Tuition at the twins and 'tups private school is $11,850 per Kindergartener per year ($71,100) PLUS $17,600 per twin per year ($35,200) for a GRAND TOTAL of $106,300 PER YEAR. Where is Little Miss Has-been Kh8 Go$$elin going to come up with such cash EACH YEAR??
WOW I can't believe how Kate speaks to her kids. She's like "speak, no be quiet, ok you can talk if you speak together as one" confusing for her kids, poor things.
Tuition at the twins and 'tups private school is $11,850 per Kindergartener per year ($71,100) PLUS $17,600 per twin per year ($35,200) for a GRAND TOTAL of $106,300 PER YEAR. Where is Little Miss Has-been Kh8 Go$$elin going to come up with such cash EACH YEAR??
Do you really think it's such a good idea to be publicizing this? If I recall, Admin didn't want details about the school being discussed.
That is seriously too much control for ANY parent to have over their child! Who even CARES if they eat dessert first at lunch? As long as they eat healthy in quantity of something other than just dessert it really shouln't matter whether they eat it first, second, last or third or whatever! I used to eat my dessert last on my walk home from the bus stop as a kid, the bus stop was a few blocks away but you could still see my house from the bus stop.
But to tell them to be quiet, then to speak as a unit is just really, really creepy on so many levels to me. Just because they were born as 6 does not mean they need to be treated as 6. The look on thier faces!!!! Oh it SO SAD!!! And the fact that she balks like a chicken when they all start to talk at once, makes me think she really wants to treat them as one not individuals which could set them up for many probelms in the future if not sooner. I mean,like she isn't really set up her pre-teen daughter's for possible eating disorder by telling them if they don't eat exactly as she wants that's going to make their kids do things just to spite her, which, on somethings wouldn't be a bad idea. But we all know already how Collin tries to live up to his mother's potential and freaks out about getting dirty and such, boys suffer eating disorders to so this whole control fest is just freaking scary and to think in Kate's mind that amount of control is normal.
What the heck is she going to do when they all gang up on her one of these days? I mean, seriously come on, we all know its going to happen. Kids hit 16, they tell you its 2 years until I'm 18 then I'm out of here! I hope this doesn't affect the kids negatively but I wish all the bad karma of what she's done will be things Kate will have to live with when she is old, alone, in a nursing home, no longer remember except as Kate who? That her kids wont come to visit, I predict she wil have a nervous breakdown when all the kids are grown and gone and she no longer has Jon, Steve, the kids, Jaime or whoever to have any type of control over, she wont be able to handle it trust me.
One of my own distant family members is just like Kate and I seriously feel bad for her kids and am so uncomfortable being around this particular family member when I visit I couldn't imagine living with het 24/7! I think I would be the one to have the melt break down! Haha.
Hahaha! I am sitting here with a friend's little boy I am babysitting for the night and he said all randomly as I was typing, and he's 2 almost 3 in a few weeks he said of Kate's carton picture, "Thats a scary lady!!!" So I showed him a real picture of Kate and he said, "She still scary!!" Oh man what a crack up!!
Tuition costs are absolutely none of our business. It's downright creepy that someone took the time to dig up this information. The "haters" aren't stalker-ish like that.
We all know the school is expensive, it's not really necessary to know the exact figure. It bothers me more when people want to post their school schedule--when they are in school, out of school, half days, and so on. Unless it's to show they are missing school to film something, which hasn't been an issue since the Florida trip.
We know after that horrible incident at the arcade these poor kids need a bodyguard way more than Kate ever did.
I don't watch any TLC shows, but had almost forgotten how very scary Kate G. is. What a piece of work! Who do you know that talks to her kids that way and forces them to speak in unison? It just isn't natural, much less kind. So glad so many in show biz are calling her out on her bad behavior. And yes, the kids are the ones who need a bodyguard. With that mouth, Kate can handle herself.
Wow. Those poor kids. You know when their are old enough, they will dig up the footage, watch it & go crazy on Kate for the way she treated them. Can't wait for the day that they are on the on talk shows, remembering how Kate treated them, remembering bits & pieces from their childhood. All of these clips will be shown, & then flash to the kids, grown-up, shaking their heads, saying "that's how it was all the time, even without the cameras".
I know you guys did, but did you see the look of fear on their faces when she yelled 'QUIET!!' Imagine being too terrified to answer your own mother? Just, wow. OK sheeple, & she's a good mom.
I have adopted a dog who was abused/abandoned and very skittish as a result for a long time. He would freeze whenever any one's voice was raised. We learned not to call to each other if someone was upstairs in our house as a result. My point is when I first saw this video, I saw the Gosselins react in the same manner when Kate raised her voice and started to yell. After she screamed, they all recited together as they were told in order to pacify their enraged Mother. I could only watch this once, it is just too sad. Just like the van video where the kids scream in agony when Jon drops them off, it is proof positive that these kids live in fear.
When I originally saw this "chant" about what to eat first and how dessert is last this is what I thought...It won't take long for those kids to learn that they can throw their sandwich, vegetables, and "crunchy things" in the trash and go straight to the dessert. They aren't dumb enough to bring their uneaten healthy foods home so mommy knows they didn't eat them. In fact, if I was a classmate of their's, I'd probably teach them how to do it just to spite Kate! Eat your desserts first kids!!!
Kate learned that controlling and ineffectual parenting style somewhere.I don't think it's something she studied on her own, in order to provide effective parenting to her children.It sounds more like a childhood memory of how things MUST be done in a well-behaved and well-ordered family.
I find this possibility really scary; if it's true, it's not based on logic or common sense or even good practices.It suggests punitive outcomes for not obeying;and it's reactive rather than pro-active parenting.
It's also much harder to change a childhood value learned at your parents' knee (or over it) than it is to learn appropriate parental responses to growing children.
Was it just me or did she sound really angry when she say (after yelling Quiet!) "What order do we eat our lunch in?!?!" Was she glaring at them?
I think she expected them to answer her in their chant when she first asked and was upset they didn't recite it properly for the cameras the first time.
Regarding the order to each lunch, I have read that you should always eat your fruit first as it helps you digest your food properly and get the most nutrients out of the fruit.
Here's what I found (for those that might actually care):
In the order of first come first serve, if you were to consume your carbs and proteins before you eat fruit, it will take more than 2 hrs for your carbs and proteins to be digested. By the time your stomach juices can really start to digest your fruit (eaten more than 2 hrs ago) your fruit would have started to ferment in the harsh environment of your stomach and intestines. (now you know why you get a lot of gas and all the burping and flatuating for having fruits after a meal). The fermented fruits would also form a environment for bacteria to flourish! Not a good idea.
So then, what is the best time to eat fruits? Yes, you got it! Before meals :)
Since fruits only take about 30-40 mins to digest (juice takes about 20 mins),take them before your main meal so you can absorb all the goodies (nutrients, minerals and vitamins) that fruits have to offer! Plus, you don't even have to wait too long (just 40 mins at most) before you can eat your main meal. This is what i call optimization of food:) Remember, you are what you eat!
Marge, About those figures, won't they increase once the tups start first grade? I heard somewhere they get a discount for having so many kids in the school. I think someone actually called the school to ask that (and it wasn't a "hater").
I think the school probably offers scholarship and other help to multi-child families. Not every family has to pay full tuition, especially if there are several children at the school.
My thought about the tuition is that I hope all that cash is buying the children a sense of security, a chance for real happiness, a great education, a sense of belonging, and being appreciated for who they are as individual human beings. They sure don't seem to be getting it anywhere else.
LOL at crunchy things! Would those little "triangular thingies" be considered crunchy things?
I didn't realize you were supposed to eat the veggies and crunchy stuff AFTER you eat the main meal. I've always eaten my chips with my sandwich. Bite some sandwich, each a chip, bite a carrot stick, etc. I actually like to put the potato chips IN my sandwich too.
I understand telling a child they should eat the cookie last, I do too but I don't grill my child when they come home and ask them if they ate the dessert first.
The kids have needed protection for years IMHO - I shudder to think of how ISOLATED she purposely made their home.
It was better when they were in a real neighborhood...(not that rural ones aren't a neighborhood) the distance between homes now makes these kids a target. Plus it gives her distance to not be witnessed harming those kids (unless she does it on the driveway in a fit of anger as documented).
Think back to that family in Florida where the parents were brutally murdered while the children with developmental disabilities slept. It was about money. The family even had security cameras showing the intrusion.
But there seems to be no protection for the children - just think Lindbergh kidnapping.
The whole thing is unsafe. It would be far too easy to hurt them... just gives me the worst images.
Thanks for the clip. Anyone else would be on their best behavior in front of cameras, but not mommy dearest.
I have no theories as to what is going on with the quiet from Gosselin World, but something is cooking.
TLC created their own monster in Kate. Now the other reality stars want the big bucks too. No more cheap production costs for reality shows----this is the beginning of the end.
Just a thought regarding the school tuition: Wasn't it stated somewhere that the kids' trust funds could be used for certain expenses, including education? If so, I'm sure Kate wouldn't hesitate to dip her claws into the funds to pay tuitions ... since it's apparant she's much too greedy and cheap to spend any of "her" money on the tups, if she doesn't have to.
Hippie Chick said... Wow. Those poor kids. You know when their are old enough, they will dig up the footage, watch it & go crazy on Kate for the way she treated them. Can't wait for the day that they are on the on talk shows, remembering how Kate treated them, remembering bits & pieces from their childhood. All of these clips will be shown, & then flash to the kids, grown-up, shaking their heads, saying "that's how it was all the time, even without the cameras". ----------------------------------------------
I do wonder if they actually will go public. I'm guessing the majority of them won't. At least not while Kate is still alive. Most children with controlling (even abusive) parents still feel some sort of loyalty to their parents.
Grammy of nine said... And yes, the kids are the ones who need a bodyguard. With that mouth, Kate can handle herself. ======================== I don't think Steve was ever a true bodyguard. As others have said, I think he was hired by TLC to manage Kate's public behavior. Without Steve, do you think that writer at the Huffington Post would have ever gotten a photo with Kate at the beach. Steve is PR, not bodyguard IMO.
After the above clip, I can't imagine what life is like for those kids off camera.
Oh where, Oh where has our little Kate gone... Oh where, Oh where can she be???
Anyone seen or heard where Kate's been hiding?? I see reports that Mr. Gray has jetted off w/ his wife to Europe for their anniversary but no photos of this and no photos of Kate in a week. Strange! Wonder how she took the news of Jon getting remarried?????
Does anyone remember when or what the title of the infamous spoon episodes were? I know it was discussed here not too long ago but can't seem to find it. Thanks.
It amazes me that Kate has said a few times how she was OVERLY disciplined as a child, and she indicated resentment about that. She even told Natalie Morales that she was overly disciplined and that may have something to do with why her parents aren't in her life anymore. She said she would need 10 years to figure out the issues she had as an overly discipliined child.
So, you'd THINK as someone who was overly disciplined and didn't like it, she would be LESS like that parenting her own kids. But she overly disciplines her own children to the nth degree! If she didn't like it, what makes her think her kids like it? Doesn't she know that when her kids grow up, they will talk about issues they have from being too disciplined as children?
Most people who were disciplined too harshly as children grow up and break the cycle with their kids. Some people continue the cycle, or make it even worse. I think Kate is definitely continuing the "overly disciplined/ harsh" parenting she was raised with, and perhaps has taken it to an even harsher level.
If she thinks her kids won't be left with scars about that, she's even crazier than I thought.
