The lane was marked with a long yellow line, "no parking" written above the yellow line, "FIRE LANE" written above the yellow line, and a sign posted "No Parking Fire Lane."
And this is not the first time Kate has broken the law at this location. In November 2009 she was spotted illegally parking her Toyota. Does she pull into handicapped parking spots too, "just for a second"?

122 sediments (sic) from readers:
A million bucks the sheeple will say aw I've parked in a fire lane before too for a minute!
Wow, just wow, sheeple. Can you imagine if everyone just parked in a fire lane for "a minute"? Hope they never need an ambulance either.
By the way I'm home sick relaxing in bed :)
Does anyone see the irony in this? There is a true emergency happening at her company's headquaters and Kate is blocking ambulances, firetrucks, exit routes, and possibly contributing to delay or even death in an emergency.
Well, kudos Admin for not posting a entry on the Hailey "nonsense". I would imagine TLC was hoping you would do so.
Administrator said... Does anyone see the irony in this? There is a true emergency happening at her company's headquaters and Kate is blocking ambulances, firetrucks, exit routes, and possibly contributing to delay or even death in an emergency.
But we have to remember that it's Kate's World, and we just live in it. Yes, it is truly ironic.
She looks like she just got done doing the walk of shame! When was the last time that hair of hers was washed??? And those shoes are ridiculous! They should only really be worn at night and if you are working a certain profession. My daughters would be mortified if I dressed like that!
I haven't posted anything about Hailey since December when Jon's apartment was robbed. She is a kid and she wants attention and Jon is ignoring her and her lawyers told her she has no case, and so all she can do is stomp up and down and whine and hope someone will listen. We ain't listening.
She is a woman obsessed and it's frightening. Jon is trying to move on and make better choices for his kids and she's sabatoging him.
Can Kate Gosselin be cited for breaking the law based on this INF video? Seems to me that would be a real possibility and something the state of PA could/should pursue to discourage other people from not obeying the law just because they got away with it?
I wonder if Mady was ok with Kate borrowing her dress.
Ahhh Admin~
Relax and enjoy your day, if you can ;)Hope you feel better soon.
You know, after so many bad names that I have called (including my own made-up ones) Katie Irene, I just can't think of any that are bad enough anymore that she so clearly deserves.
Other than the one that fits her best..BITCH !
Did you notice that she acted like she was annoyed at Chris and really didn't know him ?
Bless his heart. He got her in the end with the camera panning the sign.
And the back of that van was filled with trash and looked like a dump !
Way To Go Chris !
Kate has truly lost her mind and desperately needs professional help.
BTW...get ready for the bus stop pick up today and Chris's pics.
She's been home all day long wondering what "whoreyish" outfit to wear.
I'm trying to think of the other laws/rules Kate has broken. I know there are many.
The pinecones come to mind in CA.
Judy said...Did you notice that she "acted like she was annoyed at Chris" and really didn't know him ?
Ha, I know, and you could clearly see his reflection in the side of the van as she got in. What a fun day for Chris...he got to follow her to the gas station, then to the UPS store. This is so staged that it is laughable.
Kate: "The rules don't apply to me because ...
* I was on bed rest with sextuplets for (insert latest variation of the facts) of weeks
* I am a single mom who is doing it all by myself
(Ignore the staff, please)
* I can't put food on my table for my 8 children
(Ignore the million-dollar bank account, please)
* I have 8 children
(Ignore that I tricked my husband into having them, courtesy of medical intervention, even though we couldn't afford it)
* I'm an overachiever
(Ignore that's why i am chronically late and I have nothing to show for any of my efforts,and no evidence of any talents please)
* I'm special
(Ignore that I'm special in my own mind, please)
* I'm a star
(Ignore that the media and entertainers call me a reality barnacle and buffoon, please)
* The rules are for the little-ish people
* I have been given a "pass" on my previous vehicular mishaps, speeding and accidents, so I have learned that I not only get the breaks, I deserve them because life is so hard for me and my fake boobs, fake tan, fake nails, fake hair, fake teeth. It's a fake life, but it's my life ...
This sad sorry bitch needs to go away. It's so painfully clear, and has been for a long time now, that the only person she cares about is HER.
It's too bad she was blessed with loads of kids when there are good people out there who would just like to love and raise ONE.
She's an asshole. Plain and simple. If she were to be told about parking in a fire lane, I doubt she'd even care.
Silly little laws don't apply to narcissists and sociopaths. Those are for the little people. BTW, she was also going the wrong way, but no biggie. Filthy bitch.
"Reality Bites said...
Can Kate Gosselin be cited for breaking the law based on this INF video? Seems to me that would be a real possibility and something the state of PA"
Of course not! She'd have to be cited on the spot and sign the complaint! Nobody in the traffic violations department is going to issue a ticket based on a video! If she had committed a crime, the video could be used as evidence that she was at that location at that time, but just because she stopped in a fire lane to pick up some items isn't justification for a ticket to be issued!
