Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The smoke and mirrors of Twist of Kate

Twist of Kate was just TLC's way of stalling Kate and keeping her happy while they worked on getting the kids back from the jaws of Jon. That's the theory many of us have, anyway. We also think that the pilot that was filmed in November in North Carolina tested poorly with a sample audience. TLC quickly realized that Kate can't carry her own show and that moreover, the public has no interest in such a thing. But they weren't ready to cut off moneybags just yet in the hopes that they could bully Jon into giving up the kids. Sure enough, Jon gave in when enough hush money was offered, we think. What's your conspiracy theory?

Here is the timeline. Draw your own conclusions:

November 2009: TLC confirms they plan to have a new show staring Kate only to air in the Spring of 2010.

Early December 2009: Kate is caught at Finch's Restaurant's in North Carolina, full camera crew with her, filming her cooking at the restaurant. Bodyguard Steve was with her, and told people they were filming a "test" pilot.
Late December 2009: Coincidence or not, a few weeks after Kate films her test pilot (and maybe after it bombed with a test audience?), rumors circulate that now Kate is going to do her own dating show. This rumor soon fizzles out, perhaps after it was "tested" on the public and got a negative reaction.

January 13, 2010 A few more details emerge about Kate's new show. The show is to feature Kate being filmed trying out different jobs, reportedly a "firefighter." This is consistent with Kate being caught filming cooking at Finch's.

April 8, 2010 After remaining silent for months, TLC makes another announcement about Kate's two new shows. The first would be Kate Plus 8, an update show featuring Kate and the kids (Yeah, an update show that films the children all summer long, we would later learn). The second show, featuring just Kate, would be called Twist of Kate. This time, the concept was a bit tweaked from the original idea of Kate trying out different jobs. The series was to follow Kate as she travels the country to meet families with challenges at work or at home and attempt to “walk a mile in their shoes,” according to a TLC statement. The show will also give Kate a chance to “roll up her sleeves and see what she can do to help.”

Post April 8: Jon gives in and Kate Plus 8 resumes airing with the kids on June 8, 2010. A show featuring just Kate is never mentioned again.

54 sediments (sic) from readers:

Markiesnana said... 1

Terrible Listing Choices

fidosmommy said... 2

They wouldn't be able to use the old footage anyway, since Kate no longer has the signature
hairstyle. It would make everything even weirder.

I agree that the test audiences had less than enthusiastic reviews of a Kate-based show. The kids are the draw. Kate can't survive without them, they won't survive long being Kate's ticket to fame. It's a sad revolving cycle that Kate will control to her dying moments.

Twisted Herring said... 3

"Twisted Kate" was a red herring from the get-go. It was just TLC's way to keep Kate in the headlines (and to make it seem like TLC had a vested interete in just her). The reality is that TLC was just waiting to see how long they had to crunch Jon's balls in a vice until he caved and let the kids be filmed again. It's no small coincidence that the minute "Kate + 8" became an actual show that rumblings about "Twisted Kate" quickly died down to less than a mumble. Quite frankly, I haven't heard any mention of the show in many months. Even if TLC was putting off airing/production til the Fall, wouldn't there have been some advertising/teasing about it by now??

The show was a red herring to distract us from the fact that all TLC cared about is having those 8 kids on TV. Jon officially caved. The kids are back on TV. "Twisted Kate" is a long lost memory -- it was already a loose, random, and uninteresting concept. There was no real thought put into the show -- even if they WERE to produce it, it would not fly with mainstream audiences. Even Kate could not clearly articulate what the show's premise was in interviews. It was a red herring. Period.

maggie said... 4

There will be a show, Twist of Kate. It will probably be a failure. But mark my words, her show will be broadcasted. I can't imagne how the concept would work, that is why I think it won't be a hit after it is shown.

Moose Mania said... 5

"Post April 8: Jon gives in and Kate Plus 8 resumes airing with the kids on June 8, 2010. A show featuring just Kate is never mentioned again."


