After disappearing for more than a month from her Blog, Kate (read: TLC interns) has reemerged to tell us how difficult her life is now that her eight children are off to school. After a breakfast of "pancakes, oatmeal, French toast" she races the clock to get them out the door. Not one shout out to the nanny who helps her, her lookalike who has frequently been seen at the bus stop.
Says Kate, "Whew! By the time the kids are settled into bed at 7:30 ... I assure you that nothing else gets done... I am pooped ... And I'm in bed by 7:31pm... It's been quite a transition here ... And, well, actually, I prefer to call it my first marathon I've ever run ... does that work????? I hope I at least place for determination... Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Says Kate, "Whew! By the time the kids are settled into bed at 7:30 ... I assure you that nothing else gets done... I am pooped ... And I'm in bed by 7:31pm... It's been quite a transition here ... And, well, actually, I prefer to call it my first marathon I've ever run ... does that work????? I hope I at least place for determination... Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!"
104 sediments (sic) from readers:
Does anyone actually believe Kate writes this blog?!
I nearly went cross eyed from all the exclamation points.
You know what's ironic about this is Kate would sound so much more endearing if instead of trying to pretend she does it all, she shows a little vulnerability. Instead of implying she cooks them a breakfast worthy of princes and princessess every single morning (sounds like HEAVY food in the stomach day after day) why not say, "Gosh if there's enough seconds left on the clock I fix them a hot breakfast of French toast, but most mornings I'm sure you moms all know it often ends up being yogurt with a little gronola or maybe some cold cereal, but I try!"
I think she might write all the question marks and exclaimation points.
Administrator, this means that Khate is still part of TLC and the show(s) are not cancelled.
Not necessarily Marge. The only new episode TLC is talking about is the Alaska footage, which was filmed way back in July way before Jon said he's ending the show a second time.
TLC's statements all along up until this point was that the Alaska footage was for Sarah Palin's show. They never said it was for Kate's show, or for both. Now all of a sudden it's for Kate's show, too. I think they're taking whatever footage they have left and making "new" episodes because they haven't been permitted to film the kids. They are stalling while they strong-arm Jon again. As for Twist of Kate, every month it's a new excuse why it's not airing yet. Now they've pushed it back to December. Keep in mind Kate filmed the test pilot a year ago, in NOVEMBER 09.
I'm sure there is lots of yelling and screaming ( by Kate ) in that household each and every morning.
Poor girl. She needs another Cabo getaway with her lover so she can rest after having to get her children off to school each day for a month! A whole month! How exhausting.
You know darn well if she never kicked Jon to the curb, he'd be the one getting them all ready in the mornings,and she'd still be in bed ringing her bell for him to bring her coffee.
Admin, I bet the reason she does not say what you suggested (RE: reality of what breakfast actually looks like) is that she has no idea what breakfast looks like. The nannies cook it while Kate either does her treadmill or sleeps.
The cooks may fix Kate a nice hot breakfast made to order, but I seriously think that's the first food Kate is aware of on the average day.
"You know what's ironic about this is Kate would sound so much more endearing if instead of trying to pretend she does it all, she shows a little vulnerability. Instead of implying she cooks them a breakfast worthy of princes and princessess every single morning....."
Since one of TLC's interns writes that blog, it isn't Kate who is implying anything.
I'm surprised she didn't quantify the amount of pancakes, bowls of oatmeal etc. You know, like "I make 8 dozen pancakes, go through a dozen boxes of oatmeal, 4 loaves of bread for french toast...blah blah blah" I really wish she (or the intern) WOULD just STFU!
What crap...and, no, she doesn't write the blog. She doesn't know the meaning of half the words that have been used by the intern.
Vanessa....LOL!!! Like she did with the egg thing that time? It was some astronomical number. She was feeding her kids 4 dozen eggs a day or something! Hahah...And why are the kids so skinny again? Oops...sorry those who think she isn't underfeeding them. I didn't read her "blog" but I'm sure it was full of BS. She is so full of shit. Why does she feel the need to justify every single thing? Pathetic.
So the kids get up at 5:30, listen to her screech, chant the order that they should eat lunch and eat some sort of nanny-food. Then they get on a bus, ride for over an hour, spend the day at school (probably defending their mother's latest tabloid cover), ride an hour back home to be drilled by Kate I am sure. Then homework, dinner, clean the chicken coop and bed.
And Kate is the one that's TIRED???
Here's her latest blog:
[From the TLC Editors: We've all missed Kate during her absence from her blog. But now that the kids are settled in at school, Kate's back at the keyboard. And for those of you who missed any Kate Plus Eight episodes, check out these video clips here.]
Who ever knew this full-time school thing could or would be SOOO difficult! I am truly exhausted! I have gotten up each and every morning (in the dark!) at 5:20 am to make breakfast (the full deal -- pancakes, oatmeal, French toast, etc) and get eight kids dressed and out the door to the bus stop for over a full month now!
I don't know why -- well, scratch that. I DO know why it feels so much different than just getting two kids up full time and six ready part time ... It's because Mady and Cara pack their own lunches, choose their own breakfast (the night before to avoid the morning arguments of what they will and will not eat for breakfast -- it helps!), and get themselves ready.
My six kindergarteners, although they are finally getting into the daily routine (as opposed to part-time routine of last year), want to talk -- about airplanes, butterflies and anything BUT getting dressed and putting socks and shoes on... At 6:30 am! We are racing that darn clock every morning!
