Despite Kate throwing Jon under the bus on Regis and Kelly on Friday, some Kate Plus 8 episodes have been altered to edit out comments made about Jon, by none other than
obsessed alienator Kate. In fact it was so bad that TLC has chopped up Sixth Birthday surprise, which was an hour long episode, into half an hour. And it's quite interesting to see what they took out. Of course the cutting room floor segments just happen to be the moments we complained the most about, imagine that.
- The children's bogus "reunion" with an almost completely brand new camera crew, including Collin's statement about hating the paparazzi, is completely cut. The cameras aren't even mentioned at all.
- The edited airing included this line, by Kate: "I told the kids on the bus where we were going. I had not told them prior because our travel plans have got to go under the radar and be kept quiet. If the media is alerted, it changes the way that we do things." However in the original airing, Kate said this: "I told the kids on the bus where we were going. I had not told them prior because our travel plans have got to go under the radar and be kept quiet. If the media is alerted, by certain ones, it changes the way that we do things." It was obvious that she meant Jon by "certain ones."
- Kate line about how she didn’t like sending the kids off to Jon’s on their birthday, and they had cupcakes and gum, is cut.
- Mady's completely justified meltdown on the airplane in which she wanted the middle seat and Kate makes her sit somewhere else, is cut.
- Mady's statement at the birthday party in the original, after realizing the sextuplets are getting three birthday parties, "Nobody cares about me, I'll just die,” is cut.
- The orange juice squeezing scene is completely gone. In that scene Kate snorts, “Cheaters never win and winners never cheat!” Then Cara sort of echoes to Mady, basically, you’re cheating so you’re a loser. Isn’t that just another way of saying what Kate just said? Kate explodes on her, sends her away from the table, telling her she‘s “done.” Cara stomps away and Mady follows her in support.
TLC can edit all they want, but the version we watch and recap is the original, and we're not editing our recaps of how things originally went down.
45 sediments (sic) from readers:
This is just a blatant attempt to rope in innocent new viewers. I wonder if these are the episodes that are being aired internationally?
When I was a kid we had an outhouse at our cottage.No matter how we tried to sanitize it, when it was full we had to fill it in and dig another hole.
TLC, it's time to dig another hole. The sanitization isn't working.I'm sure you have another one waiting in the wings.
I would love, love, love to know the real reason TLC is continuing to cover for this woman.
Why is everyone muzzled when it comes to talking about the Gosselins? There is no waiter coming forward to talk about how well or poorly they tip, no fan with a story of meeting them somewhere, Tony didn't spill the beans, Rene just hinted that she knew Kate last summer but is holding her tongue - why?
Just wondering though... can't TLC tell the YouTubers with the earlier versions they are in violation of copyright and then all of this mysteriously disappears? Or are the older versions now out on dvd?
pretty sure that's because when it aired this last time it was cut from 60 minutes to 30 minutes.
they cut the bird scenes as well from the discovery cove trip...and not all the alligator stuff was in and not all the birthday party either.
i doubt it was to cover for her as more than just certain comments were cut in future airings.
I have watched a few older episodes and they sure do cut out some cutting remarks or dumb ones she makes. On the "Going Green" they were talking about the picnic table that was made for them for FREE, and instead of Kate saying it nice of them to make it, or she appreciated it, she said "I wish I would have made them make two of them". Jon even looked at her in a weird way when she said it. This was CUT on one of the reruns. LOL Such bs. TLC thinks we all are dummies and can be fooled.
Admin: Oh my gosh! I am very glad that you must have reviewed this epi to note all these very significant edits. It amazes me that they are still all about sanitizing these epi's!
So they went to all the trouble of editing episodes that slammed Jon but left in the comment about Jamie and Kate sleeping in the same bed.
That's weird.
I wonder if TLC is obligated to do this per their agreement with Jon?
Sheesh. Angry much, Kate? Kate is the one who ended the marriage so why is she SO ANGRY with Jon. I wonder what happened in Kate's childhood for her to hate men?
Its astonishing to me that Collin's comment originally did not recieve more concern. My jaw hit the floor upong hearing that! How can Kate thing a child saying that, "everything is back to normal," is something she really wants to create? Its creepy on a lot of levels. That the kids have the much attachment to people who have filmed them, since Kate has said in the past, "The cameras come, they film they leave."
