It's hysterical that the premiere of Dancing With the Stars on Monday is going to be competing with Kate Plus 8. Oh, karma. Now you definitely have something else to watch. Enjoy the first episode which features celebs who actually want to 1. work and 2. be there.
Tony has been Twittering away for weeks how happy he is to have a partner who actually appreciates the opportunity to train with a world class dancer.
Tony has been Twittering away for weeks how happy he is to have a partner who actually appreciates the opportunity to train with a world class dancer.

Meanwhile, Kate has reportedly been advising Bristol Palin on all aspects of being a humongous celebrityish famous person on a little show like this and how hard that is, and also told her she should use her mom to get votes. Like Kate uses her kids?

Vote for Tony because let's face it, the guy deserves it. And way more than Kate thinks she deserves the things she has.

123 sediments (sic) from readers:
Is this going to sink Kate Plus 8 ratings now that DWTS is back on? YIPEE!!! I hope it does!
But I can't believe Bristol Palin is that, I don't want to be mean and stay stupid but come on?! Asking KATE for advice...on DANCING? HAHAHAHAHA! I really don't think Bristol wil last long no matter who her mother is!
I'll be watching! I wish Tony well this season...he deserves it.
And I really hope the ratings this season are even better than last year!
Team Tony and Ceiling Eyes!
I am predicting a big drop in viewership this week. You've got the new tv shows airing (DWTS, Two and a half men) and any new viewers picked up last week should have been turned off by the subject matter of watching children vomiting.
I can't believe that Kate has the gall to give any advice to Bristol on DWTS.
Bristol, you should be asking someone on DWTS that actually TRIED to dance, and successfully got through because of talent.
Kate, you leave Bristol alone! You are of no use to that young lady, except in how to teach her to be a lying grifter.
Tony- after what you went through with Kate, I only wish you the best, and may you win this time.
Personally after Kate, just about anyone will be an improvement.
"It's hysterical that the premiere of Dancing With the Stars on Monday is going to be competing with Kate Plus 8. Oh, karma."
I thought people in the TV biz thought about things like that (ratings) when they moved their programs around. She's got to compete with Monday Night Football, too. Could TLC actually be throwing Kate under the bus purposely with that decision? Just sayin...
Although I like Tony and I believe he is an amazing dancer, it will be hard for me to root for Audrina. It's hard for me to vote for anyone who was on The Hills. That's another reality show filled with kids who have no talent. Audrina is very attractive but to me she always seems so vacant. You know they will put Bristol last on the show but I'm hoping she gets voted off early- but we all know that won't happen! Sharon
The TLC hype that Kate "bonded" with the Palins is PURE CRAP...she didn't spend even one night camping out and then disappeared with Steve, leaving Hannah asking, "Where is Mommy and when is she coming back?" Yeah, Best Friend to Sarah Palin and Mother-of-the-Year Award go to Kate Gosselin...NOT. I didn't think anyone could make Sarah Palin look good, but Kate Gosselin has managed to do just that. And, hey, good luck to Bristol...have no problem with her, but WISE UP.
Well I know I'll be watching DWTS and my sons Football, don't know who will be tuning in on her show but it won't be on in my house.
I truly hope my favorite show, DWTS, isn't hijacked AGAIN because of child exploiter Kate Gosselin. Last season, Kate really ruined DWTS because she can't dance yet people voted for her. So please don't start a campaign for Bristol Palin, she has nothing to do with Kate Gosselin, and should sink or swim because of HER OWN dancing talent. Or lack thereof, we don't know yet :-)
I love DWTS and hated last season because of Kart. I like for the best dancers AND the ones who show improvement to get the votes. Kate wasn't close to fitting into EITHER of those categories. And as for Bristol, as much as I'd HATE to vote for anything with the name "Palin" (fighting back an urge to puke just saying it) well if Bristol is a hard worker, she will EARN my vote.
Kate calling Bristol is nothing more than Kate's PR machine trying to keep her relative to DWTS. Too bad it didn't help either one of them.
As for karma involved in Kate+8's schedule on Monday nite -- lol TLC is advertising TUESDAY as their family night with the new sextuplet family. Kate? she's on Monday nite. HA
Love the blind leading the blind pic.
You know, if Kate giving Bristol advice on dancing is factual it's probably just another one of Eileen O'Neill's diabolical plans to shove Palin's Alaska show down people's throats. TLC loves to stir up controversy and what better way to do it than getting Kate involved somehow.
TLC thinks we believe all the shit they try to feed people. That network is such a farce already.
Bristol may turn out to be a fine dancer. And even if she isn't, we can all guess that those who support her mother politically will be her fan base. How one has to do with the other baffles me, but that's the way things work on DWTS.
Any thoughts on the coincidence that Bristol's appearance on DWTS is happening about the same time her mom is reemerging as a political strongarm? Riding coattails might work both ways. It could possibly bring in younger people to look at Sarah's platforms more favorably.
I don't know if that's what's going on, but the timing makes me ask questions.
Well you know how Kate ran at the mouth when she was on DTWS that SHE was the one who increased the ratings? Let's see if she can pull those ratings from ABC to know, since she's such a huge star and all.
My prediction for K8+8 this week is in the 800,000 range. Then TLC will move her to another night to try to rescue their damsel in distress.
I am just loving the fact that ALL the new shows start this week, including DWTS, & Kate+8 should probably tank this Monday.
And the fact that Kate is telling Bristol Palin to pull out her wild card -have Good Ole' Momma on the show if you're not doing so well- tells you something about where Kate's head always is; Fame-whoring.
I'm no Sarah Palin fan, but golly, I feel like rooting for Bristol just because of that tool ex boyfriend Levi Johnston. You just know he's secretly rooting for her to fail cuz he's jeeeeelus.
Am I correct in thinking the haircuts/shoe shopping episode was the last one (that we know of, anyway) that was filmed? With a hearing schduled in PA for this Thursday, I think this show is finally, finally finished! Thank God!!!
"The TLC hype that Kate "bonded" with the Palins is PURE CRAP...she didn't spend even one night camping out and then disappeared with Steve..."
Oh, heck, Kate's been bonding with everyone under the sun. She and Erin were texting regularly; she and Pamela were bffs; she and The Donald were tight; now I suppose she is going to be Sarah Palin's new campaign manager. Kate's a hanger-on-er, and those who hang are soon cut free before they pull down the other person. Hollywood doesn't take too kindly to leeches.
If Kate's "in" with all the big people, then why does she claim to be so darn lonely?
It wouldn't surprise me at all if, in the near future, a mental health professional submits a paper on Kate to the APA Journal.
Lorrie said... Am I correct in thinking the haircuts/shoe shopping episode was the last one (that we know of, anyway) that was filmed? With a hearing schduled in PA for this Thursday, I think this show is finally, finally finished! Thank God!!!
It does look that way. We haven't seen the kids being filmed since their back to school shopping. I think they are not making a big deal about not being able to film (I think the contract is up and Jon won't sign again) and are quietly letting the show go hoping not to make a big deal out of it because TLC knows it's run its course anyway.
I think they aren't filming until the child labor hearings in the legislature get under way. They want to see if there will be any changes to the law before they issue a new contract. If the changes are drastic, that might kill the show right there.
Or...Kate is seriously considering moving to LA. They next season will focus on her new life in Hollywood and her attempts to break into the film business. It will also film the kids and how they're adjusting to the move, but not as much since CA has better child labor protection.