PA Mom ALSO said...
just because she stopped in a fire lane to pick up some items isn't justification for a ticket to be issued!
Sorry, parking in a fire lane doesn't justify a ticket? If you're inside there needing an ambulance I hope Kate doesn't happen to be there that day blocking your medical care.
But you are right they aren't going to issue a ticket based on just a video. That said, the point is not should she get a ticket. The point is she is breaking the law and also, putting who knows how many people in jeopardy. All because she wants to drop off some things without having to walk very far. I would hope her own conscience would stop her from blocking fire lanes.
Admin wrote:
I would hope her own conscience would stop her from blocking fire lanes.
Well, it might have. If she had one.
So, just wondering, is that Jamie that was in the passenger front seat with her or the nanny? And if so, why doesn't the passenger help Kate with all her errands instead of sit there while the van is parked illegally?
I thought that looked like Steve in the passenger seat. Whomever it is has a man's haircut.
She is so nasty. Could you just imagine her going to a parent/teacher conference dressed like that?
Marybeth, You say "walk of shame"
I steal a phrase from my loveable horse rancher to the south: Road hard, Put away Wet.
Chris should have said to her, "Shouldn't you be out filming Twist of Kate?"
I parked in a fire lane once without realizing it and a good-looking cop came up and blew me out for it - said if there was a fire they couldn't get to the hydrants and it would be fault. No ticket but he may feel like 1 foot off the ground.
It takes a special kind of crazy to park there when you know you are being videotaped and photographed. Witch.
If she's driving the big van, guess she's doing the bus stop pick-up. I showed my kids the photos at the gas pump and told them I was thinking of getting that outfit for back-to-school night. They assured me if I did, they'd deny me as their mother!
I saw in another photo she walking out of the store carrying some little box while a girl follows behind carrying some giant box for her. Wish they'd have made her carry it herself. Bending over and lugging a giant box would show her how stupid that outfit is for errands.
I believe that TLC has a program where they help people purchase clothing in keeping with their age as well as giving them a distinguished look.
My question is the following: Could someone, anyone, even those from the famed corridors of TLC, send Kate Gosselin in for such a makeover?
And perhaps TLC could make a pilot for a new program - staring the same person who is in such dire need of clothing help - on how they can transform people from gum chewing, loud and generally totally ignorant to a respectable and dignified person. Betcha the ratings on the pilot alone would be through the roof! Actually with the amount of refinement needed ... they would probably need a full 13 episodes ... Just thinking TLC - you could have another cash cow here
BerksPa said... So, just wondering, is that Jamie that was in the passenger front seat with her or the nanny? And if so, why doesn't the passenger help Kate with all her errands instead of sit there while the van is parked illegally?
I can't carry heavy packages because of an accident at work, but, as far as I know, Kate isn't impaired, yet she has the UPS employee carry her packages. The world is your SERVANT, Kate.
Ok I can understand if you are in a rush and you get out of bed throw your hair in a pony, throw on some jeans and run out for something. But who does NOT wash their hair - it's a grease pit - throws it in a messy pony but then takes the time to put on one of the twins dresses and pink high heeled shoes? It doesn't make sense, normally if one dresses up they do their hair and put on some makeup......She is such an oxymoron.
My friend got a ticket in the mail for being caught speeding in Arizona by a video camera mounted on a traffic light. The camera got the license plate and a picture of the driver, LOL. So really I don't think my question is that far off base. Clearly Kate did not obey the law and was caught on video (albeit by her tag-along celebrity photographer but hey, it's still her, LOL). Bottom line Kate may be a lot of things including a first-class sleaze but she is not and never will be above the law. I say book 'em Dano!
The incredible hypocrisy that is this woman's life is that she damn well knows that the pap is going to make that little film of her illegal action, and yet she just goes right ahead. I cannot think of the exact right word to describe her and her actions but many of you above have already done a good job.
And seriously, what is she wearing? And those hooker shoes - my feet hurt just looking at her.
I don't see why she couldn't be issued a ticket based on the video. We have red light and parked police cars taking video and issuing tickets via mail where I live. Guess because it's not 'official police/city sanctioned' video might be a problem.
I'm actually kind of surprised that she missed out on a Lot Lizard Ho Stroll.
Hope she gets busted next time she pulls this crap.
I'm trying to think of the other laws/rules Kate has broken. I know there are many.
If there were laws against breaking every known fashion rule they'd throw the book at her. The most fitting punishment for that witch would be life without cameras.
As far as parking in the fire lane goes Kate is too engrossed with herself to ever think of the consequences of blocking an emergency vehicle. Besides, she'd just say she is a single mother of eight kids and considers her errands an emergency. The assclown justifies everything with that excuse.
Seriously though, rules do not apply to Kate Gosselin. Just watched the trip to the big Apple on utube. Of course the big brat had to climb up and steer the boat to the Statue of Liberty which is typically something a little boy would beg to do. Then again Kate does act like a six year old boy. Anyway, Mady said she was sure they would all be dead in ten minutes with her mother at the wheel. God, that kid has her mom's number down. I just love her.
