Carrie Ann Inaba is finally letting loose about how she really felt about Kate. And it's not pretty. Seems the DWTS judge has realized that Kate is a narcissist. Welcome aboard. Suppose Carrie Ann is just jealous?
On Kate's dancing: "Why do we have to go back there? That was so horrible!"
On remembering Kate's name: "Um, um, um, um, what's her name?"
On what she was thinking when Kate was dancing: "What on earth am I gonna say that is possibly gonna be positive?... It was really hard because she sort of is unaware of herself in a way that I've never seen before on our show. Like most performers have a little bit of self-awareness, she had none, so it was bizarre because she thought she was good."
Said Sarah Bernard, "She doesn't have any talent."
Meanwhile over on Tony Dovalani's Twitter account, he's giddy with excitement over his new partner. Seems she actually wants to work.
111 sediments (sic) from readers:
"It was really hard because she sort of is unaware of herself in a way that I've never seen before on our show. Like most performers have a little bit of self-awareness, she had none, so it was bizarre because she thought she was good."
Sounds like a pretty good description of a narcissist.
Stumpy, exactly my thoughts. Lack of self-awareness, thought she was good. Describing her as "bizarre."
Carrie Ann acts baffled by Kate's behavior which is often how people react when they don't have a lot of experience with narcissists. Their behavior is so out of this world it's just very hard to comprehend. Their behavior is so abnormal, so different than how you would behave, you just can't wrap your mind around it.
I'm not making fun of Hollywood people, but you have to admit they are a self-absorbed bunch.
For Kate's behaviour to have stood out in that environment was truly a sad statement.
I suppose the sheeple will say that she just doesn't understand Kate?
Exactly what I was thinking, how bad is it when celebrities themselves are saying they've never seen anything like Kate?
We all know in that town narcissists are a dime a dozen. And of all the celebs Carrie Ann has worked with KATE is the one she's never seen anything like before. Kate is the one who is bizarre.
That's just crazy and speaks volumes.
i don't think carrie ann was saying how she really feels about kate. she said it was hard to know what to say or to find something good about her performances.
she said she thought kate thought she danced well.
and she also said she had no idea about how kate was off the dance floor.
i don't think we can say whether carrie ann likes or dislikes kate at all from this interview. maybe she is ambivalent about her as a person.
Jay Thomas certainly didn't hold back. Yikes!
Administrator said: "Stumpy, exactly my thoughts. Lack of self-awareness, thought she was good. Describing her as "bizarre."
I don't believe she described Kate as bizarre. What she said was "IT" was bizarre, meaning the situation (and the lack of self-awareness) not the person.
...although we do know that Kate is bizarre!
I thought Jay's comments were uncalled for even for Kate.
The issue is not that she had the multiples in the first place, many women have had HOM and maybe people have big families. The issue is the second part of it, she exploited them.
And the next time Kate is on the View, Joy will pucker up and kiss her fake-tanned ass. Smooch, smooch.
It'd be interesting to see which TV host will grow some balls and be the FIRST to try a Kate Gosselin takedown. Maybe we should start a pool.
I'd put my bet on Ellen first, although I doubt she'd ever agree to have her on the show again. have to think about other choices, Matt Lauer maybe.
With Kate's limited vocabulary, I'm sure she thinks a lack of self-awareness is a huge compliment. Ditto for the sheeple.
Yes Kate probably thinks lack of self-awarness means she isn't selfish.
Administrator said...
I thought Jay's comments were uncalled for even for Kate.
Yes, they were on the nasty side. However, I think what he was saying is that she is famous only because she had multiples and that she has no talent whatsoever other than breeding.
Administrator said... Yes Kate probably thinks lack of self-awarness means she isn't selfish.
OMG, that is one of your best lines yet!
Very Kate, very funny, and unfortunately quite accurate.
It's Sandra, isn't it?
Yes, Tony has a good partner and has a chance to win. Audrina is willing to work hard. SHE realizes she's famous for nothing and is trying to work. The only reason she was on the hills is because they saw her sunbathing and asked her if she wanted to join the cast.
I thought Jay called a spade a spade. She has no talent other than being a rude sow. The not having rhythm so how could she have sex, was a joke that kind of flopped, but what he said was no different from when we say "magical uterus" or whatnot. He's a comedian, he's going to try to be funny.
Given more time he probably would have extrapolated but he was inferring that she has multiples for profit/fame. I don't see anything wrong with what he said.
Anderson Cooper!
sO...NOW kATE'...pushing some eye cream, fig newtons, almonds...some kind of rice cracker.....watch for product placement at your stores and don't buy what she is pushing.
Administrator said... Yes Kate probably thinks lack of self-awarness means she isn't selfish.
I think the sheeple will spin it by saying that lack of self-awareness means that she doesn't think only about herself, and therefore, cannot be called a narcissist because narcissists care only about themselves. They will explain "She thought she was good" by saying, "Well, she WAS good, so why shouldn't she believe in herself? She was just thinking positive thoughts."
It's become routine to make correct predictions about the way sheeple will react because, well...because they are so dang predictable!
I don't think Carrie Ann "worked with" Kate at all. She said the judges were on one side of the backstage area and the dancers were on another side.
Carrie Ann, Les and Bruno were there to judge DANCING, not contestants. I don't believe Carrie Ann was passing any personal comments about Kate, because she doesn't know Kate. She did, however, witness some perfectly awful dancing and passed judgement on that as well as what she saw as Kate's misconceptions of her performances.
Dani said... Anderson Cooper!
