No one's seen the children filming since August. TLC has other new shows about multiples. Little People Big World is ending. Jon is quietly taking Kate back to court while Kate thinks she's getting sympathy votes by throwing him under the bus, except Bonnie Fuller supports Jon now, oops! Meanwhile ratings are tanking. Kate hasn't blogged about anything since the Emmys. Is this the last episode of Kate Plus 8 before TLC unceremoniously lets them go to the "real" reality? The world of cancellation is a rough one.

The Gosselin kids are ready to head back to school and this year the sextuplets are going to kindergarten! They gather all of the needed supplies like uniforms and tennis shoes and even get back to school hair cuts.
132 sediments (sic) from readers:
They "even get back to school haircuts"? OMG - alert the New York Times! Back to school haircuts, what a concept! And uniforms and shoes? I'm speechless.
That Kate Gosselin - always way ahead of the curve.
Yeah, this will bring the ratings SOARING back up. Great job, TLC.
Just imagine, Kate pimping the 8 gets cancelled. Then, Jon with plenty of ammunition, takes Kate to court and is given much more access to the kids. Would Kate even contest this if the filming of the 8 is over? Maybe for spite but if the gravy train has the breaks thrown on, she may not be able to pay for the 24/7 nanny staff and would be faced to actually take care of her children herself in which case, she may more than welcome Jon taking them.
I don't want to get my hopes up too high here but I am not sure if TLC would want to pay Jon off this time around. I do see the signs that they are backing away from filming the Gosselins. Here's hoping that Murt's hearing on Thursday is another nail in the coffin.
"sextuplets are going to kindergarten" ....AGAIN
Let's see, shoe shopping, check done that, hair cutting, check done that, school supplies, check done that one too. A huge yawner I would imagine.
The only differences are Jon is not in the picture, and Kate is dressed like a hooker. <<>>
I wonder if any of the footage from Alaska will be used at all? Kate and Steve did disappear for two whole days, wonder what that was about?
Just checked my tv's on-screen guide, and there are no new Kate Plus 8 listings for next Monday night, or any episodes at all after that. It does seem strange that a show that has just announced a weekly format is not on the Comcast schedule. All summer I was able to peek ahead at the True Blood episodes to see the description of future shows. I wonder if TLC is expecting bad news at Thursday's hearing... Is the hearing about the illegal permits for the kids? Does TLC not care anymore to fight? With the low viewer ratings and Kate's unbelievably high pay and perks, maybe she's just too expensive for little old TLC.
OMG, a show about buying shoes and getting haircuts for kindergarten? How borrrrring TLC! Thanks to this blog I already know what the kids and Kate were wearing on those days so I won't be watching; I will just read the Admin's recap.
Instead I am going to watch DWTS - definitely more entertaining on so many levels and there are no children exploited in this show.
Besides it seems that ROL has hired Jake Pavelka as a special DWTS correspondent! Too funny - for months I believed ROL thought that Kate was "special" ... but I guess not now :)
Could it be that ROL is sick and tired of Kate these days and believe that Kate's 15 minutes are almost up?
Let's see, tonight is the season opener of House, DWTS, Hawaii 5-0 and Chase. I'd say that the ratings for k+8 are going even lower.... Da da daaaaa, da da daaaa (bugle sounding reveli). Bye bye kate.
"I wonder if any of the footage from Alaska will be used at all? Kate and Steve did disappear for two whole days, wonder what that was about?"
Right. If, in fact, those bikini pics were shot in Mexico, it was because TLC arranged it AFTER THE FACT as a cover-up for Kate and Steve being there together ALONE on the Emmys' dime.
Don't want to hog the posting, but I do want to add one thing: TLC is so manipulative with the work-permit hearing coming up and the personal hearing that they are trying to show Kate in a more positive light by having her appear FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER sans makeup and in workout wear while running errands. How stupid do they think the general public is so insulting. You are fooling no one with a single brain cell.
Great! Another journalist has Kate's number:
Let's send the producers of Kate + 8 a very strong message tonight- DO NOT TUNE IN!!!
It's not entertaining, or humorous watching Kate and her children screeching, moaning, complaining, sulking, throwing up etc...
It's high time that the Gosselin 8 have their private lives back.
The experiment is over. We now know what happens to a family when television cameras invade a home.
Fame (or in Kate's case: pseudo-fame) is a vampire that sucks the life out of people.
Why would TLC think that ANY of this is remotely interesting anymore? Shoe shopping, clothes shopping, haircuts. MUNDANE x 8. I do this on every couple of months with my kiddos.
So glad this show has had a slow painful death....
I always appreciated stars/musicians who go out on the top...rather than end up playing in some po-dunk street fair in the middle of nowhere.
She should have gone out last year, reinvented herself this past year as much as she could have. If she would have came up with a game-plan I would have bet she would have had a better image and longer lasting success in the public eye than she has now. She is viewed by most (the ones who don't have blinders on) as a talentless grifter.
Whoever is advising this woman has done Kate a HUGE disservice, from her clothing choices, to her guest spots, and her talk show confessions.
I predict - in the end - Kate will still be a 'fringe' player with no talent, hanging on to whatever publicity and production scraps are thrown her way.
I kinda pity her...well, more than that...I really, really pity her.
Good article...
I laughed at this quote from Kate: "Maybe even after reading all those stories about how horrible and mean I am, somebody will be brave enough to appear"
Kate they are not "STORIES"! LOL. We've SEEN how horrible and mean you are in episode after episode. On DWTS, Kate Plus 8, interviews and so on. She is so delusional. She really wants us all to be crying about how the media has spun her. Except she said her show was reality and you can't spin what really happened.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Let's send the producers of Kate + 8 a very strong message tonight- DO NOT TUNE IN!!!
No problem. Between DWTS, House season opener, BBC's Top Gear and A & E's Hoarders (usually too-too sad) my DVR can't manage all the tv tonight.
Besides, we're getting some gourmet (ooh la la) pizza this evening, and I don't think I could stomach Kate Plus 8 while trying to eat.
PS Have not watched a single episode of Kate Plus 8 on TLC. Recaps (thank you Admin) and Youtube video clips are quite enough when there's something to report. I honestly don't feel left out of the loop if I do not watch; instead I feel I've chosen to give those kids back a bit of their privacy.
JudyK, you may be on to something about Kate appearing normal for the first time ever as she runs errands, BUT she parked in the fire lane again, INFDaily got it all, and BANG BANG, another nail in the coffin thanks to the court of public opinion!
BerksPA said...Whoever is advising this woman has done Kate a HUGE disservice, from her clothing choices, to her guest spots, and her talk show confessions.