Yet I suppose since niether parent pays them much attention its better than nothing.
They have more dirt on this woman than they know what to do with. Why are they hiding it? It's their ace in the hole however, & mark my words, they will use it when the time comes. This sanitizing her episodes is to save face for now. Kate made a major blunder Friday, & TLC is trying to save face. That's the only explanation that I can think of. She lost a lot of "fans". Look at all of the negative press she is getting. TLC is in a PR nightmare right now. Her viewership is already down. After the stunt she just pulled, it wouldn't surprise me if Kate+8 dips below 1 million on Monday. I know I won't watch, as usual. I hope nobody does.
I hope she is getting chewed out left & right for what she has done, and making TLC editors have to do all this extra work to make her look better. We know the truth. It's already out there. There is no way to hide it. TLC can edit til the cows come home, but people can't unsee what's already been seen.
i doubt it was to cover for her as more than just certain comments were cut in future airings.
Kimmie, then why was only THREE WORDS "by certain ones" cut out of the MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE?
What did that shave off, 2 seconds? Why would they cut something out of the middle of the sentence? She made that comment to slam Jon and they cut it out. I realize they needed to get this down to 30 minutes but their choices of what to cut out are very suspect.
I fear the newly sanitized versions will be the only "public" film of Kate and, thus, if used in court for any reason, she won't look like a shrew. Meaning: if these edits are the only film that's left of her interactions with the kids, then what she is doing will not look as bad to any legislators that watch samplings. I think it is all an effort to avoid detection of wrong-doing.
You read my mind! I was also wondering about the removal of just those two words. TLC is reinventing history, again.
A sheeple just commented that I am a narcissist and that I am just like how we say Kate is.
The sheeple are as desperate as Kate, they cannot refute us on the issues so they are going straight for the personal attacks. Everyone in Team Kate is truely running around like crazy having a breakdown trying to get the train back on track. It's quite amusing.
here's a link to what Dr. Lillian Glass thought of Kate's R&K appearance
Perhaps we are now seeing the "s" hitting the proverbial fan? Could this finally be the beginning of what we've all been patiently waiting for?
She's in a tailspin and all I can say is thank God Jon is finally staying quiet and letting her implode all on her own.
I'm sure you have to deal with a lot of sheeple and I don't envy you. They are scary people. Robotic and unable to grasp the concept that their queen is evil!
Thanks for keeping this site running. It's wonderful to find that more and more people are seeing Kate for who she is.
Also, the kids have been missing from the public eye since day one of school, correct?
Things that make you go hmm. Hmmm. Hmmm.
I think Kate goes into full on withdrawal mode when she isn't filming either them or herself.
Kate/TLC are dopey idiots. There aren't many left in the world that are unfamiliar with Kate's shenanigans.
If they are trying to clean up Kate + 8, good luck- they have their work cut out for them. Everytime Kate opens her mouth; scorpions,and vipers fly out...
Kate is going down, and taking the entire channel with her.
"Lauren said......Sheesh. Angry much, Kate? Kate is the one who ended the marriage so why is she SO ANGRY with Jon"
I think it is a combination of the video of the kids crying hysterically when Jon was returning them home. PLUS around the time Ellen entered the picture, Kate started dressing like a common hooker. Going on tv saying "i am lonely" " I need a man to help me". Putting it out there she needs a man and wants to date. Notice so far NO TAKERS (cannot imagine WHY) Jon is in the first stable relationship since the divorce, he has settled down, so Kate is pissed, she is alone and Jon has MOVED ON. I truly believe this has a lot to do with her seething anger.
Here's another show that is finally catching on to Kate and her lies. It finally looks like AJ is seeing the light !
I liked what they said at the very end on this video.
Seems as if the tide is really turning on this famewhore , and I think she basically just put another nail in her coffin !
Admin, the sheeple can't handle the demolition of their Queen Bee. So, it's just so much easier to attack you or any other non fan. I've heard them say, 'Kate is just like me, I GET her', or one of their favorites 'she has a dry wit and humor and you have to UNDERSTAND her to get what she is saying'. Geesh, she's a b**ch period and every time she opens her mouth she proves it.