September 17, 2010 7:59 PM
Did I miss something????
fidosmommy said... I don't think Carrie Ann "worked with" Kate at all. She said the judges were on one side of the backstage area and the dancers were on another side.
Carrie Ann, Les and Bruno were there to judge DANCING, not contestants. I don't believe Carrie Ann was passing any personal comments about Kate, because she doesn't know Kate. She did, however, witness some perfectly awful dancing and passed judgement on that as well as what she saw as Kate's misconceptions of her performances
I have to disagree w/that. CA may not have realized how 'spot on' she was when she made that comment about lacking self-awareness and Kate thinking she was good, and she may have no experience w/a narcissist to know the significance of what she said, but IMO, she said a mouthful in that short comment.
Did anyone see Access Hollywood's segment, "Bodyguard Love", on celebrities falling in love with their bodyguards? Although Billy Bush reiterated that there is no relationship between Kate & Steve (other than a close professional one), their images were mostly featured in the clip mixed in with other celebs who did fall for their bodyguards.
I came away with the impression (the message they were trying to convey) that if a relationship between Kate and Steve is (finally) announced, then it would be okay because other celebs have done so too. HOWEVER! What Access Hollywood forgot to mention was that Steve is a married man with a family.
Access Hollywood forgot to mention was that Steve is a married man with a family.
Some marriage, huh?
I disagree! I think Jays comments were spot on.He see's her as the no talent waste of space that she is.We all wonder why no one speaks out against kate,and when someone does...its too harsh!
Kate is too stupid to understand anything.She thinks she was good at DWTS...cause Carrie ann had issues with her AFTER the show was,and is NOW willing to speak out means nothing to me!
Its like the women at the view and Regis ...do they really think if they called kate out they would lose thier jobs??Sure they may have been told to play nice...I would have held my tounge and said NOTHING to the witch.I would have made it clear to her that I didnt give a shit about her being there...and I didnt give a shit about anything she had to say!
It all comes down to ratings.They bring her on the shows cause she gets ratings.They put her on covers cause she sells magzines.WHY? I do believe the haters are the ones who keep extending her 15 minutes!
"haters" just HAVE to watch...WHY? Why must we keep giving her attention?I havent watched since the divorce and I wont...I dont click on any thing kate...I dont search the web for her.The info I get is from what I read here.
Silence is deadly! It can be contaigous(sp)
Carrie Ann reminds me of someone who is somehow lucky enough to go through life not having any significant relationships with a narcissist, therefore, she does not recognize it. Sounds like her parents weren't, nor any close family or friends. While she works with the Hollywood crowd, a great many of whom are narcissists, sounds like she never really had a close encounter with a true, true narcissist to really recognize it. She is sort of in the "baffled"/denial stage as I call it where you simply cannot believe someone is actually behaving this way. I like the pic I posted of her chin resting on her hand just sort of staring at Kate in total disbelief--if she knew a narcissist this would not be so shocking for her, lol. And yet, she has pegged Kate as a narcissist without even knowing it.
My first experience with narcissism was when I was working for a narcissist a few years ago. I went through the same exact bafflement, bewilderment, and so on that Carrie Ann displayed. It took several months before I realized that what I had on my hands was narcissism and it took another coworker of mine to tell me that word and instruct me to do some googling before I got it.
It's not like depression, or autism, or something, something everyone knows about. It's not really as well known or accepted as an actual disorder.
WHO said CA "didn't like Hate?" Imo, everyone's comments so far have to do with CA's opinion of Take as a dancer and participant on DWTS. Yes, we get it; CA didn't comment on being Hate's BFF.
Kate dancing without the sound is even more painful to watch than with the music. You can see Tony struggling to keep it moving.
Sarah said 'there's a wardrobe issue there too I have to say'. Gee no kidding. It almost appeared as if the wardrobe dept dressed her like an idiot intentionally. Kate only sees the $$ and not the fact that people are helping her make a fool out of herself. Narcissists live in their own universe.
Kate definatly believes she looks exactly like the People 'shopped photos, but we've seen otherwise.
As a point of reference, my mother was a classic narcissist. Someone back in the '50s said she had "nice hands", so she would bring it up at every opportunity (and no, she did not. She had blunt hard-working hands). She took any and every compliment she was ever given to the grave, literally.
I thought Jay was perfectly honest, and I loved that Carrie Ann couldn't quite remember Kate's name.
Administrator said...
Yes Kate probably thinks lack of self-awarness means she isn't selfish.
I bet Kate actually knows how to spell self-awareness. If you're going to accuse someone of being ignorant, you might not to look like an idiot in the process.
I'm not really trying to be nasty here - but for those who say she only has a talent for breeding....she really doesn't. She had to have help with that. (I'm just trying to point out a fact & am not trying to be insulting to anyone who has needed to have invitro, etc.)
I thought Jay expressed the public's outrage toward Kate very well. Give her a gold medal for having sextuplets and let's move on, because Kate Gosselin is not an entertainer or a performer. She has no talent. There is nothing entertaining or enjoyable about her save the car wreck factor, and that wears off fast. By the third DWTS show people were accusing the show of rigging the outcome to keep her on. We get that she needs inside favours and network pull and all the photoshopping in the world to look good but guess what, her good is still grotesque. The only thing that is believable is that she'll be alone for the rest of her life. Who would date her?