Jon meanwhile will sit back in PA enjoying his blood money, because you know TLC will have to be paying him through the nose for him to agree to such a move.
I think Kate & Bristol are a perfect match for each other. Here's why: Both of them played the Christian Religiousosity card to the hilt in the media. Both of them are talent less fame whores, although Kate's had a lot more practice. IMO, Bristol served absolutely no positive purpose and provided no redeeming/instructive advice for young girls with her abstinence message which was an epic fail in her own life. That she would charge $14,000 for a less than 30 minute speech on this topic leaves me with no alternative but to call her another scheming grifter. I was very disappointed that she was selected for the show. I do NOT consider her to be a "star" of any kind. JMO
I just came back from the grocery store, and let me tell you, I have never seen such a HUGE amount of People magazine issues still left on the racks. Usually, there are maybe 3 or 4 issues per register, but Kate was at least 10 issues deep per register. I"m not sure if this was because they shipped more, expecting the sheeple to buy them up, but at least down here in south Florida, everyone seems to be passing on People! Hooray!
I think we can put two and two together.
Kids haven't filmed since the end of August. The contract has ended? Jon is refusing to sign again? Jon just said he doesn't want the kids filmed anymore on the Rabbi's show.
Kate has spent the past few weeks on a full rampage bashing Jon. She is livid about SOMETHING. If this was about the incident in August with the kids screaming for him, that was more than a month ago. I think she's mad about something else...Jon not cooperating with her master plan to pimp out the kids for every last cent she can get out of them.
Her hands are tied because guess what, they're his damn kids too. He still shares legal custody with her, he still has his parental rights, and he can stop her if he wants to. All she can do is go around spreading hate about him hoping to get sympathy. Only naturally the whole thing completely backfired on her because it's Kate. Now if Jon were to stop the filming it would be a total PR nightmare to go after him again since the tide has turned so much since last year. What a total and complete head case Kate is.
Isn't the 2 hour premier of House on this Monday night, too? Pretty sure..
Jennifer on INF Daily said People Mag closes on Tuesdays and ships on Wednesdays. The mags are just hitting the racks now. They weren't at my grocery store yet last night.
I think all this BS about Bristol and Kate being consultation buddys is just BS. Doesn't Sarah's new show start this week? Probably a weak attempt to tie Sarah's (and the 2 minutes Kate was there) show along with Bristol's DWTS gig. Why ANYONE would consider Kates advice worthy of sharing is beyond me. It's no joke that she sucked and unless you were under a rock last season, you wouldn't let your enemy use Kate for advice.
I saw the segment inside edition, I'd say that was bought and paid for by TLC or Kate's PR people. This way it makes it easier to "come out" But what a bitch that she didn't give a hoot that Jon wanted him gone and she wouldn't.
They were in our grocery store...and I turned the top one so the back cover was facing out. :)
Does anyone out there think that Kate has been saving her pennies? Yes, she's made a great deal of money (for a talentless, exploitive, narcissistic diva-wanna-be - but I digress) but just how long is she going to be able to afford the payments on the McMansion? Once the show is done, so is her "career"... no more magazines, no more The View, no more Emmy trips, etc. Stick a fork in her.
SO - with no new revenue stream and living the lifestyle she feels she deserves, how long will that money last her? Without the free trips she'll have to shell out for her own travel. Who pays for Steve? The plastic body upkeep? The servants - nannies, gardeners, cooks, maids? The eight private school tuitions alone have to be a huge expense. And Jon, no matter what the courts say he has to pay, has no job and no prospects. Either TLC pays Kate FOR him or she really isn't getting support. Oh, except from her KIDS, that is.
Celebrities with millions more in earning power for longer periods of time have ended up losing everything due to overspending. My point is she can't replace that income, no way in hell.
How long do you all think it'll be before the big "mine all mine" house is no longer hers all hers?
"Jon just said he doesn't want the kids filmed anymore on the Rabbi's show."
When were they filmed on the Rabbi's show? ;-)
"If this was about the incident in August with the kids screaming for him, that was more than a month ago."
Perhaps some people hold grudges longer than others?
"Now if Jon were to stop the filming it would be a total PR nightmare to go after him again since the tide has turned so much since last year."
Kind of like double jeopardy, huh?
Something is up. The winds of change are blowing. Hang on to your hats!
Random thoughts....
I sure hope Jon hurries it up and gets a normal 9 to 5 job soon. That way he can show Kate how it's done when it's her turn to have to clock back in.
How funny would that be that Kate would have to lower herself back to Jon's level? OMG she would D.I.E if she had to get a normal job like Jon ( if he ever gets one, that is ). You think she's throwing him under the bus now, just wait. If she has to ever go back to being a layperson, she would totally blame him for her losses and not being able to afford the mansion. She will storm the set of The Today Show with a stack of bills and kids in torn and tattered clothing, crying that they're hungry, begging for a telethon to help save her kids...because it's society's responsibility, afterall.
I bet that Tony is happy to have a young woman to dance with, so this year he won't have to dance with a woman who was dressed like his grandmother! Funny how kart had to dress "modestly" for her children's sake, but now she dresses like a hooker! Doesn't she care about the kids anymore?!
"If she has to ever go back to being a layperson, she would totally blame him for her losses and not being able to afford the mansion."
It's unlikely that will happen even if Kate makes twenty trips to Target a week. The $1.3 million house is probably paid for by now with the TLC episodes and it's a good bet that the paychecks for her People gigs alone aren't too shabby. People magazine is owned by Time Inc. They must think it's worth their while to put an airbrushed photoshopped pic of Kate on their cover and run an article drenched with her bs. According to their website "People magazine reaches more adult readers (more than 45 million as of fall 2009) with each issue than any consumer magazine ever. In 2010, People held the #1 spot on Adweek's Hot List".
Their web-sites "attract about 52 million unique visitors each month (as of March 31, 2010) and serve close to 1.4 billion page views each month (as of March 31, 2010) continues to be a leading site in entertainment news, with more than 14.5 million monthly unique visitors as of March 2010, and was singled out as "A Magazine Made for the Web” in the 2009 Advertising Age Digital Issue."
Somehow much to our disgust and bewilderment she's become an enigma through exploiting her kids, lying her ass off and turning narcissism into a household word. There's big bucks in Kate and she knows it so why should she care what anyone thinks of her. She is a successful failure.
Even if the mansion is paid off, how much would property taxes and insurance be each year? Surely the taxes alone on that sucker are more than a nurse would make in a year, not counting insurance. And add the maintenance costs for the pool and property on top of all that. Once TLC cuts her loose, I highly doubt they will pay for these things for the rest of her life.
She SHOULD have enough money socked away by now to cover these things, but the way she spends, who knows. She will have to severely curb her fancy schmancy lifestyle of the rich and famous.
And I hope she doesn't dip into the kids' money to cover this stuff.
Also, I don't think People magazine pays people for cover stories, or any story. She wouldn't have made any money off that. The only thing she gained from it was getting back in the spotlight and briefly talked about .I guess you would call it networking. I think she did it hoping it would send a new job her way. And a man, of course. But I'm pretty sure she made no money off that interview directly from People.
