On Friday 10th September 2010, @jongosselin1 said:
As much as I want to respond to numerous LIES recently claimed on Regis and Kelly, I will refrain. I have learned from the past that it’s a waste of my time and energy. I am “rising above”, and refuse to engage in any sort of public argument that could
potentially harm or upset my children. My children and the people in my life
know the truth, and that is what’s important.
77 sediments (sic) from readers:
But he did respond, on Twitter no less.
When Jon stops getting his paycheck from TLC and supporting himself and his children he has zero credibilty, in my book.
If there are things that need to be said, say them, otherwise keep twittering and farming away. There is no noose too tight for a parent.
It all boils down to money and frankly, I believe there is some truth that the kids aren't always comfortable with Jon at his apartment. I also believe that at some point and disgruntled kid has also called Kate and asked to be picked up. That works both ways and clearly we can all see that. Kate should never have said that on TV...ever.
And in a way, she is right...Jon doesn't support them with his own income. The kids support themselves. Technically she is right about that.
Jon signed the contract that pays his salary and most of it goes to his working kids. He just doesn't have to do any of the "work" anymore.
Are we all just waiting for Jon to "man up" and do what is best for his children? Yes, but I am truly starting to believe he never will.
Jon is a lost cause, in my opinion.
Great article from that Bonnie chick that usually supports Kate!
Calling your ex-wife a liar is not taking the high road. They both need to shut up.
Why did she go on Regis and Kelly anyways? What is she promoting? Herself! Her kids have themselves ever since TLC has walked through the door with cameras in tow. I can't believe Gelman would have allowed this dimwit even air time on this show. Shame Gelman!! As for Jon. who cares how much this twit gets from him. The kids have made enough money for themselves and their parents to live comfortably for the rest of their pathetic lives...
Jon should probably not have said anything. He does need to stop his kids from being on tv and hopefully he does it once he is no longer under contract by TLC. Jon don't bother responding not even on Twitter, let Kate make a fool of herself without you having to add any further comments. If you say nothing people can't use your words against you.
I think Jon handled this the right way.
Kate came off as vindictive and spiteful on Regis and Kelly.
She played the victim card during the divorce and she gained some sympathy that way. If she keeps up with this trash talk it will backfire on her.
Did anyone else notice how Kelly just ate up Kate's BS story? I know they are entertainment industry friends but sheesh. Gullible much Kelly.
I have only gotten ONE sheeple comment today I had to delete. ONE. That's pretty bad when even the sheeple have been left speechless and without a defense. The comment was basically, you don't know what Jon has to pay!
They're kinda missing the point eh? I know Kate is a bitch who is publically throwing her children's father under the bus, I know that. Go settle your differences in court in private. Grow up.
I can't believe that this woman would air out more dirty laundry on TV, again. She has to be just plain stupid and desperate.
Says Bonnie: "Kate — I’ve been your big supporter, but publicly dissing the father of your eight children on national TV was thoughtless and cruel to your precious Gosselettes!"
Bonnie has had her come to Jesus moment.
Ba-ba-ba. And another sheeple bites the dust! Ba-ba-ba. And another sheeple bites the dust!
Ironic that she took the kids away from THEIR home all summer and made them work, but tells Anderson and Kelly the kids want to be at home. Does that bitch hear herself?
Jon's in a corner. If he fights with Kate over this issue, she'll do everything in her power to make sure those kids are turned against him. She's a cold-blooded manipulator and the worst nightmare of an ex-wife.
As I said in the thread below this one, It's all staged. Jon and Kate are using the kids to play the media and the two of them are as slimey and manipulative as a snake oil salesman.
Let's examine a few things here.
Kates tummy tuck doctor is Haley Glassmans Dad.
Haley's mom just so happened to be a fan of the show and asked her husband to be benevolent and give poor Kate a tummy tuck.
Haley's dad agrees, goes on national televison and performs the surgery.
Jon falls in love with Kate's tummy tuck doctor's daughter. HOW wierd is that??
Jon meets Stephanie Santoro, supposedly at a bar in Reading where she is a waitress. Jon brings Stephanie Santoro home and they spend the night in the apartment over the garage.
Kate goes beserk. Calls the cops when Stephanie Santora is alone with Jon at the family home during visitation. Then, in later INFDAILY.com photo shoots, Stephanie is a nanny for the kids while Kate is home, also in a photo shoot while Stephanie is in the driveway with the kids and Kate.
Jon falls in love with Kate Major, a supposed "Pap" who just so happened to be one of the millions of "Paps" standing in front of the Gosselin home, 24/7 filming the family. Then, Jon and Kate Major, "Kate 2.0" are by chance, caught on camera in the Hamptons with the Housewifes of New York, having dinner with Jill and Bobby Zarin, at the time, the hottest franchise of Housewives.
