Photos courtesy blogger Vallonio. Thanks!
A Party City employee, via her Twitter account, confirmed that Kate, kids and "like a million" cameras were at Party City on October 27, a school day, filming.
According to the employee's Twitter (twitter.com/Godney2012)
According to the employee's Twitter (twitter.com/Godney2012)
- Kate, all eight kids and Steve were filming there for hours
- They were Halloween shopping
- The employee was told to pretend she had no idea who Kate is. (How real!) "We weren't allowed to draw attention to her," the employee Twittered.
- Kate looked good, "flawless"
160 sediments (sic) from readers:
I've been waiting to post this to get confirmation. Unfortunatly here it is.
This just proves that not filming all month had nothing to do with the children's school schedules and being considerate of them and how they needed to focus on school. No, of course not, it had everything to do with the courts and the courts making a final decision on this a few weeks ago. The second a judge said yes they were right back to filming. Sad.
Need I give examples of other things judges have said was okay? A judge said it was ok, doesn't mean it is in fact ok.
Has anyone ever spent hours in Party City with eight kids? What kid wants to be there hours while production gets the shots they want? This is so outrageous.
Why all of a sudden are they trying to hide filming?
Were they suppose to be in school and she decided that they should work instead? Who spends hours shopping for costumes?
How can anyone think it is ok to take kids out of school to work to support their mother?
And what are they going to do with this film? Throw it together, Kate-screeches and all, and air it well after halloween? In December? Who cares?
Even the sheeple have got to be questioning her mental state. Taking kids out of school to go get costumes? or to work to support their mother?
Deliberatly dragging all 8 of them to buy costumes at the same time? She has had a stable of sitters at her finger tips everytime a parking lot trot is needed - use a sitter in order to take 2 at a time. Film it as private-time for each kid and try to make Kate be tender and attentive with each one for a minute.
Odd odd odd. What are they thinking?
Exactly Paula.
Werny Gal's latest post is about how the Gosselins were supposed to film at a corn maze in PA. TLC cancelled the filming at the last minute because it was leaked on FB.
I wonder if TLC is starting to face the facts that Kate Gosselin's time on TV has jumped the shark.
I just doubled checked the LCDS calendar and October 27 was a regular school day. So - she did pull them all out of school to film! This makes my blood boil! Those kids are deprived of a normal school life and education because they must work - their evil cretin of a mother demands it. No one is interested in how the Gosselins celebrate Halloween. It's all repetitive and formulaic!!! I read that the scheduled filming at Duncan's Corn Maze in Robesonia, PA (right next to Wernersville) this weekend was canceled as some employee there posted it on her FB page. The posting was pulled by TLC and they are not going there now. Purse-boy was also going to be in attendance. Werny Gal has more info about the specifics on her site.
Paula said...
Why all of a sudden are they trying to hide filming?
Maybe they're hoping it creates curiosity and the ratings will go up.
This just proves that not filming all month had nothing to do with the children's school schedules and being considerate of them and how they needed to focus on school.
I thought that this was AFTER school. If so, and they were there "for hours," then they were in violation of the child labor law? Has anyone confirmed the times that the filming was done? When school is in session, filming must be done by 7 p.m. Perhaps the DOL should know about this.
If it was done after school, then how did this interfere with school, since Thursday was a Halloween fun day and there were no classes today?
They just won't stop, will they?
Ummmm... I thought Miss "Christian" Kate didn't celebrate Halloween. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember an episode of J&K+8 when they specifically said that they do NOT celebrate this holiday. Makes you wonder now if it really was due to religious convictions, or just because she couldn't get her lazy ass to come up with 8 costumes for the kids ... much less take them trick-or-treating. More hypocricy from Camp Kate.
Shame on Kate. Shame on the TLC/Discovery channel. Shame on the courts in Pa. Shame on the viewers that are enabling this abuse by watching Kate + 8 and watching it online as well.
Worth repeating- the only way to stop this travesty is by BOYCOTTING the crap out of Kate + 8.
Vote with your remote, folks...
This is why we haven't seen her running, she is too busy dragging the kids along PA with a million camera crew people. Are these escapades happening after school or is she pulling them out for this nonsense?
Since when, as its beyond me, does TLC have the right to take down someone's posting about them going to a corn maze? Kate isn't the First Lady come ON!! Its absolutely ridiculous. Its beyond me as well why the kids need to be out of school to film going to a store to buy costumes this late in the game! I never had the day off from school for Halloween. This whole thing can no longer, as for quite a while now be considered reality tv as Kate says, "real-est reality show their is," is they are pulling kids out of school to film for HOURS in a store to get costumes and tell employees pretend not to know who they are.
I just wish Kate would come on it. Strap a camera to a helmet to cover Kate's hair--if that's what you want to call it--and let her walk around a day with no nannies, no production, no crew--that would be reality! But even then I wouldn't watch it. Again, I don't hate Kate as its not my nature to hate a person, I just hate how much Kate and her family have sold themselves to a cooperation. A cooperation should not OWN peopl its just sick! Hope to have the ratings tell Kate to finally put an end to this awful charade of living!
Is there any confirmation as to what time they were in attendance admin? From what I've read elsewhere, it was in the evening. Not that that makes it OK, if they were filming for hours and hours on a school night and they had to go home, get homework done, have baths, etc and get up at 5:20 am? Never be able to do it without the kids being exhausted. Plus, no matter what time of day or night, hours in Party City would be an absolute nightmare for those kids. Can you imagine those poor children having to do the same thing over and over again for the shot? They must have been so tired and probably hungry/thirsty. It makes my head ache just to think about it. Why now? Halloween is this weekend, what possible relevance will this footage have, even if they hurry up and add it to the next show on the 11th. Halloween will be over. I just hope the Sheeple are happy with this, just so they can see their darling Kate and her little charges the kids are forced to sacrifice their well being. Oh, I am so angry thinking about this!
Pagan/Hypocrite said: "I thought Miss "Christian" Kate didn't celebrate Halloween. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember an episode of J&K+8 when they specifically said that they do NOT celebrate this holiday."
If this is true, Jon and Kate must have said this while trying to manipulate money from real Christians. Now that she's making so much money from TLC and other programs, she no longer has to pretend to have religious convictions. She can't even take her kids to church because she doesn't have a husband and can't do it alone (so much for being can-do Kate).
first of all, this is from one person's perspective. *hours* can mean 2...doesn't have to mean more than that.
second, it also could have been after school.
third, even people who don't celebrate halloween allow their kids to dress up for trunk and treats and for school...most schools now have kids dress up like book characters,, heroes in our nation's past, even crazy dress up days. this doesn't mean a religious conviction has fallen by the way side.
i'll wait to see the show before jumping to any conclusions and feeding any speculation.
I think this was the first post about it in the previous thread:
Vallonio said...
Kate and kids were just filming at Party City in Wyo....picking out costumes....full film crew and Stevie Boy in tow. This was around 5pm today....so after a long day at school...commute to/back...we work instead of doing homework or unwinding.
October 27, 2010 5:17 PM
This was posted on Wednesday, when the kids got out of school.
If the kids had no school TODAY, why didn't TLC/Kate wait to do it until then? Was this Halloween shopping/filming in preparation for their school celebration the following day?
Admin, can you please clarify? I thought the kids' contract was up in October, and that Jon had the prerogative not to sign. Am I mistaken? Did he sign a new contract? Or did the judge's ruling a few weeks ago overrule that?
First of all, any filming after a long day of school is disgusting and inappropriate. Even child actors do not go to school on filming days, their work day allows for time with a set teacher by law.
The kids, by Kate's own admission and as seen on the last episode of Kate Plus 8, are up at FIVE A.M. so they can ride a bus OVER AN HOUR to go to the posh private school their mother is spending their hard-earned money on. So after being up at 5AM, a long bus ride, all day at school, a long bus ride back, they are then dragged to Party City for filming.
When something is filmed for a reality show, it is virtually never filmed for just a few minutes. This is a huge production, it takes time to block it out, instruct the people in the store not to scream and fall over Kate like it's 1985 and she's Michael Jackson, and then film enough footage to be satisfied they got the shots they need to piece something together. It's simply not possible to do this quickly, it does indeed take "hours."
Remember back to being a kid and remember what it was like after school. For me this was a time for sports, piano, friends, family dinners, and homework. And also, a time to unwind and prepare to do it again the next day. How in the world they squeeze in a filming trip when children should indeed be doing after school activities, praciticing their instruments, doing homework and eating family dinner, is really outrageous.
Sorry I do not believe kids should be working on school days. It doesn't matter to me whether they are filming in the afternoon after school, a school day should be about school.
TLC is hiding this because they dont' want to spoil the anticipation of an upcoming episode. They are also hiding this because they know there will be outrage at filming on a school day, at reports they filmed for hours, at reports they told the Party City employees how to act (how is that reality?). They want to keep this hidden away because they know what they do is suspect.
Kimmie, hours, even just 2, is quite a long time for 6 six year olds and 2 ten year olds to be in one place.
If it was filmed after school, that makes for an extremely LONG day for the kids. Up at 5:30 (by Kate's own admission), one hour bus ride, a full day of classes, an hour-long bus ride home, THEN two or more hours of shopping? Tiring for an adult, certainly, but mind-numbing and exhausting to a child. Plus, not really feasible, if Kate really does have them in bed by 7:30 (again, her own admission).
