Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kate, kids and Steve film at Corn Maze

Is TLC throwing together a Halloween episode at the last minute and trying to get all their shots? A local reports the kids were whisked into the maze today, filmed, then promptly whisked out and carted away. On to the next set? Or perhaps they were running short on the hours PA law permits them to film per week. Hey, at least it wasn't a school day this time.

176 sediments (sic) from readers:

Anonymous said... 1

Isn't it sad that the kids were taken to such a great place only to work and then be shuttled back home? There was a horse and cart ride, hot dog and marshmallow roasts there, plenty of things I'm sure the kids would have loved to do, but noooooo -- they were there to WORK and nothing else.

Heaven forbid their mother would say hey kids, after the crew gets their shots, let's stick around and enjoy ourselves. Noooo, the crowd of what - maybe 20 people were too bothersome to her?

I'm so sad for the kids. And, I'm so angry at their sad excuse for a mother.

Ingrid said... 2

It breaks my heart. Those poor kids. 3 of my grandkids moved 20 hours away. I would give anything to be able to take them to something like this and have fun! Kate has that opportunity to ENJOY her kids but nooooo she has to make them work and complain about her inappropriate shoes.

Wish Jon would take them another day and let them truly enjoy it!

Mary Ann said... 3

I read the entire post by Werny Gal. I trust her report. First hand observation of a work day for the Gosselin kids. Much as we have speculated. The event was nothing dangerous, nothing dramatic, nothing but sad for those children. I don't think Kate even understands what she is doing to them.

MickeyMcKean said... 4


Here is evidence that Kate + 8 is NOT the reality TV show you think it is!

Kudos to Werny Gal for taking the time to go to the corn maze and see the situation for herself and then posting what she saw while there. Now there is no denying that these 8 children were there to WORK.

These children are nothing more than mere props as far as Kate is concerned, and once the cameramen decided they had enough useable film footage they loaded up the props and drove away.

Kate never pushed the issue of allowing the props to be children and enjoy the maze.

A maze that per Werny Gal is created every year for children to enjoy.

It seems to me that these kids had more fun in their first show that was filmed here, when Aaden got "lost" in the corn maze versus behaving like trained circus animals for the cameras these days.

How very, very sad for these 8 children ... open your eyes Sheeple!

I hope and pray that NO ONE WILL WATCH KATE PLUS 8 ever again. Only after this show is canceled will the children know what a true childhood is like.


LisaNH said... 5

You are right, Admin. These poor kids never really get to enjoy the great places they visit because they are working, not there to have fun. Sure, they went to Disney but to film, they went to the Anchorage Zoo, but to film...etc.. not to actually experience and enjoy these places like most children do. It's sad for them.

It's ironic, My husband and I went to the seacoast today just for fun. As we were leaving and heading toward the highway we drove through a residential street and walking along the street was about 10 trick or treaters and their parents. They looked like they were having fun. The kids were skipping around in their costumes and the parents were keeping a watchful eye on them but at a safe distance so the kids could be kids and enjoy this fun evening.

Compare that to the Gosselin children, who have to pretend to do fun things for the camera only to have their fun activity end at the word "Cut, print, that's a wrap!" Sad.

It makes so grateful that I was never famous as a child. I got to enjoy the same fun times as millions of other kids around the US. And I was happy to see some children tonight enjoying themselves. Too bad the Gosselin children won't know that experience until someone in the legal hierarchy (i.e. a judge) recognizes they are losing their childhood.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 6

Yah! (Whip cracks)
Move 'em on, head 'em up Kate!
Keep 'em kids workin'
Yah! (Whip cracks)

The day is going to come when the Gosselin 8 tell their mother & TLC to "take this job and shove it".

Vote with your remote, my friends-
BOYCOTT "Kate + 8"

Merette said... 7

Werny Gal said Take and Co. were there for 20 minutes and Chris, the INF pap was with them. This was only a photo opp., wasn't it? Not a TLC filiming session?

Betsy said... 8

I read W G's blog and pretty much what I had figured all along, take the kids for filming, get what the crew wants and leave. What memories, huh

Crabitha Codswallop said... 9

I believe Werny Gal is a responsible blogger and I enjoy her site. I think she reported this accurately, which is really sad for the children.

Admin, forgive me if this has been asked and answered before. I do not think the Al Walentis book was written well, and am disappointed that Polly attached herself to that project. What are your opinions about that book?

Must Love Dogs said... 10

One more thing, what idiot other than the Queen Bee wears 5 inch heels to a Corn Maze?

Save the kids said... 11

Ding -a -ling wears heels to a corn maze and brings body guard!!!! Nice that she could drop by for 15 minutes to film with the kids. (snark) ~ Administrator said... 12

Can anyone explain how the camera crew calling to the kids to run toward them to get the shots is "reality"?

I went to an awesome, huge corn maze when I was maybe 13 with my cousins. They had different "stations" throughout and not only were you supposed to get through the maze but you were supposed to collect a card to prove you had been to each station. Really fun and took several hours. And no, I wasn't filmed. That is a memory I will keep with me.

Midnight Madness said... 13

Werny Gal said Take and Co. were there for 20 minutes and Chris, the INF pap was with them. This was only a photo opp., wasn't it? Not a TLC filiming session?


Werny Gal said the following: "They were entering the corn field while I was still inside and they came, headed by TLC cameramen, right into my row, so I stepped aside into a cut-in in the corn row to let them film without obstruction."

So, yes, TLC filmed.

MickeyMcKean said... 14

I went over to the dark side to see if they had read Werny Gal's new post - they had of course - and all they seem to be concerned about is that they feel the "nosy neighbor" is a threat to Kate.

Geez, they consider Werny Gal a stalker! They think that security should have been called! For goodness sake Werny Gal said in an earlier post that she has enjoyed going to this corn maze for years.

BUT the Sheeple are saying NOTHING about the kids having to WORK. Not one word about after having gotten enough film footage that will work for their purposes that the children had to leave.

Not one Sheeple thought it was a problem that the children were NOT able to enjoy a hayride, face painting, toasting marshmallows, roasting hotdogs, seeing a medieval-looking pumpkin tossing machine, live Christian music, as well as THE MAZE!

With Steve and 4 cameramen with Kate, there was enough security for the kids to have had some fun. But nosireee! There is no doubt that Sheeple don't give a rip about those 8 props whatsoever. Just like their idol Kate Gosselin.

IMHO Sheeple are sick and twisted if they are still wearing their rose colored glasses and can't see that the children have been exploited for years. This whole Sheeple thing is so un-freaking-believable that it is truly comical.

Kate Plus 8 can't be canceled fast enough as far as I'm concerned.

KATE PLUS 8! ~ Administrator said... 15

It takes hours and hours to get DECENT footage. And yes, this family has been seen again and again not just filming for HOURS at a time, but for days at a time.

For all we know they were filming multiple places around all day--so yes, it does take hours and hours for one episode. Yes you can run into a place for 20 minutes and film if 1. you were suddenly told to quick make a Halloween episode now that the judge told you you can film and you're trying to do it in time for it to be relevant and 2. you are running out of legally permitted hours to film your subjects such that the camera crew has to call to them in a maze to please come toward them so they can get the footage and get out of there.

We have no idea how many hours total the kids have filmed this week, I'm scared to know, all we know about is a snippet at Party City and a snippet at the Corn Maze. For all we know the crew is camped out at the house all these days as is their usual M.O.

What's ironic is the one place the kids SHOULD be spending hours at is a Corn Maze and this is the one place the crew railroads them through! Yet they spent hours at the store the other day, a place most normal 6 year olds would rather spent 5 minutes at. Because it's not about the kids' desires, it's about filming, naturally. ~ Administrator said... 16

This was likely blocked by the way, as someone from the Maze was blabbing about it on facebook and the owner had already been given instructions not to talk and they had set up facepainting for the kids....everything planned, set up, organized, like a movie set.

Another scene that was blocked, at Stable Bed & Breakfast. The TLC production staff went there and took hundreds of pictures in order to plan an episode where Jon and Kate would get away for a relaxing romantic weekend. Apparently this was cancelled when they broke up.

Reality? Not really.

Anonymous said... 17

Speak for themselves. The sheeple should be concerned about MsGoodieTwoShoes who apparently would love to see Jon get in a horrific car accident.

If you ready Werney's previous post, she describes in great detail how she obtained specific permission from the maze owner to be there for filming which I find very considerate. If she was such a threat they could have told her no. ~ Administrator said... 18

Kate always talks about how the FANS make her uncomfortable, not the so-called haters. I have yet to hear her say someone came up to me in a bookstore and asked me about child labor laws and I fear my life now.

"Over-zealous" they are. The fans sometimes cause more problems than anyone else according to Steve (Kate's World episode), the fans blocking them in the gift shop in NYC and pulling up alongside their tour bus, the fans yelling at Kate in the airport like crazies.

There is a common theme here and it is FANS bother Kate, not haters. I think the Kate apologists are over-compensating because of the way Kate has talked about fans. Which would be them.

Anonymous said... 19

Merette said...
Werny Gal said Take and Co. were there for 20 minutes and Chris, the INF pap was with them. This was only a photo opp., wasn't it? Not a TLC filiming session?

Nope - Werney Gal said the whole TLC film crew was there and they actually split up to follow the kids thru different parts of the maze. Chris was just tagging along, trying to get some shots to sell. Convenient isn't it, how he is always at the right place at the right time. lol

Someone else commented about there being enough security that the kids would have been safe to enjoy the activities at the farm - Heck they didn't need security! Werney Gal said there were only about 20 people there in the first place. It wouldn't kill the Gosselin kids to mingle with members of their community and have a bit of fun. I'm sure the kids would have loved it if she wasn't around to squash them behaving like kids! A loving mom, one concerned with her kids, would have let them stay and enjoy the farm and have some fun, but we know Kate isn't one.

Anonymous said... 20

Those poor kids. Not sure what to think anymore. They are like live bait. Hook line and sinker. :(

They can't do one freakin fun thing without cameras in their face.

Shame on Kate and TLC! Those kids shouldn't be slaves. That show will not be on in my house.

"Here kids, work for your fruit and crackers"

I hate her. I never used the word hate till now.

- Lissa

Anonymous said... 21

Check this out! This monkey has more mothering skills then Kate.

- Lissa

Lauren said... 22

Best line from WG's post:

"...and at one point as she [Kate] walked away I giggled to myself as a long strand of corn husk attached to her stiletto was quite reminiscent of a long piece of stray toilet paper one might unknowingly have under their shoe as they exited a bathroom."

Tawdling around on hooker heels at the maze backfired on Kate. LOL!

20 minutes in and out at the maze has got to be confusing for those kids.

Stilletos On The Set said... 23

20 minutes in and out at the maze has got to be confusing for those kids.


Hasn't it been reported that it takes as long as 5-6 hours of filming just to get a half hour of usable footage? How did they manage to do it this time in only 20 minutes?

AuntieAnn said... 24

Good lord. Isn't it just like that idiot to freak out over less than two dozen people congregating in a corn maze somewhere in the middle of PA. That's quite an ego she has. What was she afraid of? Getting shucked by an angry mob of twenty?

Stevie boy better start handing out his resume 'cause it looks like this show is drawing it's last breath. Guarding her must be embarrassing already.

Lauren said... 25

Stilletos On The Set said...
20 minutes in and out at the maze has got to be confusing for those kids.


Hasn't it been reported that it takes as long as 5-6 hours of filming just to get a half hour of usable footage? How did they manage to do it this time in only 20 minutes?


You should direct your question to Werny Gal because she was there. Here is the link to her blog.

Midnight Madness said... 26

Good lord. Isn't it just like that idiot to freak out over less than two dozen people congregating in a corn maze somewhere in the middle of PA. That's quite an ego she has.


I was thinking exactly the same thing! What is she going to do when NOBODY recognizes her? Is she going to freak out because there is nobody there who knows who she is, or will she always be under the delusion that there are crowds congregating to see her? It's not only's pathetic.

Moose Mania said... 27

Yet they spent hours at the store the other day, a place most normal 6 year olds would rather spent 5 minutes at.


