Coming up, how many ways can a control freak micromanage back to school preparations? As many as there are shoes in her closet. On the older episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8, most of the “coming up” promos shown at the very beginning of the episodes involved a lot of crying, shrieking, whining and moaning. On the part of the kids, I mean. These days, there’s still a lot of crying, shrieking, whining and moaning, but now that the kids have mercifully grown out of that (for the most part), Kate has taken over the duties.
Kate and the kids arrive at the hair stylist for haircuts. Hannah’s hair is so long she looks like Little Mermaid at this point, it’s ridiculous. Kate even tells us Hannah has been outright begging her to cut her hair, but Kate has been ignoring her, according to Kate. WTF is all I have to say to that. And if Kate weren’t paying a nanny to brush her hair every morning and wash it at night, something tells me it would never have gotten this long. Sure, long hair is all kinds of fun if you’re not the person who has to take care of it. Just like if you’re Kate, having a mansion is fun, with a huge yard and long driveway, because you can pay other people to clean it, shovel the snow, and landscape.
All the kids are getting trims and Kate is still trying to talk Hannah out of the cut, telling Hannah her hair will never grow back if she cuts it. Lie to your own kids, awesome. Kate puts on a big dog and pony show, crying and wiping her eyes and moaning over hair. Hannah just kind of laughs at her, which is funny. When even Hannah is acting like her mother is a nut job, this woman is pretty much done for.
Kate starts saying they are going to donate her hair to Locks of Love. Well, how refreshing! What a great teachable moment for the kids. And a child’s hair is perfect for Locks of Love because it’s typically not damaged by products and perms and color like an adult’s often is. Somewhere out there a child is going to be very happy wearing Hannah’s beautiful hair. But wait, looks like I spoke too soon, Kate interjects that they should just donate “half” of the hair, and keep the other half. This woman is so stingy and selfish and self-absorbed she can’t even make a full donation to charity. Hannah’s hair is so thin I’m not even sure half her hair is going to be worth it to Locks of Love. So typical Kate! She dances half-assed, she parents half-assed, and she gives to charity half-assed.
Also, what does she intend to do with the other half? Stick it in a shoebox? Make some kind of sculpture and erect a shrine to the hair of the chosen child? Hair is dead cells, and I think it’s disgusting to keep it. I can sort of accept those parents who maybe keep one little lock from their baby, but hanging onto half of a six-year-old’s hair? Gross.
Hannah’s shorter much more reasonable haircut is cute of course and she is a new woman with a lot less weight now.
You can tell TLC is really low on footage these days. The next scene is basically the little kids in the foyer of the mansion hopping on one foot. It feels like this goes on for five minutes. Absolutely nothing is happening. Finally Kate comes down the stairs, grumpy and demanding to know where the twins are as if six kids age six are capable of keeping track of two headstrong nine-year-olds, and they head off to the shoe store.
We know from the paparazzi shots of this trip to the shoe store that the whole building was shut down just for this family. I really wonder how these kids are going to learn how to conduct themselves in a busy crowded store, how to wait in long lines and wait their turn for a sales rep to assist them and so on, and whether they realize that they won’t always be this special. I just picture them at Bank of America when they’re 18 and I hope, finally getting their hands on their fair cut of TLC’s millions, pushing right to the front of the line and approaching a teller as if they think this is normal. Meanwhile the teller thinks it’s a robbery and is frantically pushing the red button.
I think most of us know this is not how most celebrities live their lives. Many of us who live in LA or NYC, myself included, see celebs all the time out with their kids slumming it with the peasants and slaves. Even, gasp, waiting in line for shit they want. A couple years ago, I was at the Topanga Mall which is a common place to see celebs, and I saw a pretty famous celeb with one of her sons going into a Reeboks store and helping him try on shoes and buying them like it was the most normal thing in the world. Doesn’t she know the store should be shut down for them? And also, no one was bothering them. Doesn’t she know there should be paparazzi there and fans snapping photos?
As the nice sales reps help the kids try on shoes, Kate stands there helplessly and says, “Didn’t we just do this, like, forty minutes ago?” I don’t know, Kate, is this take two? Maybe did you block the scene forty minutes ago? Because yes, maybe you did just do this! I’m guessing she means the kids are growing up fast. The bigger they get the less cute they are, I can see why this bothers Kate so much. $$$
Aw, the little kids want tie shoes. But Kate insists they get Velcro one more year. Because it’s all about Kate and her own convenience, and not about letting the children grow up and spread their wings and join the big bad world of tie shoes, Kate points out she can barely get them to the bus as it is and that‘s why they need to get Velcro. She gives them a whopping two whole choices of Velcro shoes. The kids act like it’s a choice between the guillotine or the gas chamber. They are seriously pissed. They act like Kate has never done this to them before, like it‘s not normal for Kate to control every last hair on their head. Come on, kids.
My suggestion would be that Kate buys the kids tie shoes if the kids agree to wake up 10 minutes earlier to be sure they have enough time to get to the bus, and then shake on it with them. If any of them doesn’t cooperate, it’s back to Velcro. But wait, that means Kate would have to get up 10 minutes earlier, so forget that.
Kate also tells them “You can each get a different shoe this year.” She says this like she is conceding something. Which makes me wonder, when they were dressed alike, is she saying they actually didn’t want to? Sure sounds like it.
“The kids honestly don’t know how to tie shoes yet,” Kate tells us. “I need to work with them.” So how will they learn to tie shoes unless they actually get a pair of tie shoes? Also how does Kate work with them when she’s in Mexico? You know, this is sort of like not getting them a bike until they learn how to ride. But hey, it’s Kate logic so just go with it.
The kids have a lot more opinions these days, Kate bemoans. Yeah, sucks doesn’t it? For Kate anyway. Ha.
Kate hugs a sales rep goodbye, which I find weird. The rep clearly didn’t know the family because she was just asking the children their names. But I suppose with eight kids getting through an entire shoe-shopping trip unscathed makes you want to hug.
They head to another store to buy backpacks. Leah bolts for the one with the lizard. “No, you’re a girl,” Kate snaps, pulling it away.
Kate is quickly realizing letting the kids pick their own backpacks was a bad idea, because they are having a hard time deciding and are changing their minds. We’ve only ever seen Kate have patience for about 10 seconds to let someone else make a decision, after that she either makes the decision herself or freaks out. I can just see how this conversation she always claims she’s had with the kids about filming went. “So, you guys want to keep filming still?”
Kids: “Um, well, I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not, hmm.”
Kate: “Great I’ll take that as a yes. Next!”
Sure enough, she is rapidly heading into the freak-out zone at the backpack store. “Who’s listening to me, anybody?” Kate demands. Kate claims the kids are “scrambling around,” but I’m not sure how she figures that because the footage clearly shows calm, collected kids who are actually behaving quite well and just standing near the register talking in their indoor voices to each other, fingering a few display items gently, and waiting for Kate to check out. Though I suppose in Kate’s world, if you’re breathing, you’re “scrambling around.”
“Stand along there, plant your feet along the floor. Collin are you paying attention to me? Aaden are you paying attention to me?” the drill sergeant barks. For absolutely no apparent reason, she makes the kids squeeze into this small little space between a rack and a counter. “Do not move your feet! I have to trust that you’ll stay right here! I’m done now!”
Where is this even coming from? What did these poor kids do? I don’t know if they edited out some kind of problem with the kids (since when has TLC done that?), but all I see are happy and quiet kids who are actually behaving really well given the fact that their mother is Kate.
“All of us don’t fit in here!” Leah shouts. And she’s absolutely right, they’re crammed in this tiny area and it’s not fair.
Mady doesn’t want a lunch box, she wants her lunch in a paper bag. “No!” Kate snaps, without bothering to ask her what her reasons are. I can relate to that. When I was a kid, all the cool kids brought brown bag lunches. No one had a cutsie lunch box unless you were a member of band, or Spanish club. On the one hand, I think brown bags waste a lot of paper. On the ot
her, is it really worth fighting over? Can I just say that I hate adults who treat kids like this? Like kids are objects to herd around and spend money on, and not people with important thoughts, feelings and opinions they just want heard. Hey, anyone remember Tamagotchis? Those little egg-shaped virtual pets everyone had in the 90's. Kate treats these kids like little Tamagotchis that you have to constantly feed, bathe and tuck in to bed so that they don’t die or get depressed. But a meaningful relationship with a Tamagotchi isn't really possible.
Kate and the kids arrive at the hair stylist for haircuts. Hannah’s hair is so long she looks like Little Mermaid at this point, it’s ridiculous. Kate even tells us Hannah has been outright begging her to cut her hair, but Kate has been ignoring her, according to Kate. WTF is all I have to say to that. And if Kate weren’t paying a nanny to brush her hair every morning and wash it at night, something tells me it would never have gotten this long. Sure, long hair is all kinds of fun if you’re not the person who has to take care of it. Just like if you’re Kate, having a mansion is fun, with a huge yard and long driveway, because you can pay other people to clean it, shovel the snow, and landscape.
All the kids are getting trims and Kate is still trying to talk Hannah out of the cut, telling Hannah her hair will never grow back if she cuts it. Lie to your own kids, awesome. Kate puts on a big dog and pony show, crying and wiping her eyes and moaning over hair. Hannah just kind of laughs at her, which is funny. When even Hannah is acting like her mother is a nut job, this woman is pretty much done for.
Kate starts saying they are going to donate her hair to Locks of Love. Well, how refreshing! What a great teachable moment for the kids. And a child’s hair is perfect for Locks of Love because it’s typically not damaged by products and perms and color like an adult’s often is. Somewhere out there a child is going to be very happy wearing Hannah’s beautiful hair. But wait, looks like I spoke too soon, Kate interjects that they should just donate “half” of the hair, and keep the other half. This woman is so stingy and selfish and self-absorbed she can’t even make a full donation to charity. Hannah’s hair is so thin I’m not even sure half her hair is going to be worth it to Locks of Love. So typical Kate! She dances half-assed, she parents half-assed, and she gives to charity half-assed.
Also, what does she intend to do with the other half? Stick it in a shoebox? Make some kind of sculpture and erect a shrine to the hair of the chosen child? Hair is dead cells, and I think it’s disgusting to keep it. I can sort of accept those parents who maybe keep one little lock from their baby, but hanging onto half of a six-year-old’s hair? Gross.
Hannah’s shorter much more reasonable haircut is cute of course and she is a new woman with a lot less weight now.
You can tell TLC is really low on footage these days. The next scene is basically the little kids in the foyer of the mansion hopping on one foot. It feels like this goes on for five minutes. Absolutely nothing is happening. Finally Kate comes down the stairs, grumpy and demanding to know where the twins are as if six kids age six are capable of keeping track of two headstrong nine-year-olds, and they head off to the shoe store.
We know from the paparazzi shots of this trip to the shoe store that the whole building was shut down just for this family. I really wonder how these kids are going to learn how to conduct themselves in a busy crowded store, how to wait in long lines and wait their turn for a sales rep to assist them and so on, and whether they realize that they won’t always be this special. I just picture them at Bank of America when they’re 18 and I hope, finally getting their hands on their fair cut of TLC’s millions, pushing right to the front of the line and approaching a teller as if they think this is normal. Meanwhile the teller thinks it’s a robbery and is frantically pushing the red button.
