Former child star Mary-Kate Olsen has finally broken her silence about her childhood as an actress on Full House with her twin sister Ashley.
- Mary-Kate said she and her sister were like "little monkey performers."
- "I look at old photos of me, and I don't feel connected to them at all. I would never wish my upbringing on anyone."
- And it sounds like Mary-Kate would support therapy for the Gosselin kids as they go through this: "I think it's really important to be able to talk when something's wrong. I learned at a really young age that if you don't talk about it, it can drive you insane."
The Olsen twins made a staggering 188 episodes of Full House, never missing a single one. At the same time, they made several straight to video feature length movies. They went on to produce and star in other series when Full House wrapped. They had a clothing line, books, fragrances, magazines, and dolls, all before they turned 18. They missed their prom because they were working.
Mary-Kate is a very successful fashion designer today. A Kate apologist might put her in the group of child stars who managed to come through their childhoods just fine and use her as proof that celebrity has nothing to do with whether a child will grow up and have issues. But Mary-Kate is a perfect example of how just because a child star happens to not have any major problems now, doesn't mean they didn't have a bad childhood. Fortunately for Mary-Kate, she has managed to turn out all right despite her childhood. Good for her.
Sadly for the Gosselin multiples, lessons weren't learned from the Olsen twins who came before them more than a decade earlier.
54 sediments (sic) from readers:
Olsens...major eating disorders.
Bet Kate is focused on keeping her kids thin, thin, thin.
They are lucky they didn't end up like that Lohen girl.
I'm glad she spoke out. Now we have 3 child performers who've spoken against this circus.
Paul Petersen (but he's just jellus)
Corey Feldman
and Mary Kate.
It would take something like a video of the kids screaming in terror before the mainstream media notices something wrong in Gosselinland.
Oh ... yeah ... screaming in terror isn't enough either. How much worse does this have to get before it starts getting better?
It's kind of frightening that most child actors we never see their real lives on a reality show, most we just see their movie and that's about it. How do we know they aren't screaming in terror on the way to the set? No one would ever know.
I bet people said the Olsen twins are just playing on the set too.
That is really sad. I don't know why I am so surprised.
Mary-Kate wasn't speaking specifically about the Gosselins, she was just speaking about her own childhood. But certainly the parallels are clear. I think the most glaring similarity is the sheer amount of work the Olsens did. They were constantly working. Sometimes on more than one project at the time.
By the way I love the name Mary-Kate.
Yeah, except that article was about Ashley. Brilliant.
Thomas said... Yeah, except that article was about Ashley. Brilliant.
What do you mean? Um, the whole article was about Mary-Kate. It was an interview with Mary-Kate. Ashley wasn't in it at all. Did you read it? Where do you see it to be about Ashley? If you're going to make snotty remarks at least be accurate.
"What do you mean? Um, the whole article was about Mary-Kate. It was an interview with Mary-Kate. Ashley wasn't in it at all. Did you read it? Where do you see it to be about Ashley? If you're going to make snotty remarks at least be accurate."
Maybe Thomas thinks Mary-Kate and Ashley are one and the same since, on Full House, the role of "Michelle" was played by "Mary-Kate Ashley Olsen!"
You're right I can see how it could be confusing since when Mary-Kate and Ashley first started Full House they were credited as "Mary-Kate Ashley Olsen." They didn't want people to know the baby was played by twins. Way to compartmentalize the girls. Later they gave them the luxury of adding an "AND" between their names. Sheesh.
Full House was very popular with girls my age when it was on air. I remember in the beginning there would be fights about whether it was one actress or two who played the girls.
This was before you could google things to get your answer.
At least the show wasn't about the twins' private lives. Seems like we've gone backwards in child exploitation not forwards.
David Zurawic is reporting on Z ON TV that there will be hearing on HB 2515 in September regarding child labor laws....
Also, tomorrow he hopes to get a statement from Paul Peterson about issues that he is working on.
Yes, Administrator the home is the set and the set is the home for kids like the Gosselin's. I wonder how that High Road route is working out for Kate these days?
Dani, oddly enough, the video of the kids screaming and crying is being passed around yet the media isn't commenting on it. Where is Gloria Allred now?! Here's a link to the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TLWZH91VYY or just go to YouTube and search for Jon dropping the kids off. The video is absolutely heartbreaking! Listen to those 6 children screaming and crying, begging Jon not to leave them, begging him not to shut the door. Those kids are in hysterics because Jon is dropping them back off at Kate's house. I had to pause it twice because it upset me to hear them crying like that.