Is it known that they spent hours there? It was reported, by an employee, that they got there around 5 p.m. (after they got home from school). In the photo, as they are leaving the store, it is not yet dark. Sunset here is at 6 p.m. You can clearly see in the photo posted (on the other thread) that the sun is setting, but it is still light. So if they got there at 5 p.m., and sunset here is at 6 p.m., with total darkness by 6:30 p.m., they could not have spent hours in the store.

AuntieAnn said... 28

I don't know the answer to that, but I've often wondered what she'll do after she finally comes to the realization that she's just old Mrs. Gosselin who lives over on Hefner road. The kids will be grown and gone and she'll be sitting there all alone waiting for someone to text her on her pink phone. People might point at her place when they drive by but it'll be about as exciting as a swift walk through a corn maze.
Time will tell I guess. (and I'm looking forward to it, ha!)

Anonymous said... 29

Moose Mania said...
Is it known that they spent hours there? It was reported, by an employee, that they got there around 5 p.m. (after they got home from school). In the photo, as they are leaving the store, it is not yet dark. Sunset here is at 6 p.m. You can clearly see in the photo posted (on the other thread) that the sun is setting, but it is still light. So if they got there at 5 p.m., and sunset here is at 6 p.m., with total darkness by 6:30 p.m., they could not have spent hours in the store.

The first twitter came through at 1:49pm. They left the store at sunset, approximately 6pm. My calculations tell me they were definitely there for 'hours'.

TLC ship is sinking said... 30

This is slightly off-topic, but it's starting to piss me off.

Has the Figure 8 film crew have no respect for any property?! This isn't the first time we've heard someone complain about the filming crew destroying property while filming or getting the shot. Someone needs to hold them accountable that if they destroy something, there must be compensation or an agreement that they'll fix anything they mess up.

Bald Head Island:
"Someone called the police, who were eager to respond to something other than a speeding golf cart. The complaint was that the crew had trodden upon the protected sand dunes--an offense that carries a $300 fine--and that was as good a reason as any to get them off the beach. A camerawoman who had been shooting from a dune blamed the children, and a burly director type rushed over to establish himself as the go-to police liaison." - Katy Hall on details of the Gosselins' "working vacation"

Corn Maze:
"There were about four TLC camera people there and they were challenged by trying to film all the kids, so they broke into teams and went running through the corn field, crashing through the rows and breaking stalks along the way." - Werny Gal

(From link in original post.)

What's ironic about the corn maze incident is that Werny Gal posted she heard Kate instruct the kids to not break the corn and stay in the rows yet her Figure 8 crew thinks rules don't apply to them.

How are the Gosselins kids supposed to know how to behave/act when the ADULT Figure 8 film crew does the opposite of what Kate instructed them not to do?!

It's not like these mazes grow themselves. Someone takes their time to create these masterpieces, and these adults want to film in these locations yet do not respect the owners and/or the property.

Same with sand dunes. There's a reason they are protected. It's not like someone gathers sand from the beach and shovels them into these protected areas.

The lack of respect coming from the Gosselin film crew is disgusting.

I hope this isn't the standard for any film crew in Hollywood - reality or scripted tv, film, and movies.

TLC ship is sinking said... 31

Didn't the Gosselins already do a corn maze? Was it the Ten Little Pumpkins episode? I slightly recall the Gosselins going through the maze with their little Gosselins and one of the boys goes missing.

With the Gosselin kids supposedly having Friday off (from posts in previous threads), their long weekend turned into another "working vacation" while their peers probably enjoyed the extra day off. It wouldn't surprise me that Kate/Figure 8 crew used that day off to get most of their filming completed.

Who knows how much filming is done inside the Gosselin mansion.

I'm starting to believe this will air for November sweeps with all the rush. Nov. 14th is looking like an ideal date.

alyssa said... 32

Yet they spent hours at the store the other day, a place most normal 6 year olds would rather spent 5 minutes at.


Is it known that they spent hours there? It was reported, by an employee, that they got there around 5 p.m. (after they got home from school). In the photo, as they are leaving the store, it is not yet dark. Sunset here is at 6 p.m. You can clearly see in the photo posted (on the other thread) that the sun is setting, but it is still light. So if they got there at 5 p.m., and sunset here is at 6 p.m., with total darkness by 6:30 p.m., they could not have spent hours in the store.

Except that in the meantime we found out that an emplyee tweeted about them being in the store at aroun 1:40pm...So that would make it HOURS spend in the store

True Colors Not Pretty said... 33

Khate is going to sit on the couch and talk about oh how much fun the kids had in the corn maze and how wonderful it was them and what great fun it was to have the beloved crew there to captured the children playing in the corn and to think they have it all on film for them. She has been doing this all along. She is a liar and fake and a horrible mom if you can even call it that - more like boss. I hate the sing-song voice and the way the pitch changes when she is addressing her employees the poor little kids who are adorable in spite of it all. I can't watch them anymore ever and I had every intention of watching them grow up on TV until their mother let her true colors show and revealed herself as the skank she is and anyone who hangs out with her cannot be any better.

cathy518 said... 34

So obvious that Kate is deliberately dressing in an inappropriate way to get attention. Of course high heels in a corn maze are crazy but that is why she is wearing them. She knows that looking like that will guarantee the Pap photos and the blog discussions. For her, this is free and easy P.R. Desperate or not, this has seemed to work to keep her from falling off the radar screen completely.
I would not think it is any coincidence that she is filming with the kids as her next show draws near. She knows that filming with the kids during a school week and dressing like she is going clubbing in a corn maze will get her attention and bump up the ratings for the 14th! I wouldn't be surprised if the filming this week never makes the light of day. Halloween and fall footage just won't be relevant long-term. I would also expect more of her antics as the 14th approaches.
So no matter what the plan here, the kids are used as pawns. It just makes me feel so sad to think that those poor kids got 20 minutes zip to run around in a corn maze. I don't know how Kate can live with herself after these things, denying the boys their birthday cupcakes, and so on. She is just cruel, not just indifferent to her children but CRUEL!

Sorry said... 35

You have to give TLC credit. They sure know how to get people talking. Unfortunately, we are falling right into their hands by getting all ticked off about the latest filming.

my9cats said... 36

I doubt Kate ever stopped to think that maybe those 20 people were waiting for her to leave so they could get in? And have fun?
God that woman is a buzz-kill.

Hippie Chick said... 37

Well, its looking like they may have a Halloween ep. soon huh? Gotta get one in so Kate can get her 250K & her fancy nails, her tans, her shoes, her clothes,...Oh forget it!! So, when will this masterpiece air? Thanksgiving? They are just throwing this crap together, editing it quickly, & throwing it on TV, it seems. Kate won't stop. Ever. She is too greedy. Even with the ratings in the toilet, she is too dumb to realize that nobody cares anymore. And who will watch this crapfest? Well, we know who, but seriously, there can't be THAT many left at this point.

Those poor kids. Worked & worked & worked. Someone call Kate out dammit!!! I hope her ratings suck so bad, TLC has no choice but to say screw off, & all this costume/corn maze filming was for naught. One can hope!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 38

Good lord. Isn't it just like that idiot to freak out over less than two dozen people congregating in a corn maze somewhere in the middle of PA. That's quite an ego she has.


And WernyGal said MOST of the twenty were small children! But maybe we shouldn't judge. A bottle or stuffed animal could have been thrown at her, who knows. Ha.

wayward said... 39

Sorry said... You have to give TLC credit. They sure know how to get people talking. Unfortunately, we are falling right into their hands by getting all ticked off about the latest filming.
I don't think this is the kind of talking TLC wants. Why do you think when they shoot in public their first choice is to close the site/store off from the public? Because they don't want witnesses reporting how badly Kate behaves, how she speaks to her children, how the kids are given very specific instructions (just like working actors) while filming their "reality" show and how there's very little actual playing involved when the kids are being filmed "playing."

Although the saying goes "there's no such thing as bad publicity" in this case, this is publicity TLC does not want because it shatters their illusion. Werny confirmed the kids were there a total of 20 minutes, they ran around the maze then were loaded back into the van. Now, Kate can't embellish her voice-over and spin a warm fall memory. She can't sit on her couch and lie that they stayed for another 1 1/2 half hours and went on a hayride and drank cider (although I wouldn't put it past her to lie straight thru her unnaturally white horse veneers and say they went to another corn maze/fall event after filming because they were "recognized" there.) Even the TLC intern/fake blog writer is SOL. How can he/she create a fake blog post when it has been established they were in & out of the maze in 20 minutes?

IMO, TLC was going to air the Alaska show because they had it in the can, but I'm sure it's a complete stinker. Kate did not want to go to Alaska and it sounds like she behaved as such. So... as soon as the judge allowed filming again, TLC is scrambling to throw together a fall/Halloween episode which I predict airs next Sunday 11/7, to keep it somewhat relevant.

kidsRablessing said... 40

My family and I are having a great Halloween weekend. We went to a fall festival yesterday, my daughter won 1st place in the costume contest and they had a good time. We are going to trick or treat tonight and we can't wait. We do a family theme every year. I make this time special for my kids and they just enjoy every minute of it. My point: All holidays have become a working holiday for the G8s. They never have privacy for birthdays or holidays. Kate uses such important family moments for profit and it is sickening. By the time these kids get to enjoy a birthday or holiday without working.....they will be adults and the childhood enjoyment of the festivites will be long gone. I am so glad for my simple, private life. Happy Halloween everyone!

jLil LuLu said... 41

Hasn't it been reported that it takes as long as 5-6 hours of filming just to get a half hour of usable footage? How did they manage to do it this time in only 20 minutes?

Actually it's been reported that it takes up to 400 hours to get one hour of film.

BeDoneNow said... 42

How is this:
*the realest reality show ever?
*the kids playing alongside Kate while she works?
*culturizing the kids?
*providing a fabulous trip/opportunity/education that they never ever would have had otherwise?

Why does a kindergartner have to work to support it's mother? Why does a kindergartner have to march into this fun-fest, recite lines, and then leave? WITHOUT their own paycheck, set teacher or union benefits? When does a 6 year old baby get go off the clock and just go play in that fall fun?

When I first clicked on I thought maybe the topic was going to say that Jon managed to sneak them into the event or something similar so that the children didnt have to miss out. But no, the poor darlings got propped there, publicity shots taken, and then off to the next job?

Oh cruelity, thy name is Katie Krieder Gosselin.

Paula said... 43

There is a reason TLC tried to film unnoticed...Weny Gal and Admin have uncovered the farce here.

The blocks are falling. Just how long TLC wants to keep up the charade is the question.

I love my grandchildren said... 44

Kate is going to be another JOAN CRAWFORD and Mady will be the authhor of Mommy Dearest 2

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 45

So no matter what the plan here, the kids are used as pawns. It just makes me feel so sad to think that those poor kids got 20 minutes zip to run around in a corn maze.

And could not go to tower to view the mazes, or stay for any of the other activities, because it was not being filmed and not convenient for Kate to let her kids enjoy the experience.

Why even bother to go - Oh I forogt $250,000. To hell with kids if they wanted to stay, their fun or happiness is not important. It is ALL about the $250,000. Kate should be ashamed of herself and I believe the kids are beginning to understand how selfish their mother is.

I love my grandchildren said... 46

Kate is a phony only reason she tolerates those 8 kids is the money she s making off them.Go get a real job you re not a movie star and you re not a celebrity just another mom with alot of kids.I just love when she tells the talk shows theres no going back to the i was.How were you Kate an RN making a living and collecting food stamps and getting your medical bills paid for by the state of Pennsylvania.You were getting freebies then and you still are No differance

NT said... 47

I'm sure if you watch the episode she will say this is one of their "fall traditions". I wonder how she will back-peddle the fact that they don't celebrate Halloween. How will she explain buying the costumes. And who in their right mind would go trick or treating at their house??

It Is Stalking said... 48

ickeyMcKean said...

I went over to the dark side to see if they had read Werny Gal's new post - they had of course - and all they seem to be concerned about is that they feel the "nosy neighbor" is a threat to Kate.

Geez, they consider Werny Gal a stalker! They think that security should have been called! For goodness sake Werny Gal said in an earlier post that she has enjoyed going to this corn maze for years.


