Almost a year and a half ago, the boys of American Chopper gave Kate a pink Schwinn scooter. Kate promptly donated it to the Ronald McDonald House. (Bikes and Trikes, 6/15/09). However, locals reported that the Ronald McDonald House couldn't unload the autographed scooter, and so they gave it back to Kate, who kept it in the family garage.
Now it looks like the Ronald is giving it another go. Local radio stations are reporting the scooter is up for auction again. The 2009 pink Schwinn is to be auctioned off on October 9 in Hershey. (We like scooters, but get a Honda or a Vespa, not a Schwinn, a company that outsources to China paying workers as low as $1 an hour.)
Now it looks like the Ronald is giving it another go. Local radio stations are reporting the scooter is up for auction again. The 2009 pink Schwinn is to be auctioned off on October 9 in Hershey. (We like scooters, but get a Honda or a Vespa, not a Schwinn, a company that outsources to China paying workers as low as $1 an hour.)
66 sediments (sic) from readers:
I think it's great Kate donates to charity and at least she's donating the whole bike not just half. I just cannot imagine who would want this.
Something about Kate tells me it wasn't her idea to donate the scooter out of the kindness of her big ole generous heart. It's just so atypical of her. If it was her idea I have to say it whether I like to or not - good on her.
Who would want it? Why the sheeple of course!
Is kate looking for some good press? Other than her sheeple who is going to buy this? Maybe BM and the 10 kool-aid drinkers will pool thier money and buy it.
I'm gonna check it out.
I might buy it, to kind of try to balance the Karma somehow. I don't know if that makes sense, but if I can help Kate do a good deed . . .
When this was given to her it was obvious from her body language it wasn't something she wanted. If it had been, she wouldn't have donated it. It's as simple as that. I hope the Ronald McDonald House can benefit from the sell of this bike, but I can't imagine anyone actually wanting to own it. If she's so charitable, why does she sell all the TLC purchased clothing at a consignment store?
I don't even understand why American choppers did this cross over show back then. All I saw was Kate trying to be the center of attention and that seriously bugged me. It was a major, "Look at me, look at me!" moment.
Somebody could get a good deal on it, help a wonderful charity, paint it and donate it to another charity and the circle of giving continues. :-)
I can think of a few sheeple that would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to get their paws on that scooter.
Kate is very un-popular in her area so I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the scooter back to the Teutuls. LOL.
If it didn't sell back then why would it sell now? There had to have been more sheeple back in the pre-divorce/"fake" still together era.
Curious to see how it all goes down. It's not a custom built OCC bike, it's a modifyed scooter. Someone could take the one they made for Jon and repaint it so it didn't have his and the kids names on it. They could boast they had a real Orange County Chopper. (anyone know where that thing is?) But the scooter? If it was someone "likeable" that was auctioning it off, it would sell in a heartbeat.
Admin said...I think it's great Kate donates to charity and at least she's donating the whole bike not just half. I just cannot imagine who would want this.
Haha!! I agree. It's Kate Gosselin for Christ Sake! Not Robert Pattinson or Tom Cruise. I don't get it. And what you said about it being a Schwinn, that's true also. I've been dying for a Vespa forever. Do people dream of owning Schwinns? Although, maybe she's trying to re-vamp her image somehow. I don't see it selling for much. How much did her auctioned DWTS shoes sell for? As I recall, it wasn't much.
TLC/Discovery own American Choppers show so the Tutle's had no say in appearing or not. Another "scripted" reality show!!
Sharon here- Yeah- she totally did not want the scooter and I thought it was funny how she signed it before donating it- because her autograph would definitely bring in more money-ha! I would have loved to have seen her face when they gave it back to her! Again- another way to keep her name in the press! I loathe this woman and her entire brand! p.s. still can't believe the entertainment media didn't cover the Murt hearings!
Here is just another time Kate will be "giving back" and her fans will applaud her. However, since the scooter was built by OCC for a cross over show which it was, Kate spent nothing for the scooter. How is that being generous. I would venture to say many bloggers have donated as much as she has if they had to pay for it the donate it, or give a monetary gift.
She obviously did not like it and decided to convince TLC to donate it, you could tell by her face when the guys brought it to her, she had the look of WTF. She is not liked by alot of people in that town otherwise someone would have bought it. Good luck trying to unload that thing, Ronald.
