Kate Plus 8's Alaska episode is now going to air Nov 7, a full week before the premiere of Sarah Palin's Alaska. Seems to us it makes a lot more sense to lead into Palin's show with the Gosselins. And in the trailer for Sarah Palin's new show, there is not one mention of the Gosselins. Will Kate be sent to the cutting room floor? Maybe Palin realized maybe it's not the best idea to associate herself with her.
194 sediments (sic) from readers:
Could it be true that Sarah has seen the "light" about Kate Gosselin? Sorry to hear that even just one more show featuring the Gosselins will be on TLC. Sad news, but maybe, oh maybe, this will be the end of this mess. Hope Kate G. is forced to get a real job someday and support her kids instead of the other way around.
Not necessarily, in terms of the lead in. Sarah Palin has her own pretty strong following and I don't think needs Kate's help to draw viewers.
It will be interesting to see how many viewers Kate's show draws after a month off, which could be another reason they're not using it as a lead in. They don't want Sarah's show to inflate Kate's numbers if they're really trying to decide whether to keep filming or not.
Personally, I just don't see the show having that much appeal. It's outgrown it's "look at the cute baby multiples and watch mom
and dad cope with all the standard baby stuff" formula. And with Jon gone, it's not able to really sustain a transition into "reality sitcom". Kate can't pull off a Claire Huxtable type mom persona and even Roseanne had better mom skills although Kate certainly tries to emulate her wisecracks.
Love the Palins, can never understand how Kate get into this party mix. So far out of her league. Please cut her from the Palin's show. Nobody wants her to take away from Sarah and her family. Can't wait to see your shoe Sarah! Loved the bears trailer.
Kate is over. I think it's time to face the real reality now. TLC is dropping her. Good! IMO, there is no ToK, there will be no more K+8. I agree with the poster who said TLC doesn't want The Palin show to inflate Kate's numbers, they want her gone for good. She is too expensive for the ratings dive, she is a diva & a basket-case, she is unlikable, nobody can relate to her, & her 15 minutes FAR extended its time. TLC knows this. They are also sick & tired of her little antics, & her mouth. Their PR team works overtime to fix her screw ups. Buy-Bye Kate Gosselin! The Kate-lovers must be freaking out about this one! How will they spin this?
Please cut her from the Palin's show. Nobody wants her to take away from Sarah and her family.
Kate is not part of Palin's show. It doesn't even look like the film of Kate and kids in Alaska is going to be on Palin's show.
I don't love the Palins but I absolutely do love Alaska and absolutely will watch Sarah's take even with teeth gritted at her annoyingly screechy voice.
Except it is on TLC and I do not watch anything on that channel. Oh well.
Sarah Palin is a lying nutjob. She has that in common with Kate Gosselin.
I seriously doubt if Kate even knows who the Speaker of the House is. Jon said she never reads the paper. The only thing Kate is interested in is celebrity gossip. Not a Sarah Palin supporter but pairing a non-political nobody wannabe with a former Governor is unfair to Sarah Palin and completely ludicrous.
Does that picture look like there could have been perhaps 8 extra people filling in all those gaps between and in front of them? They sure are spaced mighty far apart.
I don't think Palin, being a political person, needs to be associated with Kate with all her baggage. She probably has more clout with TLC than Kate does and the Gosselins have been axed from her show. In any case, the Kate+8 show has already been filmed. Let's hope this is the children's last "performance" for TV cameras.
I'm no fan of screechy Sarah, but Kate lost a HUGE opportunity in blowing her off. This is why she has no lasting career to speak of. People give her chances, but she totally blows them. It cracks me up that she thought she was above Sarah's level therefore wouldn't stick with the camping thing. She really is delusional. Golden opportunity - MISSED.
Oh, now I am confused again, as usual.
First Kate went to Alaska to film for the kids' show, then she quit.
Then TLC said No No No it was never going to be for the kids' show - it was always just going to be for the Palin show anyway.
NOW the little bit of film they got they ARE going to use for the kids' show, NOT the Palin show???
Wonder if they will show Kate being her prima-donna self in Palin's face and call it a day? Or the 2 days of MIA-Kate?
All the sheeple who have thought that 3 grapes, a cheese cube and a cracker has been a fine meal all these years, will suddenly be outraged that someone packed Lunchables in the kids' cooler. Never mind that super-mom cant pack her OWN damn cooler.
Sarah Palin frightens me, but lumping her with Kate Gosselin is a slap in the face for the former Governor. If anyone should have been pissy, it should have been Palin.
Oh, & PS...I won't watch TLC anyways, especially a Sarah Palin show. Kate & Sarah Palin...big no-no's in this house! You betcha! :)
Sarah and Kate and TLC - Perfect together.
Two stupid women who don't deserve what they have been given and TLC a network that promotes stupid women.
Yes, it's all very confusing. I don't recall TLC ever specifically saying the Alaska footage was going to be for the Sarah Palin show. That's where the confusion is for me. Did TLC announce that or is that pure speculation?
Hippie Chick said... Oh, & PS...I won't watch TLC anyways, especially a Sarah Palin show. Kate & Sarah Palin...big no-no's in this house! You betcha! :)
wink wink! :)
I wondered at the time which one was more out of touch with the zeitgeist. I figured it was Palin, but only by a hair. Supporting Gosselin can only harm Palin in the court of public opinion.
Jane in California said... Sarah and Kate and TLC - Perfect together.
Two stupid women who don't deserve what they have been given and TLC a network that promotes stupid women.
Couldn't have said it any better Jane...
Every time I hear either one of their voices..I literally get a brain-freeze, like when I'm eating ice-cream....
Questions said...Yes, it's all very confusing. I don't recall TLC ever specifically saying the Alaska footage was going to be for the Sarah Palin show. That's where the confusion is for me. Did TLC announce that or is that pure speculation?
From EW.com:
"The latest news out of TCA proves that worlds will be colliding this fall: TLC president Eileen O’Neill confirmed that Kate Gosselin and her brood will make a guest appearance on Sarah Palin’s reality series Sarah Palin’s Alaska that’s set to premiere on Nov. 14. The Gosselins will visit the Palins in Alaska, and, apparently, camping will be involved."
TLC doesn't know how to handle Kate now. Their shining star has fizzled out. Now they're treating her like a hot potato. 'I don't want her YOU take her'.
Ah, sweet karma.
BeDoneNow said...First Kate went to Alaska to film for the kids' show, then she quit.
Then TLC said No No No it was never going to be for the kids' show - it was always just going to be for the Palin show anyway.
NOW the little bit of film they got they ARE going to use for the kids' show, NOT the Palin show???
From TLC's "Kate Plus 8" tv schedule:
Kate Plus 8
Alaska, Here We Come!
Kate and the kids are traveling 8 hours to Alaska - their longest trip ever! The Gosselins set out to see huge snow-covered mountains, bright white glaciers and pan for gold! But excitement builds when they head out to sea in search of whales!
(Only scheduled for Nov. 7 @ 9 and 11pm, not scheduled to re-air on Nov. 14th thus far.)
The camping trip with Sarah Palin is NOT mentioned in this episode description so it might have been cut altogether (from both shows).
There were also pap photos of the Gosselins filming WITHOUT the Palins, so TLC probably intended on having two Alaskan shows with the Gosselins INITIALLY until the Kate camping fiasco.
Sarah Palin is an imbecile. That is just about all she is good for - a ridiculous reality series.
Secondly, Take's episode now airing on the 7th,a week earlier, will never survive as a "stand-alone." It's just another ludicrous scripted "field trip." They are going on a whale watch, among other things, and who wants to see those poor kids puking their guts out again? Anyway, Take's episode precedes a special on "William and Kate: A Royal Wedding." I guess TLC things that this will ensure people will tune in early to watch Take. I think this special on the royal wedding is really nothing more than one can find in the tabloids. I think the date of death for the Take Plus 8 show is Nov. 7th.
Ugh- after watching the Gosselin fiasco, I have no desire to watch ANYTHING else that TLC/DISCOVERY spits out, ever... again...
It's all fake, and insulting to the viewer's intelligence.
Here's some advice for TLC- get back to basics!
Get back to the original format, so that your viewers can actually learn something from your shows.
Oh great, on a boat with whales. What are they thinking. More scenes of vomit on a boat. Can't wait. THe excitement will be if the crew members vomit also.
I do not support Sarah Palin's politics, but she lives in a gorgeous state. It would be worth it to me to watch this show for the natural beauty alone. The Palin show is intended to be a short-term series, so it will go away on its own whether we watch or don't watch.
Personally, I would love to see the camping scenes if only so the rest of America could see Kate Gosselin in her own full blown natural state of nastiness and self importance. I would give up a whole night of fun activities to watch Sarah Palin, former Governor and former VP candidate, handing Kate Gosselin a bucket with a lid on it. The facial expression would simply be priceless. Too funny.
Kate Plus 8
Alaska, Here We Come!
Kate and the kids are traveling 8 hours to Alaska - their longest trip ever! The Gosselins set out to see huge snow-covered mountains, bright white glaciers and pan for gold! But excitement builds when they head out to sea in search of whales! (TLC, you are really stretching the teasers.)
Reasons +++ ... why I can't watch her last show. I can't get pass all the lies.
And why is there 2 Alaska shows anyway's? TLC, this is stupid. It does take away from Sarah, and TLC should be more grateful to the Palins, and not air the 2nd Alaska show. Big PR fiasco. The ratings could be in the millions for Sarah. Please cut the 2nd Alaska show so millions will come back to TLC and watch the Palins instead of Kate being fake. Does that not make more sense?
Love Sarah, hate what Kate did to her. That was huge KG. You complained about one of the most loved women in the world. Mistake, big mistake, then you disappeared on her for 2 DAYS! You are an idiot!
"When the kids are away, I basically sit by the phone and wait for the call. The kids want to be spending time at home where they can play with their toys, sleep in their own bed. It's not home, does not feel like home. They want to be home in their house. I try to keep the schedule as stable as possible for home an school." Kate Gosselin Live Interview K&T-Sept 2010
Then why don't you LET them stay home. Longest trip ever? YOU said all they want to do is sleep, play and go to school with their friends. At the beginning of the K&R interview, she said she was away from them for 3 DAYS doing the Jimmy F. shoot. (What was he thinking?)
Right after the interview, she left them again to go to Mexico with her bodyguard while the children were with their father. She was NOT home waiting for the call.