Whew! By the time the kids are settled into bed at 7:30 ... I assure you that nothing else gets done... I am pooped ... And I'm in bed by 7:31pm...
It's been quite a transition here ... And, well, actually, I prefer to call it my first marathon I've ever run ... does that work????? I hope I at least place for determination...
Yeah-right, Kate do anything by herself for those kids? Whatever....
Kate (or who-ever at TLC) wrote that poopie, has visions of grandeur.
Admin, Please check out Cindy Adams column of October 8,2010 in the NY Post.
OMG! Over on the sheeple blog someone posted about how all of Kate's fans are like a family, and many would die for Kate.
WTF, they would die? For Kate?
I think these are the crazed people that purse-boy has to protect her from. I seldom feel much sympathy for Kart, but having such unbalanced adoration is not healthy. It can turn to the other extreme and the consequences are not to be taken lightly.
Kate needs to get those kids off tv, and not feed the creepy fans.
"Whew! By the time the kids are settled into bed at 7:30 ... I assure you that nothing else gets done... I am pooped ... And I'm in bed by 7:31pm..."
Well if she'd stop hanging around the Target parking lot all day, maybe she WOULD get something done. After all her blog says she gets ten hours of sleep every night so she should be full of energy.
If Mady and Cara are packing their own lunches and getting their own breakfast that's two less chores Kate claims she has to do.
That blog entry is so full of contradictions it isn't funny. Whoever writes it has gone off the deep end.
There are no comments on her new post!!!! From reading the comments on the previous one it wouldn't surprise me if they had comments disabled to eliminate negatives one without having to moderate.
Admin, I added the extra exclamation points to make this more exciting to read!!!!! Did it work?????
I think that the intern is still writing the blog, but "they" are aware that we know that she doesn't write it, so the person who is writing it deliberately misplaces commas, etc., and adds all of the question marks, exclamation points, so that we THINK she's writing it!!
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but...
There aren't any comments because they don't work over the weekend. comments on that blog are updated about every two days. At least that's the pattern I've noticed. And the last batches of comments that have been let through are SCATHING. Read them. It's almost like they WANT her to be the bad guy/scapegoat.
I am surprised she hasn't trained Cara and Mady to cook and serve the queen in bed after taking care of their siblings all by themselves. And Jon finally gets to sleep in!
Maybe that's the real reason Steve won't leave his wife...he knows he will get morning duty.
I'll bet "Racing that darn clock every morning!" means "I scream and yell at them all the way to the bus stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Missy said...Does anyone actually believe Kate writes this blog?!
Her fans do! But I certainly don't. Not sure why a fake blog is getting any attention whatsoever. Making an article about it gives it credibility it doesn't deserve.
NEWS FLASH: Take is in bed asleep until well after the kids leave for school. The nannies get them up, dressed, give them breakfast, and get them to the bus (except on days when Take has to show up for pics). What a liar!! Pancakes, my ass.
Why on earth is Khate in bed by 7:31??? The kids leave at, what, 6:45 a.m., and aside from the occasional pick up from the bus stop for a photo op, she has very little to occupy her time now that there is no show. She could clean the house...but she's got people for that. She could prepare dinner ahead...but she's got people for that. How can she be exhausted? At the very most she gets 3 hours with the kids once they get home, how stressful can that be for such a short time out of a 24-hour day? This woman is insane - and what's sad is, she actually believes people will feel sorry for her or cheer her on for all the work she says "she's" doing. Maybe if I had a mansion and body guards and not-a-nannies, I could find it in my heart to feel a tad of sympathy...probably not though. I call all this way too little way too late, especially if it's her way of showing off what a great mother she is before this hearing in November. Better she should get Chris to photograph her helping her kids with homework or actually playing with them - and with all of them smiling and laughing. Sad to say, it is probably really too late for that where these poor kids are concerned. She can fake smile for the cameras, but I think the kids have had enough and it shows. I so pray that there is something positive that will come from this hearing for these children. Were I the judge, Jon would have custody of them in the mansion and Kate can go live in Hollywood where she so desperately believes she belongs!
Just more lies.
Kate gets lost going to Whole Foods near her house so I doubt that she has the ability to form an intelligent sentence.
Kate's image is built on a house of cards.
The bikini ready body - fake.
The blog - fake.
The super mom image - fake.
As Elaine from Seinfeld would say: "fake, fake, fake, fake."
Right ON MaggieL!!!!
Let's pretend for a minute that Kate sort of writes this; she submits some kind of draft for toning-down by some 19 year old doing community service hours, except they tell Kate it is for "Punching-up" instead.
She has little clue what children eat for breakfast. Just like she proclaimed they eat nearly 1/2 dozen eggs, 1/2 pound of bacon and 1/4 loaf of bread each, every morning. She just picks big numbers and thinks the rest of the public is as stupid as she is, to accept it all.
Kate suddenly jumped from making Collin split a grape, a banana and 4 chex with a sibling, to allowing him to eat pancakes AND french toast AND a bowl of oatmeal in the same day, let alone the same meal?? And WHO is cooking this? Never never never in a million years never. She is not physically and emotionally capable.
Kate, you cant even PEE while they are in the same house as you (I AM MOMMIED TO DEATH slam), let alone fix them breakfast other than cold dry cereal in styrofoam bowls.
