Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The kids' 'happiness and excitement' to be back with Mom, according to Kate.

Kate said on her blog 8/23/10: "More recently, they put on a welcome home show for me immediately upon their return from their dad's apartment ... not sure why I got the welcome home, but because it involved all eight kids and ended in a huge group hug surrounding mommy, I didn't need to worry about the nitty gritties. I just needed to eat up all the love that I had missed for the last two days. That particular show was inspired by a very evident happiness and excitement that we were all reunited at home! I got the point!"


114 sediments (sic) from readers:

Mimi to 3 said... 1

I was just about to comment on this. If you go to her blog, she makes the comment that the kids welcomed her back with open arms on that day that we saw their reaction to being taken home by Jon. Right Kate. She can't change the fact that we saw what we SAW on that video. Those kids did not want to go home. TLC and Kate had to do something to clear up that little misunderstanding (read: revise history) and say the kids were so glad to see her. And funny this is, on this entry on her blog, there are only 11 comments and they are all positive. They have stopped printing the opposing comments. TLC and Kate -- a team that will go down in infamy.

Michelle said... 2

Guess the screaming in the van saying "daddy don't go" was just the kids warming up their lungs to give Kate a big welcome home show.

I read this entry on Pressi's site. Kate said the kids like doing little song and dance shows and she tapes them so when they are teenagers she can show the footage to their boyfriends and girlfriends and embarrass the kids. Does she not realize the plethora of material already available for purchase on DVD or for free on YouTube that she can torture her kids with in the future? Thanks, mommy!

I hope Mady and Cara don't read mom's blog.

HollyMo said... 3

I have nothing to say that doesn't include obscenities, except LIAR LIAR (hot) pants on fire!!

browneyedgirl said... 4

Tell us another one, Kate. Not only does little of this ring true, it's a blatant attempt to get those kids on some kind of Disny/Nickelodeon show. Ugh.

Anonymous said... 5


prairiemary said... 6

HUGE FREAKIN LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

kathy said... 7

Maybe when the kids grow up they'll move to South America to live with the one tribe that hasn't seen them on tv, then Kate can show potential boyfriends/girlfriends the videos of the kid's variety shows with some element of surprise.

prairiemary said... 8

Like I said a couple of weeks ago, we on this blog write the scripts, so TLC has a story line.As if kate would say that, never mind write it! It does not sound like her at all, do they think people are fools?? Maby on the fansites, where the I.Q's seem to be very small numbers, but not on here or other brain-working-well blogs!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 9

This really begs the question, why is Kate telling us all about how the kids "really" react when they go home to her? Why on the defensive???

If she's so confident the children love her and love to be home and can't wait to be back with her, why is she so eager to tell us all about it? Just be confident in it and let it go. She is always leaping to throw Jon under the bus and try to cast doubt on things we see with out own eyes....like she's so afraid we might believe what we see.

Not to mention, the children's feelings about all this should be kept private. They have to be exchanged like chattle because of the divorce. This is not their fault and they deserve privacy.

Anonymous said... 10

Admin, have you seen the latest video on INF? It was filmed after the last shopping trip.

Summertime Blues said... 11

"This is not their fault and they deserve privacy."


When has the word privacy even been a part of their mother's vocabulary?

Ghost Writer said... 12

@Michelle said: I hope Mady and Cara don't read mom's blog.

Has Kate ever read Kate's blog?

Ellie said... 13

I thought Khate said this house was the KID'S house. Then why are THEY leaving for two days? So because Jon isn't allowed on the property, he has to arrange for a ride every time he sees them and the kids are subjected to being handed off.

Yeah I'm sure they're running through the door with open arms to put on a show because they don't perform enough every other day of the week!

Sadie said... 14

The woman is mentally ill...that is all I can think of with her odd behavior. Why is she still making comments about her kids personal life, is she that stupid to think when they are teenagers that they will consider it CUTISH!?!

AuntieAnn said... 15

Well, we all wondered how Kate would spin that clip...and now we know.

I guess in the convoluted Land of Gozz, if you think it's true, then it is. That tall tale just proves again that she satisfies all the criteria for compensatory narcissism.

JudyK said... 16

Ghost Writer said... @Michelle said: I hope Mady and Cara don't read mom's blog.

Has Kate ever read Kate's blog?

AMEN! And has Kate ever read "her" books!

Starz22 said... 17

I dont believe anything kate says.She has been prooven to be a LIAR over and over and over and over ect, ect.

The truth is...The video of Jon dropping off the kids.It was heartbreaking!Those kids were not just crying or throwing a fit,they were freaking out.Lucky for kate the tape seems to have slipped by,hardly noticed or mentioned.If I knew how to,I'd send it to every rag-mag and tv rag-mag I could.I dont think it should have been dismissed like it was.
So now tlc and kate are trying to say the kids threw a song and dance routine for her only after 2 days? MY ASS!!!I wouldnt be shocked to see a video with the kids forced just doing that leaked or in an up-coming show very soon.

kate...your relationship with the kids has been seen quite clearly.The disdain on your face and the nasty comments you make about them come through loudly.No matter how much you and tlc try to change it...its not gonna happen.You just dont have it in you,you'r NOT that kind of mother...now matter how much you get paid for trying!

wayward said... 18

What a heap of steaming, putrid BS. Kate is probably ripping the fake blog writer a new orifice because even she knows how fake that crap was.

