
Kate and the kids and Jamie are getting ready to board a train to New York. How very Harry Potter of them. Leah is crossing her arms and scowling, Hannah is literally dragging her feet and tipping her head back in exhaustion, they look like they are having fun, fun, fun.
The train station is so hot Kate can’t even breathe. If she can’t breathe, I wonder how she thinks the kids can. The kids are sitting on the casting couch, and half of them cannot even remember how they got to New York. A bus, guesses one of the girls. Another one heaves a clueless sigh. Well, that kinda throws a wrench in Kate’s whole “making memories” theory. Force-feed the kids too many memories and it all blurs together.
At least Kate admits that it’s hotter than hell. They get cute little engineer hats on the train. Hm, I never got that the one time, and last time, I rode Amtrak. Nor was it this clean. I think I was seated between a homeless guy and some hung-over college kids. Amtrak in the U.S. is oddly nothing like how trains are in other countries I've been to.
Jamie is Kate’s best friend of nine years? Huh, where has she been until now? And what was Beth? Jamie is a “mom” to the kids and an “exact replacement” of Kate. Interesting, does that mean she parks her car in fire zones too?
While a conductor is talking to the kids, you can see Steve and Kate chit-chatting together in the background. I like how they make a big deal of mentioning that Jamie came along, but they try to pretend Steve isn’t even on this trip and hope we won’t notice him glued to Kate’s side the whole time.
When they arrive in the city, the kids are made to act like they are Mary Tyler Moore and they can have a town, big smiles and pointing at the buildings excitedly, but we know for a fact all of them have been to this city many times for various TV spots, etc. I have never seen kids act this excited about something they have already seen at least half a dozen times.
After dinner, they get on an open tour bus. I’m really surprised how honest Kate is about how hot it is given how much everyone has been criticized for working the children in such extreme temperatures. People were dying during this heat wave this summer. There was an advisement to stay indoors that was ignored by production. They tell us it‘s still 102 even at the evening hour. There is nothing wrong with taking your children out in very bad heat, that is life. But there is something wrong when they are made to work through that kind of heat with cameras in their faces and little to none of the same protections regular child actors are afforded in the same conditions, such as breaks, a set teacher to monitor their health and comfort, and so on. So comparisons to the time that you too took your children out in hot weather are apples and oranges unless a camera crew from TLC was in their faces the whole time as well.
Kate is chomping on her gum and asking stupid questions and talking over the tour guide, meanwhile the children look flushed and exhausted, Alexis is asleep and bobbing her head and Joel is knocked out too. Because it’s all about Kate, Kate wakes up the poor exhausted babies because she’s afraid they won’t sleep tonight. And thus, she’ll have to deal with them. Hm, she wasn’t worried about that when she put them down for two and three hour naps twice a day their entire childhood.
Another tour bus pulls up alongside Kate’s bus, literally two feet away, and everyone on board takes a bunch of photos of the kids. That’s just creepy. This isn’t a zoo for Christ sake.
Kate gives the kids candy first, then ice cream. Geez, and she claims she wants them to sleep tonight. When they pull up to the ice cream place, Kate tries for about two seconds to ask them what flavors they want, but then simply doesn’t have the patience for that and says I’ll just bring an assortment.
“Boo!” Cara shouts, giving her a thumbs down. Boo, I agree. If a child is old enough to have an ice cream cone, he is old enough to pick his own flavor.
Showing just how real this reality show is and how it all rests on her, “all, all, all,” Kate takes two production assistants with her to the ice cream parlor to help her carry the cones. Then she makes a complete spectacle of herself running down the street in her halter top, ice cream dripping all down her hands.
“Where are the kids?” a bystander asks Kate. None of your business, stranger. It is so incredibly creepy the way so many people know them and ask about them when these kids are just trying to have a family vacation. This is all Kate and Jon’s fault for exposing their precious little children like this and ruining their privacy probably permanently. Hope they’re happy.
“I wanted a milk shake, I asked for a milk shake,” Cara sobs.

“I know,” Kate says. But on the couch, Kate pretends that she never heard her ask for a milkshake and this is not her fault. Except, we just heard her tell Cara “I know” sooo, why would she say that if she is now claiming she didn‘t know?
Kate is shoving the ice cream into their mouths and screaming at them to eat. She practically pushes Collin over. This is more regimented than the orphanage in Oliver Twist.
They arrive in Times Square where more complete strangers recognize them. Kate orders the kids to wave at the fans. WTF, they didn't ask to be famous. They don’t have to wave at fans if they don’t want to.
“I don’t care about the lights, I’m hot,” Aaden mutters.
The next day Kate drags the kids to Chinatown in more record-breaking heat. Kate points out the Chinese characters and tells the kids that’s their “letters,” and it’s all in “Asian.” Ha, and our letters are all in American.
On the casting couch, Joel and Aaden are both laying down, bored. That is the body language of a child who loves to work for the camera.
Kate buys the girls little purses and the boys, they got um, not sure, but Kate claims she got them something.
Of course everything in Chinatown is “cute” to Kate. She is also one of those people that has to say “What???” two or three times before she understands what someone with an accent is saying to her. Oh, and also, she tells us Chinatown smells.
When they arrive at a restaurant, all Mady did was say “ow!” I think maybe someone stepped on her foot. Also it’s fucking 100 degrees. But Kate doesn’t like it and threatens to leave her in the bus by herself. “People are staring at you, be quiet!” Kate snaps. That’s hysterical, what does she think viewers are doing every time she films her and puts her on TV? Also, how does she know people are staring at her because she said “ow” once, and not because her mom has sacrificed her privacy for a paycheck? Maybe Kate should wait in the bus.
Kate thinks the restaurant’s name was Dim sum. That’s cute, I can’t really make fun of her for that. I had dim sum for the first time a month ago downtown and I didn’t know what it was either. I was raised on roast beef, potatoes and corn on the cob. The first time I was ever exposed to any kind of ethnic food was when I went off to college. I am still quite ignorant, but I try to be open to where ever my friends want to eat. I have discovered an extreme love of sushi as well as authentic Mexican food, two things I never ate before I was an adult.
The dim sum I had was delicious by the way. It was one of the biggest restaurants I’ve ever been to, like a giant cafeteria with a carpet. They just keep bringing it and bringing it to you until you finally have to tell them to stop.
Kate picks out two tables, and hysterically, all the kids join Jamie at her table. Kate has to order some of the kids to come with her, and no one moves. Finally Jamie drags a few over literally by the wrists, and they bitch and moan about it. Funny, but sad too. Where is Steve? They keep pretending he’s not here. Why? What are they embarrassed about?
As I’ve said before, my mommy is a Type 1 diabetic. Her pancreas does not make insulin and she needs to take shots every day to survive. She takes excellent care of herself but things still happen and she’s had some brushes with death. People think diabetes has been cured because insulin was discovered, but it hasn’t, not by a long shot. She was told she shouldn‘t even have kids and she nearly died trying to become a mother. I’m sick of hearing about Kate and her imaginary blood sugar problems.
These kids really seem uncomfortable with this kind of food given their Korean heritage. But I suppose that comes with your mother not allowing you to ever see most of your extended family members, and also, being too busy working most of your childhood and not doing normal stuff like just being over at Grandma‘s eating Korean food.
