Kate refuses to clearly deny rumors about Steve. Instead of saying I am not in a relationship with Steve, she just says it's "absurd." Way to deflect the question again! Kate we have eyes and we see you wandering a romantic resort with him in matching outfits on the Emmys' dime. Stop insulting our intelligence.
"I've worked really hard!" she tells PEOPLE in this week's cover story. "Haven't I earned the right, at this point, to look good?"
"I've worked really hard!" she tells PEOPLE in this week's cover story. "Haven't I earned the right, at this point, to look good?"
No Kate, your children, have worked very hard. Haven't they earned the right to privacy and their money? Stop tying their money up in your boob jobs and botox.
185 sediments (sic) from readers:
Hmm so the water in the background, was this photo shoot in Mexico? So she was "working"! Kate needed to spend four days at a six star resort for one photo shoot?
Airbrush much?
This is it? THe mother of the year? Look at my body? What about her kids? Isn't that what mom's do? Look at my kids? And can you say.. photshop?
She's such a fame whore. What I want to know is how much does People's sales actually increase when she is on the cover? It can't be much, her show ratings are tanking.
I.Don't.Get. It.
She's a nobody. How many times is she going to have new hair/new teeth/ new body/etc.? And how is this news?
Give her a show all to herself, no additional stories (mag covers), no additional celebrities (DWTS, Emmys), no children or mention of children (Um the family show and every time she opens her lying mouth), and THEN see how many people actually buy in to her persona and how many advertisers are willing to put up $$$ to support her and only her.
I had a subscription to People for about 5 or 6 years and canceled it a few months ago when it was time to renew because of their love affair with Kate. And I told them why...although they obviously don't give a crap.
I love the location of her sternum button. it cannot be called her belly button anymore!
And HuffPo calls out the tummy tuck. Well-played.
Why didn't the photographer have her face the other way so that giant ass scar and stretch marks could be seen?
Doesn't matter. They can give her all the hair and fancy make-up in the world and airbrush the hell out of her, but her inner skank and hatred will always show through and be what you see.
that is not her body...
And she will insult everyone's intelligence once again by denying a boob job we can all clearly see she's had. The way she deny's something is always in a way that makes whomever wants to know feel like they are stupid for asking. She always answers every question that isn't a suck-up question, in a defensive, sarcastic way.
And lemme' guess. Her BFF Kate Coyne is behind all this, right?
Can some one tell me why this woman is on the cover of People again?
Ewwwww.....just ewwwwww.....
P.S. Kate, when are you going to get it through your thick skull that your body is not a bikini body? You look odd.
She is laughing at our every remark that she is a dying commodity. On the cover of People again. That is an "on top" position. Unbelievable. She has to be feeling very good about her air-brushed self.
Clearly, it's airbrushed. I do yoga, & exercise regularly, I maintain a healthy diet. I must admit, I am in good shape. I did this without surgeries, botox, etc etc. It's easy to do Kate, but then again, you always take the lazy way out. I hope people write in to People mag. & complain about her cover, stating that her 15 minutes are LONG gone, and they print the letters. This woman is a liar. She did not get this body by hard work. Yes, she runs. Big deal. She had a fricken tummy tuck and a boob job. Stop feeding this woman's ego PEOPLE!!
Botox- check.
Breast Implants - check.
Veneers - check.
Extensions - check.
Photoshopped - check.
Factual - X
People Magazine has fallen to the level of Weekly World News - the tabloid that features Bat Boy.
Oh, and she has 'pan face'.
I don't think this was taken in Mexico. Wouldn't it take longer than that to prepare a cover photo? I wouldn't be surprised if the photo shoot was done in a studio and photoshopped onto the background.
And why don't they just rename it "Kate Magazine?"
I feel sorry for Cara and Maddy. Their mom is in a bikini on the cover of a major gossip rag. Don't care what she looks like, that would be so embarassing!
Yeap...she really worked hard for that body!
Kate's body can be airbrushed until the cows come home, but she still looks like a man in a too little bikini, with fake boobs and fake hair !
Why didn't People include the photo of her laying on her stomach with her nasty butt cheek hanging out, or the photos of her scars and stretch marks and the ones of her waistless stumpy man body with the cellulite on her legs? Of course they are gonna pose her and print the most flattering pictures and then say how hot she looks and feed her already ENORMOUS ego.
I'm suddenly feeling like now I need a bucket and a change of clothes.
I truly feel like we are all being punked or are on Candid Camera the way they try to shove this "it" down our throats. I mean, here you have a woman who treats her kids like absolute chit, screws around with a married man and denies it, gets implants and denies it, trashes the father of her children and gets away with it, has the haughtiest/crappiest attitude ever ~ and Hollywood turns around and PRAISES her for it!
If you ask me, Octomom Nadia Suleman might be nuttier than a squirrel, but she's a much better mom and person than Kate could ever hope to be. But I guess not many people hate her so she's not as marketable as Kate.
"I've worked really hard!" she tells PEOPLE in this week's cover story. "Haven't I earned the right, at this point, to look good?"
There's that sense of entitlement again.
That is so totally photoshopped. Look at her butt!!!! And now she has a waist? Where's her scar? And where's her cellulite on her thighs?
The water in the background could easily be as fake as that picture. Regarding her body, UGH. It is photoshopped as hell. Go to jibber jabbers for the truth about that body, but be forewarned, it's nauseating. She could make a coat out of her extra skin. I'll bet she's pissed they didn't photoshop in her "famous rock-hard abs"
People mag may not pay for interviews, but they get around it by paying for the pictures. Kate does nothing without $$$$$ attached.
What happened to the mother who wanted to be discreet and 'modest' so as not to embarrass her children? (And for the record...photoshopped or not, her face looks much older than her 35 years) so a bit incongruous on the "looking good" body. I can only imagine how her tween daughters must be cringing - I'm sure their friends have plenty to say...
Notice how they posed her from the side, rather than a straight-on shot which would, of course, show that she has no waist. Guess she forgot to pack those killer abs, or photo production forgot to do the color-sculpting!
I'm betting that quite a few gals could look good if their photos were air-brushed to perfection! Admin, next to this one, you should post the close-up photo (enlarged) showing her hanging cleavage flesh and all of her sun freckles on her chest and arms. Middle photo:
Did they re-locate her belly button?
Can we say "retouched"? This photo is soooo fake. They did a lot of work in the editing room at People. Her thighs are not that thin or smooth, neither is her stomach.
I'm sorry, but I just have to say it, she looks like a whore. She's a nobody who became famous for calfing 8 kids (that is not a slight against all Moms- it's only directed at Kate who is NOT a MOM).
Her behavior is really reaching the bottom of the barrel. What's next? A spread in Playboy or Hustler?
This woman is vile.
This woman is unadulterated scum.
I'm so tired of her and her many lies.
What completely blows my mind (and I know its been said by many others before me)is the fact that she is so self absorbed that she really doesn't see the BIG picture at all! With so many people out of work in these hard economic times, struggling just to feed their kids this egomaniac goes on every talk show, appears on people magazine & various other rags complaining how hard her life is. She is truly truly sick...
In the interview, she said: Flaunting her body is just another way to show ex-husband Jon Gosselin what he's missing out on.