I'm glad Kate donated the Scooter.
I'll bet the McDonald house would auction it off quicker if they had the scooter refinished. Remove all traces of Kate + 8 on it and you'll see how fast someone bids on it.
I'd definitely get it repainted if I bought it. Too pink for me and Kate's autograph would have to go.
I can't believe there isn't a sheeple jumping at this opportunity.
I was watching a TLC show last night about the Jones multiples. They had too much stuff after moving to a smaller house and donated a lot to a women's shelter. They did not take it to a consignment shop.
They personally delivered an extra washer and dryer to a single mom and stayed until they were plugged in and working.
Kate could take a lesson from that family. Of course, it's too late now, but the Jones husband and wife obviously love and respect each other very much.
I agree Betsy, Kate never wanted that thing, she wanted to be rid of it right away. It was never about charity since she never paid for it. She did it for the media attention she would get. It is never for the right reason with this witch, it's always for her recognition.
Kate is not donating this, she is re-gifting.
I was thinking about this, this is basically a regift. I think charity is great no matter how it gets there, but it's so typical Kate. The one time she gives to charity it's just a gift she didn't want. No real sacrifice on her end. And since the scooter may be taxable, one wonders if she couldn't wait to "give it to charity."
The narcissist I worked for would regift like crazy at Christmas time. Whatever she didn't want was wrapped up and slapped with a tag. She was worth $15 million and she regifted. Once one of her adult children called her on it, and I've never seen a woman more confused and out of touch until Kate. Even when it was explained to her she saw nothing wrong with it.
Dee said...
I was watching a TLC show last night about the Jones multiples. They had too much stuff after moving to a smaller house and donated a lot to a women's shelter. They did not take it to a consignment shop.
They personally delivered an extra washer and dryer to a single mom and stayed until they were plugged in and working.
Kate could take a lesson from that family. Of course, it's too late now, but the Jones husband and wife obviously love and respect each other very much.
Or did TLC learn its lesson and now have a different script for the "new and improved" family?
If she was so giving than why didn't she donate the huge fridge that came with the house when she got free appliances? She had the fridge brought down to the basement along with the freezer. I'm sure a needy family would have loved to received it. What about her washer and dryers that she received for free, two sets I may add? What happened to the old ones? I'm sure if she had donated that she would have made sure she flapped her gums about it. The only reason she unloaded that scooter is because it was free and she did not like it otherwise she would have kept it and scooted all over her property with it, simple as that.
I am shocked Bruno gave Micheal Bolton a 3 for his jive and said it was the worst in the show history. Is Kate really that forgettable? Lol. Remember her saugage body shoved into that red dress, the curly wig pinned on her scalp, and Tony grunting to pull her through his legs, the look of concentration on Kate's face. It still makes me laugh today. Too bad Bruno didn' pull out his 3 then.
StoryLady --
I don't think that buying the scooter would be helping Kate to do a good deed.
Think about it. She's had so very many opportunities to do a good deed.
Just find out the price of the item and make a donation to the R.M. House. That will be YOUR good deed.
You know, I watched DWTS last night, and was surprised at the negative comments that were given to some of the dancers, in comparison to how they treated Kate last season. I didn't watch each week, but I remember seeing a couple of times that she was terrible at dancing and it seems like they side-stepped giving her the truth. It just makes it seem like they clammed up, or said that they knew she wasn't a "performer" and let it go at that, because she was assured of so many weeks on the program.
Re: the scooter.
If Kate didn't want it, why would a Sheeple want it? They only want what Kate wants. What Kate dismisses as unwanted is unwanted in Sheepleland as well.
mama mia,
It looked like Bolton had taken lessons from Kate. He was just as stiff and robotic and it looked like he had forgotten the steps just like she did. Yet he got a three and if I remember she never scored lower than a five. Bruno was just on Kimmel saying how terrible her dancing was so it was weird that he said he'd never seen a worse jive. Maybe he was just being kind to Tony by scoring Kate a little higher. At least that's how I'm going to justify it...ha.
mama mia said: Remember her saugage body shoved into that red dress, the curly wig pinned on her scalp, and Tony grunting to pull her through his legs,
You forgot to mention the best part where Kart raised her ugly head too soon and clipped Tony in the family jewels.