That's what Kate would LIKE you to's not her fault, someone has been giving her bad advice.
I'm sure she's never taken anyone's advice in eons. Narcissists are always right, they don't need or take advice.
Uh, every minute of her life is photographed? Aww, so sad for Katie. You did it to yourself, bitch. Does she want us to feel sorry for her, or clap our hands and go, wow, what a star!! She is constantly contradicting herself & it drives me crazy. I have a friend like that, & I call her out on it all the time. (I'm blunt like that). She'll say one thing, then the next day, it's a completely different thing. So, which is it? This is Kate in a nutshell. Go me, woe is me. I want to be home, I hate to be home. I love Jon, I hate Jon. I love the spotlight, I hate the spotlight. Jeez. All of this is finally catching up to her.
As for tonight's show...BORING. When I did it, it was boring. Watching a family I don't know and a woman who is like nails on a chalkboard shop for school clothes and get haircuts? No thanks. I don't watch anyways, so there ya go. I hope people send a loud & clear message to Kate & TLC tonight that all of this desperate attention seeking Kate has been doing is for naught.
Admin, I missed that comment by Kate. What is she talking about 'brave enough to appear?'
I would like to believe with all of you that the end is in sight for this witch, but how many times have we thought that now way could she come back from this or that fiasco and she did come back -- like a bad penny she just keeps turning up. I will admit that this time it looks like all the fates may be lining up against her at just the right time, but don't count her out just yet. Just remember, good guys finish last and Kate is a definite bad guy.
Is the hearing about the illegal permits for the kids?
No. The hearing is in regards to the new bill proposed which would protect all kids on reality television, not just the Gosselins. It's about PA's antiquated child labor laws, and the importance, among other issues, of having a "set teacher" present during filming.
Administrator said...
I laughed at this quote from Kate: "Maybe even after reading all those stories about how horrible and mean I am, somebody will be brave enough to appear"
If Kate wants to talk about "stories," then maybe she should look in the mirror and address the tales she had told, perhaps the biggest of all: "Mommy and Daddy will be together forever."
Katan said... "sextuplets are going to kindergarten" ....AGAIN
They were in PRE-Kindergarten last year. No surprise that they tested and weren't ready for full kindergarten. Did you ever see Kate teaching her kids anything? So instead of teaching them anything herself, (shapes, tie shoes, etc.) she ended up paying for a year of school for all 6, quite expensive I'd say.
Kate has some serious competition tonight so I think the ratings are going to be really bad. Furthermore, who the hell wants to watch a bunch of kids and their totally obnoxious mother shop for school clothes and get hair cuts? Be prepared everyone for some really over the top drama when the show does get canceled which I suspect is going to happen fairly soon. I also agree with one of the previous posters that Kate will probably be happy to pawn the kids off on Jon once she thinks she can no longer afford 24\7 household help. God forbid she actually take care of her own kids.
"It would be nice if somebody noticed me, sure! Maybe even after reading all those stories about how horrible and mean I am, somebody will be brave enough to appear, but sometimes I worry I’ve scared the world away. There’s nobody out there who’s come forward, and it’s depressing. Where is he? All I can say to this mystery man is hurry it up! Every woman I pass is holding someone’s hand, and it annoys me. I’m lonely, and I need help."
OMG, she is desperate, w/a capital D! Isn't she embarrased??? She needs HELP? Yes she does, but it's not a man she needs, it's psych counseling Katie!
She should have had the sense like the Roloffs and knew when to say good bye, that should have been during the separation. I couldn't believe my ears when she said " the show must go on" WTH is wrong with her ,I thought! Anyways another episode of the same old thing, school shopping. Done that Gosselin a zillion times and I don't need to see you do it. DWTS is on and i am not missing it. =)
My opinion of why no new weekly shows after tonight is that TLC knows this show is dead and cannot compete with first run prime time episodes. They will start airing episodes again once primetime goes back into reruns.
Hahaha!! The Chicago Sun Times??
Admin or the fact now it is possibly editing ? Kate did say the show was the "realist of real" and we saw is what we get. It IS humorous all of a sudden "TLC crucifies me", it is editing that makes her look bad? LOL
Don't you think it is weird that this might be the last show? Since noting showing for next week? What about all that footage from Alaska? Surely, they got enough in the 3 days of filming, (excluding the two days Steve and Kate went AWOL from the kids) to show something? I know some is being used for Palins new show, which I am not watching either, but it is strange. Any thoughts on it?
Hm I hope the ratings are low, but that People cover did get "Kate Gosselin" name back up to a top 10 internet search last week. I just keep my fingers crossed that the new shows competing with her time slot blows her show out of the water despite her scandla mongering.
You have to wonder if Kate still think's it is worth it that her kids probably get teased or made fun of for things their classmates see of them on TV? I mean come on just because it's a private school doesn't mean the school had other parents sign the, "My child will not make fun of the Gosselin Brand in the halls on the playground or during bus rides."
An interesting read!
Let's see. What do I want to watch on tv tonight?
Dancing With The Stars?
Hawaii 5-0?
Monday Night Football?
Watch the Millionaire get Free Shoes and Free Haircuts for Her Kids, And Still Bitch About It?
I think I'll flip between DWTS and House. Hugh Laurie just seems to get sexier and sexier to me for some odd reason.
"They gather all of the needed supplies like uniforms and tennis shoes and even get back to school hair cuts. "
yep, wow that Kate - what a 'rare woman'! Imagine, inventing shopping for school supplies, bigger and better than any other mother since Eve herself. I tremble at her 'rare' greatness.
And where are the children all going? Something called 'school'? What a 'rare woman' that she could invent and discover 'school' all all all alone, with only a team of nannies, hired house-help, production assistants, and her paid gigilo to help her. Oh yeah, and their pesky dad.
Seriously, I am still a tiny surprised that the 'rare woman' comment didnt cost her most of her sheeple. What a slam to every mother, especially those soley responsible for their households.
Whoever is advising this woman has done Kate a HUGE disservice, from her clothing choices, to her guest spots, and her talk show confessions.
She's probably ignored every piece of advice anyone's every given her. Her undoing will be by her own hand. Karma doesn't miss one jot or tittle - and boy has she got jots and tittles. :0)
Not only do we get to see Khate do ordinary "Mom" things with her kids, we can bemoan the fact that she did not pay a cent for anything we see tonight. She learned the trick to getting freebies long ago: If you have it filmed, TLC or the business will pay for it. Most of us know this already, but for the uninitiated, this is what keeps Khate coming back for more and more. Remember bed shopping for the tups, with poor Collin crying in pain? Yeah, the free beds in exchange for ALL the kids filming was too important for Khate to pass up on.
