But then, she gives the broken one (incidentally, a pink lollipop) to a boy, Joel.

Video footage as well as pap photos reveal Kate then takes a lollipop that isn't broken for herself. What mother wouldn't keep the broken one for herself and give the nice one to her child? And wouldn't an orange lolly be better for Joel and pink for Kate?

While his sisters get nice, perfect lollies ....

Joel, bless his heart, takes it all in stride with his broken one.

Also of note, this webisode demonstrates just how much footage is left on the cutting room floor. Not only camera time on the actual trip, but casting couch interviews back at home the children are compelled to do. Makes you wonder what else we haven't seen. How hard and long do the kids have to work for one 46 minute episode?
57 sediments (sic) from readers:
what I noticed in this video around the 2:43 mark is that Jamie has the same single diamond necklace that Kate wears (well, she has 2 single diamond necklaces). Is Kate trying to be Jamie or is Jamie trying to be Kate? Anyway, I think its strange, for their age, to wear coordinating outfits and such. Has Kate ever addressed the significance in her solitare necklaces?
New photos of Kate jogging. No amount of orange spray tan is going to give that girl a nice shape. She has on her "good bra" again, the one she can inflate three sizes. Kate, for someone who claims to run as far as you do each day and eat a pristine organic diet, why are you so large?
Diamonds are Jamie and Steve of course.
Remember Jon and Kate's famous saying-
"you get what you get, and you don't get upset".
I guess Joel knows better than to complain. Remember what happened to Cara when she complained that she ordered a milkshake, not a ice cream cone? Kate threw out the cone, and Cara got NOTHING. Joel, and ll the tups probably know not to complain- or else Kate removes the object in question.
The mental abuse continues for the Gosselin 8.
Well, sadly, Joel never count for much, did he?
Have to disagree with the poster who said Kate looks large. She is large boned and will never look like a skinny minnie, but she's in great shape. But I still despise her.
I wonder how long it will be until Kate shops Cara around to Disney or some kids' channel TV show.Then Cara can support the family. After all, she's the oldest daughter, isn't it her responsibility?(snark)
I don't think the colour of Joel's sucker matters nearly so much as the fact that it is headless, and selfish Kate gives it to him anyway.If Joel were a puppy we could say that he "always gets hind tit." He is her least favourite child and knows it.
Kate looked flirtatious in her little cameo when Cara "interviewed" her. What's that about? She can't resist flirting with the camera, no matter who's holding it.
Every time I see that woman I thank God that her 15 minutes are nearly over...
This is one of the more shocking things to me, that I have encountered with this woman. There was an Ohio winter, that I went without a COAT so that my daughter could have orthotic shoes. THIS is such a simple thing, and in my opinion it shows her ative DISDAIN for her children. She is a very very unhappy person and for now she is actually blaming her children for being born. What else? giving the kids the expired milk so that Kate can have the fresh milk for her coffee?
RE the discussion about whether or not to post the clips out of respect for the children; While I see all sides, I think there is a point where as human beings we become complicit when we just continue to look away from abuse for any reason. Just my opinion.
mama mia, I also saw those photos of Kate running. "Good bra", yeah right! ;o)
Maybe she's stuffing all her money in there...
Can someone say- photo opportunity with Chris?...
She is such a bitch. She has always treated Joel the worst of all the children. She's made fun of his whining, she mocked him, she acted embarrassed that he showed hints of being gay, the laundry room floor incident, she looked at him like she wanted to kill him during the dress up/fashion show episode.... sigh:/
Joel is my favorite and always has been. He strikes me as a child who should've been an only child and loved on relentlessly. Instead, he got the booby prize and got Kate. Poor little guy.
A minor point, but when Joel was being asked about his lollipop, Kate had to chime in to say that hers was also without some body part. The camera shot up to her, away from her child who was being spoken to at the time.
Notice, please, how all the kids repeated that it was FUN. It might have been fun at that moment when their skin was being cooled on a boat with breezes blowing, but they did not look like they were having FUN in the pictures I've seen of them tromping through NYC in the heat.
You know, if Jon had never gotten caught with Deanna Hummel and he and Kate still kept up the charade, this stupid show would be long over and cancelled by now. Kate would've never been offered DWTS, and thus never offered the Emmy's gig by Jimmy Fallon, and we wouldn't be subjected to having her ruin our favorite programs. It was Jon's playboy wildchild antics that propelled Kate's "stardom". If it weren't for him, she'd be a porcupined haired frump with a cancelled show.
