Kate was spotted yesterday in a sensible t-shirt and shorts and tennis shoes, picking up the kids.
Kate, who is sometimes seen steering the kids by the heads, here appears to be steering Collin by his cheek:
Kate, who is sometimes seen steering the kids by the heads, here appears to be steering Collin by his cheek:
133 sediments (sic) from readers:
Administrator, I don't get it. I'm confused. Yesterday you posted that it was JON who picked up the kids at the bus stop. Now you say it is Kate who picked up the kids at the bus stop yesterday. Which is right?
Jon picked the kids up Tuesday, Kate picked them up Wednesday.
More pics on INF and they are saying she just got back in town yesterday, yet made time for running.
Hahaha...Funny. If only. Well, at least we know she is not filming anywhere. We have our answers!
PS Sorry for all the posts today. I'm sick. :( My mom is running my business today.
Ha Ha...in one of the pictures she has a UPS truck behind her *LOL* Oh the Irony...
May she heard the fated words "You're Fired"? ? (from TLC or The Donald)
Hippie Chick said... PS Sorry for all the posts today. I'm sick. :( My mom is running my business today.
Sorry to hear you are sick and hope you feel better soon. Don't apologize for your posts--I'm sure everyone, like me, finds them entertaining.
At least she put on a tee over her running bra. She sure runs hot and cold. One minute a regular 'ol jogger the next a 'come hither' babe.
ots: If tlc would even consider airing Twist of Kate, wouldn't they have to refilm everything? After all, she has new hair, teeth, breasts and who knows what else. It looks like a whole different person, too bad she is still the same inside. The shows were all filmed what - last spring before dwts?
And why is her belly button not a 'belly' button? Guess that will be relocated next.
What happened to Kart's abs? They seem to have disappeared into cellulite. Good grief that woman looks LONG in the tooth in her face doesn't she. All those wrinkles are the result of too much sun worshipping.
ATTENTION SHEEPLE: This. is. called. H-U-M-O-R.
Google it.
Doesn't Collin look thrilled to be with his egg donor?
Collin looks like he is cringing.
How much is TLC paying the Daily Mail to write crap about Kate? They keep praising her motherly skills and her do it all ability while reminding their audience that Jon cheated and Kate had to divorce him. I have a cousin in England and she keeps asking me who this wack job is and why are we exporting her there. I dunno. Maybe because nobody wants her?
That's just her doing what they said to do: touch those children, try to look like you like them.
It's not working.
And things are just as I suspected: she's doing nothing. Why? There's suddenly nothing for her TO do. Kate Plus Eight is done. Twist of Kate won't be airing. Her last book absolutely TANKED, so there will be no more. Niecy Nash is (deservedly) covering the new season of DWTS for ET, she's NOT on Celebrity Apprentice (gimme a break), bashing Jon in the media only backfired (she probably had to be told that and it had to be explained to her), there are no new interviews or appearances coming up (because why would there be?). And she's going to court about custody in November.
I think the ride is over.
Happy Anniversary, Admin!!!
GeorgiaMom, a poster on Werny Gal's site, IMO made some great points this morning ~ Kate does not go anywhere without Steve, so she thinks that the rumor that Steve and his wife are in Europe is BS. She also reminded me that TLC loves to play games with the bloggers and this could be one such case. Last but not least she thinks Kate and Steve were probably on the road filming for a few days for Twist of Kate and that it will air.
As far as I know there have been NO photos of Steve and Gina together and she is right TLC loves to keep the bloggers blogging to keep Kate relevant. Also we have seen it before; if we are busting Kate on something all of a sudden there is a "source" that comes forward and then the bloggers start blogging in another direction (example: THAT video then 2 days later we hear Kate is NOT peeing in a bucket)
Now I really don't care if there is a Twist of Kate show because I will not watch. However I have a feeling that it could be a hit just because the haterz will watch it. But that is OK as far as I'm concerned, as long as the G8 don't have to be a part of Twist of Kate in any way.
I don't think she ever went out of town. That rumor got started and just took off because she wasn't seen. She couldn't stay home for long could she?!
WOW! The pictures of her out jogging do not show the same body that was in People magazine. I wonder what happened since we know that the People boday is the real body (eye roll).
Found this link on the Washington Post and thought it was so very true, esp. about our little Kate.
Check out the video of kate "running" on INF daily....if those girls bounce any higher she's going to knock herself out. Additionally, the still pictures are not very flattering. As I said in an earlier post, the body in People is not the body in those pictures.
Happy Anniversary from me too, Admin!
For what it is worth ~
On THE VIEW this morning they had a segment re truth behind the tabloids.
Maureen O'Connor from gawker.com looked into which tabloids over the past 20 months told the truth and which ones make stuff up.
According to Maureen the most accurate tabloids:
1. US Weekly. Has the overall best record. True - Elin's divorce. Wrong - Timberlake/Biel breakup
2. Life & Style. True - Kim K/Reggie breakup. Wrong - Kim K being pregnant
3. In Touch. True - Gosselin divorce. Wrong - Brangelina divorcing
4. OK Magazine. True - Kristin/Pattison divorcing. Wrong - Jennifer Annison being pregnant
5. Star. True - Travoltas expecting. Wrong - Tiger hitting on Jessica Simpson
Maureen said Brangelina have the most stories about them and the most inaccurate stories too
Other than the blurb about In Touch being right about the Jon and Kate divorcing 2 weeks before papers were filed, the Gosselins were not mentioned again during this segment.
What I found interesting to note though is that PEOPLE was not mentioned but then I figured it is because it is not considered a tabloid.
My LT has been down so I haven't caught up on the latest here.
Have you guys seen this notice?
Wow, it's amazing how two people can read a photo so differently.
I actually thought Kate was giving Colin an affectionate pat on the cheek. Maybe he had a bad day at school?
Oh look. A 'love tap'.
That's not even code. That's straight up "we aren't airing it."
I actually thought Kate was giving Colin an affectionate pat on the cheek. Maybe he had a bad day at school?