After lunch, off to Central Park. Get this, there is a big amusement park there and Kate takes a vote. Only three of the kids want to go on the rides. The others don’t want to. “Let’s just climb rocks,” one of the girls suggested. Proof right there that children do not want you to spend a ton of money on overpriced amusement park rides or trips or what have you. They want to climb rocks, it’s that simple. They were dragged all the way to New York City to climb rocks. I love how these children consistently prove almost anything that most of us have ever said about what a child‘s real wants and needs are.
It’s so hot Kate says she feels like she’s going to vomit. Again, how do you think eight little children feel? But since majority never rules since that would only give Kate one vote, she drags them over to the rides anyway.
The amusement park is completely empty. Because it’s 100 degrees and every other parent has their children inside in air conditioning somewhere, perhaps watching a movie or reading a book together. But not these kids, they gotta sing for their supper heat or not. Kate claims that kids are not as affected by the heat. As most of us know, that’s absolutely untrue from a medical standpoint. According to the CDC, actually, kids are far more sensitive to heat and have a much harder time controlling their body temperature than adults do. Also, depending on their age, they may not realize they should get in the shade or drink lots of water or wear white clothing, when adults do. Fail, Kate.
They play Whack a Mole. I love that game! Kate is competitive with her own kids, whom she is significantly stronger and faster than, and admits she has to win. Funny, I take pleasure in seeing the child win, but that’s just me. Remember that scene from Mommie Dearest where Joan Crawford just has to beat her daughter in the pool? I love that movie. Although that movie is very campy and funny at times, it is also, according to many people who have been through the same thing, a surprisingly accurate and frightening portrayal of what it’s like growing up with a narcissistic mother. Funny the parallels.
They trudge back to the hotel, hot and exhausted. It’s so bad one of the kids just wants to take a shower. Kids never want showers.
The next day they head to Lady Liberty. Kate pretends to be stirred emotionally because the Statue of Liberty represents America. That’s right, Kate, only in America can you pop out six kids at once, sign away your rights to them, and become a millionaire. The American dream.
Cara is ten times more sincere when she talks about being excited because she learned about immigration in school. Aw.
They arrive on the island and because filming the kids is not enough, Kate wants pictures, too. Wiped out, Cara says, “I’m not standing in a picture.” Cara finally seems to be coming into her own. This is a good thing.
“You are, or I’m leaving you here with people you don’t know,” Kate retorts.
I really would love to be a fly on the wall should any of the kids ever refuse to film. I imagine it would go something like, “You are, or your bed is the chicken coop tonight.”
Kate was “hellbent” to get a photo. She talks about how she will be old someday. What does that have to do with anything? I hate parents who spend way more time behind a camera lens and not enough time enjoying the moment. My parents, thankfully, were not like that. Sure we have a reasonable amount of photos from special moments throughout our childhood, but not a freaking play-by-play flip book. And I have never said I wish we had a photo of that.
I want them to explain why Kate walked around the island barefoot and why she was sucking a lollipop like...that....in the paparazzi photos from that day. But darn, they don't.
They board a ferry and Kate gets in the driver’s seat. “Yikes, I’m pretty sure everyone’s gonna be dead in about the next ten minutes,” Mady deadpans. Haha, I love that child. She so has Kate’s number. She’s only nine, imagine her as a teenager. It's like most people dread the teenager years but heaven forbid if they are still filming then, I think I cannot wait.
In a few seconds Cara gives the little kids more useful information than Kate has provided this entire trip, explaining why the elements turned the Statue green. And adorably so, the children remember this and explain this on the casting couch. They accurately remember this moment with their sister, but not the train ride that Kate insisted they go on, it should be pointed out. Because you can manufacture memories all you want, but when it comes down to it, memories only happen when they happen, naturally. These are the times when having lots of siblings is just fun, as it should be.
A huge amount of people show up and take photos of the kids. Creepilicious. We became the tourist attraction, Kate says. You know you love it, Kate. And you also know you could stop it if you wanted to.
You can’t film inside the building, Kate says sadly. Aw. But never fear, they brought a personal camera along to film the kids. Last time I was there I was allowed to go up into the crown. I remember it was small. Now I’m the one feeling old.
They head to the gift shop and more creepy fans follow them and take photos constantly. Poor kids. Leave them alone for cripe sake. It’s so bad they are blocked in by swarming fans. Gross.
Kate appreciates the fans, BUT….of course there’s a but, they were being super annoying with the photos. Well said. You know for as much as Kate’s fans complain about the “haters”, who is Kate complaining about? That’s right, the fans. The fans are causing problems for her, not the haters. It’s a fact.
“How ya doing?” a complete and total stranger asks Kate.
“Not good!” Kate retorts.
The so-called haters have said over and over they just want the kids to have a normal vacation, which ironically, is what Kate is saying she wants. We agree with Kate for once, who knew.
As Kate ends nearly every episode these days, it was an amazing experience, they made memories, blah blah. Kate calls her regular trips to New York “work.” Haha, sushi and hair extensions is her job. Must be nice.
She claims the kids thanked her for taking them on this trip. Hm, they didn’t show us footage of that.
98 sediments (sic) from readers:
One of my sisters has Type 1 diabetes - much like you, Kate's use of the "low blood sugar" excuse infuriates me. She has no clue what she's talking about, but then again since she's a flaming narcissist she also wouldn't care what life is really like for people with diabetes.
Thanks for the great recap! I didn't watch but I have noticed Kate get competitive with her children and it always reminds me of that scene you referenced above from Mommie Dearest. The similarities are frightening!
I can't see Kate being genuinely happy for her children if they ever become more successful than her. In fact, she will make sure they are NOT as successful as her, all the while making sure the public knows how much she supports them and wants great things for them. Yuck.
Oh, Admin.,a re-cap and a movie, too!! You do an awesome job on here, and I truly appreciate it. I hope you are feeling better :)
Both my parents are diabetic. One is Type I, the other Type II. I know low blood sugar and it irks me to no end when Kate throws it out there like she's about to go into a diabetic coma. I get what she means when she says it but I wish she'd find a more accurate description. Perhaps use that medical background of hers to correctly diagnose the problem or maybe a dictionary where she'll find the word HUNGER or HUNGRY, defined as wanting or needing to eat. Oh, sorry, forgot that she has to exaggerate. Hunger isn't dire enough. Starving perhaps? Emaciated. Dehydrated. Succubus...
I'm more suprised she said she had low blood sugar instead of pinning it on the prop... err, kids like she used to.
So many things about this episode were so very wrong. First, it was all about Kate, how she felt, what she wanted to do, etc. The kids were there only as props to facilitate whatever fiction this episode is trying to sell. We learned that Kate was hot, Kate was tired, Kate was nauseous, Kate wanted to shop, Kate wanted a tea set, Kate, Kate, Kate.
Second, where's the editor or PR person? You know, the one whose job it is to pretend TLC gives a crap about these kids. The way this show is edited I'd swear it was a 'hater' in full control. Showing all of Kate's irritating-ness-ish ways, showing how hot & tired and uninterested the kids were, showing their lunch revolt and forced mommy time. I'd laugh if it weren't so sad.