Kate is only 35. If she has a couple million socked away, that really isn't gonna carry her very far. Maybe a few years, at best, before it's gone ( if she's not making the big money anymore ). And I think she knows this and is why she's so desperate to hang on to the spotlight. It will be VERY painful for her to give up her current lifestyle. Lordy Bee, she wouldn't be able to afford nannies anymore and she'd have to start looking after the kids herself. Yikes!
@ Jaye - Maybe Stevie boy has found her a good financial adviser? I'm not sure about payment for People mag but if they paid 4+ million dollars for a photo of Angelina/Brad's baby, I assume they pay others??? The taxes on the property are around $13,000/yr according to the real estate listing. But you're could smack her where it hurts if TLC pulled out and too bad if it does. She's had every opportunity to make lots of money elsewhere and she's taken them all. It's hard to tell if Kate is saving/investing money for the future. She said she was but then again she is a known liar so it's anybody's guess what she's doing.
The time is fast approaching when she will take off all her clothes for a publication.
I wonder what Kate prides herself on? I think most everything she does is repugnant, moronic and embarassing to her chldren.
Let's face it, even if she socked away just a couple million, that's not going to take her very far these days. Yes, she is spending foolishly, that is what people with "new money" do sometimes. So the money will dry up. But even so, the money that was made BEFORE Kate+8 was not hers, it was the kids mostly, right? Before she was making 250k an episode?
Markiesnana said...
The time is fast approaching when she will take off all her clothes for a publication
I'm not sure there's enough air to airbrush a project of those proportions. Just watch,you won't be sorry
The estimate on the value of her house is $787,000 as of this monthe. The range of what it is worth is $456,000 - $976,000.
By a chart on her house she bought it at the very peak in the market and slipping downward ever since.
Dear Sonny...Jon would be employed if it were not for the TLC contact.
As for KKate, the only time she feels alive is in front of a camera.
Personally, I think TLC paid People for the cover and the story.
I'm tired of hearing that Kate doesn't have enough money. She had her kids on TV for the past FIVE YEARS. If you don't have enough money saved to live a very comfortable life until they are at least 18 after all that, you are just plain financially stupid. She has no one to blame but herself.
I don't care if the market is bad, she could have kept the money in a money sock under her mattress and she should be set right now.
Kate doesn't have money because she invests in things like hair, nails and clothes. How do other large families do it? She is not the only family with eight kids. I don't see every family with eight kids on every corner shaking a cup of coins.
You are right People does not pay for stories, They do pay for pictures, they pay her a hefty price per picture I am sure, that is also very decieving also of People, to claim they do not pay for stories. How many pictures of Kate were in that issue? Bet lots of $$ cameher way.. She is a disgusting woman and should be ashamed to face people and claim to be a good Mom.
The estimate on the value of her house is $787,000 as of this monthe. The range of what it is worth is $456,000 - $976,000.
I was checking comps in the area (actually house shopping), and if anyone could get that property for under $650,000, they'd snatch it up in a heartbeat. There's a similar property located in the same area, listed for $990,000, on 13 acres, with 4,500 square feet of living space. Taxes are just under $10,000. It's an impressive property, with slightly less land and square footage. The garage is even attached! It will be interesting to see what that one sells for -- I would think somewhere around $875,000 - $899,000 would be close.
The physician who sold Kate the house did so at exactly the right time in the market! He won. She lost.
"I'm tired of hearing that Kate doesn't have enough money. She had her kids on TV for the past FIVE YEARS. If you don't have enough money saved to live a very comfortable life until they are at least 18 after all that, you are just plain financially stupid. She has no one to blame but herself."
Yes, she spends, but the house and property is the money pit. Other large families with eight kids don't have the cost of living expenses that she does, and that's her own fault! You can't keep money in a sock if there are bills to be paid, and trust me, she has them on that property. If there's still a mortgage on it, then with the taxes, insurance, pool, utilities, landscaping, tuition, it's going to eat up (minimum) $275,000 per year. MINIMUM. That's ONLY for the above mentioned expenses. Add to that the cost of paid assistants, nannies, food, clothing, transportation, and you're talking approximately $375,000 per year or more she's going to need just to stay afloat. It seems like a drop in the bucket now, pulling in $250,000 per episode, but her days with TLC are numbered! They are not going to be her sugar-daddy until all of the kids are 18.
Even if she has investments, within 18 years she's going to be dipping into the principal, unless she moves, gets a job, and lives like normal folks! She can make it work, but not living the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
Yes I agree the house is the money pit. Their house on Andrews was perfectly acceptable, I think they said it was close to 3,000 square feet! That's huge. That's more than adequate for any family even a big one. They also had a garage and a huge yard. We have become such a bigger, better, larger, longer, society. We are not thankful for what we have. A family that doesn't appreciate 3,000 square feet needs to go back to the 19th century and see how they lived.
The sheeple will say that includes the basement--well, guess what I grew up on the East Coast and the basement might as well be an extra room. Everyone uses it as an extra room. It's nice down there usually and their basement was nice just like most people's.
The bottom line is Kate set herself up for financial disaster. She's not unlike how a lot of people lived before the bubble burst--living outside their means, buying too much house, too much cars, too much of everything. It is your own internal Ponzi scheme and eventually, as we know, it collapses. It's too bad the kids will have to suffer when it does.
Someone was asking about when Kate told Jon to "Shhh, don't tell them that!"
He was talking about the SQUARE FEET of their Andrews home. What, Kate, don't want people to know how huge your house is so you can pretend it's inadequate and beg for a new one???
"Yes I agree the house is the money pit. Their house on Andrews was perfectly acceptable, I think they said it was close to 3,000 square feet! That's huge."
Actually, in this area it's not huge. It's a nice size, but just a bit over average. Even 4,500 square feet here isn't huge. When selling a house here, you can't include the basement, even if it's finished, when listing the square footage of the house. I know that in many areas basement square footage is included in the total square feet. The property itself isn't large. Yes, it had a decent size yard, but again, not all that big when compared to many homes in the area. Plus, there was no privacy. It's in a development, backed up against other homes. Kate wanted privacy -- she's not the most social person!
I believe that ten people were cramped in that house. I honestly do. But remember, the kids were all home at the same time, and I imagine they were all bumping into each other. However, they had more than ample space to put on a nice-sized addition/family room that would have served their needs. They could have added an additional 1,500 square feet. I don't think, though, that the house was the only issue. They needed to get out of the neighborhood because of certain things that were happening (I'm not even going to go there), and at that time, she saw BIG as necessary to creating that affluent image. Plus, she saw Beth's house, and figured that if Beth could live like that, then she certainly could.
Had they stayed in on Andrew Avenue, I don't think she'd be stressing over money issues right now, and she certainly could retire comfortably when the show ends. She bit off more than she could chew, and it's probably going to come back to haunt her.
PatE said... Dear Sonny...Jon would be employed if it were not for the TLC contact.
As for KKate, the only time she feels alive is in front of a camera.
September 19, 2010 8:14 AM
Jon can get any job he wants as long as it's not in the tv industry. He can go out tomorrow and get a job in IT, car sales, Target, Burger King, custodian, lawn maintenance, or even start his own tee shirt business.
He wants a job in television and won't settle for less. Therefore he remains unemployed and blames TLC.
When the cameras go away for Kate, she wil shrivel up and die.
Where I live in Florida, you couldn't get a house and property like Kate's for less than 3 million. It fascinates me how much the value changes depending on geography. I'll bet if that house and property were in LA it would be over 10 million.
