It's happening again. And it's disgusting. Discovery LLC, which owns TLC, is suing some of their Deadliest Catch reality stars for refusing to continue with a spin-off of the show. The Hillstrands say if they do this show, which would be about their lives on land, they could lose their boats and their crew. This isn't a movie or TV project, this is these people's lives. The Hillstrand's lawyer pointed out how much Discovery executives make, and calls this "extortion." Which is exactly what we would call what Discovery did to Jon last year. Either do what we say with your private lives or we'll sue the crap out of you because we can. Discovery, please get a soul.
"The recent actions of Discovery Communications are an astonishing and shameful instance of arrogance and greed run amok," the Hillstrand's attorney said.
56 sediments (sic) from readers:
Oh my. This is too much, those poor guys. They are my favorite on Deadliest Catch. If they don't want a camera in their face, why should they be forced to??
It's not like they are GOSSELIN CHILDREN. (sad, huh?)
This really is something very unique when you are on a reality show and want to cut ties. They are suing people for wanting their lives to cease taping and I hope the courts finally give them a smackdown for this.
This is not like breaking a contract to build a bridge. It's not like breaking a contract to finish out the season as an ACTOR on a SHOW. These are people's lives. In real life if you don't want someone in your life anymore you ask them to leave or get a restraining order. Instead when they asked Discovery to LEAVE, they get sued for $3 million.
I think there needs to be a precedent set that sorry you cannot prevail on a suit like this.
Most other jobs, if you've had enough you write a letter of resignation and leave. $3 million dollars? For pity sake.
Surely this won't go trial, will it?
Discovery is willing to risk their reputation with the public for a lousy three million bucks?
It seems to me that they have far more to lose by going forward with this.
They just look like bullies, especially considering the sympathy people have concerning this particular show and the death of the other captain.
Admin said...The Hillstrands say if they do this show, which would be about their lives on land, they could lose their boats and their crew.
The show wouldn't cost the Hillstrands their boats and crew; it's the $3 million lawsuit that could potentially force the Hillstrands to have to sell their boat and lay-off their crew.
Apparently, principal photography for the "Hillstranded" special was already filmed. The Hillstrands backed-out from completing the interviews and voice-overs. (The brothers have been busy this summer making appearances throughout the country, so there could have been scheduling conflicts.)
There's no mention of how this will affect their obligations/appearance on "Deadliest Catch". I assumed they had signed on for season 7 because Josh Harris is supposed to join the Time Bandit, if the Cornelia Marie does not fish either this king crab or opi season.
To read full article, click http://thresq.hollywoodreporter.com/2010/09/deadliest-catch-captains-say-discovery-lawsuit-smells-fishy.html
This is because the show got huge ratings last season, and only because their father passed away. How sad is that? They filmed their poor dad having his heart attack, and it garnered ratings, and now TLC wants to see the boys pick up the pieces of their lives without their dad. It's deplorable. Get a heart TLC. Wow. This says a lot about the kind of person Kate is too, mixed up with a corporation like this.
There is more to this story. These guys signed a contract. All of the footage has been shot. All that is left to do was commentary. You can't say you will do something and then just not do it. These are not children. Like Jon, they knew what signing a contract means. The contract protects BOTH parties, not just Discovery.
Well TLC took on a father of 8 forcing him to put his kids back on tv or else, so I'm not surprised with this situation. Maybe people will think before they sign on with a network to film their lives. My heart goes out to these brothers and their families. Wish them the best but we all know what TLC did to Jon. They squeeshed him like a bug
Admin be sure to check out this story about another family with multiples (being filmed by WE):
Deadliest Catch was the most riveting and well-done reality series ever produced IMO, but, with the death of Captain Phil Harris, they announced that it was over. Now, they are trying to force them to continue the series? It is extortion, just as it was extortion with Jon Gosselin. Why Discovery/TLC are allowed to break laws and endanger lives with no consequences and no one to stand up to them is just beyond comprehension.
Good. Let this bring more attention to what they did to Jon. Discovery is the Evil Empire.