And seriously... Kate decided to drive the ferry? She just up and decided "hey I wanna drive that" and the ferry guys were like "sure here's the wheel"? Can I do that? Can any random person just decide to drive the ferry and they'll hand over the controls? Or just people who visit national parks in hooker heels & short skirts (all the better for climbing ladders and wandering endlessly)? Or was this all planned out by TLC... oh wait, no. They're filming Kate's life as it happens with no intervention of any kind.
Okay, so 'drive a NY ferry' is now on my vacation to-do list. Good to know.
thanks for the review. I have not even made it to the second "episode" yet. Someday... One can only watch so much Kate without wanting to scream.
I have never seen Mommie Dearest (thanks for the clip). I just read the book this year. Of course it was because of Kate.
brilliant comparison admin. between the clip of mommie dearest and the other mommie dearest playing whack a mole.please tell me what parent likes to beat their little children at a game?
Odd, none of the sheeple mentioned the blistering heat and the fact the kids didn't want to sit with Kate when they were reviewing this as their favourite episode. Sounds like the kids have had enough of her and their filming schedule. This show will end in October and Kate will have to forge on ahead in her fame whorish outfits and gum chewing Valley girl speak.
I'm a longtime lurker who has always sort of laughed at all the criticism of Kate's clothing choices. I mean, the heels to tour NY are ridiculous, but I rarely pay attention to what others are wearing and just don't care. Tuesday was my kids' first day of school and I made a conscious effort to pay attention to all the other moms at two different schools. I figured a bunch of them would be dressed like Kate. I figured wrong. It was 90F and humid so there were lots of shorts and tanks, but the shortest shorts I saw were about 3 inches above the knee and absolutely nobody's boobs were hanging out. Almost everyone wore flip-flops, sandals or sneakers. One mom had maybe a 2 inch "wedge" (whole bottom solid, but high, I don't know the correct term) but not one person out of hundreds wore spiky heels. Interesting. As far as the recap, what a bummer they didn't explain the barefoot/lollipop! I suppose that was too gross for TLC, even...
Well, thanks Admin for taking one for the team. I haven't watched an epi in a very long time and cannot even fathom the torture you endured watching this crap.
I LOVE the snark but my heart breaks for the kids.
K8 is a sick b*tch.
I am infuriated by Kate's flippant use of low blood sugar. I developed Type 1 after my pregnancy and every day is a struggle. Let her wake up being tended by paramedics after a low sugar induced seizure and then maybe she would have a reason to talk about it.
She is such a moron.
You can see a clip called "lollipops" over at the TLC website, where Kate and Jamie pass out the infamous pops to all the kids. Interestingly, they didn't have any footage of Kate mouthing her lolly (they must have read all the negative press and the comments on this board). It also includes some cute footage of one of the twins' own video footage that she took where she interviews her brothers and sisters.
I've never seen this movie, but it sure rang true. Something about the way the girl's arm was being yanked and twisted reminded me of another girl's injury....hmmm
Great recap!
It's very interesting to me that from what you've written here, the children don't appear to be censored, in terms of what they are allowed to say. Because as "abusive" as Kate may be, they are clearly not terrified to say what they are thinking. Not that Kate is happy with what they say...but they are not afraid to speak their minds nonetheless, it seems.
IF this was all about the money to Kate...she would have much better control over not only what the children say but also over her entire career. It is clear that she is so obsessed with herself that she's paying no real attention to doing things that would ensure any sort of long-term success....in terms of income, mainly.
Had she continued to play the "mom" role...she could have had long-term viability....being interviewed regarding parenting issues, etc. But no, the poster child for narcissism is so self-involved, so intent on having the camera on her, mugging and trying to act cute, screeching, showing her annoyance at others....that she has no clue that she is the one mainly responsible for her own infamy and notoriety. And I truly think this was not necessarily intentional on her part. It just came with the territory of being narcissistic.
And I'm sure that even if TLC tried their best to guide her, that she, by nature of her narcissism, has always been sure that SHE knows what's best....and THAT clearly is dressing in inappropriate clothing, displaying inappropriate mothering behavior, and showing behavior of self-entitlement and grandiose delusions. Not a good long-term plan....but it's always ALL about her...and the chips will fall where they may.
Quite fascinating to observe, I have to admit.
I find most of Khate's interactions with her children inappropriate.
I cringe when I think of the children's birthday in Bahama's and the 'beat it! beat it like a man' said in an angry and pushy voice.
She is cruel (and sexist). What a terribly stereotypical way to tell a child to do something...and I am sure a dig at their father as well.
I about screamed at the tv when she SHOVED the icecream forciably at Joel (I think) saying - eat it! now!.
She is fake. And mean. Plain and simple. The children would find more love and respect from the strangers she was going to leave Cara with.
Ditto on the relative with Type 1 and her attitude towards her blood sugar is infuriating. Kind of like when she told the kids with cancer at St. Judes that she had to be on bedrest.
I saw it on youtube. Did you notice when she had the hat on in Chinatown they cut away as she was saying something? Betcha she launched into some ethnic stereotype impression and they had to edit it out.
This is the #1 thing that I just can't forgive Jon for. He knows better than anyone the psychological damage Kate causes. IMO that's why he went nuts post-separation and made such ridiculous life choices. Ten years of marriage to Kate left him with PTSD.
How do you not fight tooth and nail to get your children away from her? I hope he's working toward getting his life together so he can do just that. I think most of us agree Jon was a mentally/verbally abused husband (with "love taps" thrown in for good measure). Would any of us parents leave our children behind with our abusive ex-spouse?
Thank you for posting the recap. Sorry you had to sit through it though- I would rather have a full mouth root canal.
The correlation between Kate & Mommie Dearest is spot on- unfortunately for the Gosselin 8.
I can't stand Kate. I keep looking for signs that make her likeable, but I always get nothing. The more I read about her, the more I see that something is wrong with her.
I wish she would allow herself to be evaluated by a doctor.
STFU Kate. We know damn well your code word for "memories" is actually "money". What an effin bitch.
Alexis and Joel looked pathetic passed out from the heat on that bus. I wonder if they were dreaming of the swimming pool in their own back yard. Kate running through the streets of New York screeching like a banshee was a nice touch, too. She seemed so proud of that moment the way she yapped on about it. Did you see how she actually shoved that ice cream into Joel's face.... Who but Kate Gosselin, stinking greedy narcissist Kate Gosselin would put their kids through this?
And don't even get me started on her low blood sugar bs.
Saw this movie when my daughter was a toddler. Reminded of two things when seeing this cringe-worthy rerun: Joan sadistically saying, "I'm bigger and I'm faster and I will ALWAYS win," and Kate barking (paraphrasing), "I will ALWAYS be in charge and that won't change." Then the spanking...remember all the pics of Kate spanking one of the tup girls in the driveway? Honestly, the parallels are frightening.
Michelle said "How do you not fight tooth and nail to get your children away from her?"
Because in Pennsylvania, Kate would have to be a serial killer before Jon would get custody.
Admin said - "But there is something wrong when they are made to work through that kind of heat with cameras in their faces and little to none of the same protections regular child actors are afforded in the same conditions, such as breaks, a set teacher to monitor their health and comfort, and so on. So comparisons to the time that you too took your children out in hot weather are apples and oranges unless a camera crew from TLC was in their faces the whole time as well."
