A disturbing report from an eye witness this afternoon described the children being hounded by fans on a visit with Jon and his girlfriend Ellen at an arcade. Said the witness, "After what I saw today, [I] feel so bad for the kids! Adults and children were trying to get near them, taking their pictures, ignoring Ellen and Jon when they tried to make them stop. Even in the ball pit there were kids talking to the Gosselins about the show. They looked uncomfortable. Why can't those kids have a normal outing with their dad? The kids were having fun but they kept running to Daddy and Ellen. With some discussion, eventually people stopped taking pictures. The kids need to be off television. This is not fair to them. Kudos to Ellen for standing up to the adults who refused to stop taking pictures. She has those kids' best interest in her heart."
A few hours later, Ellen confirmed the incident by taking to her Facebook page to vent her frustration. She said the kids were "attacked" with cameras even though Ellen asked the fans to stop. Ellen went on to say, "I'm not even bothered by paparazzi anymore, it's the weirdo people that follow the kids and try to talk to them that pisses me off."
Kate's fans are upset with those who criticize Kate. But ironically, just as Kate, Steve, and now Ellen have confirmed, it's the fans causing problems for the children, not the detractors. We're reminded of Alison Angrim's testimony this week at the Child Labor Hearings. She said, since an adult would find it "fun" to be famous, they assume a child would too.
58 sediments (sic) from readers:
Are these the experiences Kate is always extolling as being a benefit of the show? What exactly is the payoff for the kids after all of this? Kate admitted in an interview this year that she has not yet put aside enough for college for all 8. She'll be a millionaire after all this while the kids will be lucky if they graduate college without loans, and their childhoods, privacy and anonymity will be lost. As for Jon, he seems to be embracing a quiet and private life lately; just hope this upcoming custody trial shows he's willing to fight to give the same to his children. So, so sad.
This pisses me off. I feel sorry the kids but Jon and Kate should have thought about this a long time ago. Because when you're short on funds and you send in photos and home videos of your kids to a production company hoping that they'll come to your home and make a documentary out of it and they do and they pay you some pretty good money which makes you think you'll never make that kind of money any other way except selling your kids faces so you sign a contract that allows the company to come on in and film all they want and you find yourself saying 'fuck the kids privacy this is too good to be true' and you don't stop the filming because you're having the time of your life acting like you've won a lottery and you're getting all kinds of trips and homes and motorcycles and freebies and gifts and your kids are getting clothes and toys and "memmries" made - you gotta expect people to take notice of them. You made them noticeable. If you want it all to stop, you have to stop whining about it and do whatever it takes to stop allowing them to be filmed.
Ellen did email me just now actually a bit upset this had become such a public thing (actually good for her), but is willing to let her quote stay up here. Since Jon verified his account with a photo of himself holding his user name and tweets with Ellen, and Ellen's email was given to me through that same twitter, I believe it is her. Plus she said the paps are there, so I imagine we'll see pics from Chris in a day or two on INF.
AuntieAnne, well said.
Kate was just asked AGAIN if you had to do it all over again would you? Kate's answer? YES.
Wow Kate.
She was asked by Anderson and Kelly Ripa last week.
What a sad experience for the kids & the family (Jon & Ellen).
Hopefully this will not be skewed and twisted to make it appear as though they aren't good parents/caretakers...somehow I can just see a certain someone doing just that!
I dislike Kate so much that I'm quite enjoying watching her go down. I hope the process is long, painful, and public.
However, those kids are innocent and deserve better. They deserve a private life like any other kid.
They also deserve a decent mom, but there's not much I can do about that, unfortunately.
These children are treated like a Circus freak show...It's ridiculous. They are NOT the only multiples on the planet. If I was there I would helped Jon and Ellen by telling ADULTS to leave them alone and telling my children that IF I heard them say anything about the show etc to the Gosselin kids we would leave. That is what normal people do. I have lived in NYC and I live in Cali now - I have seen my share of celebrities, yes the first couple of times is exciting but I didn't run and scream after them, didn't ask for an autograph and didn't take photos (granted my NYC living was prior to cell phones - lol)
Thanks Admin. I know Jon is trying to tone down the publicity and that IS a good thing but it's a little late. As for Kate - we know there's no hope of that ever happening as long as she's got control.