"DO it together now! chew, chew, breathe, chew, swallow. QUIIIEETTT! chew, chew, breathe, chew, swallow! Now WALK!"
Cindy Adams was spot on. And I'm glad she's feeling better!
@ Maggie L... too long to repost. Here - here gal! Prancing around a Kmart or Target parking lots all by herself must be exhausting after Kate tries on all those shoes for the event!
7:31pm is when the rest of us start the baths, laundry, mopping the kitchen floor, packing up tonight's leftovers, prep for tommorow's dinner, putting away toys and laundry, quiet talks on the edge of the bed with the kids, calling our own mothers and keeping tabs on things, scrubbing out the tubs, cleaning questionable items out of the fridge, turning off MTV for the 3rd time, clipping coupons, matching up socks, ironing blouses, emailing teachers, going over homework,... and occasionally I will put a coat of polish on my toes.
Because I have real kids, a real career, really do it all alone, and I resent plastic phony liars.
The writer of the blog uses ellipsis/ellipses correctly. I've rarely seen anyone who doesn't have a degree in English know how to do that (with a disclaimer here, because I've noticed a number of the posters here do know how to use them). Suffice it to say, it's not written by Kate. Anyone know how the auction went?
Who's cooking breakfast in Kate's kitchen? Aunt Jemima came out from the freezer and the Quakers came out from the pantry to help.
LOL. I don't think the writer of Kate's fake blog meant she cooks pancakes, French toast AND oatmeal every morning. Probably one or the other. However, I highly doubt Kate does any of that kind of food preparation (especially on a daily basis). I can see her popping some frozen waffles in a toaster if forced to (as in her not-a-nanny) just fell down the stairs and broke BOTH arms.
She has little clue what children eat for breakfast. Just like she proclaimed they eat nearly 1/2 dozen eggs, 1/2 pound of bacon and 1/4 loaf of bread each, every morning. She just picks big numbers and thinks the rest of the public is as stupid as she is, to accept it all.
If I had 8 kids and fed them bacon, eggs and toast each morning, that would be 8 eggs, (not 1/2 dozen), 8-16 strips of bacon (easily 1/2 pound) and 8 pieces of toast (approx 1/4 of a loaf of bread).
MaggieL said...
How can she be exhausted?
I'm so over this whole "I'm exhausted" shizzle. Almost EVERY episode of the original show, at least once we would hear "I'm exhausted" or "this is exhausting".
HOW could she be so "exhausted" when she did little other than sit on her butt on her white plastic chair? What did she do while the kids were having 4 HOUR naps? Jon did the bathing / showering, and on non-filming days he would have been the one getting up to get the twins ready for school. And she NEVER plays with her kids - she only PRETENDS to while the cameras are rolling.
And even though she claims to "do it all alone", she DOES have help, and ALWAYS HAS had help. So WHAT is she complaining about????
Her so-called "blog" is all BS made up by someone else to make her look like the so-called "supermom" TLC pretends she is.
And even if they included her making the supposed cooked breakfast in the Back To School episode, I bet that would be the ONLY time - while the cameras are rolling. If she were to do it again it would ONLY be as damage control after her PR team read the blogs.
Here is a thought - push your bedtime up to 8:00 and spend that time putting the kids' clothes, shoes and socks by their bed while they are sleeping, there is no reason for a woman to be exhausted from getting 8 kids out the door, two of whom by her own admission make their own lunch. You should listen to those stories the kids would love to tell you. I am sure it would be very entertaining for anyone but you. If homemade yeah right pancakes and french toast are too much for you to handle how about splurging on some milk for your kids and feeding them shredded wheat and a whole banana for breakfast. We are all real moms. We know BS when we hear it. All the wench does is whine and complain about taking care of those kids who have provided her with a very lavish lifestyle. Maybe she is exhausted from tromping around parking lots every day in stupid 5 inch heals trying to get her picture taken.
Oh, and, uh, wonder why she didn't mention the twin's birthday on "her blog." No friends over? Like Kate, I don't believe any of the children have friends, because "kids talk" and could reveal forbidden secrets. Any kids ever seen with Kate's kids are children of TLC employees who are allowed to interact only during filming. No worries there. I agree w/ the poster who stated her wish was to see Jon in the mansion w/ SOLE custody of those children. Kate is undeserving of that house or of the moneymakers.
7:31pm is when the rest of us start the baths, laundry, mopping the kitchen floor, packing up tonight's leftovers, prep for tommorow's dinner, putting away toys and laundry, quiet talks on the edge of the bed with the kids, calling our own mothers and keeping tabs on things, scrubbing out the tubs, cleaning questionable items out of the fridge, turning off MTV for the 3rd time, clipping coupons, matching up socks, ironing blouses, emailing teachers, going over homework,... and occasionally I will put a coat of polish on my toes.
LOL!! You forgot baking up a storm at 11 p.m. when the youngest child wakes up and remembers that there's a bakesale the next day and he needs three dozen HOMEMADE cupcakes!
"Kate gets lost going to Whole Foods near her house so I doubt that she has the ability to form an intelligent sentence."
Oh, no, gasp -- I have to defend her here! Whole Foods is NOT near her house. It's an hour away. I've been there, and if you don't know the area, finding it is a bit tricky. That said, doesn't she have a GPS in the car?