I'm so tired of her treating those kids as if they should feel guilty for being born a multiple and making her life so difficult. Sometime she acts as if the kids and the world conspired against her and plotted this 8 kids thing to drive her crazy.
I grew up with a mom like Kate...ahh, brings back so many bad childhood memories.
Thankfully, my mom eventually sought counseling. I was 15 years old before my mother hugged me and said "I love you". She still has issues, but she is close to my kids. Over the years, she realized how many mistakes she made. Although, she is still way more fond of the grandkids as babies, rather than big kids with opinions. We talk often, but it's a superficial relationship, and we will never be close. Out of the four siblings, she cherished the last child, and made it painfully obvious by putting the rest of us down. Sound familiar?
I see SO many similarities with Kate. She is in for a world of hurt when these kids are old enough to get a taste of freedom. I rebeled in every way possible...boys, drinking, sneaking out, you name it, I did it.
Watching this hurts my heart, because if she is this short tempered and quick to anger on camera, I guarantee it is 10 times worse in private.
There are new pics up at INF of Jon picking the kids up yesterday. The first thing I noticed was Mady's shoes. Even before I read the article, I thought..oh no..another Kate! If you look close at the pics, I think Jon is also saying WTH are those things on your feet. Hope Jon is smart enough to keep track of every minute he spends with the kids and more importantly, every minute that Kate is away from them. What judge wouldn't give Jon full custody ? When a childs mother is always away from them and they have a loving father that wants and loves them, what is the problem? When she is with them , she treats them like crap and doesn't deserve them !
I no longer watch the show, haven't since before the split, but I did watch the clip above. Scary hardly begins to describe it, and I caught at least one of the kids looking at the cameraman before opening her mouth. Bothersome on so many levels, and I won't even address the insane "this is the way we eat our lunch" mantra the crazy lady is chanting.
One of the things that struck me was how awful Kate looked in this clip. I mean the woman gets her hooker gear and makeup on to run to Target, and yet in an almost scripted, camera on her moment in her kitchen, she wears a shapeless rag, band-aids her head and gathers the rest of her dyed locks up in some 'do. She must know by now that she is a prime candidate for airbrushing and make-up, that was major unattractiveness. Sorry to be petty, but it struck me as odd.
And what's with the paper plates? Do these kids, all of 6 and 9, even eat on real anything? Wait, I'm sure these must be the organic ones, right? It's is no wonder that they seem to have no manners in public, their life is one long hot dog stand.
I say this because last night we were at a dinner and met the new lady friend of a long time acquaintance. She's a woman in mid-age, but is also a well-known comedic tv actress (the oddness of living Hollywood adjacent), raising her kids as a divorced mom (note I did not say single mom, because, like Kate, there is very much a dad in the picture). Unlike Kate, and this is where you have to be struck by class vs. no class, this woman is educated, AND talented. In public, she wants to be private and so to us, seated next to her at dinner, she was just a parent like my husband and I.
It reminded me of comments that the Admin here has made about meeting, living and working in the midst of celebrity. Kate will never, ever, be anything but a fame whore, and at her age, this will be fleeting. Perspective is everything, and the saddest thing is that the children, whether they are filmed or not, are the lifelong losers. 5 years of this has got to leave scars.
Thank you, Matt Roloff for being honest about just how grueling filming a Reality TV show really is. Matt comments on the schedule and states that "it's not for the faint of heart". He noted that Jon and Kate were more fragile and younger, and he and Amy could see the show and all that goes with it taking a toll.
So how are little children completely, 100% blocked from this stress, this grueling filming schedule, and all the pressure?
Not sure where to put this. INF is saying that Kate has been out of town all week!!! Jon picked up the kids from school yesterday but the nannies are taking care of them other wise. So how long has she been gone this time and why would she be out of town when Steve is not with her? He always travels with her. Either they are together or she has another bodyguard with her. Someone needs to find out what's going on. Her is a link to the INF story ;
Schmecky Girl said...Was it just me or did she sound really angry when she say (after yelling Quiet!) "What order do we eat our lunch in?!?!" Was she glaring at them?
I think she expected them to answer her in their chant when she first asked and was upset they didn't recite it properly for the cameras the first time. ---------------------- I agree with you completely, Schmecky. She sounded very angry and I'm sure this goes on all the time. I think she probably grills them about how they ate lunch when they get home too. Nice way to teach your kids to lie for self-defense, Kate. She is awful.
This type of "food control issues" will lead to eating disorders.
I have an ex friend who ate like crazy- but was very thin. When she had her daughters, and they would take a cookie or something at my house- she would make actual pig snorting noises at them! I was shocked! They were very thin girls- just like their mother. I was at their house at dinner time a few times- and the small portions she gave them were horrible! (I found out later that they snuck handfuls of potato chips and things from their father when he was watching TV!)
My THIN kids had a few play dates there and she would comment to me about how much MY kids ate! (It came down to the fact that my son asked for a second tiny apple late in the afternoon. He told me they were very good apples- and he was still hungry!- I about cried! He was seven!) Meanwhile, her girls ate me out of house and home when they played at my house, all healthy things I might add, and I never mentioned a thing to her! Needless to say, my kids never went there again without me along!
Fast forward 20 years- all of her daughters grew up with eating disorders. One ate exactly 1/2 of whatever was put in front of her for years and years. When a relative approached her mother with concern about her being so skinny, her mother said- better skinny than fat!
One put on the "freshman 15" when she went to college and would not even come home to visit for fear of the comments she would hear from her mother about the extra weight! She eventually lost the weight, but for years she wore long sleeves and long pants even in the summer for fear of comments.
One took to taking any over the counter meds she could find to keep her weight down and ended up with all sorts of issues.
I am just talking FOOD issues here people, not to mention all the other issues that went along with it!
My point is, Kate is sooooooooo going about this and soooooooooo many other things in the wrong way! She is so sick. My heart aches for those kids.
PS- My kids grew up healthy, happy, slender, and able to make their own food choices! They understand portion control and enjoy food of all kind! They do not drink soda, and rarely eat sweets! (Their choice!)
Re "I have no theories as to what is going on with the quiet from Gosselin World, but something is cooking."
Over on the dark side one of the love blogs has a recent thread about how cooking is "similar".
It just so happens that on one of the talk news show - no I don't know which one - I thought I heard that Kate would have a new book out next year. I remember thinking at the time what publisher would work with her after her last book in April "I Just Want You To Know" tanked big time?
While surfing the net not too long ago I went to wikipedia and noticed there is a blurb that Kate is releasing her cook book "Love Is In The Mix" in 2011. Didn't we bloggers find proof that this book was dumped in Asia in 2009 and not released here?
This morning I went to wikipedia again and noted that the paragraph about her being an author has been rewritten. It now gives the impression that IJWYTK made the New York Best Seller list the first week because it sold 10,000 copies :) and there is no mention of LIITM. However, if you scroll down to the bottom of this page you see LIITM is scheduled to be released January 2011.
Schmecky Girl, you are so right about her tone, listen to the clip again, but close your eyes. She sounds very,very scary,such an angry, hateful tone of voice.Why would she act like this on camera, knowing the whole world would hear it? Also, what's this about Jon re-marrying? Did I miss something while I slept?
Just had to share how a true celebrity acts in public.
I am sure Kate is off somewhere filming right now as she does not stay out of the public eye for long. She holds TLC hostage as long as she is making money for them and she knows it. If she is filming a show based on interaction with other families I don't think that will last long. With her boring, narcisstic personality she will turn most people off. As the video shows, she is always playing the martyr and thinks she is the superior Mother by showing who is in control. Who asks 8 kids a question and expects only one to answer? She should also know by now who likes mustard or mayo. instead of proving she is in charge. The adult in that situation would either ask each child or a show of hands for one choice or the other. I feel so sorry for the kids and sad for them also.
The Gosselin children may have learned along the way that the best way to make money is to exploit someone. So, they may decide to exploit Mommy by writing a book about their childhood experiences in the fameworld. I hope they have other jobs, because if they have learned that poor me gets you boatloads of cash, they are destined to keep the method going for generations.
I do wonder if they actually will go public. I'm guessing the majority of them won't. At least not while Kate is still alive. Most children with controlling (even abusive) parents still feel some sort of loyalty to their parents.
I agree, but ALSO because abused children will still want to "please" their parent - whether that parent was the abuser or not. The children will still be under guilt for thinking a lot of things (not just the camera people leaving or the show tanking...) that Kate did to them was "their fault" - Narcissists are GREAT at turning it all away from them and making their victims feel responsible.
(I lived with a bipolar narcissist...and to this day I wonder if I ever made her proud of me... sad no?)
I have serious doubts that the Neilds went to Europe. I smell a decoy action by TLC. My sense is Kate is off with Steve filming something. Steve is very good at sneaking off with Kate. Besides, didn't the Europe info come from some neighbor of the Neilds? Sounds like a plant to me plus someone on another thread mentioned Gina was seen at the house. I truly can't even guess what TLC is plotting.
I have to say that I am amazed that Kate shouting at the kids was not edited out. I guess they figured her outburst would be discussed on the blogs.
Let's say, hypothetically, this footage was taken secretly in a classroom somewhere. (I think Oprah had something like this on one of her shows) And THIS was how the teacher was treating her students? What if they leaked it to all the local news stations? What do you all think would be the outcome? Kate is actually being PAID to mistreat her kids, she's actually making a living at exposing her dysfuntion to all of America. What gives?
IRRC there is some law on the books in PA that the state picks up some portion of the tuition fees for any child in private school. Anyone else remember anything more specific about this???
Just a thought on where Kate could be!! Maybe she went to Europe on her own to check up on Steve. Or maybe she called Steve and his wife and was so distrought about all the mess she has made about her "body" that they told her to come and spend some time with them. That way Kate could still be with Steve. She's had him to herself for months and months,she is not going to let him go so easily. Just a thought!!!
This loon is just cannon fodder for jokes. The whole lunch deal is insane on so many levels, the most obvious of which is the amount of food mentioned. Katie Irene is attempting to show, again, what an accomplished mom/chief she is. Who honestly believes those kids leave the house with a (five???) course meal? Who sends their kid to kindergarten with sandwich, chips, vegetable, fruit and dessert? Nobody does. We have all seen the amount of food distributed....., next to nothing. Now they have 5 courses? Spare me.
I've seen it mentioned twice on another website that "Twist of Kate" will be on TLC. One comment says it premieres Oct. 15 and the other says in November. Has anyone seen this mentioned on the TLC website? I can't find anything. If you've found it could you please post a link here.
Speaking of fun, I had never clicked on the Tom & Trix link you have listed until today. Hilarious! I love this comment from October 2008 (before the split and well before Kate Plus 8) where Kate Plus 8 was already predicted.
New Headlines to be coming up:
On the NEXT episode of Kate + 8, we explain why Jon is no longer on the show. He should have known if you show up Kate on being a good parent, you lose your TV rights. Tune in Monday at 8:30 p.m. to see Jon and Aunt Jodie rehashing good times before they were booted off the show! NEXT: On the NEXT episode of Kate + 6, we explain why the twins are no longer on the show! They should have known if you grow up and are cuter and nicer than Kate, or stand up for yourself, you are axed! Tune in to see Mady and Cara discuss old fun times with Jon and Aunt Jodie. A reunion with the maternal grandparents might be a highlight also! NEXT: On the NEXT episode of Kate + 3, we explain why the boys are no longer on the show. The boys have always known they weren't the favorites, but they never dreamed they would be cut. Reunion highlights of them joyfully playing with their Dad, Aunt Jodie and their twin sisters will be enjoyed by all! NEXT: On the NEXT episode of Kate + 0, you will see Kate in her quiet, peaceful house with NOBODY breathing. Ahhh..the sound of silence she so craves. You will watch her walk from Bible quote to Bible quote dusting them off and smiling. She will be eating monkey munch alone and will vacuum as soon as she's finished. Ahh.. such a nice organized quiet life in the 8,000 sq. foot TV home. Highlights will be Jon, Aunt Jody, and the eight beautiful stress free kids playing with all their new neighbors in their mis-matched walmart outfits! A happy ending is indeed coming! Monday at 8:30, tune in!
