Part one is Pirates!
Kate claims that all summer long the kids wanted to go to the beach. Really smooth, make it seem like this was all the kids’ idea. And when they said they wanted to go to the beach, did they mention they wanted the camera crew and Steve to come, too? Just wondering!
In front of the kids Kate is talking all about how she’s been single a year now and it‘s been “good.” In front of the kids. Does she not realize that all kids will hear is, Life is so much better now that that mean awful man-boy who fathered you is out of my life!
On the couch, this is what Kate says, word for word: “It’s the place where I called my divorce attorney. I knew at that point, I was told that was the next step, I had to do it. So I spent my afternoon at the beach last year researching divorce attorneys.”
When she says “I was told,” what does that mean? TLC told her it was now time to divorce Jon? Steve told her? Shouldn’t you ultimately make this decision for yourself? She makes it sound like she had nothing to do with divorcing Jon even though she is the one who filed first, like she’s a freaking robot. Maybe she is. Once again, Kate deflects all responsibility off her and blames it on vague outside forces. Darth Vadar made her divorce Jon, or possibly Elmo. Kate’s mouth runs so much she can’t help letting the cat out of the bag, or at least a heck of a lot of big clues. She makes it sound like the whole divorce was very calculated, and orchestrated by her and TLC at just the right moment. I have a funny feeling it was.
The kids and Kate are taking a boat ride to Bald Head island. Here comes Mady to make our day, as usual. Mady had a little toy in her hand and Cara took it from her. Cara doesn’t seem angry or upset, but when she took it, it looks like she grabbed it harder than she intended and it dropped to the deck.
Kate immediately snaps at Cara to stop being so “grabby.”
Mady, bless her heart, immediately jumps to her sister’s defense. “No, she did it on accident!” she cries.
Band together against, Kate, kids! The numbers are in your favor! Mady has always been good at math.
As they begin to dock, they spot a replica pirate ship. Cool, maybe they’ll make Kate walk the plank. “I wanna find me a cute pirate!” Kate says as they get off the boat and walk over to the pirate ship.
“Good luck with that,” Mady deadpans. Ha. Sing it, Mady.
I hope Kate knows Johnny Depp just plays a pirate on TV. Pirates of t

Joel says he’s tired of walking. But he must walk to the next scene! It quickly becomes apparent this whole thing is a setup as a guy in full pirate costume with some kind of down-under accent greets them as Captain Sinbad. Hm, a relative of Steve? Steve is wandering around in the background by the way pretending not to be there.
Kate says the pirate was trying to explain some of the history of how pirates discovered Bald Head, but she, Kate, cares too much about the sand and sun. Figures. And it’s too bad, because she could at least try to make these endless working vacations somewhat education for the kids. But since it’s always all about Kate and she’s never interested in history, she won’t let the kids be either.
A quick Google search shows Bald Head has a very colorful past, involving the famous pirate Blackbeard, later the Civil War, and still later, host to the first U.S. Coast Guard base. I find that fascinating and I want to know more, but that’s just me.
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger was a pretty decent movie for the 70’s. The kids get on board and good Lord, I guess we can blame Captain Sinbad for giving Kate a bullhorn. Arrg.
“Captain Mommy on board!” Kate screeches into it. Is that Captain Sinbad setting up the plank in the background? Of course when Collin starts shouting into (He says, “What‘s for dessert?” Which is cute.) Kate pulls the bullhorn away.
“You look like a real sailor!” the pirate says sweetly to Leah as he helps her off the ship.
In case you didn’t get the memo it’s all about Kate. It always has been about Kate and it always will be about Kate. “Do I in heels?” Kate demands.
“No,” the pirate retorts. Ha!
Kate is upset because her beautiful, humongous, expensive beach house she is likely not paying a dime for has no shades. Aw. Horrible. And, ungrateful wench.
I am going to try to say this very delicately. Mady and Cara are really unappreciative about this house. And I don’t blame them at all because from the time they were four years old they have been given the world on a silver platter and I don’t know how they could possibly have any sense of gratitude about anything. I’m surprised these girls are as sweet and kind as they usually are given their rapper lifestyle.
It‘s sort of like if you were to be presented with the double-chocolate banana split special for dinner every day of your life, after several months you are probably going to start to get a little bit testy when the banana is not perfectly ripe or the sauce isn‘t hot enough or someone forgot the nuts. This is how the twins are acting. And their attitude is all Kate’s fault because she was so caught up in giving her kids everything, that she accidentally gave them everything. And now they are, sadly, showing signs they are getting spoiled.
Kate presents the twins with a beautiful, pristine guest house with their own bathroom. They’re going to get tons of privacy. It is going to be awesome. But the twins are not happy at all because they will have to share a queen bed. Kate explains to us that they refuse to sleep with the little kids. I don’t get it. Kate makes no bones about saying she is in charge. So take charge and tell the twins where they are going to sleep. I don’t understand why Mady and Cara are allowed to walk all over their mother now, but not the one-hundred other times she has ordered them what to do. It’s odd. And there is no reason they can’t sleep with the little kids once in awhile. This is a big family, and sometimes you have to sleep with your younger siblings like all other big families. Deal with it.
The kicker is Kate, who was just complaining about the windows not having shades, says she can’t believe the twins are complaining.
Oh, and also, Kate says that Jamie sleeps in the same bed with her when she comes over. Hmm, rrrrreally! I personally find that weird, but I know some people are very close with their girlfriends. This almost sounds to me like an attempt to be so open about how “close” their friendship is that no one could ever accuse Kate of trying to hide anything. That way if they ever were caught sleeping together, Kate can say something like, “Oh she‘s my best girlfriend I have said all along we sleep together we‘re not trying to cover up anything!” I think it’s a very intelligent and calculated statement. And I’ll leave it at that.
Kate says that after everyone chooses a room she gets the castoffs. I find that hard to believe given the way she passes off castoff lollipops on the lesser children like Joel. I think more likely, Kate picks first and everyone else has to deal with the leftovers. Wonder where Steve sleeps. In between Kate and Jamie? At the foot of the bed like a guard dog? Jamie is not even on this trip so why is Kate talking about her? Is she on her mind? Just some questions.
Mady actually has a reasonable explanation for why she doesn’t want to sleep in the same bed as Cara. Cara kicks her and yells in her sleep. Mady even says she is willing to sleep with the little girls. All right, fair enough.
Part Two is Kites!
The next day they had set up kayaking, but they have to cancel because it‘s too windy. Oh, no, what will production do?
While production is trying to scramble to come up with something else to film, the kids are cooped up at home. Alexis is jumping up and down on the bed screaming at the top of her lungs. She is six. One of my rules for six year olds was no screaming. Save your screams for a true emergency, such as a broken bone. The twins are putting on plays. I guess production got back to her on what to do because Kate finally suggests they go fly kites. The kids all groan. They love this!
Kate can’t put together the kites but thank goodness Ashley the babysitter is there to do it.
One of my favorite movies ever is Mary Poppins. Only in that movie when they fly the kite, it’s because Jane and Michael’s father finally realized what a neglectful parent he was and that he needs to stop leaving his children with nannies, even very good ones, and just be home and enjoy spending time with them and being there as they grow up. But on Kate Plus 8, nothing profound like that is happening. Nope, they’re flying kites because their whole shooting schedule is completely screwed up.
They make it to the beach to give this a go. Just in case all the groans didn’t get the message across, one of the kids says, “I don’t want to fly a kite!”
It’s far too windy even for kites. They can’t even get them off the ground. Production tries to help but it’s really impossible. A string cuts Cara’s hand and she‘s bleeding. Someone brings her ice. Aw.
“I hate kites!” Leah shouts.
You have to carry it in so we can throw them out, Kate replies. What? The kites won’t fly because of the wind, not because they are broken and need to be thrown out. She’s such an idiot. Go walk the plank already. She reminds me of that person who throws out lemonade because it’s too sour. No you dumbass, add some more sugar.
My goal is to go to Bald Head island and do everything, Kate says. You left out, “and film it.” They head to a lighthouse. This is not her thing, Kate says. Nobody cares, it’s not about you. It’s about giving the kids a great time.
I feel like we’ve seen these kids climb a lighthouse before. That’s because we have. They claim it was not this particular lighthouse but I can’t tell.
The kids are surprisingly really fascinated with the light house. They talk endlessly about the number of steps. Seems to me this is the most fun they’ve had this whole trip, and Kate didn‘t even want to go. I don’t know how much the fee was to go up to the top, but I grew up near a lighthouse and they only ask for two bucks. It’s one of those things you can do almost every year and it’s still great. Once again proof the kids don’t need expensive things to be happy and have fun.
Part Three is Turtles!
They arrange to go out with some zoologists or something to try to see a turtle nest hatch. That is really cool. At the nest, of course the kids are screaming and talking really loud. I don’t expect to see any babies tonight. Leah comes over to Kate having a total meltdown that Alexis got sand in her eye. It’s the beach, child. Sand gets in places.
“Ashley, I need you! Take this child!” Kate shouts fiercely, pointing at Alexis.
A zoologist hears about another nest further down that is hatching. Leah is still carrying on. They cart the kids over there. Literally, in motorized carts.
They get to see the babies poking through the sand at this nest. They look like sandy little mice all squirming. They are tiny! There are a ton of them!
The miracle of life, a nice way to end things. Kate is the most annoying person on the beach oohing and ahhing over them.
“Thank goodness you didn’t have that many,” Mady says, patting her mommy on the back. Aw, Mady. You are so awesome. Kate is probably jealous of the Mommy turtle, tons more kids to exploit!