No wonder no one wants that scooter - it is the physical representation of the intersection between two families that TLC/Discovery has at least helped to emotionally destroy while turning a profit. Sad.
Go to National Enquire front page!!
Please, don't give the Quints by Surprise credit for being any better than Kate.
They have the benefit of seeing how the show ruined the Gosselin's, but refuse to learn anything.
It's not ok to sell your children's childhood. Parents are supposed to provide for their children, not expect the kids to support mom and dad.
The Joneses have a sense of entitlement that is disturbing.
This is an item for ebay not for a local auction. It's the kind of pseudo-celebrity piece of junk, just like up there with the chip with the face of Jesus, that someone would buy off that online auction.
Who would want that scooter? It's not worth more than $50. I saw that episode way back and guess what, the guys over at OCC didn't even care for that project. All they did was toss blobs of paint all over a perfectly nice scooter.
On top of those blobs of paint, Kate signed it.
The only thing worth anything was the bike OCC built for Jon. That was a decent looking bike. Too bad TLC decided to take the bike back when Jon took the kids away and stopped the show briefly.
Shows you how much class TLC has. Gift taker backer.
If Kate didn't want it, why would a Sheeple want it? They only want what Kate wants.
Because she TOUCHED it! It's sacred!
What happened to the old ones? I'm sure if she had donated that she would have made sure she flapped her gums about it.
I think the washer and dryer stayed in the old house for the new owners, along with the free piano.
PatE said... Go to National Enquire front page!!
Pat, that's last week's issue.
I have a question, something that someone mentioned that is bugging me. What's wrong with Kate using divided plates for the kids' food? I use regular kids plates (not disposable) for my children and I use divided plates (also not disposable) sometimes too. Why is that an issue? My daughters love them.
They also love their straw cups. They are cups with lids and straws not sippie cups. They also use regular drinking cups but for something stick like juice I usually put it in a cup with a lid. I can't imagine having 6 kids knocking over their drinks and how much clean up there would be. Not a big deal to try to prevent that. Some of the Gosselin kids were drinking out of regular cups. Some weren't. It might just be their preference. What if it's their favorite cup? If Kate got rid of them people would complain she won't let them drink in fun cups, etc.
Also, I wanted to mention that the "highchairs" they have were convertable to booster seats. Technically they are stools with backs and sides. I don't see a problem with them. They don't have a safety bar or strap on them. They bring them up to table height. I bought a Kaboost for my 4-year-old (now 5) because she kept sitting on her knees and the booster seats that sit on the chair make the top of the regular chair hit the back of her legs and it's uncomfortable.
I just think there are so many other valid issues to bring up that little things like this aren't really justified and make the non-fans seem unreasonable. I think most times we all bring up a lot of very valid points.
So the washer, dryer and piano conveyed as part of the house sale. This happens with appliances all the time.
Just clarifying-this is not a donation to charity or an act of benevolence necessarily. In fact, J&K had no desire to keep the piano, and had the benefit of not having to find it another home and pay to move it.
PatE said... Go to National Enquire front page!!
I did, what are we supposed to be looking for, cause I sure didn't see anything relating to KG or our discussion. Could you post a link please.
Gross. Kate in a short skirt straddling that bike. There is not enough Purell in the world to get rid of her skanky giblet germs. Bet Kate never figured that HER germs are disgusting to the rest of the world. I wish Ronald McDonald house well, but doubt they will get enough $ to help their organization.
Schmecky Girl said....
Also, I wanted to mention that the "highchairs" they have were convertable to booster seats. Technically they are stools with backs and sides. I don't see a problem with them. They don't have a safety bar or strap on them. They bring them up to table height.
I thought they looked too high in those chairs, and they were almost hovering over their food.
I'll go back and look again when I think of it.
I just think there are so many other valid issues to bring up that little things like this aren't really justified and make the non-fans seem unreasonable. I think most times we all bring up a lot of very valid points.
Exactly. I have been saying this very thing all along. My kids liked their divided dinosaur plates with the matching cups and bowls (not disposable) and used them for quite some time. Same with the "high chairs." If they are comfortable in them, let them use them! They are not infant high chairs with the trays. Ditto with the cups and straws. Heck, fast food restaurants serve drinks in paper cups with plastic lids and straws. It's the same thing. If they kids were drinking out of sippy cups with handles and spouts, then I'd be concerned.