I think Ellen posted something in frustration and it should not detract from the situation.
Lots of people do reality shows without worrying about being stalked by crazy fans. I think this is an extreme example of a worst case scenario.
Ellen doesn't make a DIME on this stuff.
Wow, and KATE needs the bodyguard? She's seen with him alone very often, but the kids never are seen alone with the bodyguard. Mind boggling. Reminds me of a while back - we saw a rock star who about 15 years ago was an absolute superstar and who is still making music and hosting music festivals. We were in the Maui airport and I noticed him and sort of waved. He waved and smiled. He's quite a surfer so we chatted and he told me that he was there with his wife, little kids and mother-in-law for 10 days to catch some waves. NO bodyguard. NO nanny. Just him and the fam, grabbing all their bags and putting them on the trolley to take to their rental car. I asked him if we could take a picture and he sort of laughed and I promised I wouldn't facebook it and did take a pic of him with my husband/friend. They were thrilled and he was so nice and gracious. Another lesson for Kate: Respect your fans - they make you and they can break you. Look at who I am talking about. Haha, sorry, momentary loss of sanity/short term memory there.
Most normal people just might look and walk away. Those children deserve privacy. They weren't being filmed, they were just kids out for a day with their dad. It makes me ill to think that there are people that think they can just take pictures whenever and wherever they want of kids they don't know.
Crazy stalker fans. Those kids need a bodyguard, not Kate.
It's too bad that this happened. I think Jon is trying to bring a sense of normalcy into the kids' lives by doing fun activities like going to the arcade.
This type of thing will happen to them for years to come and they have their mother to thank for it.
And yet here is what she said about HAVING the kids, not selling them:
But if Kate had had a crystal ball, would she have taken the fertility drugs?
"If I could have looked into the future, I would not have done it," she admitted.
This type of thing will happen to them for years to come and they have their mother to thank for it
Sorry, Jon is just as guilty. He may be doing something now to bring normalcy to their lives, but that's like closing the barn door after the horse is out. Unfortunately, too little, too late.
Jon and Kate together made the decision to give TLC full film access to their family in exchange for monetary compensation.
Regardless of whether or not Jon and Kate realized at the time that they would be exposing their children to every pedophile out there, my point of view is that they have used their children in exchange for fame and fortune.
Today there were fans who just wanted photos. Tomorrow they may want something else ... and yet only Kate is seen with a bodyguard, never just the kids.
Is it just me that sees something wrong with this picture?
Sorry, Jon is just as guilty. He may be doing something now to bring normalcy to their lives, but that's like closing the barn door after the horse is out. Unfortunately, too little, too late.
I'm sorry, but it's never too late to do the right thing.
K8's entire mantra was "there's no turning back" as an excuse to keep exploiting the kids.
Jon's to blame, but at least he's pulled the plug and is trying to expose the kids to normal activities instead of exploit the kids with contrived reality.
Let me amend my comment...
BOTH Jon and Kate are responsible for this. However, Jon tried to stop it twice. The first time was at the end of season 4 and the second time was when he stopped the show in Fall 2009.
I put more of this on Kate because she shamelessly exploited her children saying that it was "her job."
I wonder how the sheeple are dealing with this new development? They must have all kinds of reasons why it's all Jon fault and the kids were probably screaming for daddy to stop...
Kate will be in tears at how Jon treated the kids and the Sheeple will bring her boxes of wine and tissues and shout on the rooftops that it is unfair how Kate is being treated when it's clear Jon is the bad parent..oh and Merideth will bring her a few boxes of tissues from the Today Show stockroom and they will have a good cry together
I'd bet my last dollar that Kate is more upset about Jon dating Ellen than she is about the safety of the kids.