Just how is she supposed to know what order they eat their lunch in anyway? Is she going to have it taped? Or send Steve to school with them to report back? How dumb.
I am actually quite happy the kids are going to a great private school.. They have earned the right to an awesome education, and I believe and hope the school provides security for them.
I think they are were they belong and don't have any disdain for their high priced education at all.
You've filled a void in the Get Children off of Reality Television blogs that was sorely needed and a long time coming. And you did it with CLASS and TACT. THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH! true that she sounds like the wicked mother of the East when you watch the video. What difference does it make what order if she is preparing a healthy lunch it shouldn't matter. What a ditz!
PaMa said... Just a thought regarding the school tuition: Wasn't it stated somewhere that the kids' trust funds could be used for certain expenses, including education? If so, I'm sure Kate wouldn't hesitate to dip her claws into the funds to pay tuitions ... since it's apparant she's much too greedy and cheap to spend any of "her" money on the tups, if she doesn't have to.
You're right PaMa, The trust accounts for the kids can be used for educational, medical, and other 'necessary' expenses. A parent or network that who waits for a pending investigation (as TLC/Kate did last year) to set up accounts for children in reality tv isn't someone who is prone to save (no matter what) the kid's earnings for them.
IMO, that's reason enough for the trusts to be 'irrevocable' as was mentioned in the hearings held last week in PA.
I wonder if Kate is filming Celebrity Apprentice in NYC. I think Donald Trump was on Regis & Kelly a couple of weeks ago and said that filming for CA would be starting soon.
INF Daily has pics of Jon picking up the kids claiming Kate has been out of town the past week. Interesting to note Mady wearing a cute jean skirt and shoes with a bit of a heel.
Like Michelle above, after viewing the clip I also wonder what life must really be like for the G8.
Then I showed the clip to my boyfriend and he said, "it is never to late to hate Kate".
I sure hope the remaining Sheeple realize their herd number is dwindling - and WHY - the next time they are at a 4 way stop and they are waiting for the stop sign to turn green ~
Ava said... I wonder if Kate is filming Celebrity Apprentice in NYC. I think Donald Trump was on Regis & Kelly a couple of weeks ago and said that filming for CA would be starting soon. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I've been wondering the same thing. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
Reality Bites said... INF Daily has pics of Jon picking up the kids claiming Kate has been out of town the past week. Interesting to note Mady wearing a cute jean skirt and shoes with a bit of a heel. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I thought they had school uniforms, but the kids are not wearing them in this picture. What's the deal?
Ava, it also occurred to me that she's filming Celebrity Apprentice, and if she's not, she's getting work done. She's "so important" that she has to be photographed going to Target and yet she's been MIA for more than a week. Lies and more lies.
Someone on another blog said they spotted her at Target, & it was a local. Don't know if it's true...Maybe it is, who knows. People just don't care anymore? Wouldn't that be nice.
Sandy said... Who honestly believes those kids leave the house with a (five???) course meal? Who sends their kid to kindergarten with sandwich, chips, vegetable, fruit and dessert? Nobody does. We have all seen the amount of food distributed....., next to nothing. Now they have 5 courses? ------------------------------ Six courses. Don't forget "crunchy things"!
I watched Kate +8 a while back,I can't remember the episode. Aiden, the little boy with glasses, went up to his mum and she turned to him and he actually flinched in fear. I then saw this last episode with her screaming QUIET! I felt physically sick. It reminded me so much of my own mother. She controlled my sister and I like puppets. I grew up to be a rebel, my sister became a peace maker at any cost. She catered to my mother in everything, I had nothing to do with her. Mady reminds me of me. I am so sad for these children. All I can think of is, if she is that way in front of the cameras, what is she like when there are no cameras? No wonder Aiden flinches in fear. I think your blog will have an impact, well done.
If my mother had told me HOW to eat my lunch, I would have eaten it in the exact opposite order just because I could. The only rule in our house was to remember to share if somebody didn't bring a lunch that day. Other than that, Mom and Dad left it up to me.
Remember when Kate would lovingly tuck little notes into Mady and Cara's lunch boxes? Do you think the Kindergarteners get notes?
Just how is she supposed to know what order they eat their lunch in anyway? Is she going to have it taped? Or send Steve to school with them to report back? How dumb.
Kart has some major control issues. She can't be there to supervise, so the best she can do is scream at them and scare them into obeying. No one normal would try to turn their child's meal into a calculated regimen.
I'm ashamed to admit I broke my 2+ years of no Gosselins to see Hannah get her hair cut (Youtube upload, I didn't watch the show on TV). Kart's reaction was so intense, like she was punched in the face. That was the image of a person that lost control of something she had been controlling for years - Hannah's long hair. What a horrible mother, lying to her child about her hair never growing back, and telling her she's breaking mommy's heart. Good for Hannah, not breaking down to Kart's threats.
I've posted this many times on a few blogs regarding the private school the kids go to. The twins' tuition is paid for through 12th grade. A very generous donor(s) gifted this to Cara & Mady when the tups were born. No one knows who is paying the tups tuition, but I doubt Jon & Kate are paying the full amount, if any of it.
Who sends their kid to kindergarten with sandwich, chips, vegetable, fruit and dessert? Nobody does.
Not so fast! Raising my hand here. A sandwich, chips (either plain or barbecue), some cauliflower and dip, or celery, apple slices or grapes, and either jello pudding or a cookie. Does that make me weird? Not large portions, but a nice selection!
Sharing always seemed like a good idea, but it's not encouraged due to the fact that other kids might have food allergies.
Makes sense Kate is filming Celebrity Apprentice. If so, we will be seeing her again soon because the other celebrities will chew her up and spit her out in short order. They will not put up with Kates crap and I predic t Kate will be the first fired in the boardroom.
Aeris said... I've posted this many times on a few blogs regarding the private school the kids go to. The twins' tuition is paid for through 12th grade. A very generous donor(s) gifted this to Cara & Mady when the tups were born. No one knows who is paying the tups tuition, but I doubt Jon & Kate are paying the full amount, if any of it. ~~~ I think this is a case of having read something so many times, that people believe it must be true. If you read it in a rag mag, please do not put any stock in that. Not saying it isn't true, but take it w/a grain of salt, please.
A generous donor! As much money as this family has taken in and received from many people I would think that this generous donor would have some doubts continuing to pay for the twins education when there are many children in PA who could benefit from that who are not so lucky to live in a million dollar home. Think about it.
I think this is a case of having read something so many times, that people believe it must be true. If you read it in a rag mag, please do not put any stock in that. Not saying it isn't true, but take it w/a grain of salt, please.
My thoughts exactly -- kind of like the story that keeps rearing its head about Kate growing up in a trailer park, which is absolutely not true...or the "fact" that the governor of PA gave the tups full paid scholarships to the college of their choice, which also is not true.
In regard to the twin's tuition being paid, I read that a long time ago and I believe it is true. It was way before the tabloids were interested in the Gosselins.
As for where kate is...I dont give a shit.I'm glad I get a break from being forced to look at her.
As for Jon...I'd be a little worried.If kate is trying to lay low for the hearing,I believe she's up to something.I would be very very careful.I wouldnt put it past kate or tlc to try and bait or trap Jon into something.TLC wants the kids...they make them big money.They were ready to destroy Jon at any cost before.If they can find a way to get kate sole-custody,I'd be willing to bet they'll do ANYTHING to get it. Jon needs to keep being quiet and stand strong.I really hope he is doing this for the right reasons.I hope to god he isnt holding out for a bigger payout.
As for kate...I dont care how much she wants to exploit herself.As long as the kids are free and can live normal lives..go for it kate.I know she will fail but I wont be one who's watching.I dont care what this beast does.I just want the abuse on the kids to stop!
In regard to the twin's tuition being paid, I read that a long time ago and I believe it is true. It was way before the tabloids were interested in the Gosselins.
Thanks, Heide, I knew the twins tuition being paid for was made public many years ago, when Jon & Kate Plus 8 first started. I've been following since 2007, and that tidbit was thrown around a lot at the long-gone TWOP board.
The only reason I bring it up in these discussions is because so many people believe J&K are paying for the kids' tuition. I highly doubt that, but it's only my speculation.
Thank you, Matt Roloff for being honest about just how grueling filming a Reality TV show really is. Matt comments on the schedule and states that "it's not for the faint of heart". He noted that Jon and Kate were more fragile and younger, and he and Amy could see the show and all that goes with it taking a toll.
I went to the site, and here's an actual quote from Matt Roloff: “I think the word is relieved. It’s been six long years with cameras in my house,” he said. “TLC is by far the best company to do a reality show with, but the process itself is grueling. It’s stressful. I’m ready for it to be over.”
I beg to differ. I believe TLC is the absolute WORST company to do a reality show with. They don't care about you or your family (like when the Gosselin kids were puking on the boat and they kept taping, or that none of the cameramen put life jackets on the kids either), they simply care about ratings and money. Plus their company that owns them, Discovery, will sue the pants off you if you decide you want to quit, like Jon Gosselin or the guys from Deadliest Catch.
Thank you, Matt Roloff for being honest about just how grueling filming a Reality TV show really is. Matt comments on the schedule and states that "it's not for the faint of heart". He noted that Jon and Kate were more fragile and younger, and he and Amy could see the show and all that goes with it taking a toll.
I went to the site, and here's an actual quote from Matt Roloff: “I think the word is relieved. It’s been six long years with cameras in my house,” he said. “TLC is by far the best company to do a reality show with, but the process itself is grueling. It’s stressful. I’m ready for it to be over.”
I beg to differ. I believe TLC is the aboslute WORST company to do a reality show with. They don't care about your or your family (like when the Gosselin kids were on the boat puking and yet they kept taping, or when they didn't even bother to put life jackets on the kids!) They simply care about money and ratings. Oh, and you don't dare decide to quit on them b/c they'll sue the pants off you like they did to Jon Gosselin and the guys from Deadliest Catch. How were the Roloffs able to quit w/out getting sued?
I beg to differ. I believe TLC is the aboslute WORST company to do a reality show with.
Have you had dealings with TLC? I think that Matt, because of his association with them, is qualified to make that statement. Perhaps, for whatever reason, his relationship with them is exactly as he says. I believe that their relationshp is/was an amicable one. TLC isn't saying anything negative about the Roloffs, or vice-versa.
Why didn't they get sued? Simple. It's a contract thing. They agreed to do a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 80, and they accomplished that. Matt explained that when it was time for contract negotations in April, TLC pretty much knew that the Roloffs wouldn't be renewing the contract. They were under no legal obligation to do so. Therefore, there was no lawsuit.
Jon wasn't sued by TLC because he quit the show. He was sued for breach of contract for not living up to his obligations as an exclusive employee of the network, while appearing on rival networks’ programs for pay and making unauthorized public disclosures about the show.