Jon and her have a rule; "No news is good news. Do not call me unless it is an emergency." this is for when either of them have custody of the children. Hard to believe Kate waits, or the kids call. Source: Jon & Kate Gosselin on J&K Plus 8 TLC
Kate you take a lot, and this new video is for you. It is not of you, so relax. He made you look bad, and he hung ya out to dry, let's return the favor. Please let this come through. lol
By the way, did anyone see Tony Dovolani and his dance partner, Audrina, on Ellen today? It's so obvious Ellen doesn't like Kate. She asked him, "Hmmm, didn't you have another dance partner before this one?" Tony doubled over in laughter and said, "Kate Gosselin," and then talked about how hard Audrina works. He tried to cover it up somewhat by saying that Kate had her mind on other things and found it difficult to concentrate.
TLC couldn't just have the Palin family pose with beautiful Alaska scenery without using some advertising props. It wouldn't look so obvious if they at least had the family pose with a boat or propped the grandson in a canoe or kayak.
I'm really curious to see whether the footage Kate did for Sarah Palin's show makes it to Sarah's show or will they cut ties. TLC made it crystal clear way back in July that the intent was for Kate to appear on Sarah's show. They never said a word about a Kate Plus 8 Alaska show until just recently.
I'm thinking it was just meant to be an appearance on Sarah's show, and when they realized ratings were in the tank and the show wasn't going on, they fashioned a season finale out of what little they had of Alaska for a separate Kate Plus 8 episode, and have scrapped the idea of a cameo on the Palin show in an effort to distance Palin from Kate....as well as put the Alaska Kate Plus 8 a week before Sarah Palin' show to distant it.....it is downright elementery when you have two theme shows, they are aired on the same night.
I have raised 3 daughters, so I do know what interests kids at certain ages.Who in their ever-lovin right mind, would think that 6, six year olds,and 2 nine year olds,would find themselves enjoying an 8 hour plane ride, as well as sight-seeing parts of Alaska?? They simply were not near old enough to enjoy and understand the things TLC had planned for them! Whale-watching, another nasty puke-fest, and paning for Gold, seeing snowy mountains,glaciers, they just are not old enough for those sorts of activities!! From a very,very young age, they have been herded around to so many places, get whatever they want(except a loving mother), how could they possibly enjoy more of the same?? Nuts, these people are all nuts!
OOOPS! Maybe TLC discovered they didn't have permits for the Gosselin children to film and appear on Sarah Palin's new show. The work permits were issued for Kate Plus 8, not Sarah's new show. TLC wouldn't waste the footage from that expensive Alaskan trip and it probably cost them next to nothing to have the production crew cut and paste together another Gosselins on a boat episode.
Jon Gosselin May Get IT job at Reading Eagle
Surely this is a joke since the locals definitely have the Gosselins' number and have for years, but nevertheless it is an interesting read:
Tony Dovolani on Ellen today.
Hippie Chick said...
She is too expensive for the ratings dive, she is a diva & a basket-case, she is unlikable, nobody can relate to her, & her 15 minutes FAR extended its time.
Sounds like you're describing Sarah Palin.
carolina peach said...
Does that picture look like there could have been perhaps 8 extra people filling in all those gaps between and in front of them? They sure are spaced mighty far apart.
It's the promo picture for Palin's show. Why would you assume the Gosselins would have been in it in the first place?
Anonymous said...And why is there 2 Alaska shows anyway's? TLC, this is stupid. It does take away from Sarah, and TLC should be more grateful to the Palins, and not air the 2nd Alaska show. Big PR fiasco. The ratings could be in the millions for Sarah. Please cut the 2nd Alaska show so millions will come back to TLC and watch the Palins instead of Kate being fake. Does that not make more sense?
Sarah Palin's Alaska and Kate Plus 8 ARE NOT airing the same night. Airing an Alaskan special a week prior probably won't have any effects to the new series. Mutually exclusive for ratings.
What was initially intended to be back-to-back episodes of Kate Plus 8/Sarah Palin's Alaska was no longer a viable option to TLC. Right off DWTS, Kate was still in her prime and it would have been logical for TLC to book their biggest stars for one big ratings sweep night, especially in November. It's probably why TLC had the Gosselins fly into Alaska to film another special.
After the Kate camping fiasco and the almost dismal ratings for Kate Plus 8, TLC decided it wasn't worth the risk of ratings to Sarah Palin's series premiere to have Kate's show as the lead-in. Or, possibly someone in Sarah Palin's camp decided they need to distance Palin from the not-so-conservative Kate Gosselin. It wouldn't be a good image/promotion for Sarah Palin, especially with her conservative Republican fanbase. As for a PR fiasco, TLC/Sarah Palin have remained silent about Kate in the premiere thus far, so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out in the next few weeks (but I'm thinking Kate is cut-out).
As for the newest Kate Plus 8 special, it has moved-up a week earlier. TLC probably doesn't have any new series to fill the Sunday night time slot until Sarah Palin's Alaska begins. It has already been filmed, so they could air it instead of showing re-runs. Like a rumor has said, this is Kate's last chance to garner ratings, ESPECIALLY during November sweeps. If she's a ratings bomb, then Kate Plus 8 will cease to exist.
What will be telling the next couple of weeks is how much publicity TLC will push for Kate. Will they go all-out for this special? Or, will they go the Table for 12 way with little to no promotion?
Will Kate be making the talk-show rounds to promote her newest special? And/or, will we be ambushed with more Gosselin gossip plastered on the tabloids, especially People?
If TLC isn't pushing promotion to garner big ratings during November sweeps, then this show is on its way out. It probably has to perform on par as TLC's current hit "Sister Wives" which scored 2.7 million viewers and helped TLC reach the #1 ad-supported cable network for Sunday night for its demographics W25-54 and W18-49 (which is the same target audience for Kate Plus 8). (If it doesn't, then Kate's TLC reality days are done.)
Kate's show is done. She acted like a diva with Sara Palin refusing to camp out. Following her diva behavior on Dancing with the Stars. Who can relate to her anymore.
I think TLC is now fully of her offensive behaviors, as well as the costs to film ongoing shows with Kate, to include nannies, body guards, etc.. and she is no longer worth the costs of production, with her ratings.
Whether you like Sarah Palin or not, Kate stepped way over the boundaries in dealing with a political figure, and politics may very well have a huge impact on the future of Kate's show. Kate will never learn "her place" and has most likely gone too far one too many times.
No one here has to like Sarah Palin but she has certainly accomplished more than Kate (or many women):
In 1984, Palin won the Miss Wasilla pageant.She finished third in the Miss Alaska pageant, playing flute in the talent portion of the contest, and receiving both the Miss Congeniality award and a college scholarship.
Graduated from University of Idaho in the spring of 1986, receiving her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism in 1987
she worked as a sportscaster for KTUU-TV and KTVA-TV in Anchorage,and as a sports reporter for the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, fulfilling an early ambition.
Palin was elected to the Wasilla City Council in 1992 winning 530 votes to 310. She ran for reelection in 1995, winning by 413 votes to 185
In 2008, Wasilla's current mayor credited Palin's 75 percent property tax cuts and infrastructure improvements with bringing "big-box stores" and 50,000 shoppers per day to Wasilla.
She was the youngest person and the first woman elected Governor of Alaska.
In November 2009, her autobiography Going Rogue: An American Life was released and it quickly became a best-seller, selling more than two million copies
She received very large speaking fees and packs the venues.
She has been married over 20 years and has 5 children.
Anon - 2:27
With all due respect, Sarah Palin is not one of the most loved women in the world. She does have a big following, yes, but there are also many who do not love her, yours truly included.
prairiemary - I do think the G kiddos are old enough to enjoy trips like Alaska but unfortunately, they don't get to experience them as vacations. They work and then are handed to a revolving door of nannies until their next shift.
Denise, you forgot to add that Sarah Palin resigned as Governor mid-term. And, in my opinion, she has four children, not five. And Bristol has two children, not one child. Meow. Can't wait for Joe McGinniss' book to come out.
Love her or hate her, why would Sarah Palin or anyone else for that matter want to be associated with Kate Gosselin??? I can only imagine that Kate is just an unfortunate blip on the radar for Sarah Palin.
Comparing Kate Gosselin to Sarah Palin is like comparing burnt toast to fresh bread. Kate Gosselin is history. Sarah Palin ain't all that but she's not a loser like Gosselin. She's actually pleasant to look at. Kate Gosselin is like looking at road kill. Buhhh Byeee Gosselin. Someone call animal control and get this carcass off the street......pullllllease.
Ugh Sarah Palin.... LOL Could be!!! They are both 'DUR' in my book.
Copied and pasted from wikipedia
The Palins have five children: sons Track (b. 1989)[48] and Trig Paxson Van (b. 2008), and daughters Bristol Sheeran Marie[262] (b. 1990), Willow (b. 1994), and Piper (b. 2001)[4][263
Judy K, are you saying a Downs syndrome child isn't a child or repeating the ludicrous theory that Bristol gave birth to both those boys?
My SIL lives in Wasilla. She thinks the world of the Palins - her grandchildren were in preschool with the Palin kids.
I certainly don't agree with her on everything but her acheivments in the last 3 years are stunning.
Even as a Republican I disagree with much of Palin's politics. But she has gotten to where she is by hard work and merit. She did not force her family to do it for her, rather she blazed her own path. It is not because we have a difference of opinion that people don't like Kate. If it were as simple as that, I wouldn't care. Lots of people have a different opinion than me, it makes the world an exciting place to have a variety of opinions. It's because of how Kate arrived at the choices she makes and her opinions--on the backs of her kids.
Kate used her kids to get to where she is and reaps the benefits. It should be the other way around--you work hard for your children and THEY reap the benefits.
Oh and Sarah Palin's son has Down Syndrome. Can you imagine Kate raising a child with that kind of special needs?
Administrator - Well said.
Denise said...
Judy K, are you saying a Downs syndrome child isn't a child or repeating the ludicrous theory that Bristol gave birth to both those boys?
My SIL lives in Wasilla. She thinks the world of the Palins - her grandchildren were in preschool with the Palin kids.
I certainly don't agree with her on everything but her acheivments in the last 3 years are stunning.
Just because your SIL lives in Wasilla doesn't make her opinion of Sarah Palin any more valid than the next person's. Her achievements in the last three years? Let's see...she lost an election, then quit her job mid-stream so she could reap the financial benefits of her new-found fame, after being plucked out of national obscurity by John McCain. A bunch of right-wing extremists love her and much of the country thinks she's a joke. Stunning, alright, but not in the way you mean.