As did I! I didn't see that he was "cringing" at all. He just looks kind of nonchalant! I just keep looking at that hair and thinking, "How much did she pay for that?" She deserves a refund, and her stylist (and I use the word loosely) needs to go back to school. She could have gotten a better cut and color at Cost Cutters at the local mall.
I wonder where she’s been hiding?
Maybe she was out getting custom fitted for a new broom. After all Halloween is coming up soon.
SG...I respect you very much, but I don't think there is any affection in that shot. If you were patting your child's cheek affectionately, you'd lower yourself to his or her level usually and you'd smile. She looks peeved.
SchmeckyGirl said... Wow, it's amazing how two people can read a photo so differently.
I actually thought Kate was giving Colin an affectionate pat on the cheek. Maybe he had a bad day at school?
I agree.
Hopping OT--finally saw the vid of Tony completely spazzing out with joy at the scores for his Quickstep with Audrina. Dude was jumping around like he'd just been shot up with pure caffeine.
Perhaps now ToK is being dangled as a way to get her to shape the hell up. Stop with the hooker wear and the pointless pap shots and making yourself look like a desperate housewife and be nicer to the kids and THEN you can have your own show.
Whatever Kate was doing to Colin he did not look impressed. Or interested.
I have to agree with those that thought she was just giving him an affecionate pat on the cheek. That's what I saw in the picture also. I don't always get down to the kids' level but rather just give them a small carress as I walk by. He was not cringing, he just didn't look happy.
I wonder what, "still in development" means. It sounds like they haven't yet figured out a feasible concept for Twist of Kate...something people will want to watch. JMO
OMG! You don't agree with me? That's it! We can't be friends anymore! ;)
Well Kate doesn't LOOK like the "happy mommy" most times you see her. She's never really has that joyous look on her face when she sees her kids getting off the bus or anywhere for that matter, unless she's being filmed. I think it's just her "way."
But I will be fair and say it could be because the paps are there. I think she should learn to ignore them and just be herself (unless that is herself).
I just don't think she looks "angry" in the shot. It really is just a split second in time and not easy to judge. My initial reaction though was that it was more of an affectionate gesture than a mean one. I really have no idea. We need video! LOL.
Read on another blog that Kate Plus 8 will be airing in Great Britain. I wonder if she gets any money from TLC from that?
So she has surfaced...where did she go?...was Steve really in Europe?...ahh, this is like playing Where's Waldo.
Re: Kate's hand on Collin's cheek photo
Without a video with sound, our guesses at what she's doing in that pic are just that - guesses. IMO given Kate's history with how affectionate she is with her kids, it looks less like a love tap and more like a sergeant's 'walk this way' command.
Twist of Kate is "in development"? Yeah right, TLC. This show has been in development for almost a year maybe more. "In development is entertainment world speak for "we got nothin'."
Who knows? My take on that photo is that maybe Colin didn't want to go to school that day.
That little boy sure looks like he could use a good, long hug though :o(
As for the "Twist(ed) of Kate" show still being in development, I agree with the administrator.
And considering the "subject", I will be AMAZED if they come up with enough episodes to keep Kate in the spotlight.
For the record, I think the premise of this show is stupid- but that's just my opinion.
I mean, come on, seriously! It's Kate Gosselin we're talking about... Unless her "people" think that watching Kate make an ass of herself is a bankable career opportunity.
If that's the case, they should leave that to a professional comedian.
If Twisted Kate is still in the developmental stages, then TLC is most likely trying to get Jon to sign a contract for the kids to film a couple holiday specials. Don't believe there will be a Twisted Kate show as TLC has no idea know what to do with her.
Maybe TLC is finally disgusted with the diva because she doesn't want to actually work for her money. They just don't have any tape that they can use. They should air the one where she is helping the diner in N.C. just to see how it would do ratings wise. She wasn't in that diner working very long was she?
I don't think they have anything for ToK or there ever will be. I think people are generally not interested in watching a show just about her and that people watched KP8 because of the kids. She has nothing, therefore, they (TLC) have nothing. There is no more interest in her and she keeps burning her bridges. I think she is finally going away.
What is a little odd is the shorts she is wearing while running and the shorts she is wearing while picking up the children look very similar. Hopefully, she did not pick up the children and then go running. I assume that she did not go running and then pick up the children while still wearing the same shorts as I sweat too much while working out to be continue to wear the same clothes.
i think kate was just touching collin on his cheek in affection, not to guide, not to demonstrate a huge show such as kneeling down and hugging would be.
i do this to my son and he sometimes doesn't acknowledge it either. collin isn't cringing. he just isn't reacting...kind of like he's used to these little gestures.
as far as kate's body running and in the people shots; i think seeing the differences are normal. in professional (airbrushed and not) shots, the lighting, the make-up etc. the posing is totally different than candid shots especially of someone running.
Re ToK: Read an article months ago about her riding on the back of a garbage truck to relate to the workday life of the everyday person (the original premise of the show) and not wanting to get dirty, etc. One of the supervisors said she "sucked" (my word, not theirs, because I can't remember now but same relevance). Her being a waitress was filmed what? about a year ago? She must have sucked at that, too. The probem is this: Kate does not want to WORK, so that premise would not ever work in any scenario.
"In development is entertainment world speak for "we got nothin'."
Why does TLC keep prolonging this? Has anything been filmed, and if not, why not? Why so secretive? If the cow is dead, why do they keep trying to milk it? Just to appease Kate?
I'm positive that Twist of Kate will air later in the fall or early Winter. Also, Kate Plus 8 "specials" may once again show up later next year.
Why else would Kate be this "quiet" about everything?
If Jon put a "stop" to it as rumors suggested, why isn't Kate crying it about on the Today show or on The View.
The problem with the pic of Kate and Collin is that it doesn't look "natural" for her to be touching him, because we've become so used to her NOT touching the kids in an affectionate manner. With no context pics either before or after that particular shot, it's hard to say whether it was meant to be an affectionate gesture or if she was being harsh - and therein lies the problem.
Happy Anniversary Blog!!!
"In development" isn't the same as "filming" is it? Sounds to me it's still in the developmental stages, meaning they have no idea what direction they are going in for sure yet.
