Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kate's mother trashing family members on internet?

According to Radaronline, they have verified that it is indeed Kate's mother who is going around saying nasty things about other family members in the name of defending Kate.

Just a couple thoughts, it seems to us Kate's mother should look into getting some family therapy to help heal this mess. And second, a mother should not throw other family members under the bus to raise up another. Kate's mother needs to remember that the people she is trash talking are the mothers and fathers of her grandchildren. Parents aren't the only ones who can contribute to parental alienation.

To all the adults in this, each and every one, it would be nice to put aside all these squabbles in the name of creating harmony and peace for all the children involved.

However, interestingly, Jon said in an interview during the time the show was filmed, that Kate's parents are not part of her life at all, nor are they in the lives of any of their 19 grandchildren, and that once she left the nest they disappeared.

Jon: And then Kate's parents just aren't involved.
Interviewer: In your lives? How come?
Jon: They just, they have 19 grandchildren and they're just not involved with any of them. They wanted to be like drop-in grandparents and we're like, "that's weird, who heard of that?" I've run into other people like that. Their grandparents are just not part of their life.
Interviewer: But are they part of Kate's life?
Jon: Nope. They don't even talk to any of us.

199 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said... 1

I think the biggest question I have is, is this okay with Kate? Did Kate give her blessing for her mother to gab on the internet about her and her family? I'm really curious.

Denise said... 2

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Kate will trash one child in favour of another. We've seen it on the show.

Wonder how they verified Charlene? Asked I.W.? ~ Administrator said... 3

You know this situation makes me sad for those kids. I didn't find out until I was an adult that my dad's mom really did not like my mother. The reasons were for some things that happened when we were little--they disagreed about some things about child-rearing. Reasonable minds could have disagreed. Apparently it all blew up and they remained on bad terms the rest of my grandmother's life.

In any case, damned if my grandmother or mother EVER, EVER let on to me. I was clueless they were on bad terms. It was more important to them that us kids have a peaceful childhood than their own vanity. I don't care if you don't like each other but leave the children out of it. You don't go blabbing on the internet about family problems and expect it never to trickle down to the kids.

Westcoaster said... 4

What a good example of a totally dysfunctional family - if this is indeed real and true (and with these people who knows?), here we have an estranged mother/grandmother tossing another child and his spouse under that proverbial bus - I'm guessing that Kevin and his family have had no contact with his side of the family for years anyways, just guessing here.

If Kate actually gave permission for this, it would have had to be via e-mail, since she doesn't actually see her mother or the rest of the family (per her). They are all on the crazy train.

IDModo said... 5

If this is really Kate's mother, it explains a lot about Kate.

Family therapy will NOT heal this mess.

This is serious intergenerational dysfunction. It's probably been going on for decades.
Even though Kate may have done it for the wrong reasons, it was probably a good thing that she decided to estrange herself from her mother.

Apart from Jodi and Kevin, I'm not hearing that anyone in that family has the least bit of concern for the welfare of those children.Is this a family pattern?

I wouldn't wish this bunch on even the worst family therapist I know. ~ Administrator said... 6

The comments say that the blog just swiffered all Kate's mom's comments is that true? Has anyone seen the movie CatFish? It's about a very complex internet hoax where a woman created an entire family and story on myspace. These things can be done. I finally went with this story after weeks of being skeptical but now I'm not sure again.

If they swiffered them because it was a scam and they're afraid the real mom is going to see this and sue them, shame on us. If they swiffered them to protect the mom from the publicity, maybe she shouldn't post on a public forum and disclose who she really is.

On another note, Kate's "mom" says Jodi said bad things about Kate. But isn't "mom" doing the same thing by saying bad things about Jodi? The whole thing has become a giant, quite pathetic, she said-she said. ~ Administrator said... 7

I still don't know. She sounds way too much like Kate to be a fake--but good on them if they faked it, lol! I'm wondering if they are afraid the real Kate's mom will get a hold of this story and sue them, hence the swiffering.

Someone asked if it is illegal to impersonate someone. In many states YES. The problem is it's not just the impersonation that is illegal but it needs to cause some kind of harm. In this case I suppose you could say the harm was to her mom's reputation--someone on the internet was saying all kinds of bad things about the family making her look like she needs massive amounts of therapy. I'd sue. In California impersonating someone on the internet is a new law that will go into effect on January 1. It is a misdemeanor punishable by up to ONE YEAR IN PRISON. How do ya like them apples lol.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 8

Wow! WTH! That is just bad.

This family is imploding right before our eyes. You would think that the elders of a family would know how to behave, and know how to be diplomatic with all their childern and their wives or husbands. If this person is truly Kate's mother, then this is just plain horrible, and in very poor taste.

I thought the Kreiders were private people. What the heck happened?

And the timing is just so f***ed up. Just as Kate's show and career are going downhill, this person decides to release a statement condemning family members to save Kate?
I really want to believe this is all poopiedoopie.

Someone in that family needs to step up and set the "story straight". The Kreider name is being destroyed for the sake of Kate's desire for fame & fortune.

Where is the Reverend Kreider? Why doesn't he ever have anything to say about this mess?

Besides Kevin and Jodi, is there ANYBODY in that family that has common sense? Do Kate's brother-inlaws have an opinion?

Somebody? Anybody?

Kate!! You do not need another show. You need a complete family intervention.

PJ's momma said... 9

If it is true, I feel very bad for her son and daughter-in-law. My mother-in-law has hated me from day 1 and has talked about me behind my back my whole marriage. Of course, she denies it all, even though people who have participated in it have admitted their role, told me what was said (repeatedly) and apologized for their part in it. She has done this for 25 years. I realize that she will never see me as the person her son loves and who loves him, but as the person who does not like her daughter (and I have lots of company). I'm her son's WIFE (but they gossip like this about all the spouses), for a quarter century, and he is very hurt by it all too. It will backfire on her eventually - my husband is just DONE with his family and her son will likely make the same decision. And she'll be standing with her shoulders shrugged, playing the victim, saying, "What did I do?" It's sad.

Anonymous said... 10

They're saying her mom's comments were removed at her request! ~ Administrator said... 11

I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume it IS Kate's mom, and that she has re-thought all the trash talking she did about the family. I say good for her and that it's okay to have second thoughts about things, we're only human. I hope she stays off the internet now and looks into therapy.

Anonymous said... 12

As much as I hate to say it I think it may have been wise for Khate to take her mother out of the equation when it comes to the kids. But if she is condoning what she is doing now, then it is terribly wrong.

Trucker said... 13

I hope you keep on this and follow up. I see NO good coming from Kate's mom posting as herself coming from this. It just makes her look bad. Kate has said on numerous occasions specific reasons about not having her parents in her life. Does Kate know she is posting on IW? I am with you Admin, still not 100% convinced, but now that Radar has it she will get called and asked to comment, don't you think?

I also think it's strange that Kate's Mom knew all about PennMommy and Julie but didn't come to her defense then.....

I am not Julie/Jodi/Kevin fans, but that's not the point. This is a crazy family.

carolina peach said... 14

Whether that is really Mommie Dearest's Mommy or not, wonder if Kate will take advantage of it for air time saying poor me to anyone who will listen? Guess any press is good press as far as she thinks.

Bubbles said... 15

I don't buy it. After all these years of silence from Kate's parents, why start talking now? And why do it on a blog rather than in a media interview of some kind? I am pretty sure if Kate's real mother contacted ANY media outlet from local TV news to the Today show they'd JUMP at the chance to get her side of the story.

carolina peach said... 16

If she has removed it, wonder if it was at an attorney's request. Had she signed something years ago to keep quiet and now they are holding her to it? Just wondering...