When was the last time Kate talked about it? Was it in the DWTS finale interview?

Did she mention it on The View on July 2?

Ingrid said... 6

Also Kate G--Garbage collector.... I read this a while ago so did a search to find an article about it.

If she can't handle camping with SP how she going to handle smelly dirty garbage? (or will TLC creatively edit the film to make it LOOK like she really did it?) I hope it is hotter than hades when she does it so she gets the full experience of smell, maggots etc. Bwahahaha

maggie said... 7

On May 25, 2010 Kate announced on the finale of Dancing with the Stars that Twist of Kate will start this fall. So I highly doubt that it won't happen. Also, abc had an article on June 16 stating 10 reasons why they will be watching the show. And Radar said on June 11 her show was going forward.

Lauren said... 8

Interesting theory.

That would explain why there hasn't been any publicity for her show, why they kept pushing back the premier date and why TLC kept tweaking the show format. ~ Administrator said... 9

First it was spring then it was summer now it's fall?

If is show is going to debute in the fall, which in TV land is a month from now, you do need to film it at some point. There hasn't been a shred of evidence Kate has filmed one scene of Twist of Kate. If it's with ordinary families around the country I'm not sure why we haven't heard Kate spotted in Dallas or Des Moines or Portland. Kate's been in NY, Alaska, and LA all summer filming what TLC really wants filmed, the kids.

Moose Mania said... 10

"if it's with ordinary families around the country I'm not sure why we haven't heard Kate spotted in Dallas or Des Moines or Portland. Kate's been in NY, Alaska, and LA all summer filming what TLC really wants filmed, the kids.


You're right. Gushing fans can't keep their mouths shut. If she were out and about, interacting with mere mortals, the "ordinary family" would have spilled the beans, bragging about how Kate was in their neighborhood rubbing elbows with her devoted fans. So far, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

AuntieAnn said... 11

It's smoke and mirrors alright. The article @ KTVA about her Emmy appearance says:

Currently, Gosselin stars on TLC special "Kate Plus 8," and will soon have her own talk show, 'Twist of Kate.'

So now it's a talk show?

Then an article @ CNN entertainment reads:

According to, which first broke the news, Gosselin will display her not-so-serious side at the very beginning of the show with Emmys host Jimmy Fallon -- and she'll be getting close to some of TV's biggest names.

TLC, which airs Gosselin's "Kate Plus 8" specials and is home to her upcoming show "Twist of Kate," has no comment.

No comment from TLC? That's highly unusual. Could it be they ARE getting ready to ditch Kate now that she's not raking in the ratings anymore. Maybe they've got their eye on that Masche family. I wouldn't put it past them. That would burn Kate's ass no end.

NancyB said... 12

my9cats - I answered your question on previous post! :) ~ Administrator said... 13

Also I think DWTS was the perfect excuse for TLC to stall her all the more. Well they can't film if she's doing that so that took care of the Spring. Kate Plus 8 booked her summer up so they couldn't film them. Now she's got the Emmys coming up and maybe Celebrity Apprentice which may square away fall.

I think they are stall, stall, stalling just in case anything happens where they can't film the kids again so that Kate will still be happy.

And as soon as they have determined they have no more use for Kate it will be as simple as cutting a kite(kate) string. Gone, no looking back. That is how networks are and always have been.

Does Kate honestly think TLC is just going to pay her way until retirement like a charity case? What exactly is her plan for the rest of her life?

Melissa said... 14

I combed the TLC site the other day out of curiosity about Twist of Kate. Surely they would at least mention it was 'coming soon' or something to that effect.
I saw nothing, so I entered it into their search engine. All that came up was Kate Plus Eight and John and Kate Plus Eight.
Not a single word anywhere on the TLC website about Twist of Kate. It's as if it never happened.

Lauren said... 15

Kate is very polarizing so the fans and haters will keep track of premier dates and show formats. TLC arrogantly thought we wouldn't notice. It just seems like they are scrambling on what to do with Kate.