Mama Mia, I saw those photos too. I think one of those pics proves that those 'girls' are in fact surgically enhanced. No bra could produce those results, no matter how good.
And how much you want to bet those "abs" are part of her spray tan? Bwahahahahahaha ;~D
She is right about one thing, Cara did a great job interviewing! I think ET should hire her, she does a much better job than "mommy" even at her age.
What I don't get is even if Cara brought her personal camera, why is it posted for the world to see? Hint: no privacy, not even from a personal camera!
And I dislike the way Kate talked to Cara, it sounded professional-like instead of just a mom.
"Interviewing?" the little kids? Sheesh. Don't they do that enough on the couch at home?
I think they should have just kept this video private it would have been something private anyway.
There's so many revealing things in these clips when you take the time to watch. No one needs to be a trained analytical observer to see how twisted Kate is.
Poor little Joel. He literally always gets the short end of the stick. I suppose that's because he's too easy-going and laid back for her “rush-rush” personality and she lacks the skills to father him. At least thats what she said in her book. Handing him a broken pink lollipop shows her disdain for him, even if she wasn't consciously aware of it.
Did you hear her tell nine-year-bff-that-just-surfaced-last-year she got orange lollies for the two of them. Isn't that sweet, matching orange suckers for two grown women. Gag.
And "if you get sticky it's not my problem". So what else is new. Would it kill her to have Stevie boy carry some handi-wipes in her oversize purse? In the future when the G8 are in rehab or therapy Kate will still be saying it's not her problem.
That lollipop would be just a small insignificant issue for most of us moms. Of course, we'd take the broken one and give the child the whole one. Even the little things that we don't even think about she manages to further devalue those kids. Can you even imagine what all these compounded acts are doing to their self-esteem? She is absolutely one of the worst mothers I have ever seen. It's like she's purposely trying to make them feel devalued and have low self-esteem. It's beyond cruel.
Although Kate has no time for the boys, she treats Joel the worst.I remember on one of the couch interviews Kate said, "Someday some girl will fall in love with Joel for his good looks, and then she'll realize how clueless he really is." Poor little guy.
Whatevah said..."Mama Mia, I saw those photos too. I think one of those pics proves that those 'girls' are in fact surgically enhanced. No bra could produce those results, no matter how good."
Yep, the girls are about as real as her bellybutton. You'd think she cover that midriff because it's not anything to show off.
If Kate did all the work looking after her house/yard and kids like she claims she does she'd be thin as a rail and wouldn't have to go out jogging around Reading. But I guess that would mean she'd miss her daily photo op, so nix that train of thought.
I like what was said about how the purpose of the clips here is very different than the purpose TLC has for them.
Before people freak and say I'm comparing this to war, I'm not. But it's a comparison--if there is a blog out there glorifying violence and death and they post a graphic video of violence in Iraq and civilians being killed, I would find that disgusting and incomprehensible. But if there were a blog out there trying to spread the message that war is wrong, that war in Iraq is wrong, and that violence is horrible, if they post the video, it's to open people's eyes to the horrors and educate them about what pro-war people don't want you to see.
That's how I see these videos. The purpose is everything. Keep posting them.
Kate could be in porn the way she was going to town with that lollypop. Disgusting. And yep, she should have taken the broken lolly. I would have. Any mom would have. Again, disgusting. Narcissism on full display. What a pig-mother. Poor Joel, that kid seems to get the brunt of her abuse, doesn't he? Well, the boys do anyhow. I think it will be them that rebel the most in teen/adult years. Poor kid. You're right Admin, he did take it in stride, but who knows how he was feeling in his heart. Left out? Like his mom didn't love him best? I don't know. She doesn't treat the kids the same. It's pathetic & sad. And so is she. It angers the blood!!!
Does anybody know if the Statue of Liberty Gift Shop stocks those lollipops in 'organic'?
Another lie from the lips of Katie.
What's Joel got to complain about? Wouldn't he be the child who got all the ice cream that dripped down the cone and onto the floor? My goodness, there in NYC there would have been PLENTY of ice cream for Joel to lick! Go sit down, kid. You don't need a whole sucker.
She's so proud of her daughter "acting as a producer". Obviously, she is going to steer them in the only direction that counts in life: that of being in front of or behind a camera.
All others who choose something else will be failures.
How could any mother be so proud of the above video which is so heartbreaking and shows how little regard she has for her kids?