Trucker said... 17


I just read Mom of KT's comments on IW not 20 mins ago. There pulling them is highly suspect. Is Kate's Mom not aware she is on the INTERNET and that many people would want to verify her??? I bet Jodi and Kevin already are aware of this. And IW has a history of posting and retracting.


Anonymous said... 18

Administrator said...

. You don't go blabbing on the internet about family problems and expect it never to trickle down to the kids.

Did you say the same when Kevin and Jodi went blabbing to ROL for $?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 19

OT, has anyone checked out "Kate's Take" blog on the TLC website?

The title is: Top 8 Craziest Things I've Seen While Running

Oh lordie be, I've never read so much that said so little.

P.S. basically she's saying that the road she jogs is inundated with all kinds of trash.

Poor little town of Wernersville, Pa. What in the heck did they do to deserve this?

Trucker said... 20

And how soon do you think it will be that Jodi and Kevin offer up a response to Radar...24 to 48 hours?

Anonymous said... 21

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

OT, has anyone checked out "Kate's Take" blog on the TLC website?

The title is: Top 8 Craziest Things I've Seen While Running

Oh lordie be, I've never read so much that said so little.

P.S. basically she's saying that the road she jogs is inundated with all kinds of trash.

Poor little town of Wernersville, Pa. What in the heck did they do to deserve this?


You're seriously complaining about that innocuous blog post? She has not besmirched the reputation of poor Wernersville, PA. It was a lighthearted post and nothing more. Is there anything the woman can say or do that won't be nitpicked to death?

Anonymous said... 22

Still VERY skeptical.

Moose Mania said... 23

It was a lighthearted post and nothing more. Is there anything the woman can say or do that won't be nitpicked to death?


Absolutely. She can say that she has decided, in the best interests of the children, all filming will stop and she will end her quest for fame and fortune to nurture her precious children and give them a normal childhood.

Molly said... 24

100.Since this appears to be eliciting comment elsewhere:

Comments were removed yesterday at the poster’s request. We don’t get requests to remove a poster’s comments often, but it has happened before, and we always honor such requests.

So, there is no big conspiracy/mystery/drama going on, just a poster who had second thoughts about sharing some of the things she wrote and asked to have them removed. See: Occam’s Razor.

October 14, 2010 at 10:14 amJennieIW

The comments were up this morning, and if Kate's Mom had requested them pulled YESTERDAY, why were they still up for several hours this morning? ~ Administrator said... 25

Speaking up when you believe children are seriously at risk is not blabbing. Whistleblowers are not blabbers. Jodi and Kevin were given hell for what they did, but they were still there sitting at the last child labor hearing. They are not making any kind of career out of the few times they spoke out, unlike Kate whose career is exploiting the kids.

Kate's "mom" is not trying to protect anyone. She's not saying Jodi's children are in danger, or anyone. She doesn't seem concerned about any children at all. All I see is someone obsessed with a bunch of adults' silly squabbles.

Proud PA. Grandma said... 26

Grand parents don't want anything to do with all the grand kids....Just saying

Linda said... 27

I just don't buy it. Anyone can say they are anyone. People can mimic other people's writing styles.

Unless her mom actually goes on record in an actual interview or something saying "yeah I've been posting defending Kate on this site and this site" I just don't see how it can be proven.

And I don't trust ROL.

Anonymous said... 28

Although her comments were removed from the original blog, unfortunately they are now posted on a popular online gossip site which other media (including tv gossip shows) sometimes use as a source for their reports.

Hopefully, it will not spread like wildfire throughout the media.

Unfortunately, now, there's no way for Kate's mom to take back her comments. She probably didn't realize the consequences of her actions (just like Kate) and now it has back-fired on her.

I wonder if Imperfect Women leaked this story to Radaronline, since I assume paparazzi/gossip columns don't go perusing blogs/fan sites to gather most of their info. How much of that info is reliable?

(I never even heard of that site before. Is this a popular site to begin with?)

Goes to show what's happened to journalism these days...what ever happened to fact checking info? (I just don't believe Radaronline and their "sources".)

Carol R. said... 29

I guarantee you that it's some deranged fan of Kate's. I'd bet money on it. ~ Administrator said... 30

Interviewer: Are they [Kate's mom and dad] part of Kate's life?
Jon: NO.

This is before the divorce, during filming. Jon had no reason to lie.

mommyinca said... 31

Why now? Why is she coming forward when the waters are calm? She made no mention of any of them when it all went down....but now all of a sudden, she's trashing Jodi and Kevin? It doesn't make sense.

UNLESS, it's all part of the "draw" for Kate Plus 8. Kate's mom is introduced on the show...and their relationship is now fodder for the blogs/rags/etc. It all keeps Kate relevant.....sick sick sick!

I feel even more empathy for Jodi and Kevin now. It is NOT fun having toxic in laws :(

Anonymous said... 32

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...OT, has anyone checked out "Kate's Take" blog on the TLC website?

The title is: Top 8 Craziest Things I've Seen While Running


What?! Trash is more important to blog about than wishing her twins 'happy birthday'! She didn't hesitate to blog about the sextuplets and their birthday. Sigh...

I'll at least give kudos to Kate since there were no pap photos of the twins' birthday. They were able to enjoy it privately.

As for the trash blog, instead of imagining where all this trash came from, why doesn't she rally her community (or even just her family) and pick up some of this trash?

It's one thing to blog about's another to actually do something about it!

Moose Mania said... 33

"Someone asked if it is illegal to impersonate someone. In many states YES. The problem is it's not just the impersonation that is illegal but it needs to cause some kind of harm."


That would be me. I thought that possibly if damages could be shown, there would be some kind of penalities and a complaint could be filed. I still don't believe that it's Kate's mom. Who confirmed this to ROL? HOW was it confirmed? A sheeple e-mailed or called ROL, claiming to be extremely close to Charlene? If ROL had said that Charlene personally confirmed this TO THEM, and they had concrete proof, their claims might have some validity.

ROL can't even look at a photo and describe the kids' first day of school outfits correctly (they claimed the kids were wearing jeans and sweatshirts when they were wearing khakis and white polo shirts), so I'm having trouble believing that they can confirm anything.

I'll believe it when I see a photo of Charlene in one of the major news media, with a personal interview conducted by a reputable staff writer.

There's something just too bizarre about this whole thing.

AuntieAnn said... 34

Yep that Jodi, she's a real monster isn't she. We all saw how she horribly she treated the kids and wouldn't help Kate out. Kevin never wanted to lend a hand either.

Honest to Christ. The sheeple are so desperate to defend Kate they have to start impersonating her mother? I hope whoever's guilty for doing this gets busted. The G8 don't deserve any more bullshit from these idiot fans of Kate.

AuntieAnn said... 35

Who confirmed this to ROL? HOW was it confirmed? A sheeple e-mailed or called ROL, claiming to be extremely close to Charlene?

I totally agree Moose. WTF does learned exclusively mean anyway? That they're the only idiots who believe the idiot that told them this bs? That's exclusive alright.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 36

Anonymous said...

You're seriously complaining about that innocuous blog post? She has not besmirched the reputation of poor Wernersville, PA. It was a lighthearted post and nothing more. Is there anything the woman can say or do that won't be nitpicked to death?


First of all, Anonymous- good of you to post.
I'm sure that you are a very nice, and an intelligent person, so I'm going to approach this in an objective manner.

Nope. Just sharing what I read.

-Innocuous blog post?
Maybe. More stupid than innocuous (my opinion).

-She has not besmirched the reputation of poor Wernersville, PA.?
I think she has. According to a neighbor, she said; “They always say they live in Wernersville, but they never even drive through town. Kate never comes near us. She always goes the other way, down State Hill Road. That’s more high society, I guess. She calls Wernersville ‘Ghettoville.’ She thinks she’s better than the rest of us.”