All this talk about how will Kate afford to keep her big house,is driving me nuts!
My thought is...why is there even a mortgage on the house? It should be paid in full and probably is.
With the money Kate has made just from DWTS'S plus a few People covers, I'm sure Kate Gosselin is debt free and living quite well just on her income from TLC. Which is pretty impressive by itself.
Living on SS myself, I could live very comfortable on just the money she spends on her hair,tanning and nails.
I think we should all throw our support to Tony this year on dwts. He had an awful season with Kate and it would be great for him to get all of our votes this season.
Remember the "FREE TONY" t-shirts last year? Poor guy, let's help him make this a great year!
@ Admin, she has said " shhhhhhhhhh don't tell that" on alot of things
PA Mom ALSO said... "Yes I agree the house is the money pit. Their house on Andrews was perfectly acceptable, I think they said it was close to 3,000 square feet! That's huge."
Actually, in this area it's not huge. It's a nice size, but just a bit over average. Even 4,500 square feet here isn't huge.
PAMom that was exactly the point of my post. We Americans have become so super-sized that you are actually saying with a straight face that 4,500 square feet ISN'T HUGE. I don't care if it's average for that area, it is a perfectly decent house for any big family. A 4500 square foot home would cost you in the four to five millions where I live. Obviously, most people do not have that kind of money out here and most people live much more modestly.
Boo hoo they'll be cramped, they have eight kids they're going to be cramped anywhere they go. Kate is a spoiled brat who will not be happy until her family is living in a palace. Kate saw how the better half lived, i.e. Beth, and she wanted it and would stop at nothing to get it. Look where it got her. Divorced, unhappy, alone.
My mother grew up in a family of seven in a 1500 square foot home my grandfather built from scratch. They lived within their means. I never once heard anyone complain the home was cramped. Kids go in and out, they're busy, only time anyone is home at the same time is Christmas and sleeping. It's not THAT bad. That family is straight out of the Waltons cookie cutter. Their childhood obviously did them no harm. As a result of living within their means they ended up being able to put EVERY kid through college, buy EVERY kid a nice piano so they too could give their kids lessons, and now my grandfather gives each of his 11 grandkids and children a big check every Christmas, I'm talking in the $1,000. His only request is that you tell him what you spent it on--keeps the accountability. That's the American dream, not Kate's fantasy.
Now it makes sense why Kate never holds her kids hands. She is "annoyed" when she sees people holding hands. She is either dragging the kids by their hands, or walking way ahead of them. She rarely shows affection to those kids in public, so it can't be any better at home. She is a piece of work!
Kate steers them by the heads instead of holding their hands.
Look at the pics from the dentist on Friday. There are also other pics of her holding the children by their heads.
Had to share this. This retriever could do a better job on DWTS than Kate did!
You're absolutely right, Admin. I was one of five kids (plus two parents) who originally lived in a small 2 bedroom apt. By scrimping and saving, (and *not* handing us everything on a 'golden' platter), my parents were able to buy a small house (~ 1700 sq ft) in an excellent school district. Cramped? Sure, but we didn't really care. I can only laugh at the concept of 3000 sq ft not being large enough for a family of ten.
Has anyone been to Lincoln's boyhood cabin in Kentucky? It's too bad his parents didn't give him a 3,000 square foot home to live in, he might have actually made something of himself.
AuntieAnn said...
"Somehow much to our disgust and bewilderment she's become an enigma through exploiting her kids, lying her ass off and turning narcissism into a household word. There's big bucks in Kate and she knows it so why should she care what anyone thinks of her. She is a successful failure."
Successful there's an oxymoron.
On a website I was on, one of the sheeple said:
"I'm so sick of all you Kate haters , face it if you looked as good as Kate you would be showing it off. Kate is a good mom ,and yes she makes a lot of money she has to she has 8 kids. All you Kate haters wish you could be as classy as Kate."
Classy as Kate? Since when is belittling your husband on TV 24/7 and trashing him on live TV classy? Not to mention 4 of your 7 kids on the boat are puking, and you don't turn the boat around, nor demand that the cameras be turned off. If you think Kate is classy after all that, I'd hate to think what you consider un-classy.
Here's the link.
Class and Kate is not something I would use in the same sentence.
Someone with class does not talk about their children's father on national TV. Nor do they talk about how much money they don't have, nor do they talk about the square footage of their home, nor do they talk about how many iphones they have. Kate needs a parenting CLASS, for starters.
Just got back from the grocery store - interesting that the People issue in the check out line has one of those opaque covers on it - guess Kate is rated R now. I also noticed that every other magazine had sold a number of copies but that the People rack in all the lines I looked at were jammed full. This may really backfire on People this time!
Even the magazine with that horrible NJ Housewife Teresa and her brood on it had some copies missing from the rack. I'd hate to be less popular than Teresa; what a statement on Kate's (non) popularity!
I really think that she has reached saturation point and everyone (not just people like us) is over her.
Ingrid said...
Had to share this. This retriever could do a better job on DWTS than Kate did!
Ingrid - ROFL. There is no doubt that the golden retriever is far and away a better dancer than Kate. With a much better attitude. :)
Lol did anyone else think Animal Farm when they saw that dog on her hind legs?
I bet that dog never questioned her partner's teaching methods. Actually I hate when people dress up animals in stupid little outfits.
Actually I hate to say it I am worried about that dog's hips, I'm not sure walking on its hind legs all the time is good for her hips. Of course I'm sure she's getting her 15% cut.
"All you Kate haters wish you could be as classy as Kate."
Guess that means that I have to learn to chew like a cow in public, and to eat lying on the table with my arms up to my elbows resting at my plate while I shovel the food into my mouth, while barking orders at the servers and never saying "thank you"! Guess that means leaving hotel rooms/suites in such dispicable conditions that it takes an entire cleaning crew to make the room presentable. Guess that means letting my children make as much of a mess as they want at rental houses, because what do I care -- it's not MY home. Guess that means....oh, what the heck, I could write a thesis on this.
Who knows -- maybe this is exactly what sheeple do, and they think it's "class." If the sheeple want to talk about class, they need to look no further than Beth. Kate was trying to emulate her, but, sadly, just couldn't pull it off. You can't buy class. You either have it or you don't. She's a "don't," and always will be.
If I had the time, I would love to do a demographic study of the sheeple...age group, socio-economic level, geographic distribution. Maybe I should get going on it while there are any left!
To those who say Jon can go out and get a job at Target, Burger King etc. I wonder how true this is.
I would think that practically anywhere he would apply for a job the company would know about the Gosselins and all the money that has been made and the fact that even though he has 8 kids they are living in a great house, have nice things and go on lots of free vacations. They are not suffering at all.
If you were doing interviews in this economy and you had 50 other people applying for the same job, some who lost their jobs a year ago, haven't been able to support their families and are about to lose their home who do you think they would hire?
Although things like that shouldn't influence their decision on who to hire how can it not affect them?
It would be a different story though once they are off TV out of the public eye and living a normal life - if that ever happens.
Admin said:
, I think they said it was close to 3,000 square feet! That's huge. That's more than adequate for any family even a big one. They also had a garage and a huge yard. We have become such a bigger, better, larger, longer, society. We are not thankful for what we have. A family that doesn't appreciate 3,000 square feet needs to go back to the 19th century and see how they lived.