It's pretty obvious by now to everyone except Kate's diminishing herd of sheeple, that that is the real reason they've filmed so many episodes and kept the kids working all through their summer holiday. They know Murt is pushing to pass new laws and when that happens a set teacher would put a stop to so much the children are are forced to do. The show would have to end. But it's a catch 22...I can't imagine what goes on when the cameras aren't around.
I wonder if the TLC filming crew and Kate's precious nannies & bffs know that it's a criminal offense for people to fail to report child abuse.
"I wonder if the TLC filming crew and Kate's precious nannies & bffs know that it's a criminal offense for people to fail to report child abuse."
Unforunately, it's not a crime for those people not to report abuse. This only applies if you are a member of certain professions that come into contact with children frequently, and you work on federal land or in a federally operated or contracted facility. You can check out the restrictions online, and a film crew, nannies and best friends are not among those "professions" for whom it is a federal crime not to report it.
Auntie Ann- Read the PA child abuse laws. They are antiquated and seriously flawed. None of what we have seen is considered child abuse in PA.
So IOW they're saying if a nanny - or anyone outside of the ones you've named - sees the mother of the children she's in charge of, beating a child, or berating & belittling him, they are not obliged to say anything? Wow. Just wow. Wouldn't nannies fall under the category of professional caregiver?
I am not diabetic. But last week at 4pm, after running errands all day in 95 F heat, I realized I had put nothing in my stomach all day except black coffee in the morning. Too late. It started with a weird hot flash, intense cold sweats, feeling of nausea, dizzy, shakes, and a pulse that turned out to be about 100.
The ER checked my blood sugar and told me it was too low, around 58, and they called it MILD hypoglycemia. MILD!!! I got some food and hydration, a scolding by the wonderful nurse and I was forced to promise to be more careful.
If Kate and all of her offspring suffer from this on such a regular basis, you can bet she would be back on the talk show circut crying and begging for money and TV cameras in her hospital du jour.
Kate, why not just say you and your children are tired and getting hungry. Quit being so dramatic and exaggerating everything, it makes you appear quite childish. The big downside of that is that your children are obviously de-valuing nearly every thing you say.
I love your recap! Great job.
Well, Hailey's at it again. ROL posted her new "blog" which is a rambling of just about everything, but mostly about herself and how she is just an innocent, duped college girl who got caught up in Jon's lies (a "moron"). She also claims that Kate is a wonderful mother who has taken the high road in all of this.
I'm not sure this is about her only wanting her $200,000 returned. This is the writing of a tormented soul who just cannot move on, sees herself as a victim, blames everyone but herself, and is out for revenge. Shame on ROL for contributing to her personal vendetta.
What is she trying to prove? One can only hope that Jon keeps his mouth shut and doesn't keep this thing going. She's most likely sitting there waiting for his response, which would be the wrong this to do because she needs to have the last word and therefore, just won't end it.
Silence on his part can be much more effective than trying to launch a defense. It also can drive the other person crazy because no argument ensues, and that's exactly that she wants....anything to stay in the media, long after her 15 minutes ended.
OMG! There is a "Blog" page over on ROL from Hailey. Agh! She is such a loser. At least they add edit notes on a couple of points. But, she thinks Kate is a good semi single mom. WTF? Who actually owns ROL? You would think Hailey was a poor, poor abused person while with Jon.
It doesn't matter how hard you try Hailey, Kate is still a BIG loser. Scaring your kids into filming and following your rules does NOT make you a good semi single mom.
Starving perhaps? Emaciated. Dehydrated. Succubus...
This made me laugh.
Wow, Admin, you really held back! I watched a few minutes at the end, and also a bit of the youtube posts. I was appalled when Cara said she wanted a milkshake and Kate then told whoever it was to throw Cara's cone away. You also left out the ladder climbing in those hideous heels to the top of the ferry and her super-hero poses when she beat her kids. I don't blame you - it had to be painful to watch the whole thing. From what little I saw, Kate talked only about herself and her discomfort - and only to the camera (and she is always quite delighted at how quick witted and cute and funny she is). She does not really interact with the kids at all. They all seem strangely detached. It's sad.
Did anyone notice if the kids had anything to drink, carried a water bottle, anything besides the beverages in the shop or at lunch??? Possibly an on-SET (all caps for a reason) handler had them off camera?
And for it to be dark during their bus tour, it had to have been well after 9pm. No wonder those babies were passed out! I just hope Kate didn't go off on Joel for having ice cream on his clothes since she's the one that shoved it on him. Some role model.
Why are the twins who are about to turn ten only in 3rd grade? They should be in 5th grade if Kate hadn't held them back a year as she did the six so that she could make more money filming them.
Many thanks for the review. I can't imagine any mother threatening to leave a child behind. I can't remember ever hearing the Statue of Liberty being referred to as the Green Lady - but then we're talking about Kate. Love the twins - Cara and Mady - speaking up for themselves. If Kate found it hot, what about the children. From your comments I would say she has made a complete fool of herself - again.
My son will be 10 in November and he is in the 4th grade. State law sets the age.
As for Kate operating the ferry, that is a Federal Offense as the operator of any commercial vessel MUST be certified by the United States Coast Guard and YES, that includes Kate. She can no more legally steer that vessel or stand behind the controls for a second or for a cameo shot on a reality television show.
That is like the pilot of a commercial plane carrying passengers allowing someone into the cockpit and letting them hold the yoke. I'm surprised that this has been allowed a free pass
The twins are in the fourth grade and they have late Fall birthdays. It was completely appropriate to hold them back. I despise that fame-whore birth mother, but those girls are where they belong.
I think hate says "low blood sugar" when she really means panic attack. Feeding her children throws her into a panic attack every time because she sucks at it...has no patience for it. She says low blood sugar because it signifies it is something that is not her fault.
I also question how, if she claims to be "the healthiest eater you will ever see", then why does she have low blood sugar episodes? People who are not diabetic do not have low blood sugar dips unless they are eating a crapload of refined carbs and sugar, stuff she denies ever eating. She is either starving herself to stay slim for Hollywood, or she IS eating a tad too much egg custard and turtle turds...which isn't exactly being the healthiest eater you will ever see.
Anonymous said... Why are the twins who are about to turn ten only in 3rd grade? They should be in 5th grade if Kate hadn't held them back a year as she did the six so that she could make more money filming them.
September 3, 2010 10:27 AM
They are in 4th grade. Kids are 9 turning 10 in 4th grade if they started kindergarten at age 5.
A nanny hired privately with a family is under no obligation to report abuse. Legally at least. Morally, that's a different story.
A professional day care provider usually is a mandated reporter.
I'm still shocked by Kate's words to Cara about leaving her behind. She has become so over the top arrogant and has been allowed to get away with so much that she just assumes she can say and do anything she chooses and no one can do a bloody thing about it. How beyond cruel to threaten to leave a 9 year old with strangers. Although why I am shocked by anything that witch would do is beyond me. And then on top of that to have them throw away Cara's ice cream when she told her mother she had wanted a shake. She is so far gone I don't think there is any hope for her. She's going to be in utter uncontrollable rage and disbelief when TLC tells her bye-bye. And the kids will be the ones to pay. Because as much as Kate loves to think she is going to move on and be a big star, forget it. She has no talent and no redeeming qualities. And her almost nudity -- not even impressive. There are so many others who look eons better than her and DON'T have her toxic personality hanging out for all the world to see.