I have a strong feeling that they will put a kybosh on the show and then turn around and help Kate get other gigs.

What I would like to see is how low Kate will go to make a buck.

Gosselin Gossip said... 16

The last time TLC mentioned "Twist of Kate" was on Kate's blog, 6/17/2010.

As far as I know, the last time Kate made any mention of this show was in her blog, "The Cat (er, I Mean Show) is Outta the Bag", posted on 6/14/2010. (Interestingly enough, TLC has a disclaimer saying Kate wrote this post prior to the official announcement, 4/8/2010. Why wait a couple of months to post it?)

Recently, TLC announced the premiere dates for two new shows "Sarah Palin's Alaska" and "Sister Wives", yet there was no mention about "Twist of Kate". Hmmm...

Also, there hasn't been any announcements/promos for the next Kate Plus 8 special. After the first special, TLC couldn't wait to promote the next one giving us the July date within a week or two. Why isn't there a special in August? If Kate Plus 8 had sufficient ratings, wouldn't TLC want to air another special as soon as possible?

I think it's a tell-tale sign that Kate's time on TLC is ending. Hopefully, this summer is the last production the kids have to go through. At $250,000 per episode, Kate is getting too expensive to not deliver great ratings. (Aren't the kids getting a combined $250,000? Thought it was posted somewhere on this site awhile back.) I wonder if she's demanding that incredible amount for her second show (another reason to pull the plug early).

If TLC drops her, will she be able to go to another network? Or, will she face the same fate Jon did when he tried to break his contract with TLC? Will TLC still have to pay her, even if they don't use her?

Puddymoors said... 17

Story Lady I checked the TLC site when this show was first mooted. I figured they would be calling for people to be involved (like they are for all their other shows) but there was nothing. At the time I was looking I thought it would be funny for a bunch of people who see Kate for what she is, should apply and when she tries to walk a mile, give her heaps.

mama mia said... 18

Doesn't TLC have a history of using old footage of Kate to create new one hour specials? I heard they used pop ups to try to make a rerun a "new" program and behind the scenes footage of DWTS and that disasterous book signing. No doubt all the Kate Plus Eight specials will be rehauled into new episodes for her show - she only talks to the camera anyway!

Kelly said... 19

Kates numbers are dropping quicker than a cheap prom dress. The only Twist of Kate TLC is doing is letting her twist in the wind while they squeeze the market for every last dollar they can get.

Buh Bye Kate. Don't let the doorknob hit ya in the arse on the way out.

TLC stinks said... 20

Anything coming from Radar is the same as coming from TLC's PR, so the only inside track Radar has is what TLC feeds them.

I forgot about the audience testing (remember Paula Deene's show that bombed with Kate?). Either TLC is going to have to commit to giving her a platform NOW for this fall or there will very soon have to be an excuse as to why there will be no "Twist of Kate". My fear is that TLC and Kate will somehow continue these occasional shows with the kids all through next year. That is what makes sense to me. My guess is that Kate has not tested well with audiences when it's just her and the Palin Alaska trip diva outburst was the final nail in the coffin for "Twist of Kate".

Of course, now that this has been brought up, TLC's hand has been forced. They are probably asking themselves, now that TV Guide has spilled the beans how much they are paying her, is she worth it?

nanb said... 21

She doesn't need Twist of Kate. She is supposedly earning $275K an episode for Kate Plus 8. She makes more money just filming the kids all summer.

Although at that price plus her perks plus her Diva attitude, TLC may just consider letting her go and finding a new reality star.

marnie said... 22

I remember a few months ago, Wendy Williams brought this up on her show. She said that the 'Twist of Kate' show, the one described as Kate 'helping other families' was not going forward because there was a severe lack of families applying to be on the show. There was almost no interest from the public in having this woman in their homes to 'help' them. So there you go.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 23

I would not doubt it...

JudyK said... 24

Ingrid said... Also Kate G--Garbage collector.... I read this a while ago so did a search to find an article about it.