I am confused by all this. I mean, I love the HIllstrands (Jon and Neil...Andy seems like a jerk sometimes on the show). If they signed a contract to do the naration or interviews for this special, and they didn't show up or don't want to do it, why is Discovery in the wrong? Not that I'm defending Discovery, but if the Hillstrands agreed to do this then backed out after filming and editing was completed then what's the issue? Maybe they were paid $2 or $3 mil for it so Discovery wants their money back?
So I was out of teaching for a week in May (we shut the studio down) after I had a Pulmonary Embolism during a class. Everyone else was very sympathetic towards my mother when we opened back up because her daughter almost died at that same studio and had spent a week in the hospital, but one mom greeted her return with "We don't have to pay for last week, do we?"
Needless to say I am on the side of the Hillstrands. No one deserves this kind of treatment. As far as dear Phil goes, Freddie's "Catch a dad" speech destroyed me. God bless these men, and leave them the hell alone. They've been through enough.
Anonymous said... There is more to this story. These guys signed a contract. All of the footage has been shot. All that is left to do was commentary. You can't say you will do something and then just not do it.
It's not that simple. Apparently they did not realize all the time the new show would take and all the time they would be require to be on land--because now they are saying because of the time commitment they could lose their real livelihood, which is not the show but their FISHING BOATS AND CREW. We have no idea how long Discovery told them it could take, maybe it ran over. We also have no idea if they had legal representation when they signed a contract with a huge corporation. These guys are just man off the street fisherman, how could they have any idea what they were dealing with and what they were signing without a lawyer. There is something called "undue influence" in contract law, when one person takes advantage of a position of power over another person. I firmly believe that there was undue influence going on when this corporation blackmailed the Gosselins into signing on again.
Contracts that require you to give up your real life and job or else they'll sue you for millions should be unconscionable.
This kind of case is going to expose the vicious, rotten people at Discovery/TLC and ultimately cause it's demise. NOW I understand their game, and how they treat people.
What Jon Gosselin must be going through with them...
Greed, one of the 7 deadly sins.
I wish the gentlemen from Deadlest Catch win- and I pray that they have a better lawyer than Jon Gosselin.
"The Hillstrands say if they do this show, which would be about their lives on land, they could lose their boats and their crew."
I understood it differently. What I've read is if they don't do the show it's the lawsuit which could force them to declare bankruptcy - which means they'd have to sell their boats and let their crew go.
Hippie Chick said... This is because the show got huge ratings last season, and only because their father passed away. How sad is that? They filmed their poor dad having his heart attack, and it garnered ratings, and now TLC wants to see the boys pick up the pieces of their lives without their dad. It's deplorable. Get a heart TLC.
Actually it was the Harris boys who lost their father last season. The Hillstrands are a different family. But I can see the confusion because both families last names begin with an "H". LOL.
The blurb I read made it seem like the show would make them lose their boats, but in a different link someone posted it does make it sound like the lawsuit would make them lose their boats.
I have never seen the show but it sounds like all they have to do is the commentary. Why are they refusing; aren't they contractually bound?
"According to documents filed in Maryland, where Discovery is based, the bros were contracted to participate in a one-time special, the wittily titled Hillstranded, and while cameras rolled on the duo for two weeks in Alaskan waters, any reality show watcher worth their salt knows it ain't over 'til those awkward, often eye-roll-worthy one-on-one interviews and voiceovers are complete.
And that, apparently, is where the brothers fell short, failing to even agree to a time to shoot their bits, per court docs, leaving the network no choice but to file suit against them and seek some $3 million in damages for their refusal to cooperate."
Read more: http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/b201699_deadliest_catch_captains_caught_in_3.html#ixzz10GuR7NKY
Hippie Chick said... This is because the show got huge ratings last season, and only because their father passed away. How sad is that? They filmed their poor dad having his heart attack, and it garnered ratings
You're thinking of Phil Harris and his sons Jake and Josh. Phil had a stroke last season and died.
The Hillstrand brothers are on a different boat than the Harris brothers.
Admin, so does this mean that the contract would prevent the brothers from fishing because they would be stuck in a studio or interview room doing voice overs and commentary?
I guess I just can't wrap my brain around the fact that they committed to do the documentary and I'm not sure why they suddenly think it will affect their livlihood? They did do a documentary last year about salmon fishing that they do during the summer. And if the studio work means it will take them away from crabbing, then why not have someone run the Time Bandit while they get the studio work done? They have other crew members run the boat during salmon season.