Kate is just feeling her hunger more intensely than everyone else, because Kate is special and feels everything more deeply. Also if she has such a big problem with hunger, she should not set herself up for failure and drama and carve out regular snacktimes in mid-morning and mid-afternoon. But then that doesn't make good TV. She also might not be drinking enough water which can feel like hunger, but in fact is dehydration.
True hypoglycemia involves severe headaches, shakes, sweats, fainting, vomiting, and severe dives in blood sugar.
What's amazing about blood sugar, diabetes or not, is once you get calories in you, you can go from being at death's door, to being back to normal and running a marthon within a 10 minute period.
Panic attacks are serious afflictions that literally make a person feel that he/she is dying. Kate is just a histrionic attention-whore. If she suffered from panic attacks she would be hosting a telethon for herself.
Thanks for the great re-cap. I, too, am diabetic and don't appreciate Kate's attempt at using low blood sugar to get sympathy and attention. She is a "piece of work" and appears to be just down right mean to those "prop" kids. Sad story.
Wow. This episode really shows just how mean and cold and uncaring Kate really is towards her kids, and it made me wonder why TLC aired these incidents.
Two possibilities come to mind: TLC had no choice - they couldn't show any instances of Kate being warm and loving because there weren't any. Or - and this is Machiavellian, but I wouldn't put it past them - they know that ratings are down because there are fewer and fewer sheeple. They also know that rating for DWTS soared when Kate was on because - let's face it - apart from the sheeple, people tuned in to see just how badly Kate sucked, both as a dancer and as a human being. And she didn't disappoint.
Perhaps TLC is counting on people who never watched the show before to tune in, just to see whether Kate behaves as badly as all the blogs say she does?
Ugh! It sounds like it was a horrible show. I'm glad I didn't waste my time watching. I'm also not going to give ROL or Hailey any hits.
"They should be in 5th grade if Kate hadn't held them back a year as she did the six so that she could make more money filming them."
The twins were not held back. They are exactly where they should be...in fourth grade. The six were not held back so they could make more money filming them. Why does this rumor continue to surface? The younger kids were not ready for Kindergarten...testing indicated as such. The best place for them to be was in the pre-K program so that this year they would be on the same academic/social level as Kindergarteners. They are not in full-time Kindergarten. Kate did not hold them back. It had nothing to do with filming, even though that's the assumption made by those who would assume the worst about Kate (and, of course, that's easy to do). It was the school that determined the best place for these kids to be...and that was in its Pre-K program.
Granted, keeping them back to allow for more filming would be a motive, and she's done many, many things to make sure that these kids are constantly on camera. However, this was not one of them.
I don't think the tups were kept back to facilitate filming, but I believe the filming and all the other upheaval contributed to their lack of readiness for kindergarten.
The continual stress in their lives would certainly show up on any pre-school testing.The fact that they have few or no social outlets besides each other, and camera crews, has surely stunted their social growth.
Add to this a succession of caregivers; a mother whose moods are mercurial and whose disciplinary style is punitive; continuous travelling that has impeded their completion of developmental tasks at the appropriate time, and a vicious divorce. !
They seem to be given no opportunities to learn the basic skills that most children have before the age of 6, due to their mother's distaste for allowing them to do arts and crafts projects and to play simple outdoor games.
No wonder the kids aren't ready for kindergarten.
I'm just curious as to why Kate with her 'low blood sugar' episodes had the energy to run through the streets of NY in her high heels in 102 degree temps. If anything those kids were suffering from heat exhaustion, not her. Can you imagine riding around on top of a bus all day in that temperature. No sunhats, umbrellas....nada, nuthin. Nice going Kate. I thought being an RN she would be a little more cautious.
It's a good thing she's no longer in the profession. How does she renew her license every year? Doesn't she need to take some kind of test? In fact, how did she graduate nursing school in the first place? She's utterly clueless to the needs of others. And she sucks at retaining knowledge. She can't even keep her lies straight.
I finally watched the snippets of this episode that I missed the first time around. I guess I never realized, that in addition to being sadistic, she's really stupid. I mean just plain dumb. She didn't realize that "Chinatown was like a little chunk of China?" What did she think it was...an Italian festival?
If you're that uneducated, wouldn't you think that you would just shut up about it, instead of calling it to the attention to viewers and just basically putting yourself out there not only as an exploitive parent, but a stupid one was well?
"They are not in full-time Kindergarten."
Sorry. Typo. Should have been they are NOW in full-time Kindergarten.
"That is like the pilot of a commercial plane carrying passengers allowing someone into the cockpit and letting them hold the yoke. I'm surprised that this has been allowed a free pass"
Im surprised that they didn't allow her to "drive" the Amtrak train!
Probably stating the obvious but this just occurred to me: Hate could be an uber talented actor, unsurpassed as a gifted singer, the epitome of a Ginger Rogers/Fred Astair dancer, even a one-in-a-million hilariously funny comedienne and she'd STILL be a BIG FAT FAILURE whose "career" NEVER gets off the ground in NYC or Hollywood. Together, now - WHY?
Because she's a BIG FAT ZERO as a human being, a "zit on the ass of humanity," a bitch who not only CAN'T follow directions and suggestions, but WON'T. She'd be black-balled from the business inside of a year, tops.
If that isn't enough, in my opinion, the people who run the entertainment business have impeccably fine-tuned crap detectors; Take Greedslin is full of shit, personality and intellectually-wise. She's carrying around some pretty ugly SECRETS that will be her undoing when they're exposed. The movers and shakers of her beloved Hollywood would EXPOSE HER faster than a mini-forest fire could expose a picnic with Daddy Steve on the driveway.
Kates "low blood sugar" is just one of another laundry list of excuses she has to excuse her rude behavior.
When she humiliated Jon in Toys or Us it was "I don't see people" as if when being nasty, nobody is around or hears her. Kate in her infinite ignorance of culture, feels that this, and her adding "ish" to words, is cute.
In reality, based on the TV ratings, America is tiring of seeing her "cuteness" or what she thinks is cute, as she is always moaning and bitching, while having been given so much.
In these times of financial worry only Kate and her 8 can travel all over the country and not pay for a thing. many worry about a mortgage, food, a car payment, or whether tommorrow they will have a job.
TLC in many ways you are to blame for her attitude and Jon's as well, as he gets no pass either. Rewarding people for doing nothing but what many feel is a lack of family planning, and using common sense. For using ROL to put a positive spin on everything she does and to bash Jon at every turn.
Where is the Twist of Kate show TLC promised as Kate plus 8 was only to be a limited amount of specials? Could it be that failed as well? Could it be TLC is running these kids ragged while PA debates and discusses the labor permits and pending legislation that might put a constraint on filming? Or could they be filming everywhere they feel the laws are lax regarding child filming.
One thing we can do and must do is to stop watching this show. Ratings talk!
Sorry if this is a duplicate post. My computer seems to have taken on a mind of its own!
Auntie Ann...
I think there are 48 states that have adopted the same rules for the mandatory reporting of abuse. You can google the PA laws for a detailed list: Cons. Stat. § 6311
Glad I missed the show!! Thanks for the re-cap. Sorry, however, that you had to suffer through it, Admin. You are a stronger woman than I. ~Peace~ Hippie Chick
Awesome video of INF documenting Kate's bad behavior.