I hope the numbers drop this week, but who knows. This episode seems to be kid-focused, so it may bring in more viewers. I have not watched in over two years and do not miss it at all.
I just read the article by Landon Hall in the OC Register. One(of many) thing that bothers me is her quote that the kids will hug her and say "Your stomach is very hard Mama". Give me a break! What child would say something like that? Unless of course she goes on and on to her kids about how hard she's been working to get rock hard abs and practically begs them to notice. I think IF any of them ever said anything like that to her, it wasn't of their own volition, it was probably just to appease her. I thought the same thing when she was boo-hooing about why she was still wearing her wedding ring. What child of that age would be concerned about a piece of jewelery? She had to have brought it to their attention, just to try to get sympathy from those little innocents, who I'm sure were having alot bigger worries at the time than whether or not Mommy was wearing her ring.
Maybe I'm totally off, but that just bugs me! It's like she tries to justify her actions by using her kids. Proves to me that she doesn't have anyone to confide in or have adult conversations with, so she talks to her kids about "ME, ME, ME!" Either that or those conversations or comments from her kids only happened in her mind. JMO
After trying to post, I have gotten TWO "Service Unavailable" prompts, so I'm trying again...for the last time. After seeing today's pics of Kate picking up the kids from the bus and "lovingly" kissing one of the boys, I have to say this is so obviously manipulated for EFFECT that it makes me want to BARF. This is a FIRST people...noticed it yesterday when she placed a hand on the head of one of the boys and then today, she's kissing one of them, and the hearing is coming up in three (3) days...yeah, it's NOT CONNECTED AT ALL. GO TO HELL TLC with your manipulation of Jon and this family. GO TO HELL.
Totally off topic. The Dad from Raiding Sextuplets wAs just arrested for domestic violence- Yikes,
Kate said, "...somebody will be brave enough to appear."
APPEAR. Her use of that word is so amusing to me and no accident. Isn't that how she received paper towels on the doorstep and gift cards worth hundreds of dollars in her mailbox? And everytime Take wanted something, she just mentioned it on their show and WHAM! It APPEARED. Well, now Hate wants a man to play with, so it's no surprise that she expects EXPECTS one to simply APPEAR.
Ask, Hate, and you shall receive.
Just saw a preview of tonites episode and she was on the couch talking and WOW was she ever showing the clevage!!!!
Show your support for Tony, he put up with Kart last season. Please vote to keep him on dwts.
I am loving his happiness this season!
I read that the footage from Alaska was going to be used for Twist of Kate. It was in Entertainment Weekly, and it was a crossover show with Sarah Palin, but we already knew that, so not sure if the Alaska footage is going to be used for K+8.
Another freebie adventure for the Gosselins. Sorry, not interested.
The only Gosselin t.v. show I would be interested in watching is when Kate has a come to Jesus moment and she apologizes to Jon and the kids and comes clean about the lies. ALL OF IT. I won't be holding my breath. Other than that, TLC and Kate are banned from my house.
I'm watching Alex O'Loughlin on Hawaii 5-0.
OMG. She is at the bus stop today. Kissing the kids. Looks so odd. She never did that before and it just is so out of place for her.
alana said... Kate said, "...somebody will be brave enough to appear."
APPEAR. Her use of that word is so amusing to me and no accident. Isn't that how she received paper towels on the doorstep and gift cards worth hundreds of dollars in her mailbox? And everytime Take wanted something, she just mentioned it on their show and WHAM! It APPEARED. Well, now Hate wants a man to play with, so it's no surprise that she expects EXPECTS one to simply APPEAR.
Ask, Hate, and you shall receive.
So true Alana.
And if I may, I'd like to add;
"Ask, Hate, DECEIVE while you receive".
view.princess said...
Show your support for Tony, he put up with Kart last season. Please vote to keep him on dwts.
I am loving his happiness this season
If DWTS isn't a popularity contest as K8 wants us to believe, then why should I vote for someone for any reason other than their dancing ability?
Spite for K8 should note lead everybody to vote for Tony.
Let talent rule above all and then maybe people like K8 won't have a public platform for exploitation.
That's all.
I think the kissing at the bus stop is very odd. Who kisses their children "Hello" I always kiss my kids goodbye and get a hello hug at times but I don't kiss hello. Must be Kate's prep for the custody hearing and ratings grab again. Too little. too late.
How funny!
I actually forgot about Kate's exploiting the kids here. Watched the west coast feed of dwts.
Tony looked like the happiest guy on earth, having a real partner.
Bristol was vulnerable, and I kind of liked her.
Jennifer Grey made Carrie (and me) cry in a touching tribute/memory.
It was fun to forget about the horror of Kart last year!
DWTS was just terrific, Florence Henderson is 77 years old and moved gracefully, to think Gosselin is young enough to be her grandaughter and couldn't even pick up her hoofs.
The bus stop scene is all for her photo op,pre/planned set up by her publicist. All her mommy crap this week was to clean up what she did and said on R&K, so Kate Gosselin.
Oh, is Kate's show on tonight?
Is it my imagination, or did it seem that all the kids Kate attempted to kiss in the bus stop pics were cringing away from her? In the pic of her leaning in to kiss one of the girls, the child's head is clearly moving away and a hand was up defensively. And one of the boys is clearly bending his head forward, away from her. Maybe I read too much over at Dr. Lillian Glass' blog....
Bristol was vulnerable, and I kind of liked her.
Bristol did fine. I think she surprised the heck out of everyone.
True story:
I was in line at the grocery store today. An elderly woman was in back of me. She was having trouble unloading her cart, so I helped her. The cart and I were blocking the magazine rack, so she asked if I could get a magazine for her. She was looking toward the People mag. I thought...well, okay, if she wants it. I reached for it, and the woman said, no, the other magazine (Woman's Day, or World). She looked again at Kate's picture on the cover of People and said, "Why is that girl wearing Depends, and why are they three sizes too small?"
In all honesty (!!), I swear she was serious. She had no idea who Kate was. The clerk was cracking up. I told the woman that it was a bikini. She didn't crack a smile when she said, "Well...Depends would look better on her, but she needs to get some that fit."
When I checked out, the clerk told me that I wouldn't believe how many of the magazines in each aisle get turned backward!
Dwts is both a competition and popularity contest.
How else would Kart have remained on the show so long last season? Some were voting to support her, some were voting because it was hilarious to keep her on for another week.
Voting for Tony seems appropriate, to me. It's kind of like war pay for what he had to endure last season!