I think most of us know this is not how most celebrities live their lives. Many of us who live in LA or NYC, myself included, see celebs all the time out with their kids slumming it with the peasants and slaves. Even, gasp, waiting in line for shit they want. A couple years ago, I was at the Topanga Mall which is a common place to see celebs, and I saw a pretty famous celeb with one of her sons going into a Reeboks store and helping him try on shoes and buying them like it was the most normal thing in the world. Doesn’t she know the store should be shut down for them? And also, no one was bothering them. Doesn’t she know there should be paparazzi there and fans snapping photos?
As the nice sales reps help the kids try on shoes, Kate stands there helplessly and says, “Didn’t we just do this, like, forty minutes ago?” I don’t know, Kate, is this take two? Maybe did you block the scene forty minutes ago? Because yes, maybe you did just do this! I’m guessing she means the kids are growing up fast. The bigger they get the less cute they are, I can see why this bothers Kate so much. $$$
Aw, the little kids want tie shoes. But Kate insists they get Velcro one more year. Because it’s all about Kate and her own convenience, and not about letting the children grow up and spread their wings and join the big bad world of tie shoes, Kate points out she can barely get them to the bus as it is and that‘s why they need to get Velcro. She gives them a whopping two whole choices of Velcro shoes. The kids act like it’s a choice between the guillotine or the gas chamber. They are seriously pissed. They act like Kate has never done this to them before, like it‘s not normal for Kate to control every last hair on their head. Come on, kids.
My suggestion would be that Kate buys the kids tie shoes if the kids agree to wake up 10 minutes earlier to be sure they have enough time to get to the bus, and then shake on it with them. If any of them doesn’t cooperate, it’s back to Velcro. But wait, that means Kate would have to get up 10 minutes earlier, so forget that.
Kate also tells them “You can each get a different shoe this year.” She says this like she is conceding something. Which makes me wonder, when they were dressed alike, is she saying they actually didn’t want to? Sure sounds like it.
“The kids honestly don’t know how to tie shoes yet,” Kate tells us. “I need to work with them.” So how will they learn to tie shoes unless they actually get a pair of tie shoes? Also how does Kate work with them when she’s in Mexico? You know, this is sort of like not getting them a bike until they learn how to ride. But hey, it’s Kate logic so just go with it.
The kids have a lot more opinions these days, Kate bemoans. Yeah, sucks doesn’t it? For Kate anyway. Ha.
Kate hugs a sales rep goodbye, which I find weird. The rep clearly didn’t know the family because she was just asking the children their names. But I suppose with eight kids getting through an entire shoe-shopping trip unscathed makes you want to hug.
They head to another store to buy backpacks. Leah bolts for the one with the lizard. “No, you’re a girl,” Kate snaps, pulling it away.
Kate is quickly realizing letting the kids pick their own backpacks was a bad idea, because they are having a hard time deciding and are changing their minds. We’ve only ever seen Kate have patience for about 10 seconds to let someone else make a decision, after that she either makes the decision herself or freaks out. I can just see how this conversation she always claims she’s had with the kids about filming went. “So, you guys want to keep filming still?”
Kids: “Um, well, I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not, hmm.”
Kate: “Great I’ll take that as a yes. Next!”
Sure enough, she is rapidly heading into the freak-out zone at the backpack store. “Who’s listening to me, anybody?” Kate demands. Kate claims the kids are “scrambling around,” but I’m not sure how she figures that because the footage clearly shows calm, collected kids who are actually behaving quite well and just standing near the register talking in their indoor voices to each other, fingering a few display items gently, and waiting for Kate to check out. Though I suppose in Kate’s world, if you’re breathing, you’re “scrambling around.”
“Stand along there, plant your feet along the floor. Collin are you paying attention to me? Aaden are you paying attention to me?” the drill sergeant barks. For absolutely no apparent reason, she makes the kids squeeze into this small little space between a rack and a counter. “Do not move your feet! I have to trust that you’ll stay right here! I’m done now!”
Where is this even coming from? What did these poor kids do? I don’t know if they edited out some kind of problem with the kids (since when has TLC done that?), but all I see are happy and quiet kids who are actually behaving really well given the fact that their mother is Kate.
“All of us don’t fit in here!” Leah shouts. And she’s absolutely right, they’re crammed in this tiny area and it’s not fair.
Mady doesn’t want a lunch box, she wants her lunch in a paper bag. “No!” Kate snaps, without bothering to ask her what her reasons are. I can relate to that. When I was a kid, all the cool kids brought brown bag lunches. No one had a cutsie lunch box unless you were a member of band, or Spanish club. On the one hand, I think brown bags waste a lot of paper. On the ot

Kate is now making the kids sit on the floor and fold their hands. Because I guess they were maybe breathing too much? I feel like Kate will only be happy if her kids are on horse tranquilizers and in straight jackets. Seriously, these sweet kids have done nothing to deserve this treatment. They were literally just standing there minding their own business.
“Ew, on a dirty floor?” one of the kids asks, obviously confused.
“Yup! Yup!” Kate shouts. They reluctantly sit. This woman is truly having a breakdown. It’s a little scary, and certainly not attractive. As so many of us have said, if she behaves this way for the cameras, shudder to think how she is when the cameras are off.
While Kate is getting all the bags monogrammed, Alexis screams. Apparently Mady threatened to hurt her? That’s what Kate says. Mady is several feet away from Alexis and tries to explain she didn’t do anything, which is entirely possible, because Alexis has a history of screaming over every little thing. But of course Mady is sent off to stand somewhere before she even gets a word in edgewise. I’m reminded of a time when Mady took all the blame when she hugged Collin and he accidentally lost her balance, none of which was her fault. Then Kate orders Alexis to, “Stand up! Stand up! Are we allowed to scream like that unless there is a fire, an accident, or something horrific?”
I so want Alexis to snap back, “Well, apparently you are, Mommie Dearest.” But Alexis just isn’t quite old enough to get there yet. She will though, soon. Kate is behaving like an absolute banshee this whole trip, then yells at her kids for screaming. The kids are trapped in this perpetual state of uncertainty with her, it’s awful. It’s not fun being the child of a narcissist.
The next day, they go to another store to get school uniforms. Kate’s attitude is so out of this world. I have never seen a mother more ungrateful to have eight wonderful, healthy, smart, well-behaved kids. “It was kind of like a reminder why I don’t do that on a regular basis,” she deadpans. “I’d rather pull my teeth out one at a time.” What a delusional bitch. Once again all the footage shows the kids behaving themselves, being quiet, and cooperating. And she can’t appreciate it.
They head over to the shoe department to get shoes for Mady and Cara. By this time the little kids are getting a little louder, but it‘s really not that bad. They play with a giant Croc shoe. Kate says a lady was scowling at them and probably thought children should be seen and not heard. I’m not sure that’s why she was upset. How does Kate know that woman wasn’t scowling actually because an entire production crew just trooped into the shoe store while she was trying to shop?
I have those, I have those, too, Kate says as she looks at the women’s shoes. I have a little shoe thing, she explains. Yup, and your kids pay for your habit.
I didn’t realize this was a hooker shoe shopping excursion, too. While the kids play with the croc and are getting tired and impatient, Kate starts trying on a variety of heels. Wtf. Don’t complain your kids are being bad when you’re holding up the whole trip yourself.
Mady rolls her eyes, tells Kate her feet look wrinkly (haha!) and then tells the camera Kate needs a bigger closet for all her shoes. Mady, all your money has been soundly invested in your mother’s shoes, stop being so ungrateful. Kate is also chomping on some gum this whole time, it’s about time for that cigarette break I would think.
Back at the mansion, Kate is complaining about all the work she has to do to get them ready for school in the morning, like pack lunches. Oh please, like the nanny doesn’t do that. I did.
After asking the kids if they want mayo and mustard on their sandwiches, Kate can’t take it anymore and screams just as loudly as Alexis did the other day. Is this a fire, an accident, or something horrific? Or is this just a scream about mayo? Hypocrite. Kate, go to the corner.
Does Kate even enjoy her kids? Everything she does for them she acts like she’s plowing a field, or digging a well, or delivering a baby without an epidural or something. Everything is so, so hard. I feel sorry for her that she will not allow herself to have fun with her kids.
“Quiet!“ Mommie Dearest shouts. “What order do we eat our lunch in? Go ahead, say it together!” Like little trained seals, the kids recite, “Sandwich, vegetables, fruit, crunchy things, yogurt or cheese, dessert!”
“Quiet!“ Mommie Dearest shouts. “What order do we eat our lunch in? Go ahead, say it together!” Like little trained seals, the kids recite, “Sandwich, vegetables, fruit, crunchy things, yogurt or cheese, dessert!”
Kate says if the dessert is missing but their vegetable is still there, they won’t get their dessert the next day. I bet Kate thinks this works. But actually, all that teaches kids is to eat whatever they damn well please and throw out the rest. In other words, to hide their food habits from their mother. That’s not setting them up for anorexia, bulimia, over or under-eating at all, Kate, great mothering! Look, I have no problem with telling them not to eat their dessert first, but Kate, like everything, takes it to a whole other level. That’s what narcissism does. Takes normal quirks and behaviors and takes them to outer space. Maybe she could save the dessert for dinner time when you can see what they’re eating, and skip dessert at lunch when you‘re not there.
First day of school everyone is up early. The kids are excited which is cute. What's not cute is that the graphic tells us it's 5:30AM, and the kids are already up and working for the cameras on their first day of school instead of focusing on what they should be focusing on. You know, school and such.
Mady tells Joel, “I had a dream you were a little two-year-old chubby little baby and you kept on biting my thumb.” Ha, I love random dreams like that. And I love that Mady shares it.
Why is Kate just unpacking and labeling their new shoes now? Shouldn’t that be something you do before 5:30 a.m. the first day of school?
Is this the military? Everything these poor kids do is so regimented, right down to where Kate wants them to put their school papers when they get home. I don’t have a problem with keeping kids organized, but like everything else, Kate has to take it to that whole other level. Live a little, it’s good for you.
And so the first day of school begins. “I miss ‘em,” Kate lies. She sure looked like she was missing them sunbathing in Mexico with her iphone.
First day of school everyone is up early. The kids are excited which is cute. What's not cute is that the graphic tells us it's 5:30AM, and the kids are already up and working for the cameras on their first day of school instead of focusing on what they should be focusing on. You know, school and such.
Mady tells Joel, “I had a dream you were a little two-year-old chubby little baby and you kept on biting my thumb.” Ha, I love random dreams like that. And I love that Mady shares it.
Why is Kate just unpacking and labeling their new shoes now? Shouldn’t that be something you do before 5:30 a.m. the first day of school?
Is this the military? Everything these poor kids do is so regimented, right down to where Kate wants them to put their school papers when they get home. I don’t have a problem with keeping kids organized, but like everything else, Kate has to take it to that whole other level. Live a little, it’s good for you.
And so the first day of school begins. “I miss ‘em,” Kate lies. She sure looked like she was missing them sunbathing in Mexico with her iphone.
158 sediments (sic) from readers:
Goooodie was hoping for a recap. I didn't see it and haven't watched in over a year now so a good recap later with a good martini will get me through it, Thanks Admin =)
Recap? Yes, please.
Thanks Administrator :o)
I guess I'd better have the Pepto Bismal on the ready-
just in case Katie's behavior gives me acid reflux...
