But Kate, who has gone on and on ad nauseam about healthy living including shoving organic down everyone's throats, has never been caught doing the same until now. She was spotted by eagle-eyed viewers exhaling a big puff of smoke on the beach during a surf lesson in Monday's episode Deep Sea.

This explains the constant gum chewing/cud chewing. And is yet another example of the hypocrisy of her sham of a life. Perhaps she and Jon smoked together back in the day. This is not the first time it's been speculated Kate is a smoker. Exactly a year ago, it was reported that Kate had started smoking again and was covering it up with lots of Purell, perfume, and chewing gum. (http://blindgossip.com/?p=12883)
We don't care if Kate (or Jon) smokes, it's her body to expose to carcinogens as she sees fit. Just don't plaster yourself all over magazine covers telling America how healthy you are.
135 sediments (sic) from readers:
Well, well, well! It will be very interesting to see how her "fans" will be defending this new little glitch in kate's healthy, fit lifestyle! Just another way to be a good role model to her 8-count them-8 organically fed children. Shame, shame, shame!
Why doesn't Kate do a reality show about quitting smoking? Now that might actually be interesting.
She doesn't need to hide this everyone knows smokers and most people know a smoker who wants to quit. It's hard and they need all the support they can get. I think people would actually rally behind her if she were honest for once and said I smoke and I need help quitting.
My best friend is quitting right now actually. She's doing the patch. She said it makes you not want to smoke because it makes it taste bad.
I do not care for smoking or people who do. But hey, if you want to help pay for your cancer later in life that's your business. I lost both my beloved grandfather's to lung cancer so I know the damage it can do. I am 21 and have NEVER even been offered a cigarette in my life and I'm proud of that fact!
Yet I openly, and highly doubt Kate feeds her kids an organic diet as she likes to make us all believe. They go out to eat, as we've seen and there is not way six ways from Sunday that many restaurants are organic. We've all seen Jon bring the kids fast food or eat it himself, so we know the kids have obviously been exposed to it (despite Kate's claims they don't know what a hamburger is, they don't know what Doritos are...Come off it Kate--the kids have friends and school and if you don't think they are ditching your organic crap for typical kid junk food or not diving into their dessert first like any OTHER normal kid you're father gone than I thought!)
If she smokes, it'll be her bill to pay down the road if she gets cancer. But I would have to beg her don't do around your kids, it's just not healthy and it promotes that smoking is cool no matter how you phrase it to children what you do as a parent in your children's eyes is always seen as holier than thou to begin with, despite they have Kate for a mother...
But yes, if you are going to smoke, and plainly deny it don't go plastering yoursel on the TV, the radio, in pictures and on magazines that you are some kind of uber-organic health freak! HA!
I feel like I'm the friggin' Twilight Zone with this bitch.
A smoker keeps that last lungful as long as possible if they are not going to be getting another one for a while. This scene is a PERFECT example of just that! Then you blow it out to the side of your face so that you are not walking directly into the path of it as you get your first breath of fresh air.
It took me nearly 45 years to finally (knock on wood) kick this habit and I'm still taking it one day at a time. Yep.. That's smoke and I can't wait to see how Kate is going to spin this one. She might as well just own it.
Haaaa!! Nobody cares if she smokes, or drinks, or has new boobs. Just quit the damn LIES about everything. Be YOURSELF Kate! Does she even know who she is anymore?
Still laughing my ass off over this.
No offense, I really wanted to see it but the picture and the video are so grainy I can't make it out. I'm not doubting that people saw it and it certainly explains the gum smacking but does anyone have a cleaner clip they can link me to?
If she is smoking, I guess that's part of her weight loss regimen.
It is really visible on the Youtube version because it is slightly slower than the video here.
Kate +8 vomit fest epi 1
I wonder why so many things are getting past the film editors (or whatever they are called) at Figure 8 Productions.
First the Jamie comment and now the puff of smoke that won't quit. Don't they want Kate's image to be impeccable?
Admin, is it possible to post the video called Kate+8 vomit fest epi 1. This is the best version of the puff of smoke.
I'm the last to defend Kate ya'll but I don't see smoke.
I slowed it down and increased brightness and contrast. I see a distinct plume of smoke that goes outward. The slowed audio sound like jurassic park, but hey, it's appropriate.
I really dont care if kate smokes or if she dosent.This is yet another LIE that kate has been caught in.Kate lies over and over again and yet...No one will call her out on her lies.
I just dont get why everyone is afraid to confront her on ANY of her lies!
The kids dont want to be with Jon...but yet we see them happy-go-lucky with him.
kate is the SOLE supporter for the kids! Jon pays his 20+ grand a month in support...but that dosent matter.
Kate is working and the kids ARE not? Really? They are being fed lines and being told where to stand and how to act...BUT its kate whos the only one working.
The kids "worked" thier whole summer vacation.But yet its kate who needs a vaca with out the kids.She ran off to Mexico with her lover...errr my bad her ...um...boobyguard.
How come the kids dont get the same treatment that kate gets?Maybe a week or 2 without the stage mom there? Time to be with thier dad alone?Time to be just kids? Hanging out,relaxing and not worrying about anything?
Oh thats right...kate is a single mom...doing everything for the kids.If it got out that it was all about her...the show would crumble...I forget we are just like the sheeple...too STUPID to make up our own minds! Afterall...it's on tv so its GOT to be true!!!
If you pause at 0.08-0.09 you can see that fuzzy white blur remain in the background without moving.
Freeze-framed it appears to be smoke, but it doesn't fade away into the air.
I think she's standing in front of something that gives the illusion of smoke, but I'd put my money that it isn't.
There's no way she would smoke anywhere near cameras.
I do believe she's a smoker b/c Jon wouldn't have picked up the habit at 30 and she couldn't have lived with a smoker had she not been one herself.
I think she gets off on saying one thing and doing the exact opposite. Her attitude seems to be "Eff all y'all, I'll lie if I want to. I'm Kate Gosselin and I'm special. Rules don't apply to me"
She doesn't have a shred of conscience or embarrassment about anything. I don't think she can actually physically feel embarrassed about ANYTHING. Mindblowing but true.
When kate opens her mouth ...you can pretty much be sure that she is lying!BAD MOM! She is a very BAD MOM! She is ONLY a mom when she's being paid to play one on tv.
