1.0/2 HH
- 0.7/2 A18-49
Ratings are up slightly which is disappointing, but with not one sighting of the children filming all month long, does it even matter? No filming = no show. Meanwhile DWTS did very well, just slightly less than last season's premiere.

33 sediments (sic) from readers:
I'm shocked, just blown away. WHO IS WATCHING? Horny guys looking for a MILF? Also, I thought the official ratings were not totally compiled and released until the Wednesday after the show. Please don't watch, people. I haven't watched in two years. It was hard to break the "let's watch the train wreck" habit, but it has to be done to save the G8.
Admin, this has nothing specifically to do with your post but I thought this story was interesting, especially the lawyer's quote. Sounds familiar, eh?
Oh well, no worries, it will go away sooner than later, with no episodes in the can and Kate becoming more distasteful to the general public by the day. What has been shown is so gross - she forgot to buy part of the kids' uniforms because she was so absorbed in buying more stilettos for herself the week after she allowed their seasickness to be broadcast while she talked about it. She'll get her comeuppance soon enough. Yes, the kids are being damaged of course, but I really think the end is near for her. Americans may love train wrecks, but another one comes along to get our attention while the last one is still smoldering. I don't even think she'll be a 'fringe person' in a year.
Don't worry, be happy!
I'm chilling the champagne as I write this.
Who wants to fix the canapes?
Although on a brighter note, it's sure not much of a ratings boost considering she's on the cover of the current issue of People.
Hopefully Jon's head is finally screwed on right and he won't sign any more contracts with TLC. If Kate wants to do a show by herself that's her business. Filming the kids is Jon's business and when the contract's up he has the power to end it.
I really want to believe that because the kids haven't been seen filming, i.e. pap photos, that this show is finally canceled. However, knowing Kate and TLC's antics, I won't believe it until there is some factual proof.
These latest ratings showed that Kate Plus 8 (even with a mundane storyline) can stand on its own, even with huge competition from the big networks' premiere night. Those ratings are good for a TLC show.
TLC and Kate might be awaiting the outcome of the upcoming hearings on child labor laws and custody before making any decision on Kate Plus 8.
Unfortunately, things have gone their way lately, but hopefully the tables finally turn.
I believe I heard that DWTS ratings were 35 percent higher than last season...according to Good Morning America this morning. Who is watching her show anyways?
I was certainly wrong about the ratings. Who the heck watched it?
I saw it on you tube tonight, and was left wondering why Kate had children at all. She complains about every, and I mean each and every little thing. She shows no joy in her role as a mother.
How do we know these actual numbers are true ratings? TLC is so manipulative and such a huge fraud they could post any number they want. It could well have been under one million but I don't think they'd post that. No, they would post the one they did as an "in your face haters".
People magazine must have pulled higher ratings in for her. More curious onlookers no doubt. How many kids vomited on this episode?
So, is the contract to film the 8 up in October? Maybe this is why Kate has been gunning for John as of late. Since the ratings are not continuing to decline, perhaps the stop in the kids filming has to do with Jon refusing to renew the contract, you know he is not a "contract honorer." Maybe TLC is just laying low until Murt's hearing is over. Well, this will end, I just hope sooner than later. Those children are getting too old to film. Of course Kate would much rather have her own show where she is the star. The bikini shots on People could be the first step in announcing her dating show. Now wouldn't that be lovely for the children? Their Mom hooking up on TV? God knows she has the outfits for it.
Kate has won. We have lost. She is laughing her butt off all the way to the bank.
Next for Kate is fitness guru: books, covers on Shape magazine and Runner's World etc.
Sadly, it looks like Kate is here to stay. As long as she has the backing of the big guns she will find a way to stay in the spotlight. One can only hope as the children continue to grow and become more adult like and she continues to regress to become more child like the tide will turn against her.
If that is the 'kick' that the People photo spread was supposed to generate, then I think it's a pretty sad rating. From what I can garner, the shows average ratings (without any publicity kick-ups) are around 1.4. Not bad for a reality show, however bad for Kate because the show received at least 900k - 1mil more viewers when Jon was there. Her cost per episode is pretty high when set against other similar shows.