Kate does DWTS, Jon files a child custody issue.
Kate does Merideth Viera, Jon does Rabbi Schumely.
Kate does Regis and Kelly, Jon does the Insider with the vapid attorney from HLN.
Kate does the View, Jon hires another attorney.
Jon gets sued by TLC, Kate does the talk show circuit. GET REAL. These two people are just ordinary losers from Reading PA and they are playing the stupid followers, bloggers and those who thrive on this crap while they rake in the millions, don't work, use the kids as pawns and all of us blog about how disgusted we are about them.
Stop blogging about these two losers and their paycheck goes away. Stop watching the show and the ratings go away. Stop reading someones "taking one for the team" and posting a review of the show and Jon and Kate go back to being the trailer trash that they have always been and then, perhaps, they will have to actually go out and earn a living.
Otherwise, the more we blog, the more we supposedly claim we are merely watching, blogging and protecting the kids, Jon and Kate continue to stay in the news, collect the checks, the kids keep getting used and the frustration level goes over the top.
Jon and Kate are playing each and everyone of us and no matter what you say, pro or con, they are laughing at all of us for the fools we are, have been and will continue to be, just by talking about them. They win until we stop.
Kelly, I agree somewhat that a lot of the past few years of this has been for show and for ratings.
But in talking to Ellen that is not the impression I get about what is going on now. She is indicating Jon is very hurt, very upset, and doing what he can to get his family back on track. She is either an excellent liar, or that's how it really is. She's only 25 I doubt someone that young could pull off a charade like this.
My feeling is Kate is still trying to manipulate things and Jon has bowed out and is trying to street the train right again.
Was it me, or did anybody else hear the audience kind of gasp a little when Kate said she waits by the phone for kids to call her wanting to come home? I perceived that gasp as a "Oh no she didn't just go there" kind of gasp. I think Kate heard it as a "That Jon is a pig" kind of gasp, so she kept going on an on about it.
I am sooooo disappointed in Kelly Ripa regarding how she urged Kate to talk more about it. Somebody with a heart and soul would've right away stopped that conversation dead in its tracks and changed the subject, instead of allowing Kate to blather on about it. It was totally not fair to allow her to do that with Jon not there to defend himself. Kelly didn't like it one bit that time Rosie O'Donnell ran at the mouth on The View about her being a homophobic ( the whole Clay Aiken debacle ) and she wasn't there to defend herself, so she should've offered the same courtesy to Jon. I think it would've been HILARIOUS if Jon had called in during the commercial break and they put him on the air live to comment about Kate's lies while she sat there with her fake boobies and hooker shoes. Oh the ratings would've shot through the roof!!!!
Kate really pissed A LOT of people off today. I imagine she will go in hiding for a few days. She should be hanging her head in shame, but sadly we know she has no shame.
Her PR Team did this twit no justice by putting her on Regis...simple as that. Give her a little more rope and she'll hang herself cause she is that stupid for words.
This is for Bonnie! Thanks for coming on over!
To the rude sheeple who can't defend Kate anymore so must try to discredit me, anyone can message Ellen on twitter. I have nothing special with her unless you think a tweet is special.
I respect your take on this and your opinion. I also have to go with my gut feeling, having dealt with domestic issues, frauds and every type of low life that this society offers, having been a cop.
No one calls the cops because they are having a good time. They only call us when shit has hit the fan and they want safety or revenge. In my career, I've seen people at their worst and the worst I have seen in people is that they have a natural inclination to lie and twist the truth to suit their needs.
Kate and Jon both fall into this category. I have never responded to a call for assitance nor have I ever pulled someone over because they were happy and wanted to share that exhuberance. They fall within the radar of suspicion where there is smoke, there is fire.
Kate showing up, by chance on Regis and Kelly was staged and her smug comments, smirks and lies about Jon and his lack of support, kids hating to be with him and her being the breadwinner was to garner fans, support and media flash so she stays relevant.
She knows what her rating are and she knows the door is about to be closed. It was a desparate attempt by Kate and TLC to keep her relevant.
On the other hand, Jon being passive about this, tweeting, everyone and every tabloid picking up his tweet was arranged and scripted to keep them both relevant. Society loves to watch a car wreck and Jon, Kate and TLC are trying to keep this accident happening.
This entire thing has been scripted and TLC will continue to treat these two losers like puppets if it keeps the publics attention, brings in the ad revenue and all of them make money from it.
I'm not buying any of it, especially Jon's taking the high road. He's worse than Kate because he's allowing it to continue in perpetuity.
It's scripted gang. All staged.