Feel better soon, Admin.
Kate parked in a fire lane?
Of course she did.
Props, Kate, for not parking on the sidewalk - you are showing great restraint these days. And nice Easter frock she's wearing. :)
Forget the sidewalk, I'm surprised she didn't request they hold the doors open so she could back the van directly into the store and unload right there.
Forget the sidewalk, I'm surprised she didn't request they hold the doors open so she could back the van directly into the store and unload right there.
Don't give her any ideas. I bet she just hasn't thought of that yet. Ideally, though they should send an employee to take it to her house - how common that she has to pick it up herself - oh, but then Chris wouldn't be able to bring us the latest Kate sightings. This just shows that she thinks she is above the law. In my opinion, the way she dresses looks cheap - not classy at all and definitely not practical.
Auntie Ann, you're so right. On this blog or another one, someone said Mady, a 9 year old girl, was acting just like Kate when she said the dim sum food was "interrrrresting" and rolled her eyes.This seems like something a 9 year old might say.I thought at the time that they had it backwards: Kate acts like a 9 year old girl.Or a six year old boy. Or anything but a 35 year old woman.
I thought they blocked out license plate numbers when they published photos/videos.
Hope, you feel better Administrator. Sometimes all you need is to relax in bed...
As far as Kate being parked in a "No Parking Fire Lane"- she's an entitled idiot.
Kate believes that she's untouchable.
Remember her hit and run?...
Kate must be off her meds today.
It kind of reminds me of Britney Spears and when she was going crazy.
Today's wardrobe selection has made me ummm.....well speechless. Again, I'm reminded of Britney....
Look at Kate's tube top dress - pure KLASS! Pink polyester with a 60's floral print on top.
The Winny the Pooh tatoo just speaks of Kate's refined sense of style.
Real stars don't dress like this...Kate looks silly.
Just what in the Sam Hell is she wearing?? If her bottom lip drooped anymore, she'd trip over it with those fugly shoes! Why isn't she answering her friend Chris? Why isn't she engaging him like she did when she was bent over doggy-style in the back of her SUV at Whole Foods? Man, she's going over the edge, it's going to happen...
I guess she's just too lazy to park the van and walk to the UPS store.
I saw someone in the van too. Interesting that only Kate is the one who is pictured. Chris, the pap, isn't doing his job.
Arrogant to the max! Sickening, really.
Great sleuthing Carol! I added the pic from November 2009.
Of course Kate has done this before.
She probably doesn't give a shit but she should be careful about racking up those demerit points. Didn't she say she was a 'rule-follower'?
Two speeding tickets that we know of:
How can the high road taker and contract honorer break the law?
Reality Bites said... My friend got a ticket in the mail for being caught speeding in Arizona by a video camera mounted on a traffic light. The camera got the license plate and a picture of the driver, LOL.*********************
They took down the speed cameras becasue no one was paying the tickets and you could just fill out the ticket and say it wasn't me driving...at any rate, they've got Kate dead to rights parked here so I don't know why they couldn't issue a ticket if they wanted.
I can't stand the b*tch, but really, parking a few minutes in a fire lane is worthy of a post? I don't condone it, but making a big issue out of something like this takes away from the credibility of this site.
Is Kate Gosselin REALLY considered a STAR in PA that she is allowed to get away with this stuff....well evidently.
Out here in CA The First Lady, Maria Shriver was caught by TMZ talking on her cell phone which is against the law in CA and parking illegally on numerous occasions. See link http://www.tmz.com/2009/12/19/maria-shriver-parking-ticket-arnold-schwarzenegger-california-suv-driving-meter/
I can see the authorities giving Maria a pass because of who she is...
But Kate Gosselin....come on. The country bumpkin police in PA need to step it up. I have a feeling Kate wouldn't get a pass in CA.
Radar is definitely on TLC's payroll. I was just clicking through their best/worst dressed for Thursday and Kate was named a best dressed in her pink tube top dress and heels. Puh-leeze!
New poster here, love the site, wish there wasn't a need for it though =0(
The 2nd or 3rd pic of her in that dress was really bad, it was kind of blowing back in the wind against her, I'm surprised it didn't automatically just spring out trying to stay away from that area..lol
Let's stay Focused, first of all, Kate parking illegally in a fire zone on more than one occasion just speaks to the kind of person she is--a rule breaker. Someone above the law. Someone who wants to be treated special. Someone who thinks the rules everyone else follows to make society work don't apply to her.
Second, parking in a fire zone IS a big deal. I have had to call 911 three times in my life, twice for a fire I came across (brush fire and then kitchen fire), and once for my immediate family member who is a type 1 diabetic and was unresponsive--that would be my mother. If anyone was parking in a fire zone while emergency vehicles were trying to get to her, just for a minute, my mother could have died. If you have ever tried to help someone in an emergency, the last thing you want is some lazy sloth who doesn't want to walk up to a store parking in the designated fire zone.