Remember when the kids went to NY and there was a virtual stampede of paparrazi trying to get to them. They had to put up tables as barriers and have the police there just to carry them inside the building. Even Khate looked terrified. She knew this was bound to happen to them while she is off somewhere with either the bodyguard or a bodyguard the kids are left to fiend for themselves. I don't think Khate herself has ever been stampeded anywhere. TLC should be responsible for the kids' safety. Khate can talk about being a celebrity all she wants but the kids are the stars of the show and she treats them worse than she did the dogs. She is a terrible mother. She can't look outside of herself to see that or rather she and just doesn't give a damn.
Those poor kids. I'm sure they're a bit traumatized. Yeah, they're used to it on some level, but when you have all these people coming at you, flashbulbs blaring, can you imagine, being 6, having this happen? Ellen & Jon are good people, & I give them lots of credit for bringing normalcy into their little lives. Yes, Jon did bad before, but at least he is trying to make amends NOW.
Kate, how can you live with yourself?? I agree with the poster who said she would have helped Jon & Ellen make it stop. I would've been right there along them, telling people to stop too, even though it's none of my business. Those kids deserve a chance a normal childhood for Christ sake! And until they are off TV, they will never get it. They were in PA when this happened?
Administrator said... She was asked by Anderson and Kelly Ripa last week.
September 26, 2010 7:58 PM
Admin, was she back on with Anderson and Kelly after she came back from Mexico? Cable has taken R&K permanently off here and replaced it with Nate Berkus. If so, what was said? Thanks.
Wow. Well, there you have it!
What more proof could Kate & her "lovers" have that it is unconscionable FORCING the Gosselin 8 (or any child)to be filmed for reality t.v.
These kids are just babies- they did not ask for all this nonsense.
***Message to Kate + 8 WACKOS:***
If you want to do something nice, how about letting the children have their dignity.
LET THE CHILDREN BE CHILDREN. They are not a circus sideshow!! Shame on you.
I hope you are happy, Kate. Is all the fame & fortune worth selling your children's souls to the devil?
I think Jon realizes that mistakes that were made. Not every reality family ends up in this situation. Do you think the Masche's have people camping outside of their homes? I doubt it.
Kate is the one promoting the publicity. Kate is the one who can't get enough. The kids MIGHT enjoy aspects of filming, but that doesn't mean they enjoy all that goes with this decision to be in the spotlight.
Oh you know gang, those kids are "just playing in front of the cameras" So no big deal that their every waking moment, whether at home or even on an outing with their Dad it is filmed and photographed! I think that the rare Pandas featured on CNN this morning have more privacy than these kids. And privacy equals peace and the ability to have a childhood, not a "career"
This is all because of Kate plus 8, evolved of course from Kate and Jon plus 8. Those kids have been pimped out long enough!!I truly hope that Jon does not cave in to more filming. Jon, go to jail if you have to, declare bankruptcy if you have to, but your kids are in serious danger here and the filming must stop. It is child abuse. Kate would sell their bone marrow to make a buck without a doubt, she will not stop unless she is stopped.
If Kate's out of town, obviously we don't know for sure, it's also beyond ridiculous that Jon needs to return his own children to spend the night with nannies.
Can he really not afford a simple 3 bedroom home? A room for the little girls, a room for the twins and Jon's bedroom could be the boys room when they visit and he could sleep in the living room. If he can't even afford to buy that with all the money they made while married, who the heck was his lawyer in the divorce?
How is it in the children's best interest to go home to paid employees instead of staying with their father?
Troy Chula Vista said... "I wonder how the sheeple are dealing with this new development? They must have all kinds of reasons why it's all Jon fault and the kids were probably screaming for daddy to stop..."
Oh yes, just as they practically accused Jon of pinching all the kids to make them cry during the drop-off incident, they are probably hard at work creating some far flung scenario where of course Jon orchestrated this whole thing.
Bleat away sheeple.... the cold hard facts are that this is the real reality for these kids. They can't go anywhere without being gawked at. You all feel that as long as Kate gets to live like a rock star it's ok for them to have to live like this. How very sad that you value money over the well-being of a child.