Maybe I'm looking at it wrong. Of course maybe they were not being paid enough to take time away from fishing too. Recently a former cast member on Ghost Hunters International said in an interview that she and several other cast members almost went broke doing the show. She didn't go into detail but it was inferred that although they were receiving a salary from the show, it wasn't a whole lot and on top of that they were paying their own travel expenses to go to Europe for the show. So maybe that is a similar case with Discovery and the Hillstrands?
The main question here is why did the Hillstrands refuse to do the commentary? Apparently, according to the lawsuit, what happened was that Discovery called them to set up a time to do the interviews/commentaries and the only response they received was an email from the Hillstrands' lawyer telling Discovery to cease contacting his clients.
There's a big chuck of the puzzle missing, so it's difficult to comment on whether Discovery is justified in their lawsuit or not, in my opinion. Their lawyer hasn't given any more information except to set this up as a David and Goliath situation. It could be the lawyer is advising the Hillstrands to hold out for more money. It could be something else - until we know what caused them to step away from this spin off show we're only speculating.
As someone upthread said, however, I hope these lawsuits make people think twice before entering into any type of a contract.
We also have no idea WHAT Discovery wanted them to talk about. Maybe all they wanted them to talk about was the death, and they refused. Maybe they objected to the editing of the events. Maybe they felt Discovery was humiliating them in the footage. Maybe they felt the footage was a MISREPRESENTATION of them.
Lots of variables here, and to anyone who has been following Discovery and its reality shows, it seems that these guys are the first to object to SOMETHING re filming, editing, control, schedule, etc.
All I have to say is: Good for them.
There seems to be some confusion....Andy and Jonathan are not Captain Phil's sons, they were however dear friends. I'm sure there is more to the story but I also don't feel that Discovery should sue them. Hopefully they can come up with a compromise. Discovery has already cashed in BIG on this last season of DC. I watched the whole season and was very surprised at the filming of Captain Phil's medical problems and ultimate death. It was very hard to watch and I often felt that we the viewers had no business viewing such a personal and private event but Captain Phil was OK with it and so were his sons. I thought it was very brave of the boys and Captain Phil to allow the cameras to capture such private moments.
TLC is so out of control it defies belief!
I hope the Hildstrands OWN that freaking company by the time this over.
TLC needs to be brought up on criminal charges and they need to throw every last top executive in jail like they did those thief city employees in that California town!!!!
Not Watching TLC said... Admin be sure to check out this story about another family with multiples (being filmed by WE):
Enough, please...this has been posted at least 7 times in the past week. They are NO longer filming for WE...they were dropped.
Obviously there's more to this story than a simple, "we won't do the voice-overs and interviews." Something must have changed during the production time--as stated before, maybe production went over the time they were told it would take? Otherwise, why would these guys have agreed to do the special in the first place--or risk being sued by Discovery?
Discovery is once again responsible for extracting every last buck despite the consequences. They are an ethically and morally corrupt corporation. IMO they are bordering on becoming a psychopathic corporation which would allow them to join BP's club.
I've never seen this show but I take it all involved are adults. Adults can deal with these issues - little children have no say.
Hippie Chick said...
This is because the show got huge ratings last season, and only because their father passed away. How sad is that? They filmed their poor dad having his heart attack, and it garnered ratings, and now TLC wants to see the boys pick up the pieces of their lives without their dad. It's deplorable. Get a heart TLC. Wow. This says a lot about the kind of person Kate is too, mixed up with a corporation like this.
Hippie Chick, you're confusing 2 families.
The Hillstrand's father passed away years ago. The guys in this lawsuit are the Hillstrand brothers, not the Harris boys. They were friends of Captain Phil Harris who died this winter of a stroke. Captain Phil was best friends with Jon and Andy Hillstrand and Jonathan was with Phil's boys when their father passed away. From what I've read, Discovery has already signed a contract with the Josh and Jake Harris for the upcoming Deadliest Catch season. Not so for Jon and Andy Hillstrand.
Like Admin said, in any other job, when you've had enough you resign. It's up to the employer to deal with the consequences. $3M is pocket change to this greedy corporation and they need to suck it up and let these men get back to their real lives. They've completely lost perspective. Disgusting.