Thanks Administrator for doing such an awesome job with this site. Your efforts are much appreciated.
I twittered Jon: All I said was this exactly: "I hope the rumors are true! I've been studying for a final. My brain hurts! Have a good weekend!" And he wrote back: "Thanks Jenna! So true. You have a great weekend also, enjoy the nice fall breeze, that's the best part."
Ok. So, he wrote "So true." Maybe I'm speculating, but, does that pertain to the rumors? Or is that because I said my brain hurt? It's driving me nuts now!!! He knows of me because I twitter him often, but it's not like we're buds. He knows I'm a supporter, I'm always twittering him supportive messages, etc. This is making me crazy now! What do you guys think? Am I reading into this a little too much? I probably am, sure. Or, is it a small message to us?
I love your recaps!! But Mommie Dearest is one of my favorite movies too so I'm happy with clips from the movie too. I can remember when the movie was released in Boston back in the 80's and people were showing up at the theatres with wire hangers, cleansers and raw meat LOL. Some people even dressed up with HUGE shoulder pads and lipstick that went outside of the lip line LOL. They were trying to put a Rocky Horror spin on it I guess.
This is making me crazy now! What do you guys think?
I think that you if you were going to contact him, you should have thought out the wording of your message before you sent it, anticipating how his answer could be interpreted different ways, and written it so his answer, if any, would not leave wiggle-room for interpretation! ;-) Asking him point blank if the rumors would true would have been one way to go about it!
If he previously said, "no comment," then I would expect that's exactly what he meant.
Hippie Chick
I think you worded this the only way you could. If Jon thinks that you are tweeting him just to get info., he will quickly shut you out. I think that he agreed with you that the filming should stop. I also think that he has been told not to comment on this as per his attorney and that he better listen. I am relieved to see him show some restraint.
Time will answer us all. If no more shows are filmed, you can call it a spade and Kate/8 is cancelled.
Well I just watched it and recapped it, Kate's behavior is truly horrible. Her narcissism was at an all time high. She is a total control freak who cannot let her kis even breathe without micromanaging them. The recap will explain. Show or not the kids will still have to live with this witch.
I didn't want to ask him point blank, NO WAY, btw. I looked at his twitter page, & people did that already. I didn't expect an answer. Just letting you guys know in my own hopeful mind what I think. :) I am not an intrusive person. I was just telling him that I was hoping the rumors were true, because I do!
@Hippie Chick...
If Jon recognizes your name, and Ellen reads this blog, then Jon (and Ellen) would know that whatever his response would be, you would come right back here and post it. He's keeping quiet for a reason. If his response is cryptic, then so be it. Good for him.
Hippie Chick~
My impression is that he definitely used the words "so true" in reply to "I hope the rumors are true". The only question would be...was he referring to the exact same "rumors" you were? I think he was...but there is always the element of non-specificity here. But in terms of the "so true" part....I think it's clear that this was a response to the "I hope the rumors are true"...most definitely. In fact...very smooth reply on his part, IMO.
But then, I've always tended to like Jon anyway, as a general rule. ;)
And I also think the way you worded it was excellent.
Hey Admin, could it be as bad as I think it is. My sister watched it but tweeted me that she seems to be spending alot of money on art and shoes...wtf...anyways, can't wait for your recap
Ok it's up. What a horrible episode.
Okay I have to say reading this made me think that it was 3 days of filming this to get this footage, another thing I question is, why are these children being filmed at 5 am when they are not suppose to be working. I thought that the PA law was that they could film/work from 7 am till 10 pm. Why is TLC allowed to break the rules again? She also wore that dress out in town shopping cause I remember seeing her coming out of Target with that dress on being photographed by Chris. I guess she leaves the kids at home with the film crew to babysit so she can run her mundane errands.
Fabulous recap, Admin! I saw bits and pieces of the episode and something bugged me about the 5:30 am, 1st day of school business. First of all, I thought their filming was restricted (ha!) to between 7 am and 10 pm. This would be a violation, if true.
The more logical explanation, to me, is that it was a different day/time. Where is it so completely light out at 5:30 am at this time of year? I think it was another day (ala "Christmas morning") and probably more like 7 am. Kate would have looked like a zombie at 5:30 am! So...the kids were "acting" and not just playing in front of the camera.
Either way, it's all kinds of wrong.
7am to 10pm was what I thought Murt was proposing, not the state of the law right now.
It was actually quite dark out at 530 that I could tell.
All the kids were really selling the "first day of school" I just don't think they are good enough actors to pull that off.
In any case why are these kids being filmed when they are trying to get off to school? Sheesh.
I thought the 7 am to 10 pm was decided back when they said TLC hadn't gotten proper permits and they were merely told not to do it again. Last year? Anyway, what ADULT even has to work 15 hours a day, much less children? It's criminal.
I guess I could be confusing the indoor lights with sunlight, but I could have sworn in was sunlight coming through the windows. I think they could have pulled it off; they really are excited to start school, so they just acted it a day in advance or something.
Wow!! First, I want to thank you again for sitting through "Boot Camp With Drill Sergeant Kate"...
Your recap was hysterical!
I think Krazy Kate kept one of Hannie's braids so that she can use the DNA to make more and more Hannies!!!
Oh Lord, I pray that she has put aside enough money to pay for her precious children's psychiatric visits. She is effing up each and every one of them- JUST SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF THEM & EVERYTHING THEY DO!!!! Why Kate, WHY?...
Thank you, Admin, for the recap. Major kudos for the Full Metal Jacket reference. It is amazing that you found a pic of Kate in uniform. Oh, I see you just used her head, but the drill sergeant's figure is exactly the same as Kate's. Wonder how he looks in a bikini....
I saw the episode online. You left out the part where she throws the boxes of sneakers on the floor at each kid's feet.
I thought the woman in the shoe store that was supposedly upset was a sales woman. I personally was surprised that she let the kids run around like that, and with a huge display Croc.
I also didn't get why Kate was making such a big deal about the fact that she bought shoes. She acted like she was busted... Why would the crew care? She was in Boscov's; it's not like she snuck in some Jimmy Choos.
One more thing that is questionable, are the camera crew members staying at the house in order to film so early in the morning for the first day of school? Where does the camera crew stay for the 3 days that they were filming the kids? I have a feeling in order for them to start filming at 5 am for the first day of school and set up they must be staying in the basement so that they can get the footage they need for the first day of school. How weird!
Stupendous recap!!!
Filming at 5:30 AM??? Did the crew stay there overnight? This woman has not bonded with these children as individuals - it's late but not too late. Get rid of the cameras and spend some time with them.
I haven't read the recap yet, I just wanted to say (with humor of course)poor Gunny R. Lee Ermey!! To have Kate's head photo shopped on his body that poor, poor man. I would love to put him in a room with Kate for 20 minutes with him acting as the therapist he plays on the Geico commercials LOL.
Why does that thought make me smile?? LOL.
I apologize Administrator, I forgot to thank you for your in-depth recap. I also appreciate the picture of the Drill Sgt.
Thank You for all your hard work on this great recap as I did not see it. I don't know if it was dark or light out as everyone is suggesting but I can' believe Goldilocks would get up at 430 in the morning to let the camera crew in so they could film this. That is why I believe they are staying in the garage apartment or in that house to get this footage and the kids getting up so early in the morning..just appears so weird that these men are there amongst children and she is probably sill in bed till one knocks at her door to get her royal highness up. Any thoughts?
Great re-cap. I laughed aloud. You know how those infomercials always make the problems/inconvenience so HUGE, so that you will be tempted to buy the "solution" -- that is how Kate huffs and puffs through her daily life. Everything is just larger-than-life difficult. Those kids probably have no idea how to please her and they have to be nervous as they try.
I thought Jon was the one that got the kids up while Mommy Dearest was still sleeping....no wonder she is out of control.
My sister watches the show from time to time and said that she serves the kids cereal in paper bowls along with oatmeal, but her royal highness eats from china, what gives?
Call times can be very early for production to make the most of the day, I don't think a 4:30AM call time would be unusual. To start filming at 5:30AM a 4:30AM call time MINIMUM would probably be in order. Production is often on a different sleep schedule, up at 3AM and going to bed at 8pm.
Another possibility is they could rent those "star wagons" which are basically trailers for them to sleep in.
Great comment, MaryAnn! That's it exactly - Kate makes everything harder than it really is. Her life is an infomercial.
Use extraordinary means to have 8 kids, exploit 8 kids for money, then complain about how hard it is to have 8 kids. What an awful person.
Was this a "fake" first day filming...in other words shot the afternoon before? There are current child labor laws in effect in PA which state that a minor may not work before 7 a.m. This is in effect now. Rep. Murt's bill does restrict work hours for those in the entertainment industry, but if those kids have work permits now, my understanding is that they must follow the law that currently exists, so if they filmed before 7 a.m., I would think that they were in violation of the law. It would be interesting to find out if the terms of the work policy were violated.
So, I did read the re-cap. Let me just say, Admin, you are a better woman than I to sit through that garbage to recap for all of us. Ugh!!!
Kate is beyond horriblish. I hope the show is cancelled. She doesn't derserve anymore fame, money or recognition.
See, this is exactly what first turned me off to Kate, LONG before I knew who she was, and even before I noticed how abusive she was to Jon.
She bitched and griped about the kids CONSTANTLY. I mean, constantly. Remember, I had no idea who this woman was. All I knew was she had twins who were about five and these six two year olds.
Granted, that's a lot of kids. And that would be a LOT of work, but two things kept coming to me as I watched her:
1. These kids were INTENTIONAL! I didn't even know back then that her doctor advised them to sit out that cycle because her ovaries were so overstimulated, but even not knowing that, if she were pursuing the kinds of infertility treatments that could potentially result in SIX, she knew the risks. She knew what she was in for!
2. Even if you have a lot of kids, and it's a lot of work, at some point you really need to just relax and enjoy them, too. Also, it's depressing for the kids to grow up only hearing how HARD it is to take care of them, how MUCH you drive your parent crazy, how AWFUL it is. You feel like this huge burden and you even feel apologetic for your own existence.
I know.
So yeah, that was the very first thing that turned me off to her, before I even knew her damn name. Her constant constant CONSTANT bitching about how hard it was to take care of the kids.
Looks like things haven't changed (I don't watch the show and haven't in a very very long time).
I always watch-Kate was mean. She doesn't even try to censor herself. Those kids are well behaved. They know better! She just can't stand to
be around them. She doesn't seem
connected but they get it. This was the first day of school not a reenactment IMO.
As far as our Jon tweeter goes...if he is stupid enough to tweet to strangers he will have to pay the consequences.
If her dress had been just an eensey bit lower she might as well have gone topless. She has absolutely no shame. She has changed so dramatically in her desire to set a good example for her children and now she simply looks like a slut every opportunity she gets. Her arrogance knows no bounds and is totally out of control. She really thinks she's all that and a bag of chips. Disgusting trash.
Great recap Admin. Despite the enjoyment I get out of reading your snark, I hope you've written your last.
Betsy said...
One more thing that is questionable, are the camera crew members staying at the house in order to film so early in the morning for the first day of school? Where does the camera crew stay for the 3 days that they were filming the kids?.........