What's interesting is one truth that the sheeple have refused to accept, even though we've had dozens upon dozens of witnesses, people who have actually been on sets (such as myself and others), as well as plain old common sense, is the truth that what you see on TV usually if not always took hours and hours of film to tape.
A Party City employee herself said they were there hours, and they still won't believe it. They honestly believe Kate just popped in and out and was good to go. So we have a nice long day of school, then a nice long afternoon-early evening of filming, then home to fall exhausted into bed to get up the next day for school. It was reported they were having a Halloween party that day in school, which I hope the children were able to keep their eyes open for and enjoy.
Don't forget they had to get supper too at some point. When did they finally get to eat after all this filming? In the van on the way home?
TLC doesn't have the right, but they send around cease and dissest letters trying to "scare" people into taking things down. They sent one to this Blog. Now in fairness, their letter was very polite. But a C&D letter is always scary. I responded to it politely telling them no way no how, and I did not take a single damn thing down that they wanted me to. That was months ago. But I have the benefit of being an attorney who has studied first amendment law extensively and know my rights. I know attorneys and I know that usually a quick fix is a letter. If 90% of people back down, they don't care about the 10% who know their rights, as they have satisfied their clients.
kimmie said
i'll wait to see the show before jumping to any conclusions and feeding any speculation.
There ya have it folks. This is why they continue to film.
You know I remember as a kid we rarely if ever went shopping after school even without a camera crew! There's no time for such nonsense, that's what the weekends are for. It seems like as soon as you get home before you know it it's time for bed.
Remember kids this little are probably hitting the hay by 8pm. So even if they get home at 3 or 4, that's really only a short four hours to eat, do homework, get ready for the next day, bathe and then get to bed. Four hours goes like THAT after school.
Think about it did you ever accomplish anything on a school day? It's a whirlwind for most kids.
Lorrie said... Admin, can you please clarify? I thought the kids' contract was up in October, and that Jon had the prerogative not to sign. Am I mistaken? Did he sign a new contract? Or did the judge's ruling a few weeks ago overrule that?
October 29, 2010 6:30 PM
The kids' contract runs through February 2012.
kimmie said
i'll wait to see the show before jumping to any conclusions and feeding any speculation
And just what do you think will be disclosed on the show? Do you think Kate and/or the crew will admit that it took hours to film the children? Give me a break.
Yes I'm sure on the show they will admit that the kids were dragged out of bed at 5am, rode the bus for over an hour, went to school all day, rode the bus over an hour back, then got dragged with an entourage to Party City to start their second job paying their mom's way through manicures, pedicures, hair extentions, expensive Toyota leases and sushi. Mom's gotta eat, kids. They will also mention that Jon neither knew about his children working that day nor gave his consent.
Then they'll tell us how the kids stood around bored, hungry and cold while they blocked the shots and instructed the Party City teenagers working there not to fall all over Kate.
Finally filming begins and then they'll disclose they had to film for hours just to get a 3 minute shot.
At last they will show the kids being dragged home, out cold, then having to scramble to eat dinner and get ready for school the next day and maybe got to bed at 10 or 11 o'clock.
On the next episode they'll show how Kate got them up at 5am the next morning and how exhausted they were, and they'll show us how tired and crabby they were at the school Halloween party the next day.
Yup I'm waiting for the show to reserve judgement too!
Where was Chris the pap during the Party City costume filming? Did he fall asleep in his car because the children were filming for hours and the store was open late? How many hours did it take for the witch to purchase a broom? Maybe TLC sent out their biggest rat to scare the corn maze owners.
If the sheeple trolling here posting snotty comments that are not really addressing the issue but instead just making attacks on the messenger could please explain why filming children for even two minutes on a school day is healthy and appropriate for them, I am really anxious to read your explanation and will post your comment!
It is outrageous and appalling that TLC is filming again and horrible for the kids. Do you think TLC is "stocking up" on a few episodes because they think ratings will get back up to a level they believe is acceptable (i.e. highly profitable FOR THEM)?? And they want to be ready with a couple of episodes in case that happens? But from everything I have read and observed, ratings will go down no matter what the show is like because Take has outed her true self; the media has nailed her on it and she would be grasping at straws if she tries to pretend she is a real mother and decent person. She doesn't have it in her.
@jongosselin1 Hey- did you know that Kate was filming with the kids at Party City last night?
28 Oct
in reply to @IMOblog ↑
@IMOblog Really? Well that's interesting. Once again, filming without my parental consent.
I am a certified social worker, licensed in New York. I have worked in the past as a school social worker for at least 9 years. Given my background, I would like to remind the children's teachers, school administrator, etc, that they are mandated child abuse and neglect reporting sources. If they see evidence of the children being harmed because their basic needs are not being met, then these same school officials are legally responsible for reporting this abuse/neglect to child protective services. IF they see the children exhausted, emotionally distraught over their public displays, etc and these same school officials do not report it, they are liable to be charged with professional misconduct. This is the law as it stands in New York,I would be surprised if it was any different in Penn. Most of all, I would be shocked if the school was not aware of evidence of the children being harmed as a result of the continuous exploitation with a disregard for their basic needs?
Just one more thought, could this latest sideshow be TLC's way of trying to jump start ratings for the 14th? They could have done this filming knowing people would be outraged they were filmed on a school night, hoping that it would create ratings from the uproar. I wouldn't put anything past them or Kate-she is evil!
Administrator said...
First of all, any filming after a long day of school is disgusting and inappropriate. Even child actors do not go to school on filming days, their work day allows for time with a set teacher by law.
The kids, by Kate's own admission and as seen on the last episode of Kate Plus 8, are up at FIVE A.M. so they can ride a bus OVER AN HOUR to go to the posh private school their mother is spending their hard-earned money on. So after being up at 5AM, a long bus ride, all day at school, a long bus ride back, they are then dragged to Party City for filming.
Last I checked, it was a parents' right to determine their child's education, not some random stranger's. There are millions of children in private school in this country. Do you stand in judgment of all those parents too, or as usual do your "rules" apply only to Kate Gosselin?
cathy518 said...
I am a certified social worker, licensed in New York. I have worked in the past as a school social worker for at least 9 years. Given my background, I would like to remind the children's teachers, school administrator, etc, that they are mandated child abuse and neglect reporting sources. If they see evidence of the children being harmed because their basic needs are not being met, then these same school officials are legally responsible for reporting this abuse/neglect to child protective services. IF they see the children exhausted, emotionally distraught over their public displays, etc and these same school officials do not report it, they are liable to be charged with professional misconduct. This is the law as it stands in New York,I would be surprised if it was any different in Penn. Most of all, I would be shocked if the school was not aware of evidence of the children being harmed as a result of the continuous exploitation with a disregard for their basic needs?
Here's a craaazy thought...maybe those mandated reporters -- you know, the ones who actually know these children, not the ones who think they're experts from observing them on television -- don't see signs of abuse.
Jon, who does see them first hand, says that filming is not in their best interest. Jon sees it. I suppose Jon is lying because Jon is always lying and Kate is always telling the truth?
Here's a crazy thought, maybe the teachers are not trying to make a public national issue out of expressing concern to their parents about this, quietly.
I would not be surprised if TLC/Kate wanted the kids tired and hungry so they would meltdown in front of the cameras.
Is TLC putting together a Halloween episode for Sunday? If not, what is the point of doing this "rush" filming?
Lorrie said...
Kimmie, hours, even just 2, is quite a long time for 6 six year olds and 2 ten year olds to be in one place.
If it was filmed after school, that makes for an extremely LONG day for the kids. Up at 5:30 (by Kate's own admission), one hour bus ride, a full day of classes, an hour-long bus ride home, THEN two or more hours of shopping? Tiring for an adult, certainly, but mind-numbing and exhausting to a child. Plus, not really feasible, if Kate really does have them in bed by 7:30 (again, her own admission).
October 29, 2010 6:42 PM
and yet, people think it's fine for their kids to be at after school care, sports, any number of things for the same amount of hours. i think the difference is that it's kate and her kids.
let's face it...if it wasn't kate gosselin no one would say a thing. and there is not an argument for that fact...because of the very existence of this blog and others like it.
the fact remains that these are kate's kidds and it's not our call what she allows. just as it isn't her call what we allow for our own kids.
Again, confusing the issue. The fact that other parents leave their children in day care or make their children do too many after school activities does not excuse what Kate is doing. Two wrongs do not make a right. The issue of over scheduleing kids is being debated on parenting boards all over (check out Mothering.com's board), it is simply ridiculous to suggest that no one has a problem with these parents too. This is a Gosselin blog, thus we are discussing what the Gosselins are doing, not what some random stranger is doing.
That's incorrect, it's not just Kate's business, filming her children is the law's business. The law has said so, over and over. The law has said children's time on screen must and shall be regulated. The law has said, over and over, that parents cannot be trusted to monitor their own children's filming--if they were capable, there would be no need for child labor laws. And Kate has proven, over and over, exactly why we need child labor laws. Because for every ten parents who do wonderful by their child actor children, there is the one who won't. Kate belongs to that group, that's clear.