Given TLC's history of filing lawsuits, however, I can't imagine anyone would want to enter into any kind of a business relationship with them.
I have all the respect in the world for the Roloffs. But Matt Roloff had a HUGE advantage against TLC. He is a business man, he has negotiated many business deals and many contracts. His business experience began well before the show ever started, and probably will continue long after, and includes running a working successful farm, including a pumpkin business, a book deal, and a stepping stool business. Not to mention he and Amy HAVE done acting before as little people in movies. They have dealt with the entertainment world before and had contracts there as well. Several of their little people friends are actors, including the actor from Pirates of the Caribbean. And to top it all off they have BOTH severed positions on boards for Little People organizations as well as several charity organizations. Their business sense is far, far above average. This is NOT to say someone without this experience is stupid, only that they don't have experience. Just like some people are doctors and some are lawyers, and doctors shouldn't be lawyers and lawyers shouldn't be doctors.
If I'm not mistaken Matt ran a software company as well. The man is no stranger to dealing with other companies and knows how to negotiate a contract that is fair for his family. TLC could not pull the wool over his eyes even if they wanted to and they were willing to deal with someone savvy like Matt because it was worth it to them.
Jon and Kate on the other hand, were a nurse and an IT guy. They were NOT business people. Matt just HAPPENED to have good business sense. Had Matt been a nurse or Matt been an IT tech, Little People could have just as easily had a very different, unhappy ending.
Jon and Kate on the other hand, were a nurse and an IT guy. They were NOT business people.
Neither were they an entity unto themselves. They certainly had friends/family/acquaintances who could have advised them on the importance of having an attorney to negotiate a contract. Kate's father was/is a businessman, who has had many dealings in buying property. One doesn't have to have experience specifically with an entertainment company to know the importance of making certain that he is protected when signing a contract. Yes, they were guillible, but if TLC did, in fact, give them the opportunity to have an attorney advise them before signing the contract, and they chose not to, they have nobody to blame but themselves.
I wasn't a "business person" either when I started out in the corporate world. I was wet behind the ears and had no business sense whatsoever. However, I surrounded myself with people who did, and I took their advice, and learning came with time. Kate and Jon could have done the same.
"Thanks, Heide, I knew the twins tuition being paid for was made public many years ago, when Jon & Kate Plus 8 first started. I've been following since 2007, and that tidbit was thrown around a lot at the long-gone TWOP board"
There were many tidbits being thrown around that just were not true, and were never confirmed. This was one of them. Another one is that the school offers sibling discounts, which is also not true. Yet another one was that the twins, years ago, were on "scholarships." The school doesn't offer scholarship awards to first graders (the class the girls were in at the time that rumor was passed around).
Juliana, are you saying that because Jon and Kate were stupid when they signed their contract, TLC shouldn't be held responsible? I totally disagree. That's a big reason why we have laws, to protect people, even from their own stupidity. Just because you forgot to lock your door at night doesn't mean the police won't arrest the person who then robbed you.
Just because you were savvy enough when you started in business doesn't mean everyone is.
And by the way, this report we have that American Idol offers contestants a lawyer is very telling. It's a lawyer PAID FOR BY AMERICAN IDOL. Giant conflict of interest. Why bother to have a lawyer at all if the OTHER SIDE is paying for them. That's like using a referee that the opposing team is paying for--please.
"Thanks, Heide, I knew the twins tuition being paid for was made public many years ago, when Jon & Kate Plus 8 first started. I've been following since 2007, and that tidbit was thrown around a lot at the long-gone TWOP board"
There were many tidbits being thrown around that just were not true, and were never confirmed. This was one of them. Another one is that the school offers sibling discounts, which is also not true. Yet another one was that the twins, years ago, were on "scholarships." The school doesn't offer scholarship awards to first graders (the class the girls were in at the time that rumor was passed around).
In regard to the twin's tuition being paid, I read that a long time ago and I believe it is true. It was way before the tabloids were interested in the Gosselins.
Thanks, Heide, I knew the twins tuition being paid for was made public many years ago, when Jon & Kate Plus 8 first started. I've been following since 2007, and that tidbit was thrown around a lot at the long-gone TWOP board.
The only reason I bring it up in these discussions is because so many people believe J&K are paying for the kids' tuition. I highly doubt that, but it's only my speculation.
In regard to the twin's tuition being paid, I read that a long time ago and I believe it is true. It was way before the tabloids were interested in the Gosselins.
I think this is a case of having read something so many times, that people believe it must be true. If you read it in a rag mag, please do not put any stock in that. Not saying it isn't true, but take it w/a grain of salt, please.
My thoughts exactly -- kind of like the story that keeps rearing its head about Kate growing up in a trailer park, which is absolutely not true...or the "fact" that the governor of PA gave the tups full paid scholarships to the college of their choice, which also is not true.
Let's say, hypothetically, this footage was taken secretly in a classroom somewhere. (I think Oprah had something like this on one of her shows) And THIS was how the teacher was treating her students? What if they leaked it to all the local news stations? What do you all think would be the outcome? Kate is actually being PAID to mistreat her kids, she's actually making a living at exposing her dysfuntion to all of America. What gives?
Just how is she supposed to know what order they eat their lunch in anyway? Is she going to have it taped? Or send Steve to school with them to report back? How dumb.
Kart has some major control issues. She can't be there to supervise, so the best she can do is scream at them and scare them into obeying. No one normal would try to turn their child's meal into a calculated regimen.
I'm ashamed to admit I broke my 2+ years of no Gosselins to see Hannah get her hair cut (Youtube upload, I didn't watch the show on TV). Kart's reaction was so intense, like she was punched in the face. That was the image of a person that lost control of something she had been controlling for years - Hannah's long hair. What a horrible mother, lying to her child about her hair never growing back, and telling her she's breaking mommy's heart. Good for Hannah, not breaking down to Kart's threats.
I've posted this many times on a few blogs regarding the private school the kids go to. The twins' tuition is paid for through 12th grade. A very generous donor(s) gifted this to Cara & Mady when the tups were born. No one knows who is paying the tups tuition, but I doubt Jon & Kate are paying the full amount, if any of it.
Re "I have no theories as to what is going on with the quiet from Gosselin World, but something is cooking."
Over on the dark side one of the love blogs has a recent thread about how cooking is "similar".
It just so happens that on one of the talk news show - no I don't know which one - I thought I heard that Kate would have a new book out next year. I remember thinking at the time what publisher would work with her after her last book in April "I Just Want You To Know" tanked big time?
While surfing the net not too long ago I went to wikipedia and noticed there is a blurb that Kate is releasing her cook book "Love Is In The Mix" in 2011. Didn't we bloggers find proof that this book was dumped in Asia in 2009 and not released here?
This morning I went to wikipedia again and noted that the paragraph about her being an author has been rewritten. It now gives the impression that IJWYTK made the New York Best Seller list the first week because it sold 10,000 copies :) and there is no mention of LIITM. However, if you scroll down to the bottom of this page you see LIITM is scheduled to be released January 2011.
Schmecky Girl said...Was it just me or did she sound really angry when she say (after yelling Quiet!) "What order do we eat our lunch in?!?!" Was she glaring at them?
I think she expected them to answer her in their chant when she first asked and was upset they didn't recite it properly for the cameras the first time. ---------------------- I agree with you completely, Schmecky. She sounded very angry and I'm sure this goes on all the time. I think she probably grills them about how they ate lunch when they get home too. Nice way to teach your kids to lie for self-defense, Kate. She is awful.
Thank you, Matt Roloff for being honest about just how grueling filming a Reality TV show really is. Matt comments on the schedule and states that "it's not for the faint of heart". He noted that Jon and Kate were more fragile and younger, and he and Amy could see the show and all that goes with it taking a toll.
So how are little children completely, 100% blocked from this stress, this grueling filming schedule, and all the pressure?
It amazes me that Kate has said a few times how she was OVERLY disciplined as a child, and she indicated resentment about that. She even told Natalie Morales that she was overly disciplined and that may have something to do with why her parents aren't in her life anymore. She said she would need 10 years to figure out the issues she had as an overly discipliined child.
So, you'd THINK as someone who was overly disciplined and didn't like it, she would be LESS like that parenting her own kids. But she overly disciplines her own children to the nth degree! If she didn't like it, what makes her think her kids like it? Doesn't she know that when her kids grow up, they will talk about issues they have from being too disciplined as children?
Most people who were disciplined too harshly as children grow up and break the cycle with their kids. Some people continue the cycle, or make it even worse. I think Kate is definitely continuing the "overly disciplined/ harsh" parenting she was raised with, and perhaps has taken it to an even harsher level.
If she thinks her kids won't be left with scars about that, she's even crazier than I thought.
I'm so tired of her treating those kids as if they should feel guilty for being born a multiple and making her life so difficult. Sometime she acts as if the kids and the world conspired against her and plotted this 8 kids thing to drive her crazy.
Grammy of nine said... And yes, the kids are the ones who need a bodyguard. With that mouth, Kate can handle herself. ======================== I don't think Steve was ever a true bodyguard. As others have said, I think he was hired by TLC to manage Kate's public behavior. Without Steve, do you think that writer at the Huffington Post would have ever gotten a photo with Kate at the beach. Steve is PR, not bodyguard IMO.
After the above clip, I can't imagine what life is like for those kids off camera.
Just a thought regarding the school tuition: Wasn't it stated somewhere that the kids' trust funds could be used for certain expenses, including education? If so, I'm sure Kate wouldn't hesitate to dip her claws into the funds to pay tuitions ... since it's apparant she's much too greedy and cheap to spend any of "her" money on the tups, if she doesn't have to.
LOL at crunchy things! Would those little "triangular thingies" be considered crunchy things?
I didn't realize you were supposed to eat the veggies and crunchy stuff AFTER you eat the main meal. I've always eaten my chips with my sandwich. Bite some sandwich, each a chip, bite a carrot stick, etc. I actually like to put the potato chips IN my sandwich too.
I understand telling a child they should eat the cookie last, I do too but I don't grill my child when they come home and ask them if they ate the dessert first.
Marge, About those figures, won't they increase once the tups start first grade? I heard somewhere they get a discount for having so many kids in the school. I think someone actually called the school to ask that (and it wasn't a "hater").
Was it just me or did she sound really angry when she say (after yelling Quiet!) "What order do we eat our lunch in?!?!" Was she glaring at them?
I think she expected them to answer her in their chant when she first asked and was upset they didn't recite it properly for the cameras the first time.
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106 sediments (sic) from readers:
Tuition at the twins and 'tups private school is $11,850 per Kindergartener per year ($71,100) PLUS $17,600 per twin per year ($35,200) for a GRAND TOTAL of $106,300 PER YEAR. Where is Little Miss Has-been Kh8 Go$$elin going to come up with such cash EACH YEAR??
WOW I can't believe how Kate speaks to her kids. She's like "speak, no be quiet, ok you can talk if you speak together as one" confusing for her kids, poor things.
That clip was hilarious at the end, so true :-)
Tuition at the twins and 'tups private school is $11,850 per Kindergartener per year ($71,100) PLUS $17,600 per twin per year ($35,200) for a GRAND TOTAL of $106,300 PER YEAR. Where is Little Miss Has-been Kh8 Go$$elin going to come up with such cash EACH YEAR??
Do you really think it's such a good idea to be publicizing this? If I recall, Admin didn't want details about the school being discussed.