Kate hopped on the Hollywood diet of cigs, laxatives and coffee. That is why she gained so much weight on DWTS, she couldn't risk taking so many laxatives with the live shows. This also explains her miserableness and stinky breath. Poor kids.
"Kate Gosselin still denies any romance with Steve Neild, but then why was she seen smooching with her longtime bodyguard on a beach in Mexico?"
Bill Zwecker Chigaco Sun Times ET columinst
Nothing about Kate is organic. She's been tucked, plucked, plastered with fake hair, had veneers put on her teeth, has fake nails, has fake boobs, even her tan is fake.
Literally NOTHING about this woman is organic. She's a freakin' moron if she thinks we believe her.
And regarding all this publicity and crap:
Kate+8 is being marketed internationally now. While the ratings are failing here in the states, TLC/Discovery can't well push past episodes of J+k+8 on the international viewers if the show is tanking in the ratings. They are already highly invested and any payment they make to the rags (ie: People) to throw Kate in the face of the public is considered good advertising.
The American Viewers already know what a piece of plastic she is (physically and personality-wise) however the Brits/Scots/Aussies, etc have yet to be clued in.
So yes, someone is 'boinking' someone to get Kate on the cover and keep her in the news reels. Whether it's by a payout or something else.
Another reason for the twins to resent her. They see everything.
No wonder she is always chewing gum.
Her nose gets longer each day.
Good job with the photo, Admin. I know you had trouble with it. You done just fine!
How are the sheeple explaining this? Let me guess, it was cold on the beach, her breath was warm, and this is condensation? Or...Steve is the one who was smoking, she had just kissed him, he gave her his smoke, and she was trying to exhale it!
What is she doing with the butts? Littering the pristine beaches at BHI? So much for going green!
Baby Mama is saying she's watched the clip several times, in hi-def, and there is no smoke. Now I'm curious, I'll have to find the YouTube clip before I make up my mind.
I don't care whether Kate Gosselin smokes or no. However I DO care that it's just one more example of her very public dishonesty. Not defending Jon, but we all watched as he was drawn and quartered in the media and on the blogs for the same behavior a year or more ago. But hasn't that always been the case...from her days of sitting on the plastic lawn chair barking orders at him, to her "love taps", to her constant leaving of those children while she pursues her pipedream of stardom, to her now filming 4 children vomiting in public and doing NOTHING that a normal mother would do in these circumstances. He has been judged very harshly by self-righteous biddies who have, at the same time, constantly given Kate a pass and made excuses for her indefensible behavior as a mother and as a spouse. She has adopted another woman's husband as her substitute spouse and while it certainly doesn't pass my smell-test, it seems acceptable to everyone else. Whether she is sleeping with the bodyguard or not, his constant presence as a substitute husband and now father to those kids, gives a very clear impression of impropriety. Every time a new example of her outright dishonesty and questionable behaviors/activities is put out there...I can't help thinking - what screaming and gnashing of teeth from the biddies would occur if the shoe were on the other foot and Jon was the perpetrator? What if it had been Jon who dragged his kids around to various worksites all summer? What if Jon was taking sunset walks on the beach with an "employee" while nannies took care of his kids? What if Jon ducked into a tent for a smoke before the next "take" by a film crew? What if Jon left the care of 4 seasick children to nannies and his female bodyguard while he focused all of his attention on fishing? Or if he went on television one morning to trash his ex-wife on national TV only to board a plane for a 6-star resort with his concubine that afternoon? I can't even imagine the fallout he would have been subjected to. Her (seemingly) pathological need to lie and insinuate and set herself up as the greatest mom in the US is what bothers me the most. And worse, that she's allowed to get away with it. Smoking is the least of it. When will Kate go under the same sort of microscope her ex-husband has been subjected to?
Yes Admin, that's it.
It's not the actual smoking , it's her web of lies, deceit and hypocrisy .
Oh and BTW: gum, mouthwash, Purell, perfume, etc do NOTHING to eradicate the smell of cigarette smoke. I can smell cigarette smoke a mile away.
I didn't see it in the video at all. What am I missing?
Sorry, but do not see it. That whiteness (supposed puff of smoke) is something on the house and all I see is her cud chewing. It would explain, I agree, all the gum chewing but my theory is that the gum chewing covers up the drinking because nobody walks around with a water bottle in their hand all the time.
I don't care if she smokes. In an evil way, I'm glad she does. It makes people age like crazy and along with the tanning and boozing, she'll look 60 soon. But the hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Smoke away Kate. And nothing, I mean NOTHING hides that smell. It comes from the lungs, and lungs can't chew gum. Did anyone ever teach her to close her mouth when she chews? What a pig! Those poor kids. Who will ever teach them common manners? To think she is the role model for five girls. And that old saying that boys marry someone like their mother...God help those Gosselin boys.
Thanks for the post admin. Don't care if she smokes. Only cares that she lies and pretends she is some health and fitness guru. Move over Jillian Michaels, Kate fake boobs is on her way. NOT. She is a liar, and exposed over and over again.
If she lies to the public, think about what she lies about to the kids.
Marie said... "(despite Kate's claims they don't know what a hamburger is, . . .)"
Didn't know she said that, but they were fed hamburgers by the staff at Discovery Cove earlier this year. There is nothing about this woman's life that is not a lie.
This one is a pretty shocking bit of news to me. I never would have imagined, despite all the things Kate has said and done, that she would smoke. Not that I judge her for smoking (with all the other things she had done like lied, emasculated her husband, used her kids as a checking account etc...). But it is surprising to me that she does.
Not that I'm putting her on the same level, but lets face it, our own president smokes (and many previous presidents and first ladies did as well) so I guess it shouldn't be too much of a shock.
Remember a few years ago when Heather Locklear got pulled over for DUI? I can remember the pap shots of her pacing outside of her car when the cops were there and she was smoking in the pics. She was another one who I was shocked to see smoking too.
Oh well, what can you do? It's a vice that is hard to give up once you start.
But yes, I agree with everyone who has said, about Kate, that this just another lie that she lives such a healthy lifestyle.
I wonder if the editor of this episode is going to be fire by TLC for letting that little scene slip by, or did TLC allow it in the ep on purpose?
