Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Another icy exchange at the end of the driveway

Tuesday. Someday maybe these two will find enough common ground to exchange the children in a healthy manner. If Jon were some kind of danger to his kids, he wouldn't be permitted unmonitored contact with them. So why can't they put aside their differences and grow up?

45 sediments (sic) from readers:

fidosmommy said... 1

Um, so Kate can go on the national TV talk show circuit and tell everyone how hard her life is and that she has so much to contend with each day?

Anonymous said... 2

Please someone tell these two they are the grownups. ~ Administrator said... 3

They need to think about what their actions are teaching their children about relationships, be it your significant other or a friend or family member.

They are teaching them that when you have a conflict with someone, the solution is to treat them in a cold manner, barely say two words to them, and don't let them come anywhere near them.

Someday when the children have relationships that end badly, this is what they are learning as to how to handle it. And heaven forbid there are children in broken relationships, they too will behave like children themselves.

KitCat said... 4

I would bet that it is always Kate that does the provoking, she never had anything good to say about Jon on national tv, so why would she have anything good to say to his face. She is still po'd that he almost took away the lifestyle that she has become accustomed to, so she will never have a good thing to say about him. I felt sorry for him on the show and still do today. I think the poor guy was told that he shouldn't take her crap, and unfortunately, he did it the wrong way and thought that the public would be behind him (after all, we all saw him emasculated on tv), and it backfired on him. He ended up getting no support from anyone. Now, he is trying to lead a quieter lifestyle and everyone still can't seem to give the guy some credit. I'm sure she is the one that comes out harping on him when he comes to get the kids.

Curious said... 5

Why or why is Jon sitting by the fence with his groceries waiting for this skank to pull up?

AuntieAnn said... 6

Two things are certain from this picture and the one of Kate's visit to Target this week:

1 - Kate is vindictive and
2 - The Gosselins go through a lot of toilet paper in a week.

I think if it was up to Jon, he'd be more willing to show a good face in front of the kids, but that's JMO. I've said before that Kate has the manners of a viking. She doesn't find it necessary to be polite to anyone, not even the childrens dad.

Betsy said... 7

Her bra strap is showing, we have said so many times she doesn't wear a bra and now she made sure we see her bra straps. Someone is reading these blogs at night.

Werny Gal said... 8

Hi Admin, I'm curious about where the top photo came from. Was it possibly photoshopped? I'm curious because of the angle it's taken in. If it was taken from that position, Jon would be well down the road, carrying his bags toward the property. Why would he be there, instead of on the driveway?

alana said... 9

I would love to know exactly how Yawn and Hate cope with their individual cases of ABOMINABLE DENIAL regarding the PERMANENT DAMAGE they have caused their eight children.

As "normal" parents, we cringe at not being able to throw as fancy a birthday party for our soon-to-be ten year old as the one we threw for her older sibling, ten years ago; that was a different economy. Maybe we've down-sized Christmas booty, too, telling little kids, "Santa's temporarily on a budget but he wanted you to know things are looking up for next year."
Junk happens, especially in a rotten economy, filling us with guilt and regret because we all want to give our children "the world on a golden platter." However, WE DEAL WITH IT and get on with the business of living.

Can you imagine how you'd feel if you pulled even ONE of the twisted tricks or lies that Yawn and Hate have? Holding kids back in school (the school cannot make a decision to send you through or hold you back if your parent doesn't show up with you at the proper age to begin), spewing ugliness and doubts about a divorce and the "spouse that left" (abandoned you) and your part in it (as a KID)?
I can't bear to go on...

People choose to deal or, rather, NOT DEAL, with denial in numerous ways. I'd just love to know HOW Yawn and Hate can begin to face what they've purposely done to those kids, and solely for selfish self serving interests.
If it were me, monumental substance abuse might fit right in.

KitCat said... 10

I agree with Werny Gal...the picture of Jon must have been photoshopped, because the angle of the picture is down the road from the driveway entrance. He would have no reason to be down that far and why would he be bringing her paper towels and toilet paper anyway.

Anonymous said... 11

It is so annoying the way the sheeple just assume Jon must have done something to deserve to have to exchange the kids at the end of the driveway.

Why not assume Kate is just being a bitch like usual?

And more than that, it's not about what Jon deserves. It's about creating a healthy environment for the kids. But then again the sheeple put Kate first, not the kids. ~ Administrator said... 12

Anonymous said...
And more than that, it's not about what Jon deserves. It's about creating a healthy environment for the kids.


Exactly. Thank you. ~ Administrator said... 13

While some journalists have been caught photoshopping, photoshopping a photo is generally seen in the industry as unethical. Just like making up a quote would be unethical.

You can photoshop to improve color, etc., but most journalists believe it's unethical to even do a mirror flip of a photo. It does happen but it's completely unacceptable and if you're caught doing it you could ruin your career.

fidosmommy said... 14

To move from the serious (teaching children important lessons) to the snarky, did you notice the back of Kate's skirt. It looks like she sat in something. Maybe that's why she's in such a rush to get back to the house. I zoomed in on the picture and it doesn't look like a shadow or a wrinkle. It looks like a stain to me.