She admitted that she went to the corn maze specifically to "observe" the Gosselin children. She followed them around and took pictures of them. Her behavior was creepy. She is not a professional paparazzi, she is a random person who lives in the community. If she were a male, would that behavior have been acceptable?

Anonymous said... 49

Anonymous said...

Speak for themselves. The sheeple should be concerned about MsGoodieTwoShoes who apparently would love to see Jon get in a horrific car accident.

If you ready Werney's previous post, she describes in great detail how she obtained specific permission from the maze owner to be there for filming which I find very considerate. If she was such a threat they could have told her no.


Maybe instead she should have asked permission from Kate, since she was following Kate's children around, not the maze owner's. I'm going to go out on a limb and say if the maze owner had contacted TLC or Kate, Werny Gal would not have been welcomed with open arms. Of course the maze owner said "come on down." She wasn't going to turn down a paying customer. ~ Administrator said... 50

Maybe it's stalking but the camera crew is doing the same thing. Also no one would be stalking them at a maze if they weren't filming now would they ?

No Pain No Gain said... 51

Chris must be working for TLC now i.e. they must be buying up his pictures as it sounds like he was more or less part of the group. So much for all the paparazzi talk. I can just imagine Khate listening to that song and Telephone over and over again while she is running, pretending that the lone hired paparrazi is actually a throng of them vying for the great shot with Steve elbowing his way through clearing the way for her. If you will note Khat is never on the phone when Steve is around. She is a sick and twisted person and I am glad that more and more people are calling her out on her lies. It is way past time. ~ Administrator said... 52

Anonymous no I am not defending stalking and I do not think anyone should follow the kids, fans, crew, hatrers alike. No one. Just another reason the show should end.

My Dog Dimmie said... 53

Oh puleeeezzz, leave WG alone. She is far from being a stalker as KGs worshipers call her. Chris the pap has been on TLCs payroll for a long time keeping Ms Wanna be a Sta in the rag mags. She has the guy on speed dial for heavens sake. Great detective work Ms WG, keep up the good work!

Amazing Maize Maze said... 54

I'm going to go out on a limb and say if the maze owner had contacted TLC or Kate, Werny Gal would not have been welcomed with open arms. Of course the maze owner said "come on down." She wasn't going to turn down a paying customer.


Exactly. I was wondering about that, too. Did the other 20 or so people obtain special permission from the maze owner? If not, why not? Was the maze open to those who just dropped in, or was it a "closed set?" Why would the maze owner care if she were there or not? Did the maze owner have instructions from TLC to close the maze to anyone other than TLC, Kate and the kids? Something just doesn't quite add up.

Betsy said... 55

This is all rigged for the show, remember when they did the new show and the promotion was running through their back yard with kites, it was winter and TLC spray painted the lawn green. The neighbors had said the kids were freezing doing that take and it took all day to shoot.

Betsy said... 56

If Kate Gosselin was so worried about stalkers, than she would have pulled the cameras and mics out of her home. The only thing this woman sees is dollar signs whenever TLC pulls up in their mini van. Her kids are props just like someone else mentioned and nothing more to her.

Anonymous said... 57

I can't think of anything else to add to the eloquent comments above.

Many thanks for bringing this pathetic description of what should have been a truly fun experience for these children. They were "allowed" to spend 20 minutes running through the maze before being herded into the cargo van; whereas the other children watching would likely be given the chance to experience the entire maze and the Fall treats as well.

The difference is the Gosselin children were working and the other children were there to have fun. The other children were experiencing reality - not the Gosselins.

It Is Stalking said... 58

My Dog Dimmie said...

Oh puleeeezzz, leave WG alone. She is far from being a stalker as KGs worshipers call her. Chris the pap has been on TLCs payroll for a long time keeping Ms Wanna be a Sta in the rag mags. She has the guy on speed dial for heavens sake. Great detective work Ms WG, keep up the good work!

So if Werny Gal were to show up somewhere with the expressed intent of following your children around and taking their pictures, that would be okay with you? You wouldn't find that behavior just a little bizarre?

I'll ask again. If a man were to engage in the same behavior that Werny Gal engages in, would it be acceptable? Picture a man creeping through the corn maze following 6-year old children and taking their pictures.

Chris the paparazzi is irrelevant to this discussion as he is being paid to do what he does. I'm not a paparazzi fan, but there is a difference between someone being paid to take photographs and a random person following people around and showing up at their house to take pictures of children on their own property. The motivation for the behavior differentiates creepy from opportunistic.

baffled said... 59

cathy518 said...So obvious that Kate is deliberately dressing in an inappropriate way to get attention. Of course high heels in a corn maze are crazy but that is why she is wearing them. She knows that looking like that will guarantee the Pap photos and the blog discussions. For her, this is free and easy P.R.

Sorry said...You have to give TLC credit. They sure know how to get people talking. Unfortunately, we are falling right into their hands by getting all ticked off about the latest filming.

If a little kid is acting up and misbehaving for attention do we give them the attention they're looking for? No,and yet we continue to give Kate/TLC exactly what they want. It baffles the heck out of me. ~ Administrator said... 60

Man or woman paid or unpaid makes no difference! It's all creepy. Do you think the kids think oh he's paid it's okay? The nice thing about this is the solution is as simple as the nose on kate's botoxed face. But will she ever do what is in their bet interest? I am equally creeped out by pedifiles watching this in their homes, as was Jon.

Producer said... 61

wayward said...

I don't think this is the kind of talking TLC wants. Why do you think when they shoot in public their first choice is to close the site/store off from the public? Because they don't want witnesses reporting how badly Kate behaves, how she speaks to her children, how the kids are given very specific instructions (just like working actors) while filming their "reality" show and how there's very little actual playing involved when the kids are being filmed "playing."

This kind of attention has been given to Kate for years at the various blogs. If TLC didn't want it, they would have told Kate to shape up or they'd cancel the show. You can take that to the bank. She's a money maker for them. That's the bottom line and the talk generates ratings. She'd be history by now without the continuing controversy.

They prefer shooting in a closed area like a store because they don't want a bunch of people getting in the way gawking at her. It was posted by the party store that the employees were instructed not to stare at Kate.

Betsy said... 62

LMAO, now her fans are astonished and upset that WG would actually take picures with her itty bitty cell phone of the Gosselins. Nawww,they are just upset cause their Queen Bee has been exposed again for being a pathetic loser. If KG was so worried about cameras and stalkers she would keep her 8 props off television. KGs fans are not worried about the kids, only that their Queen has been exposed for being a fake bake. ~ Administrator said... 63

Except then why did they send me a cease disest letter wanting me to stop? If they wanted us to talk badly they wouldn't have done that.

Hippie Chick said... 64

The poster who stated that Kate, in this particular episode, if it ever airs, sitting on her couch, saying how this was just so much fun, picking out the costumes, going to the corn maze, hit the nail on the head. How many of us know the truth now? We have seen the truth. We know what went into this whole corn maze fiasco. So, ok Kate, how fun was it for your kids, running around that corn maze for HOURS, getting lost & trying to find their way out? Is it a Gosselin tradition Kate? REALLY? Who will call you out you lying (bad word)? Even the sheeple know the truth; will they buy it?

How can she conscientiously look into a camera, to her fan(s), & tell bold face lies? Will she, you think? Let's see her eyes dart back & forth. If & when this particular episode airs, we should send this post from this blog to some media sites & show the truth. 20 minutes in a corn maze, kids working on a school day, all so Queen Kate, Mother of the Year, can keep her lifestyle. Someone needs to knock some sense into that woman. (not me, I'm a pacifist). Any takers?

p said... 65

I have no idea why they sent you a cease and desist order. When was sent? Have they sent one recently? All I know is they sent more than one. My point is, I think any idea of trying to quiet the controversy was abandoned once they saw the bottom line profit that Kate generated.

Crabitha Codswallop said... 66

I think WG acted in a disturbing manner.

To me, the creepiest part was that she jumped in her car to follow Chris who was following the the big blue van.

It's not healthy behaviour and it makes all of us "haterz" look bad.

boo said... 67

I looked at WG's site. I don't see any photos of the kids in the corn maze, just Kate and some other adults walking away. What photos are "It is stalking" talking about?

MickeyMcKean said... 68

It Is Stalking said...

She admitted that she went to the corn maze specifically to "observe" the Gosselin children. She followed them around and took pictures of them. Her behavior was creepy. She is not a professional paparazzi, she is a random person who lives in the community. If she were a male, would that behavior have been acceptable?


I have NOT seen any photos of the children taken by Werny Gal at the maze.

Have you?

LilLulu said... 69

"To me, the creepiest part was that she jumped in her car to follow Chris who was following the the big blue van.

This is what WG actually said:

Chris hightailed it out of the parking lot in hot pursuit of the big blue van while I ended the convoy headed back toward Wernersville.

I don't read that as she jumped in her car and followed Chris.

AuntieAnn said... 70

How does anyone know how much other filming went on that day and the next to get enough footage in for an episode? Twenty minutes of actual filming at the corn maze is only a part of it. Throw in the driving time there and back and/or on to the next place, plus the time it takes for the idiot mother stopping to screech out orders to her little army of moneymakers, adjust her hair and makeup, etc. and it all adds up to more than twenty minutes. Those kids are on call 24 hours a day to keep mommy dearest decked out in her latest pair of stilettos.

As for labeling WG a stalker, that's rich, considering the source it comes from. These are the same people who think Kate is the epitome of motherhood and hope Jon gets hit by a car and ends up in a coma. If given the chance they'd follow Kate into the bathroom to see how many squares of toilet paper she uses. Sounds to me they're the ones who are 'jellus' this time around.

Must Love Dogs said... 71

Is it Stalking? No pictures of the kids, only the Purse and Hand holder along with some TLCs people. WG was not stalking the kids, only there for her own fun and visiting a friend. I beleive the stalker is that BM person everyone talks about who hides in the Gosselin's bushes. I still can't believe that she wore stilettos to a corn maze in the middle of no where herding 8 kids, a body guard and camera crew.

Werny Gal said... 72

Someone alerted me to comments about me here so I thought it would help to come address them directly. If you read my blog you know that I called and introduced myself to the owner as a blog owner and specifically asked permission to go to the corn maze, telling her that I would like to observe in order to report on the events for my blog. She said that would be no problem and invited me to stay as long as I wanted to, although she had been told by TLC they would probably cancel it because a maze employee alerted the public to it on facebook. I decided to go out even though it might have been canceled, and I went out early thinking they might go early rather than cancel it. I figured they might think that way they could beat anyone who heard about it on Facebook. I was correct and thus got to see the action.

When I got there, the TLC crew was already there, waiting for Kate, Steve and the kids. They were taking shots of the general area such as the sign at the entrance. I openly carried a camera with me the entire time and did not try to hide it or the fact that I was taking pictures. TLC, the maze owner and Steve all saw this and had no problem with it. As far as I know Chris Watts, the paps, was the only one other than me with a camera (who was not a part of the crew.)

I don't know if Chris was allowed in the maze or not, but I believe he was held outside rather than being allowed in. Therefore I think I was the only outsider who was inside with a camera. I was already in the maze when Kate and family drove up, simply because I got bored of waiting by the bonfire and I love me a good maze. I was three rows of corn in and could clearly see them arriving. I believe at that point the owner started holding families at the entrance table until the filming was done.

The family was inside the maze for about 15 minutes. TLC tried filming the family going through the maze but it wasn't working out. After about five minutes they decided to make a game of it and the camera crew separated into smaller groups where some hid and the others filmed the kids trying to find them. At this point the paths were disregarded and people were cutting through corn to find each other while the TLC guys yelled so the kids could find them. This lasted about ten minutes. They were in the field not more than 20 minutes max. This would not constitute an entire episode. I would guess it is probably going to be put together with the Party City film to create a fall or Halloween episode or maybe even Thanksgiving at this point.

As my readers know I have a policy against taking and posting pictures of the kids. The images I will post tomorrow will be of Kate and the crew, not the kids. (Admin here copied one of my images, above...Next time please ask or at least give credit?)

