Bruno Tonioli, who famously called Kate a shopping cart, has now picked her as one of the two worst dancers ever to grace DWTS, along with Master P. "I don't know why she's famous I don't understand it," Bruno said. Reality stars "get more coverage than people who work their asses off all their life. I don't get it, do you?" Bruno told Jimmy Kimmel.
77 sediments (sic) from readers:
LOL does it seem to ya'll that their gag order ends the moment the next season begins? All of a sudden all these DWTS people are dragging Kate through the mud when they were pretty polite last year.
On the View today, Joy Behar said Kate danced like she was trying to get away from her kids.
I doubt she will be on THAT show again!
I don't get it either, Bruno-
and thanks for your refreshing honesty.
Administrator said...
LOL does it seem to ya'll that their gag order ends the moment the next season begins?
Could be, but if so, I can't wait til' the gag order is lifted from all the staff and production crew of Kate Plus Eight !
OMG....that will be worth sitting through a 24 hr. marathon !
All joking aside, I truly hope that Jon has been lifted from the claws of Kate and TLC, and is able to finally tell the truth about "The Realist Of Kate Plus Eight."
Enough is enough, and this crap-fest show needs to end now !
Just another "jellus" hater, right Sheeple? :)
God bless Bruno and the fact that he is not afraid to speak his mind! Finally someone calling a kart a kart! Now I know why he's always been my favorite judge!!!
Bruno is just too adorable!!
BWHAHAHAH...Sing it Bruno! Do you reckon they (judges) KNOW that Kate had been signed for at least X amt. of shows?
It appears that the long arm of TLC does not reach as far as it does in other arenas. Karma. And in just a few days, another People magazine will appear, and that fleeing fame thing is gone too.
Bruno hits the nail on the head when he says it’s America’s fault she is famous. Each person who watches her show, watches programs she’s on and buys magazines she’s in *no matter what the reason* is contributing. It’s like tossing a piece of trash from your car window. You think you’re just one person and it won’t count, but in fact you’re one of millions of people thinking the same thing. Then we wonder where all the pollution came from.
Admin, I certainly hope you are right. I would find it refreshingly honest to hear some straight talk for a change!
"It's America's fault for making her famous." No talent, living off the proceeds of her children's labor.
ROFL - Bruno rocks!
I love that guy.... he has fire in you know where!!! lol
This was priceless. He really is funny. But he sure has her number. And no, to answer you Bruno, I don't get it either. Talentless, thankless, fake, mean, cruel Kate. America has gone mad to watch this person.
Actually I think Bruno was still pretty polite, or at least he wasn't any more catty then he was last spring. He said (yet again) "It's not her fault, she's not a performer". I think Bruno brings up a good point which is that we are ultimately the ones who make all of these reality people "celebrities". And Jimmy's reply was dead on "We don't know why we do it. We're interested."
Oh, I love it. I really do. I'm so happy he was truthful. I'm happy Carrieanne was truthful. I think this is going to happen more often. The more Kate puts herself out there, the more she needs to put up with ridicule from the masses. Such is life in the spotlight. Especially reality "stars". Their 15 minutes are fleeting. Get your jabs in now, people. And it wouldn't hurt if more of these TV hosts (I'm looking at YOU Joy Behar) came forward & spoke their mind more often. It just proves our point.
I've never heard of Master P so I go over to Youtube and see this guy "dance" a couple of dances. Oh dear. It makes Bruno's remark even funnier - "she close - she's very, very bewildered, the woman"
who else said anything bad about kate? this is his opinion about reality stars. not an opinion on kate as a person.
i think there's a big difference there.
bruno and carrie ann were the judges and (according to carrie ann) didn't even mingle with the contestants.
Let's face it, Kate's performances were God awful!! And Bruno was brutal on her, but seems he can now can compare her to other dancers, and his description is right on par!!
I have to agree with Bruno, Reality Stars just go about and make fools out of themselves and do absolutely nothing and yet get the same recognition as real celebs who have worked their asses off at their craft their whole life. It has to do with the intelligence of this society and thats not saying much, is it
I love Bruno, he tells it like it is. Some of her dances were painful to watch so as a professional I can only imagine what they were thinking
Bruno was spot on the way he described Kate and reality stars being "famous, why?" Gag order is certainly all gone!