They got it all - the dress, the parking, the attitude.
@Kelly: "As for Kate operating the ferry, that is a Federal Offense as the operator of any commercial vessel MUST be certified by the United States Coast Guard and YES, that includes Kate. She can no more legally steer that vessel or stand behind the controls for a second or for a cameo shot on a reality television show."
Maybe someone could look into this (rules and regulations -- NY) to find out how she was exempt from the Coast Guard rules; if special permission was granted, and if not, who would be on the hot seat...and would a penalty ensue.
Can someone tell me WHEN kate started the squealing and screetching? When Jon was still there it was JON JON JON she yelled - will she start yelling STEVE STEVE STEVE? Why can't she just talk like normal women and not act like a 4 year old. Her kids seem to have grown out of that stage thank goodness but now we have the LOT LIZARD screetching....who else does that? Any "stars" that we know of.....anyone? NO.
IDModo said - Auntie Ann- Read the PA child abuse laws. They are antiquated and seriously flawed. None of what we have seen is considered child abuse in PA.
You're right, they are. I should have remembered that from previous discussions. The laws are different in Canada. It's everyone's obligation to report child abuse and can be fined if they don't. Plus there is no statute of limitations for charging the offender. Some people argue it is Orwellian, but it's the law nonetheless. Kate would have to change her parenting methods if she ever moved north of the Cdn/U.S. border or she'd probably only see her kids under supervision.
While there were so many things wrong on so many levels during this episode, here's one of the most disturbing things (to me)...
In the ice cream fiasco, Kate pushed her son. Initially I thought she was shoving the ice cream cone at him. If you watch the video, you can see she used her left hand to push him back. The child did nothing except to come forward for ice cream, and she yelled at him and physically pushed him back. I'm hoping that Jon keeps videos such as this (before TLC cleans them up).
This is so disheartening.
starting around @2:04
"DModo said - Auntie Ann- Read the PA child abuse laws. They are antiquated and seriously flawed."
It's not exclusive to PA. Forty eight states have adopted the same laws regarding the mandatory reporting of abuse. They need to be scrutinized in ALL of those states, not just PA.
Glad I didn't watch it either but thanks for the recap. The trips are getting old and tiresome it seems and not at all exciting for the kids anymore. She would be better off doing her own stupid thing and leaving the children at home from now on. Sometimes when you give a child too much they get overwhelmed, in this case, too much working, filming and trips. Leave the kids alone Kate Gosselin and let them have their privacy back! As for the fans taking pictures and staring, do they have no shame?
Thanks for watching so we didn't have to.
Moose Mania -
You are right she does push him to sit down and "just eat it"...Do you see the look on his face? He looks scared - poor kid just wanted his ice cream. SHe is such a bitch. Screaming at the kids to eat the ice cream - "don't worry about what I am doing - just eat your ice cream" Well Kate that is sorta hard for a kid to do while you are throwing 10 paper towels down the front of their shirt -= Dang she probably wishes everyone didn't call her out on the bibs or I am sure she would of pulled them out on this trip.
Thanks for the recap. I have watched none of the Kate plus Eight specials. I can't stand to see her on the screen.
I just looked at that clip, and she does push her son down on the seat and shoves the ice cream at him.
Also, about Cara being upset because she wanted a milkshake--the way Kart handled that by disposing of the ice cream cone....can you imagine how Cara felt? She ended up crying, while all of her siblings were having ice cream.
Kart has and is setting up her kids for so much resentment towards her that it's beyond monumental. She has no idea. Little kids remember these trips where they were disappointed and treated like they don't count.
While this show has always been intrusive with regards to the kids' privacy, Kate plus 8 has reached an all time low. It's been years since the show was charming. Now it is downright humiliating for the G8; they must cringe to think their classmates are watching them and their crazy ass mother on tv. Kate is beyond controlling and bitchy; now she is a crazy exhibitionist and dopey fake ham. The boobs flopping out of her tops, the heels and fake hair, the manic screaming and strange behavior, the childish showing off and attention seeking, the disregard for her kids' feelings, yelling at them like a nazi to eat ice cream, accusing Cara of lying about requesting a milkshake, on and on. The show is merely Kate abusing her kids and mugging like an idiot for the camera. She is so full of herself...for what? Keeping this show on the air is just cruel to those kids. Their mother is an embarrassment and needs medication and maybe hospitalization. Enough
Ferrying the Ferry,
The only ones who would be charged would be the ferry Captain or the owner of the company that holds the license for the ferry. Kate would be given a free pass, yet again.
I didn't watch the show so I don't know if Kate was operating the ferry while it was underway. She could have been behind the controls while it was docked and if that is so, there is nothing to be looked at.
If Kate was behind the controls while the ferry was underway, that is a chargeable offense and is not allowed according to Coast Guard rules. Doesn't matter if she was in the wheelhouse and pretending to be operating the ferry while it was underway. Coast Guard rules prohibit anyone from being in the wheelhouse, behind the controls while the vessel is underway.
Well, I just watched the clip on youtube and she is sure enough in the wheelhouse and has the wheel. They show it more than once. And she says more than once that she's really steering it.
If I had been on that ferry, I wouldn't have been too terribly thrilled about that, I can tell you.
oh how i wish we could agree not to watch. i read so many people at the other saight saying "i was flipping channels" "my kids were wathing" "couldnt sleep so watched to fall asleep" ect. i like that this sight has andmin watch and report therefore no need for us to view. if we truly want to save the 8 from explotation we could really drive he nubers down. i bet without our curiosity the numbers would fall below 1 million next episode. the less we watch the less $$ value she is. without TLC behind her how far could she really go. i want her to live what she claims she wants. a real life as a SAHM. we could help her with her dream by not watching her scream at and embarrss her kids on her "reality"show.
im not bashing anyone who watches. you are free to do it. but if you really dont like the kids being exploited - you could help stop it by ignoring KATE PLUS 8. i truly believe its our watching the trainwreck that TLC depends on. we have the power to stop this and truly save the 8. admins recaps are good enough to know whats going on. we dont need to see the side boob for ourselves.
just a thought to consider please. i care enought not to see the kids suffer. anyone else agree?
Chunk of China said..."If you're that uneducated, wouldn't you think that you would just shut up about it"
Kate is too stupid and narcissistic to know how uneducated she is. This is the same woman who thinks "Asian" is a language. It would be laughable but for the fact that her kids ARE half Asian -- although of the Korean (NOT Chinese) variety. Which again, shows her (or TLC's) ignorance and poor judgment. Why not take the kids to Korea-town, and expose them to their own heritage?????? Such a dumb-ass. My kingdom for the day this waste of overly-tanned skin goes away.....
@ Erin: AGREED!!!!
Erin said..."admins recaps are good enough to know whats going on. we dont need to see the side boob for ourselves.
just a thought to consider please. i care enought not to see the kids suffer. anyone else agree?
I absolutely agree...and have not nor will I even turn on TLC any longer. I have stopped watching ALL of their programming because of their gross encouragement, enabling and exploitative child abuse! Kate IS a child abuser and TLC is paying her to do it!!!!!
And further more EVERYONE from employees to ex family who refuse to speak out are part of the problem and enable Kate to ABUSE her children unchallenged while she is paid handsomely to do so.
another way to look at this...Kate is being PAID handsomely to emotionally destroy her children for the almighty dollar that it puts in her pocket and the pockets of TLC execs...