PJ's momma said... 15

Are the kids there? I sort of thought they were just exchanging the van so he could pick the kids up from school or something. It's still bad's not HER house, it is the KIDS' house. They earned every square inch of it!

Eeeeeeewwwww said... 16

fidosmommy said... To move from the serious (teaching children important lessons) to the snarky, did you notice the back of Kate's skirt. It looks like she sat in something. Maybe that's why she's in such a rush to get back to the house. I zoomed in on the picture and it doesn't look like a shadow or a wrinkle. It looks like a stain to me.

September 8, 2010 8:10 PM

She's probably on her period...AGAIN!
No wonder she's always crabby.

Looky There said... 17

Oh yay! Jon's got a collard shirt on!!!

He looks spiffy again :)

IDModo said... 18

In order to exchange the children in a healthy manner, you have to have their best interests at heart. Kate doesn't. We have seen this over and over.

You also have to be able to do things in a mentally healthy way. Kate can't.We have also seen this over and over.

I predict that things are going to change radically when Kate realizes that TLC has dumped her. When that happens she will go"into seclusion" somewhere (preferably a spa) and whine about the unfairness of it all, and Jon will be left with the daily care of the children.

This can't happen too soon for me!

Markiesnana said... 19

Those poor children don't have a chance at a normal life.

BerksPa said... 20

Here's my take on Jon and the bags.
He needed stuff for the apartment with the kids there. Ellen gave him a ride to the Orphanage, but had to head out somewhere else and wasn't going back to the apartment, so Jon said, I'll take the bags to the apartment in the van when Kate gets here. Simple explanation.

wryview said... 21

I'm a having a hard time blaming Jon for the "silent" exchange. Would you speak to someone who is going to snap at you, no matter what you say? Better a silent exchange than the kids hear Mom snarking at Dad yet again.

TLC stinks said... 22

I went to INF and looked at the photos. I don't get this exchange at all. Why is it Kate that had to drive the van to Jon? Couldn't the nanny have done it?

I don't know about it being photoshopped, but I'm tired of Chris being there snapping photos of the dumbest things. Usually he follows Kate and supposedly she was out running errands, so how come he was not following her but parked at the house with Jon? Really....just how dumb do Jon and Kate think people are? Chris needs to move on and stop working with these two grifters. He must be on TLC's payroll.

emschick1128 said... 23

Can't the poor single,working mom afford a racer back bra so her straps don't hang out like some skank? And that hair is nasty. For all the money she spends on her appearance she still looks like crap.

Laurie said... 24

I didn't notice a stain on the skirt but I did notice that it is askew and that her hair looks like a rats nest!

Dee said... 25

By not letting Jon on the poor property makes her look like the biggest witch of all. I thought she said the house was the kid's house and they were to split their time in it for sake of the kids. Another lie and another Just Kate moment. She is incredible. I really wish she would think of her kids, it is just awful that they have to switch the kids at the end of the drive way. She needs to grow up. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from her kids.

Bubbles said... 26

Wow, the bra straps with the racer back shirt are so classy...NOT! What, she can't afford strapless bras to wear with that style of shirt? Jeez. It's an obvious attempt to address the blog comments about how she doesn't wear a bra in her fugly halter tops.

Anad said... 27

I have an awful relationship with my mother. She is self centered among other things... However, I maintain a relationship with her for the sake of my children, because they seem to like her well enough. As they get older they will, I believe, discover her true nature and have whatever relationship with her that they choose, but for now, she is in my life for their sake, certainly not my own. I have chosen to ignore the things about her that get on my nerves (and sometimes bring me to tears!) so that my children cannot blame me for having a bad relationship with their grandmother. My kids are worth this. I can't understand why Kate would do this to her children...

lalaland said... 28

She's going to be on Regis & Kelly tomorrow. : (

Anderson Cooper is also a guest - remember his cool response to her when he was filling in for Regis?

justme said... 29

Why is it we never see Kate delivering the kids to, or picking them up from Jon's apartment?

My daughters is divorced,and it's court ordered that her ex pick the kids up at 5:00pm every other Friday at HER house.Sunday,at 5:00pm my daughter picks the kids up from HIS house.I live in Pennsylvania and that seems to be the norm for all visitation exchanges in our state.

Why isn't Katie picking up the kids from Jon's apartment when he has visitation? Why isn't she at least doing one of the exchanges? She could have a friend or nanny drop her off by the side of the road.She could patiently wait outside until Jon got the kids ready and in the van. Why is she any different than Jon?

JudyK said... 30

lalaland said... She's going to be on Regis & Kelly tomorrow. : (

Anderson Cooper is also a guest - remember his cool response to her when he was filling in for Regis?


I do remember that...he doesn't like her. There was no clapping when she was mentioned as a guest tomorrow. Tomorrow should be interesting.

Anonymous said... 31

KitCat said...