Last night one of the captains Keith Colburn from the Wizard was at a local college to give a speech. Unfortunately, I was unable to go but the newspaper today had an article on it.
It has been talked about in the past about how much time it takes in filming these reality shows. Keith commented they filmed more than 16,000 hours of footage and condensed it down to 16 - 45 minute episodes.
Sounds like filming for this special could have taken longer than they expected. If it would keep them from going out fishing I can see the problem. I hope they can work things out.
Admin said...These guys are just man off the street fisherman, how could they have any idea what they were dealing with and what they were signing without a lawyer.
Did they or did they not have an attorney? If not, then why not? In this day and age isn't this just good common sense? Could they be that wet behind the ears (no pun intented)?
This Reality crapola is for the birds. Discovery and TLC need to back off from these people and do some educational programming and leave these people alone...enough already..maybe they can't do that commentary crap that Discovery wants them to do..
Hollywood Reporter broke the story, here's the original article by clicking http://thresq.hollywoodreporter.com/2010/09/deadliest-catch-captains-say-discovery-lawsuit-smells-fishy.html.
Something is fishy here, and I'm wondering if the "Deadliest Catch" captains wised up and realized they're worth more than Discovery had paid them previously (which was said to be just fuel and food expenses).
This might be Discovery's pre-emptive strike to prevent all the captains from renegotiating on their current contract or trying to pull the same stunt and walk away from season 7 production a la Friends negotiation tactics. (Or, some just had it and don't want the cameras anymore.)
The lawsuit refers only to the Hillstrands and the unfinished "Hillstranded" special, but the Hillstrands' lawyer statement included Capt. Sig Hansen as his client (yet no mention of Capt. Keith).
I do know that the Hillstrands have been making appearances throughout the summer, along with Sig Hansen (so I would understand if it was a scheduling conflict). Side note: Apparently, some audience members said (in other forums/blogs) the Hillstrands were bad-mouthing Discovery at these events.
Crabbing season is right around the corner, so it'll be interesting to see how this all plays out and affects "Deadliest Catch".
Wow...deja vu.
First, Jon refused to continue doing Jon&Kate Plus 8. Then, TLC sued him.
Just referred back to one of your archived post "TLC sues Jon for breach of contract" and clicked on the LA times article.
"The suit charges that Jon Gosselin violated his contract by taking paying gigs from other television shows without permission including the CBS-syndicated shows "Entertainment Tonight" and "The Insider" while still under exclusive contract.
Furthermore, the suit alleges that Gosselin has made nonpaying media appearances without TLC's approval, which would also be in violation of his contract. The suit, which was filed on behalf of TLC by the powerful Washington law firm Williams & Connolly, says he has also harmed the show with his constant criticisms and, according to the suit, misstatements about being on the show and what goes on behind the scenes and revealing confidential information such as when he talked about his salary on CNN's "Larry King Live." The suit seeks to force Gosselin to abide by his contract and return the money he has made for appearing elsewhere."
The Hillstrands better be careful, especially with these public appearances they made (whether paid or not). I don't think Discovery would like to hear them bashing their company in public (as some audience members have commented elsewhere).
The Hillstrand Bros. are two of my favorite on Deadliest Catch.
For some reason this just doesn't pass the smell test to me. Discovery's legal team took the time to file a lawsuit for a dispute over unfinished voice-over work. And, what else? Sounds pretty flimsy.
I wonder if they are trying to use the Hillstrands as an example of what happens when you flip the bird at the Discovery Channel.
Did they or did they not have an attorney? If not, then why not? In this day and age isn't this just good common sense? Could they be that wet behind the ears (no pun intented)?
They signed their Deadliest Catch contracts around five years ago, incidentally right around the time Jon and Kate signed theirs. Jon and Kate did not have an attorney for their initial contract, why would these guys?
I can just picture that contract meeting, Discovery telling them what do you need an attorney for it's just a formality just sign here! Yeah right.
Anonymous said... I've never seen this show but I take it all involved are adults. Adults can deal with these issues - little children have no say.
I agree the Gosselin children are much more vulnerable to Discovery's wrath. Nonetheless I do see reality show people as very differently situated than an actor in the business with an agent and a manager and usually savvy to the business such that they won't be taken advantage of.