This has nothing to do with smoking, but photos of celebs non-airbrushed have come out. Madonna, Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston...I'm thinking if some of us do a little digging...Of course the photos of Kate are probably locked up in some big vault with 2 armed guards and fingerprint security. But, hey, it's worth a shot if anyone knows anyone. Now that my friends, would be amazing.
Shame on any parent who smokes! Kate lung cancer is a terrible way to die!
Everybody, if you haven't seen it, please go tho the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty site. The video shows what photoshop can do in the right hands to make a very tired-looking pale model and turn her into a stark-raving beauty. All girls and young women should see what is really done to make these people impossibly beautiful. No one you see in magazines really looks that way in real
life...especially that low-class grifter, Kate. Show it to your daughters. My daughter's school sent it via email to every student and parent. It's that important.
Oh the sheeple delusions. Here's an actual quote from a sheeple.
"I think what made Kate a success is that she is honest. She continues to speak her truth and not hide behind a facade. Her honesty leads some people to believe that she is fake. She puts it out there and that threatens people."
What color is the sky in sheeple world? I guess it would be whatever color Kate said it was. These are some very sad people if Kate is their life ideal.
Feh... Kate's a closet smoker, huh? Not surprised. I just hope that she has the common sense to smoke far away from her children.
Personally, I don't understand why anyone that is so health conscious, would want to smoke- and she is a RUNNER? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Especially in this day & age where there is so much proof that smoking cigarettes is so dangerous to your health, the health of everyone around you and expensive as well. I just don't get it.
Just about everyone has a family member or friend that has been touched by the ravages of smoking. My family has been touched over and over- my maternal Grandmother; who died from complications of tongue & jaw cancer, smoked her entire life. She started sneaking cigarettes at 13. My paternal Grandmother, also a smoker- died from heart disease. She had 5 heart attacks, plus Emphysema. An uncle died from cancer that started in his lung, and spread into his bones, and ended in his testicles. Another uncle that thankfully is still alive, had to have 1/2 of one lung removed because of cancer. My own dad, has Emphysema because he smoked cigarettes since his teens. I can go on and on.
In show business- the majority of REAL STARS from the 40's, 50's & 60's have died from cancers, or diseases associated with smoking cigarettes. Maybe in their hayday, it was considered cool & sophisticated to smoke. Afterall, they did not know what kind of damage smoking could do.
Anyway, it's not cool anymore. Smokers are treated like lepers- many restrictions where they can smoke.
So, obvious I really can't find the wisdom (if any) of smoking.
P.S. I do not smoke, my husband does not smoke, and our adult children do not smoke.
I am sorry but the new pics of Kate running on Celebrity Gossip look absolutely nothing like the shots on People. I can't believe People stooped that low. And where is her six-pack?
I can't believe we actually have on tape her blowing out her cigarette smoke. Ha! That is why she needed those new white teeth and probalby how she stays on the smaller side...she smokes. Kate is nothing but a compulsive liar.
It's a shame it is grainy because when I watched it on my TV where the quality is much better it is crystal clear that is smoke.
Sorry but I don't see the smoking like everyone else does In the magazine she says she has "earned the right to look good", what about her kids who have earned their parents enough money for a little bit of privacy? Have the kids not earned that right now? I guess now that she has had her bikini shot with People whats next, Playboy? Can she ever go back being the mother instead of a fame whore? Octomom caught so much slack because she did a bikini shot with another magazine and yet this one gets a free pass...I just don't get it.
You may just have to catch this on a rerun if you don't believe it, on your own TV. It comes two minutes into the episode.
I did not check the mini video of Kate smoking, and I refuse to catch it on re-run on t.v.
I'm going to take your word for it, thank you :o)
I don't care if she is caught in still with a needle hanging off her arm...
Do not feed the Katie Munster by tuning in to Kate + 8 please!
Maybe she is really a dragon...
It happens just a little after the 2min mark. She is walking toward Mady and Cara, turns her head and does exhale what looks like smoke. I could clearly see it.
You may just have to catch this on a rerun if you don't believe it, on your own TV. It comes two minutes into the episode.
Since TLC monitors the blogs, I'm sure it's being chopped from the episode as we speak and that 1 second clip will not be on TV again.
it isn't as obvious in Admin's clip for some reason, but if you go to You Tube, it is clear as can be. It's very brief, though. I had to back up and re-watch 2 or 3 times to see it, but once I did, I couldn't believe I missed it before. It's quite obviously smoke, not clouds or whatever. The turning of her head, pursing her lips, etc. are all classic smoker mannerisms as well.
I always tough that Kate was a smoker but if you watch that clip by JJ, I'm not sure she was smoking..Pressie is 100% sure she doesn't smoke. The clip is in slow motion.
That whole area looks blurred out on my computer screen, like they're blurring out some logo that didn't pay to be featured. And my computer screen is LCD. I will take your word for it, though, because TLC is forbidden in my home. Thanks to the person who caught it. The hypocrisy is just so stunning. I would really love a tell-all book. She deserves to be humbled.
Do I believe Kate, the pathological liar, or our awesome Admin? I'm with Admin all the way!
BTW, the slow-mo clip linked above isn't very clear. Try this, and look closely as she turns her head, between 2:22 and 2:25
I saw it clear as day on a TV re-run. The quality of the film was better, on the youtube video it's grainy. That's definately smoke coming from her mouth.
My oldest caught it right away on the you-tube clip.
I have a mom who's a closet smoker. Been one for years. Denies it to this day. Her methods to hide it are the same as Kates. Big purse, lots of gum chewing and perfume. Gum RUINS your teeth as much as smoke does. She's doing herself no favors in any case.
Why hide it? ? Everyone knows, so you may as well go public.
Saw it! Clear as day! Thanks for the link. I think they left it in on purpose. Her facade as health-nut earth mother blew up in TLC's face so now they're getting our attention any way they can. It still won't make me ever turn on TLC and I saw zero adds on youtube, so they gained nothing.
Kate, whatever you do, keep smoking. You are already the most hideous, mean mother I've ever witnessed. God forbid what a raving lunatic nasty bitch you'd be on nicotine withdrawl! Save the Gosselin 8! Keep smoking!
