Hearings on reforming PA's child labor laws will be held Sept 23 in Harrisburg:
At the urging of a reader, it's time to address the illogical and really, laughable accusation that Rep. Thomas Murt, who is pushing for more restrictive child labor laws in PA after what has happened to the Gosselin kids, is just doing this for votes, for publicity, and for the upcoming election in November.
A few points to consider:
1. Murt is a state representative up for election every two years. Because these terms are so short, most people in his shoes campaign constantly. So whether he pushed for this legislation now, six months from now, twelve months from now, or two years from now, you could always accuse anyone who is a representative of just campaigning for votes at any time throughout their term. When you are never not campaigning, than you can never do a thing without being accused of trying to get votes. If his term was six years or even four years, this might be a point worth discussing.
2. Contrary to what Kate apologists want you to think, Rep. Murt, a Republican, doesn't need votes. You've heard of red and blue states in national elections. Everyone expects that New York will always vote Democrat and Oklahoma will always vote Republican. But a swing state is a state that is "up for grabs," it could vote either Republican or Democrat. The same concept applies to Pennsylvania's districts. Rep. Murt represents the 152nd District. This District is not a "swing" District by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, a quick glance at the historical data shows that the 152nd has voted Republican in every single election it has ever held for that seat. The first election for this seat was in 1969 (prior to that it was an appointed position). After that, the seat was held by a variety of Republicans, including the present representative, Murt. There have been more than thirty-five elections since 1969 for this seat. The Republican won. Every single time.
3. Let's take a look at Rep. Murt's last election for this seat in 2007. He won by a landslide 60% of the votes. While 60% may mean you fail the test in grade school, in the political world that number is overwhelming. Presidential elections lately are usually won by narrow margins. Many elections are like this. So just to give you an idea of how significant that percentage is, the last time a president won with more than 60% of the votes was Richard Nixon's overwhelming landslide re-election in 1969 where he got 60.7% of the votes, more than three decades before the Gosselin kids were even born. Many elections since then with lesser numbers have also been called landslides. Tom's last election was of course a landslide and will likely be another landslide this year, too, so he has nothing to worry about.

4. Is there some remarkable candidate up for the seat that could change four decades of consistency for this District? Not really. Rep. Murt's opposition this year is no opposition at all. Bob McGucklin is running as the Democrat for Murt's seat. McGucklin is only 32 years old (although he looks about 22) with a new wife and baby. He is a new lawyer, and has no political experience. He has spent his entire career working for a law firm. He and Rep. Murt are both Penn Staters and are both Catholics, so he's not going to get the Penn State vote or the Catholic vote over Murt. Best wishes to Bob, this will be a good way to get his feet wet and to practice for future campaigns, but he has no chance against Murt this year Gosselins or not.
There's no way of really knowing what Murt is really thinking. But before dismissing him as yet another politician out to get votes, it's important to take a look at the history of his District and to understand that Rep. Murt could sit around all day spinning plates above his head, and he would probably win his seat every single election as long as the man remains a Republican. If Rep. Murt is just doing this for votes, hopefully someone has tapped him on the shoulder and reminded him that he doesn't need votes. Unless he's planning to join Obama's party any time soon.
One final note. Politicos like Rep. Murt are the envy of most politicians. He can champion whatever causes he is most passionate about without worrying about votes. One of the biggest complaints of our political system is that politicians only jump when there are votes in front of them. Since Murt is one of the minority in a position where votes don't matter that much, he can pursue whatever direction he wants. For whatever reason, improving child labor laws in his state is one of his passions. We hope something better comes out of this for these kids and for any kids involved in future productions in PA.
64 sediments (sic) from readers:
Good points. I live right near Murt's district. His family is well-known here and he has an outstanding reputation. He is an Iraq vet. I dont know who you are referring to, that is trashing him, accusing him of seeking publicity - I am assuming you mean Kate fans on the internet? If so, its laughable. There has been barely a mention of Murt in the local press here, and this issue really is not getting a ton of publicity lately. So the Kate fans are creating something in their heads that doesn't exist? Sound familiar?
Here in PA, I can guarantee there are no Kate fans, and most people would support Murt in his efforts. (what sane person wouldn't?)
Iraq vet, well there's the military vote too!