Lauren said... 19

That blog entry was nothing but a lame attempt at damage control. I feel sorry for the lowly TLC intern who had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to come up with that.

Thanks for keeping the blog fresh Admin!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 20

Kate needs to ignore things like the video that came out. Addressing it just makes her look defensive, and guilty.

It took the interns two weeks to come up with this excuse and this is all they could come up with?

If you were TLC how would you spin this?

Anonymous said... 21

We are supposed to believe they did a number ala A Chorus Line just for her?

"One... singular sensation, every little step SHE takes."

Yeah, right.

fidosmommy said... 22

I'm confused about the timing of the video vs. blog. The video is from August 2. The blog is from August 23. Is Kate talking about THIS exchange or another one that went more smoothly? What am I forgetting with my blurry brain at 1:00 a.m.? Why is there such time disparity between the exchange at the gate and Kate writing about it?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 23

The more I think about it the more I'm realizing this blog entry is such a CLASSIC narccicist move.

In Kate's mind, the children are prancing home singing to Mother of deers and flowers and clover. But in reality, the kids are screaming and shrieking and begging Daddy not to go.

READ THIS, could this be any more on the money about this sitution:

"The narcissist then resorts to self-delusion. Unable to completely ignore contrarian opinion and data - he transmutes them. Unable to face the dismal failure that he is, the narcissist partially withdraws from reality. To soothe and salve the pain of disillusionment, he administers to his aching soul a mixture of lies, distortions, half-truths and outlandish interpretations of events around him [!!!!]. These solutions can be classified thus:
The Delusional Narrative Solution. The narcissist constructs a narrative in which he figures as the hero - brilliant, perfect, irresistibly handsome, destined for great things, entitled, powerful, wealthy, the centre of attention, etc. The bigger the strain on this delusional charade - the greater the gap between fantasy and reality - the more the delusion coalesces and solidifies."

It blows my mind how accurate that is to this situation.

Anonymous said... 24

How did the house become hers, when it was stated the house was bought bin trust foe the kids. Also didn't Jon's dad the dentist purchase for the family. so why does Kate have possession of it?

Troy Chula Vista said... 25

Just watched America's Got Talent. The first act was the two little ballroom dancers. They did "paparazzi", you know the one Kate stomped her way through on DWTS. These kids were awesome! The little girl was so graceful and the little guy was as spot on as Derek or Max from DWTS. These kids ROCKED! Wish the Tabloids would compare them somehow....

Mary said... 26

That blog entry litterally made me feel vomitous. What lies! The writing style is even less her than previous ones, so I'm convinced someone else wrote it for her.

And I have to wonder...if it even happened...if she gave those kids a huge guilt trip for that Jon dropoff tape and ordered them to make it up to her by putting on a show. Like another poster said, it might also be her attempt to get those kids on Nicolodeon or something. No intelligent casting agent would take on those kids with Kate as the stage mother...can you imagine??

mama mia said... 27

Whatever the kids do and say in private is their business, Kate, but you don't see to grasp that concept, do you? And why are you always threatening them? You act like a big bully. So far you've threatened to show their poop pictures, threatened to marry a big cop to wack their butts and now you are threatening to show film footage of them showing the love to you! We totally get why those poor children shriek in terror when Jon drops them back off at YOUR place.

Unknown said... 28

I read this on Kate's blog the other day and posted a message saying she could try all she wanted to convince everyone of this but it was plain and clear the children had much more fun and were much more relaxed when they were with Jon. It was never posted so last night I sent another message saying it was amazing how when they weeded out all of the negative comments there were very few left. I really think it is Kate writing this blog. It sounds exactly like she talks. She can try all she wants to coach the kids to be happy when they're with her but they are kids and they won't be able to hide their emotions. Jon gets down on their level, he always did if you watch the old shows. I really think and hope when these kids get old enough to decide for themselves at least most of them will choose to live with him. I hope he gets his act together and gets a job and house before then so he can take them.

KateSteveandTLCSuck said... 29

Summertime Blues said...
"This is not their fault and they deserve privacy."
When has the word privacy even been a part of their mother's vocabulary?
August 24, 2010 8:25 PM
'Remember this room, this is THE LAST TIME you will ever set foot in here...upon the penalty of severeness...'
(skip to 7:20 minute mark)
And don't forget the deadbolt lock on the master bedroom door, too!
What a bitch.

cathy518 said... 30

Kate a narcissist? Not sure about this folks. The more she parades in those circus outfits, the more she drags those tired, hungry (emotionally starved for affection and stability at the very least) children from place to godawful place to be filmed, the more I think she is appears psychotic. I think those kids are in real danger. This woman has had a break with reality and who knows what she is really capable of.

Karen said... 31

We all know she had to say something to remind everybody who is in charge, the favorite (in her own mind), etc. This is just getting sadder by the minute. Does the word "desperate" come to mind?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 32

Blah, blah, blah- bulls**t, thy name is Kate.