Woo, woo. I finally saw it. I was looking at the wrong frame. It shows up clearly on Youtube,the smoke against the blue of the tent, her turning her head to blow it out. That explains the chopped up editing because she is standing by the girls chomping her gum, but then right after that they show her walking up to the girls from the tent. They show her with the gum in her mouth before the smoke blowing. Great catch. And I agree that it will get edited out by TLC. I wonder who buys her cigs for her? The nanny? Wow. Suntanning and smoking....so smart.
Can someone dvr and post the clip in HD?
So THAT'S how she is doing it... staying all skinny and all... sure one can lose weight if they replace eating w/ smoking. I am surprised that she allowed this to make to air though. Well...once she decides to quit, she will pack it back on.
I don't think Kate was smoking in that particular clip.
What you are seeing are "ripples" from the wind hitting the blue tarp. You can see the blue tarp ripple several times. It's just lighting and angles.
Here is a clearer version of the slow mo clip.
I wanted to make sure I wasn't seeing things. A friend of mine was on vacation -- just got back last evening. She had recorded it. I asked her if she watched it yet. Nope. I told to watch the beach scene, when the girls were surfing, paying close attention to Kate walking out of the tent. I never gave a hint as to what to look for. She called me back. "Kate's smoking!" Bingo.
If you watch it on a large screen television instead of a computer, it's as clear as day. I went back and checked earlier shots of the tent, and there is no haze or smoke on it...no logo that would need to be blurred. My friend says on her television you can see her purse her lips and blow.
"That explains the chopped up editing because she is standing by the girls chomping her gum, but then right after that they show her walking up to the girls from the tent. They show her with the gum in her mouth before the smoke blowing."
Yes. I noticed that. Very chopped up and when I first looked at it I couldn't figure out why they would do that. Now we know.
Look at "Vomit Fest ep 1" on YT. It's the same clip as Admin's but much clearer. You can easily see the smoke .
Kate, like Jon has been a long time smoker, not recent.
This was posted a couple of years ago but not many picked up on that.
TLC Stinks,
I know that Nanny Ashley wouldn't. Perhaps the other My son is going to Liberty U. where Ashley goes and they frown on all things like smoking and drinking, etc.
I actually think Ashley is a good influence on the kids...she's the one that led the prayer at the end of the episode. I just wonder if she's morally conflicted at times when she is with Kate...KWIM? ?
Bodyguard my a$$ said...Everybody, if you haven't seen it, please go tho the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty site. The video shows what photoshop can do in the right hands to make a very tired-looking pale model and turn her into a stark-raving beauty.
Back when Jon and Kate Plus 8 first aired I thought Kate was a nice looking woman even without makeup (until she opened her mouth of course). Now it looks like she like came off the conveyor belt at a Hollywood face factory. Narcissists are never satisfied with themselves so I guess we have to expect the queen of all narcs not to stop at just a tummy tuck and boob implants. She's prone to going to extremes with everything else she does - even having 'just one more baby'.
I wonder who buys her cigs for her? The nanny?
I wonder if Jon would dare to tell us.
DEFINITELY DEFINITELY, SHE LETS OUT A STREAM OF SMOKE. Sorry admin, your clip is very grainy, I was doubting you! :) But if you all go to Youtube (before they take it down) check it out!!
The youtube video is much clearer. It's really hard to see on the video posted here but if you go the youtube there is NO denying it! That is smoke coming out of her mouth...lips pursed and all. Your caught Khate!
Wow. All I can say is wow!
Oh yeah. I didn't see it on the video above, but I sure did see it on the YouTube video. It's as clear as day. She turns her head and there is a puff of white smoke coming right out of her health nut lips.
Funny how she won't put anything unhealthy into her stomach, but her lungs be darned.
I think there are two clips out there.
I've seen the one Preesi has on her site and it cuts away just a milisecond before Kate exhales smoke.
The best video is Kate+8 vomit fest epi 1 CLEARLY shows Kate exhaling smoke. It's quick but it IS there.
Thanks for this, Admin!
I watched the video on You Tube several times yesterday, trying to spot it and couldn't. But I was looking too soon, as she was just walking out of the tent.
Today I saw it clearly--she turns her head and smoke rolls out of her mouth. You can see the movement of it and the gray color. The You Tube video is definitely easier to see because it's slower.
I'm with everyone else. The number of lies are appalling.
And on Sage's (pro-Kate) site, one of her fans wrote:
"I backed the dvr up several times.Yes, there was smoke coming out of Kate's mouth and TLC missed the edit cut...timed it too late. So what, it's probably how she lost some of the weight and it's probably why she chews gum all the time. I'm sure the future airings will have that cut out. No worries."
So, the honest fans are admitting it too but excusing it.
Yes, it is clear as day that she turns her head to the side and blows out smoke. It looks very natural to her, just like one who has smoked for awhile. I don't think she knew the cameras were on her. Just another lie. Wasn't there a little tidbit back about someone seeing her hold a cigarette at the beach...maybe like last summer? Does anyone know?
i watched all the youtube links here and the *smoke* is there on the blue tent before during and after kate's head turns sideways. i think it's a blurred name on the tent, like they do when a company isn't paying for the product placement.
also there is no way kate or anyone would have held the smoke in that long. nor do i believe that if kate smoked tlc would have allowed that in...neither would kate.
Watch the YouTube video, and it's about 2:22 minute segment. You can clearly see the smoke coming out of her mouth as she turns her head.
BerksPa said...."Why hide it? ? Everyone knows, so you may as well go public."
LOL! She still refuses to admit to the two silicone filled funbags she had surgically implanted 18 mos. ago, she's never going to admit to a filthy habit she can do out of sight!
This seems to be the best clip:
I missed it the first few times myself, it's very quick, but when you catch it there's no doubt that's cigarette smoke.
Although I do think that she is a closet smoker, if you go to jj's site I think you'll find that it's just a ripple in the tent caused by the wind.
Hypocrite, phony, thy name is Kate Gosselin. When the lips are moving, she is lying. This is such a sad state of affairs when such a low-class grifter is rewarded with cover after cover on PEOPLE magazine. I feel so sorry for the kids. Jon isn't getting a pass from me, either. He has been in on the lies since the very beginning, before the HOM's were born. I hope someday this family fades away into the countryside.
Yeps. I saw it with the link. Thanks.