A sheeple at another site asked why people could judge Kate and hate her when they didn't even know her? Her argument was that TLC can edit things however they want to make Kate look bad. I went back and forth about how from the start, Kate reminded me of my narcissist mother, and how watching her evolve into what she is now was completely horrifying to me. I have no jealousy, just amazement over what could have been had my own mother somehow found fame. The sheeple could not understand how I picked out these qualities based on nothing but edited footage and gossip rags. To me, Kate's behavior has always been as obvious as if she had blood gushing from her nose. The sheeple woman was as baffled at my drawing parallels as I was at her insistence that ALL of Kate's negative behavior was intentional editing by TLC. Anyway, I don't hate Kate. I pity her. I feel terribly sorry for her that fame at any cost and the material crap that goes along with it is more important than her marriage and especially her kids. Like my mother, Kate will never be happy or fulfilled in life. No matter how much money, how beautiful, how many material possessions or vacations or even how much love she has she will always be miserable and bitter and will never have even close to enough. Am I jealous? Absolutely not!
Carrie Ann's background, in dance and choreography, is VERY impressive. Not to mention all the hosting she has done on big events, such as the Emmys. This is a woman who has worked with Madonna, JLo, Miley just to mention a few. The huge egos she has encountered! For her to make a comment like that about Kate is just incredible. What really gets me is all the bs Kate talked during the DWTS stint, was just that, major bs. When she talked about her not being a dancer, and all the things she said to garner sympathy, was just all bs. When she said she would win, I do believe, now, this woman really thought she would win. While it is good to be "positive", this is far beyond that. No wonder she was SO down and despressed when she got booted. The way she acted was so dramatic and over the top, imo. But it makes sense now. I am quite sure the "fans" will try to discredit Carrie now, as they everyone else who doesn't worship at the alter of Kate, but Carrie is a true professional and can back up her opinions.
I have never known a narcissist either, and I never want to!
I would be in the category of "haters", I'm sure, but I do not watch ANYthing with Kate in it....and haven't for quite some time now.
Regarding recognizing a narcissist....I think most of us have experienced a narcissist during our lives...but not one who is at the level of Kate. It would be like comparing a neurosis and a psychosis....a matter of degree. And with her, it almost goes into the psychosis category. She truly does NOT see the world the way we do. She's probably the most extreme case of narcissism that I've ever seen....a malignant narcissist.
Spelling Police said... Administrator said...
Yes Kate probably thinks lack of self-awarness means she isn't selfish.
I bet Kate actually knows how to spell self-awareness. If you're going to accuse someone of being ignorant, you might not to look like an idiot in the process.
It was a typo, Officer, please don't ticket me. As you can see I spelled it correctly in both the main post AND another comment before that one, proof that I know how to spell it. If you're going to accuse someone of a spelling error, make sure it's not a typo.
I believe Spelling police violated rule#2.
I think Jay's comment was relevant to this particular discussion about Kate. They were agreeing she had no rhythm and no talent beyond having the multiples. Jay was jokingly pointing out the irony of it, implying that you would need rhythm to get pregnant in the first place and yet Kate hit it out of the ballpark. Personally I laughed my head off when I heard his comment.
Just a reminder that Dancing With The Stars season premiere is Monday from 8-10pm. Let's all be sure to be tuned into that so ratings surpass last season's numbers. AND, don't forget, as an extra added bonus, you will NOT be watching TLC!
Will be voting for anyone other than fellow famewhore Bristol Palin (most likely Tony just because of the hell he had to put up with from KG).
Such a sad life to point out typos. Is that ALL one has to do? Admin you must be very important to someone. LOL
Spelling Police said... Administrator said...
Yes Kate probably thinks lack of self-awarness means she isn't selfish.
I bet Kate actually knows how to spell self-awareness. If you're going to accuse someone of being ignorant, you might not to look like an idiot in the process.
September 18, 2010 1:11 AM
might not to look like an idiot? Wowzers.
Anonymous said... A sheeple at another site asked why people could judge Kate and hate her when they didn't even know her? Her argument was that TLC can edit things however they want to make Kate look bad.
Someone asked Rene Syler on her site to spill the beans about what Kate is really like since Rene worked with her last summer and said she was "holding her tongue". Rene didn't want to go there, but simply said: "In almost all cases the camera does not lie. People are as they appear on TV so take that as you will". I think we all know the point she was making about Kate.
I think that's a huge part of the public, including myself, being fascinated by this woman while at the same time being thoroughly repulsed. I simply had no clue that anyone could be such a narcissist. I've encountered mild narcissism in my 40 some years of life, but nothing to this degree.
I must confess, although I refuse to watch and give Kate ratings, if TLC were to provide her with a show devoted to her working with a psychiatrist to really try to tackle her personality issues, I'd tune in. It would be fascinating to see if professional help could really change Kate.
As much as I am repulsed by her, I do feel a bit sorry for her. As the other poster said, at her core I just see Kate as a deeply unhappy person who thinks money, outer beauty and possessions will bring her happiness. The most insightful statement Kate has ever made is when she said on DWTS: "I just don't get it". A rare moment of Kate honesty.
Anonymous said... And the next time Kate is on the View, Joy will pucker up and kiss her fake-tanned ass. Smooch, smooch.
I was thinking the same thing. Joy says one thing on her own show, or atleast implies it, but then tip-toes around the same issue when Kate is sitting beside her on The View couch.
I love DWTS, but Kate absolutely ruined it for me last year. Even though I did have some serious laughs. LOL This thing about Bristol getting "advice" from Kate? Wow. Here is an article i found that is is pretty critical of Kate too, from dance pros. IF kate had any sense she would tell the girl to go to someone else. L
Bristol Palin doesn't want to be a diva like Kate Gosselin, but she doesn't mind dancing like her.