I don't know if it was dark or light out as everyone is suggesting but I can' believe Goldilocks would get up at 430 in the morning to let the camera crew in so they could film this. That is why I believe they are staying in the garage apartment or in that house to get this footage and the kids getting up so early in the morning..just appears so weird that these men are there amongst children and she is probably sill in bed till one knocks at her door to get her royal highness up. Any thoughts?
There are plenty of hotels just a few minutes from the McMansion where the crew can stay and I doubt the crew is staying in the garage apartment - the crew consists of at least 3 people and that apartment is SMALL. Come on -- Kate said they GOT UP at 5:30, not that they started filming then. The crew had plenty of time to get up at 4-4:30 as Admin suggested and still make it to the house in time to shoot that scene.
It was definitely dark when they shot the morning scene at the kitchen table. The person who said they saw sunlight streaming thru the windows may have been thinking when she was making their lunches the night before when the sun was most definitely still shining.
Kate made a big deal about how she had to get used to getting up sooo early again at 5:30 but as per Kate herself, I thought she got up at 5:30 everyday anyway to work out! HA -- another contradiction, Kate.
The body on the photo looks about right -- manly with no waist, but you should have given her implants!!
Thanks for the recap admin but it does leave me wondering what's left about this show that the fans find to drool over. Kids get a haircut, shoes and a backpack and they make an show out of it? Do they really need to see the G8 that badly?
About tying their shoes, JMO but all Kate has to do is take her children one or two at a time, sit them down and PATIENTLY teach/show them how to do it. You'd think Kate would jump at the chance to show off her super mothering skills. Everyone knows that once one learns how, the rest will too out of sheer competitiveness. It makes you wonder just what the hell anyone - Jon and nannies included - is doing with these kids. Are they just put into storage like props until it's time to film the next episode?
If we saw the kids tying thier shoes...it would go against what kate is trying.
Kate needs us to believe that the tups are babies.They sit in high-chairs...wear bibs...drink out of sippy-cups.God forbid the kids know how to DO anything!
Didnt we see Mady and Cara doing the same things when they were 6 years old? NO...thats right.The twins are not the money makers...the tups are..Like we all have said.Kate is trying to make them look like they are babies yet,so we'll believe its SO damn hard to have 6 kids doing the same things.
Could you see Mady at 6...kate trying to sit her in a high-chair and make her wear a bib?Right! It would have never happened!That little girl knows how to make mommy dearest sweat!
The 6 will come into thier own...I'm sure with thier big sisters helping them.When that day comes kate will whine and cry and bitch more than she ever has.If the show keeps going the kids will one day get the upper hand.What will kate do when all 8 say...get bent mom!?
When my kids were little (and this was awhile back), I used to get perturbed when my son would only eat his orange slices, his beef jerky and his pudding, and bring the sandwich back home, untouched. I remember leaning on the counter and telling him, "Dustin, you REALLY need to eat the sandwiches, too!" ... and it suddenly hit me: this is a well-nourished child. He gets up, eats a good breakfast, takes vitamins, and he comes home to a good dinner. What's a little lunch? He's not going to suddenly get pelegra. Why am I hounding him?
I still packed a sandwich each day, just in case he wanted it, or perhaps someone else wanted it.
It isn't worth it to hound your child over a simple lunch. They will eat what they want when they are out of your control. Just let them be. They'll be fine.
This whole school shopping adventure was such a set-up.
TLC just wanted a dramatic meltdown from Kate which would help with ratings and support their fake narrative that Kate does it all by herself.
Kate? Yeeeaaaah just wanted to let you know that LL Bean has a website for ordering backpacks and lunchboxes. They will even monogram your items.
And as for the “drill sergeant” comparison, Kate would probably take it as a compliment. She hasn’t one ounce of tenderness for her 8….eerrr 7 children…I think she actually likes Hannah.
Does Kate make her kids eat off paper plates so the nanny has more time alphabetizing her shoe closet? What is up with that? They are in their own home, crack out the china Kate, doesn't have to be the good stuff but for God's sake quit making those kids eat off paper plates.
Why is it that Kate constantly gesticulates like a 13 year old with her first set of press-on nails? She's so hyper-aware of her ever-manicured hands. It's just....odd.
And the hair curtain is officially back.
The one thing that stood out to me was the shot of her open refrigerator. The camera even zoomed in on the open contents: several store-bought looking containers of eggs, what looked like a couple of boxes of wine and POST-IT NOTES all over the place!!! That was just plain creepy.
Poor babies!!
I just saw this on Jibber Jabber's blog, and I had to link it here. Hysterical!
Thanks, Admin, for the terrific recap. May it be the last one to do!
Admin, at least this was your last recap!! I am just speechless at how she treats these kids. And as you and many others have stated, the way she treats these kids on tape is scary, so imagining the way she must be in "real" life must be frightening for those poor children. Regulating meal time? Yelling at them when she herself made a big fuss about yelling just one day earlier? She contradicts herself on a regular basis. That's what drives me batty about this woman. The contradictions. Argh!!
I didn't watch, but this episode seemed so boring! I can't believe she lied to Hannah about her hair not growing back! And then the whole donation thing. How heartless can someone be? Keeping half of the donation? How can this bitch still have fans? It literally boggles my mind. I'm just glad this show is on hiatus or canceled or whatever. Maybe she'll disappear for awhile. Does anyone have information about how "her" People sold? I have been trying to look here & there but it's been a busy weekend.
They sit in high-chairs...wear bibs...drink out of sippy-cups.God forbid the kids know how to DO anything!
The bibs have been gone for quite awhile, thank goodness.
Hippie Chick said... Does anyone have information about how "her" People sold?
Was at grocery store yesterday and there were tons of them left, but there's a note on the bottom of the front cover of PEOPLE that says, "Leave on display until October 4." However, their October 4 issue was already on display. I'm telling you, they are not selling.
AuntieAnn said... Thanks for the recap admin but it does leave me wondering what's left about this show that the fans find to drool over.
The fans drool over anything Kate. Out of curiosity I checked out the 2 main fansites to see how they felt about this episode and they truly live in a different universe from us regular folks. They see amazing mothering. They see amazing clothing on their idol and don't understand why she is criticized for dressing in the low cut tops, short skirts and 4 inch heels. They say they see people dressed like that everyday running errands. Obviously they don't. Take a good look next time you're at Target, the grocery store, etc. and see if you find one person dressed like Kate. I sure can't find one.
The most amazing comment of all was an attack on Kevin for being such a selfish user and not appreciating his "beautiful, loving sister". The sheeple reality is truly warped.
She is somewhere and its not PA, very strange that a picture of her have not been anywhere for a couple of days. She crawled out of her little town and maybe is in CA doing a gig for ET or something but she is not home with them kids this weekend. I guess we will see where she pops up this week.
Administrator said...
It was actually quite dark out at 530 that I could tell.
In any case why are these kids being filmed when they are trying to get off to school? Sheesh.
Admin ~ I think this was truly their first day of school.Remember the transferring from the van to the bus?
Kate had the the same outfit on when she was throwing each child on the bus one at a time.
Now...here's what bothers me and believe me I was really bothered about that transfer thing before.She really ticked me off big time that day.
So..Kate tries and make us believe that the cameras were there waiting on her and kids.
She goes into her protective mode with the kids treating them like crap, when all along those same camera men were at her house with cameras stuck in those kids faces at 5:30 AM !
What a joke she is and I just have to think that her time is coming and she will pay dearly for her abuse.
It will more than likely be too late for those innocent children though.
Kate's been pegged by the media again. This is a must see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXdBat_Oo7o&feature=player_embedded
Hippie Chick- funny you should ask; I was shopping at a B.J. Wholesale store yesterday, and the racks with the People/Kate Gosselin issue were still full. Either they've restocked the racks, or no one is interested in buying it.
Has anyone checked out Amazon.com to see how "I Just Want You To Know" is doing? It down to the bargain price of $8.97...
Still not worth it.
Mary Ann said... You know how those infomercials always make the problems/inconvenience so HUGE, so that you will be tempted to buy the "solution" -- that is how Kate huffs and puffs through her daily life. Everything is just larger-than-life difficult. Those kids probably have no idea how to please her and they have to be nervous as they try.
You are spot on Mary Ann!! That is exactly what I've always said about "my narcissist". Life was such a chore! He sucked the fun and joy out of everything, even the simplest of things, because life was just so hard for him. I noticed in the Utube that someone posted up thread, she YELLS at the kids to stop, when she asked them 'what's the rule about eating dessert?' They all chime in to answer her, but instead of acknowledging that they were just doing what she asked, instead she yells QUIET! So, then when she asks 'what order do we eat our lunch in', they are hesitant to answer, till she tells them "say it all together". Talk about mixed messages???? What that b*tch knows about mothering wouldn't fill a thimble. She isn't even a good enough 'actress' when trying to 'portray' a mother!
Are they just put into storage like props until it's time to film the next episode?
Does make you wonder, just what they do when they aren't being filmed.
Betsy said... She is somewhere and its not PA, very strange that a picture of her have not been anywhere for a couple of days. She crawled out of her little town and maybe is in CA doing a gig for ET or something but she is not home with them kids this weekend. I guess we will see where she pops up this week.
I'm not so sure of that. IF the show is over, will Chris really follow her around anymore? Will be interesting to see if she disappears from the TV, mags, Radar, etc. Hopefully, something positive for those kids, will happen at the Nov. 30 custody hearing. I shutter to think of those poor 8 kids, alone in that house w/Kate. Especially if the nannies, housekeepers, etc. are gone.
I saw a woman dressed like that once at the convenience store ands she was buying condoms. She was also walking. Hmmmm...........
Michelle said...
AuntieAnn said... Thanks for the recap admin but it does leave me wondering what's left about this show that the fans find to drool over.
The fans drool over anything Kate. Out of curiosity I checked out the 2 main fansites to see how they felt about this episode and they truly live in a different universe from us regular folks. They see amazing mothering. They see amazing clothing on their idol and don't understand why she is criticized for dressing in the low cut tops, short skirts and 4 inch heels. They say they see people dressed like that everyday running errands. Obviously they don't. Take a good look next time you're at Target, the grocery store, etc. and see if you find one person dressed like Kate. I sure can't find one.
Maybe you need to get out more or move to an area with a little diversity. I've seen plenty of people dressed like Kate running errands in my little corner of suburbia.
Ah, geez. I just watched the YouTube video of Danielle hating Kate. I didn't watch the K8 show so had no idea it was this bad. Often when posters say Kate yelled, it was more of a firm tone to me, or say she went berserk it was a mild meltdown. So, I have been taking this all with a grain of salt. Not anymore. Kate
was rude, condescending, mean spirited and just plain nasty to her children as they prepared for their first day of Kindergarten. Shouldn't that be a joyous, leisurely breakfast with lots of chatter about how much fun they'll have, and
how their teachers are looking forward to having them in class? No, instead it's the time
to run the drill on menu courses and to bellow at 6 children you just asked a question to be quiet and to quit answering the question. With a horrific glare on your face as an added bonus.
Is it too late to find a new mommy for these kids? I never wanted kids, but I'd do a better job than Kate.
Anonymous said... Michelle said...
Take a good look next time you're at Target, the grocery store, etc. and see if you find one person dressed like Kate. I sure can't find one.
Maybe you need to get out more or move to an area with a little diversity. I've seen plenty of people dressed like Kate running errands in my little corner of suburbia.