That is seriously too much control for ANY parent to have over their child! Who even CARES if they eat dessert first at lunch? As long as they eat healthy in quantity of something other than just dessert it really shouln't matter whether they eat it first, second, last or third or whatever! I used to eat my dessert last on my walk home from the bus stop as a kid, the bus stop was a few blocks away but you could still see my house from the bus stop.
But to tell them to be quiet, then to speak as a unit is just really, really creepy on so many levels to me. Just because they were born as 6 does not mean they need to be treated as 6. The look on thier faces!!!! Oh it SO SAD!!! And the fact that she balks like a chicken when they all start to talk at once, makes me think she really wants to treat them as one not individuals which could set them up for many probelms in the future if not sooner. I mean,like she isn't really set up her pre-teen daughter's for possible eating disorder by telling them if they don't eat exactly as she wants that's going to make their kids do things just to spite her, which, on somethings wouldn't be a bad idea. But we all know already how Collin tries to live up to his mother's potential and freaks out about getting dirty and such, boys suffer eating disorders to so this whole control fest is just freaking scary and to think in Kate's mind that amount of control is normal.
What the heck is she going to do when they all gang up on her one of these days? I mean, seriously come on, we all know its going to happen. Kids hit 16, they tell you its 2 years until I'm 18 then I'm out of here! I hope this doesn't affect the kids negatively but I wish all the bad karma of what she's done will be things Kate will have to live with when she is old, alone, in a nursing home, no longer remember except as Kate who? That her kids wont come to visit, I predict she wil have a nervous breakdown when all the kids are grown and gone and she no longer has Jon, Steve, the kids, Jaime or whoever to have any type of control over, she wont be able to handle it trust me.
One of my own distant family members is just like Kate and I seriously feel bad for her kids and am so uncomfortable being around this particular family member when I visit I couldn't imagine living with het 24/7! I think I would be the one to have the melt break down! Haha.
Hahaha! I am sitting here with a friend's little boy I am babysitting for the night and he said all randomly as I was typing, and he's 2 almost 3 in a few weeks he said of Kate's carton picture, "Thats a scary lady!!!" So I showed him a real picture of Kate and he said, "She still scary!!" Oh man what a crack up!!
Tuition costs are absolutely none of our business.
It's downright creepy that someone took the time to dig up this information. The "haters" aren't stalker-ish like that.
We all know the school is expensive, it's not really necessary to know the exact figure. It bothers me more when people want to post their school schedule--when they are in school, out of school, half days, and so on. Unless it's to show they are missing school to film something, which hasn't been an issue since the Florida trip.
We know after that horrible incident at the arcade these poor kids need a bodyguard way more than Kate ever did.
I don't watch any TLC shows, but had almost forgotten how very scary Kate G. is. What a piece of work! Who do you know that talks to her kids that way and forces them to speak in unison? It just isn't natural, much less kind. So glad so many in show biz are calling her out on her bad behavior. And yes, the kids are the ones who need a bodyguard. With that mouth, Kate can handle herself.
Wow. Those poor kids. You know when their are old enough, they will dig up the footage, watch it & go crazy on Kate for the way she treated them. Can't wait for the day that they are on the on talk shows, remembering how Kate treated them, remembering bits & pieces from their childhood. All of these clips will be shown, & then flash to the kids, grown-up, shaking their heads, saying "that's how it was all the time, even without the cameras".
I know you guys did, but did you see the look of fear on their faces when she yelled 'QUIET!!' Imagine being too terrified to answer your own mother? Just, wow. OK sheeple, & she's a good mom.
I have adopted a dog who was abused/abandoned and very skittish as a result for a long time. He would freeze whenever any one's voice was raised. We learned not to call to each other if someone was upstairs in our house as a result.
My point is when I first saw this video, I saw the Gosselins react in the same manner when Kate raised her voice and started to yell. After she screamed, they all recited together as they were told in order to pacify their enraged Mother. I could only watch this once, it is just too sad. Just like the van video where the kids scream in agony when Jon drops them off, it is proof positive that these kids live in fear.
When I originally saw this "chant" about what to eat first and how dessert is last this is what I thought...It won't take long for those kids to learn that they can throw their sandwich, vegetables, and "crunchy things" in the trash and go straight to the dessert. They aren't dumb enough to bring their uneaten healthy foods home so mommy knows they didn't eat them.
In fact, if I was a classmate of their's, I'd probably teach them how to do it just to spite Kate!
Eat your desserts first kids!!!
Kate learned that controlling and ineffectual parenting style somewhere.I don't think it's something she studied on her own, in order to provide effective parenting to her children.It sounds more like a childhood memory of how things MUST be done in a well-behaved and well-ordered family.
I find this possibility really scary; if it's true, it's not based on logic or common sense or even good practices.It suggests punitive outcomes for not obeying;and it's reactive rather than pro-active parenting.
It's also much harder to change a childhood value learned at your parents' knee (or over it)
than it is to learn appropriate parental responses to growing children.
That Drill Sargeant Kate is a PIP!
She may think she has total control of her children, but she is setting the stage for a total mutiny.
Not too late to tweek your attitude a little bit, Kate. You and your family will love the results- I promise.
Was it just me or did she sound really angry when she say (after yelling Quiet!) "What order do we eat our lunch in?!?!" Was she glaring at them?
I think she expected them to answer her in their chant when she first asked and was upset they didn't recite it properly for the cameras the first time.
Regarding the order to each lunch, I have read that you should always eat your fruit first as it helps you digest your food properly and get the most nutrients out of the fruit.
Here's what I found (for those that might actually care):
In the order of first come first serve, if you were to consume your carbs and proteins before you eat fruit, it will take more than 2 hrs for your carbs and proteins to be digested. By the time your stomach juices can really start to digest your fruit (eaten more than 2 hrs ago) your fruit would have started to ferment in the harsh environment of your stomach and intestines. (now you know why you get a lot of gas and all the burping and flatuating for having fruits after a meal). The fermented fruits would also form a environment for bacteria to flourish! Not a good idea.
So then, what is the best time to eat fruits? Yes, you got it! Before meals :)
Since fruits only take about 30-40 mins to digest (juice takes about 20 mins),take them before your main meal so you can absorb all the goodies (nutrients, minerals and vitamins) that fruits have to offer! Plus, you don't even have to wait too long (just 40 mins at most) before you can eat your main meal. This is what i call optimization of food:) Remember, you are what you eat!
About those figures, won't they increase once the tups start first grade? I heard somewhere they get a discount for having so many kids in the school. I think someone actually called the school to ask that (and it wasn't a "hater").
Wow. If those figures are right it's $280k for 8 kids (once they aren't in K any longer). Even at a 50% discount that's $140k a year.
I think the school probably offers scholarship and other help to multi-child families. Not every family has to pay full tuition, especially if there are several children at the school.
My thought about the tuition is that I hope all that cash is buying the children a sense of security, a chance for real happiness, a great education, a sense of belonging, and being appreciated for who they are as individual human beings. They sure don't seem to be getting it anywhere else.
LOL at crunchy things! Would those little "triangular thingies" be considered crunchy things?
I didn't realize you were supposed to eat the veggies and crunchy stuff AFTER you eat the main meal. I've always eaten my chips with my sandwich. Bite some sandwich, each a chip, bite a carrot stick, etc. I actually like to put the potato chips IN my sandwich too.
I understand telling a child they should eat the cookie last, I do too but I don't grill my child when they come home and ask them if they ate the dessert first.
Love Topanga.
The kids have needed protection for years IMHO - I shudder to think of how ISOLATED she purposely made their home.
It was better when they were in a real neighborhood...(not that rural ones aren't a neighborhood) the distance between homes now makes these kids a target. Plus it gives her distance to not be witnessed harming those kids (unless she does it on the driveway in a fit of anger as documented).
Think back to that family in Florida where the parents were brutally murdered while the children with developmental disabilities slept. It was about money. The family even had security cameras showing the intrusion.
But there seems to be no protection for the children - just think Lindbergh kidnapping.
The whole thing is unsafe. It would be far too easy to hurt them... just gives me the worst images.
I would imagine the private school offers a discount if you have more than one child enrolled at the same time.
Thanks for the clip. Anyone else would be on their best behavior in front of cameras, but not mommy dearest.
I have no theories as to what is going on with the quiet from Gosselin World, but something is cooking.
TLC created their own monster in Kate. Now the other reality stars want the big bucks too. No more cheap production costs for reality shows----this is the beginning of the end.
Just a thought regarding the school tuition: Wasn't it stated somewhere that the kids' trust funds could be used for certain expenses, including education? If so, I'm sure Kate wouldn't hesitate to dip her claws into the funds to pay tuitions ... since it's apparant she's much too greedy and cheap to spend any of "her" money on the tups, if she doesn't have to.
"And secretly, ourselves." LOLOL
Hippie Chick said... Wow. Those poor kids. You know when their are old enough, they will dig up the footage, watch it & go crazy on Kate for the way she treated them. Can't wait for the day that they are on the on talk shows, remembering how Kate treated them, remembering bits & pieces from their childhood. All of these clips will be shown, & then flash to the kids, grown-up, shaking their heads, saying "that's how it was all the time, even without the cameras".
I do wonder if they actually will go public. I'm guessing the majority of them won't. At least not while Kate is still alive. Most children with controlling (even abusive) parents still feel some sort of loyalty to their parents.
Grammy of nine said... And yes, the kids are the ones who need a bodyguard. With that mouth, Kate can handle herself.
I don't think Steve was ever a true bodyguard. As others have said, I think he was hired by TLC to manage Kate's public behavior. Without Steve, do you think that writer at the Huffington Post would have ever gotten a photo with Kate at the beach. Steve is PR, not bodyguard IMO.
After the above clip, I can't imagine what life is like for those kids off camera.
Oh where, Oh where has our little Kate gone... Oh where, Oh where can she be???
Anyone seen or heard where Kate's been hiding?? I see reports that Mr. Gray has jetted off w/ his wife to Europe for their anniversary but no photos of this and no photos of Kate in a week. Strange! Wonder how she took the news of Jon getting remarried?????
Does anyone remember when or what the title of the infamous spoon episodes were? I know it was discussed here not too long ago but can't seem to find it. Thanks.
It amazes me that Kate has said a few times how she was OVERLY disciplined as a child, and she indicated resentment about that. She even told Natalie Morales that she was overly disciplined and that may have something to do with why her parents aren't in her life anymore. She said she would need 10 years to figure out the issues she had as an overly discipliined child.
So, you'd THINK as someone who was overly disciplined and didn't like it, she would be LESS like that parenting her own kids. But she overly disciplines her own children to the nth degree! If she didn't like it, what makes her think her kids like it? Doesn't she know that when her kids grow up, they will talk about issues they have from being too disciplined as children?
Most people who were disciplined too harshly as children grow up and break the cycle with their kids. Some people continue the cycle, or make it even worse. I think Kate is definitely continuing the "overly disciplined/ harsh" parenting she was raised with, and perhaps has taken it to an even harsher level.
If she thinks her kids won't be left with scars about that, she's even crazier than I thought.
I'm so tired of her treating those kids as if they should feel guilty for being born a multiple and making her life so difficult. Sometime she acts as if the kids and the world conspired against her and plotted this 8 kids thing to drive her crazy.
I grew up with a mom like Kate...ahh, brings back so many bad childhood memories.
Thankfully, my mom eventually sought counseling. I was 15 years old before my mother hugged me and said "I love you". She still has issues, but she is close to my kids. Over the years, she realized how many mistakes she made. Although, she is still way more fond of the grandkids as babies, rather than big kids with opinions. We talk often, but it's a superficial relationship, and we will never be close. Out of the four siblings, she cherished the last child, and made it painfully obvious by putting the rest of us down. Sound familiar?