Fire zones are there for a reason and never, under any circumstances, should anyone be parking there. It could mean the difference between life and death. So yes this is a big deal and no it has nothing to do with credibility. If you think it's not a big deal, that's your opinion.
Do you know any cops or fireman? I know several cops because I work with them all the time in my practice. Just ask any cop if he's ever had problems getting to an emergency, and why. Nine times out of ten it's because of people like Kate who don't give a damn and do what they please.
Is Kate the type of person that doesn't pull over when a cop car is screaming past too? Sure sounds like it. The world revolves around her and only her--not her kids, not other people, not fire zones.
Feel Better Admin.
By the way, UPS actually delivers packages to my home. I know she is probably using a post box, but don't they deliver at home? But if she did get home delivery, how can Chris follow her to the UPS store?
Westcoaster said...
The incredible hypocrisy that is this woman's life is that she damn well knows that the pap is going to make that little film of her illegal action, and yet she just goes right ahead. I cannot think of the exact right word to describe her and her actions but many of you above have already done a good job.
Definition of FLAGRANT
1: conspicuously offensive ; especially : so obviously inconsistent with what is right or proper as to appear to be a flouting of law or morality
Examples of FLAGRANT
1. flagrant abuse of the law
2. her flagrant disregard for other people's rights
Didn't you know? Kate is a "star", & she is above the law? Stars can do anything they want & get away with it. She is delusional.
Maybe since her van is almost as big as a fire truck she thinks she can park there. But seriously, my brother is a cop in NJ and they actually do ticket folks parked in a fire zone - no matter the reason or length of time. Just because the sign doesn't say "No parking KATE" doesn't mean that it doesn't apply to her. Someone should have called the cops on her and she would have gotten ticketed.
As the wife of a retired firefighter, it never ceases to amaze me how people disrespect the fire lane by parking there as they say "for only a second". Sometimes that is all the time firefighters, cops or paramedics have to save a life. Kate, you may be a "celebrity" but you still have to park where the regular folks like us park........OK.
This is why she repeatedly does these things.
Admin, I don't disagree with what you're saying, which is why I made a point of saying I don't condone Kate's actions. My point is that this site is supposed to be dedicated to ending the exploitation of the kids, not about what a bitch she is, how big her fake boobs are or how badly she dresses. We all agree she is a self-absorbed fame whore.
I'm disabled and I would NEVER park in a fire zone.
As I've said many times, this is a Gosselin blog. It was not set up to stop child exploitation, it was set up to examine from a legal perspective their divorce. Remember the original name, gosselindivorce? Because child exploitation is a big issue for most of us, many posts are about that topic. But not all.
Kate breaking laws is a point of discussion. Kate has a history of breaking the law. It begs the question if she breaks this law, would she break others .... such as child labor laws? Tax laws? Where else is she cutting corners?
not about what a bitch she is, how big her fake boobs are or how badly she dresses
Parking in a fire zone has nothing to do with any things. I would think people would be happy the discussion is not so shallow. This discussion is about safety during emergencies and how Kate could care less. It's not about her boobs and hair for once, you'll notice I don't participate much if at all in that thread but I do allow it, within reason.
I think kate would most hate being called a "SINNER", wonder if she still folows the 10 Commandments, or has she forgotten she is supposed to be a Christian woman? Wonder if she remembers any Bible verses, or teaches the kids any of them? Wonder if, when she tucks the kids into bed, does she say bedtime prayers with them? Wonder if she tells them stories about back when they were so poor, and they went and spoke at churches, so the people could give the family 'love offerings", and said they would pray extra hard for kate's family? Wonder why she has never let TLC tape a tour of the "kids" fancy house, show the loving fans what a wonderful asset that the kids paid for? Yeah, bet I am not the only one who is wondering. Hope you read this,sinner woman.
There is an old rumor going around that Kate was in jail at one point in her life. I think I read it on Preesi's site. I think she had it somewhere as a rumor that wouldn't go away, or something like that.
"This discussion is about safety during emergencies and how Kate could care less."
Absolutely, Kate couldn't care less. She probably figured, what the heck, it's only to run into the store for a few minutes. Did she even have the flashers turned on? (maybe she doesn't know where they are). I've seen store security parking lot cops on a car within seconds if they are parked illegally. Not only should she have been ticketed for parking in a fire zone, but also for parking in the wrong direction. There's also a fine for that...in some towns they'll get you for parking on the wrong side of the street if you're faced head-to-head with oncoming traffic.
"I know she is probably using a post box, but don't they deliver at home? "
Certainly they do. But where are they going to leave the package? Outside the front gate on the road where anyone driver-by could pick it up? You don't think that they would allow a UPS truck anywhere inside the gated property, do you?
I guess Kate thought the no parking sign was merely a suggestion.
Someone mentioned Maria Shriver being caught in CA on her cell phone (can't find the post now, sorry!). As I recall, Maria made a public statement apologizing for doing that and said she knew it was wrong and she shouldn't have done it. Would Kate do such a thing?? Hahahahaha!