Send the video to the other uber-bitch Nancy Grace and see what she has to say about Jon now. You know, just like Kate, that narcissitic embarassment to womankind would put a spin on it to make Jon the horrible parent.
Well, bottom line is if this Kate Gosselin Show is reality......well, this youtube clip IS reality.
....oh, Katie/TLC doesn't want THAT reality...the behind the scenes "stuff". The dirt laundry "stuff". The truth about what the kids really think of Katie's Compound and TV Show.
Shooting days must consist of one big bribe after another to get enough footage of the kids smiling. Can anyone imagine how Kate treats the kids when they don't do what she wants? She no longer has Jon around to send them OFF to.
This tape needs to be shoved down Meredith Vieira's and Nancy Grace's throats.
Maybe we can all burn this video to a dvd and snail mail copies of it to CNN, NBC and all of the shows that have supported Kate. A pile of dvds could have more of an impact than easily deleted emails or links in a comments section.
Just a thought.
I am reading Maureen McCormick's book "Here's The Story" surviving Marcia Brady. She did the Brady Bunch for 5 seasons. Her Mother kept her money for her and invested wisely, so at least, she had the money when she grew up. But, she had a lot of problems after the show ended. She was into drugs pretty heavily, had 2 abortions and eating disorders. She had a lot of trouble finding work. It was no picnic for her either. She survived, is married and has a daughter now. I'm sure there are thousands of former child stars with stories to tell.
As I expected, media outlets have not commented on this recent video. What could they possibly add? The video of hysterical children speaks for itself and the media silence reflects shock as did the Pap's voice when he heard their cries while he was filming. It all speaks volumes to the abuse of filming children and throwing them into the media circus the entertainment industry and parents have fostered in greedy pursuit of wealth. All those in media who have supported Khate and her quest for fame and money have no defense and no words to express their culpability in all of this.
"Send the video to the other uber-bitch Nancy Grace and see what she has to say about Jon now. You know, just like Kate, that narcissitic embarassment to womankind would put a spin on it to make Jon the horrible parent."
I think right now she's too busy explaining how, when John David learned to unlock the door, she went to the store immediately and bought locks to install at least six feet high so the twins couldn't wander outside...repeating this several times until a person just wanted to scream. We get it about the twins! We get it about the twins! Enough! We know you're the perfect mother!
She'll make Kate out to be the mother of all mothers, while Jon will be blamed for poisoning the kids' minds against her. She made a fool out of him in the interview -- once her mind is made up and she's convinced she's right, nothing is going to change it. Still, maybe she should see it nevertheless.
Sorry Admin.,abit off topic,I used to love watching Nancy Grace,but after she beat Jon up on her show,she lost all credibility with me,as it was obvious she did not do her homework on the Gosselin reality show.And since the twins,she has become very repetitive,acts so quiet and gentle when callers tell her what a wonderful mother she is.I think she has become a very good actress,and not very good reporting the news anymore.JMHO
Anyone that can copy and mail DVDs should. To all the idiot talking heads. Facebook link, and the entertainment website comment sections too.
There are more of us, we could win the media war. And Jon needs a killer lawyer. He always compromises with Kate and he should know by now, nothing that comes out of her mouth should be believed.
And JON: the kids know full well what Kate is like....so trying to protect her reputation might be seen later by your kids as betrayal to them.
DENIAL of what they have to go through. YOu don't really think Kate has mysteriously acquired empathy or compassion, DO YOU????
I lost all respect for Meredith Vieria after her appearance on TLC supporting Kate--it's so obvious by her questions that she is only superficially informed about the Jon/Kate saga. At her level, that just simply does not cut it--she is expected to know what the hell she's talking about. She sounds uninformed and naive and like an attorney who reviews his/her client's file right before Court without really knowing the facts. Not acceptable. And Nancy Grace doesn't even deserve discussion--she's a joke.
Merideth Viera will be on Joy's show tonight. I wonder if they will be showing her the video of the kids screaming? Highly doubyful. They are probably taping it now.. and show it tonight. Anybody out there who can call in to Joy's show, PLEASE DO SO. Offer up the video.
Nancy Grace is nothing but a gasbag that keeps filling up with more and more gas everytime she takes a breath. She is no more a news woman than I am a house painter. Her ratings are as high as a hubcap on a lowrider and she'll tackle the latest rumor and squeeze the life out of it until no one is watching her anymore.