-Lighthearted post? I guess it depends on who is reading it. To me, it sounds more like she's running out of things to talk about.

In my opinion, I did not nitpick her stupid, waste of time (and poorly writtened), so called "Blog". I feel like I wasted 2 minutes of my life (and brain cells) reading something that said absolutely NOTHING. Too bad that time is lost forever. I do learn from my mistakes though, and I will NEVER waste my time going to her "blog" ever again.

Sorry I nitpicked your post though.
Have a nice day Anonymous.

Moose Mania said... 37

One addition to my previous post...

I don't imagine that the Kreiders are stupid people. Mrs. Kreider can't be one French Fry short of a Happy Meal if she doesn't have the foresight to see that if she jumps on a blog in defense of Kate and simultaneously trashes other family members, that the result would NOT be to raise up Kate, but could actually produce the reverse results. In doing this, she would make her own family look bad and would, in fact, show why Kate is the way that she is because the whole family is one dysfunctional mess.
Does that make sense? She's doing more harm than good.

Denise said... 38

I find it interesting that FAME CRAWLER has Charlene's comments. (In a very pro-Kate article)

Anonymous said... 39

Why is it so hard to believe that it was Kate's Mom posting on IW? It was. She believes she has a right to defend her daughter and is sick to death of people bashing Kate.

Personally, Kate deserves the bashing. She put herself out there. She brought the cameras into their home. She ASKED for this lifestyle. She wants the fame and fortune. The children on the other hand do not.

Kate also doesn't want to deal with the consequences when things go sour. For the last few years she has had everyone under the sun protecting her. Now Mama Bear (Charlene) is coming forward to defend her daughter. Charlene had no idea that Radar would pick up the story. Otherwise, she would have never posted on a public forum. Her bad I guess.

Believe what you want, it was Charlene posting and now she regrets it. But not for the reasons you may think. She regrets it because Radar picked up her comments, not that she was defending Kate and bashing her son and DIL.

Lilly ~ Administrator said... 40

Moose that makes perfect sense. It is plain faulty logic to try to build someone up by putting others down. Jodi is bad therefore Kate must be good! This is how a child reasons, not an adult. You see Mommy, Johnny stole a cookie, he's bad and I'm good because I didn't. Just because you didn't take the cookie that time doesn't mean you haven't another time. One is not related to the other. I don't think anyone is condoning everything ever said by the parties involved here. The point is not whose side you are on, the point is it's tacky and disrespectful to trash your family memebers publically unless you are trying to stop abuse. And for that, there are hotlines and other channels.

Kate's mom, or someone pretending to be Kate's mom, thought it would help Kate to say what she said. But with many of us it just backfired.

And I hate defending myself but I took a personal day today for a dentist/doctor appointments in one full swoop, so here I am.

Frenzy said... 41

What happened to the common lament, "I wish Kate Gosselin would just go away!"

I think not. LOL

Ubu said... 42

But it was ok for Kevin to trash Kate wasn't it? I know this won't get posted but I needed to ask this.

MissHanna said... 43

The people at IW have been having the 'claim to fame' of talking to Kate's mom for a while now. I think when they re hashed the PennMommy story, other people picked up on it and made a big deal out of it. One of the Admins there says she met her, etc. etc. The posts are still there, back from 10/11.

I don't believe it for a second. Like someone else said, the parents haven't said one word, appeared on one TV show, or given one interview, and there is absolutely no reason in the world for her mother to come out and start by commenting on an insignificant blog like this.

Not to mention, if they are anything like their daughter, they would certainly start by doing something that paid them money!!

Anonymous said... 44

Administrator said...

Moose that makes perfect sense. It is plain faulty logic to try to build someone up by putting others down. Jodi is bad therefore Kate must be good! This is how a child reasons, not an adult. You see Mommy, Johnny stole a cookie, he's bad and I'm good because I didn't. Just because you didn't take the cookie that time doesn't mean you haven't another time. One is not related to the other. I don't think anyone is condoning everything ever said by the parties involved here. The point is not whose side you are on, the point is it's tacky and disrespectful to trash your family memebers publically unless you are trying to stop abuse. And for that, there are hotlines and other channels.


So is there a post here condemning Jodi and Kevin for the behavior in which they engaged? Yeah, I didn't think so...

Anonymous said... 45

How did Kevin trash Kate? By saying children working is wrong?

LisaNH said... 46

Trucker said...I also think it's strange that Kate's Mom knew all about PennMommy and Julie but didn't come to her defense then.....


Trucker, I think I know about the Pennmommy situation, but who is Julie and what is that situation? I must have missed that one.

Anonymous said... 47

Mom of Kt aid she was there to support her daughter. I have to ask the fans of Kate,. including her Mom if it is her this questions. Why does defending Kate mean attacking somebody else? She made nasty comments about Jon, then Jodi and Kevin. Even a person on the blogs commenting about Kate in a negative way is never engaged in debate, just an attack. ~ Administrator said... 48

Anonymous, again there is a difference between trash-talking ("henpecked" and so on), and outlining legitimate areas of concern. It's because of people like you that people DON'T speak out when kids are abused, and abuse continues. Because when people do speak out they are bullied. Where is Kate's mom's list of concerns about her grandchildren? What abuse is going on? What is her reason for talking negatively about people in her family? Again, like I said, unless you are exposing ABUSE you should not talk badly about it. And if you read the many comments, many people said they weren't sure it was proper of Jodi to speak out.

Here is a summar of what Jodi said, which I posted ages ago. At no point do I see her "trashing" Kate. In fact most of what she said was SPECIFIC examples about what filming was doing to the children. Why is that about Kate? That's about the kids.

-Each episode was planned and formal
-Jon and Kate signed a contract without a lawyer
-The children's schedule revolved around the needs of an episode, the crew didn’t follow them along their routine
-Video cameras in children’s bedrooms that operated continuously
-Kevin regrets allowing his own children to be filmed.
-Children were filmed in bathroom, often with no parent there
-The children were told it was Christmas morning so camera crew would get a genuine reaction. They were told later it was not really Christmas morning.
-Mady is labeled at school as the difficult or bad one
-Children were often left alone with crew without parents.
-The children would voice dislike of going to events and sit-down interviews
-Children cannot "defend, delete, or erase"the private moments that have been filmed

Again, I don't see anything about Kate. I don't see her saying Kate is henpecked or that she is scared of Kate. Her comments were all about the kids and her CONCERNS. What are Kate's moms concerns and please provide examples. ~ Administrator said... 49

Jodi trasncript:

Still don't see much about Kate, just the kids.

Anonymous said... 50

Why does IW want to get in the Gosselin personal business anyway. They claim others are noisy and busybodies yet they interviewed Jon, that went well haha. Next they had Ellen, that went great, insert eye roll. That went downhill after she said the children know what is going on. Now Mom of Kate trashing her son and daughter in law. Keep in mind Ann met her and Pam said they speak daily. She also added she saw Julie many times I thought Julie said she was not around them much. Once maybe twice.

Back when they did the radio show Pam aka Nina Bell said, to Nina Frye, tell TLC we want to interview Kate, insert another eye roll.

Big question remains how many interviews have they done that fall apart? Everyone related to Gosselins.

Moose Mania said... 51

But it was ok for Kevin to trash Kate wasn't it? I know this won't get posted but I needed to ask this.


I seem to recall at the PA hearings in April, Kevin was asked about Kate, i.e., if she knew he was at the hearings. Kevin refused to answer, saying he wasn't going to get into that because it was a private matter. He took the high road. No sooner had the hearings ended, Kate publicly trashed Kevin. ~ Administrator said... 52

Dani said... How did Kevin trash Kate? By saying children working is wrong?