I have to disagree here...The old house had room, for sure, but with all those other bodies in the home, that kitchen would drive me insane! Kate had no room to groove in the kitchen while cooking, and I related to her frustrations with anyone crossing the invisible line of the island! And those hanging cabinets-yech! Having to crouch over to see the table was awful.
That said...ahem!
I'm from PA (Philly) and am familiar with the Reading/Berks area, and I can tell you without a doubt, that BOTH Kate AND Jon could have bought beautiful, newer, spacious homes WITH nice yards for the price that they paid for that compound.
A nice, 5 BR home with a big, modern, open kitchen and family room, a big yard and spacious basement can be found for $600K. EASY!!!!
I know-I've looked recently having thought that we might move back to the area, and compared to DC area prices (where we are now) I was positively salivating over the housing in PA!
Bottom line: Kate is a bitch for keeping that maintenence-money pit and leaving Jon to rent an apartment. Does she not get it? Those kids need another HOME to visit their father in, not an apartment. They need privacy! Not only in the Werny home, with all those new trees planted, but at their father's place too.
Jon deserves it-he earned that money right along side of Kate for all those years. He really must have had shitty representation in the divorce.
Jon got screwed.
We all have our moments where we said or did something we regretted. Kate has these moments every day but doesn't appear to regret them whatsoever. There are apparently other Kates out there. The sheeple see themselves in Kate and instead of, like normal people, realizing what it looks like from the outside and feeling chastened and sorry, they just get defensive and rabid. They project their own bad behavior onto Kate and when we attack Kate for the bad things she has done, they take it personally.
That is why they feel the need to come here and make personal attacks, picking on people's spelling, personal life, jobs, etc., whereas everyone else is simply focused on criticizing the bad things the family/TLC has done, not going after individual sheeple because who gives a crap. Because we aren't projecting our own bad behavior onto Kate and so have no need to get defensive and rabid.
And when I say bad behavior, I don't think ANYONE here would sell their kids the way she has. She takes it to a whole other level. I'm talking about the time that we all lost it with the kids and said I can't take it anymore, things like that.
What I will never, ever understand, is the rush to defend Kate over her kids. Isn't a normal natural maternal, and for that matter, paternal instinct, to rush to defend the kids?
Just watched a Tivoed What Would you Do and the segment they did on a mother yelling at her children and losing it on them, and how people reacted, was facinating. The vast majority, sure enough, came to the children's aid. But a few, remarkably, did absolutely nothing claiming it was none of their business. Sound familiar?
Admin, I'm not sure if you understand how to read this chart, but here are the numbers for People, (this weeks is not out yet). It tracks how well the particular issue sold, etc...Here is the link:
From Reading Eagle - 9/14/10 (bottom of page):
The latest scoop on the Gosselins
I've got the scoop - and I'm willing to give it away for free.
Back in April, I received requests from celebrity websites offering to pay me for the latest information on the television celebrity ex-couple Kate and Jon Gosselin's custody case. That never happened.
Just out of curiosity, I checked the court docket recently. The Gosselin case is scheduled for a custody trial Nov. 30. I doubt the trial will be open to the public. Judge Timothy Rowley on July 12 sealed the record in the case.
Regardless if the hearing is open or closed, I anticipate the paparazzi will soon land outside the Berks County Courthouse.
Never a dull moment.
- Holly Herman
Kate's bashing of Jon on R&K is in preparation of the custody hearing. Prepare to hear more.
Khate doesn't like to see people hold hands because she can't hold hands with her married escort.
"By scrimping and saving, (and *not* handing us everything on a 'golden' platter), my parents were able to buy a small house (~ 1700 sq ft) in an excellent school district. Cramped? Sure, but we didn't really care."
Yes, and that's the point. You didn't care because you didn't know any differently. There was love in your home. We're talking about a dysfunctional family here, and the children have been handed everything they've wanted. Kate said the kids "deserved" that house. No child needs or deserves a 6,000 square foot house on 20-some acres. The house wasn't for the kids -- it was for HER. It wouldn't matter if the house were 1,000 square feet or 10,000 square feet. She's never going to be happy because of the "Being Better Than The Joneses" syndrome. Sadly, if things don't change, the children are going to grow up with exactly the same entitlement issues.
"A 4500 square foot home would cost you in the four to five millions where I live. Obviously, most people do not have that kind of money out here and most people live much more modestly."
Which is exactly MY point. If you've grown up in a house that size, and it indeed is affordable here, you don't think it's huge -- and in this area, it's not! It's what you've become accustomed to. If you were raised on a property with a six-acre or more back yard, or on a farm, as many of us were, you'd be cramped if you were transported to a house on a tiny lot in San Diego. I've watched House Hunters, in which prospective buyers rave about the "huge" backyard and they can't get over how big the lot is, and I'm always amazed because many times that "huge" backyard is no bigger than our drive-way turn-around! What's a mansion or estate in some areas may be just an average house on an average lot for others.
Most people with large families up-size, not down-size, but in their case, instead of thinking in the long-run about finances and what would happen when the cow runs dry, they chose to go for broke in order to be ostentatious. It certainly would have made more sense, if they felt crowded, to put an addition on the home. It's done all the time here. Could they have been happy staying in E-town? No...because of the dynamics of the family and because she wanted more, more, more. She would have bitched and complained until she got what she wanted. Could a "normal" family of ten have been happy there? Of course!
Admin, I'm not sure if you understand how to read this chart, but here are the numbers for People, (this weeks is not out yet). It tracks how well the particular issue sold, etc...Here is the link:
All that tracks is the number of ad pages. It has nothing to do with the number of mags. sold.
A nice, 5 BR home with a big, modern, open kitchen and family room, a big yard and spacious basement can be found for $600K. EASY!!!!
Absolutely. But don't forget that the price of their home included all of the land, which they didn't need because there's no way they can utilize it. She wanted privacy, and now she's paying for it.
And I agree with you about the size of the rooms in the E-town house. Ten people, especially growing children, would have been a bit crowded there, but an addition certainly could have been put on with no trouble, giving them much more needed breathing room. I know the house, and it would have been an easy addition.
Sell the current house and buy two $400,000 houses -- one for Kate and the kids and one for Jon. Move closer to school. She pays for upkeep on hers; he takes care of his. The kids would be happy and she couldn't go on a tirade about the kids sleeping on the floor of his apartment. The kids wouldn't be on the road for nearly two hours every day, and BOTH of them would be closer to school to support them in their school activities.
Kate's bashing of Jon on R&K is in preparation of the custody hearing. Prepare to hear more.
Dayum! Good investigating. It totally makes sense now. And while I'm posting, does anyone else think that Kate's charges of Jon not supporting his family stem directly from his not allowing his children to be filmed?
That's my take. She twisted his displeasure (from the end of season 4, no less) for filming into a universal unwillingness to support his family. I can see in Kate's twisted mind how this make sense.
Two things:
About the show--I do believe it will be canceled very soon and TLC will be letting Kate go, for many reasons. The interest has totally run its course, I mean how many more trips can even the fans watch? Ratings keep dropping. Networks need to change things up from time to time and bring in fresh shows and Kate and her brand are stale. Also, I think the cost to profit ratio is bad on Kate at this point. She's too costly, too worrisome to handle, and the show isn't bringing in the viewers anymore. That's the death toll.
