While TLC tries to spin Kate and Steve's weekend getaway to Cabo as "official business" (who so defensive, TLC?), a very savvy reader has discovered that the couple were more likely cashing in on an Emmy freebie for two they picked up earlier this month.
According to the Los Angeles times, free trips to "6-star" Capella Resorts in Cabo San Lucas were given away at Kari Feinstein's 2010 Style Lounge at the Emmys this year. The hotel has been named the "number 2" celebrity hotel in the world by OK! Magazine.
Photos of the hotel from the official web site show similar furniture to the chair Kate was spotted in.

As well as a very heavily gated entrance with its own guard. So why is a bodyguard necessary?

Gotchya, Kate!
115 sediments (sic) from readers:
Thanks to RealityTVBites for sleuthing this out!
Official business my ass. Kate was getting a freebie as USUAL!
.............with more spin to follow, no doubt.
I looked at another site and the sheeple were actually saying they didn't think the pictures of the matchy-matchy couple in Mexico were real, because Kate wore the same outfit in one of the shows and she never wears anything twice. Even if that were true, why are they OK with that? Who can relate to someone who never has to wear anything twice and goes on free trip after trip to 4/5-star hotels in this day and age??
FREE, either from TLC or from the Emmy's, is kate's style all the way. FREE, begging, stealing, fraud. Oh the poor thing is SO overworked, she needs a vaca! with her bodyguard. She had no friend to take, no family member to share the trip with? What about that mother of hers who doesn't care if her grandchildren hears or reads of her dissing Jon too, and telling private things, on a public blog (IF that is truly her) None of them give a crap about the kids.
Pathetic. She goes on Regis Friday, says she sits by the phone for kids to call, then takes off for Cabo. LOL What hypocritical, messy liars this freak and TLC are.
The only problem I see with this is Kate is not a frigin celebrity. She is a reality whore, and we know that these people do not last long on our TVs. Case in point: Puck from the Real World, Omarosa, And well, gee, I can't even think of any others! I wonder how this Kari woman feels that Kate Gosselin is in Cabo on HER dime, when Kate is nothing but a bad mother riding the backs of her kids for fame. She shouldn't have been at the Emmy's in the first place, but I digress. She just HAD to bring her married bodyguard huh? I'll tell you what...if Skeeve was my husband, he woulda been bye-bye, and I would have sued both their asses by now.
As for last night's show, I am dying to see the ratings. I hope they tank. Ya know, I'm not usually so mean and vindictive. I'm a Hippie! I spread love and happiness, I swear! Kate is just a vile human being. If I knew her, I would try to convert her to my way of thinking, but greed is an evil thing, and it runs deep. She just can't try and be nice, maternal, kind, considerate, giving, and peace-loving once? It would be a miracle at this point.
Do you think they paid for two of the suites???
Kate went to R & K, bashed Jon and went on about how she is on standby for when the children want to come home to spend time with her. Blah, blah, blah. Kate and Steve left the studio and went directly to the airport. While she was spewing all her hate, Kate knew she was jetting off with Steve. HYPOCRITE!!!!
OFFICIAL BUSINESS my ass!!! This was a freebie and she took her boyfriend along...do these pictures show a hard working mama...hahaha lying by poolside relaxing and reading...one could only consider that work...where is the recap of her stinking show...I haven't watched but hear its a doosie
Lordy Bee..... that picture.... I have such an overwhelming urge to throw a harpoon. Instead I think I'm going to go find a rusty implement to poke out my mind's eye.
Would the sheeple really be comfortable if their husbands were spending this much time away from them and their kids with a single woman dressed like a hooker? I've been happily married for 16 years and have absolutely no trust issues with my husband, but I would be highly uncomfortable having him away this much with someone like Kate.
Of course, the Emmy freebies are not for "two" suites per Emmy performer. This is such a non-brainer, even for the sheeple. I so hope the ratings tanked again last night. I hate liars and frauds.
We have seen photos of her wearing the same thing twice, such as white shorts and that short, wrinkled denim skirt. How about those black hooker heels that she loves? Also, an aqua halter top and a purple top come to mind. Also, why would TLC issue an "official" statement if they weren't in Mexico?
livvy said... Do you think they paid for two of the suites???
Naw...they probably upgraded to the honeymoon suite. I can almost hear the blind sheeple bleating for her. Oh, and Kate, please pull the bikini out of your arse. No one wants to see it.
What a completely unflattering picture of Kate. Her arse is HUGE and her legs and trunk make her look like a little person. I love the bad angle the cameraman used.
With the money Stevie Boy is making off the backs of the Gosselins,why didn't he pay for his wife to go Mexico with them? It would've ended the speculation that Kate and Steve are a couple,and Kate could have hung out with Gina instead of her husband.
I just wish R&K or somebody would call her out on this lie where she would actually have to face it! That would make my day! OH PLEASE!!! Finger's Crossed. But, I doubt it...would be nice.