What is the point of him talking about this now? Just to sling mud? Low class scumbag.
There are pictures of her with the twins at a music store and she is texting the whole time...now if this were Jon...watch out cause they would have torn his ass a big one. So attentive that one is.
Admin said..."Bruno Tonioli, who famously called Kate a shopping cart, has now picked her as one of the two worst dancers ever to grace DWTS, along with Master P"
For some reason, the video isn't playing, but just kind of jerking (freezing). Did Bruno actually say that Kate is "one of the two worst dancers ever to grace DTWS?" Were those his words? I love Bruno, and even though he tells it like it is and doesn't hold back, I can't imagine him being quite THAT blunt!
Off topic question. Is the hearing on Rep. Murt's bill still being held in September? The PA legislature website lists upcoming committee hearings and I did not see it listed for this week or next week. From a news report on Philly.com, I thought it was supposed to be the Committee on Labor Relations that was holding the hearing on Sept. 23. I was looking on the PA House of Representatives website to see if the committee had posted a witness list for the hearing. The only meetings/hearings listed for Sept. 23 are a quarterly meeting of Local Government Commission and the Professional Licensure Committee Public hearing on licensure of foreign-trained dentists. I did not see the bill number (House Bill 2515) listed in any of the other scheduled hearings.
Bruno's a trip. Love him!
I think we knew it would happen eventually. Who knew there was a date that Kate season opened and closed? I'm filling my rifle with snarky comments right now.
Admin, on the other thread, you wrote about how Kate lost because she has paid friends, she has no family, etc. What a true statement. It's so sad she does not see that. When people are "new" to money, sometimes they don't see the things that are truly important in life. But in Kate's life, I think it's always about getting there, getting to the top, getting the notoriety, the fame, etc. She would step on anyone to get to the top, including selling out her kids childhood.
It's rather pathetic that she has paid friends isn't it? Think about it for a second. Her only companion is a married man who gets paid by the company she works for! How sad! She has pushed away her only real friends. The only man who will ever love her, she pushed away for more TV time. She is pushing her kids away with every click of the camera. With every single "woe is me, I can't find a man" & "my husband is a loser" she is pushing away potential jobs, clients, directors and gigs.
This is the life Kate has chosen. It is a sad & lonely road. I do not feel sorry for her. She has chosen to be a hard, cold, unfeeling, non-maternal, materialistic bitch. And with every disdainful word that comes out her mouth, it is her own undoing. She does not have my sympathy. Sorry for the long post. :)
It's official....the gloves ARE off.
Administrator said... LOL does it seem to ya'll that their gag order ends the moment the next season begins? All of a sudden all these DWTS people are dragging Kate through the mud when they were pretty polite last year.
Well, that might be one way to buzz up the current season, is to rehash the disasters of the previous season. OR kate is no longer under contract with somebody somewhere, so some of the gloves are off.
Speaking of which - it occurs to me that someone like Anderson Cooper might be giving Katie a pass because: 1) she is actually quite beneath him and he doesnt really care and will just ignore her till she goes away; or 2)by giving her credence he validates her and that could drive up her ratings. Therefore, see above re my first point.
Is anyone saying how unpleasant she was on DWTS? or are they only talking about her dancing and "she actually thought she was good"?
and one more thing - ADMIN? you arent posting recent pics of Kate anymore like you were doing there for a while. did you get your hand slapped about copyrights or something? Is there anything your devoted posters and us groupies can help you with?
Well I am almost positive that nobody likes her including her kids
NovaCath & all see 5th post down for info re: tomorrow's hearing:
Midnight Madness, he didn't say it exactly like that. He said the other guy was the worst dancer ever and Jimmy prompted him and said, "What about Kate Gosselin?" Bruno sort of laughed and said, "Well........" and then made a remark about her being right up there too. I can't remember exactly how he said it. Then they talked about how some people are famous for no reason and Jimmy said, "It's America's fault. America made her famous." Or something like that......
Anonymous said... What is the point of him talking about this now? Just to sling mud? Low class scumbag.
Just as you have an opinion of Bruno, he has an opinion of Kate and her dancing (which is his job). At least he didn't call her a low class scumbag.
NovaCath said... Off topic question. Is the hearing on Rep. Murt's bill still being held in September?
Go to Rep. Murt's site...
The hearing is tomorrow.
