While Castello says he hasn't spoken with Jon, Castello defended Jon, saying that this dispute over filming is a private family matter that should be between the parents. The children should come first. Well said.
(Photo at right we believe to be Castello.)
21 sediments (sic) from readers:
On Jon's twitter someone asked him about being estranged from his stepfather and his responses was the following:
So weird, he didn't say any of that to them. They made it all up! Oh well. Thanks for asking though! about 3 hours ago via web
No way! Another "interview" from an unreliable media source. I speak to my Mom and Stepfather every day, and see them every week
about 3 hours ago via web
Sad state of affairs.
So both paternal & maternal grandparents are estranged?
I think they should sue TLC for destroying the Gosselin name, the entire family relationship, and further alienating their grandchildren...
The article assumes that because Jon's stepfather doesn't know how to get in touch with him, that they must be estranged.
John has always said that he is in close daily contact with his mother.I keep track of the addresses of my family and if my spouse needs to know one, he asks me. It's common for one person in a couple to be the repository (Sheeple look it up) for family information.
This dialogue sounds like the kind of thing someone would say while they are trying to give an irritating reporter the brush-off, not an actual interview.
ROL is completely despicable and without credibility IMO.
Jon tweeted that he speaks to his mother and stepfather daily and sees them weekly. He also tweeted that his stepfather said none of those things and that ROL just made it up. ????
The article assumes that because Jon's stepfather doesn't know how to get in touch with him, that they must be estranged.
Exactly. Talk about twisting facts. Also, they wrote that the father hadn't spoken to Jon SINCE he tweeted that. That was what, a week ago? Led me to believe they spoke BEFORE the tweet.
Either way, Jon tweeted that the article was a fabrication. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to want to set the record straight and then be bashed for trying to get media attention.
Estrangement comes in many forms. Jon was clearly very close to his father. Jon was probably nowhere near closure about his dad's death when his mom remarried. This guy could be persona non grata with Jon simply because he stepped into the role of male figurehead for the family when he married Mrs. Gosselin. It may have nothing to do with the man himself.
Or maybe Mr. Castello had the Gosselin scam
all figured out. I don't know when he dated/married Jon's mother, but it may have been around the time of Kate's second pregnacy. He may have spoken out about what a crazy thing it all was. There was a time Jon wouldn't listen to that and wouldn't upset Kate with that negative stuff. Remember, he used to go into his closet and delete negative e-mails before Kate had the chance to see them. NO UPSETTING THE QUEEN!
Funny, though. Thousands of Americans tweet Jon, pictures of him here, there and everywhere show up online, but his stepfather doesn't know where to find him. Hmmmm. I wonder if he showed up for the vow renewal in Hawaii....
This is one odd family, if you don't mind my saying so.
IDModo-that's exactly what it sounds like. But, of course, Radar splashed the misleading headling to make Jon the one who's estranged from the parents.
And, hmm...is this a coincidence that there's been so much effort out there to make it appear that Kate is close to her mom, with what could be Kate's mom posting about how wonderful Kate is? Yet, we know Kate says she only occasionally emails her mother.
IDModo- I agree with you about one person in a couple is typically the "information" person. I am in my house and my Mom was in their house. When my Mom passed away, she had her grocery list made out for the next day and it had "birthday card" on it. My Dad asked me who's birthday is it? My husband and our middle son talk on the phone everyday, but, my husband doesn't know his phone number. He has it on speed dial. I am the information holder.
I don't think ROL is a crediible source either. JMO.
Have a good day everybody.
I agree IDModo, it sounds like the man was annoyed by some stupid low ranking reporter who got hold of his phone number and hassled him. That ROL article if so full of bs I had to open a window and air the room out. They called Kate Plus 8 a 'hit' show too, so you know damn well they're making this stuff up.
(BTW - Sheeple look it up -- hilarious!)
ROL seems to make up alot of stuff, he probably told them to mind their own business but why would they print that. On another note, INFA-Daily has an article about the Queen Bee working her nannies long hours and they have to be at her beck in call 24/7. Geez, she is on what number of nannies now?
It's interesting that when the gossip rags print a story favorable to Kate, it's a lying rag, but when they print something unflattering, they're telling the truth.