I see SO many similarities with Kate. She is in for a world of hurt when these kids are old enough to get a taste of freedom. I rebeled in every way possible...boys, drinking, sneaking out, you name it, I did it.
Watching this hurts my heart, because if she is this short tempered and quick to anger on camera, I guarantee it is 10 times worse in private.
There are new pics up at INF of Jon picking the kids up yesterday.
The first thing I noticed was Mady's shoes. Even before I read the article, I thought..oh no..another Kate!
If you look close at the pics, I think Jon is also saying WTH are those things on your feet.
Hope Jon is smart enough to keep track of every minute he spends with the kids and more importantly, every minute that Kate is away from them.
What judge wouldn't give Jon full custody ? When a childs mother is always away from them and they have a loving father that wants and loves them, what is the problem?
When she is with them , she treats them like crap and doesn't deserve them !
I no longer watch the show, haven't since before the split, but I did watch the clip above. Scary hardly begins to describe it, and I caught at least one of the kids looking at the cameraman before opening her mouth. Bothersome on so many levels, and I won't even address the insane "this is the way we eat our lunch" mantra the crazy lady is chanting.
One of the things that struck me was how awful Kate looked in this clip. I mean the woman gets her hooker gear and makeup on to run to Target, and yet in an almost scripted, camera on her moment in her kitchen, she wears a shapeless rag, band-aids her head and gathers the rest of her dyed locks up in some 'do. She must know by now that she is a prime candidate for airbrushing and make-up, that was major unattractiveness. Sorry to be petty, but it struck me as odd.
And what's with the paper plates? Do these kids, all of 6 and 9, even eat on real anything? Wait, I'm sure these must be the organic ones, right? It's is no wonder that they seem to have no manners in public, their life is one long hot dog stand.
I say this because last night we were at a dinner and met the new lady friend of a long time acquaintance. She's a woman in mid-age, but is also a well-known comedic tv actress (the oddness of living Hollywood adjacent), raising her kids as a divorced mom (note I did not say single mom, because, like Kate, there is very much a dad in the picture). Unlike Kate, and this is where you have to be struck by class vs. no class, this woman is educated, AND talented. In public, she wants to be private and so to us, seated next to her at dinner, she was just a parent like my husband and I.
It reminded me of comments that the Admin here has made about meeting, living and working in the midst of celebrity. Kate will never, ever, be anything but a fame whore, and at her age, this will be fleeting. Perspective is everything, and the saddest thing is that the children, whether they are filmed or not, are the lifelong losers. 5 years of this has got to leave scars.
Thank you, Matt Roloff for being honest about just how grueling filming a Reality TV show really is.
Matt comments on the schedule and states that "it's not for the faint of heart". He noted that Jon and Kate were more fragile and younger, and he and Amy could see the show and all that goes with it taking a toll.
So how are little children completely, 100% blocked from this stress, this grueling filming schedule, and all the pressure?
Not sure where to put this. INF is saying that Kate has been out of town all week!!! Jon picked up the kids from school yesterday but the nannies are taking care of them other wise. So how long has she been gone this time and why would she be out of town when Steve is not with her? He always travels with her. Either they are together or she has another bodyguard with her. Someone needs to find out what's going on. Her is a link to the INF story ;
Schmecky Girl said...Was it just me or did she sound really angry when she say (after yelling Quiet!) "What order do we eat our lunch in?!?!" Was she glaring at them?
I think she expected them to answer her in their chant when she first asked and was upset they didn't recite it properly for the cameras the first time.
I agree with you completely, Schmecky. She sounded very angry and I'm sure this goes on all the time. I think she probably grills them about how they ate lunch when they get home too. Nice way to teach your kids to lie for self-defense, Kate. She is awful.
Kate is sick.
This type of "food control issues" will lead to eating disorders.
I have an ex friend who ate like crazy- but was very thin. When she had her daughters, and they would take a cookie or something at my house- she would make actual pig snorting noises at them! I was shocked! They were very thin girls- just like their mother. I was at their house at dinner time a few times- and the small portions she gave them were horrible! (I found out later that they snuck handfuls of potato chips and things from their father when he was watching TV!)
My THIN kids had a few play dates there and she would comment to me about how much MY kids ate! (It came down to the fact that my son asked for a second tiny apple late in the afternoon. He told me they were very good apples- and he was still hungry!- I about cried! He was seven!) Meanwhile, her girls ate me out of house and home when they played at my house, all healthy things I might add, and I never mentioned a thing to her! Needless to say, my kids never went there again without me along!
Fast forward 20 years- all of her daughters grew up with eating disorders. One ate exactly 1/2 of whatever was put in front of her for years and years. When a relative approached her mother with concern about her being so skinny, her mother said- better skinny than fat!
One put on the "freshman 15" when she went to college and would not even come home to visit for fear of the comments she would hear from her mother about the extra weight! She eventually lost the weight, but for years she wore long sleeves and long pants even in the summer for fear of comments.
One took to taking any over the counter meds she could find to keep her weight down and ended up with all sorts of issues.
I am just talking FOOD issues here people, not to mention all the other issues that went along with it!
My point is, Kate is sooooooooo going about this and soooooooooo many other things in the wrong way! She is so sick. My heart aches for those kids.
PS- My kids grew up healthy, happy, slender, and able to make their own food choices! They understand portion control and enjoy food of all kind! They do not drink soda, and rarely eat sweets! (Their choice!)
I wish Kate would get help.
Re "I have no theories as to what is going on with the quiet from Gosselin World, but something is cooking."
Over on the dark side one of the love blogs has a recent thread about how cooking is "similar".
It just so happens that on one of the talk news show - no I don't know which one - I thought I heard that Kate would have a new book out next year. I remember thinking at the time what publisher would work with her after her last book in April "I Just Want You To Know" tanked big time?
While surfing the net not too long ago I went to wikipedia and noticed there is a blurb that Kate is releasing her cook book "Love Is In The Mix" in 2011. Didn't we bloggers find proof that this book was dumped in Asia in 2009 and not released here?
This morning I went to wikipedia again and noted that the paragraph about her being an author has been rewritten. It now gives the impression that IJWYTK made the New York Best Seller list the first week because it sold 10,000 copies :) and there is no mention of LIITM. However, if you scroll down to the bottom of this page you see LIITM is scheduled to be released January 2011.
We will all just have to wait and see ~
Schmecky Girl, you are so right about her tone, listen to the clip again, but close your eyes. She sounds very,very scary,such an angry, hateful tone of voice.Why would she act like this on camera, knowing the whole world would hear it? Also, what's this about Jon re-marrying? Did I miss something while I slept?
Just had to share how a true celebrity acts in public.
I am sure Kate is off somewhere filming right now as she does not stay out of the public eye for long.
She holds TLC hostage as long as she is making money for them and she knows it. If she is filming a show based on interaction with other families I don't think that will last long. With her boring, narcisstic personality she will turn most people off.
As the video shows, she is always playing the martyr and thinks she is the superior Mother by showing who is in control. Who asks 8 kids a question and expects only one to answer? She should also know by now who likes mustard or mayo. instead of proving she is in charge. The adult in that situation would either ask each child or a show of hands for one choice or the other. I feel so sorry for the kids and sad for them also.
The Gosselin children may have learned along the way that the best way to make money is to exploit someone. So, they may decide to exploit Mommy by writing a book about their childhood experiences in the fameworld. I hope they have other jobs, because if they have learned that poor me gets you boatloads of cash, they are destined to keep the method going for generations.
SchmeckyGirl said:
I do wonder if they actually will go public. I'm guessing the majority of them won't. At least not while Kate is still alive. Most children with controlling (even abusive) parents still feel some sort of loyalty to their parents.
I agree, but ALSO because abused children will still want to "please" their parent - whether that parent was the abuser or not. The children will still be under guilt for thinking a lot of things (not just the camera people leaving or the show tanking...) that Kate did to them was "their fault" - Narcissists are GREAT at turning it all away from them and making their victims feel responsible.
(I lived with a bipolar narcissist...and to this day I wonder if I ever made her proud of me... sad no?)
I have serious doubts that the Neilds went to Europe. I smell a decoy action by TLC. My sense is Kate is off with Steve filming something. Steve is very good at sneaking off with Kate. Besides, didn't the Europe info come from some neighbor of the Neilds? Sounds like a plant to me plus someone on another thread mentioned Gina was seen at the house. I truly can't even guess what TLC is plotting.
I have to say that I am amazed that Kate shouting at the kids was not edited out. I guess they figured her outburst would be discussed on the blogs.
Let's say, hypothetically, this footage was taken secretly in a classroom somewhere. (I think Oprah had something like this on one of her shows) And THIS was how the teacher was treating her students? What if they leaked it to all the local news stations? What do you all think would be the outcome? Kate is actually being PAID to mistreat her kids, she's actually making a living at exposing her dysfuntion to all of America. What gives?
IRRC there is some law on the books in PA that the state picks up some portion of the tuition fees for any child in private school. Anyone else remember anything more specific about this???
Just a thought on where Kate could be!! Maybe she went to Europe on her own to check up on Steve. Or maybe she called Steve and his wife and was so distrought about all the mess she has made about her "body" that they told her to come and spend some time with them. That way Kate could still be with Steve. She's had him to herself for months and months,she is not going to let him go so easily. Just a thought!!!
This loon is just cannon fodder for jokes. The whole lunch deal is insane on so many levels, the most obvious of which is the amount of food mentioned. Katie Irene is attempting to show, again, what an accomplished mom/chief she is. Who honestly believes those kids leave the house with a (five???) course meal? Who sends their kid to kindergarten with sandwich, chips, vegetable, fruit and dessert? Nobody does. We have all seen the amount of food distributed....., next to nothing. Now they have 5 courses? Spare me.
I've seen it mentioned twice on another website that "Twist of Kate" will be on TLC. One comment says it premieres Oct. 15 and the other says in November. Has anyone seen this mentioned on the TLC website? I can't find anything. If you've found it could you please post a link here.
SAHM said...
Oh where, Oh where has our little Kate gone... Oh where, Oh where can she be???
Everyone wants her to go away -- disappear and never show her face again!
Now you want to know where she is and where she's hiding! LOL!! Let her go into exile. Unfortunately, she'll surface soon enough.
Speaking of fun, I had never clicked on the Tom & Trix link you have listed until today. Hilarious! I love this comment from October 2008 (before the split and well before Kate Plus 8) where Kate Plus 8 was already predicted.
New Headlines to be coming up:
On the NEXT episode of Kate + 8, we explain why Jon is no longer on the show. He should have known if you show up Kate on being a good parent, you lose your TV rights. Tune in Monday at 8:30 p.m. to see Jon and Aunt Jodie rehashing good times before they were booted off the show!
On the NEXT episode of Kate + 6, we explain why the twins are no longer on the show! They should have known if you grow up and are cuter and nicer than Kate, or stand up for yourself, you are axed! Tune in to see Mady and Cara discuss old fun times with Jon and Aunt Jodie. A reunion with the maternal grandparents might be a highlight also!
On the NEXT episode of Kate + 3, we explain why the boys are no longer on the show. The boys have always known they weren't the favorites, but they never dreamed they would be cut. Reunion highlights of them joyfully playing with their Dad, Aunt Jodie and their twin sisters will be enjoyed by all!