Sheeple who claim this is an election year make me laugh. They can't refute Murt on the real issues, such as why there shouldn't be more restrictive laws preventing kids from being worked to death in their state, and why the children shouldn't keep their own earnings, so they try to distract the issue and claim it's an election year.
It's an election year may work when we're talking about Obama, but not Murt.
I didn't put this in the post but Murt is risking a lot to go against the Gosselins. PA has an interest in continuing filming, I did a whole post on this awhile back. It brings good will and revenue to the state. So people who wouldn't like this? Probably anyone who works for the state, anyone who works for anything that has to do with tourism, and anyone who has ever had a production in LA with minors including this show. Also casual viewers who may not realizing what is going on here may see him as just picking on a nice PA family. The way I see it he's risking votes not gaining them.
Thank you for posting Rep. Murt's facts. Although I am not a native Pennsylvanian, I will support anyone that champions the innocents. What a shame that certain people in their misguided love for Kate Gosselin have to defame Mr.Murt.
I applaud Rep. Murt's effort and am doing my part in bypassing TLC (as I have for a long time now) and hoping that dread Khate never sees the light of media day. (Eat your foolish hearts out Sherrie, Babwra, Meredith -- shame on you all.)
After the first hearing I emailed Rep. Murt twice and got replies within a day,with an invitation to phone and speak to him.
I live in Ontario, Canada, not PA.I can't influence his re-election.There was no reason for him to go to the bother of returning my emails, if his only agenda was to get votes.
The Republican platform is the antithesis of what I believe politically, but if I were in PA I woould certsinly vote for this man and support his cause.
Thank you Marnie for letting us know that as a local who lives near Rep Murt's district that Thomas Murt is well liked and respected in his community. A lot of us who do not even live in PA have written to - and had responses from - Rep Murt so it is not really a surprise to us.
As for who is "trashing him", yes it is the Kate fans on the Internet aka Sheeple. They do not like Rep. Murt because they feel he is targeting their beloved Kate "just because". Their POV is that the kids are just fine and they want to see them on TV their entire lives.
FYI I grew up out west in cowboy country and I know that cowboys refer to sheep as "range maggots". Now that you have a visual of maggots, this is how I personally see Sheeple -- a pack of little pesky things wearing rose colored glasses that are all in one spot and not open to other possibilities.
The INF video - where the children are in hysterics about not wanting to go into the McMansion where they live with their mother but would prefer to stay with their father - is heartbreaking. Something does not smell right - I keep wondering what happens inside that home that terrifies the tups to this extreme?
Not a surprise the Sheeple believe Jon orchestrated the whole thing - no ifs, ands or buts about it. Some believe Jon choose not to drive the van to the front door to make it easy for Chris to take the video, and others believe Jon asked the kids to cry because he knew it would be on film.
The Sheeple are not open to the possibility that what they saw is raw emotion from the children and part of the problem is that the children live in an unmonitored fish bowl. Rep. Murt is pushing for more restrictive child labor laws - what could possibly be wrong with updating the current laws for these children that are working?
Bottom line: maybe Jon did plan this, then again, maybe he did not. Bloggers will never know the truth.
We all know that Jon twittered that he had the kids over the weekend. Due to the photos from The Works, the kids are happy and smiling with their dad. Chris the pap wants to make money - he knows if he finds the blue van he will have money shots. On father's day weekend Chris parked next to the blue van at Jon's apartment and waited to take photos of the kids loading up, ie., "been there, done that". This time it appears that Chris elected to follow the van to video the drop off.
Regardless of whether or not it was staged or not, something is seriously wrong in Gosselinland. I hope and pray that the efforts of Rep. Murt and Paul Peterson will of course be able to help the Gosselin 8, but that they also will be able to help ALL children in reality TV shows everywhere when other states follow PA's example and adopt more restrictive child labor laws.
Today I am going to make another donation to A Minor Consideration via PayPal. It is easy to do and I feel that I help the Gosselins by helping Paul fly out and stay in PA while helping Rep. Murt. I know it can be a small donation - every little bit helps, right? But even if I did not have a PayPal account, I know I could also send cash.
I am also going to write to Rep Murt showing him my support too. Even if I am not a PA voter I know he needs to know that there are many people who do not even live in the US that believe this is a very worthy cause.