Everytime I read about Kate, she reminds me of the ending scene in the Devil Advocate, where the devil (feeding off the lawyer's huge ego- exactly like Katie Irene's) smiles at the camera and says: "Vanity, definitely my favorite sin".

Watch out Kate, you liar!!!

Tish said... 33

Thank you Administrator for this blog and for your insight in your above comments. I am so glad that you keep this blog going not only to prevent other kids from becoming like the G8 but also for EXPOSING Khate Go$$elin for pathetic and sick, sick, sick, sick woman she is.

Linda in NS said... 34

Kate is totally delusional. She is a complete and utter moron. If she were in Nova Scotia her nickname wouldn't be Kart but Hollis. Hollis Street is located in Halifax and is a very old hooker stroll. If anyone sees a woman that looks like hard tack Katie we'd call her Holis no questions asked. Gee if TLC reads this blog maybe they could do a story line of asking the kids hard questions such as "how does mommy really treat you" or "does mommy spend ANY time with you". Of course the questions shouldn't be vetted by mommy dearest and the kids should be told to answer honestly. Yeah right like that would happen.

Lynn said... 35

I posted a comment on "Kate's Take" basically saying not for a second do I believe Kate writes this blog. It was yesterday around 3:40 PM ET. At the time the comments numbered 11 and at 9:15 AM ET they still do! I don't believe TLC will post my comment, but they haven't posted any others either. The kids sing and dance when they come home? I thought Kate and Jon were suppposed to rotate in and out because they purchased the house for the kids. Yeah Kate, everything you do is for the kids - NOT!!! What a poor excuse for a "mother."

Montreal Gal said... 36

I work in the field of family law and sadly, Kate's behaviour is typical of a mom who despises her ex and doesn't want the children to see him (although unlike other women, her drama plays out in public).
Such as mom will tell anyone who will listen that the kids hate being with their dad, that they're hugely relieved when the visits are over and they can go back to the only parent they really love (i.e. her) and that the only reason the kids see that horrible, nasty man is because of the unfeeling judge ordered visitation.
Of course, the kids pick up on this and they are hugely conflicted, because they do love their daddy and are happy to see him. However, in order not to make mommy angry and lose her love, they'll tell her what she wants to hear, so she wil turn around and say, see, I told you the kids hate visiting him and are really, really happy to be home (with me) where they belong.

cathy518 said... 37

TLC is rolling out another sextuplet show, as horrible as this is for the new kids on the block, it may serve to replace the Gosselins on TLC. It does seem to me that TLC has been putting less energy and resources into filming the Gosselins now although they have doubled up on the camera time for the summer. Shoe shopping, school shopping, been there done that stuff- low budget shows. How wonderful if this summer proves to be TLC's last go at the Gosselins,maybe they are moving on!
New show anouncement: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=11475153

XYZed said... 38

I believe Kate when she says the kids break into a number upon returning to her care. I imagine they sing songs like "It's The Hard-Knock Life" from Annie.

Bubbles said... 39

First of all, I don't believe any of this actually happened, but if it were true the kids did give Kate the "welcome home" it'd be because they're so confused by the constant traveling by her and by themselves, that they can't remember who is coming or going!

If Kate were my mother, I'd be all about giving her a happy FAREWELL party every time she leaves so we can relax and enjoy ourselves with the hired help who treats us better than she does!

Markiesnana said... 40

She is delusional....and spiraling out of control now....

Michelle said... 41

Note to Jon: I just read an interview with Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods' ex-wife, who's reported settlement was anywhere from $100 to $500 million. Is she sitting around spending her days watching movies, playing video games and tweeting? Nope. She's working on her college degree in psychology.

Think about it, Jon.

justme said... 42

Why didn't I see and feel the love and happiness in the most recent INF video? I must have missed something along the way.I didn't see the happiness when she herded the kids in that hot van and slammed the door shut.I didn't feel the love while she stood there talking to the crew and Stevie while the kids sweltered in that hot van.What I heard was, kids crying, one screaming "Mommy" as she slammed the door shut. For some reason, I'm not feeling the love.

Tish said... 43

I love Elin Nordigren. What a class act. She is not a fame whore, she is a devoted Mother and she is getting an education. Jon Go$$elin is a lazy, spineless TURD and Khate Go$$elin is psychotic.

DLCF said... 44

Watched the "Paparazzi" ballroom routine.

You go, Patryk and Anna. That's what my sister calls getting your life, kids, that's how you perform. Humble and gracious and exquisitely talented children. I think they'll go very far in the dance world.

Kate should never attempt to ballroom dance to that song again, because she can never go where those kids went with it. They own that now and I hope it takes them where Kate thinks SHE deserves to be.

KateJonandTLCSuck said... 45

Michelle said...

Note to Jon: I just read an interview with Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods' ex-wife, who's reported settlement was anywhere from $100 to $500 million. Is she sitting around spending her days watching movies, playing video games and tweeting? Nope. She's working on her college degree in psychology.