We did not have a rainy summer in PA and the maze wasn't very tall or thick. It was pretty easy to see what was going on. I took about 20 pictures, about ten of which are pretty good. I will share some of them on my blog tomorrow.

After observing and getting some pictures I walked out of the maze and went to my vehicle to get chapstick. I was planning on sitting by one of the fires because I thought the kids would probably go enjoy a horse and carriage ride and the other activities when they got out of the maze, and I would continue to observe as planned. As I was opening my car door, Chris passed me and said Hi. I wondered why he was rushing to his car so I turned around and saw the Gosselins were already out of the maze and were rushing into their van. They were leaving and I had already done the bonfire and maze for my own sake so I also left. The van left first, then Chris followed them. My vehicle was third in line.

I realize this has been a unique experience which many are curious about. I hope these answer some of your questions and feel free to ask me more on my own blog. ~ Administrator said... 73

Nancy the kids were not at the bookstore and I never would have approached Kate had they been. I don't think anyone should follow the kids but there is a fine line here between whistleblowing and stalking. I was not there so I really couldn't say for sure whether such actions were appropriate and neither were the sheeple.

Anonymous said... 74

WG was driving HOME. Should she have gone in the opposite direction from her home?

LilLulu said... 75

"WG was not stalking the kids, only there for her own fun and visiting a friend."

This is what WG actually said?

I went to the corn maze at 2:15, after hearing TLC was scheduled to be there at 4:00, just in case they decided to follow through and went early. I ran into a musician I know and we talked by one of the fires for a while,

(She went there because she'd heard that TLC was going to be there.)

Here's the link to refresh some memories as to what WG said and didn't say:

no name-please said... 76

Well I guess when Gosselin and her kids were in NY and her fans following them and taking pictures with their cameras and cell phones is okay. WG is in her own hometown searching for a good time at the corn maze and all of a sudden its stalking and invasion. Geez ,when will the Sheeple ever get a grip to reality here. The woman was called out for making her kids work and there is now proof that it is not about the kids having fun but to work only. The Sheeple are getting their panties in a knot.

My Dog Dimmie said... 77

WG was there at the corn maze and caught the lying fraud Kate in the act, and now the Witches of Kartzilla want to hang poor WG.

Anonymous said... 78

Amazing Maize Maze said...
I'm going to go out on a limb and say if the maze owner had contacted TLC or Kate, Werny Gal would not have been welcomed with open arms. Of course the maze owner said "come on down." She wasn't going to turn down a paying customer.
Exactly. I was wondering about that, too. Did the other 20 or so people obtain special permission from the maze owner? If not, why not? Was the maze open to those who just dropped in, or was it a "closed set?" Why would the maze owner care if she were there or not? Did the maze owner have instructions from TLC to close the maze to anyone other than TLC, Kate and the kids? Something just doesn't quite add up.

What doesn't add up? There was no 'closed set', the maze was open to the public, there were apparently no special instructions from TLC to the owners or if there were, they didn't announce them to the world. Why would the visitors need special permission to be there? Did Disneyworld, Sesame Place, NYC and Statue of Liberty close or have to ask TLC if they were allowed to have other visitors when the Gosselin's visited? Why would the maze owners be any different? If you read WG's post when she discussed hearing about TLC's visit to the maze I think you'll understand why she called for more info and asked permission to 'observe'.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 79

Happy Halloween!!!

Gee, I wonder why Kate's lovers are upset that Werny Gal (who is a long time local) was at the same corn maze as Kate, her kids, the filming crew, handler Steve, and whoever else tagged along in her group- plus Chris the Pap? Talk about being intrusive! What about the families that had to wait outside the maze, just so that they can film their fake episode? I guess "Kate Lovers" hate it when their saintly Kate is exposed as the controlling, fake, power/fame/money hungry monster that she really is.

Anyway, it's a free country. Werny Gal can go anywhere she wants to go- just like Kate. Werny Gal was respectful, friendly, and not intrusive. I want to believe that Kate lovers don't expect Kate's neighbors to stop living their lives simply because Kate & Co. wish to film. That corn maze was lovingly opened so that all families can enjoy a fun outing- which is normal and traditional. It's just ironic that Kate's own children, who are being filmed doing these activities, really cannot enjoy it fully and normally like the other children do- AND surely this cannot be blamed on the neighbors or paps. Kate has chosen this lifestyle for her kids. Unfortunately Kate, this is what happens when you sell your soul (and your children's souls) to the devil for fame and fortune- you stop living normal lives.

As far as I'm concerned, it's a good thing when Kate's utterly deceptive show is exposed for what it is- a complete FARCE & a labor camp for her children!

Thank you Werny Gal, for sharing your experience that day. Hopefully more people in your area will come forward as well.

Free the Gosselin 8!
Expose Kate + 8 for what it really is- a scripted show that is forcing young children to work.

Vote with your remote!
BOYCOTT Kate + 8

Anonymous said... 80

Crabitha Codswallop said...
I think WG acted in a disturbing manner.
To me, the creepiest part was that she jumped in her car to follow Chris who was following the the big blue van.
It's not healthy behaviour and it makes all of us "haterz" look bad.

Oh, dear. WG lives on the same road as Kate. She had to take the same roads as Kate/TLC/Chris did for them to all get home. WG stopped at her destination.

AuntieAnn said... 81

If what WG did is defined as stalking I hope stalkers all over the world would do what she did which is announce they'll be at certain place and at what time. It would make it so much easier for authorities to track them down.

Sadie said... 82

Sounds just like a Kate follower to avoid the issue which is, the kids were taken from their home to work. This isn't about a young woman who lives in the same town, this is about how a network uses children for their own benefit with a mother nodding her head saying its okay for money.

Paula said... 83

Faced with MORE evidence that their Queen Bee Kate is a fake and the show has no semblance of reality, what do the Sheeple do? Attack the messenger. So sad, so very sad.

Must Love Dogs said... 84

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Got to bake my cookies and get my candy bowl ready for the Trick or Treat gang that will be approaching my door step in a few hours..have fun everyone..Boooooo

Anonymous said... 85

I think it will be interesting to see whether TLC even airs the visit to the corn maze after
WG's report and all of the blogging about it and if they do, how it may be changed from what we've heard actually happened and then of course how Kate's commentary will be worded.

There have been very few reports from witnesses of their actual filming and I think it's interesting to compare reality to 'reality tv'. I hope WG's blog about this opens everyone's eyes to help watch for more examples of the manipulation of reality in reality tv.

Smoochie said... 86

Of course the sheeple consider it stalking or lying when one of the "haterz" goes to a place knowing the family will be there or observes the Gosselins and makes comments that they don't agree with.

If there had been an issue, WG would have been hustled out of there by Steve or the family would have been removed from the situation. She clearly states in her remarks when someone inquires, why she didn't say/do more, that it was not her intention to disrupt their visit nor would she do anything to frighten or scare the children.

No, it's not normal for people to arrange their schedules to see a family, BUT when that family considers themselves to be stars and publishes their "real" lives for all to see, it is part of the package that should be expected. When that family has lied consistently about the amount of time the children spend working, it should also be expected that others will take note of how the children are being used during filming.

I still consider the sheeple comments scarier than any "haterz" I've personally read. The fact that they go onto Kate's blog and beg for contact is normal? If BM lived in PA, I believe that she would be considered a stalker and would be doing everything in her power to be in her queen's circle. Her visible behaviour and comments to this point would scare the bejeepers out of me if she were talking about my family. Funny how they don't consider their behaviour stalking, yet talk of going to multiple book signings, wearing their hair the same, buying the same clothes, wishing they could be where she was, going on trips with them, loving on the children, saying their children would like to be friends with the 8, wanting to be her friend, justifying the way she treats her ex, family members, friends, etc. They truly must be wearing rose coloured glasses to dismiss the way they act and not only approve but want to emulate Kate and her behaviour.

Karen said... 87

It's so sickening that everything that costs money is filmed so Kate and her 8 get in free, receive free merchandise, etc. Of course the kids are working (filming) for their supper and everything it costs Kate. She is appearing more ungrateful each and every time we see her. Who do you know would wear "hooker heels" to a corn maze where you might have to walk through mud or chase a child? Kate makes herself look silly and cheap to say the least. Older kids would be utterly embarrassed by such a mother. This story will not end well.

cathy518 said... 88

In support of WG,
I think that she is doing an invaluable serviced for the Gosselin 8. It is through her efforts that the exploitation and callous treatment of the children were exposed. How many would believe that these poor kids were brought to a corn maze for a total of 20 hole minutes without any proof? I have always participated in this blog and others because I believe that silence enables Kate and TLC to continue to sell these children out. WG has proof of what happened, and she went to a great deal to get it!! ~ Administrator said... 89

The bigger elephant in the room as I see it is all the people oogling and oggling at home watching this episode on TV. All those people will be right up close to the kids. How is that okay? To me it's semantics, people shouldn't be oogling at them in person nor should people be oogling at them on TV. What's the difference? The kids can't see the viewers? By that logic, child pornography is okay as long as the children don't see who is getting off on it. All of the above is not okay and trying to assign varying degrees of what is better or worse is really just silly, as all are not okay.

Please try to keep this subject respectful, we can disagree without "losing respect" for each other or making it personal. I am busy today and do not have time to moderate a flame war. ~ Administrator said... 90

I can't believe that anyone could compare Admin going to a public book signing,
Yes. A book signing is public. They invite people to come. They do not specify that you have to be a fan to come. You weren't even required to buy her book as some book signings require. Whether or not you think this situation was appropriate, a book signing is just a completely different thing and I won't be drawn into this as a stalker too because I am not.

Anonymous said... 91

Anonymous said...

I think it will be interesting to see whether TLC even airs the visit to the corn maze after
WG's report and all of the blogging about it and if they do, how it may be changed from what we've heard actually happened and then of course how Kate's commentary will be worded.

There have been very few reports from witnesses of their actual filming and I think it's interesting to compare reality to 'reality tv'. I hope WG's blog about this opens everyone's eyes to help watch for more examples of the manipulation of reality in reality tv.


I would hope that most people recognize that reality TV is still television and not truly "reality." I don't get what is so revelatory about Werny Gal's "report" on the filming. It's not the first time filming has been observed.

PaMa said... 92

I can't believe that anyone could compare Admin going to a public book signing, with a woman who has intruded on the children's privacy. They are not even remotely similar.


Intruded on the children's privacy? The Gosselins were in a very public place ... a corn maze at Halloween, for goodness sakes. How can anything respectful that goes on in that maze be considered "intruding on the children's privacy" when Kate chose to take them to a public place and open their lives to the public. The sad part is that the kids obviously didn't have a chance to enjoy the experience, since it was a film op ... and once the filming was done, they were outa there.

Hippie Chick said... 93

I have actually seen some posts a long ago from the Kate lovers stating how some of them "play pretend" & act like their family is Kate's family, & they pretend they are Kate, & they call their children by the G kids names, etc...Uhhh, that is when I stopped going over there to those blogs. I found that extremely disturbing. These are adult women (supposedly). That is just wrong on so many levels. And "they" claim we are the ones Kate should worry about, right? Wrong. When there are women out there who want to emulate you, be like you in every way, down to that stupid possum haircut, there's a problem. When there are women who actually say things like "I want to be an auntie to one the Gosselin kids. I love them so much!",(do you even KNOW them??) wouldn't you think that it's time to END THE SHOW??


And WG was NOT stalking IMO. She was reporting for her blog. So what? If you don't like it, don't read it.

Anonymous said... 94

Administrator said...
I can't believe that anyone could compare Admin going to a public book signing,
Yes. A book signing is public. They invite people to come. They do not specify that you have to be a fan to come. You weren't even required to buy her book as some book signings require. Whether or not you think this situation was appropriate, a book signing is just a completely different thing and I won't be drawn into this as a stalker too because I am not.


I agree Admin. I don't consider you a stalker for going to the book signing, just like I don't consider WG one for going to the maze, a public attraction. Had TLC wanted the book signing to be scripted they could have issued invitations just as they could have paid the maze owners to close the farm and film the kids with no witnesses. They didn't in either case. Anyone and everyone was welcome to attend. I thanked you, Admin, for your time for attending the book signing (especially since you'd been recovering from an illness) and your report afterwards, just as I thank WG for her time and report she's given.