@ Admin, Jon did the right thing by tweeting that message. He just couldn't sit there and let this woman say that about his children wanting to spend no time at his place. The one thing you do learn through divorce with good counseling is to keep your trap closed about dissing on either parent. I guess Ms Gosselin didn't take that class and opt for a pedicure and manicure that day.
I have a much different feeling about Ellen. Time will tell what kind of person she really is. I think she has an agenda. As I have said before, what 25 year old sensible woman would consider getting mixed up with JG? Seriously?
Some have commented how mature and bright she seems. I respectfully disagree. I have read her advice blog and it seems contrived and silly to me.
I also feel strongly that she should not be talking to the blogs.
Kelly, I agree with you 100% on the blogs keeping Kate in business. However, I don't call myself a child advocate. I watch the show for entertainment purposes and "enjoy" (seems like the wrong word) following the Gosselin's drama. I feel sorry for the kids having sucky parent's but I lose no sleep over them.
They have many advantages, and I will follow their saga as long as it is around.
We all have opinions about this and personally I think Jon and Kate are equally to blame. I think they both have dirt on each other and at one point, Jon will probably crack and tell it all.
I personally can't wait!
Did the Kreiders delete their FB page--"I'm Voting for Kate Gosselin in Life"? I don't see it anymore.
Also, there's a new FB page: "Friends of Kate Gosselin," claiming to be the real Kate. It says, "Hey, Guys. I get so many friend requests so I have created this page."
Guess that intern that keeps blogging for her is going to be very busy writing FB posts!
Oh, the funny part--this page has been up since August 30--12 days--and has only 27 fans...
I don't know how anyone could not respond to this kind of thing, it would take the restraint of Jesus Christ. I would have ripped my spouse a new one, I admit it. I don't have that kind of self control to sit on my hands. I think Jon's response was restrained and to the point.
He let us know that what Kate said was untrue. He pointed out that the people that matter, the kids, know the truth. All that needs to be said.
Her PR Team did this twit no justice by putting her on Regis...simple as that. Give her a little more rope and she'll hang herself cause she is that stupid for words.
I agree. I've always theorized that Kate will be her own undoing. She IS that stupid.
Kate has had a couple of amazing opportunities with DWTS and the ET correspondent job and all she has done is burn bridges.
This little stunt on Regis and Kelly is starting to backfire on her too. Hollywood Life has slammed her for it and more will follow I'm sure.
Anyhoo, I'm off to watch Giants play the Padres. Toodles.
Kelly, all I can say is that I don't know, but I'm hoping for the best.
You may be right, I don't know.
The kids no the truth? That they have abusive, negligent parent's? That Jon put them back to work? That Jon's pap friend violates them on a frequant basis.
Do the kids read twitter?
I DO think Jon should respond. It is long over due. He just can't keep focused long enough to do so.
Twittering about it was just so 'Jon Gosselin'.
I assumed he was addressing Kate's implication that he is not around until recently. The kids know the truth, i.e., that Daddy is there for them.
Kelly -- I think that although some of this was scripted...I don't agree with the whole thing.
Actually, I think that between them they only have one brain, but even so, they wouldn't both agree to tug and pull at their kids publicly.
I think that 90% of their public displays of hatred, one-upmanship and crazy behavior is that they are both clawing and grasping and clawing to the bitter end, which I hope is soon.
I think she is delusional, for one thing, and for awhile he actually was swept up in her thinking. Remember when he agreed that she was getting better looking all the time, younger looking as the seasons passed, and he complimented her as being able to be an author, etc...When the break came, and he got away from her he unhooked himself from some of that crazy-making that she causes, along with her blabbering constantly about germs, how organized she is, etc... I think that he doesn't really know what direction to go in, to make a good living now, and she actually thinks she is a talented star.
Okay this is the last time I post tonight as morning comes early in my house. Jon did the right thing by keeping his twitter simple and honest. Kate did the wrong thing by making her way into NY last night and staying in the hotel with body guard in tow ready to publicly humiliate the father of her kids. How terrible can that get. I have been around this earth for a long time to know that she is the more evil one and one day she will get what is due to her. She needs to stay off the screen for a long time and fix her rotten attitude. Nite all.. Thanks Admin for giving us a chance to express ourselves..=)
Okay perhaps Jon should have tweeted the following instead:
As much as I have been asked to respond to Kate's appearance on Regis and Kelly, I will refrain. I have learned from the past and refuse to engage in any sort of public argument that could potentially harm or upset my children.
I understand why he felt the need to respond, but Trucker and Kelly bring up very good points. Jon should stay silent because anything he says can and will be used against him in the court of public opinion. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. So he should just keep quiet for the kids sake. As he said, they know the truth. So in the end it really doesn't matter what other people think about you.
Jon just stated the OBVIOUS. Nothing wrong against that. You people are really digging at the bottom of the barrel when you're bashing Jon over that little comment.