"I would bet that it is always Kate that does the provoking, she never had anything good to say about Jon on national tv, so why would she have anything good to say to his face. She is still po'd that he almost took away the lifestyle that she has become accustomed to, so she will never have a good thing to say about him. I felt sorry for him on the show and still do today. I think the poor guy was told that he shouldn't take her crap, and unfortunately, he did it the wrong way and thought that the public would be behind him (after all, we all saw him emasculated on tv), and it backfired on him. He ended up getting no support from anyone. Now, he is trying to lead a quieter lifestyle and everyone still can't seem to give the guy some credit. I'm sure she is the one that comes out harping on him when he comes to get the kids."

I agree completely. I felt so sorry for him on J&K+8, and can't understand people who think it's okay for Kate to have acted that way. I realize that yes, it is stressful to have 8 kids at home, and maybe he didn't always step up and ask her "what can I do for you?", but that's no excuse to belittle him for breathing too loud, constantly smacking his leg during interviews, scolding him for interrupting her, and then interrupting him herself...whoever believes it's okay to treat your spouse that way is blind. Plain and simple. I wonder how the sheeple would like it if their spouses treated them like that, and were told that it's okay for their spouses to act that way b/c they're not living up to their spouses' standards...

Moose Mania said... 32

"It's an obvious attempt to address the blog comments about how she doesn't wear a bra in her fugly halter tops."


Either that, or an attempt to show us that there really IS a miracle bra!!

Moose Mania said... 33

"She's going to be on Regis & Kelly tomorrow. : ("


Maybe she's going to tell us how much filming she's been doing for Twisted Kate!!

Karen said... 34

The fact that Jon cannot enter the compound gate is disgusting and speaks to Kate's immaturity. When she said "mine, all mine" she meant it. That bit about the kids "so deserving" that house is "hog wash." Sickening, really.

Pity Party said... 35

She is sooooo not Hollywood. The trend now in Hollywood is for the divorced parents to put aside their differences and coparent the children in a peace and harmony for the kids' sake. What a duche [sic]

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 36

Why can't they put aside their differences and grow up?

Because Kate is self-absorbed, and is hell-bent on punishing Jon for his transgressions.

I guess the risk of traumatizing their kids is unimportant...

It's All Speculation said... 37

Anonymous said...

It is so annoying the way the sheeple just assume Jon must have done something to deserve to have to exchange the kids at the end of the driveway.

Why not assume Kate is just being a bitch like usual?


And everyone here assumes that Kate is to blame. Since no one knows what actually is going on, why is your assumption any more valid than the "sheeple's?"

Lauren said... 38

Wow, Kate is so immature to carry on this behavior.

Doesn't she know that her anger towards Jon is like an invisible connection. That connection gives Jon power over Kate - and it's all because she refuses to forgive him.

Look at Jon. By appearances it looks like he has forgiven Kate and moved on to build a life. Good for him.

If Kate only knew how much energy it takes to be angry I think she would have chosen to forgive Jon a long time ago. ~ Administrator said... 39

She's Come Undone said... She is sooooo not Hollywood. The trend now in Hollywood is for the divorced parents to put aside their differences and coparent the children in a peace and harmony for the kids' sake.


I always thought she lives like how she THINKS a Hollwood celeb does, not how they actually do. I bet she doesn't even realize that most celebs don't even live in Hollywood, lol. ~ Administrator said... 40

And everyone here assumes that Kate is to blame. Since no one knows what actually is going on, why is your assumption any more valid than the "sheeple's?"

It's not. But certainly seems more likely given Kate's history.

konspiracytheory said... 41

@ Anad: Regarding maintaining a relationship with your mother in order to not deprive your children of a relationship with their grandmother: I could have written that post, word for word. Sorry you're going through that, but glad to know that I'm not the only one. Ironically, my mother (and my father through inaction) deprived me of a relationship with my one living grandparent. I refuse to put my children through that confusion - in the meantime, I bite my tongue - they'll see her true stripes eventually (I'm sorry to say).

Karen said... 42

This woman is acting and dressing like "white trash." So sad that all of these photos will be around forever. What a legacy to leave for your kids! Way not to go Kate and Jon. Why would Jon ever agree to meet his kids at the gate of the McMansion? More attention seeking on both of their parts? TLC's idea? Is anything private or sacred to these two grifters?

It's All Speculation said... 43

Anonymous said...

It is so annoying the way the sheeple just assume Jon must have done something to deserve to have to exchange the kids at the end of the driveway.

Why not assume Kate is just being a bitch like usual?


And everyone here assumes that Kate is to blame. Since no one knows what actually is going on, why is your assumption any more valid than the "sheeple's?"

Moose Mania said... 44

"She's going to be on Regis & Kelly tomorrow. : ("


Maybe she's going to tell us how much filming she's been doing for Twisted Kate!!

Karen said... 45

The fact that Jon cannot enter the compound gate is disgusting and speaks to Kate's immaturity. When she said "mine, all mine" she meant it. That bit about the kids "so deserving" that house is "hog wash." Sickening, really.

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