Very, very few of us are fortunate enough to be in attendance, whether invited, accidental or otherwise with celebrities. We live vicariously through reports from those we trust such as you and WG. I think it's interesting that you've both provided your readers with 'scoops' well before any media.

Let's not forget the issue which is that the kids were 'working'. Thanks to WG we got a glimpse into the reality of their 'reality tv' show and I'll be interested to hear if and how TLC's version differs from the reality of the G8's day. It'll be like comparing your report of the number of people at the book signing and the time elapsed with that in the media reports.

Thanks Admin, for providing us facts and the forum to discuss the different slants people put on their interpretation.

Midnight Madness said... 95

WG was not stalking the kids, only there for her own fun and visiting a friend.


Okay, then why not do it at another time? It's not mere coincidence that it was done when Kate was there. There are plenty of other days/times in the week. While I don't consider her behavior stalking or creepy, I do find it kind of curious. If we all are concerned with protecting the privacy of these kids and getting them off camera, they why go there to "observe?" For what purpose? Why not just "walk the walk" and do what we all have been preaching? Respect their privacy, and don't contribute to gawkers who congregate to "observe" them.

Anonymous said... 96

Anonymous said...
I would hope that most people recognize that reality TV is still television and not truly "reality." I don't get what is so revelatory about Werny Gal's "report" on the filming. It's not the first time filming has been observed.


Unfortunately, WAY too many people believe everything they see on a reality tv program to be the truth and the whole truth - no editing, scripting, do-overs, etc. I don't think I'm alone in saying that I think we're kidding ourselves if we ever dreamed that they'd only spend 20 minutes at a 7 acre corn maze with other things to do and leave before the kids barely saw anything. WG's report was eye-opening and confirmed what a many people suspected but may have not believed, but let's wait to see if and how TLC may change 'reality'.

Anonymous said... 97

How many days were the children filming? If the production crew was filming for hours on Wednesday and again on Saturday, I doubt they went back to North Carolina and came back to PA just to film a few minutes chasing the children through a corn field. Wasn't the corn maze open to the public? What's the big deal if a local person was at the maze and then went home?

Anonymous said... 98

Midnight Madness said...
WG was not stalking the kids, only there for her own fun and visiting a friend.
Okay, then why not do it at another time?


Ummm, It's not usually 'leaked' where they'll be filming. lol

It Is Stalking said... 99

Anonymous said...

Administrator said...
I can't believe that anyone could compare Admin going to a public book signing,
Yes. A book signing is public. They invite people to come. They do not specify that you have to be a fan to come. You weren't even required to buy her book as some book signings require. Whether or not you think this situation was appropriate, a book signing is just a completely different thing and I won't be drawn into this as a stalker too because I am not.


I agree Admin. I don't consider you a stalker for going to the book signing, just like I don't consider WG one for going to the maze, a public attraction.

There is no comparison between attending a book signing and following the Gosselins around while they film. A book signing is by its nature a public event. The whole purpose is to have the public attend. That is markedly different than showing up at a public place because someone blabbed on FB that the Gosselins were going to be filming there. They were not making a public appearance; they were filming in what happened to be a public place.

Anonymous said... 100

Werny Gal has made herself somewhat of a public figure, in essence. She has given out her real name, the place she lives, etc. She has compared her parenting to Kate's, portraying herself in a favorable light of course. I think she should post her children's daily schedule so we can all go observe her children in action and decide for ourselves if Werny Gal deserves to be parent of the year. I think it would be very enlightening. According to many folks, it's completely normal to show up and "observe" strangers' children, take their pictures, etc. Surely she wouldn't object to having the same done to her family. After all, she's put herself out there.

Popcorn said... 101

If what WG did as essentially a journalist was stalking then what about the people who line the red carpent to see the stars and who go on tours in Hollywood to see their homes and the people who ask for authographs, etc. When you are in the business of selling yourself to the public you lose your right to privacy along the way. She had as much right to be there as anyone else. I think what is upsetting the klovers is that the filming process was exposed for the world to see that it is not about making those precious memories and the cameras are not there to capture the moment but to create the moment and the kids are treated as workers and not children. They are indeed expected to perform and are very much aware of that. That part of the story needed to be broken. It is perhaps the biggest lie of all - that the kids are just playing while mommie works and the cameras just happen to catch it. Shame on you Khate and all who support you in expoiting your children.

Confused said... 102

The use of the word 'stalker' to describe WG is simply an attempt to change the focus of the situation. Stalkers are generally those who follow others with nefarious or sinister intent. WG simply decided to show up at a pre-announced taping of the local 'celebrities' to witness things for herself.

How many people turn out to see a celebrity film a scene? How many will start congregating outside a restaurant when they hear a celeb is dining there? Are these people stalkers? No. Most are simply curious onlookers.

The use of this latest propaganda by the sheeple does not negate the fact that the trip to the corn maze was purely a staged shoot. It was NOT just an opportunity for the kids to have fun; it was a JOB. They were expected and obliged to be there to perform before the cameras.

Instead of trying to apply a nefarious, sinister label to an innocent observer, the sheeple should be aware of the vile acts being committed before their very eyes in the name of entertainment. These children have no choice. They have no voice. They are expected to perform and be filmed to provide for themselves and the indulgences of their taskmaster mother.

Personally, I feel that the kids ARE in peril, but not from the likes of WG. The peril comes from the never-ending quest of their narssistic mother to use them as a mean of income and support.

What is to become of them? What sort of psychological damage has been done by isolating them from family, by prolonged absences from their mother and father while being kept by an array of ever-changing caregivers? What sort of messages are they being taught when they are lied to for the good of the program? What happens when they are no longer provided with free trips and product-placement gifts? Will they be able to form lasting relationships when all they've known is that people come and go? What will happen when THEY begin to question their own REALITY? It's just so very, very sad.

Lauren said... 103

Confused, that was a great post!!!

Anonymous said... 104

Confused said...

The use of the word 'stalker' to describe WG is simply an attempt to change the focus of the situation. Stalkers are generally those who follow others with nefarious or sinister intent. WG simply decided to show up at a pre-announced taping of the local 'celebrities' to witness things for herself.


It was not "pre-announced," it was leaked on FB. If filming were intended to be observed by the public they would publish the filming schedule.

Anonymous said... 105

Werny Gal has made herself somewhat of a public figure, in essence. She has given out her real name, the place she lives, etc. She has compared her parenting to Kate's, portraying herself in a favorable light of course. I think she should post her children's daily schedule so we can all go observe her children in action and decide for ourselves if Werny Gal deserves to be parent of the year. I think it would be very enlightening. According to many folks, it's completely normal to show up and "observe" strangers' children, take their pictures, etc. Surely she wouldn't object to having the same done to her family. After all, she's put herself out there.


We've devolved back to this old argument, I see. Comparing apples to oranges and once again trying to move the conversation from the real issue which is that the children are WORKING and that the 'story' TLC is trying to sell us as being the reality of the G8 is not reality as we know it at all, but is very sadly, the reality of the Gosselin children. WG has not put her children to work to support the family, has not filmed their entire childhoods, has not invited cameras into her home and has not exploited her children. Now, let's get back to the real issue and the reason most of us here blog: the exploitation of the Gosselin children.

Anonymous said... 106

It was not "pre-announced," it was leaked on FB. If filming were intended to be observed by the public they would publish the filming schedule.


Perhaps they should have closed the farm to customers while they filmed if they didn't want anyone to be witnesses? If TLC doesn't want anyone to know about the real reality of the Gosselin kids filming perhaps they need to close all venues where they film and make the show even more fake than we're slowly finding out it really is.

Midnight Madness said... 107

Ummm, It's not usually 'leaked' where they'll be filming.


Ummm, I think you're missing my point. It has nothing to do with "leaking" when they will be filming. A poster said that WG was there for fun and to visit friends. Why go there for fun at the exact day and time when the Gosselins were there if the purpose was not to observe them? Pick another day and time to have fun at the maze. The bottom line is that she went specifically to see what is going on. She admits this, making no apologies for it. Good for her. We all have nosey streaks in us, I suppose, but in this case, I wouldn't have gone (and I didn't). I knew that the crew was filming there that day, and six of us had planned to go (long before we found out about the filming). We changed our plans, out of respect for the kids. I know the kids are working. I know that this is scripted. I know that they don't have lives of their own, free from her control. I just don't have to see it.

So if she's just there to "observe" TLC and filming, then why hop in the car and follow them, even if it's on the way home? Why not stay and enjoy and bonfire, marshmallows, carriage rides if she's just there to have fun? Why cut her time short? Why go home at exactly the same time bringing up the tail end of the convoy?

Anonymous said... 108

I was thinking exactly the same thing! What is she going to do when NOBODY recognizes her? Is she going to freak out because there is nobody there who knows who she is, or will she always be under the delusion that there are crowds congregating to see her? It's not only's pathetic.


Yet when they went to Party City, the employees were told to pretend they didn't know who Kate was. Why is that? Kate is annoyed if no one recognizes her, yet people are told to act like they have no idea who she is...?

Lauren said... 109

If TLC published the film schedule then people would see what a sham this "reality" show is. The general public would see that the Gosselin 8 are driven to a location, expected to perform for the cameras and then taken away. How is that reality? It's not.

No, TLC wants to keep the filming secretive so they can continue exploiting the kids.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 110

Anonymous said...



It was not "pre-announced," it was leaked on FB. If filming were intended to be observed by the public they would publish the filming schedule.
October 31, 2010 3:15 PM


Oh, please. "If filming were intended to" NOT "be observed by the public" -- TLC would confine the filming to the privacy of their home!

Give me a flipping break. If Queen Katie and the TLC child exploiters do not to be observed filming, then go do it somewhere else, NOT at a very public place, a corn maize, on the Saturday of Halloween weekend!

It's so funny how the sheeple are so loudly protesting WG's visit to the corn maze all in the name of alleged "stalking". What a joke. Please don't let them succeed in their pathetic attempts to distract everyone from the behavior of KHATE & TLC!

PaMa said... 111

Thank you, Confused ... I am in complete agreement that those who use an inflamatory label to call WG a "stalker" are deflecting the focus from where it should be ... on the fact that the Gosselin 8 were filmed in an entirely "scripted" situation. Without eyewitnesses to report on the "un-reality" that the Gosselin 8 are forced to live, Kate can continue to present her fairy tale life to her 1.5 million viewers.

I commend WG for exposing the truth.

no name-please said... 112

The woman is just plain nuts for the fact she wore stilettos to a corn maze with 8 kids.

Anonymous said... 113

Midnight Madness said..
So if she's just there to "observe" TLC and filming, then why hop in the car and follow them, even if it's on the way home? Why not stay and enjoy and bonfire, marshmallows, carriage rides if she's just there to have fun? Why cut her time short? Why go home at exactly the same time bringing up the tail end of the convoy?


I can't speak for WG, but she said she arrived @ 2:15, spent time with a friend by the fire, wandered through the maze and that they arrived around 3. I'd imagine she was done for the day and simply went home when they packed up. Coincidence, questionable? IDK, nor care. She went to her own home and didn't follow them to theirs.

Anonymous said... 114

Lauren said...
If TLC published the film schedule then people would see what a sham this "reality" show is. The general public would see that the Gosselin 8 are driven to a location, expected to perform for the cameras and then taken away. How is that reality? It's not.

No, TLC wants to keep the filming secretive so they can continue exploiting the kids.

I completely agree Lauren. They have everyone associated with the show sign non-disclosure agreements for a reason. I think it was a fluke that this filming was ever leaked in the first place (I read it was done by a minor.) The last thing they want is for the truth to come out about the children WORKING and the conditions in which it's done.

Anonymous said... 115

Ok, so they are gonna sit there and say Wernygal is a stalker...because she went somehwere to get footage of kate... but when ever Kelly Ann Collins from Gliterazzi went to the club in DC to try and sneak around back and get footage of jon and ellen, they LOVED the story and didnt call that girl a stalker. GIVE ME A BREAK. lets all stop reading sage and ziggys blogs.