"Do you think they paid for two of the suites???"
PAID, such as out-of-pocket? LOL!! If it were a freebie, wouldn't you think that they would have demanded a two-bedroom villa (comped)? Go to their site, click on hotel rooms and villas, click on two-bedroom villa and scroll down for details -- 2685 square feet with personal assistant.
Maybe his wife is along for this business trip and they stayed in the one bedroom. Yeah, right!
Of course, we don't know that this is the place where they are staying, but it's fun looking at the photos. Time will tell...it will be confirmed one way or the other.
Free trip for two...that phrase would mean something to most of us. Who would the second guest be if we didn't have a mate? Wouldn't your list have several choices -- difficult to choose? Mine would. Kate took her "bodyguard" She has a very lonely life!
Sharon here-I remember reading that all that SWAG they get from awards show is taxed as income. I remember the real stars complaining about it. So how can teflon Kate get away with this? Better yet, was there a time frame to use it? As a mom myself, I never took off for vacations while my kids are and were in school. I always wanted to be there when they got home, make their meals, and help with homework. I guess I'm not one of those "rare" moms that Kate refers to. I loathe this woman and her entire brand!
I think the pap who took that pic of her either has a hell of a sense of humor or a background in wildlife photography. She looks like a walrus sunning herself on a rock.
I didn't watch last night. Checking here for the re-cap. Free trip for two -- let's think, who would we choose for a companion? She knew about this trip even as she commented that she mostly stays home to wait for a call from the kids to come back. Wonder who took all the unflattering photos? None of this makes any sense -- or, maybe inside Kate's messy head, it does.
Dr. Glass has posted her analysis of the Cabo photos. She shows great restraint in her comments. Won't some tabloid get all the facts -- either way -- soon?
Dr. Glass has another new post up about Kate and Steve and their Cabo pictures. She says their body language shows they are "like-minded" and also indicates they are a couple.
You gotta love how the sheeple will attempt to pretend that their queen can do no wrong!
The latest idea is that Kate needed to go to Mexico to personally scout out a location to bring the kids before she actually takes them out of the country.
Very sharp reader indeed! I guess TLC considers this official business because the suite was only given to Kate with the understanding they'd post some pictures of her there. Having Steve pose with her was just bonus points for the ratings.
What a sad comment on her life that she doesn't have a friend,a sister or boyfriend to take with her.
Just wondering if she's aware that the real cost of these 'freebies' are reportable income according to the IRS - her probably messy tax returns would probably be an interesting read to an auditor, I'm thinking.
Could a picture of someone on a lounge chair be any more unflattering?
There's no such thing as a free lunch . . . or 6-star TRIP, isn't that right, IRS?
OFFICIAL BUSINESS my ass, looks like she couldn't wait to start cashing in on those freebies from the Emmys and could care less about how her 8 kids get to and from school. What about staying home there and doing the mommy thing for once in your life.
I expect the gift "trip for two" was meant for a couple and not for two separate parties.Unless Uncle Steve was allowed to take his own stuff from the gift room, they were likely sharing a suite.
TLC said they were on "business".What are they going to say, that their supposedly squeeky clean mother of 8 count 'em 8 kids was shacked up with her parasitical purse boy and general factotum? I don't think so...
One thing for sure, Kate is no skinny chick! I noticed in the pictures from R&K on Friday that when she walked out in her skimpy clothes and sat down she looked positively fat next to Kelly. AND Kelly was dressed very nicely.
That is one funny photo of her highness lying face down and reading. Proof positive she doesn't give a damn what people think of her.
Kate's family members, friends and others who are close to this situation need to stop the silence!
They need to.....
1. Speak up and let the public know they do NOT condone that wretches behavior! They can still love her but do NOT have to be a silent party to her whoredom and pimping career.
2. Stand up in court for the children's well being.
3. Put that worthless wretch on notice that they will do what they need to put a stop to her horrendous, selfish behavior!
If her parents, family members, friends, and those who have worked closely to this wretch would show some backbone and ban together, THEY could put a stop to the pimping and theft of the innocence and childhood of 8 young children.
They, by their silence are allowing her to destroy 8 young lives.
Society will pay for 8 children that will have grown up believing they are entitled, they are above all others, they deserve a golden spoon stuck in their mouths for the rest of their lives. They deserve a free ride like their worthless egg producer.
Those children will be either just like Kate or emotionally bankrupt by adult hood if this is allowed to continue!
I hope her family reads this blog...they need to do what is right, and not what is easy.
If other family members had had backbone when Kevin and Jodi spoke out and had not thrown them under the bus with their silence, this would have probably ended back then!
The silence from all involved is deafening!
Sounds and looks to me that Kate sees the show as a "blessing" because it brings more opportunities for herself, rather than for the kids.
How many vacations has she been on this year? More than Obama, that's for sure.