Kate is NOT being paid to
1. Act - she has NO acting skills at all.
2. Be beautiful - she has NO inner beauty whatsoever left (if she ever had any) and what natural beauty she may have had outwardly in the beginning has been replaced with fake, boobs, fake smile, fake skin, fake nails, fake body.
3. Be a loving mother - she has shown with great precision that she has NO desire to be a good mother, a loving mother or quite simply a mother at all.
Kate is being paid to stand on the road side of TV in her hooker outfit, and wave her arms at people to stop and gawk at what is the ongoing exploitation and complete destruction of 8 innocent childhoods for filthy money!
I am watching some college football with my daughter (GO FSU SEMINOLES)!!! and it made me think this........NFL monday night football will destroy the ratings for the rest of the Kate plus 8 episodes....even she is not important enough to compete with the NFL!
Great recap!
I accidently flipped to TLC during a commercial (can't really recall what I was watching at the time, but I'm sure it was WAY better than K+8) and saw the first part of Ice cream-Gate(from when she decides to choose flavors for them to her and the "assistants" racing down the street as the cones melt down their arms). All I could think was how much harder she has to make every little thing! Why not just have them all go to the ice cream store and order what they want? Also, from the picture, it looked like most of the flavors were vanilla/sweet cream so that they wouldn't stain the kid's clothes. Didn't catch the part where she threw away Cara's cone, but that's awful! What the heck would have been so hard about ordering her a milk shake, anyway? Actually, it'd be a lot less messy than the ice cream cones.
In other news, Lol about none of the kids wanting to sit at Khate's table at lunch. Good for you, kids!
Did anybody else take notice that while the kids were dressed similiar alike or matching again, even Kate and Jamie were dressed ALIKE?
THAT is beyond creepy to me!!
thank you to the replies to my post. i just typed another and lost it. hopefully i dont double post. and forgive my typos. i type fast when passionate. please everyone understand. kates power comes from TLC. they pay her PR, radar, get her gigs on the view and ET. they pay for the house, steve, trips ect. without TLC kate is nothing. if we band together and stop "flipping channels" "wathing on youtube to see how bad she is" stop wathing the "midnight showing to fall asleep" ect her rating would plummet. she maybe has 10,000 real fans the rest of the viewers are US. lets remember that. get the rating down, save the kids and she gone. even if she got a gig at ET what would that pay? $250k a year tops. not enough to support all the nannies and steve. without TLCs PR protecting her the REAL KATE would be on her own and fail miserably. so if we get rating down TLC leeaves. kids are free and kate must stand on her own 2 untalented feet. we have the power to save the 8. we are the only ones watching!!!
admin is fine to watch and keep us posted. thts only 1 viewer and she does a great recap. thts all we need. the show is too boring to watch for a peek at how evil kate is . let admin do her job and the rest of us band together and get this show gone. i would never do this to another celeb but the fact kate misled churches and took donations makes her undeserving of all this. without TLC to protect her the truth will finally come out about this hideous, fake, lying woman.
Wasn't there prior reports when they were in the old house that Cara balked at filming and Kate took her in the house, getting her back into the J/Kp8 mood ala Mommy Dearest style? Cara came out of the house and like the sad, little girl she's become, pleased Mommy and TLC/$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Just wait, TLC and Mommy D. Kate will be doing product placements next with teen feminine products for "Cara's mood swings". Beyond Disgusting and Shameful.
TLC is blocked in our home. Nobody will 'accidentally' switch the channel to TLC...ever..as long as I'm alive. I've never felt so passionately about evil being broadcast into my home. And Kate is truly, sickeningly evil.
That is why Mr. Murt is trying to get a teacher to be on set - becuase they are mandatory reporters. From the looks of things they actually need a nurse instead or a doctor. My child would not have survived that - he would have been in the ER. He is heat sensitive.
Now ROL has pics of her today buying stuff for her "chicks" and saying that they eat the eggs "daily"...OH REALLY...(kinda like her running daily...right)! The only running Kate has done lately was in NYC w/ ice cream for ratings. When have they been home all summer since the chicks were introduced as a prop for a program...TLC and Kate are shameless. And ROL says she is still glowing from her success at the Emmys...again, REALLY! What are you smokin' ROL!!! You are obviously bought and paid for by TLC. Joan Rivers told her to go home and learn the names of her children. She looked and acted idiotic and she is utterly undeserving of being associated with the Emmys or ET (for that matter), and everyone, everyone, but ROL (bought and paid for by TLC) would and did agree with that assessment. And when I first looked at the pics of Kate today, I thought she had cut the hideous extensions out of her hair until I saw that raccoon tail hanging in the back. I am SO SICK OF YOU KATE. SO SICK OF YOU. You are fake and even your PR IS FAKE.
*Moose Mania - OK I broke down and went to the clip. YOU ARE RIGHT! She hit him in his right shoulder using her left fist that she was holding the cone it, and he sat all the way back in the corner of the seat and didnt move; Even his little face was frozen - did he even breathe? He was scared to death to move a muscle. This is just more confirmation to me that she hits those children on a regular basis and always has. Always has.
*Erin - I too locked out TLC quite some time ago, before they even moved to the mansion. I have never seen "mine, all mine" that everyone talks about, nor any other little thing on TLC. I also quickly learned that Discovery and DiscHealth cross over, and I locked them out too, just a few weeks later. So I dont even see Kate & Kate Plus Kate commercials. About 4 times in the past 2 years I have clicked on a video link, and then swore I would never do it again.
*kidsRablessing: moving her show opposite of Monday Night Football - I didnt think of that! Whatever sheeple are married will have to fight their hubbies for the TV, and the others will have to fight their dads. Talk about setting her up for failure! Next they will move her opposite of American Idol. ROFLMAO!
I have never posted here before but am an avid reader of the blog. I watched the NY episode on YouTube this weekend and could not shake a very disturbing feeling about Kate that I have not seen posted yet. Did anyone notice the similarities in her behavior, comments, and interview with the main character, Michael Scott, who is the boss on "The Office"? I love this show. Michaels’ complete lack of empathy for his employee’s feelings and his detachment from reality is funny because of his cluelessness to how his employees (and the viewer) really see him. But what is so disturbing is that "The Office" is just a sitcom about an exaggerated spoof of how a boss should not act towards his employees BUT Kate is a real a mom of eight children (though she lacks all the basic motherly instincts) and not a made up scripted sitcom character. The similarities are scary:
Both Kate and Michael Scott have employees (though sadly Kate’s are her children).
I am inserting this description of the character Michael on The Office as described on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia website: “Michael holds inflated views of himself and considers himself an office comedian, but his attempts at humor tend to fail. Often, he says things that are inappropriate, offensive or unwittingly mean in the hopes of getting a laugh. He lacks maturity and self-awareness, has few friends and is quite lonely, made worse because his efforts to make friends with people usually backfire. Michael will resort to any means possible to make himself the center of attention and often takes credit for the successes of others. His subordinates, with the exception of Dwight Schrute, think of him as inept and several of them remark that they get their work done when Michael is distracted.”