She really is a vapid, sick, woman-child, isn't she?
I'll tell you what he's (Jon) missing out on;
*he's not getting pushed around anymore
*he not hen-pecked daily by Kate
*He is no longer critized for every single blessed thing- including breathing. Since his "Kate years, he found a woman (Ellen), who appears to be a loving, respectful woman- who does not critize her man all the time like Kate did, who is also loving and attentive to his children- not distant & mean like Kate was/is.
He's moved on Kate, when will you?
Face palm...........aye aye aye. It must sell magazines though, or they wouldn't keep putting her on there. However, judging by the comments, most folks WON'T buy a paper copy simply because of Kate. Quite a few comments wondering why her belly button is so abnormally high! HA!
Talk about "overexposure"!
Does Zondervan approve?
The media fails again by putting her in all her cheesecake glory on the cover. What a waste of space!
That's a studio shot of Kate and its had lots of work done to it!
She didn't address anything in what I've read in People. Typical Kate.
Here's whats funny to me. She claims she is not 'waterish' and yet all she ever goes to are beaches. What? And you know, sure she has worked hard at trying to get in better shape and I give her kudos for that, but could you be any more Kate than to shout 'it's all about me' and if it takes her kids working their butts off to provide that lifestyle, so be it.
I wish the photo of her lying on her belly with her ugly butt in the air in Cabo could be run side by side with this photo shopped picture of Kate on the cover of People. Kate Coyne must be being paid the big bucks from the kids income to continue promoting this famewhore.
This woman will never stop talking about herself and bragging how she works sooooooo hard at everything. As for her relationship with Stevie, don't expect her to tell the truth cause that is not in her vocabulary
Admin, have you read the article? Does she actually share "the truth" about her boobs & botox this time or is she still denying?
Oh dear god, just when I thought People had seen the light and this biotch was no longer appearing on magazine covers - I may have to toss this week's issue without reading it, really.
Sorry, honey, you are the 35 year old mother of 8 kids, all of whom are already humiliated this week by the TLC vomit show, and the news that you are sunning in Mexico with your boyfriend. You do not need to ruin their little lives more by appearing retouched on a magazine cover in a bikini. Oh wait, it's never, ever about them.
Everyone knows all of those covers are photoshopped. We've all seen the the horrible unedited pics.
Can we say AIRBRUSHED!!!
Won't be buying that issue of People Magazine.
Good ol’ trusty People magazine. The entertainment business is truly unbelievable. It must be a great way to make a living, not.
I wonder how entities like Discovery, TLC, People and Entertainment Tonight weed out employment applicants with a conscience.
I’d pay good money to see that cover shot of Kate before it was Photo Shopped.
Definitely photoshopped. Kate has no waist. She's thick all the way down her torso. If you notice the photos in Mexico she also has quite a paunch hanging over not to mention the deep, deep stretch marks and scars that are visible in a lot of photos. Kate also has the shoulders of a man. She thinks she's a lot sexier than she really is.
I want to see the non-photoshopped version. I am 50lbs overweight and can photoshop myself to look good too.
So...she's trying hard to make Stevie jealous??
She looks like she's wearing a diaper !!
Where did her abs go?
I can't believe this skank is on the cover of People again with her fake hair, fake teeth, fake boobs and her photo shopped abs. And the quote"haven't I earned the right to look good?" What is the hell does that mean? I don't see that she's earned any thing at all except a award for being a horrible mother.
Wait a minute, did she say on DWTS she was going to dress "modestly" because she was a mom of 8, count 'em 8, kids? How is a string bikini "modest" by any stretch of the imagination?
Yeah!!! Tell it like it is Bonnie Fuller!!
Boooooooo, hissssss F***ed-up People Magazine!!!
They worked really hard on the air-brushing, but forgot to fix her face. It looks really strange in that picture.
For that photoshopped body, I don't think she even had to be there.
I suddenly don't like the way Kate and TLC has come to invade my life. Its on TV, its on internet almoste verday I startup my computer, its at the gorcery store checkout line.
Don't get me wrong I love the blog, however I refuse to think that this one woman thinks she SO GREAT she needs to be everywhere to continuously state the same old stories over and over again.
If she was truly not having an affair with Steve or whoever she really wouldn't have the need to try and be so defensive. If its true just go on about your business I would say. Its a waste of time to try and feed people something they aren't going to eat isn't it?
This is all so staged. First the pictures of Kate 'running' (did you ever see her break a sweat?) flashing her painted-on abs. Then the R&K appearance and off to Mexico. Now this. TLC must be paying their PR dept. a truckload of OT to keep her newsworthy.
I can't believe I just used Kate and newsworthy in the same sentence! Great. Now I have to go confess my sin.
It's to cover up her affair. That could have been taken anywhere...hardly necessary to go to Mexico. This People article is too sickening to even comment on.
To send this nobody to Mexico for a bikini shoot when they could have taken Ms Nobody to her back yard pool and do the same..her comment about her booby guard remains the same even though he is at her side every minute, not buying your lies Gosselin
This is why I no longer subscribe or buy over the counter, People magazine. I can't be the only one who feels this way. You would think she was Miss America. She is a sickening individual, has forgotten where she came from, and doesn't give credit to her kids for giving her this lavish lifestyle. Isn't photo-shop wonderful? Remember Kate, "pretty is as pretty does." Are we getting tired of rewarding people for horrible behavior yet?
What does it cost to be on the cover of a magazine? How much did TLC pay to put her front and center?
TMZ has a half hour show every day. It basically backs up the information on their web site.
Yesterday - the *last* story of the show - one of the reporters told Harvey Levin that Kate and her bodyguard were in Cabo, and they had photos of Kate in a bikini and he thought she looked good.
Harvey's response to the news that Kate and Steve were in Cabo was to drop and shake his head and say that they are "sooooo doing it".
Then the blonde reporter guy with long hair said he didn't think they were doing it, it was reported that they were not holding hands, that Kate was sunbathing and reading a book by herself ... basically it looked like the bodyguard was just there in Mexico with her.
Then a third guy just had to ask the first guy a question. He said, "How sexy did she look in that bikini?" and Harvey and the guy with the long hair both shook their heads and said, "not sexy at all" so then a fourth guy asked the third guy if he had ever made love to a bucket of water!!!
This of course is when my boyfriend and I just busted up laughing out loud.
TMZ knows that Kate's 15 minutes are up ... tick tock tick tock ... buh bye Kate and good riddance!!
Holy Jesus and Mother Mary!
Did y'all know your boobs would grow 2 cup sizes from taking up running?
LMAO, I can picture the sheeple out there right now lacing up their running shoes in hopes of having their boobs magically grow like Kate's did.
I'm sure the twins appreciate this photo at all the checkout stands. OMG! how horrible for them.,
Photo-shopped and whats up with that hair?
They can't get a magazine out in, what, 4 days can they?
Shame with all that airbrushing, they couldn't have removed her upper belly button and given her a 'proper' one. Sure, you're in the best shape Kate...thank you free tummy tuck, new and bigger and better boobs, all those injections of whatever the hell it was you got, mini face lift (?), etc....yep, you're aging gracefully Kate, no doubt about it.. Heh
Way to keep your priorities K8.