Her money--she COULD have lived on what she's made quite nicely for a number of years and I include raising the kids in that. As in lived off the interest. She's made a very pretty penny. But I think the way she spends and the ongoing expenses in her life are way too much and you can't just live off interest income unless you are living beneath your means, something I'm not sure she really does.
So I have no sympathy. With as much as she's made, she certainly could have been set for LIFE. But I doubt she will be and she'll have no one to blame but herself.
Linda said: She's too costly, too worrisome to handle, and the show isn't bringing in the viewers anymore. That's the death toll.
Yes. But sadly, we think she's been gone before, and she just keeps resurfacing, kind of like the Whack-A-Mole, popping up in different holes, or as Tommy Doyle says in Laurie in Halloween, "But you can't kill the boogeyman."
Thanks for clarifying, I had NO clue how to read it!!
Tuckers Mom said..."And while I'm posting, does anyone else think that Kate's charges of Jon not supporting his family stem directly from his not allowing his children to be filmed?
That's my take. She twisted his displeasure (from the end of season 4, no less) for filming into a universal unwillingness to support his family. I can see in Kate's twisted mind how this make sense."
That's pretty much the way I see it. Kate has managed to wipe out of her mind the fact that Jon did not want any more filming of the family and she did. I think that's where the trouble began. Kate had dollar signs in her eyes, Jon wanted things back the way they were. And she translated that into him no wanting to support the kids. He didn't have a job by then because Kate was gallivanting around the country, and she's been able to foist all the blame for anything and everything that went wrong and WILL go wrong on him in her sick mind.
Of course "supporting the kids" translates into Kate living the life of a celebrity in Kate-speak.
"All you Kate haters wish you could be as classy as Kate"
Classy as Kate? Are you sure you don't mean
My sweet Basset/Coon Hound has more class Katie Munster....
Now, kindly stop living your life through Kate Gosselin- she is the wrong person to look up to, or to emulate.
Julianna said... "All you Kate haters wish you could be as classy as Kate."
Guess that means that I have to learn to chew like a cow in public, and to eat lying on the table with my arms up to my elbows resting at my plate while I shovel the food into my mouth, while barking orders at the servers and never saying "thank you"! Guess that means leaving hotel rooms/suites in such dispicable conditions that it takes an entire cleaning crew to make the room presentable. Guess that means letting my children make as much of a mess as they want at rental houses, because what do I care -- it's not MY home. Guess that means....oh, what the heck, I could write a thesis on this.
Who knows -- maybe this is exactly what sheeple do, and they think it's "class." If the sheeple want to talk about class, they need to look no further than Beth. Kate was trying to emulate her, but, sadly, just couldn't pull it off. You can't buy class. You either have it or you don't. She's a "don't," and always will be.
If I had the time, I would love to do a demographic study of the sheeple...age group, socio-economic level, geographic distribution. Maybe I should get going on it while there are any left!
______________________________________________ well said! This may be the wrong thread, but I just got back from the grocery store and saw the new appeared that 3 issues at the most had been sold. The rack was full. I pulled one out and looked at it in lieu of buying it, and I have to say that Kate looks like a movie star in all those pictures...they are exquisite, but they do not remotely resemble the real Kate. They are all so obviously photoshopped beyond anything remotely realistic or remotely resembling her real body. And I started wondering, "Why does this bother me so much?" Well, it bothers me because it's another LIE. Her entire life and persona are a LIE, and she never gets called on it, TLC never gets called on it, the magazines never get called on it. What happened to the TRUTH!!! Kate is a pretty woman IMO, and I would have ever so much more respect for her, for TLC, and for the magazines if they presented the REAL PERSON and not some manufactured, stiff, photoshopped mannequin. Kate is not genuine and not real in any manner.
That might have been true at one point, Boogeyman, before anyone really knew about her- but not anymore. Her over exposure has proven that she's not marketable.
She can't sing, dance, cook, and host a show. She's difficult to work with, is too demanding, and can't act- even though she did a wonderful job acting in the marriage renewal episode.
She appears to have some kind of personality disorder though. I'm sure TLC/Discovery Barnum & Bailey Circus Channel has use for that kind of subject matter.
Yes. But sadly, we think she's been gone before, and she just keeps resurfacing.
ITA! I was looking on GWoP at some posts from last year trying to find ratings for August/September 2009 and there were many comments then that her 15 minutes were almost up and the show would be soon cancelled.
Who'd believe a year later there'd be 4 more People magazine covers, DWTS, the Emmys, ET. Blech!
Bristol Palin could dance like Ginger Rogers and she still wouldn't get my vote.
I would love to know just how a narcissist is/would be treated, IF they would ever agree to counseling and therapy? First off, I think it would be next to impossible to get them to go, but even if they did, there is an element of their psyche that is totally out of touch w/what is acceptable and appropriate in their words, their emotions (basically lack of) and their deeds. They appear 'tough' and a guilty conscience is almost unheard of. There seems to be a sensitivity or compassionate "chip" missing from who their being. On occasion, you may catch a glimmer of selflessness, but it's rare....very rare. For the most part, life is all about them.
Unless you have been intimately close to a narcissist,(such as a child, spouse, etc.) you cannot imagine the havoc one can cause in you and your family's life. And, just like Kate, if a narcissist is thwarted or challenged in what they want, ie their plans, they are going to lash out anyway they can, to get back at the person they perceive is the 'problem', when in fact, it is them that is the problem, but they can't see that. Literally, they are unable to 'put themselves in someone else's shoes'.
I agree with those of you who believe that Kate wants what she saw Beth have. Jealous, coveting, and envious of Beth to the max. I felt that from the time Kate and Jon began looking at massive properties. I have read that Beth and family have sold their "house on the hill" and have moved into a smaller, newer home in a sub division. Unlike the Gosselins, Beth and family try to live within or below their means. Ever wonder what happened to that "best friend", second mother to the kids? Beth must have seen the light. IMO.
"Bristol Palin could dance like Ginger Rogers and she still wouldn't get my vote." Kate was right. It IS a popularity contest!
I totally agree with Admin., about the size of houses we expect to live in these days! My husband and I and 3 daughters, bought a house on a beautiful, park-like 10 acres,from a family of 5. The square footage of the house was 680 sq.ft.-yes, 680 sq.ft..I cooked and did all kinds of fancy baking,all my own jams and canned garden produce, all in this tiny, little house.We were a little squished at times, but the girls all grew up to be normal women, with families of their own.We lived "within" our means, and enjoyed life and each other. It is how our society has evolved-bigger,better,fancier, but not a whole lot of common sense or logic. Just another sign of the times.
Well, people like US have been sick of her for quite some time and would have been happy to see her disappear a year ago, two years ago.
But networks don't keep shows on indefinitely out of some weird sympathy for the people in them. If that were true, a LOT of shows would still be on the air.
Everything in TV land runs its course. Everything in TV land reaches a point of diminishing returns. And when you have no talent and aren't easy to work with, you can only ride the train so far.
Her show on TLC will be canceled and it should be clear by now there isn't another one on TLC. That means she has to drum up work with some other network or in some other way. Problem is, too many people know what she's like now. And the kids are getting older and besides having been a curiosity filmed for five of their six years, they don't have specific talents, either (that we know of).
If she were smart, she'd be shopping those kids out to Disney like crazy, thinking out of eight at least one or two might have a future (however short-lived) in acting or singing.
