Jon later tweeted that he just dropped the twins off after the girls asked him for a (simple and quiet) celebration at Olive Garden and the mall. Apparently the girls did not ask Jon to take them to Alaska, Los Angeles, Florida, New York City or North Carolina. Nor did they ask Jon to invite the camera crew their mother insists they love so much. The needs of these 10-year-olds do not seem to be wrapped up in trips, money and camera crews.
107 sediments (sic) from readers:
Jon gives his kids love, kate gives her kids "stuff".
Guess this pounds another nail into the bogus argument the kids just love the exotic celebrity lifestyle Kate has provided for them and how dare we want that to end.
No, actually they want to go to Olive Garden where you can get dinner, breadsticks and a salad for $12.99. Because it's with a parent. And they want to be with their parents on their birthday, that's ALL. Not that this should be a surprise.
Riiight. He "tweeted" that they wanted it quiet and simple... so he tweets it to the world? What is wrong with this picture? Way to seel our their birthday Jon by obeying their request to keep their crazy, public life "quiet and simple." Great job. At least Kate doesn't broadcast where she is going for the world to all show up.
It will be interesting to see if Steve and family will be at the twin's party, after all, Gina is her best friend!
MamaDukes, he did not broadcast it to the world for them to show up. He tweeted AFTER he dropped them off. His tweet began like this: Just dropped my Birthday girls off after a really fun night together.
This is no different than any father on twitter tweeting that he just took his kids to Olive Garden. Why can't Jon be happy about his fun evening with them? This is also absolutely no different than Kate showing us a trip to Alaska after the fact. Jon uses Twitter, Kate uses our TV screens. In both cases the public knows all about where they went, just after the fact.
MamaDukes, LOTS of people tweet about stuff they're doing with their kids. A simple tweet (which again, everyday people do all the time)is VERY different from a camera crew or photogs or jetting off to some place they don't even care about.
Not only that, but I bet their birthday celebration with their dad was about THEM. The one with their mom will be about their MOM.
I don't think Steve is going to any birthdays until TLC writes him his paycheck. And I get this funny feeling TLC ain't writing any paychecks until they've secured the kids.
nice job Jon!!!!! To think she celebrated the 6 by conning TLC to treat them to Florida for an all expense paid trip for a week when she could have just made it simple like Jon did with the twins. BTW Mamaduke, Jon didn't invite TLC and the camera crew to film every minute for you and others like their mother did. He tweeted..big deal
ROL posted that Kate was spotted with lots of bags. Big joke if two bags with some party hats and streamers is alot of stuff. They just like to make her out to be something she is not.
Happy birthday Mady and Cara. Good to know you had a fun evening with your dad.
He tweeted AFTER. What are people going to do? Show up and ask for their dirty plates?
You know I don't think most people would object, myself included, if Kate got rid of the cameras, all the attention, and just got a twitter account where she occasionally, like Jon, tweets things after the fact like "took the girls to Olive Garden"
I honestly think that this is one of the nicest things we have read about these people in the longest time. Simple dinner out with dad for your birthday - lovely. And apparently no drama about pickup or drop off. No sibs, no cameras, no TLC nonsense. And tweeting about it after the fact is, yes, just what people do, that's normal.
And the negative letters in People, well, that was to be expected - her time for most of the public has been over for quite awhile. Karma.
I look at these pics and remember the very first "special" and they were so little. it seems like they have been in front of a camera forever, can't imagine what it feels like for them. I'll bet it was very enjoyable to eat at a restaurant and not have camers aimed at them while they eat.
Wooaahh MamaDukes, Don't go gettin the drawers in a wad. Jon tweeted after the fact. Didn't even call Chris "the Pap's" to "capture the memories". This is something new, the kids out in public and nobody noticing. And, and.... if anybody did, no "bodyguard" bullying himself to delete pics.
Wait, you mean to tell me that the twins didn't "choose" to celebrate their birthday at a multi-thousand-dollar-resort, with free airfare, luxurious hotel accommodations, cut-in-line privileges, and a camera crew in tow???????? They didn’t demand to celebrate their birthday at multiple venues; each decked out to the nines with a free cake, OR be provided matchy-matchy, free outfits????? No birthday celebration handed to them on a “golden platter”????? Really????
In all seriousness, way to go Jon for allowing the girls to celebrate THEIR birthday exactly how THEY wanted to. At least the kids have one parent who doesn’t project his own feelings of childhood deprivation on his children (real or imagined; and in Kate’s case, I’d bet good money that it’s all imagined). Everything Kate claims the kids “need” and “deserve” are the things Kate feels SHE was deprived of, and now deserves to have handed to HER on a golden platter. Maybe when she finally gets clued in to the fact that the platter is actually silver, the tide might turn in her favor. Such a dumb ass. The best birthday gift Kate could give her kids (aside from getting them off TV) is to go back to school and educate her ignorant not-so-smart-ish self.
Looking on the bright side: one more birthday = one year closer to emancipation from that shrew of a mother.