Most of these people, certain Kate and Jon in the beginning, are dealing with these big media networks BLIND, no agent, no manager, no lawyer, no one to advise or help them. They sign without knowing what they are going to sign. They are then making themselves vulnerable to these HUGE lawsuits. In any other context a fisherman off the street would NEVER be sued for THREE MILLION DOLLARS, unless he killed someone in a hit in run or something terrible like that. But for wanting OFF a job? Give me a break.
It may be "legal", lots of things are "legal" but it's taken incredible advantage unfairly of the little guy.
Next to Phil (RIP) these 2 were my favorite captains. Discovery takes advantage of anyone they can, children included. This is pathetic! Forget the lawsuit! They should just sit on their ass and don't do anything! Make it as boring as possible! And curse as much as you possibly can, drop F bombs all day long. Don't give them 5min of usable footage!
Administrator said...
Most of these people, certain Kate and Jon in the beginning, are dealing with these big media networks BLIND, no agent, no manager, no lawyer, no one to advise or help them. They sign without knowing what they are going to sign. They are then making themselves vulnerable to these HUGE lawsuits. In any other context a fisherman off the street would NEVER be sued for THREE MILLION DOLLARS, unless he killed someone in a hit in run or something terrible like that. But for wanting OFF a job? Give me a break.
It may be "legal", lots of things are "legal" but it's taken incredible advantage unfairly of the little guy.
Your comment is very patronizing. Just because they are fishermen, doesn't mean they are incapable of finding a lawyer before signing a contract. They are not little children. They are adults who freely chose to make some cash doing reality TV. "I was naive" is not an excuse for refusing to fulfill a contract. You don't have to have a graduate degree to know that you shouldn't sign a complex contract that you don't fully understand.
I never said that because they are fisherman they are not capable of knowing to get a lawyer. I have no problem with debate but I do not appreciate my words being twisted. I said because they are fisherman they would be unlikely to be sued for this kind of money in their typical life, but because they signed on with Discovery, now they've found themselves as just random people in Alaska now on the hook for $3 million. Horrible. My point was to demonstrate how horrible I think it is to sue people who are not normally involved in huge deals like this and don't have a lot of experience. That group would include MOST OF AMERICA, including you and me. We're not suing Steven Speilberg here.
I don't mean to be patronizing at all. Jon and Kate THEMSELVES did not get a lawyer when they signed with Discovery. This is a fact everyone admits, even Discovery. A layman would be unlikely to know they should get a lawyer, it is not because they are stupid, it is because they don't normally deal with a media company like Discovery, and also, probably have no reason to know that Discovery would try to screw them, you know giving them the benefit of the doubt and thinking the best and all that jazz. Before Jon and Kate I'm not sure I myself, being a lawyer, would feel the need to consult a lawyer for just a little reality show. I wouldn't DO a reality show in the first place but if I did, I'm not sure I would think to get a lawyer. Knowing what I know now, of course I would. It's when certain shows got huge these people realized how screwed they were when they signed in good faith with a nice company. It has nothing to do with stupidity, and everything to do with a huge company taking advantage of those who do not normally make contracts with a Hollywood corporation.
Jon and Kate did not have an attorney for their initial contract, why would these guys?
Why wouldn't they? Just because Kate and Jon didn't initially have a contract doesn't mean that the fishermen wouldn't seek out the advice of an attorney.
"A layman would be unlikely to know they should get a lawyer, it is not because they are stupid, it is because they don't normally deal with a media company like Discovery,"
Which is all the more reason why you DO get an attorney!
"Before Jon and Kate I'm not sure I myself, being a lawyer, would feel the need to consult a lawyer for just a little reality show. I wouldn't DO a reality show in the first place but if I did, I'm not sure I would think to get a lawyer."
I certainly would have...I'd never, ever sign a contract with a huge corporation/entity without getting an attorney and making sure ALL bases are covered. Been there, done that. Since the corporation has the best attorneys on their side looking out for them, it's native to think that one doesn't need an attorney, even if it's for as small a thing as a radio commercial. Not to seek legal advice is being as gullible as you can get.
"You don't have to have a graduate degree to know that you shouldn't sign a complex contract that you don't fully understand."
Absolutely. And if you're not sure that you need an attorney, you ask someone who DOES know for advice!