But it's gotta be about HER. Not just them. And that's her Achilles Heel.
By the way, it's unclear to me whether she has another book left on her Zondervan deal, BUT I can guarantee you they had fine print in the contract that stipulated that if her books didn't sell above a certain level, they had a way out of any future books. The last one TANKED. So I wouldn't count on seeing another book "by" her, either.
She answers to stumpy said... "It's hysterical that the premiere of Dancing With the Stars on Monday is going to be competing with Kate Plus 8. Oh, karma."
I thought people in the TV biz thought about things like that (ratings) when they moved their programs around. She's got to compete with Monday Night Football, too. Could TLC actually be throwing Kate under the bus purposely with that decision? Just sayin...
I agree. They have entire teams of folks who look at this, plan this, monitor this. I thought the Monday Night Football timing was funny, but I guess they were trying to catch the single moms, young girls, angry housewives. But now to put it up against another reality show? and DWTS at that? Wow. Of course they seem to show Kate Plus Kate Loves Kate all again the very next night anyway, so who knows.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... That might have been true at one point, Boogeyman, before anyone really knew about her- but not anymore. Her over exposure has proven that she's not marketable.
She can't sing, dance, cook, and host a show. She's difficult to work with, is too demanding, and can't act- even though she did a wonderful job acting in the marriage renewal episode.
She appears to have some kind of personality disorder though. I'm sure TLC/Discovery Barnum & Bailey Circus Channel has use for that kind of subject matter.
Oh, thanks a lot. Now I have iced-tea spewed all over my laptop screen. Funniest thing all day!!! thanks for posting that!
( I thought I was all alone out here in calling them the Freak Show Channel.)
"By the way, it's unclear to me whether she has another book left on her Zondervan deal, BUT I can guarantee you they had fine print in the contract that stipulated that if her books didn't sell above a certain level, they had a way out of any future books."
I was wondering about that...if there's any kind of a "morals" clause in her contract. What does a Christian publisher have to say about a semi-Playboy pictorial in a national magazine? I guess she figured that since the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, then why not spread the word. After all, she's already "gone forth and multiplied."
How nice is it to watch DWTS without You Know Who?
Tony looked great and danced a wonderful, promising Cha Cha with Audriana.
Moreover, when all the couples lined up in the middle of the floor at the beginning of the show, and the camera panned down the line-no "I (points at eye), Heart (draws an air heart) You (points to the camera). Blech.
Tony looks charged up and happy. Oh, and their "package" showed Tony and Audriana working together like a well-oiled machine! No whining Kate and "I just don't get it".
She never will.
Well, it was nice to see Tony dancing with someone that can "move". Audrina appeared a little bit nervous, but she definitely has potential! The scores were o.k.
I think Carrie gave them a 6, Len gave them a 7, and Bruno gave them a 6. Not bad for the first night.
It really did seem like the whole DWTS show tonite just had a happier, upbeat feel to it, compared to when Khate was on. All of them (celebs and dancers) appeared to be having FUN. In case you haven't noticed (tehe), Kate doesn't know how to have fun!
I think Tony needs to drop that floor sweep thing that he used with both Kate and Audrina. It just comes across as well a floor sweep. I don't think anybody could pull that off with grace. Cho was my least favorite. Leave the comedy out of DWTS. She totally messed up a beautiful dance with that garb when she was actually dancing fine. I think the situation will pull it together next time. You could tell everyone worked really hard and there no Khates except maybe the Hoff..he worked the least hard in my opinion. Gray did a beautiful dance but had a clear advantage with a song she had already danced to. It was much better than when Khate was on. No one was shooting daggers.
A nice, large home doesn't necessarily = bad people
A nice, small home doesn't necessarily = good people
I am lucky enough to live in a nice home in an affluent area. I can assure you that nobody in my family is anything like K8. My husband works 80+ hours a week, we give to charity and volunteer regularly. My kids have manners and have compassion for others less fortunate. Please don't lump us all large-home owners in the same category as K8.
It doesn't matter WHERE you live it's HOW you live.
K8SUCKS said...
A nice, large home doesn't necessarily = bad people
A nice, small home doesn't necessarily = good people
I am lucky enough to live in a nice home in an affluent area. I can assure you that nobody in my family is anything like K8. My husband works 80+ hours a week, we give to charity and volunteer regularly. My kids have manners and have compassion for others less fortunate. Please don't lump us all large-home owners in the same category as K8.
It doesn't matter WHERE you live it's HOW you live.
It depends on your perspective. Working 80+ hours per week doesn't leave much time to spend with family. I would argue that a smaller home and less affluent lifestyle that allows for more time spent with family is preferable to working 80+ hours per week to secure material wealth.
From Hollywood Life:
Believe it or not, the season 11 premiere of Dancing With the Stars had the best ratings EVER in the show’s history – all thanks to its teenage viewers!
Regardless of what you think of this season’s crop of Dancing With the Stars’, it totally kicked butt as ABC’s most-watched Monday season premiere in 11 years!
The hot bods of Jersey Shore star Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino and The Hills alum Audrina Patridge, as well as the ‘morals’ of teen activist Bristol Palin helped to make the Sept. 20 show the best fall opener among 12-17 years olds EVER!
In fact, the show’s numbers increased by 18% over last season’s premiere – meaning that MTV has way more clout with viewers than Kate Gosselin and her TLC crowd had. Wowza!
Although teens love ‘em, viewers are less than enthusiastic about both The Situation and Bristol’s dancing chops. Who do you think will be the first to go home tonight on the show’s first elimination?
K8SUCKS said...
A nice, large home doesn't necessarily = bad people
A nice, small home doesn't necessarily = good people
I am lucky enough to live in a nice home in an affluent area. I can assure you that nobody in my family is anything like K8. My husband works 80+ hours a week, we give to charity and volunteer regularly. My kids have manners and have compassion for others less fortunate. Please don't lump us all large-home owners in the same category as K8.
It doesn't matter WHERE you live it's HOW you live.
It depends on your perspective. Working 80+ hours per week doesn't leave much time to spend with family. I would argue that a smaller home and less affluent lifestyle that allows for more time spent with family is preferable to working 80+ hours per week to secure material wealth.
Tuckers Mom said..."And while I'm posting, does anyone else think that Kate's charges of Jon not supporting his family stem directly from his not allowing his children to be filmed?
That's my take. She twisted his displeasure (from the end of season 4, no less) for filming into a universal unwillingness to support his family. I can see in Kate's twisted mind how this make sense."
That's pretty much the way I see it. Kate has managed to wipe out of her mind the fact that Jon did not want any more filming of the family and she did. I think that's where the trouble began. Kate had dollar signs in her eyes, Jon wanted things back the way they were. And she translated that into him no wanting to support the kids. He didn't have a job by then because Kate was gallivanting around the country, and she's been able to foist all the blame for anything and everything that went wrong and WILL go wrong on him in her sick mind.
Of course "supporting the kids" translates into Kate living the life of a celebrity in Kate-speak.
Well, it was nice to see Tony dancing with someone that can "move". Audrina appeared a little bit nervous, but she definitely has potential! The scores were o.k.
I think Carrie gave them a 6, Len gave them a 7, and Bruno gave them a 6. Not bad for the first night.