Lee said...
...Maybe I read too much over at Dr. Lillian Glass' blog....
Why would anyone need to read Lillian Glass' blog to understand basic body language?
When it comes to the children's behavior in the picture you describe, it's obvious to anyone that they are starting to see the situation for what it is.
view.princess said... Dwts is both a competition and popularity contest.
How else would Kart have remained on the show so long last season? Some were voting to support her, some were voting because it was hilarious to keep her on for another week.
Voting for Tony seems appropriate, to me. It's kind of like war pay for what he had to endure last season!
I'm fairly certain the network arranged for K8 to be on DWTS for X amount of episodes.
It had nothing to do with votes as it was probably planned ahead of time.
Tony's a big boy. He was paid quite nicely for all he had to endure.
I hope the best dancing team wins in a fair manner if such a thing exists on DWTS.
I was chanel surfing tonight and caught a few minutes here and there of the 8. It made me sick. Shopping for new back packs and lunch boxes should be FUN. Kids should be able to pick out what they want- even if two kids want the same thing- or they all want the same thing - no boy colors - girl colors- etc.--- ESPECIALLY if you are getting them monogramed! UNfreakinbelievable! What a circus! The kids, who are suppossed to be well traveled and around many adults and cirumstances, etc. had NO IDEA how to behave properly in a store! I was shocked at what they showed and can only imagine what they did NOT show! A later click to TLC showed a screaming Kate trying to pack lunches - which - sure looked to me like it was NOT something she did all the time with the again circus like atmosphere. When she began to school the kids on the ORDER they were permitted to eat their lunches- I turned it off. Seriously? There is an ORDER to eat your lunch?!?!?!? I can see saying no cookie until after you eat your sandwich and apple- but an ORDER of sandwich- veggie- fruit - CRUNCHY thing- blah blah blah---- Can you even imagine???? And all this while she scarfs down another salad. WOW! I just seriously hope this all comes to an end SOON. I do not see happy kids- I see kids TOLERATING the situation- and not very well at that! All the money in the world will NEVER fix the mess. It is a mess. Take away the pretty house and pretty clothes and pretty vacations and stick them in a trailor somewhere and see what you get! Check the body language on the kids! The twins walk with arms folded and not just frowns but sour faces!!!! The little kids are starved for attention and have to idea how to be themselves around their own mother! It just makes me sick. I am going to stop right here. It just really makes me sick!
I was very shocked when Bristol Palin ripped off her suit, and was in basically the same red, fringed dress that kate wore last year!! I wonder, since kate is supposedly "cheering" Bristol on, and giving her "pointers", if kate will be blogging about her, being her biggest fan?? Maybe she will even show up in the audience, to give her support?
Will you do another fabulous recap of the show I forgot about?
We should do a poll about the ratings and see who can guess most accurately!
I'm guessing 920,00 viewers, and the show will end soon.
ANY twist of Kate news?
During E! News, they mentioned that Kate Gosselin was supposed to be at the DWTS premiere along with Sarah Palin.
However, Kate was photographed picking up the kids today.
Did DWTS decide not to invite Kate for the season premiere? (There's no way Kate would have turned down the offer to come to LA.)
I didn't watch, but was reading "Anonymous's" comment above about Kate making the kids eat their food in a particular order.
I am almost 44 years old, and STILL have horrific memories of a babysitter from hell when I was little, who did the same thing. We had to eat all of the sandwich first, then the chips or crunchy whatever, then the cookie or whatever, and we weren't allowed to take a drink of anything until ALL of the food was eaten. Not a sip. The sandwiches were always gross, so it was miserable to sit there and try to choke that thing down before you could have anything else ( most of the time it was livercheese....blech! ). I remember sitting there crying many times, dying of thirst and not being able to take a sip until I ate an entire sandwich I hated. I thought it was very evil and cruel and uncalled for. You've got some serious control issues if you dictate what order a person eats their food. And people who make little people eat food they don't like, well they just suck. I grew up and NEVER forced my child to eat something she didn't like, and NEVER made her eat in a particular order. She turned out just fine. Slim and healthy and no food issues.
I still see that mean old babysitter every now and then. She still scares me. It's one of those childhood memories that sticks in my head because of the bad emotions that came with it.
Does Kate really think those kids aren't gonna figure out they can throw the sandwich and veggies in the trash at school and still eat the sweet? Just stop giving them a sweet for lunch and they'll have to eat the other stuff. Let them have a cookie when they get home.
She makes everything into a battle with her control issues. I didn't have a bad childhood, but I sure have more bad memories than someone should have, and I see Kate doing this to her kids. They are going to grow up and start remember only the bad emotions they had as a child. They are only going to remember their mother's constant yelling and complaining and control issues, not the hundreds of trips they went on.
DWTS rocked! And yes, Bristol did do a good job, as did the Situation, actually (shudder - can't believe I praised him for something!).
I'm doing the happy dance right now because it was so much fun to watch. And was it me, or did there just seem to be a lot less tension? Maybe not. Maybe it's just me.
I was very shocked when Bristol Palin ripped off her suit, and was in basically the same red, fringed dress that kate wore last year!!
If I recall, Kate's red dress was very short, cut very low in front (boobs semi-exposed) with spaghetti straps and diagonal sequins down the front, with a totally low-scooped exposed back. Bristol's dress was longer, no bling, with a high neckline up to the collar bone and a criss-cross lace-up back...nothing revealing.
Bristol looked and danced much better than Kate!
I haven't watched yet but I did check the end to see if there was a "on the next" Kate Plus 8.
Nope. Nada. Nothing. This show is done. This was the last episode.
Kate was telling them what order to eat their food? Not only does she insist on WHAT they eat she wants HER order to it. This woman is truly a head case and losing it faster and faster.
I've always found it interesting that we as adults can decide what we want to eat and NOT eat, when we want to eat, how much we will eat. And yet some adults insist on controlling the eating habits of their children down to the very last pea. How does that teach children to form good eating habits on their own? Why is an adult allowed to decide when it comes to eating, but not children?
Administrator said... I haven't watched yet but I did check the end to see if there was a "on the next" Kate Plus 8.
Nope. Nada. Nothing. This show is done. This was the last episode.
Do you think that Twist of Kate is going to happen?
I always found it strange not to see any promos.
I wonder what home life will be like with K8 freaking out 24/7 with no vacation-job to run to.
If I recall correctly the last time Kate mentioned Twisted Kate was on DWTS. That was last SPRING.
This is my post on Twist of Kate last month.
This is my post on Twist of Kate last month
Thanks for the link. Great sequence of events.