She's not responsible for them if they get sticky...nope, she's only their mother. You're on your own, kids, find someone else to complain to.
Even though today we have wipes, if I am going on an outing with my little grandchildren, I like to take a soapy washcloth and wring it out a little, then put it in a baggie to bring in my bag. It takes care of anyone who is sticky, dripping or otherwise is in a mess. It's also so easy. They feel better after they are cleaned up. You have to be ready for spills and stickiness.
She has never been a good mother. I can't imagine how she has built her notoriety around being a mom.
If only she can train all of the girls to man the cameras, she will always be on film. Not the boys, though, they don't count for anything.
Poor little Joel has the unfortunate circumstance to be most like his dad. She said it in multiple blessings, the book that Beth Carson wrote for her, that she had never seen a child look so much like his father. And poor Collin had that "bid ole head." She admitted in the book that the only one she really bonded with was Hannah because she got to hold her first and she had silky black hair. That is some mother, I can't believe people actually watch her anymore.
Why did either of the adults even need a lollipop? Are they 10 years old? Man, the last thing I want on a 100 degree day is some gross, sticky lollipop. I would have been chugging Diet Coke. Hard to be a mother when you are not yourself a grown-up.
"If you get sticky it's not my problem". -What human being says that to any child, let alone one she has given birth to? more confirmation in my own head that she had a breakdown last summer, and has totally disengaged from her children mentally.
If MADY had been passing out the lollies, SHE would have given her little brothers and sisters the good ones and kept the broken one for herself.
Unless the orange ones were laced with vodka, how odd it is that the 2 adults had to have matching ones?????
Kate, you are no longer silly and rogue. You are dangerously peculiar and quite ill. Ellen, does Jon have a more positive view of what is going on? Or is he just so afraid of upsetting her even further that he is paralyzed?
It will be interesting when the ratings are released for tonight's show. The sheeple just don't have enough supporters to bring in the ratings on their own. They need those to watch who are doing so just to snark, to see Kate behaving badly, and then to blog about it. What would happen if only the Sheeple would watch? How fast would TLC pull the plug?
What would happen if the Sheeple had to go it alone? If we wouldn't watch, they couldn't sustain ratings. Do TLC and the sheeple know this? More importantly, do those who are opposed to the filming know this?
The look on Joel's face when he realizes his lollipop is broken is heartbreaking. He is also very quickly resigned to accepting the broken one - he has his 'mother' figured out - no use saying anything to her, because you will just be punished. This woman does not have a maternal bone in her body and should not have had one child, let alone eight.
Wasn't it just the previous day that Kate was in a lather about melting ice cream and stuffing paper napkins down the front of their shirts? So what gives...the next day being sticky is THEIR problem? Talk about inconsistent parenting. How can she justify anything she does or says. Those kids don't know if they're coming or going with that deranged narcissist.
I believe it's entirely possible that Jaime is dressed just like K8 because Jaime is being used as a stand-in during "unimportant" parts of filming. Right down to their jewelery and purple left-hand band, they are just too similar for any other explanation.
Seems the only one allowed to complain about ANYTHING...is Krazy Kate.
The biggest child of all. Tantrums, meltdowns and all.
Jon, there's still time. Save your kids.
Kate is going to leave those children when she is done using them for her own gain.
The woman does not have a maternal bone in her fake body.
I asked my 18 year old daughter, who has NOT seen this video or knows nothing about Lolli -Gate, what she would do if faced with this situation. If she were babysitting her little cousins and had just enough lollipops, but one was broken, would she eat the broken one or give it to the child so she could have a whole one?
She looked at me like I was nuts and said, "Duh! I'd eat the broken one. What idiot would give the kid the broken one?"
I rest my case.
Kate is an idiot.
It's far from the worst thing she's ever done to her kids, but I think it's a good gauge for the kind of parent you are.
MOST parents wouldn't think twice about taking the broken one for themselves and giving the kids a whole one. (Actually, I'm not sure I'd even have one for myself. Why did she need a lolly? Weird.)
I mean, I can see it if the only one left was broken and so it was sort of a lesson in oh well, crap happens, take it or don't. But there were other whole ones! Sheesh.
It's a good barometer for her consideration for the kids. They never EVER come first in her mind. Ever. My dad would have rather gone without than see his kids get less.
Hey Admin, the Cable guide indicates tonight has 2 new K+8 shows. One is the Pirates & Kites repeat BS of last year, but the other is a Special surprise for the tups 6th birthday? What gives? Any insight? I won't be watching either way I was just curious.