The teen mom is getting advice from the "Dancing with the Stars" alum to prepare for the ABC show's upcoming season, popeater.com reports.
"Kate wishes she had had a mentor to help her through the tough contest and is happy to help Bristol," a source told the gossip website.
Gosselin is reportedly advising her successor - who has been branded this season's diva - to smile and sell her performance, even if she's not that light on her toes.
Sterling Taylor, an instructor at Dance Times Square, the studio created by "So You Think You Can Dance" choreographers Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin, says the mother of eight has no place telling Palin what to do.
"She's very dull and lifeless," he told the Daily News of Gosselin's dancing style. "There's nothing there - I wouldn't even say she has a personality or soul."
And if Gosselin teaches the young mom bad habits, they will be hard to shed.
"The rule of thumb with breaking a habit is that you have to apply the right technique 15 times more to make it permanent," he said.
Taylor says Palin would have done better to stick to the little knowledge of dance she claimed she had when she signed on to the show.
"It's easier to have a clean slate than to have a person with prior dance experience.”
Well, since we know Katie Irene is a Narcissist, it's safe to assume that everything that comes out of her mouth is an embellishment of what she perceives to be the truth or an outright lie to the rest of us.
It must be exhausting to be her, and also live with her.
I am so looking forward to DWTS!!!!
Without Kate, it's going to be a pleasure to watch :o)
I love someone finally had the balls to call Kate out.
RE: Carrie Ann and Kate's lack of self-awareness.
I'm no dancer, but I believe that dancers have to have a sense of their bodies, where their bodies are, where their partners' bodies are, where the music is telling them to go. That's what I interpreted as "self awareness" that Kate lacked so desperately on DWTS. A sense of dancing awareness. Kate was doing steps (badly) but had no "flow", no sense of the beauty of dance. It would be like me sitting down to a piano and chopping out the notes to some song compared to concert pianist making the music come to life. I may have the notes, but I have no sense of living the music. I am not aware of the connection between my fingers and my soul. Kate is not aware of the connection between her feet, arms and her self.
The other dancers moved from doing steps to really "getting into" the music and the dance. (I'm giving Buzz Aldrin a small pass on this because of creaky knees.) Kate never budged.
Just an opinion.
In response to anonymous----
Anonymous said... A sheeple at another site asked why people could judge Kate and hate her when they didn't even know her? Her argument was that TLC can edit things however they want to make Kate look bad.
It works both ways, unless you know her personally, you are also make your opinion based on what you read or watch.
Correction, I should have written "you are making your opinion" not "make your opinion"
Anonymous said: "A sheeple at another site asked why people could judge Kate and hate her when they didn't even know her?.... The sheeple could not understand how I picked out these qualities based on nothing but edited footage and gossip rags."
The irony here is that the sheeple you were going back and forth with doesn't know the real Kate either. All she knows is that Kate is living like a movie star as a result of putting her cute, mixed race children on TV, she admires Kate for that and wishes she could do the same.
Former co-workers went on the record about how despised Kate was. Former co-workers of Jon said the same thing. Nurses at Hershey Med. reported how nasty she was to them as she laid on the never ending bedrest. A reporter told a story about how Kate went on a vicious rant after touring her newly renovated home after having the tups.
When J&K+8 first began to get popular, locals would notice Kate in public and approach her with a warm greeting. Over & over & over again, we kept reading about Kate's head spinning like the girl in "Exorcist" as she chewed out the fans for addressing her. There were reports of her selling her autographed pictures and not even bothering to look up at the person she signed the picture for. Same at book signings. There was the report of her being at the TLC upfronts in '08 were she was supposedly rude to Amy Roloff. Around this time she stated in an interview that she "hates the fans." When a neighbor brought a gift basket to Kate when they moved to Wernersville, Kate told her she doesn't have neighbors that's why she moved to 23 acres and if the 'not a neighbor' told anyone where they lived she'd sue her. Waiters and waitresses all over the country have reported that Kate is a terrible customer and either a horrible tipper or didn't tip at all after these people catered to her eight children during the meal. And many, many people have implied they could tell bombshell stories about Kate but their confidentiality agreements prevent them from doing so.
This is years and years of many different people from all walks of life reporting the same mean, nasty behavior from this woman, BEFORE fame and after. This is not TLC editing or people making things up. This is how Kate Gosselin is. I'm grateful for CA Inaba for calling her out, because for some reason Kate usually gets to behave as horribly as she wants and these TV personalities kiss her ass.
"I bet Kate actually knows how to spell self-awareness. If you're going to accuse someone of being ignorant, you might not to look like an idiot in the process."
Judging from the spelling and grammar errors (and syntax) in Kate's books, betcha she doesn't! That's probably why she has someone write her blogs for her! Of course she probably does know how to spell waterish, slippy, favoritish, filtery, not to mention the errors in vocabulary and usage -- "Mady stomped her feet with indigence." I doubt that very much -- indigence means extreme poverty! You get the picture.
By the way, I think you meant to say "you might not WANT to look like an idiot in the process." When criticizing someone else, seems YOU forgot a word in the process! Was that a typo?
Lolly -- When she said that she thought she was going to win, I couldn't imagine that she really believed that because she couldn't dance. However, after I read her comments to Bristol that the show was a popularity contest, I can now see where, based on the success of her show and the fans who would vote for her, along with her pertpetual media attention, she honestly did believe she'd walk away with the top prize.