160 sediments (sic) from readers:
I was surprised Kate actually went up in this lighthouse. She mentioned she doesn't like heights--and that's why Jon had to take the kids by himself up into the lighthouse when they went to NC on their house hunting/beach vacation a few years back. (Or maybe she was just tired and lazy?)
I guess she would not have looked like Can Do Kate if she sent the kids up with Ashley and Steve.
I have a feeling TLC will squeeze another episode out of this vacation, especially since they are supposedly on weekly now. As far as I know, all they have left that they filmed would be the school shopping/haircuts footage...unless they're actually going to air some of the Alaska trip.
Thanks administrator for taking one for the team once again and watching this crap so the rest of us didn't have to. Sounds like another riveting episode.
Thanks Admin, for taking one for the team-yet again!
They are going to be on every week? I thought the kids only had to film "specials" and that was the deal that was made to get John to agree to let then film again? I guess that since Kate lost her other show, all bets are off now. These poor kids can't win for losing as my Mom used to say.
I can't imagine how they'll get a weekly show with all of them in school - that should be interesting.
I have to ask Admin, since it was even painful for me to read this was it as painful for you to have had to watch it?! You must have a strong stomach then...
1. I find it creepy Kate says she sleeps with Jamie on trips...
2. That she said, "Take this child!" No name, not a care in the world that her child is one in pain with sand in her eyes, not that's the babysitters job. What the HECK is a MOTHER'S job?
Marie said: "1. I find it creepy Kate says she sleeps with Jamie on trips..."
I think what Kate said was "when Jamie comes over," not "on trips," to which one of the girls said, "that's because you have a big bed." I found it strange that there isn't a designated guest room or sleep sofa, or a place for guests to spend the night. There's no other place for Jamie to sleep except with Kate in the big bed? There's the garage apartment, but I guess the girls couldn't bond if one of them were out there...
It appears Kate Plus 8 is weekly as Episode 6 and 7 are scheduled for the new two weeks.
Read Kate's new blog on her Emmy appearance and noticed this at the bottom:
"Sent from my SIXTH (yes, I've got iPhone issues!) pink iPhone!"
I highly doubt it's iphone issues, Kate.
It was reported by some of the media that Kate was rude to Ashley and that Kate treated her like she used to treat Jon. Did you see any of that on the epi's tonight?
I am beyond amazed that last summer Kate left her husband at home to redo her kitchen while she was deciding to divorce him. Or should I say listening while someone else told her she should.
When is some journalist going to have the balls to call her on all this crap. The contradictions are mounting! It's not like she's Tom Cruise and the interviewer will be locked out of Hollywood for doing it. Are there no serious journalists left? Or do they have serious stories to cover?
Great recap admin!
Although I agree Mady has Kate's number, I don't agree with the way she smart mouths her mother...BUT Kate is responsible for the attitude. I have a feeling though that Mady only act this way with her mother or family. SHE (if not all of the 8) will be the one to move far far away and have NOTHING to do with Kate when she's an adult.
Did you see Kate's face when the "pirate" helped her down from the ship? She was NOT impressed! Imagine if he DID look like Johnny Depp? Oh my, the flirting...
More proof that Chris tags along with them with permission, NO pics of her without a cover!
Those pics were released before the episode aired so TLC leaked them or Chris is told what kind of photos can be taken.
Re.The turtles and the Gosselin kids:So here we have one endangered species looking at another endangered species...
I'm surprised that the naturalists would allow the travelling circus that close to those precious turtle babies.Obviously TLC will exploit anything small and vulnerable. I wonder how much money the State of NC was paid to allow this to happen.
IMO, 35 year old women don't sleep with their best female friends unless they are a)cases of arrested development, b)too cheap to get two rooms, or c) getting it on. It could be a) and c) simultaneously.
Kate's explanation makes her look like a delayed adolescent, and methinks she protests too much.
My theory is that this episode was severely edited due to all the fallout and criticism from the NYC trip, which was a one-hour episode. I think they edited it in as favorable a light as they could to make Kate look less harsh. Since it was cut to 30 minutes, they had to fill another 30 minutes before the next (new) show aired and so they showed the Discovery Cove birthday trip once again. Also, they made sure not to include shots of Steve--again, I believe it's fallout from all the speculation. There's a brief sideways glimpse of him at the lighthouse and that's it, yet they allow lots of footage of Ashley.
It would have been nice if only they had brought a different mother and left this one with the chickens back in PA. Thanks for the recap
Kate spend one afternoon at a beach house checking out divorce attorneys? She couldn't wait one week till she was back home? What a piece of work she is. Has a crew of people to take care of her kids while staying at an expensive beach house and instead of spending all the time she can with her children, holes herself up doing "research"? Divorce is not a emergency situation that can't wait a few days. She just gets more full of herself and will hit the ground hard when she finally gets tossed to the curb. Why she thinks she is the most important person on this planet is a mystery to me. The children are more important that you are Kate and like it or not your payback time will not be pleasant as they continue to grow and express themselves. But we know she will blame Jon for everything and continue to put herself first.
Kate's biggest fan is claiming hat Kate is going to be on Ellen today. Why oh why does she keep getting these gigs? Really, who cares anymore? I don't understand why she is being force fed down the public's throat...
Kate has a vomit-inducing new blog entry about her role in the Emmy's. Noticed that TLC has NO, as in goose egg, comments posted. Is there that much negative feedback that they have nothing to post?
Excellent recap, Administrator. Thank you.
Reading the entire recap reminded me how painful it used to be to tune in.
These little filming vacations the Gosselins go on really have nothing to do with the kids, and building memories, don't they?
Why don't they just film Kate going on her vacations alone? It's all about her anyways...
Baldhead Tourism likely paid TLC to bring Kate and the kids over and this is how she promotes the island - I don't care about culture and education and history, sniff, I only care me, sniff, oooh, it is too windy here, sniff, ooh, the kids are melting down, sniff, ooh, I hate heights, sniff.
Gee can't wait to get there with my family, NOT.
On one of the other sites (Preesi's I think) someone said they were watching LPBW and that there was no interruption from the end of that show to the Gosselin show, allowing no time for a "channel change" to avoid viewing the Gossline show. Admin, is this true? If so, is it an attempt to gain LPBW viewers toward the ratings count for K+8?
Well, at least we know she's not getting them from Apple. Therefore it's not that special.
Sorry to burst your bubble, Kate.
Ellen is a rerun. Her new season does not start until next week.
Anonymous said...
Kate has a vomit-inducing new blog entry about her role in the Emmy's. Noticed that TLC has NO, as in goose egg, comments posted. Is there that much negative feedback that they have nothing to post?
September 7, 2010 7:28 AM
TLC moderates the comments. Sometimes it takes them days to approve. I must say, however, that they must be getting ready to offload Kate as they are allowing A LOT of negative comments in. I kind of recall-though I must admit I don't really follow that blog so intently-that they used to allow only 'sunshine and rainbows' praise posts.
"I'm surprised that the naturalists would allow the travelling circus that close to those precious turtle babies.Obviously TLC will exploit anything small and vulnerable. I wonder how much money the State of NC was paid to allow this to happen."
Visitors to the island can experience turtle nestings and hatchings first hand through the Conservancy’s Turtle Walk program. By becoming a Conservancy members, you can join the Sea Turtle Biologist and Conservancy Interns for a Turtle Walk nightly at 9:00 p.m. in the classroom to learn more about this extraordinary process. After a 45-minute presentation, you are led to the beach to await word from our beach patrol for directions to any nesting or hatching sites. Turtle walks focus on nestings through mid-August, then switch to hatchings through the end of September.
I think Kate is afraid to be alone, this is a trait of narcissism.
Instead of making just one or two efficient trips to run errands throughout the week, she spreads them all out so she has someplace to go every day.
She says Jamie sleeps with her when we know there's a guest apartment over the garage and plenty of place for Jamie to sleep there or elsewhere.
I slept with my best girlfriends too. When I was nine.
Ewwwwwwww just the thought of them two in a big bed just made me puke...again. Whats this I read that the twins were complaining about their room in that nice vacation house. Seems to me that these kids have received far too much to appreciate anything anymore. They are going to get worse as they reach puberty and she will be stuck with 8 ungrateful teenagers as TLC moves on to bigger and better things. Good Luck to her.
I hate to comment on people's looks, so I'll comment on the opinions of the sheeple. Why do they say Kate is in such great shape? ? ?
The Emmy picture on Kate's blog shows Kate looking soooo thick. She's in the back row, so you'd think she'd look smaller than even Jimmy, due to her being further away, but she doesn't. Her legs and waist are thick.
(BTW...Tina Fey is soooo tiny and adorable!)
Now, the sheeple say she is in such great shape. I don't get it? She has NO curves. Even the curve inspired stripe on her top doesn't help her at all. Pictures speak the honest truth. Why can't we be honest about her looks and call a spade a spade. It's not bad being a little 'hefty'. As long as Kate keeps herself healthy then the sheeple should be okay with that. But that have to make her out to be such a role model for beauty, and I just don't see it.
Thanks Admin, great recap as always.
I would imagine Kate and Jamie stay up all night and play makeover, do each others hair and nails and well, you know bff stuff. Gag.
...So the show was basically about Kate reminiscing about her year old divorce, flying kites that wouldn't, climbing to the top of a lighthouse and watching turtles hatch. And she gets paid how much for this?
Has Kate Gosselin's cup runneth over so much that people are finally getting tired of seeing the same ole same ole? A while back I watched the INF video of the whole bunch, including ratclaws, boarding the boat to leave Bald Head. It looked as though everyone was glad to see them leave. I wonder if they were banished from the island and told to never return.