Nitpicking like this only gives the sheeple more ammunition to call us jellus Kate haters.
JudyK hard to keep up with all the blogs....have to join preesi too.
For awhile I have thought kate flaunting her body was all about Steve not leaving his wife.
Anon 1, here:
Midnight Madness,
Thanks for voicing your opinion too. I was beginning to think it was just me.
While I agree with a lot of stuff said here there is also a bunch I don't agree with. I think when it comes to the Gosselins it's hard to be fair and also hard to find a blog where you agree with every single comment.
I know a lot of people feel this is a hater blog. I don't. I do feel some comments are somewhat hateful but not the majority. I think Kate brings out some very strong feelings in people.
In fact, J&K had no desire to keep the piano, and had the benefit of not having to find it another home and pay to move it.
If I recall, Kate didn't like the piano because it was black and showed smudges and fingerprints. Well, duh, she picked it, and black really is tough to keep smudge-free!
The convertible high chairs are a big trend the past few years. They convert to toddler and "youth" chairs. They go all the way to school age children.
Someone who says kids this old should not be in high chairs is not being hateful, they are giving their opinion.
I think Kate babies the kids, but it's not my major beef with her. Doesn't mean the topic doesn't come up from time to time. Lots of mothers baby their kids, far more than those who exploit them thank goodness. What it comes down to is the big picture--the fact that this is all about kate. The kids are of best use to Kate if they stay babies. And that's the problem I believe people have when they point out that Kate babies them.
Check out these two articles I posted back in April from a MF therapist who called Kate on going after the celeb lifestyle in the name of her kids.
She had this to say, and she's spot on: "I do not hate Kate. There is no place in the heart of any Christian to hate anyone. On the contrary, I am concerned about the choices she is making and the impact they are having on her family. For those of you who think she has to be a celebrity to make money to feed her children, I want to ask, is God limited to this as a provision? There are so many other ways that God could provide that wouldn’t exploit her. I can judge what she does against the Word of God and against what I know to be true to raise a healthy family. Confronting behavior that leads someone down an unhealthy path is not hate. It is actually something we seem to have lost in the name of tolerance."
I went to NE, specifically:
So NE is saying that Kate is upset that Steve is with his wife and Jon is going to get married next spring.
Well it will be interesting to see if these two things, one or both, turn out to be true.
The kids are of best use to Kate if they stay babies. And that's the problem I believe people have when they point out that Kate babies them.
Kate may baby them in some ways, but then again, she allowed them to ride the bus last year to pre-school and again this year. I wouldn't let my five-year-old ride a bus for an hour each way, but that's just me, and I definitely don't baby my kids. I think this was a big step on their way to independence, and NOT being babied. She could have easily let the nanny drive them to school, or hired someone to do it. But she didn't. She put them on the bus with no adult supervision other than the driver. That certainly is NOT babying them.
Schmecky -- you're welcome. It's not just you. People have opinions, but I also believe that there's a lot of nitpicking going on, just for the sake of finding something to criticize her about. Heaven knows that she has destroyed the family unit, has alienated whatever friends she has, threw away her family and has become the subject of ridicule because of it (and justifiably so). But picking on her because the kids sit in high chairs, drink out of cups with lids, and use divided plates is, in my opinion, carrying it a bit too far.
One thing about that TLC show "Quints by Surprise" show, the parents downsized their house, moved themselves (saving 5K), and have donated many items twice to poorer families. They even gave the high chairs away and are using the clip on the table type chairs for their toddler kids. No keeping them in high chairs and bibs like Kate. No selling donated items like Kate. But still, they are filming their children but they do not fight, are respectful of each other, their children and they give back.
Administrator said... Someone who says kids this old should not be in high chairs is not being hateful, they are giving their opinion.
I agree. That was not one of the comments I was referring to as hateful. That was just one that I thought was nitpicky. lol. It's just because they aren't really "high chairs." The same way some car seats are for infants and some are for toddlers and others go up to 8-years-old or a certain weight. Some children are too small to sit with a seat belt in a car, others are too small to reach a table.