SARAH PALIN bit her lip as KATE GOSSELIN melted down on their camping trip after the Plus 8 mom was handed a bucket with a toilet seat on top.
Kate Gosselin's much-hyped Alaskan camping trip with Sarah Palin turned into a nightmare when the mega-mom suffered a diva-like meltdown - and stormed off despite Sarah's pleas.
The reality show star stayed at the campsite for just two hours of the planned two-day adventure - and left amid an avalanche of insults, complaints and tears, The ENQUIRER learned exclusively.
"It was a nightmare," revealed an insider.
Kate agreed to visit Alaska for her TLC show Kate Plus 8 - but it was clear from the time she hit the ground that she would not be a happy camper.
And then Kate Gosselin learned exactly what the word "wildnerness' meant!
For the full story of Kate's wild Wasilla weekend of tears and strife with Sarah Palin - it's in the new ENQUIRER!
Admin, I remember your post to that effect, that the film production lobby would be against the bill & it actually might be an uphill battle with that group. But really, they'd look like fools if they did not support a law simply to protect children in reality TV productions.
No matter how they spin it, Murt's bill is the right thing at the right time.
Excellent, excellent points, and those with any level of intelligence (or knowledge of politics) are going to understand this.
But we're talking about Sheeple here. They're probably searching on dictonary.com right now for the meaning of swing districts, red and blue, and politico!
"It brings good will and revenue to the state."
I'm not so sure about this anymore. At one point, this certainly was true. The family visited sites throughout PA...the Crayola Factory, Hersheypark, Dutch Wonderland, Sesame Place, Hands-On House, Shady Maple Smorgasbord, Young Chef's Academy, Please Touch Museum, Sight and Sound, Strasburg Railroad, the Phillies game, Austin's, etc. etc. They've outgrown that now. PA is just peanuts now that they've moved on to bigger and better things -- Hawaii, Alaska with Sarah Palin. You just can't keep 'em down on the farm after they've experienced a tropical paradise and moose country.
I'm not sure how much tourism revenue the show is bringing into our state, but it might be interesting to find out. However minimal that revenue might be, if tougher child labor laws are enacted, making it more difficult to film here, production is going to pick up and travel even more to places where laws are less restrictive.
Rep. Murt is good people. He's passionate about his efforts here. HE DOES NOT WANT PUBLICITY. He's not doing it for the votes. He truly cares about these kids -- ALL kids -- because he's a religious family man with children of his own. When the parents or production company won't protect kids on reality television shows, somebody has to do the job. In this case, nobody is left but the state.
"Kate Gosselin's much-hyped Alaskan camping trip with Sarah Palin turned into a nightmare when the mega-mom suffered a diva-like meltdown - and stormed off despite Sarah's pleas.'
So does this mean that Kate will not be Sarah's running mate?
Clear, concise, succinct explanation of Rep. Murt's non-reason for championing for reality kids. Too bad the ignorant sheeple will read it and still not 'get' it. I am convinced Kate could murder someone, in front of the camera, on TV, and they'd still defend her. What a mindless bunch of well...sheep.
LOL, love the story of Kate in the wilderness. Are any of us surprised? Left after 2 hrs, eh?
"What a shame that certain people in their misguided love for Kate Gosselin have to defame Mr.Murt."
So true. But he's not in it to win a popularity contest, and the negative publicity this is generating among Sheeple really doesn't concern him. He's doing what he knows in his heart is best for the kids.
Here's a link for a little more detail:
SARAH PALIN bit her lip as KATE GOSSELIN melted down on their camping trip after the Plus 8 mom was handed a bucket with a toilet seat on top.
Maybe she got mad and left because TLC wanted to film her "going potty".
A little taste of karma there, huh Kate?
That's our charming "can-do" Kate for ya! I still wouldn't tune in to see that melt down. No doubt (for one milli-second) that TLC is praying that viewers (and ex-viewers) will watch the episode out of curiousity...
Too bad TLC- that bridge has been burnt down long ago...
I just read this post. What a pleasure that it is filled with facts!
Denise, is this story for real??