If the sheeple trolling here posting snotty comments that are not really addressing the issue but instead just making attacks on the messenger could please explain why filming children for even two minutes on a school day is healthy and appropriate for them...
I'm not a sheeple by any means. They appear to be an illiterate, blind and yes, ignorant flock. I do find humor, however, in one of the posts by a certain sheeple here. The mindset of this person is much more naive than your typical garden-variety sheeple. It just leaves me shaking my head.
The way Kate dragged these kids around all summer, filming them in brutal heat in NYC; lying in their own vomit on a boat was unconscionable.
That said, being a devil's advocate here, what is the discerning difference between filming them one evening after school (only once since school began in August) and kids who stay in the after-school program who play hard on the playground, or those who are involved in drama classes, gymnastics, dance recitals, etc. (either at school or off-campus), and sports activities (which often take them past dinner-time)?
So if these kids shouldn't walk around a costume shop selecting their Halloween outfits, then should they also not participate in after-school activities when they've had a long and hard day at school? Are the students who play sports after school, or go to karate lessons not tired?
Before someone answers that filming is not healthy, not appropriate at any time, I agree. Kids should not work to support their mother's lavish lifestyle. No argument there. However, I'm understanding that the objection here is that the kids have had a long day at school and should be at home. If this is the argument, then how is this different from kids whose parents yank them around to so many extra-curricular activities that they need post-its on the refrigerator to figure out where each child is supposed to be and where (which I don't agree with either, by the way)?
Cathy 518- As a former therapist for 33 years and a mandated reporter of child abuse, I want you to know that what we see happening to the Gosselin children IS NOT CHILD ABUSE IN PENNSYLVANIA!
For at least a year I have been trying to inform people about the PA child abuse laws: they are outdated and ineffectual. Please, people, read them, and then spend some energy deciding whether these are laws that are protecting children or not; then do what your conscience tells you to do.
Admin, how long does it take to feed 8 children
a quarter of a sandwich and a bowl of mandarin oranges on a paper plate with a cup of Juicy Juice?
The cook probably has it down to a matter of seconds. It's making Kate's organic grilled chicken salad that takes all the time.
and yet, people think it's fine for their kids to be at after school care, sports, any number of things for the same amount of hours. i think the difference is that it's kate and her kids.
Of course that's the difference! Kate's put her kids to work since the tups were one and the twins were four. You wouldn't hear any complaints from anyone here if they were enrolled in school related extracurricular activities. And those kids who are in after school care are there because their parent's are working to support them. Not the G8. They're working after school hours because they have to support their family. That's pretty f*cked up isn't it?
Child labor laws don't even allow kids this age to ride their bike around the neighborhood throwing papers at people's houses. Yet kids are allowed to be dragged along for grand filming events with a full production crew on a school day.
Throwing newspapers at a house is harmless right? That can't hurt a kid, it's just a bike and a newspaper. But picture the outrage if you suddenly saw a six-year-old on a bicycle throwing newspapers after school. People would be disgusted. People would wonder why that child is not at home relaxing, eating dinner and doing homework. People would wonder what horrible parents are forcing that child to work and where that money is going. People would call CPS, you can bet on it. SAME DIFFERENCE.
The cook probably has it down to a matter of seconds. It's making Kate's organic grilled chicken salad that takes all the time.
True and rolling Nobu sushi is a maticulous process that must be done right, not fast. I can hear it now, "kids pick out more costumes Mommy wants Nobu tonight and that shit ain't cheap!"
Here's a craaazy thought...maybe those mandated reporters -- you know, the ones who actually know these children, not the ones who think they're experts from observing them on television -- don't see signs of abuse.
October 29, 2010 7:38 PM.
You're right. I completely agree with you... That IS a crazy thought.
waiting till the last minute to pick out costume so that TLC could pay for them/film them. Makes sure there is more money left in her account for nails and fake bake.
There are millions of children in private school in this country. Do you stand in judgment of all those parents too, or as usual do your "rules" apply only to Kate Gosselin?
Nope, a parent is allowed to send their children to any school they like as long as they pay for it and do not make their children work to pay for it. Then you'll say they have scholarships--pure speculation, this has never been confirmed. I went to a mix of public and private schools myself.
Everyone please read Anon725's post above for how to disagree without violating the rules. Thank you Anon.
Anon, my response to your well thought out take on this is that two wrongs do not make a right. A child may be left at day care all evening or be way overscheduled with a different club or sport or lesson every day is very sad to me. But so is being forced to film after school. They are both not good for kids. A final point is that I've never seen a kid taking lessons or sports or clubs doing it to earn money for their mother, who then turns around and uses that money for pedicures, manicures, hair extensions and sushi.
I want you to know that what we see happening to the Gosselin children IS NOT CHILD ABUSE IN PENNSYLVANIA!
That's not entirely true. Emotional abuse IS child abuse in Pennsylvania. The dilemma is in proving that there is emotional abuse. Physical abuse often leaves a mark; emotional abuse does not. The law calls it "mental injury."
Here's the law...(PA Code):
[Abuse is] Serious mental injury—A psychological condition, as diagnosed by a physician or licensed psychologist, including the refusal of appropriate treatment, that does one or more of the following:
(i) Renders a child chronically and severely anxious, agitated, depressed, socially withdrawn, psychotic or in reasonable fear that the child’s life or safety is threatened.
(ii) Seriously interferes with a child’s ability to accomplish age-appropriate developmental and social tasks.
There seems to be confusion between the kid's contract and the permits. The permits were to run out in October. From what Ellen said, the contract runs another couple of years.
I would think with tired, hungry children and Kate Gosselin as their mother, it should have only taken a half hour at the most to capture enough meltdown footage.
Can you all just imagine the arguing, crying, foot stomping, arm folding, screeching and talking to the crew that ensued during these eight children picking out costumes?
Oh, wait, I forgot: The super star mother probably told each child which costume they would be getting or they could go without.
Is it just me, or does it seem like we've seen all this before?
It looks like TLC's been successful in generating a lot of talk. Something tells me the ratings will be high for the next episode. They must be laughing their a$$es off right about now.
"However, I'm understanding that the objection here is that the kids have had a long day at school and should be at home. If this is the argument, then how is this different from kids whose parents yank them around to so many extra-curricular activities that they need post-its on the refrigerator to figure out where each child is supposed to be and where (which I don't agree with either, by the way)?"
The Gosselin 8 are WORKING to support their mother's lavish lifestyle.
After school activities are designed to keep children in a safe environment and allows them to develop their interests.
Apples and oranges.
My nephew participates in swimming and Cub Scouts NOT working at a lemon-aid stand after school to help with the house payment.
Everyone please read Anon725's post above for how to disagree without violating the rules. Thank you Anon.
What did I do? LOL!! You're welcome, though.
AuntieAnn commented that if the kids would be involved in extra-curricular activities, nobody on here would complain. I'm not a gambler, but I think I'd bet my shirt that if these kids were involved in dance lessons, drama classes, etc., that Kate would be accused of exploiting them because she has her eyes on their future in the entertainment industry. She needs a back-up when filming ends, and what better way than to create mini Mary-Kates out of them, continuing to let them support her?
And this may very well be true. She's thinking ahead, and you can take that to the bank!
LOL Anon! You picked a name. You didn't insult anyone or picked a fight. You were not rude or smart-alecky. You respected others. You did not threaten, insult or troll. And you didn't trash talk anyone else. There ya have it!
We've seen Mady with a violin case on more than one occasion. We can safely assume she is taking violin lessons. No one said anything negative about it. In fact I specifically said it was great she was continuing with the lessons. It's an outlet that has nothing to do with filming.
After school activities are designed to keep children in a safe environment and allows them to develop their interests.
Apples and oranges.
I agree. However, if you read my post, I thought the subject under discussion is whether these kids should be filmed because they've had a long day at school and they should be resting rather than filming, and I asked how this is different than kids who spend long hours in after-school activities, or extra-curricular activities, i.e., how is being tired because of filming different than being tired from other activities?
I'm sorry. I guess I didn't make this clear. Certainly they shouldn't be made to work to pay for their mother's hair extensions, which, by the way, are more horrendously horrendous every day.
(Sigh). I'm afraid this situation will never end for these poor kids. I think the battle is lost. If a judge can deem it appropriate for these 8 children to film their lives, with no privacy, at the opposition of their father, I'm afraid that all is lost.
What these sheeple are watching now, on whatever the new title of Kate's new show will be, is not an entertainment program, but the distruction of 8 little lives. Maybe, when they're older, they will be able to overcome the damage that their mother has caused them. I certainly hope so, but they have a long road ahead of them, once they are emancipated from their greedy, horrific mother.
LOL, Admin., that's because I'm not a sheeple!!
Someone said that her nephew is in swimming and Scouts. That still makes for a long day, does it not? Is being tired from extra-curricular activities that don't involve supporting their parents different from being tired if filming? Tired is tired, and when kids go to school they need their rest. Neither filming or running kids ragged by enrolling them in every extra-curricular activity offered does any child any good. That was my point.