October 14, 2010 12:39 PM
I fear for any abused kids, or adults, that cross the paths of those who say Kevin shouldn't have said filming was wrong. They're the kind of people that say none of my business I have no right to interfere.

Kids have been severely injured and even died because family members decided to just "stay out of it." Jodi and Kevin suffered the same fate of many whistleblowers before them, people tried to destroy them. If what they are saying is so false, why was anyone even threatened in the first place? People get SCARED of the truth sometimes.

Hippie Chick said... 53

These kids (all of the grandkids) will see these posts that Kate's mom made some day. How very sad. The apple does not fall far from the tree, does it? Hopefully, Jodi &/or Kevin will now speak out against the whole thing. Maybe things will start to come out that we would never dream of believing.

Moose Mania said... 54

"I fear for any abused kids, or adults, that cross the paths of those who say Kevin shouldn't have said filming was wrong. They're the kind of people that say none of my business I have no right to interfere."


Off topic, but relevant when considering Admin's post:

I don't know if anyone is familiar with the on-going search for Zahra Baker, but this is exactly what Admin is talking about...

"There were warning signs along the way," Rotenberry said. "But you never want to think the worst."

How sad indeed said... 55

Hippie Chick said...

These kids (all of the grandkids) will see these posts that Kate's mom made some day. How very sad.

And if it isn't the grandmother who has made all the posts, how sad that people believe it was.

How does a person prove they didn't do it?

PatE said... 56

So, Charlene, if you're here what exactly is a "drop-in Grandparent"???

Anonymous said... 57

Julie is the sister of Jodi. She had a blog called The truth breeds hatred.

Anonymous said... 58

"Why does IW want to get in the Gosselin personal business anyway. They claim others are noisy and busybodies yet they interviewed Jon, that went well haha."

Definition of hypocrisy. The end.

Kelly said... 59

Sounds to me like Kate's mom is looking for Kate to lend her some money so she now acts like Kate is the most virtuous of the whole disfunctional bunch. They're all a bunch of trailer trash losers.

Hey Kate, How's your mom's double wide working out for her?

Diane said... 60

How sad for the Gosselin 8 to not have contact with their maternal grandparents. Sad for Kate, too. Maybe, the fact that Kate's parents are not involved in her life made her strange? I cannot imagine living like that. If my Mom had been the proud grandmother of 6 babies at once....I could not have kept her away. And, if my daughter-in-law had had 6 babies at once, she could not have kept me away either.

I don't care if Kate's Mom didn't want to be on the show. That I can understand. Not wanting to be a part of her grandkids lives, I can never understand.

Personally, I doubt that that is Kate's Mom. Maybe, Kate....but, not her Mom. Maybe, I am giving Kate's Mom too much credit.

I also do not understand the mentality of putting another person down to make yourself or someone else look better. It makes no sense to me. It just the person doing the put downs look bad, IMO.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 61

Just throwing my two-cents in:

As far as I can see, Kevin & Jodi have done nothing wrong. If anything, they may have been the ones brave enough to come forward and save those 8 innocent children.

Paula said... 62

I don't think that it was Kate's Mother posting. However, I do think someone is trying to get back at Kevin and Jodi for their work in getting the child Labor Laws in PA changed. Now, who would that be? TLC? Kate? Either one is a great guess.

Lauren said... 63

Admin said:

"According to Radaronline, they have verified that it is indeed Kate's mother who is going around saying nasty things about other family members in the name of defending Kate."


This seems like it's from the "Kate Gosselin Guide to Fame and Fortune for Talentless Shrews." LOL. Step #13: Trash Jodi and Kevin Krieder because we all know they are "just jellus" of Kate.

The Gosselins are a strange family who are dysfunctional at best.

I've been reading in the Gosselin blogosphere that Mama Krieder and Clarissa (Kate's sis) are supporting Kate on a FB page, so this is not out of the question.

What I would like to know is how Radaronline confirmed that the poster was Mama Krieder. That's what I'm skeptical of. Radar has gotten stories wrong in the past so I'm not sure they are credible. Just sayin'.

Tickledsunflower said... 64

Believe what you want, it was Charlene posting and now she regrets it. But not for the reasons you may think. She regrets it because Radar picked up her comments, not that she was defending Kate and bashing her son and DIL.


So if was only that "Radar picked up her comments", who is the person that Radar claims as the source? Someone very close to Charlene. So this person very close to Charlene didn't tell Charlene that they were talking to Radar? Those posts were still up on IW this morning,but were deleted soon after Radar published their story.

I don't believe for a second that it was Kate's Mom posting there. I think that IW have been had, and they just realized it, hence the delete, delete and more delete. It is so very curious, as well as ironic, that this happened in a post that they dedicated to the impostor Pennmommy and chastised GWOP for deleting Pennmommy's posts. ROTFLMAO! So what does IW do? Deletes all of "Kate's Mom's" posts. They will never live this one down.

alana said... 65


How can you "know Pennmommy" if you don't know who Julie is? There's no way!

[Julie is Jodi's sister. Julie was the first to be used and abused by Pennmommy. PM was then inadvertently introduced to entire blog/s, which she used and took advantage of; this was all at Julie's expense and detriment.]

AuntieAnn said... 66

The syntax of this so-called mother of Kate is pure sheeple. Using the term GWOPers, saying things like"they tried to get the show shut down–that’s called jealousy!!" (jealous? hmmm), bringing up the old Pennmommy fiasco, ending the post by saying "....just sayin"... are all sheeple euphonisms. Now they're showing up here in full force bleating that this fake persona really is Kate's mother and we're supposed to take their word for it. Okee dokee...and I'm the Easter Bunny.

I think they protest too much. So much so that they give themselves away.

Gosselin Gossip said... 67

Hopefully, Jodi &/or Kevin will now speak out against the whole thing. Maybe things will start to come out that we would never dream of believing.

I hope that if Jodi and Kevin want to confront Kate's mom about her comments, that they do so privately.

It won't make the situation any better by publicly commenting in regards what was said, especially if Kate's mom now regrets what she posted (since it has been said she requested her posts be deleted). It'll only make it worse for the entire Kreider clan.

Resolve your family issues behind closed doors.

I wonder if Imperfect Women leaked this story to Radaronline, since I assume paparazzi/gossip columns don't go perusing blogs/fan sites to gather most of their info.
Never heard of this Imperfect Women site. Are they pro-Kate, anti-Gosselins, or in-between?

Who got paid for this exclusive? Imperfect Women or Kate's mom?

If this is what journalism is nowadays (using blogs for news and as reliable sources), then this blog should consider itself a reputable, reliable source for all things Gosselin!


Hippie Chick said... 68

I am wondering why this is gaining any "media" interest. I know it's ROL, but it's Kate, & let's face facts, her relevance has pretty much fallen flat over the past month and a half, right? I also agree that ROL gets their stories wrong about many things, many times, so this could be wrong too. Unless Kate's mom says it herself, I don't believe it. I wonder though, if in fact it is just someone pretending, like a sheeple, to be Kate's mom, are they sweating right now that it HAS gained the interest of ROL?

And if it IS Kate's mom, who the hell would throw their own child under the bus? It blows my mind. The speculating is hard!

To the poster who commented on Kate's new blog being tedious & boring, I agree. I just read what you wrote, I didn't read it myself. Um, do something about the trash problem you lazy cow! When my family & I go bike riding, I bring a trash bag & I pointy stick & do trash detail to keep our city clean. We were even in the paper once! Try making your kids proud Kate & start teaching them values! Stop just going through the motions of parenthood for once.