If she can't handle camping with SP how she going to handle smelly dirty garbage? (or will TLC creatively edit the film to make it LOOK like she really did it?) I hope it is hotter than hades when she does it so she gets the full experience of smell, maggots etc. Bwahahaha

Right after this was filmed, I read an article where one of the sanitation workers on that segment (don't remember whether it was a supervisor or other worker) said that she could NOT handle it and something about her just riding on the back of the garbage truck. Kate is not going to do anything that might involve getting dirt under her fake nails. She's a fraud.

Markiesnana said... 25

And eventually, there will be an opportunity for Kate to "pen" a book, telling how unfairly she was treated by networks.
After that....she'll have to come up with some other source of income.

mama mia said... 26

Perez quotes from a press release on tv stars salaries that Kate is getting paid $250,000 per episode for Kate plus Eight. I think there were 8 planned for this season so that is $2 million but a few months "work". Too bad the ole cow didn't equate the hefty price her kids are paying for her to cash those cheques.

Lorrie said... 27

TLC has realized that whatever Kate tries to attempt on her own is a giant flop. Her latest book, DWTS, her appearance on the View -- all dismal failures. It really is shocking how much she needs those kids to stay relevant.

The sad truth about Katie Irene is she has no discernible talent whatsoever, and now TLC is finally becoming wise to that. I seriously doubt they will invest more money in her sinking ship. The show will never happen, perhaps under the handy guise of Supermom being "too busy" raising the kids to film. JMO.

Montreal Gal said... 28

'Does Kate honestly think TLC is just going to pay her way until retirement like a charity case? What exactly is her plan for the rest of her life?'
Her plan seems to be to have a career in show business, not necessarily with TLC. She sees herself as a talk show host, or an actress, or - whatever?

SAHM said... 29

Remember, Kate is a contract honorer (she said so herself). So, if TLC has signed a contract w/ her to produce and broadcast this show, they better honor it or Kate might have legal grounds to go after them, even if the new show does bomb. HOWEVER, there could be legal wordage that gives TLC an "out", which I am sure TLC wouldn't be stupid enough to not have an "out".

Either way, I won't be watching the new show. It doesn't appeal to me at all.

Also.... haven't seen Kate out and about since the haircut filming. Wonder where she is hiding? ~ Administrator said... 30

I've always thought that Next Foodnetwork star rewarding a 13 episode series was very unusual. What if even despite winning the competition they end up really sucking and no one is watching by episode 3? Is there some clause in the contract that allows them to end the show--I bet there is.

I doubt TLC has promised Kate anything. They did a test of the show, it tanked, now they're just trying to stall and keep her happy and go along so she too will let them film the kids. They're under no obligation to air or film a show for her, any good contract would have a tiny print clause saying that if tests tank TLC is OUT.

Many pilots are made each year and few ever see the light of day. There is a whole process during "pilot season" of pitching your pilot and trying to get a network to pick it up.

SAHM said... 31

Montreal Girl:

I don't think that Kate has a plan for herself per say. She seems to just keep flying by the seat of her pants. Accepting job offers as they come(sometimes w/ a subtle hint to an interest of something) based on her "popularity/controversy". If its not co-hosting The View, then its DWTS or opening for The Emmy's. Each stint earning her just enough to support "her" lifestyle of tanning, nails, hair extensions, hooker heels,etc. All the while the kids keep filming also ensuring a paycheck coming in. Some if not most actors in Hollywood have some education either in the film industry or acting itself. Very few have just showed up in Hollywood and have made it big... if so, they have then later in their careers educated themselves. Kate is looking for an "easy out". She doesn't want to have to do the hard work but wants to reap all the if she is entitled because she popped out twins and then sextuplets. I think its sick and the more she tries the more people really see her for who she really is... LAZY!!

I think what will end up happening is once the show comes to a stop and people lose interest... she will move the kids out to Hollywood and force some of them to go into the entertainment business... possibly managing them just like Lindsey Lohan's mom... and once again.... still reaping the benefits of her kids hard work and still pimping them out.

Sad really.