I get this funny feeling Kate's childhood was unhappy because her parents took her to Olive Garden (or a similar "every man" restaurant) and not to Nobu Sushi. She resented it. So she gives her kids the best, biggest, better, bestest.
And what do her kids do? Want to go back to Olive Garden. Full circle.
snark here: At least Olive Garden offers UNLIMITED salad and breadsticks, with never-ending pasta bowls too. Doubtful that Jon made them split one breadstick and a cherry tomato between them, with 3 strands of linguini each.
ya know, something about dinner out with your dad can make a 10 year old feel like a princess.
This is no different than any father on twitter tweeting that he just took his kids to Olive Garden.
I guess I'm just not "with it." Why would any father do this? Isn't anything private anymore, and furthermore, who would care? I'm not directing this at Jon, but at society in general. Can't anything be done quietly, without making it public? Isn't it enough that an individual knows where he has been or is going, and it isn't necessary to broadcast it over the internet? It seems to me that we've become a society where individuals think they owe others an explanation of their whereabouts, who their friends are, where they are going, and what they are doing. From a sociologist's viewpoint...WHY?
Administrator said...
I get this funny feeling Kate's childhood was unhappy because her parents took her to Olive Garden (or a similar "every man" restaurant) and not to Nobu Sushi. She resented it. So she gives her kids the best, biggest, better, bestest.
Kate would have gone to Kreider's Farms Restaurant (yes, there really was a place like that...they had amazing Farmer's Choice breakfasts!)
It's the social networking age. Everyone wants to share what they are doing with others. In the old days people would talk around the watercooler about taking the kids to Olive Garden, now it's the internet. It's just a different way of doing what people always did.
Most people with any sense aren't twittering about private things like their divorce. They're talking about neutral topics like Olive Garden.
In fact there has been a lot of buzz that Mark Zuckerberger should get the Nobel Peace Prize. He's brought a lot of friends together who may never have kept in touch otherwise.
BeDoneNow, couldn't help but resond...when I turned 10 (38 years ago) I felt like a princess going to a mediocre restaurant with my parents. It's one of the few childhood memories that stand out. Still remember what I wore. (smile.)
@ MUM, For the life of me I am still wondering why a mother would throw her kids on Television, especially after the breakup of their parents, just twisted if you ask me.
This just made my day, Jon taking the twins out to dinner and the mall for their birthdays just like normal girls do. I can remember my daughter doing the exact same thing with her father when she turned twelve except they went to Red Lobster. It made her feel so special. I hope we continue to see these kind of things happen in the Gosselin family. I always knew Jon was the one that had the most common sense and was the most down to earth. He just got caught up in the fame for awhile but thank goodness he's back! I hope it stays this way. Kate's not capable of enjoying her children in a simple manner. She has to go all the way with everything she does. Jon just being himself will make her look like the money, fame hungry wench that she really is. There's no way in the world she will be able to compete with Jon if he just is himself. He's a great father.
On a lighter note, the last few photos of Kate are horrible. She has either been very sick or very stressed about something. She looks awful with her dark circles under her eyes and glum look.
Also, I don't understand how one child can be in long pants and Uggs and another is in shorts. One of them was either very hot or very cold that day. I have a couple of pair of Uggs and they make your feet very warm. It's been cold and rainy in their neck of the woods lately. Can't Kate dress her kids accordingly?
I bet Mady and Cara got to choose what they wanted to eat, got to eat however much of it they wanted, and could order a dessert even if they didn't eat all their chicken parmesan. Organic? Phhhhhffffffttttt. A whole, unshared
plate of Italian food? YAY!
I do remember when Jon and Kate used to take one of the girls out for a "special day" followed by a "special meal" where they were allowed to order whatever they wanted. It was such a wonderful thing to see her order a milkshake and a hamburger and fries and enjoy every bite of it. (Was it Red Robin? Something like that)
On our birthdays we got to choose the restaurant. I always wanted to go to one very meaningful place, and remember those evenings out with my family with joy, gratitude and
and a yearning for days gone by.
In fact there has been a lot of buzz that Mark Zuckerberger should get the Nobel Peace Prize. He's brought a lot of friends together who may never have kept in touch otherwise.
He's also being sued for the second time. It will be interesting to see how that one turns out. The first complaint was settled out of court.
The pictures that Chris takes of her are so odd. For instance, she is in parking lots or with someone else, like the hired help, just to drop her kids off at school. The pictures do not make any sense. Jon picks up the twins from the bus stop to take them out for their birthday and it just appears so normal. Why is that?
all the talk about kate doing things in a big way, but all kids want is time with parents to celebrate...last year she had a birthday for them at home...with their father there..she just can't win.
gotyournumberKate said...
Also, I don't understand how one child can be in long pants and Uggs and another is in shorts. One of them was either very hot or very cold that day. I have a couple of pair of Uggs and they make your feet very warm. It's been cold and rainy in their neck of the woods lately. Can't Kate dress her kids accordingly?