The whole premise of Twist of K8 is condescending.
Inside of walking a mile in somebody else's shoes she might consider kicking off her heels and try being a mom.
But we all know that she's never been a mom to her sextuplets without cameras peering into their lives.
When she crashes and burns, it won't be pretty.
Anonymous said...When she began to school the kids on the ORDER they were permitted to eat their lunches- I turned it off.
Oh heck she's screwed up every other aspect of their lives so she may as well screw up their eating habits too.
You're probably right that packing lunches isn't a task she does every day. She had to do something for the camera so they decided to actually put her to work for half an hour. Any other day it would be one of the nanny's duties.
Not Jellus said...
This is my post on Twist of Kate last month
Thanks for the link. Great sequence of events.
The whole premise of Twist of K8 is condescending.
Inside of walking a mile in somebody else's shoes she might consider kicking off her heels and try being a mom.
But we all know that she's never been a mom to her sextuplets without cameras peering into their lives.
When she crashes and burns, it won't be pretty.
Really? Exactly how do "you all" know how Kate acts around her children when cameras aren't peering into their lives?
Are you serious? Kate was really telling the kids how they are to eat thier food? That woman has serious mental issues.
When I was a child my moms BF was pretty mean.He would make us eat things that HE wouldnt even eat.I remember one night he made my brother and I eat beets.We didnt know what a beet was...never had them before.I gagged and choked,and even tossed them back up.I was told I would sit there until I ate them...after so much time went by he tried to shove them down my throat.
How this reminds me of kate is...The "joy"? on his face..the rush of "I have the power...I'm in control" the smug ass look of satisfaction on his face...brings me to kate.She holds the "power" over the kids.She is smug and mean.All they know is that kate has complete one can help them....not even thier dad.They have seen what happens when someone Disobeys mommy dearest...They go poof!
The fear those kids live with everyday must be terrifying.My god...they cant even enjoy something like lunch time...where they can sit with friends ,eat some food and relax! They will always hear that bitches voice in thier heads...DO IT THIS WAY OR ELSE!
She makes me sick! She is damaging these kids.They will be forever scarred for life.
You are a shitty mother kate! You should be ashamed of yourself...not rewarded!
To Anon...
How do we know how kate treats the kids when the cameras are NOT on? Are you for real?
We see how she treats them when the cameras are on. Shes mean and rude,and dosent want to be bothered by anything dealing with the kids.
Dont tell me its edited to look that way.She has been on camera for 5 years now.Dont you think she has a say in what is shown?Not to mention other people who have had 1st hand experience in seeing just what kate does with the kids?
I have seen her berate her ex and kids...I have seen her laugh and make fun of the kids.I have seen pictures of her HITTING the kids.I have seen how cruel and mean she is...all on film! Kate herself has said everything you see is true....its the most real reality show out there! Is kate a liar?? Why is it we never see kate with the kids unless its being filmed?? People with a brain know why...Kate only plays a mom on TV!
So yes...I sudder to think of what goes on in that house when the cameras are not rolling!
I watched DWTS and think Jennifer Gray is going to win. Very moving. As for Kate, if her show made an impression on viewers last night they are not all over the net talking about it. Just one article up and in it they talk about how Kate's appearance has changed so much from beginning to end. And hopefully this is the end of filming those kids. They will look back on this footage and see a Mom who had a nervous breakdown, who got blonder and blonder, and shriller and shriller, who went from common sense to making no sense at all, playing a bimbo in cleavage baring shirts and mini skirts while trying to play the role of mom. They'll be embarassed by their behaviour as much as hers,wondering why they were always crying and fighting and not having any fun. The courts have enough evidence of child abuse, they need to act now.
Anon :
When will "you all" stop giving Queenie the benefit of the doubt ?
On Dr. Phil yesterday, the "family", you know the one they've been following (and destroying) for the past few years? Dr. Phil said something that could also apply to Kate. He said the daughter is fighting to the death for custody of her kids because it's a "power struggle" with her mother. When she has total access to them, she never goes to see them, she never calls them etc. But when there is an immenent threat of the courts ordering her parents to become the sole guardians of her children, the claws come out. I see this with Kate, when she has her kids, it's all for show. You can see how much she REALLY does NOT want them around. But when Jon has them, she tries and tries her damndest to sabotage him. Of course the daughter is on drugs, BUT Dr. Phil also called her a narcissist.
I caught a Kate+8 commercial yesterday afternoon and was disgusted. The kids were sitting at the kitchen table, screaming excitedly to the cameraman, saying they were going back to school 'tomorrow'.
Well...they were still seated in their booster chairs, still drinking out of cups with lids and straws, and still eating out of divided plate/trays with their controlled portions placed in all the same spots in the trays.
How old are these kids supposed to be now? You could have superimposed a picture of them at age 3 and the only thing that would be missing would be the bibs (and I wonder if they they didn't have them on because it was a filming day)!
I have to take up for Kate on telling the kids what order to eat their lunch. I do the same thing with my two. Otherwise, the dessert will be eaten first, or the carrot sticks only. I tell them to eat proteins first, then fiber, then the other stuff. That way they aren't hungry all afternoon. It has nothing to do with control; but letting them eat what they want will have no good results.
I'm not one that has been predicting Kate's behavior when her show ends; but I will chime in on the question Anonymous asked.
I think most people are basing their assumption on the way Kate behaves with her children ON camera. If she is impatient, angry and eager to be away from them while she knows she is being filmed, then I think most of us believe she will be that way - and much worse - while she is alone with the kids with nobody watching. She is a very angry person and those kids will be a very easy target for her anger (as they are now) when the cameras stop rolling.
She does NOT pack their lunches.. What Mom has to ask what child wants mayo, mustard, both or nothing. A friend and I pack lunches twice a year for a group of 10 adults when we go on a 4-wheeler ride and we know who wants what, down to Miracle Whip or Best Foods! And nice store bought eggs in the frig, KATE. And once last thing. The ONLY thing she said in this episode that is the honest truth was when she said "I LIED", go to the bathroom first. Kate Lied, it couldn't be.
Really? Exactly how do "you all" know how Kate acts around her children when cameras aren't peering into their lives?
Because Kate herself said "it's the realist reality show on TV" which means what we see on camera is what happens off camera. Are you calling Kate a liar? :)
Why Anonymous? Do you think SHE'S WORSE?
I knew it all along.