That said, when are they planning on using Halloween footage? For a Thanksgiving special? Maybe they're killing two birds with one stone and having the kids dress up as Pilgrims and Native Americans! Kate, of course, will be Pocahontas, and Steve will be Captain John Smith. This would be appropriate characterization because the "romance" between the two was never proven, only a speculation that anything ever happened between them! Maybe it was just a case of unrequieted love!
Those pics are so sad. Look how the people are watching them shop. It's very unsettling.
I think I should amend my comment and say most people here would applaud those kids being in activities other than working for TLC. And you're correct anon275, given that Kate has worked her kids up to this point the general consensus would probably be that if she put them in extra activities such as dancing, etc, she would have ulterior motives. I don't think we'd be too far off the mark either, because she can't seem to find a job in the industry she wants to be part of that doesn't involve her kids.
I agree too that too many after school activities leaves little time for kids to be by themselves and just be kids. But that's another debate altogether.
It looks like TLC's been successful in generating a lot of talk. Something tells me the ratings will be high for the next episode. They must be laughing their a$$es off right about now.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out has all been orchestrated by TLC - Kate staying out of sight, then the rumors that her ratings are failing and she's on notice, then all of a sudden the "sighting" when she's jogging, then taking the car in and then a leak (by TLC?) that Kate's been seen filming. All of a sudden there's a tweet and a facebook reference. And voila!, the bloggers go into overdrive.
With no new +8 being filmed,I believe its going to be part of Twist of Kate.
Have any of you been to Party City the week before Halloween? Absolutely PACKED and often sold out of the more popular costumes. The store is chaotic this time of year even without the huge family and film crew to disrupt business. Kate couldn't buy those kids their costumes without the cameras a week or two ago? She has to inconvenience the store, the other shoppers, and torture her kids just to get her ugly self on tv? Ugh. I'm so disgusted
Just thinking. TLC has advertized a 1 hour special next week. Maybe, they weren't able to put together one hour from the Alaska trip and quickly are putting together a half hour of Halloween.
The same twitter account that reported Kate and the kids at Party City also tweeted these - which I think are funny and support many bloggers opinions of the 'work' Kate has had done. lol
"She looks AMAZING! Like not even trying to insult her but she must have a good plastic surgeon cuz shes flawless."
"She looks amazing. Her boobs are amazing."
I don't understand why everyone is assuming the kids were pulled out of school early to film and why people are saying they filmed after PA law states is legal - 7pm.
IF they rode their regular bus to the parking lot and went directly to Party City, they would have had plenty of time to shop and leave the store @ 7pm. Looking at the shadows and the direction of the setting sun in the photo Admin posted above it looks to me like it is approx 7-7:30pm.
Party City must have worked out a product placement deal with TLC, maybe the whole point of Kate and the kids being there was to creat buzz before Halloween. Otherwise Party City really got conned by TLC, it's no good for them to show the kids shopping for costumes after Halloween.
Anon725 said...Is being tired from extra-curricular activities that don't involve supporting their parents different from being tired if filming? Tired is tired, and when kids go to school they need their rest. Neither filming or running kids ragged by enrolling them in every extra-curricular activity offered does any child any good. That was my point.
There are some instances where some parents might have their child be involved in so many extra-curricular activities that it actually causes stress for the child - having to do so much with so little time, while trying to enjoy their childhood.
However, some kids actually CHOOSE to participate in extra-curricular activities because they like them and/or they get to spend time with their friends and other peers. Those benefits outweigh feeling tired and having less time in the day. Shouldn't parents support their children in pursuing those interests?
The difference with the Gosselin kids is that they DO NOT have the choice about whether they want to film or not. Did she ask the kids beforehand if they want to film a Halloween episode or did she make the decision alone?
I think a lot of us are hard on Kate because she controls everything and everyone, including her kids. She gets to choose and make all the kids' decisions.
If her kids want to pursue acting, I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as it was THEIR OWN CHOICE.
Therefore, I guess I would have to accept (reluctantly) if the kids also choose to film their life because they want to share their experiences with their friends/family (and a million strangers). Would it make it better/more acceptable knowing the kids controlled what was being filmed, if they had more of a producer role in all of this (deciding what to film such as Halloween)? Hmmm...this I will have to ponder much longer.
Here's my problem with children/teens in reality tv shows. Are they wanting to do these shows to educate the public about their unique situation i.e. Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant? Or, are they looking for instant fame/celebrity status?
"I'll wait until I watch it before I speculate."
Yep. Sheeple are just like Take. They keep coming to an anti-kids filming blog so they can get their 15 mins. of desperately needed negative ATTENTION.
It seems very unlikely that all 8 of those kids would choose to be on a reality series, even if they actually had free will with that tyrant. So Kate is choosing to film for at least some of her kids, and I suspect, most/all of them. They're in school now; it must be embarrassing for their classmates to see how mean/crazy their mom is, how sluttily she dresses, and how she bashes their dad. Then there's all those disgusting bodily function mishaps over the years. Kids want to fit in, be normal. I believe jon when he says filming is detrimental to those kids. How long before some kid makes fun of something they saw on the show or kate's boob job or poor mothering? Maybe it's started already; behavior problems were also mentioned by jon. I'm afraid that those kids are powerless to complain or dismissed/punished/made to feel guilty if they do.
Anon725 said...
LOL, Admin., that's because I'm not a sheeple!!
Someone said that her nephew is in swimming and Scouts. That still makes for a long day, does it not? Is being tired from extra-curricular activities that don't involve supporting their parents different from being tired if filming? Tired is tired, and when kids go to school they need their rest. Neither filming or running kids ragged by enrolling them in every extra-curricular activity offered does any child any good. That was my point.
Filming the show and EC activities are not comparable. Being tired from something invasive and uncomfortable (doctor's appointment) is not the same as being tired from a fun activity (Giants game).
I don't think it's a good idea to rationalize how harmful filming is for the kids. These kids have already been humiliated and demoralized enough.
Livvy said...Just thinking. TLC has advertized a 1 hour special next week. Maybe, they weren't able to put together one hour from the Alaska trip and quickly are putting together a half hour of Halloween.
Is TLC advertising promos for this new special?
That makes logical sense for why they are filming Halloween and when they could possibly air it. Some of us speculated that when they announced a July special it was going to be a NYC/Statue of Liberty trip, yet that didn't air until late August. Guess TLC likes to go against the grain...of reality and Hollywood holiday shows.
You know, I'm beginning to wonder if they'll try to squeeze this episode/special on Sarah Palin's premiere night. Air the Alaskan special a week earlier to silence the media/Gosselin community - hoping they've forgotten the camping fiasco. Then, air this new Halloween special instead. Nothing's official on their tv listings for Nov. 14th, so this could be a possibility.
How long does a reality tv episode take in post-production?
Anon725 said... "I thought the subject under discussion is whether these kids should be filmed because they've had a long day at school and they should be resting rather than filming, and I asked how this is different than kids who spend long hours in after-school activities, or extra-curricular activities, i.e., how is being tired because of filming different than being tired from other activities?"
Money. That's the difference.
Kids who spend long hours in after-school activities aren't working, they're playing. Kids in after-school programs are socializing with other children in a PRIVATE setting having fun. Their parents are not reaping a financial reward for it (I'd even go so far as to say many of those parents are working their butts off to be able to afford to send their children).
The Gosselin kids are working. They're earning money. They're not playing with friends or engaging in free play. They're being directed and placed and told what to say, where to stand and disciplined if they do otherwise. Their mother is reaping a financial reward for making them participate. She's not wondering what to cut in the budget to afford their costumes - those are provided free of charge. She herself has stated many many times filming is hard work... for HER. Why wouldn't it be equally hard for her children?
For those who truly fail to see the difference, try this experiment. Get up at 5am on Monday, eat a couple grapes and a cracker, drive around for an hour, arrive at work, stay till 4, drive around for another hour, then head back to work. Stay there for several hours then head home, write a cheque out to your mother for the exact amount you were paid for your overtime, do some extra work that you brought home (and be sure to give your mother any earnings from that as well), eat another cracker, have a bath, and then head for bed. On Tuesday, repeat but instead of heading back to work go do something fun. Kick or throw a ball around with some friends, practice playing a musical instrument, go to a dance class. Then report back here what the difference was.
TLC ship is sinking said...
How long does a reality tv episode take in post-production?
In an earlier season they said that sometimes episodes have still been in production within days, or less than 24 hours of the episode airing.
Anonymous said...
Last I checked, it was a parents' right to determine their child's education, not some random stranger's. There are millions of children in private school in this country. Do you stand in judgment of all those parents too, or as usual do your "rules" apply only to Kate Gosselin?
The USA gives every person THE RIGHT TO ADEQUATE EDUCATION.Kate Gosselin is NOT entitled to take their right away.Which she is doing by pulling them out of school(see april 2010,june 2009,may 2010) and filming them when they should in fact be doing homework(see oct 2010). Adapting Pink's song: What kind of mother would take her own children's right's away?
Last I checked, it was a parents' right to determine their child's education, not some random stranger's. There are millions of children in private school in this country. Do you stand in judgment of all those parents too, or as usual do your "rules" apply only to Kate Gosselin?
"The right to education is recognized as a human right and is understood to establish an entitlement to free, compulsory primary education for all children, an obligation to develop secondary education accessible to all children[...]