Think about it, Jon.
August 25, 2010 7:26 AM
Just think, Jon could even go to school and learn to to be a PR (that's Public Relations)Representative. ;-)

Sorry said... 46

Yep, Lynn, it appears nothing but positive comments are being posted on Kate's current blog entry. It is now up to 13 comments - all positive.

I was surprised they let very negative comments get through on the previous blog entries.

Anonymous said... 47

Please watch this and tell me who it reminds you of ......


JudyK said... 48

Watched the "new house" video. OMG, I had almost forgotten what a bitch she was to Jon. She's telling the kids that they are seeing their parents bedroom for the first and last time because she and Jon need privacy. Then she yells at Jon, "Jon, you could help by getting in here and not wandering around. SPEAK!" So Jon speaks and tells them they are not allowed in their parents' bedroom and she says, "Did you tell them why?" Then, later on the couch, Jon is talking about the outbuilding and about the kids going down there to “nose poke” around. Kate mocks him for using that word. She’s just an utter and complete bitch.

Anonymous said... 49

I have a question,I dont watch TLC anymore and haven't seen the previews for the new multiple's show....but can someone tell me what state they live in? We should review those child labor laws and get on that bandwagon before those children grow up to be exactly what the G8 are. No way will TLC protect them.

The only.....and I mean ONLY....reality show I watch anymore is Cash Cab on Discovery. I hate TV otherwise and get what news and info I need online these days.

Enjoy reading here every day- and Admin, I've moved offices so it's easier to read the new format now at work :-) :-) :-)


Bones said... 50

Am I the only person who believes that Kate DOES write her blog? Seriously, the overuse of ridiculous description, the overuse of exclamation marks, and the obviousness that she has her thesaurus out while trying to write it...is classic Kate.
She has a writing style as that of a 6th grader trying to impress the teacher, and this comes across in her books and her blog ( notice I said HER books...not Beth's book ).

I believe 110% that Kate herself writes this nonsense. I don't get why people think she doesn't. The writing is in her egotistical voice ( ooozes arrogance ) and is below level for someone her age and who has supposedly written a best seller. The blog is in the same style as her 2nd and 3rd books, which IMO were poorly written.

I believe she absolutely writes that crap.

mamamia said... 51

Just saw this on EW.com....sounds like Kate's 8 are getting replaced with younger, bilingual tups!

TLC announced today that it will debut a new series on Sept. 14 featuring the Carpio sextuplets, or whom the cable network is billing as “America’s first Latino sextuplets.” The four boys and two girls, at 22 months, just learned to walk and will be taught two languages in the eight-part series Sextuplets Take New York. The mom and dad is Victor and Digna Carpio, who also share their Queens, NY home with a 9-year-old son.
The babies were born weighing less than 2 lbs each. The show is from Figure 8 Films, the production company that is responsible for Kate Plus 8, Table for 12 and 19 Kids and Counting, all on TLC.

Tucker's Mom said... 52

Michelle said...
Note to Jon: I just read an interview with Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods' ex-wife, who's reported settlement was anywhere from $100 to $500 million. Is she sitting around spending her days watching movies, playing video games and tweeting? Nope. She's working on her college degree in psychology.
I mean, I want to support the kid's father, and they obviously adore him. But Elin and Jon are about the same age,and to listen to Jon (who can't see himself having a boss now), he sounds like he's going to retire.
Please, go to school and get a career.
I'd bet money that he's going to remarry and have more kids. How will he ever support all that?
Both of these grifters set out to never work a real job ever again. Kate says "as soon as my kids are through college, you're never going to see me again".
So, she's going to retire in her 40's.
The hubris to think that she'll be in the media for that long just boggles the mind.

Julianna said... 53

"The more she parades in those circus outfits, the more she drags those tired, hungry (emotionally starved for affection and stability at the very least) children from place to godawful place to be filmed, the more I think she is appears psychotic. I think those kids are in real danger."


One can be both psychotic and a narcissist. The person is known as a narcissistic psychopath.

Anonymous said... 54

Longtime lurker...but just needed to make a comment.

Just have to note, I'm always amazed that these displays of affection and longing for their mother don't ever appear to be caught on tape or in other p-photographs. I mean you'd think Kate and TLC would thrive on having one of these in their hands, flaunting it to prove how devoted the kids remain to their Mother/TLC.

Now I'm not suggesting they film these private moments as I think none of these should ever be filmed and certainly not for public consumption But I just find it very interesting that they never seem to catch these spontaneous "non-scripted" displays like these on tape...I mean really isn't all for documentary purposes, dearest Kate? (now I wouldn't put it past them to script one of these babies up stat before they head back to school). And those kids have long learned the basic survival lessons, you tell your erratic mother exactly what she wants to hear so she won't traumatize you anymore than you already have been.

Personally, I'm hoping Mady will continue her feisty questioning of authority and maybe eventually team up with Cara (in her own quiet manner) to plot a quiet coup here or at least rebel in a quiet way. (I have visions of Cara secretly using morse code eye blinks spelling out SOS or HELP or LIES on camera)one of these times.

Well we're rooting for you kids....hang in there... there are tons of people here who just want you to have your childhood and privacy back. You all deserve it. Good luck in school.