Plenty of diversity in the Twin Cities. Was at the Mall of America last week (biggest mall in the U.S.) and did not see one person shopping in a cleavage shirt, mini skirt and 4 inch heels. Even the teenagers were sporting flats or sandals.
Are you sure there isn't a brothel in your little corner of suburbia if you see "plenty" of people running errands like this?
Is it too late to find a new mommy for these kids? I never wanted kids, but I'd do a better job than Kate.
Animals do a better job than Kate!!!! They genuinely take care of their babies.
Michelle said..
Are you sure there isn't a brothel in your little corner of suburbia if you see "plenty" of people running errands like this?
BWHAHAHA...I wrote something similar to this sheeple, but deleted it. Besides, yours is MUCH better than what I had typed!
Michelle said..
Are you sure there isn't a brothel in your little corner of suburbia if you see "plenty" of people running errands like this?
I wondered if she lived in the ghetto of NYC. OMG, it's BM! Nah, no typos, misspellings or improper english.
Michelle said...
The fans drool over anything Kate. Out of curiosity I checked out the 2 main fansites to see how they felt about this episode and they truly live in a different universe from us regular folks.
Haha...I had to laugh at this. "Us regular folks". That's funny. Sad & true, but funny. But you do have to wonder what they see in Kate. Do they emulate Kate? Is this how they parent their children? I shudder at the thought.
A couple years ago, I read Kate's book "8 Little Faces." In the beginning of the book, she says that she always wanted to be a mother. This probably sounds quite obvious now, but she probably wanted kids so she could have someone to control. If she had never gotten married and had kids, obviously she couldn't control anyone. I'm not sure why she feels such a need to control others, when she needs to be working on herself.
Someone had commented on another thread that Kate prefers babies b/c they're easier to control- you feed them, put them down for naps, decide what they wear and what to eat, etc. I agree whole-heartedly. As the 8 are getting older, they're having more opinions and Kate is realizing that it's getting harder to boss them around.
Also, I didn't watch the school episode (thank goodness), but I'm wondering how in the world can the sheeple still praise her after the way she treated her kids? I'd like to have the sheeple work for Kate and see how they like her then.
Anon 1 said...BWHAHAHA...I wrote something similar to this sheeple, but deleted it. Besides, yours is MUCH better than what I had typed!
Doesn't it just confirm what I was saying about the sheeple having a distorted view of reality. I'm sure if a sheeple saw a mere 1 person dressed like Kate, it would become "plenty". There's nothing wrong with low cut tops (I personally keep my 34DDs for DH's eyes only), mini-skirts (again not my thing) or 4 inch heels (ouch!) - it's the fact that Kate wears all three pieces at the same time for the strangest reasons. I mean Target, not a party or nightclub?
Like I said, anyone that can call Kate's brother Kevin a selfish user and Kate a loving sister in the same sentence is just not living in the real world with the rest of us.
I live in a small town of about 6500, and the only women dressed like Kate to go shopping around here are the ones with bad reputations. Most moms are dressed in nice work clothes, workout clothes, summer type outfits. The fact that Kate wears those ridiculous heels for errands shows her desperate attempt to look haute couture. Most women are ready to ditch high heels, within 15 minutes of putting them on.
Betsy said... "She is somewhere and its not PA, very strange that a picture of her have not been anywhere for a couple of days. She crawled out of her little town and maybe is in CA doing a gig for ET or something but she is not home with them kids this weekend. I guess we will see where she pops up this week."
Oh no no no Betsy, how could Kate have crawled out of her little town unnoticed when according to her, every minute of her life is photographed? Even though a 34D rack magically appeared on her chest 18 months ago, they were not the result of plastic surgery because she is way too famous and important to go to a plastic surgeon's office without being detected. Box office smashing actors and actresses manage to secretly get "work" done all the time, but a celeb of Kate's caliber is different. Her magical clown car uterus makes her infintely more special than regular celebs, therefore she must be trailed at all times by the paps. If she left the state, we would surely know since poor paparazzi victim Kate is ALWAYS being filmed.((snicker!))
"Someone had commented on another thread that Kate prefers babies b/c they're easier to control- you feed them, put them down for naps, decide what they wear and what to eat, etc. I agree whole-heartedly. As the 8 are getting older, they're having more opinions and Kate is realizing that it's getting harder to boss them around."
I'm not so sure it's just a matter of control, although that may be a big part of it. There are women who just love being pregnant and having babies, taking care of them when they are infants. They don't realize that babies do grow up. When that happens, they just deal with it, but the nurturing is gone. The fascination with the newborn has worn off. They get pregnant again, and the whole cycle is repeated. It's a psychological obsession -- they need to have a baby in their lives for whatever reason.
It reminds me of the Duggars. I think she's the same way -- loves announcing she's pregnant, loves being pregnant and giving birth, taking care of the newborn, but as soon as the child is out of that stage, he/she gets passed off to a sibling, and it's time to pregnant again.
I'm really surprised that Kate didn't try to talk Jon into having "just one more" after the tups were born. Oh, that's right -- she did want to adopt a Korean baby. Let's just hope that when she marries again she doesn't go the infertility route and have another set of multiples so she can keep the show going. Nothing would surprise me.
They weren't wearing bibs in this episode, where has she made them do that recently?
Hippie Chick said ...But you do have to wonder what they see in Kate. Do they emulate Kate? Is this how they parent their children? I shudder at the thought.
It's definitely a shudder worthy thought. Since they watch Kate and see amazing parenting, I really feel for sheeple children. Can you imagine what their daily lives are like if their mothers wish they could parent as well as Kate?!?
On a Jon note, this is what really annoys me about him. He knows better than anyone how damaging Kate is to a person's mental state. He couldn't take it and who can blame him. Sadly he left his children behind to take it all on their own. IMO he should have had 50/50 custody at a minimum the minute they separated. I hope at the very least he's going for 50/50, if not more, at the upcoming custody hearing.
Hippie chick,
"Us regular folks"!! Are they kidding? Kate would be mortified to be thought of as "regular folk". She considers herself above the rest now. Is that hard for sheeple to see how snobby she is?? She needs sheeple to drool over her so she can make money from them. But she would NEVER associate with them in real life. Sheeple need to get a clue.
Trucker said... I always watch-Kate was mean. She doesn't even try to censor herself. Those kids are well behaved. They know better!
I am not so sure it is because the kids are "well-behaved" that they take her crap. I think it is because they are absolutely terrified of and terrorized by her. They are afraid and rather than rock the boat and risk a horrible punishment, they just sit there and take it. This is very traumatic and I am not a psychologist, but I bet most of them are simply dissociating - except for Mady. Mady will come through this horrible childhood with the least amount of damage, IMO.
KidsRablessing....I agree!! That's what was so funny about it. The sheeple are delusional. It gets me, it really does. And here's this. In this weeks US Weekly, Hulk Hogan does this Celebrity Smack Down thing, where one says or does something nasty to another & he takes sides. Well, Jon & Kate were in this weeks-the whole Regis & Kelly incident- and Hulk Hogan took Kate's side!! He said Kate's a "good mom" and sometimes it's hard to hold your tongue. I was like Whaaaa? In what sideways universe is Kate a good mom?
She is a bad mom, plain & simple. She degrades, yells, & contradicts. She groups those kids together & never lets them be individuals. She is overly dramatic & all she cares about is fame. Her motto is "Me Me Me, & if it doesn't have to do with Me, don't bother". Her kids come 2nd & maybe even 3rd, because Kate is nothing if not selfish & self-entitled. She needs to be interviewed by someone who will ask hard hitting questions. Her day will come, it will, & I'm thinking it's coming soon. She HAS been exposed, it's just that she has a huge corporation behind her to cover her tracks. When they toss her aside, what will she have then? No earpieces, no cue cards, nothing. She can't speak publicly, let's face it, Kate's not the brightest bulb. When that time comes, & Kate throws herself a pity party on a national forum, she will look the fool, & be exposed for who she is.
Watching that clip posted above, makes me realize that those kids probably get the crap beaten out of them. If she is that wacked out in front of the camera, I can't even imagine how she is in private.
On a separate note, my son is the same age as the tups and he hasn't been in a high chair in years. Sippy cup? I think he might of had his last one at age 2. Geesh
Hippie Chick,
I wouldn't read too much into Hulk Hogan thinking Kate was a good mother. This is the man who raised a son who crashed a car while drag racing, causing permanent brain damage to his friend. Later, in an interview, Hogan blames the victim for his son's actions. Sounds like he might be a bit of a narcissist too.
kidsRablessing said...
The fact that Kate wears those ridiculous heels for errands shows her desperate attempt to look haute couture.
Or available..
There's a spot in that clip (The Dish clip w/ Kate yelling) where you can see one of the twins (Mady?) look at the camera as if she's saying - "You got this on tape right?"
My heart breaks for those kiddos. I did not watch the episode, just the one clip that was linked to from "The Dish". That woman seriously needs some help and not from another Nanny or PA. She needs some counseling regarding her lack of parenting skills.
I wouldn't call the area where Kate lives one of "diversity" - is it not very close to coal and Amish country? If anything, you'd think the people out shopping would be more conservative in their dress, and there wouldn't be too much "diversity." (I'm from the west coast so forgive me for my ignorance.)
I live in a fairly liberal, medium sized university town and women don't dress like Kate to run their errands. To me she looks about as unlike a SAHM or WAHM as you can get. Even those moms who tend to "dress up" more and don't fall into the mom jeans and sweatshirt trap wouldn't be caught dead in the things she wears.
Did anyone watch the The DISH this week? The host toasted Kate. It was slaming her on her treatment of the kids.
Kate + Hulk = 2 overbleached, overtanned famewhores.
Don't give TLC any ideas.
Does Kate even enjoy her kids? Everything she does for them she acts like she’s plowing a field, or digging a well, or delivering a baby without an epidural or something. Everything is so, so hard. I feel sorry for her that she will not allow herself to have fun with her kids
You hit what I think is one of the BIGGEST issues most people have with her. All of this "sacrifice", all of this "Everything I do, I do it for them" attitude and yet I just never see her actually just enjoying being with her kids. When the cameras aren't filming, she just seems to turn off.
Now don't get me wrong - I don't think a parent is required to entertain their children 24/7. For example, my 5 year old is playing princesses in the family room, my 7 year old is outside playing while her Dad and 14 year old brother are making a planter box to fulfill a Boy Scout merit badge requirement and I'm GWOPing/15 minuting before starting on an assignment for my small business class.
But you ask anyone and they'll tell you my husband and I love being parents in addition to loving our kids. It's a blessing and we're thankful to have the opportunity.
I wish Kate felt the same way or that she could demonstrate that more effectively. Because I really don't get the impression she likes the job of being a parent. And don't tell me it's because she's a single mom. First, my sister is a single mom and while life isn't always easy, I can tell you she LOVES being a mom because it shows. Second, Kate has ALWAYS been this way, even when she was married to Jon and had a "partner".
I think that's why Jon gets cut more slack than Kate. I'm not certain that he's any less self centered, frankly, but you get the impression that he actually enjoys his kids. Yes, there's more to being a parent than just playing with your kids but enjoying what you do is a big part of it.
Do the kids really sit in highchairs, where bibs and drink from sippy cups?