LisaNH said... 32

TLC stinks said...

My fear is that TLC and Kate will somehow continue these occasional shows with the kids all through next year. That is what makes sense to me.


That was my first thought too, they they will do yearly or bi-yearly shows showing her and the kids. But with interest waining, I think eventually it could come down to one show, after the kids are grown, to see where and how they are.

My predicition is that by this time next year the whole Gosselin Brand will be history. Then we'll read about how the Gosselins are evicted from the McMansion (which I suspect TLC probably owns)and Kate will start shopping around book deals or making tv appearances to drum up interest to get some quick cash.

I honestly do not think that she has done anything responsible with all the money the kids have made. I'll bet dollars to donuts that she has squandered that money on herself so when the gravy train is over, there won't be any meat left for the gravy to cover.

mommyinca said... 33

No matter what happens, Kate will claw her way back into infamy somehow. If TLC kicks her to the curb, and Steve goes back to his wife and kids, Kate will then pen a tell all on how she was seduced by fame and the network ruined her family etc etc.
She will do whatever it takes to stay relevant. ManipuKate should be her nickname.

Anonymous said... 34

I think with Food Network Star (ony cause I LOVE that show) they honor the 13 week episodes, but the first few weeks they get a prime-ish time slot, and if they dont get decent ratings, they are moved to Sunday mornings at 10:00 for the remaining shows (I've watched several get moved to Sunday am's).

As far as Katie Irene......oh everyone I'm just ready for it to be over.


Tucker's Mom said... 35

Does anyone besides me question the veracity of the account that Kate Plus 8 makes $250,000 per episode? It just doesn't pass the smell test. I find it hard to believe that for what seems to be an effort to revive interest in a show that had truly run its course, that TLC would increase Kate's salary tenfold.
Historically, it had been widely reports as fact that JK8 made $75000 per episode, when Jon finally stated for the record that the payment per episode was $22,500 (I believe Kate refuted the $75K also, and said nowhere near that).
After the reported problems filming in Alaska, I too find it hard to believe not only that TLC wants a show for just Kate (who would watch? She has clearly shown her poor work ethic on DWTS (yet she cries about what a hard working mother she is, at every turn).
I watched a segment (on YouTube) of the "Kate infomercial", where Kate was in the limo with Steve, and she was acting like a child. No offense to kids. He cancelled her rehearsal for her (how old is she?) while she sat right next to him in the car! She not only needs to be told to make decisions, she's got to put on some big girl panties and own them.
So she whines to the camera that it was a really bad day that the filming crew caught her. She'd just read about the "custody battle" online and blah blah blah "What if my kids are taken away?"
Now tell me, who the hell would get worked up reading about the so-called custody battle on an online rag? Really, I want to know! Wouldn't you just call your lawyer and get to the bottom of the rumor? Was this "custody batttle" ever even serious?
I just never got the impression that any of it was formal-papers filed? court date set?
Again, she lies. She claims to not read any of the tabs, but there she is, getting turned inside out over website fodder. Tony even admitted she'd be checking online about herself every day.

Tucker's Mom said... 36

Many pilots are made each year and few ever see the light of day. There is a whole process during "pilot season" of pitching your pilot and trying to get a network to pick it up.
To your point, even the Paula Deen pilot that Kate was reportedly a part of did not get picked up. Deen is a corporate powerhouse unto herself (what with books, shows, a line of cookware etc). With Deen's draw, she couldn't even do it, evidently.
How would TLC expect Kate to pull a show on her own?
Who knows, it may happen and when it does, I'm keeping my eyes on the horizon for the Four Horses of the Apocalypse. ~ Administrator said... 37

I think 250k sounds exactly right. It's been widely reported the millions upon millions TLC has made off this family. This is chump change. They have a vested interest in keeping Kate happy and can afford paying her the big bucks. And since Kate has been pretty "hot" these past months, on all the tabloid covers and DWTS and bringing in decent ratings to DWTS, she has every right to demand

Quite frankly she should be demanding a lot more but she's probably too stupid to realize how much she's really worth. She was in an excellent bargaining position after DWTS when she was at her hottest. She could have threatened to walk until TLC paid her $700,000 and I bet you they WOULD HAVE. I have never heard anything about a manager or agent to help her with these things, is it still just her sitting in a room with them. Uhh hmm how about 250 guys that sounds like a lot! Sure, Kate! Sooo green she is.