Administrator said...
I slept with my best girlfriends too. When I was nine.
September 7, 2010 8:08 AM
I think there is something really creepy about two thirty something divorced women sleeping in the same bed, in a mansion, with 8 kids under the same roof. It gives the wrong impression. Not to even mention admitting that you do on national tv, where your two young daughters will possibly be taunted at school about it.
If I was 10 and my mom announced on tv ( where all my 10 year old friends coud see ) that she shares her bed with another woman, I would be mortified. I would just want to d.i.e.
Now the whole world knows the "sleeping" accomodations when Jamie is in town. That is just too much information.
( I am not a homophobic. But at the age of 10, especially when your mother was once married TO YOUR FATHER, and now a year later she's sleeping with a woman, but telling the world she wants a man, those kids have to be like...WTH?????? )
Would be nice to take the apartment over the garage where her guest could have privacy and quiet instead of sleeping with her but instead its all about Kate Gosselin and not about other people.
Remember when Krazy Kate filed for divorce, it was Stevie she was on vacation with. Alone? Or was that when Mady caught them wrapped around each other?
Turtle Watcher- The turtle walks sound great and I'm really glad that people get a chance to experience them. What I meant was: This was more than a Turtle Walk. There were beach buggies, a camera crew, lights, sound techs, a producer, a screaming harridan, and the kids.This is IMO a really poor way for those little turtles, who have a big job to do getting into the ocean, to have to enter the world.
She sleeps in the same bed as her friend? Hmm. I'm with you Admin. I did it too, when I was a kid, but not now, & I don't do sleepovers either. I understand that Jaime or whatever her name is travels from out of state to visit, yes, but isn't there a room over the garage? Is that where Ole' Stevie sleeps? Is there a 3some going on?? Isn't there a guest room in the house? Why in bloody hell is she sleeping in the same room as her friend? That strikes me as rather odd. And to admit it on TV, and for TLC to keep it in. Did Kate want it left in there? A slam at Jon maybe? I don't know. She just keeps getting weirder & weirder. Do they stay up all night painting each other toenails, gossiping, talking about Kate's fame? Sounds like a blast! Slumber parties are fine, if you're 7.
Now the whole world knows the "sleeping" accomodations when Jamie is in town. That is just too much information.
I have a feeling this statement was made as a result of TLC reading the blogs, and based on them, giving Kate her lines, just to continue the snarking on her and keep everyone interested. Of course, extending her 15 minutes.
Jamie and Kate sleep together? That is just strange. My sister, whom I used to sleep with as a child, visited recently, she had a restful sleep in my guest room! Strange, indeed.
The rerun of Ellen's is so funny to me. Ellen had NO idea who she was, how many kids, etc. Kate spoke in her "code" putting down Jon, as usual, and Ellen said something like you are speaking in code, I have no idea who are you talking about. LOL I thought that was hysterical. Kate's skirt was so tight, she had to descend the steps sideways. It doesn't say much about Kate, I remember that.
"Hippie Chick said... Do they stay up all night painting each other toenails, gossiping, talking about Kate's fame?"
I can just imagine the conversations. All about Kate's "problems". HER hair, HER, HER, HER. I seriously doubt Jamie gets to comment much about HER life. Kate has said too many times of her "friends" listening to all her woes, how much she appreciates them blah blah.
Maybe it's just me, but I would not, as an adult, share a bed with my girlfriend. That huge house and they share a bed? I'd get a sofa bed or something portable to offer when Jamie stayed over.
Hell, I had a 1 BR apartment and had guests sleep in my living room on my pull out, Queen sleeper sofa.
It reminds me of a time when I had a wonderful girlfriend, L. She lived with her best friend, M, of many years, in an apartment. Her friend was transfered by her company to another state. L said she was also going to move to said state, and I thought, "HUH"? Who would do that? I mean, I've had really close girlfriends but it just would never occur to me to move my life to continue to be with them.
And then it dawned on me....
When I was a kid and my parents had overnight company - for one night or for a longer time -
I moved to the recreation room to sleep and play. It was no big deal to me, in fact it was fun. I can't believe that some of the girls could not move in together or move to their large family room to sleep so their good friend Jamie could have their room. They have camping equipment such as sleeping bags. If there are nannies there at night, one of them could have
taken Mady and Cara to the garage apt. to sleep so they would be safe. There are so many options open for Jamie's comfort and new things for the kids that do not involve sleeping in Kate's big bed. Can Do Kate needs to put her thinking cap on instead of her slumber cap.
Hippie Chick said "A slam at Jon maybe?"
Maybe Kate's just 'jelus' that Jon's sleeping with a woman. Anything he can do she can do better ya know.
Lolly, that was a re-run, and, IMO, it clearly showed Ellen's disdain for Kate, which is unusual because Ellen loves everyone. Loved it when Ellen told her she was speaking in "code" and she had no idea what she was talking about. Kate is so passive-aggressive, it's pathetic.
Admin: When I saw the twins in the private bedroom area, and heard the complaining, the first thing I thought of was "entitlement." It was heartbreaking -- to think that there are so many families who couldn't even afford to take their kids on vacations this year, and then there was this family, who has been more places and done more things than many, many kids (and adults) out there and they still complain. They (TLC) rented a gorgeous beach house that many people would give their arm to be able to enjoy, and Kate was fussing about no shades, and the twins had a private room, but didn't want to sleep in the same bed.
I admit, though, you surprised me a bit when you wrote about the girls being spoiled and unappreciative. That was my assessment, too, but I thought maybe you would have said that because it's the kids who are working, they're earning the money, they are paying for the house and vacation, that they should darn well be able to sleep where they want, and Kate should take the sofa!
This is only the beginning. What are these kids going to be like when they are teenagers? They're so accustomed to being handed everything, having lunchrooms closed for them, shopping in stores closed to the public, etc. Worse yet, when all of this stops, what's going to happen? Is there going to be someone there to help them transition to a "normal" life, or will they be demanding that this lifestyle goes on as it always has?
I guess time will tell. My gut feeling is that it's not going to be very pretty.
"There are so many options open for Jamie's comfort and new things for the kids that do not involve sleeping in Kate's big bed."
Maybe Jamie stays for such a long length of time that the kids refuse to move out of their bedrooms to anywhere else in the house!
Here's the thing. If I bought a 6,000 square foot house for more than a million dollars, I would have made darn sure that there would have been accommodations for guests...I don't care if I would have had to section off a part of the downstairs family room and set up an area down there.
Kate says Jamie has been a friend for nine years. Didn't she ever visit them overnight when Kate and Jon were together? Did she sleep in the same bed with the couple?
It's just too weird for words. I can't believe that TLC didn't edit out Kate's "confession."
I don't know how many bedrooms there are in that place but you'd think there would be a futon or something somewhere in the sprawling mansion. Hannah has her own room because she apparently get migraines and has to sleep later with less noise. At least that's what Kate said although I think Hannah is just the favored child.
The garage studio apartment must be occupied by nannies. It must be a pain for them to bunk in with Steve though.
Thanks Admin for your patience in watching and reporting. Odd that Kate would refer to her divorce as being told she had to. I like the part where the children seemed to enjoy the lighthouse climb - almost like some of them liked climbing rocks in Central Park to riding the rides. I take it there was no mention of Kate and Steve taking moonlit walks on the beach or exactly where he slept. Thanks again!!
Excellent recap, probably your best one yet, and that's saying a lot!
I loved the very gentle way you dealt with the twins behavior. It HAD to be said, and you handled it in the kindest possible manner. You also laid the blame right where it belongs, on Kate.
The funniest line was about the kids having been brought up in a rapper lifestyle. Wow, that was spot on.
The twins have no respect for their mother because she is not respectable, and doesn't treat THEM with respect.Mady had, in her mind, a good reaon not to sleep with Cara; Cara yells in her sleep and kicks. (Where IS that therapist?)
Instead of listening to Mady's solution Kate made it about herself and Jamie.NO wonder Mady is frustrated! I think she handles herself pretty well under the circumstances, for a 9 year old girl.
Hannah having her own bedroom was just a cover for the nanny sleeping in that room, just like Alexis being a "disturber" and being banished to the basement was a cover for Jon sleeping there.
Wow, good luck keeping all those kids in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to.
Kate and her traditions-cracks me up. Everything is a tradition with her, yet their lives keep morphing and NOTHING is a constant. "This is our Christmas tradition" and "This is our summer thing vs. our winter thing" (what is their winter thing anyway?). They've been twice. Two in a row. What she tells those kids, I can't imaging that their view of the world won't be terribly skewed.
And the twins complaining about sharing that amazing room? I'd give those ingrates a sleeping bag and call it a day.
My cousins, 6 kids, lived in a 4 BR house, if you consider the boy's attic a BR, but it worked. 3 boys shared the attic, the oldest girl had her own room, and the other 2 girls shared a bed and bedroom as long as they lived there.
Now THAT'S hard.
Commenting on the kids and behavior - I did not watch, but my take is...
I don't think it is spoiled so much as empty and needy. The kids have no perspective (how could they - they are not old enough even at 9 to truly understand the finances of it all). They are so unhappy in general - the stuff - the expense just doesn't matter. All they want is to be considered - each one individually - to matter, to be listened to and respected. I really doubt it is about being unappreciative. Sounds like Mady had a valid reason for not wanting to sleep with Cara - and you know, any parent who was paying attention to her kids, who cared about their feelings would take that into consideration. The intensity of Mady's response was probably more about her concerns not being heard than anything. If the kids were respected on a regular basis, the times they had to make sacrifices would not be as painful - they would be exceptions and the kids would know that the parents understood.