Kate on the other hand is a pathological liar.
JJ, I agree .
Markiesnana said...
Actually, I think that between them they only have one brain, but even so, they wouldn't both agree to tug and pull at their kids publicly.
I don't think they verbally and collectively agreed to tug and pull at the kids publicly. I just think it 'evolved' into that....it goes back to last year when Jon said he didn't know if he wanted to continue on w/the show, and Kate went on about how she loves what she's doing. Something happened (probably $$$) that made Kate file first for divorce. We'll never know what that was. I think Jon HAD great intentions at some point of getting his kids off TV, but then all the other crap happened, and he was basically put under TLC's thumb. So to solve the problem, TLC offers to pay Jon, ironically, the same amt. each mo. as his child support pmts., to let them film the kids, He was overwhelmed in every sense, and it was just 'easier' to go along w/it. Now, it's just complacency, IMO. IF the contract is up in Oct. does that mean that Jon is out from under TLC's thumb?
Well I can understand why he tweeted what he did, but what I can't understand is why she felt it was so important to leave her children in PA to go on Regis and Kelly and spew such hate on their father. Can someone answer that? My parents always said two wrongs don't make a right but his tweet was not offensive as what she said on that morning show. She just gave me another reason to dislike her even more, if thats possible. Jon just keep loving and care for your children and do the right thing by them, they will not be this young forever. As for his apartment not being their home, well Kate it is because a home is what you make of it, its not the size and the amount of toys they have, its being cared for and loved by a parent and not the hired help. BTW, while she was babbling on about the childrens father, who was there sending them off to school this morning?
Kelly said... "Otherwise, the more we blog, the more we supposedly claim we are merely watching, blogging and protecting the kids, Jon and Kate continue to stay in the news, collect the checks, the kids keep getting used and the frustration level goes over the top."
I used to agree with this sentiment. Stop watching, stop talking about it, stop paying attention and they'll go away. But the truth is, they won't. It doesn't work with bullies on the playground and it won't work with fame whores in the media.
Blogs didn't make Kate film her newborn sextuplets and shop the video around for a tv show. Ratings didn't make Jon & Kate sign a contract with Discovery for the inital documentary. Discussions of the documentary didn't push Jon & Kate to sign a contract with TLC for a TV series. Money did. Fame did. Their own self-importance did.
Turning off our TVs, ignoring the blogs and not buying magazines & tabloids won't stop Kate's desperate climb to infamy. It won't rewrite the laws to protect children in reality tv. It won't give the Gosselin children back their lives, their family and their self-respect.
And really, how can we truly help these children by ignoring what they're going through?
Even if their parents & TLC are pulling the public's strings to milk as much publicity out of it as possible, there are still eight children who need help.
So I really don't care if any of their appearances are scripted. Or if the ratings raise or drop. Or if TLC is purposely editing the shows to create scandal & outrage. Or if Kate rakes in the big money because of it.
The higher the profile she gains the harder & farther she'll fall (see: Britney Spears).
The only negative side I see to that anticipated moment is how it will affect the children. I can only hope Jon is able to get his life straightened out, get a really good lawyer and provide them with a truly stable and PRIVATE home life before Kate reaches bottom.
The tide is starting to turn. People are starting to see Kate's true colors. Politicians are now taking steps to tighten the laws. Why? Because people like us watched it, blogged about it and raised a fuss.
So keep talking.
PS. On Bonnie's blog some of the comments alluded to Jon trashing Kate repeatedly the past few months. I don't recall these articles or interviews. Did I miss something or were these interviews for sheeple eyes only?
OT but I saw part of E!'s Fashion Police tonight and they had a segment where they had to guess if a person was a streetwalker or a star based on their outfits. Their heads were blacked out. All four people guessed that Kate was a streetwalker! It was the animal print top with the short black shorts. Haha.
"That Jon's pap friend violates them on a frequant basis."
Trucker, if you're referring to Chris Watts, the pap who took the video of the kids crying in the van at the end of the driveway and the most regular pap at the property, Jon is not friends with him. Jon is friends with a former pap named Bob, and he reluctantly puts up with Chris because he knows Chris is doing his job, but he is not friends with Chris.
IMO Kate was interviewed on R&K with the agenda of putting TLC's spin on the video of the kids SCREAMING with the prospect of being relinquished to Kate at the gate of the McMansion filmed 6 wks ago. (guests on talk shows are not booked overite)....the questions were obviously scripted and Kate was obviously coached if not miked with an earpiece. IMO publicity for this appearance was intentionally kept at a minimum to give the illusion that Kate just happened to step into the studio to say Hello vs. a calculated PR manuever.
This poor excuse of a mother does not deserve one more second of anyone's attention.