Ironically, Katie herself made sure we all saw her parading around in bikinis for the last 2 summers - otherwise, we might not have known what she REALLY looks like and may have even believed this cover shot isn't photoshopped to death.
I told you ....next step will be to take off her clothes for some publishing company.
When she was on the program before, she was very "supposedly" conscientious about being modest and instilling this in her daughters.
Just wait....
If the money's offered, she'll do it.
gift from jibberjabbers
Doubt it was shot in Mexico. I have worked in production for color magazines and this had to have been preplanned for months. Typical that People comes out with this article as her ratings tank. Notice the air brushing.
I'll be sure to skip this issue of People. Notice how Kate is standing sideways so you can't see she really has no shape to brag about.
Whoever photoshopped that picture should win an award. Seriously.
They photoshopped a smile onto Kate's face and removed the branches and leaves from Kate's nose.
Boycott People Magazine.
I tried leaving a comment earlier but evidently there is an issue with the server.
Whoever photshopped that picture should win an award. They photoshopped a smile onto Kate's face and removed the branches and leaves from Kate's nose. Jabba the Hut could look like this with some digital enhancements.
Please, People Magazine, don't insult my intelligence. Kate doesn't look like that. She has been photoshopped to the point she is unrecognizable.
This is a desperate attempt to bring relevance to a washed out, over-exposed reality TV person.
So is Playboy next? Oh wait, Hugh Hefner told Kate to pound sand. So will she get so desperate that she will pose for another adult magazine.
Simply ridiculous. Kate is desperate and she has turned to pimping out her body.
Airbrush much? Nice image for your 8 children, you 35 year old biotch of a mom; it's obviously not enough for them to be humiliated with TLC's vomitfess this week, but now we have mommy and her boyfriend bodyguard shacked up in Mexico while all the other mommy's are doing carpools and helping in the classroom. And the topper is this picture. I am ready to either cancel my People subscription (had to get it when my days in the orthodontist waiting room ended) or at the very least mail them back their cover. Pondering these ideas.
Kate Coyne must be in love with Kate. She was just on Inside Edition saying that Kate said she was hoping her new body would attract a man. What GARBAGE! Speaking of vomitting...anyone got a spare bucket?
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Can some one tell me why this woman is on the cover of People again?
Ewwwww.....just ewwwwww.....
She's on the cover because she sells magazines. It's pretty straightforward.
Look at the 2nd picture which was taken a couple of days ago and compare it to People.
No butt - very very flat but People curvy
Legs heavy and thick not well defined as People
Tummy not as flat
Head looks a bit odd on top of that neck like they a better head shot on top of the photo shopped body
Sorry to post again, but notice the large cups of the bikini? Hiding the boob job outline? Uh huh!! People have eyes, they know she had no chest before, BTW. It's so obvious. Call her out readers of People. The last time they did a story on poor Miss. Kate, they printed 2 letters, one for Kate, and one against. Let's see what happens this time...
Kate said in the interview that she's only had the tummy tuck?
No boob job?
Oh...my bad. If Kate said it, it MUST be true. Right?
And an affair with Steve is "absurd"?
Oops. Fooled me again, Kate.
Kate...you don't get it, do you? You can pose NAKED for all I care (well, actually, I DO care - and that would be really nasty) and you can LIE and DENY till the cows come home, and I will never believe you!
Hear that? I will never believe you! Once a liar, always a liar - and we have caught you in TOO many lies!
Go crawl back under the rock that you came from, and take your Sheeple People with you.
I don't think there's any way that the pictures could have been taken this past weekend. It wouldn't give them enough time to photoshop and get to print. I don't know what People's fascination is with Kate. It is odd.
The more exposure Kate gets, the more people see her for who she really is. It seems like people who defend her don't know her and once they get to know her or follow her antics for a little while, come to the same realization that all of us have already had.
Another thing that I find strange, is that in real life, she has an oval face.
In the photo, her face seems shortened, and widened at the temples. Is that good photoshopping?
The are only 3 men she's going to attract:
* a 98 year old "sugar daddy"
* a man paid to be with her
* an ogre
How in the world can this skank deny the boob job? All you have to do is look at the video on Huffington Post.com where she is getting the tummy tuck consultation with Dr. Glassman. I really wish when someone interviews her, they would flash up one of her current pictures and the picture from the consultation. It is so obvious she has had a boob job. I don't care if she had a boob job. What bothers me is how she lies about it!! Just like she is lieing about having no money and lieing about the affair with Steve. If I see any People magazines on the rack, I going to turn them to the back cover. Isn't that what she said she used to do when she would see her family on the magazines? What a hypocrite.
OT-Did anyone see Lopez tonight last night? Audrina Patridge was on and Tony was there with her. George made a comment that he gave Tony the Lakers tickets last year because he felt bad that Tony got stuck with such a bad dancer. Tony asked George to start a help Audrina website like he did for Kate but for the right reason this time. Tony also made a comment that some people you have to "literally push" around the dance floor but that Audrina was a hard worker. Something to that effect.
Quite a change from singing Kate's praises last year about her having to deal with so much, etc. Apparently he now sees that Kate is just a fraud and that most of what she told him was lies. I wonder if he feels bad for comments he made in reference to Jon. He must now see how Kate lies and exaggerates to suit her own selfish needs.
From INFDaily:
Kate, STFU!!!!! Your credibility is dead!
Everytime you open your mouth- a lie shoots out.
Stop it!! You are destroying your family.
The weird thing is, she just looks so ordinary. I've seen better pap shots of her. They tried to add a waist, but it only served to make her look like her back has a fat roll. When I was thirty-five I had been through four pregnancies, not two, and I just naturally looked good with no surgeries, fillers, botox, tucks, lipo, extensions, fake tan, fake teeth or airbrushing; just resistance training at home. Thirty-five is kinda young to have all that stuff done. She's so darn insecure to throw her faux body out there like that, begging for attention. I find her pathetic, desperate and the antithesis of sexy. Barfola.
Kate denies to People that she either lipo or breast implants. “These breasts are all mine"
Sure they are. bought and paid for
"Head looks a bit odd on top of that neck like they a better head shot on top of the photo shopped body"
LOL!! They widened her face! Look at other photos of Kate, particularly the recent "botoxed" picture! -- she has a long, narrow face!
I dont comment about how kate looks or what she wears.I cant stand to look at the bitch and I really dont give a crap.
Her lies are another issue.She is a complusive LIAR and never gets called out on them.I think we need to post some "real" pictures of the true kate.You know,pictures of how she looked before she started using the kids money to make this glorious transformation.
JudyK said...
Kate Coyne must be in love with Kate. She was just on Inside Edition saying that Kate said she was hoping her new body would attract a man.
Why would you want to be with someone so shallow as to only value your physical attributes? How pathetic that Kate feels that appearance is all she has to offer someone. But then, surface appearance is all that Kate seems to be interested in (big house, fancy cars, plastic surgery, the "best" of everything) so it shouldn't surprise me.
Perhaps it's just me, but remove the Kate name, and in no way do I find this body (even if Photoshopped) to be worthy of a PEOPLE cover? C'mon this is an average looking body more appropriate to Woman's World or something...
I don't generally snark on Kate, and I honestly don't care what she had done, but I look at this and go..."who cares?" average body, boring swimsuit, plastic face.