Not these kids... They are dragged 'hither, thither and yon' like baggage, worked no matter how they feel, and yet are expected to show gratitude and appreciation of the material things/opportunities that are not *for* them, but for the script, the corporation and the parents who sold them.
Being resentful, hurting and acting it out (cause there is no way to speak honestly and have anyone take them seriously) is all they have. None of this is special to them - it is not real - not about them - and on some level I believe they know/feel that. Continued into adulthood, this behavior will not serve them well for sure, but psychologically, they are reacting normally to an abnormal unhealthy reality. Just my 2cents...
I do believe the kids, especially the twins, are showing signs of entitlement.
That being said, we need to also consider the fact that they are more aware now than ever that their peers are watching their lives on tv. The kids they sit next to in class. The kids they eat luch with everyday. Maybe it's embarrassing in a kid's mind to have to share a bed and know that your friends know you had to share.
IMO, they are the ones who had some common sense about publicly announcing sharing a bed at an older age and their mother didn't. Little kids don't care about that stuff. But around age 8 and 9 kids start to become more concerned about what people think and how they will be perceived. If the cameras weren't there, this very well may have been a non- issue and they would've slept in the same bed with no argument. But they knew the cameras were capturing all this and they knew it was possible they may get teased at school for it. "Hahahahah, Mady and Cara slept in the same bed. They must be gay." Sadly, this is how kids are. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, kids are gonna be mean just to be mean. it could be that they are already being made fum of for things shown on the show, and this is why Mady and Cara are behaving differently lately....more detached from the show.
"The twins have no respect for their mother because she is not respectable, and doesn't treat THEM with respect."
She's still their mother. If they back-talk her her now, she's going to have out-of-control kids in a few years...ones that she's going to be embarrassed to take anywhere. She's got to nip this right now, but she's allowed it to go on for so long that she has little control over them, and I think she knows it. They most definitely know it. She's a parent in name only.
IDModo said, "I'm surprised that the naturalists would allow the travelling circus that close to those precious turtle babies.Obviously TLC will exploit anything small and vulnerable. I wonder how much money the State of NC was paid to allow this to happen."
I've taken the BHI Turtle Walk Adventure, and it's fabulous. Neither TLC nor NC had anything to do with exploiting wildlife and NC wasn't paid for allowing this experience. We adopted a nest and got a nesting certificate -- very cool! It's a great experience for children, and it's so wonderful to see how respectful they are...and so surprised at how tiny those little creatures are. It's a beautiful experience that parents and their children can share.
I also want to add that Mady and Cara have transitioned to the Late Childhood stage of developmental psychology. During this stage, their school and neighborhood friends are the priority and parents ( although still important ) take a backseat. They are out to impress their friends now, not the parents. This has to be VERY hard for Mady and Cara with a camera in their face during moments that should be private family time. Two, three years ago, they didn't care what their friends thought about what they saw on the show and would've happily shared a bed.
Now they care.
They are distancing themselves from having to do the things the little kids do because it might be seen as babyish by their friends. They react by being defiant, oppositional and argumentative. I think even if Kate ordered for them at a restaurant on camera ( or chose a particular ice cream flavor and didn't ask what kind THEY wanted...cough cough ), they would rebel because only little kids don't get to choose what they eat or what flavor ice cream they get, and by God they want the world to know they aren't little anymore.
I think it is just the developmental stage they are in is hard enough without it being filmed and shown to their peers, including a boy or two they may be crushing on. Well, the devlopemental stage coupled with some entitlement issues.
Right now the tups are still in the Early Childhood stage. Parents are the ones they want to impress the most, which is why they so easily go with the flow ( most of the time )with what Kate wants. They have no concept of anyone other than their parents forming opinions of them.
But just you wait! When they hit 8 things will start changing and Kate will have 8 disgruntled kids on her hands if the cameras are still loitering around.
What is with Alexis screaming? There is no call for that I don't care if is to ham it up for the camera good grief!
Fact that Kate takes them to fly kites when none of the kids seem all that interested. Fun fun.
And correct me if I am wrong but the little kids aren't doing school work are they?!
When "Kate: Her Story" was on TV (I can't believe I watched it, but I always felt like there are 2 sides to every story, and I wanted to hear hers), she said, "My kids deserve to have the world handed to them on a silver platter" (I don't remember if that's her exact wording or not).
But I disagree. They do NOT need to have everything handed down to them; obviously b/c they'll become less appreciative and accustomed to only having the very best. They need to learn to work for what they want, and Kate needs to learn to let them work WHEN THEY'RE OLDER. Right now they're just kids!
Also, I love kids, and people have told me that I'm good w/ them. I've often wondered what it would be like being a nanny for the Gosselins. Obviously I'd love the kids, I just don't know if I could deal w/ Kate. Is it true that she treats her hired help/nannies like she treated Jon?
Thank you for the recap; haven't watched since last summer when I began to feel dirty for watching this family implode.
My take on the is "she or isn't she with Steve or Jaimie" saga is we are probably all being strung along. Does it look like she and Steve are into each other? Yeah, especially Kate in some photos. Is Kate's friendship with Jaimie awfully touchy-feely? OMG, yes. TLC and Kate have proven time and again that they will sink to new depths to keep interest and viewership going, so as long as some are tuning in to figure out who, if anyone, Kate is hooking up with, they're all happy. TLC and Kate get paid.
What I cannot figure out is why it's okay with Steve and his family, and with Jaimie and her family to be thrust into the center of this rumor mongering. They probably aren't both romantically involved with Kate, maybe neither are, and both families must be hugely embarrassed about all this talk online and in tabloids over who is boinking who. If Jaimie is not with Kate, and is not a lesbian, why is she not demanding that Kate clear this rumor up, instead of making innuendos about sleeping together on the show. And if Steve is faithful and devoted to his wife, why is he not demanding the same from Kate, to spare his wife and family from defending him, instead of Kate taking him, alone, everywhere she goes. Why hasn't he yet requested a temporary reassignment or reduced schedule with Kate, if only for his wife's sake?
Look out!!! Kate is photographed in her "ho clothes/shoes" again over at celebrity-gossip....
Someone help this woman.
I just watched some of the episode on YouTube, and the dress that Kate is wearing for the "couch interviews" is the same one that she had on the day that she dropped off the twins for a sleepover from what looked like the pediatrician's office (and she made all those ridiculous faces). It seems that some of those awful outfits she wears around town could very well be the work of a TLC stylist who dresses her for the show. Kate apparently either uses her own wardrobe, or get to keep the stuff the network puts her in. Apparently she can't wait, and has to go out and show them off right away!
I thought I read that Steve slept in the basement for awhile. Why he was there when Jon was there is beyond me!!!
Just saw pics at INF of Kate getting nails and pedi on Tuesday. I wonder if that means they will be filming again this weekend?
@Bones...I also want to add that Mady and Cara have transitioned to the Late Childhood stage of developmental psychology. During this stage, their school and neighborhood friends are the priority and parents ( although still important ) take a backseat.
This is the stage for normal children. These kids are anything but normal, thanks to TLC and the show (and their mother).
If you take a look at other children in show business, their psychological development is atypical, so much so that child development professionals would never venture to lump them into one specific transitional phase. What usually does the most damage is the transition from a child in the entertainment business to an adult. When the show is successful, the kids are in the spotlight, acquire the best of everything, and try to stay in the center of attention. But these kids (as far as we have seen) don't have what it takes to become teenage or adult actors. They were hired because of the cuteness factor, which is fast disappearing. They may very well skip over the late childhood stage, transitioning to adolescence, as so many in the entertainment industry have done, and sadly, many times it's all down hill from there.
I do agree with you, though, that in a few years, regardless of whether the cameras are still around, all you-know-what is going to break loose. Perhaps sooner.
New pics of Kate on Gossip Girls dressed in her hooker gear going for a mani-pedi. In the article they mention "now that she has free time with all 8 kids in school" Ha, that's a laugh. Is this any different behavior from then the kids weren't in school?
Tucker's Mom said - "Wow, good luck keeping all those kids in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to."
A rant of sorts (but not at you, Tucker's Mom - not at all - just to the concept you bring up.)
I can't help but wonder if the kids wouldn't trade all that 'glitter and crap' in for parents who *showed* that they loved them unconditionally, who worked, relying on their own adult skills to support them, who listened and smiled, hugged them and made their childhood about *them* and family and really supported them as the unique and special individual people they are.
IMO, lifestyle is (if you have your basic needs met) about perspective. Materially, they have more than some and less than some. The tight quarters some people live in would be a blessing to someone living in a paper shack in Mumbai.
They can really never get back what they've lost - their privacy. To have those horribly humiliating moments of them being children, needy, sick, tired, scolded... stricken from the public record (and view).
It's just too weird for words. I can't believe that TLC didn't edit out Kate's "confession."
I posted this much earlier today, but perhaps I broke a rule, as I don't see the post. I believe this was TLC scripting the show, based on reading the blogs. Just something to keep the chatter going on Kate.
She's got to nip this right now, but she's allowed it to go on for so long that she has little control over them, and I think she knows it. They most definitely know it. She's a parent in name only.
Oh, I think Kate has control, WHEN she's not being filmed. Heaven knows what she does to them when they're not filming. Perhaps the twins have figured it out, they can get away w/a little nastiness, if the cameras are rolling. They are fast reaching the age where, for girls, everything is an issue and everything brings on tears.