Linda said... 116

Nope, people don't follow me or my kid around. Wanna know why?

Because I didn't sell my kid's private life for public consumption on a TV show. I didn't sell my kid's private life for my own monetary gain.

That's why.

It constantly amazes me when people argue that we can't criticize Kate's life or her decisions or her parenting. Yes, we can. She put herself out there. She's a public figure, like it or not. And when you're a public figure, you are open to both praise AND condemnation. That's part of the deal. I find it baffling that there are still people who don't grasp that fundamental fact.

Finding out someone is going to be somewhere and then going there out of curiosity is not the definition of stalking.

And this isn't about WG, anyway. This is about the sucky life those kids are leading--sitting on a bus two hours a day, having their every move choreographed and regimented. Being either yelled at or ignored by their mom. Their parent's very public divorce. Having their lives sold as a commodity since they WERE A YEAR OLD. Having no privacy. Having no separate identity beyond "one of the tups" or "the twins are aren't the tups." I could go on and on. These kids got trotted out to a corn maze, told exactly what to do for fifteen minutes, then were packed back on a van and taken home. Wow, that's fun, huh? All in the name of making mommy money and earning their own damn child support.


Lauren said... 117

If Werny Gal was behaving like a stalker, then how is it that Steve allowed her to stay at the maze?

Admin was "removed" from Kate's presence for simply asking a question. It's safe to assume that if Steve thought WG were a threat, she would have been escorted away from Kate - PRONTO. No questions asked.

Think about it. ~ Administrator said... 118

For those who are asking about the cease and disest letter, I am not interested in disclosing every last detail about it. TLC was very respectful and dare I say kind about it. Their letter was not threatening in any way. It was a polite request. I responded, politely as well, indicating I would not be complying and why. After a few more polite back and forths, they backed away.

I had a whole blog post written about it, then thought better of it. I don't want to make a big deal out of something TLC themselves has chosen not to make a big deal out of and in fact even cow-towed to me. Obviously I am not on any kind of black list for TLC as they certainly didn't alert the Sarah Palin team not to invite me to NYC. While I do not agree with what they are doing to the Gosselins, the attorney who represented them has nothing to do with that and he was very appropriate and from one attorney to another in the interest of professional courtesy, I decided not to flaunt it all over the blog and make a big deal. No, I am not disclosing the actual letter. Just because TLC acts in a bullying, arrogant manner does not mean I have to do the same when I win.

What it did teach me is that anyone, anyone can go up against TLC and win. So I simply do not buy the long-standing excuse some people have that you can't go up against TLC they are too big. It was just little ole me, and TLC backed down, promptly. We don't know that other blogs did not receive the same, maybe they just chose not to disclose that they got it. I kept it quiet until it was fully settled.

MareDevon said... 119

This whole "stalker" crap is just bait being used to derail this post. Don't fall for it. WG didn't do anything wrong even Steve didn't care. ~ Administrator said... 120

While I do share some concerns about this, I do tend to agree with the assessment that Steve was there and Steve is the one charged to protect Kate, not us. If Steve had a problem, Steve could have done something about it. We know he's certainly not afraid to escort people away from the Queen for much lesser offenses, such as, asking a question off the script he reviewed with her the day before! For whatever reason Steve decided this was not a problem. He has to know anyone taking photos is bound to post them on FB, twitter, and even blogs. I think deep down they want to allow SOME leaks, enough to keep interest.

Save the kids said... 121

It must have been Jon's weekend off from the kids for her to get TLC to make the kids work all week and weekend. Hope they spend next weekend with their father and get to relax.

Corn STALK-ing said... 122

"Admin was "removed" from Kate's presence for simply asking a question. It's safe to assume that if Steve thought WG were a threat, she would have been escorted away from Kate - PRONTO. No questions asked.

Think about it."


There's nothing to think about. It's elementary. The kids weren't present at the book signing. There was no filming there. I think that TLC saw this as a possible publicity leak. They need all the help they can get right now. When Admin approached her, there was NOTHING in it for TLC, nothing to gain out of it. She asked a question that may have thrown Kate out of sync if she had to think about how to answer it. Or, it could have angered her so much that Steve would have intervened. This would have resulted in negative publicity.

It was an entirely situation at the maze. Apples and oranges, or pumpkins and corn stalks.

Gabby2 said... 123

Stalker? Kate/Steve are public figures. As are the kids.

Of course....MOST "normal" parents would protect their children from becoming "public figures", but not Kate of course. She would not be able to afford her gigolo...without them.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 124

I don't think Werny Gal was "stalking" or a "threat" to Kate & Co. However, she is a threat to her protective sheeple that don't want their mentally ill, ice princess to be shown in a negative light. It's remarkable how protective they are over Kate. I guess when you love someone as fiercely as the sheeple do, you don't want to hear anything bad about Kate. They may even take it personally that their precious Kate's honor is being attacked.
Kate really should be kinder to her fans- she has no idea what allies she has in these people.

Anyway, what Kate's sheeple are doing, has happened so many times before to other whistle-blowers. The sheeple start by calling the messager names, and then they discredit the messager to the point that no one wants to even bother saying anything, any more. Why put yourself through all that? Right?

Game over, though. Kate's more than done, her name is mud all over the place. She wanted to be famous? She's got it- but with a price to pay. The public knows all about her little tricks, and is not interested in playing her game ever again.

Seems to me, that exposing someone that is a liar, manipulator, bully and a fraud is always a good thing. Plus getting plenty of witnesses along the way is even a better thing. But as long as people stay quiet, the abuse will continue, and the children will suffer.

So power to those that bring their Kate + 8 experiences to the web. Good, bad, pretty or ugly- this must be documented.

Save the Gosselin 8-
Vote with your remote!

gotyournumberKate said... 125

"Chris the paparazzi is irrelevant to this discussion as he is being paid to do what he does."

WG has a blog. This is a form of journalism. She had just as much right to be there as Chris and all the other gawkers who stop there cars in front of the G's house to try and catch a glimpse of them. Kate puts her kids out there fro the world to see. Unless there is harm intended I personally see no reason WG can't go to where they are. I find out after the fact that Kate was running a marathon in my hometown. Had I known earlier I probably would have gone to see her. That does not make me a stalker.

Vanessa said... 126

Maybe, just maybe it will be a "hommage" for the last show??? Wasn't one of the very first episodes at a corn maze? Remember "helloooo??"
Maybe they will tie the two together! Some sentimental music in the background? Cue the bitch for the crocodile tears!

Anon 1 said... 127

Midnight Madness said..
We changed our plans, out of respect for the kids.
I call BS on that!

no name-please said... 128

I was thinking the same thing Vanessa..hmmmm

Midnight Madness said... 129

I call BS on that!


You may call whatever you want. That's your prerogative, but I wouldn't use a bullhorn. We didn't go because they didn't need gawkers there. Period.
I see them out and about quite often. I didn't need to follow them around to a corn maze. I had no desire to get into that circus.

A-maze-ing said... 130

Midnight Madness said... You may call whatever you want. That's your prerogative, but I wouldn't use a bullhorn. We didn't go because they didn't need gawkers there. Period.


MM -- Couldn't you have gone to this public corn-maze just like any other paying customer, and enjoyed the festivities WITHOUT gawking? I don't see how you or your friends visiting the corn-maze would have, or should have, impacted the Gosselins at all (unless you ARE a "gawker"). It's a public venue; is the general public not allowed to visit local attractions just because Kate might show up to exploit her kids that day?? You're basically implying that if you HAD visited on the same day as the G8, you WOULD have gawked. Otherwise, why not visit and just mind your own business and enjoy the festivities with your kids despite the filming???? I'm a local as well, and I'll be damned if I'm going to deny my kids some fun just because the Gosselins might be at the same event. Your focus should be on your own kids and the fun they would have had. If you're not gawking, your presence at the corn-maze would have been inconsequential to the Gosselin kids.

Denise said... 131

Her next TLC blog will probably whine about how she tried to take the kids to a maize maze but they had to rush away because she recognized some wild local reporter.

What kind of idiot wears heels to a farm?
or a dog breeders?
or the Statue of Liberty?
or to a Wyoming Dude ranch?

Oh never mind, I know....

Reality Bites said... 132

It's Neild's job to deal with the Gosselin kids' security needs - oh wait - perhaps not - was Kate wearing skinny jeans/leggings with high heels?

Linda O'Delusional said... 133

What really angers me is the reaction of Kate's fan club. One of them is even trying to convince people that WG made up this entire story after watching the "ten little pumpkins" episode! How crazy is that, I ask you.

I am pretty fed up with the holier-than-thou attitude of Kate fans. They claim to be full of positive energy, happy thoughts, and they all pretend to be shooting rainbows out of their asses while they idolize Kate. But I am seeiing a change in them.

The sheeple are now haters in their own right. They hate on Jon, they hated on Haley until she served a purpose for their hate of Jon. They hate on people who want privacy for the Gosselin kids. They hate on anyone who doesn't 100% agree with them. They can't even have a healthy discussion anymore, if you dissent you are either reprimanded, threatened, deleted, put on notice, or banned.

In the meantime, the sheeple claim they want anyone who dislikes ANYTHING to simply keep quiet. "Stop watching, don't read, why care about something you despise?" is their favorite mantra. But as I said, I see a change. Lately they dwell on haters, and they dissect everything in detail they disagree with. They pretend to be so above the drama, but they relish the snark. It is the only thing interesting on their side. Kate never does anything besides shop, tan, mani/pedi, exploit the kids. Boring...

Sheeple can't last a week without breaking their own rule: IF IT BOTHERS YOU, DON'T READ IT.

HI 50 said... 134

Pretty good investigative reporting. Interesting how Kate idol worshippers believe in double standards. They post their stalkerazi videos on youtube of their idol & it's OK.

Boo hoo for Kate, her antics are revealed for all the world to witness. Truthfully, the kids were WORKING at the corn maze while Momster Dearest parades around in her stilletto boots for Stevie to protect. What a farce!!

She DIRECTS the kids to PERFORM on cue. The film crew DIRECTS the kids to PERFORM but their not working?! Bullsh*t is piling up high! Maybe she had to hurry home b/c it was Jon's turn to share Halloween with the kids?! Or maybe she was anxious to get home ASAP b/c Stevie is back...gotta get her share of her handler's attention! AFter all he was MIA for a while.

IF Steve approached me I probably would've told him F-off b/c I PAID at the door. Everyone knows Katie & the crew only show up if there's freebies. ~ Administrator said... 135

This is exactly what I DON'T want this blog to be, a blog that constantly puts down other blogs and bloggers. This is what TWOP calls Boards and Boards, but I rather call it we have nothing productive to say on our own so we must bully and talk about what OTHERS are saying all day long because we are unoriginal and boring.

When I used to once in awhile look at other blogs, I found that a great deal of the Kate lover blogs do this all day long. From what everyone tells me they are still doing the same exact thing.

I deleted a LOT of comments today, which I find annoying. I've allowed limited discussion of this because I think it's something worth debating, but please do not cross the line into let's bully someone all day long because we don't like their opinion. I have played fast and loose with the boards on boards rule and I'm starting to regret not being strict.

LifeinOH said... 136

Confused said...
The use of the word 'stalker' to describe WG is simply an attempt to change the focus of the situation. Stalkers are generally those who follow others with nefarious or sinister intent. WG simply decided to show up at a pre-announced taping of the local 'celebrities' to witness things for herself.
Perfectly stated!

Kathy said... 137

Once Rachael Ray came to a restaurant I go to to film her show and the restaurant manager told some people about the filming beforehand, and a bunch of these people came in and pretended they were casually eating but really were there because they were fans of or simply curious to see Rachael Ray. After taping was done, and after a great musical performance arranged by the show in the restaurant, some people respectfully asked Rachael for a pic and she very graciously obliged. Were they stalking her? Of course not, they simply came out to see a celebrity and also provided 'atmosphere' shots that the show needed. To call people who come out to see a celebrity or watch filming in a public venue 'stalker's' is verging on absurd.