October 7, 2010 8:25 PM
seriously? lol. my son used to wear jeans and a hoodie in the summer. and what did he wear in the winter? shorts and a short sleeve tshirt. used to drive me insane! then i realized when i went to pick him up that he wasn't the only one dressed like that! lol
Someone shouldn't get the Nobel Prize if they've ever been sued? Not every suit has merits. No one really knows what happened between him and the twins except himself and the twins, and they both have vastly different versions. It seems to me that while they may have had an idea they weren't smart enough to implement it. Frankly, their idea already existed and it was called myspace. Mark Zuckerberg had the idea that was myspace only better, but knew how to actually execute it. Therein lies the genius. Maybe they should move on and focus all their energy on an idea of their own. This is what I know according to the book, Zuckerberg has not spoken too publically about the issue.
Most famous people end up getting sued for something or other at some point--it's sort of a sign you've made it, lol.
Other Nobel Peace Prize winners who have been sued to name a few: Al Gore....Bush vs. Gore in 2000.
Barack Obama....sued by Phillip Berg in 2008.
Doctors Without Borders, sued by Children Without Borders in 2010 for, you guessed it, stealing their idea.
Nelson Mendela...convicted and sent to prison.
All these Nobel Prize winners have had legal troubles, but I think they all deserved the Nobel Prize.
Kimmie, last year Kate was forced to have a private party for the twins because that was only a few weeks after mean awful Daddy took the cameras out of their lives. She couldn't film it because Jon wouldn't allow it. When the sextuplets birthday came around the following May, Jon had just agreed to let the children film again. And you guessed it, she was pulling them out of school and dragging them to Florida and filming it all while her precious child Mady was saying things like "I'll just die." That was the least private party in the world, and only a few guests were there ironically. I have no doubt if she were still being permitted to film she would have a camera crew there for the twins at their party.
That's great!
That is happiest, most normal Gosselin news I think I've ever heard.
Happy Birthday, Madelyn and Cara. Welcome to double-digits!
Jon filed in court to stop the show on October 1, 2009.
Exactly one week before the twin's birthday. For all we know Kate/TLC could have had a huge, filmed birthday party planned that year. That plan had to be canned when a court of law stopped her.
The interview I commented on on the other thread, which I actually found "overall" quite civil and rational (just because I disagree doesn't mean I think the other side are lunatics), I noticed the ladies were using the old argument that the children get trips (they get TRIPS!!!) therefore they are having such an awesome life and Kate has to make a living. I wish this news about the Olive Garden had come out before that. The kids want trips? The hell they do. The kids want Olive Garden and this is the proof. The kids also scream for their daddy, who apparently mostly just takes them to the apartment pool and the local arcade.
admin, i wasn't talking about the party being filmed. i was talking about her taking them some place really expensive etc in response to the comment that the kids only want a special dinner etc.
Just a thought regarding that interview. Supposedly Kate was supposed to have been there, but was unavailable. Just exactly why is she unavailable - doesn't seem like she has much going on right now. The interview was done over the phone by the guest (who shall remain nameless) so why couldn't Kate have done the same? Could it be there is a gag order or TLC won't allow her to speak at the moment? Or is her attorney advising her against any interviews due to the upcoming court hearing, knowing how difficult it is for her to control her tongue?
Regarding the interview - I thought it was supposed to be about Kate, but it turned out to be mostly about the fan site and it's administrator. Seemed to me to be more about recruiting fans and bloggers to that site than anything else.
"Someone shouldn't get the Nobel Prize if they've ever been sued?"
I never said that, or even implied it. I commented that he was sued and is being sued again.
"Maybe they should move on and focus all their energy on an idea of their own."
Maybe they thought they were wronged and were a victim of fraud. If they know that something was misrepresented or not disclosed in the intitial lawsuit, under the law are they not entitled to pursue it?
I say he should get the Nobel Prize, you then respond that he has been sued again. I assumed that was in response to the Nobel Prize. If it wasn't and that was simply a random comment, I apologize.
Under the law you're entitled to pursue a lot of things. I could sue my neighbor for being a nuisance and blasting his grundge music. But I don't. Not worth it. The twins got I believe 65 million out of this lawsuit? I think I have the number right. They are Olympians and Harvard grads. A movie was made about them. It's time to move on, in my opinion. If it's a pride thing, in my experience pride does not get you very far in court. I have no idea what happened between the twins and Zuckerberger. I do find it awfully interesting that they did not breathe any mention of a lawsuit until Mark Zuckerberger hit it big. Then all of a sudden they were suing him for every penny he's worth. Their excuse is Harvard gentlemen don't sue. I find the timing of their suit very suspicious and I think the Harvard gentlemen excuse is just that, an excuse.
In other news, Jullian Lenon isn't going to sue Yoko anymore. His reason? He loves his brother Sean to death and if he sued his mother he would hurt Sean. I think a lot of people could take a huge lesson from that. A lawsuit at the end of the day maybe gets you money, maybe gets you vindication, but in the process causes a lot of hurt and anguish. It is, in my opinion, not worth it the vast majority of the time. Swallow your pride, move on with your life. Move forward. Of course that would mean a lot of lawyers would be out of work!