I'm not saying that Discovery/TLC isn't being a bully about this. They are about as dispicable as you can get. But these guys went into this with their eyes closed, they signed a contract, and if non-performance is the issue, then Dicovery has every right to look out for their own interests. However, morally, it's lousy. But when has TLC ever been known for its morals or conscience?
If we're going to talk about morals, how about Discovery being the better person and refusing to do a contract with some guy off the street, which is essentially who these reality people are, without making sure they have adequate reasonable legal representation?
The right to an attorney is so fundamental in criminal cases it's written right into the Miranda Rights. An attorney is required by code and statute in many other CIVIL matters. My judge doesn't even allow in pro per even though technically, she could, she says either you take the court appointed attorney or you pay for your own but you're not representing yourself, the stakes are far too high I won't have it. And good for her.
Contracts with reality show contestents should and must be orchestrated with separate attorneys for both parties. Any contract where $3 million is at stake it's just disgusting you wouldn't encourage the other side to get an attorney.
And just wondering, is $3 million what these brothers expected to be paid? Just a question for Discovery. Or is that just the amount you want to butt rape them with if they didn't go along with you.
Sorry to keep brining this up, but I still wonder about why Discovery is being the bad guy here (not trying to be argumentative- just trying to clarify it in my own mind). The guys agreed to do this commentary on the film. Discovery paid production people, camera people, editing room people etc...for their time. They got everything done and all that was left was for Jon and Andy to do their part. They didn't do it. So Discovery is now out the $$ they paid to make this documentary. So what is the issue?
I guess my problem with this whole scenario is that my father was the type of man whose word was his contract. If he told someone he would do something, he did it. He was a business man and he had a reputation in his area of business of being one of the most honest people in that line of work. So people trusted him and he was successful at what he did because people could rely on him with just a handshake.
I think it's my upbringing that makes me think that Jon and Andy committed to doing this thing for Discovery, they didn't honor their word so what is Discovery supposed to do? Turn the other cheek and pretend none of this happened?
If we're going to talk about morals, how about Discovery being the better person and refusing to do a contract with some guy off the street, which is essentially who these reality people are, without making sure they have adequate reasonable legal representation?
Certainly. In a perfect world. However, this is Discovery/TLC, and their track record in the morals department isn't anything they can brag about.
Why would these "guys off the street" believe anything that Discovery told them? Even if they weren't business savy, somebody, somewhere should have advised them. They didn't live in a vacuum.
Bottom line is that they signed a contract and they didn't honor it. If anyone can claim ignorance and that they were naive when they entered into an agreement, and then get out of their obligations, then what's the point of having a contract?
Why don't Discovery just continue filming them on the boat? Maybe the Discovery/TLC film crew is afraid to go back on the water. They don't call it the Deadliest Catch for nothing, deadly in more ways than the one i.e. stress. I am sure when the guys signed the contract probably without representation as Discovery/TLC has a knack for doing, they never dreamed they would make them dock the boats and film on land.
Lest we forget Discovery/TLC are one and the same and operate in a seedy fashion at best. Not to be trusted IMO. Look what they did to Jr and Sr -- somebody died as a result of that fiasco and they made an episode out of it.
More importantly, what they did to the kids.
And the Dolphins--the angels of the sea.
Honoring a contract, IMO, should be confined to contracts that are honorable within themselves.
Something is fishy here, and I'm wondering if the "Deadliest Catch" captains wised up and realized they're worth more than Discovery had paid them previously (which was said to be just fuel and food expenses).
This might be Discovery's pre-emptive strike to prevent all the captains from renegotiating on their current contract or trying to pull the same stunt and walk away from season 7 production a la Friends negotiation tactics. (Or, some just had it and don't want the cameras anymore.)
The lawsuit refers only to the Hillstrands and the unfinished "Hillstranded" special, but the Hillstrands' lawyer statement included Capt. Sig Hansen as his client (yet no mention of Capt. Keith).
Crabbing season is right around the corner, so it'll be interesting to see how this all plays out and affects "Deadliest Catch".
UPDATE: Time Bandit and Northwestern captains and crew quit "Deadliest Catch" over lawsuit.