Stupid BM Sheeple comment of the week: ***I guess Tony has forgotten that thanks to Kate he was on the cover of People. More people know who he is because of Kate. So instead of being rude he should be thankful Kate was his partner. I remember reading that one of the DWTS producers said Tony had nothing to complain about as he was on a magazine cover.
I will be shocked if Tony & Audrina win. Bruno may like those big fake boobs she has but she still does not dance that great.
September 22, 2010 9:33 PM***
Umm, speaking of big fake fake boobs... Now we know for sure the sheeple are deaf dumb and blind when it comes to their queen.
I really enjoyed what Bruno had to say about Kart but it aggravated me that he and the other judges gave higher scores to Kart then they did to Hasselhoff. Consistintly had 6's very rarely 5's. Why???
Z posted this article:
September 22, 2010
'Gosselin Law' - Former kid stars to testify at hearing
Former kid TV stars from "Little House on the Prairie" and "Lassie" are expected to testify Thursday in Harrisburg at a hearing on a bill designed to protect children working in reality TV shows like Kate Gosselin's "Kate Plus 8," which is filmed in Pennsylvania.
Alison Arngrim and Nellie Oleson, from "Little House," along with Jon Provost, who played Timmy on "Lassie," are expected to testify before the Pennsylvania House Labor Committee, which is considering Rep. Thomas Murt's Bill 2515.
They arrived in Harrisburg Wednesday to join Paul Petersen, who played Jeff Stone in "The Donna Reed Show," which ran on ABC from 1958 to '66. Petersen and the other former child stars are there to lobby legislators on the need for reform in child labor laws.
It’s expected that Arngrim, Provost and Petersen will discuss the need for set teachers (currently not required in Pennsylvania) and how reality TV must be regulated like so-called scripted TV in their Thursday morning testimony.
Must Love Dogs said...
I have to agree with Bruno, Reality Stars just go about and make fools out of themselves and do absolutely nothing and yet get the same recognition as real celebs who have worked their asses off at their craft their whole life. It has to do with the intelligence of this society and thats not saying much, is it
The love affair with "real celebs" always amazes me. Just because someone makes it as an actor,does not mean that "they worked their asses off at their craft their whole life. There are plenty of famous actors out there who made it based on looks and a bit of luck, not based on being amazingly talented or working hard for years on end to hone their craft.
Does anyone know if Kate talked about "Twist of Kate" in her People magazine article? I would think if it was happening it would have gotten a mention.
What is the point of him talking about this now? Just to sling mud? Low class scumbag
He is a judge on DWTS. He was brought on to talk about DWTS. Jimmy Kimmel asked him about K8. [[shaking head ]]
Tony was doing just fine before Kate was his partner. He was on what TEN seasons of this show? He was doing just fine after Kate was his partner. ONE People Magazine cover made little difference. I fail to see why Tony should bend over backwards for somoene who treated him the way she did just because she got him on a magazine cover.
Kate cost this guy money by not trying and getting voted off early. The dancers LOSE money when they are not on every week this has been reported by multiple sources.
If good looks get people famous why are so many good looking people I know not famous? It takes more than that. It takes a special kind of hard work and drive to make it in Hollywood, and smarts. Those that don't have it may be famous briefly, but have a hard time staying famous. The people who stay famous for decades, that is no accident.
Laura D. said... Each person who watches her show, watches programs she’s on and buys magazines she’s in *no matter what the reason* is contributing. It’s like tossing a piece of trash from your car window. You think you’re just one person and it won’t count, but in fact you’re one of millions of people thinking the same thing. Then we wonder where all the pollution came from.
Are we, the bloggers, included in the above?
Another random comment about Kate, that captures her quite well. This is about the Masche dad of tups, and his recent arrest for DV.
We're not the only ones who see Kate as a bad example of parenting.
By kado880Highest Rank Vote downVote upReport this
he is the male version of Kate Gosselin. Neither of those two should have custody over any child. Whether you like Jon G or not he was the better parent and always loving with the kids when Kate didn't have him working his butt off. As for this jerk. I've watched the show but it was to painful. He is just like Kate G, arrogant, cruel, self involved. It was just to hard to watch him berate Jenny all the time so I stopped long ago. If it had just been her and the kids the show would be fine.
"Kate cost this guy money by not trying and getting voted off early."