An interesting read:
Sarah Palin lost the election....but she ran for vice president. Have any of us ran for VP of the United States of America? Just being in a position where you are running for president I would hardly call that a joke, even if you lost. People make fun of her--big deal, people make fun of most politicians. It's part of it. Just because you are "obscure" does not mean you are a joke. You have to be famous to be successful? Heck that's probably what Kate thinks. Meanwhile Palin was quietly running the state of Alaska and raising her family and so on, making her way on her own merits. On the other hand, people don't make fun of most TV stars, just the really ridiculous ones like Kate. She did not just fall into her career like Kate fell into hers by putting her babies' vomit and poop on TV.
Who do you think has turned the population around in their voting habits? Palin or Obama?
Next Tuesday should be interesting.
I doubt anyone on this board has had any major achievements.
Administrator wrote:
Oh and Sarah Palin's son has Down Syndrome. Can you imagine Kate raising a child with that kind of special needs?
Can you imagine Sarah Palin raising a child with Down syndrome? Whatever she's doing, Palin is NOT raising that baby, and she's hardly mother-of-the-year material herself, nor a pillar of fine ethics and honesty. Neither she nor Kate Gosselin are any kind of role model in my world.
MickeyMcKean said... An interesting read:
Can you say "tongue in cheek" article? :-)
MickeyMcKean said... An interesting read:
Satire or not? I kinda think it could be...Al Walentis' name is associated w/it and I didn't get the impression from some of the comments in his 'book', that he was a big fan of Jons.
Denise said... Who do you think has turned the population around in their voting habits? Palin or Obama?
How in the world did Barack Obama get into the discussion?
Carrying this over from the previous thread: Anonymous2 said...
Administrator said...
Wait a minute, Nov 7? Sarah Palin's show is airing Nov 14th. Wasn't this supposed to be a lead in? Are they abandoning ship early, man overboard?
I don't recall reading anything about Kate's Alaska episode being a lead-in to Sarah Palin's show. Not from TLC anyway. I thought that was speculation.
There were many internet sites reporting the news release from TLC themselves that Kate Plus 8 was airing at 9pm and Palin's Alaska at 10pm on November 14. Here's just one. http://www.metrowny.com/blogs/archives/573-Kate_Gosselin_and_Kate_Plus_8_not_canceled_yet_but_on_last_leg_according_to_sources.html
In fact, this blog discussed the schedule in a couple of threads.
Oh this article has to be a satire since this local paper figured out the Gosselin M.O. years ago, way before the viewers did :)
Besides after several complaints this paper stopped printing anything Gosselin, but all that has been written about them prior to that time is still stored in the archives. So the last thing this paper would do is to hire Jon Gosselin which of course would grant him access to their computer files.
Denise said...
I doubt anyone on this board has had any major achievements.
Is it safe to assume that you are including yourself in that assessment?
Anon 1 said...
MickeyMcKean said... An interesting read:
Satire or not? I kinda think it could be...Al Walentis' name is associated w/it and I didn't get the impression from some of the comments in his 'book', that he was a big fan of Jons.
At the bottom of the article it says in bright blue font "SATIRE" right under Al's name.
"Just because your SIL lives in Wasilla doesn't make her opinion of Sarah Palin any more valid than the next person's."
I disagree. I would think that if someone lives in Wasilla, where Palin was an elected official, that person would have much more access to local information, political bantering, and the goings-on of local government and its personnel than someone who lives far removed from the state and knew next to nothing about Palin until she became a national politician.
A Wasilla resident, therefore, could form an opinion of her mayor and governor based on an up close and perhaps personal knowledge of Palin in an area in which the former governor grew up and resides.
Anonymous said...
Jon and her have a rule; "No news is good news. Do not call me unless it is an emergency." this is for when either of them have custody of the children. Hard to believe Kate waits, or the kids call. Source: Jon & Kate Gosselin on J&K Plus 8 TLC
October 25, 2010 2:27 PM
i believe this was when they were still together. they were on the couch discussing when alexis had her mouth hurt when they were hiking in the woods of the property with jon.
it was also when the kids were always in their own home with their dad when kate was gone, not when they were in his one bedroom apt w/o their toys, beds, etc.
and even then remember the kids DID call kate when jon was at the house with stephanie s.
things may not be the same now.
TLC please adopt me! I promise to be good, be a quick learner, and not to beg for lots more monieee $$$!
Won't make demands, or act like a diva star, and I have 2 beautiful kids who are all up to par.
I will not hold them ransom over your heads, and not ask you to film in their beds!
Pleasssssseeee pick me! Oh, can't you see, I am the one for TLC! I can sell it, yes I can, and I won't even mention my ex ole man. Ladies, I am it! You will love me love me and my quick wit!
I got your back and knnnnnoooow how to act. I got my game on, and am head of the pack. Pick me, pick me, purdy pleaseee, pretty head woman at TLC!
I won't dress like a hooker or drink box wine, an will sit real purdy while "interviewung". I know a better than to be suing!
I know how to cry right on cue! I am the new star, just for you! Can I have a contract at 9 mil dollars, a private jet, and a nice condo? Call me, call me TLC, no place else I'd rather be!
"and even then remember the kids DID call kate when jon was at the house with stephanie s."
Really? I thought this was just speculation that this was what happened. Did Kate come out and say that the kids (Mady and Cara) called her when Jon was at the house with Stephanie? Was this in an interview? Do you have a link in which either Kate or Jon confirmed this? I thought this was reported in the Star, and heaven knows (pun intended), the Star always gets everything right, and the guillible will continue to be, well, guillible! Did the twins give an interview to the Star?
I'm really hesitant to post on this thread...But I will go ahead and say it...I like Sarah Palin.
Please don't throw any rotten tomatoes at me. LOL.
She, like Kate, is very polarizing judging by the comments on this thread. But Sarah, unlike Kate, has worked very hard to get where she is today. I think Sarah has a charismatic quality about her and she is able to fire people up - in good ways and in bad.
I wish Sarah success with her t.v. show, however, I wish it weren't on TLC. JMO.
The way I see Sarah Palin, I may disagree strongly with some of her opinions. But there are many opinions out there. As long as people are not exploiting children to make their way, or other objectionable things, it's fine. You can have your opinion. I wouldn't want somebody wanting me brought down because I like oranges, or prefer the color blue. If you lived your life trying to bring everyone who disagreed with you down it would be quite exhausting. Now if I were making my kids harvest oranges all day long, that's different.
I disagree with Sarah Palin. But she is not exploiting her kids to live her life. Kate is. It makes all the difference why many of us don't object to Sarah Palin, but we do to Kate. The difference is pretty crystal clear to me.
Kimmie said... and even then remember the kids DID call kate when jon was at the house with stephanie s.
I don't believe this has ever been verified and is nothing but rumor. If you can point me to an article containing the facts, I'd appreciate it.
I posted about KG because I was angry that I was fooled by her. I though for years she was this loving, caring mom, who didn't have any money, or real friends, whose family was estranged from her, and she really did use store coupons to save money. I felt sorry for her and the 8 children.
I could relate to all of that and her divorce. And the way her ex husband acted, and how he will not pay child support, all the women at the home, the drinking, and how he took the money from the account. I know what that is like. I have been there honey.
I feel sorry for me and my 2 kids too. I thought I knew from my own experience what she was going through. A single mom trying to make it when you really can't by yourself on one low income.
I was actually praying for her daily, like an idiot. I was given all of her books as gifts. I thought TLC was the most amazing network and watched many of the shows, even re-runs. Yes To The Dress, Kat, T&T, Cake Boss, The Duggars, and always Kate.
Then her children not wanting to be filmed anymore really bothered me. The court stuff, the fake wedding vows. Her having all this make overs, the clothing change, the unhealthy tanning, and so many paid helpers that was never mentioned. All the free stuff posted in US Weekly. The bodyguard reminded me of my ex husband cheating on me and how much that hurt and she did not appear blessed or grateful anymore. It seemed expected.
And then it came to surface how much money she has really made from all different types of sources, but here she goes, still actually crying on TV shows and in print saying that she was broke.
That is when I found this site. I posted mainly repeating what she has said herself. But I am done posting. It's her life. She looks very sad, and tired in the new picture taken by the paps. I don't want to add anymore to that. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings Kate. But your lies hurt mine.
I do hope she takes the kids into consideration and lets them be kids. I can't watch her show anymore. It is not the same. But good luck TLC, Kate and the Gosselin 8. :) Thanks ADMIN for letting my posts come through. Bye everyone.
Administrator said... Sarah Palin lost the election....but she ran for vice president. Have any of us ran for VP of the United States of America? Just being in a position where you are running for president I would hardly call that a joke, even if you lost. People make fun of her--big deal, people make fun of most politicians.
No doubt she is a very polarizing individual and has achieved some amazing success in her life. However, here in Canada, we saw her as a bigger hick than GW. Didn't McCain have advisors to tell her how to speak to the masses? She practically made GW look halfway intelligent and to do that is something. Having said that I wish her more success with her show because she isn't using her kids like Kart does.
Denise said... Judy K, are you saying a Downs syndrome child isn't a child or repeating the ludicrous theory that Bristol gave birth to both those boys?
Oh my goodness! I would NEVER EVER say anything negative about a Downs' Syndrome child...NEVER. NEVER about any child. However, many, many people have questioned the circumstances surrounding the birth of that sweet baby, and, after reading all the facts, I can certainly see why. I don't care for Palin's politics and don't think she's very bright or well-informed. However, I do think she has some charisma and likability, unlike her TLC counterpart, Kate Gosselin. And, for the record, my brother was born with a physical disability and I would never think less of anyone with any type of disability.
What bothered me about Sarah Palin when she was campaigning for VP is the exact same thing that bothers me about Kate and that is that she exploited her children to acheive her own goals. I felt so bad for Bristol, who as a teenager with an uplanned pregnancy, was forced to take the National Stage and spotlight to appear at events for her mother. The younger children seemed to be troted around with Sarah too, including the infant Trig, exposed to noise, bright lights and stressful trips. I won't even get into how much Sarah's political career has made her unavailable as a mother because I don't want to ignite the working mother debate. So Politics nonwithstanding, I believe that Sarah Palin in guilty of exploiting and using her children as props, just as Kate Gosselin has, if not to the same degree as Kate.
The Tony in the link above is not Tony Dovolani. Here is the link to Tony and Audriana's appearance on Ellen yesterday:
I disagree with Admin that SP got anywhere on merit. She got where she was with a wink, smile and clever maneuvering. Then she quit to make money. She's now a complete joke. At least Katie G. doesn't quit - and that's about all I can say for her.
Alaska is gorgeous. If someone else was hosting the show, I would watch it. SP has no allure for me in anyway.
I think the bell we hear tolling is Kate's 'career'.