I wouldn't even dignify her existence on television by copying her in anything to shed light on it. Just my humble opinion.
On topic of Nancy Grace - Why do networks even provide a soapbox for these nuts? I wonder if Execs sit back and "hear" what she says, but the only consider the ratings. Her ratings are probably bolstered by haters. Sound familiar?
It's been said many times, ignore Kate and she will go away and have to figure out how to live life WITHOUT her camera "family". I didnt even know there was "new" shows on last night (until I read it here) and my wife & I didnt even bother turning the channel. I imagine Kate would love Pop-up's, especially if they gave her control over what was in the "bubble".
Kate can cry poverty all she wants, boo hoo. I could care less! I'm not wishing harm on the kids of course. This country and world is full of families struggling and eating crackers & catsup packets for dinner or having their kids walk the parking lot asking for spare change. This actually did happen on Sunday - A little girl about 10, her mom with a stroller and another child of 5 or so were walking the Target Parking lot. Kate will just have to suck it up and use her "super powers" to make it work. It can be done. I, like many in the state of California and the rest of the country am having a tough time finding work. However, with UEI over, no extensions left and a "wallet" full of bills, I decided ebay was going to become my best friend until I could get gainful employment. Well, 1 year later and I LOVE ebay!
Read the latest information here or on the web period, just ignore TLC's version of it.
Like Hippie Chick said in the last thread, I think maybe the reason this isn't getting more attention is because Kate's star is finally burning out. No one cares about stories about her or her family. That's GOOD in the sense that it means her show is on its way out, TLC is close to being done with her (make no mistake, when someone's 15 minutes is obviously up, a network will drop you like a hot potato) and that means maybe those kids can, for the first time since they were ONE, have a life without freaking cameras in their faces!!!
I was wondering how many people watched last night?? If anyone knows,could you please let us know? Thanks.
"On topic of Nancy Grace - Why do networks even provide a soapbox for these nuts? I wonder if Execs sit back and "hear" what she says, but the only consider the ratings. Her ratings are probably bolstered by haters. Sound familiar?"
Nancy reminds me so much of Kate. Nancy likes Nancy...loves the adoration. Viewers call in, singing her praises: "We love you, Nancy. Those twins are so blessed to have you as a mother. One day they are going to thank you for being such a good parent," etc. etc. She eats it up. It's always something about the twins...she'd never let the twins do this or that, when she comes home she goes to their beds to make sure they are there, ad nauseum. It's almost as if she's the only person in the world ever to have been a mother.
Then there's the "I am a crime victim myself. When Keith, was murdered, I didn't eat for a month. I remember the first food I ate after he died...a small cracker with cheese" (not verbatim, but you get the idea).
It's all about HER. She and Kate are two peas in a pod.
Sending the video would be a waste of time and effort. One can predict her spin on it, and she would crucify Jon.
Has it been sent to Jane VM? There was a time when she was anti-Kate (and filming) and hammered the heck out of her.
Off topic and purely speculation but I see that Mary Hart is leaving ET. Do ya s'pose Kate is applying for the position? In her mind, she probably sees herself as the perfect candidate for hosting it, what with her self-proclaimed gift of gag.
Oops. Gift of "gab".
AuntieAnn, yes,I saw that,and that was the first thought I had! But she just doesn't seem like she would have the skills to pull it off,and no personality. I just can't see it!
I think Mary Hart's job was promised to Samantha who quit DWTS to sub in on ET and the Insider.
"Do ya s'pose Kate is applying for the position?"
Isn't Mary Hart the gal with the legs insured for one million dollar each? I think one of the qualifications for that position is shapely legs. I wouldn't count on Kate fitting the bill!
Perhaps Kate was up at the Big House working on her resume. According to this blog at the LA Times, TLC is readying their new show "Sister Wives", about a polygamist family. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
TLC has sunk to all lows....Polygamist!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Kate but Lara Spencer beat ya to it, she is taking over for Mary Hart. You can go back to your lunch duties again.
AuntieAnn said... Off topic and purely speculation but I see that Mary Hart is leaving ET. Do ya s'pose Kate is applying for the position? In her mind, she probably sees herself as the perfect candidate for hosting it, what with her self-proclaimed gift of gag.
AuntieAnn said... Oops. Gift of "gab".
Oh, I think she has the gift of "gag" too....or at least she makes me gag all the time.
The last sentence of that polygamist story...
