Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kate out jogging

A more realistic-looking Kate was spotted exercising near her home on Wednesday. Are her bad habits of smoking and tanning aging her prematurely?

115 sediments (sic) from readers:

Pam said... 1

This picture should be placed side by side with her People cover.

Ahhhhh the magic of hair and make up and photoshop.

She most definitley looks like a 49 year old. So crazy to think she's only 35. Wow.

PJ's momma said... 2

Hahaha, even her running clothes are hideous! I am a runner (and a cyclist) and small-breasted, but even I wear a better bra than that and I cover up my taut tummy with a wicking shirt and wear regular shorts MADE for running, or risk the chance of chafing (which hurts like hell). Oh that Kate, she is just so funny!

Vanessa said... 3

EXACTLY!! Well done! Could you do a side-by-side?

Vanessa said... 4

Don't know if my last post went through, but excellent job, could you do a side by side of the People cover and THIS?

Mary Ann said... 5

I watched the Youtube clip. I think I saw smoke. Another "fib". But, something else was way more striking to me -- the behavior of the girls during the surfing lesson. The "little instructor men" worked really hard to keep a positive and upbeat attitude with really disrespectful girls. They acted quite like their mom did with DWTS Tony. Not good...

AuntieAnn said... 6

Wow. Guess we won't be seeing that first pic on the cover of People. bwahaha haha ha. Holy Christopher she looks awful.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 7

She's a man, baby....

TLC stinks said... 8

If you go to INF Daily and click on the series, particularly the last row, you can see the cellulite on her stomach. It is impossible to get rid of cellulite just from exercise. I read that many women do the tanning thing to make cellulite less noticable.

Dee said... 9

Now, that is the haggard,old-looking and cellulite-bearing Kate we know! Was anything on the cover of People hers? I just wish the media would call her out on all of her hypocritical habits and lies. Finally, Radar has looked like it changed their tune a bit with their article on Kate's boobs. After this past week, I can't believe she could have any supporters. I can't believe people actually think she looks great. Yuck, must be her lovers with their rose-colored lenses on. LOL

Mo said... 10

Lordy! That ugly skank in the photo looks NOTHING like the B---- in the people magazine! Will she give it up!!!!!!!

Laurie said... 11

Yeah - that's the same body that is featured on the cover of People NOT! That's why I don't like my picture to be taken...I'm afraid someone will catch me looking like that.

MaryBeth in PA said... 12

Is it REALLY necessary for her to always wear a bra-top when jogging??? For one, it has been pretty chilly in the mornings. For two, I live near a local park with a running/biking track that encompasses approximately 25 acres. Most self-respecting women who are running or walking are wearing an actual shirt, not their bra. I guess that's because they're not begging for any kind of attention, whether it's positive for negative. I really cannot wait until she goes away, far far away!

TLC stinks said... 13

Preesi scans are out. It was a photo shoot in Cabo at Casa Dorada resort. People has her so skinny in those photos. What a joke. Thanks for the real pics. Cannot believe she got a free vacation in Cabo courtesy of People.

Bodyguard my ass said... 14

Exactly how many chins does she have? I lost count at six.

Sorry said... 15

Boy, what happened to that woman on the cover of People? It is so laughable that the sheeple actually believe People magazine is reality.

PatE said... 16

Take away the boobs and nails, she looks like a he. KKate, the kids bore you??

They fail to occupy your "mind"?

Grammy of nine said... 17

Put that on the cover of PEOPLE. Can't spin and twist the truth about that "not a hot body." This woman has no shame. Is TLC still trying to recoup the money they have invested in her or are they letting her "go?" This is just so sad and desperate, don't you think?

NT said... 18

Can you please put a pic of her jogging side by side with her People magazine cover. They must really think we are stupid and blind. There is no way that that cover is the real Kate. Thanks Admin for all you do!!!!

Westcoaster said... 19

Looking at those pics, there is NO way that the People mag cover was not retouched, photo-shopped, etc. This is the real Kate - saggy, baggy, roots showing and with her usual unpleasant expression. Perhaps you should post both pics together. Like to see one of those on People.