I don't think this is the case. Kate just didn't have it. Either you have it or you don't. She never should have been on there in the first place. No amount of training, no amount of hard work would have made any difference, and I think Tony knew this from the beginning. There was no rhythm there...no style, no grace, no sense of anything. When it comes to dance, she's a klutz, and so it will always be.
Admin., it always amazes me with the way you run this blog with such knowledge and so much class. I enjoy coming here, even though I have posted a couple things that you did not go thru. I read a couple of the fan sites, and if someone who posts says the smallest, negative(but true) thing about their queen, you either get a nasty email from the boss, or else you get publicly beat up, usually by the same couple of people. You have allowed a sheeple to post on here tonight, a few different times, even though "anonymous" was not very nice. No way would that be allowed on the site that "anonymous" calls home. Keep up the good work, you must be doing something right, because those "fan sites" are always mentioning things written on this blog! I just never knew that so many people could be blindly changed into sheeple!
Keep up the good work, you must be doing something right, because those "fan sites" are always mentioning things written on this blog! I just never knew that so many people could be blindly changed into sheeple!
When other blogs talk about me it just gives me a big head and feeds into my narcissism. :)
I keep forgetting to post, someone said awhile ago "I know we're not supposed to mention other blogs here but..."
The rule is not that you cannot mention other blgos. Of course you can. I just don't want trash talking of other blogs and bloggers. They may do it to us, but this blog is not here just to talk smack like it's 8th grade.
Sorry if Im not willing to pat Bruno on the back. He was willing to take all things kate while it/she was making ratings for the his show.Just like the ladies on the view...When she is on the show they pretty much kiss her ass.Then the next night you see Joy ripping her apart. I lost respect for whoopie and Joy...they were both willing to sit there and hold thier tounges.
They both claim that they SPEAK thier minds always!Hum...just not when kate is on and they are getting ratings.
Bruno wants to say WE made her famous...UM NO...its shows like the View...DWTS...ET...TLC...Showbiz tonight...The today show...ect...the shows that keep putting this worthless piece of crap on tv that have made her "famous"
They know that TRASH like kate makes ratings...so what ever they really believe or want to say dosent matter as long as the show they are working for scores the ratings!
Too little too late if you ask me!They know the only reason they even know who kate is...is because she's exploiting 8 children...BUT YET...its sits well with them.As long as they make money from it to!
Sorry to post again so soon...I dont want to offend anyone,but I do believe the "haters" are playing a big part in the rstings.
To sound like a broken record..I dont watch the show and havent since the divorce came out.I dont search the internet for anything kate.What I see or hear is from this site.Even then I dont click on the links given on this site.I see the stories and the pictures....but I dont click to see anything more.If I see 1 picture here,thats enough for me.I dont need to click the link to see more.
I'am doing going to GWOP.Nice people yes...but the same people who bitch and moan about kate and the abuse she's heaping on the kids,cant stop themselves from watching.We also have people here who say I cant stand her...what she's doing is wrong...get the kids of tv....give them privacy...BUT YET...they find a reason to watch.
Other than the sheeple...there are no stupid kool-aid drinking people here.I just dont understand why you still watch the show?Like a poster said...you toss trash out the window and think..HEH..once wont hurt anything...BUT it does.You may think you are alone but there is someone else doing and thinking the same.
Its really easy.Dont watch and she WILL go away.Yup that easy.No ratings will make the show go away.
Is snarking on kate really worth invading 8 kids privacy? After kate is gone...there will be another cause to fight to get off the air!
Kate isnt the end all of tv reality rejects!
I have developed a physical aversion to Kate. I actually feel sick when I hear her speak. It's almost fear.
I don't want to see her on tv or hear her. I can look at pictures, but that's about it. I've heard several other people talk about this "kate-phobia" as well. You can bet I don't watch anything she's on; not even the little clips and interviews.
I still know as much about the shows as the people who watch, I think. I feel as if I've watched, anyway!
Once she starts nauseating you, it'll be easy for you to turn it off, too.
Amen Starz22!!!
There are new pics of Kate on gossip center wearing shorts and 4" heel sandals while shopping at a music store with the twins. I most of the pics she's either talking to her fake friends on the phone and even texting at the register. I can't imagine who she's always on the phone with since she has no friends or family. Maybe she uses the phone as a prop so it looks like she's busy all the time.