"The fading interest in Kate Gosselin and her kids has not hurt TLC yet, as its overall ratings this year are up in viewers and among women, its primary demographic."
Ratings are up? What ARE the ratings? I thought they dropped!
Has anyone checked out the youtube scene for the Gosselin kids? It is VERY disturbing, how many pictures and videos there are about these kids. Mary-Kate is right, they are like little monkeys, doing cute things for others amusement.
Look at this channel, and there are MANY MANY more just like it. Just look at the subscriptions.
Hot in PA - They weren't talking about K and the kids interest, they're bs'ing about their overall ratings are still up. (Don't believe that either) That's GOOD news, that they've somewhat admitted that the interest in K+8 is waning. Oh, poor Kate, she must be very unhappy! No wonder the kids didn't want to go home...that's what is getting to K. I so worry about those kids after the show is gone.
"Ratings are up? What ARE the ratings? I thought they dropped!"
They're talking about "overall ratings" which includes all their programming.
Hot, I think they mean TLC's overall ratings, not K8
"AuntieAnn said... Off topic and purely speculation but I see that Mary Hart is leaving ET. Do ya s'pose Kate is applying for the position? In her mind, she probably sees herself as the perfect candidate for hosting it, what with her self-proclaimed gift of gag."
I thought you actually met "gag." Seems more appropriate!
"Hot, I think they mean TLC's overall ratings, not K8"
Got it. Thanks. I'll blame the heat here, and my speed reading! I was thinking that they meant K's overall ratings are up, even though a show may be down from the previous week.
I couldn't imagine that the ratings from last night's reruns would have been high enough to contribute to an "overall" high rating!
Anyone hear anything about the ratings from last night?
Lol...I guess it was a Freudian slip. She makes me gag too.
That what the Gosselin children will be saying when they grow older,and away from the evil mommy dearest......
Kate will fizz out as time goes by..The children will finished high school and then college bound...
Has there been any word at all on Twisted Kate? Wasn't it supposed to have it big premiere in August? Well...it IS the eighth month now!
"AuntieAnn said... Off topic and purely speculation but I see that Mary Hart is leaving ET. Do ya s'pose Kate is applying for the position? In her mind, she probably sees herself as the perfect candidate for hosting it, what with her self-proclaimed gift of gag."
I thought you actually met "gag." Seems more appropriate!
Hot, I think they mean TLC's overall ratings, not K8
AuntieAnn said... Off topic and purely speculation but I see that Mary Hart is leaving ET. Do ya s'pose Kate is applying for the position? In her mind, she probably sees herself as the perfect candidate for hosting it, what with her self-proclaimed gift of gag.
AuntieAnn said... Oops. Gift of "gab".
Oh, I think she has the gift of "gag" too....or at least she makes me gag all the time.
The last sentence of that polygamist story...
"The fading interest in Kate Gosselin and her kids has not hurt TLC yet, as its overall ratings this year are up in viewers and among women, its primary demographic."
Ratings are up? What ARE the ratings? I thought they dropped!
On topic of Nancy Grace - Why do networks even provide a soapbox for these nuts? I wonder if Execs sit back and "hear" what she says, but the only consider the ratings. Her ratings are probably bolstered by haters. Sound familiar?
It's been said many times, ignore Kate and she will go away and have to figure out how to live life WITHOUT her camera "family". I didnt even know there was "new" shows on last night (until I read it here) and my wife & I didnt even bother turning the channel. I imagine Kate would love Pop-up's, especially if they gave her control over what was in the "bubble".
Kate can cry poverty all she wants, boo hoo. I could care less! I'm not wishing harm on the kids of course. This country and world is full of families struggling and eating crackers & catsup packets for dinner or having their kids walk the parking lot asking for spare change. This actually did happen on Sunday - A little girl about 10, her mom with a stroller and another child of 5 or so were walking the Target Parking lot. Kate will just have to suck it up and use her "super powers" to make it work. It can be done. I, like many in the state of California and the rest of the country am having a tough time finding work. However, with UEI over, no extensions left and a "wallet" full of bills, I decided ebay was going to become my best friend until I could get gainful employment. Well, 1 year later and I LOVE ebay!
Read the latest information here or on the web period, just ignore TLC's version of it.
Merideth Viera will be on Joy's show tonight. I wonder if they will be showing her the video of the kids screaming? Highly doubyful. They are probably taping it now.. and show it tonight. Anybody out there who can call in to Joy's show, PLEASE DO SO. Offer up the video.
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