Thank you JudyK! You are too sweet! :) As for ToK, not interested. Won't watch, & I don't think it's happening. They are dangling a carrot to keep her hanging, just in case. Kate is just...dumb. I know that's not a very nice thing to say, but this whole Jon thing not signing just doesn't add up somehow. I think they are hoping to lure him with something. He doesn't want the kids to film, TLC/Kate does. TLC is cooking something, so they are trying to have Jon change his mind, so they are keeping Kate around just in case he does. If he does not change his mind, they will drop Kate like a stone. But in the meantime, they are telling Kate this whole ToK is happening just to keep her happy. Does that make sense?
I'm on medication right now, so I'm not very very lucid. :) Anyway, that's just what I'm thinking.
Twist of Kate is "in development"? Yeah right, TLC. This show has been in development for almost a year maybe more. "In development is entertainment world speak for "we got nothin'."
I totally agree. It should be in production by now if they want to air it in December. Guess TLC should have listened to these blogs and revamped it to Twisted Kate.
It's ironic how the tides have turned. Just earlier this year, Kate Plus 8 could have been a good lead-in show for Sarah Palin's Alaska. Now, I thought Kate needed Sarah Palin as a lead-in for her new show, if Twist of Kate is a go.
I noticed that ratings are strong for broadcast networks, not so for cable. It would be hard to place her new show in any of the current primetime slots, as there are strong winners in just about any time slot.
If this show does get the greenlight for December, it wouldn't have too much competition if broadcast networks air re-runs.
Kate did herself no favors by typecasting herself. Reality tv can only get you so far.
Aww Colin. I hate it when we talk about him on here.
However, I agree, the picture is innocent. Not everything Kate does is bad.
She isn't affectionate I will give you that. But that gesture towards him is sweet.
No one self-implode here! Kate is NOT 100% bad.
So if the show stops, will Jon get a job? (yea, right) He should, right?
Does anyone think he has done one thing to improve his skill set? Not me.
I know some folks don't hammer on Jon like they do Kate, because they are too busy hammering at Kate.
Same for Ellen. I just want to say that Ellen has not right tweeting about the children, addressing this blog about their day at the arcade etc...
I know admin says they have emailed, and nothing personal to the admin of the blog...but I think Ellen has her own agenda and if she truly had Jon and the kid's best interests at heart (which I do not feel she does) she would not address anything that has to do with the kids. This is just my opinion and I know not everyone agrees.
Same thing with her blog. I think it is riding on the kids coattails. She could do that without any reference to Jon in complete annonimity, but she chose not to.
Her blog is a reflection on her, which I think is immature.
I don't think Jon and Ellen will last.
Regarding Admin's completely hysterical memo, I would not be the least bit surprised if Julie Carson May of Media Motion had a little chat with Kate.
I DO know that Julie told Kate that she needed to show more affection to her kids in public. So I would not be shocked to find out that Julie called Kate on her wardrobe, the staged paparazzi events and Steve.
Just sayin'...
It doesn't look like a tender touch to me. The way she barked at them about the sequence in eating their lunches she just don't appear loving at all. The video below says it all and I do believe the kids are scared stiff of her. As for her running around her neighborhood, she just loves to have her picture taken otherwise she would run in her own basement. What mother with 8 kids and a big house to run has such long claws? I love manicures too, but they just don't stay that way with all the chores one has to do to maintain a house and children.
I don't think Twist of Kate will ever happen.
I think Kate is not talking because TLC told her to shut up after her appearance on Regis and Kelly.
Just my opinion.
Lauren said...
I DO know that Julie told Kate that she needed to show more affection to her kids in public. So I would not be shocked to find out that Julie called Kate on her wardrobe, the staged paparazzi events and Steve.
Just sayin'...
Lauren..... you have my attention :o)
How do you know that Julie told Kate to show more affection to her kids in public?....
My, my, how sad that Kate needs to be told to show more affection to her eight little money bags- I MEAN blessings.
Thread/Topic Suggestion:
Where in the world is Steve Neild?
Seriously, does anyone really believe Gina Neild is A-Okay with her husband escorting Kate Gosselin to the Emmys and acting more like her date than a bodyguard to say nothing about the Cabo San Lucas bikini fest?
Pink Straight Jacket...
Here is the link. It is the first comment on the page, near the bottom. I copied the relevant section for you.
"PS-Of course now that the PR person/Image Consultant has started sanitizing the show, this stuff isn’t being shown on the show much recently. And the PR team has told Kate to hug her boys more and not hold Hannie (her fave) as much, but Kate’s hair isn’t gonna change it’s stripes, and I’m certain that she hasn’t changed off camera due to her nasty treatment of fans that meet her off camera."
By the way, I'm not going to insult everyone's intelligence by explaining when this blog is making a joke. I trust most people here get it. For the three sheeple who don't, I'll let them run on the hamster wheel.
Twist of Kate is suppose to be with women or people who had written to her.over the years. I am thinking they are now having a trouble getting many of them to film with her, she has lost a lot of fans. And I mean a lot. Just a thought.
Not to mention the pilot bombed big time with the test audience. If TLC had a money maker for sure, there would be NO delay. They are too greedy.
Lauren said...
Pink Straight Jacket...
Here is the link. It is the first comment on the page, near the bottom. I copied the relevant section for you.
"PS-Of course now that the PR person/Image Consultant has started sanitizing the show, this stuff isn’t being shown on the show much recently. And the PR team has told Kate to hug her boys more and not hold Hannie (her fave) as much, but Kate’s hair isn’t gonna change it’s stripes, and I’m certain that she hasn’t changed off camera due to her nasty treatment of fans that meet her off camera."
September 30, 2010 8:01 PM
well that really isn't fact...it's a post on a blog. not something i'd consider knowledge of something irrefutable.
Not to mention the pilot bombed big time with the test audience.
Is this public knowledge? Is there a link that confirms it?
Hey Kimmie -
Are you one of the sheeple who didn't get the joke about the urgent "memo" that TLC sent to Kate.
I have a feeling my comment and Admin's post had you running on that hamster wheel.