Tweet or no Tweet.
I hope Cara and Mady had an AMAZING day.
Dinner and the Mall sounds like a great time to me.
I'm a bit older than 10 (LOL!) and I always make sure to schedule in a day of lunch and mall shopping around my real birthday celebration.
I applaud Jon for giving Cara and Mady A CHOICE of what they wanted to do. Choices empower kids.
Kate doesn't understand that. Giving her kids choices scares her. She must control, control, control.
Good job Jon!!!
The twins share the b'day with my Daughter. (Oct. 8) She turns 12yo today.
Guess what my daughter wants to do for her b'day. Dinner at Smokey Bones (for the ribs) and a shopping trip to the VF Outlets (here in Wyomissing)
KUDOS Jon! You did RIGHT by your girls and I'll bet you that this b'day will be remembered as one of their most special because you made it about THEM and no one else.
If she comes out saying anything about this, it'll be "See! Their deadbeat dad does it again. What kind of birthday celebration could they possibly have at the "Olive Garden"? (rolls her eyes).
My "career" has been able to provide those kids with memorable, exceptionalish, over-the-top, rights-of-passage (?) experiences! pfft!"
Yay for Jon! And I'm glad the twins got what they wanted. Peace & quiet, & a lovely and NORMAL celebration with their father.
Admin said...In other news, Jullian Lenon isn't going to sue Yoko anymore. His reason? He loves his brother Sean to death and if he sued his mother he would hurt Sean. I think a lot of people could take a huge lesson from that.
Big Lennon fan here. I'm glad that Julian & Sean are finally putting all of that feuding behind them. I know that has nothing to do w/ reality TV, but when I saw that, I was like, "Yay, Lennon stuff!" Seriously, huge fan. :) They were all together for Julian's are exhibit just a few days ago actually. Yoko, Cynthia, Sean & Julian. Sweet! (sorry). It's nice how families can "Come Together". (had to)
I'm sure the girls had a lovely birthday, doing exactly what they wanted.
May all their birthday wishes come true.
Kimmie said........
seriously? lol. my son used to wear jeans and a hoodie in the summer. and what did he wear in the winter? shorts and a short sleeve tshirt. used to drive me insane! then i realized when i went to pick him up that he wasn't the only one dressed like that! lol
I guess I'm out of touch. lol My youngest is 29. I didn't realize how old fashioned I am as far as the latest fashions until recently. I guess I better "get with it". Haha!
Was that pic of Jon picking up the girls recent? I don't think so. There is only one pic up, not a whole bunch. I think that's an old picture. ?????????
Her fans make a big deal if she is out shopping for whatever as she is strolling through the parking lots in PA with a bag or two. The woman has no job,what else does she have to do!!!! Its not like she has to work 9 to 5 somewhere and have to tend to the house and her children when she gets out of a 40 hour a week job. Her main goal in life is to ride her kids coat tails as long as she can and get dressed up to do her mundane stroll through parking lots for her phot/op.
I can't believe that I've actually read negative comments about Jon taking the girls out to dinner and a mall for their birthday. It's what they wanted to do!
Also, from what I know it was just Jon and the girls. No cameras, no Ellen, no paps. How can anyone have anything negative to say about that??? I thought it was sweet.
Olive Garden said...
He tweeted AFTER. What are people going to do? Show up and ask for their dirty plates?
[snark]No kidding, the twins' dirty plates wouldn't fetch NEARLY as much on eBay as the sixpack's.[/snark]
Attention sheeple: That was a JOKE about crazy fandom and the people who do stuff like pay fourteen thousand dollars for a wad of Britney Spears's chewed gum. You know, like the people who hang around in a complete stranger's hedge row hoping for a glimpse.
(it saddens me that we have to issue disclaimers now...)
You know in that vein I kind of wonder if this might have been a preemptive strike. Just in case Kate tries to pull the deadbeat Dad who can only take the twins to cheap-o Italian-faux Olive Garden, Jon was sure to put it out there first that that's what the girls wanted. When you're dealing with somebody like Kate I wouldn't put it past him to think of that.
Umm Guys bad news...Rumor has it Kate plus 8 is back in November.We celebrated to early,damn it! Apparently Kate gave an interview somewhere and the host said this...Again DAMN!
At least Kate doesn't broadcast where she is going for the world to all show up.
She may not broadcast it ahead of time, but hell Mama what have we seen the last four months? Kate plus 8. Jon did just what she has done with less invasion of privacy. Told where they went, just no rerun on TLC or on DVD.
Alyssa maybe not. That could be the Alaska episode, footage they got way before Jon said he was stopping filming. Seems to me here's should be a lot of lost footage they could squeeze a few episodes out of while they stall.