Too bad she didn't work as hard on her personality.
When they stand in the grocery store line, reaching into the pockets for the last remaining pennies from their social security checks, I wonder what those good, God-fearing Christian people, who gave Kate their love offerings (in cash) think about her displaying her bikini body on the front of a national magazine.
Could it be Heidi Montag's body??? :)
People: "The reality star reveals what she's done to look this good..."
You got that wrong, People. It should say, "The reality star reveals what photoshoppers at People magazine have done to make her look this good..."
Unbelieveable! Sounds like PEOPLE is out of touch with reality. Kate G's 15 minutes must be running overtime now. This is shameful. She wouldn't get the time of day from anyone in entertainment if she had not given birth to those HOM's who were born to financially support her lifestyle and make her famous. When will this stop? Do we need to ignore her everywhere to assist in her downfall? She sure looks different on that cover than say when she did DWTS, doesn't she?
So funny!!
Wow Kate, use your body to attract a man!? I suppose for you that is probably all you may have-even if most of it is fake. Because you have absolutely no substance whatsoever. How CHRISTIAN of you! Is this what you want your children to see and do? do you want them to feel the only way they can get a man is their body and not their mind of personality? You are a shallow, poor excuse for a mother. You seriously need help. Your kids should be taken away from you!! You do not deserve to have these children!!
Now that I got that out of my system, my sister has written nasty emails to People everytime she is on the cover. She also cancelled her subscription to People. I hope people bitch out People. I will not by buying.
Sheesh! They even airbrushed out the flab and folds of skin under her left arm! Is anything real on this photo, besides maybe her belly button? I guess they had to keep that in the same position just to prove that they didn't use somebody else's body.
She is addicted to working out BECAUSE she has yet ANOTHER excuse to avoid time with her kids. Jon is no longer there to be a full time babysitter.
Is anyone else just weary? I am. I cannot believe that in the United States we helplessly watch for YEARS while a mother sells her children. And if that werent bad enough, she abuses them for their efforts and she is praised for it. Many are even quite envious of her lack of emotions.
Let's face it: it is way too late for the Gosselin children. Their childhoods and likely their lives are ruined and there is no going back. Yes, in 30 years everyone will know who they were - and the few that are still living will speak out. Yes, I know exactly what I just infered and I stand by it.
The Gosselins are well on their way to a life of drugs, drinking, bad behavior, sexual dysfunction, eating disorders and even suicide. Every one knows this and yet so few care. As long as Kate can be famous and wealthy, I guess it's all worth it?
I guess we should keep fighting for the all the other children out there. So far public outrage has stopped Nadya Sulemon since we all know she had hers to try to get on the gravy train that Kate has. All we can do is keep trying I guess.
We are too little too late. But I am not sure what else we could have done.
1.4 million watchers saying "My one little viewing doesnt really count." Those are only 8 little kids amongst millions of dollars - they dont really count either. they have been outvoted by the greenbacks.
I think Kart is so stinking jealous of Ellen that she will do anything to make herself look better.
Jon KNOWS this isn't Kate's body and he's been quite the gentleman in not "outing" her.
I just figured out what I think is off about Kate's head on that body. Just stare at her forehead and then the head looks like a flat picture pasted on a photo of what looks like a 3 dimensional picture. Those 2 just don't go together.
It would be one thing if she really looked like that, but she doesn't! There are so many pictures of the real Kate floating around, flab and all. There are before and after photos of her breasts. How absolutely stupid does People think we are?
She says those are her real breasts. Yeah, maybe the breasts are real, but the plastic sacks inside of them certainly aren't. I think she carefully chooses her words so when confronted, she can say, "But I really didn't lie!"
"I just figured out what I think is off about Kate's head on that body. Just stare at her forehead and then the head looks like a flat picture pasted on a photo of what looks like a 3 dimensional picture. Those 2 just don't go together."
Would that be why her face looks so wide when, in fact, she has a long narrow face?
She's bucking to be on the Bachelorette or a Hustler centerfold. She is a fucked-out attention whore and looks at least 10 years older than her 35 years. I guess that's what a box-o-wine a night will do to you. And it's also all her ugliness on the inside that comes through.
I think I will go over to Zondervan, and ask them if they will be using the People cover on kate's 4th book I hear they will be publishing. This poor excuse for a "mother" has 5-count them-5 daughters to set an example for, how to dress modestly as a Christian woman. She begged for money from churches, stating how they are a Christian family, with Bible verses everywhere, trying to follow the word of God. I really think she believes she will not be left behind, at the second coming, and sees herself as "Chrisitan Mother Extraordinaire", even though the rest of us know better. I am not supposed to judge others, but I think that God will have a very special address for kate in eternity, a place where she can tan all year round at, the hottest place she has ever vacationed at.I know that she knows, that it is better to not ever have been a "believer", than to have been one, and know better, but turn your back on it. I am think that her Pastor father was sure to instill in her, all that she spoofed the churches with. And now looking back at the start of her "career", I wonder how much of it was all planned, scripted and faked, just to cash in off of innocent, caring churches. I wonder how all of this sadness will end. I would not want to be in her shoes, not for the best body, the nicest hair, all the money in the world. She could have had it all, but she will end up with nothing. I read she has her agent working hard to find voice-over work on pixar movies. At least then we would not have to see her! My heart breaks for the shame the twins must feel, when their mother is mostly naked, on a magazine that is everywhere. I am sure they get alot of teasing about it. What a way to be a mother.Shame on you, kate. Shame, Shame, Shame.
My husband calls her "Butter Face".
( But her face )
She still looks just like the sister of Topher Grace's character on "That 70's Show". What's her name? Laurie?
70's Hair said... She still looks just like the sister of Topher Grace's character on "That 70's Show". What's her name? Laurie?
September 15, 2010 4:01 PM
Here's a pic of her. LOL, it says, "Laurie: Eric's Slutty Sister"
Looks just like Kate.
Look, Kate has an OK body. Probably no better or no worse than most of the female population. Difference is most of the female population doesn't feel the need to be photographed or have the entire population see their bodies. Kate truly has nothing else to offer so she puts the air brushed bod out there. Come on. If any of us were lounging, reading a book, you would know if you had a wedgie and your butt was hanging out for all the world. You can feel it and most would fix it. Not Kate. She went from fake boobs hanging out to butt hanging out. Kate's star is falling. Kate cannot tout her acting or dancing abilities(she does anyway). She cannot tout her mothering skills(she does that anyway).
She cannot tout her body but she does that too. Kate has no where else to go. Everybody is laughing at her. Everybody is done, done with her. The only people who are not done with her and can never be done with her are the helpless 8. What kid wants to have their friends see their Mom's butt and boobs all over the internet and every tabloid??? None. Those children so need to be saved by their Father, grandparents or the state of Pa. This woman is sick, sick, sick!!!!!!!
Moose Mania said...
"Head looks a bit odd on top of that neck like they a better head shot on top of the photo shopped body"
LOL!! They widened her face! Look at other photos of Kate, particularly the recent "botoxed" picture! -- she has a long, narrow face!
The pic at the top of this thread has been stretched a bit. I'm not saying it was done on purpose. Sometimes you have to conform to size specifications when pasting things on web pages. The actual picture at the People site is not stretched.