Smart Princess said... 55

Montreal Girl,

I think yours is a very accurate description as to what is happening.

emschick1128 said... 56

I just read Kate's TLC blog, what a load of crap!! The kids broke in to a song and dance number, after getting home from a trip and this was at 10:30 at night? WTF?? I'm sure a few sheeple might believe that but it is so ridiculous. Maybe they had been working on coordinating their song and dance number on the plane so they could surprise Mom when they go home. To bad Kate couldn't have behaved like Elin Nordigren and not trashed her kids father publicly and spilled her guts and a lies to anyone who would listen. Elin is a real class act and showed dignity that Kate will never have.

AuntieAnn said... 57

OT, but:

"We fell in love with them," said Nancy Daniels, senior VP of production and development at TLC. "All of our shows look at interesting families and interesting live. They're struggling with taking care of a lot of small children who are all the same age and overrunning their house."

Nope, not the Gosselins, the Carpios. TLC moves in to destroy yet another family.


Anonymous said... 58

I just read that TLC has a new "batch" of sextuplets whom are of Latino born in the US or Queen New York.

Why do I have a whif of something similiar to the gosselins:

"We going this financially struggling family who have 7 children (1 elder son and the six) we follow their daily struggles to raise their large family in NYC."


Summertime Blues said... 59

Anon said..."But I just find it very interesting that they never seem to catch these spontaneous "non-scripted" displays like these on tape."

I think we just recently saw one of these brief, fleeting moments, but it wasn't spontaneous or non-scripted...Kate kissing one of the girls at the doctor's office when she was sending them off somewhere. However, it was so definitely staged that nobody would have believed that there was anything sincere about it.

justme said... 60

OT but TLC has themselves a new sextuplet family. A Latino couple,billed as having the first Hispanic sextuplets in the U.S. The show is going to be called "Sextuplets Take New York."Something tells me Katie Irene is not going to be a happy camper.

Anonymous said... 61

Pure Bull Sh*t!

cathy518 said... 62

Marie said, "I just read that TLC has a new "batch" of sextuplets whom are of Latino born in the US or Queen New York.......


Hah, read a funny comment on another blog, along the lines of TLC needing to be sterilizied so they don't produce any more of these multiples/large family shows!

MetsFan said... 63

@ Marie****I just read that TLC has a new "batch" of sextuplets whom are of Latino born in the US or Queen New York.****
Last time I checked Queens, NY is in the US.

Hippie Chick said... 64

Agreed Marie. I fear that TLC will just make this new family a side-show just like the Gosselin's, split them up, and that's that. The good news is, the G8 are on their way out. Aw, poor Kate, she must be seething that's she's being replaced. Huh. Karma.

Anonymous said... 65

Maybe that's why Kate is in N.Y. - she's meeting the new sextuplet "stars". It looks like her new show is not going ahead; instead she (as a nurse) will be giving advice to the parents based on her experience. Oh God, will it never end.

cathy518 said... 66

Kate is mentally unstable for sure. Narcissist, psychotic and maybe even sociopath. I really fear for those kids, I mean Andrea Yates comes to mind when speaking of a mother who totally loses touch with reality.

Markiesnana said... 67

Having documented the Gosselins and their eight children in Jon and Kate Plus 8, TLC is launching a new reality television show, this time following the trials and tribulations of a couple and their sextuplets, RadarOnline.com has learned.

It will be called Sextuplets Take New York.

Anonymous said... 68

Marie to answer your question.."WHEN ARE SEXTUPLETS A FREAKING COMODITY?!!!!" I sadly inform you that in the past 8 years....well:

The Headrick sextuplets (born April 6, 2002
The Harris sextuplets (born on July 7, 2002 (TV appearance in a show where they recieved a house)
The Hanselman sextuplets (born February 26, 2004
The Gosselin sextuplets (born May 10, 2004(distructive reality tv show,TLC, Kate plus 8)
The Hayes sextuplets (born September 14, 2004 (reality show,TLC,Table for 12)
Canada's first sextuplets (born January 6 and 7, 2007(only 4 survived)
The Morrison sextuplets (born June 10, 2007(only 1 survived though)
The Masche sextuplets (born June 11, 2007 )reality show,not TLC,Raising sextuplets)
The Byler sextuplets (born September 1, 2007
The Carpio sextuplets (born October 6, 2008(new TLC show,Sextuplets in NY or sth like that)
The Conway sextuplets (born May 22, 2009(one died)
The Stansel sextuplets (born August 4, 2009(several died)
The Mele-Oliva sextuplets (born January 10, 2010
The Lamb sextuplets (born May 14, 2010(several died)
The McGhee sextuplets (born June 9, 2010

Soo yeah you will notice that lately sextuplets are the latest fashion..
Also reality tv shows with multiples are a huge succes:
The Ferrill quintuplets born December 21, 2006 (documentary,TLC,Quint-Essential )
The Chavez quintuplets,born 2007 (tv show Discovery Health Channel,Multiples and Mayhem)
The Dotzler quadruplets born November 18, 2009 (reality show,one episode, TLC,Make Room for
Sad isn't it?