BoyMom said... 20

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to wear a t-shirt? Even fake breasts bounce while running.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 21

Bonnie Fuller's latest blog:

Kate Gosselin Shows She'd Rather Self-Promote Than Parent, With Her Sexy New Bikini Cover On People!

Laura D. said... 22

One word: Gnarly.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 23

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Whoooooo!
If you think the cover of People is bad, just you wait!

I was visiting Preesi website (thank you Preesi), and she generously posted "People Scans" from Kate's bikini issue (so we don't have to spend a cent to line Kate's pockets)...

Diamonds are not Kate's best friend- airbrushing/photoshop is. I hear the computers crashed because of all the airbrushing needed to make Kate look decent.

Anonymous said... 24

Is that excess flab hanging over the top of her shorts? What happened to the well toned body. And, she will pay someday in the future for all the tanning she's done. Her face and upper body are now covered with freckles. In a few years they'll be age spots, then start checking for melanoma.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 25

If I'm not mistaken, I think that the People issue with Kate on the cover is nothing but a dating connection for Kate to hook a man.

Don't worry Kate, your sugar daddy is out there somewhere....

And who knew People was also in the matchmaker business....

Anonymous said... 26

Are her habits of smoking and tanning aging her prematurely? YES!!!

Anyone with a brain that works would know that its stupid to lie in a box under lights to get a quick fix tan. What is it with people and trying to obtain a 24/7/12 tan??!! But if you want to, again, pay for your skin or lung cancer be my guest its a free country after all!

Every evening when I get off from work I pass by this lately who I swear is permanently orange in color and her skin matched the leather on her purse. THOSE are the thing Kate will have to look forward to! And at 35 in age you should have more common sense than some nit-wit 20-something year old! But then again this is KATE.

Anonymous said... 27

And please, please, please Kate! Put on a shirt! I think its's totally distasteful for anyone to go for exercise in a sports bra like that! She should be ticketed for it!

Not to mention though you KNOW her shot on the mag. was airbrushed because in this picture her fat hangs over, just a bit on the sides of her shorts anyway. And her chin has then old lady rolls already. Healthy-Organic...yeah right! She looks old and washed up!

Pity Party said... 28

Looks like she got rode hard and put up wet on that trip to Mexico.

kristi said... 29

Those aren't the same thighs on the People magazine cover. lol

Who is watching the chickens said... 30

I think Kate needs to hire a permanent airbrusher who can work with Chris. Here's a good shot of her cellulite and "unelasticity" (I think that's a Kate work)) of her skin.

Michelle said... 31

"This body is all real. These breasts are all mine." Typical Kate. Duh - aren't all our bodies "real" whether we have plastic surgery or not. And since the implants are in your chest and paid in full, yes, they are all yours.

Montreal Gal said... 32

She looks awful, way older than 35.

What's next? said... 33

Can someone tell me what the orange wrist bands are all about? At first I thought it was for measuring her pulse rate, but it looks like she has one on each wrist. I honestly don't know the purpose of those - not saying they don't serve a purpose, just saying I don't know the purpose.

Also, why is she holding her ipodish thingy? Seems like with the way I've seen runners swing their arms it would get tiring holding it for an entire run. Don't they make holders for them so that your hands can be free?

As for the tanning and smoking, both have been linked to cancer, so what's the point of eating organic foods and exercising?

Hippie Chick said... 34

Wow, what a big difference make-up and retouching can do huh? I was watching E! today, and they were talking about Kate's People cover, and they showed an inside picture. Kate all spread eagle on the beach. Nice. Look, I'm all for celebrities showing off their post-baby bodies like Kourtney Kardashian did, and Kendra did. I am also all for celebs that make magazine covers when they do something for the community, and celebs that do right with the world, like Angelina Jolie, and all her work with refugees. What I have a problem with is a reality fame-whore, extending her 15 minutes, lying every time she opens her effing mouth, showing off a body that is bought and paid for. And the fact that she had her kids years ago is pathetic. She is doing her daughters NO favors by teaching them that this is healthy body image. Veneers, boob jobs, lipo, tummy tucks, etc. It is the lazy way to get what you want. Teach your kids diet and exercise, you lying, worthless, POS. Someone needs to call her out on THIS at least, that her daughters (and sons!) are the ones that are slighted, and will most likely develop some sort of eating disorder, because Miss. Don't I Deserve To Look Good can't teach her kids the RIGHT way to do it.