The right to education is enshrined in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 14 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.The right to education has also been reaffirmed in the 1960 UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education, 1st Protocol of ECHR and the 1981 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women."
KATE DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE THE CHILDREN'S RIGHT TO EDUCATION AWAY.No parent has that right.But she does it all the time.She pulls them out of school(see april-may 2010-tup's b-day,trip to discovery cove with al 8 kids;see june 2009-trip with all 8 kids to bald head island,twins suppoesd to be at school).She films them in stead of helping them with homework after school(see oct 2010-haloween trip and pretty much this entire show).The result? The tups are ONE YEAR BEHIND on their education.In stead of spending the summer of 2009 filming, a real mother would have worked with the 3 kids who were behind instead of HOLDING THEM ALL BACK.I rest my case
TLC ship is sinking said...
Is TLC advertising promos for this new special?
The only 'advertising' I've seen for the show is TLC's announcement that they had a Kate going to Alaska show - no ads on tv.
How long does a reality tv episode take in post-production?
It can be rushed in a week but most shows run on a MUCH longer (months longer) production schedule. When TLC was changing show content around the time of the separation announcement they were working on less than a week's lead time.
Here's my problem with children/teens in reality tv shows. Are they wanting to do these shows to educate the public about their unique situation i.e. Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant? Or, are they looking for instant fame/celebrity status?
I don't think we should compare the Gosselin's with the girls from Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant. The girls from Teen Mom make $60-65,000 EACH, per season. The G8 make much less, COMBINED.
I think the majority of the 16 and Pregnant girls, when the series started, felt that they were educating the viewers about their situation (it was a revolutionary new topic/series 2 years ago), but I don't think the new group is as innocent in their views about the doing the show - they've seen the 'benefits' their predecessors receive. And, as much as I'd like to believe they are saving their income from the show for their babies' futures, they're pretty much not. Farrah is the only one who works, they all drive fairly new vehicles, Macy pays $800/mo rent, etc.
I think the discussion about whether shows like these glorify teen pregnancy is best saved for another day and/or another entry, though.
PA MOM ALSO: I think we are arguing semantics. What I said was that what WE SEE HAPPENING is not child abuse in PA. While I am aware that it is emotional abuse, it is nowhere near the standard required to be abusive in PA. It does not meet either of the criteria for abuse that are stated in the statute.
This has been my point all along. The PA statutes need to be revisited (and IMO rewritten) by people who are versed in the effects and treatment of childhood trauma. Since the laws were written much has been learned and published about child abuse.
Other jurisdictions have revised their legislation in accordance with new information. PA has not.
Those poor kids must get off the bus like mine do, tired, starving, thirsty and in need of a bathroom. To take them out and film for hours after putting in a full school day - and theirs is longer than ours - is abuse.
Jon, quit saying they film without your permission and do something about it. Start a letter writing campaign, get bloggers going - you didn't email me back Ellen when you asked us all to email you. These are your kids Jon, defend them.
November is Sweeps Month, I guess TLC is trying ANYTHING to get people to watch their channel, not just certain programmes.
We can debate being tired from extra-curricular activities vs being tired from filming all we want. The bottom line is, the kids are WORKING. Why not do this on a Saturday or Sunday? TLC crew probably wasn't available until this week? 8 specials at 250K per episode isn't enough for Kate? I mean, she does have her own show, (Maybe?) coming soon. I sincerely hope HER show is a huge success and she stops filming the kids.
Just how many millions do these kids have to make before SHE is done? Just squeeze out as much as she and TLC can. No wonder she went to tan! The show was going to filmed! Whoopeee! And going in the back door?
I wonder if they will be filmed before catching the bus again, dressing up in their costumes? (If that is what they bought them for) Same as they did with the school shopping? The bushes out front now hide if they are filming them at home. I really think that is the MAIN reason the bushes were put there now.
I really wish the judge in this case would ORDER the children into therapy to see how much damage this is doing to them. At least have them evaluated. BOTH parents have said the kids are having problems. (Kate in her People interview in Jan or Feb this year) She claimed they were getting therapy, but it came out in the custody suit that they receieved NO therapy. Why can't Jon insist on this in court? Poor kids, what the hell is this going to cost them in the future? Sure, they will have money for college, they have a huge nice home, plenty of vacations they probably do not remember (younger ones) and plenty of expensive toys. Do people really think this is all life is about? Material things? Sure you need money to survive, but is that all there is in life? Thier entire little lives are DVD and when they get older, the kids in school get more cruel. You fans know this. Ever thought about what they will face, probably facing now? Whispered about, mocked? Kids do get jealous. Mady. bless her heart, will probably be cruicified. It won't be 'fun' and 'entertaining' then. Do the fans even consider this? Or do they only care about the material things in life. This is so sad to me.
If they were filming right after school,wouldn't the kids be in their school uniforms? Unless they changed in the van,they had on regular clothes. Even tho the sun was low,they had been in there for hours. If they went after school and had been in there for hours it would have been dark outside,right. She kept them out of school to film. I thought they don't celebrate Halloween?
Oh Joy, Khate spending hours looking at costumes. Like when she and Beth went looking for bins and the beds where Collin was sick and she never even gave him a nod. She totally can spend hours in a store irregardless of how the kids feel about it. The woman cannot make a decision. When is the waning public going to get to watch this fiasco? November 7th? She probably cried and whined until TLC agreed to do it so she could get everything for free and will never be shown. Halloween after the fact is like Christmas in July.
This IS child abuse. What child feels comfortable being oggled by strangers, having cameras in their faces, forced to behave (and speak) a certain way, and filmed buying things? Whether they were taken out of school, or (if after a LONG day at school)they were filmed after school, it's still not normal, proper or fair to them.
All this bullsh*t is for the benefit of the Discovery Corporation, and Kate's hunger for fame & fortune- DEFINITELY NOT FOR THE KIDS EMOTIONAL & MENTAL WELLBEING.
Let these kids live normal lives, for Pete's sake!!!
"She looks amazing. Her boobs are amazing."
And she was apparently flaunting them as shown in the first picture. Why does she wear sexy clothes with her kids in a child-based store??? In LA or out at night with Steve, OK. Surely she notices the other moms in Target or Whole Foods are more modestly dressed? (Oh, I forgot, Kate doesn't see other people)
Kinda OT....but may I point out that in the first pic.....Kate is picking out ADULT sized gogo boots.......look at the sign on the aisle......ugh.
I'm sure all of this was orchestrated by TLC to get the "talk" about Kate going so people will watch the show. Won't work, Kate Gosselin's 15 minutes are up. When you have to "generate" talk, you know desperation has set in.
Costume shopping an episode, really? I don't even like costume shopping with my own children, so why would I want to watch Kate fake shopping with hers?
Question is: why does TLC care anymore?
The middle woman in the background is really watching that scythe to see what Kate is going to do with it!!!
Not OT Vallonio, just like when they went "back to school shoe shopping". Didn't the poor single mom with a stack of bills leave with armloads of hooker shoes for herself? How much do you wanna bet Khate will be "in costume" along with the kids for the episode? How much tartier can she look? It's the perfect excuse for her to push the envelope even more with her outragious outfits.
alyssa said...
Anonymous said...
Last I checked, it was a parents' right to determine their child's education, not some random stranger's. There are millions of children in private school in this country. Do you stand in judgment of all those parents too, or as usual do your "rules" apply only to Kate Gosselin?
The USA gives every person THE RIGHT TO ADEQUATE EDUCATION.Kate Gosselin is NOT entitled to take their right away.Which she is doing by pulling them out of school(see april 2010,june 2009,may 2010) and filming them when they should in fact be doing homework(see oct 2010). Adapting Pink's song: What kind of mother would take her own children's right's away?
First, my comment had to do with the Administrator's negative remark concerning Kate's choice to send her children to private school. Second, what a parent chooses to have their child do after school is, in fact, up to the parent. Third, many parents have their children miss a few days of school for various reasons. If children are excessively absent from school, there are procedures in place to address that issue.
The level of melodrama is unbelievable. She is not violating her children's human rights. Get a grip.
First, my comment had to do with the Administrator's negative remark concerning Kate's choice to send her children to private school.
I have no problem with going to private school! What I have a problem with is children being forced to work away their summers to pay for said school. I went to private school!
Second, what a parent chooses to have their child do after school is, in fact, up to the parent.
Well, no, child labor laws do need to be complied with if you're going to force your child to sing for your manicures, pedicures, go-go Halloween boots and tanning beds after school.
Third, many parents have their children miss a few days of school for various reasons. If children are excessively absent from school, there are procedures in place to address that issue.
So it's okay to miss a day of school to work for your mother? Wow. Would it be okay to miss a day of school if you were plowing a field instead, or delivering newspapers, or selling lemonade? All those kids are working too.
The level of melodrama is unbelievable. She is not violating her children's human rights. Get a grip.
The sheeple act like every filming event is a one time incident. In fact, the children have been filming since they were babies. How many episodes will the children be required to film before the sheeple stop saying this is all much ado about nothing? 500? A thousand? A million?