I guess it would've behooved her to bless that freebie trip to Cabo to somebody who truly deserved a getaway, like perhaps the nannies who are the ones who actually care for the kids most of the time? You know, the ones who watched her kids while she played in LA at the Emmy's? The ones who watched the kids while she did DWTS? The ones who watch the kids while she goes on talks shows to bash Jon?
I guess what I am saying is, did she really need yet another vavcation this year more than the people who have helped her the most?
My goodness, she's just so greeeeeeeeedy.
Could you, for one second, picture Kate doing what Oprah does when she gives to deserving people?
Didn't think so.
I forgot to mention, I live in the same city as John Travolta ( in Florida ) and he has a pretty big household staff. He is always blessing his staff with vacataions and gifts for taking such good care of him and his family.
Kate should probably take notes on how a real celebrity takes care of the ones who help them be able to do what they do.
.....just reminds me that Krazy Kate does not even ONE unpaid friend. Just a gigolo at her side.
I wonder if this freebie had to be used within a certain time frame, or whether Kate practically tripped over her kids when she returned from the Emmys to get to the phone to make immediate reservations. 'Cause, you know, she's so exhausted from working so much AND taking care of those eight...count 'em eight...dollar signs.
If Kate did get this vacation because she was a "performer" at the Emmys and it was for "two", I don't think Steve would get the same gift as a bodyguard. Therefore I have to assume they are sharing this gift as a couple. In other words they are sharing the suite as a couple.
I KNEW it! This was free and given out as swag from the Emmy's. I posted this at preesi's last night.
Emmy swag suites offer goodies with a good-cause connection
Suites usually have a mix of established and emerging brands, like Prada and Vintage Revolution jeans, and ultra luxury and household goods, such as Turks and Caicos vacations and Altoids mints. P.F. Chang's Home Menu, grocery store frozen entrees, will give out a year's supply of the new product and Hasbro will stock celebrities' game collections through On 3's suite, while Capella Resorts will give away trips to its ritzy Cabo San Lucas seaside hotel at Kari Feinstein's 2010 Style Lounge. There are plenty of on-site spa services, themed cocktails and organic nibbles. -Snip-
Then there's this story stating she was in those swag suites.
Kate Gosselin mixed and mingled after her Emmy debut last night, but was she also on the hunt for some romance?
The reality show mom of eight was swagging her way through the P.F. Chang's Home Menu Frozen Moment Gift Lounge on Saturday when she came across The Body Shop's Maca Root men's line. "She asked if it actually came with a man," an eyewitness says.
So what did Ms. Gosselin go home with?
Not a new man, but a pink Palm Pre phone, a red Vera Bradley duffel bag, Body Shop products, Pretty Ballerina flats, Vintage Revolution jeans and an AMC Signature pass.
I'm told she refused to take any pics with her freebies.
This is OT, but has anyone actually compared the crew members from season to season/epi to epi to see how frequently staff changes occurred? It would be interesting to see how many people have rotated in and out of the kids house.
Does she realize this is taxable? I just looked up the rates & a weeks stay would be as much as a lot of people make in a year.
Official business!
@ Livvy, why would they give her two suites? The gift was for her which would be one suite for maybe a week. Bet she will be back Friday doing her parking lot photos in PA with Chris in tow. She is that predictable. Her going on R@K made no sense at all.
PJ's momma said... I looked at another site and the sheeple were actually saying they didn't think the pictures of the matchy-matchy couple in Mexico were real, because Kate wore the same outfit in one of the shows and she never wears anything twice. Even if that were true, why are they OK with that?
If you look at the lounge chairs in the blue matchy-matchy and the lounge chair where Kate is in her bikini they are the same weave and color in each picture and also the same fabric of the cushion and same color.
SO.... Both pictures were taken at the same resort.
Oh Kate.... you lying, self-indulgent, baked, wrinkly monster you!
Enjoy your feebies while you still can, because it's all going to come to an abrupt end very soon.
Then, you won't even be able to get free ice from an Eskimo.
I should have included the links in my post to prove it was FREE.
This is why she didn't want her pics taken with her FREEBIE swag. She wants everyone to think she's classy and has money and paid for it herself. She just couldn't wait to cash in on the FREE trip while everyone still knows her name. Hopefully by this time next year she will only be a distant memory.
By the looks at that picture sure looks like she is working real hard =)
I'm not convinced that is Kate in the louge chair because that woman is reading. Kate never reads, that would be something people with brains and intelligence do, not Kate. She's way too important to read.
What "official" business would Kate have in Mexico anyway? It is nowhere near PA, the Emmy's are over and it just makes her look plan bad after her K&R stunt to hop off to another country with her bodyguard after stating she waits by the phone. This just makes me sick! And the shock of her in her swim attire is not the least bit attractive either...Whoever said just because you can wear a bikini doesn't mean you should is totally right!
I forgot to add- Kate is GREEDY, SEEDY, and NO GOOD!
I just hope the IRS is paying attention. She owes taxes on her freebies. What are the odds she claims them?