Well you can't have your kid on television for years and expect to take them out without situations like that, it doesn't work that way. They are not normal kids anymore, they are celebrity kids and they have to learn how to cope raising celebrity kids. People will notice more and behave like that cause thats just the way it is. Grant you, the adults should have not behaved like a pack of wolves but sometimes you as a parent with a famous child have to expect that and prepare them for that as well. The longer they stay on television the more famous they will be and more noticed so Jon better be prepared when he takes his kids out for a fun trip.
@ Lee
Re: college money...yea well it depends on what story she comes up with that day. The goal all along was to provide for college (sorry but I took out student loans, I lived :) and I have a masters and will soon have a Phd. Hubby will also have an MD with loans....guess our parents don't love us!).
The amount she has spend on hair, tanning and nails ALONE could have sent a least one kid. We have to remember, where our cut and colour costs $120 in a bigger city, less in a smaller one, she is going to NY at a top salon, and getting it done there for probably thousands. Not to mention flight cost etc. Sure she doesn't pay for it herself, but it is coming from TLC somewhere, which means even less is being funnelled to those kids.
I am glad that Ellen and Jon *seem* to be finally getting it.
Please, god, if you read this E and J, don't give up. Those kids will love you for it.
Odd, no new story after the "show canceled" story.
So, the kids get no body guards but Mommy Dearest does.
What about when the kids start going out into the world alone? Will Kate pay for 8 separate body guards to protect her little stars since she continues to sellout their anonymity? Somehow I doubt it.
Kate will never pay to protect them.
Yes, amazing that the most defenseless ones--the little kids--don't have a bodyguard to intercede when they go out in public, yet Kate "needed" protection while she was with Steve ALONE in Mexico sunning like a walrus. (By the way, Steve was nowhere in sight to protect her while she sunned. I'm surprised she's still alive.) It's total Bullshit.
We have a nice home and our kids feel the embarassment of riches, so to speak, whenever their friends come over and start commenting on how good they have it here. So I can only imagine what those Gosselin children go through being hounded by fans and admired by Sheeple who think trips and the big house is the height of success and good nuturing. I am so glad Jon and Ellen are in their lives to balance the weirdness Kate brings to them.
Odd, no new story after the "show canceled" story.
myfoxphilly is saying "Kate Plus 8 Off TLC's TV Schedule"
She's probably at home curled up in the fetal position bawling her eyes out again. Or else maybe she's off somewhere getting her tummy retucked after the photo of her wrinkled belly showed up right after the photoshopped People cover came out. Maybe Steve is holding her hand while she recovers this time. If that's what she's doing I hope they sew that hole under her nose shut while they're at it.
sorry if this is repeated - the 'submit' button failed at my first attempt...
I have been worried since J&K+8's very first season that the children would become vulnerable targets of some crazy person's desire to hold them up for their (now accummulated) wealth. How can these two so-called parents CONTINUE TO BE BLIND to this possibility??? And K8 thinks SHE is the one who needs protection? The very definition of "narcissistic"!
Most parents who "achieve" their fame and/or fortune on the backs of their children, if really FOR their children, would not dream of spending a penny of it on themselves. Not so, these losers. That they claim not to have enough set aside for college at this point is as stupid as their decision to pursue fertility treatments. Really, how could a person who possesses basic math skills not see how the buying binges (including the ridulously-sized house and multiple cars) would negatively impact their bottom line?
total morons.
I agree that Kate has been perpetuating this circus more than Jon lately, but he is also at fault. He agreed to put the kids back on TV after making the talk show rounds proclaiming that he had had an "epiphany" and realized that it wasn't good for the kids to be filmed. It was also his childish behavior that ignited the tabloid firestorm last year. If he had not been galvanting around in bars, parading his girlfriends around in public and going on E! with Hailey, or telling the world he "despised" Kate, taking money from the account, etc., this all would have been over long ago. Let's face it, the tide of public opinion turned when he started acting like a teenager -- people who used to blame Kate started siding with her. Were it not for that, she never would have been a sympathetic figure to some, no View, no DWTS. I too believe that Jon now realizes the mistakes he made in the past, and good for him. Now it's time to really take a stand and pull the kids off TV for good, continue keeping a low profile, don't respond to Kate's public crap and let her "star" fade. Let's hope it isn't too late.