mama san said... 35

am I seeing correctly? Kate is wearing a necklace. Check out the the thin straps on her top. Can they possibly hold the girls w/o bouncing? Would like just one, only one, cheap rag to publish these photos.

emschick1128 said... 36

She definitely looks older that what she is and what a difference air brushing makes! I don't see anything sexy or attractive about her at all from a woman's point of view. I think she looks very slutty most of the time or like a man in drage.

Lauren said... 37

I don't know how Kate can look herself in the eyes knowing that this image she has built is a complete facade. She MUST have a mental disorder because something is not right with that woman.

And dayum look at all that cellulite on her legs.
She says she jogs 5 to 7 miles a day. Maybe she means 5 to 7 MINUTES a day. Something is just not adding up.

NT said... 38

Even the photos in the magazine are air brushed. They airbrushed away all her tats in one photo. Why was she in that magazine anyway? What a waste of space. She has nothing to offer anyone!!! She has nothing to help anyone and probably not a thought in her head except"Boy,I look good". What a waste.

mary said... 39

Admin, I have so enjoyed this website, but I so don't care anymore about Kate, her kids, Steve.....blah,blah,blah. BORING. My life is too full to give a crap about them.

LifeinOH said... 40

Can someone direct me to JibberJabbers site? Thx.

TLC stinks said... 41

People airbrushed her tats---nothing peeking out from the top of the bikini bottom and the Winnie the Pooh tat is gone.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 42

Ever notice how everytime Kate announces that she's lonely, she adds that she needs help?

This woman does not want a man, she wants a personal slave.

Hippie Chick said... 43

They sure have her pegged!

French Canadian said... 44

cherier1 said...

Can someone direct me to JibberJabbers site?

LifeinOH said... 45

Thx French Canadian! And thx to Admin for letting me ask!

BeDoneNow said... 46

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Ever notice how everytime Kate announces that she's lonely, she adds that she needs help?

This woman does not want a man, she wants a personal slave.

You called that one right!!

About the only thing slightly charming about this woman's appearance is her head to toe freckles and People airbrushed those away too. She has thousands and they are visible from a little distance too.

Not. A. Single. Freckle. On. That. Cover.

I dont care what she looks like. Or what she wears. Or if she smokes; or drinks wine. Or who she sleeps with.

What I AM SICK of is her constantly telling the rest of us that she is a better mother, better woman, and more deserving than anyone else. I am sick of her telling us that she is entitled to be abusive to her children and be paid money for it. I am horrified that she tells her small children in words and deeds that they owe HER; and we as a society validate this and send money her way to prove it.

Markiesnana said... 47

That top pic on the left -- Take a piece of paper and cover from the elbows up.
What do you see? That looks like a man.
Just sayin'.

Ava said... 48

Kate's such an idiot. I think it's great that she's saying she didn't have a boob job. It shows people what a liar she is. It reminds me of when Star Jones refused to admit that she had gastric bypass when she lost half of her body.

Kate must truly have a personality disorder. There's no other explanation why she would continue to make herself look like an ass.

TessaKittysMom said... 49

OMG, what, no six pack abs, no "tanned and toned" (thanks ROL) body? She looks like an old washed up 50 year old hooker, oopsie, I mean hag (nothing against 50+ year old women, I'm one).

Trucker said... 50

Come on...if you can spot airbrushing so well, you should be able to tell that her legs in the running photo are airbrushed too-except in an unflattering way!

It works both ways. We have seen enough pics of her to know that she looks somewhere in the middle of these photos.

These last 2 threads have been so petty. Ladies are mighty catty!

Marie France said... 51

That picture on the left looks like the body of someone over 50! She's a mess without airbrushing and photoshop.

Anonymous said... 52

There is no WAY in hell she is "jogging" with those boobies in that bra. Too painful. Unless the implants are immobile OR she simply sprays herself with a water bottle to look sweaty for the photo op then walks back home.