Now I am substituting Michael for Kate: Kate holds inflated views of herself and considers herself a celebrity and mother, but her attempts at humor and discipline tend to fail. Often, she says things that are inappropriate, offensive or unwittingly mean in the hopes of getting a laugh or to control her employees (children). She lacks maturity and self-awareness, has few friends and is quite lonely, made worse because her efforts to make friends with people usually backfire. Kate will resort to any means possible to make herself the center of attention and often takes credit for the successes of others (her children). Her subordinates (children and Jon), with the exception of Steve, her bodyquard/boyfriend , think of her as inept and several of them remark that they have more fun when Kate is away and they are with their Dad.” Scary how similar they are in character traits.
I ran out of room on my previous comment regarding the similarities between the NY episode and The Office. Here are the rest of my comments on this:
Both have inflated views of themselves, they talk to the camera and think they are funny but their attempts at humor tend to fail. Both think they are cute and lovable when they play up to the camera and the invisible interviewer.
Both have delusions of importance and think their employees love them no matter how badly they are treated. On both shows you see how the employees make faces behind their backs and think their boss’s behavior is strange. On both shows, the boss threatens the employees with firing (being left behind with strangers, sent back to the hotel, etc…) if they don’ do as they are told. Both Kate and Michael talk to the camera and describe a day or incident very differently than what actually transpired for the audience to view. The Office exploits this by showing just how out of touch Michael is with reality and personal relationships – but this is for laughs. TLC exploits this but why? It is scary that Kate’s reality does not reflect what we see filmed by TLC. Both Kate and Michael treat their “employees” with disrespect and put downs but then justify their behavior without ever admitting they were wrong. For example: Kate yelling at the kids to just eat the ice cream; Yelling at Cara when Cara wanted a milkshake; Both Kate and Michael use offending and politically incorrect remarks with airs of superiority and disrespect. For example: Kate’s repetitive use of the word “Asian” while walking thru Chinatown. And when she pointed to a store front and said “That’s Asian – that’s how they read.” Wow! One – it was in Chinese. Second – that was how they “write” not “read”. Also how she treated all the store and restaurant employees and described the food they ate. How she complained in the restaurant so much about herself with no concern for her small children. Even her yelling across the table at the Nanny with her mouth full of food reminded me of what Michael would do on his show for laughs. This could have been a scene from The Office with Michael in her role and everyone would have laughed. But sadly this was a real day in the life of these poor Gosselin children. They have to live with a Mother who really acts like the caricature of Michael Scott on the sitcom “The Office”.
This whole episode was creepy how much Kate reminded me of Michael and his exaggerated behavior. A new low for TLC, Kate, and sadly for the 8 innocent children.
I was in China Town today tour-guiding out-of- town guests. One of the larger shops, with merchandise on several tables out on the sidewalk, had a hand-printed sign that said "Do Not Pose With Our Merchandise or We Will Charge You $2.00 Per Picture." I couldn't help but wonder if a certain person hadn't just ticked them off a little bit. (Maybe not, maybe that sign has been there for years. Or maybe it just went up a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't noticed it before but that doesn't mean a whole lot.)
That is why Mr. Murt is trying to get a teacher to be on set - becuase they are mandatory reporters. From the looks of things they actually need a nurse instead or a doctor. My child would not have survived that - he would have been in the ER. He is heat sensitive.
Erin said..."admins recaps are good enough to know whats going on. we dont need to see the side boob for ourselves.
just a thought to consider please. i care enought not to see the kids suffer. anyone else agree?
I absolutely agree...and have not nor will I even turn on TLC any longer. I have stopped watching ALL of their programming because of their gross encouragement, enabling and exploitative child abuse! Kate IS a child abuser and TLC is paying her to do it!!!!!
And further more EVERYONE from employees to ex family who refuse to speak out are part of the problem and enable Kate to ABUSE her children unchallenged while she is paid handsomely to do so.
Ferrying the Ferry,
The only ones who would be charged would be the ferry Captain or the owner of the company that holds the license for the ferry. Kate would be given a free pass, yet again.
I didn't watch the show so I don't know if Kate was operating the ferry while it was underway. She could have been behind the controls while it was docked and if that is so, there is nothing to be looked at.
If Kate was behind the controls while the ferry was underway, that is a chargeable offense and is not allowed according to Coast Guard rules. Doesn't matter if she was in the wheelhouse and pretending to be operating the ferry while it was underway. Coast Guard rules prohibit anyone from being in the wheelhouse, behind the controls while the vessel is underway.
While this show has always been intrusive with regards to the kids' privacy, Kate plus 8 has reached an all time low. It's been years since the show was charming. Now it is downright humiliating for the G8; they must cringe to think their classmates are watching them and their crazy ass mother on tv. Kate is beyond controlling and bitchy; now she is a crazy exhibitionist and dopey fake ham. The boobs flopping out of her tops, the heels and fake hair, the manic screaming and strange behavior, the childish showing off and attention seeking, the disregard for her kids' feelings, yelling at them like a nazi to eat ice cream, accusing Cara of lying about requesting a milkshake, on and on. The show is merely Kate abusing her kids and mugging like an idiot for the camera. She is so full of herself...for what? Keeping this show on the air is just cruel to those kids. Their mother is an embarrassment and needs medication and maybe hospitalization. Enough
Auntie Ann- Read the PA child abuse laws. They are antiquated and seriously flawed. None of what we have seen is considered child abuse in PA.
IDModo said - Auntie Ann- Read the PA child abuse laws. They are antiquated and seriously flawed. None of what we have seen is considered child abuse in PA.
You're right, they are. I should have remembered that from previous discussions. The laws are different in Canada. It's everyone's obligation to report child abuse and can be fined if they don't. Plus there is no statute of limitations for charging the offender. Some people argue it is Orwellian, but it's the law nonetheless. Kate would have to change her parenting methods if she ever moved north of the Cdn/U.S. border or she'd probably only see her kids under supervision.
Thank you for posting the recap. Sorry you had to sit through it though- I would rather have a full mouth root canal.
The correlation between Kate & Mommie Dearest is spot on- unfortunately for the Gosselin 8.
I can't stand Kate. I keep looking for signs that make her likeable, but I always get nothing. The more I read about her, the more I see that something is wrong with her.
I wish she would allow herself to be evaluated by a doctor.
@Kelly: "As for Kate operating the ferry, that is a Federal Offense as the operator of any commercial vessel MUST be certified by the United States Coast Guard and YES, that includes Kate. She can no more legally steer that vessel or stand behind the controls for a second or for a cameo shot on a reality television show."
Maybe someone could look into this (rules and regulations -- NY) to find out how she was exempt from the Coast Guard rules; if special permission was granted, and if not, who would be on the hot seat...and would a penalty ensue.
Ditto on the relative with Type 1 and her attitude towards her blood sugar is infuriating. Kind of like when she told the kids with cancer at St. Judes that she had to be on bedrest.
I saw it on youtube. Did you notice when she had the hat on in Chinatown they cut away as she was saying something? Betcha she launched into some ethnic stereotype impression and they had to edit it out.
I've never seen this movie, but it sure rang true. Something about the way the girl's arm was being yanked and twisted reminded me of another girl's injury....hmmm
brilliant comparison admin. between the clip of mommie dearest and the other mommie dearest playing whack a mole.please tell me what parent likes to beat their little children at a game?
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