"Just because your SIL lives in Wasilla doesn't make her opinion of Sarah Palin any more valid than the next person's. Her achievements in the last three years? Let's see...she lost an election, then quit her job mid-stream so she could reap the financial benefits of her new-found fame, after being plucked out of national obscurity by John McCain. A bunch of right-wing extremists love her and much of the country thinks she's a joke. Stunning, alright, but not in the way you mean."
I think her opinion is quite valid if it's objective and not just about hometown pride. And I don't care for SP at all. I think she's a mean girl, all grown up, just like KG.
Mama Grizzly said... "Just because your SIL lives in Wasilla doesn't make her opinion of Sarah Palin any more valid than the next person's."
I disagree. I would think that if someone lives in Wasilla, where Palin was an elected official, that person would have much more access to local information, political bantering, and the goings-on of local government and its personnel than someone who lives far removed from the state and knew next to nothing about Palin until she became a national politician.
A Wasilla resident, therefore, could form an opinion of her mayor and governor based on an up close and perhaps personal knowledge of Palin in an area in which the former governor grew up and resides.
Mama, I totally agree with you. Locals have the real insight into what's really going on. I grew up on the Cape, where the Kennedys have their compound. No one I knew on the Cape idolized the Kennedys because they really knew what they were all about (keep in mind that is on the Cape, not necessarily the rest of Massachusetts). All I can say is it makes my skin crawl whenever I hear someone call them "American Royalty". From the things I saw and heard on the local level, Royal is no way to describe a lot of members of that family. Guess they are part of the reason I'm a Republican LOL
As for Sarah, well there some aspects about her I appreciate (her sense of patriotism and support and recognition of our troops). And there are other areas I, like Admin, do not agree with. I personally don't think she's presidential material but I'm impressed with the fiscal victories she achieved in Alaska.
Love her or hate her, she has achieved more in her life than Kate ever will. Sarah did it on her own, through hard work and dedication. The only thing Kate is dedicated to is Kate and it becomes more and more apparent as time goes on. She'll never achieve the type of status that Sarah Palin has because she is too self absorbed.
Fiscal victories in Alaska? Alaska is in far worse condition since SP took over. Many Alaskans were thrilled when she quit. Alaska is a welfare state pure and simple, no matter what she may try to lead you to believe. Alaska is federally subsidized in nearly every way.
LisaNH...I agree. Kate is all about Kate. I am not a Palin fan at all, & I couldn't stand listening to her debate & talk politics, but at least she got where she was without riding the coattails of her children. This whole reality show thing? I think it's a bad idea, & it may hurt her reputation, AND her chances of re-election (not that I think she has a snowball chance in hell of a presidential bid) but, again, Kate could never do what Palin did in terms of getting to the top on her own. Kate's lazy.
Talking about your children is hardly the same as exploiting them. Most people who love their kids can't help talking about them. Maybe she's talking about them because they're on her mind and she loves them. Meanwhile Kate's face darkens when people try to switch the topic to her kids instead of herself--see the pic I did of her at the Emmys.
If anything Sarah Palin's kids were a liability, namely Bristol and her teen pregnancy. There was also a lot of controversy over her age when she had the baby and choosing not to abort. Her kids are a liability but she chooses to embrace them anyway.
I hate to divert any more space here to a discussion of Sarah Palin and her motives, but I also believe she exploits her children, tho not anywhere on the same level as Kate Gosselin. Those kids were trotted around everywhere during the short campaign period, starting with the convention. Her daughter's pregancy was not treated privately but on a public stage, which is perhaps why we see her today on DWTS. Again, this is not on the level of the G8 situation but the Palins are certainly not innocent of manipulating their young children for a photo op and beyond.
Re: Tony and Audriana's appearance on Ellen yesterday~
That was no ripple of amusement when Tony mentioned Kate Gosselin as his previous dance partner, it was an outright roar of laughter from the audience. I would feel sorry for her but it would just be wasted emotion on that woman. Maybe she can ignore that kind of embarrassing response from an audience on national tv but does she realize her kids go to school and will have to face that humiliation too? They're the ones who deserve sympathy. If that's life on a golden platter Kate can stick it.
In 1984, Palin won the Miss Wasilla pageant....and receiving both the Miss Congeniality award...
Now there's an award that Kate'll never win.
I was actually praying for her daily, like an idiot.
You weren't an idiot. And we can still pray for her. Pray that her eyes will be opened and that she will come to be a true, loving mommy for her kids. Pray that she will learn to not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk. (Calling herself a Christian but not acting like one.)
Administrator said...
Meanwhile Kate's face darkens when people try to switch the topic to her kids instead of herself--see the pic I did of her at the Emmys.
I remember watching the video of this and seeing Kate's reaction when the reporter asked about the kids. Kate's face did darken.
I wonder if Kate is "jellus" of her own children because they are so much more popular than she is. She wants to make it on her own but can't because she has nothing to offer except for diva-ish-ness.
I hate to divert any more space here to a discussion of Sarah Palin and her motives, but I also believe she exploits her children, tho not anywhere on the same level as Kate Gosselin.
Apples and oranges. Not even in the same fruit bowl. There is no exploitation by Sarah. Those kids don't work to support her; their private moments aren't photographed and their childhoods haven't been taken away at the hands of a mother whose only accomplishment in life is having six babies at once.
Bristol Palin had a choice in all of it. The Gosselins were never offered a choice.
So, by your reasoning, anyone who takes his/her children on the campaign trail is guilty of child exploitation? There have been quite a few who have done this. I remember seeing the Bush girls with their father at many campaign stops around the country. Child exploitation must run rampant in Washington.
If Sarah Palin had kept her kids hidden, specifically Bristol and Trig, she would be accused of being ashamed of them. She can't win either way, whether she hides them or allows them to be public. Whereas if Kate would give her children back some of the privacy she so brutally stole from them, she could actually win.
In any case, I don't recall ever seeing any of her kids vomit, poop, or work with double ear infections.
Like I said, this should not be a SP discussion, but really, do you not think there was not just a little manipulation/exploitation of the Palin children on the campaign trail? Most notably the very public presentation of her pregnant teenage daughter and newly minted fiance, on stage, front and center. I felt so badly for them. And then dragging the school age children on the campaign trail through a whole series of hotels, buses, stages, etc. I am going to say again that I am not comparing this to the Gosselin situation, but I maintain that this is its own level of exploitation. And as far as the Bush girls go, they were in college, almost adults, on that campaign trail. If you go back far enough in this vein, Amy Carter was hardly ever seen as her parents kept her far away from most of that campaign.
Apples and oranges perhaps, but the Palins are also signed up on the TLC gravy train; I have never seen politics and reality tv blurred quite as much.
Lauren said...I remember watching the video of this and seeing Kate's reaction when the reporter asked about the kids. Kate's face did darken.
Unless you're giving her high praise for being the hardest working mother on the planet, you are banned from her court. Case in point was Admin's comment at her book signing. One simple question and she was escorted out. And if looks could kill Bruno would have dropped dead on the spot when he criticized her dancing. She knows what she is and she doesn't like to be called out on it.
I'm really hesitant to post on this thread...But I will go ahead and say it...I like Sarah Palin.
Please don't throw any rotten tomatoes at me. LOL.
She, like Kate, is very polarizing judging by the comments on this thread. But Sarah, unlike Kate, has worked very hard to get where she is today. I think Sarah has a charismatic quality about her and she is able to fire people up - in good ways and in bad.
Ever notice how the media always call the women politician who are not liberals "polarizing" but not the men? I find this sexist. I, for one, find our current president polarizing...
Hippie Chick said... LisaNH...I agree. Kate is all about Kate. I am not a Palin fan at all, & I couldn't stand listening to her debate & talk politics, but at least she got where she was without riding the coattails of her children. This whole reality show thing? I think it's a bad idea, & it may hurt her reputation, AND her chances of re-election (not that I think she has a snowball chance in hell of a presidential bid) but, again, Kate could never do what Palin did in terms of getting to the top on her own. Kate's lazy.
And we've never heard Sarah Palin running around saying "I ran with Sen. John McCain on the presidential ticket" the way Kate has said numerous times "I'm a nurse! No really, I am a nurse!". LOL.
You're right, Kate is lazy and I suspect that now that her "career" is winding down, she'll probably treat the kids like servents like she did with Jon, "Joel, I'm exhausted. Bring me some wine! No, not that wine, the one from the box!. There's too many ice cubes in the wine, take one out! Hannah, bring me my US Weekly! Now turn the pages. Stop, you're turning them too fast!You kids just don't know how to take care of me!"
Can't stand Sara Palin and what she stands for BUT I believe Kate's obnoxious behavior to her was rude rude rude. I wonder if when TLC saw her antics to another of their stars, let alone a former governor and candidate for VP, they decided it was time to end the circus. I am sure Sara has more clout with viewers than Kate has. Heck with Bristol dancing her best last night she might have more clout too!
Administrator said... If Sarah Palin had kept her kids hidden, specifically Bristol and Trig, she would be accused of being ashamed of them. She can't win either way, whether she hides them or allows them to be public.
I think this whole thing of Sarah Palin having her kids at the convention (exploiting them??, seriously?) is a non-issue. Every Pres./VP candidate has had their children, even grandchildren, make an appearance at some point during their campaign. IMO, that's just an attempt to cast aspersions on Sarah Palin and her politics.
I agree with Anon 1 - every candidate trots their kids out at some point. I seem to remember the Obama girls at various functions. I know that we all differ on our political views, but can we please stop and keep to the matters at hand :~)
Re: Kate in the jogging pics w/black eye and cheek bruise
I bet she had her wonky eye fixed.
my9cats said... Can't stand Sara Palin and what she stands for BUT I believe Kate's obnoxious behavior to her was rude rude rude. I wonder if when TLC saw her antics to another of their stars, let alone a former governor and candidate for VP, they decided it was time to end the circus. I am sure Sara has more clout with viewers than Kate has. Heck with Bristol dancing her best last night she might have more clout too!
October 26, 2010 3:06 PM
I absolutely cannot stand Sarah Palin either. The kindest thing I can say about her is that she is a no-brain dingbat and her politics - well, I can't even go there - it's frightening!! Nonetheless, whether we like someone or not and we are in a situation like Take was with her, the only way to behave is with grace and manners. As we know, Take has neither. Rude is her middle name - it is her standard way of behaving. I tend to agree that TLC had to "see" Take up close and personal with a figure like Palin whom TLC is counting on to generate big bucks and big ratings! The only potentially good thing about Palin is that she may have unknowingly served to take Take down a peg in TLC's eyes.