As for kates love tap to Colin.It is very true that a picture can speak a thousand words.I watched kate for 5 years.I never saw any affection from kate to the kids.Any affection that kate is showing to the kids is b/c she was TOLD to do it.
Colin has been the one getting most of the attention on blogs and what not.He was the one who looks so sad,and he's the one hiding his face.
BAM! We get a picture of kate acting like she gives a shit.Not too far from the hearing coming up.
Sorry...I'm not impressed.
Kate is a puppet.she is willing to do whatever she is told to keep her dream of forever being famous.
The kids have got to be SO confused.One moment kate is nice...then next second she's screaming like a banshie.
So, Trucker, when will Kate get a job? Running around her neighborhood in a bra and sofees for the paps is not a job. Shopping at Target for the paps is not a job.
You sure have a lot to say about Ellen - why is that? She seems to be a lovely person who cares about Jon and the children - much more so than their "mother".
"well that really isn't fact...it's a post on a blog. not something i'd consider knowledge of something irrefutable."
Kimmie -- It's a spoof! Definition: 1. a mildly satirical mockery or parody; 2. a good-humoured prank
Ah, the sheeple. They take everything so seriously!
Thanks for link Lauren :o) !!!
Admin, I have a question. About J&K+8 being syndicated in the UK & Russia, does this mean that Kate gets a "back end" deal? Does this also mean that the kids are entitled to some of that money also? And Jon? I would like to think that the kids are entitled to some of the syndication money, since they are supposedly the stars, and without them, there would be no show. Is there any way to find out what they would be entitled to?
Kate is so selfish, if the kids get nothing, this would just make her look horrible.
Is this public knowledge? Is there a link that confirms it?
Midnight Madness, thank you for catching this. I left out "most likely" or "probably", I did not mean to state as fact. So sorry, I was tired and my fingers didn't match my thoughts. Just my thoughts on why the show might be delayed. I cannot see TLC delaying a moneymaker if it were one.
Admin, of course this is a joke. And funny, BUT I would venture not too far from what may have actually happened. LOL
Something is up for sure. Kate is acting totally out of character.
Re: J&K+8 being syndicated in the UK & Russia.
Reality/cable participants have different contracts than what we're used to hearing about for sitcom or drama actors. Historically there have been no contract syndication or rerun clauses for payment to the participants. They're paid the contracted amount per episode and any miscellaneous reimbursements for expenses and then the network reaps the rewards for all advertising sold EVERY TIME the show is aired. (it's easy to understand how TLC made their reported $200 million profit from Jon&Kate+8 when you think of the hundreds of times the show aired.)
If reality 'stars' are smart, they'll start negotiating for rerun/syndication shares especially in light of the overseas deals, but so far I haven't heard of a contract that provides for it.
After reading all the comments about Kate's loving touch to little Collins face, I say this.
When has anyone seen a true , loving , motherly touch from Kate Gosselin concerning her children? Every kiss and hug were for the the cameras.
A mothers love is something that can't be faked. You either have or you don't !
There is absolutely no true love coming from Kate...she simply isn't capable.
It's very sad too. Those precious children deserve so much more than what they got.
Judy said... After reading all the comments about Kate's loving touch to little Collins face, I say this.
When has anyone seen a true , loving , motherly touch from Kate Gosselin concerning her children? Every kiss and hug were for the the cameras.
A mothers love is something that can't be faked. You either have or you don't !
There is absolutely no true love coming from Kate...she simply isn't capable.
It's very sad too. Those precious children deserve so much more than what they got.
Amending what I said to agree w/ you, because each time Kate has been criticized for a particular behavior, all of a sudden for the cameras, there's a marked difference. You and the others were spot on. It's contrived and fake.
When has anyone seen a true , loving , motherly touch from Kate Gosselin concerning her children? Every kiss and hug were for the the cameras.
This is true. However, unless you're at her house, or in the neighborhood when the cameras aren't on her, how else would you see anything?
That said, we do see her on camera, and I cringe when I think what goes on OFF camera.
One picture does not undo all that she has done for 5 years to these kids. maybe she was going to put her hand over Colins mouth and suddenly remembered what a flasp that caused. as for Twist of Kate... if they think that the rating are low WITH the kids, this show will sink faster then the guy with cement shoes getting thrown off the pier!
LOL. All I meant is that I took it as an affectionate pat, whether it was genuine, heartfelt, lovingly done, or was just done for show, I can't say. I just didn't think it was something done in a harsh or mean way. Like I said, that was just my initial impression. I don't think you can know for sure from this pic.
The one that I've seen of her hand over Colin's mouth with him cringing and pulling away is a different story. That did not strike me at all as an affectionate touch and I don't think anyone can argue that.
Paula said...
So, Trucker, when will Kate get a job? Running around her neighborhood in a bra and sofees for the paps is not a job. Shopping at Target for the paps is not a job.
You sure have a lot to say about Ellen - why is that?
I completely agree with you Paula. I think Jon is a GREAT DAD. And and I support Ellen completely. I hope they make it and that Jon is eventually able to get out from the TLC contract.
I would love to buy a REAL tell all book by Jon.
One of my two-and-a-half year olds was sitting on my lap when I opened up the blog just now. He pointed to the caricature of Kate at the top and said, "Horsey." (Actually, with his lisp it was more like "Horthy." Ah, from the mouths of babes..... lol.
I personally hope that Jon never writes a book about his kids.
I think both parents have made enough money from exploiting the Gosselin children.
Don't get me wrong....I think Jon is a good father but, he needs to find a way to support his kids.
As far as Kate goes, she'll still be pimping herself out when they are 18 yrs old and all broke !
It's time now that the parents support the children.
The Gosselin children need to "retire" and enjoy whats left of their childhood.
I heard a *rumor* that Kate was going to move up to Alaska to start of one of her two possible new projects:
A) She was going to buy a boat and take the place of Captain Sig Hansen - let's face it, she has the crew already picked out (8 kids) and some fishing bait (Jon). Or...
B) She is going to apply for a slot on Ice Road Truckers! Just imagine, she has training driving tat big van around in Pa. Not much of a leap to get a big rig going...
But there is one other possibility - she could do a children's spin off version of Survivorman. Imagine the laughs as she puts a grizzly in it's place with her shrill cackle.