What a trainwreck this show sounds like. The kids sound like brats. Not that I am surprised. Kate wanted to hand them everything on a golden platter (it's called a silver platter btw) and this is what you get. SPOILED kids. Hopefully there will be time for them to become normal children. Though, I think it's a bit late for that. No one close to them cares about them. They are just money making machines.
I just saw Entertainment Tonight. Niecy Nash was on and they announced she'll be the ET special DWTS correspondent for the upcoming season. Yeah!!
Anon 1 said... It's just too weird for words. I can't believe that TLC didn't edit out Kate's "confession."
I posted this much earlier today, but perhaps I broke a rule, as I don't see the post. I believe this was TLC scripting the show, based on reading the blogs. Just something to keep the chatter going on Kate.
ITA, it was scripted to take the heat away from Kate and Steve.
Watched the tailend of ET tonight, and they announced Niecy Nash would be their correspondent, unless I misunderstood. Interesting.
Michelle, I posted before I saw your comment. This is VERY interesting, doncha think?
They would have gotten no where near the baby turtles in Florida. That is a hanging offense there. I just wanted to say that the kids have no structure in their lives, they have no good example, no security, they are threatened with abandonment and at least once that we know made to go bed without supper. Everything that happes to them is at their mother's whim and fancy. She pays no attention to them unless it is in front of a camera, their dad, their only nurturer and comforter was taken out of their lives essentially (visiting is not the same as being there to tuck them in at night like he alway did). It is no wonder that the kids are a handful - she just hands them off - it is sad. They have so much potential. I guess what I am trying to say is I don't think they are capable of policing themselves and creating structure for themselves and that it essentially is not their fault. When you have a mom that is out of control so will be the kids. The woman has come undone.
Any word on last night's ratings?
Tess, you took the words right outta my mouth, er, hand. I would bet $ that if those kids were in any normal, loving home with parents who actually cared for their well being, they would be very receptive and responsive.
Regarding K8 and Steve and Jamie, something's amiss. I don't have the stomach to watch the video, but I did read Admin's awesomely awesome reacap - it sounds like K8's little "confession" about Jamie's sleeping venue preference and TLC's involvement in her divorce may have been a couple little slips. We all know that Katie Irene isn't exactly a quick thinker.
They got very close to the turtles, practically breathing on them. I am very against zoos and any kind of interaction with animals. I am an extremist when it comes to this. I don't believe all the interaction we have with animals is really necessary for "research" purposes--it's because a lot of people think animals are here for our entertainment. SeaWorld and the like I firmly believe just hide behind research when really it's about money, money, and momey, always was.
While the turtles exhibition did make me uncomfortable, at least they allowed the turtles to go to the ocean. At least the kids will learn that turtles are born and then crawl to the ocean, not to a zoo. I think it's no different than coming across a nest on your own. It just happened that some zoologists pointed them to a nest.
If they HAD to invade the turtles like this, it's better than seeing them in a zoo.
Maybe Kate was just to be the special DWTS correspondent for the cast reveal only. Thank goodness Niecy gets the full-time gig!
See this is why we will never find any common ground with the people who support this exploitation. Those people think what Kate is giving her kids is a wonderful thing. They are getting trips and things and stuff and crap and it's wonderful they are getting this amazing lifestyle.
Whereas people like us understand what children really need. And you're not going to find what children really need buried in the sand at Bald Island, in a cup of Juicy Juice, on an airplane or in a mansion, as Kate believes.
There is nothing wrong with giving your kids these things! There is something wrong when you 1. give them way too much of it such that they have no concept of how most kids live and 2. think this is the way to make them happy
This episode just proves the kind of kids that are coming out of this lifestyle--spoiled, ungrateful, crabby, smart-mouthed kids. But it's not their fault. Kate's fault.
I'm not sure that Mady and Cara would care what their peers think about them sharing a bed - because *normal* children *do* share beds with their siblings when they stay in hotels. I also find it interesting that Kate would even choose to film that part, as it demonstrated to everyone not only that her children have a sense of entitlement, but that she shares a bed in her huge mansion with her bff. But then again, who knows why she chooses to film a LOT of stuff, as it shows it her in a negative light.
A solution would have been to make a bed on the floor for a twin, and have them take turns sleeping in the bed. As others have said, that's just the kind of thing that big families do.
The turtle scene was fascinating - at least I'll give them that - they don't normally show things on that show that are actually interesting. But what I wondered about is the crowd of people who was already there at the nest where the turtles were hatching. Kate even said that there were a ton of people, including kids, there before they got there and that they were all being very quiet. Yet guess who had the front row seats right next to the nest? You guessed it, the Gosselins and the cameras. I hope those who had paid for the experience and/or had waited there by that nest patiently and quietly at least got a chance to see the hatching for a few minutes before the circus showed up.
Can some one please post the viewer numbers if you find them? Thanks!
PatK said...
Maybe Kate was just to be the special DWTS correspondent for the cast reveal only. Thank goodness Niecy gets the full-time gig!
No wonder she's been looking grumpy. She said she was going to OWN that mic.
When watching the turtles hatch, Kate said, "There's Alexis. Alexis is in the front. She was born first."
What are the twins? Non-entities? Non-births? It reminded me of the birthday party when one of the twins was dismayed over yet another party for the tups and said, "We were early, too."
Favor the tups much, does she?
"This episode just proves the kind of kids that are coming out of this lifestyle--spoiled, ungrateful, crabby, smart-mouthed kids. But it's not their fault. Kate's fault."
...and it's also because there is no consistent discipline in their lives. They are handed over, on a daily basis, to the current nanny/sitter/bff/bodyguard of the day.
prairiemary said...
Can some one please post the viewer numbers if you find them? Thanks!
The numbers aren't in yet, but you can keep checking here:
Speaking of the entitlement of children, I remember hearing an interview with Bruce Springsteen that really made an impression on me.
He said he grew up poor, and he wanted to give his kids all the things he never had. At the same time, he felt that in order to be a fully developed person (I can't remember exactly how he put it), you have to work and struggle for the things you have. It was always a balancing act for him.
Wise words, I think.
I think, despite their overt attempts to show otherwise, TLC is now deciding to broadcast controversial things about Kate (sharing a bed with Jamie, inappropriate dress, etc.) in order to get people to tune out. If the ratings drop, it's not TLC's fault, it's just that the viewers are no longer interested in watching this show. Then they can back out of their commitment to film any more, because the contract no doubt says they will cease to film when the show fails to draw sufficient viewership. To have her just be a shriek freak
or a harried mother is not enough to make people dive for the remote. They need to have a reason to make her unappealing to an audience, and she gives them plenty of material.
So, they leave in the things they might have edited out in previous seasons.
Planned obsolescence. When it's time for a better product, let the old product die a natural death. There are other multiple families waiting in the wings that require less maintenance and less salary than Kate Gosselin.
I can't wait until TLC takes me back to a learning channel where I can find out about the world and truly interesting people who live on it. They don't have to have litters of children or have a condition that makes them a spectacle on TV. "Regular" people can have amazingly interesting stories to tell, fascinating things to show us that do not exploit - they celebrate! Wouldn't it be nice?
Oh jeepers, complaining that a beach house has no window coverings, shocking! The beach house has a great view and window coverings would abstract from that, but then again she wouldn't know that would she. Houses with that view are costly and wanted by alot of people. As for her older kids being so demanding, well thats just the way it is because TLC and Kate have given them everything on a silver platter so I'm not surprised. Wait till she has 8 demanding, selfish teens on her hands. Good Luck lady
Favor the tups much, does she?
Yep without them the show wouldn't exist. Kate could not have shopped just the twins to a network. She hit the jackpot with the sextuplets and being a narcissist who doesn't know the first thing about other peoples feelings she rewards them with mommy's favoritism.
I'm sure Mady and Cara feel hurt. For all the debauchery this show has brought upon the family they would probably trade it in for a normal life if they could. The 'golden platter' thing wasn't their idea.
I wonder if Kate knows anything about Midas and how he was blinded by his greed. If she doesn't she should read up on it.
"I'm sure Mady and Cara feel hurt. For all the debauchery this show has brought upon the family they would probably trade it in for a normal life if they could. The 'golden platter' thing wasn't their idea."
They'd probably welcome the cameras being removed, and having the privacy they deserve, but I'm not so sure they'd be so quick to give up the lifestyle on the golden platter. They've become used to it by now, and are smart enough to realize that you have to take the bad in order to get the good. I would believe that's what their mother is telling them -- no cameras, no trips. No cameras, big house. They just grin and bear it. Well...maybe not the grin so much, but so far they've just gone with the flow. There would be hell to pay if they didn't.
Neicy Nash has just been named DWTS ET's correspont for season 11. YEAH!!!! I wonder how Kate feels. ET listen and took to heart all of the horrible comments on ET's facebook about Kate being a "special" correspont" for a couple of shows. All the comments were brutal against Kate. I am so glad Neicy got the job of full-time correspont for ET's coverage of DWTS. Kate didn't deserve it; she played DWTS as a joke and was just there for the publicity and paycheck.
I am respectfully asking the posters that did watch the show, why they did? I am very interested in knowing. I am not in any way attempting to tell you not to watch. I do believe that it is somewhat hypocritical to continue to add to the ratings but that is just my personal opinion. I truly am interested in peoples reason for watching instead of waiting for Admin's recap.
According to Entertainment Tonight on Facebook (from last night) , Niecy is going to be the "Official" Correspondent for DWTS. Kate was just a Guest Correspondent.
