In a preview for Monday's Deep Sea episode, at least two of the children are seen wandering a moving boat in open areas without life vests. Although the vessel they were on may not be subject to North Carolina laws regarding life vests because it may not be a "power boat" [North Carolina law, and also, common sense, says "Children under age 13 must wear a life vest while boating on all public waters of North Carolina. Any child under age 13 must wear a Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device, or PFD, if the boat is under way (not anchored or tied to shore). The only exceptions are for children who are below deck or inside an enclosed cabin."], law or not it is nothing short of stupid to let eight young children on a small boat like this one run around without life vests.

Need we remind TLC and Kate, that in statistics kept by U.S. Coast Guard (which incidentally got its start in Bald Head), last year a staggering eighty-four percent of all boating accident deaths involved a person who was not wearing a life vest. And on September 5, a party of seven people, three of them children, were rescued off the coast of South Carolina after floating for more than 20 hours in their life vests. Maybe if TLC/Kate wasn't so busy trying to make a TV show they would remember the kids' safety.
42 sediments (sic) from readers:
This really infuriates me. If Kate was too stupid to keep their life vests on, I can't believe that no one else on the boat isisted they wear one. No one is looking out for these children. Take a visit to your local pediatric ICU, Kate and TLC, to see what a near drowning patient goes through if they are lucky enough to survive. This is just beyond irresponsible in my book.
And let the spin begin....
IMO , Jon didn't respond to Kate's bait, hence this interview with more that a few controversial quotes intentionally stated from the lips of the mother that supercedes any defination of horrible, just to get the blogs abuzzing, all at the expense of her children and strictly for the benefit of her.
Normally a paccifist, I just want to slap the shit out of this bitch !!
That just bugs the crap out of me! How can they just get away with it is what I want to know!!!
Paging Jon Gosselin!
Jon, your babies mama is endangering your children!
What I found even more shocking was Kate was alone in the wheelhouse chatting away with the captain. Where were the kids? Was Steve watching all eight kids? Or the camera crew?
Watching two or three kids on a boat like this would be a job, let alone eight. And then they don't even put them in lifejackets.
I've worked on a couple cases that involved near drownings. Bathtubs and swimming pools. Horrible and frightening.
My 12-year-old cousin drowned years ago in a lake when his dad turned his back to him for a few minutes while fishing. It happened so fast. It was horrible.
Kate proves once again that she hasn't got one friggin maternal bone in her body. She thinks the camera crew, bodyguards, nannies and the boat crew can keep an eye on her moneymakers so she doesn't have to. So far she's been lucky but sometimes it's like watching an accident waiting to happen with those kids. She should have her ass kicked for not putting life jackets on them. If Jon had neglected to do it she'd raise holy hell with him.
Fuck you Kate. My babies were 2,4,5 and 8 when my ex left 10 yrs ago cause he "didn't want to be a Daddy anymore" and I have never ONCE considered myself a 'rare woman" because I have provided for them....I simply just considered myself a MOTHER and never once trashed their father in the process.
Teenagers now they are happy, healthy and college bound with the finances in place to fullfill their future because I forfeited the indulgence of a mani/pedi when they popped out of my womb figuring my time will come once again after I blow out the 18 candles of all their birthdays, in the meantime an emory board and a pretty bottle of pink polish will suit me just fine.
Ms. Gossselin your karma will come, you might not realize it now, but you DO have 5 out of 8 children that are girls....and I am just sitting back with the popcorn, buttered ,waiting for their estrogen to kick in...he who has the last laugh and all that Fasten your seat belt because it's gonna be a bumpy ride and you have an audience that is looking forward to a front row seat.
Wow. I think that is just very irresponsible. Even if those children are considered "strong swimmers," which I highly doubt, they should be wearing life vests.
Imagine if there was an accident. They could panic (feeling a large fish swim by maybe) or be knocked unconcious. Even if they don't how long can a young child tread water?