On Facebook there's a page you can "like"; it's called "I'm in love w/ my bed, but my alarm clock won't let us be together."
I had to think of Jon as the bed- warm, soft, the kids love snuggling w/ him, and he makes them feel safe, loved, and protected.
Kate is the alarm clock- loud, shrill, annoying, no one wants her to go off, and she's trying to keep the kids from Jon.
It's hard to believe that any hard working, hands on mother of 8 children under the age of ten can fly off for a luxury holiday (freebie, of course) with her supposed body guard. Well, I guess that puts that speculation to rest. He is more than a body guard.
I only had two kids but could not even imagine going away during the school year, especially the beginning of the school year, when so much is going on with the kids. I needed to be there those first few weeks when they were adapting to new teachers, supervising homework, regulating sports schedules, etc. etc.
Kate is a real piece of work... a lying, dishonest, deceptive, hypocritical BAD MOM.
Most girls if they didn't have a boyfriend, husband or whatever would take a girl friend,sister or Mother on a trip like this same with the Emmy awards. This is proof once again that Kate has no one in her life except those bought and paid for by TLC. If she wasn't such a bitch,horrible mother. person etc, she'd be pitied.
Found this post on GWOP a couple of minutes ago: Haaaaa!
Anonymous said...
Jon and his momma read these boards plaese let them know you listen. I work at a restaurant and know what goes down (table gossip)
Jon is better than Kate and she is sooooooooooo playing for the new TLC season. As long as there is free trips, the beotch is happy. Kate, free advice here (cause I know you read here too) Send the kids favorite lovies : (toys) and let them enjoy the kids for an extended time. Stop calling every hour ang critizing and enjoy life,
Your extensions need tighening and Brooke says your breath stinks,,,, Just saying!!!
9/14/2010 10:40 AM
Kart's book is selling at Amazon for ninety-seven cents!!!
Remember how the sheeple were touting her best seller?
They are having an affair. Do we need a press conference? Kate had these pictures published to announce the affair. Her writing on the wall is done with TLC. She is moving on, with her savings, and her new boyfriend and her new body. A duck is a duck.
Either way you slice it, it's pathetic. Either she's a homewrecker who can't get her own man or she's a loser who doesn't have anyone but a paid employee to go on vacation with.
But I'm just "jellus", I'm sure....
More and more people are putting 2+2 together ....
Hope someone from the IRS Audits the crap out of Kate's Tax Returns...Freebies from Gift
Suites are reportable--Correct me if I am wrong
My my..Bonnie and Chelsea are on a row!!!
H8K8 said... The latest idea is that Kate needed to go to Mexico to personally scout out a location to bring the kids before she actually takes them out of the country.
Ha! Kate wouldn't be doing the scouting, that is production's job. I don't see Kate in the credits as a member of production. An actor would never scout locations, they are above that. Where are the photos of her around Cabo scouting for places to film. Also the sheeple just shot themselves in the foot--if you have to "scout" a location how is that reality? Everyone else goes to Cabo sight unseen. That's the fun of vacations to experience something new. That's really a stretch. Also where are the photos, tweets from other people there, etc., of Kate exploring Cabo? All she explored on that trip were Steve and the massage chair.
I have been to Cabo too, even when things started getting bad in Mexico. It's not anywhere near the violence. It's full of white people off cruise ships. It's perfectly safe.
Steve is a PAID escort.
Another article by Bonnie Fuller.
Looks like she's seen the light....
I want every hardworking mom who is a fan of Kate's, all eight of them, to look at that picture of her on the lounge chair reading a book and sunning in Cabo.
I want them to remember this mom thinks she's JUST LIKE YOU. That her life is JUST AS HARD AS YOURS.
So next time you're running around trying to take one kid to the doctor and get another kid to their dad's house and find a plumber who won't break the bank because the toilet's GOT to get fixed, next time you're running late to work and spilling coffee on yourself and realize half the toddler's breakfast is on YOU, think about how she works JUST as hard as you do. But harder! Because she has EIGHT! And she does it ALL on her own! With no help!
Then re-think that whole being a fan of hers thing.
And interesting that TLC is justifying Steve being there because Kate "needed protection." Where was he all afternoon while she was sunbathing and reading her book out in view of all? (By the way, she's reading a romance novel and the lead character is named Kate.)
Oooops, sorry GKWay.
That's what happens when I type a post first, before reading the ones already there...
Sorry to Elsa as well ;o)
JudyK said... Of course, the Emmy freebies are not for "two" suites per Emmy performer. This is such a non-brainer, even for the sheeple. I so hope the ratings tanked again last night. I hate liars and frauds.
If you notice, the sheeple NEVER question anything Kate says. They believe everything that comes out of her mouth. If Kate told them they shared a room but had separate beds, they're that dumb, they'd believe it. No doubt.
Perhaps Kate is just really clueless. I don't think she was ever told how body gaurds work or what their 'job' is.