BeDoneNow said... 69

Maybe I am in a bubble today, but there seems to be no internet chatter about 8 PA children starting school today. Which may prove that the unhealthy fasination with the kids is over, and without Kate and TLC arranging photo ops, there is simply NO MARKET for candid shots of the children.

The fact that TLC did not arrange pics means they are trying to 'hide' the fact that mother-of-year ditched her 8 in order to go for a week of beauty treatments and to practice putting one foot in front of the other in NYC.

The only real interest in Kate is waiting to see just how assinine she will behave next. She truly is a national joke now.

I wandered over to BM's site after the 'shiny shorts' foolishness, plenty of criticism over there about the way Kate dresses, but it's more gentle. No one is telling her she looks great, but instead that she doesnt need to dress like that for attention because she is pretty enough on her own. I must admit, much of it was presented as stern talk.

PatE said... 70

Speaking on psychology degrees.....someone could wrote their thesis on Krazy Kate.

...something very very dark there.

PatE said... 71

...just for laughs:


PatE said... 72

Just so we know what she looks like with no retouched photos or special lighting, ie. flash:


She does work hard to control the images that come out.

She answers to stumpy said... 73

I'm sorry to see the media and this blog giving any mention at all to the TLC blog. It is not written by Kate and shouldn't be called "Kate's Blog." Acknowledging it as such gives it credibility it does not deserve.

Have to wonder said... 74

BeDoneNow said... I wandered over to BM's site after the 'shiny shorts' foolishness, plenty of criticism over there about the way Kate dresses, but it's more gentle. No one is telling her she looks great, but instead that she doesnt need to dress like that for attention because she is pretty enough on her own. I must admit, much of it was presented as stern talk.

Is there any talk over there about BabyMama's announcement that K+8 was going to be a weekly show starting Aug 30?

KateSteveandTLCSuck said... 75

You're a day early. School starts tomorrow. I had doubts she'd even be there(she's got to get to L.A. for The Emmys, ya know ;-)then I realized that 1st day of kindergarten is a filming day for her stupid show. And THAT she will not miss. Doubt she'll be there to pick them up after school though. She'll probably be half way across the country by the time the end of school day bell peals.
She'll be there, dressed in her hooker finery, giving the phony affection on the bus steps-even to the icky boys, with Steve awaiting in the limo with the privacy screen ready to burn rubber to the airport.
Look for photos on ROL, INF or Celebrity-Gossip by 9am EST! Guaranteed.

mama mia said... 76

The sheeple are all over an Examiner article written by Jon's life coach. She uses the INF video of him dropping the kids off in hysterics and says the law prevents him from entering the gates, it also forces him to hand the kids over no matter if they are upset or not. THe sheeple have left their usual disgusting comments trashing her, Ellen and anyone else they believe is leaking what they and Kate want kept private.

GKWay aka Gosselin Kids all the way said... 77

According to Jon's tweet, he is not writing a parenting book but there is a book in the works...just not sure what he's writing about.

JonGosselin1 - Just to clear the air, I am not writing a parenting book. I am not at liberty to discuss what my book is about yet.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 78

Hot in Pa, please stop posting when the kids get out of school, when they are in school, when they are not in school, whether they have half days or whole days, who is where what.

Number one, I have no idea how you know this. Number two, it's creepy. Stop.

Hot In PA said... 79

Number one, I have no idea how you know this. Number two, it's creepy. Stop.

Sorry. Just trying to correct erroneous information as to why there were no photos being taken. I'll stop and just let the mis-info and conjectures continue. Thanks for the warning. Glad to obey!

Anonymous said... 80

So Jon is writing a book. How exciting. Is he writing a financial manual on how to make a lot of money and not having to work a real job by exploiting your children and signing away your childrens' rights and lives in a never ending cable tv contract? Is it a book about conning churches, Christians, girlfriends, soliciting donations, making money deals with paparazzi, or hiring a divorce attorney who isn't even licensed to practice in your own State?

MickeyMcKean said... 81

Here is an interesting read from Jon's life coach regarding THAT video that TLC wants us to forget:


Lauren said... 82

Love the photos Pat E.

Here is one of my favorites.
Good for a few laughs.


SG said... 83

You're not alone. I think Kate writes it. Either that or someone is writing it for her in Kate speak. The exclamation points alone make me feel that way.

Anonymous said... 84


I know New York is in the US, it was a spelling error I did not catch before I posted, sorry.

Oh good grief. So multiples are now the new "fashion?" OH boy: you have purse-dogs that are supposed to be in fashion, I just don't think human beings, children born through utility treatment should be considered a comodity or a fashion statement is all. That's pretty sick and weird.

I do hope this means the Gosselins will be phased out once and for all. Though I still fear Kate's "I struggle finacnial" now round of talk shows...