Anonymous said... 69

Gawd!! Would you all please quit calling the followers "Sheeple" It really destroys your credibility and makes everyone sound so childish. I can't stand Kate either but with everyone using that name it just reduces these websites.

Anonymous said... 70

When they stop calling all of us, "jellus haterz," we will stop calling them Sheeple. OR, when they stop drinking the organic juicyjuice. Whichever comes first.

Tickledsunflower said... 71

Most of the women at Imperfect Women used to have a blog called "Gosselins Do Not Need Our Pity". It was a Pro-Gosselin blog that claimed they were fair, but all they did was monitor the posts and fight with every blog that was against the children being filmed. When the divorce went down publicly and TLC used it to boost ratings, they opened this other site.

It is true that they found out who Pennmommy was before others, then harassed a number of bloggers to publicly eat crow about it. Some bloggers deleted everything regarding Pennmommy from their blogs, and another (one that they harassed for months)addressed it on her blog when she had finished her own investigation into the mess. She was also the only one that never deleted anything off her blog regarding Pennmommy.

I also wanted to state that I find it very curious that Kate's Mom would choose to defend her daughter (and throw Jodi, Kevin and Julie under the bus)on a site that has been Pro Gosselin for so long and has openly disdained Jodi, Kevin and Julie for the same amount of time. It is also interesting that Kate's Mom has never made the choice to support Kate on KATE'S OWN BLOG. There is a blog wherein TLC can verify that it is Kate's Mom supporting her daughter on her own daughter's blog, but yet she chooses to post wonderful things about her daughter on an obscure blog while in the same breath disparage her son and his wife/wife's sister on that same obscure blog.

Lastly, it is my opinion that IW leaked that story to Radar. IW seems a bit obsessed with getting Gosselin interviews. I think that they think it validates them in some way.

Laurie said... 72

This whole thing reeks of TLC stirring the pot to try and keep Kate relevant. She's back in the news now and the next move will be for TLC to have Kate make a statement condeming her "mom's" comments....they are trying to change her image after all.

silimom said... 73

A person extremely close to Charlene told “Yes, it’s her. She posted the material and couldn’t stand to see Kate attacked any more.”

Sorry, if people aren't willing to go on the record publicly, then it's just gossip, pure and simple and we only have radaronline's word that they confirmed their source, and we know how reliable they are.

As others have said, if Charlene Kreider truly wishes to defend her daughter then she should:

A) Have spoken out, officially and on the record - not on BM's blog - against Jodi and Kevin when they initially went to radaronline. Charlene, I'm sure Radar would still love to talk and photograph you and if they don't please contact David Zurawik at the Baltimore Sun. Again, he would be happy to interview you and will give you a fair shake.

B) Have traveled out to California and been in the audience to support her daughter as she 'worked' to support her family.

C) Be visiting her daughter and her grandchildren on a regular basis. (I grant you, perhaps she is, but I find it funny that it's never been photographed. I know there is a pic out there but people aren't certain if it's Kate's parents and to be fair, they didn't look anything like the photos I have seen online of them). Actions speak louder than words, Charlene. Anyone can go on a blog and say they are you. Sorry, I may be a doubting Thomas, but I'll need to see a video statement before I believe it's you. Talk to Baby Mama. I'm sure she'll oblige you.

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 74

If that was Kate's mother...IF...then crazy doesn't fall far from the crazy tree.

I think the thing that bothers me most is that this is supposed to be a "Christian" family. The father is a preacher so his wife is a preacher's wife. Her behavior belies this and her values are terribly skewed, not Christian at all. Where is the love, the compassion, the conciliation, the charity that are hallmarks of Christians? Or should be.

It is hardly credible that a loving mother and grandmother would knowingly create more chaos in this family.

Kate and her mother: two BAD MOMS

Hippie Chick said... 75

Oh shiz is right!! Perez is in on the action!

Anonymous said... 76

Here is my two cents...

Kate went on tv last month or the month before and trashed Jon so now she lays low. This month her TLC/Kate decide to trash Jodi and Kevin using the mother thereby creating more controversy for Kate and give Kate's show higher ratings and rather than Kate trashing her family or Jon she now has a member of her family do it on her behalf. Either way whether I am right or not this still wont make me watch her show and if the mom did that to her son and daughter in law for money or to get back into Kate's good books she's not very christian and her sick behaviour and slamming her son and dil for Kate shows her to be as evil and cruel as Kate is.

This could also be a sick joke...

2exhausted2name said... 77

I haven't yet read the comments here but did read the RadarOnline "article". It just seems really fishy.

" has confirmed that it is. A person extremely close to Charlene told"

Is that a random person on a message board who claims to be close or a person they actually spoke to and vetted before taking their word?

It just strikes me as odd that after all these years Kate's mother would pop out of the woodwork to post nasty messages on a message board of all places. And use that forum to not only "support" Kate but trash her other children. For someone who guarded their privacy for so many years why now and why there?

And if she's soooo close to Kate that she feels the need to trash Kevin why not use Kate's contacts to defend her daughter in People magazine, or on ET or any of the other places who would jump at the chance to add to this drama.

I just don't buy it. Even with RadarOnline's "confirmation" it smells funny.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 78

What a HUGE turnoff!!!

This whole Kreider/Kate Gosselin crap-fest is only making more and more people realize how dysfunctional and out of control they ALL are.

And WORST OF ALL!!! Nobody (except Jodi & Kevin)
gives a rat's ass what the Gosselin 8 think- or the fact that for the rest of their lives, they will be known by their crazy mother's antics, and their Grandparent's/and their various aunts indifference to their plight. The only thing that matters to them is Kate's honor.

What an embarrassing bunch of fools! When all this mess is said and done, I don't think that anyone in that family will be able to hold their heads high.

To all Kate fans, save your dignity- it's still not too late to walk away from that train wreck.

Paisley said... 79

Kate's parents were involved enough to take the twins when Kate was on bed rest with the sextuplets. Something drove them apart after the birth.

Heide said... 80

This is all so stupid. Kate and her mom are horrible moms. Jodi and Kevin tried to help the kids and got crucified for it. Sheeple just don't have common sense.

Heide said... 81

Kate PUTS HERSELF out there. If you don't want criticism, don't make yourself a public spectacle. Duh! We can nitpick all we want. It's a public forum. If you really hate all the criticism, don't read here. We're not stopping because someone comes here and tells us they don't like it.

Ohhhh my eyes.......... said... 82

I think it's the witch herself .... She could use what she knows about the family to "confirm" the story. She knows her mother well enough to know that she isn't out there in the blogosphere and knows her mom won't come forward to either confirm or deny. Plus the Jodie-Kevin hate just reeeeeeeks of Ms Kate herself.

Crabitha Codswallop said... 83

Oh, what a wicked web we weave,
When we practice to deceive.

TLC ship is sinking said... 84

Anonymous said...This month her TLC/Kate decide to trash Jodi and Kevin using the mother thereby creating more controversy for Kate and give Kate's show higher ratings....

Yeah, this could all end up being a TLC ruse...just like the media picking up the rumors on the Kate Plus 8 cancellation.

Maybe the cancellation rumors didn't really draw the attention TLC was looking for...let's re-hash the controversy that started prior to the big ratings-draw season 5!

The Jodi and Kevin controversy really stirs the pot, dividing the Gosselin community into "sheeple" and "haters" or those pro-Jodi or pro-Kate. Even more than a year later after their first interviews, it's clear to see that certain media still have villianous opinions about them.

If this is the underworking by TLC, that is sick to create more rift within the Gosselin/Kreider family...just to garner more ratings for November sweeps.