TLC will look at this strictly as a cost-benefit. As long as the show makes them more money than they have to pay out, they will want to continue to air it. If Kate is costing them 250 plus all the production and trip expenses and the show suddenly starts majorly tanking, eventually it won't make financial sense. Even now with ratings falling, it still makes sense.

Tucker's Mom said... 38

She was in an excellent bargaining position after DWTS when she was at her hottest. She could have threatened to walk until TLC paid her $700,000 and I bet you they WOULD HAVE.
Thanks Admin. Mind boggling, isn't it? Now, how is it that if the rumor is true, Jon is ordered to pay HER, and not she HIM? He's been screwed out of a life that he'd become accustomed to and let's not forget, without him, this whole Jon and Kate Plus 8 machine would not have existed.
She lives in a large home on a plush, expansive estate, and he's in a 1 BR apt, with his kids sleeping on the floor.

wayward said... 39

mommyinca said... No matter what happens, Kate will claw her way back into infamy somehow. If TLC kicks her to the curb, and Steve goes back to his wife and kids, Kate will then pen a tell all on how she was seduced by fame and the network ruined her family etc etc.
She will do whatever it takes to stay relevant. ManipuKate should be her nickname.

I totally agree. Like the psycho character Glenn Close played in "Fatal Attraction" Kate is "NOT going to be ignored." Kate herself said "we can never go back." Funny though, this is the same woman who always insisted they took a family vote every season on whether to film or not and insisted they wouldn't do it if the kids didn't want to anymore. When her 15 minutes are up, I forsee a move to LA and Kate relentlessly pursuing a Nickelodeon or Disney show for the kids. And should that happen, it isn't even a comfort to know the kids would be covered by the Coogan laws. Many, many child stars covered by those laws have had very dysfuntional, sad lives and deaths.

Karen said... 40

The kids are the draw, and now they aren't those adorable toddlers. I'm sure Kate knows that and resents it. This story will not end any time soon. TLC has invested way too much money in the Gosselins and it's all about money!

Dee said... 41

Markiesnana said...
And eventually, there will be an opportunity for Kate to "pen" a book, telling how unfairly she was treated by networks.
After that....she'll have to come up with some other source of income.
August 12, 2010 5:58 AM
This whole Gosselin thing reminds me of a movie I saw several years ago. 'The Devils Advocate' w/ Al Pacino. Towards the end of the movie the young attorney realizes that having accolades heaped upon him & all the material possessions he & his wife have accumulated since he started at his 'new' job isn't worth it. He goes to his employer (Al Pacino/ the Devils Advocate) and wants out. To which 'The Devils Advocate'(TLC) proclaims, "Free will! You had Free will". This is Kate when and a great big IF she ever realizes how she sold her soul for fame and fortune. Kate my dear, YOU too had free will.......... YOU chose wrong.

DLCF said... 42

From Tucker's Mom: She'd just read about the "custody battle" online and blah blah blah "What if my kids are taken away?"
Guilty conscience, Katieboo? Or just worried about the financial ramifications?

Since we're playing "What's Kate's Next Move?" I'll see the tell-all after she gets ditched by TLC and raise it a stint in either rehab or an institution, brought on by her "breakdown" from all the abuse TLC heaped upon her.

Ingrid said... 43

JudyK I remember that comment too that she couldn't handle it. She is such a phoney.

MickeyMcKean said... 44

Moose Mania said...

Did she mention it on The View on July 2?


Today I watched THE VIEW. It a repeat; it was the one from July 2nd.

When asked what Kate had been doing (after DWTS) she said, "just hanging out". There was NO mention of Kate + 8 or Twist of Kate.