To get to a bigger issue: People was really off on their timing of this.
Her time is nearly up. You can actually feel it.
So when they gamble and put someone on the cover who is 7/8 of the way out the door, public-wise, they just look out of it.
It's happened before. Mags don't always get their timing with public figures exactly right. This was planned and shot before just this week or last week and things can sometimes move fast, people sink fast.
So good job, People. You put someone on the cover either people don't much care about, don't much know who she is, or don't like at all.
Moose Mania said... Would that be why her face looks so wide when, in fact, she has a long narrow face?
I think you are right. The head is not in proportion to the body....Two differant photos
So, My 11 year old son and I went to the pool one day this summer. He wanted to go to a lacrosse store later that day. The store was in the same town as the pool so I said we would stop on our way home from the pool. I am 46 and a size 8 or 10. I was wearing a very modest tankini and a crocheted cover-up over that. Well, my son was mortified and we left the store within 5 minutes. My point is this: What must Maddy and Cara being feeling at this time. How truly awful to have to show up in school after the People cover (and every other one of Kate's antics). The Gosselin children are not growing up in Hollywood. Their fellow classmates live nice, quiet "normal" lives.
I was reading that the black lines around her rear-end, upper torso, thighs and abdominal area are indications of photoshop work.
And look at all those black lines. Kate's been photoshopped into something she isn't. Gee, what's new.
This confirms she's not sleeping with Steve. Clearly she's sleeping with someone at People magazine. How else do you explain 4 covers in 8 or 9 months?
And why won't some magazine publish photos of her from the Key West trip with Jon next to current photos. Please explain how you lose weight and gain cup sizes.
A trend that Kate has indulged, that is accelerating, is 'exhibitionism'. From the skimpy clothes to her boobs falling out of her halter tops, when doing errands OR filming, it is apparent that she really thinks she is something. She has lost any sense of propriety, decency, or modesty.
I'm no shrink, but loo
Dear Kate ~
I'm sure that your children will look back one day and say, "We're so glad that we gave up our childhood, our free will, our money, and our anonymity so that our mom could get every cosmetic procedure available, buy designer clothes, go on trips to exclusive resorts, drive expensive cars, and live in a mansion that was supposed to be OURS." When that day comes, you will have gotten everything you 'worked' for. Personally, I can't wait for THAT 2-hour special.
You Reap What You Sow
The rest...
I'm no shrink, but if you look up the definition of that and of narcissism, there is a pretty complete picture of K8
The Inside Edition piece tonight said the pics were taken in Mexico. Now that I think about it, maybe it IS possible these pics were taken this past weekend. People Magazine does manage to have pretty current pics/stories in their issues within days.
Boy, when she finds her new man, he is going to be totally skeeved out when he finds out what she really looks like un-airbrushed.
This cover is just to dodge the real issue...the kids & the hearing in PA on Sept 23 and HB 2515
If they put out the boobyguard, the photochopped same ole krapola...then people stop talking about life vests, children being exploited....and the brand marches on....
We are having our intelligence insulted Gosselin~style
Is is it Photoshop or just a good bra?????
hahaha lmaorof
Now this is more like it!!!!
""I just figured out what I think is off about Kate's head on that body. Just stare at her forehead and then the head looks like a flat picture pasted on a photo of what looks like a 3 dimensional picture. Those 2 just don't go together."
Would that be why her face looks so wide when, in fact, she has a long narrow face?
You're right--it doesn't look like it matches. That would be funny if it weren't her body at all. hehe.
"Nothin' we can do with this one, Ed. Where's the clip art bikini shots?"
Only 3/53 positive comments on Celebitchy.
The only thang real about that cover is the wonky eye.
What a slut. I'm sure her near teen daughters are really proud of her. If she's that hard up for a man, tell her to go on Match.com. Otherwise, we're not interested in her public pleading for a baloney pony and how she needs a man.
She's doing this for all the mom's, right??????
The pic did look slightly distorted so I uploaded it again to the post just to be sure I didn't mess it up. It still looks photoshopped but I want to be sure I'm not messing with it further so I reuploaded it.
Dear ALL Single Moms:
Here is a little advice from a single Dad. Yeah, there are a few of us out there who are supporting our kids, all on our own as I'm certain there are more of you doing the same thing than there are guys like me.
1. We don't like women who are flaunting their body for attention OR women who are stealing pictures of other womens bodies to get our attention.
2. We don't like women who are self absorbed. People our age, who get divorced, know what we WON'T settle for. That's the beauty part of divorce.
3. Divorced Dads are more interested in divorced Mom's who put their kids first. Sacrifice is sexy.
4. Divorced Dad's don't like divorced Mom's who throw their ex under the bus. We all have issues, a little baggage and that's understood. We just don't want to hear about it 24/7/365 as you also don't want to hear about ours.
5. If you want to dress up in a bikini, some thigh highs or a cocktail dress to impress us, we're all eyes and ears. If you're doing it for press or to piss of your ex, we're like last years calendar.
6. We don't want to hear about what a good mom you are. We have eyes, ears and we are pretty in touch with our own kids so we know what works and doesn't. You bragging about being the sole provider, well, we are too. Give it a break.
7. Don't throw yourselves at us. We know what we want and the thrill of the chase is more important than the letdown of the getdown and it's a deal breaker that even Viagra couldn't help.
Finally, just be yourself. We've both been through the mating call, have kids to prove it and at this point, we're looking for nice, truth and compatibility. Don't brag, don't spite and don't worry, if "US" single Dads don't like you, there isn't a photoshop you can do that will change our minds.
Administrator said...
The pic did look slightly distorted so I uploaded it again to the post just to be sure I didn't mess it up. It still looks photoshopped but I want to be sure I'm not messing with it further so I reuploaded it.
Whew! I'm glad you posted this. I just got back on line and opened the thread and saw the pic and thought I was seeing things! It looks better now. The airbrushing certainly makes her body look tiny and shapely. And I don't think that's her hair or extensions. They've added hair in the back to make it look longer. It's too bad they can't give her a pleasant personality while they're at it.
I am thinking of cancelling People - I am giving my husband the word to throw out the magazine when it comes in the mail. I GIVE UP - SHE BETTER NOT DENY THE BOOOOOOB JOB!!!! This cover is insane and an insult to the normal population. I give up!!
Okay, I will admit, the sheeple are right; I am "jellus". I'm jealous and wish I had the same type of body as the one on the cover of People.
(Note: I didn't say Kate's body. I wish I was built like the annonymous "body donor" in the picture that they photoshopped Kate's head on).
Westcoaster said...
Oh dear god, just when I thought People had seen the light and this biotch was no longer appearing on magazine covers - I may have to toss this week's issue without reading it, really.
Forgive if this idea has been mentioed already, just getting caught up...instead of tossing in, can you do a 'return to sender' (I assume you are a subscriber?), or, better yet, spend a couple of bucks, mail it back to People along with a letter with reasons why you want to cancel your subscription. I cave and buy People every week, but this week I am leaning towards a boycott. Let them get a massive quantity of unsold issues back at the end of next week.
Anonymous said...
SHE BETTER NOT DENY THE BOOOOOOB JOB!!!! This cover is insane and an insult to the normal population. I give up!!