I think they're referencing Rabbi Schmuley? Jon mostly talked about himself on that interview which is how interviews usually go. It was about his project and his book. When the Rabbi specifically asked him about Kate he basically said she needs help and that she leaves the kids with nannies. Which would be a true statement. He's not allowed to say his children's mother needs help?
Jon never said the kids don't want to be with Kate, visit Kate, nor has he ever implied Kate isn't complying with the terms of the divorce or custody. He's never addressed the exchange. I don't think he should say anything about her, but that's hardly throwing someone under the bus. I think you should be free to say someone needs help if they need help. that's hardly parental alienation. Kate brings the kids into it, he has been making a real effort to keep them out.
There's a big difference between saying someone needs help, and completely destroying someone's character with lies.
Jon is NOT perfect but the problem is Kate is operating under a serious personality disorder, where he just went through an immature spell. Jon can and has gotten better. Kate has gotten worse.
Jon's tweet just seemed like the standard reply most would make if they don't want to get into something. He's saying it's not true but he's not going to discuss it further. I don't see a thing wrong with it.
The kids' facial expressions tell me who is lying and who is telling the truth about where the kids would prefer to be. All kids play their parents against each other at some time.
"If you don't give me what I want, I want Mommy"
or "Daddy said I could play outside if it was nice". It could be a simple case of Jon telling
Collin "no" over something and Collin deciding he wanted to go home where the nannies let him
do that thing. I seriously do not believe it's Kate they miss all that much.
Jon honestly needs to throw up his hands and say, "Kate, I have nothing to say to you publicly. We'll talk in court."
He's doing it wrong.
Seriously, why was Kate on Regis and Kelly today? She has nothing in the offing to gush about. She didn't even have bills in her purse. Yet she was there, as if she really belongs in the spotlight, and as if people care.
While I believe many bloggers are now quite familiar with the characteristics of a Narcissist, I don't think we all have a firm grasp on the actual power they have and the wrath they incur on their selected victim.
We can sit here and blame Jon until those kids are removed from our TV screens. I'm not going to bash Jon as I know what it is like first hand to be THAT selected victim. Jon was hand-picked by Kate and had eight children before he even knew he was married to a lunatic. Kate was miles ahead of him in her plans before she met him. In fact she was just waiting to find the right victim.
My narcissist threw me out of a house she didn't even own, stole my car, stalked me, assaulted me, burnt a relative's house down etc.... The police and my therapist both told me to run in the opposite direction to stay safe. Now that I am invisible to her-I am no longer a target. The point is these people have POWER and no fear. If a Narcissist gets away with a crime or even just a bold faced lie, the bigger it is the next time, and the next time after that.
I truly believe that Jon fears Kate. She's unpredictable and he never knows what's coming next. Imagine a life where every minute of the day you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. Any sense of normalcy Jon had before Kate, disappeared the day he met her. He has to not only find himself again, but he has to repair so much of his inner being.
Maybe it seems I'm going out on a limb believing in him-but when I see the sheer joy on the children's faces when they're with him, I feel deep down that he has a good soul.
Admin, when Jons contract was up, he basically had no job and no way to pay child support. Would he have been allowed by the court to turn down a job that TLC may have been offering at the time? I'm not sure if I'm explaining my question clearly. Could the court have forced him to take TLC's offer since it was a legitimate offer for bringing in a paycheck and paying child support? Could he have turned them down and say have gone on unemployment?
He still has to be making some money for himself. Rent has to be paid. Tweeting about butt cream isn't enough to cover the bills.
From my understanding of family law (which is limited at best but I'm going off of what I've read on the PA state child support page), a parent can't just up and decide not to work so they don't have to pay child support, nor can they take a lower paying job. The court looks at what their earning potential is based on prior earnings and uses that figure when calculating support.
A good case to reference, although it's from a different state, is the former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey: The judge "criticized McGreevey for "contradicting himself over and over again" with his testimony about his inability to find a job and his desire to become an Episcopal priest.
The judge ruled McGreevey, who was elected governor in November 2001, was "underemployed" and found him capable of making $175,000 a year, far above the $48,000 he earns as a consultant and part-time professor at Kean University. He has also joined an Episcopalian seminary in New York and is studying to be a priest."
So while a judge I don't think could order Jon to work for TLC, his ruling on child support could compel Jon to accept TLC's offer, as no IT job could pay him the same amount of money that his child support was based on, provided he could find and IT job to begin with.
The thing to remember, however, is to the best of my knowledge their case has never gone before a judge except to be signed off. They have always worked through their attorneys and during the initial divorce a mediator.
One thing I would like to see Jon go to court to request is that they be required to use a parenting coordinator since the two seem to have difficulties co-parenting.