Unfortunately, it looks like it worked in riling all the pro-Kate supporters to give their support to "Kate's mom".

mama mia said... 85

One time on IW the Mom of KT character was attacking another grandmother for empathizing with her about not being able to see her grandchildren. Mom of Kt's response was "why do you assume it is Kate, I have FIVE CHILDREN", and then the regulars started saying it was Kevin and Jodi who didn't let her see the grandkids, not Kate, and I thought hmm, why would a mother throw one kid under a bus to defend another? Didn't make sense. Sounded like a sheeple posting to me. I don't believe Kate's mother posts over there and I think they will get into some serious legal trouble for going all over the place saying it is her.

Merette said... 86

I still think it was Kate herself who posted those comments. The entire Kreider family is seriously mentally ill/dysfunctional, but based on the writing style, I think it was Kate. She is doing this to try to remain relevant/in the news/on the blogs.

Moose Mania said... 87

AuntieAnn said...

The syntax of this so-called mother of Kate is pure sheeple.


Absolutely. Wouldn't "Charlene" know how to spell her own daughter-in-law's name? She certainly would have seen it in print, or sent cards at some point! The reference to knowing them personally is strange. Sounds like a typical sheeple claiming bragging rights..."I know them personally." What mother, when speaking about her children, uses that word?

Stop using the word "sheeple?" I can think of other things to call them that make the moniker, "sheeple" seem benign!

Moose Mania said... 88

I still think it was Kate herself who posted those comments. The entire Kreider family is seriously mentally ill/dysfunctional, but based on the writing style, I think it was Kate. She is doing this to try to remain relevant/in the news/on the blogs.

No way. There's too much of a chance that the person or persons doing this will be busted. Kate couldn't possibly risk doing this much damage to her character/reputation as a celebrity to pull this stunt. There are other ways to stay relevant without resorting to these tactics.

Lorrie said... 89

If indeed it is Kate's mom posting on IW, why would she use a photo of herself that ANYONE can access within seconds of an internet search? It would greatly enhance her credibility if she posted a picture, say, of herself and Kate beside her screen name, rather than a generic, decades-old photo that is easily found online.

Anonymous said... 90

Why is she rehashing old news? S/l she is mad about something else and using the subject that has been dissected and redissected and laid to rest to stir up trouble. Maybe she wants to cash in on being Khate's mom after all these years. Who knows and most importantly, does anyone really care?

DISGUSTING said... 91

In all honesty, I'm so sorry I checked in to this blog today. All this reminds me of a group of 7 grade girls, so petty and nasty. "We'll stop calling them sheeple when they stop calling jellus haterz."

I am going to go now and try and forget this whole disgusting mess.

Anonymous said... 92

Some don't believe this story because it says the "source" was close to the family.But when the "Source" close to the family said Kate and Steve were knocking boots, you all believed. I find that confusing. I guess people believe what they want to believe. ~ Administrator said... 93

There's a difference between one person saying something, and source after source after source telling the same story (i.e. Kate and her bodyguard, Kate's personality, and so on). Also even if it is a close friend who is to say they are not lying? Why can't Kate's mom confirm this herself, why did she disappear today, and why isn't the blog she was on thrilled to be on Radar Online?

In a court of law, one witness isn't worth much. But two witnesses is good, three is better, and four is even better. The more the better. Everyone should be free to believe what they like, I just don't like to see anyone duped and I think that's the main thing.

Lorrie said... 94

Anonymous, be careful. We did not "all" believe Kate and Steve were having an affair. If you'll scroll back, MANY people here stated they were skeptical of the rumor. Likewise, I think you'll find us divided on Mom of KT issue. Some people believe it may be her, others say no way. ~ Administrator said... 95

Yes and on that note, I actually said in my recap of Inside Kate's World way back in JUNE that I didn't think they were having an affair and they were much more like brother and sister. We are not some solid mass, we each have our own opinions and respect that we don't all think the same.

Anonymous said... 96

Administrator said...

There's a difference between one person saying something, and source after source after source telling the same story (i.e. Kate and her bodyguard, Kate's personality, and so on).


What "same story" has source after source after source told? "I think they're having an affair" isn't a "story."

Just because you would be thrilled to be on ROL (hence your attempt to sell your "I was manhandled by Kate's bodyguard story to a tabloid) doesn't mean that everyone else would be proud to be featured on ROL.

Midnight Madness said... 97

"Also even if it is a close friend who is to say they are not lying?"


Exactly. We have not heard this from the proverbial horse's mouth, and until we do, I don't believe a word of it. If she's not willing to confirm this herself, why not? What is she afraid of? If she has to get this off her chest and defend her daughter, let her give an interview (with photos!) to a major news publication, or heck, even a tabloid! Why hide behind this cloak on the internet?

Anonymous2 said... 98

"Why can't Kate's mom confirm this herself, why did she disappear today, and why isn't the blog she was on thrilled to be on Radar Online?"

So because ROL and Perez are saying the same thing, it was really Kate's mom posting?

So to say Kate's mom isn't coming forward is because she doesn't know this is going on isn't valid? ~ Administrator said... 99

No I have no idea if it's Kate's mom.

To me either it's Kate's mom and she's embarrassed by what she said and is hiding, it's Kate's mom and she's not embarrassed by what she said but IS embarrassed to be on Radaronline (Kate may see it, her friends and so on), or it's not Kate's mom and the impersonator is terrified right now of getting BUSTED by the real Kate's mom who could sue her.

Anonymous said... 100

IW claims to have spoken to Eileen at TLC regarding the cancellation of Kate plus 8. Who is to say that they struck an agreement to have someone post as her Mom. The laides of IW could get hits for the blog, and TLC could get some good publicity for Kate. Not to mention they could delete all posts not favorable to Kate as they have done in the past. ~ Administrator said... 101

Why would "Kate's mom" not know this is going on....she asked for all her posts to be removed at the same time the Radar article came out. Come on.

wryview said... 102

I am a little confused by Kate's "Mom's" comments. She says that Jodi & Kevin asked to be paid. I thought that TLC wanted to pay them (and approached them with a contract) because of how much time they were on the show. When Kate found out she threw a fit & stopped seeing them. Was I mistaken? I'm don't remember where I read that.

Midnight Madness said... 103

"But when the "Source" close to the family said Kate and Steve were knocking boots, you all believed. I find that confusing. I guess people believe what they want to believe."


What source close to the family actually confirmed this? Was the source named? I guess I missed that one! Unless the source came out with proof, identified himself/herself and proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt, then I'd choose not to believe it.

I never thought this was true, however. So not "all" believed it, or continue to believe it. People don't believe what they want to believe. It's a cliche that just doesn't hold true. Many of us here are just not gullible enough to have the wool pulled over our eyes, so don't group "all" of us together. I can see that you're confused. You've made a blanket statement that just doesn't apply to everyone.

Anonymous said... 104

I am sorry about using the term All of you. I apologies.
I think if that is Kate's mother then she's probably shocked that it was picked up by ROL. She loves her all her kids but sometimes they disappointed. And a lot of Mothers don't like their DIL. Maybe this is the case. But she's shouldn't have said that on a public forum. And she no doubt realized it now.
I hope they all take this in private. I hope Jodi doesn't go to the media. No good will come from a public feud. This has all gone too far and I for one am done with all this. Thank you for letting me post this and I am sorry if my previous post offended anyone. I no longer want to be a voyeur to this family. ~ Administrator said... 105

I need to correct this rumor because it's been lies have been told multiple times and I'm kind of tired of it. I will say it once and that's it. I do not care if sheeple want to believe the truth, this is more for the readers here, not that I am concerned you would think otherwise.

The sheeple claim I tried to sell a story to US Weekly about a book signing. They have spread this rumor all over the internet and I can see how Kate feels when false rumors are spread about you. I have never in my life contacted a tabloid. I don't buy tabloids, I have not even posted comments to tabloids, my only contact with tabloids is to post links on this blog to them.