The one thing I'll never understand is the rush Kate's four fans have to defend Kate. Why Kate over the kids? Wouldn't a normal warm-blooded woman have every instinct to rush to the defense of eight helpless kids shoved into a corner at a backpack store (among other things)? Kate is a 35-year-old woman who can take care of herself and defend herself. I don't get why they feel the need to take up her cause over the KIDS.
so ridiculously over the top.
Do the kids really sit in highchairs, where bibs and drink from sippy cups?
The highchairs are not the infant highchairs with trays. They are wooden chairs that pull up to the table (instead of boosters). No bibs. The cups are the plastic ones with the lids and the hole for a straw (think McDonalds drinks with the plastic lids). I've never called those sippy cups. My daughter uses a sippy cup and it's the kind with the lid, handles on each side and spout, a transition from the bottle to the cup. before they learn to use a straw.
Where is this bib rumor coming from?
I just watched the lunch preparation. Did she really yell "QUIET!" at them -- I mean yelled! If she does that with the cameras rolling, I wonder what she does when not being filmed. No wonder those poor kids are scared to death of her.
Dear Anonymous, 1st of all, your use of the word 'ilk' is something. You're using it like we are invading your country & we are to be spit upon at first glance. I'm going to have to stop you right now before you continue, because, honey, you'll never win here. For every offensive play you have for Kate, we have a defense. You say you could either take her or leave her, but it seems like you might want to take her a little too much; defending her clothes? Please. She is trying to get noticed. (and it is not working, according to her desperate plea in People magazine for a man, so I heard) Have you SEEN other celebrities? (for which Kate is NOT, she is a reality whore). They dress to NOT get noticed.
If Kate were to only wear 1 thing to show off 1 attribute, then fine. What message is she sending her daughters? I won't even get into her so called parenting style. Will you defend that also? Do you see mothers in your Suburbia spank, degrade, scream, put down, and selfishly act put upon with their own children also? If so, I suggest moving to a new neighborhood. Sounds like the Stepford Wives from Hell.
Just a heads up Folks. Spin has it that Steve and Gina are on a 2 week anniversary trip to Europe. Think again. Gina was home today in Potomac Maryland as witnessed by my very own eyes. It's hard to celebrate an anniversary in Europe with your spouse when one of you is still at home in Maryland. Are they Skyeping each other? I'm just sayin.
I didn't watch, but I thank your for your recap, Admin. Kate sounded absolutely awful to those poor children. As someone who teaches first grade, I can pretty much size up a child's home life within the first week of meeting, watching and interacting with them during class. Those poor children don't have a snowball's chance if they continue to live with this abusive shrew. Jon, are you listening?
Admin, they defend Kate because they treat their children the same way.
The one thing I'll never understand is the rush Kate's four fans have to defend Kate.
I'd love to do a psychological study on the sheeple. I suppose it's because Kate is everything they always wanted to be but never could be. The kids are secondary, only the means to achieve the end, which for her was going from a small-town country girl to a high-profile celebrity. Mothering has nothing to do with it. Sheeple most likely are bored with their mundane lives, and Kate is their hero because, in their eyes, she became successful in a way that they never will be. It doesn't matter HOW she got there, only that she got there.
It's sad, really, when you think about it. Anyone who puts down their hero is the enemy, so they will go to any lengths to defend her.
I also think that they have taken up her cause for so long, and with such energy that even if she was accused of doing something really horrible, they wouldn't back down. It's their mission in life. They would never admit that they are wrong in their opinion of her because to do so would be to say that the anti-Kate people were right. It would never happen. It has, for them, become a vendetta against those in the other camp.
I'd like to hear their opinion after being with her for one week. She's not a nice person. Personal experience. The really ironic part is that she would never give them the time of day (they are far beneath her) and they are just too clueless to admit that fact.
"Anonymous said... She's not a nice person. Personal experience."
Wow, I'd love to know more if you can clue us in.
And, Kelly, THANK YOU!!! I knew something was fishy with the Steve and Gina thing. And, all of a sudden, Kate has a lookalike nanny picking up the kids and has totally disappeared from all the supposed paps who follow her. Fishy, fishy, fishy.
FYI...Kate hasn't been seen around town for a while...(like in the past week)
My cousin lives and works in Reading, PA. She emailed me today and with her permission I am sharing this:
I took my kids to an arcade today and was surprised to see Jon, his girlfriend, and the kids all there. I have never run into them before. After what I saw today, feel so bad for the kids!!! Adults and children were trying to get near them, taking their pictures, ignoring Ellen and Jon when they tried to make them stop. Even in the ball pit there were kids talking to the Gosselins about the show. They looked uncomfortable. Why can't those kids have a normal outing with their dad? The kids were having fun but they kept running to Daddy and Ellen. With some discussion, they eventually people stopped taking pictures. The kids need to be off television. This is not fair to them. Kudos to Ellen for standing up to the adults who refused to stop taking pictures. She has those kid's best interest in her heart.
I heard the kids saying that they wished they could go to the arcade more. It looked like a nightmare for Ellen and Jon.
Since Gina was seen in Maryland today, obviously she's not in Europe. As Khate hasn't been seen in PA...wonder if SHE's in Europe with Stevie boy. It would explain her frantic nature of late...packing to go to Europe AND staying under the radar must be extremely stressful. Just sayin...
Any Steve sightings?
"In the words of Bob Dylan, "The Times, the are A-Changin'" One canhttp://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/entertainment/092610-whatever-happened-to-jon-%26and-kate-gosselin only hope:"
Or, as he sang, "Yes, how many years can some people exist before they're allowed to be free?...the answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind..."
Hopefully freedom is at hand for the Gosselin children. It cannot come soon enough.
Seems everyone has Kate's number, which soon will be unlisted.
Moi said...
Do the kids really sit in highchairs, where bibs and drink from sippy cups?
Yes --
The kids sit in the same 'highchairs' they've been in since they were @ 2-3 yrs old, they drink from the same plastic lidded cups with straws, however in the last episode it looks like they MAY have graduated from the bibs.
All 8 ate from plastic divided tray/plates, ate their morning cereal from styrofoam bowls and their dessert on paper plates.
Nope, no Stevie sightings. I have never seen Steve. I did make a run to Stevie's house well over a year ago when it was reported that Gina was staying at the Gosselins home and watching the kids while Kate and Steve were being picked up by a stretch limo and jetting off to somewhere. The next day, I spotted both Steve and Gina's Ford Explorers parked in the driveway of the Neild Home, less than 24 hours after Steve and Gina's Explorer was photographed in the driveway of the Gosselin home while she was supposedly going to watch the kids for a few days. Interesting how Gina plays along with the spin as well.
Kelly, thank you for your eyewitness spotting of Gina.
I wonder what the heck is really going on? Could Steve be with Kate in Europe promoting "Kate + 8?
I guess we'll find out soon enough. Some pap will catch her- afterall, it's hard for Kate to go un-noticed in hooker shoes & short skirts.
UNLESS, Kate plans to walk around disguised in a wig, beard & mustache....
Anonymous, I'm really sorry you had to deal with Kate- but THANK YOU for coming forward and admitting that. I wish more people were as brave as you.
Hmmm lets see, strange blond girl picks the kids up from school, Jon has the kids for the weekend and Kart has not been seen for several days and rumors were out that Stevie and his wife were celebrating their anniversary in Europe..but his wife was seen in her home town..how odd
Thank you admin for the awesome recap. I didn't watch the episode, but I was wondering..did the kids ever act as if they are afraid of her when she flies off the handle and starts yelling?
The arcade post is chilling. Those kids are not able to do something so normal as visiting an arcade without being bothered? Why are these fans fighting to keep them on TV?
The kiDs, may I do a post on what your cousin witnessed ?
Yes- it would be great if you did a post on that Admin. People need to realize what these kids are going through.
kidsRablessing said... She needs sheeple to drool over her so she can make money from them. But she would NEVER associate with them in real life. Sheeple need to get a clue.
You hit the nail on the head, Blessing. The Sheeple are so blinded by their adoration of their queen that they fail to realize that she would NEVER give them the time of day if she stumbled upon one of them out in public. She looks DOWN on them (as she does everyone), and sees them purely as her minions -- “FANS”. Sure, she’ll do the occasional obligatory photo-op to appease a drooling Sheeple at a book-signing, but she in no way identifies with these women as “one of her own.” Kate sees herself as a superstar – and sees her Sheeple as the lowly public who adore her. Anyone remember the visit to the Cake Boss when a gushing Kate stopped herself by saying, “I’m acting like a fan”? Clearly, she’s not one of “them.”
The Sheeple identify with Kate and want to be like her (God only knows why -- who on this earth would want to be known as a shrewish, man-bashing, child-abusing, ungrateful, selfish, entitled bitch?). The Sheeple are so simple (and sheltered? ignorant?) that they believe whatever TLC/pro-Kate media tell them to think. Despite all evidence to the contrary (most of it provided right there for them on J&K+8 and Kate+8), they REFUSE to see what's right in front of their eyes: the Mommy-Dearest-style mothering, the slutty outfits, the appearance of impropriety in her relationship with the Boobyguard, the kids' happiness when spending time with Jon, etc. etc. Their degree of “blinders” qualifies at the cult-level. What's really sad (and laughable at the same time) is that Kate likely has no respect for any of them. She'd never identify with their blathering on about recipe-exchanges, their ailments (which are endless on BM’s blog), their chubbiness, their crafting, and all that other crap that BM's followers think Kate actually cares about. Kate is interested in one thing: Kate. And Kate sees herself as one thing -- okay, two: (1) a celebrity and (2) WAY above these average housewives. It’s almost sad that they spend so much time worshipping someone who has zero interest in them. Even sadder is that they don’t realize Kate has appropriated their identity/"livelihood" as SAHMs and made it her Brand – and a false brand at that; because, thanks to multiple nannies, pool-boys, landscapers, house-cleaners, Craft Services, and Steve, Kate does NONE of the things that REAL SAHMs actually DO. But again, the Sheeple fail to see the disconnect between “The Brand” and reality.
On a side note, their latest accusation against the sane world is that we led a Kate-bashing campaign that prevented ¬_I Just Want You to Know_ from being a success. Yeah, that’s right, Sheeple. The book’s abysmal failure had NOTHING to do with Kate’s complete lack of talent as a writer; sales were brought to a grinding halt thanks to a couple blogs (??? – as if the whole world is reading blogs about Kate Gosselin – will the ovine delusions ever end???). I WISH we were that powerful, because if we were, the kids would have been off TV a LONG time ago. Sorry, Sheeple, your queen sucks as a writer. Without Beth, or another suitable ghost-writer, NOTHING Kate writes will ever sell again.
From Ellen's Facebook Page:
Ellen Ross Seriously we got attacked with obvious cameras by all these ghetto ppl and weirdos at the arcade even after I told them to stop bc ohotographing kids n putting it on the internet is illegal. Then when we dropped the kids off these 4 psycho girls had beebn camping out at the house n bumrushed jon w pics. If a paparazzi hadn't been there I would have handled them but it wulda made me look bad since there was one there. I'm not even bothered by paprqazzi anymore, its the weirdo ppl that follow the kids n try to talk to them that pisses me off
3 hours ago · Like
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Kelly, thank you for your eyewitness spotting of Gina.
I wonder what the heck is really going on? Could Steve be with Kate in Europe promoting "Kate + 8?