My bf and I also noted that after Whoopie asked her if there were any rumors she wanted to clear up and the gals starting talking about plastic surgery - and in order to get to the subject at hand and BEFORE Joy point blank asked Kate about the boobs - Joy LOOKED at Kate's boobs.

My bf and I couldn't help but bust up laughing! It is so obvious to us - including Joy - that Kate flat out lied, and yet it looks like Kate thinks she got away with it because she smiled and said, "no it is just a better bra".


emschick1128 said... 45

Now Kate has the kids in NC for another "working vacation" according to the Huffington Post. Unbelievable the way she has dragged those kids around all summer desperate to get all the footage before school interferes with their filming schedule. She is so vile. I can't believe she really has been paid the money they say she has and for what? She sucks at everything she does and is a mean,selfish person who will always be miserable no matter how much money she has. Her only claim to fame is being a bitch and having a litter of kids. Dogs do what she did everyday but actually most do a better job.

Anonymous said... 46

Lorrie, I agree with you. Everything Kate touches turns rotten. Don't forget to add the forgotten cookbook to your list of Kate's failures. Anyone remember that? I predict Twist of Kate will go in the same direction as the cookbook -- nowhere.

Moose Mania said... 47

Mickey said...

"...Kate flat out lied"

FLAT? Good pun, Mickey! Intentional?

Lorrie said... 48

TLC has realized that whatever Kate tries to attempt on her own is a giant flop. Her latest book, DWTS, her appearance on the View -- all dismal failures. It really is shocking how much she needs those kids to stay relevant.

The sad truth about Katie Irene is she has no discernible talent whatsoever, and now TLC is finally becoming wise to that. I seriously doubt they will invest more money in her sinking ship. The show will never happen, perhaps under the handy guise of Supermom being "too busy" raising the kids to film. JMO.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 49

I would not doubt it...

TLC stinks said... 50

Anything coming from Radar is the same as coming from TLC's PR, so the only inside track Radar has is what TLC feeds them.

I forgot about the audience testing (remember Paula Deene's show that bombed with Kate?). Either TLC is going to have to commit to giving her a platform NOW for this fall or there will very soon have to be an excuse as to why there will be no "Twist of Kate". My fear is that TLC and Kate will somehow continue these occasional shows with the kids all through next year. That is what makes sense to me. My guess is that Kate has not tested well with audiences when it's just her and the Palin Alaska trip diva outburst was the final nail in the coffin for "Twist of Kate".

Of course, now that this has been brought up, TLC's hand has been forced. They are probably asking themselves, now that TV Guide has spilled the beans how much they are paying her, is she worth it?

nanb said... 51

She doesn't need Twist of Kate. She is supposedly earning $275K an episode for Kate Plus 8. She makes more money just filming the kids all summer.

Although at that price plus her perks plus her Diva attitude, TLC may just consider letting her go and finding a new reality star.

Lauren said... 52

Kate is very polarizing so the fans and haters will keep track of premier dates and show formats. TLC arrogantly thought we wouldn't notice. It just seems like they are scrambling on what to do with Kate.

I have a strong feeling that they will put a kybosh on the show and then turn around and help Kate get other gigs.

What I would like to see is how low Kate will go to make a buck.

StoryLady said... 53

I combed the TLC site the other day out of curiosity about Twist of Kate. Surely they would at least mention it was 'coming soon' or something to that effect.
I saw nothing, so I entered it into their search engine. All that came up was Kate Plus Eight and John and Kate Plus Eight.
Not a single word anywhere on the TLC website about Twist of Kate. It's as if it never happened.

Ingrid said... 54

Also Kate G--Garbage collector.... I read this a while ago so did a search to find an article about it.

If she can't handle camping with SP how she going to handle smelly dirty garbage? (or will TLC creatively edit the film to make it LOOK like she really did it?) I hope it is hotter than hades when she does it so she gets the full experience of smell, maggots etc. Bwahahaha