"I don't think Carrie Ann "worked with" Kate at all. She said the judges were on one side of the backstage area and the dancers
were on another side."
That's probably quite true, but I can't imagine that she didn't hear rumblings about what happened on the other side of the backstage area. You can't keep things like that quiet, not even from judges. Carrie Ann just didn't want to open up a whole other can of worms. She's a smart (and professional) gal. She had a great answer.
sftk said... In response to anonymous----
Anonymous said... A sheeple at another site asked why people could judge Kate and hate her when they didn't even know her? Her argument was that TLC can edit things however they want to make Kate look bad.
It works both ways, unless you know her personally, you are also make your opinion based on what you read or watch.
People who have known her personally have said how she really is. Kate herself has said many times that what we see is all real. She has never said that something we saw on TV was not reality.
If it looks, acts, and quacks like this:
It probably is. It's called an educated opinion.
LOL the spelling police made an error in their own post that's great.
Harry is that you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5n_nMqH7CU
Also, the sheeple cannot refute us on the issues anymore, so they have to search all day for typos to discredit us there. Me, I skim posts and write quickly because I have a million other things to do today that have nothing to do with this blog, as is every day for me. This may result in a few typos or errors once in awhile.
I saw Joy Behar and laughed when Carrie was loss for words on Gosselin. We have seen her run, shop and make a trip again to UPS, I believe the next sighting will be the nail and tanning salon.
Anonymous said... A sheeple at another site asked why people could judge Kate and hate her when they didn't even know her? Her argument was that TLC can edit things however they want to make Kate look bad.
That sheeple should read Kate's own words to this question:
A lot of people who have been on reality TV complain it is edited to make them look a certain way (usually bad). Did you ever feel that way?
Um, well, I can see where they are going with a story line, and I don't think that it's that I'm painted a certain way. I think, "Did I really say that? Did I really do that? Yuk!" So, I mean, I did it. I gave it to them. It happened. I'm living my life. I think it's just looking at myself and saying "That didn't come across very good" or "Oh, I was too harsh." I'm guilty. I've said it before, I am a very Type A -- hurry, hurry get it done now. A "do-it-better-kind-of-person you know? That is a Type A personality, and we're not very nice sometimes.
Kate can't even hide her modus operandi anymore. Her sage advice to Bristol:
"And if all else fails, Kate has advised Bristol to use her famous mom."
Just to let the sheeple know - the dictionary definition of 'use' is:
to take unfair advantage of; exploit: to use people to gain one's own ends.
tsk tsk Kate.
Like Kate uses her kids?
I'll do a DWTS thread on Sunday for the premiere.
I'll do a DWTS thread on Sunday for the premiere.
I'm looking forward to reading it. And I'm sure the entire season will be a pleasure to watch without a shopping kart on the dance floor.
In the People article, Kate is quoted as saying a man with a scruffy beard and baseball cap hit on her in the airport. She said he wasn't the man for her ( I'm assuming because of his appearance), and she didn't even know him. So, I guess you can say Kate judges people she doesn't know, as well.
She also said it "annoys her" to see a woman holding hands with a man. Why couldn't she be happy for them and think it's sweet? Why does she have to be annoyed by it?
Because she's Kate Gosselin and that's her inner crud shining through. That's the true Kate right there.
It annoys her to see people holding hands? This woman truly is a piece of work! She can't be happy so no one else is allowed to be happy. No one else is allowed to be in love and experience all the wonder of that because Kate Gosselin can't.
Bet she's annoyed because her handlers have not permitted her to hold either Steve or Jamie's hands in public.
fidosmommy said...
RE: Carrie Ann and Kate's lack of self-awareness.
I'm no dancer, but I believe that dancers have to have a sense of their bodies, where their bodies are, where their partners' bodies are, where the music is telling them to go. That's what I interpreted as "self awareness" that Kate lacked so desperately on DWTS.
I've been teaching dance for 23 years and you are BANG on.
There's a picture of Tony and Audrina in rehearsal that to me really captures how in it she truly is--she's doing a passe' and her hips are level, her ankle is straight, she's lifting in her abdomen--the difference between Tony's partners is remarkable. She's listening to him, learning from him.
Officer, so your position is that a "real" journalist would never make a mistake?
You might want to check out the correction page of the New York Times. It's printed daily, and it's big.
I can't believe a show with the URL reality TV kids would ignore the story about the dad from reality show Surviving Sextuplets was ARRESTED for domestic violence. But hey, it wasn't Kate, so you don't really care about THOSE kids, do you?
alana said...
WHO said CA "didn't like Hate?" Imo, everyone's comments so far have to do with CA's opinion of Take as a dancer and participant on DWTS. Yes, we get it; CA didn't comment on being Hate's BFF.
September 17, 2010 10:29 PM
i was commenting on this first statement of the subject posted by admin:
Carrie Ann Inaba is finally letting loose about how she really felt about Kate. And it's not pretty.
i never said anyone said that ca wanted to be kate's friend at all...where did that come from?
Kate- what's so wrong with men that have a scruffy beard and baseball cap? Plenty of gorgeous, sweet, and kind hearted men happen to have a beard, and wear a baseball cap.
Are you that superficial? Of course you are!
Careful what you say dear, you may end up alone indefinitely.
Actually Kate, you are LUCKY someone took the time to greet & compliment you. Especially knowing your reputation for being a nasty ogre, and not to mention the "baggage" you have(and I don't mean the kids). You are LUCKY someone even wants to breathe in the same air you do. You nasty, corrosive piece of work.