I think Kate is clamoring for a "Shape" cover or a Nike sponsorship - to help her live in the lifestyle she has become accustomed to. JMHO.
I read last night that Kate was just a special correspondent & Niecy Nash was the Full time correspondent for DWTS. It was on facebook and apparently people are happy there. There were lots of posts about how Kate sucks as a host, & everyone was happy Niecy was on. Yay!
If Kate whined about window covererings no doubt she was thinking along the lines of locking the tups in their room for a 4 hour nap. That is what she is used to doing to them!
"Planned obsolescence. When it's time for a better product, let the old product die a natural death. There are other multiple families waiting in the wings that require less maintenance and less salary than Kate Gosselin."
ITA - They've bled this one nearly dry. Cashed in on all phases. All on the backs of 8 children. I hope the kids sue the crap out of their parents, TLC/Figure 8 when they are grown. Oh, heck, I really just hope they make it to adulthood with their sanity intact.
I wish for a return of some real learning. Love documentaries - even if they highlight medical conditions - done with tact. On the entertainment end of things - I've not watched TLC in a few years even though I enjoyed "What Not to Wear". I gave that up (all TLC programming - are you reading this TLC???) in protest of and to avoid seeing previews for exploitative crapfests like this.
Those poor kids sure got the short end of parenting stick - filmed or not.
"This episode just proves the kind of kids that are coming out of this lifestyle--spoiled, ungrateful, crabby, smart-mouthed kids. But it's not their fault. Kate's fault."
And Jon's fault!
I think Kate feels the kids need all these fancy trips to make up for the chitty way she treats them at home. I think she feels these trips will keep the kids quiet about her military style parenting. Kind of like, "How dare you criticize the way I raised you when I gave you all these wonderful trips, you ungrateful brat!"
Neicy got the job, Pam Anderson is doing the world DWTS tour and Kate, well, she is going to have to keep paying her PR team and go after Jon to be reimbursed, like Osana is doing to Mel.
INF- Jon and Kate Gosselin Do the Van Exchange
I imagine we will see the video tomorrow
NancyB said... I am respectfully asking the posters that did watch the show, why they did? I am very interested in knowing. I am not in any way attempting to tell you not to watch. I do believe that it is somewhat hypocritical to continue to add to the ratings but that is just my personal opinion. I truly am interested in peoples reason for watching instead of waiting for Admin's recap.
September 7, 2010 10:42 PM
1. I work with children. I can't help but want to look out for them and see how they are being treated. I don't and won't look away from children who are being exploited and/or treated poorly. Ratings or not. I happen to think the more people watch, the louder the backlash is against Kate. Having fewer viewers means having fewer people fired up about her bad behavior. If you notice, the lower her ratings get, the fewer comments there are on blogs...and the BIGGER Kate gets in Hollywood. She's not getting more invisible with lower ratings, she's getting BIGGER because the bad rap has died down. I say watch the show and raise hell about what you see and keep her labled as a shrew from hell!
2. I'm taking many psychology classes for my masters degree, and Kate is the biggest headcase out there and is fun to pick apart. We have actually discussed her and Jon before many times in more than one class. Professors have had a field day trying to figure those two nutcases out.
3. I personally feel the Gosselin kids will be in deeper doo doo and have an even worse childhood if the show is cancelled. I certainly don't watch the show just to add to ratings, and I'd be ok if it gets cancelled, but I'm not as hell bent on getting her off the tv as you are. I don't campaign for it like some of you do. It is possible for some people to hate her, but not be on a mission to have her canned. I think these kids are screwed either way. The show is damaging to them, but their mother minus a camera to capture her behavior is even more damaging. I fear what will happen to them after the show more than I do what happens to them because of the show.
And I don't find any of this hypocritical at all. What I think is hypocritical is saying you don't watch, but you really do. I find it kind of comical that the administrator is so kind to do a recap, yet so many commentors still comment about things she never mentioned. How would they know unless the admin included it in her play-by-play?
I'm certainly not criticizing anybody for watching, but there's NOTHING wrong about admitting that you do and you shouldn't be made to feel bad about it...because you care enough to witness how these kids are being treated so you will have firsthand...not secondhand... knowledge to raise a stink about it. I am the kind of person who raises a fuss about what my own eyes see and what my own ears hear. I don't get as invested emotionally if it comes from someone else telling me about it. That's just how I roll.
Kate's not going to be happy if she see's this week's TV Guide. They did an Emmys recap article. They talked about the opening and said it included a "Kate Gosselin 'dis". They had a nice picture of the opening act at the end when they're all standing with their arms up. Kate is the only one you can't see. Jon Hamm's arm completely blocks her face. :)
"INF- Jon and Kate Gosselin Do the Van Exchange"
Instead of "Paparazzi," this could have been a dance on DWST -- "The Van Exchange." Tony could have assumed Jon's role and worked out a routine. The theatrics of exchanging cars has become so pathetic that it's actually amusing.
Monday night's episode, in my opinion, was the worst hodgepodge of clips I've ever seen assembled on that show. There was no continuity -- just randomly assembled footage that was boring behind belief. Yes, the turtle footage was cute, but cute enough to sustain viewers? Let's face it -- Jon and Kate Plus Eight attracted viewers because of the dynamics of the family. See Kate beat up on Jon. See Jon walk away with his tail between his legs. See Kate complain about dirty refrigerators. See Jon get yelled at for not using coupons. Etc. Etc.
Kate without Jon can't cut it. The kids are cute, but so are most kids. Kate's made enemies everywhere she goes. She's toxic. Kate doesn't get the ET correspondent job. Twisted Kate will never see the light of day. It's done. Over. She knows it, and TLC knows it. Now let's get it the heck off there.
A friend posted this on her facebook wall, and I thought if only Kate would learn from it:
"Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more."
— Brother David Steindl-Rast
I watched some of the Quints by Surprise (I think name of it). It amazed me how similar to K+8 this was, with the exception of # of kids. I didn't catch what the income level was, but I did see the BIG house and her Louis V purse.
I laughed and told my wife that I bet Kate was at home holding that box of wine up to her mouth getting that last little bit and throwing a tantrum at the same time! I wonder if Steve submitted his resume to them, the wife does sound like she could go Diva at any moment.
There could be more to Kate's scowels and mood swings... she has seen the writing on the wall (or cable channel near her).
"'Michelle' said... Kate's not going to be happy if she see's this week's TV Guide. They did an Emmys recap article. They talked about the opening and said it included a "Kate Gosselin 'dis". They had a nice picture of the opening act at the end when they're all standing with their arms up. Kate is the only one you can't see. Jon Hamm's arm completely blocks her face. :"
LOVE IT! She got exactly the kind of lack of attention she deserved! Just love it!
"'She Done' said...Monday night's episode, in my opinion, was the worst hodgepodge of clips I've ever seen assembled on that show. There was no continuity -- just randomly assembled footage that was boring behind belief."
I said the same thing, ALMOST VERBATIM, on the thread preceding this one.
Anyone who does want to watch K+8, it is always available on Youtube that same night, or early the next morning. (And not posted by TLC). I watch it at times when people are discussing certain parts of the episode. JFI
I watch the episodes later on Youtube. I don't know who came up with the theory that the views from there get counted into the ratings but even if they do the numbers don't amount to much.
I stopped watching TLC a long time ago. It wasn't primarily due to their exploitation of multiple birth families but because of their unscrupulous ferreting out of people with anomalies to film so they can make their millions.
I detest TLC because it represents itself as a learning channel when really all it is, is a glorified sideshow brought to us via our tv sets.
As far as the big house on Quints by Surprise, the guy has been a home builder. He built it himself and figured they would live in it for a few years and then make a nice profit. Now the market has dropped. They can't afford the payments and are trying to sell it. He just finished a two-year MBA program (the college gave him a scholarship after they found out his wife was expecting multiples. I'm not sure he is still a home builder or not.
Turtle Turtle,
I can assure you that when I say I don't watch and haven't in a very long time, I mean it.
Without going into a long debate, I will just have to agree with NancyB. I cannot in good conscience watch knowing those kids' lives are being destroyed by their own parents and TLC.
I just read on Preesi's site that the numbers came in and were the same as last week - about 1.6 million.
Listed in tvbythenumbers for this week's episode:
Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 1.613 million viewers
- 1.2/2 HH
- 0.6/2 A18-49
People, we have to make a decision. If you want the abuse to continue, keep watching this crappy t.v. show.
If you are SERIOUSLY troubled by Kate's abusive behavior in turning her little children into cash cows/work horses DO NOT TUNE IN!!!
The brave Administrator of this website is willing to take the bullet- no need for the rest of us to add more numbers to Kate's ratings by tuning in.
My conscience is clean- I have not tuned for a LOOOONNNNGGGGG time, or watched anything related to Kate & her kids online. I will never, ever again be subjected to its crap. If this "program" continues, it will not be from my contribution.
I know that I have no right to tell any of you what you should or should not watch, but I believe that it is time to take a stand.
Please make up your minds.
Rant done....
Wow, this article was right on and quite funny!
Apparently, Kate is now talking dating in an effort to drum up some interest. I'm sure some at ROL would consider this breaking news:
Troy Chula Vista said...
I watched some of the Quints by Surprise (I think name of it). It amazed me how similar to K+8 this was, with the exception of # of kids. I didn't catch what the income level was, but I did see the BIG house and her Louis V purse.