Of course BabyMama says Kate isn't smoking. She always very definitely makes statements as fact about Kate. What is really ticking her off is that Kate didn't clear this with her first. You know, the uber fan gets all the new scoop. What a joke.
That is clearly smoke and if you saw the original video it is blatantly apparent. It will be easy for the fans to refute because they see what they want and ignore the rest. Who cares? She is smoking. Blatantly. She got caught. If she didn't lie every time her mouth opens it wouldn't be so bad. A lot of people smoke. It doesn't make them bad people, they just picked up a bad habit and a very addictive one and hard to quit one. But it doesn't make them bad. What makes them bad is throwing someone under the bus for doing it all the while they are doing it as well. Jon is a saint compared to this lying piece of trash. He doesn't throw her under the bus for her behavior. One time he said he despised her. Once. He apologized. Is that good enough? Never. He didn't prostrate himself in front of the fans. He doesn't talk bad about her. But it still doesn't matter, he's the enemy.
She was smoking fans. Get over it.
I see the smoke. And she is coming from the tent, where I'm sure her cigarette is sitting (or could it be the film crew's and she is taking hits from it?). Explains why her face looks so old when there is no airbrushing. And why she is constantly chewing gum and swinging her feet. She does hold her hands in a way that a smoker does. My dad has all his life and I know the motions.
Very obvious. She turns her head to shoot it out to the side and it expels directly from her mouth. Not clouds.
Remember in season 5 when Can-Do Kate had to light the campfire in their new backyard? She used a cigarette lighter, which she had no problems using.
That was always odd to me, because I thought she was a non-smoker (having never seen her smoke) and, as a non-smoker myself, I've never used a cigarette lighter or had one in my house.
I do, however, have a barbecue lighter which I would prefer because of the long nozzle (flame further from my finger).
In some of the old discussions, people mentioned that it might have been Jon's lighter he left around the house.
With Kate as a closet smoker, it all makes sense now.
OK, I watched it. I don't believe it's smoke. It looks like the sun's glare on the tent roof. She was just letting out a boredom sigh at the wrong moment.
Was this just a case of slopping editing by TLC? Or was it deliberately planned for publicity, a desperate attempt for ratings if viewers tuned in to future shows just to see if there were any more indications of smoking?
Yeah, TLC. Have Kate or Jon do a reality show about stopping smoking and the hell one goes through, better yet...how not to start again and how to quit again, through stress.
I'm beginning to wonder if this is just an "easter egg" from TLC for all the "haterz" and bloggers. They know some of us cannot help but watch this trainwreck, so they purposely leave these tiny clips knowing nitpicky viewers might catch them and stir a frenzy. (Just like "Lost" with its numbers, literary references, etc.)
Look what has happened...people are now trying to watch the episode on youtube to really see it for their own eyes. Do you see the puff of smoke or not? If the video is grainy, now's the reason to watch a Kate Plus 8 re-run (just for a puff of smoke!).
Just like the other "easter egg", Mady's comment during the sextuplet's sixth birthday. It riled us up cause it was so disturbing, how could TLC/Figure 8 forget to edit it out (although it apparently is edited out in the half-hour version).
It's like a game for TLC, will these nitpicky viewers find this "easter egg" then cause mass speculation among the blogs, giving people a reason to re-watch the episode (even when they originally had not intended to)?
TLC masterfully released images of kids with no life-jackets, vomiting on a boat as previews/webisodes prior to the first telecast. What happened? 26,000 more viewers tuned-in this week claiming they had to see it for themselves. Our wonderful admin, who has demonstrated to be honest and truthful with her recaps, isn't enough for some...they have to see it with their own eyes.
We've played into TLC's hands. Even if Kate is creating her own demise, we've shown TLC what we want to see - what it will take to draw more viewers i.e. increase ratings. People will tune-out for a mundane episode but show us something disturbing and we'll tune-in and cannot stop talking about it.
Although ratings are dismal and Kate Plus 8 is probably on its way out, the show still continues to live one more day.
I did not see the smoke in the grainy video posted above. I thought for sure it was the white behind her on the tent. THEN I watched the following YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMWvFIXNMXA&feature=player_embedded
And it is definitely smoke coming from her mouth. Any disbelievers, watch the YouTube video. It changed my mind and I am convinced now. So when will TLC demand that all these "smoking" videos be removed from YouTube? How long can TLC continue to whitewash Kate and hide the truth? The public is not stupid - no matter how hard TLC tries to treat us that way!
Regarding the "cud" chewing, there is NOTHING less lacking in class than to chew gum in public. Judges will not abide it in their courtrooms from witnesses, and nothing says low class more than chomping gum. If you're gonna do it, do it in private.
I really hope she doesn't use her kids to help pay for chemo if she gets cancer.
IMHO she already looks much older than 30 something (neck wrinkles, for examples). Smoking and tanning will do that.
Please don't let this issue take the focus away from stopping the abuse of the kids.
To me, this is a non-issue. Kate lies, we all know that. We need to focus on getting the kids off tv and having a childhood.
The numbers are up this week because of the looky-loos. You are not helping the kids when you tune in.
Boycott TLC. Free the Gosselin 8\
MissyHatesKate said...
I did not see the smoke in the grainy video posted above. I thought for sure it was the white behind her on the tent. THEN I watched the following YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMWvFIXNMXA&feature=player_embedded
And it is definitely smoke coming from her mouth. Any disbelievers, watch the YouTube video. It changed my mind and I am convinced now. So when will TLC demand that all these "smoking" videos be removed from YouTube? How long can TLC continue to whitewash Kate and hide the truth? The public is not stupid - no matter how hard TLC tries to treat us that way!
September 16, 2010 11:56 AM
i watched this video and i zoomed in on the screen really trying to see it and i still don't see it. i do see the white blur on the tent but i see it on the side of the tent when the wind blows as well. i also noticed that when her head turns to the side it is down a little and not up the way a smoker would blow smoke. since her head was down a little if it was smoke it would go down and not out to the side.
@MissyHatesKate: Thank you for that link. Now it is perfectly clear to me that she was smoking. So obvious in fact that it seemed like she should be holding a cocktail in her other hand, LOL.
Maybe her "low blood sugar" is she needs a
It's easy to see once you spot her blowing smoke around the 2:25 mark on youtube. If anyone thinks her smoking isn't a big deal, then why isn't she shown smoking a cigarette in any episodes? Anyone think the sponsors and advertisers would care if she is smoking on camera?