"but can we please stop and keep to the matters at hand :~)"
I was rather enjoying the break from all Kate all the time.
Admin,I have a question you might be able to shed some light on... According to Ellen Ross, Jon's girlfriend, the G8 contract runs through February 2012. So - if TLC is planning to can Take and her 8, then will TLC have to "buy out" the contract? That is, will they have to pay Take "severance" or something like that? I cannot imagine that this horror show can continue after Nov. 7. What do you think?
Sorry, this is a bit off topic.
Isn't it remarkable that no close family members, on either side, have come forward in a public manner to say that the filming has not hurt the Gosselin children?
Yes the poor exploited Obama girls they made many public appearances alongside their mother and father too. Obviously that's ridiculous, their parents clearly do a great job giving them their privacy despite having very public jobs. The Clintons were also very guarding of Chelsea. There was a point I remember where they refused to discuss her. She was none of America's business.
Crabitha Codswallop said... Sorry, this is a bit off topic.
Isn't it remarkable that no close family members, on either side, have come forward in a public manner to say that the filming has not hurt the Gosselin children?
You make an excellent point. If what Kate was doing was so supported by the family where are they? Why haven't they rallied around her. Some people say silence means acceptance, but sometimes silence doesn't mean that at all--it means the opposite, disapproval. Has Kate's "mom" spoken since Radar busted the story and she ran for the hills? The one person who ever came out in defense of her disappeared as soon as mainstream media picked up the story.
Crabitha Codswallop said...
Sorry, this is a bit off topic.
Isn't it remarkable that no close family members, on either side, have come forward in a public manner to say that the filming has not hurt the Gosselin children?
Jody and Kevin testified at Rep. Murt's first hearing.
Sorry, I misread the comment regarding no family has come out and said the filming has "not" hurt the children - "not" being the key word I missed.
I do not agree with every parenting choice Sarah Palin makes, you would be hard pressed to find two parents who agree on every last little point. I do question whether she should drag the kids along on a campaign trail. But I would also question whether she should leave the kids behind and have them be without their mother for weeks and weeks like Kate does when she takes for Mexico, NY, LA and the like. And I think a campaign trail can have a lot of educational benefits.
That said, we need to keep in mind that Bristol is completely differently situated from the Gosselins. She was well old enough to give her consent whether she wanted to participate in her mother's campaign, and whether she wanted to talk about her baby. She was born in 1990, which would make her ALMOST 18 at the time of the campaign, I believe, if not 18. It is not child exploitation if the person is not even a child. As a matter of law our country has decided that you are an adult at 18 and can do whatever you want except drink and can thus decide whether you want to be filmed. And Bristol has chosen, as an adult, to continue to speak publically about abstenance and to continue to be a public figure by going on DWTS. You cannot pin that on her mother, as her mother has no control of her anymore, legally, and also, would not be entitled to a dime of her DWTS' earnings, unlike Kate who can suck the kids dry by law.
If and when the Gosselin children become old enough to decide whether being public is right for them, that is their right to be public. But now, at age 6 and 10, they are nowhere close to having the mental and emotional capacity an 18-year-old has to make a choice like that.
By the way thank you everyone for keeping the topic civil and respectful. For the few who can't handle it, sorry I had to delete your comments.
This thread has proven that political-type issues can be discussed like grown adults without it breaking into a flame war. It's been a good discussion.
LOL just had to share this, here's one Gosselin that CAN dance.
Now this is how a caring mother reacts and protects her children. She doesn't go on Regis and Kelly or anywhere else and bash their father.
Denise Richards when asked about the Charlie Sheens latest drunken incident......
My daughters are five and six years old," she explained. "And they're at an age when they can start to understand, they have no idea what went on and a lot of ... our stuff happened when they were much younger, which I'm so grateful for."
Hi everyone,
Just a background question from me. Was it ever confirmed through pictures or by TLC/Sarah P or anyone who put their name to it that Kate left the campgrounds in a huff? It is not that I doubt for one minute that she is capable of this but I am wondering if pics of her with Sarah and the Palins were ever printed, if there is concrete proof of the events.
Ever notice how the media always call the women politician who are not liberals "polarizing" but not the men? I find this sexist. I, for one, find our current president polarizing...
It's the nature of the political beast to be polarizing. Even with all the talk of reaching across the aisle, the truth is most politicians
stand very firmly on the political platform of their own party, which is almost the definition of polarizing. I can't name a national official past or present who is not polarizing to some great extent. Having supporters and detractors is part of the deal. Otherwise, we'd all be living in apathy about our govt.
As a Canadian I stay out of American politics, have enough going on in my own country. (had a local election yesterday, my BFF's mom won a seat on the school board. It was the first time she ran for anything and she got 46% of the popular vote. Four people in the race.)
Anyway, during the campaign didn't some reporter ask Obama to comment on Bristols "situation" and he fixed his glare on the guy and said his mother had him when she was young. Or something like that. Basically saying keep the kids out of the equation.
Michelle Obama has made many statements regarding how she feels about her girls being in the public eye and I like her take on things.
And maybe Kate could take a cue from this. When Ty made Obama girls Beanie Babies, the White House issued this statement:
"We believe it is inappropriate to use young, private citizens for marketing purposes."
Yeah, that's right. And that goes for Juicy-Juice, too.
And by the way there are about two things I agree with the Obamas on, and one of them is how they are handling their children being thrust into the public eye not by choice.
I don't care what your politics are as long as you don't exploit your kids.
Administrator said...
I do not agree with every parenting choice Sarah Palin makes, you would be hard pressed to find two parents who agree on every last little point. I do question whether she should drag the kids along on a campaign trail. But I would also question whether she should leave the kids behind and have them be without their mother for weeks and weeks like Kate does when she takes for Mexico, NY, LA and the like. And I think a campaign trail can have a lot of educational benefits.
That said, we need to keep in mind that Bristol is completely differently situated from the Gosselins. She was well old enough to give her consent whether she wanted to participate in her mother's campaign, and whether she wanted to talk about her baby. She was born in 1990, which would make her ALMOST 18 at the time of the campaign, I believe, if not 18. It is not child exploitation if the person is not even a child...
Sarah Palin did more than bring her kids on the trail, as most politicians do. She used her youngest child's disability for political gain. Personally, I find that inexcusable.
While Bristol may not have been the age of the Gosselin children, she was a pregnant minor at the time of the campaign. (She turned 18 a couple of weeks before the election.) Sorry, but I'm not willing to assume that she had much choice about becoming America's poster child for unwed motherhood. It is entirely possible (yes, I'm aware that I'm speculating) that if she wanted to remain at home with her parents' support, she had to agree to go public. While technically a "choice" in reality that would not be much of a choice when you're 17 years old and about to be responsible for a child.
I didn't know where else to contact you, but I am so upset by the fact that Tony and Audrina got voted off DWTS tonight that I needed to express my feelings about this. I have been suspicious that this show is rigged for some time, and the fact that Bristol Palin is still there reminds me of how I felt when Kate G. stayed and stayed on the show when better dancers were voted off. Rigged, do you think? I know many, many people were giving all their votes to Tony. He deserved to WIN considering what he put up with last season with Kate G. He and his partner was fantastic. Judge Len Goodman even admonished the public tonight. Hope you watched it, sad as it was.
Admin said..."When Ty made Obama girls Beanie Babies, the White House issued this statement:"
Ty made the girls Beanie Babies and they weren't allowed to accept them? I don't remember hearing that. I do remember that the company made dolls (not Beanie Babies) and denied that they were created in the likeness of Sasha and Malia. Is this what you mean? Did they also make Beanies named after the girls?
Merette mused: "I absolutely cannot stand Sarah Palin either. The kindest thing I can say about her {Palin} is that she is a no-brain dingbat"
I've known some no-brain dingbats in my lifetime, but never one who ever was elected the governor of a state (and yes, I have known governors). One cannot be totally without brains to hold such a high political office. Dingbats, maybe; no-brains, it doesn't happen.
cathy518 said...Was it ever confirmed through pictures or by TLC/Sarah P or anyone who put their name to it that Kate left the campgrounds in a huff? It is not that I doubt for one minute that she is capable of this but I am wondering if pics of her with Sarah and the Palins were ever printed, if there is concrete proof of the events.
It was National Enquirer that ran the story about Kate's camping meltdown with Sarah Palin. Yes, it was a tabloid that leaked this information but it's also the same tabloid that was considered for a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the John Edwards scandal.
Scan of full print article:
The incident was never confirmed or denied by TLC, Sarah Palin, or Kate Gosselin herself. No photos have been leaked of the Gosselins and Palins together.
TLC only confirmed that the Gosselins would go camping with the Palins, so that part is fact.
Ty made black little girl dolls called "Sweet Sasha" and "Marvelous Malia" then when the White House announced how inappropriate that was, they tried to deny it was ever modeled after the girls. Right, they just happened to name black dolls that right around the start of the presidency. Sure.
That's one of those "gimme a break" moments.
I bet you anything Ty sent the dolls to the White House expecting a warm reception, then when instead the White House put them in the trash and issued a statement saying how inappropriate that was, they backpeddled. Typical slimeball move. Why can't they just say yes that is what we did and in hindsight we realize now that wasn't appropriate and we're sorry. Nope, they have to just lie about it. Sounds so familiar. Hell if we'll ever get an apology out of TLC either for exploiting those kids.
I found a link that tries to explain why Jon & Kate separated after 10 years. Their explanation is based on Chinese astrology, and here's what they say:
"Born March 28, 1975, Kate Gosselin's primary personality traits are ruled by the Chinese Zodiac elemental animal, the Wood Rabit. Her sense of calm and a modest, unassuming presence is just what is needed to smooth ruffled feathers. The Rabbit's love of peace can manifest itself in a somewhat negative way as a love of comfort. She may generally avoid any kind of confrontation, as much because it disturbs her peace of mind as because she is fundamentally a timid soul who withers under criticism."
I beg to differ. Kate is NOT timid at ALL, and she is anything but calm. I have never believed in astrology, and I'm not about to now.
Anonymous, that's really quite wild speculation that Sarah told her she would be kicked out of the house if she did not cooperate with the campaign trail. I have never heard such a thing about this situation.
Levy Johnston gave Vanity Faire a scathing interview about Sarah Palin and said some mean things about her, but even he never suggested the kids were forced to come along.
Bristol Palin is now an adult and is choosing the public eye. That suggests her experience was not some kind of horrible forced nightmare.