To Anonymous: Obviously we can't "KNOW" how Kate acts around her children when the cameras aren't peering into their lives, but it's a reasonable conclusion to think that it's not great. Typically one is going to be on their best behavior if cameras are rolling, and if what we see on the show/pap photos/media interviews is Kate's "best" behavior, it's not much of a stretch to assume she's still selfish and unloving towards the children when the cameras are off.
Does anyone truly believe she's *nicer* to the kids when the cameras are off? I certainly don't!
I think that TLC is getting ready for a new show. They're going to rip off the Bachelorette and have some sort of a show with kate. Hence the People cover. It will be right up kate's alley because it will be all about "ME, ME, ME" and she won't have to share the limelight with the kids.
Really? Exactly how do "you all" know how Kate acts around her children when cameras aren't peering into their lives?
Kate has been adamant in saying so. Words to the effect, what you see is the way it is, our reality.
They have filmed since school started! The deep sea fishing trip was taken after the children started school because in that episode they already have the new haircuts...something is off I just can't tell what.Admin can you help me out here?
The whole 30 minutes was just a love-fest with Kate's "girls". They were almost falling out of the top she wore on the couch interviews and the black and white one she wore at Boscov's. She is just become a skank.
And the way she just threw the boxes with the kids' shoes on the floor.
Well,if she does do a dating show and catch a man,she better have an editer and photshop person live with her so when she takes her clothes off she looks like the People cover. Otherwise she will look like her jogging photo.GAG!!
And why is it bad "with no good results" to let them eat in the order they want to eat? My kids have always done fact, to this day my son, a strapping college athlete, many times eats his dessert first, followed by his "protein" and then his salad or soup. Sometimes he eats them all at the same time. It's what he prefers. There have been no bad results -- in fact, he's one of the healthiest guys I've ever seen. He's always made wise food choices, but many times eats them in what some would consider "strange" order! Wouldn't this be a mundane world if everyone ate their food in exactly the same order? A Stepford Universe. There's no right or wrong way.
Alice --
They haven't filmed since school started. The kids got haircuts in early August; the fishing trip was filmed in mid-August. School started in late August.
Silimom posted this link at Small Town Gosselins. It is very informative about PA custody hearings/trials.
And the way she just threw the boxes with the kids' shoes on the floor.
Paula - let me guess - it was the same way she threw the viewers question papers on the floor and how she kicked the paper towels out of the way when they moved out of the old house, right? That's how she treats people too.
I'm stunned that she made the kids get velcro sneakers "for just one more year", and admitted that they don't know how to tie shoes well enough yet to be able to get dressed quickly for school! Since they've probably never owned a pair of shoes with shoelaces, just what have they had to practice on...Mady and Cara's shoes?
Someone mentioned earlier that the haircuts took place before the trip to Bald Head. If I remember correctly, they DID film the hair cuts one day and the school shopping another day, and all that took place before the vacation.
alana said... Kate said, "...somebody will be brave enough to appear."
APPEAR. Her use of that word is so amusing to me and no accident. Isn't that how she received paper towels on the doorstep and gift cards worth hundreds of dollars in her mailbox? And everytime Take wanted something, she just mentioned it on their show and WHAM! It APPEARED. Well, now Hate wants a man to play with, so it's no surprise that she expects EXPECTS one to simply APPEAR
Yes, Appear. Kind of like how those boobies appeared. Woke up one day and they just appeared, so they must be real....and mine all mine.
Does anyone truly believe she's *nicer* to the kids when the cameras are off? I certainly don't!
pffftt...........if anything it's worse!
I know you don't like other blogs mentioned - or attacked - but in this case, I think you'll agree that this MAN'S blog is extremely interesting.... I stumbled across it today.
He watched Kate Plus 8 last night, and this is his rant...and I think it's interesting whenever we can get a man's perspective on Kate, and especially a guy who is also a Dad.
Check it out - or delete if you must; I'll understand....
Just watched on Youtube. 30 minutes of her cleavage, barking orders at her kids, and the kids running around not listening to her. One of the worst moments in my opinion was when they were picking out backpacks. She said who wants the one with a lizard? One of the girls gets excited and she said No, you're a girl.
Unbelievable. She is completely controlling, does not allow individuality and is sending horrible gender stereotyped messages to her children.
I always wonder, that if the sheeple are so proud to love kate, then why do they hide behind calling themselves "anonymous"? Are they so ashamed? I read Dr. Glass today, she is talking about Octo-mom wearing tight shirts, and displaying the "girls", she is no worse than how kate displays hers! I also went over to read on "the dark side", and she has not updated that blog since last friday. All of a sudden, queen sheeple has no glowing reports about kate, wonder why things are so quiet?!
I know it will probably take a few days for ratings, but want to see how Kate Plus 8 rating compaired against Dancing with the Stars ratings.
Did NOT watch K8's show, but very curious what ratings her show got. Hopefully people stayed away from watching.
alice said...
They have filmed since school started! The deep sea fishing trip was taken after the children started school because in that episode they already have the new haircuts...something is off I just can't tell what.Admin can you help me out here?
Haircut photos were on ROL on August 7th.
Bald Head vacation photos were posted a week later.
They shot parts of the shows out of sequence.
Disgusted said... the only thing that would be missing would be the bibs (and I wonder if they they didn't have them on because it was a filming day)!
The bibs were finally thrown out in Season 5, when Kate was renovating her new kitchen.
alice said...They have filmed since school started! The deep sea fishing trip was taken after the children started school because in that episode they already have the new haircuts.
The episodes were shot out-of-sequence, creating a continuity error. Kids got their haircuts before Bald Head Island, then the rest was filmed after returning from "vacation".
There isn't any concrete evidence that filming has resumed since school started. Also, the kids' work permits are about to expire and a hearing is scheduled to amend current child labor laws this week.
Many think the tups are small because Kate doesn't feel them enough. Then there's all the talk about the tups still sitting in high chairs. If they're small, they probably aren't big enough to sit in regular chairs. They look small for their age to me, but it's difficult to tell, because they're never around children their age on the TV show, so there's no way to compare. I'm not sure they'd even reach the table if they were sitting in regular chairs unless they were sitting on telephone books or something.
Jeannie said...I think that TLC is getting ready for a new show. They're going to rip off the Bachelorette and have some sort of a show with kate. Hence the People cover.
A part of me believes the People cover was one last push to draw in ratings for this final (unofficial) season/series finale of Kate Plus 8.
The other part of me agrees with you and believes this is Kate and her PR team's way of soliciting/pitching a solo Kate dating project.