September 15, 2010 6:16 PM
Oh she definitely denied it. She is quoted in the issue as saying, "These breasts are all me."
Laughable. Just flat out laughable that People prints her lies and lets them stand unchallenged.
People, be serious.
Kate is jealous of the body she displayed on that cover.
I loved the comment about what a letdown it will be for any man (or woman) to see her body after viewing this cover.
Photoshop at its finest!
Admin, do you have any photos of Kart smoking?
Westcoaster said...
Oh dear god, just when I thought People had seen the light and this biotch was no longer appearing on magazine covers - I may have to toss this week's issue without reading it, really.
Forgive me if this idea has been mentioned already, just getting caught up...instead of tossing in, can you do a 'return to sender' (I assume you are a subscriber?), or, better yet, spend a couple of bucks, mail it back to People along with a letter with reasons why you want to cancel your subscription. I cave and buy People every week, but this week I am leaning towards a boycott. Let them get a massive quantity of unsold issues back at the end of next week.
September 15, 2010 6:25 PM
Wow, last post fraught with bad grammar and typos..
Maybe I will buy People this week. I'll just rip off the cover and article and mail it back with some Sharpie doodles or copies of pictures of the 'real Kate'.
My plan is to mail the cover back with a note explaining why I need to cancel my subscription. I would mail the whole issue but why pay that much postage?
I'm pretty certain that Janet Reno would look like that with a few keystrokes. Kate, give it a rest. You could be posing there in a fig leaf and smoking a cigar but you'd still get as much attention as a beggar at a street corner with a sign, "Will Work For Food"
The "Good Bra" isn't visible but the "Bondo" is. I'm buying this photo shoot like I am presently at the Rolls Royce factory hand building my son's next car. Give it a break girl. Your next photo op may be Hustler but I can assure you, I'd rather hand feed a rattle snake than see those accident photo's.
'The pic did look slightly distorted so I uploaded it again to the post just to be sure I didn't mess it up. It still looks photoshopped but I want to be sure I'm not messing with it further so I reuploaded it.'
You can reupload til the walrus migrate - it's photoshopped alright. I do believe the photo editors at People are having their fun with Kate. They know what a joke she is.
Remember when People had a cover of someone I don't remember but the photoshopping was so bad that they actually broke the line of her hip and part of it was literally missing. I wish I could remember who that was, but it was really bad. Anywho that is kinda what Khatan's "big ole head" (that one was for Collin) looks like on that itsy bitsy body. She's still a skank even with all that work. News flash running up and down the driveway for the photo-op does not increase your breast size - nor does it make your head swell, LOL....
TLC stinks said...I have worked in production for color magazines and this had to have been preplanned for months. Typical that People comes out with this article as her ratings tank. Notice the air brushing.
Remember about 3 mos. ago, when we saw shots of her jogging in Pa, and then, for a brief time, she did apparently lose what looked lik a lot of wgt. Then shortly thereafter, she put it all back on? I bet when she was "skinny" for those few days is when she posed for this shot. Not that it still isn't photoshopped to death.
I think your post is spot on! These kids are heading for a disturbing future. What is scary, is if Kate loses or squanders the money in a few years, those kids will be peddled like show monkeys to make some money, because she will be in debt and over her head financially. They will never have a normal life, even when this all ends. Too much of their "business" is out there for posterity and they will never live it down. Kate hungers for the hollywood life and will spend her whole life trying to live that way, come hell or high water. As a matter of fact she wanted it so much, she broke her marriage up, and threw away family and friends who got in the way of "her" dreams. Kate is not normal, and probably never was. She "knew" what she was getting into with the show and played everyone for a fool. She willingly sold her kids childhoods and then acts like this is all for memories. She is a con artist and nothing much. She has put these kids through the ringer with all this public drama and it will wear them down. They will turn to bad stuff to comfort themselves. The twins are already suffering the effects of their mother's selfishness. I would hope that they could get therapy and get through this private hell they live now, but unlikely given their mother never seems to be home to care for them and their needs. They will catch on soon and when they do, Kate will have hell to pay. I pray these innocent children get through this unscathed, but I would not bet on it.
The beauty of photoshop is that you don't have to diet or do anything and you will still look okay.
Oh my gosh, SHE IS SMOKING on that video, at about 2:25, that lying sack of skank skin! She goes on and on about how she is the healthiest person you will ever meet, eats only organic, works out constantly, and she is so busted! I don't care if she smokes or not, but it is yet another lie about her lifestyle and yet another crack in the facade that is her life. Hilarious!
Kelly said...
I'm pretty certain that Janet Reno would look like that with a few keystrokes. Kate, give it a rest. You could be posing there in a fig leaf and smoking a cigar but you'd still get as much attention as a beggar at a street corner with a sign, "Will Work For Food"
Sorry, Kelly can't agree with you there. That cover has generated 88 separate articles in less than 24 hours. Neither TLC nor Kate care if it's good press or bad press, as long as her name is out there continually.
The blogosphere, where Kate is concerned, needs to go dark, quiet. Kate would be shattered. That's what she deserves.
PJ's momma said...
Oh my gosh, SHE IS SMOKING on that video, at about 2:25, that lying sack of skank skin! She goes on and on about how she is the healthiest person you will ever meet, eats only organic, works out constantly, and she is so busted! I don't care if she smokes or not, but it is yet another lie about her lifestyle and yet another crack in the facade that is her life. Hilarious!
What video??? Is there a link somewhere???
The blogosphere, where Kate is concerned, needs to go dark, quiet. Kate would be shattered. That's what she deserves.
It's not the blogoophere - IT'S THE VIEWERS.
People need to stop watching. Period.
End of story.
Low ratings=now show.
No show=No Kate.
I've been reading comments about people flipping through the channels and they just happen to land on TLC and Kate+8 just happens to be on. Well those people are keeping Kate and the kids on TV. Hater or not - they are part of the problem.
"Oh my gosh, SHE IS SMOKING on that video, at about 2:25, that lying sack of skank skin! She goes on and on about how she is the healthiest person you will ever meet, eats only organic, works out constantly, and she is so busted! I don't care if she smokes or not, but it is yet another lie about her lifestyle and yet another crack in the facade that is her life. Hilarious!"
Yepper. No doubt about it. Betcha that thing is cleaned up pronto! If you start at about 2:22 or so, and pay close attention, I think it comes at about 2:24. She's walking out of the tent, she turns her head to the right and blows out the smoke. She's chewing gum like a crazy person on the beach. Now we know why! Smoker's breath!
Go to You Tube: Kate Plus 8 - vomit-fest epi 1
The chicken comments are making me laugh, but it's off-topic so I won't explain.
Admin, can you PLEASE, pretty please, put up a photo or link that shows Kart smoking?
You can tell from the clip but I did a screen capture and it's hard to tell. The background is a blue tent and since smoke has a blueish tint to it, it blends in. I guess I can post the photo but I don't know if it proves much.
I am trying to make a clip but the only clip I have is the youtube one which isn't the best quality.
Frankly I was skeptical of this myself but when I watched it tonight ya'll are spot on.
@Kelly...She's doing this for all the mom's, right??????
No,, Kelly. Everything she does is for the kids.