After I went to Kate's book signing and posted about it on the blog, US Weekly contacted ME, a reporter emailed me out of the blue when they saw the blog. I never contacted them first, they asked me to call them. I did, and we talked for a few minutes. Money was NEVER discussed or even thought of. I don't think they even pay for their stories. I never asked them if they wanted to "buy" a story, nor did they offer. Why would I put a story on the blog for FREE, then turn around and ask them to pay me for the same story? LOL. They asked me a few questions and that was it, an article was never even discussed, they never asked to use my story. It was a reporter sleuthing some things out and we have not talked in any form since. I cannot even remember her name, I remember it was a woman! And for the record I have said I think it very well could be Kate's mom, several times. I'm not sure why folks are so threatened by people debating this issue. That blog has said many times they don't care if people believe it. Further threatening comments will be deleted, this has gotten out of hand.

Denise said... 106

I will NOT go to Perez' site. It is virus filled and full of nonsense but didn't he say he was turning over a new leaf and going to be nicer?
As usual, he LIED.

Must Love Dogs said... 107

This whole family sounds like something from the Twilight Zone.

Anonymous said... 108

What if this Kate's mom poster is directly associated with the blog owner? Maybe the blog owner is using a fake Kate's mom to generate traffic for the blog. Would the blog owner be in trouble with the law? Maybe that's why the posts are being removed.

Anonymous2 said... 109

Administrator said...

Why would "Kate's mom" not know this is going on....she asked for all her posts to be removed at the same time the Radar article came out. Come on.

Huh? I'm talking about the REAL Kate's mom. Didn't you ask why she doesn't confirm all this herself? Does everyone here believe the real Kate's mom is aware of these blogs? Maybe she isn't and therefore she can't confirm or deny anything.

Anonymous said... 110

Administrator said...

No I have no idea if it's Kate's mom.

To me either it's Kate's mom and she's embarrassed by what she said and is hiding, it's Kate's mom and she's not embarrassed by what she said but IS embarrassed to be on Radaronline (Kate may see it, her friends and so on), or it's not Kate's mom and the impersonator is terrified right now of getting BUSTED by the real Kate's mom who could sue her.

Real or fake, she's not hiding. She posted on IW apologizing to her family, specifically Kevin and Jodi, saying she shouldn't have commented on a public forum.

Merette said... 111

Moose Mania said...

No way. There's too much of a chance that the person or persons doing this will be busted. Kate couldn't possibly risk doing this much damage to her character/reputation as a celebrity to pull this stunt. There are other ways to stay relevant without resorting to these tactics.
October 14, 2010 5:02 PM
You may be right. But Take has to be pretty desperate these days. She has nothing but time on her hands and is a hateful person who loves to lash out. Why not sit down and throw people under the bus online all day posing as her own mother? Today we find that she drove 60 miles one way to go to the grocery store and that she used recyclable bags just so Chris from INF could get pics of her so she can stay in the news. That's desperate! ~ Administrator said... 112

Huh? I'm talking about the REAL Kate's mom. Didn't you ask why she doesn't confirm all this herself? Does everyone here believe the real Kate's mom is aware of these blogs? Maybe she isn't and therefore she can't confirm or deny anything.
Right that's the point I was trying to drive at, that if it were really Kate's mom she would acknowledge it. But I guess she has come forward now and apologized. ~ Administrator said... 113

Real or fake, she's not hiding. She posted on IW apologizing to her family, specifically Kevin and Jodi, saying she shouldn't have commented on a public forum.
Really? Good for her. I hope she stays off the blogs now and keeps her family's private problems private.

Betsy said... 114

Wow!!! I couldn't believe what Jon has said about KGs parents. Why would they want to be as Jon put it " Drop In Grandparents"? I believe Jon cause they had said this in the early part of the show that her parents wanted nothing to do with them, back then I thought, that is odd. So now after all that has been said, her mom comes out of hiding and starts blogging hate towards her Grandkids mother. How strange is this woman? The whole family seems to have alot of issues and should go seek family counseling.

Anonymous said... 115

"I am posting these comments to apologize to my family (specifically Kevin and Jodi) for the comments I made about them. It was wrong to say those things in a public forum (or anywhere actually). I went against my own motto: If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. I am sorry, and it won’t happen again." ~ Administrator said... 116

Her apology was simple and direct. And necessary. I'm surprised she got there this quickly.

It's either Kate's mom who has realized she messed up, as we all sometimes do, or it's not Kate's mom and is finding a quick way out. Either way, it's okay, I'm hoping we can move on too!

Anonymous said... 117

The owner of that blog claims to speak to Mom of KT everyday. So when asked to confirm it was her mom why didn't IW confirm it. Another mod met her she said.

My point is if Kates' mom wanted to support Kate why not do so publicly? She could have said Hi I am Kates' mom and I wish her the best and if she ever needs me I am here. She could have done that with trashing Kevin and Jodi and blogging about it.

LisaNH said... 118

alana said... LisaNH,

How can you "know Pennmommy" if you don't know who Julie is? There's no way!

[Julie is Jodi's sister. Julie was the first to be used and abused by Pennmommy. PM was then inadvertently introduced to entire blog/s, which she used and took advantage of; this was all at Julie's expense and detriment.


That is right!! I remember about Julie. It's been so long I totally forgot about Julie's blog. I remembered PM posting at GWOP but totally forgot about Julie's blog. Duh!! I didn't realize that when I hit my mid forties my memory would start to go LOL.

Gosselin Gossip said... 119

Off-topic and moving on...(in case you haven't read the other thread)

RE: Celebrity Apprentice - Update

Cast gathered in NYC last night to meet for the first time and supposedly includes:
* Niki Taylor
* Hope Dworaczyk, 2010 Playmate of the Year
* LaToya Jackson
* Dionne Warwick
* Mark McGrath
* Star Jones
* Richard Hatch
* Meatloaf
* Lil Jon
* David Cassidy
* Lisa Rinna
* Marlee Matlin
* Jose Canseco
* Gary Busey
* John Rich of Big and Rich fame

Which reality star got the gig?

* Nene Leakes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Guess Trump didn't like it when Kate ruffled his, hair a little
Spotted: Kate Gosselin shopping at Whole Foods this afternoon, not in NYC where Celebrity Apprentice cast will begin filming next week.

(Why does she use her reusable bags ONLY when she shops at Whole Foods, not anywhere else? Defeats the purpose of having said bags. Snark!)

So...why was Kate left out? Did Trump ever really consider her for the show? Is she no longer marketable? Is it possible, just possible, that she is or will be filming Twist of Kate, thus unavailable?

Things to ponder...

Must Love Dogs said... 120

Sorry everyone but what I read here and on another post, I can say I don't like her mom. There is something odd with this woman and she seems to be very hateful towards Kevin and his wife. Kevin and Jody went onto ROL more than a year and half ago, why all of a sudden this hate and blogging too. Jon has been quiet for quite some time and no drama to make her daughter relevant, so now she is trying to stir something up to keep her daughter interesting, Yawn, not working.

PA Mom ALSO said... 121

Today we find that she drove 60 miles one way to go to the grocery store and that she used recyclable bags just so Chris from INF could get pics of her so she can stay in the news.


She's been going to Whole Foods in Wayne for quite some time. This is nothing new. Did she go again today, or is this old news from months ago?

Betsy said... 122

One more thing odd about her apology to her son and her daughter-in-law, why say it on the internet when she should be driving to their house and personally apologize. It is suppose to be a family matter Mrs K not an internet matter. Go take care of your kids and your grandkids and she should stop gabbing with a bunch of wierd Kate fans.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 123

Amen to moving on!!