Oh my goodness! I just realised that if this article is true- those little angels were dragged away on their summer vacation for a LONG working trip to Alaska (that appeared to not be so much fun), and to boot, witnessed their mother having a break down in what was supposed to be a fun camping trip... What the H*LL!!! No wonder Kate looked like hammered poopie when she came back to the states ;o)
I emailed Rep Murt the day of the first hearings (with Jodi, Kevin, and Gloria Allred) and received a sincere, well-thought out response. For the sheeple: I mentioned in my email that I lived in another state, so clearly he wasn't looking for my vote.
I'm not even remotely surprised.
if these videos aren't disturbing I don't know what is..
And the parade of the gosselin kids's feelings probably based on their mother's new book
Here's more of the camping story:
Just read the camping story, and out of the 51 comments, only 1 person had a small amount of pity for kate,the other 50 just can't stand this woman. Any news yet on how many viewers on this last show?
Y'know, I'm wondering if the story of Kate in Alaska is true, if even TLC has now had about all they can take of her? She does NOT know how to keep her bread buttered on both sides now, does she? If you're going to be sneaky, devious, lying, greedy, I would think "playing both sides" would be up there on the required list of attributes to have. Surely she knows she's slipping in ratings, you'd think she'd have gone out of her way to be cordial and gracious w/Palin...oh, wait, never mind.
Do you think that might have been the night that that the paps caught, the one with the bus arriving late at night, with all those tired, sour expressions? - Kate couldn't sleep in a tent, hah! Where exactly did she think she was going on the TLC Summer Camping Experience? My laugh of the day.
Thanks Admin for saying what needs to be said.
Rep Murt is a hero here...he is picking up a piece of legislation that died in 2008. Secretary Vito said she would help draft legislation...where is she now?
This bill if for the kids of Pennsylvania, about the kids of Pennsylvania to protect the kids of Pennsylvania...
What parent who signed their kid up for this craziness wouldn't want the best laws for them?
People just don't listen to reason. The sheeple don't care about any evidence that comes up. I REALLY don't understand how someone can be so one sided, never open their eyes and see what truly goes on. There is TOO much evidence to still be saying "the kids are just playing in front of the cameras."
Even with all you posted here there are STILL people who will try to spin it like everyone just hates poor Katie who is just trying to provide for EIGHT, yes 8!!!!! kids.
Great article and fantastic comments!!! Laugh out loud kinda stuff...
I am kinda hoping they air this episode too.
The Alaska trip will appear on Sarah Palin's show, not Kate Plus 8. Her show finally got a premiere date, November 14.
I had speculated an Alaskan Kate Plus 8 special segueing into Sarah Palin's Alaska for a big TLC premiere night.
Will TLC use the Kate episode to premiere Sarah Palin? Why no Kate Plus 8 special?
Hi Admin.
Thank you for taking the time to write such a thorough article about Rep. Murt. This is important information, even if it will be lost on Kate's fans. Rep. Murt definitely has more to lose than to gain with this issue, so it is laughable that Kate's fans would believe he is only doing this for votes.
The only people who would object to strengthening laws to protect children are those who stand to profit off them. Along with TV networks, production companies, greedy or misguided parents, and the states themselves, this includes Kate's minions, who get some warped joy out of seeing another woman's children put on display just so they can be entertained.
Maybe Kate's fans can contact Scott Bishop from S.R. Wojdak & Associates, LP, who is the lobbyist that was hired to try to scuttle HB 2515, and give him their support. I'm sure he would be VERY happy to hear from them, maybe even get them to testify at the hearings. (Yeah, right!)
A few words from those folks and the House reps would be rushing to pass that bill immediately.
Have a good day, all.
The camping episode--how embarrassed the TLC crew must have been! Can you imagine them scrambling, calling the TLC head, trying to profusely apologize to their new star, Sarah Palin... And how Katie's ears must have burnt in her warm, dry cabin--as all of TLC and Sarah Palin's family rehashed this! Gobs of money TLC sunk into the failed camping adventure, gone? How mortifying for TLC...*knowing* it would leak out and making them look like fools to Sarah as well! This surely is one big, fat SPIKE (not nail) in Kate's "stardom" coffin. Her true colors showing once more for all to see, and they're very ugly ones.
This, with the release of the horrifying video at the gate, makes me think her reckoning is finally coming. Yup, Karma's a witch, all right.
Kate, the "Contract Honourer", did not honour her contract with TLC by pulling out of the camping episode.