Anyway...a real star may have a body gaurd, those most DO NOT go to every single outing with them. BUT they do have them...though they walk behind, descreetly, they do not chat with them, skip down the lane, or 'hang out' together. You have to look in the background to see security.
Oh...and you don't share a bed with them :)
How many families and lives will have to be destroyed before someone breaks their silence and puts a stop to the disgusting pimping of Kate, Steve and TLC?
Is there not one person close to that nightmare that has an ounce of integrity???
You people know who you are!! Get a spine and stand up for what is right and decent!
On Facebook, there's a page you can "like"; it's called "I'm in love w/ my bed, but my alarm clock won't let us be together."
Ironically, I had to think of Jon and Kate. Jon was the bed; he was soft, warm, snuggled w/ the kids, and made the kids feel safe, loved, and protected. The kids love him.
Kate is the alarm clock trying to keep them apart. She's loud, shrill, annoying, and people hate when she goes off and want to punch her.
Just a thought. :)
I think it was a good point that Kart doesn't even understand the role of a bodyguard.
You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl.
Linda said... I want every hardworking mom who is a fan of Kate's, all eight of them, to look at that picture of her on the lounge chair reading a book and sunning in Cabo.
I want them to remember this mom thinks she's JUST LIKE YOU. That her life is JUST AS HARD AS YOURS.
So next time you're running around trying to take one kid to the doctor and get another kid to their dad's house and find a plumber who won't break the bank because the toilet's GOT to get fixed, next time you're running late to work and spilling coffee on yourself and realize half the toddler's breakfast is on YOU, think about how she works JUST as hard as you do. But harder! Because she has EIGHT! And she does it ALL on her own! With no help!
Then re-think that whole being a fan of hers thing.
Linda, that was one of the best posts I've read...absolutely spot on.
Right on Linda!!! She is a FRAUD.
Guys check out the latest pic I added to the bottom of this post.
Look at the gate on this sucker!!! Jimminy Crickets they don't make gates like that in LA. No drug cartell would ever make it past that. Hahahha.
But not only that! Just like us, she gets $1,700 a night rooms comped at a 6-star hotel, free transportation, limo services, free hair styling at a New York salon, lipo, mammoth boobs, paid nannies, paid pool service, paid gardeners, weekly spa trips, manicures and pedicures, freebies coming out the gazoo, free plane trips back and forth to LA, free trips to Bald Head Island, Florida, Alaska, and god-knows-where. And when our kids say, "When are we going to the beach, Mom?" we immediately zip to wherever we want to go, staying, of course, in an $8,000 rental house. When we ask our daughter where she wants to go and she says, "San Diego!" all of us immediately say, "SOLD!" and off we go to spend quality time with just one child, while the rest of our children are left in the care of nannies or ex-husbands.
I'm exhausted just thinking about how much she is JUST LIKE US! Pardon me while I scrape the dried hairball off the dining room chair. I have to clean it up before my toddler gets to it. He thinks it's a strawberry Tootsie-Roll. I gave the housekeeper the night off.
She had 1.4 million.
Her disgusting displays backfired!!
Thank you to all of you who turned the channel.
The Roloffs beat her again!
H8K8 said -- "You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl."
This keeps popping up like a bad penny. Kate never lived in a trailer park. Never. Some time ago, one of the television stations took a photo of a trailer park, and ran with the story that she lived there. Not true. She lived in a very nice house that her parents built on 6.5 acres. Her parents owned a TENT and CAMPGROUND facility on more than a hundred acres...not a trailer park, a CAMPGROUND for recreational vehicles. I'm not a sheeple by any stretch of the imagination, but let's get the facts straight.
If you zoom in on the book she's reading, it's entitled, "Grifting for Dummies."
Oh wait...that would have been a book that SHE wrote herself.
Considering the hotel has a security gate and grounds that are most likely secured from outsiders, I wonder who took the photos of Kate and Steve? Does the hotel employ strolling paps who will take photos upon request?
Jon's latest twitter:
Another great dinner night with my kids!
43 minutes ago via web
The nice thing about Kate screwing around in Cabo is that Jon appears to have had the kids all this time.
As long as they are not with nannies FINE.
1.415 million viewers this week guys....ugh. She went up, but not much.
Anonymous said...
Considering the hotel has a security gate and grounds that are most likely secured from outsiders, I wonder who took the photos of Kate and Steve? Does the hotel employ strolling paps who will take photos upon request?
Kate is hardly the first person to have her picture taken by paparazzi at an exclusive gated resort. It's amazing what can happen when money changes hands.
There's nothing that prevents the pap from posing as a tourist and buying a room. Then finding a quiet spot to hide and taking a few pics. Even though the room would be very expensive if he gets the photo he makes the money back and thensome.
It also could be an amateur who sells the photos. It wasn't INF.