Now bare in mind that these are rumors posted by the Alaska Tourism Board and Sarah Palin's sister's third cousin's friend. ;)
* Any ideas from this post that are used by Kate are subject to a finder's fee to be paid to this board.
I don't think there is anything "great" about Jon.
Nor do I think there is anything "great" about Kate.
I think I explained my feeling about Ellen already.
These are my opinions and I appreciate the fact I can express them here.
Lauren said...
Hey Kimmie -
Are you one of the sheeple who didn't get the joke about the urgent "memo" that TLC sent to Kate.
I have a feeling my comment and Admin's post had you running on that hamster wheel.
September 30, 2010 11:27 PM
actually not a *sheeple*. just a woman who doesn't hate or love kate. one who is willing to see the best in people and one who thinks that a lot of *fact* isn't really and one who knows that you can't take one small frame from a video and know the true story of any situation.
i also don't love or hate jon but his behavior the first of the year and even a little before showed me how immature he is. but as much as i don't like or respect jon's behavior towards kate and at times his kids, ya know what i still would never presume to declare it a fact that he hates his children.
and yes i realized that the memo was a joke...but i didn't think that all the other posts were. which is why i thought your post was saying what you posted from preesi was fact.
Trucker said..
but I think Ellen has her own agenda and if she truly had Jon and the kid's best interests at heart (which I do not feel she does) she would not address anything that has to do with the kids.
Add me to that 'list' Trucker. When Admin posted the comment Ellen made about going to FB and 'venting' about the crowds at the arcade and not thinking it would be a big deal, that really piqued my interest. She knows full well she is being 'watched'. Sure, she can later take it down, but the rumor mill has already taken it and run w/it. I too question whether she and Jon will 'make it'. WHY does Jon feel the need to jump into relationships w/reckless abandon considering what he's gone through since he and Kate broke up??? As well as when he met Kate, for that matter... breaking up w/a girl he was already dating to hook up w/Kate??? Bet he now regrets that every day of his life.
Ellen's Facebook account is private. Only those with her permission can view it. Her twitter account is public and she did not post it on there.
I think Ellen is a young girl and just like everyone else on twitter she tweets about her life and her daily experiences. She's probably still getting used to remembering that she's "known." She's not a celebrit
I got cut off! lol. Sorry.
Ellen is not a celebrity. She's doesn't have PR people helping her deal with stuff like this. I think she's learning. At least I hope she is.
I can't imagine how difficult it is to give up the right to express yourself about your day like any other person does. Especially when you do it on a private account.
Ellen is young, she's in love, she is happy, she has some amazing new kids in her life, as well as the stress of being watched by people in the media and on blogs (she doesn't control the pics the paps take). She wants to tweet about it all. For someone like me that doesn't tweet it doesn't mean much, but really, it's the biggest thing right now with people her age.
I don't think Ellen has an agenda. If she had an agenda she'd be giving interviews to the media a la Kate Major and Santoro and Hailey.
Ellen has been with Jon more than six months. In all that time she has barely mentioned the children publically. The one time she did seemed like a normal reaction of any 22-year-old upset and overwhelmed. None of us have any idea how we would react at age 22 with six children to look after suddenly hounded by scary fans and when you ask the fans to stop, they don't. Ellen's gut reaction she immediately regretted and she contacted me to ask me to take the post about it down and was upset it was made to be such a big deal. A famewhore does not ask for posts to be taken down. And yes her FB is private.
I think she is 22 and learning how to react to a rather crazy world, as others have said. I liked her after she gave ONE interview stating that she would never do reality TV and why. It was a very restrained interview. It's pathetic that a 22 year old has more foresight than people many years her senior. It's pathetic how happy and relaxed the kids look around her compared to their own mother:
kimmie said... "but as much as i don't like or respect jon's behavior towards kate and at times his kids, ya know what i still would never presume to declare it a fact that he hates his children."
There is no reason for anyone to ever come up with such a premise, because Jon clearly loves his kids, and they clearly love him. He was in charge of their baths, changing their diapers, their getting dressed, their getting to school on time and that is by Kate's own admission, so no one who has watched and seen their interactions would ever come up with such a premise. However, on the other hand, there is plenty of reason for informed people--those who have watched and observed--to question Kate's mothering and coping ability.
Trucker said...
I know admin says they have emailed, and nothing personal to the admin of the blog...but I think Ellen has her own agenda and if she truly had Jon and the kid's best interests at heart (which I do not feel she does) she would not address anything that has to do with the kids. This is just my opinion and I know not everyone agrees.
Trucker, when you said this I stopped to think based on what we've seen and heard, what could be Ellen's agenda other than wanting to date Jon, and when she's around the kids to protect them from the press as much as possible. Perhaps there are ways she could have done that better. She's learning. But other than that what do you think is her "agenda"? Maybe I'm missing something.
Some things I noticed in the above pic of Ellen...
1.She has real hair
2 She has real boobs
3.She has real nails
4.She has real teeth
5.She has a real genuine touch with the children
6.She's a real woman...so unlike Kate.
Kimmie, You stated you don't like the way Jon has acted--
actually not a *sheeple*. just a woman who doesn't hate or love kate. one who is willing to see the best in people and one who thinks that a lot of *fact* isn't really and one who knows that you can't take one small frame from a video and know the true story of any situation.
i also don't love or hate jon but his behavior the first of the year and even a little before showed me how immature he is. but as much as i don't like or respect jon's behavior towards kate and at times his kids, ya know what i still would never presume to declare it a fact that he hates his children.
and yes i realized that the memo was a joke...but i didn't think that all the other posts were. which is why i thought your post was saying what you posted from preesi was fact.
But unless you are spending time with Kate personally every day, you are basing your judgment of her from "frames". Since Kate gets more favorable publicity she looks like the "mature one" opposed to the bad PR Jon gets.
I don't think either parent has been perfect but neither have I. But my instinct tells me Kate is a pretty narcissist person looking for glamour and fame and it is happening at the expense of the children.