This would be a perfect reason for TLC to dump her, and/or sue her for breach of contract.
If they don't, we can speculate that there is something going on that we don't know about, that keeps her in TLC's good graces.
I can't imaging any other "celebrity" being able to get away with that behaviour without some serious consequences from their employer.
This "camping" story sounds remotely like the "diva-like" stories coming out from DWTW - which equalled ratings. I mean there is nothing better to get the talk back on Kate Gosselin than "rumors" of her diva-like behavior. Don't fall for it.
TLC paid for the trip to Alaska for Kate and her family and then it went up in smoke when Kate starts being a diva. They had to spend even more money to acommodate Kate by renting the cabin. TLC probably thought they could recoup the expense of the episode by the advertising dollars it would generate. Now, not so much.
The show is losing its audience and I'm sure the advertising revenue is down as well. Kate is no longer TLC's cash cow.
It's pretty sad really that Kate would wreck the experience for her kids just because of a temporary inconvenience of no bathroom facilities. Again, she's using the kids to justify her bad behavior.
Okay, one more time-How many watched the last kate+8 show this week??
Virginia Pen Mom said... Gobs of money TLC sunk into the failed camping adventure, gone? How mortifying for TLC...*knowing* it would leak out and making them look like fools to Sarah as well!
Apparently Eileen O'Neill thinks they got enough footage to put in a bit about the Gosselins visiting Alaska for Palin’s show.
From the Washington Post:
TLC finally confirmed its worst-kept secret: Kate Gosselin and her brood of eight children did indeed recently travel to Alaska and did hook up with Sarah Palin, and that get-together will be seen on the cable network.
But contrary to popular speculation, this historic meeting of America's Two Most Polarizing Moms will not be seen in one of those "Kate Plus Eight" specials TLC has been running, in which Kate takes her kids to various places to show them a "good time."
Instead, TLC President Eileen O'Neill told TV critics attending Summer TV Press Tour 2010 that the Palins "graciously shared their Alaska with the Gosselin family," and that campaign trip will be part of an episode of Palin's new TLC series, "Sarah Palin's Alaska."
IF, this story in true then that will be Kates undoing. Sarah Palin is another "celebrity" out of circumstance. Love her or hate her, at least she isn't vile and disgusting. She has more class than Kate and at least has some personality that is likable. But, it remains to be seen if it is true and picked up by the main stream media. Sarah has a lot more supporters than Can Do Kate and they will tear Kate a new one for messing with their girl.
If Kate truly pulled a diva stunt like this after all the effort TLC made to get her and the kids involved in this Alaskan adventure/crossover, they should drop her like a hot potato. How embarassing.
"No wonder Kate looked like hammered poopie when she came back to the states ;o)"
You do realize, right, that Alaska is a state?
Murt wants publicity and Paul Petersen is "just jealus" that he didn't get the part as Richie Cunningham on Happy Dayz.
That's what I've read anyways ....
I'm sorry, but I just have to post this youtube video. In all the hurt and sad moments we've had with the kids this week THIS was just a hilarious parody of J&K.
Oh Puleeezzzzz shes on Celebrity Gossip taking her 8 for a haircut. The boys are all matchy matchy, and she is dressed like a hooker again. Yeah, most moms take their kids out in town dressed like a hooker to run an errand or two. She must clean her house and cook dressed like that too..Good Grief!!!!
Sadie, they were filming the haircuts because we have not seen them getting their haircut recently. Yawn!!!!!
Only Kate could make me feel bad for Sarah Palin. How rude!
Something tells me the hamburgers that Sarah had with her were not from a cow, rather a local meat. As for lunchables, while I don't have them in my house I would never insult my host. Although Sarah can afford them, I bet they cost a few $$ having to be shipped to Alaska. She probably thought she was buying something familiar to the kids trying to be thoughtful. I'm sure her younger children consider them a treat.
If her contract with TLC requires her to participate with their plans for her, and she turned down the Palin two-day camping escapade after only two hours; possibly she breached the contract and they can get rid of her.
Sadie said...
Oh Puleeezzzzz shes on Celebrity Gossip taking her 8 for a haircut.
Other sites have photos and reports that the TLC crew was there for filming.