Sig Hansen and crew are standing behind the Hillstrand brothers 100%, even if it means walking away from the show. [Sig Hansen is one of the most popular prominent captains on this show, so his absence will definitely affect the show. He's was one of the original captains from the first special which lead to the series.]
Will Discovery launch more lawsuits on these captains because they're leaving a highly-rated, #1 cable show right before season 7 filming begins?
I love these guys but if they did not want to do the spinoff and have there lives on land taped they SHOULD NOT HAVE SIGNED THE CONTRACT its there own fault for signing discovery can not force anyone to do anything but if you sign saying you agree and want to then back you should be held accountable in any other contract you would be all though I do agree that 3 million is way to much and discovery is being greedy with that but they should recieve something since the hillstrands broke contract agreement
There seems to be some confusion....Andy and Jonathan are not Captain Phil's sons, they were however dear friends. I'm sure there is more to the story but I also don't feel that Discovery should sue them. Hopefully they can come up with a compromise. Discovery has already cashed in BIG on this last season of DC. I watched the whole season and was very surprised at the filming of Captain Phil's medical problems and ultimate death. It was very hard to watch and I often felt that we the viewers had no business viewing such a personal and private event but Captain Phil was OK with it and so were his sons. I thought it was very brave of the boys and Captain Phil to allow the cameras to capture such private moments.
Admin, so does this mean that the contract would prevent the brothers from fishing because they would be stuck in a studio or interview room doing voice overs and commentary?
I guess I just can't wrap my brain around the fact that they committed to do the documentary and I'm not sure why they suddenly think it will affect their livlihood? They did do a documentary last year about salmon fishing that they do during the summer. And if the studio work means it will take them away from crabbing, then why not have someone run the Time Bandit while they get the studio work done? They have other crew members run the boat during salmon season.
Maybe I'm looking at it wrong. Of course maybe they were not being paid enough to take time away from fishing too. Recently a former cast member on Ghost Hunters International said in an interview that she and several other cast members almost went broke doing the show. She didn't go into detail but it was inferred that although they were receiving a salary from the show, it wasn't a whole lot and on top of that they were paying their own travel expenses to go to Europe for the show. So maybe that is a similar case with Discovery and the Hillstrands?
Hippie Chick said... This is because the show got huge ratings last season, and only because their father passed away. How sad is that? They filmed their poor dad having his heart attack, and it garnered ratings
You're thinking of Phil Harris and his sons Jake and Josh. Phil had a stroke last season and died.
The Hillstrand brothers are on a different boat than the Harris brothers.
This kind of case is going to expose the vicious, rotten people at Discovery/TLC and ultimately cause it's demise. NOW I understand their game, and how they treat people.
What Jon Gosselin must be going through with them...
Greed, one of the 7 deadly sins.
I wish the gentlemen from Deadlest Catch win- and I pray that they have a better lawyer than Jon Gosselin.
Anonymous said... There is more to this story. These guys signed a contract. All of the footage has been shot. All that is left to do was commentary. You can't say you will do something and then just not do it.
It's not that simple. Apparently they did not realize all the time the new show would take and all the time they would be require to be on land--because now they are saying because of the time commitment they could lose their real livelihood, which is not the show but their FISHING BOATS AND CREW. We have no idea how long Discovery told them it could take, maybe it ran over. We also have no idea if they had legal representation when they signed a contract with a huge corporation. These guys are just man off the street fisherman, how could they have any idea what they were dealing with and what they were signing without a lawyer. There is something called "undue influence" in contract law, when one person takes advantage of a position of power over another person. I firmly believe that there was undue influence going on when this corporation blackmailed the Gosselins into signing on again.
Contracts that require you to give up your real life and job or else they'll sue you for millions should be unconscionable.
Good. Let this bring more attention to what they did to Jon. Discovery is the Evil Empire.
So I was out of teaching for a week in May (we shut the studio down) after I had a Pulmonary Embolism during a class. Everyone else was very sympathetic towards my mother when we opened back up because her daughter almost died at that same studio and had spent a week in the hospital, but one mom greeted her return with "We don't have to pay for last week, do we?"
Needless to say I am on the side of the Hillstrands. No one deserves this kind of treatment. As far as dear Phil goes, Freddie's "Catch a dad" speech destroyed me. God bless these men, and leave them the hell alone. They've been through enough.
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