I was a B cup in HS and a varsity athlete, a C cup after college and a rec/intra athlete, and I HAD to wear a champion sports bra. You can't run without it.


Judy said... 53

As with everything Kate G, TLC and Kate C, there is a reason behind all this madness.
It started last week and hasn't let up and won't for few days
The big "dah" and head slap to me is the many mentions of a man.
Bet we will be blessed or cursed with a new dating show for Kate.I think that's what this is all about.
Lordie Be....who in holy hell would want to date this matron from hell?

JudyK said... 54

Pam said... This picture should be placed side by side with her People cover.

Ahhhhh the magic of hair and make up and photoshop.

She most definitley looks like a 49 year old. So crazy to think she's only 35. Wow.


Hey, watch it! I looked better at 49 than she has ever looked, and that was without any help. LOL.

fidosmommy said... 55

What's next? said... Can someone tell me what the orange wrist bands are all about? At first I thought it was for measuring her pulse rate, but it looks like she has one on each wrist. I honestly don't know the purpose of those - not saying they don't serve a purpose, just saying I don't know the purpose.


They're probably ankle weights and wrist weights, intended to add a little effort to your exercise program. I have a set of one pound and two pound wrist weights I use when I'm doing aerobics.

Bones said... 56

Judy said... As with everything Kate G, TLC and Kate C, there is a reason behind all this madness.
It started last week and hasn't let up and won't for few days
The big "dah" and head slap to me is the many mentions of a man.
Bet we will be blessed or cursed with a new dating show for Kate.I think that's what this is all about.
Lordie Be....who in holy hell would want to date this matron from hell?

September 16, 2010 5:17 PM

I think so, too. I think it's for a combination of reasons.

One is, her ratings. Obviously they're realizing this isn't gonna last much longer. I think they are searching for a new Mr. Gosselin to pep the show up again. Let's face it. The show just isn't worth a hill of beans unless there's a man for her to nag and abuse.

She also was passed up on being the ET DWTS correspondent. Waaaaahhhhhh.

Speaking of which, DWTS is starting on Monday and Kate isn't being discussed anymore. The spotlight isn't on her ( and Tony is totally digging his new partner this time. Ouch. ).

(no explanation needed)

I think Kate has just been having a major pity party, feeling sorry for herself, the Emmys are over and she's in Hollywood withdrawal...

so she called up her BFF Kate Coyne and begged for another cover story, and offered to wear a bikini, just so she can get people talking about her again.

Next she'll be in a bikini and heels at the gas pump. Then she'll be caught nekked in her driveway.

She's not gonna go out quietly. The freak show has just begun. Grab your popcorn.

Markiesnana said... 57

White splotch on left temple.

Must Love Dogs said... 58

Now that is more like it, the jiggly skin and wrinkled up face. There is a big difference from People cover and her now

Livvy said... 59

The orange thingys are probably reflective thingys.

K8SUCKS said... 60

Trucker -

The majority of "catty" comments are reactions to K8's lies and deceit.

I don't care if she smokes, but she definitely should not be smoking around her children and she also should stfu about being all organic.

I don't care if she got a tummy tuck or a boob job , if SHE worked to earn the money for the procedures and were honest about them.

I don't care that she posed in a bikini on the cover of a magazine - lots of REAL celebrities have posed in bikinis to show off the results of hard work and discipline (Faith Hill and Valerie Bertinelli are two of my favorites). I do care that she is on the cover as a result of exploiting her children and lying.

K8 deserves EVERY bit of criticism about her, her life and her lies.

Dutchess said... 61

Bet we will be blessed or cursed with a new dating show for Kate.I think that's what this is all about.
Yep. I'm thinking the same as you Bones. Kate plus 8 on a Date. The publicity machine is revving up for something. You don't get a *shocking* People mag cover and inside spred simply because you've recently taken to jogging. There's a new narrative being formed for a reason.