No child should have to work to provide their own lifestyle, let alone a million dollar one. If Kate thinks a big mansion, expensive vehicles, hair styles, clothing, spas, shoes etc. are so important let her work to earn them, not the kids. To sell out their childhood for the highest dollar is despicable and to continue to do so says too much as to the kind of Mother she really is. She is controlling the kids now, not Jon and since she dictates what goes on I hold her responsible. Also, since the kids are with her more than Jon she is the one who has to be aware of how this is all going. The kids feel entitlement and that will only get worst as they grow. She could give of the lifestyle of the rich and famous but she likes it too much it appears. There are millions of parents raising their large families on a lot less and doing it well. But you can't buy love and idol worship is just that, fake friends and fans who will move on to the next "star" and let the chips fall where they may.
When you google news in the past 24 hours about Kate Gosselin, virtually nothing is there. Just blips from the past--Dancing With the Stars, the marital break-up on TV. But it's definitely old news... That's encouraging!
One interesting tidbit:
I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family from Kate Gosselin of "Jon & Kate Plus 8" has sold 26,000 copies to date, according to Book Scan — "not that impressive," says Jim Milliot, business and news director at Publishers Weekly, given that her earlier books, Multiple Blessings and Eight Little Faces, both went top-10 on the Times bestseller list."
IMO, Jon was the one in the shows who showed the kids affection, bathed them, diapered them, dressed them, fed them, while Kate barked orders. Kate was a tyrant to Jon, and when he was free, he lived it up! He lived it up in the public eye, & Kate bashed him left & right, AND with a huge corporation behind her. Jon had nobody on his side. And I agree with Admin when she says that Ellen seems to have no agenda, she gives no interviews, she just goes about her life with Jon & the kids, & if the pap happens to be there, so be it. Kate on the other hand, CALLS the pap. Sad, indeed. So in my humble opinion, Jon is the better parent. He has shown in the past several months that he wants to be the grown-up, the bigger person. He has held his head high. Kate has dealt low blows, & only cares about fame, being in the public eye, & frankly, if she could strike out on her own & be successful without those kids (yeah, right) she would ditch those kids faster than you can say "I was on bedrest for 30 weeks!" (or whatever it was.)
I'm a bit confused about the whole picture discussion, so I'm not going there. I do however, love the fact that we can all have a mature discussion without jumping down each other throats. That is why I enjoy coming here. Thanks Admin! :)
Trucker, as I am expressing my opinion.
I don't know ANY Dad in real life that would have quit his job to care for 8 kids in the loving manner he did so his wife could travel all around the country with her soulmate.
And even when Kate WAS home, Jon did all the hands on care.....Kate did not even put gas in her car for christ's sake.
And clearly, it shows on the kids faces who they love.
WHY does Jon feel the need to jump into relationships w/reckless abandon considering what he's gone through since he and Kate broke up??? As well as when he met Kate, for that matter... breaking up w/a girl he was already dating to hook up w/Kate??? Bet he now regrets that every day of his life.
It's human nature to want to find a mate. Jon is dating in order to find that person of his dreams. Kate is putting herself on display and advertising in magazines for her new "person in charge" mate. Is one way any better than the other?
You mentioned Jon breaking up with a girl to date Kate. A girl he said he only dated a few times. Did you know Kate had an ex-fiancee before meeting Jon? He broke off their engagement because she "hooked up" with a corvette guy at her 21st birthday party. Is one way better than the other?
There seemed to be a time when Jon and Kate loved each other and worked together in raising their babies and I read somewhere that Jon made a similar comment. If he had it to do again would he marry Kate? Who knows, but there are eight beautiful children from that union and he seems to love them very much.
Believe me I'm a skeptical person. I don't fall for things easily. I thought Hailey was a famewhore. Problem is, I can't figure out Ellen's agenda, other than she is in love and wants a relationship, which is everyone's agenda usually.
What exactly is Ellen's agenda, those who say she has one. To be famous? Why would someone who wants to be famous say unequivocally they would NEVER do a TV show? You don't go around saying I want nothing to do with TV if you want to be famous. To get attention? Then why is she telling fans to GO AWAY and why is she emailing me asking me to take posts down about her? Jon was a blind date, she didn't seek out to date a celeb.
Sorry it just doesn't add up. I think she's 22 and happened to fall in love with famous and is trying to figure it out. For all the talk of how hard it is to be famous, it can be equally hard on your significant other.
I think we should respect Ellen's privacy and the best way to do that would be to not talk about her.
On a MUCH larger scale, Diana, Princess of Wales, had to figure out how to deal with fame.
She handled it quite badly at times. She was in love with a Prince of the UK and received zero training on how to move from being a commoner (albeit from a titled family who grew up in luxury) to a royal with a whole series of rules she didn't quite understand. Sometimes it hindered her from being herself - a carefree,
fun loving young woman, yet painfully shy at the same time - and she felt trapped sometimes.
On a much smaller scale, I see Ellen facing much of the same problem. She was Ellen Ross, a regular person with no reason to be talked about. Then she met (and fell in love with?) a man everyone was talking about as if they actually knew him. Now she's just "Ellen" and
cameras snap her picture, she's got kids she helps care for she wants to protect from the prying eyes of the camera, and she's doing it all because she wants to be Jon's girlfriend.
If she's not doing it perfectly, well, so what?
She's been sucked into this whirlwind of cameras and chatter. I hope the hard parts of being Jon's girlfriend don't break them up. I hope they can find a safe place where they can just be Jon and Ellen and the 8 Gosselin kids and live a fairly normal life.
Of course, a fairly normal life would include going to work and bringing in a paycheck. I hope that happens for both of them. Normalcy.
Putting energy into being a family unit and not
a commodity for the entertainment world. The wellbeing of their relationship and the children will depend on it.
I sincerely hope Jon and Ellen have found the right person to spend a lifetime with. I hope
the "fame" doesn't ruin it for them. They seem to have potential for happiness in a real sense.
Please, somebody, give these children a "soft place to land" (Oprah Winfrey). Jon and Ellen, I'm putting my hope on you two at this point.
Hippie Chick, I agree with everything you said.
One more thing....to Judy etc. I do think Jon needs to write the book. Maybe not now, but someday. The whole by choice "career path of parents of multiples" needs to be exposed.