TLC needs to branch off this "multiple family" idea. It's been dead and burried for sometime now. I don't even REMEMBER the last time I watched TLC!

prairiemary said... 85

Last night I googled the Jones Quints,they have a website,but lots of info was missing from it.The dad said that due to being on TLC,they were told that they had to keep things just for the show on TLC-there goes another christian family,down the tubes,wonder how long they will last.It is soo sad.

mama mia said... 86

It is getting close to Emmy showtime so I expect Kate will be photographed with her hat, shades and sweats covering up the 4 hour hair cut, the 3 hour tanning session and the wacky nail polish. Remember that tacky manicure on DWTS with the black line drawn over the cuticle, shudder.

Vanessa said... 87

What I'd like to know is did these families ALREADY have kids before their tups came along ARTIFICIALLY? I can see if it was their first pregnancy, but to go and try and reproduce again when you already have children/a child is irresponsible...ahem JON & KATE!

emschick1128 said... 88

Well the pics are up on the Celebrity Gossip site w/ the Queen sending the kids off to school. She's actually dressed like a normal person for a change. There are about pics posted and in at least 2 she's pointing a stern finger and you can tell she's cussing one of them out. No wonder the kids are actually running to get on the bus. She is such a miserable bitch. At least now the poor kids can have some peace. I can't imagine what a monster she is to live with. I feel so bad for those children.

moo said... 89

Hey Kate, you lying narcissistic cow! Did the kids put on a complete Broadway musical when you abandoned them for weeks on end to make a bloated ass of yourself on DWTS? Did they recite Shakespearian soliloquies when you disappeared for months at a time to promote the book Beth wrote and you took credit and the paycheck for? Why do they only miss you when they go to hang out with Jon and not when you go to NY for maintenance hair appointments, etc. If they actually did put on a show for you, it was probably to butter you up and keep you from braying at them. Please tell us more of your private moments with them; it makes us really believe they love you and you them. *roll eyes*. Moo

SAHM said... 90

Well... its finally here... the first day of school pics....

Wonder if she will be there to pick them up or is she jetting off to LA for the Emmy's????


JudyK said... 91

Morning pics of Kate at the bus are up on INF. You only see one kid but 8 pics of Kate in everyday-mommy wear...yep, someone is reading the blogs. This is supposed to be of the kids going back to school, but only pics of Kate and the bus, with the exception of one child. Oh, TLC, you are just too obvious.

Vanessa said... 92

You see, ALL the pictures and video footage show the REAL Kate. Miserable, irritable, impatient, just a plain ol'bitch. BUT when you see her on the couch, it's like she's talking about something OTHER than what the viewer/spublic have just witnessed. Just like her "blog", it's all in her imagination. Who does she think she's fooling? Only herself I guess.

Anonymous said... 93

emschick1128 said...

Well the pics are up on the Celebrity Gossip site w/ the Queen sending the kids off to school. She's actually dressed like a normal person for a change. There are about pics posted and in at least 2 she's pointing a stern finger and you can tell she's cussing one of them out. No wonder the kids are actually running to get on the bus. She is such a miserable bitch. At least now the poor kids can have some peace. I can't imagine what a monster she is to live with. I feel so bad for those children.


Wow, you're able to discern from a still photo that the children are being cussed out? Very impressive.

Aeris said... 94

I'm a little late to this post, but it's a perfect display of what I really hate about Khate. It's always "what other people do for me", and not "what I do for other people". She's this way with EVERYONE, even her own kids. The kids put on a song/dance show for ME because they were so happy to be back with mom. *gags* I don't believe it for a second, her lies are so obvious. But does she do nothing for her kids when they come back to her? I've never seen her say something like "I was so happy my kids were coming home that I made them cupcakes" or "We had a pool party". Nothing. It goes along with her old famous quote, "People love us and they love our kids". Great, but what do you do in return to show them they are loved back?

Kitty The Dog's Blog said... 95

I dont think Kate is psychotic. Yet. I think her break with reality, literally, financially, emotionally, etc., will come when TLC finally pulls the plug. I fear for those children when that day comes. I do think she is narcissistic though.

Kitty The Dog's Blog said... 96

I dont think Kate is psychotic. Yet. I think her break with reality, literally, financially, emotionally, etc., will come when TLC finally pulls the plug. I fear for those children when that day comes. I do think she is narcissistic though.

MickeyMcKean said... 97

Here is an interesting read from Jon's life coach regarding THAT video that TLC wants us to forget:


Smart Princess said... 98

Montreal Girl,

I think yours is a very accurate description as to what is happening.

Administrator said... 99

Hot in Pa, please stop posting when the kids get out of school, when they are in school, when they are not in school, whether they have half days or whole days, who is where what.

Number one, I have no idea how you know this. Number two, it's creepy. Stop.

KateJonandTLCSuck said... 100

Michelle said...

Note to Jon: I just read an interview with Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods' ex-wife, who's reported settlement was anywhere from $100 to $500 million. Is she sitting around spending her days watching movies, playing video games and tweeting? Nope. She's working on her college degree in psychology.