Yay Administrator!!!! Thank you for starting a DWTS thread!!!! :o)
Calling someone a terrible dancer and saying they are not self-aware to me is letting loose about them.
You can say they're letting loose about someone's dancing or about them personally, but I think that is splitting hairs in this situaiton. I think if I were Kate, I would take Carrie Ann's comments awfully personally and not just a constructive criticism of my dancing. It went way beyond that.
Like most performers have a little bit of self-awareness, she had none, so it was bizarre because she thought she was good."
If I remember correctly, didn't Kate sleep like 12 hours a day and practice at most 4 hours a day. She practiced when she wasn't commuting to/from PA and CA.
And wasn't Tony continually frustrated with her complete lack of dedication and effort.
I don't know how Kate could think she was good. Yeah, she must be mentally ill or an idiot.
Tasha said... I can't believe a show with the URL reality TV kids would ignore the story about the dad from reality show Surviving Sextuplets was ARRESTED for domestic violence. But hey, it wasn't Kate, so you don't really care about THOSE kids, do you?
It was not ignored. It was discussed in comments.
The fact that someone got arrested for DV has nothing to do with exploiting his kids. People get arrested every day for DV. This is a Gosselin blog, not a some other guy blog. There is a remedy for DV, he is being charged in a court of law and the judge will likely order him to do a 52-week probation approved batterer's intervention course and if he is a danger, restrain him from contact with his family except peaceful visitation. The laws are adequate to protect children from DV, but not adequate to protect children from their parents' own greed.
There the sheep go again trying to confuse the issue and distract from Kate's atrocious behavior these past few weeks.
Kate would probably pass over Jesus because he looks homeless.
Administrator said... Spelling Police said... Administrator said...
Yes Kate probably thinks lack of self-awarness means she isn't selfish.
I bet Kate actually knows how to spell self-awareness. If you're going to accuse someone of being ignorant, you might not to look like an idiot in the process.
It was a typo, Officer, please don't ticket me. As you can see I spelled it correctly in both the main post AND another comment before that one, proof that I know how to spell it. If you're going to accuse someone of a spelling error, make sure it's not a typo.
BTW Spelling Police, you might want to heed your own advice and proof before you post. You left out the word WANT in your sentence. I had to read it twice to realize what you were trying to say.
"Kate wishes she had had a mentor to help her through the tough contest and is happy to help Bristol," a source told the gossip website.
What a dumb sh*t! What did you think Tony was there for? Since you wouldn't commit to the work and practice, you threw him under the bus by informing him "he didn't know how to teach you"....heh
Tasha said... I can't believe a show with the URL reality TV kids would ignore the story about the dad from reality show Surviving Sextuplets was ARRESTED for domestic violence. But hey, it wasn't Kate, so you don't really care about THOSE kids, do you?
You have to admit, she has a point. I still think the blog title is misleading. I wonder if Bravo (or whatever channel they are on), is going to drop them? Additionally, I've seen several posts by various bloggers on other sites, commenting on his 'roughness' w/the kids and his belittling his wife. They questioned his behavior.
I don't mean the URL to be misleading, it should be very obvious from the actual content of the blog we are about the Gosselins.
URLs with Gosselin in them could end up getting me in a lawsuit because the name is their brand. Also, I wanted to be able to expand the scope of the blog if I want to in the future and the Gosselins God willing fade away.
"Kate wishes she had had a mentor to help her through the tough contest and is happy to help Bristol," a source told the gossip website.
Kate having a mentor? That's a hoot and a half. Kate is "in control and that's never going to change." It would be easier to mentor a brick wall.
Tasha said... I can't believe a show with the URL reality TV kids would ignore the story about the dad from reality show Surviving Sextuplets was ARRESTED for domestic violence
The father from Surviving Sextuplets wasn't arrested. Surviving Sextuplets (and twins) was the name of the 2006 Gosselin special. The dad from the reality show "Raising Sextuplets" (on WE) is the one who was arrested.
The dad from the reality show "Raising Sextuplets" (on WE) is the one who was arrested.
Proof that was a troll trying to shit stir and not someone who was actually concerned about this dad and how his problem with DV affects his family.
And that, by the way, is something that IS none of our business. That is between him, his family, his lawyers and the judge. It has absolutely nothing to do with exploiting his childrne.
Raising Sextuplets is CANCELLED people. They aren't filming anymore episodes.
Therefore, they are no longer exploiting their kids and no longer classified as "reality tv kids"...and don't need to be discussed here because they are now private citizens.
Now you will have to find something else to nit pick about.
If you believe Kate manipulated her doctor for fertility drugs and ignored his advice, yeah Jay's comment about being a breeding sow is totally correct. Kate is the very definition of a narcissist and sadly, Joy is the definition of a hypocrite. Why Sarah is allowing Bristol to get sucked into all that is Kate, well...two, err..perhaps three peas in a pod.
Mentor? What was Tony trying so hard to do? How far did that get him or her? excuses, excuses. Kate, dont you get it? You are hopelessly unteachable. Your arrogance may be just that, but I suspect it is to disguise your stupidity and lack of talent. Listen to Carrie Ann. You were so bad that it left her nearly speechless yet you still thought your embarrassing performances were good. And you tell Bristol that dwts is a popularity contest? You're not popular! Your votes were from phone banks around the country, you said it yourself. Plus you were guarateed not to be voted off until your book tour (ha!) started. Carrie Ann is right. You're completely delusional. Ten mentors couldn't have helped you. You are THAT lame and wouldn't have listened anyway.