That is one ugly, vulgar, nasty picture of Kate G's backside. Who in their right mind doesn't cover up the butt cheek? Expose one side, not the other? Sickening. She will do and say anything for attention, both kinds of attention. Please "vote with your remote." Stop the insanity.
Linda -
Great comments and very valid for SANE, NORMAL folk.
The sheeple will not "get" what you are saying because , not only is it exactly the lifestyle they covet themselves, it is impossible to have rational discourse with irrational people.
Anyone else think when she has her horrible extensions pulled in a pony that she looks like Britney Spears??? Same body (except Britney has a waist) but same legs, same lost look, same nasty hair....Not trying to insult Britney here but was just curious if anyone else saw the resemblence.
The funny thing about the "free trip" is that when REAL celebs get them I am sure the resort is happy. THe celebs probably tip the hell out of everyone and WILL return on their own dime with friends/family etc.....Kate will NEVER be go there again (unless free) and I am sure she is not being overly nice and opening her purse to compensate the staff. Well guess that would be hard since she doesn't even carry one. That is what caught me as odd in the China Town episode. She bought all these things (yeah right) then the girls were allowed to carry their purses but POOF they disappeared. How many staff do they have carrying everything for her and the kids? RIDICULOUS if you ask me.
Hippie Chick said... 1.415 million viewers this week guys....ugh. She went up, but not much.
I thought it was 1.6 mil. last week? No? Could you please post a link?
I'm wondering if Kate's biggest goal in having her pathetic show renewed is Steve. Sure the money and fame are great (for her), but without Kate plus 8, she can't justify having the short guy around so much. And if Kate WERE attacked, she looks like she is better equipped to defend herself. That ginormous ass could seriously squish someone
Oh, and I'm in the minority here, but do not think he's doing her. I think she loves him and wants him and gets a thrill with the speculation of a romance, but she is so fugly, stretched out and insufferable who would do that? If they were really a couple, don't you think Steve would be more discrete for his kids' sake, at least?and if be weren't part of the scheme to make it look romantic, wouldn't he speak out and deny things, wear his ring or something? I think he's playing along for the money. She is truly unfuckable. Unless Steve likes stretched out, cellulite ridden dudes, that is
K8SUCKS said...
The sheeple will not "get" what you are saying because , not only is it exactly the lifestyle they covet themselves, it is impossible to have rational discourse with irrational people.
That is exactly right, they want to either BE Kate or at the very least, live her life. I had to copy/paste this cos I thought it so funny/strange/weird how caught up in these scenarios, the sheeple are. This was in response to one of the ladies who ventured to ask how come Gina never goes on the trips w/them? Note: "they" have assigned weeks for themselves to be w/Steve. Am I the only one that thinks this is creepy?
LindaOriginal said..
"Steve is working folks. Or, perhaps you haters are so insecure that you follow your husbands to work to see what is happening. Get over it! Get a life! Listen to me! Baby Mama has Steve on the first and third weeks. I have dibbs on the fourth. Doesn't leave much for Kate. You have to petition for your own time!"
Linda said... I want every hardworking mom who is a fan of Kate's, all eight of them, to look at that picture of her on the lounge chair reading a book and sunning in Cabo.
I want them to remember this mom thinks she's JUST LIKE YOU. That her life is JUST AS HARD AS YOURS.
So next time you're running around trying to take one kid to the doctor and get another kid to their dad's house and find a plumber who won't break the bank because the toilet's GOT to get fixed, next time you're running late to work and spilling coffee on yourself and realize half the toddler's breakfast is on YOU, think about how she works JUST as hard as you do. But harder! Because she has EIGHT! And she does it ALL on her own! With no help!
Then re-think that whole being a fan of hers thing.
September 14, 2010 3:05 PM
Excellent! And Kate has become a millionaire from playing the harried mom who has it so much harder than everybody else. That's what her platform has been from day one and fans said, "I watched because I wanted to see how a stressed out mom handles 8 kids." Kate herself even said, "Today I may very well lose my mind." and "It's a crazy life, but it's ARE life."
Yep. She sure looks like she's about to lose her mind and has such a crazy life with those butt cheeks hanging out while reading a book with her luver in Cabo.
I have one child and I work ten times harder than that wench.
You know what really bothers me is that Kate and her sheeple are vigorously attacking Jon for not providing a bigger home for the kids, BUT when Jon rented his 1 BR apt. the agreement in effect was that the kids would stay put and Kate & Jon would rotate in and out. Then Kate legally changed the agreement (according to Sylvia LaFair) and Jon was not allowed on the property. He certainly can not break his lease and I am confident that the contractual agreement & wages that he made with TLC last spring did not take into account Kate banning him.
Someone asked how often TLC staff have changed. Well, on this blog there was significant discussion and commenting about this issue because Kate had been promoting her big lie that the they were like family to the kids. Then on her 1st show there was that super fake opening scene that Admin described in her recap. In the stupid repeat of the epi that they promoted as "new" the only new thing were bubble captions! Admin posted that on that epi they stated that there is only ONE of the original staff still with the G's. How can they be family when they never met them before? She also lied by saying on the 1st epi that she had run into the crew during their hiatus but the kids had not seen them since the end of filming last year. Then on one of her media blitz tours (during DWTS time period) she stated that the crew even came to visit the kids a few times because they missed the kids so much. Nothing but LIES.