Looking forward to NOT seeing her everywhere anymore.
I agree that Kate shows no joy in being a mother. She is put out by everything she does with the kids. Now, when it's about her, she is all smiles and fluffy. This is so sickening with this "mine, all mine" attitude of hers. It truly is "see me, see me." I add my question, "Who in the world is watching this shrew?" In my household, we have already "stuck a fork in it." You better have a back-up plan, Kate, cause this will not last forever. Pitiful, really. By the way, last time I looked, Hooker attire was not in fashion! Just saying...
I wonder if people who like watching the kids but not the trips tuned in b/c it was advertised as doing more "normal" stuff.
I think that the people who watched were those that tuned in to see LPBW and then wanted to see Quints by Surprise (is that the name?) and were too lazy to turn the channel during K+8. It's a network trick that is used with many, many shows to try and garner viewers. If you look back you'll find that when her ratings started to drop they switched from the one hour format to the 1/2 hour and sandwiched her beteen two other shows. I'll bet if TLC hadn't done that and they'd left her in the one hour format ratings would still be down. It's all smoke and mirrors....razzle dazzle - TLC wants everyone to think she's still relevant. They just don't want to let the old dog lay down and die.
As I suspected more people tuned in which means this show is not going away anytime soon. Kate can still bring in ratings even after saying mean things about Jon on tv. She is rewarded for this behaviour by those who love and hate her because it seems more and more people are tuning into to see this controversial woman named Kate. I understand Admin watches to provide us the recap but for those who are againtst the kids being filmed I really don't get why they are tuning in? Why not just wait for the recap from Admin?
Sharon here- So, I caught the new show with the Latino tups from Queens. That family lives in a super small house- I mean TINY! The parents seem to get along much better than J+K (from season 1)and I loved the fact that the dad plays guitar and every night before the kids go to bed, they have a music fest with the kids all dancing around- so cute. I didn't like seeing them get a bath as that was invasive. I did like that the mom loves to cook and made a fierce Spanish meal for the family- and it was a dish that takes a long time to make. (can't spell but it was pallella) Didn't like that they showed the same type of thing- kids get a haircut and go to the eye doctor- same ole formula! I still can't believe that Khate makes her kids wear velcro shoes- she's too lazy to teach them how to tie their own shoes. (didn't watch the show- saw the promos and read about it) Personally, I don't think her ratings are enough to justify her salary and hopefully, since TLC is not gonna stop these shows- my hope is the newer ones get higher ratings so the advertisers will move their bucks and Khate will eventually get cancelled- sooner than later! I loathe Kate and her entire brand!
Marge said... Kate has won. We have lost. She is laughing her butt off all the way to the bank.
Kate has won in one are and one area alone--she is rich and famous. To most of us, that is not a win at all. That is simply being rich and famous.
She has lost her friends, her family, her husband. She has lost the opportunity to raise children in a two-parent home. Her friends are all paid. Her children are raised by nannies. She is a bitter and unhappy person who only calms down when she is controlling things down to the very last thread, like Temple Grandin's cow machine she used to calm her down. She has pissed away her children's privacy, perhaps forever. She is done damage to them we can't even measure right now. She has changed the direction of their entire lives.
I don't care if the ratings are 30 million, Kate has lost and lost big time.
Could it be that people that watched LPBW and the show following K+8 were counted if they didn't switch channels fast enough before K+8 or caught the very end when tuning in to the show that was following? I don't watch so I don't know if there is a commercial break before or after. I do know that some shows that I record aren't perfectly on time and my dvr will record the end of the show before or some of the beginning of the next show. It that's the case that could account for some of the extra viewers.