"It's interesting that when the gossip rags print a story favorable to Kate, it's a lying rag, but when they print something unflattering, they're telling the truth."
That's because there is nothing flattering about her, so it is the truth. I'm just waiting for a mass gathering of everyone (NOT THE SHEEPLE) who has worked with her, know her personally, to come out and say what a fabulous mother she is, in addition to being a wonderful, caring, devoted, charitable member of the community.
I'm not holding my breath.
"Geez, she is on what number of nannies now?"
An even dozen, not to mention a number of helpers and personal assistants.
here we go again.Laast time it was Jon's girlfriends being quoted and misquoted on the gossip internet sites. Now it is Jon's step father. Who's next? Nala the german shepherd. This IS getting ridiculous.
Midnight Madness said... That's because there is nothing flattering about her, so it is the truth.
It's the truth as we "know" it. It seems the only "sources" that we want to believe are the ones who say the negative things. I'm no Kate fan, but I don't believe any "source" pro or con, and I don't believe any of the gossip magazines. We want the sources named of there's positive comments yet don't demand the sources be named of it's negative.
Skeptical said... Midnight Madness said... That's because there is nothing flattering about her, so it is the truth.
It's the truth as we "know" it. It seems the only "sources" that we want to believe are the ones who say the negative things. I'm no Kate fan, but I don't believe any "source" pro or con, and I don't believe any of the gossip magazines. We want the sources named of there's positive comments yet don't demand the sources be named of it's negative.
I have to say that is really not fair. Many of us, myself included, have said we wished more people would go on the record when speaking out about this family. Very few people are willing to come forward and speak out EITHER WAY about this family. When one person claiming to be her mom did it, she did it quietly on the internet and was never officially verified to most of our satisfaction, then when a wider publication picked up the story she ran to the hills scared shitless and deleted all her posts. No one, pro or con, seems to want to go on the record about this. We've asked for it, demanded it, many times. It doesn't happen.
It really is no wonder actually. When Jodi and Kevin dared to speak up and blow the whistle on the exploitation, they were dragged through the mud, accused of all kinds of outlandish things, and are still being dragged through the mud. It's really no wonder people are scared to show their faces.
This blog works with what we do know and there is a healthy amount of skepticism here no matter what people said. What this father said was rather neutral, i.e. I think people should mind their own business. He wasn't exactly anti-Jon. He said JOn is doing his best. But go back and look at the comments, from comment number one people were skeptical.
So please don't make a broad generalization that people only believe the bad stuff about Kate, because it's simply not true.
The bigger question is why are people so petrified to go on the record. That concerns me more.
Admin said -- The bigger question is why are people so petrified to go on the record. That concerns me more.
I think it's called the wrath of Kate, and the fear of a lawsuit by TLC. Nobody wants to fight either one of them.
"So please don't make a broad generalization that people only believe the bad stuff about Kate, because it's simply not true."
But other than the sheeple, who don't know her personally, how many people have ever sang her praises? Since we haven't heard any good "stuff" about her, who is to say that nobody would believe it?
fidosmommy said...
Estrangement comes in many forms. Jon was clearly very close to his father. Jon was probably nowhere near closure about his dad's death when his mom remarried. This guy could be persona non grata with Jon simply because he stepped into the role of male figurehead for the family when he married Mrs. Gosselin. It may have nothing to do with the man himself.
Jon's mother married Mr. Costello in 2000. Jon's dad passed away in 2005. That hypothesis doesn't hold water - nor does it apply since Jon has tweeted that it isn't true anyway.
here we go again.Laast time it was Jon's girlfriends being quoted and misquoted on the gossip internet sites. Now it is Jon's step father. Who's next? Nala the german shepherd. This IS getting ridiculous.
Sad state of affairs.
So both paternal & maternal grandparents are estranged?
I think they should sue TLC for destroying the Gosselin name, the entire family relationship, and further alienating their grandchildren...
IDModo-that's exactly what it sounds like. But, of course, Radar splashed the misleading headling to make Jon the one who's estranged from the parents.
And, hmm...is this a coincidence that there's been so much effort out there to make it appear that Kate is close to her mom, with what could be Kate's mom posting about how wonderful Kate is? Yet, we know Kate says she only occasionally emails her mother.
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