This is an amazing discussion everyone! You have all made some really great points. I'm afraid however, that just when we think this monster mom is through, she comes back, like a bad penny. Nobody cares about her anymore. Maybe TLC is just appeasing her? I think this Alaska show has a lot riding on it. If Kate doesn't get a certain amount of viewers, she's done, but in the meantime, TLC is telling her, "we'll keep filming", just to keep her happy. I think she's been away too long. This could all be a stunt though, this filming at PartyCity, to GET ratings. Who knows??
Whatever the case may be, I won't watch, please don't watch!
According to People magazine Kate went "in character" last year:
The reality star dressed up as a glamorous witch and joined her sextuplets when they hit the streets in their quiet Pennsylvania neighborhood.
"Alexis was an adorable witch, Hannah a Spanish princess, Aaden a pirate, Collin was a Spider-Man, Leah was a kitty and Joel was Batman," says the friend. Meanwhile, 8-year-old twins Cara, a ghost, and Mady, the devil, went out with their friends instead of their sibs.
Last I checked, it was a parents' right to determine their child's education, not some random stranger's. There are millions of children in private school in this country. Do you stand in judgment of all those parents too, or as usual do your "rules" apply only to Kate Gosselin?
Yeah, but I bet the Gosselin kids are the only six year olds in that private school to have an after-school job!
***I'm afraid however, that just when we think this monster mom is through, she comes back, like a bad penny.***
Hi Hippie Chick. I was thinking more along the lines of the cyborg in The Terminator movie who kept getting back up; refusing to lie down and die!
WHY is TLC; a huge corporation, who has plenty of freak show candidates on air and waiting to be on air...going above, beyond and over the top to keep this wretched, no talent, heartless, pimp on air????
Is she really making them that much money, is she sleeping with someone in high places...I would like to know...because none of it makes any since!
TLC with the complete consent of the thing that gave birth to them (she is NOT a mother) has stolen the childhoods of 8 young children, all but destroyed their father, to do what...keep that succubus on air another show or two....UNBELIEVABLE!
Hi I'll Be Back! Anything bad really! Mike Myers, Freddy Krueger, maybe I'm watching too many horror movies, but this woman won't disappear!! :)
Did anyone actually confirm they were filming, as opposed to there just being photographers present? I don't see any lighting, video cameras or crew in any of these shots. Those aisles at Party City are narrow. To get the still shots posted above, you would have to be pretty close, which I can't believe they would allow during filming. Just wondering.
"I'll Be Back" - EXACTLY!! She's just like that nasty ol' cyborg!! (Wouldn't that make an amazing cartoon caricature... :D
HI IDModo- Yes, PA has some antiquated laws...whether abuse laws or children working laws. IMO, what is even worse is they do not even enforce the laws they do have. The PA DOL had an investigation going for a year, into the the Gosselins and John and Kate plus 8 and if their show was in violation of their laws. The PA DOL did not even visit the Gosselins home, which was essentially, their set. They never visited...not one time...in a year.
Sandy Vito should be ashamed of herself and her department, IMO. She has said for years that the laws need to be revisited. How about if they actually enforce the laws they do have? They do not enforce their own laws. IMO, it is because they benefit financially from the Gosselins filming in their state.
I hope when the G8 are grown and if they do in fact sue TLC/ figure 8 productions or their own parents. I hope they also sue the PA DOL.
Didn't realize you had received a "cease and desist" letter from TLC until reading about it today. Too funny that you are now being invited to NYC for a Palin viewing.
Anonymous said...
Third, many parents have their children miss a few days of school for various reasons.
And if they weren't SO BEHIND in school and if she were taking them someplace without cameras I would have kept my mouth shut.But the fact is, the kids are behind and their mother did pull them off for WORK.I would otherwise agree that parents let their kids off the hook once in a while.But how many keep them home to work?(and yes filming for 3 hours in a store when it's obvoius that picking costumes couldn't possibly take more than 30 minutes and than maybe stand in line for another 20 is work)
"And if they weren't SO BEHIND in school and if she were taking them someplace without cameras I would have kept my mouth shut.But the fact is, the kids are behind...."
What is your source?
Hi Questions. "Behind in school" is subjective. My son was born in 2003, a year earlier than the tups, and he is in second grade. The tups are still in kindergarten. Therefore, some of us parents might see that as being "behind." Does anyone out there have a child or grandchild born in 2004 who can add to this?
Seems to me that she did take them out of school early or didn't send them at all. How could their father not know that his kids were filming that day also? Does he not talk to his kids every day? I'm sure one out of 8 would have told him that they were heading to the Party Store to pick out costumes to film that day or she could have kept it a secret from the kids so she could make them work and they wouldn't have blabbed to their father before the fact. That's how sneaky she is.
"WHY is TLC; a huge corporation, who has plenty of freak show candidates on air and waiting to be on air...going above, beyond and over the top to keep this wretched, no talent, heartless, pimp on air????"
I can't put my finger on one thing that TLC has done "over the top" lately. The speculation makes is LOOK over the top, that’s all. Some TLC hack doesn’t write on Kate’s Fake blog, the paps aren’t snapping photos of her and a “source” plants something in one of the gossip rags and all of a sudden speculation runs rampant that Kate is done. That makes her fans go ballistic and the blogs (pro and con) are off and running again.
We’re being played and it doesn’t take a lot. TLC definitely doesn’t have to go over the top to generate publicity for Kate. I’m sure we provide a lot of laughs for TLC.
A People Magazine article from 2009 mentioned that the sextuplets were not ready for kindergarten so instead they were entering Pre-K. The school makes this decision, not the parents.
I feel so sorry for the kids' teachers because they have to deal with Kate. She can't send the nanny or her personal assistant to attend a parent-teacher conference. She probably tells the teacher that she is teaching her children the wrong way. Yikes, what a nightmare.
Now that I looked at the pictures it does appear that maybe 2 or 3 are in school uniforms and the rest are in street clothes. So she may have sent them to school and taken them home where few changed and the other chose not to. So if they got there after 5 and started shooting than they probably were shooting from the house as well before they left. A few looked tired and appears to be sitting on the floor while the Queen Bee decides on what to get for herself. I remember watching an episode way back when and her and Jon said it took 3 or 4 days to shoot before they got what they needed to make an half hour episode. She let these kids film for several days while still going to school this week. Ughhh what a long day they must have had.
Save the kids said...
Seems to me that she did take them out of school early or didn't send them at all.
You have no evidence that she took them out of school or didn't send them at all. It is pure speculation on your part. There is no reason to think they couldn't have attended school and then filmed.
I know some teenagers have after school jobs but having eight little youngsters working "for hours" in front of cameras to support the lifestyle of their mother, really needs further investigation. If this is in aid of entertainment on some so-called reality show, what is "real" about taking hours to choose Halloween costumes?
She has said for years that the laws need to be revisited. How about if they actually enforce the laws they do have? They do not enforce their own laws.
How can you enforce a law when so many of them are subject to interpreation? That was the problem with this whole fiasco. The laws didn't specifically address minors in reality television. It hadn't existed when the laws were written, which is why Rep Murt sent it out for review and interpretation.
This is the reason for the current hearings and drafting of a new bill, one that would protect the rights of children, and one that wouldn't need to be interpreted by several people. The law could be enforced because it would be clear and specific.
It strikes me as odd that a woman with eight kids goes costume shopping four days before halloween. Maybe things have changed since I had little ones but when mine were that age they started pestering me in the middle of September about their costumes. Then they'd wear them around the house for two weeks before halloween. I'm not saying that goes on in every household, but my point is why does this woman put off doing the costume thing so long especially when she's got a slew of kids to dress up? Were they not going to 'do' halloween unless or until TLC decided for them, even at the last minute? I hope I'm wrong but something sure stinks about the whole thing...as usual.
The level of melodrama is unbelievable. She is not violating her children's human rights. Get a grip.
It is every child's human right to work to support his/her mother? Wow...who would have thought it?
If you want to talk about human rights, perhaps you should review the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, some of which include:
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights" (their dignity wasn't violated when the kids were filmed on the potty, or having feces removed from one's rectum?)
"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" (forcing them to lie in their own vomit, ON CAMERA, wasn't degrading?)
There's so much more that could be said about the violation of human rights. You get the picture, and upon reviewing what truly constitutes "human rights," I would feel certain that bloggers could come up with the ways these kids' human rights have indeed be violated.
Maybe Kate doesn't let her kids talk to their father every day.
I don't understand why the people had to act like they didn't know who Kate was. Kate wants to be a celebrity and she obviously enjoys attention, so why wouldn't she want people to know who she is?
Also, one of the tweets by the Party City employee read "Kate is flawless, even in person!"
Did she not see how Kate treated Jon while they were married, and how she neglects her kids (letting them puke on the boat and not doing anything about it)?
"I don't understand why the people had to act like they didn't know who Kate was. Kate wants to be a celebrity and she obviously enjoys attention, so why wouldn't she want people to know who she is?"
Perhaps a bunch of people staring at Kate+8 would interrupt the filming because they'd get in the way.
"Also, one of the tweets by the Party City employee read "Kate is flawless, even in person!"
Did she not see how Kate treated Jon while they were married, and how she neglects her kids (letting them puke on the boat and not doing anything about it)?"
Perhaps she doesn't watch the show? She's a college kid and seems to be bokers over Britney Spears. Maybe her interests lie elsewhere.