I think Jon biggest mistake was going along with Kate's "game plan" from the first. Clearly she was the leader, planner and decider from day one. She set the "rules" and gave all the orders. If she was a better person, this marriage could have been fine. I don't expect all men to be cookie cutters. All in all, Jon is laid back, much more patience and loving than Kate and a lot of men. And that's not so bad when you have 8 kids.
I am suspicious when people try to hold Kate and Jon equally responsible and to equate their parenting styles...they are very different people. And neither is perfect, but one of them clearly stands out as being "responsible for this mess", the "planner"....who claims she is ahead of everyday in the room....
YOU own it Kate.
The only thing she did not plan on is that Jon finally broke. And walked away.
She LOVED Jon being the children's care taker, as she traveled the world in glamor and opulence with her hunky, color coordinated "soulmate". Mady said it right: Queen Bee.
Kate said it all on Ellen's show. She stated that her children deserved life on gold platter. But -- loved this statement. When asked by Ellen
Degeneres if the kids could have a car, Kate said if they paid for it. Good grief, isn't a great part of your childhood payment? I guess it is still ". . . Mine, all Mine."
SchmeckyGirl said... I don't think Ellen has an agenda. If she had an agenda she'd be giving interviews to the media a la Kate Major and Santoro and Hailey.
ITA! When I read sites like BM's, I just don't get what their problem is with Ellen other than she's not their idol, Kate.
Ellen is handling a difficult situation at a very young age much better than I could and I've got about 20 years on her.
SchmeckyGirl said...
Ellen's Facebook account is private. Only those with her permission can view it. Her twitter account is public and she did not post it on there.
So the entry that Ellen made on her Facebook page and was posted here was posted by someone who had her (Ellen's) permission to view her page?
Wow! I hope Ellen is more careful in the future.
I like Ellen.
She is making the sheeply piping mad because they can't find any legitimate reason to dislike her.
Who Is Watching the Chickens said...
So the entry that Ellen made on her Facebook page and was posted here was posted by someone who had her (Ellen's) permission to view her page?
Someone posted something from Ellen's PRIVATE facebook page here??? Unless I am misunderstanding something...that is NOT cool.
Administrator said...
"... None of us have any idea how we would react at age 22 with six children to look after suddenly hounded by scary fans and when you ask the fans to stop, they don't."
I agree with this - but isn't she sometimes looking after EIGHT children? We sometimes forget to include the twins in the equation...although it does appear that the twins aren't always with Jon & Ellen at the same time as the tups.
That's all I had...I just wanted to make sure we remember the twins! :)
Great job with the blog!
Hippie Chick said... Someone posted something from Ellen's PRIVATE facebook page here??? Unless I am misunderstanding something...that is NOT cool.
Yes, it's at this link:
posted by "Anonymous" on September 26, 2010 6:43 PM.
from Pop Eater...
"Reality television churns out celebrities faster than Kate Gosselin can make children...Remember Hailey Glassman? Of course you do! The former ex of Jon Gosselin, made world news when she described the creepy dad's private part as 'Tiny, tiny, tiny.' Now Hailey is in talks for a dating show on a major network. Any reality show producer whose spent more than 5 minutes with Glassman knows they're sitting on TV gold," Hayden revealed."
Does anyone remember the kitchen remodel episode? My sister who watches the show had said that when she had her kitchen remodeled she had gone to NC. When she arrived back and saw her new kitchen she appeared to be upset cause her things were not put back in the cabinets the way she wanted them. I guess her friend had stayed behind to help with the makeover and she didn't even thank her. I don't watch and just wanted a little feed back on this one.
Betsy, that's right, she was not happy that her stuff was not put back properly. She then said to the camera something like "It might seem like I'm not excited right now, but I really am."
What gets me is that Kate said, "the KIDS wanted the kitchen remodeled?!!" Since she says it is the KIDS house.
I mean, in all honesty here people, what 5/6 and 8 or 9 almost 10 year old is going to CARE what the kitchen looks like?! Its not as if one of the kids went up and said, "I hate this kitchen I want it remodeled." Come on! Seriously?
Should it be more that KATE wanted HER kitchen remodeled? Since it is HER house that SHE earned? (Sarcastically here, of course.)
This seems like an excellent time to bring this up, since nobody has misspelled any of the children's names for quite awhile now.
I don't care about how you spell "there" or "their", or any other words. But can we all please get the names right on the kids? Children deserve to have their names spelled correctly! Thank you!
Aaden, Collin, Joel, Hannah, Alexis, Leah, Mady and Cara.
Now, how do we spell their names? QUIET! Now, say it all together...... A-a-d-.......
Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. Thanks.
Aaden, Collin, Joel, Hannah, Alexis, Leah, Mady and Cara.
"And how do we spell Mady's name? Madelyn! Not Madlyn, not Madelyne, not Madeleine!
All together now!
Marie said...
What gets me is that Kate said, "the KIDS wanted the kitchen remodeled?!!" Since she says it is the KIDS house.
I mean, in all honesty here people, what 5/6 and 8 or 9 almost 10 year old is going to CARE what the kitchen looks like?! Its not as if one of the kids went up and said, "I hate this kitchen I want it remodeled." Come on! Seriously?
Should it be more that KATE wanted HER kitchen remodeled? Since it is HER house that SHE earned? (Sarcastically here, of course.)
Kate has always ascribed the kids insight and maturity way, way, way beyond their years.
Children are too young and inexperienced to understand the life-long repercussions of reality tv. It's absurd to say that if the kids do not want to film, they'd stop. It's pure BS.
Kate's claimed that the kids have always wanted to to to Korea. Really? They were 4 at the time! The exaggeration here is astounding.
The kids don't give a hoot how their kitchen is finished. It was yet another freebie the Kate weaseled.
And about the house being the childrens? I don't know about any of you, but my parents owned our home. I grew up in it, but it sure as hell wasn't mine!
Tucker's Mom -- and others. You are so right that kids don't give a hoot.
Here's a recent example: We were going to have our bathroom remodeled ( finished now) and I explained what was going to happen to my 9 year old grandson. He said "Nana...don't change your bathroom!"