Keep up the good work Admin, the only reason they won't admit what they see with their own eyes is because they hate all of us and couldn't deal with agreeing with us. So, they attack US personally so they don't have to bash their darling Kate. I predict lots of nervous breakdowns before this all ends.
Re: Aaden's comment about "back to normal":
I really think he was talking about the removal of the DWTS dance floor that had been installed in their basement. It was now gone and things were "back to normal" for the kids' play area.
WHY is TLC protecting Kate? I just don't get it!
Judy said... Administrator~
Here's another show that is finally catching on to Kate and her lies. It finally looks like AJ is seeing the light !
I liked what they said at the very end on this video.
Seems as if the tide is really turning on this famewhore , and I think she basically just put another nail in her coffin !
Judy, who/what is AJ? And this video is about getting out of Iraq.
Two things are at work here, both guessed correctly by people here:
1. By bashing Jon, she's making a last-ditch effort to drum up interest in the show. Think about that R&K appearance: she talked about the Emmy thing for about 10 seconds. She talked about the show for about 30 seconds. The REST of the interview was bashing Jon or revealing too much about the kids' supposed feelings for anyone to be comfortable with. But what the hell else would she have talked about? It's clear Twist of Kate will never air. If it were coming, she would have been promoting the hell out of it. It's obvious she has nothing else coming up--she ALWAYS loves to drop little cloying hints then screechlaugh. She did none of that. She's not funny or interesting, has no talent. Bashing Jon is about all she's got left to get the ratings up. And they're dropping like a rock.
2. I really do think it pisses her off to no end that she just can't totally cut Jon out of her life and the kids' lives. She's been able to do that willy-nilly to anyone and everyone else she wanted to and she can't with this ONE person. Narcissists get quite a bit of pleasure out of cutting people out of their lives when they're no longer useful to them. And she can't with him.
If they take out all of Kate's childish freak-outs and jaw-dropping nasty jabs, there's really nothing left to watch. The show is actually very boring. Who doesn't have home movies of kids hamming it up for the camera or celebrating a birthday? You can watch mine, but frankly they're only interesting to our immediate family. I wouldn't even bore my extended family with them. And trust me, my kids are as cute and Asian as the Gosselin kids, but you still wouldn't want to watch our home videos. Probably because I don't have freak-outs every five minutes, and I've never filmed my kids' bodily functions. Who knew people would enjoy that?
Okay, going to try one last time--getting a "Service Not Available" prompt. Judy, disregard my previous comment if it is published. I Googled this and saw the video and now know who AJ is. I disagree w/ the premise that this was set up between Jon and Kate. IMO, it's a result of Kate being so dimwitted that she can't talk without an earpiece. Otherwise, there would be no need for all the obvious damage control that's being whipped into action.
Sheesh. Angry much, Kate? Kate is the one who ended the marriage so why is she SO ANGRY with Jon.
Could it be that she told him so many times to "get out," that she wanted a divorce, but she believed he would never do it because she had such control over him and the situation? When he finally did move out it surprised the heck out of her. By then, it was too late. He was gone, and she was left alone, not believing he wasn't ever coming back.
This pizzed her off to no end because she's the one who sent him away and she couldn't undone what she had done. She couldn't very well go crawling back to him. Narcissists don't put themselves in that position...
said... Re: Aaden's comment about "back to normal":
I really think he was talking about the removal of the DWTS dance floor that had been installed in their basement. It was now gone and things were "back to normal" for the kids' play area.
Yes exactly what I think. I explain this in the recap. Collin said come downstairs see how it's different! The people came and took the dance floor away!
They must have just come since it was fresh on the kids' minds.
Shows how desperate TLC is to edit whatever they can in their favor even totally misrepresenting things.
Come to think of it....
TLC has edited several episodes that contain Kate's bad behavior; I know that the infamous Gumgate episode was edited. I know others have been edited as well.