As for TLC wanting to continue working with Kate (who I believe is a dying, no longer trendy brand), two things will need to happen:
1. this last episode needs to maintain its current ratings (in spite of Monday's big fall premiere night)
2. Kate is willing to take a substantial pay-cut, similar salary to other TLC shows (as she is currently way over-paid for poor ratings)
As with Jon, Kate's reality tv days are over if TLC has exclusive rights to her - full-control of canceling future projects and refusing to let Kate jump to another cable/tv network.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
I know it will probably take a few days for ratings, but want to see how Kate Plus 8 rating compaired against Dancing with the Stars ratings.
They're really not comparable. Cable shows don't get the high ratings of the big network shows. We're talking maybe 2-3 mill viewers average for cable compared with several million for the network shows.
The very, very best picture of Kate!! It should be framed
Yep - she just pulled the boxes with the shoes out of the hall closet and threw them on the floor at the children's feet.
"And why is it bad "with no good results" to let them eat in the order they want to eat? My kids have always done fact, to this day my son, a strapping college athlete, many times eats his dessert first, followed by his "protein" and then his salad or soup. Sometimes he eats them all at the same time. It's what he prefers. There have been no bad results -- in fact, he's one of the healthiest guys I've ever seen. He's always made wise food choices, but many times eats them in what some would consider "strange" order! Wouldn't this be a mundane world if everyone ate their food in exactly the same order? A Stepford Universe. There's no right or wrong way."
The reason I am so adament with mine is because they only have a certain amount of time to eat. They dawdle unless they have a reason not to. And if something were to happen and their lunch was cut short at least I know they've eaten the important nutrients first.
Final Cable Ratings:
Little People Big World (8pm)
- 1.142 million viewers
- 0.8/1 HH
- 0.4/2 A18-49
Little People Big World (8:30pm)
- 1.362 million viewers
- 0.9/1 HH
- 0.5/1 A18-49
Kate Plus 8
- 1.605 million viewers
- 1.0/2 HH
- 0.7/2 A18-49
via Travis Yanan
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...I know it will probably take a few days for ratings, but want to see how Kate Plus 8 rating compared against Dancing with the Stars ratings.
"The two-hour season-premiere of aforementioned Dancing With the Stars scored a whopping 21.01 million viewers and a 4.9 rating/13 share among adults 18-49 from 8-10 p.m., with the half-hour breakdown as follows:
Dancing With the Stars (ABC)
8:00 p.m. – Viewers: 19.37 million (#1), A18-49: 4.3/12 (#1)
8:30 p.m. – Viewers: 20.91 million (#1), A18-49: 4.8/13 (#1)
9:00 p.m. – Viewers: 21.42 million (#1), A18-49: 5.1/13 (#1)
9:30 p.m. – Viewers: 22.32 million (#1), A18-49: 5.5/14 (#1)
[Compared to Kate Plus 8:
- 1.605 million viewers
- 1.0/2 HH
- 0.7/2 A18-49]
Comparably, this outdelivered the year-ago season-opener (Viewers: 17.79 million; A18-49: 4.1/10 on Sept. 21, 2009, also two hours), by an unprecedented 3.22 million viewers and 20 percent in the demo."
Via Marc Berman,
My mother had serious control issues when it came to food; I got cottage cheese for my third birthday because my mother said I was "too fat for cake".
I swore that when I had kids of my own I would cook good food but let them eat dessert first.
Oddly, with my "here's your food, eat it however you want" style of parenting, they ate well-balanced meals and maybe wanted something sweet after dinner once or twice a week.
They are now adults, and eat much healthier than I!
I think knowing they had a choice made such a difference.
When I was little my parents tried to force me to eat. Turns out, I had a hernia that was making me lose my appetite. After that they didn't push it so much, they let me eat what I wanted to. There could be a reason a child is picking at their food. Maybe you might want to listen to them.
Do all you folks have dessert after dinner every night? I rarely served dessert after dinner. We had a balanced meal and that was it. I never heard any complaints that there was never dessert.
No we usually have dessert on the weekends or on special occasions. When you don't serve dessert to kids after every meal they don't come to expect it, which is a good thing.
Better for their health and their teeth not to shove cookies, cake and ice cream down their throats after every meal.
My kids are allowed to have a treat only if they have eaten a good dinner, and only every other day. One cookie , a small scoop of ice cream or a frozen fruit bar are the usual choices. If they only knew what I eat after they have gone to bed !! LOL
As with everything else in life, moderation is the key.
I just watched on YouTube, one of the worst moments was when K8 told the kids to say what they wanted on their sandwiches then yelled at them to be quiet. You could see the confusion and hurt on their faces. She then said it was too much work for her to make different lunches.
sorry for the anon post, I need to keep my google email private but I will pick a name for next time.
I am still amazed at the length she goes to control the kids. At the store, they were just being kids. They were like little soldiers fearig for their lives when she said "LINE UP!". "SIT DOWN" And the way she pushed one of the little girls at the register. This was in public, what does she do at home with no cameras? They were tired after all that choosing - did she think this would be done in 5 minutes? And made the comment on the couch wearig an inappriate top saying, "Why did I 'let them choose'? They need to be able to make decisions about some aspect of their lives, or they will never be able to make any good decisions on their own. Just wait for Mommy to tell them what to do. This is pitiful. Why doesn't someone step up and tell her she is hurting them.
This is what control does to a child at the table. At our supper table, my father would force us to eat and dare us to cry. If we did he made fun of us. Remember having food in my mouth that just would not go down. Had to come to the table with our hair our of our faces and learn what ever lesson he decided for that night. Want to know the three branches of government? Yep I can tell you that since I was forced to learn that one night as a small child. Talk about control issues... Kate is just like this. Very scary
Kate slammed the lunchbox fixin's on the counter and shouted, "This is something I DID NOT MISS doing during the summer." She was all annoyed at having to pack lunches and it was only the first day!
So, those kids will grow up knowing their mother HATED packing their lunches. I would feel terrible if I knew my mother HATED packing my lunch when I was little. I always thought she enjoyed it. She never said anything and just did it, and always asked nicely what I wanted. But if I knew now that she secretly hated doing it, I would feel weird.
Kate needs to realize that just because she has eight kids, it does not give her a free pass to bitch about doing normal things for them. She would totally bitch and moan if she had to pack ONE lunchbox and she knows it. She needs to cut the crap and stop acting so put out by having 8 kids, as if nobody else has it as hard as she does.
She needs to step in the shoes of a kindergarten teacher for one day, and see what it's like to lead 20 5-6 year olds to lunch, help them get situated and open things for them. Then only have 10-15 minutes to sit down and eat your own lunch and go tinkle before it's time to go get your class from lunch again.
She would absolutely die within 5 minutes of this, and teachers do it 180 days a year, without complaining and slamming things.