Okay Laura, My sisters grandson was born in April of 2004 and he is in the first grade. He went to pre/school and finished kindergarten last year. He is doing well in the first grade and bringing home straight A's.
So I guess it is okay to get your kids up at 5 AM and off to school by 6:45, than pick them up at 4PM to do a job of filming for several hours so they can keep mommy in new shoes and spas. That is the impression I'm getting from her fans..geez
From reading that young girls tweets, she seems to be Sta struck from anyone famous. They also seemed to be amazed with her huge,perky breast. Just like Kates fans, they look at the outside and not what is in the inside...blah
Love to be Anonymous, I think we do have proof they were taken out of school early. There is a twitter tweet (see Jibber Jabbers Blog) that someone was in the store at 1:49 PM and saw Kate and the kids there. In my neck o' the woods scool lets out at 2:55 PM.
Oh Gawd..just noticed the silver haired purse holder in the back ground. Not only did this ding bat bring 8 kids to a Party Store, she also brought along (as one put it) a million camera people, including the silver hair fox. Nooooo.. she doesn't like to bring attention to her and the kids does she..=)
it really isnt any ones business whether she takes the kids out of school or not. What if you took your kids out of school for a reason you thought was ok and I called you on it? I'll bet the house you'd tell me to mind my own business.
Has anyone ever noticed that sometimes the kids act weird? Like there was this scene which really struck me..Collin fell and was raising his arm hoping someone will help him up and Aaden just passed him by..didn't even look in his direction and Collin was crying.Than Joel got pushed into sth by the dog and said to Collin :"Aw! tell Shocka to sit" and just like Aaden,Collin just stood there didn't even ask Are you okay Joel? And than I think about that day they were in NYC and Collin fell and Kate just kept on walking,holding Hannah's hend and just telling Collin "Oh you're fine".Could it be that there mother's cold attitude has passed on to the kids? We all assumed the kids will stick together but what if they don't? What if Kate has tought them at a very early age to only care about each other?Favouting Hannah all these years couldn't have made her very beloved by her siblings.Mady always treated Hannah badly at least in the past...
As for the kids being behind, Kate asn Jon said during and interview on the couch that three of the tups weren't ready for the next stage so their decision was to hold all 6 back so they wouldn't split them or something
A Anonymous, Most parents that I know take their kids out of school for emergencies, such as illness, death in the family or a doctors/ dentist appointment, THEY DON'T TAKE THEIR KID OUT OF SCHOOL TO WORK FOR THE PARENTS..get it!!! It's the parents job to earn an income and support their kids. How stupid can a Sheeple get for crying out loud????
Anonymous said... it really isnt any ones business whether she takes the kids out of school or not. What if you took your kids out of school for a reason you thought was ok and I called you on it? I'll bet the house you'd tell me to mind my own business.
That's your opinion it's none of anyone's business. The law has said otherwise. The law dictates children need to be in school a certain number of days a year, or home schooled, or taught by a set teacher. Schools also set up truancy boards for kids missing too many days. Dependency Court can even get involved for children having excessive absensences (for instance if the reason is because of neglect), and children can even be taken away if the reason for their absence was abuse or neglect. Further, even PA child labor laws restrict the amount of hours a child can work on a school day, which indicates that even PA law thinks school should come first.
In any case, maybe I can accept it was none of my business if Kate weren't asking us all to watch her show. You can't have it both ways. You can't pull the kids out of school to make an episode you want everyone to watch, then call foul when people are concerned about the circumstances of filming that episode in the first place. Anyway, I don't recall Kate ever asking for help from the fans to defend her choices as to how much she will neglect their education in the name of her own vanity.
These episodes lately have evolved into being all about Kate and her off-kilter coping mechanisms and not so much about the kids. It's really time to stop the show.
Keeping her children out of school is another example of Hate stifling their growth.
Remember what it was like to go back after missing even one day of school? I felt left behind, anxious, and out of the loop. To say being absent made me feel insecure and nervous is an understatement.
I attended private school for grades 1-12, which may have intensified these feelings of inadequacy when I missed school. Back in the day, private Catholic schools were notoriously more "in your business" than public school and everyone knew everything (well, almost) about each family.
For the G8, to miss just one day, especially in the early grades, means missing out on crucial reading and math skills, not to mention the all important, though dreaded but determinable formation of cliques; groups which can only develop with DAILY SOCIALIZATION. Miss a day and they're back to square one, as ISOLATED and friendless as they were before school began. And WHO will collect the make-up assignments for eight - count 'em, eight kids - including all the hand-outs and calendar reminders that go with missing a day, a week, two weeks, of school? Queen Take? I don't think so. She just TAKES and TAKES and TAKES some more until there's nothing left of them.
Her "job" is to ISOLATE in all areas: emotionally, scholastically, socially, spiritually... God, what a b#^*h.
So, do the work permits expire after October 31st?
Horses get better treatment than the G8.
These guidelines are intended for all horses and other livestock without regard to their prominence or insignificance to the production.
#13. When livestock become tired they must be rested.
Admin, TLC DID film at the corn maze today with the Gosselin's. Werney Gal was there and posted a long report (too long to copy/paste here, though).
Remember what it was like to go back after missing even one day of school?
This is KINDERGARTEN, not upper school physics. What if they were ill? Should they be sent to school then because they would have missed crafts day or pumpkin carving?
The twins have homework buddies who collect assignments to make sure that they will not miss critical assignments. They are briefed on everything that has happened during the day. This is not to say that they should miss school to be filmed. My point is that they do not return to classes so far behind academically that they can never catch up.
"Miss a day and they're back to square one, as ISOLATED and friendless as they were before school began."
What? Are you referring to the Gosselins, or children in general? Where has it been intimated that these kids were friendless? I don't understand this at all. By this logic, then, if a child is ill and misses school, he is socially isolated when he comes back and is treated like a leper. I never heard this before. It is most certainly NOT like that here. If anything, when a child misses school for whatever reason, that child is welcomed back into the "fold" because the other kids have missed him/her and are glad to see the child return.
I'm sorry that missing school was such an unpleasant experience for you. I, too, am a graduate of a private school (K through 12) and all of my children have attended or attend private school, beginning in pre-school. Missing classes at our school does not, in any way, bring about social isolation or feelngs that the student doesn't belong. Parents here take their children out of school for mini-vacations. It is right? No. I would never do it, but these kids do not come back to school being ostracized because of it.
Should they miss school to film? Of course not. They shouldn't be filming at all. But nobody has said that they are missing school right now, or have missed classes so far this first trimester.
Just a couple quotes from Werney Gal's post:
There were about four TLC camera people there and they were challenged by trying to film all the kids, so they broke into teams and went running through the corn field, crashing through the rows and breaking stalks along the way. They would get a distance from the kids and then yell for the kids to try to find them so they could film them running and having fun, oblivious of the maze paths. This lasted for about fifteen minutes. The kids never got to actually finish the maze. When the filming was over the kids were collected back at the maze exit.
...instead of getting to hang out and play and do things like go for a horse and carriage ride, the kids were whisked quickly back into the big van. The whole event was nothing but a photo opportunity, and when it was over the kids were quickly put back in the van and taken home, no doubt wondering when the fun would begin....
I doubt the kids are isolated for missing school in and of itself, but you can sure bet that a lot of their classmates are jealous and give them a hard time.
This isn't Crossroads in Santa Monica where everyone's parents are famous and everyone did a commercial at some point and lots of kids have done this or that TV project. This is PA where it's doubtful anyone else in their class has ever been on TV. Being "stars" makes these kids different and that's all you need for school to be hell--be different.
Did anyone see the Sound of Music reunion on Oprah? It was great. All of the kids seem so well-adjusted now. And yet the youngest, who played Gretel, who was only about 7 at the time, talked about going back to school after the movie hit it big and not understanding when all of a sudden she was bullied terribly by her classmates. Even kids who made it through the experience more or less okay now, FORTY-FIVE years later, are still pained to talk about being bullied for being famous.
The choices Kate is making now could indeed be things these kids are talking about in 45 years. Kate needs to chew on that.
Anonymous said... it really isnt any ones business whether she takes the kids out of school or not.
Of course it is. Kate said it herself. So you're disagreeing with Kate?
Larry King Live (transcript):
K. GOSSELIN: "Well, with our reality show, obviously, we put them out there. And, you know, our goal in our show is to show the real life of what it is like to have two sets of multiples. And basically, essentially, WE'VE MADE IT YOUR BUSINESS."
For the G8, to miss just one day, especially in the early grades, means missing out on crucial reading and math skills,
Alana, you are correct that missing even one day of school can be detrimental to a student's progress. Although the student population I work with is much different than that of the Gosselin's private school, I can tell you that missing even one reading lesson puts my students behind. The Gosselin 6 were held back last year because some of them were not developmentally and/or socially ready for full-day kindergarten. I would think that a responsible parent would hesitate to have the kids miss a day of school for reasons other than an emergency or illness...oh yeah, I forgot, the show must go on!
Even if they missed only part of the day, it is wrong to drag the children to a long filming session on a school day.
I doubt the kids are isolated for missing school in and of itself, but you can sure bet that a lot of their classmates are jealous and give them a hard time.