I can't take my eyes off the walrus shot. The photographer needs to be commended. He couln't have picked a worse angle for that shot. It is the most bizarre photograph I have ever seen. It is a prizewinner.
And she smokes, I guess organic cigarettes. I saw in the show that she was smoking in the tent as well as chewing the cud. What a false organic health nut. False, false, false.
I guess it would have behooved her to give that freebie trip to Cabo to somebody who truly deserved a getaway. Like perhaps the nannies who are the ones who actually care for the kids most of the time. You know, the ones who watch her kids while she played in LA at the Emmy's? The ones who watched the kids while she did DWTS? The ones who watch the kids while she goes on talks shows to bash Jon? When will Kate ever do anything to be a good parent to them and them alone. We all know there is plenty of money to support her kids. Sge just will NOT let go.
Kate will ALWAYS take every perk offered to her, as she thinks She DESERVES IT. This was no business trip. Seriously, get real Kate.
The truth is Steve is there on all of her trips because Kate can not stand to be alone, as she needs someone to cater to her at all times, much like Jon. Steve is hired help, so he will put up with much more than Jon, who reached his breaking point, as everything always revolved around her. Steve is a prop to deal with her being alone.
I think Jon finally realized this, and started snarking back, rather than leaving her initially. Her kids (Mady and Cara) realize how shallow she is, and have started rebelling at 9. Kate does not and never will have any idea of how to deal with their oppositional behavior, even when the twins are right. Everything must be refocoused on her, but the twins are on to her. Note how many comments the two of them have made, and have refused to be filmed or look miserable in many instances over the past two years.
Obviously, this is NOT about the kids, but Kate will never admit this, as her kids are clearly becoming resentful of the filming. Does not take a rocket scientist to see this. Mady and Cara, at 9, are clearly disgusted with their mother, which says A LOT.
This woman is all about her. From what I heard about the boating trip, this woman clearly cares for NO ONE other than herself, filming, $$$ and fame for HERSELF. Only she has no talent and she KNOWS it deep down.
Time to end the charade.
For months now we've debated whether Kate & Steve are romantically involved (personally I think she's romantically involved with the idea of having a man cater to her every need without having to give anything in return including a pay check. And that Steve is a TLC paid-for babysitter whose job it is to steer Kate wherever TLC wants her. We see Kate touching him but are there any photos that show him returning a "loving" gesture?).
But there's one huge elephant in the room that has not been debated. If there is a security threat that requires Kate to have a 24/7 bodyguard, why don't the children have their own bodyguards? Or at least two (one for the twins, one for the six) to ensure their safety & security? After all they share top billing in the TV show. If not for them there wouldn't BE a TV show. They're photographed more often (both with Jon and Kate) and are far more recognizable than Kate is (esp since they always travel in a group).
We know why - Steve's not a real bodyguard - but why has his title been so widely accepted without anyone questioning why Kate and not the eight?? And what mother who feels such a need for security not put her children's safety first??
As for Cabo, pfft. Everyone knows that single rare mothers who do it all on their own can afford eight child... er, oops, first-class destination VACATIONS over a four month period. So give her a break, the kids earned this vacation (literally) and deserve to enjoy as much time as possible in the privacy of their dad's home. So stay there Kate. Please.
It could have been a guest that snapped the photos and sold them. If I ever had the occasion to run into her and Steve, I would be snapping away. And I would not let Steve bully me into erasing anything.
Well folks, here we go! She's on the cover of People Magazine in a string bikini....guess that slight increase in ratings wasn't enough! Ughhhhhh
Well folks. here we go again! She's on the cover of People Magazine in a string bikini....guess that slight increase in viewers this week wasn't enough. Ughhhhhh!
The sheeple will be drooling all over themselves today....she makes me sick! Wonder how long it took them to touch up those pics? God, when will this end?
The tide continues to turn...no sure if this was already posted but I don't remember seeing it.
INF is now saying that Steve NEVER wore his wedding ring. So his not wearing his wedding ring in the pics in Cabo does not mean they are having an affair and the marriage is over.That's what INF is saying. I think it's bull. I think they are having an affair. It was Splash news that got the pics of Kate and Steve in Cabo. One of the comments said that was so. Are there pics of him wearing a wedding ring? Is Kate back home now?
I was just looking at the resort photos again.
I find that TALL gate stunning. No chance anyone dangerous can get in there. Maybe a ninja?
No way is Steve there for security purposes- it's obvious, and everytime she denies the affair, she "outs" it even more.