On the NEXT episode of Kate + 0, you will see Kate in her quiet, peaceful house with NOBODY breathing. Ahhh..the sound of silence she so craves. You will watch her walk from Bible quote to Bible quote dusting them off and smiling. She will be eating monkey munch alone and will vacuum as soon as she's finished. Ahh.. such a nice organized quiet life in the 8,000 sq. foot TV home. Highlights will be Jon, Aunt Jody, and the eight beautiful stress free kids playing with all their new neighbors in their mis-matched walmart outfits! A happy ending is indeed coming! Monday at 8:30, tune in!
Just how is she supposed to know what order they eat their lunch in anyway? Is she going to have it taped? Or send Steve to school with them to report back? How dumb.
I am actually quite happy the kids are going to a great private school..
They have earned the right to an awesome education, and I believe and hope the school provides security for them.
I think they are were they belong and don't have any disdain for their high priced education at all.
You've filled a void in the Get Children off of Reality Television blogs that was sorely needed and a long time coming. And you did it with CLASS and TACT. THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH! true that she sounds like the wicked mother of the East when you watch the video. What difference does it make what order if she is preparing a healthy lunch it shouldn't matter. What a ditz!
What is a crunchy thing? Cheetos, Doritos,carrot sticks, celery sticks..what does it matter.
PaMa said...
Just a thought regarding the school tuition: Wasn't it stated somewhere that the kids' trust funds could be used for certain expenses, including education? If so, I'm sure Kate wouldn't hesitate to dip her claws into the funds to pay tuitions ... since it's apparant she's much too greedy and cheap to spend any of "her" money on the tups, if she doesn't have to.
You're right PaMa,
The trust accounts for the kids can be used for educational, medical, and other 'necessary' expenses. A parent or network that who waits for a pending investigation (as TLC/Kate did last year) to set up accounts for children in reality tv isn't someone who is prone to save
(no matter what) the kid's earnings for them.
IMO, that's reason enough for the trusts to be 'irrevocable' as was mentioned in the hearings held last week in PA.
"WHAT DO WE HATE??? Daddy, Daddy's Whores..." LMAO!!!!!
I wonder if Kate is filming Celebrity Apprentice in NYC. I think Donald Trump was on Regis & Kelly a couple of weeks ago and said that filming for CA would be starting soon.
INF Daily has pics of Jon picking up the kids claiming Kate has been out of town the past week. Interesting to note Mady wearing a cute jean skirt and shoes with a bit of a heel.
Like Michelle above, after viewing the clip I also wonder what life must really be like for the G8.
Then I showed the clip to my boyfriend and he said, "it is never to late to hate Kate".
I sure hope the remaining Sheeple realize their herd number is dwindling - and WHY - the next time they are at a 4 way stop and they are waiting for the stop sign to turn green ~
Ava said... I wonder if Kate is filming Celebrity Apprentice in NYC. I think Donald Trump was on Regis & Kelly a couple of weeks ago and said that filming for CA would be starting soon.
I've been wondering the same thing. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
Reality Bites said... INF Daily has pics of Jon picking up the kids claiming Kate has been out of town the past week. Interesting to note Mady wearing a cute jean skirt and shoes with a bit of a heel.
I thought they had school uniforms, but the kids are not wearing them in this picture. What's the deal?
Ava, it also occurred to me that she's filming Celebrity Apprentice, and if she's not, she's getting work done. She's "so important" that she has to be photographed going to Target and yet she's been MIA for more than a week. Lies and more lies.
Someone on another blog said they spotted her at Target, & it was a local. Don't know if it's true...Maybe it is, who knows. People just don't care anymore? Wouldn't that be nice.
"I thought they had school uniforms, but the kids are not wearing them in this picture. What's the deal?"
Homecoming Week/Spirit Week. Dress code not mandatory.
Sandy said... Who honestly believes those kids leave the house with a (five???) course meal? Who sends their kid to kindergarten with sandwich, chips, vegetable, fruit and dessert? Nobody does. We have all seen the amount of food distributed....., next to nothing. Now they have 5 courses?
Six courses. Don't forget "crunchy things"!
I watched Kate +8 a while back,I can't remember the episode. Aiden, the little boy with glasses, went up to his mum and she turned to him and he actually flinched in fear. I then saw this last episode with her screaming QUIET! I felt physically sick. It reminded me so much of my own mother. She controlled my sister and I like puppets. I grew up to be a rebel, my sister became a peace maker at any cost. She catered to my mother in everything, I had nothing to do with her. Mady reminds me of me. I am so sad for these children. All I can think of is, if she is that way in front of the cameras, what is she like when there are no cameras? No wonder Aiden flinches in fear. I think your blog will have an impact, well done.
If my mother had told me HOW to eat my lunch, I would have eaten it in the exact opposite order just because I could. The only rule in our house was to remember to share if somebody didn't bring a lunch that day. Other than that, Mom and Dad left it up to me.
Remember when Kate would lovingly tuck little notes into Mady and Cara's lunch boxes? Do you think the Kindergarteners get notes?
Lesley said...
Just how is she supposed to know what order they eat their lunch in anyway? Is she going to have it taped? Or send Steve to school with them to report back? How dumb.
Kart has some major control issues. She can't be there to supervise, so the best she can do is scream at them and scare them into obeying. No one normal would try to turn their child's meal into a calculated regimen.
I'm ashamed to admit I broke my 2+ years of no Gosselins to see Hannah get her hair cut (Youtube upload, I didn't watch the show on TV). Kart's reaction was so intense, like she was punched in the face. That was the image of a person that lost control of something she had been controlling for years - Hannah's long hair. What a horrible mother, lying to her child about her hair never growing back, and telling her she's breaking mommy's heart. Good for Hannah, not breaking down to Kart's threats.
I've posted this many times on a few blogs regarding the private school the kids go to. The twins' tuition is paid for through 12th grade. A very generous donor(s) gifted this to Cara & Mady when the tups were born. No one knows who is paying the tups tuition, but I doubt Jon & Kate are paying the full amount, if any of it.
Who sends their kid to kindergarten with sandwich, chips, vegetable, fruit and dessert? Nobody does.
Not so fast! Raising my hand here. A sandwich, chips (either plain or barbecue), some cauliflower and dip, or celery, apple slices or grapes, and either jello pudding or a cookie.
Does that make me weird? Not large portions, but a nice selection!
Sharing always seemed like a good idea, but it's not encouraged due to the fact that other kids might have food allergies.
Makes sense Kate is filming Celebrity Apprentice. If so, we will be seeing her again soon because the other celebrities will chew her up and spit her out in short order. They will not put up with Kates crap and I predic t Kate will be the first fired in the boardroom.
Doesn't matter much what order lunch is eaten in. All ends up in the same place. WTF???
I've posted this many times on a few blogs regarding the private school the kids go to. The twins' tuition is paid for through 12th grade.
...and you know this how (personal experience?) and why would you post it many times?
I really don't think anyone has any business knowing the cost of tuition or how it is being paid and by whom.
Aeris said...
I've posted this many times on a few blogs regarding the private school the kids go to. The twins' tuition is paid for through 12th grade. A very generous donor(s) gifted this to Cara & Mady when the tups were born. No one knows who is paying the tups tuition, but I doubt Jon & Kate are paying the full amount, if any of it.
I think this is a case of having read something so many times, that people believe it must be true. If you read it in a rag mag, please do not put any stock in that. Not saying it isn't true, but take it w/a grain of salt, please.
Ahh.. such a nice organized quiet life in the 8,000 sq. foot TV home.
I guess we missed the episode when she put a 2,000 square-foot addition on the 6,000 existing square feet! LOL!
A generous donor! As much money as this family has taken in and received from many people I would think that this generous donor would have some doubts continuing to pay for the twins education when there are many children in PA who could benefit from that who are not so lucky to live in a million dollar home. Think about it.
I think this is a case of having read something so many times, that people believe it must be true. If you read it in a rag mag, please do not put any stock in that. Not saying it isn't true, but take it w/a grain of salt, please.
My thoughts exactly -- kind of like the story that keeps rearing its head about Kate growing up in a trailer park, which is absolutely not true...or the "fact" that the governor of PA gave the tups full paid scholarships to the college of their choice, which also is not true.
Don't you think if she was filming C.Apprentice that someone in New York would have seen her? They don't stay indoors.
In regard to the twin's tuition being paid, I read that a long time ago and I believe it is true. It was way before the tabloids were interested in the Gosselins.
As for where kate is...I dont give a shit.I'm glad I get a break from being forced to look at her.
As for Jon...I'd be a little worried.If kate is trying to lay low for the hearing,I believe she's up to something.I would be very very careful.I wouldnt put it past kate or tlc to try and bait or trap Jon into something.TLC wants the kids...they make them big money.They were ready to destroy Jon at any cost before.If they can find a way to get kate sole-custody,I'd be willing to bet they'll do ANYTHING to get it.
Jon needs to keep being quiet and stand strong.I really hope he is doing this for the right reasons.I hope to god he isnt holding out for a bigger payout.
As for kate...I dont care how much she wants to exploit herself.As long as the kids are free and can live normal lives..go for it kate.I know she will fail but I wont be one who's watching.I dont care what this beast does.I just want the abuse on the kids to stop!
It appears that Sister Wives is TLC's biggest new production.
Good bye, Kate.
Heide said...
In regard to the twin's tuition being paid, I read that a long time ago and I believe it is true. It was way before the tabloids were interested in the Gosselins.
Thanks, Heide, I knew the twins tuition being paid for was made public many years ago, when Jon & Kate Plus 8 first started. I've been following since 2007, and that tidbit was thrown around a lot at the long-gone TWOP board.
The only reason I bring it up in these discussions is because so many people believe J&K are paying for the kids' tuition. I highly doubt that, but it's only my speculation.
Tucker's Mom said...
Thank you, Matt Roloff for being honest about just how grueling filming a Reality TV show
really is. Matt comments on the schedule and states that "it's not for the faint of heart". He noted that Jon and Kate were more fragile and younger, and he and Amy could see the show and all that goes with it taking a toll.
I went to the site, and here's an actual quote from Matt Roloff: “I think the word is relieved. It’s been six long years with cameras in my house,” he said. “TLC is by far the best company to do a reality show with, but the process itself is grueling. It’s stressful. I’m ready for it to be over.”
I beg to differ. I believe TLC is the absolute WORST company to do a reality show with. They don't care about you or your family (like when the Gosselin kids were puking on the boat and they kept taping, or that none of the cameramen put life jackets on the kids either), they simply care about ratings and money. Plus their company that owns them, Discovery, will sue the pants off you if you decide you want to quit, like Jon Gosselin or the guys from Deadliest Catch.
Tucker's Mom said...
Thank you, Matt Roloff for being honest about just how grueling filming a Reality TV show
really is. Matt comments on the schedule and states that "it's not for the faint of heart". He noted that Jon and Kate were more fragile and younger, and he and Amy could see the show and all that goes with it taking a toll.
I went to the site, and here's an actual quote from Matt Roloff: “I think the word is relieved. It’s been six long years with cameras in my house,” he said. “TLC is by far the best company to do a reality show with, but the process itself is grueling. It’s stressful. I’m ready for it to be over.”
I beg to differ. I believe TLC is the aboslute WORST company to do a reality show with. They don't care about your or your family (like when the Gosselin kids were on the boat puking and yet they kept taping, or when they didn't even bother to put life jackets on the kids!) They simply care about money and ratings. Oh, and you don't dare decide to quit on them b/c they'll sue the pants off you like they did to Jon Gosselin and the guys from Deadliest Catch. How were the Roloffs able to quit w/out getting sued?