I am truly exhausted! I have gotten up each and every morning (in the dark!) at 5:20 am to make breakfast (the full deal -- pancakes, oatmeal, French toast, etc) and get eight kids dressed and out the door to the bus stop for over a full month now!
Gets eight kids dressed? Two ten-year-olds can't dress themselves? WOW! Plus, what's to dress? They all wear uniforms. It's not rocket science to put on a pair of khakis and white polo shirts. You lay them out the night before!
Then, in another breath, she says that Cara and Mady get themselves ready. Which is it, Kate? Is it that difficult to keep your lies straight?
She says that she gets them into bed at 7:30 and she is in bed by 7:31. She doesn't shower or bathe? It must be smelling pretty ripe in that house by now! She gets ten hours of sleep? When was the last time any of us REAL moms had eight hours of sleep, let alone ten? What adult goes to bed at 7:30? In what world does she live?
This woman has gone so far off the deep end...
Kate/TLC, your blog is BS!! Obviously written by someone who has no idea how to take care of kids (Kate or intern, it works either way). I highly doubt Cara and Mady are willing to go to bed at 7:30, though it is a good time for the little kids. Gee, she could use the tups' early bedtime to spend a little time with her twins, but nooooo. And if she's in bed by 7:31, I'm sure it's with her box of wine and cigarettes.
On the miniscule change that it's all true (HA!), Kate, get your thyroid checked if you're so exhausted. Then maybe you'll have the energy to act like a real mom.
P.S. Happy blogiversary, Admin! I don't think I've said that yet. :-)
Her 10 year olds are in bed at 7:30? Really? How much do you think they get laughed at when they do that thing at school where everyone puts their bedtime on a bar graph?
All of those children should be able to dress themselves by now. And since the younger ones still have velcro shoes, it should be no biggie. And they could all pour themselves a bowl of cereal or make toast. What is her problem?
My kids were doing their own laundry by 10 years old.
I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. I tried cooking breakfast one morning of pancakes and bacon for my family of 4 total. It took us all of an HOUR to get them all cooked (pancakes from boxed mix) and the bacon all cooked plus the time for us to all eat it. That is why most school mornings, we eat cereal, microwave-precooked bacon, or some other snack that the kids an eat on the way to school or as we are getting ready. There is now way Kate gets up and gets all that breakfast cooked for all those kids and gets them dressed and out the door in an hour. Unless it is all frozen, non organic, that she nukes. Or wait, does the not-a-nanny do the cooking while she sips her coffee?
As for getting the kids dressed, I have a 1st grader who just barely turned 6 and she has been getting herself fully dressed since she did Kindergarten last year. We pull out the clothes the night before and she is old enough to know how to do her shoes. She can even do her hair most mornings. If Kate's kids are developmentally ok, they should all be able to get on their clothes, with a little help tying shoes. Especially wearing uniforms each day.
Kate you should live on a farm because you are so full of bull
Kate fails to mention on the blog that the reason she passes out at 7:31 every night is because she starts drinking the vodka in the morning and by dinner she has polished off a fifth, plus a box of wine. It's REALLY hard to stay awake with that much alcohol in your system.
No wonder she is so cranky in the the morning.
wryview wrote: "How much do you think they get laughed at when they do that thing at school where everyone puts their bedtime on a bar graph?"
They don't do that in 4th grade (or in any grade here) simply because of the reason you implied. Some of the children might get teased because of an early bedtime, while others might be envious because some of the kids have no regular bedtime.
Her blog is so full of Bullshit that its spilling over to the Discovery Net. The kids first day of school consisted of cold cereal in plastic bowls and a half a banana while she stood over the counter stuffing her face as well. Her intern needs to watch some of the episodes before he or she types away each month. As for her crashing in bed at 7:30, she told the ladies at the View that she only gets maybe 4 hours of sleep cause she is cleaning and organizing until midnight and on her treadmill at 5 am. I remember cause I watched. Joy said that 4 or 5 hours of sleep was plenty for her.
JudyK said... Like Kate, I don't believe any of the children have friends, because "kids talk" and could reveal forbidden secrets.
You know, if those kids do happen to have friends over there's probably a stack of disclosure forms to fill out at the front door before they're allowed to enter. They'd have to bring along a lawyer.
Any news about the scooter auction?
Thank You Admin for all your hard work keeping this blog alive. I also love the picture!!! Looks just like her french manicured fingers. =)
Love Cindy Adams' comment about Mrs. Gosselin. She's no sheeple.
The self-appointed sheeple queen is getting more attention than ever, and it's OUR fault. The supposed haters are the ones giving her attention. She's just like Kart, any attention is good.
Please, don't click on her blog and don't help her promote herself by listening to her on the lame internet-radio site.
Do something pro-active and contact toginet with your complaints. Ask for equal time for the truth to be presented.
Admin would do a fabulous job on that (or any) show.
I've fallen into the trap of posting way too much about that crazed fan and her flunkies. I'm stopping. Will each of you consider doing the same?
It's not healthy to feed monsters.
It's not healthy to feed monsters.
...especially when one considers the possibility that if they escape from their cages, they'll come and bite you in the butt -- or worse!
One of the sheeple had this to say about Jon taking the twins out to Olive Garden and the mall for their birthday: "They were probably just there because they had to be--Jon is such a D-Bag!"