I guess we'll find out soon enough. Some pap will catch her- afterall, it's hard for Kate to go un-noticed in hooker shoes & short skirts.
UNLESS, Kate plans to walk around disguised in a wig, beard & mustache....
Anonymous, I'm really sorry you had to deal with Kate- but THANK YOU for coming forward and admitting that. I wish more people were as brave as you.
I must be missing something, as I can't fathom what is "brave" about posting anonymously on a message board.
In response to all the posts about how Kate dresses when she runs errands, just take a quick look at the "People of Walmart" site. Yup, before too long, I'm sure there will be a "People of Target" site where Miss Katie will be front and center advertising her wares. Really, the way she dresses when running errands is about the same as some of the crazy folks on POW site. It is scary.
I finally did see the clip of Kate with her kids at lunch. I can't even come up with words to describe this woman. Like Fido, I too have no children, never wanted to have children, but when I do spend time with nieces and nephews, no matter how they act, I never, ever, talk to them that way. I wish that that clip were enough to have her kids taken away from her. She's just a horrible person who doesn't deserve to have children.
When I think of people who want to have children so badly and can't have them, I think how unfair it is that Kate had so many only to treat them like that.
Jane Doe said: "I must be missing something, as I can't fathom what is "brave" about posting anonymously on a message board."
Is your name really Jane Doe? If not, then what is the difference between using Jane Doe and using anonymous?
When did Kate get home from Mexico? The 17th? If Steve and Gina left for Europe the following day, they would have spent a week there. Was it reported somewhere that it was a two week's vacation in Europe?
Kelly -- are you certain it was Gina?
Re: the mayo/mustard on sandwiches debacle:
"Miss Organized so much she could teach it to other mothers" probably needs to get herself organized. Perhaps make one of her now-famous
lists for each child THE NIGHT BEFORE - OK, everyone's getting turkey on wheat for lunch tomorrow. How do you want yours? Mady wants turkey with mustard and lettuce, Cara wants turkey and mayo with tomato, Aaden wants turkey with a little mustard and a little mayo....... you know, Kate, a LIST that you can post on your refrigerator so you can read it in the morning and know what to fix, allowing breakfast to be a nice quiet time for your kids. Who knows, you might even find your children enjoyable.
WOW. Can someone verify Ellen's FaceBook comment that "Anonymous" posted?
I'd be SO disappointed (and disillusioned) to find out this is the "true Ellen."
i.e., Referring to the people at the arcade as "ghetto," describing the fans in a disturbingly elitist manner that was similar to the way we've surmised Take thinks of them, the "skanky" vocabulary (bumrushed) and lazy misspellings that I'd guess were an effort to "get it out there" in cyberspace before anyone else, and finally, her puffed-up exaggeration of how she would've "beat up the psycho fans if the pap had not been there to film it," thereby destroying her (phony) lilywhite reputation. This entire thing goes against everything I've heard so far about Ellen. (However, it wouldn't surprise me since she is with Yawn.) "She" sounds just like Hate!
PLEASE someone tell us this ISN'T the real Ellen?
No way do I believe Kate could be with Steve in Europe. Simply put...no one would willingly want to spend time with her. Is Steve immune to kate's obnoxiousness, stupidity, and narcissism? Doubt it. She is a stretchmarked, scarred up, cellulitey plastic mess from the neck down and a heavily made up, wonk eyed, jowly, plastic, foul-breathed mess from the neck up. Plus she has 8 kids that she does not wish to care for and that she wants her next mate to discipline and support financially. Plus she is Kate. No one has ever been charmed by her for long; no one has ever said anything nice about her; no one could possibly want to sign up for that, IMO. I just don't see it. She is unlovable and undoable.
The only confirmation we have that Steve and Gina were in Europe was one tabloid (can't remember which one, sorry) that said they had spoken with a relative of theirs in New Zealand who said they were celebrating their anniversary in Europe. The rest of the internet tabloids picked up on it and ran with it.
Okay so here's some speculation:
1) Gina was at home, Steve ran off to Europe with Kate.
2) Gina and Steve were both home, they never went to Europe.
3) Gina and Steve did take a trip to Europe, but Gina got fed up with Kate calling Steve every 5 minutes and came home early after she realized that Steve was distracted by his "job".
4) Gina and Steve did take a trip to Europe but had planned to only stay a week.
5) Gina and Steven did take a trip to Europe but Steve had to come home early to go work on TLC's new show "Sister Wives".
6) In the long run it really doesn't matter. If Kate is stupping the help, it will come out. The truth always does. If they are having an affair, they're both skanky, IMO. I can understand the desire to have Kate exposed, but we all know she's a putz anyway and frankly, based on comments on other sites, so does the rest of the world.
Lets stop for a minute and just thing here:
What if everything Kate has ever said or is going to say is actually true? That all her stories, even if they are not consistent are the truth?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OH MAN TO I FEEL BETTER! In what universe can a sheeple possible stomach that sentence and really believe it?!
GoPoshGo I love your post! You said it exactly. I found such a hero worship post once 'We love Kate because she made being a Mum okay' ... and I pointed the point that Kate is a Mum like a friend of mine lost weight 'the old fashioned way'. My friend told everyone she did it by lots of working out, and eating very little, when in actual fact she signed up for an experimental drug, didn't do any exercise, and never watched what she ate.
Now I was made because all of us (friends) asked her for advice and tried for 4 months to lose weight 'her way' and it didn't work!
In the same way Kate's a parenting fraud. She doesn't make Mums look good. She makes a mockery of all things mothers stand for.
When I pointed this out, I got smacked down. Mothers apparently don't have to do it all themselves, Kate has never lied about anything. It was then that I realised the place I was reading on wasn't so much about intelligent adult discussion, but rather about blind adoration and worship.
Admin I hope this isn't construed as blog bashing, I'm simply agreeding with Posh.
Lest we forget Khate has something going for that most women don't have -- 8 little ATMs that she is willing to sell out to the highest bidder. A woman who is willing to sell out her children is a rare breed and would be a high commodity for a person looking for such a thing, and in today's world there are many, who are willing to invest a great deal of time to reach that pennacle. Look at what she has done with their trust - made Steve - her constant companion the trustee and she allows him to discipline them along with anybody else that steps into her circle (Jamie). In the eyes of the right person she could look like a living mannequin (Heidi) and act like a shrew (Khate) and it would not matter. What is it that she tells the children - I am going to marry a mean 6'4" policeman and he will straighten you out? For what? Not planting their feet and being quiet after being ordered to speak? It is a sad commentary for those children.
I must add, based on the most recent footage I viewed on You Tube, that I am alarmed by Hannah's shrieks (when she could get her hair cut - much like Kate) and Mady and Hannah explaining Kate's shoe fetish, with the hands and dramatic emphasis of Kate. The girls are starting to imitate Kate's crazy theatrics in gesture/voice/attitude. Furthermore, the 3 boys are VERY subdued, while the tup girls grab stuff away from them, talk demeaning to them, hit them, or tell them that doesn't makes sense when they talk. Over and over again. Seems the 3 girl tups and Mady are adopting Kate's gestures and mannerisms and attitude when dealing with the "icky boys." What a great trait to pass on to your five girls. (Girls are now imitating Kate, and belittling the boys.) Great job Kate. We know how you feel about men and boys....... Very disturbing...
IF THIS WAS THE BEST THEY COULD COME UP WITH TO AIR AFTER ALL THE FILMING THEY DID FOR THIS HALF HOUR, WHAT IS ON THE CUTTING ROOM FLOOR??? (Evidence of mental and emotional child abuse.)You know TLC wants K to look good. TOO LATE!!!! After reviewing the footage, they finally see what the rest of us have been for years.
Again, poor kids. Having to stay one step ahead of their Mom who only blows hot or cold and never knowing when she'll have one of her melt downs. What stress they have to live with every day of their lives.
Great re-cap, Admin. Thank you.
Since the Sheeple are worried that if TLC pulls the plug and Kate is left out there in the cold cruel world to support her family (how will she live? what will she do?), do you suppose that they have contributed to the TAP account for the kids' college educations? ;-)
When my mom got her haircut years ago, she kept the ponytail. Yep, true story. I thought it was gross too.
Anyway, great recap!
Thanks you, Admin, for the recap. "Dog and pony show" says it all for me. Time for it all to end. Enough of the screeching, order giving, poor excuse of a mother. Maybe Kate could go back to her past profession, "grifter."
Puddymoors said...
GoPoshGo I love your post! You said it exactly. I found such a hero worship post once 'We love Kate because she made being a Mum okay' ... and I pointed the point that Kate is a Mum like a friend of mine lost weight 'the old fashioned way'. My friend told everyone she did it by lots of working out, and eating very little, when in actual fact she signed up for an experimental drug, didn't do any exercise, and never watched what she ate.
Now I was made because all of us (friends) asked her for advice and tried for 4 months to lose weight 'her way' and it didn't work!
In the same way Kate's a parenting fraud. She doesn't make Mums look good. She makes a mockery of all things mothers stand for.
When I pointed this out, I got smacked down. Mothers apparently don't have to do it all themselves...
So any mother who has help isn't a good mother? Wow. Some fathers actually contribute so that mothers don't have to do it all themselves. Are those mothers bad mothers? Are working mothers who have nannies bad mothers? I never realized that "doing it all yourself" was required for effective motherhood.
Anonymous said...
So any mother who has help isn't a good mother? Wow. Some fathers actually contribute so that mothers don't have to do it all themselves. Are those mothers bad mothers? Are working mothers who have nannies bad mothers? I never realized that "doing it all yourself" was required for effective motherhood.
Anonymous, you’re missing the point here entirely. Neither Puddymoors nor I (or anyone else on this blog, I would think), are suggesting that ANY mom “do it all herself.” Nor do we think less of moms who are lucky enough to have help (whether in the form of nannies, babysitters, husbands, extended family, etc.). The litmus test of “good mothering” isn’t in how much help any of us has. That’s not what we’re talking about here. The complaint against Kate is that she claims that she DOES do it all – and by herself. She has the Sheeple believing that she’s the chief bread-winner, that she cleans the house, maintains the grounds, takes care of the kids, cooks the meals, etc. etc. etc. She’s branded herself as the “single” mom who is doing it all. And that is simply not true. Kate has a team of nannies, house-keepers, grounds-keepers, and pool boys. She also has her kids working to keep her in the lifestyle she’s become accustomed to, as well as $20,000+ in child support from Jon each month. She is NOT a single mom, as she likes to market herself to be. She’s a DIVORCED mom who CO-PARENTS with her ex-husband. She is NOT doing it on her own, and it’s a bald face lie when she claims that she is. I have nothing against a mom who has help in raising her kids or maintaining her household. What I DO have problem with is a mom who lies about “doing it all on her own” and who doesn’t admit that she has a staff doing the real work for her. And who continually lies about Jon’s lack of financial contribution to the kids’ upbringing with her eye-rolls and vague responses to interviewers’ questions on the matter.
You’re right in that having outside help does not define how “good” a mother is. I think we’d all agree with you on that point. Personally, to me, a good mother is one who loves her kids unconditionally, treats them with kindness and respect, listens to them, spends quality time with them, hugs and kisses them any chance she gets, disciplines them with a firm but reasonable hand, and models appropriate behaviors and values. And most of all, a good mother puts the needs of her children first. I’ll leave it to you to review the last few seasons of the show to see how Kate rates as a good mother according to those criteria.