To Laura D.
Look at the one on Utube and not the grainy one on this blog. It is smoke
From the pictures I saw, it sure looked like she was blowing smoke from the way her cheeks looked. They (her cheeks) were more puffed, she blew out, and then they were smoother. I saw that first even before I saw or looked for any smoke.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's backside if Kate smokes. But to expose your children -- or any children -- to second hand smoke is outrageously negligent parenting.
When I first saw this, I thought the "smoke" was a cloud. It looked like there were clouds in the sky behind her, and the grainy still photo you have above looks like a cloud (I didn't realize, at first, that was a blue tent immediately behind her, and not the sky- therefore not possible for the smoke to be a cloud).
However, I went and looked at it on Youtube (thanks to those who provided links) and its true, that at 2:25 she turns her head and blows out smoke. The puff of smoke is thin, translucent, and it moves through the air as it comes out of her mouth. When you see the Youtube video, you realize it is a blue tent behind her that is the background for her blowing out the smoke, and not the sky (which is what I thought when I saw the grainy photos above). There ARE no clouds. It's the blue tent with the white cigarette smoke in front of it. Watch the Youtube video!
Go to Preesi's site and scroll down to the two moving images of Kate walking towards the children. The images are very clear, not grainy at all:
I don't know how anyone could see her cheeks puffing out. LOL People's cheeks don't fill with smoke like a chipmunk's. I'm not sure what I'm seeing. Preesi is saying it is the tarp moving, since you can see "smoke" in both images. The "smoke" also appears to be coming from her chin area, not the mouth.
Having said that, I'm done with dwelling on whether she's smoking or not. No doubt people will be tuning in to next week's show to look for evidence of smoking.
As much as I don't want to defend Kate I really don't think its smoke. If you watch the tent the whole time the wind is causing it to have a wave like motion. This motion causes the color of the tent to appear to change, looking kind of white gray. I believe that's what is making the smoke like image.
It is not the smoking that is wrong, well it is wrong on so many levels. It is the lying and presenting herself as someone than who she really is.
Concerning the obvious boob job, all the Housewives of NY and NJ own up to their augmentations and no one cares. I and am sure most of you woudn't care either but say only what is true. Is that too much?
I saw Pressi's video. If you look closly the reeds in the background are not swaying. If the winds were strong enough to cause the tent to sway, the reeds would also be moving. They are not. There is no wind. I couldn't care if Kate is a smoker. The issue isn't the smoking, it is the lying.
I think it should be addressed whether she smokes or not. (fat chance of that happening) She's been a spokesperson for a whole gammut of "organic" foods, she professes to always eat and live a VERY healthy lifestyle blah blah blah... IF she does smoke, then it's yet ANOTHER lie and falisty(is that a word?) about her. She's a manufactured piece of s$#@ that can't be controlled. IF she's soooo educated on how to live "healthyish" does she know what is in cigarettes???? Arsenic, Benzine, PESTICIDES, Formeldehyde, Amonia, CYANIDE...I posted earlier, admin's link is grainy and I really didn't see it, BUT if you check out YOUTUBE it's CLEAR AS DAY!
JC said...
As much as I don't want to defend Kate I really don't think its smoke. If you watch the tent the whole time the wind is causing it to have a wave like motion. This motion causes the color of the tent to appear to change, looking kind of white gray. I believe that's what is making the smoke like image.
I'm leaning toward that as well. This whole things reminds me of a documentary I saw not long ago about how people can watch or hear the very same thing, and all have a different description of it.
The You Tube link given above is as clear as day, no doubt she was smoking! Really, I could care less if she smokes or not, but I wish she would stop throwing her children's (AKA her Moneymakers)father under the bus for smoking and her Sister In Law for giving her kids gum when she constantly chews gum like a cow, even when speaking and on camera.
She doesn't get it & she probably never will. She is so lucky to have eight beautiful, healthy children. Even though she has shown callous disregard for them via their constant lack of privacy from her having their bowel movements, fecal impactions and sleeping in vomit filmed for posterity because she feels that these actions contribute to our prime time family viewing pleasure (combined with the fact that she said that we, "society", are responsible to assist her financially because the use of fertility drugs is allowed), I'll bet they would kill to have her look at them/pay attention to them just once with the joy and glee reserved for the way she looks at the cameras!
In spite of all the work done on her, she still looks awful, dead from within, a cold heart. True beauty is skin deep and natural, not contrived & can't be bought. She actually has jowls from the scowl she is often seen wearing while "off camera".
If she does everything for her kids (which she is supposed to AS A PARENT), she should do everything she can to make sure she stays around and stays healthy for them. Miss Organic lollipops, who says that organic milk is a rare treat in their house because it is too cost prohibitive, could surely funnel some $$ the kids have earned for her (or use some of the $20K a month their father's court-ordered child support) from her ciggie fund and buy a few gallons of organic milk to go with their meal of 5 grapes, 5 crackers and their 1/4 organic peanut butter and fluff sandwich each.
As an adult, she can do as she pleases, but if she is so worried why she is so unliked, she needs to take a good look at herself, as all of us adults should from time to time. She really needs to stop putting people down in print & on camera for the very same things she does herself, embrace her family instead of having a production company and publicist do damage control with the public..
If the wind is blowing the tent that hard, then why isn't it blowing the sea grass (reeds) in the background, and whipping up the twins' hair? Why isn't it blowing the fringe on the tent, or the bottom of the tent flap? If you check out other footage, there is a mild breeze, but it's blowing south to north, not north to south!
I dunno...just asking.
I don't believe Kate is smoking. I doubt that something like that could be hidden especially with so many people not liking her. I do feel very sorry for her children and wish she would see that the children aren't there to make her famous. Someday she will realize the impact she made on her children's lives and why they don't seek comfort in her.
Ridiculous comments chick doesnt smoke was a instructor for the lesson get a life
Ridiculous comments chick doesnt smoke was a instructor for the lesson get a life
If the wind is blowing the tent that hard, then why isn't it blowing the sea grass (reeds) in the background, and whipping up the twins' hair? Why isn't it blowing the fringe on the tent, or the bottom of the tent flap? If you check out other footage, there is a mild breeze, but it's blowing south to north, not north to south!