Moose Mania said... 62

Next she'll be in a bikini and heels at the gas pump. Then she'll be caught nekked in her driveway.
You forgot the shaved head. ~ Administrator said... 63

Tony is absolutely giddy over on twitter, has been for the past week. He keeps posting what great practices they had, now he's humming the DWTS theme song lol. He deserves it!

muffin top said... 64

Go to INF, where these pix came from. There are far more hideous ones there. In particular, bottom row, second to the last. Cellulite, saggy skin, flab, pure ugliness. Why would she show the world how hideous she is the same day her fake cover came out? Oh and look at her face there too; filler to fill in the parentheses from her nose to mouth. She looks like a hound dog.

Crabitha said... 65

Jared here...Ladies, we all need to part with about $10 and buy 3 copies of People. Let's make this a big seller! Getting mine tomorrow. Wow, the haters are just foaming at the mouth over this...these "its" need a rabbies vaccination I believe. They are all in full attack mode.

My dad and I looked at the smoke thing...we believe it is a puff of sand and wind coming off that tarp. Would explain why Kate suddenly turned her head and maybe even blew the sand out of her mouth. If you had sand blowing in your face...would you not do the same? All of it happening at the same moment just created an illusion of smoke or haze on the film.

Kate is too much about cleanliness and healthy living to smoke. And surely if she did...a pap would have caught her doing it by now!


This is a funny post from a sheeple site. If they weren't serious I would give them points for their creative thinking.

Yesterday one of them was a somewhat more reasonable sheeple site and she wasn't being allowed to worship her queen without anyone questioning her. In typical sheeple style, she announced her flounce and is now saying they are not being fair. WTF? On her own piddly blog she proudly announces that it is a "positive" pro-Kate site, and NO contrary opinions are allowed.

To be fair, I think we would stample a sheeple if they posted here. But we would do it with facts and logic. I would never post anywhere that didn't allow differing views and opinions, but I am not afraid of the truth.

Sorry for the long post, but this was amusing.

My bad said... 66

Trucker said...

Come on...if you can spot airbrushing so well, you should be able to tell that her legs in the running photo are airbrushed too-except in an unflattering way!

It works both ways. We have seen enough pics of her to know that she looks somewhere in the middle of these photos.

These last 2 threads have been so petty. Ladies are mighty catty!

Trucker, there are many photos of Kate jogging on INF Daily

They can't all be airbrushed.

Gotta agree with you about women being catty, tho. I really got caught up in the rash of articles about Kate this past week. I'm so angry with myself. I'm so hoping her star is fading that I kept looking for more signs, then got carried away with all the controversy. I suppose that's what TLC wants, so now I'm not only angry with myself, but feel like a chump who's been taken...I fell for all of it.

Crabitha said... 67

The onange things might be reflectors (she wears them on her ankles as well) but wouldn't you think that someone with the presence of mind to wear reflectors would also be smart enough to carry Dramamine and some spare clothes for her kids when they go deep sea fishing?

Silly me, I forgot that the only body worth protecting is her own.

Oh, and Tony is happy as a clam to know that he won't have to touch Kart again or deal with her bizarre diva-like behavior.

Sandy said... 68

Trucker said... Come on...

It works both ways. We have seen enough pics of her to know that she looks somewhere in the middle of these photos.


Since you brought it up....There does seem to be a lot of middle to work with. Face it, that's our MILF. Ain't she a babe?

PatE said... 69

Trucker, why is it you are always brutal on Jon??

PatE said... 70

Bones....NOT even with Steve and KKate mudwrestling would I tune into that show.

She is easily becoming the most hated women in the world, behind Imelda Marcos and Leona Helmsley.....your claim to fame KKate!

Anonymous said... 71

Here are the two shots side by side, thanks to Pressi.

French Canadian said... 72

I saw on JJ site that on one of Kate's photos, (pink bikini) she doesn't have a belly button

Crabitha said... 73

FC, I saw it, too!

There's a link that shows the "work" they did on Kart, and another one where you can read the whole article.

It's times like this when I wish I did have a subscription to People, just so I could cancel it!

French Canadian said... 74

Anonymous said... Here are the two shots side by side, thanks to Pressi.

Hard to believe it's the same person when you look the side by side...only days ago the pictures where taken

Anon 1 said... 75

Sandy said...

Since you brought it up....There does seem to be a lot of middle to work with. Face it, that's our MILF. Ain't she a babe?

Links please said... 76

French Canadian said...