Since Sarah Palin's new show (oh that pains me to even type that) is scheduled to begin in November, my educated guess is that TLC will be putting together a K8 episode with footage from the Alaska trip. My second educated guess is that a month from now, even fewer people will care about their summer vacation.
Admin, I have to say, I was very impressed with your explanation of Zuckerberg and then today, somebody in prison wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
Sort of ironic, don't you think?
Love it that Jon took the twins out for dinner and the mall, something so simple and fun that they probably don't get to do often with their mom. No paparazzi, no drama. If Kate only would try to be normal with her kids, she would see that it's possible to let the kids be kids sometimes. There's something so endearing about a dad taking his daughter(s) to dinner. Just love it.
Kate has a new blog entry on the TLC site.
"At least Kate doesn't broadcast where she is going for the world to all show up. "
Uh, she contacts Chris the pap, tells him where she'll be (Target, UPS, salon, etc.) so he'll take her picture and post it on the Web and magazines.
Kate has written on her blog about how she makes the kids a HUGE breakfast every morning. Maybe the same person that writes her blog also makes breakfast. This woman is unbelieveable.
@alyssa - I'm not so sure that rumor is true. When you go to the TLC website tv schedule, the Kate Plus 8 screen comes up empty. Nada. Nuthin. It looks like an empty house after a family has moved out. It could explain the stress bags under Kate's eyes. ??
At least Kate doesn't broadcast where she is going for the world to all show up.
Nah, she just calls Chris to broadcast where she is going.
They are returning to the show. "A deal's a deal."
We've seen her breakfast. A glop of dry, lumpy oatmeal, no toast, no jelly, and by appearances no butter and sugar. And the banana buddy, which is Khate speak for you only get a half.
She looks so bad in her recent photos I almost had a twinge of sympathy as I was typing that...almost...not quite.
Her blog is a joke, she claims she makes this huge breakfast when all we ever saw her serve was lumpy microwaved oatmeal or cold cereal. Than she has the nerve to say she plops them in bed by 7:30 and she is in bed by 7:31. OMG!!! She has said over and over in interviews that she goes to sleep after midnight and maybe gets 4 hours sleep a night. Which is it liar Kate G? Wait till the kids start reading her lying blogs and ask " Hey ma, WTF!!!!!
More publicity for "Kate's" blog? She doesn't write that blog, first of all. Her vocabulary is way to limited to be able to write anything coherent. Some TLC underling sits down and bangs something out and then presto! News spreads like wildfire that Kate's blogging again. I have to think TLC gets a kick out of seeing the bloggers jump through hoops for them. Sheesh!
I just read what is called Khate's blog that somebody writes for her. Khatespeak translation - getting ready for school every day is not a happy time for the kids. Misery loves company. If Khate is not happy, nobody is. My question would be - what does the nanny do? We know she is there because Khate can't handle those kids by herself. What is the difference between 3 days and 5, not that much. If she didn't want to take care of 8 kids she should have not aspired to have them.
Maybe Kate goes to bed at 7:31, but it doesn't mean she is sleeping. Some people live in their beds.
I've only ever seen her make pancakes the one time! For all of you mom's who have kids to get dressed, check make sure they have their homework in the bookbags, make lunches and get to school or a bus stop would have time to make that full breakfast of pancakes, oatmeal and such EVERY morning? Come on it jsut doesn't seem to me to be logical especially if you ave mutiple children. Does it or am I wrong? Maybe for the firsk day of school you might make something special which I don't think Kate did.
I mean to make pancakes and oatmeal (usually) don't those things require MILK? Of which Kate has said she does not buy unless it is on sale? that organic milk is to expensive to buy all of the time? So I can't imagine where she is getting milk and all these chicken coop-eggs from to make a full breakfast each and every morning. Its just not possible unless she uses water, and I'm sorry, water just does not make for good tasting pancakes--at least not in my world it doesn't. So something has to give that something, somewhere is not truthful.
"I have gotten up each and every morning (in the dark!) at 5:20 am to make breakfast (the full deal -- pancakes, oatmeal, French toast, etc) and get eight kids dressed and out the door to the bus stop for over a full month now!"
*HURRY* ! Half Price Sale on BullShit Spray (While Supplies Last)
Come on Kate admit it. We know you better than that. If anything you have a freezer full of Eggos and you got gifted that big toaster you asked for on Leno. The most you've done is teach the nannies know how to use it. And by the way, surprise, surprise, it's dark for ALL of us at 5:30 in the morning this time of year. Geez.
Marie, it's not just you. All us moms in the trenches don't make the full blown pancake breakfast every morning for a number of reasons. It's early, moms are tired too. We're scrambling to get to school on time as it is; even if breakfast is cereal or a bagel. Besides, my kids aren't that hungry first thing in the am. Then again, they don't go to bed at 7:30 either. Who has the time and energy to clean up that mess every day, especially those of us with real careers, not made up ones like kate's. That big a breakfast every day would require grocery shopping every day or two. Again, who has that kind of time? Kate's blog is so naive, written as if by someone who isn't really a mother, who doesn't understand what it takes to raise kids. Maybe Kate really is writing it...with help from an editor to eliminate the extra exclamation points.