Kate does not baby those kids; she is callous, impatient, and distracted when interacting with them. She tells them to man up, scolds them for no good reason and is a cheapskate when it comes to them. She is interested in the kids appearing like little robots on camera, thus the bibs and matching clothes. They are also to behave like robots, so she yells if they speak all at once and then will screech and rile them up if she wants them to act happy or excited. The highchairs would be replaced by something nicer in a heartbeat if she could get them for free. Otherwise, she remains cheap if the object in question does not benefit her or make the kids look physically better on camera. I, too, was shocked that she put the tups on the bus last year, given the fact that they were in pre-k and that there were security concerns at the time, with the media attention at an alltime high. She declined to drive them herself, or pay someone to, even though it would have been far cheaper and safer, as no paps are allowed at the school. She preferred the bus because she's too lazy to drive them and it allowed for photo ops twice a day, 5 days a week at the bus stop. My point is this: people nitpick Kate not because bibs, divided trays, highchairs or the bus are innately bad, but because of the selfish reasoning that goes into her decision making. She does what she does either because it benefits her or because she is too unconcerned and cheap when it comes to the kids. She is interested in attention, money and fame for herself and the APPEARANCE, but not necessarily the reality, of 8 happy kids. Oh, and bashing Jon, of course.
When I had a daycare my toddlers could'nt wait to use big kid cups and plates. Of course they were child sized (dessert size plates and 4 oz cups). Sure there were tons of spills and messes, but it was a learning curve. We also ate family style and at a young age they learned through trial & error how to serve themselves.
Something Kate has never done with her kids. Maybe if Kate wasn't such a lazy cow who didn't despise her own children, they just might be able to sprout. She has all the time in the world to sit down with her kids, teach manners and hell even teach them to tie a freakin' shoe. I had more kids than she did and I made it work. But then I actually liked my kids.
I believe the anger from posters is not actually about a sippy cup (paper plate, paper bowl, plastic fork) but rather that it's used for her convenience. Cause after all that's ALL that matters.
MickeyMcKean said...
I went to NE, specifically:
So NE is saying that Kate is upset that Steve is with his wife and Jon is going to get married next spring.
Well it will be interesting to see if these two things, one or both, turn out to be true.
Didn't the National Enquirer break the John Edwards affair/love child story first and, as it turned out, truthfully?
Midnight Madness said: Kate may baby them in some ways, but then again, she allowed them to ride the bus last year to pre-school and again this year. I wouldn't let my five-year-old ride a bus for an hour each way, but that's just me, and I definitely don't baby my kids. I think this was a big step on their way to independence, and NOT being babied. She could have easily let the nanny drive them to school, or hired someone to do it. But she didn't. She put them on the bus with no adult supervision other than the driver. That certainly is NOT babying them.
Sorry, my take is the bitch was too lazy to drive them herself.
Referencing the discussion about the divided plates. I don't have an issue with that because I remember my children hated their food getting mixed together. However, I do have a problem with Kart using paper plates. This is a total waste and, again, just shows the bitch is too lazy to clean!
I'm having trouble posting, so if this is a repeat, forgive me (keep getting the services not available message).
If Kate is too lazy to drive the kids to school herself, she has nannies, paid employees or even Jon to do it. The fact is that she allows them to ride the bus, giving them a chance to be "big kids" and be with their friends on the bus ride. I wouldn't want to be on the road four hours a day to take them to school, come home, leave again, and come home again, and I'm certainly not lazy. It's a good thing she doesn't drive them to school -- can you imagine if you were a kid and you were in the car with her for four hours every day? Talk about torture!
The paper plates thing. Do you really think that Kate being lazy has anything to do with it? She doesn't do the dishes -- that's why she has housekeepers and nannies! Her kitchen time is for film purposes only!
How can she teach them manners when she doesn't have any herself? They see her lying on the table with both arms on the table, shoveling in her food. They see her chomping gum like a cow. They see that she seldom says thank you, and many times, neither do they. They see how rude she is to other people. Manners are not something she can teach her children.
I'm having trouble posting, so if this is a repeat, forgive me (keep getting the services not available message).