She cries over Hannah's hair and can't bear to part with it, so she's going to keep some of it? Grandpa's golf clubs and Christmas ornaments get disposed of?
She cries over Hannah's hair and can't bear to part with it, so she's going to keep some of it? Grandpa's golf clubs and Christmas ornaments get disposed of?
Thanks you, Admin, for the recap. "Dog and pony show" says it all for me. Time for it all to end. Enough of the screeching, order giving, poor excuse of a mother. Maybe Kate could go back to her past profession, "grifter."
Since the Sheeple are worried that if TLC pulls the plug and Kate is left out there in the cold cruel world to support her family (how will she live? what will she do?), do you suppose that they have contributed to the TAP account for the kids' college educations? ;-)
GoPoshGo I love your post! You said it exactly. I found such a hero worship post once 'We love Kate because she made being a Mum okay' ... and I pointed the point that Kate is a Mum like a friend of mine lost weight 'the old fashioned way'. My friend told everyone she did it by lots of working out, and eating very little, when in actual fact she signed up for an experimental drug, didn't do any exercise, and never watched what she ate.
Now I was made because all of us (friends) asked her for advice and tried for 4 months to lose weight 'her way' and it didn't work!
In the same way Kate's a parenting fraud. She doesn't make Mums look good. She makes a mockery of all things mothers stand for.
When I pointed this out, I got smacked down. Mothers apparently don't have to do it all themselves, Kate has never lied about anything. It was then that I realised the place I was reading on wasn't so much about intelligent adult discussion, but rather about blind adoration and worship.
Admin I hope this isn't construed as blog bashing, I'm simply agreeding with Posh.
Lets stop for a minute and just thing here:
What if everything Kate has ever said or is going to say is actually true? That all her stories, even if they are not consistent are the truth?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OH MAN TO I FEEL BETTER! In what universe can a sheeple possible stomach that sentence and really believe it?!
No way do I believe Kate could be with Steve in Europe. Simply put...no one would willingly want to spend time with her. Is Steve immune to kate's obnoxiousness, stupidity, and narcissism? Doubt it. She is a stretchmarked, scarred up, cellulitey plastic mess from the neck down and a heavily made up, wonk eyed, jowly, plastic, foul-breathed mess from the neck up. Plus she has 8 kids that she does not wish to care for and that she wants her next mate to discipline and support financially. Plus she is Kate. No one has ever been charmed by her for long; no one has ever said anything nice about her; no one could possibly want to sign up for that, IMO. I just don't see it. She is unlovable and undoable.
In the words of Bob Dylan, "The Times, the are A-Changin'" One canhttp://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/entertainment/092610-whatever-happened-to-jon-%26and-kate-gosselin only hope:
Just a heads up Folks. Spin has it that Steve and Gina are on a 2 week anniversary trip to Europe. Think again. Gina was home today in Potomac Maryland as witnessed by my very own eyes. It's hard to celebrate an anniversary in Europe with your spouse when one of you is still at home in Maryland. Are they Skyeping each other? I'm just sayin.
Do the kids really sit in highchairs, where bibs and drink from sippy cups?
The highchairs are not the infant highchairs with trays. They are wooden chairs that pull up to the table (instead of boosters). No bibs. The cups are the plastic ones with the lids and the hole for a straw (think McDonalds drinks with the plastic lids). I've never called those sippy cups. My daughter uses a sippy cup and it's the kind with the lid, handles on each side and spout, a transition from the bottle to the cup. before they learn to use a straw.
Where is this bib rumor coming from?
I just watched the lunch preparation. Did she really yell "QUIET!" at them -- I mean yelled! If she does that with the cameras rolling, I wonder what she does when not being filmed. No wonder those poor kids are scared to death of her.
Did anyone watch the The DISH this week? The host toasted Kate. It was slaming her on her treatment of the kids.
Hippie Chick,
I wouldn't read too much into Hulk Hogan thinking Kate was a good mother. This is the man who raised a son who crashed a car while drag racing, causing permanent brain damage to his friend. Later, in an interview, Hogan blames the victim for his son's actions. Sounds like he might be a bit of a narcissist too.
Hippie Chick said ...But you do have to wonder what they see in Kate. Do they emulate Kate? Is this how they parent their children? I shudder at the thought.
It's definitely a shudder worthy thought. Since they watch Kate and see amazing parenting, I really feel for sheeple children. Can you imagine what their daily lives are like if their mothers wish they could parent as well as Kate?!?
On a Jon note, this is what really annoys me about him. He knows better than anyone how damaging Kate is to a person's mental state. He couldn't take it and who can blame him. Sadly he left his children behind to take it all on their own. IMO he should have had 50/50 custody at a minimum the minute they separated. I hope at the very least he's going for 50/50, if not more, at the upcoming custody hearing.
"Someone had commented on another thread that Kate prefers babies b/c they're easier to control- you feed them, put them down for naps, decide what they wear and what to eat, etc. I agree whole-heartedly. As the 8 are getting older, they're having more opinions and Kate is realizing that it's getting harder to boss them around."
I'm not so sure it's just a matter of control, although that may be a big part of it. There are women who just love being pregnant and having babies, taking care of them when they are infants. They don't realize that babies do grow up. When that happens, they just deal with it, but the nurturing is gone. The fascination with the newborn has worn off. They get pregnant again, and the whole cycle is repeated. It's a psychological obsession -- they need to have a baby in their lives for whatever reason.
It reminds me of the Duggars. I think she's the same way -- loves announcing she's pregnant, loves being pregnant and giving birth, taking care of the newborn, but as soon as the child is out of that stage, he/she gets passed off to a sibling, and it's time to pregnant again.
I'm really surprised that Kate didn't try to talk Jon into having "just one more" after the tups were born. Oh, that's right -- she did want to adopt a Korean baby. Let's just hope that when she marries again she doesn't go the infertility route and have another set of multiples so she can keep the show going. Nothing would surprise me.
I live in a small town of about 6500, and the only women dressed like Kate to go shopping around here are the ones with bad reputations. Most moms are dressed in nice work clothes, workout clothes, summer type outfits. The fact that Kate wears those ridiculous heels for errands shows her desperate attempt to look haute couture. Most women are ready to ditch high heels, within 15 minutes of putting them on.
A couple years ago, I read Kate's book "8 Little Faces." In the beginning of the book, she says that she always wanted to be a mother. This probably sounds quite obvious now, but she probably wanted kids so she could have someone to control. If she had never gotten married and had kids, obviously she couldn't control anyone. I'm not sure why she feels such a need to control others, when she needs to be working on herself.
Someone had commented on another thread that Kate prefers babies b/c they're easier to control- you feed them, put them down for naps, decide what they wear and what to eat, etc. I agree whole-heartedly. As the 8 are getting older, they're having more opinions and Kate is realizing that it's getting harder to boss them around.
Also, I didn't watch the school episode (thank goodness), but I'm wondering how in the world can the sheeple still praise her after the way she treated her kids? I'd like to have the sheeple work for Kate and see how they like her then.
Michelle said..
Are you sure there isn't a brothel in your little corner of suburbia if you see "plenty" of people running errands like this?
BWHAHAHA...I wrote something similar to this sheeple, but deleted it. Besides, yours is MUCH better than what I had typed!
Ah, geez. I just watched the YouTube video of Danielle hating Kate. I didn't watch the K8 show so had no idea it was this bad. Often when posters say Kate yelled, it was more of a firm tone to me, or say she went berserk it was a mild meltdown. So, I have been taking this all with a grain of salt. Not anymore. Kate
was rude, condescending, mean spirited and just plain nasty to her children as they prepared for their first day of Kindergarten. Shouldn't that be a joyous, leisurely breakfast with lots of chatter about how much fun they'll have, and
how their teachers are looking forward to having them in class? No, instead it's the time
to run the drill on menu courses and to bellow at 6 children you just asked a question to be quiet and to quit answering the question. With a horrific glare on your face as an added bonus.
Is it too late to find a new mommy for these kids? I never wanted kids, but I'd do a better job than Kate.
I saw a woman dressed like that once at the convenience store ands she was buying condoms. She was also walking. Hmmmm...........
Hippie Chick- funny you should ask; I was shopping at a B.J. Wholesale store yesterday, and the racks with the People/Kate Gosselin issue were still full. Either they've restocked the racks, or no one is interested in buying it.
Has anyone checked out Amazon.com to see how "I Just Want You To Know" is doing? It down to the bargain price of $8.97...
Still not worth it.
Administrator said...
It was actually quite dark out at 530 that I could tell.
In any case why are these kids being filmed when they are trying to get off to school? Sheesh.
Admin ~ I think this was truly their first day of school.Remember the transferring from the van to the bus?
Kate had the the same outfit on when she was throwing each child on the bus one at a time.
Now...here's what bothers me and believe me I was really bothered about that transfer thing before.She really ticked me off big time that day.
So..Kate tries and make us believe that the cameras were there waiting on her and kids.
She goes into her protective mode with the kids treating them like crap, when all along those same camera men were at her house with cameras stuck in those kids faces at 5:30 AM !
What a joke she is and I just have to think that her time is coming and she will pay dearly for her abuse.
It will more than likely be too late for those innocent children though.
She is somewhere and its not PA, very strange that a picture of her have not been anywhere for a couple of days. She crawled out of her little town and maybe is in CA doing a gig for ET or something but she is not home with them kids this weekend. I guess we will see where she pops up this week.
Hippie Chick said... Does anyone have information about how "her" People sold?
Was at grocery store yesterday and there were tons of them left, but there's a note on the bottom of the front cover of PEOPLE that says, "Leave on display until October 4." However, their October 4 issue was already on display. I'm telling you, they are not selling.
Thanks, Admin, for the terrific recap. May it be the last one to do!
The one thing that stood out to me was the shot of her open refrigerator. The camera even zoomed in on the open contents: several store-bought looking containers of eggs, what looked like a couple of boxes of wine and POST-IT NOTES all over the place!!! That was just plain creepy.
Poor babies!!
This whole school shopping adventure was such a set-up.
TLC just wanted a dramatic meltdown from Kate which would help with ratings and support their fake narrative that Kate does it all by herself.
Kate? Yeeeaaaah just wanted to let you know that LL Bean has a website for ordering backpacks and lunchboxes. They will even monogram your items.
And as for the “drill sergeant” comparison, Kate would probably take it as a compliment. She hasn’t one ounce of tenderness for her 8….eerrr 7 children…I think she actually likes Hannah.
If we saw the kids tying thier shoes...it would go against what kate is trying.
Kate needs us to believe that the tups are babies.They sit in high-chairs...wear bibs...drink out of sippy-cups.God forbid the kids know how to DO anything!
Didnt we see Mady and Cara doing the same things when they were 6 years old? NO...thats right.The twins are not the money makers...the tups are..Like we all have said.Kate is trying to make them look like they are babies yet,so we'll believe its SO damn hard to have 6 kids doing the same things.
Could you see Mady at 6...kate trying to sit her in a high-chair and make her wear a bib?Right! It would have never happened!That little girl knows how to make mommy dearest sweat!
The 6 will come into thier own...I'm sure with thier big sisters helping them.When that day comes kate will whine and cry and bitch more than she ever has.If the show keeps going the kids will one day get the upper hand.What will kate do when all 8 say...get bent mom!?
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