I agree that Kate deliberately trashed Jon for ratings. Controversy sells, and Kate desperately needs the attention. What is sick is how open she is about using her kids for this fame and fortune. I wondered how far she'd have to go before her fans starting turning against her, this might be it.
Anon 1 --
I agree with your post completely. That's what I meant that not all of this was scripted, but as you said, it "evolved". (That's where the clawing and clamoring came in.)
Can you imagine them looking back someday at this period in their lives?
I mean, don't we all look back and say "What was I thinking?"?
Sometimes staying quiet and ignoring evil won't make it go away. Perhaps this example is extreme but the US staying non-involved at first allowed Hitler to march half way across Europe. Kate and her narcissistic, child exploiting ways won't go away if the blogs exposing her go away, In my opinion, she will just remain unchecked in her efforts. Kate will use those kids to no end, I think she would sell their bone marrow for a buck. IMO, see no evil, speak no evil makes it easy for this woman and her corporate ally to keep pimping out those kids. I also am disappointed that Jon hasn't been able to stop this madness with his rights as a parent but I think that TLC and its monstrous legal team has made it a David and Goliath situation and David isn't winning this one. I do believe that Jon loves these kids and has been abused in many ways by not just Kate but TLC and the media.
I think that one thing is quite evident, there is something seriously mentally wrong with Kate.
A person who is balanced, and sound would not do or say the things she does.
This woman is in desperate need of a mental evaluation and medication. I hope for the children's sake, the court system steps up and recommends this or Kate will end up losing those kids.
I agree that we are being played. Jon would get much more respect from me if he had some kind of job, even if it was a low-paying job, away from show biz. These two people are used to living off their kids and they "like it." Remember, negative or positive, they keep us talking and that is their goal. They are desperate to be noticed and stay in the "news." Of course, the kids are paying and will pay for all of it, both financially and emotionally. It's the reason they were born! Sickening, really.
mama mia, the fans are sticking up for Kate, accusing the interviewers of badgering her. They're proud of her for sticking up for herself. You can't get thru to these people, they're blinded with love for her.
I would think TLC's best/only left strategy is to attempt to "shut down the blogs"....
And try their BEST to make Jon look as crazy as Kate looks, you know.... "share the blame equally".
Jon biggest/number one, mistake was trying to please his wife even when he knew in his heart she was a selfish bitch.
Quit protecting her, and take her to court.
Laura D. said... mama mia, the fans are sticking up for Kate, accusing the interviewers of badgering her. They're proud of her for sticking up for herself. You can't get thru to these people, they're blinded with love for her.
I know! I couldn't believe on BM's site some are mad at Anderson Cooper. As if Kate couldn't say, "those are private matters I don't want to publically discuss". Like when Joy Behar flat out said "Did you have a boob job"? Why couldn't she just say "that's my personal business" instead of flat out lying. Sheeple are certainly a twisted lot.
During one of her "book" tours, K8 said something about telling the kids they are not to call her when she is on the road.
Now she wants us to believe she waits by the phone so she can rescue the kids from Big Bad Jon?
The picture at the top of this thread says it all, doesnt it? Those kids love him and vice versa. Jon's response to Kate's vile and hurtful statements was dignified and appropriate. And who can blame him for tweeting something? He has been railroaded in the press and the kids hurt thanks to Kate's lying. He should take her to court and put a gag order on that big horse mouth of hers. Don't let her say anything, good or bad, about Jon. Then she can go look in her cracked mirror and spraytan her cellulite all by her lonesome. Bitch
@ Lauren, I have read some of their posts and they just show their lack of respect for others and the stupidity they carry. If these people who claim to be her fans have kids, well God help them kids. They are senseless to actually be able to comprehend the damage that she has been doing to all 8 of her kids. If she talks like this to perfect strangers in front of a camera about their father, think what she says to her children at home.
I think Jon is totally right in keeping his mouth shut and responding the way that he did. His kids clearly love him and are always miserable when with Kate. The pictures and videos speak for themselves. She pissed of a lot of people yesterday so let her keep on talking. She is a despicable creature.
So many people have pointed out that we see what we see.
I think that's one thing I find very insulting about Kate. We all can see the photos of video of the kids with Jon. We're not stupid. She keeps trying to tell us what we see is not reality, and it's obnoxious and insulting.
It's like someone who keeps telling you it's going to rain when everyone can see it's sunny and beautiful out. STFU already.
Anderson Cooper: "Does Jon help with providing for the kids?"
Kate: "He provides for them in several ways. And he also helps me with school drop offs and pick ups and the kids love that."
Anderson Cooper: "When the kids are with Jon, what do you do with your time?"
Kate: "Well, I use that time to catch up on laundry, I run errands, feed chickens, I exercise, read a book, do work in LA...stuff like that."