I dunno...just asking.
The You Tube link given above is as clear as day, no doubt she was smoking! Really, I could care less if she smokes or not, but I wish she would stop throwing her children's (AKA her Moneymakers)father under the bus for smoking and her Sister In Law for giving her kids gum when she constantly chews gum like a cow, even when speaking and on camera.
She doesn't get it & she probably never will. She is so lucky to have eight beautiful, healthy children. Even though she has shown callous disregard for them via their constant lack of privacy from her having their bowel movements, fecal impactions and sleeping in vomit filmed for posterity because she feels that these actions contribute to our prime time family viewing pleasure (combined with the fact that she said that we, "society", are responsible to assist her financially because the use of fertility drugs is allowed), I'll bet they would kill to have her look at them/pay attention to them just once with the joy and glee reserved for the way she looks at the cameras!
In spite of all the work done on her, she still looks awful, dead from within, a cold heart. True beauty is skin deep and natural, not contrived & can't be bought. She actually has jowls from the scowl she is often seen wearing while "off camera".
If she does everything for her kids (which she is supposed to AS A PARENT), she should do everything she can to make sure she stays around and stays healthy for them. Miss Organic lollipops, who says that organic milk is a rare treat in their house because it is too cost prohibitive, could surely funnel some $$ the kids have earned for her (or use some of the $20K a month their father's court-ordered child support) from her ciggie fund and buy a few gallons of organic milk to go with their meal of 5 grapes, 5 crackers and their 1/4 organic peanut butter and fluff sandwich each.
As an adult, she can do as she pleases, but if she is so worried why she is so unliked, she needs to take a good look at herself, as all of us adults should from time to time. She really needs to stop putting people down in print & on camera for the very same things she does herself, embrace her family instead of having a production company and publicist do damage control with the public..
It is not the smoking that is wrong, well it is wrong on so many levels. It is the lying and presenting herself as someone than who she really is.
Concerning the obvious boob job, all the Housewives of NY and NJ own up to their augmentations and no one cares. I and am sure most of you woudn't care either but say only what is true. Is that too much?
When I first saw this, I thought the "smoke" was a cloud. It looked like there were clouds in the sky behind her, and the grainy still photo you have above looks like a cloud (I didn't realize, at first, that was a blue tent immediately behind her, and not the sky- therefore not possible for the smoke to be a cloud).
However, I went and looked at it on Youtube (thanks to those who provided links) and its true, that at 2:25 she turns her head and blows out smoke. The puff of smoke is thin, translucent, and it moves through the air as it comes out of her mouth. When you see the Youtube video, you realize it is a blue tent behind her that is the background for her blowing out the smoke, and not the sky (which is what I thought when I saw the grainy photos above). There ARE no clouds. It's the blue tent with the white cigarette smoke in front of it. Watch the Youtube video!
Wow. All I can say is wow!
DEFINITELY DEFINITELY, SHE LETS OUT A STREAM OF SMOKE. Sorry admin, your clip is very grainy, I was doubting you! :) But if you all go to Youtube (before they take it down) check it out!!
Bodyguard my a$$ said...Everybody, if you haven't seen it, please go tho the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty site. The video shows what photoshop can do in the right hands to make a very tired-looking pale model and turn her into a stark-raving beauty.
Back when Jon and Kate Plus 8 first aired I thought Kate was a nice looking woman even without makeup (until she opened her mouth of course). Now it looks like she like came off the conveyor belt at a Hollywood face factory. Narcissists are never satisfied with themselves so I guess we have to expect the queen of all narcs not to stop at just a tummy tuck and boob implants. She's prone to going to extremes with everything else she does - even having 'just one more baby'.
"That explains the chopped up editing because she is standing by the girls chomping her gum, but then right after that they show her walking up to the girls from the tent. They show her with the gum in her mouth before the smoke blowing."
Yes. I noticed that. Very chopped up and when I first looked at it I couldn't figure out why they would do that. Now we know.
So THAT'S how she is doing it... staying all skinny and all... sure one can lose weight if they replace eating w/ smoking. I am surprised that she allowed this to make to air though. Well...once she decides to quit, she will pack it back on.
Woo, woo. I finally saw it. I was looking at the wrong frame. It shows up clearly on Youtube,the smoke against the blue of the tent, her turning her head to blow it out. That explains the chopped up editing because she is standing by the girls chomping her gum, but then right after that they show her walking up to the girls from the tent. They show her with the gum in her mouth before the smoke blowing. Great catch. And I agree that it will get edited out by TLC. I wonder who buys her cigs for her? The nanny? Wow. Suntanning and smoking....so smart.
My oldest caught it right away on the you-tube clip.
I have a mom who's a closet smoker. Been one for years. Denies it to this day. Her methods to hide it are the same as Kates. Big purse, lots of gum chewing and perfume. Gum RUINS your teeth as much as smoke does. She's doing herself no favors in any case.
Why hide it? ? Everyone knows, so you may as well go public.
BTW, the slow-mo clip linked above isn't very clear. Try this, and look closely as she turns her head, between 2:22 and 2:25
It happens just a little after the 2min mark. She is walking toward Mady and Cara, turns her head and does exhale what looks like smoke. I could clearly see it.
I did not check the mini video of Kate smoking, and I refuse to catch it on re-run on t.v.
I'm going to take your word for it, thank you :o)
I don't care if she is caught in still with a needle hanging off her arm...
Do not feed the Katie Munster by tuning in to Kate + 8 please!
It's a shame it is grainy because when I watched it on my TV where the quality is much better it is crystal clear that is smoke.
Feh... Kate's a closet smoker, huh? Not surprised. I just hope that she has the common sense to smoke far away from her children.
Personally, I don't understand why anyone that is so health conscious, would want to smoke- and she is a RUNNER? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Especially in this day & age where there is so much proof that smoking cigarettes is so dangerous to your health, the health of everyone around you and expensive as well. I just don't get it.
Just about everyone has a family member or friend that has been touched by the ravages of smoking. My family has been touched over and over- my maternal Grandmother; who died from complications of tongue & jaw cancer, smoked her entire life. She started sneaking cigarettes at 13. My paternal Grandmother, also a smoker- died from heart disease. She had 5 heart attacks, plus Emphysema. An uncle died from cancer that started in his lung, and spread into his bones, and ended in his testicles. Another uncle that thankfully is still alive, had to have 1/2 of one lung removed because of cancer. My own dad, has Emphysema because he smoked cigarettes since his teens. I can go on and on.