Feel better Admin and have a bowl of chicken soup, always works for me. =) As for her parking in a fire lane, no its not okay, even for a moment. Its the law and she thinks like all celebs that she is above that. I don't want to read that its okay if only for a few minutes. hogwash, you know its wrong so don't do it. I also get tired of people saying someone ought to put her on a show and show her how to dress. Why? She has plenty of money and still opts to buy Forever 21. She doesn't need a fashion consultant, she needs an attitude adjustment, ladies.
Maria Shriver has been caught more than once driving with her cell phone. http://ll-media.tmz.com/2009/10/13/1013_shriver_phone_3-2.jpg
And there was outrage over it here. Her husband is the one who has pushed so hard to ban cell phones while driving. She did the right thing and apologized.
By the way I saw her once in a pet shop and her kids were out of control. I have also seen her at a field hockey game and a basketball game. She is very dignified in public.
This is what she said: I’m sorry. I will be donating my favorite old cell phone to my Women’s Conference partner Verizon through their HopeLine program that helps domestic violence shelters. I invite anyone else who wants to recycle their old phone to join me. That’s my version of swift action with a higher purpose.
I have been reading posts about Jon trying to extort money from Kate,it seems like no one is concerned about wether the children were in danger with Kate did she hurt Maddie?why are these questions not raised? what if it was true,never mind the extortion,administrator what is your take on this?
Hippie Chick said...
Didn't you know? Kate is a "star", & she is above the law? Stars can do anything they want & get away with it.
I believe I read (on Pressi's blog, I think) that a few years ago, Kate hit someone with her car (a pedestrian, I *think*). She didn't bother to stick around until the police showed up. When they came looking for her at her home, her defence for not remaining at the accident scene was "I can't stop! I'm a public figure!" Can you believe it??? I also think I read that TLC paid a hefty settlement to the pedestrian for not filing charges.
All the above is from memory. If anyone knows anything else about this, I would be very interested.
My take is Kate hits her kids and there is proof. http://a.abcnews.com/images/Entertainment/ht_Gosselin_inTouch_090617_mn.jpg
My take is that any parent should be free to call CPS on the other if they truly feel abuse is going on, but CPS doesn't care about that kind of thing especially if the family is wealthy and white. My take is beating a child teaches him to fear.
Today's Lot Lizard Ho Stroll brought to you by Target.
Hey, that pic from Nov. 2009 is in front of the UPS store too! She must always so this. Now, if only the cops would catch her. So entitled that she cannot walk a few steps from her van into the store like anyone else. Wonder why her passenger didn't get out to help with the packages? Some reason this person didn't want to be seen?
Okay, I viewed the video and was pleasantly surprised not to hear her voice. I do believe it is a woman in the passenger seat and she kind of threw the papers on the womans lap. It is either her nanny or assistant I would guess, and why was she ignoring Chris like that?
Seriously, is any one truly surprised she did this? Wake up people, it's all.about.Kate. Always has been.
Tomorrow she'll do something else that appears domestic-related so she looks like the better parent again. Surely it will also include holding a phone to her ear but never calling or talking to anyone.
Now that the orphanage has the newly planted trees we won't be a party to what is really going on there. "Behind closed doors" comes to mind in regards to the kids and Steve. The kids should be showing some independence but instead stand around in a group waiting for direction. She doesn't have time for her kids and it shows in their development-or lack of. This woman should NOT have had any kids.
If she's going after the dirty junkie model look, she needs to lose another 25-30 pounds...
Has anyone else noticed - now that Jon isn't around her and she stopped YELLING--JON JON JON all the time she does this SQUEALING and SCREEETCHING thing? How old is this woman? The kids seem to have grown out of it but now mom is the loud and obnoxious one. GOOD GRIEF.
I have a feeling that everything she wears and everywhere she shops is just modern day product placement. The department store, the coffee company, the health food grocery store, the package shipping operation, and most of all the hooker outfits and shoes. Paid product placement! I think because of DVR’s and skipping through commercials, companies need to try new approaches to keep their names and products in front of us. Enter Kate and the internet.
Major corporations pay her to shop at their stores. I think designers supply all those outfits for free. She than does her “job” by going out and about to be seen and photographed. After the paid photographers get the shots, they promptly send them off to the “on board” websites that then post them. Lovers and haters of Kate flock to those websites to view and comment. As long as the masses keep click, click, clicking (and commenting) you can expect such activity to continue. We’re being played for sucker’s people!
Kate please park with the unwashed, we promise not to approach you. Someday it could be you that needs emergency assistance.
I don't watch the show but I believe the new family with the smaller children were suppose to follow the Gosselins show, how did their ratings fair? Anyone know?