Seriously, how difficult would that have been to answer instead of automatically going for Jon's juglar ? The fact that she decided in 0.0047 seconds to use this opportunity to bash Jon just proves she is a hateful louse without a heart. I think she made Jon look 100x's better yesterday, and herself a million times worse.
I sure wish her enablers would get her some seriously needed therapy and stop feeding this hag's ego and arrogance. Stop giving this moron a platform to spew her hate.
Administrator said... So many people have pointed out that we see what we see.
I think that's one thing I find very insulting about Kate. We all can see the photos of video of the kids with Jon. We're not stupid. She keeps trying to tell us what we see is not reality, and it's obnoxious and insulting.
It's like someone who keeps telling you it's going to rain when everyone can see it's sunny and beautiful out. STFU already.
SPOT ON...and it is insulting. Only an idiot would buy her act.
I have a simple question. If Jon is under contract still, as told by TLC, then we can also assume he is under some sort of "gag order". Jon cannot really defend what income he has or what he is paying Kate for support, without TLC's approval, if he reached an agreement with them inclusive of continued filming. Why can't the Kate supporters see this? I think if Kate by all reports is getting $250k per episode that Jon must be getting a portion of this as well. Because that is sealed we will never know, it also allows Kate to "spin" her story. It is funny that everything seemed peaceful until the ratings dropped now some new drama appears.
My question is the divorce findings and rulings were also sealed correct? By stating Jon does not support the kids isn't Kate violating a court ordered "gag order"? Isn't that contempt of court by legal definition. I would be willing to bet TLC also negotiated an agreement with Jon not to persue any further legal action against her until the contract is over.
I am not a big Jon fan. I think he has done some incredibly stupid things, involving himself with some clearly fame hungry women (including Kate) and was horribly naive about TLC.
However, when I look at the still photos of him with his kids vs. Kate with the kids, the differences are shocking. These are photos shot by paps and even by TLC; none of them are flattering to Kate or show a caring, loving mother.
Kate looks like a model that was asked to enter the photo for a shot: she is almost always several feet away from any child, has no interaction with the child (unless violent - grabbing arm, slapping, pushing the face), and the kids have glum faces, sometimes angry, frustrated or just sad, sad, sad.
I am always amazed when looking at those photos, how she is not holding one childs hand and LOOKING AT THE CHILD! Instead she has their hand in a death grip and is marching to some invisible music, straight ahead, ignoring the kid.
The kids aren't actors no matter how long they have been "playing in front of the cameras." Now, they may be more happy to see dad because he is not around 24.7 anymore and when they are with Kate she is the disciplinarian.
BUT... there are just too many photos at too many different times and places that really only come to one conclusion: the kids are not happy to be around their mother AND their mother obviously wants to be somewhere else when with them.
I adore the idea of Jon having his and Khate's family out to dinner -- and an "after" party at Jodi & Kevin's. Boy oh boy, what a tail spin that strega would spin!
And, of course, she hates Jon because she cannot eradicate him from her and the children's lives as she did with anyone who pizzed her off!
Some truthful blogs counteract the fake PR press releases issued by TLC. HOWEVER, watching the show adds to ratings and we need to have the discipline not to watch.
ALSO, I would avoid commenting on tabloid blogs because those add to interest in Kate and will keep her in our face.
I want to support Jon, but I do remember when he used to troll the blogs making comments about LIES told about his family. At that time, Kate was the biggest liar and he supported her fully.
I listened to his interview with Rabbi Shmuley and I really wish he would switch his focus from mentoring in a vague sense, and commit to being a child advocate. He would get a lot of support that way if he stands up to TLC and protects his kids from their mother's insatiable need for fame through them. He needs to get off the fence, contact Paul Peterson and COMMIT. That's the way to be the role model he says he wants to be.
"During one of her "book" tours, K8 said something about telling the kids they are not to call her when she is on the road."
Are you sure she told her kids not to call her? I thought she told Jon not to call her unless it was something important, or an emergency. She said that she would know then that everything was okay unless she heard from him.
I finally saw (most of) the interview.
She says she waits for them to call for a ride home.
Kate, *let* them come home - then Jon stays and *you* leave.
Rotating the parents was a much better idea. It was promsed, but now it's just another lie like "it's Christmas!" or "Mommy & Daddy will always be together"
Julianna -
I can't remember the exact wording but I do think K8 said the KIDS are not to call her. I remember the scene : she was sitting in the back of a limo . I will try to find the clip just to make sure.
A more believable scenario would have been - I keep my 6th pink Iphone glued to my hand (like always) while I am at the spa or out to dinner with my significant other (either Jamie or Steve) in NY in case it goes quack quack and I immediately know without answering that they want to come home and can send the nanny to pick them up. That I would believe.