Um, no, they didn't HAVE to be. Jon clearly ASKED THEM what they wanted to do for their b-day, and they told him they wanted to got to the mall and Olive Garden. Kate wouldn't have even asked them, she would've just chosen something herself and then tried to justify it.
Hi, @Not To Nitpick but.... On Leno Kate said something along the lines of making 4 dozen eggs, a couple of pounds of bacon and several loaves of bread for toast each morning. I was sarcastically saying above that is the quantity EACH child would be served. That's why I used the word EACH,(meaning one child's portion of what she proclaimed on Leno she cooked every morning) but perhaps I should have used 'apiece', instead.
("She has little clue what children eat for breakfast. Just like she proclaimed they eat nearly 1/2 dozen eggs, 1/2 pound of bacon and 1/4 loaf of bread each, every morning. She just picks big numbers and thinks the rest of the public is as stupid as she is, to accept it all.")
In case Kate's forgotten, the twins have been in full time school for five years now. Why is this year's routine so new and exhausting to her saggy ass? Who got up with the twins all those years and all eight of them last year? Oh yeah..Jon did. And clearly once he left, the nannies did. And no one believes for a minute that the woman who slept until 8am, even with 6 babies awake and wet in their cribs, would wake up so early everyday to cook breakfast for those same kids now.
I think the reason for Kate's most recent blog posting was to give an explanation for those horrendous pics in the parking lot as of late. You see, the drawn, haggard look on Kate's face is because she is up so early getting the children's breakfast. Those bags under her eyes and the rather sunken look to her whole face is not due to drinking, pills, or even anguish about her show being in "hiatus". All of the posts questioning her ghastly appearance can be explained with a simple understanding of "she's a Mom!" ( of eight kids, count 'em!)
I have always thought it was JMC that wrote the blog. She is the one that is privy to all things Khate even accompanying her via separate vehicle to the bus stop, to the point of actually boarding the bus after Khate. I just don't understand that part in particular, unless it is to make sure Khate doesn't come unglued on one of the kids in public. How can anyone hang around that woman and stomach the way she treats her kids?
What does Kate have to write about? She doesn't do anything. And so the best she can dream up is some nonsense about how hard it is getting 8 kids out the door to school. If the kids were allowed to post it would go something like this:
Mommy is such a cow, she wants us going to this school like over an hour away because it looks like we are rich or something. Most of the little ones get car sick so they are not allowed to eat anything in the morning. That is why they scarf their lunch down hidden under their jackets on the bus. Our nanny has to listen to Mommy whine every day about how loud we were and why couldn't she dress us out in the garage instead of disturbing her sleep! She can't help us with our homework, says it is greek to her, and besides she'd rather be shoe shopping online and checking out what these blogs are saying about her! We wish we could live with Daddy but she says that will never happen in her lifetime.
Admin...I agree. Why no shout out to the helpers on Kate's part? Because she would have to admit that she would in fact does NOT do it all, & she is NOT super MOM after all. Her persona she would like everyone to believe would come crumbling down, even though everyone knows for the most part that it's all BS. The only people that believe she does it all by herself is the sheeple.
I have someone who comes in & helps me one day a week with the laundry & the cleaning. I cop to that when my friends say "My, what a clean house you have!". I would never take credit where credit is not due. Kate is just selfish. We knew that. I totally agree Admin. She thinks she is still fooling everyone. It's ridiculous.
I have noticed in various episodes going all the way back to J&K plus 8... she gives the kids too many options. And then when the kids speak up and tell her what they want based on the options she just gave them, Kate freaks out and retracks her options because she is overwhelmed w/ their responses. For example, i saw on youtube the back to school episode where she was asking the kids what they wanted on their sandwiches... mayo, mustard or mayo/mustard combo while standing at the fridge. When all the kids speak up... its chaos... then Kate freaks out and yells at them for speaking up. Then when one of the twins points out that someone wanted only mayo, she says, well i am not dealing w/ it and ends up putting mustard on all the sandwiches. She should know at this point what her kids like and dont like and shouldn't have to ask them. And then to make matters worse, she askes them about the rules for eating desert and when the kids respond she freaks out again and yells at them to be quite.... GEEZ... how confusing for these poor kids.
As for her post on her blog about breakfast... again... too many options. She would not have such chaos if she limits the choices or even designates certain days for certain food items... such as... Waffle Wednesday or French Toast Friday. Thats what i do w/ my kids, it takes the guess work out and the kids look forward to those days becuase they know exactly what they are getting. Pretty simple if you ask me... but then again.... i am a military wife and we thrive on structure and routine. :)
If Kate were organized and didn’t create situations that resulted in chaos she would have far fewer viewers than the the puny amount she’s been able to keep. There aren’t a lot of people who would look forward to Kate+8 episodes like “Freaky French Toast Friday” and “Hold the Mayo” lunch packing. Her diehard fans would watch no matter what she did, but there aren’t enough of them to make for decent ratings, even for a lowly TLC cable program. It’s her natural “ability” to generate chaos (not control it) that TLC has used for ratings. It’s her continual meltdowns that people watch for, her outlandish exaggerations, running through the streets of NY in hooker attired with melting ice cream cones the causes the stir, the blogging, the ratings. TLC has figured out how to cater to the haters. And Kate is more than willing to let TLC film her “weirdities” for an exorbitant amount of money and at the expense of her children’s childhoods. The TLC producers aren’t dummies and so far they’ve made a boatload of money from her.