Some think that it was ok for WG to be at the maze if she was going for the hayrides, but to go observe filming is creepy. I find no logic in this. WG has a blog about this show and voices concern about these children. She attended a public filming event in order to view firsthand what she has been blogging about for months. I find no difference between that and Admin going to a book signing to ask Kate a question about filming the kids.

I think anyone who wants to go observe filming should, and if it's someone with a blog or someone who posts their true experience, that's great. Kate and TLC drag these kids to these public places to film, so for them to expect these venues to be empty or exclusively populated by indifferent locals or sheeple is unrealistic, and harmful to the kids, frankly. I think the kids will be better off in the long run if there are at least a few people in the world who can bear witness to a reality of filming that is different from the saccharine falsehoods spun by their mother and TLC. I had to laugh at a comment posted somewhere that WG should have asked TLC for permission to buy her ticket and attend the corn maze.

When exactly did this podunk (but ruthless) television network become Big Brother?

IMO the only inappropriate person in this episode of Children of the Corn, was Steve. He shouldn't have intruded on Werny Gal's experience just as he shouldn't have laid a finger on Admin. He and Kate and TLC overstep all boundaries. Everyone else has been ok.

alyssa said... 138

It is staliking said...
So if Werny Gal were to show up somewhere with the expressed intent of following your children around and taking their pictures, that would be okay with you? You wouldn't find that behavior just a little bizarre?
No it wouldn't be ok which is why I am not putting them on TV...Kate and the kids wouldn't be stalked if they didn't have a reality show

Hippie Chick said... 139

May I ask what Boards on Boards mean? I really don't know...Thanks in advance!

KateSteveandTLCSuck said... 140

Corn STALK-ing said...

"Admin was "removed" from Kate's presence for simply asking a question. It's safe to assume that if Steve thought WG were a threat, she would have been escorted away from Kate - PRONTO. No questions asked.

Think about it."


There's nothing to think about. It's elementary. The kids weren't present at the book signing. There was no filming there.
October 31, 2010 5:31 PM
I do believe Admin said they WERE filming (possibly for DWTS footage?) at the book signing (Tony Dovolani was there)probably hoping for some footage of all the fans in line-of which there were hardly any.

LisaNH said... 141

I am a member of a number of blogs, forums and message boards (non-Kate related). Out of all of them there is only one that is a sheeple board. It wasn't when I first joined, it was just a fun forum to discuss common interests in a particular subject for a certain television program. Over the years, however I have seen it change from a fun, intelligent discussion to a board where people would not tolerate any criticism of the show, the cast or the evidence they find on the show. If you don't post positive, glowing messages about any of that, they attack like a swarm of angry bees. Ironically, out of all the forums I belong to, that is the only one that is Sheeple-ized.

What I'm saying is that I guess Sheeple are in all walks of life (aka forums). Whether it is Kate+8 or any other shows out there, there are blind followers who roam around the Internet like zombies waiting for someone to say something about their precious ones.

LisaNH said... 142

****Sorry if this shows up twice. Something funky happened when I tried to post the first time*****


I am a member of a number of blogs, forums and message boards (non-Kate related). Out of all of them there is only one that is a sheeple board. It wasn't when I first joined, it was just a fun forum to discuss common interests in a particular subject for a certain television program. Over the years, however I have seen it change from a fun, intelligent discussion to a board where people would not tolerate any criticism of the show, the cast or the evidence they find on the show. If you don't post positive, glowing messages about any of that, they attack like a swarm of angry bees. Ironically, out of all the forums I belong to, that is the only one that is Sheeple-ized.

What I'm saying is that I guess Sheeple are in all walks of life (aka forums). Whether it is Kate+8 or any other shows out there, there are blind followers who roam around the Internet like zombies waiting for someone to say something about their precious ones.

Betsy said... 143

Well I just knew that it would only take a day for the Queen B to show up on one of the Gossip Sites thanks to Lone Star Chris the pap. Just like WG said, she was wearing leggings and stiletto boots, ughhhhhhh. Pointy heels and pointed toes, how practical when towing 8 kids around a corn maze. Enjoy the pics, there on Gossip..the camera crew looks like they were trampling the corn down with their big hoofs BTW.

BeDoneNow said... 144

Reality Bites said... It's Neild's job to deal with the Gosselin kids' security needs - oh wait - perhaps not - was Kate wearing skinny jeans/leggings with high heels?

LOL! and I love the sentiment! However, there has been a great deal of mention about security for the children at the corn maze, and there shouldnt have been any worries because Steve and the film crew were there.

BUT - The film crew technicians are being paid to do a job and babysitting isnt one of them, so I am not sure how much comfort anyone should take regarding their presence.

And Steve? His job description is all about KATE; again, we have seen time and again the he is KATE'S escort, and only that. Freddy Krueger could have run off with a twin and a tup under each arm, and Steve's only job is to hand Kate a tissue so she can dab her eyes for the 11:00 news.

Perhaps as decent human beings these paid attendants incorporate baby-minding into their work days, but us normal people probably should not expect that.

Anonymous said... 145

Well there are pics of the kids from the corn maze up now. She's saying they are from behind so it's not exploitation. I beg to differ. ~ Administrator said... 146

They were filming at the book signing, and they were approaching us and ASKING us to participate in the filming. If you watch the episode, three girls, the very same girls I was talking to, were interviewed about their love for Kate. However they later told me they thought she could be a real bitch too, lol. The kids also weren't there, even though presumably the kids were in LA at the time because this was the same time she took them to Disney.

Kk said... 147

Anon @ 10:38: please look at the credit for those photos -- it's "inf daily", which is Chris-the-Pap, NOT WG.

WG Took Photos of the Kids said... 148

Kk said...

Anon @ 10:38: please look at the credit for those photos -- it's "inf daily", which is Chris-the-Pap, NOT WG.


The photos on Werny Gal's site were taken by her. There is no INF credit on them and she indicates that she took them.

Anonymous said... 149

It looks like Kate is wearing cheap costume boots at the corn maze. She probably picked them out at Party City after hours of filming in the store and she couldn't wait to wear them for Halloween. She'll film for hours if there's something in it for her (i.e., shopping), but if it's an activity the children enjoy, she barks orders at them and rushes to finish it as fast as possible.

Liz said... 150

MickeyMcKean said...


I have NOT seen any photos of the children taken by Werny Gal at the maze.

I think you should look again, because she posted them to her blog - pictures of the kids taken by Werny Gal at the maze.

P.S. I've never posted here before but I'm surprised that anyone would compare what Admin did to what WG did, so I just wanted to chime in to agree with those you clearly see there is a big difference between going to a public book signing and going to a location where Kate and the kids will be, specifically to follow them around!

PackitinK8 said... 151

What does Kate fear in the middle of a cornfield that she needs a bodyguard, when she is surrounded by those burly cameramen? If one is that afraid, perhaps it is best to stay home. Does anyone have any fun anymore when the show is so scripted and repeated?
Steve Neild, poor substitution for Daddy Jon.

Corn STALK-ing said... 152

I do believe Admin said they WERE filming (possibly for DWTS footage?) at the book signing (Tony Dovolani was there)probably hoping for some footage of all the fans in line-of which there were hardly any.

My bad. I meant that they weren't filming the children there. They can exploit Kate all they want, just keep the kids out of it.

Midnight Madness said... 153

I, too, am having some funky problems posting, but I just wanted to address a poster's comment about my spoiling my children's day by staying away from the corn maze when Kate and the kids were filming, and that I should focus on my own kids' fun.

I never mentioned that I had planned to take the children. Perhaps he/she mis-read it. I said, "six of us," not children. There was no mention of planning a fun day for my children and then cancelling it. I wasn't sure if the maze would be a closed set and we'd have to wait until TLC was finished, or if visitors would be intruding on the filming. They have used closed sets numerous times before. Kate thinks everything, including Boscov's store, should be open for her personal use only. Does anyone know if the maze was, in fact, closed while TLC was there?

We all, including the children, did have Halloween fun at Hersheypark in the Dark. I'm surprised Kate didn't take the kids there. She could have clomped around on cement in her heels, rather than in a cornfield. Oh, well, maybe next year they can make a run there if they are grasping for Halloween filming ideas. And if she still has her boots. Sigh.

Moose Mania said... 154

Hippie Chick said...

May I ask what Boards on Boards mean? I really don't know...Thanks in advance!


Hippie -- Boards on Boards means when one board (blog) takes posts from another one (copies it, many times verbatim) and then comments on it and opens it up for discussion. The sad thing about this is that these bloggers cannot come up with something on their own to write about, so they have to depend on discussions from other boards to keep theirs going. I don't go to the other sites anymore, but when I did, I really had my eyes opened up to the amount of copying they did, even going so far as to use the original poster's name.

Admin., does that explain it sufficiently? I know next to nothing about copyright law, but if a blog is copyrighted, is it a copyright infringement if another board takes the posts on the board and transfers it to their own...or is this really a gray area? Would the original blogger have rights regarding this, if he/she would ever decide to file a complaint against the other board?

Perhaps a more appropriate name should be "Boreds on Boards," or "Bored Onboard," because that's exactly what they are! ~ Administrator said... 155

Yes you explained it just fine Moose. It's simply, don't use this blog as a forum to talk about other blogs. I have made limited exceptions, such as a situation like this. This isn't high school where you sit around the lunch table and make fun of everyone at the table across the way. I'd like to think we can carry on an intelligent discussion without resorting to boards on boards and expect me to be a lot more strict on this in the future--however don't get me wrong, in general people have been very good about avoiding boards on boards and it's usually not a big problem.

As far as copyright, it's very simple when it comes to blogs actually, and well-settled. I own the copyright to the posts I make, and you each own the copyright to your comments. Contrary to popular belief you do not need to register it with the U.S. Copyright office or other such nonsense that layman think you need to do. The moment you post your comment you hold the copyright. So yes, a blog that is taking my comments or your comments is in clear violation of copyright law. Now is it worth going after these unoriginal leaches who can't come up with an original thought to discuss without going around picking on everybody else, even knowing you would easily win? Personally, I wouldn't waste a moment of my time.

Midnight Madness said... 156

I, too, am having some funky problems posting, but I just wanted to address a poster's comment about my spoiling my children's day by staying away from the corn maze when Kate and the kids were filming, and that I should focus on my own kids' fun.

I never mentioned that I had planned to take the children. Perhaps he/she mis-read it. I said, "six of us," not children. There was no mention of planning a fun day for my children and then cancelling it. I wasn't sure if the maze would be a closed set and we'd have to wait until TLC was finished, or if visitors would be intruding on the filming. They have used closed sets numerous times before. Kate thinks everything, including Boscov's store, should be open for her personal use only. Does anyone know if the maze was, in fact, closed while TLC was there?

We all, including the children, did have Halloween fun at Hersheypark in the Dark. I'm surprised Kate didn't take the kids there. She could have clomped around on cement in her heels, rather than in a cornfield. Oh, well, maybe next year they can make a run there if they are grasping for Halloween filming ideas. And if she still has her boots. Sigh.

Corn STALK-ing said... 157

I do believe Admin said they WERE filming (possibly for DWTS footage?) at the book signing (Tony Dovolani was there)probably hoping for some footage of all the fans in line-of which there were hardly any.

My bad. I meant that they weren't filming the children there. They can exploit Kate all they want, just keep the kids out of it.

WG Took Photos of the Kids said... 158

Kk said...

Anon @ 10:38: please look at the credit for those photos -- it's "inf daily", which is Chris-the-Pap, NOT WG.


The photos on Werny Gal's site were taken by her. There is no INF credit on them and she indicates that she took them.

Administrator said... 159

They were filming at the book signing, and they were approaching us and ASKING us to participate in the filming. If you watch the episode, three girls, the very same girls I was talking to, were interviewed about their love for Kate. However they later told me they thought she could be a real bitch too, lol. The kids also weren't there, even though presumably the kids were in LA at the time because this was the same time she took them to Disney.

MareDevon said... 160

This whole "stalker" crap is just bait being used to derail this post. Don't fall for it. WG didn't do anything wrong even Steve didn't care.

Linda said... 161

Nope, people don't follow me or my kid around. Wanna know why?