What amazes me is that none of those kids has been seriously injured, or has gotten lost. They don't watch them! Last week, one of them opened the door downstairs. Mom was nowhere around. Luckily, dad was on the outside, on his way in, and said something to the effect, "What are you doing here?" I'm sure if Dad hadn't been there, the crew would have run after the child, but what happens when the crew isn't there? That child would have been out the door.
Those kids are off in all directions, not only in the home, but in the driveway. It's an accident waiting to happen.
I agree about the diva assessment. I'm just not sure, though, if we have become so suspicious because of the Kate disaster that we think the worst about every group TLC assembles. I just don't have positive feelings about that show. I can see this going in exactly the same direction. She does appear to like the affluent lifestyle, and now that she's had a taste of a custom-home and designer duds, will she be able to settle for less when she gives up her house?
I hope I'm wrong.
"The show is damaging to them, but their mother minus a camera to capture her behavior is even more damaging. I fear what will happen to them after the show more than I do what happens to them because of the show."
So exploitation on camera is worse than Kate unleashed without a show? Interesting theory. It may have validity. By this reasoning, then, the show should continue just to appease Kate and to make certain that she's not going to unleash her wrath once it's over? How long should this continue? TLC continues to keep the show on the air even if it's not profitable, just so the kids are protected from their mother? A perpetual Kate show! Oy!
I agree...there will be damage done to the kids when the show ends. There should have been plans put in place (by mental health professionals AND the parents) when TLC pulls the plug. It's a psychological circus, and sadly, the kids are in the center ring. Wouldn't it be better to pack up the circus, throw away the sawdust (and the ringmaster) NOW rather than later? Why prolong it? At what point DOES it end? These kids need their childhood right now, not next year or the year after. Heaven knows how much of it has already been taken away. It's not too late.
It indeed is a conundrum.
To the poster who mentioned TV Guide dissing Kate, Entertainment Weekly did it too, except they cut her out completely, and they dissed her in the article!! Hahaha!
Xanadu, wow, impressive post. It's such a pleasure to post on a forum with so many, many informed, intelligent women. And my hope and prayer is that the show will be cancelled, and that Jon will be awarded custody. At least that way, I won't worry about fallout from Khate. The children are all precious.
I wonder when this show will end?
You have to read this article that others have posted
Another one has her number!
Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 1.613 million viewers
- 1.2/2 HH
- 0.6/2 A18-49
Are you sure these ratings are correct???
They are IDENTICAL to the ratings last week. Sure it's not a repost of last week's ratings? Hard to believe they would get identical numbers down to the exact number.
Apologies if this posts twice - the "post button" got screwed up...
Anyway, there is hope .... for the viewers numbers, that is. tvbythenumbers states the Monday cable stats are from LAST WEEK. Sept 6 stats have not yet been posted. K8 did not make the top 25 cable shows for this week, but the breakdown by viewer numbers has not been tabulated yet.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Listed in tvbythenumbers for this week's episode:
Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 1.613 million viewers
- 1.2/2 HH
- 0.6/2 A18-49
Those numbers were posted on August 31. I imagine the numbers for Kate + 8 will be out tomorrow. The Top 25 Cable numbers are out, but Kate's not in the Top 25.
Yes hang onto your hats I don't see the ratings for this Monday in yet.
Always check the source. Not posted yet.
Good recap Admin. I laughed out loud several times!
Ahhhhh! Thank you!!! Wipes brow....
I feel better now :o)
Don't think that watching the show in YouTube isn't counted by TLC as interest in Kate. Every click and the amount of time you're on a site reading about her is monitored, analyzed and packaged.
The only way to make her go away is to ignore her.
Booey's Mom said:
The woman has come undone.
...She's Come Undone! Wally Lamb...loved that book!
Sorry, couldn't help it, first thing I thought of when I read that sentence. That book was written for her! LOL
Xanadu said... "The show is damaging to them, but their mother minus a camera to capture her behavior is even more damaging. I fear what will happen to them after the show more than I do what happens to them because of the show."
So exploitation on camera is worse than Kate unleashed without a show? Interesting theory. It may have validity. By this reasoning, then, the show should continue just to appease Kate and to make certain that she's not going to unleash her wrath once it's over? How long should this continue? TLC continues to keep the show on the air even if it's not profitable, just so the kids are protected from their mother? A perpetual Kate show! Oy!
I agree...there will be damage done to the kids when the show ends. There should have been plans put in place (by mental health professionals AND the parents) when TLC pulls the plug. It's a psychological circus, and sadly, the kids are in the center ring. Wouldn't it be better to pack up the circus, throw away the sawdust (and the ringmaster) NOW rather than later? Why prolong it? At what point DOES it end? These kids need their childhood right now, not next year or the year after. Heaven knows how much of it has already been taken away. It's not too late.
It indeed is a conundrum.
September 8, 2010 3:42 PM
I hope I didn't come off that I want the show to stay on. I would be glad to see it go, I'm just not going to campaign for it by not watching is all. But I do worry greatly about what will become of the kids. Will Kate take it out on them? We've seen when she's irritated who gets the brunt of her aggitation ( poor Joely ).
Will she leave them with the nannies even more than she already does as she searches for the fame she craves? She is really at the same creeper level as Spencer Pratt...I would put not one thing past her.
She is a desperate woman and will go to great lengths to keep her name in the media.
"Why is mommy rocking back and forth on the floor in her bedroom and flicking the lamp on and off?"
fidosmommy said... I think, despite their overt attempts to show otherwise, TLC is now deciding to broadcast controversial things about Kate (sharing a bed with Jamie, inappropriate dress, etc.) in order to get people to tune out.
Fidowsmommy, with all due make it sound like TLC has a conscience. They don't, no tender heartedness there! If and when they want Kate + 8 off the air, they'll take it off them air. The End. When they stop earning money for them or they get sick of having to deal w/the village idiot, she'll be gone.
For 9/6/2010:
Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 1.389 million viewers
- 1.0/2 HH
- 0.6/1 A18-49
via Twitter - Travis Yanan
New ratings low for Monday night...1.389 million viewers!
BTW...lead in show (LPBW) had 1.791 million viewers least the nos. are going in the right direction.
New ratings low for Monday night...1.389 million viewers!
I wonder if those little flags in front of the Konpound are flying at half mast tonight.
I read the article at Did you see the comments? Someone (a sheeple) reposted the same comment over & over & over. Now thats real mature. The only thing they can keep repeating: "Jon does't have a job or contribute to the kids" blah blah. They need to come up with new spin BS.
I continue to watch because I want to and because I'm interested in the Gosselin family, for reasons that are my own. It's one of the many things I do with my spare time. Some people are satisfying their curiosity by reading recaps - some are doing so by watching the show. Either way we're all interested in the family and concerned about the children. We're also all helping in a small way to keep the family in the spotlight just by writing blog responses.
I realize I'm contributing to the ratings and that this affects TLC's decision to keep the show on the air. However, there are many things other than ratings that affect the family's popularity/unpopularity and therefore TLC's decisions - i.e. book sales, magazine sales, attendance at speaking engagements, watching other programs that Kate is on (The View, DWTS, the Emmys, etc.), blog responses, the purchase of products advertised on the show. I don't think it makes me a hypocrite any more than it makes those who look at Radaronline or buying a People magazine with the kids' pictures on the front does (things that I do not do, by the way) hypocrites.
Jon isn't providing? So I guess he is going to use all those paper towels he brought over himself? Hehe.
Maybe the twins are acutely aware that they are on a working vacation and are severely underpaid and only seeking benefits for themselves as well they should.
Maybe the twins are acutely aware that they are on a working vacation and are severely underpaid and only seeking benefits for themselves as well they should.
Jon isn't providing? So I guess he is going to use all those paper towels he brought over himself? Hehe.
Xanadu said... "The show is damaging to them, but their mother minus a camera to capture her behavior is even more damaging. I fear what will happen to them after the show more than I do what happens to them because of the show."
So exploitation on camera is worse than Kate unleashed without a show? Interesting theory. It may have validity. By this reasoning, then, the show should continue just to appease Kate and to make certain that she's not going to unleash her wrath once it's over? How long should this continue? TLC continues to keep the show on the air even if it's not profitable, just so the kids are protected from their mother? A perpetual Kate show! Oy!
I agree...there will be damage done to the kids when the show ends. There should have been plans put in place (by mental health professionals AND the parents) when TLC pulls the plug. It's a psychological circus, and sadly, the kids are in the center ring. Wouldn't it be better to pack up the circus, throw away the sawdust (and the ringmaster) NOW rather than later? Why prolong it? At what point DOES it end? These kids need their childhood right now, not next year or the year after. Heaven knows how much of it has already been taken away. It's not too late.
It indeed is a conundrum.
September 8, 2010 3:42 PM
I hope I didn't come off that I want the show to stay on. I would be glad to see it go, I'm just not going to campaign for it by not watching is all. But I do worry greatly about what will become of the kids. Will Kate take it out on them? We've seen when she's irritated who gets the brunt of her aggitation ( poor Joely ).
Will she leave them with the nannies even more than she already does as she searches for the fame she craves? She is really at the same creeper level as Spencer Pratt...I would put not one thing past her.
She is a desperate woman and will go to great lengths to keep her name in the media.
"Why is mommy rocking back and forth on the floor in her bedroom and flicking the lamp on and off?"
Don't think that watching the show in YouTube isn't counted by TLC as interest in Kate. Every click and the amount of time you're on a site reading about her is monitored, analyzed and packaged.
The only way to make her go away is to ignore her.
Yes hang onto your hats I don't see the ratings for this Monday in yet.
Always check the source. Not posted yet.
Good recap Admin. I laughed out loud several times!