Was their show on today? Will their show be on tomorrow? If it is, hope you hang strong to give us a recap as most of us won't be watching...thanks
Thanks Administrator for keeping us up-to-date. I'm a relatively recent poster and not a Kate+8 viewer; but the fact that adults are living off their performing children makes me furious. I have to think the deletions you speak of coming after a summer of Kate's trashy wardrobe and recent totally inappropriate comments about the father of her children, are a desperate attempt to clean up her image. With the ratings sinking, I think her days at TLC are numbered.
Before any of this crap started with Hate, there was a season finale episode.(When I did watch the show) not anymore.I wish I remember when. It happened when hate started traveling with the boobyguard, and Jon was left home.Jon said that he wished to have his life back. He wanted to go out in public and not be known.Hate of course replied, “I love it!!” meaning the attention.I remember it because it was soooo telling.Maybe you can find it. Hate actually DIDN'T say, "It is for the kids".She was glowing about her popularity.She makes my blood boil. If she EVER leaves tv(from my mouth to God's ears)your site can become a celebration and we can spend a lot time celebrating her demise.
Admin, I agree with the posters who say thanks for keeping this blog going. It really must be difficult to have to deal with the sheeple, getting personally attacked. Obviously, they are acting immaturely, & have no idea how to behave like adults. I assume they take things a little too personal when it comes to their precious Kate, which I don't get. I know that we may get riled up, but we are thinking about the welfare of the kids mostly. The sheeple are immortalizing Kate, they want to be like her, & I ask why?! Who would want to be a slutty, mean, lying, selfish, self-entitled shrew with no extended family & no maternal instincts?
Thanks again Admin! You Rock!
Kate is done. Put a fork in the show. No one is going to watch it tomorrow. I predict just about 1 mil watching. Next week, under a mil and Kate is going to be posting on Monster.com, looking for work. Buhhhh bye Kate.
AGH!!! My own mom is a sheeple!! I brougth up conversation with her since she watched R&K this past Friday.
She said, a lot of moms wait by the phone becaue their ex's homes are not really "Home."
And she said, "I think Kate is very smart lady, I am sure she has made wise investments."
I DOUBT IT! RIGHT??? Somebody agree that last statement is not true?
I think TLC is pulling all the Utube full episodes and also the newer reruns. On Saturday I thought I would schedule to record last week’s episode which was offer next week. Being a week it seemed a good amount of time passed to view it. I got it all set up and was ok and then about 15 minutes later I ck if what other episodes I might want to record. The Kate +8 was listed on my personal record screen but on the main guide screen Kate + 8 was removed and a replaced with Cake Boss. This all happened after the R & K show.
I think TLC is trying to force those who watched online or later in the week to only see the show when they want you too.....ratings day. This is their effort to squeeze more numbers in ratings. Sorry TLC, I am not that interested anymore.
Lauren said...Come to think of it....TLC has edited several episodes that contain Kate's bad behavior;
I'm surprised there's any footage left.
When I tried to Tivo old episodes of JK Plus 8 for the Evidence of Exploitation segments, it is not airing period. It keeps recording Mystery Diagnosis. They've PULLED IT.
I'm sure TLC is doing yet something else either illegal or unethical. Scum bags.
Discovery has a show called "Deadliest Catch". Last season, my favorite captain died, and his two sons were scraping here and there to get enough money to buy the boat outright, which would be a tribute to their dad. Deadliest Catch has far better ratings than Kate does.
All the money TLC has spent on Kate? For what reason?
Back to Deadliest Catch, why couldn't the conglomerate buy the fishing boat, "hire" the boys and let them go. If they eff up, then they get fired or whatever. That would be some good episodes.
Yet, this corporation still tries to shove Kate down our throats, in many venues, and now by sanitizing their own tapes. We don't know why, but they do, over and over. She's presented as the best mother, the best homekeeper, the absolute best at whatever she does. However, the truth that we all know shows another story.
Perhaps it's *Kate* that has some really good dirt on someone.
So editing out her bad behaviour just shows how desperate TLC is to keep using the children for $$$$. I really hope people tune out and not watch or record this show. I think the less people tune in the ratings drop and TLC hopefully will drop Kate...but well you never know.
Remona oh yeah forgot apparently 12 and a half year olds aren't even allowed in their own kitchen! According to the clip posted.
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