Sure there are a bunch of adults there but who's to say they couldn't get knocked unconcious too?
And don't forget it's TLC! They'd probably just film all of it... then they'd want to save their filming equipment first... they wouldn't want to lose that footage... ;)
But seriously, I really find it upsetting they aren't wearing life vests.
Question, isn't a power vehicle anything that runs on "power" and isn't man-powered such as a row boat or kayak? There's no way that boat is man-powered.
8 children, 6 of whom are very young.
"Mom" who cannot swim , per her own admission.
No life vests. Kids puking in buckets.
Captain/crew are clueless.
TLC keeps filming.
It is beyond disgusting .
It has always been about her, why is everyone surprised that the kids were roaming around a boat without her looking out for them? She has done this before, not on this boat, but has left them alone as she chats away about nothing. Just watch the episodes. Jon!!!!!!! Why are your babies on a boat without life jackets?????? Wake up before something happens to these children!!! She is obviously too busy being stupid to care.
It continually amazes me how many situations where a lack of safety is displayed are shown on TLC shows - no seatbelts or seatbelts being worn incorrectly, bike helmets, etc. The. Learning. Channel. Bah!!!
Kate's excuse will probably be "the kids took swimming lessons and know how to swim and love the water." What an idiot.
Step in Jon!! They are your kids as well.
Oh that Kate...
She really is a special brand of coo-coo. I'm shocked that she wasn't concerned about losing her children to a preventable drowning. She claims to have control over what happens on the show. Couldn't she simply request life jackets-or even personally purchased 8 of them just in case? I mean, really.
I't appears that maybe filming her crummy show is more important than her children's well-being...
Her concerns are so skewed.
I believe the solid sides on the deck make Life Jackets not required but I would certainly have had my kids wear them.
Kate always wants a medal for doing NORMAL stuff.
She wants the Pulitzer Prize for making a shopping list. She wants men to bow down and kiss her feet when she brings them up lunch while they are remodeling. Now she wants the Nobel Peace Prize for providing for her own kids.
Newsflash, Kate. You are SUPPOSED to do those things ANYWAY!
Can I ask what people think Jon can do about this? If Kate has control over whether the kids do the show, he doesn't have a whole lot he can do except bring it up at the next custody hearing.
He can do exactly what he did last time and PULL HIS KIDS OFF. For some reason people seem to forget they are HIS KIDS.
If you don't want your kid to do something, do you have the power to stop it? Of course!
Come on people. If a kid fell overboard, just think of the RATINGS!!!!!! The ratings would be HUGE!!!!!
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Cha Ching$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
And mama would get to get all gussied up and do the talk show rounds all over again to talk about what happened and how scary it was, and get all sorts of sympathy and attention, and be invited to the Oscars next time. It's a win-win situation for everybody involved, except the poor unfortunate kid, but what does that matter? There's 7 more where that one came from.
( I'm totally being facetious )
"Question, isn't a power vehicle anything that runs on "power" and isn't man-powered such as a row boat or kayak? There's no way that boat is man-powered."
Yes. According to boating definitions online, a power boat is a boat with an engine. This boat clearly was power-driven.
I believe the solid sides on the deck make Life Jackets not required but I would certainly have had my kids wear them.
If you check the NC boating/life jacket laws online, there is nothing mentioned about solid sides. The law is clear. The life jackets are for survival in the event that the boat sinks, NOT just for protection from falling off the side.
Just a reminder to Kate & TLC- you realise that you DID break the law while filming your fishing excursion:,_Always_Wear_a_Life_Vest.htm
TLC: You really are a bunch of incompetants, aren't you?
More information for Kate and TLC in reference to filming the children on a boat with no life jackets on them is illegal:
I live on a lake and any kids that are at my house are not allowed near the lake without a life jacket on. My girlfriend's daughter was visiting last summer and was fishing off the dock while wearing a life jacket. She got so excited when she caught a fish she started jumping up and down as well as backwards from her excitement and fell into the lake off the back of the dock. We were right next to her and grabbed her immediately and pulled her out. She was fine but very scared. Accidents can happen within a split second at anytime. We were so thankful for making her wear her life jacket even though we were very near shore and on the dock. I cannot believe how irresponsible the so called adults were on that boat. But hey, anything for a buck right Kate? Shame on you!