I saw on JJ site that on one of Kate's photos, (pink bikini) she doesn't have a belly button

Could you provide a link, please?

Creature Feature said... 77

French Canadian said... I saw on JJ site that on one of Kate's photos, (pink bikini) she doesn't have a belly button

September 16, 2010 8:07 PM

They took away her belly button, and they gave her a little bit of a waist and some hips in the pink bathing suit. She's not her usual straight up and down rectangle. And her legs aren't their normally stumpy selves, either. They lengthened them to make her proportionate.

And she allowed them to alter her like that. She know darn well that's not what she truly looks like. She wishes.

I wonder how many moms out there who had c-sections and/or had multipes and are battling with losing the weight, feel bad about their appearance because of this magazine cover, not knowing she's had enhancements and was photoshopped to Hades and back.

muffin top said... 78

Trucker, the cattiness comes from indignation. That this woman 1. brags that she looks good 2. Says she deserves to look good 3. Presents fake pictures of herself to prove she looks good 4. Denies obvious plastic surgery and lipo and says she worked hard to look good and in fact, 5. Doesn't look good.

So yeah, people point out the cellulite, flabby gut, surgical scars, fake boobs, and manly build because it's there and she photoshopped it out so she could gloat in People. This is an ugly woman we are speaking of. Oh, and shouldn't she put this much effort into her kids rather than faking being pretty?

AuntieAnn said... 79

My dad and I looked at the smoke thing...we believe it is a puff of sand and wind coming off that tarp. Would explain why Kate suddenly turned her head and maybe even blew the sand out of her mouth.
Oh good grief. Where do sheeple come up with this stuff. Are they not allowed to breed outside of the flock?

Here Ya Go said... 80

Links please said... French Canadian said...

I saw on JJ site that on one of Kate's photos, (pink bikini) she doesn't have a belly button

Could you provide a link, please?

September 16, 2010 8:49 PM

Dragon Breath said... 81


The jogging photos aren't airbrushed. I've seen her out and about and this is EXACTLY the way she looks.

"They lengthened them to make her proportionate."

They did a total chop job on the thunder-thighs!

Midnight Madness said... 82

@Auntie Ann...Oh good grief. Where do sheeple come up with this stuff. Are they not allowed to breed outside of the flock?


I don't know about you, but I always blow sand out of my mouth when I'm at the beach. It has the same chemical composition as smoke and is able to dissipate in the same way. Never mind the fact that if we had sand in our mouths we would be spitting and gagging like crazy!

Aren't sheeple subject to mandatory sterilization?

alana said... 83


re: "My dad and I looked at the smoke thing..."

Oh good grief. Ditto and no shit, Sherlock.

But then something struck me about this particular Sheeple...
S/he's young enough to (possibly) still be living at home with dear old dad and
The dad cares enough about his pre-teen or teenager, (or younger, probably) to find out what s/he's looking at on the computer.
Lan' sakes alive, my first warm fuzzy Betty Crocker moment - courtesy of a Sheeple.

Either that or s/he's a thirty-something loser Take lover who f'ed up and had to move back home with mom and pop.

French Canadian said... 84

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin's Body - Then and Now

First time I see Radar trying to prove that Kate did have a boob job.

Melissa said... 85

I'm not being facetious here; I really wonder. We've all heard of body dysmorphia, looking in the mirror and seeing physical fault and imperfections no one else can see.
Is there an opposite of that? Thinking you look really great when you don't?

Anonymous said... 86

Judy said... As with everything Kate G, TLC and Kate C, there is a reason behind all this madness.
It started last week and hasn't let up and won't for few days
The big "dah" and head slap to me is the many mentions of a man.
Bet we will be blessed or cursed with a new dating show for Kate.I think that's what this is all about.
Lordie Be....who in holy hell would want to date this matron from hell?

September 16, 2010 5:17 PM
I agree something is up. Jon has protected his twitter acct. again. He was getting a lot of supportive tweets, especially over the last couple of weeks. So either, TLC is tightening the screws on him or he has decided to sell the childrens futures once again. The description of the last contract was for only 7 or 8 shows and they are almost over. They are obviously getting ready for some sort of announcement.