"This episode just proves the kind of kids that are coming out of this lifestyle--spoiled, ungrateful, crabby, smart-mouthed kids. But it's not their fault. Kate's fault."
...and it's also because there is no consistent discipline in their lives. They are handed over, on a daily basis, to the current nanny/sitter/bff/bodyguard of the day.
PatK said...
Maybe Kate was just to be the special DWTS correspondent for the cast reveal only. Thank goodness Niecy gets the full-time gig!
No wonder she's been looking grumpy. She said she was going to OWN that mic.
Maybe Kate was just to be the special DWTS correspondent for the cast reveal only. Thank goodness Niecy gets the full-time gig!
Ahhhhh! Thank you!!! Wipes brow....
I feel better now :o)
Listed in tvbythenumbers for this week's episode:
Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 1.613 million viewers
- 1.2/2 HH
- 0.6/2 A18-49
People, we have to make a decision. If you want the abuse to continue, keep watching this crappy t.v. show.
If you are SERIOUSLY troubled by Kate's abusive behavior in turning her little children into cash cows/work horses DO NOT TUNE IN!!!
The brave Administrator of this website is willing to take the bullet- no need for the rest of us to add more numbers to Kate's ratings by tuning in.
My conscience is clean- I have not tuned for a LOOOONNNNGGGGG time, or watched anything related to Kate & her kids online. I will never, ever again be subjected to its crap. If this "program" continues, it will not be from my contribution.
I know that I have no right to tell any of you what you should or should not watch, but I believe that it is time to take a stand.
Please make up your minds.
Rant done....
What a trainwreck this show sounds like. The kids sound like brats. Not that I am surprised. Kate wanted to hand them everything on a golden platter (it's called a silver platter btw) and this is what you get. SPOILED kids. Hopefully there will be time for them to become normal children. Though, I think it's a bit late for that. No one close to them cares about them. They are just money making machines.
It's just too weird for words. I can't believe that TLC didn't edit out Kate's "confession."
I posted this much earlier today, but perhaps I broke a rule, as I don't see the post. I believe this was TLC scripting the show, based on reading the blogs. Just something to keep the chatter going on Kate.
@Bones...I also want to add that Mady and Cara have transitioned to the Late Childhood stage of developmental psychology. During this stage, their school and neighborhood friends are the priority and parents ( although still important ) take a backseat.
This is the stage for normal children. These kids are anything but normal, thanks to TLC and the show (and their mother).
If you take a look at other children in show business, their psychological development is atypical, so much so that child development professionals would never venture to lump them into one specific transitional phase. What usually does the most damage is the transition from a child in the entertainment business to an adult. When the show is successful, the kids are in the spotlight, acquire the best of everything, and try to stay in the center of attention. But these kids (as far as we have seen) don't have what it takes to become teenage or adult actors. They were hired because of the cuteness factor, which is fast disappearing. They may very well skip over the late childhood stage, transitioning to adolescence, as so many in the entertainment industry have done, and sadly, many times it's all down hill from there.
I do agree with you, though, that in a few years, regardless of whether the cameras are still around, all you-know-what is going to break loose. Perhaps sooner.
Look out!!! Kate is photographed in her "ho clothes/shoes" again over at celebrity-gossip....
Someone help this woman.
Thank you for the recap; haven't watched since last summer when I began to feel dirty for watching this family implode.
My take on the is "she or isn't she with Steve or Jaimie" saga is we are probably all being strung along. Does it look like she and Steve are into each other? Yeah, especially Kate in some photos. Is Kate's friendship with Jaimie awfully touchy-feely? OMG, yes. TLC and Kate have proven time and again that they will sink to new depths to keep interest and viewership going, so as long as some are tuning in to figure out who, if anyone, Kate is hooking up with, they're all happy. TLC and Kate get paid.
What I cannot figure out is why it's okay with Steve and his family, and with Jaimie and her family to be thrust into the center of this rumor mongering. They probably aren't both romantically involved with Kate, maybe neither are, and both families must be hugely embarrassed about all this talk online and in tabloids over who is boinking who. If Jaimie is not with Kate, and is not a lesbian, why is she not demanding that Kate clear this rumor up, instead of making innuendos about sleeping together on the show. And if Steve is faithful and devoted to his wife, why is he not demanding the same from Kate, to spare his wife and family from defending him, instead of Kate taking him, alone, everywhere she goes. Why hasn't he yet requested a temporary reassignment or reduced schedule with Kate, if only for his wife's sake?
IDModo said, "I'm surprised that the naturalists would allow the travelling circus that close to those precious turtle babies.Obviously TLC will exploit anything small and vulnerable. I wonder how much money the State of NC was paid to allow this to happen."
I've taken the BHI Turtle Walk Adventure, and it's fabulous. Neither TLC nor NC had anything to do with exploiting wildlife and NC wasn't paid for allowing this experience. We adopted a nest and got a nesting certificate -- very cool! It's a great experience for children, and it's so wonderful to see how respectful they are...and so surprised at how tiny those little creatures are. It's a beautiful experience that parents and their children can share.
I do believe the kids, especially the twins, are showing signs of entitlement.
That being said, we need to also consider the fact that they are more aware now than ever that their peers are watching their lives on tv. The kids they sit next to in class. The kids they eat luch with everyday. Maybe it's embarrassing in a kid's mind to have to share a bed and know that your friends know you had to share.
IMO, they are the ones who had some common sense about publicly announcing sharing a bed at an older age and their mother didn't. Little kids don't care about that stuff. But around age 8 and 9 kids start to become more concerned about what people think and how they will be perceived. If the cameras weren't there, this very well may have been a non- issue and they would've slept in the same bed with no argument. But they knew the cameras were capturing all this and they knew it was possible they may get teased at school for it. "Hahahahah, Mady and Cara slept in the same bed. They must be gay." Sadly, this is how kids are. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, kids are gonna be mean just to be mean. it could be that they are already being made fum of for things shown on the show, and this is why Mady and Cara are behaving differently lately....more detached from the show.
The twins have no respect for their mother because she is not respectable, and doesn't treat THEM with respect.Mady had, in her mind, a good reaon not to sleep with Cara; Cara yells in her sleep and kicks. (Where IS that therapist?)
Instead of listening to Mady's solution Kate made it about herself and Jamie.NO wonder Mady is frustrated! I think she handles herself pretty well under the circumstances, for a 9 year old girl.
Thanks Admin for your patience in watching and reporting. Odd that Kate would refer to her divorce as being told she had to. I like the part where the children seemed to enjoy the lighthouse climb - almost like some of them liked climbing rocks in Central Park to riding the rides. I take it there was no mention of Kate and Steve taking moonlit walks on the beach or exactly where he slept. Thanks again!!
Admin: When I saw the twins in the private bedroom area, and heard the complaining, the first thing I thought of was "entitlement." It was heartbreaking -- to think that there are so many families who couldn't even afford to take their kids on vacations this year, and then there was this family, who has been more places and done more things than many, many kids (and adults) out there and they still complain. They (TLC) rented a gorgeous beach house that many people would give their arm to be able to enjoy, and Kate was fussing about no shades, and the twins had a private room, but didn't want to sleep in the same bed.
I admit, though, you surprised me a bit when you wrote about the girls being spoiled and unappreciative. That was my assessment, too, but I thought maybe you would have said that because it's the kids who are working, they're earning the money, they are paying for the house and vacation, that they should darn well be able to sleep where they want, and Kate should take the sofa!
This is only the beginning. What are these kids going to be like when they are teenagers? They're so accustomed to being handed everything, having lunchrooms closed for them, shopping in stores closed to the public, etc. Worse yet, when all of this stops, what's going to happen? Is there going to be someone there to help them transition to a "normal" life, or will they be demanding that this lifestyle goes on as it always has?
I guess time will tell. My gut feeling is that it's not going to be very pretty.
Jamie and Kate sleep together? That is just strange. My sister, whom I used to sleep with as a child, visited recently, she had a restful sleep in my guest room! Strange, indeed.
The rerun of Ellen's is so funny to me. Ellen had NO idea who she was, how many kids, etc. Kate spoke in her "code" putting down Jon, as usual, and Ellen said something like you are speaking in code, I have no idea who are you talking about. LOL I thought that was hysterical. Kate's skirt was so tight, she had to descend the steps sideways. It doesn't say much about Kate, I remember that.
Turtle Watcher- The turtle walks sound great and I'm really glad that people get a chance to experience them. What I meant was: This was more than a Turtle Walk. There were beach buggies, a camera crew, lights, sound techs, a producer, a screaming harridan, and the kids.This is IMO a really poor way for those little turtles, who have a big job to do getting into the ocean, to have to enter the world.
Remember when Krazy Kate filed for divorce, it was Stevie she was on vacation with. Alone? Or was that when Mady caught them wrapped around each other?
Administrator said...
I slept with my best girlfriends too. When I was nine.
September 7, 2010 8:08 AM
I think there is something really creepy about two thirty something divorced women sleeping in the same bed, in a mansion, with 8 kids under the same roof. It gives the wrong impression. Not to even mention admitting that you do on national tv, where your two young daughters will possibly be taunted at school about it.
If I was 10 and my mom announced on tv ( where all my 10 year old friends coud see ) that she shares her bed with another woman, I would be mortified. I would just want to d.i.e.
Now the whole world knows the "sleeping" accomodations when Jamie is in town. That is just too much information.
( I am not a homophobic. But at the age of 10, especially when your mother was once married TO YOUR FATHER, and now a year later she's sleeping with a woman, but telling the world she wants a man, those kids have to be like...WTH?????? )
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