Since the topic of food choice has come up (and I think it is just another Kate must be totally in control of everything - such is life in their house (gag) ) - I want to chime in that we do not regulate/limit our son's food intake. We offer food - a huge variety of food. He tries things as he feels ready, eats until he is full and not one drop more (have seen him take a single bite of chocolate and stop too many times to count). He can often be seen eating a cookie first followed by a dozen or so carrots, raw spinach, cucumber...
When the kids come to our house, they are after the 'goodies'. He sometimes eats someting with them, but more often than not doesn't. My point is just that when one food is not made more special than another, I think in general, most kids would self regulate over time. For example - when getting a lolly was something that happened when going to the bank (they had the only kind he liked), he would ask to go often. One day I realized I could get a bag of 722 lollies for $20 online and bought them. They sit here. He offers them to friends, and eats one once a week or so after intially having one or two daily.
I think so many eating disorders are set up by making things attractive by limiting/forbidding. A kid who has had a lot of control will likely go hog wild if the controls are lifted - but over a long period of time - most will find balance - if they are truly offered variety and control over their own bodies without a neg attitude about their choices.
I'm worried for the G kids on many levels. When they finally get too big to control - it is just scary to think of the possibilities (not talking just food here). I hope they are getting enough balance from Jon. He is no saint -they will have to deal with what both parents have done to them, but *if* he really starts acting in their best interest, it just may be enough to see them through. All this is just MHO.
Just read Radar that Kate took Cara and Mady on a field trip to a local music store and apparently they wore mathcing khaki shorts.
What struck me was that Radar said she spent more time on her phone leaving the girls to shop around. Bizzare much? I think so.
Marie said...
Just read Radar that Kate took Cara and Mady on a field trip to a local music store and apparently they wore mathcing khaki shorts.
Radar is pathetic. They can't seem to get their act together in regards to the kids' clothing. They are wearing SCHOOL UNIFORMS! Khaki shorts or pants, long or short-sleeved white polos. Wait until the weather gets cool and they wear matching maroon's going to confuse the heck out of ROL.
She needs to step in the shoes of a kindergarten teacher for one day, and see what it's like to lead 20 5-6 year olds to lunch, help them get situated and open things for them. Then only have 10-15 minutes to sit down and eat your own lunch and go tinkle before it's time to go get your class from lunch again.
Actually, they don't lead the kids anywhere to lunch. They sit down in their room and they eat, while the teachers eat with them. All have ample time to do it -- not only 10-15 minutes, or they rotate -- while one of the teachers helps the kids with their lunches, the other teacher has time to eat her lunch. But, I understand your point and realize that your description is the way that it is in many schools.
"Kate slammed the lunchbox fixin's on the counter and shouted, "This is something I DID NOT MISS doing during the summer."
I enjoyed packing my kids' lunches. When they were in first grade and allowed to go to the school cafeteria and buy their lunches, it meant that they were getting older, and that part of their childhood was over. Such a small thing, but I knew I would never pack lunches again. For Kate, everything involving her children is a chore and she doesn't appreciate anything about their childhood. She doesn't know the joy of getting wet, sticky kisses after a child eats a lollipop, or opening a Christmas present made of pipe cleaners and glitter... But at least she has photos of their first poop! Geez...
Speaking of Kindergarten teachers and shoes. Our teachers loved when the kids wore Velcro sneakers. No matter how well laces were tied, or what kind of gadgets were supposed to prevent the ties from coming undone, they always did...especially at recess, and the teachers got so tired saying "Your shoes are untied," or having to bend down themselves to tie shoes over and over and over again. Velcro was a blessing!
No we usually have dessert on the weekends or on special occasions. When you don't serve dessert to kids after every meal they don't come to expect it, which is a good thing.
Better for their health and their teeth not to shove cookies, cake and ice cream down their throats after every meal.
Disgusted said... the only thing that would be missing would be the bibs (and I wonder if they they didn't have them on because it was a filming day)!
The bibs were finally thrown out in Season 5, when Kate was renovating her new kitchen.
alice said...They have filmed since school started! The deep sea fishing trip was taken after the children started school because in that episode they already have the new haircuts.
The episodes were shot out-of-sequence, creating a continuity error. Kids got their haircuts before Bald Head Island, then the rest was filmed after returning from "vacation".
There isn't any concrete evidence that filming has resumed since school started. Also, the kids' work permits are about to expire and a hearing is scheduled to amend current child labor laws this week.
Jeannie said...I think that TLC is getting ready for a new show. They're going to rip off the Bachelorette and have some sort of a show with kate. Hence the People cover.
A part of me believes the People cover was one last push to draw in ratings for this final (unofficial) season/series finale of Kate Plus 8.
The other part of me agrees with you and believes this is Kate and her PR team's way of soliciting/pitching a solo Kate dating project.
As for TLC wanting to continue working with Kate (who I believe is a dying, no longer trendy brand), two things will need to happen:
1. this last episode needs to maintain its current ratings (in spite of Monday's big fall premiere night)
2. Kate is willing to take a substantial pay-cut, similar salary to other TLC shows (as she is currently way over-paid for poor ratings)
As with Jon, Kate's reality tv days are over if TLC has exclusive rights to her - full-control of canceling future projects and refusing to let Kate jump to another cable/tv network.
Why Anonymous? Do you think SHE'S WORSE?
I knew it all along.
DWTS was just terrific, Florence Henderson is 77 years old and moved gracefully, to think Gosselin is young enough to be her grandaughter and couldn't even pick up her hoofs.
OMG. She is at the bus stop today. Kissing the kids. Looks so odd. She never did that before and it just is so out of place for her.
Just saw a preview of tonites episode and she was on the couch talking and WOW was she ever showing the clevage!!!!
Hm I hope the ratings are low, but that People cover did get "Kate Gosselin" name back up to a top 10 internet search last week. I just keep my fingers crossed that the new shows competing with her time slot blows her show out of the water despite her scandla mongering.
On Dr. Phil yesterday, the "family", you know the one they've been following (and destroying) for the past few years? Dr. Phil said something that could also apply to Kate. He said the daughter is fighting to the death for custody of her kids because it's a "power struggle" with her mother. When she has total access to them, she never goes to see them, she never calls them etc. But when there is an immenent threat of the courts ordering her parents to become the sole guardians of her children, the claws come out. I see this with Kate, when she has her kids, it's all for show. You can see how much she REALLY does NOT want them around. But when Jon has them, she tries and tries her damndest to sabotage him. Of course the daughter is on drugs, BUT Dr. Phil also called her a narcissist.
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