Here is the link:
I am so upset by the fact that Tony and Audrina got voted off DWTS tonight that I needed to express my feelings about this. I have been suspicious that this show is rigged for some time, and the fact that Bristol Palin is still there reminds me of how I felt when Kate G. stayed and stayed on the show when better dancers were voted off. Rigged, do you think? I know many, many people were giving all their votes to Tony. He deserved to WIN considering what he put up with last season with Kate G. He and his partner was fantastic. Judge Len Goodman even admonished the public tonight. Hope you watched it, sad as it was.
I know how you feel! I watched DWTS last season, and was SO SO upset when Buzz Aldrin got voted off and Kate Gosselin was still on. What the heck?! He was so sweet, and she was just a bratty diva. Plus the fact that she didn't even TRY to work, and it showed. How in the world was she still able to stay on for as long as she did?
I think the sad reality is Tony doesn't have as much of an appeal as say someone like pretty-boy young Leo Derrick or bad boy Macks or Marc.
Tony is the settled Dad. I think in general, viewers don't find him as interesting. I think the reality is his fan base is not as big no matter who is partner is. At least 2 or 3 other dancers should have gone way before he did. Poor guy can't catch a break.
Karen said... Admin,
I didn't know where else to contact you, but I am so upset by the fact that Tony and Audrina got voted off DWTS tonight that I needed to express my feelings about this. I have been suspicious that this show is rigged for some time, and the fact that Bristol Palin is still there reminds me of how I felt when Kate G. stayed and stayed on the show when better dancers were voted off. Rigged, do you think? I know many, many people were giving all their votes to Tony. He deserved to WIN considering what he put up with last season with Kate G. He and his partner was fantastic. Judge Len Goodman even admonished the public tonight. Hope you watched it, sad as it was.
Karen, it was an absolute travesty. I think the Judges should overrule the vote and bring them back. I'm through with DWTS after this.
Anonymous said..
She used her youngest child's disability for political gain. Personally, I find that inexcusable.
Examples please?
Anonymous said..
Sorry, but I'm not willing to assume that she had much choice about becoming America's poster child for unwed motherhood
I thought we were past the age of "unwed mothers" having to go in seclusion for 9 mos. on a "trip to Europe".
Karen said..
the fact that Bristol Palin is still there reminds me of how I felt when Kate G. stayed and stayed on the show when better dancers were voted off. Rigged, do you think?
Or folks are showing their support for Sarah Palin by voting for Bristol.
Leo Derrick - Is that Derek Hough you're speaking of?
Karen said...
I didn't know where else to contact you, but I am so upset by the fact that Tony and Audrina got voted off DWTS tonight that I needed to express my feelings about this. I have been suspicious that this show is rigged for some time, and the fact that Bristol Palin is still there reminds me of how I felt when Kate G. stayed and stayed on the show when better dancers were voted off. Rigged, do you think? I know many, many people were giving all their votes to Tony. He deserved to WIN considering what he put up with last season with Kate G. He and his partner was fantastic. Judge Len Goodman even admonished the public tonight. Hope you watched it, sad as it was.
Tony deserved to win because he was paired with Kate last season? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. How is that fair to the current crop of contestants?
I'm not sure why you would be so genuinely upset about a dance contest on television. It's not exactly life or death. Any television show that includes public voting is a popularity contest. It's not about the quality of the performance. I really don't think Tony's partner has a huge fan base. The Hills audience and the DWTS audience probably don't have much overlap. She was quite good and it's unfortunate that she was sent packing before others who aren't as good, but such is life on these types of shows.
"He deserved to WIN considering what he put up with last season with Kate G."
Contestants don't deserve to win because they put up with an obnoxious partner in the previous season. That's not a criteria for winning! It's SUPPOSED to be about dancing skills. It is not. It is a popularity contest. They may not have been the best dancers, but they sure as heck weren't the worst. I'm done with DWTS. If it's not an out-and-out rigged contest, there's something going on. It is indeed fishy. It just reeks.
I'm so disappointed that the people voted Audrina and Tony off the show this evening.
Doesn't say much about our collective taste in discerning talent.
Tony deserved to win and Audrina was great. What happened?
Oh yeah, these are the same people who voted to keep Kate on the show for so long.
For those of us on the West Coast, it would be nice if the show wasn't spoiled by getting the results before the end.
Leo Derrick - Is that Derek Hough you're speaking of?
Yes as I said, "young Leo." The reference is a young Leonardo DiCaprio, whom Derrick looks like. I guess when I was a kid when you said Leo everyone knew who that meant, lol. Like Cher!
I thought we were past the age of "unwed mothers" having to go in seclusion for 9 mos. on a "trip to Europe".
Yeah really. It does no one any good for Bristol to hide away in shame, least of all the baby. She had sex young and happened to get pregnant--regardless of whether that was right it happened and you can choose to use it for good, as she is, or let it eat you away until you have ruined your life, your child's life, and the baby's father's life. I admire anyone who makes something good out of poor choices. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes. Gosh, especially someone her age. It's how you react to them after that really counts.
People wonder why some people are willing to forgive Jon. Because some people believe that if you make efforts to fix a mistake you should be supported. Kate would be awarded the same courtesy by many people. If she ever managed to admit she made a mistake, ever.
In the future if you did put SPOILER ALERT before announcing something big like this that would be nice.
I too had it spoiled as I'm not on the east coast.
She used her youngest child's disability for political gain. Personally, I find that inexcusable.
Examples please?
I think you insult America's voters. Just because someone is talking about their Down Syndrome child doesn't mean voters are going to say oh dear a baby with special needs I must vote for his mother. In fact, the voting results spoke just the opposite, that people overwhelming voted for Obama and it did not matter that the other candidate had a child with special needs. I appreciate her honesty about finding out Trg had DS. She's not playing some martyr, she was open about how it turned her world upside down. It makes her a real person. It is an amazing thing to commit to a child with these kind of severe special needs. Many people abort. And if you've ever been priviledged to have a child like this in your life, as I have, you will have all the more deeper respect for the families raising them.
If she never mentioned Trig people would say she is ashamed of her Down Syndrome child.
Anon 1 said...
I thought we were past the age of "unwed mothers" having to go in seclusion for 9 mos. on a "trip to Europe".
Her pregnancy became a topic of national discussion. Clearly, we haven't come that far.
Sarah didn't win. Why not get the chip off your shoulder?
Quote from Yahoo! DWTS Spoiler article:
"Next week's "Dancing" episode will mark the show's 200th episode and more than 50 former celebrity contenders will be back for the monumental event.
Helio Castroneves, Kelly Osbourne, Emmitt Smith, Drew Lachey, Mel B and Gilles Marini will all return to serve as guest judges, while Apolo Anton Ohno and Kristi Yamaguchi will also be back to serve as head team captains for a group dance round with the show's current contenders."
Will Kate Gosselin sneak her way into this episode? Or, will she be blacklisted?
Administrator said...
I think you insult America's voters. Just because someone is talking about their Down Syndrome child doesn't mean voters are going to say oh dear a baby with special needs I must vote for his mother.
I didn't say the mere mention of the child would get her votes. I said she used her child for political gain, which she did. She used her child to appeal to the pro-life crowd. She used her child to appeal to voters with children with special needs by telling them they'd have an advocate. Did she discuss specific policies? No, she simply alluded to her own child. Then there are more recent comments such as this:
"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care."
My feeling is that if Bristol (and the entire Palin family) can turn Bristol's surprise pregnancy into something good and help young people know the risks of premarital sex, then it's OK with me. It's like an addicted person learning a lesson and carrying the message to others who might fall into the same trap. I don't have a problem with how they handled her pregancy during the election season.
If dancing on DWTS brings Bristol into the light for some kids who may not really know who she is, her message about abstinance may reach a bigger audience.
I don't think this has anything at all to do with Sarah, I think it's about Bristol and her
turning her surprise pregnancy into something helpful for others. Also, it showed that families can band together when the unexpected happens, offering support. What Sarah's political intentions were is mere speculation, IMO. Her intentions to keep her family unit strong seems clearer to me.
Spoken as a definite non-Palin supporter on the political scene.
Her pregnancy became a topic of national discussion. Clearly, we haven't come that far.
The public discussion of this DOES prove that we have come that far. She wasn't hidden away. It was the topic of national discussion, not the subject of whisper down the lane. It was openly discussed. When was the last time you heard gossip about, or knew of someone who was secretly whisked off in the middle of the night to the Cedarvale Home For Unwed Mothers? We've come a long, long way from the 1940s, 1950s, when unmarried women were a blight on society, a social stigma. I'm sure some of those homes still exist, but they are few and far between, seeing their demise in the 1970s.
I do not think that unwed mothers should be forced to hide in shame.
I'm equally disturbed by the fact that we live in a society that supports (emotionally and financially) each and every young girl who was too dumb to keep her legs closed or use birth control.
Shouldn't there be something in the middle?
Accept without celebrating or rewarding a youthful mistake?
On Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Jimmy asked Tony if he is still in touch with Kate. Tony said 'well I try but she doesn't answer",
. I said she used her child for political gain, which she did. She used her child to appeal to the pro-life crowd. She used her child to appeal to voters with children with special needs by telling them they'd have an advocate.
But the pro-lifers were going to vote for her anyway as they vote Republican overwhelmingly, so why would she waste so much time trying to pander to them when she is just preaching to the choir? What some people say is pandering I think was just sharing a life experience. As far as promising people she would be an advocate, I think she was telling the truth. Usually the best advocates for those with special needs are people who have had direct experience with special needs. She was being honest--this is my area I'm interested in. It's no different than Obama saying health care is my area. Usually people who are behind a cause so passionately have some personal connection--MADD is one example. And in any case, that was just one small area of her campaign. You can't base a presidential campaign on the families out there with special needs--what's that, maybe 5% of voters? I highly doubt Sarah Palin sat around in the bunker brainstorming ways to win the campaign based on going after families with babies like Trig. You don't get to where she is without knowing some basic campaign rules, and I'm sure she knows most people don't care one way or the other whether her baby is special needs. I don't care about Bristol. I don't care whether her child is special needs. I did vote Republican that year based on the issues. Again, people voted on the issues and they wanted Obama at the time. Obama, who made a crass special Olympics joke, is the man they wanted. In any case, Sarah Palin doesn't need to push it down our throats her baby has DS, everyone can see for themselves.
Yes we have come far when it comes to unwed mothers. I think if a girl Bristol's age has the courage to stand up and say I made a mistake don't do what I do, that is quite impressive for someone so young. Which is more than can be said of Kate, who is 15 years older than Bristol and yet couldn't admit her mistakes if the election depended on it.
