her fake boobs, her bright teeth veneers and her pretending to not know the Paps are taking her pictures, AGAIN!!!
How boring are these new shows going to be? Each year there is another episode of the family at the beach, the family at the barbershop, the family at the zoo, the family at the dentist, the family at the battleship tour and on and on and on and on and on................
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