Sally said... 87

You should run a column on "What is next for Kate?" Now she has the ultimate body according to her, and she is an amazing "single" mother doing it all herself. What do you think is the next thing for her to imagine in her head, and have her PR people spin?

cathy518 said... 88

I have run for the past 20 years, after my second bout with gestational diabetes, I was told that exercise was the best defense against developing type II diabetes permanently. My weight is normal, body fat low and I am in my 50s. BUT, rather than long and lean legs, I have rather built up thighs. I believe that Kate has this type of body too, and I guess like myself it is a genetics/running thing.Therefore, the beach pic in the pink bikini is all wrong. If Kate is attributing that look to being a runner, it doesn't add up. So that leaves airbrushing I would think, no doubt. ~ Administrator said... 89

Is there an opposite of that? Thinking you look really great when you don't?

Yes it's called narcissism.

Nancy said... 90

Yet again Kate/TLC has managed to change the converstion from the kids and the issue people have with the conditions they are filiming them in to Does she smoke or not did she get a boob job or not is she photoshopped or not.....

You have to give it to them they are very good at clouding the real issue time and time again...

PatE said... 91


She has short legs and long body, that's why she was able to carry sexlets. Also why a lot of designer type clothes make her look cheap.

I still think, Steve won't leave his wife, and she is trying to make him jealous. He'll bone her but won't breakup his family, and just think what it will do for his business. That he mixes business with pleasure. Who would hire him after this. Kate hurts everyone around her.

Enough already said... 92

Anonymous said..."The description of the last contract was for only 7 or 8 shows and they are almost over. They are obviously getting ready for some sort of announcement."

Where did you see this info? Kate + 8 was touted as 12 "specials." I never read anything about a contract or 7 or 8 shows.

Barbra said... 93

okay, setting myself up to be crucified, but here goes. FIRST, I AM one of the biggest jelous kate haters (coined the name 'super tramp' for her on z on tv) BUT I had looked at the 'smokin' clip (no, not one of her 'lookin' smokin') and tried to figure out what it was because I saw that same 'filmyish stuff' right BEFORE she turned her head and blew. It does seem to me that it IS sand blowing because that is what I thought of the seconds earlier shot, something was blowing and ruffling the tent edge on the bottom of the top. Wow, that's pretty unclear, must be using the 'kate side' of my brain, you know, not the right side, not the left side, but the 'left out' side (like the baseball position, he plays 'left-out').

But as far as the pictures go, when you go to all the 3T's for pictures like the People photo-op (you know, Time, Travel, Trouble), WHY the hell would you go out IN PUBLIC running WITHOUT make-up, with your hair looking like a HAYSTACK, wearing the MOST UNFLATTERING outfit when you KNOW there a a TON OF 'PAPS' out there just waiting to snap your picture at all times? HOW STUPID IS SHE? Now THERE'S a rhetorical question if ever there was one!

Daisy Girl said... 94

I would hate to be here agent!! Calling all the time in desperation and screaming..."Get me a job in Hollywood. I deserve it. Do your job right. I am Kate Gosselin!!"

Mary in California said... 95

I think that IS smoke and I think the explanation is as simple as this: She took a drag off a cigarette under the tent (there is a male figure sitting under there. Hmmm, wonder who???) and then forgot to blow it out before she left said tent. It's easy to be an undetected smoker; you just have to be VERT careful and I think this time she blew it.

Midnight Madness said... 96

"It does seem to me that it IS sand blowing"
Sand does not blow only at head-level! It's not blowing anywhere else. There was no nor-easter blowing that day. The grasses were barely moving. Sand does not blow in a transparent cloud, and if it were sand, it would have hit her in the back of her neck, and she'd be brushing it off!

Why does she go for a run looking like death warmed over? Simple...if she put on make-up and designer running outfits, and her hair combed like she's on the cover of a magazine, the media would be all over it, claiming that NOBODY goes out running like that, and it's all staged.
Then why does she go out at all? She needs all the publicity she can get!

Anonymous said... 97

Kate - looks like it's time for a root touch-up.
We know she likes to "stand out" and be noticed but wouldn't it be funny if all the kids went blonde???? !! Kate LOVES the matchy matchy look.