My boyfriend in high school, before he was born his father had a whole other family. A mom and two kids. They were killed in a boating accident on the Great Lakes. All of them except his father. No life vests.
It's nothing to mess around with.
It will be interesting to see how they got around this law, which is very clear. The law states "vessel," and the boat is a vessel. They are not below deck or inside a cabin. It is a powerboat in that it is not a row boat, a canoe, etc. There is no "size" mentioned -- that is, a large vessel, a small sailboat, etc.
Federal law passed in 2002 applies to those states not already having a life jacket law, and NC already had that, so state laws supercede the federal law. However, the NC law is very clear in that children under 13 must wear life jackets when on a moving vessel.
I've taken children under the age of 13 on various sea excursions. In New England, on a large whale watching boat, the captain asked the ages of the children, and told them that they must wear life jackets for the trip. In New Jersey, however, they did not wear them on sight-seeing trips, but the locations of the jackets were pointed out and how to wear them correctly was demonstrated. On the ferry from Cape May (NJ) to Lewes, Delaware, kids don't wear life jackets, nor was the location of them shown.
On cruise ships, the life jacket safety drill is held while the ship is still within United States waters, but I believe that while the ship is in international waters, the federal laws would not apply.
They got around this law some way, somehow.
@Admin...He can do exactly what he did last time and PULL HIS KIDS OFF. For some reason people seem to forget they are HIS KIDS.
Darn right! He did it before, he can do it again, and a heartbeat! However, (and here's the thing). If he does pull them off, what will she do? Will she badmouth him to the kids so much more, pounding it into them that Daddy is the reason they can't go on trips, Daddy is the reason they may lose their home, Daddy is the reason they may have to be taken out of school, etc. etc.
If you think that she's throwing him under the bus now, and poisoning their minds against him, good grief, what would it be like if he's the one who stops the filming? Maybe he's just biding his time, knowing that the ratings are dropping and TLC may very soon end this thing on their own, and therefore, he's not going to be taking the blame for it.
If I'm not mistaken,when Brittney Spears was driving a few years ago with one of her kids in her lap,this was investigated after the fact when the paps put the pic online. I wonder if this will happen to Kate and TLC about the kids not wearing life vests? If anything they should lose the right to film!!!!
Law or no law, TLC or no TLC, boat crew or no boat crew, it is the mother who was in charge of the children and her responsibility to see to it that they were protected by wearing life jackets. As a nurse she should be aware of how suddenly accidents occur.
AuntieAnn said...
Kate proves once again that she hasn't got one friggin maternal bone in her body. She thinks the camera crew, bodyguards, nannies and the boat crew can keep an eye on her moneymakers so she doesn't have to. So far she's been lucky but sometimes it's like watching an accident waiting to happen with those kids. She should have her ass kicked for not putting life jackets on them. If Jon had neglected to do it she'd raise holy hell with him.
If Jon had been the one to do this, the sheeple would've have a field day with him. I wonder if they still think she's a good and responsible parent now?
This would be considered child endangerment, right?
Wasn't one of the PA Department of Labors reasons for seeing now violations of the child labor code the fact that they felt the children's welfare was being adequately handled by Kate?
I hope someone's been taping the original Kate + 8 shows this season to use at the Child Labor hearing. Can't wait to hear what someone has to say about this.
I bet Hannie was wearing a life jacket.
Oh, I agree with Anonymous.........LAW OR NO LAW, any resonsible parent would have insisted on life jackets for each and every child.
Good Grief - how can anyone in their right mind think that Kate Gosselin is a good mother?