Didn't Obama talk about his mother dying of cancer and problems with her health care? Did she give him permission to talk about her? Golly gee he exploited his mother! The mere fact that you are sharing a personal experience with others does not automatically mean you are trying to exploit your family for votes. Rather, you may just be trying to relate to the voters.
Obama said: "This is something very personal for me. My mother, when she contracted cancer, the insurance companies started suggesting that, well, maybe this was a preexisting condition. Maybe you could have diagnosed it before you actually purchased your insurance. Ultimately, they gave in but she had to spend weeks fighting with insurance companies while she's in the hospital bed, writing letters back and forth just to get coverage for insurance that she had already paid premiums on."
Hey sheeple...The Womens Convention started in California today.Where's kate?The bestest hardest working single mother in America dosent seem to be slated to appear at all!
I'm just flabergasted by this!Are we really going to be denied all of kates wisdom?How are we going to get past this?Man...this just isnt fair! I know!!They are all just jellus haters! Thats why mommy dearest didnt get an invite!!!!
OR...maybe people have figured out that kate is fake.That kate only plays a mommy when the cameras are rolling.That everytime she opens her mouth shes lying.Take your pick!
Yes Yes I know...Every woman whose speaking at that convention is just a jellus hater...thats the broken record you love to play over and over again.
Anyway,the less I see or have to hear about kate is music to MY ears.
On Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Jimmy asked Tony if he is still in touch with Kate. Tony said 'well I try but she doesn't answer",
This is not only further proof Kate estranges whoever is of no use to her anymore, but also proof she wouldn't know an opportunity if it hit her in the face. She could have added Tony to her Rolodex of people who might help her get to the next step. Remember he once tweeted that TLC was meeting with him? Kate probably stopped that from panning out into anything. A million bucks it was a show idea to include Tony that Kate didn't want to see happen because she was petrified it might take attention away from her.
What Kate doesn't understand is that this is not a zero sum game--your gains or losses balanced by the other parties' gains and losses. Instead it is an ever expanding pie where everyone can get a piece if played correctly. For example, paying Aunt Jodi.
In Kate's pea brain, she thinks we pay Aunt Jodi that's less money for me. Actually, no, you pay Aunt Jodi, Kate still gets paid what Kate gets paid, Aunt Jodi brings in new viewers and helps keep the old who like her, Aunt Jodi becomes a "character" everyone counts on, the show makes more money, Aunt Jodi AND Kate make more money. But noooo, had to be Kate's way. And karma is a bitch--Jodi turns around and testifies against her.
She is such an amateur to this it's just sad.
Admin said..."I don't care about Bristol. I don't care whether her child is special needs."
I didn't really follow the Sarah/Bristol/pregnancy thing. Does Bristol's baby have special needs, too?
Bristol is paid between $15,000 to $30,000 per abstinence speech. I believe that her motives are not so altruistic.
Regardless of everyones pesonal opinions on this topic, there is tons of FACTS that prove that the abstinence education route has dismal results.
Each year, U.S. teens experience as many as 850,000 pregnancies, and youth under age 25 experience about 9.1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs).[1,2] By age 18, 70 percent of U.S. females and 62 percent of U.S. males have initiated vaginal sex.[3] Comprehensive sex education is effective at assisting young people to make healthy decisions about sex and to adopt healthy sexual behaviors.[4,5,6,7] No abstinence-only-until-marriage program has been shown to help teens delay the initiation of sex or to protect themselves when they do initiate sex[8,9,10,11] Yet, the U.S. government has spent over one billion dollars supporting abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.[12] Although the U.S. government ignores it, adolescents have a fundamental human right to accurate and comprehensive sexual health information.[8,11]
Abstinence-Only Programs Are Dangerous, Ineffective, and Inaccurate.
The Society for Adolescent Medicine recently declared that “abstinence-only programs threaten fundamental human rights to health, information, and life.”[8,11]
According to Columbia University researchers, virginity pledge programs increase pledge-takers’ risk for STIs and pregnancy. The study concluded that 88 percent of pledge-takers initiated sex prior to marriage even though some delayed sex for a while. Rates of STIs among pledge-takers and non-pledgers were similar, even though pledge-takers initiated sex later. Pledge-takers were less likely to seek STI testing and less likely to use contraception when they did have sex.[20,21]
Evaluations of the effectiveness of state-funded abstinence-only-until-marriage programs found no delay in first sex. In fact, of six evaluations that assessed short-term changes in behavior, three found no changes, two found increased sexual activity from pre- to post-test, and one showed mixed results. Five evaluations looked for but found no long-term impact in reducing teens’ sexual activity.[9]
Analysis of data from Youth Risk Behavior surveys found that sexual activity among high school youth declined significantly from 1991 to 1997, prior to large-scale funding of abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, but changed little from 1999 to 2003 with federal funding of such programs.[22]
Analysis of federally funded abstinence-only curricula found that over 80 percent of curricula supported by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services contained false, misleading, or distorted information about reproductive health. Specifically, they conveyed:
False information about the effectiveness of contraceptives;
False information about the risks of abortion;
Religious beliefs as scientific fact;
Stereotypes about boys and girls as scientific fact; and
Medical and scientific errors of fact.[23]
Administrator said...
Didn't Obama talk about his mother dying of cancer and problems with her health care? Did she give him permission to talk about her? Golly gee he exploited his mother! The mere fact that you are sharing a personal experience with others does not automatically mean you are trying to exploit your family for votes. Rather, you may just be trying to relate to the voters.
Since Obama's mother is dead, it would have been a tad difficult for him to do the equivalent of Sarah Palin and drag his dying mother around to campaign stops to remind the voters how important health care was to him. Not to mention that Obama had a specific policy associated with his discussion of his mother. Sarah Palin did not. She simply used her baby's existence to pander for votes.
I don't watch DWTS, so I'd like to ask those of you who do watch:
How many weeks did Kate appear on the show, as compared with how many weeks Audrina appeared?
I do know that Kate was terrible, and Audrina has been on TV with Tony and he compliments her on how well she was doing.
Just wondering because it sounds like Kate should have been gone the first week. Sounds like she stayed as many weeks (or almost) as an excellent dancer.
Thanks in advance for the answer.
Administrator said... I think the sad reality is Tony doesn't have as much of an appeal as say someone like pretty-boy young Leo Derrick or bad boy Macks or Marc.
To me Tony has no appeal. IMO he has a sense of entitlement just like Kate does. To me he seems to think he is the best dancer and he deserves to win. I don't think he is all that at all; look at Derek and Maks, they are heads and tails better than Tony is. They put so much more in their routine than Tony ever has. Don't blame Tony's partners....he is the anchor there (and NO I am NOT making excuses for Kate, she is as lazy a dancer as Tony is a teacher). Halifax, Nova Scotia, has quite a large Serbian population and, at the cost of sounding racist, (which I do not mean to sound) they are quite content to let others serve them. They don't go out of their way to work one bit. Tony is also a hypocrit. He had nothing but good to say about Kate when DWTS was on and only months after the fact turned face. Don't like Tony and don't think he will ever win.
Personally, I am sick & tied of this teenage mom crap. Bristol Palin, those shows, etc. I know this is WAY off topic, but glamorizing teenage pregnancy, then, like Bristol, being picked for DWTS, just shows how dumbed down our country is. These girls are famous WHY? Because they were stupid enough to become pregnant at 16? I'm NOT saying that everyone is stupid to become pregnant when they are teens, it happens. But these girls becoming famous for it? They are on the covers of all the rags, all the time. Bristol is NOT a star! This is just like Kate, whom people idolize. Its insane! I don't get what passes for celebrities these days...
Livvy said...
On Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Jimmy asked Tony if he is still in touch with Kate. Tony said 'well I try but she doesn't answer"
Wow, looks like Tony been added to her "sh*t-list". Why should she "answer" his calls, he has no purpose in her life now.
Kate has a serious disconnect with everyone around her- family, friends, fans, etc... so Kate not returning Tony's calls is par for the "Kate-course".
I will be extremely surprised if she participates in the DWTS alumni show.
"Otherwise, we'd all be living in apathy about our govt."
You may not have noticed but most of us are doing just that.
Hi Markiesnana, I have been watching DWTS for a few seasons...not from the begining. Kate made it to the 5th week. That season they had 11 couples and no one was eliminated the 1st week. So, Kate made it thru 3 eliminations. Kate considered this half way. I didn't, but, she did.
This is a little OT- I am reading Michael J. Fox 1st book "Lucky Man". In it, he talks about when he and Tracy Pollan were getting married and he said the National Enquirer was the 1st tabloid to find out where the wedding was going to be. They were also the 1st tab. to find out he had Parkinson's Disease. They are not always wrong. They were right both times with him.
Bristol Palin did not attend an "Abstinence Only" High School. They had sex ed.
Did anyone notice that Heart sang Barracuda,, the song that they were angry when it was used for Sarah Palin?
Long time lurker here, and I just had to comment about this thread. Could we please lay off the snarky comments about Bristol and Sarah Palin? I'm NOT here to read other people's political opinion - if I wanted to do that, there are plenty of blogs all over the political spectrum for that!
One of the reasons I enjoy this particular blog (and kudos to you for a job well done, Admin) is that most of the posters try to be fair-minded and support those innocent Gosselin children. That's why I'm here.
Don't blame Tony's partners....he is the anchor there (and NO I am NOT making excuses for Kate, she is as lazy a dancer as Tony is a teacher). Halifax, Nova Scotia, has quite a large Serbian population and, at the cost of sounding racist, (which I do not mean to sound) they are quite content to let others serve them.
Driton (Tony) Dovolani is not Serbian name, it's Albanian. Tony lived in Kosovo until he was 15 and then moved to US.
I didn't say the mere mention of the child would get her votes. I said she used her child for political gain, which she did. She used her child to appeal to the pro-life crowd. She used her child to appeal to voters with children with special needs by telling them they'd have an advocate. Did she discuss specific policies? No, she simply alluded to her own child.
Saying that she "used her child to appeal to the prolife crowd" implies that she was being a phony: since she IS prolife, she is therefore being sincere. So sincere, that she "walked the walk, not just talked the talk". Besides, all politicians use their life story to relate to the voters--war records, childhood of poverty, adopting a child, father from Kenya--whatever happened to them in their life is used. I have no problem with that. I don't think they should be criticized for doing it.
lovetoread62 said...
Saying that she "used her child to appeal to the prolife crowd" implies that she was being a phony: since she IS prolife, she is therefore being sincere. So sincere, that she "walked the walk, not just talked the talk". Besides, all politicians use their life story to relate to the voters--war records, childhood of poverty, adopting a child, father from Kenya--whatever happened to them in their life is used. I have no problem with that. I don't think they should be criticized for doing it.