From another site: "by Anonymous...I agree, Kate is a joke from the get go. And she will get caught with her body guard one day. But for everyone's sake, drop the witch already. She is so worthless. And that body on the cover of People is another fake picture. I am a photographer - there more airbrushing on that picture than not. What a waste of a cover."
(By the way, Steve was nowhere in sight to protect her while she sunned. I'm surprised she's still alive.) It's total Bullshit.
We only saw a few photos of her while she sunned. How do we know that he wasn't sitting in the next chair, or at a table, out of camera range?
Judy and Kk, people forget the Lindbergh kidnapping, and has Kate ever enough given a single thought to pedefiles??
The kidnapping of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., was the abduction of the son of aviator Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh. The toddler, 20 months old at the time, was abducted from his family home in East Amwell, New Jersey, near the town of Hopewell, New Jersey, on the evening of March 1, 1932. Over two months later, on May 12, 1932, the body of Charles Lindbergh, Jr., was discovered a short distance from the Lindberghs' home.[1] A medical examination determined that the toddler had a massive skull fracture, which was determined to be the cause of death.
There is nothing that I hate more, than a cold heartless self-absorbed mother!!!!
We have to remember, where our cut and colour costs $120 in a bigger city, less in a smaller one, she is going to NY at a top salon, and getting it done there for probably thousands.
Here's the thing. She has spent thousands on that over-bleached, over-processed chopped up mess that looks like a drunken barber took a hacksaw to it. A trip to the local Cost-Cutters at the mall would have produced better results. It's all about status.
Not Jellus said..
I'm sorry, but it's never too late to do the right thing.
That may be true, but it doesn't mean you escape the consequences of what was done in the past. Unfortunately, for the Gosselin kids, that means people know them, and they will attract attention.
wayward said... Troy Chula Vista said... "I wonder how the sheeple are dealing with this new development? They must have all kinds of reasons why it's all Jon fault and the kids were probably screaming for daddy to stop..."
Oh yes, just as they practically accused Jon of pinching all the kids to make them cry during the drop-off incident, they are probably hard at work creating some far flung scenario where of course Jon orchestrated this whole thing.
They ARENT'T dealing with any of this..they're discussing and sharing recipes. Occasionally, they's speculate as to what Kate's next 'project' is to be....I find it quite unsettling that there is no mention the show is or might be cancelled. Sheeple indeed!
Wayward said, "Bleat away sheeple.... the cold hard facts are that this is the real reality for these kids. They can't go anywhere without being gawked at. You all feel that as long as Kate gets to live like a rock star it's ok for them to have to live like this. How very sad that you value money over the well-being of a child"
Great post wayward!
If she's off TLC then maybe she is in LA to see her BFF- Sarah Palin - at the show tonight-DWTS.
Can she now make some deals with other networks for work? GOD FORBID. GO AWAY KATE.
Since you love to pick apart Kate's every move, are you going to give equal time to Jon and post the delightful pic of him with a cigarette in his hand while standing next to Joel?
How about the pic of him texting, which obviously means he wasn't paying any attention to his children. Oh wait...it doesn't mean that? The pic only captures a split second in time? Hmmm.
Watching DWTS- and so far Kate Gosselin is a no-show. YEAH!!!!!
No photos of the arcade experience yet.
From Daily Mail online:
Compare above post to below and see how media twists things to skew one's perspective - the Jon hate continues...
From INF Daily:
Funny...where was this pap when Kate didn't even try to hide her cigarette smoking in public yet it was caught ON FILM!
Anonymous, I have posted pics of both Jon smoking and texting.
They have both smoked and texted around the kids. The difference is Kate used her show to publically criticize Jon for texting and being a bad parent when she does the same things.
What's good for the goose is good for the gosselin.
Wow, those poor kids really do need the body guard; well, a better one than Rat Claws. This has to be very frightening for them. While an adult can tell people to back off, a child would not have that same confidence. Children do what adults tell them, not the other way around. I'm sure those kids were very upset and uncomfortable. Jon and Ellen, stay under the radar and keep strong for these kids! Let Kate self-destruct all by herself.
I'm SO fricking tired of being called a "hater" and that I'm just Jealous of kate.