Representative Murt, please get these children away from Kate. She has and will continue to do irreparable harm to these children. I don't think there is enough therapy in the world to make Kate "right." She is totally, completely, irreversibly self-absorbed...she is her own little world. Please save these children. They are old enough to discern whom they wish to live with--please afford them a choice.
Representative Murt, please get these children away from Kate...They are old enough to discern whom they wish to live with--please afford them a choice.
While he deeply cares about protecting the rights of children on reality television, Rep. Murt has no control where the children live, or getting the children away from Kate. He's a legislator proposing a bill that will do away with the archaic child labor laws in PA.
Child custody is a separate issue entirely, and only those with jurisdiction in that area (custody) can make that determination.
JudyK said..."They are old enough to discern whom they wish to live with--please afford them a choice."
Rep. Murt has nothing to do with getting the children away from Kate. He is trying to pass a bill on child labor reform in the entertainment industry.
Administrator said...
Iraq vet, well there's the military vote too!
@Admin: Don’t mean to be contrary, but I feel the need to correct your assumption that Murt’s military experience somehow guarantees support of those in the military. That’s a really simplistic way of thinking about any group, and as the wife of a Navy Officer who has served two tours in Iraq, I can tell you with certainty that we do not vote based on a candidate’s military experience – we vote on character, ethics, and values of the candidate in question. I happen to think Murt is an intelligent and ethical person whose heart is in the right place based on his investigations into the PA child labor laws. I support Rep Murt because I believe in his dedication to the kids of PA … not because he’s an Iraq vet (in fact, I had no idea he served in Iraq until I read it on your blog).
A friendly reminder to those not directly affiliated with the military: As military families, we support our troops even when we don’t support the “war” (or, occupations, as the case may be). But we don’t blindly support veteran causes … we support those whose causes we find to be worthwhile, important, and true, just like any other rational adult. John McCain was a vet … did I vote for him? No, because I don’t support “angry” or “crazy” no matter how much I regret his sufferings as a veteran.
Members of the military (and their families) are not sheep who blindly bleat their way through the world. We leave that job to Kate’s most rabid fans – yeah, BM, that would be you.
On a complete side note: As a resident of PA, I canvassed a multitude of politicians and media persons in order to alert them to the Gosselin/child labor issue. Rep Jim Cox was kind enough to return my e-mail, and notified me that, as a member of the Labor Relations Committee, he would most likely be supporting Murt’s House Bill 2515. Great news for all child laborers in PA.
I forgot to put lol or a :D or a ;) after my post.
Hope you all know I was being sarcastic.
"and that campaign trip will be part of an episode of Palin's new TLC series, "Sarah Palin's Alaska."
Typo...either the reporter misunderstood, or made a typo in the story. Campaign trip should be CAMPING trip. I don't think TLC is campaigning for either Kate or Sarah in any episodes of "Sarah Palin's Alaska."
You mean THE WASHINGTON POST made a typo??? They must not be real journalists. Journalists my butt. They must be lying.
Rep Jim Cox was kind enough to return my e-mail, and notified me that, as a member of the Labor Relations Committee, he would most likely be supporting Murt’s House Bill 2515. Great news for all child laborers in PA.
GoPoshGo - could you provide us with some names/email addys so that we here could write members of the Labor Relations Committee? I would love to send them an email/
Hi Anon 1.0,
Here is a link that lists the members of the PA Labor Relations committee.
You can also get the names of all members of the PA House of Representatives from this site.
Just a word of caution to everyone. If you intend to contact any member of the PA House of Representatives, PLEASE make sure to focus on them supporting the child labor reform effort, not on Kate being such a bad person. You will have no credibility if you use your communications just to call Kate out as a bad mother (as tempting as that would be to do).
The legislators have no authority to do anything about Kate being a selfish, nasty, unappreciative, greedy person, or her miserable parenting. So we need to keep our focus on letting them know we want them to support HB 2515. If they pass this legislation, all children forced to work in reality TV in PA will gain greater protections, and hopefully, the Gosselin children will finally get some justice and peace.
Kate will be judged in the court of public opinion and, more importantly, later by her children.
Thanks, all. Have a great day.
@Anon 1.0: Below is a link that lists the Reps on PA's Labor Relations Committee. Clicking on each member's name will bring you to his/her homepage, where you'll find their e-mail/contact information.