Anon724 said "They don't do that in 4th grade (or in any grade here) simply because of the reason you implied. "
They do it in my district & I am located in an area near Reading. (I substituted for a while, so I know they do it.)
I was thinking that anyone who reads/posts here that does post on Kate's blog try to refrain on this post. I'm curious to see how many hits they get if it's only her fans that would die for her or otherwise. You'd think she'd address something personal, like "wow, I'm really not liked by the general public so I just want to say..." or something, even thanking those that DO help her out day after day! It's obvious SOMEBODY at TLC is reading those comments, negative and positive, and can verify by IPs or something that it's not always one poster with several screen names. I know I'm going to try and bite my tongue. It's gonna hurt.
SAHM...Agreed. And can't her kids make their own breakfast yet? At 6, my kid could make his own toast & cereal. Yes, with 8 kids, it would be chaotic, so make a chart, & follow it. She makes everything so damn difficult. Did Parenting 101 escape her somehow?
JC, great idea about not clicking on Kate's blog or making comments.
I'm sad to say that we are feeding into the drama just as much as the crazy fans over there.
Crabitha and Jursey, I agree with your logic. I’ve tried off and on for some time to stress the importance of not giving these people what they want…attention, good or bad. It’s silence that will do them in. However, the logic of it all falls on deaf ears. There’s a psychology involved that is worthy of discussion at another time and place. I commend you for trying though and wish you more luck than I’ve had.
Jane lynch about Kate:
Lynch: 'I rubbed Emmy win in others' faces'
Glee star Jane Lynch has joked that she gloated to friends about her recent Emmy win.
The actress, who won this year's 'Outstanding Supporting Actress' trophy at the Emmys, told Late Night host Jimmy Fallon that her first reaction after receiving the trophy was to show it off.
"Yeah, I was shoving it in people's faces. It was great," she quipped.
Lynch also jested about her own career doubts after dancing with reality TV star Kate Gosselin during the opening musical number at the ceremony.
She explained: "I was dancing toward Kate Gosselin, going, ‘What is wrong with this world?'"
Wow, it's really not that hard to make pancakes and bacon, or oatmeal or french toast for breakfast. It's what, ten minutes? Kids get dressed, you cook. If you can't manage that, you need to work on your organization and time-management, because you are doing your kids a disservice by showing them such an ill-prepared mother.
Pancakes, toast, oatmeal? Sounds heavy on the carbs.
I thought they got those darned chickens for a reason. Guess she should have planted some oats and wheat instead.
I remember one show where K8 kept forgetting things and having Jon go back in the house to get them. He said for someone who is supposed to be so organized she forgets a lot of things and changes her mind a lot. If Kate were truely organized she would have a system in place for getting the kids off to school and wouldn't be whining about how hard it is. Another way she wants to portray the tups as being younger than they are and needing help to get dressed.
On ROL, Chris busy taking pics of Kate going to Starbucks and to the tanning salon while Jon is on parenting duty. Amazing that we get these set-up pics of Kate but none of the twins doing anything on their birthday. Guess that wasn't important enough to call Chris for, and it "wasn't about Kate." Oh, and Kate, it is OCTOBER...people look stupid w/ tans in cold weather.
SAHM said... if she limits the choices or even designates certain days for certain food items... such as... Waffle Wednesday or French Toast Friday. ... Pretty simple if you ask me, but then again i am a military wife and we thrive on structure and routine.
kate's an idiot said... If Kate were organized and didn’t create situations that resulted in chaos she would have far fewer viewers than the the puny amount she’s been able to keep.
Preesa said... Wow, it's really not that hard to make pancakes and bacon, or oatmeal or french toast for breakfast. It's what, ten minutes? Kids get dressed, you cook. If you can't manage that, you need to work on your organization and time-management, because you are doing your kids a disservice by showing them such an ill-prepared mother.
TLC/Kate 'created' the image and promoted her as the mom of 8 kids who was super organized and efficient - a mom we should all want to be. Kate's recent fake blog is just another example of her many contradictions. IF she was efficient or organized she would do as everyone has suggested, but she is not and never has been.
IDK why TLC keeps trying to force the image of her being overworked/organized/efficient and a can-do person because we all see she's anything BUT! I hope they aren't trying to resurrect the groundwork for Twisted Kate helping burdened moms.
New pics of Kate on Radar Online tanning, at Fed Ex, etc. Whoopee. I mean, seriously, yippee. Is this newsworthy? I was going to see if they had anything about Michael Douglas & there's K8, looking all...I don't even know, DUR... I didn't read any comments. It was barely an article. Is this passing for her media coverage? I just don't understand how she is staying relevant at all.
On ROL they have pictures of Katdracula and mentioned she went to Fed Ex, Starbucks and the tanning and manicure salon. Newsflash...Fed ex is closed on Sundays.
Admin -
I've been meaning to tell you how absolutely perfect the picture you created for this post is. Everytime that I look at it, I just giggle! You are funny.
Hippie Chick said..
I just don't understand how she is staying relevant at all.
Cos we keep talking about her. I enjoy ragging on her like the next person but face it, until we all stop talking, til the blogs have shut down or switched to a different subject, she will stay in the public eye. Maybe the more honest question is, do we really want her to 'go away'?
JudyK said...
On ROL, Chris busy taking pics of Kate going to Starbucks and to the tanning salon while Jon is on parenting duty. (etc.)