Linda said...
It's a good barometer for her consideration for the kids. They never EVER come first in her mind. Ever.
Truer words were never spoken. That is just so sad. Kate is just so selfish. I can't believe how selfish she is with her OWN children. It breaks my heart in a million pieces for those kids. I wish people would see that. Why can't they see that? I so want the media to really watch, to SEE that side of *her*. Not the reality "star" (I hesitate to use that word). I want them to see the way she truly treats her kids. Like pawns, like show-pieces, & when she is done with them, they will be tossed aside & useless to her. It sickens me to no end that Kate is a celebrity to some, though she treats her kids like crap. Sorry for the rant, but I really want her time to be up. I want her to go away. I want her to fade into oblivion, along with the kids. No more specials, nothing. Give the kids their lives back. Stop chasing YOUR damn dream Kate, and being so GD selfish. Think of your kids for once. How about their wants? Do THEY want to be filmed? Gawd!
I remember when my son would take our ideo camera and run around and record such cute stuff. He did this around the big girls ages and they even made a music video as well in his teen years. He now works for the FBI, not in film even though at the time he did so good making those videos of all occasions and holidays. You just never know what path your kid will go on later in life. Just enjoy it and they will make their own career choices even though I thought it would be Film too like her.
This is the reason I am drawn to this site...as much as I'd love to forget the Gosselin name, I can't. I grew up with instances like this, I had a mother like Kate. I clearly remember the time she took us to a restaurant, ordered a burger and fries for herself, and nothing for us. The world revolved around my mom, we were just along for the ride. It is a form of abuse, whether we see the scars or not. My heart just breaks for the kids.
I never really agreed that Kate was approaching a breakdown. She is morphing, yes, but I truly believed it was deliberate and calculated. However the lollipop escapade is, I think, not that of a completely sane person. I didn't realize until this clip that the charade was with the kids right there watching. I got the impression before that it was while they were all walking and the kids were ahead of her and unaware.
However, when one child mimicked her mother's facial contortions(and Cara said "Nice face") I knew that little girl had been watching something she absolutely should never have seen. But Kate, with her coy "Hi, Cara" knew her kids were watching and she still didn't reign it in. I think a completely sane person would have immediately stopped such juvenile and inappropriate behavior. This was getting very near schizophrenic acting out in my opinion. I don't think she had total control. She, at least in that clip, is real close to losing it in my very uneducated opinion.
I don't watch the show, so maybe someone else can answer this. Does TLC always edit out Aaden like they did in this video? In the past it always seemed as though it was all about Kate, Mady, Hannah and Collin. Occasionally Cara. What are they trying to hide with Aaden, Joel, Alexis and Leah?
Also, it was very telling how Jamie had kids swarming all over her while Kate stood in the background attempting to strike seductive poses. What a loser. It was almost enjoyable 'til her big horse face would take up the screen. She reminds me of a wicked stepmother in a generic Disney movie, just there for her face time and to swoop in and ruin everyone's day.
The matching clothes and jewelry are ridiculous and childish. I'm sure it was Kate's idea. She really seems like an attention-starved child. Cara and Mady are way more mature than her.
I can only imagine how hurt Jamie's kids must be to see their mom mothering other kids. I can't even describe how much it would hurt me.
I can't understand what TLC is thinking showing these entitled kids being raised to feel even more entitled. Let's see this materialistic, spoiled family be spoiled some more. That part of it is unwatchable. I know it's not the kids' fault, but this is insulting to the average family out there. What new viewers do they think they can attract? Nobody I know.
And Cara was 'much delighted' to videotape? Do those extra, unnecessary words make you feel smarter, Kate? How about Cara was delighted? What's wrong with using correct English? This makes you sound MUCH STUPID!
She's on the way out, folks. Kate's shrieking and screaming is her death rattle. I feel it in my bones. She wouldn't be acting this desperate if things were well.
Bye Kate.
Not only would I take the broken lolly, I routinely eat the crusts off my kids' grilled cheese sandwiches and I nibble on the cores after I make them fruit salad. I've said this before but I cannot even begin to relate to this crazy self-centered woman.
What did she mean that if the kids get sticky its not her problem? She don't keep a container of wet ones in her purse for situations like that. What mother goes on a field trip and don't bring wet ones? She is just so ridiculous for words. Of course its TLCs problem I guess if the kids get sticky not their mothers.