AuntieAnn said...
@alyssa - I'm not so sure that rumor is true. When you go to the TLC website tv schedule, the Kate Plus 8 screen comes up empty. Nada. Nuthin. It looks like an empty house after a family has moved out. It could explain the stress bags under Kate's eyes. ??
I don't know why TLC doesn't have it posted on their site unless it's a ploy to get everyone blogging (like they are) that the show is over only to surprise us when it's back - because it has already been announced the show WILL air in November. Here's the article.
Kate Plus 8 Not Canceled!
Like it or not, Kate Gosselin will be back on the tube!
The mom of eight — who some Star readers love and others just love to hate — did not get the axe from TLC, as has been reported. Kate Plus 8 will be back on the air next month.
“It is just rumors," a source at the show tells Star. "The next episode will air in November.”
As for why there's been a gap between airdates of the program — which was always described as a series of TV specials and not a weekly show — it’s because the children are in school full time now and that's been the priority.
“They were able to shoot a lot in the summer, because the kids were out of school," adds the source. "With all the kids in school now, they shoot more sporadically.”
As for Twist of Kate, the new Kate series that was announced in May, there’s still no premiere date.
In the summer, the network also confirmed that that Kate will appear on TLC’s new series Sarah Palin’s Alaska, starring the former vice presidential candidate. "The Palins graciously shared their Alaska with the Gosselin family and that camping trip will be part of an upcoming episode," a TLC rep said at the time. That show is set to premiere on Nov. 14 at 9pm.
more lies said...
Marie, it's not just you. All us moms in the trenches don't make the full blown pancake breakfast every morning for a number of reasons. It's early, moms are tired too. We're scrambling to get to school on time as it is; even if breakfast is cereal or a bagel. Besides, my kids aren't that hungry first thing in the am. Then again, they don't go to bed at 7:30 either. Who has the time and energy to clean up that mess every day, especially those of us with real careers, not made up ones like kate's. That big a breakfast every day would require grocery shopping every day or two. Again, who has that kind of time? Kate's blog is so naive, written as if by someone who isn't really a mother, who doesn't understand what it takes to raise kids. Maybe Kate really is writing it...with help from an editor to eliminate the extra exclamation points.
I don't believe she cooks all of that every morning for all 6 kids the same way I don't believe she's doing the blogging herself.
The bigger question is why would TLC/Kate blog about the herculean care she puts in to make a full breakfast for her sextuplets every morning other than to remind us, once again, what a super-mom she is - one we should all aspire to be. PUKE
It was just more of the same 'ole 'promotion of Kate' that we should all be used to by now; you know - how hard she works, how tiring it is for her with 8, count 'em 8 kids, how much effort and love she puts into her mothering, etc (as if other moms don't!)-- it's a bunch of bull.
more lies said...
Marie, it's not just you. All us moms in the trenches don't make the full blown pancake breakfast every morning for a number of reasons. It's early, moms are tired too. We're scrambling to get to school on time as it is; even if breakfast is cereal or a bagel. Besides, my kids aren't that hungry first thing in the am. Then again, they don't go to bed at 7:30 either. Who has the time and energy to clean up that mess every day, especially those of us with real careers, not made up ones like kate's.
Which careers count as "real" and not "made up"? I'm just trying to find out if I have a real career or a fake one.
"I have gotten up each and every morning (in the dark!) at 5:20 am to make breakfast (the full deal -- pancakes, oatmeal, French toast, etc) and get eight kids dressed and out the door to the bus stop for over a full month now!"
Kate is telling the truth. On Sept. 16th I believe this blog posted pictures of Kate leaving the grocery store, in the pictures posted, Kate had boxes of Van's natural foods. Van's makes pancakes, waffles, and french toast sticks. So Kate opens a box microwave or toasts depending on the breakfast. She (her PR/blog team) make it out to be big deal.
Oh by the way Kate, at 5:30 am while your getting the breakfast done, my kids lunches are already packed and I'm on my way to work so I can be out of work and pick up my kids from school at 2:45!
I love how "Kate" stresses she's done this "for a full month now." What about the other 5+ years of those tups lives? To me, it seems like she's tossing this out there in advance of the November hearing - as if to say, "see what a good mom I am?" Give it up Kate, even if you HAVE done this (which we all doubt), for a whole month, that's not a mother, it's a day care worker in training!
MaggieL said...
I love how "Kate" stresses she's done this "for a full month now." What about the other 5+ years of those tups lives? To me, it seems like she's tossing this out there in advance of the November hearing - as if to say, "see what a good mom I am?" Give it up Kate, even if you HAVE done this (which we all doubt), for a whole month, that's not a mother, it's a day care worker in training!
I think you're spot on, MaggyL. She's putting her 'hard work' of mothering out there to improve her reputation in the eyes of the family courts of PA and the court of public opinion.
Anonymous said...
MaggieL said...