"Bruno wants to say WE made her famous...UM NO...its shows like the View...DWTS...ET...TLC...Showbiz tonight...The today show...ect...the shows that keep putting this worthless piece of crap on tv that have made her "famous"
This is EXACTLY what he's saying! The "WE" is not only viewers, but rather this country, which includes the media. His whole point is that she doesn't have talent. He doesn't know why she's famous, but she is. If you listen carefully, he referes to the magazines, the front pages, the "coverage," the television shows, that she's out there in the MEDIA, and this is why she's famous, not because she has talent.
"Its really easy. Dont watch and she WILL go away.Yup that easy."
I don't think that it is that easy. She's TLC's
golden girl. They have (or had) a goldmine there, and they are milking it for all its worth. When she goes away, I don't think it's going to be because of a drop in ratings, but rather because she's done something on her own to cause the demise of the show.
@ Questions:... Laura D. said... Each person who watches her show, watches programs she’s on and buys magazines she’s in *no matter what the reason* is contributing. It’s like tossing a piece of trash from your car window. You think you’re just one person and it won’t count, but in fact you’re one of millions of people thinking the same thing. Then we wonder where all the pollution came from.
Are we, the bloggers, included in the above?
September 22, 2010 8:11 PM
No, Questions, you as a fellow blogger are not included in the above. Unless of course you are watching Kate on TV and buying those magazines. Have a great day Qestions!
I think Kart uses her phone as a means of keeping other people away from her. She looks like she is busy on her phone so people won't speak to her and ask her a question she may not be able to bullshit her way out of.
I have a question about sheeple intelligence (or lack thereof). Is it that they have little or no intelligence and are incapable of reasoning, or is it because they have their minds made up that this is the way it is?, I'm thinking of the credit card issue. They conclude that if Kate used a credit card, then she paid for the items. Period. End of discussion. Do they not have the intelligence to examine the possibility that this may be a corporate credit card, or that Kate gets reimbursed by TLC? In other words, are sheeple incapable of logical thinking because of the intelligence just isn't there, or because they are so close-minded that they don't want to examine other possibilities?
Or both?
Thanks, Admin., for reminding me to not speak 8th grade of "other" blogs. Sometimes they just get me soo wound up, I just have to vent it out!
I, too, have a physical aversion to Kate G. Can't stand to hear her voice, much less watch anything Gosselin. If I am ever within earshot of her voice, a wave of nausea comes over me. No problem not watching. Save the Gosselin kids.
@ Midnight Madness: I’ll try to shed some light on the sheeple reasoning. I’ve heard there are a few pro-Kate sites whose posters are downright scary and attack anyone who dares to question them resorting to insults and profanity. I wouldn’t touch those sites with a 10-ft pole. The only one I occasionally check out is BM’s site. For the most part those posters are intelligent women with careers, kids and/or grandkids. THESE are the ones who baffle me the most because I can’t write them off as crazy. Rather they seem to be stuck in a time warp, still seeing Kate as she was in the beginning. They love her unconditionally. No matter what stunt she pulls they continue to see her as smart, funny, a great mom, a role model and worst of all HONEST. Until something comes straight out of Kate’s mouth they will never believe it, i.e., boob job, her dumping Jon before he cheated, etc. They always give Kate the benefit of the doubt, hence the credit card argument. Anyone in the media who comes out and speaks negatively is lying, but anyone who praises her is telling the truth. When Bonnie Fuller recently saw the light BM & her sheeple accused her of switching to the dark side to reach a wider audience. (LOL, at least they admit they’re in the minority.) Anyone who doesn’t kiss her ass is called a bitch (eg: Joy, whoopee & Ellen Degeneres). And now Tony and Bruno are being called unprofessional! I hope this helps. Have a great day Midnight Madness.
"Bruno calls Kate one of two worst dancers ever on DWTS"
I didn't see his scores reflecting that! Her scores were always higher than she deserved. Whoever said, "Too little, too late" about Bruno's comments, that's what I was thinking when I saw the video.
Midnight Madness said...
I have a question about sheeple intelligence (or lack thereof). Is it that they have little or no intelligence and are incapable of reasoning, or is it because they have their minds made up that this is the way it is?, I'm thinking of the credit card issue. They conclude that if Kate used a credit card, then she paid for the items. Period. End of discussion. Do they not have the intelligence to examine the possibility that this may be a corporate credit card, or that Kate gets reimbursed by TLC? In other words, are sheeple incapable of logical thinking because of the intelligence just isn't there, or because they are so close-minded that they don't want to examine other possibilities?