On the other hand, supposing he's just there as her "handler". Could it be possible that she is such a pig of a human being? I mean is he there to stop her from making a complete fool of herself? Smoking, drinking, parading the grounds naked, and fighting with the other vacationers? Spitting at the staff? Eats with her hands? Or feet? Hmmmmmmmmm....
If they're not having an affair, it's painfully
obvious he has no reason to be there.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I was just looking at the resort photos again.
I find that TALL gate stunning. No chance anyone dangerous can get in there. Maybe a ninja?
No way is Steve there for security purposes- it's obvious, and everytime she denies the affair, she "outs" it even more.
On the other hand, supposing he's just there as her "handler". Could it be possible that she is such a pig of a human being? I mean is he there to stop her from making a complete fool of herself? Smoking, drinking, parading the grounds naked, and fighting with the other vacationers? Spitting at the staff? Eats with her hands? Or feet? Hmmmmmmmmm....
Oh yeah, you're on to something here. He must be there to keep her from spitting at people and eating with her feet.
"That's what INF is saying. I think it's bull. I think they are having an affair. It was Splash news that got the pics of Kate and Steve in Cabo. One of the comments said that was so. Are there pics of him wearing a wedding ring? Is Kate back home now?"
This subject came up quite awhile ago. If you go back to his early times with Kate, watch the vidoes and check the photos, he wasn't wearing a ring then. In fact, there's a very good close-up of him last year at the beach, and there's no ring then.
It's possible they are correct about this one.
People mag reports that this is where they stayed...
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I was just looking at the resort photos again.
I find that TALL gate stunning. No chance anyone dangerous can get in there. Maybe a ninja?
No way is Steve there for security purposes- it's obvious, and everytime she denies the affair, she "outs" it even more.
On the other hand, supposing he's just there as her "handler". Could it be possible that she is such a pig of a human being? I mean is he there to stop her from making a complete fool of herself? Smoking, drinking, parading the grounds naked, and fighting with the other vacationers? Spitting at the staff? Eats with her hands? Or feet? Hmmmmmmmmm....
Oh yeah, you're on to something here. He must be there to keep her from spitting at people and eating with her feet.
The tide continues to turn...no sure if this was already posted but I don't remember seeing it.
I'm wondering if Kate's biggest goal in having her pathetic show renewed is Steve. Sure the money and fame are great (for her), but without Kate plus 8, she can't justify having the short guy around so much. And if Kate WERE attacked, she looks like she is better equipped to defend herself. That ginormous ass could seriously squish someone
Oh, and I'm in the minority here, but do not think he's doing her. I think she loves him and wants him and gets a thrill with the speculation of a romance, but she is so fugly, stretched out and insufferable who would do that? If they were really a couple, don't you think Steve would be more discrete for his kids' sake, at least?and if be weren't part of the scheme to make it look romantic, wouldn't he speak out and deny things, wear his ring or something? I think he's playing along for the money. She is truly unfuckable. Unless Steve likes stretched out, cellulite ridden dudes, that is
Steve is a PAID escort.
It's hard to believe that any hard working, hands on mother of 8 children under the age of ten can fly off for a luxury holiday (freebie, of course) with her supposed body guard. Well, I guess that puts that speculation to rest. He is more than a body guard.
I only had two kids but could not even imagine going away during the school year, especially the beginning of the school year, when so much is going on with the kids. I needed to be there those first few weeks when they were adapting to new teachers, supervising homework, regulating sports schedules, etc. etc.
Kate is a real piece of work... a lying, dishonest, deceptive, hypocritical BAD MOM.
On Facebook there's a page you can "like"; it's called "I'm in love w/ my bed, but my alarm clock won't let us be together."
I had to think of Jon as the bed- warm, soft, the kids love snuggling w/ him, and he makes them feel safe, loved, and protected.
Kate is the alarm clock- loud, shrill, annoying, no one wants her to go off, and she's trying to keep the kids from Jon.
By the looks at that picture sure looks like she is working real hard =)
Official business!
I wonder if this freebie had to be used within a certain time frame, or whether Kate practically tripped over her kids when she returned from the Emmys to get to the phone to make immediate reservations. 'Cause, you know, she's so exhausted from working so much AND taking care of those eight...count 'em eight...dollar signs.
Sounds and looks to me that Kate sees the show as a "blessing" because it brings more opportunities for herself, rather than for the kids.
How many vacations has she been on this year? More than Obama, that's for sure.
I guess it would've behooved her to bless that freebie trip to Cabo to somebody who truly deserved a getaway, like perhaps the nannies who are the ones who actually care for the kids most of the time? You know, the ones who watched her kids while she played in LA at the Emmy's? The ones who watched the kids while she did DWTS? The ones who watch the kids while she goes on talks shows to bash Jon?
I guess what I am saying is, did she really need yet another vavcation this year more than the people who have helped her the most?
My goodness, she's just so greeeeeeeeedy.
Could you, for one second, picture Kate doing what Oprah does when she gives to deserving people?
Didn't think so.
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