. I still think the blog title is misleading.
The blog title is 15 Minutes Gosselin style
Administrator said...
. I still think the blog title is misleading.
The blog title is 15 Minutes Gosselin style
LOL, Admin. -- that might be a bit too complicated for sheeple! Either they don't get the "15 minutes" reference, or the "Gosselin" confuses them!
Sheeple thought process: 15 Minutes Gosselin Style? What are they trying to say by 15 minutes? It takes me 15 minutes to take a shower. I can whip up a quick pasta dinner in 15 minutes. I let the baby cry for 15 minutes before I go to him. DH sometimes lasts 15 minutes. 15 minutes is half of an episode. Uhhhhh, me don't get it.
Administrator said...
I don't mean the URL to be misleading, it should be very obvious from the actual content of the blog we are about the Gosselins.
URLs with Gosselin in them could end up getting me in a lawsuit because the name is their brand. Also, I wanted to be able to expand the scope of the blog if I want to in the future and the Gosselins God willing fade away.
You didn't seem too worried about that for the year or two that your URL contained the name Gosselin.
This blog has not been around for a "year or two." Actually our one year anniversary is coming up in a week.
The original URL was Gosselindivorce.BLOGSPOT.com, through blogger. It was about their divorce. The blog is no longer about their divorce because they divorced almost a year ago and we've moved on, well most of us accept Kate have moved on. When I got an original domain name, almost any name that included Gosselin that made sense for this blog was already taken. Usually celebs buy up all the URLS for their name, and if you take one, they will buy you out or sue you for trademark infringement. Not worth the hassle. Also I said if interest in the Gosselin wans I want a URL where I can expand the topic of this blog.
Not sure I get your point in any case. This blog always was and is about the Gosselins. No one ever said we want ALL children on TV. Yes we want these kids who have made more than 150 episodes off TV and I am not going to apologize for that. No one was jumping up and down to get them off TV when they were one years old because it wasn't bad then.
Which leads me to my next point, these children have been on TV since they were ONE YEAR OLD. Chew on that fact.
Further posts attempting to confuse the issue and get us to stop talking about Kate exploiting her kids and throwing their father under the bus will be deleted.
I would bet my life 99% of the sheeple would vote for Sarah Palin if she ran for President too. Sarah and Kate are truly two peas in a pod.
Anon, I am trying to explain that there is a difference between having a BLOGGER address, for instance nike.blogspot.com or even gosselins.blogspot.com, and having an address that is just nike.com or gosselins.com.
One is probably okay because it's through blogger and anyone can blog about what they want to, the other is not okay because it is a trademark and might give the false impression you are the official site.
I can worry about what I want to worry about. That's the facts. It's my blog why don't you let me worry about it. I stayed away from having Gosselins in the URL because 1. I didn't want any problems with trademark and 2. I wanted the blog to be able to branch out to other topics in the future if I wanted to
Accept what you want, but that is the reason behind it. Why are you fighting about this? Don't you have a date tonight or something?
Sheeples don't date, can't find a man, just like their kate!
Sorry admin, but this blogs calls out the kids being on tv as abusive all the time. Abuse is thrown around quite a bit. If Kate were charged with
dv this blog would make it there business. Double standard maybe? I think Bryan lost his right to privacy first when
he put his life on tv and next when he violently threatened his family. I guess if it were a private matter the records would be closed.
Trucker, DV in and of itself is not child abuse. We know very little about this incident other than he was arrested. What is your point? What would you like to discuss? Yes we would talk about this if this were Kate because, for the 10th time, this is a Gosselin blog.
I don't know if this family is exploiting their kids, I don't see signs of it, my understanding is they made a few seasons and then werwe cancelled. Do you understand that not ALL reality children are being exploited? But because of parents like Kate who cannot be trusted to protect their own kids, they ALL need laws to protect them. We simply can't bet on every single reality parent having their children's best interests at heart. It's just like regular child actors. They are heavily regulated not because all stage parents are bad, but because a few are.
Do we have laws against stealing because everyone steals? No, we have laws against stealing because a few people ruined it for everyone by stealing.
What this has to do with a man being arrested for DV I have no idea.
Trucker said..."Sorry admin, but this blogs calls out the kids being on tv as abusive all the time."
What kids on television are abusive?
Bryan Masche, from what I read, had not only anger management problems, but rage problems and the couple was in counseling. Why should he be discussed on this, or any blog? The show is over, done, kaput, and hopefully he will get his life on track.
Kate wasn't charged with domestic violence, so why should the "if she were" even be brought up?
Tick tock, tick tock
Mentor? What was Tony trying so hard to do? How far did that get him or her? excuses, excuses. Kate, dont you get it? You are hopelessly unteachable. Your arrogance may be just that, but I suspect it is to disguise your stupidity and lack of talent. Listen to Carrie Ann. You were so bad that it left her nearly speechless yet you still thought your embarrassing performances were good. And you tell Bristol that dwts is a popularity contest? You're not popular! Your votes were from phone banks around the country, you said it yourself. Plus you were guarateed not to be voted off until your book tour (ha!) started. Carrie Ann is right. You're completely delusional. Ten mentors couldn't have helped you. You are THAT lame and wouldn't have listened anyway.
Kate can't even hide her modus operandi anymore. Her sage advice to Bristol:
"And if all else fails, Kate has advised Bristol to use her famous mom."