I love how "Kate" stresses she's done this "for a full month now." What about the other 5+ years of those tups lives? To me, it seems like she's tossing this out there in advance of the November hearing - as if to say, "see what a good mom I am?" Give it up Kate, even if you HAVE done this (which we all doubt), for a whole month, that's not a mother, it's a day care worker in training!
I think you're spot on, MaggyL. She's putting her 'hard work' of mothering out there to improve her reputation in the eyes of the family courts of PA and the court of public opinion.
So Kate is trying to boost her image for the PA court system through her fake blog? Will her attorney present the blogs to prove what a good mom she is? Personally, I highly doubt that. Maybe the "family courts of PA" would assume like many of us have, that someone else writes Kate's fake blog. I can see it all now. The battle of the blogs and tweets.
"Kate blogged she's a great mom."
"Jon tweeted how much fun his kids have at his house."
Anon 231: Kate always touts her career and it's so irritating because she does nothing but pay attention to her looks and makes sure she's photographed with the kids on occasion. She is not an actress, author, talk show host, nor is she an involved mom. That's what I mean when I say her career is made up
I think Kate's post about making breakfast is more about reforming her image in the court of public opinion as a hands on mom who cares more about being there for breakfast rather than going to the Emmys.
But, blog posts, emails, facebook posts, twitter posts can all come into evidence, potentially. If I were her I would be more concerned about the trash talking she did about Jon on her own show, possibly in violation of a court order not to discuss the case or make derogitory comments about him, which would be a standard order in family law cases.
"If I were her I would be more concerned about the trash talking she did about Jon on her own show, possibly in violation of a court order not to discuss the case or make derogitory comments about him, which would be a standard order in family law cases."
Kate trash talking Jon on the Regis show would didn't help her image either.
If Kate really is making big breakfasts from scratch for her children every day (which I don't think she is, but just for the sake of argument), it takes me back to what I used to think about her years ago: If you have 8 (count 'em 8) children, including 6 of the same age, then WHY do you do things to make your life more difficult rather than easier? The first time I started saying this was on the 4th of July episode where she insisted that they all have blue or red coats and was having a major meltdown out by the van because the weather was cool and they didn't all have the appropriately colored jacket. Really?? Get over it already. Keep 8 jackets in the van for unseasonably cool weather or emergencies. You already have enough to worry about with 8 kids....why do things unnnecessisarily?
(Of course, now I realize that it's all a bunch of BS and/or done for the cameras, and that she likely doesn't worry about that kind of thing each day. But still.)
My youngest son's birthday was also yesterday. Family dinner and cake at home; today small bowling party with a few of his friends. Happier than a clam.
Re: the Ugg boots. The kids are old enough to choose their own clothing and to suffer the consequences if they're too hot or cold during the day. It's not like they were going to actually be hurt or damaged by wearing boots in October. This is a total "pick your battles" thing for me - it has nothing to do with dressing your children appropriately. Provide them with the appropriate clothing, of course - but don't make arbitrary rules regarding what they may or may not wear on a certain day (because otherwise you end up doing things like requiring them to eat their lunch in a certain order.)
I mean to make pancakes and oatmeal (usually) don't those things require MILK?
FROZEN pancakes, waffles and French toast don't require milk or water, and neither do Aunt Jemima microwave breakfasts!
Why does the breadstick on the far right (photo) have a toenail? I looked at it and thought it was a picture of Kate's feet!
Anonymous said..
Which careers count as "real" and not "made up"? I'm just trying to find out if I have a real career or a fake one
The kind of career where the MOM works and the kids go to school and play, not the other way around. If you don't exploit your kids for a "living", and you work, then you've got a "real" career.
Haha exactly. Everyone take out your paychecks. Look at the dollar amount. Did you earn that yourself? Congratulations, you have a real career.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said..
Which careers count as "real" and not "made up"? I'm just trying to find out if I have a real career or a fake one
The kind of career where the MOM works and the kids go to school and play, not the other way around. If you don't exploit your kids for a "living", and you work, then you've got a "real" career.
If the kids are working (and I agree that they are), then so is Kate. You can't scream about the kids working while simultaneously claiming that Kate doesn't work when she appears on camera with them, in addition to other gigs that don't involve her children. It's an irrational argument.
She answers to stumpy said...
"If I were her I would be more concerned about the trash talking she did about Jon on her own show, possibly in violation of a court order not to discuss the case or make derogatory comments about him, which would be a standard order in family law cases."
Exactly, she should worry about what her children, most of all, think about her when she does this and you know, she does this too in private to them. Those poor kids are probably so conflicted. In the end, they will end up hating their mother for all the stress and craziness she has put them through. I hope Jon realizes this children need all the help they can get, living with a narcissist will drive one to the brink, as Jon well knows.
Happy birthday, Mady and Cara! I'm glad they got to spend it with their dad.
She answers to stumpy said...
"If I were her I would be more concerned about the trash talking she did about Jon on her own show, possibly in violation of a court order not to discuss the case or make derogatory comments about him, which would be a standard order in family law cases."