I suppose it all depends on perspective, Admin. You are right in your assessment of what she is doing to her children. It's just a shame that someone with such a nasty, vile temperament can become 'rich and famous'. And people keep watching. Says something to me about there being a LOT of people who are just like her. And they probably lead lives of quiet desperation and they like seeing that someone like them win. Nothing else makes sense. I suppose we should feel good that she is so miserable with all her worldly goods and no matter what she gets she is never happy. She just wants more and more. Now she wants a man. This may be the first thing she wants that she will never get. After seeing how she treats people why would any man go near her -- plus she has 8 kids. For most men, no amount of money in the world would be worth it.
Actually I agree with others who thought this slight increase was poor news for the show. If a cover on People and her scandal mongering only garnered that little of an increase... I expect the ratings to decline over time.
She doesn't really want a man; that's one for the PR. Just like she doesn't really want children. She wants the fame, the money and the attention. She has ruined all personal and family relationships because in her "me, me all the time" world they are not nearly as important as she is to herself. Yes, it's galling when someone like her garners attention, fame and money, but honestly it's fleeting. We all know that. She's sad and pathetic, and down the road she is going to be painfully alone. Karma is a bitch.
I really don't think those ratings are anything spectacular. From what I've read cited elsewhere, they are down almost 1/2 from the JON and Kate plus 8 days, pre-divorce; I've read where they averaged 2.9-3.4 million viewers per episode. And TLC paid a whole lot less out to them per episode then as well.
The FIRST Kate plus 8 pulled in numbers like their original format did, but it went downhill from there. It took them almost a month to make up the ground back to ratings as of 8-30-10 (1.61m) - the following week 1.38m, then 1.41, and now 1.60 as of 09-20-10. Nothing spectacular.
I doubt if their advertisers are dancing for joy.
Who is still watching Kate and why? Just curious.
You can always watch it on You Tube if you are simply curious. I have a problem with adding to her ratings, simply put.
Andrea said...
How do we know these actual numbers are true ratings? TLC is so manipulative and such a huge fraud they could post any number they want. It could well have been under one million but I don't think they'd post that. No, they would post the one they did as an "in your face haters".
The ratings are tracked by an independent entity, not by TLC. Everything isn't a conspiracy.
No, Marge. She didn't win. She is no doubt wringing her hands, staying awake nights, trying to figure out how she is going to keep herself well-known because she really doesn't have much in the way of talent. They featured her because she had sextuplets...but where to go from here? She's hinted that she'd like a talk show, she'd like a mic in front of her....nothing's really panning out.
Kate has won nothing. The Tibetan Book of The Dead talks about the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts.
Thats what Kate is.
She will always be hungry. She will never, ever be happy or satisfied or feel a moment's true peace.
She'll never have enough money or fame or shoes or power.
The kids will grow up, and I pray to God that will be able to live relatively normal, happy lives.
Kate will be alone, wanting more.
Alex, as I explained about 25 times, this blog was started to chronicle the Gosselin DIVORCE. I am a family law attorney who has practiced divorce law and I was getting annoyed at all the misinformation out there. This blog started right around the same time Jon stopped the filming the first time. It is a Gosselin blog and although I def. want the kids off TV that is not the one and only sole purpose of this blog. If you don't like this blog don't come here, why are you bothered by this?
Kate has won nothing. The Tibetan Book of The Dead talks about the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts.
Thats what Kate is.
She will always be hungry. She will never, ever be happy or satisfied or feel a moment's true peace.
She'll never have enough money or fame or shoes or power.
The kids will grow up, and I pray to God that will be able to live relatively normal, happy lives.
Kate will be alone, wanting more.
Oh well, no worries, it will go away sooner than later, with no episodes in the can and Kate becoming more distasteful to the general public by the day. What has been shown is so gross - she forgot to buy part of the kids' uniforms because she was so absorbed in buying more stilettos for herself the week after she allowed their seasickness to be broadcast while she talked about it. She'll get her comeuppance soon enough. Yes, the kids are being damaged of course, but I really think the end is near for her. Americans may love train wrecks, but another one comes along to get our attention while the last one is still smoldering. I don't even think she'll be a 'fringe person' in a year.
Don't worry, be happy!
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