I just saw the pics at Preesi's site (I won't give ROL the hits) and you're right about the orange spray tan. Geez, save some for Snooki, Kate! When I first looked at one of the pics (she's just getting out of her car) it looked like someone was sitting in the front passenger seat but I think it's probably just the headrest. ;)
Hippie Chick, I saw that too (out of boredom today) and I thought, "She even makes True Religion look AWFUL!" Not that I would ever plunk down $200 on a pair of jeans (though I could), but paired with those (no doubt very expensive) shoes and her toe hanging over the edge yet again, she just looks dumb. The t-shirt is fine, the hair looks normal, but from the non-waist down, YUCK. She needs help.
Anonymous said...
TLC/Kate 'created' the image and promoted her as the mom of 8 kids who was super organized and efficient - a mom we should all want to be. Kate's recent fake blog is just another example of her many contradictions. IF she was efficient or organized she would do as everyone has suggested, but she is not and never has been.
IDK why TLC keeps trying to force the image of her being overworked/organized/efficient and a can-do person because we all see she's anything BUT! I hope they aren't trying to resurrect the groundwork for Twisted Kate helping burdened moms.
October 10, 2010 4:54 PM
when j&k+8 first came on kate was a sahm FOR THE MOST PART and she was organized and on top of things. she did have to be then...with 6 babies and 2 pre-schoolers. even though she had help the logistics of running the house on a schedule would have been horrible if there wasn't organization.
her situation has totally changed. she isn't home nearly as much and the kids are older. i'm sure there is a routine but i imagine it's harder to maintain organization when you're away like she is at times.
we cannot hold anyone, including kate to the way we were years ago and in a different life situation. we all change and b/c we do our schedules/etc change.
Must Love Dogs said...
On ROL they have pictures of Katdracula and mentioned she went to Fed Ex, Starbucks and the tanning and manicure salon. Newsflash...Fed ex is closed on Sundays.
Kate's Fed-ex store is a multi-purpose location for mailbox customers, etc and they are open 7 days a week.
Hippie Chick said...
New pics of Kate on Radar Online tanning, at Fed Ex, etc. Whoopee. I mean, seriously, yippee. Is this newsworthy? I was going to see if they had anything about Michael Douglas & there's K8, looking all...I don't even know, DUR... I didn't read any comments. It was barely an article. Is this passing for her media coverage? I just don't understand how she is staying relevant at all.
Yep, that's the kind of news she's making and the 'media coverage' she's getting. ROL keeps buying pics of her because she draws readers and commenters - she's still controversial. The post when she resurfaced a week ago after so much speculation about where she'd been got more comments (although mostly from just a few sheeple who park themselves there) than almost all other posts put together that day. It's sickening that she's still relevant and her 'news' still sells.
@PJ's momma -- regarding the toes/shoes. Can't she find some that fit? I can't imagine running around in high heels with toes hanging over the front. Isn't that uncomfortable? All of hers fit that way. Does she think this is the style?
Anonymous said... Hippie Chick said..
I just don't understand how she is staying relevant at all.
Cos we keep talking about her. I enjoy ragging on her like the next person but face it, until we all stop talking, til the blogs have shut down or switched to a different subject, she will stay in the public eye. Maybe the more honest question is, do we really want her to 'go away'?
A very relevent question especially now that she's somewhat out of the limelight; a question I haven't seen up until now. Dare we ask ourselves? Or don't we want to know the answer?
Surely ROL is smart enough to know that the so-called Sheeple are basically using them for a chat room and the only time they even talk about Kart is when someone else dares to use their board to make a genuine comment and then they go into attack mode - hmmm... who does that sound like - oh Khate.
Khate's lack of mothering skills is becoming even more apparent as these other moms of sextuplets and quints are seen doing a much better job than she ever did. They seem to truly enjoy their children and don't spend their day trying to make it look more difficult than it has to be.
And they have husbands which Khate by her own choice does not have. No one will ever convince me that a mom of 8 would ditch her husband without having someone waiting in the wings.
And they have husbands which Khate by her own choice does not have. No one will ever convince me that a mom of 8 would ditch her husband without having someone waiting in the wings.
Are you so sure that she ditched him and not vice-versa? Perhaps he just had enough of her dictatorship, telling him to "get out" whenever there were arguments, bullying him, BUT never really believing that he would leave. When he did "man up," put his foot down, and finally got out, it may have surprised the heck out of her because she never really thought that he would actually do it! By then it was too late. He was gone, and she was alone, and she "just didn't get it...just didn't get it."
According to her interview with Natalie Morales she decided on a "plane somewhere that they were just not going to make it" and she filed for divorce. But quite actually one could never know for sure one way or another, my assumption being based soley on what Khate said and the supposed court docket. I am glad this is just a blog where we are free to ponder, because it is quite a mystery, I think that is part of what draws us all into the Gosselin saga.
Was checking out Khate's blog and this is the latest, thus first in line, comment posted.
"Kate, darling I would love to interview you for my blog. It's been suggested that we do a show together since we both have the gift of gab. Please contact me and we'll set something up? Hugs and kisses to you and the precious eight.
She may give Khate a run for her money on who is the most narcissistic!
I don't think I've ever gone to bed at 7:30! Well, maybe when I'm sick, but then you are SUPPOSED to get a lot of sleep. I couldn't imagine going to bed at 7:30 under normal circumstances.