I am going to respectfully disagree with this. The kids do not give them a hard time. Granted, not too many of the kids here have been on television, but that is not to say that they have not travelled or do not have opportunities similar to those that the Gosselins have. There is no need for jealousy.
Perhaps Gretel was in an entirely different kind of school system, and was not protected and nurtured in a way to prevent such bullying. I don't know what safeguards were in place forty-five years ago to prevent kids from tormenting other kids, but I do think that educators now have become so more much aware that this kind of abuse by other kids can go on, and they are dealing with it accordingly.
I usually post under a name some may recognize, but for this one, I would rather stay anonymous. I take my son out of school once a week for an hour and a half once a week for therapy. (They can't do it after school). He HATES it. He misses his spelling test every time, & has to miss recess each time. He also has to make up other work he may miss. Think of what the G kids may be missing when their bitch of a mother takes them out of school for filming. It is selfish of her to take them out of school. It is up the KIDS to have to make up their own work, not Kate. Not to mention, they HAVE to be in school a certain number a days a year, or rather, hours possibly (?) to go to the next grade. So self-serving of Kate. All for money. She doesn't care about anyone but herself.
The only employee I'm aware of is this person who Twittered, and she never said anything about them arriving at 5pm. She only said they left at 6 and that they were there HOURS. Some sheeple harassed her on twitter and she took down her "hours" comment and said they were there in the afternoon. Sheeple need to leave this poor high school girl earning a little spending money alone.
Actually I thought that's what lead to people wondering if they must have been yanked out of school to get over there for the afternoon of filming. It's really neither here nor there. The employee could have said they filmed for 5 minutes, it's still 5 minutes too long after the LIFETIME these children have spent in the zoo that is their reality TV show.
Of course in the photo, Kate is looking for boots for herself. Not for things for her kids..... Where does her selfishness ever end? She has NOTHING to do all day while her kids are in school. Oooooppps, forgot, she has to tan, and get her mani and pedicures. It's all about Kate and her earning a salary on her children's back, with no consideration of them. The kids' happiness does not matter, as long as she gets what she wants for herself. Honestly Mady and Cara are old enough to figure some of this out, and this may explain some of their behaviors (only what we have been permitted to so on film) towards their fake phony selfish mother.
Anonymous said "Looking at the shadows and the direction of the setting sun in the photo Admin posted above it looks to me like it is approx 7-7:30pm." It is DARK at 7:00 in eastern PA this time of year.
What difference does it make about sun setting or not, my point is, this woman took her kids from a days worth of learning so she could receive a big fat pay check from TLC, enuf said. She will continually put her kids to work for her own greediness-ish.
To me, the most disgusting part of this story is that this mother of 8 cannot and will not do anything with these children that is not for the purpose of making money. Filming means they are working and making money to support a lifestyle. No shopping trips, vacations, etc. unless they are being filmed for tv thus money. What kind of court cannot see this situation for what it is? If it is so easy for the general public to see through this situation, what happened in court? Too many contracts already signed do you suppose? I don't believe it's as simple as Jon would have us believe. So much more to the Gosselin story that we may never know. Those poor kids deserve a life without filming.
It is DARK at 7:00 in eastern PA this time of year.
It is 6:33 right now and it is dark.
Actually, I was there that day at Party City, with one of my friends. And quite honestly, they arrived around 4, obviously after school hours, because I've heard this particular shopping area is where the kids get dropped off from school.
You'd never believe what happened to me after I posted I saw them on my Facebook.
MY PROBLEM , is not with KATE . What else are they going to film ? this was an outing they took and they filmed it. She can sneeze and people will find fault with it . My problem is with PARTY CITY. And not that they gave her preferential treatment but that they did it in FRONT OF other customers.If anyone knows how the costumes work , they do NOT bring out a box of costumes for you to look through , this was done JUST for Kate (not her fault) while everyone else had to just look at the wall and then give the number of the costume, they go and get it in the back. I will NEVER set foot in a Party city again . Ever.
What difference does it make about sun setting or not, my point is, this woman took her kids from a days worth of learning so she could receive a big fat pay check from TLC, enuf said. She will continually put her kids to work for her own greediness-ish.
From reading that young girls tweets, she seems to be Sta struck from anyone famous. They also seemed to be amazed with her huge,perky breast. Just like Kates fans, they look at the outside and not what is in the inside...blah
For the G8, to miss just one day, especially in the early grades, means missing out on crucial reading and math skills,
Alana, you are correct that missing even one day of school can be detrimental to a student's progress. Although the student population I work with is much different than that of the Gosselin's private school, I can tell you that missing even one reading lesson puts my students behind. The Gosselin 6 were held back last year because some of them were not developmentally and/or socially ready for full-day kindergarten. I would think that a responsible parent would hesitate to have the kids miss a day of school for reasons other than an emergency or illness...oh yeah, I forgot, the show must go on!
Even if they missed only part of the day, it is wrong to drag the children to a long filming session on a school day.
Just a couple quotes from Werney Gal's post:
There were about four TLC camera people there and they were challenged by trying to film all the kids, so they broke into teams and went running through the corn field, crashing through the rows and breaking stalks along the way. They would get a distance from the kids and then yell for the kids to try to find them so they could film them running and having fun, oblivious of the maze paths. This lasted for about fifteen minutes. The kids never got to actually finish the maze. When the filming was over the kids were collected back at the maze exit.
...instead of getting to hang out and play and do things like go for a horse and carriage ride, the kids were whisked quickly back into the big van. The whole event was nothing but a photo opportunity, and when it was over the kids were quickly put back in the van and taken home, no doubt wondering when the fun would begin....
Admin, TLC DID film at the corn maze today with the Gosselin's. Werney Gal was there and posted a long report (too long to copy/paste here, though).
A Anonymous, Most parents that I know take their kids out of school for emergencies, such as illness, death in the family or a doctors/ dentist appointment, THEY DON'T TAKE THEIR KID OUT OF SCHOOL TO WORK FOR THE PARENTS..get it!!! It's the parents job to earn an income and support their kids. How stupid can a Sheeple get for crying out loud????
Has anyone ever noticed that sometimes the kids act weird? Like there was this scene which really struck me..Collin fell and was raising his arm hoping someone will help him up and Aaden just passed him by..didn't even look in his direction and Collin was crying.Than Joel got pushed into sth by the dog and said to Collin :"Aw! tell Shocka to sit" and just like Aaden,Collin just stood there didn't even ask Are you okay Joel? And than I think about that day they were in NYC and Collin fell and Kate just kept on walking,holding Hannah's hend and just telling Collin "Oh you're fine".Could it be that there mother's cold attitude has passed on to the kids? We all assumed the kids will stick together but what if they don't? What if Kate has tought them at a very early age to only care about each other?Favouting Hannah all these years couldn't have made her very beloved by her siblings.Mady always treated Hannah badly at least in the past...
As for the kids being behind, Kate asn Jon said during and interview on the couch that three of the tups weren't ready for the next stage so their decision was to hold all 6 back so they wouldn't split them or something
"I'll Be Back" - EXACTLY!! She's just like that nasty ol' cyborg!! (Wouldn't that make an amazing cartoon caricature... :D
***I'm afraid however, that just when we think this monster mom is through, she comes back, like a bad penny.***
Hi Hippie Chick. I was thinking more along the lines of the cyborg in The Terminator movie who kept getting back up; refusing to lie down and die!
First, my comment had to do with the Administrator's negative remark concerning Kate's choice to send her children to private school.
I have no problem with going to private school! What I have a problem with is children being forced to work away their summers to pay for said school. I went to private school!
Second, what a parent chooses to have their child do after school is, in fact, up to the parent.
Well, no, child labor laws do need to be complied with if you're going to force your child to sing for your manicures, pedicures, go-go Halloween boots and tanning beds after school.
Third, many parents have their children miss a few days of school for various reasons. If children are excessively absent from school, there are procedures in place to address that issue.
So it's okay to miss a day of school to work for your mother? Wow. Would it be okay to miss a day of school if you were plowing a field instead, or delivering newspapers, or selling lemonade? All those kids are working too.
The level of melodrama is unbelievable. She is not violating her children's human rights. Get a grip.
The sheeple act like every filming event is a one time incident. In fact, the children have been filming since they were babies. How many episodes will the children be required to film before the sheeple stop saying this is all much ado about nothing? 500? A thousand? A million?
Not OT Vallonio, just like when they went "back to school shoe shopping". Didn't the poor single mom with a stack of bills leave with armloads of hooker shoes for herself? How much do you wanna bet Khate will be "in costume" along with the kids for the episode? How much tartier can she look? It's the perfect excuse for her to push the envelope even more with her outragious outfits.
Kinda OT....but may I point out that in the first pic.....Kate is picking out ADULT sized gogo boots.......look at the sign on the aisle......ugh.
This IS child abuse. What child feels comfortable being oggled by strangers, having cameras in their faces, forced to behave (and speak) a certain way, and filmed buying things? Whether they were taken out of school, or (if after a LONG day at school)they were filmed after school, it's still not normal, proper or fair to them.
All this bullsh*t is for the benefit of the Discovery Corporation, and Kate's hunger for fame & fortune- DEFINITELY NOT FOR THE KIDS EMOTIONAL & MENTAL WELLBEING.
Let these kids live normal lives, for Pete's sake!!!
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