Exactly, she should worry about what her children, most of all, think about her when she does this and you know, she does this too in private to them. Those poor kids are probably so conflicted. In the end, they will end up hating their mother for all the stress and craziness she has put them through. I hope Jon realizes this children need all the help they can get, living with a narcissist will drive one to the brink, as Jon well knows.
Why does the breadstick on the far right (photo) have a toenail? I looked at it and thought it was a picture of Kate's feet!
@alyssa - I'm not so sure that rumor is true. When you go to the TLC website tv schedule, the Kate Plus 8 screen comes up empty. Nada. Nuthin. It looks like an empty house after a family has moved out. It could explain the stress bags under Kate's eyes. ??
Love it that Jon took the twins out for dinner and the mall, something so simple and fun that they probably don't get to do often with their mom. No paparazzi, no drama. If Kate only would try to be normal with her kids, she would see that it's possible to let the kids be kids sometimes. There's something so endearing about a dad taking his daughter(s) to dinner. Just love it.
Since Sarah Palin's new show (oh that pains me to even type that) is scheduled to begin in November, my educated guess is that TLC will be putting together a K8 episode with footage from the Alaska trip. My second educated guess is that a month from now, even fewer people will care about their summer vacation.
I'm sure the girls had a lovely birthday, doing exactly what they wanted.
May all their birthday wishes come true.
Yay for Jon! And I'm glad the twins got what they wanted. Peace & quiet, & a lovely and NORMAL celebration with their father.
Tweet or no Tweet.
I hope Cara and Mady had an AMAZING day.
Dinner and the Mall sounds like a great time to me.
I'm a bit older than 10 (LOL!) and I always make sure to schedule in a day of lunch and mall shopping around my real birthday celebration.
I applaud Jon for giving Cara and Mady A CHOICE of what they wanted to do. Choices empower kids.
Kate doesn't understand that. Giving her kids choices scares her. She must control, control, control.
Good job Jon!!!
"Someone shouldn't get the Nobel Prize if they've ever been sued?"
I never said that, or even implied it. I commented that he was sued and is being sued again.
"Maybe they should move on and focus all their energy on an idea of their own."
Maybe they thought they were wronged and were a victim of fraud. If they know that something was misrepresented or not disclosed in the intitial lawsuit, under the law are they not entitled to pursue it?
all the talk about kate doing things in a big way, but all kids want is time with parents to celebrate...last year she had a birthday for them at home...with their father there..she just can't win.
I bet Mady and Cara got to choose what they wanted to eat, got to eat however much of it they wanted, and could order a dessert even if they didn't eat all their chicken parmesan. Organic? Phhhhhffffffttttt. A whole, unshared
plate of Italian food? YAY!
I do remember when Jon and Kate used to take one of the girls out for a "special day" followed by a "special meal" where they were allowed to order whatever they wanted. It was such a wonderful thing to see her order a milkshake and a hamburger and fries and enjoy every bite of it. (Was it Red Robin? Something like that)
On our birthdays we got to choose the restaurant. I always wanted to go to one very meaningful place, and remember those evenings out with my family with joy, gratitude and
and a yearning for days gone by.
@ MUM, For the life of me I am still wondering why a mother would throw her kids on Television, especially after the breakup of their parents, just twisted if you ask me.
Administrator said...
I get this funny feeling Kate's childhood was unhappy because her parents took her to Olive Garden (or a similar "every man" restaurant) and not to Nobu Sushi. She resented it. So she gives her kids the best, biggest, better, bestest.
Kate would have gone to Kreider's Farms Restaurant (yes, there really was a place like that...they had amazing Farmer's Choice breakfasts!)
I get this funny feeling Kate's childhood was unhappy because her parents took her to Olive Garden (or a similar "every man" restaurant) and not to Nobu Sushi. She resented it. So she gives her kids the best, biggest, better, bestest.
And what do her kids do? Want to go back to Olive Garden. Full circle.
I look at these pics and remember the very first "special" and they were so little. it seems like they have been in front of a camera forever, can't imagine what it feels like for them. I'll bet it was very enjoyable to eat at a restaurant and not have camers aimed at them while they eat.
ROL posted that Kate was spotted with lots of bags. Big joke if two bags with some party hats and streamers is alot of stuff. They just like to make her out to be something she is not.
MamaDukes, LOTS of people tweet about stuff they're doing with their kids. A simple tweet (which again, everyday people do all the time)is VERY different from a camera crew or photogs or jetting off to some place they don't even care about.
Not only that, but I bet their birthday celebration with their dad was about THEM. The one with their mom will be about their MOM.
Riiight. He "tweeted" that they wanted it quiet and simple... so he tweets it to the world? What is wrong with this picture? Way to seel our their birthday Jon by obeying their request to keep their crazy, public life "quiet and simple." Great job. At least Kate doesn't broadcast where she is going for the world to all show up.
Jon gives his kids love, kate gives her kids "stuff".
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