It was obvious to me that he has no concern for the dated look, which was bothering me.
You are all right. Kids don't care about that stuff at that young age.
What was wrong with the kitchen the way it was? It was a top-of-the-line Craft Maid kitchen, only 10 years old when they bought the house, obviously good enough for the physician who lived there, and was a nice improvement over the kitchen in the E-town house!
Hippie Chick said... Someone posted something from Ellen's PRIVATE facebook page here??? Unless I am misunderstanding something...that is NOT cool.
Yes, it's at this link:
posted by "Anonymous" on September 26, 2010 6:43 PM.
Trucker said...
I know admin says they have emailed, and nothing personal to the admin of the blog...but I think Ellen has her own agenda and if she truly had Jon and the kid's best interests at heart (which I do not feel she does) she would not address anything that has to do with the kids. This is just my opinion and I know not everyone agrees.
Trucker, when you said this I stopped to think based on what we've seen and heard, what could be Ellen's agenda other than wanting to date Jon, and when she's around the kids to protect them from the press as much as possible. Perhaps there are ways she could have done that better. She's learning. But other than that what do you think is her "agenda"? Maybe I'm missing something.
I like Ellen.
She is making the sheeply piping mad because they can't find any legitimate reason to dislike her.
I heard a *rumor* that Kate was going to move up to Alaska to start of one of her two possible new projects:
A) She was going to buy a boat and take the place of Captain Sig Hansen - let's face it, she has the crew already picked out (8 kids) and some fishing bait (Jon). Or...
B) She is going to apply for a slot on Ice Road Truckers! Just imagine, she has training driving tat big van around in Pa. Not much of a leap to get a big rig going...
But there is one other possibility - she could do a children's spin off version of Survivorman. Imagine the laughs as she puts a grizzly in it's place with her shrill cackle.
Now bare in mind that these are rumors posted by the Alaska Tourism Board and Sarah Palin's sister's third cousin's friend. ;)
* Any ideas from this post that are used by Kate are subject to a finder's fee to be paid to this board.
I think we should respect Ellen's privacy and the best way to do that would be to not talk about her.
Thanks for link Lauren :o) !!!
Lauren said...
I DO know that Julie told Kate that she needed to show more affection to her kids in public. So I would not be shocked to find out that Julie called Kate on her wardrobe, the staged paparazzi events and Steve.
Just sayin'...
Lauren..... you have my attention :o)
How do you know that Julie told Kate to show more affection to her kids in public?....
My, my, how sad that Kate needs to be told to show more affection to her eight little money bags- I MEAN blessings.
Twist of Kate is "in development"? Yeah right, TLC. This show has been in development for almost a year maybe more. "In development is entertainment world speak for "we got nothin'."
I totally agree. It should be in production by now if they want to air it in December. Guess TLC should have listened to these blogs and revamped it to Twisted Kate.
It's ironic how the tides have turned. Just earlier this year, Kate Plus 8 could have been a good lead-in show for Sarah Palin's Alaska. Now, I thought Kate needed Sarah Palin as a lead-in for her new show, if Twist of Kate is a go.
I noticed that ratings are strong for broadcast networks, not so for cable. It would be hard to place her new show in any of the current primetime slots, as there are strong winners in just about any time slot.
If this show does get the greenlight for December, it wouldn't have too much competition if broadcast networks air re-runs.
Kate did herself no favors by typecasting herself. Reality tv can only get you so far.
I'm positive that Twist of Kate will air later in the fall or early Winter. Also, Kate Plus 8 "specials" may once again show up later next year.
Why else would Kate be this "quiet" about everything?
If Jon put a "stop" to it as rumors suggested, why isn't Kate crying it about on the Today show or on The View.
What is a little odd is the shorts she is wearing while running and the shorts she is wearing while picking up the children look very similar. Hopefully, she did not pick up the children and then go running. I assume that she did not go running and then pick up the children while still wearing the same shorts as I sweat too much while working out to be continue to wear the same clothes.
Who knows? My take on that photo is that maybe Colin didn't want to go to school that day.
That little boy sure looks like he could use a good, long hug though :o(
As for the "Twist(ed) of Kate" show still being in development, I agree with the administrator.
And considering the "subject", I will be AMAZED if they come up with enough episodes to keep Kate in the spotlight.
For the record, I think the premise of this show is stupid- but that's just my opinion.
I mean, come on, seriously! It's Kate Gosselin we're talking about... Unless her "people" think that watching Kate make an ass of herself is a bankable career opportunity.
If that's the case, they should leave that to a professional comedian.
Oh look. A 'love tap'.
For what it is worth ~
On THE VIEW this morning they had a segment re truth behind the tabloids.
Maureen O'Connor from gawker.com looked into which tabloids over the past 20 months told the truth and which ones make stuff up.
According to Maureen the most accurate tabloids:
1. US Weekly. Has the overall best record. True - Elin's divorce. Wrong - Timberlake/Biel breakup
2. Life & Style. True - Kim K/Reggie breakup. Wrong - Kim K being pregnant
3. In Touch. True - Gosselin divorce. Wrong - Brangelina divorcing
4. OK Magazine. True - Kristin/Pattison divorcing. Wrong - Jennifer Annison being pregnant
5. Star. True - Travoltas expecting. Wrong - Tiger hitting on Jessica Simpson
Maureen said Brangelina have the most stories about them and the most inaccurate stories too
Other than the blurb about In Touch being right about the Jon and Kate divorcing 2 weeks before papers were filed, the Gosselins were not mentioned again during this segment.
What I found interesting to note though is that PEOPLE was not mentioned but then I figured it is because it is not considered a tabloid.
Check out the video of kate "running" on INF daily....if those girls bounce any higher she's going to knock herself out. Additionally, the still pictures are not very flattering. As I said in an earlier post, the body in People is not the body in those pictures.
Collin looks like he is cringing.
Administrator, I don't get it. I'm confused. Yesterday you posted that it was JON who picked up the kids at the bus stop. Now you say it is Kate who picked up the kids at the bus stop yesterday. Which is right?
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