Or both?
People on here stated with certainty that the credit card was a corporate card. How is that any different? Nobody in Gosselin blog land knows whether it was a personal card or a corporate card.
People on here stated with certainty that the credit card was a corporate card. How is that any different? Nobody in Gosselin blog land knows whether it was a personal card or a corporate card.
Really? I must have missed those posts. I just remember reading that posters stated that there was a possibility that it was a corporate card and several addressed the question by stating that they work for companies who issue cards, or reimburse their employees.
The fact is that nobody knows beyond a shadow of a doubt if it was a corporate card, a personal card, or if TLC reimbursed her for the items. The fact is, though, that it was stated on a sheeple site that she paid for the items and therefore the Kate haters can't say that she gets everything for free. One poster here stated the same thing.
It doesn't matter. It's over and done and people will believe whatever they want to believe.
Some pretty harsh words about Kate, but he might have been doing it to just stir up some attention. Thanks for sharing the video.
I was glad to see that the situation actually tried with only 5 days and he seemed quite nice. He didn't shoot daggers at the judges - he agreed with them. It would really be a shot in the foot if another nonfamous famous person actually gave it their all and worked at it. I really honestly to be honest I cannot lie thought that Khatan would have really tried but she is just so lazy, she has no ethics at all as a mom, a person or an employee. She deserves every bad thing that is said about her and then some.
Some pretty harsh words about Kate, but he might have been doing it to just stir up some attention. Thanks for sharing the video.
"Bruno calls Kate one of two worst dancers ever on DWTS"
I didn't see his scores reflecting that! Her scores were always higher than she deserved. Whoever said, "Too little, too late" about Bruno's comments, that's what I was thinking when I saw the video.
I, too, have a physical aversion to Kate G. Can't stand to hear her voice, much less watch anything Gosselin. If I am ever within earshot of her voice, a wave of nausea comes over me. No problem not watching. Save the Gosselin kids.
I think Kart uses her phone as a means of keeping other people away from her. She looks like she is busy on her phone so people won't speak to her and ask her a question she may not be able to bullshit her way out of.
There are new pics of Kate on gossip center wearing shorts and 4" heel sandals while shopping at a music store with the twins. I most of the pics she's either talking to her fake friends on the phone and even texting at the register. I can't imagine who she's always on the phone with since she has no friends or family. Maybe she uses the phone as a prop so it looks like she's busy all the time.
This was priceless. He really is funny. But he sure has her number. And no, to answer you Bruno, I don't get it either. Talentless, thankless, fake, mean, cruel Kate. America has gone mad to watch this person.
"Kate cost this guy money by not trying and getting voted off early."
I don't think this is the case. Kate just didn't have it. Either you have it or you don't. She never should have been on there in the first place. No amount of training, no amount of hard work would have made any difference, and I think Tony knew this from the beginning. There was no rhythm there...no style, no grace, no sense of anything. When it comes to dance, she's a klutz, and so it will always be.
Administrator said...
LOL does it seem to ya'll that their gag order ends the moment the next season begins?
Could be, but if so, I can't wait til' the gag order is lifted from all the staff and production crew of Kate Plus Eight !
OMG....that will be worth sitting through a 24 hr. marathon !
All joking aside, I truly hope that Jon has been lifted from the claws of Kate and TLC, and is able to finally tell the truth about "The Realist Of Kate Plus Eight."
Enough is enough, and this crap-fest show needs to end now !
I have a question about sheeple intelligence (or lack thereof). Is it that they have little or no intelligence and are incapable of reasoning, or is it because they have their minds made up that this is the way it is?, I'm thinking of the credit card issue. They conclude that if Kate used a credit card, then she paid for the items. Period. End of discussion. Do they not have the intelligence to examine the possibility that this may be a corporate credit card, or that Kate gets reimbursed by TLC? In other words, are sheeple incapable of logical thinking because of the intelligence just isn't there, or because they are so close-minded that they don't want to examine other possibilities?
Or both?
I first read "demonstrations" as in protests and thought gosh what's there to protest about a cookbook? lol.
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