If Kate is too lazy to drive the kids to school herself, she has nannies, paid employees or even Jon to do it. The fact is that she allows them to ride the bus, giving them a chance to be "big kids" and be with their friends on the bus ride. I wouldn't want to be on the road four hours a day to take them to school, come home, leave again, and come home again, and I'm certainly not lazy. It's a good thing she doesn't drive them to school -- can you imagine if you were a kid and you were in the car with her for four hours every day? Talk about torture!
The paper plates thing. Do you really think that Kate being lazy has anything to do with it? She doesn't do the dishes -- that's why she has housekeepers and nannies! Her kitchen time is for film purposes only!
How can she teach them manners when she doesn't have any herself? They see her lying on the table with both arms on the table, shoveling in her food. They see her chomping gum like a cow. They see that she seldom says thank you, and many times, neither do they. They see how rude she is to other people. Manners are not something she can teach her children.
Kate does not baby those kids; she is callous, impatient, and distracted when interacting with them. She tells them to man up, scolds them for no good reason and is a cheapskate when it comes to them. She is interested in the kids appearing like little robots on camera, thus the bibs and matching clothes. They are also to behave like robots, so she yells if they speak all at once and then will screech and rile them up if she wants them to act happy or excited. The highchairs would be replaced by something nicer in a heartbeat if she could get them for free. Otherwise, she remains cheap if the object in question does not benefit her or make the kids look physically better on camera. I, too, was shocked that she put the tups on the bus last year, given the fact that they were in pre-k and that there were security concerns at the time, with the media attention at an alltime high. She declined to drive them herself, or pay someone to, even though it would have been far cheaper and safer, as no paps are allowed at the school. She preferred the bus because she's too lazy to drive them and it allowed for photo ops twice a day, 5 days a week at the bus stop. My point is this: people nitpick Kate not because bibs, divided trays, highchairs or the bus are innately bad, but because of the selfish reasoning that goes into her decision making. She does what she does either because it benefits her or because she is too unconcerned and cheap when it comes to the kids. She is interested in attention, money and fame for herself and the APPEARANCE, but not necessarily the reality, of 8 happy kids. Oh, and bashing Jon, of course.
Someone who says kids this old should not be in high chairs is not being hateful, they are giving their opinion.
I think Kate babies the kids, but it's not my major beef with her. Doesn't mean the topic doesn't come up from time to time. Lots of mothers baby their kids, far more than those who exploit them thank goodness. What it comes down to is the big picture--the fact that this is all about kate. The kids are of best use to Kate if they stay babies. And that's the problem I believe people have when they point out that Kate babies them.
Check out these two articles I posted back in April from a MF therapist who called Kate on going after the celeb lifestyle in the name of her kids.
She had this to say, and she's spot on: "I do not hate Kate. There is no place in the heart of any Christian to hate anyone. On the contrary, I am concerned about the choices she is making and the impact they are having on her family. For those of you who think she has to be a celebrity to make money to feed her children, I want to ask, is God limited to this as a provision? There are so many other ways that God could provide that wouldn’t exploit her. I can judge what she does against the Word of God and against what I know to be true to raise a healthy family. Confronting behavior that leads someone down an unhealthy path is not hate. It is actually something we seem to have lost in the name of tolerance."
The convertible high chairs are a big trend the past few years. They convert to toddler and "youth" chairs. They go all the way to school age children.
Gross. Kate in a short skirt straddling that bike. There is not enough Purell in the world to get rid of her skanky giblet germs. Bet Kate never figured that HER germs are disgusting to the rest of the world. I wish Ronald McDonald house well, but doubt they will get enough $ to help their organization.
In fact, J&K had no desire to keep the piano, and had the benefit of not having to find it another home and pay to move it.
If I recall, Kate didn't like the piano because it was black and showed smudges and fingerprints. Well, duh, she picked it, and black really is tough to keep smudge-free!
She obviously did not like it and decided to convince TLC to donate it, you could tell by her face when the guys brought it to her, she had the look of WTF. She is not liked by alot of people in that town otherwise someone would have bought it. Good luck trying to unload that thing, Ronald.
TLC/Discovery own American Choppers show so the Tutle's had no say in appearing or not. Another "scripted" reality show!!
I think it's great Kate donates to charity and at least she's donating the whole bike not just half. I just cannot imagine who would want this.
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