Kk said that both Kate and Jaime wore purple bands on their left hands? Is that like those "shag bands" that teenagers wear? I just looked them up on Urban Dictionary and Wikipedia and purple usually means "kiss" from what I can see. Is this a sign that they really are a couple?
I just assumed the purple bands were "entrance" thingies for the Statue of Liberty.
I wonder if TLC owns the rights to the title:
The Gosselins: An American Tragedy
If not, I suggest they copyright it now, because they're going to want to make at least a three-episode series about whatever Godawful thing is going to happen if Kate doesn't get help NOW.
Kk, yes, I think you're right. I just watched the video and they look sort of like hospital type bands. Oops, sorry, I should have watched the video before I jumped to conclusions.
Remember what happened to Cara when she complained that she ordered a milkshake, not a ice cream cone? Kate threw out the cone, and Cara got NOTHING
Well, yeah! Come on! What was Kate supposed to do? Beg? So she didn't get exactly what she wanted, big deal. It's ice cream in a different form. Cara was being a really big baby, let's face it.
I'd say "too bad, so sad" myself. She fussed and she lost.
I think that sometimes we get so critical of Kate that we forget that 8 kids is a lot of kids. It ain't easy.
Seriously, I think that Kate's refusal to be a short order cook at meal time and waitress everywhere else is a good thing.
This was missed in the recap and I find it VERY telling of what they "really" have to do to get the kids to perform.
They were about to climb the lighthouse and I believe it was Cara who said "Mom, do I HAVE to climb it (the lighthouse) to get a souvenir?" (She stressed the word HAVE). Her arms were folded while asking Kate this.
I bet the kids are bribed with gifts and candy to perform & be all happy for the camera. This proves it!
I think we should all come out and say it. The kids can be brats. It's not their fault, they only have their mother as an example and they are only 9 (?) and 6. They need to be TAUGHT!
Kate needs something & says "Someone get me a bottle of water" She is annoyed with a child and says "YOU take her" Kate is a demanding, entitled bitch.
I'm surprised that scene with Mady & Cara made it past the edit. My sister and I are very close in age, about 16 mos apart. We would have LOVED that room at their age, sharing a bed or not!! They're own bedroom/bathroom set up like an apt! You were too kind in your recap! Those kids should have been told on the spot to be grateful for what you have.
Kate said the twins have list of "demands" for sleeping arrangements on vacations. It is completely ridiculous that she honors that.
awww joellllll!!!! i never watch the show so this is the only pics or clips i see of it.
I think we should all come out and say it. The kids can be brats. It's not their fault, they only have their mother as an example and they are only 9 (?) and 6. They need to be TAUGHT!
Kate needs something & says "Someone get me a bottle of water" She is annoyed with a child and says "YOU take her" Kate is a demanding, entitled bitch.
I'm surprised that scene with Mady & Cara made it past the edit. My sister and I are very close in age, about 16 mos apart. We would have LOVED that room at their age, sharing a bed or not!! They're own bedroom/bathroom set up like an apt! You were too kind in your recap! Those kids should have been told on the spot to be grateful for what you have.
Kate said the twins have list of "demands" for sleeping arrangements on vacations. It is completely ridiculous that she honors that.
Kk, yes, I think you're right. I just watched the video and they look sort of like hospital type bands. Oops, sorry, I should have watched the video before I jumped to conclusions.
Have to disagree with the poster who said Kate looks large. She is large boned and will never look like a skinny minnie, but she's in great shape. But I still despise her.
Kate is going to leave those children when she is done using them for her own gain.
The woman does not have a maternal bone in her fake body.
I asked my 18 year old daughter, who has NOT seen this video or knows nothing about Lolli -Gate, what she would do if faced with this situation. If she were babysitting her little cousins and had just enough lollipops, but one was broken, would she eat the broken one or give it to the child so she could have a whole one?
She looked at me like I was nuts and said, "Duh! I'd eat the broken one. What idiot would give the kid the broken one?"
I rest my case.
Kate is an idiot.
As far as the lollipop episode, it only proves that while she may initialy mean well,
Kate's just inconsiderate.
What's also pitiful is that someone gave that much airtime to a bunch of kids, their mother, friend, sucking on lollipops on a ferry- AND presuming that it's entertaining t.v.
PAINFULLY BORING. Running through the streets in frustration boring. Jamming forks into my eyes, because it's more entertaining than that sh*t boring.
Dear God, thank you for eliminating that stupid series. How about getting rid of the other stupid shows on Discovery/TLC?
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