Just to let the sheeple know - the dictionary definition of 'use' is:
to take unfair advantage of; exploit: to use people to gain one's own ends.
tsk tsk Kate.
LOL the spelling police made an error in their own post that's great.
Harry is that you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5n_nMqH7CU
Also, the sheeple cannot refute us on the issues anymore, so they have to search all day for typos to discredit us there. Me, I skim posts and write quickly because I have a million other things to do today that have nothing to do with this blog, as is every day for me. This may result in a few typos or errors once in awhile.
If you believe Kate manipulated her doctor for fertility drugs and ignored his advice, yeah Jay's comment about being a breeding sow is totally correct. Kate is the very definition of a narcissist and sadly, Joy is the definition of a hypocrite. Why Sarah is allowing Bristol to get sucked into all that is Kate, well...two, err..perhaps three peas in a pod.
I am so looking forward to DWTS!!!!
Without Kate, it's going to be a pleasure to watch :o)
Yay Administrator!!!! Thank you for starting a DWTS thread!!!! :o)
I love DWTS, but Kate absolutely ruined it for me last year. Even though I did have some serious laughs. LOL This thing about Bristol getting "advice" from Kate? Wow. Here is an article i found that is is pretty critical of Kate too, from dance pros. IF kate had any sense she would tell the girl to go to someone else. L
Bristol Palin doesn't want to be a diva like Kate Gosselin, but she doesn't mind dancing like her.
The teen mom is getting advice from the "Dancing with the Stars" alum to prepare for the ABC show's upcoming season, popeater.com reports.
"Kate wishes she had had a mentor to help her through the tough contest and is happy to help Bristol," a source told the gossip website.
Gosselin is reportedly advising her successor - who has been branded this season's diva - to smile and sell her performance, even if she's not that light on her toes.
Sterling Taylor, an instructor at Dance Times Square, the studio created by "So You Think You Can Dance" choreographers Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin, says the mother of eight has no place telling Palin what to do.
"She's very dull and lifeless," he told the Daily News of Gosselin's dancing style. "There's nothing there - I wouldn't even say she has a personality or soul."
And if Gosselin teaches the young mom bad habits, they will be hard to shed.
"The rule of thumb with breaking a habit is that you have to apply the right technique 15 times more to make it permanent," he said.
Taylor says Palin would have done better to stick to the little knowledge of dance she claimed she had when she signed on to the show.
"It's easier to have a clean slate than to have a person with prior dance experience.”
Well, since we know Katie Irene is a Narcissist, it's safe to assume that everything that comes out of her mouth is an embellishment of what she perceives to be the truth or an outright lie to the rest of us.
It must be exhausting to be her, and also live with her.
I would be in the category of "haters", I'm sure, but I do not watch ANYthing with Kate in it....and haven't for quite some time now.
Regarding recognizing a narcissist....I think most of us have experienced a narcissist during our lives...but not one who is at the level of Kate. It would be like comparing a neurosis and a psychosis....a matter of degree. And with her, it almost goes into the psychosis category. She truly does NOT see the world the way we do. She's probably the most extreme case of narcissism that I've ever seen....a malignant narcissist.
I thought Jay expressed the public's outrage toward Kate very well. Give her a gold medal for having sextuplets and let's move on, because Kate Gosselin is not an entertainer or a performer. She has no talent. There is nothing entertaining or enjoyable about her save the car wreck factor, and that wears off fast. By the third DWTS show people were accusing the show of rigging the outcome to keep her on. We get that she needs inside favours and network pull and all the photoshopping in the world to look good but guess what, her good is still grotesque. The only thing that is believable is that she'll be alone for the rest of her life. Who would date her?
Kate definatly believes she looks exactly like the People 'shopped photos, but we've seen otherwise.
As a point of reference, my mother was a classic narcissist. Someone back in the '50s said she had "nice hands", so she would bring it up at every opportunity (and no, she did not. She had blunt hard-working hands). She took any and every compliment she was ever given to the grave, literally.
I thought Jay was perfectly honest, and I loved that Carrie Ann couldn't quite remember Kate's name.
Access Hollywood forgot to mention was that Steve is a married man with a family.
Some marriage, huh?
It's Sandra, isn't it?
Yes, Tony has a good partner and has a chance to win. Audrina is willing to work hard. SHE realizes she's famous for nothing and is trying to work. The only reason she was on the hills is because they saw her sunbathing and asked her if she wanted to join the cast.
Administrator said...
I thought Jay's comments were uncalled for even for Kate.
Yes, they were on the nasty side. However, I think what he was saying is that she is famous only because she had multiples and that she has no talent whatsoever other than breeding.
And the next time Kate is on the View, Joy will pucker up and kiss her fake-tanned ass. Smooch, smooch.
It'd be interesting to see which TV host will grow some balls and be the FIRST to try a Kate Gosselin takedown. Maybe we should start a pool.
I'd put my bet on Ellen first, although I doubt she'd ever agree to have her on the show again. have to think about other choices, Matt Lauer maybe.
Exactly what I was thinking, how bad is it when celebrities themselves are saying they've never seen anything like Kate?
We all know in that town narcissists are a dime a dozen. And of all the celebs Carrie Ann has worked with KATE is the one she's never seen anything like before. Kate is the one who is bizarre.
That's just crazy and speaks volumes.
"It was really hard because she sort of is unaware of herself in a way that I've never seen before on our show. Like most performers have a little bit of self-awareness, she had none, so it was bizarre because she thought she was good."
Sounds like a pretty good description of a narcissist.
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