Think about it, Jon.
August 25, 2010 7:26 AM
Just think, Jon could even go to school and learn to to be a PR (that's Public Relations)Representative. ;-)

KateSteveandTLCSuck said... 101

You're a day early. School starts tomorrow. I had doubts she'd even be there(she's got to get to L.A. for The Emmys, ya know ;-)then I realized that 1st day of kindergarten is a filming day for her stupid show. And THAT she will not miss. Doubt she'll be there to pick them up after school though. She'll probably be half way across the country by the time the end of school day bell peals.
She'll be there, dressed in her hooker finery, giving the phony affection on the bus steps-even to the icky boys, with Steve awaiting in the limo with the privacy screen ready to burn rubber to the airport.
Look for photos on ROL, INF or Celebrity-Gossip by 9am EST! Guaranteed.

XYZed said... 102

I believe Kate when she says the kids break into a number upon returning to her care. I imagine they sing songs like "It's The Hard-Knock Life" from Annie.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 103

Blah, blah, blah- bulls**t, thy name is Kate.

Everytime I read about Kate, she reminds me of the ending scene in the Devil Advocate, where the devil (feeding off the lawyer's huge ego- exactly like Katie Irene's) smiles at the camera and says: "Vanity, definitely my favorite sin".

Watch out Kate, you liar!!!

cathy518 said... 104

Kate a narcissist? Not sure about this folks. The more she parades in those circus outfits, the more she drags those tired, hungry (emotionally starved for affection and stability at the very least) children from place to godawful place to be filmed, the more I think she is appears psychotic. I think those kids are in real danger. This woman has had a break with reality and who knows what she is really capable of.

Tanya said... 105

I read this on Kate's blog the other day and posted a message saying she could try all she wanted to convince everyone of this but it was plain and clear the children had much more fun and were much more relaxed when they were with Jon. It was never posted so last night I sent another message saying it was amazing how when they weeded out all of the negative comments there were very few left. I really think it is Kate writing this blog. It sounds exactly like she talks. She can try all she wants to coach the kids to be happy when they're with her but they are kids and they won't be able to hide their emotions. Jon gets down on their level, he always did if you watch the old shows. I really think and hope when these kids get old enough to decide for themselves at least most of them will choose to live with him. I hope he gets his act together and gets a job and house before then so he can take them.

Troy Chula Vista said... 106

Just watched America's Got Talent. The first act was the two little ballroom dancers. They did "paparazzi", you know the one Kate stomped her way through on DWTS. These kids were awesome! The little girl was so graceful and the little guy was as spot on as Derek or Max from DWTS. These kids ROCKED! Wish the Tabloids would compare them somehow....

Administrator said... 107

The more I think about it the more I'm realizing this blog entry is such a CLASSIC narccicist move.

In Kate's mind, the children are prancing home singing to Mother of deers and flowers and clover. But in reality, the kids are screaming and shrieking and begging Daddy not to go.

READ THIS, could this be any more on the money about this sitution:

"The narcissist then resorts to self-delusion. Unable to completely ignore contrarian opinion and data - he transmutes them. Unable to face the dismal failure that he is, the narcissist partially withdraws from reality. To soothe and salve the pain of disillusionment, he administers to his aching soul a mixture of lies, distortions, half-truths and outlandish interpretations of events around him [!!!!]. These solutions can be classified thus:
The Delusional Narrative Solution. The narcissist constructs a narrative in which he figures as the hero - brilliant, perfect, irresistibly handsome, destined for great things, entitled, powerful, wealthy, the centre of attention, etc. The bigger the strain on this delusional charade - the greater the gap between fantasy and reality - the more the delusion coalesces and solidifies."

It blows my mind how accurate that is to this situation.

Lauren said... 108

That blog entry was nothing but a lame attempt at damage control. I feel sorry for the lowly TLC intern who had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to come up with that.

Thanks for keeping the blog fresh Admin!!!

Starz22 said... 109

I dont believe anything kate says.She has been prooven to be a LIAR over and over and over and over ect, ect.

The truth is...The video of Jon dropping off the kids.It was heartbreaking!Those kids were not just crying or throwing a fit,they were freaking out.Lucky for kate the tape seems to have slipped by,hardly noticed or mentioned.If I knew how to,I'd send it to every rag-mag and tv rag-mag I could.I dont think it should have been dismissed like it was.
So now tlc and kate are trying to say the kids threw a song and dance routine for her only after 2 days? MY ASS!!!I wouldnt be shocked to see a video with the kids forced just doing that leaked or in an up-coming show very soon.

kate...your relationship with the kids has been seen quite clearly.The disdain on your face and the nasty comments you make about them come through loudly.No matter how much you and tlc try to change it...its not gonna happen.You just dont have it in you,you'r NOT that kind of mother...now matter how much you get paid for trying!

Sadie said... 110

The woman is mentally ill...that is all I can think of with her odd behavior. Why is she still making comments about her kids personal life, is she that stupid to think when they are teenagers that they will consider it CUTISH!?!

Ghost Writer said... 111

@Michelle said: I hope Mady and Cara don't read mom's blog.

Has Kate ever read Kate's blog?

JerseyGirl24 said... 112

Admin, have you seen the latest video on INF? It was filmed after the last shopping trip.

kathy said... 113

Maybe when the kids grow up they'll move to South America to live with the one tribe that hasn't seen them on tv, then Kate can show potential boyfriends/girlfriends the videos of the kid's variety shows with some element of surprise.

Marie said... 114