I'm so glad you're going to write to the committee members, Anon1.0 -- and I hope that other bloggers will join in as well. This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak ... if we want to see this bill move forward, *these* are the people we need to contact. I know we're all busy, but it's so important to let these Reps know how critical this issue is. Not just for the Gosselins, but for all child laborers in PA. I'd be more than happy to post my original letter (the one Rep Cox responded to) if cutting-and-pasting (or using it as a template) would make it easier for anyone. Just let me know.
"I'm so glad you're going to write to the committee members, Anon1.0 -- and I hope that other bloggers will join in as well. This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak ... if we want to see this bill move forward, *these* are the people we need to contact."
Good grief! I know a few of these people...had no idea some of those served on that committee. In fact, I graduated with one of them! Thanks for posting. I'll get busy!
I tried to post this earlier, but it did not make it through. I'll try again.
Hi Anon 1.0,
Here is a link that lists the members of the PA Labor Relations committee.
You can also get the names of all members of the PA House of Representatives from this site.
Just a word of caution to everyone. If you intend to contact any member of the PA House of Representatives, PLEASE make sure to focus on them supporting the child labor reform effort, not on Kate being such a bad person. You will have no credibility if you use your communications just to call Kate out as a bad mother (as tempting as that would be to do).
The legislators have no authority to do anything about Kate being a selfish, nasty, unappreciative, greedy person, or her miserable parenting. So we need to keep our focus on letting them know we want them to support HB 2515. If they pass this legislation, all children forced to work in reality TV will gain greater protections, and hopefully, the Gosselin children will finally get some justice and peace.
Thanks, all. Have a great day.
Oh Puleeezzzzz shes on Celebrity Gossip taking her 8 for a haircut. The boys are all matchy matchy, and she is dressed like a hooker again. Yeah, most moms take their kids out in town dressed like a hooker to run an errand or two. She must clean her house and cook dressed like that too..Good Grief!!!!
I'm sorry, but I just have to post this youtube video. In all the hurt and sad moments we've had with the kids this week THIS was just a hilarious parody of J&K.
IF, this story in true then that will be Kates undoing. Sarah Palin is another "celebrity" out of circumstance. Love her or hate her, at least she isn't vile and disgusting. She has more class than Kate and at least has some personality that is likable. But, it remains to be seen if it is true and picked up by the main stream media. Sarah has a lot more supporters than Can Do Kate and they will tear Kate a new one for messing with their girl.
Okay, one more time-How many watched the last kate+8 show this week??
Hi Admin.
Thank you for taking the time to write such a thorough article about Rep. Murt. This is important information, even if it will be lost on Kate's fans. Rep. Murt definitely has more to lose than to gain with this issue, so it is laughable that Kate's fans would believe he is only doing this for votes.
The only people who would object to strengthening laws to protect children are those who stand to profit off them. Along with TV networks, production companies, greedy or misguided parents, and the states themselves, this includes Kate's minions, who get some warped joy out of seeing another woman's children put on display just so they can be entertained.
Maybe Kate's fans can contact Scott Bishop from S.R. Wojdak & Associates, LP, who is the lobbyist that was hired to try to scuttle HB 2515, and give him their support. I'm sure he would be VERY happy to hear from them, maybe even get them to testify at the hearings. (Yeah, right!)
A few words from those folks and the House reps would be rushing to pass that bill immediately.
Have a good day, all.
TLC paid for the trip to Alaska for Kate and her family and then it went up in smoke when Kate starts being a diva. They had to spend even more money to acommodate Kate by renting the cabin. TLC probably thought they could recoup the expense of the episode by the advertising dollars it would generate. Now, not so much.
The show is losing its audience and I'm sure the advertising revenue is down as well. Kate is no longer TLC's cash cow.
It's pretty sad really that Kate would wreck the experience for her kids just because of a temporary inconvenience of no bathroom facilities. Again, she's using the kids to justify her bad behavior.
People just don't listen to reason. The sheeple don't care about any evidence that comes up. I REALLY don't understand how someone can be so one sided, never open their eyes and see what truly goes on. There is TOO much evidence to still be saying "the kids are just playing in front of the cameras."
Even with all you posted here there are STILL people who will try to spin it like everyone just hates poor Katie who is just trying to provide for EIGHT, yes 8!!!!! kids.
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