Wow. The smoking thing needs to be a post all in itself! I wonder what the fans will say. How would Kate defend smoking?
OK Mady when the kids at school start to tease you tell them the truth " I've seen my mom change clothes and thats not really my moms body"
Speaking of Mady.. why don't we ever hear about Kate going to the back-to-school night or the open house? I still go to those things love to see how my grandkids are doing in school and they love showing me EVERYTHING in their class room.
Yep, I watched the video and Kate is so busted. I had to watch it twice but it is definetly there.
If Jon smokes it's not a far off jump for Kate to smoke either what with them being together for 10+ years.
Think of all the second hand smoke the kids are exposed to.
Marmalade Sky, thanks for the link. Well, I'll be darned, she is smoking. Hope we can save that somehow before TLC edits it out. I wonder how the sheeple are spinning it?
HAHAHA! I just love this comic strip!
When I first saw the video, I didn't see it. I may be slow, but it took several viewings for me to see Kate exhaling what is quite obviously some sort of smoke.
There is nothing better than the smoking gun, and this time Kate shot herself!
The sheeple are already justifying this, how gosh darn funny!!!
The shadowing is very interesting if you look closely at the picture. Think about the relation of shadows to a light source and then look where the shadows are - doesn't make sense does it?Shadows front and back, but only on some parts of the body - poor job of photo editing. Plus wrinkles or in Kate's case stretch marks or scars can easily be smoothed with photo editing. I'm sure if there was not filmed proof she would deny the tummy tuck, too.
Can I be completely snarky here for just a sec? I find it funny that most celebs use these mags to promote themselves and their "Post baby bodies" or "How I got my body back" and it's usually 6 months or less postpartum. It's meant to make them look great and the rest of us feel useless and it promotes the myth that celebs have diet secrets that we need to know. *However* Here Kate is and her babies are 6 YEARS postpartum! It's a mean comparison, but still funny!
"The sheeple are already justifying this, how gosh darn funny!!!"
I'm curious-how on earth are they justifying it?! Can't they ever be wrong? The haters are wrong sometimes, but they are NEVER wrong??
About the 2:25 mark. It is hard to catch at first, but the cow turns her head and blows smoke walking back from the umbrella.
Baby Mama said...
Cherier1~ Yes you are wrong. That rumor about Kate and that rediculous "puff" was fabircated because they couldn't handle how amazing Kate looks and the trolls were looking for other things to snark about. There was no smoke and I watched the footage myself 2x. If you want to see this supposed puff of smoke where Kate was on the beach with NO cigarette, you can go to the first clip and click right before the 2min 40 mark. That is where they "claimed they saw" something. Watched in in high def. no smoke anywhere.
But I have to say, that was one of their better made up stories ;)
September 16, 2010 1:11 AM
This one for the archives!
That's because it's not at the 2:40 mark it's at the 2:25 mark. lol. She doesn't have a cigarette in her hand because she obviously just finished it and was letting go the final puff.
I think it says something when I wouldn't touch this rumor since this episode aired. I didn't believe it. I never said anything about it. Then I actually said to myself fine I'll go look since everyone keeps insisting on it. I looked tonight and sure enough she lets out a big puff of smoke. Facts is facts!
We couldn't make up the kind of rumors Kate feeds us on a constant basis.
People had Bethanny Frankel on the cover for her after baby weight loss.
I don't recall Kate having a cute-ish "bootie."
I truly hope they don't think they are fooling the general public? Even OPRAH doesnt' look like OPRAH on her magazine cover! NOBODY gets put on the cover of People WITHOUT being photoshopped. Betcha we'll see her next on Star Mag or Enquirer with the title of "WORST celebrity bodies" Remember the one where she's jogging and her jowls and belly are justa flappin' in the wind?
I have been following this story in INF Daily and Jessica@INF Daily has been responding. Here is some of it:
People closes on Tuesday. They distribute on Wednesday. We have photo editors here, and I asked them: it doesn’t take that long to do airbrushing. Kate likely did the photo shoot this weekend. That is more than enough time for People to turn the photos around, just as they said.
The People pictures are clearly Photoshopped. They’re People’s pictures, not ours.
The point is that the People photo is photoshopped and INF started the rumor that the photo was taken in Mexico and the other media have proclaimed it as truth. It is ridiculous that People would spend big bucks for a common bikini photo at a resort to justify Kate and Steve spending alone time in Cabo. This explanation does not pass the smell test and shame on People magazine. They are truly in bed with TLC.
Adding to my above post, how come she has no strap lines from the various bikini tops she wears? People magazine must think their readers are dopes. am so tired of all the photoshopped magazine covers out there. No wonder women have image problems.
Daily Mail says:
'This body is all real. These breasts are all mine,' she told the magazine. She credits over-the-counter eye serum - Ole Henriksen Ultimate Lift Eye Gel - with the glowing, stress-free look.
'That stuff is my Botox in a jar. I started using it and two weeks later the rumours started
Daily Mail also says there are bikini shots of her on the beach at Cabo.
So is this People spread something carefully planned to get Kate a gig as a beauty spokesperson? Have we bloggers fallen into a trap? Or is the plug another attempt at grifting?
This link is photos of Kate running yesterday (Wednesday) back in Wernersville...
...and this is the Kate that we all know and love. (snark) No photoshopping here...
Admin, it would be great if you could put THIS photo (of her running) up side by side with the People photo - to show just how much photoshopping has been done.
To KATE.....It must be hurtful or a blow to your ego because People doesn't think your new body is that great or trim as you think it is because they had to airbrush so much of your picture. It was a bad idea to go to Cabo in a bikini right when the picture came out because the side by side pictures is the proof.
She says "These breasts are all mine". Technically she is correct. She paid for them so are hers. Didn't Dolly Parton own up to it and was so cute when she said they are hers...she paid for them.
Ok, Ok, Ok. I dont like Kate and I agree about her lies and such are the issue, but people. Really. I was in the grocery store at lunch and while I haven't looked at a People magazine in more than 10 years (seriously) and dont' watch TLC at all (way before Kate) I think we are giving her too much credit here. The article itself in word form is barely 1 page, there are only 3 more HEAVILY photoshopped photos there - it does mention these were taken in Mexico" - but that's IT. Most "Cover" stories are 4-6 pages. BIG DEAL. Look, let her ride this out, cause the end is going to be painful for all around her. at least the KIDS were not in the photos. You are never going to convinve the Sheeple otherwise, yes, lets keep teh issue of the kids going and of course we can snark about how kate looks and such, but this is too much to do aboout NO ONE.
TLC/People sure know how to stir the pot. The high-quality photos of Kate and Steve alone in Cabo. They were released on purpose to draw more hype from fans, haters, and the media about Kate's new article/new body. Sending Kate to Cabo for a photoshoot was genius! It worked, yet again!
Read the article from Preesi's site. Couple of strange quotes stood out. Article mentions Kate's previous "more muscular and compact" body is now "longer and leaner" due to her running on hilly roads. Can running really remove bulky muscles and stretch them out? I always thought running was for cardio and yoga/pilates would lengthen and tone the muscles. Kate always mentions running, but what about any strength training? Celebs always mention the dreaded ab crunches they do to get in shape, yet Kate only says it's diet and running. Gwen Stefani had a ridiculous six-pack, and I remember her once saying she had to do a least a hundred ab crunches a day.