That's your opinion. I'm entitled to mine, which happens to differ.
"She used her child to appeal to voters with children with special needs by telling them they'd have an advocate."
Oh, come on. That's really far-fetched. Exactly how many parents of special needs children saw that and decided to vote for her because of it, switching parties, going conservative, and not even bother checking on any of their political stances?
I'm sure that there were so many voters with special needs chldren that Palin saw this as a golden opportunity to gather millions of votes -- that this is what would have won the election for McCain. Geez!
Thanks for answering Diane F. And how many weeks did Audrina stay on the show? I am just wondering how they compared, seeing that Audrina was considered a good dancer.
Thanks for the answer.
Tony Dovolani Dancing With The Stars Quick Step
Date of Birth: 17 July 1973 , Pristina, Serbia, Yugoslavia. Tony Dovolani ...
Born in Serbia from all accounts I could find. This country hasn't been called Albania for many years.
Hi Markiesnana-Audrina and Tony were the 6th couple eliminated. There are 6 couples remaining. So, Audrina made it 2 weeks longer than Kate. I hope that helps.
Linda in NS....
"Born in Serbia from all accounts I could find. This country hasn't been called Albania for many years."
Serbia is part of what used to be Yugoslavia. Albania is still an independent nation.
my9cats said... Serbia is part of what used to be Yugoslavia. Albania is still an independent nation
EEK you're right about Albania! My bad. I was responding to Yex who said Tony is from Kosovo in Albania. Kosovo, Serbia and Croatia are all from the former Yugoslavia.......Dang, I knew Albania is a separate country so why did I say that *sigh*.
Linda in NS.....
That's ok. I didn't know that Bombay and Burma changed their names. Can't keep up...
Hi Markiesnana-Audrina and Tony were the 6th couple eliminated. There are 6 couples remaining. So, Audrina made it 2 weeks longer than Kate. I hope that helps.
Thanks for answering Diane F. And how many weeks did Audrina stay on the show? I am just wondering how they compared, seeing that Audrina was considered a good dancer.
Thanks for the answer.
"She used her child to appeal to voters with children with special needs by telling them they'd have an advocate."
Oh, come on. That's really far-fetched. Exactly how many parents of special needs children saw that and decided to vote for her because of it, switching parties, going conservative, and not even bother checking on any of their political stances?
I'm sure that there were so many voters with special needs chldren that Palin saw this as a golden opportunity to gather millions of votes -- that this is what would have won the election for McCain. Geez!
Don't blame Tony's partners....he is the anchor there (and NO I am NOT making excuses for Kate, she is as lazy a dancer as Tony is a teacher). Halifax, Nova Scotia, has quite a large Serbian population and, at the cost of sounding racist, (which I do not mean to sound) they are quite content to let others serve them.
Driton (Tony) Dovolani is not Serbian name, it's Albanian. Tony lived in Kosovo until he was 15 and then moved to US.
Long time lurker here, and I just had to comment about this thread. Could we please lay off the snarky comments about Bristol and Sarah Palin? I'm NOT here to read other people's political opinion - if I wanted to do that, there are plenty of blogs all over the political spectrum for that!
One of the reasons I enjoy this particular blog (and kudos to you for a job well done, Admin) is that most of the posters try to be fair-minded and support those innocent Gosselin children. That's why I'm here.
Hi Markiesnana, I have been watching DWTS for a few seasons...not from the begining. Kate made it to the 5th week. That season they had 11 couples and no one was eliminated the 1st week. So, Kate made it thru 3 eliminations. Kate considered this half way. I didn't, but, she did.
This is a little OT- I am reading Michael J. Fox 1st book "Lucky Man". In it, he talks about when he and Tracy Pollan were getting married and he said the National Enquirer was the 1st tabloid to find out where the wedding was going to be. They were also the 1st tab. to find out he had Parkinson's Disease. They are not always wrong. They were right both times with him.
Livvy said...
On Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Jimmy asked Tony if he is still in touch with Kate. Tony said 'well I try but she doesn't answer"
Wow, looks like Tony been added to her "sh*t-list". Why should she "answer" his calls, he has no purpose in her life now.
Kate has a serious disconnect with everyone around her- family, friends, fans, etc... so Kate not returning Tony's calls is par for the "Kate-course".
I will be extremely surprised if she participates in the DWTS alumni show.
Karen said...
I didn't know where else to contact you, but I am so upset by the fact that Tony and Audrina got voted off DWTS tonight that I needed to express my feelings about this. I have been suspicious that this show is rigged for some time, and the fact that Bristol Palin is still there reminds me of how I felt when Kate G. stayed and stayed on the show when better dancers were voted off. Rigged, do you think? I know many, many people were giving all their votes to Tony. He deserved to WIN considering what he put up with last season with Kate G. He and his partner was fantastic. Judge Len Goodman even admonished the public tonight. Hope you watched it, sad as it was.
Tony deserved to win because he was paired with Kate last season? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. How is that fair to the current crop of contestants?
I'm not sure why you would be so genuinely upset about a dance contest on television. It's not exactly life or death. Any television show that includes public voting is a popularity contest. It's not about the quality of the performance. I really don't think Tony's partner has a huge fan base. The Hills audience and the DWTS audience probably don't have much overlap. She was quite good and it's unfortunate that she was sent packing before others who aren't as good, but such is life on these types of shows.
I think the sad reality is Tony doesn't have as much of an appeal as say someone like pretty-boy young Leo Derrick or bad boy Macks or Marc.
Tony is the settled Dad. I think in general, viewers don't find him as interesting. I think the reality is his fan base is not as big no matter who is partner is. At least 2 or 3 other dancers should have gone way before he did. Poor guy can't catch a break.
Anonymous, that's really quite wild speculation that Sarah told her she would be kicked out of the house if she did not cooperate with the campaign trail. I have never heard such a thing about this situation.
Levy Johnston gave Vanity Faire a scathing interview about Sarah Palin and said some mean things about her, but even he never suggested the kids were forced to come along.
Bristol Palin is now an adult and is choosing the public eye. That suggests her experience was not some kind of horrible forced nightmare.
I bet you anything Ty sent the dolls to the White House expecting a warm reception, then when instead the White House put them in the trash and issued a statement saying how inappropriate that was, they backpeddled. Typical slimeball move. Why can't they just say yes that is what we did and in hindsight we realize now that wasn't appropriate and we're sorry. Nope, they have to just lie about it. Sounds so familiar. Hell if we'll ever get an apology out of TLC either for exploiting those kids.
Merette mused: "I absolutely cannot stand Sarah Palin either. The kindest thing I can say about her {Palin} is that she is a no-brain dingbat"
I've known some no-brain dingbats in my lifetime, but never one who ever was elected the governor of a state (and yes, I have known governors). One cannot be totally without brains to hold such a high political office. Dingbats, maybe; no-brains, it doesn't happen.
And by the way there are about two things I agree with the Obamas on, and one of them is how they are handling their children being thrust into the public eye not by choice.
I don't care what your politics are as long as you don't exploit your kids.
Michelle Obama has made many statements regarding how she feels about her girls being in the public eye and I like her take on things.
And maybe Kate could take a cue from this. When Ty made Obama girls Beanie Babies, the White House issued this statement:
"We believe it is inappropriate to use young, private citizens for marketing purposes."
Yeah, that's right. And that goes for Juicy-Juice, too.
LOL just had to share this, here's one Gosselin that CAN dance.
Sorry, I misread the comment regarding no family has come out and said the filming has "not" hurt the children - "not" being the key word I missed.
Yes the poor exploited Obama girls they made many public appearances alongside their mother and father too. Obviously that's ridiculous, their parents clearly do a great job giving them their privacy despite having very public jobs. The Clintons were also very guarding of Chelsea. There was a point I remember where they refused to discuss her. She was none of America's business.
"but can we please stop and keep to the matters at hand :~)"
I was rather enjoying the break from all Kate all the time.
Re: Kate in the jogging pics w/black eye and cheek bruise
I bet she had her wonky eye fixed.
Hippie Chick said... LisaNH...I agree. Kate is all about Kate. I am not a Palin fan at all, & I couldn't stand listening to her debate & talk politics, but at least she got where she was without riding the coattails of her children. This whole reality show thing? I think it's a bad idea, & it may hurt her reputation, AND her chances of re-election (not that I think she has a snowball chance in hell of a presidential bid) but, again, Kate could never do what Palin did in terms of getting to the top on her own. Kate's lazy.
And we've never heard Sarah Palin running around saying "I ran with Sen. John McCain on the presidential ticket" the way Kate has said numerous times "I'm a nurse! No really, I am a nurse!". LOL.
You're right, Kate is lazy and I suspect that now that her "career" is winding down, she'll probably treat the kids like servents like she did with Jon, "Joel, I'm exhausted. Bring me some wine! No, not that wine, the one from the box!. There's too many ice cubes in the wine, take one out! Hannah, bring me my US Weekly! Now turn the pages. Stop, you're turning them too fast!You kids just don't know how to take care of me!"
Lauren said...I remember watching the video of this and seeing Kate's reaction when the reporter asked about the kids. Kate's face did darken.
Unless you're giving her high praise for being the hardest working mother on the planet, you are banned from her court. Case in point was Admin's comment at her book signing. One simple question and she was escorted out. And if looks could kill Bruno would have dropped dead on the spot when he criticized her dancing. She knows what she is and she doesn't like to be called out on it.
If Sarah Palin had kept her kids hidden, specifically Bristol and Trig, she would be accused of being ashamed of them. She can't win either way, whether she hides them or allows them to be public. Whereas if Kate would give her children back some of the privacy she so brutally stole from them, she could actually win.
In any case, I don't recall ever seeing any of her kids vomit, poop, or work with double ear infections.
Administrator said...
Meanwhile Kate's face darkens when people try to switch the topic to her kids instead of herself--see the pic I did of her at the Emmys.
I remember watching the video of this and seeing Kate's reaction when the reporter asked about the kids. Kate's face did darken.
I wonder if Kate is "jellus" of her own children because they are so much more popular than she is. She wants to make it on her own but can't because she has nothing to offer except for diva-ish-ness.
In 1984, Palin won the Miss Wasilla pageant....and receiving both the Miss Congeniality award...
Now there's an award that Kate'll never win.
Fiscal victories in Alaska? Alaska is in far worse condition since SP took over. Many Alaskans were thrilled when she quit. Alaska is a welfare state pure and simple, no matter what she may try to lead you to believe. Alaska is federally subsidized in nearly every way.
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