In show business- the majority of REAL STARS from the 40's, 50's & 60's have died from cancers, or diseases associated with smoking cigarettes. Maybe in their hayday, it was considered cool & sophisticated to smoke. Afterall, they did not know what kind of damage smoking could do.
Anyway, it's not cool anymore. Smokers are treated like lepers- many restrictions where they can smoke.
So, obvious I really can't find the wisdom (if any) of smoking.
P.S. I do not smoke, my husband does not smoke, and our adult children do not smoke.
Everybody, if you haven't seen it, please go tho the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty site. The video shows what photoshop can do in the right hands to make a very tired-looking pale model and turn her into a stark-raving beauty. All girls and young women should see what is really done to make these people impossibly beautiful. No one you see in magazines really looks that way in real
life...especially that low-class grifter, Kate. Show it to your daughters. My daughter's school sent it via email to every student and parent. It's that important.
This one is a pretty shocking bit of news to me. I never would have imagined, despite all the things Kate has said and done, that she would smoke. Not that I judge her for smoking (with all the other things she had done like lied, emasculated her husband, used her kids as a checking account etc...). But it is surprising to me that she does.
Not that I'm putting her on the same level, but lets face it, our own president smokes (and many previous presidents and first ladies did as well) so I guess it shouldn't be too much of a shock.
Remember a few years ago when Heather Locklear got pulled over for DUI? I can remember the pap shots of her pacing outside of her car when the cops were there and she was smoking in the pics. She was another one who I was shocked to see smoking too.
Oh well, what can you do? It's a vice that is hard to give up once you start.
But yes, I agree with everyone who has said, about Kate, that this just another lie that she lives such a healthy lifestyle.
I wonder if the editor of this episode is going to be fire by TLC for letting that little scene slip by, or did TLC allow it in the ep on purpose?
I don't care if she smokes. In an evil way, I'm glad she does. It makes people age like crazy and along with the tanning and boozing, she'll look 60 soon. But the hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Smoke away Kate. And nothing, I mean NOTHING hides that smell. It comes from the lungs, and lungs can't chew gum. Did anyone ever teach her to close her mouth when she chews? What a pig! Those poor kids. Who will ever teach them common manners? To think she is the role model for five girls. And that old saying that boys marry someone like their mother...God help those Gosselin boys.
I didn't see it in the video at all. What am I missing?
I don't care whether Kate Gosselin smokes or no. However I DO care that it's just one more example of her very public dishonesty. Not defending Jon, but we all watched as he was drawn and quartered in the media and on the blogs for the same behavior a year or more ago. But hasn't that always been the case...from her days of sitting on the plastic lawn chair barking orders at him, to her "love taps", to her constant leaving of those children while she pursues her pipedream of stardom, to her now filming 4 children vomiting in public and doing NOTHING that a normal mother would do in these circumstances. He has been judged very harshly by self-righteous biddies who have, at the same time, constantly given Kate a pass and made excuses for her indefensible behavior as a mother and as a spouse. She has adopted another woman's husband as her substitute spouse and while it certainly doesn't pass my smell-test, it seems acceptable to everyone else. Whether she is sleeping with the bodyguard or not, his constant presence as a substitute husband and now father to those kids, gives a very clear impression of impropriety. Every time a new example of her outright dishonesty and questionable behaviors/activities is put out there...I can't help thinking - what screaming and gnashing of teeth from the biddies would occur if the shoe were on the other foot and Jon was the perpetrator? What if it had been Jon who dragged his kids around to various worksites all summer? What if Jon was taking sunset walks on the beach with an "employee" while nannies took care of his kids? What if Jon ducked into a tent for a smoke before the next "take" by a film crew? What if Jon left the care of 4 seasick children to nannies and his female bodyguard while he focused all of his attention on fishing? Or if he went on television one morning to trash his ex-wife on national TV only to board a plane for a 6-star resort with his concubine that afternoon? I can't even imagine the fallout he would have been subjected to. Her (seemingly) pathological need to lie and insinuate and set herself up as the greatest mom in the US is what bothers me the most. And worse, that she's allowed to get away with it. Smoking is the least of it. When will Kate go under the same sort of microscope her ex-husband has been subjected to?
Good job with the photo, Admin. I know you had trouble with it. You done just fine!
How are the sheeple explaining this? Let me guess, it was cold on the beach, her breath was warm, and this is condensation? Or...Steve is the one who was smoking, she had just kissed him, he gave her his smoke, and she was trying to exhale it!
What is she doing with the butts? Littering the pristine beaches at BHI? So much for going green!
"Kate Gosselin still denies any romance with Steve Neild, but then why was she seen smooching with her longtime bodyguard on a beach in Mexico?"
Bill Zwecker Chigaco Sun Times ET columinst
When kate opens her mouth ...you can pretty much be sure that she is lying!BAD MOM! She is a very BAD MOM! She is ONLY a mom when she's being paid to play one on tv.
If you pause at 0.08-0.09 you can see that fuzzy white blur remain in the background without moving.
Freeze-framed it appears to be smoke, but it doesn't fade away into the air.
I think she's standing in front of something that gives the illusion of smoke, but I'd put my money that it isn't.
There's no way she would smoke anywhere near cameras.
I do believe she's a smoker b/c Jon wouldn't have picked up the habit at 30 and she couldn't have lived with a smoker had she not been one herself.
I slowed it down and increased brightness and contrast. I see a distinct plume of smoke that goes outward. The slowed audio sound like jurassic park, but hey, it's appropriate.
I wonder why so many things are getting past the film editors (or whatever they are called) at Figure 8 Productions.
First the Jamie comment and now the puff of smoke that won't quit. Don't they want Kate's image to be impeccable?
Admin, is it possible to post the video called Kate+8 vomit fest epi 1. This is the best version of the puff of smoke.
Well, well, well! It will be very interesting to see how her "fans" will be defending this new little glitch in kate's healthy, fit lifestyle! Just another way to be a good role model to her 8-count them-8 organically fed children. Shame, shame, shame!
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