Also, if Kate can run 5-7 miles on hilly roads as she claims, why was she so out of breath during the lighthouse climb? I would assume that running builds endurance (more so with running up hills), so the 100+ steps shouldn't have been a problem for her. Maybe, she runs hills but only the downhill ones...lol.
Nothing we didn't already know from this article, except People really knows how to airbrush/photoshop to make Kate look beautiful.
Oh please - that is funny abou the eye cream - what a desperate ploy to get an endorsement. She loves to lie - it is her favoritest game that she plays and I am sure she has always been that way, even as a child and will never change. I am sure she uses the cream because it was probably recommended by her plastic surgeon. Where else would anyone ever hear of Ole Hendriksen. I am sure it is something us real working mothers could afford. Khatan dear you already tried that with Whole Foods and it didn't work out for you. There is nothing worse than a chronic liar.
In the article, if you look at the pic of her reclining in the boat (on preesi's site) Her left ankle is missing something!!! The Winnie the Pooh tattoo is missing. Hmmmm, they photoshopped that off...geez what else on her body did the photoshop?!
Okay,tell me if I'm wrong about this. I remember watching a rerun a long time ago and Jon and Kate were on the couch talking about his trip to the grocery store and she was making fun of him,of course, and he said "Well,what about your shopping trip?".and she said in a whisper "Shh,you're not suppose to talk about that". Was she talking about her shopping for a boob doctor or am I mistaken about the whole thing? It looked like they could still stand each other so I'm not sure what episode it was or even the season.
She says "These breasts are all mine". Technically she is correct.
Actually no technically what would be correct is "these breasts are all the children's."
Why does she hold her left hand in a fist while she's running? She's doing that in every running picture I've ever seen of her. When I fast walk/jog, my hands are relaxed, maybe with the fingers curled in.
"Hmmmm, they photoshopped that off...geez what else on her body did the photoshop?! "
They also misplaced her belly button in one of the photos. It appears to be AWOL.
If she had those bazooms all along, why didn't we see them before? She's seen on the beach in a matronly swimsuit with no sign of boobs, then, all of a sudden, they make their perky appearance! Where were they hiding?
The Lady is a Tramp,
The eye cream was probably another freebie in her "celebrity" gift bag from the Emmys, no?!
Favorite quote from the People article: "My kids will hug me and say, 'Your stomach is very hard, Mama.' I just say 'Thank you!'" (Notice the use of the plural "kids" ... like it's a hot topic of discussion)
Doesn't sound to me like anything a 6-year-old ... and certainly not a 9-year old ... would say. It sounds to me more like a narcistic mother, with a need for attention and admiration, putting words in the mouths of babes.
Obviously Kate Coyne doesn't know as much about her idol as she thinks she does (or WANTS to know!!), or she would have reminded Kate that she was in Ontario last March...instead, she quoted Kate as saying (in large type on the photo page)..."This is the first time I've ever left the country."
Why wouldn't Kate C have double-checked on this before printing something that would have made the subject of her interview look foolish? It's not rocket science for any journalist worth her weight to check on something this simple.
How stupid are BOTH Kates? I mean, Kate obviously didn't get a passport for this trip to Mexico -- she would have had one last year for the trip to Canada! Certainly she would have known that!
"LOOK AT ME NOW!" -- if that isn't narcissism as its best! Can you can EGO? Sheesh!
I wonder if the photographers and those from PEOPLE who actually had to WORK with Kate had something to do with how the photos were retouched? Maybe to get back at her? Also, why wouldn't Kate Coyne, the senior editor of PEOPLE, have caught these mistakes? Or did she just not bother to review the layout before she okayed if publication? Maybe Kate isn't Kate's biggest fan after all.
"Favorite quote from the People article: "My kids will hug me and say, 'Your stomach is very hard, Mama.' I just say 'Thank you!'" (Notice the use of the plural "kids" ... like it's a hot topic of discussion)"
I just noticed the "kids will hug me" part and recognized a big fibber. Her kids HUG her?
If her stomach is so hard, then why can we actually see it squishing around in those beach shots?
Does this woman live anywhere near reality?
I wonder if the photographers and those from PEOPLE who actually had to WORK with Kate had something to do with how the photos were retouched? Maybe to get back at her? Also, why wouldn't Kate Coyne, the senior editor of PEOPLE, have caught these mistakes? Or did she just not bother to review the layout before she okayed if publication? Maybe Kate isn't Kate's biggest fan after all.
The Lady is a Tramp,
The eye cream was probably another freebie in her "celebrity" gift bag from the Emmys, no?!
Why does she hold her left hand in a fist while she's running? She's doing that in every running picture I've ever seen of her. When I fast walk/jog, my hands are relaxed, maybe with the fingers curled in.
Anonymous said...
SHE BETTER NOT DENY THE BOOOOOOB JOB!!!! This cover is insane and an insult to the normal population. I give up!!
September 15, 2010 6:16 PM
Oh she definitely denied it. She is quoted in the issue as saying, "These breasts are all me."
Laughable. Just flat out laughable that People prints her lies and lets them stand unchallenged.
I truly hope they don't think they are fooling the general public? Even OPRAH doesnt' look like OPRAH on her magazine cover! NOBODY gets put on the cover of People WITHOUT being photoshopped. Betcha we'll see her next on Star Mag or Enquirer with the title of "WORST celebrity bodies" Remember the one where she's jogging and her jowls and belly are justa flappin' in the wind?
Dear ALL Single Moms:
Here is a little advice from a single Dad. Yeah, there are a few of us out there who are supporting our kids, all on our own as I'm certain there are more of you doing the same thing than there are guys like me.
1. We don't like women who are flaunting their body for attention OR women who are stealing pictures of other womens bodies to get our attention.
2. We don't like women who are self absorbed. People our age, who get divorced, know what we WON'T settle for. That's the beauty part of divorce.
3. Divorced Dads are more interested in divorced Mom's who put their kids first. Sacrifice is sexy.
4. Divorced Dad's don't like divorced Mom's who throw their ex under the bus. We all have issues, a little baggage and that's understood. We just don't want to hear about it 24/7/365 as you also don't want to hear about ours.
5. If you want to dress up in a bikini, some thigh highs or a cocktail dress to impress us, we're all eyes and ears. If you're doing it for press or to piss of your ex, we're like last years calendar.
6. We don't want to hear about what a good mom you are. We have eyes, ears and we are pretty in touch with our own kids so we know what works and doesn't. You bragging about being the sole provider, well, we are too. Give it a break.
7. Don't throw yourselves at us. We know what we want and the thrill of the chase is more important than the letdown of the getdown and it's a deal breaker that even Viagra couldn't help.
Finally, just be yourself. We've both been through the mating call, have kids to prove it and at this point, we're looking for nice, truth and compatibility. Don't brag, don't spite and don't worry, if "US" single Dads don't like you, there isn't a photoshop you can do that will change our minds.
In the article, if you look at the pic of her reclining in the boat (on preesi's site) Her left ankle is missing something!!! The Winnie the Pooh tattoo is missing. Hmmmm, they photoshopped that off...geez what else on her body did the photoshop?!
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