I beg to differ. I believe TLC is the aboslute WORST company to do a reality show with.
Have you had dealings with TLC? I think that Matt, because of his association with them, is qualified to make that statement. Perhaps, for whatever reason, his relationship with them is exactly as he says. I believe that their relationshp is/was an amicable one. TLC isn't saying anything negative about the Roloffs, or vice-versa.
Why didn't they get sued? Simple. It's a contract thing. They agreed to do a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 80, and they accomplished that. Matt explained that when it was time for contract negotations in April, TLC pretty much knew that the Roloffs wouldn't be renewing the contract. They were under no legal obligation to do so. Therefore, there was no lawsuit.
Jon wasn't sued by TLC because he quit the show. He was sued for breach of contract for not living up to his obligations as an exclusive employee of the network, while appearing on rival networks’ programs for pay and making unauthorized public disclosures about the show.
Given TLC's history of filing lawsuits, however, I can't imagine anyone would want to enter into any kind of a business relationship with them.
I have all the respect in the world for the Roloffs. But Matt Roloff had a HUGE advantage against TLC. He is a business man, he has negotiated many business deals and many contracts. His business experience began well before the show ever started, and probably will continue long after, and includes running a working successful farm, including a pumpkin business, a book deal, and a stepping stool business. Not to mention he and Amy HAVE done acting before as little people in movies. They have dealt with the entertainment world before and had contracts there as well. Several of their little people friends are actors, including the actor from Pirates of the Caribbean. And to top it all off they have BOTH severed positions on boards for Little People organizations as well as several charity organizations. Their business sense is far, far above average. This is NOT to say someone without this experience is stupid, only that they don't have experience. Just like some people are doctors and some are lawyers, and doctors shouldn't be lawyers and lawyers shouldn't be doctors.
If I'm not mistaken Matt ran a software company as well. The man is no stranger to dealing with other companies and knows how to negotiate a contract that is fair for his family. TLC could not pull the wool over his eyes even if they wanted to and they were willing to deal with someone savvy like Matt because it was worth it to them.
Jon and Kate on the other hand, were a nurse and an IT guy. They were NOT business people. Matt just HAPPENED to have good business sense. Had Matt been a nurse or Matt been an IT tech, Little People could have just as easily had a very different, unhappy ending.
Jon and Kate on the other hand, were a nurse and an IT guy. They were NOT business people.
Neither were they an entity unto themselves. They certainly had friends/family/acquaintances who could have advised them on the importance of having an attorney to negotiate a contract. Kate's father was/is a businessman, who has had many dealings in buying property. One doesn't have to have experience specifically with an entertainment company to know the importance of making certain that he is protected when signing a contract. Yes, they were guillible, but if TLC did, in fact, give them the opportunity to have an attorney advise them before signing the contract, and they chose not to, they have nobody to blame but themselves.
I wasn't a "business person" either when I started out in the corporate world. I was wet behind the ears and had no business sense whatsoever. However, I surrounded myself with people who did, and I took their advice, and learning came with time. Kate and Jon could have done the same.
"Thanks, Heide, I knew the twins tuition being paid for was made public many years ago, when Jon & Kate Plus 8 first started. I've been following since 2007, and that tidbit was thrown around a lot at the long-gone TWOP board"
There were many tidbits being
thrown around that just were not true, and were never confirmed. This was one of them. Another one is that the school offers sibling discounts, which is also not true. Yet another one was that the twins, years ago, were on "scholarships." The school doesn't offer scholarship awards to first graders (the class the girls were in at the time that rumor was passed around).
Juliana, are you saying that because Jon and Kate were stupid when they signed their contract, TLC shouldn't be held responsible? I totally disagree. That's a big reason why we have laws, to protect people, even from their own stupidity. Just because you forgot to lock your door at night doesn't mean the police won't arrest the person who then robbed you.
Just because you were savvy enough when you started in business doesn't mean everyone is.
And by the way, this report we have that American Idol offers contestants a lawyer is very telling. It's a lawyer PAID FOR BY AMERICAN IDOL. Giant conflict of interest. Why bother to have a lawyer at all if the OTHER SIDE is paying for them. That's like using a referee that the opposing team is paying for--please.
"Thanks, Heide, I knew the twins tuition being paid for was made public many years ago, when Jon & Kate Plus 8 first started. I've been following since 2007, and that tidbit was thrown around a lot at the long-gone TWOP board"
There were many tidbits being
thrown around that just were not true, and were never confirmed. This was one of them. Another one is that the school offers sibling discounts, which is also not true. Yet another one was that the twins, years ago, were on "scholarships." The school doesn't offer scholarship awards to first graders (the class the girls were in at the time that rumor was passed around).
Heide said...
In regard to the twin's tuition being paid, I read that a long time ago and I believe it is true. It was way before the tabloids were interested in the Gosselins.
Thanks, Heide, I knew the twins tuition being paid for was made public many years ago, when Jon & Kate Plus 8 first started. I've been following since 2007, and that tidbit was thrown around a lot at the long-gone TWOP board.
The only reason I bring it up in these discussions is because so many people believe J&K are paying for the kids' tuition. I highly doubt that, but it's only my speculation.
In regard to the twin's tuition being paid, I read that a long time ago and I believe it is true. It was way before the tabloids were interested in the Gosselins.
I think this is a case of having read something so many times, that people believe it must be true. If you read it in a rag mag, please do not put any stock in that. Not saying it isn't true, but take it w/a grain of salt, please.
My thoughts exactly -- kind of like the story that keeps rearing its head about Kate growing up in a trailer park, which is absolutely not true...or the "fact" that the governor of PA gave the tups full paid scholarships to the college of their choice, which also is not true.
Let's say, hypothetically, this footage was taken secretly in a classroom somewhere. (I think Oprah had something like this on one of her shows) And THIS was how the teacher was treating her students? What if they leaked it to all the local news stations? What do you all think would be the outcome? Kate is actually being PAID to mistreat her kids, she's actually making a living at exposing her dysfuntion to all of America. What gives?
Lesley said...
Just how is she supposed to know what order they eat their lunch in anyway? Is she going to have it taped? Or send Steve to school with them to report back? How dumb.
Kart has some major control issues. She can't be there to supervise, so the best she can do is scream at them and scare them into obeying. No one normal would try to turn their child's meal into a calculated regimen.
I'm ashamed to admit I broke my 2+ years of no Gosselins to see Hannah get her hair cut (Youtube upload, I didn't watch the show on TV). Kart's reaction was so intense, like she was punched in the face. That was the image of a person that lost control of something she had been controlling for years - Hannah's long hair. What a horrible mother, lying to her child about her hair never growing back, and telling her she's breaking mommy's heart. Good for Hannah, not breaking down to Kart's threats.
I've posted this many times on a few blogs regarding the private school the kids go to. The twins' tuition is paid for through 12th grade. A very generous donor(s) gifted this to Cara & Mady when the tups were born. No one knows who is paying the tups tuition, but I doubt Jon & Kate are paying the full amount, if any of it.
Re "I have no theories as to what is going on with the quiet from Gosselin World, but something is cooking."
Over on the dark side one of the love blogs has a recent thread about how cooking is "similar".
It just so happens that on one of the talk news show - no I don't know which one - I thought I heard that Kate would have a new book out next year. I remember thinking at the time what publisher would work with her after her last book in April "I Just Want You To Know" tanked big time?
While surfing the net not too long ago I went to wikipedia and noticed there is a blurb that Kate is releasing her cook book "Love Is In The Mix" in 2011. Didn't we bloggers find proof that this book was dumped in Asia in 2009 and not released here?
This morning I went to wikipedia again and noted that the paragraph about her being an author has been rewritten. It now gives the impression that IJWYTK made the New York Best Seller list the first week because it sold 10,000 copies :) and there is no mention of LIITM. However, if you scroll down to the bottom of this page you see LIITM is scheduled to be released January 2011.
We will all just have to wait and see ~
Schmecky Girl said...Was it just me or did she sound really angry when she say (after yelling Quiet!) "What order do we eat our lunch in?!?!" Was she glaring at them?
I think she expected them to answer her in their chant when she first asked and was upset they didn't recite it properly for the cameras the first time.
I agree with you completely, Schmecky. She sounded very angry and I'm sure this goes on all the time. I think she probably grills them about how they ate lunch when they get home too. Nice way to teach your kids to lie for self-defense, Kate. She is awful.
Thank you, Matt Roloff for being honest about just how grueling filming a Reality TV show really is.
Matt comments on the schedule and states that "it's not for the faint of heart". He noted that Jon and Kate were more fragile and younger, and he and Amy could see the show and all that goes with it taking a toll.
So how are little children completely, 100% blocked from this stress, this grueling filming schedule, and all the pressure?
It amazes me that Kate has said a few times how she was OVERLY disciplined as a child, and she indicated resentment about that. She even told Natalie Morales that she was overly disciplined and that may have something to do with why her parents aren't in her life anymore. She said she would need 10 years to figure out the issues she had as an overly discipliined child.
So, you'd THINK as someone who was overly disciplined and didn't like it, she would be LESS like that parenting her own kids. But she overly disciplines her own children to the nth degree! If she didn't like it, what makes her think her kids like it? Doesn't she know that when her kids grow up, they will talk about issues they have from being too disciplined as children?
Most people who were disciplined too harshly as children grow up and break the cycle with their kids. Some people continue the cycle, or make it even worse. I think Kate is definitely continuing the "overly disciplined/ harsh" parenting she was raised with, and perhaps has taken it to an even harsher level.
If she thinks her kids won't be left with scars about that, she's even crazier than I thought.
I'm so tired of her treating those kids as if they should feel guilty for being born a multiple and making her life so difficult. Sometime she acts as if the kids and the world conspired against her and plotted this 8 kids thing to drive her crazy.
Grammy of nine said... And yes, the kids are the ones who need a bodyguard. With that mouth, Kate can handle herself.
I don't think Steve was ever a true bodyguard. As others have said, I think he was hired by TLC to manage Kate's public behavior. Without Steve, do you think that writer at the Huffington Post would have ever gotten a photo with Kate at the beach. Steve is PR, not bodyguard IMO.
After the above clip, I can't imagine what life is like for those kids off camera.
"And secretly, ourselves." LOLOL
Just a thought regarding the school tuition: Wasn't it stated somewhere that the kids' trust funds could be used for certain expenses, including education? If so, I'm sure Kate wouldn't hesitate to dip her claws into the funds to pay tuitions ... since it's apparant she's much too greedy and cheap to spend any of "her" money on the tups, if she doesn't have to.
I would imagine the private school offers a discount if you have more than one child enrolled at the same time.
LOL at crunchy things! Would those little "triangular thingies" be considered crunchy things?
I didn't realize you were supposed to eat the veggies and crunchy stuff AFTER you eat the main meal. I've always eaten my chips with my sandwich. Bite some sandwich, each a chip, bite a carrot stick, etc. I actually like to put the potato chips IN my sandwich too.
I understand telling a child they should eat the cookie last, I do too but I don't grill my child when they come home and ask them if they ate the dessert first.
Love Topanga.
About those figures, won't they increase once the tups start first grade? I heard somewhere they get a discount for having so many kids in the school. I think someone actually called the school to ask that (and it wasn't a "hater").
Was it just me or did she sound really angry when she say (after yelling Quiet!) "What order do we eat our lunch in?!?!" Was she glaring at them?
I think she expected them to answer her in their chant when she first asked and was upset they didn't recite it properly for the cameras the first time.
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