I don't think I've ever gone to bed at 7:30! Well, maybe when I'm sick, but then you are SUPPOSED to get a lot of sleep. I couldn't imagine going to bed at 7:30 under normal circumstances.
@PJ's momma -- regarding the toes/shoes. Can't she find some that fit? I can't imagine running around in high heels with toes hanging over the front. Isn't that uncomfortable? All of hers fit that way. Does she think this is the style?
Anonymous said...
TLC/Kate 'created' the image and promoted her as the mom of 8 kids who was super organized and efficient - a mom we should all want to be. Kate's recent fake blog is just another example of her many contradictions. IF she was efficient or organized she would do as everyone has suggested, but she is not and never has been.
IDK why TLC keeps trying to force the image of her being overworked/organized/efficient and a can-do person because we all see she's anything BUT! I hope they aren't trying to resurrect the groundwork for Twisted Kate helping burdened moms.
October 10, 2010 4:54 PM
when j&k+8 first came on kate was a sahm FOR THE MOST PART and she was organized and on top of things. she did have to be then...with 6 babies and 2 pre-schoolers. even though she had help the logistics of running the house on a schedule would have been horrible if there wasn't organization.
her situation has totally changed. she isn't home nearly as much and the kids are older. i'm sure there is a routine but i imagine it's harder to maintain organization when you're away like she is at times.
we cannot hold anyone, including kate to the way we were years ago and in a different life situation. we all change and b/c we do our schedules/etc change.
I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. I tried cooking breakfast one morning of pancakes and bacon for my family of 4 total. It took us all of an HOUR to get them all cooked (pancakes from boxed mix) and the bacon all cooked plus the time for us to all eat it. That is why most school mornings, we eat cereal, microwave-precooked bacon, or some other snack that the kids an eat on the way to school or as we are getting ready. There is now way Kate gets up and gets all that breakfast cooked for all those kids and gets them dressed and out the door in an hour. Unless it is all frozen, non organic, that she nukes. Or wait, does the not-a-nanny do the cooking while she sips her coffee?
As for getting the kids dressed, I have a 1st grader who just barely turned 6 and she has been getting herself fully dressed since she did Kindergarten last year. We pull out the clothes the night before and she is old enough to know how to do her shoes. She can even do her hair most mornings. If Kate's kids are developmentally ok, they should all be able to get on their clothes, with a little help tying shoes. Especially wearing uniforms each day.
Kate you should live on a farm because you are so full of bull
JC, great idea about not clicking on Kate's blog or making comments.
I'm sad to say that we are feeding into the drama just as much as the crazy fans over there.
If Kate were organized and didn’t create situations that resulted in chaos she would have far fewer viewers than the the puny amount she’s been able to keep. There aren’t a lot of people who would look forward to Kate+8 episodes like “Freaky French Toast Friday” and “Hold the Mayo” lunch packing. Her diehard fans would watch no matter what she did, but there aren’t enough of them to make for decent ratings, even for a lowly TLC cable program. It’s her natural “ability” to generate chaos (not control it) that TLC has used for ratings. It’s her continual meltdowns that people watch for, her outlandish exaggerations, running through the streets of NY in hooker attired with melting ice cream cones the causes the stir, the blogging, the ratings. TLC has figured out how to cater to the haters. And Kate is more than willing to let TLC film her “weirdities” for an exorbitant amount of money and at the expense of her children’s childhoods. The TLC producers aren’t dummies and so far they’ve made a boatload of money from her.
She has little clue what children eat for breakfast. Just like she proclaimed they eat nearly 1/2 dozen eggs, 1/2 pound of bacon and 1/4 loaf of bread each, every morning. She just picks big numbers and thinks the rest of the public is as stupid as she is, to accept it all.
If I had 8 kids and fed them bacon, eggs and toast each morning, that would be 8 eggs, (not 1/2 dozen), 8-16 strips of bacon (easily 1/2 pound) and 8 pieces of toast (approx 1/4 of a loaf of bread).
Who's cooking breakfast in Kate's kitchen? Aunt Jemima came out from the freezer and the Quakers came out from the pantry to help.
Cindy Adams was spot on. And I'm glad she's feeling better!
Right ON MaggieL!!!!
I'll bet "Racing that darn clock every morning!" means "I scream and yell at them all the way to the bus stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I am surprised she hasn't trained Cara and Mady to cook and serve the queen in bed after taking care of their siblings all by themselves. And Jon finally gets to sleep in!
Maybe that's the real reason Steve won't leave his wife...he knows he will get morning duty.
I think that the intern is still writing the blog, but "they" are aware that we know that she doesn't write it, so the person who is writing it deliberately misplaces commas, etc., and adds all of the question marks, exclamation points, so that we THINK she's writing it!!
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but...
"Whew! By the time the kids are settled into bed at 7:30 ... I assure you that nothing else gets done... I am pooped ... And I'm in bed by 7:31pm..."
Well if she'd stop hanging around the Target parking lot all day, maybe she WOULD get something done. After all her blog says she gets ten hours of sleep every night so she should be full of energy.
If Mady and Cara are packing their own lunches and getting their own breakfast that's two less chores Kate claims she has to do.
That blog entry is so full of contradictions it isn't funny. Whoever writes it has gone off the deep end.
What crap...and, no, she doesn't write the blog. She doesn't know the meaning of half the words that have been used by the intern.
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