Because I didn't sell my kid's private life for public consumption on a TV show. I didn't sell my kid's private life for my own monetary gain.

That's why.

It constantly amazes me when people argue that we can't criticize Kate's life or her decisions or her parenting. Yes, we can. She put herself out there. She's a public figure, like it or not. And when you're a public figure, you are open to both praise AND condemnation. That's part of the deal. I find it baffling that there are still people who don't grasp that fundamental fact.

Finding out someone is going to be somewhere and then going there out of curiosity is not the definition of stalking.

And this isn't about WG, anyway. This is about the sucky life those kids are leading--sitting on a bus two hours a day, having their every move choreographed and regimented. Being either yelled at or ignored by their mom. Their parent's very public divorce. Having their lives sold as a commodity since they WERE A YEAR OLD. Having no privacy. Having no separate identity beyond "one of the tups" or "the twins are aren't the tups." I could go on and on. These kids got trotted out to a corn maze, told exactly what to do for fifteen minutes, then were packed back on a van and taken home. Wow, that's fun, huh? All in the name of making mommy money and earning their own damn child support.


PaMa said... 162

Thank you, Confused ... I am in complete agreement that those who use an inflamatory label to call WG a "stalker" are deflecting the focus from where it should be ... on the fact that the Gosselin 8 were filmed in an entirely "scripted" situation. Without eyewitnesses to report on the "un-reality" that the Gosselin 8 are forced to live, Kate can continue to present her fairy tale life to her 1.5 million viewers.

I commend WG for exposing the truth.

Midnight Madness said... 163

Ummm, It's not usually 'leaked' where they'll be filming.


Ummm, I think you're missing my point. It has nothing to do with "leaking" when they will be filming. A poster said that WG was there for fun and to visit friends. Why go there for fun at the exact day and time when the Gosselins were there if the purpose was not to observe them? Pick another day and time to have fun at the maze. The bottom line is that she went specifically to see what is going on. She admits this, making no apologies for it. Good for her. We all have nosey streaks in us, I suppose, but in this case, I wouldn't have gone (and I didn't). I knew that the crew was filming there that day, and six of us had planned to go (long before we found out about the filming). We changed our plans, out of respect for the kids. I know the kids are working. I know that this is scripted. I know that they don't have lives of their own, free from her control. I just don't have to see it.

So if she's just there to "observe" TLC and filming, then why hop in the car and follow them, even if it's on the way home? Why not stay and enjoy and bonfire, marshmallows, carriage rides if she's just there to have fun? Why cut her time short? Why go home at exactly the same time bringing up the tail end of the convoy?

Lauren said... 164

Confused, that was a great post!!!

Confused said... 165

The use of the word 'stalker' to describe WG is simply an attempt to change the focus of the situation. Stalkers are generally those who follow others with nefarious or sinister intent. WG simply decided to show up at a pre-announced taping of the local 'celebrities' to witness things for herself.

How many people turn out to see a celebrity film a scene? How many will start congregating outside a restaurant when they hear a celeb is dining there? Are these people stalkers? No. Most are simply curious onlookers.

The use of this latest propaganda by the sheeple does not negate the fact that the trip to the corn maze was purely a staged shoot. It was NOT just an opportunity for the kids to have fun; it was a JOB. They were expected and obliged to be there to perform before the cameras.

Instead of trying to apply a nefarious, sinister label to an innocent observer, the sheeple should be aware of the vile acts being committed before their very eyes in the name of entertainment. These children have no choice. They have no voice. They are expected to perform and be filmed to provide for themselves and the indulgences of their taskmaster mother.

Personally, I feel that the kids ARE in peril, but not from the likes of WG. The peril comes from the never-ending quest of their narssistic mother to use them as a mean of income and support.

What is to become of them? What sort of psychological damage has been done by isolating them from family, by prolonged absences from their mother and father while being kept by an array of ever-changing caregivers? What sort of messages are they being taught when they are lied to for the good of the program? What happens when they are no longer provided with free trips and product-placement gifts? Will they be able to form lasting relationships when all they've known is that people come and go? What will happen when THEY begin to question their own REALITY? It's just so very, very sad.

It Is Stalking said... 166

Anonymous said...

Administrator said...
I can't believe that anyone could compare Admin going to a public book signing,
Yes. A book signing is public. They invite people to come. They do not specify that you have to be a fan to come. You weren't even required to buy her book as some book signings require. Whether or not you think this situation was appropriate, a book signing is just a completely different thing and I won't be drawn into this as a stalker too because I am not.


I agree Admin. I don't consider you a stalker for going to the book signing, just like I don't consider WG one for going to the maze, a public attraction.

There is no comparison between attending a book signing and following the Gosselins around while they film. A book signing is by its nature a public event. The whole purpose is to have the public attend. That is markedly different than showing up at a public place because someone blabbed on FB that the Gosselins were going to be filming there. They were not making a public appearance; they were filming in what happened to be a public place.

Anonymous said... 167

Administrator said...
I can't believe that anyone could compare Admin going to a public book signing,
Yes. A book signing is public. They invite people to come. They do not specify that you have to be a fan to come. You weren't even required to buy her book as some book signings require. Whether or not you think this situation was appropriate, a book signing is just a completely different thing and I won't be drawn into this as a stalker too because I am not.


I agree Admin. I don't consider you a stalker for going to the book signing, just like I don't consider WG one for going to the maze, a public attraction. Had TLC wanted the book signing to be scripted they could have issued invitations just as they could have paid the maze owners to close the farm and film the kids with no witnesses. They didn't in either case. Anyone and everyone was welcome to attend. I thanked you, Admin, for your time for attending the book signing (especially since you'd been recovering from an illness) and your report afterwards, just as I thank WG for her time and report she's given.

Very, very few of us are fortunate enough to be in attendance, whether invited, accidental or otherwise with celebrities. We live vicariously through reports from those we trust such as you and WG. I think it's interesting that you've both provided your readers with 'scoops' well before any media.

Let's not forget the issue which is that the kids were 'working'. Thanks to WG we got a glimpse into the reality of their 'reality tv' show and I'll be interested to hear if and how TLC's version differs from the reality of the G8's day. It'll be like comparing your report of the number of people at the book signing and the time elapsed with that in the media reports.

Thanks Admin, for providing us facts and the forum to discuss the different slants people put on their interpretation.

Karen said... 168

It's so sickening that everything that costs money is filmed so Kate and her 8 get in free, receive free merchandise, etc. Of course the kids are working (filming) for their supper and everything it costs Kate. She is appearing more ungrateful each and every time we see her. Who do you know would wear "hooker heels" to a corn maze where you might have to walk through mud or chase a child? Kate makes herself look silly and cheap to say the least. Older kids would be utterly embarrassed by such a mother. This story will not end well.

Must Love Dogs said... 169

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Got to bake my cookies and get my candy bowl ready for the Trick or Treat gang that will be approaching my door step in a few hours..have fun everyone..Boooooo

Sadie said... 170

Sounds just like a Kate follower to avoid the issue which is, the kids were taken from their home to work. This isn't about a young woman who lives in the same town, this is about how a network uses children for their own benefit with a mother nodding her head saying its okay for money.

AuntieAnn said... 171

If what WG did is defined as stalking I hope stalkers all over the world would do what she did which is announce they'll be at certain place and at what time. It would make it so much easier for authorities to track them down.

Anonymous said... 172

Amazing Maize Maze said...
I'm going to go out on a limb and say if the maze owner had contacted TLC or Kate, Werny Gal would not have been welcomed with open arms. Of course the maze owner said "come on down." She wasn't going to turn down a paying customer.
Exactly. I was wondering about that, too. Did the other 20 or so people obtain special permission from the maze owner? If not, why not? Was the maze open to those who just dropped in, or was it a "closed set?" Why would the maze owner care if she were there or not? Did the maze owner have instructions from TLC to close the maze to anyone other than TLC, Kate and the kids? Something just doesn't quite add up.

What doesn't add up? There was no 'closed set', the maze was open to the public, there were apparently no special instructions from TLC to the owners or if there were, they didn't announce them to the world. Why would the visitors need special permission to be there? Did Disneyworld, Sesame Place, NYC and Statue of Liberty close or have to ask TLC if they were allowed to have other visitors when the Gosselin's visited? Why would the maze owners be any different? If you read WG's post when she discussed hearing about TLC's visit to the maze I think you'll understand why she called for more info and asked permission to 'observe'.

LilLulu said... 173

"WG was not stalking the kids, only there for her own fun and visiting a friend."

This is what WG actually said?

I went to the corn maze at 2:15, after hearing TLC was scheduled to be there at 4:00, just in case they decided to follow through and went early. I ran into a musician I know and we talked by one of the fires for a while,

(She went there because she'd heard that TLC was going to be there.)

Here's the link to refresh some memories as to what WG said and didn't say:

Werny Gal said... 174

Someone alerted me to comments about me here so I thought it would help to come address them directly. If you read my blog you know that I called and introduced myself to the owner as a blog owner and specifically asked permission to go to the corn maze, telling her that I would like to observe in order to report on the events for my blog. She said that would be no problem and invited me to stay as long as I wanted to, although she had been told by TLC they would probably cancel it because a maze employee alerted the public to it on facebook. I decided to go out even though it might have been canceled, and I went out early thinking they might go early rather than cancel it. I figured they might think that way they could beat anyone who heard about it on Facebook. I was correct and thus got to see the action.

When I got there, the TLC crew was already there, waiting for Kate, Steve and the kids. They were taking shots of the general area such as the sign at the entrance. I openly carried a camera with me the entire time and did not try to hide it or the fact that I was taking pictures. TLC, the maze owner and Steve all saw this and had no problem with it. As far as I know Chris Watts, the paps, was the only one other than me with a camera (who was not a part of the crew.)

I don't know if Chris was allowed in the maze or not, but I believe he was held outside rather than being allowed in. Therefore I think I was the only outsider who was inside with a camera. I was already in the maze when Kate and family drove up, simply because I got bored of waiting by the bonfire and I love me a good maze. I was three rows of corn in and could clearly see them arriving. I believe at that point the owner started holding families at the entrance table until the filming was done.

The family was inside the maze for about 15 minutes. TLC tried filming the family going through the maze but it wasn't working out. After about five minutes they decided to make a game of it and the camera crew separated into smaller groups where some hid and the others filmed the kids trying to find them. At this point the paths were disregarded and people were cutting through corn to find each other while the TLC guys yelled so the kids could find them. This lasted about ten minutes. They were in the field not more than 20 minutes max. This would not constitute an entire episode. I would guess it is probably going to be put together with the Party City film to create a fall or Halloween episode or maybe even Thanksgiving at this point.

As my readers know I have a policy against taking and posting pictures of the kids. The images I will post tomorrow will be of Kate and the crew, not the kids. (Admin here copied one of my images, above...Next time please ask or at least give credit?)

We did not have a rainy summer in PA and the maze wasn't very tall or thick. It was pretty easy to see what was going on. I took about 20 pictures, about ten of which are pretty good. I will share some of them on my blog tomorrow.

After observing and getting some pictures I walked out of the maze and went to my vehicle to get chapstick. I was planning on sitting by one of the fires because I thought the kids would probably go enjoy a horse and carriage ride and the other activities when they got out of the maze, and I would continue to observe as planned. As I was opening my car door, Chris passed me and said Hi. I wondered why he was rushing to his car so I turned around and saw the Gosselins were already out of the maze and were rushing into their van. They were leaving and I had already done the bonfire and maze for my own sake so I also left. The van left first, then Chris followed them. My vehicle was third in line.

I realize this has been a unique experience which many are curious about. I hope these answer some of your questions and feel free to ask me more on my own blog.

MickeyMcKean said... 175

It Is Stalking said...

She admitted that she went to the corn maze specifically to "observe" the Gosselin children. She followed them around and took pictures of them. Her behavior was creepy. She is not a professional paparazzi, she is a random person who lives in the community. If she were a male, would that behavior have been acceptable?


I have NOT seen any photos of the children taken by Werny Gal at the maze.

Have you?

Administrator said... 176

Except then why did they send me a cease disest letter wanting me to stop? If they wanted us to talk badly they wouldn't have done that.