RE: "Quints by Surprise" ratings
If you're talking about the Jones family with quints, they didn't make a blip onto cable ratings posted on tvbythenumbers.com. That 1.6 million audience for Kate Plus 8 didn't tune-in to watch the Gosselin Family 2.0? Not entirely sure how a show appears on the ratings (not all primetime shows are listed), but the lowest rated show that appeared on Monday Cable Final ratings was Scream Queens at 0.318 million viewers.
The Jones' first special, "Too Many Babies?" that appeared on Discovery Health in March got between 600,000 - 800,000 viewers and was the highest rated show for the channel, according to Ethan Jones (the father) on his website.
I would only assume those were the ratings TLC was hoping for a series premiere.
Following Kate's show on the tv line-up isn't such a huge ratings draw, eh? Wonder if TLC is worried about that Sarah Palin series premiere with a Kate cameo?
Seriously though, rules do not apply to Kate Gosselin. Just watched the trip to the big Apple on utube. Of course the big brat had to climb up and steer the boat to the Statue of Liberty which is typically something a little boy would beg to do. Then again Kate does act like a six year old boy. Anyway, Mady said she was sure they would all be dead in ten minutes with her mother at the wheel. God, that kid has her mom's number down. I just love her.
Sorry, I cannot resist posting this once again.
Having a narcissist for a mother is a lot like living under the supervision of a six-year-old. Narcissists are always pretending, and with a narcissistic mother it's a lot like, "Let's play house. I'll pretend to be the mother and you pretend to be the baby," though, as the baby, you'll be expected to act like a doll (keep smiling, no matter what) and you'll be treated like a doll -- as an inanimate object, as a toy to be manipulated, dressed and undressed, walked around and have words put in your mouth; something that can be broken but not hurt, something that will be dropped and forgotten when when something more interesting comes along.
Please read the whole article and traits and see if you can spot Mother Kate. I'm sure you'll see it's all there, in some form or another.
Product Placement said... I have a feeling that everything she wears and everywhere she shops is just modern day product placement. The department store, the coffee company, the health food grocery store, the package shipping operation, and most of all the hooker outfits and shoes. Paid product placement!
Major corporations pay her to shop at their stores. I think designers supply all those outfits for free.
We’re being played for sucker’s people!
I agree with your statement except....the DESIGNER part. The trash clothing and hooker shoes are not from a designer.
The are all ordered over the internet by "Katie Whorelene" while she's sampling her box of wine and dancing around naked for Steve in her "Do Not Enter For Fear Of Punishment Room".
This idiot woman has the worse taste that I have ever seen in my life !
This is an everyday thing with her,not just a mistake here and there.
Oh yeah..one more thing. She needs to ask for a refund from the Dr. that did her new boobs !
Next time, don't let Steve pick out your silicone Katie Whorelene !
Kate at Target:
- purple tank with beading
- wrinkled khaki shorts
- peep toe pumps with heel
- phone glued to ear (seriously who is really on the phone that much?)
just another day in the 'hood - gotta fill those empty hours while the kids are at school.
That Quint Surprise show is boring as HAIL and I'm glad it didn't do well. All these super breeder shows need to fail. Why should people pursue fertility treatments knowing they will probably have a load of kids AND knowing they probably can't afford them but then try to pimp them out to the public?
So yeah, boo and death to all these tons of kids shows. They're BS.
I haven't/couldn't/wouldn't watched anything with Kate in years but I almost want to see her being told she has to poop in a bucket.
Admin said: "And this is not the first time Kate has broken the law at this location. In November 2009 she was spotted illegally parking her Toyota."
That's not the Toyota LC. It's the Dodge.
"I believe I read (on Pressi's blog, I think) that a few years ago, Kate hit someone with her car (a pedestrian, I *think*)."
Not a pedestrian. A car in a parking lot. It was kept quiet, if I remember. It supposedly happened in my neighborhood, but nobody was really saying anything about it, except those who heard her cry to the cops that she was too famous to be cited. I think they settled the matter out of court.
Someone said that they heard that she was in jail at some point in her life. I never heard anything about this...maybe this was just a rumor that had to do with this hit and run accident.
So she was involved in a hit and run and claimed she was too famous to stop and do the resposible thing, WTF! People go to jail for that.
F&: I've never seen you here before but I LOVE YOU!! Spot on!
Her dress looks like a costume my daughter wore at a dance recital a couple of years ago. No snark, I'm serious. Except my daughter wore tap shoes.
Do you see how much a person with NPD, (Kate, w/severe NPD IMO) can incite you to such anger and frustration? And we are just viewing her from afar, via TV, web sites, gossip columns, etc. From personal experience, I can tell you that living w/someone w/NPD only exacerbates this frustration, anger and yes rage, 100 times more. It can destoy your self esteem, your positive outlook on life, they can almost suck the life out of you.
Take a look at the traits of a narcissist. How many of these can you check off as belonging to Kate?
care only about appearances
critical of others
disappointing gift-givers
don't recognize own feelings
envious and competitive
feel entitled
flirtatious or seductive
hard to have a good time with
hate to live alone
hyper-sensitive to criticism
lack sense of humor
strange work habits
unusual eating habits
weird sense of time
NOW, if you want to explore any of these traits even more, you can go to this site (half way down the page) and click on any of them and you'll get a more comprehensive explanation of that trait. http://www.halcyon.com/jmashmun/npd/traits.html
Admin, I'd seen a similar picture, but they broke both the car windows to get the hose through them.