Sorry for posting as anonymous, but when I try an open ID, it won't let me post. This is Pepper, by the way. What am I doing wrong?
Wasn't one of the PA Department of Labors reasons for seeing now violations of the child labor code the fact that they felt the children's welfare was being adequately handled by Kate?
I hope someone's been taping the original Kate + 8 shows this season to use at the Child Labor hearing. Can't wait to hear what someone has to say about this.
Just like your "evidence of the 8's exploitation", maybe there needs to be a list of "possible violations of child labor law" where TLC/Figure 8 films might have violated rules/conditions set in the child work permits.
To paraphrase, the PA Television Permits state that “The Department of Labor and Industry is hereby authorized to issue special permits.... where the performance of such minor is not hazardous to his safety or well-being...” Under Additional Movie Permits, special permits are issued "if the department determines that adequate provision has been made for the educational instruction, supervision, health and welfare of the minor." (via Z on TV).
Possible violations shown on Kate Plus 8, under the current child work permits:
* Pulling Gosselin kids out of school to film in Discovery Cove/Florida
* Non-stop filming in NYC in 103 degree weather
* No life-jackets while deep fishing
* Fishing trip filming continues while all kids experience major seasickness (vomiting, some multiple times)
It would be useful information, especially with Rep. Murt's upcoming hearing on 9/23 and the expiration of the existing work permits.
Think of this. You all know those life vests would just "mess up" their outfits! That woman has no shame. It's all about her, not a thought of those kids who by the way, pay her way through life. No kids, no show! She can't swim, but takes the kids out on the deep ocean? Who would do that with no life vests if they really cared about the kids? Why can't more people realize this? What needs to happen? What will stop this woman?
When my kids were little, we spent a lot of time in Hawaii. They were good, strong swimmers and they knew never to turn their backs on the ocean, what a riptide looks like, etc.
We often went whale watching and took day trips on boats.
We were NEVER allowed on the boat, any boat; without putting life jackets on before boarding.
They stayed on the whole trip, too. Those captains were great.
When my kids were little, we spent a lot of time in Hawaii. They were good, strong swimmers and they knew never to turn their backs on the ocean, what a riptide looks like, etc.
We often went whale watching and took day trips on boats.
We were NEVER allowed on the boat, any boat; without putting life jackets on before boarding.
They stayed on the whole trip, too. Those captains were great.
Wasn't one of the PA Department of Labors reasons for seeing now violations of the child labor code the fact that they felt the children's welfare was being adequately handled by Kate?
I hope someone's been taping the original Kate + 8 shows this season to use at the Child Labor hearing. Can't wait to hear what someone has to say about this.
Just like your "evidence of the 8's exploitation", maybe there needs to be a list of "possible violations of child labor law" where TLC/Figure 8 films might have violated rules/conditions set in the child work permits.
To paraphrase, the PA Television Permits state that “The Department of Labor and Industry is hereby authorized to issue special permits.... where the performance of such minor is not hazardous to his safety or well-being...” Under Additional Movie Permits, special permits are issued "if the department determines that adequate provision has been made for the educational instruction, supervision, health and welfare of the minor." (via Z on TV).
Possible violations shown on Kate Plus 8, under the current child work permits:
* Pulling Gosselin kids out of school to film in Discovery Cove/Florida
* Non-stop filming in NYC in 103 degree weather
* No life-jackets while deep fishing
* Fishing trip filming continues while all kids experience major seasickness (vomiting, some multiple times)
It would be useful information, especially with Rep. Murt's upcoming hearing on 9/23 and the expiration of the existing work permits.
Sorry for posting as anonymous, but when I try an open ID, it won't let me post. This is Pepper, by the way. What am I doing wrong?
Wasn't one of the PA Department of Labors reasons for seeing now violations of the child labor code the fact that they felt the children's welfare was being adequately handled by Kate?
I hope someone's been taping the original Kate + 8 shows this season to use at the Child Labor hearing. Can't wait to hear what someone has to say about this.
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