Admin, I'm not sure if you understand how to read this chart, but here are the numbers for People, (this weeks is not out yet). It tracks how well the particular issue sold, etc...Here is the link:
"Bristol Palin could dance like Ginger Rogers and she still wouldn't get my vote." Kate was right. It IS a popularity contest!
I agree with those of you who believe that Kate wants what she saw Beth have. Jealous, coveting, and envious of Beth to the max. I felt that from the time Kate and Jon began looking at massive properties. I have read that Beth and family have sold their "house on the hill" and have moved into a smaller, newer home in a sub division. Unlike the Gosselins, Beth and family try to live within or below their means. Ever wonder what happened to that "best friend", second mother to the kids? Beth must have seen the light. IMO.
AuntieAnn said...
"Somehow much to our disgust and bewilderment she's become an enigma through exploiting her kids, lying her ass off and turning narcissism into a household word. There's big bucks in Kate and she knows it so why should she care what anyone thinks of her. She is a successful failure."
Successful there's an oxymoron.
On a website I was on, one of the sheeple said:
"I'm so sick of all you Kate haters , face it if you looked as good as Kate you would be showing it off. Kate is a good mom ,and yes she makes a lot of money she has to she has 8 kids. All you Kate haters wish you could be as classy as Kate."
Classy as Kate? Since when is belittling your husband on TV 24/7 and trashing him on live TV classy? Not to mention 4 of your 7 kids on the boat are puking, and you don't turn the boat around, nor demand that the cameras be turned off. If you think Kate is classy after all that, I'd hate to think what you consider un-classy.
Here's the link.
Had to share this. This retriever could do a better job on DWTS than Kate did!
Julianna said... "All you Kate haters wish you could be as classy as Kate."
Guess that means that I have to learn to chew like a cow in public, and to eat lying on the table with my arms up to my elbows resting at my plate while I shovel the food into my mouth, while barking orders at the servers and never saying "thank you"! Guess that means leaving hotel rooms/suites in such dispicable conditions that it takes an entire cleaning crew to make the room presentable. Guess that means letting my children make as much of a mess as they want at rental houses, because what do I care -- it's not MY home. Guess that means....oh, what the heck, I could write a thesis on this.
Who knows -- maybe this is exactly what sheeple do, and they think it's "class." If the sheeple want to talk about class, they need to look no further than Beth. Kate was trying to emulate her, but, sadly, just couldn't pull it off. You can't buy class. You either have it or you don't. She's a "don't," and always will be.
If I had the time, I would love to do a demographic study of the sheeple...age group, socio-economic level, geographic distribution. Maybe I should get going on it while there are any left!
______________________________________________ well said! This may be the wrong thread, but I just got back from the grocery store and saw the new appeared that 3 issues at the most had been sold. The rack was full. I pulled one out and looked at it in lieu of buying it, and I have to say that Kate looks like a movie star in all those pictures...they are exquisite, but they do not remotely resemble the real Kate. They are all so obviously photoshopped beyond anything remotely realistic or remotely resembling her real body. And I started wondering, "Why does this bother me so much?" Well, it bothers me because it's another LIE. Her entire life and persona are a LIE, and she never gets called on it, TLC never gets called on it, the magazines never get called on it. What happened to the TRUTH!!! Kate is a pretty woman IMO, and I would have ever so much more respect for her, for TLC, and for the magazines if they presented the REAL PERSON and not some manufactured, stiff, photoshopped mannequin. Kate is not genuine and not real in any manner.
PatE said... Dear Sonny...Jon would be employed if it were not for the TLC contact.
As for KKate, the only time she feels alive is in front of a camera.
September 19, 2010 8:14 AM
Jon can get any job he wants as long as it's not in the tv industry. He can go out tomorrow and get a job in IT, car sales, Target, Burger King, custodian, lawn maintenance, or even start his own tee shirt business.
He wants a job in television and won't settle for less. Therefore he remains unemployed and blames TLC.
When the cameras go away for Kate, she wil shrivel up and die.
Yes I agree the house is the money pit. Their house on Andrews was perfectly acceptable, I think they said it was close to 3,000 square feet! That's huge. That's more than adequate for any family even a big one. They also had a garage and a huge yard. We have become such a bigger, better, larger, longer, society. We are not thankful for what we have. A family that doesn't appreciate 3,000 square feet needs to go back to the 19th century and see how they lived.
The sheeple will say that includes the basement--well, guess what I grew up on the East Coast and the basement might as well be an extra room. Everyone uses it as an extra room. It's nice down there usually and their basement was nice just like most people's.
The bottom line is Kate set herself up for financial disaster. She's not unlike how a lot of people lived before the bubble burst--living outside their means, buying too much house, too much cars, too much of everything. It is your own internal Ponzi scheme and eventually, as we know, it collapses. It's too bad the kids will have to suffer when it does.
Dear Sonny...Jon would be employed if it were not for the TLC contact.
As for KKate, the only time she feels alive is in front of a camera.
Markiesnana said...
The time is fast approaching when she will take off all her clothes for a publication
I'm not sure there's enough air to airbrush a project of those proportions.
I wonder what Kate prides herself on? I think most everything she does is repugnant, moronic and embarassing to her chldren.
"Jon just said he doesn't want the kids filmed anymore on the Rabbi's show."
When were they filmed on the Rabbi's show? ;-)
"If this was about the incident in August with the kids screaming for him, that was more than a month ago."
Perhaps some people hold grudges longer than others?
"Now if Jon were to stop the filming it would be a total PR nightmare to go after him again since the tide has turned so much since last year."
Kind of like double jeopardy, huh?
Something is up. The winds of change are blowing. Hang on to your hats!
Isn't the 2 hour premier of House on this Monday night, too? Pretty sure..
I think they aren't filming until the child labor hearings in the legislature get under way. They want to see if there will be any changes to the law before they issue a new contract. If the changes are drastic, that might kill the show right there.
Or...Kate is seriously considering moving to LA. They next season will focus on her new life in Hollywood and her attempts to break into the film business. It will also film the kids and how they're adjusting to the move, but not as much since CA has better child labor protection.
Jon meanwhile will sit back in PA enjoying his blood money, because you know TLC will have to be paying him through the nose for him to agree to such a move.
I'm no Sarah Palin fan, but golly, I feel like rooting for Bristol just because of that tool ex boyfriend Levi Johnston. You just know he's secretly rooting for her to fail cuz he's jeeeeelus.
Love the blind leading the blind pic.
You know, if Kate giving Bristol advice on dancing is factual it's probably just another one of Eileen O'Neill's diabolical plans to shove Palin's Alaska show down people's throats. TLC loves to stir up controversy and what better way to do it than getting Kate involved somehow.
TLC thinks we believe all the shit they try to feed people. That network is such a farce already.
"It's hysterical that the premiere of Dancing With the Stars on Monday is going to be competing with Kate Plus 8. Oh, karma."
I thought people in the TV biz thought about things like that (ratings) when they moved their programs around. She's got to compete with Monday Night Football, too. Could TLC actually be throwing Kate under the bus purposely with that decision? Just sayin...
I can't believe that Kate has the gall to give any advice to Bristol on DWTS.
Bristol, you should be asking someone on DWTS that actually TRIED to dance, and successfully got through because of talent.
Kate, you leave Bristol alone! You are of no use to that young lady, except in how to teach her to be a lying grifter.
Tony- after what you went through with Kate, I only wish you the best, and may you win this time.
Personally after Kate, just about anyone will be an improvement.
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