Land Cruiser Lover has left a new comment on your post "Kate parks illegally in a fire lane":
Admin said: "And this is not the first time Kate has broken the law at this location. In November 2009 she was spotted illegally parking her Toyota."
That's not the Toyota LC. It's the Dodge.
I am referring to the smaller SUV she was driving in November. Yes it is a Toyota look at the photo:
Poor, poor Kate. Obviously if she needs to park in a fire lane she must have some sort of disability that would prevent her walking the extra 20 feet from a legal parking spot. And those papers looked sooo heavy and important enough to warrant stopping in a fire lane so she could rescue them from the depths of the van. Because she couldn't just pull over on the other side of the road, you know the legal side where cars drive, and grab them. Or send her assistant/nanny/whatever to the back to grab them.
*eye roll* Are we really surprised. The rules don't apply to Kate and she enjoys flaunting it and then playing dumb when she's caught.
Admin, I too want to thank you for avoiding the latest drivel that came spewing from Hailey. However, if you don't mind, there's something I need to get off my chest. I watched some so-called "infotainment" program on HN last night, like an ET knock-off, and they spent a good 15 minutes going over Hailey's comments and bashing Jon. What kept me watching was the shock & disbelief at their comments regarding Kate and how dignified and hard-working she's been this last year. How she's taken the high road and not spoken one negative word about Jon while he disses her at every turn. Once I stopped choking I had to rewind just to be sure I heard correctly. I did. The host and three guest panelists had their lips firmly planted on Kate's behind praising her like the second coming.
All I can say is Kate either has something really huge & juicy on someone in Hollywood or they're smoking something really really good and sharing only with the sheeple.
IDModo said - "On this blog or another one, someone said Mady, a 9 year old girl, was acting just like Kate when she said the dim sum food was "interrrrresting" and rolled her eyes.This seems like something a 9 year old might say.I thought at the time that they had it backwards: Kate acts like a 9 year old girl.Or a six year old boy. Or anything but a 35 year old woman."
That eye-rolling thing she does is just plain childish. Lillian Glass talked about that when Kate did her Q & A special:
I'm not a Kate fan nor am I a Kate defender, but I will say I recognize the place where she is double parked and people around here do double park at that shopping center all the time. I know it doesn't make it right, but it does happen there often. If it wouldn't be Kate, no one would have even given a second thought to a car being double parked in that area.
It doesn't matter that other people don't care and it doesn't matter other people do it all the time.
Whether it's Kate or other people, in an emergency someone could die because Kate and other people are selfish and lazy.
If this is happening all the time, the cops need to sit there and start ticketing if they want this area clear should an emergency happen.
IDModo said - "On this blog or another one, someone said Mady, a 9 year old girl, was acting just like Kate when she said the dim sum food was "interrrrresting" and rolled her eyes.This seems like something a 9 year old might say.I thought at the time that they had it backwards: Kate acts like a 9 year old girl.Or a six year old boy. Or anything but a 35 year old woman."
That eye-rolling thing she does is just plain childish. Lillian Glass talked about that when Kate did her Q & A special:
Admin, I don't disagree with what you're saying, which is why I made a point of saying I don't condone Kate's actions. My point is that this site is supposed to be dedicated to ending the exploitation of the kids, not about what a bitch she is, how big her fake boobs are or how badly she dresses. We all agree she is a self-absorbed fame whore.
Admin said: "And this is not the first time Kate has broken the law at this location. In November 2009 she was spotted illegally parking her Toyota."
That's not the Toyota LC. It's the Dodge.
Seriously though, rules do not apply to Kate Gosselin. Just watched the trip to the big Apple on utube. Of course the big brat had to climb up and steer the boat to the Statue of Liberty which is typically something a little boy would beg to do. Then again Kate does act like a six year old boy. Anyway, Mady said she was sure they would all be dead in ten minutes with her mother at the wheel. God, that kid has her mom's number down. I just love her.
Sorry, I cannot resist posting this once again.
Having a narcissist for a mother is a lot like living under the supervision of a six-year-old. Narcissists are always pretending, and with a narcissistic mother it's a lot like, "Let's play house. I'll pretend to be the mother and you pretend to be the baby," though, as the baby, you'll be expected to act like a doll (keep smiling, no matter what) and you'll be treated like a doll -- as an inanimate object, as a toy to be manipulated, dressed and undressed, walked around and have words put in your mouth; something that can be broken but not hurt, something that will be dropped and forgotten when when something more interesting comes along.
Please read the whole article and traits and see if you can spot Mother Kate. I'm sure you'll see it's all there, in some form or another.