Here's to you sheeple.I dont like kate...I think she is a bad mom...I do believe her wanting FAME is more important than whats best for the kids.To this you call me a hater and say Im jellus!
How about this...I dont agree with people who wear fur.I guess I hate them and are jealous that they wear fur and I dont.
I dont like Michael Vick...he killed and tortured dogs for his own amusement.I guess I'm just jellus that I dont do the same.
I dont like police officers who abuse thier power.BUT...I guess I'm just jellus and wish I could do the same.
I dont like people who lie and expect to be pittyd..BUT I guess I'm jellus cause I tell the truth!
I dont like drunk drivers who risk innocent peoples lives by getting into thier car and drive.Again...I must be jellus cause I wish I could/would?
I dont have a slew of people raising my kids.I dont spent more time away from my kids than when I'm with them. YUP...you got me...I'm jellus!
OR maybe I enjoy every minute that I have with my kids.I dont consider them to be burdens.
I'm not a hater and Im not jealous of kate.Will you or can you think of anything better for an excuse?Its like I'm in 4th grade again...so and so got the color shoes I REALLY wanted...I'm sooo jellus!
Grow up and get a grip!
Kate and her children filmed near my home not too long ago--the Stride-Rite and LL Bean for the shoes and backpacks episode. I wondered to myself whether I would have attempted to say anything to her had I "bumped" into them--I realized that I wouldn't, not only because of Steve, but because I wouldn't want to upset the children. Those kids did not ask for this kind of life.
Also, due to the way the show is filmed --places are usually almost cleared for them--they are probably not used to being in with the regular public too often. What a weird way to grow up.
Just wanted to send a congrats to "15-Minute Gosselin Style" on your one year anniv. Have enjoyed all the information and chat.
Could you please clarify something "for the record"?
The pic you posted on this thread of the teen fans, was that pic in any way being presented, by you or Ellen, as a picture actually taken at the arcade when the Gosselin children were mobbed by fans?
I have been trying to set this straight. I know it is a "stock photo" and I did not take it as an actual pic of proof of that eye witness account or Ellen's account of what happened.
Some Kate fans are insisting that Ellen posted that very pic on her Twitter or Facebook trying to pass it off as a pic she took to prove the kids were mobbed by fans.
Some think they've "discovered" that it's just a stock photo and that Ellen is misrepresenting it deliberately.
I never took it that way. Could you please clear this up? Ellen is taking a beating over this "fabrication."
What? How dumb can people be and why are people so obsessed with me and this blog? LOL. Also how stupid are they?
It's just a stock photo. I found it myself. I often post stock photos. I believe it's a photo from a Spice Girls concert. Ellen had absolutely nothing to do with the photo, the only contact I ever had with Ellen about the incident was her emailing me saying she was upset the incident had become such a huge deal on the internet as she felt it was a private matter that was between her, Jon, the kids and the wacko fans harassing them.
Just wanted to send a congrats to "15-Minute Gosselin Style" on your one year anniv. Have enjoyed all the information and chat.
It's too bad that this happened. I think Jon is trying to bring a sense of normalcy into the kids' lives by doing fun activities like going to the arcade.
This type of thing will happen to them for years to come and they have their mother to thank for it.
Ellen did email me just now actually a bit upset this had become such a public thing (actually good for her), but is willing to let her quote stay up here. Since Jon verified his account with a photo of himself holding his user name and tweets with Ellen, and Ellen's email was given to me through that same twitter, I believe it is her. Plus she said the paps are there, so I imagine we'll see pics from Chris in a day or two on INF.
Wow. Well, there you have it!
What more proof could Kate & her "lovers" have that it is unconscionable FORCING the Gosselin 8 (or any child)to be filmed for reality t.v.
These kids are just babies- they did not ask for all this nonsense.
***Message to Kate + 8 WACKOS:***
If you want to do something nice, how about letting the children have their dignity.
LET THE CHILDREN BE CHILDREN. They are not a circus sideshow!! Shame on you.
I hope you are happy, Kate. Is all the fame & fortune worth selling your children's souls to the devil?
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