Enough already said... 98

Anonymous said..."The description of the last contract was for only 7 or 8 shows and they are almost over. They are obviously getting ready for some sort of announcement."

Where did you see this info? Kate + 8 was touted as 12 "specials." I never read anything about a contract or 7 or 8 shows.

PatE said... 99


She has short legs and long body, that's why she was able to carry sexlets. Also why a lot of designer type clothes make her look cheap.

I still think, Steve won't leave his wife, and she is trying to make him jealous. He'll bone her but won't breakup his family, and just think what it will do for his business. That he mixes business with pleasure. Who would hire him after this. Kate hurts everyone around her.

Sally said... 100

You should run a column on "What is next for Kate?" Now she has the ultimate body according to her, and she is an amazing "single" mother doing it all herself. What do you think is the next thing for her to imagine in her head, and have her PR people spin?

Nancy said... 101

Yet again Kate/TLC has managed to change the converstion from the kids and the issue people have with the conditions they are filiming them in to Does she smoke or not did she get a boob job or not is she photoshopped or not.....

You have to give it to them they are very good at clouding the real issue time and time again...

Ava said... 102

Kate's such an idiot. I think it's great that she's saying she didn't have a boob job. It shows people what a liar she is. It reminds me of when Star Jones refused to admit that she had gastric bypass when she lost half of her body.

Kate must truly have a personality disorder. There's no other explanation why she would continue to make herself look like an ass.

French Canadian said... 103

cherier1 said...

Can someone direct me to JibberJabbers site?

TLC stinks said... 104

People airbrushed her tats---nothing peeking out from the top of the bikini bottom and the Winnie the Pooh tat is gone.

emschick1128 said... 105

She definitely looks older that what she is and what a difference air brushing makes! I don't see anything sexy or attractive about her at all from a woman's point of view. I think she looks very slutty most of the time or like a man in drage.

Who is watching the chickens said... 106

I think Kate needs to hire a permanent airbrusher who can work with Chris. Here's a good shot of her cellulite and "unelasticity" (I think that's a Kate work)) of her skin.

kristi said... 107

Those aren't the same thighs on the People magazine cover. lol

Marie said... 108

And please, please, please Kate! Put on a shirt! I think its's totally distasteful for anyone to go for exercise in a sports bra like that! She should be ticketed for it!

Not to mention though you KNOW her shot on the mag. was airbrushed because in this picture her fat hangs over, just a bit on the sides of her shorts anyway. And her chin has then old lady rolls already. Healthy-Organic...yeah right! She looks old and washed up!

Anonymous said... 109

Is that excess flab hanging over the top of her shorts? What happened to the well toned body. And, she will pay someday in the future for all the tanning she's done. Her face and upper body are now covered with freckles. In a few years they'll be age spots, then start checking for melanoma.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 110

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Whoooooo!
If you think the cover of People is bad, just you wait!

I was visiting Preesi website (thank you Preesi), and she generously posted "People Scans" from Kate's bikini issue (so we don't have to spend a cent to line Kate's pockets)...

Diamonds are not Kate's best friend- airbrushing/photoshop is. I hear the computers crashed because of all the airbrushing needed to make Kate look decent.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 111

Bonnie Fuller's latest blog:

Kate Gosselin Shows She'd Rather Self-Promote Than Parent, With Her Sexy New Bikini Cover On People!

PatE said... 112

Take away the boobs and nails, she looks like a he. KKate, the kids bore you??

They fail to occupy your "mind"?

Bodyguard my ass said... 113

Exactly how many chins does she have? I lost count at six.

TLC stinks said... 114

If you go to INF Daily and click on the series, particularly the last row, you can see the cellulite on her stomach. It is impossible to get rid of cellulite just from exercise. I read that many women do the tanning thing to make cellulite less noticable.

Mary Ann said... 115

I watched the Youtube clip. I think I saw smoke. Another "fib". But, something else was way more striking to me -- the behavior of the girls during the surfing lesson. The "little instructor men" worked really hard to keep a positive and upbeat attitude with really disrespectful girls. They acted quite like their mom did with DWTS Tony. Not good...