Radar is definitely on TLC's payroll. I was just clicking through their best/worst dressed for Thursday and Kate was named a best dressed in her pink tube top dress and heels. Puh-leeze!
Reality Bites said... My friend got a ticket in the mail for being caught speeding in Arizona by a video camera mounted on a traffic light. The camera got the license plate and a picture of the driver, LOL.*********************
They took down the speed cameras becasue no one was paying the tickets and you could just fill out the ticket and say it wasn't me driving...at any rate, they've got Kate dead to rights parked here so I don't know why they couldn't issue a ticket if they wanted.
Kate must be off her meds today.
It kind of reminds me of Britney Spears and when she was going crazy.
Today's wardrobe selection has made me ummm.....well speechless. Again, I'm reminded of Britney....
Look at Kate's tube top dress - pure KLASS! Pink polyester with a 60's floral print on top.
The Winny the Pooh tatoo just speaks of Kate's refined sense of style.
Real stars don't dress like this...Kate looks silly.
If she's going after the dirty junkie model look, she needs to lose another 25-30 pounds...
Auntie Ann, you're so right. On this blog or another one, someone said Mady, a 9 year old girl, was acting just like Kate when she said the dim sum food was "interrrrresting" and rolled her eyes.This seems like something a 9 year old might say.I thought at the time that they had it backwards: Kate acts like a 9 year old girl.Or a six year old boy. Or anything but a 35 year old woman.
Ok, I remembered seeing a picture once before with Kate parking in a fire lane, so I did a little research and on ROL, dated 11/17/09, she parked in a fire lane:
I don't see why she couldn't be issued a ticket based on the video. We have red light and parked police cars taking video and issuing tickets via mail where I live. Guess because it's not 'official police/city sanctioned' video might be a problem.
I'm actually kind of surprised that she missed out on a Lot Lizard Ho Stroll.
Hope she gets busted next time she pulls this crap.
My friend got a ticket in the mail for being caught speeding in Arizona by a video camera mounted on a traffic light. The camera got the license plate and a picture of the driver, LOL. So really I don't think my question is that far off base. Clearly Kate did not obey the law and was caught on video (albeit by her tag-along celebrity photographer but hey, it's still her, LOL). Bottom line Kate may be a lot of things including a first-class sleaze but she is not and never will be above the law. I say book 'em Dano!
I thought that looked like Steve in the passenger seat. Whomever it is has a man's haircut.
She is so nasty. Could you just imagine her going to a parent/teacher conference dressed like that?
Admin wrote:
I would hope her own conscience would stop her from blocking fire lanes.
Well, it might have. If she had one.
Silly little laws don't apply to narcissists and sociopaths. Those are for the little people. BTW, she was also going the wrong way, but no biggie. Filthy bitch.
Kate: "The rules don't apply to me because ...
* I was on bed rest with sextuplets for (insert latest variation of the facts) of weeks
* I am a single mom who is doing it all by myself
(Ignore the staff, please)
* I can't put food on my table for my 8 children
(Ignore the million-dollar bank account, please)
* I have 8 children
(Ignore that I tricked my husband into having them, courtesy of medical intervention, even though we couldn't afford it)
* I'm an overachiever
(Ignore that's why i am chronically late and I have nothing to show for any of my efforts,and no evidence of any talents please)
* I'm special
(Ignore that I'm special in my own mind, please)
* I'm a star
(Ignore that the media and entertainers call me a reality barnacle and buffoon, please)
* The rules are for the little-ish people
* I have been given a "pass" on my previous vehicular mishaps, speeding and accidents, so I have learned that I not only get the breaks, I deserve them because life is so hard for me and my fake boobs, fake tan, fake nails, fake hair, fake teeth. It's a fake life, but it's my life ...
Ahhh Admin~
Relax and enjoy your day, if you can ;)Hope you feel better soon.
You know, after so many bad names that I have called (including my own made-up ones) Katie Irene, I just can't think of any that are bad enough anymore that she so clearly deserves.
Other than the one that fits her best..BITCH !
Did you notice that she acted like she was annoyed at Chris and really didn't know him ?
Bless his heart. He got her in the end with the camera panning the sign.
And the back of that van was filled with trash and looked like a dump !
Way To Go Chris !
Kate has truly lost her mind and desperately needs professional help.
BTW...get ready for the bus stop pick up today and Chris's pics.
She's been home all day long wondering what "whoreyish" outfit to wear.
I haven't posted anything about Hailey since December when Jon's apartment was robbed. She is a kid and she wants attention and Jon is ignoring her and her lawyers told her she has no case, and so all she can do is stomp up and down and whine and hope someone will listen. We ain't listening.
She is a woman obsessed and it's frightening. Jon is trying to move on and make better choices for his kids and she's sabatoging him.
Administrator said... Does anyone see the irony in this? There is a true emergency happening at her company's headquaters and Kate is blocking ambulances, firetrucks, exit routes, and possibly contributing to delay or even death in an emergency.
But we have to remember that it's Kate's World, and we just live in it. Yes, it is truly ironic.
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