"I can't remember the exact wording but I do think K8 said the KIDS are not to call her. I remember the scene : she was sitting in the back of a limo . I will try to find the clip just to make sure."
I do vaguely remember that, but I'm thinking of the time that she said that he shouldn't call her. I think she was standing outside in the driveway, or on the front steps when she said it, because it was such an odd thing to say -- that your husband shouldn't call you while you were gone. I remember thinking -- why -- where are you going to be (or with whom) that you didn't want your husband to interrupt whatever you were doing!
"Bones said...The fact that she decided in 0.0047 seconds to use this opportunity to bash Jon"
You know, Bones, I don't think that was split second decision to bash Jon. Anderson Cooper was told to ask that question, for a reason. The whole interview WAS to bash Jon, the clip they showed for the show was presented like Oh by the way, here is clip of your show. The MAIN reason for her appearance was Jon.
LOL Oh my, I just saw an ad for the next show. Her fishing. Does this dummmy not know anything? She is screeching and yelping, as usual FISHING. Does she know the golden rule of fishing? Even deep sea, you DON"T Yelp and SCREECH. Stupid woman. I am going to get this fool outta my head and do some family things. You know, things that Kate doesn't do. She has no one but her paid employees. Have a great Sunday everyone!
Lolly said... "Bones said...The fact that she decided in 0.0047 seconds to use this opportunity to bash Jon"
You know, Bones, I don't think that was split second decision to bash Jon. Anderson Cooper was told to ask that question, for a reason. The whole interview WAS to bash Jon, the clip they showed for the show was presented like Oh by the way, here is clip of your show. The MAIN reason for her appearance was Jon.
My thought exactly !
Every word , of every question , was prepared in advance and I'm sure Steve went over it time after time with this idiot.
We all know that Kate not only has mental issues, she doesn't have any commom sense either. That's a lethal combination , and TLC or Steve would not send her out without feeding her the lines.
If they did, she would have come off like she did on ET's DWTS's correspondent.
Stupid idiot has absolutely not an ounce of class.
Every word and every move with Kelly looked calculated and pre-planned. Just like they do with the kids when they're "just playing".
I only just now got time to read these comments, but I wanted to post that I agree with Kelly's take on things 100%.
she says the kids miss 'their home, beds, toys, etc.' when they HAVE to go to Jon's. Well, then chickie, obey the Court's ruling and get outa Dodge when it's Jon's time to be the 'on-duty parent'. What brought about her being in the house 100% of the time, Jon NOT being allowed on the KIDS' property and HER being allowed to make money off of THEIR kids and Jon can't even work, ANYWHERE, DOING ANYTHING? What does this broad have on who or what is she doing to or for who to have the kind of CONTROL she has? hmmmm.... kinda makes you wonder doesn't it? And that's bad, because "I" can wonder about ALL kinds of EVIL stuff.
Lolly said... "Bones said...The fact that she decided in 0.0047 seconds to use this opportunity to bash Jon"
You know, Bones, I don't think that was split second decision to bash Jon. Anderson Cooper was told to ask that question, for a reason. The whole interview WAS to bash Jon, the clip they showed for the show was presented like Oh by the way, here is clip of your show. The MAIN reason for her appearance was Jon.
My thought exactly !
Every word , of every question , was prepared in advance and I'm sure Steve went over it time after time with this idiot.
We all know that Kate not only has mental issues, she doesn't have any commom sense either. That's a lethal combination , and TLC or Steve would not send her out without feeding her the lines.
If they did, she would have come off like she did on ET's DWTS's correspondent.
Stupid idiot has absolutely not an ounce of class.
Every word and every move with Kelly looked calculated and pre-planned. Just like they do with the kids when they're "just playing".
I adore the idea of Jon having his and Khate's family out to dinner -- and an "after" party at Jodi & Kevin's. Boy oh boy, what a tail spin that strega would spin!
And, of course, she hates Jon because she cannot eradicate him from her and the children's lives as she did with anyone who pizzed her off!
The picture at the top of this thread says it all, doesnt it? Those kids love him and vice versa. Jon's response to Kate's vile and hurtful statements was dignified and appropriate. And who can blame him for tweeting something? He has been railroaded in the press and the kids hurt thanks to Kate's lying. He should take her to court and put a gag order on that big horse mouth of hers. Don't let her say anything, good or bad, about Jon. Then she can go look in her cracked mirror and spraytan her cellulite all by her lonesome. Bitch
I think that one thing is quite evident, there is something seriously mentally wrong with Kate.
A person who is balanced, and sound would not do or say the things she does.
This woman is in desperate need of a mental evaluation and medication. I hope for the children's sake, the court system steps up and recommends this or Kate will end up losing those kids.
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