PA Mom ALSO said... 124

"I am posting these comments to apologize to my family (specifically Kevin and Jodi) for the comments I made about them."


So now she's spelling Jodi's name correctly, after those posts of spelling it JODIE. Interesting!

fidosmommy said... 125

I smell an intern writing things.

Or some student doing research for a psychology

The pot got hot, and the author decided to back down before it became more than he/she could handle.

Just my opinion.

Merette said... 126

PA Mom ALSO said... Today we find that she drove 60 miles one way to go to the grocery store and that she used recyclable bags just so Chris from INF could get pics of her so she can stay in the news.


She's been going to Whole Foods in Wayne for quite some time. This is nothing new. Did she go again today, or is this old news from months ago?

October 14, 2010 7:09 PM
The article said she went to a store in Devon (?) PA. It's the article from today with the picture of her in the canary yellow jacket. It's on Radar Online.

Midnight Madness said... 127

Crabitha said..." Oh, what a wicked web we weave,"


I think it's actually TANGLED web, but wicked works, too!

gotyournumberKate said... 128

I really do think it was Kate's Mom. She considered it to be her "safe place". How anyone can believe there is a "safe place" anywhere on the internet is beyond me. I can understand why she would feel the need to defend Kate and get her side of the truth out but trashing Kevin and Jodie in the process was wrong. Kate has hardly been innocent throughout the whole thing. Kate has been greedy and alienated anyone who she thought might take a little slice of her pie no matter if they were family or stranger.

I didn't read any sincerity into Kate's Mom's apology to Kevin and Jodie. She basically just said she didn't have anything nice to say about them therefore should have not said anything. A caring mother would have kept her thoughts to herself. She's been very argumentative at times on that site knowing she could get away with it because the moderators "protected" her and no matter what she said never questioned her on it. They deleted any comments that did try to ask her further questions. It was a "safe place" for her until now.

The whole family has issues and I can plainly see why Kate's so screwed up and hateful.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 129

All right, more things that make you go, "Hmmm."

From Clarissa and Charlene Kreider's Facebook page ("I'm Voting for Kate Gosselin in Life!")...

Today's entry from Clarissa:

‎"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." I John 1:9

To which "Ann IMPERFECTWOMEN" replies:

"Amen! Our Father's name is MERCY. :)"


Ann seems to be a contributor to, of course, Imperfect Women--she's on the blog.

Forgiving sins? Mercy? Imperfectwomen and the real Charlene and Clarissa Kreider connected on Facebook? Someone screwed up somewhere and feels contrite. (Clarissa made the post, as she responded "You're welcome" to a thank you for it.)

Save the kids said... 130

Where is Waldo? We haven't seen him with Kart since the bikini spread on People Mag?

Midnight Madness said... 131

Okay. Let's think about this. If a person were close to being "outed" as an impersonator who could be sued for defamation of character, how does that person "un-defame" someone? One logical way would be to offer an apology so that the one being impersonated would be less defamed, having his/her good character restored.

I don't know. Nothing in this seems believable.

alana said... 132

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate,

"Amen to moving on!!"

I second that!

Crabitha Codswallop said... 133

Eh, tangled or wicked?

I think it was a Freudian slip!

Crabitha Codswallop said... 134

I love the "Where's Waldo" comment!

AuntieAnn said... 135

Anonymous said...Gawd!! Would you all please quit calling the followers "Sheeple" It really destroys your credibility and makes everyone sound so childish. I can't stand Kate either but with everyone using that name it just reduces these websites.

SHEEPLE isn't a word made up just for Kate's fans although I'm sure she'd be flattered to think that SOMETHING is named for her. Even wooly animals that fall off cliffs. SHEEPLE is all the poor souls who let other people do their thinking for them. The word has been around a lot longer than Kate.

George Orwell called it Groupthink in 1984. (as in the book 1984, sheeple. Not the year)

Anonymous said... 136

" has confirmed that it is. A person extremely close to Charlene told"
I'm betting the "woman close to Charlene" was the woman who 'supposedly' was speaking w/Charlene every day. I call bull honky on that! I'm betting it's her that is posting as Kate's mom.

Anonymous said... 137

The expression is actually, "oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive".

Anonymous said... 138

Auntie Ann said..
(as in the book 1984, sheeple. Not the year)
Yeah, AA, you have to clarify that for the "sheeple", LOL.

prairiemary said... 139

OT, I know, but was just reading "her" blog on TLC, why do they let all of the negative comments in now? Any ideas?

Totallydisgusted said... 140

I feel sorry for Kevin and Jodi. They were there and saw what was going on and know the truth! Was Kate's mom - NO!

The only time we see Kate lately is trolling the parking lots. No tv gigs. Maybe she will use this to try and get on a talk show to whine some more. I don't think it's going to work as I think everybody has her figured out and want nothing to do with her.

The drain is swirling!

Moose Mania said... 141

"George Orwell called it Groupthink in 1984. (as in the book 1984, sheeple. Not the year)"


LOL, AA! The sheeple are probably going nuts, thinking, "who in the heck is George Orwell? One of Kate's hair stylists?

If we told them that he invented Oreo cookies, do you think that they would believe us?

He also said, "Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear," so appropriate when you think about them closing their ears to the urgency in protecting all kids on reality television. We tell them. They don't want to hear it.

PA Mom ALSO said... 142

"The article said she went to a store in Devon (?) PA. It's the article from today with the picture of her in the canary yellow jacket. It's on Radar Online."


It's "Whole Foods - Devon," but it's on Lancaster Avenue in Wayne, PA. Devon is about five minutes from Wayne. Devon and Wayne kind of run into each other. It's Mainline, Philadelphia area.

Lauren said... 143

Check it out...

I guess Mama Krieder posted an apology...

Mom of KT says: "I am posting these comments to apologize to my family (specifically Kevin and Jodi) for the comments I made about them. It was wrong to say those things in a public forum (or anywhere actually). I went against my own motto: If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.I am sorry, and it won’t happen again."

October 14, 2010 at 12:00 pm

Anonymous said... 144

They stand behind her when she trashes Aunt Jodi, then they stand behind her when she apologizes for trashing Jodi. Do they see how inconsistent that is? They'll stand behind her no matter what she says as long as she is talking up Kate.

I also like how she said she shouldn't have trashed her relatives in public. Well actually you shouldn't be trashing your relatives period. You should be in therapy working through your issues if you have issues, not trashing people, privately or publically.

Anonymous said... 145

Anonymous said...

I also like how she said she shouldn't have trashed her relatives in public. Well actually you shouldn't be trashing your relatives period.


That's exactly what she said, so I have no idea why felt compelled to comment as you did. Her words: "It was wrong to say those things in a public forum (or anywhere actually)."

Linda in NS said... 146

My take on Mama Kreider is that somebody is impersonating her. She cares so little about her 19, count them 19, grandchildren that she wants to be a "drop in" grandparent (whateverTF that is) I just cannot see her jumping to Kart's defense. She's been silent all these years and now, out of the blue, she is defending that horse's arse? Nope, don't believe it is her at all. Probably it is that psychotic nutcase stalker Baby Mama.

TLC stinks said... 147

No way this person on Facebook is Kate's mother. If she supports her daughter, she'd give an interview. That would be huge publicity. It's too easy on the internet to be anonymous or fake. Kate's mother has remained silent for years and there is no reason this woman would suddenly pop up now and on Facebook of all places. Get's some nutjob fan. Misspelling your own daughter-in-law's name is proof positive. I would agree with Admin that the apology is the result of some fear of legal action by the Mrs. Kreider. Whoever invented the fake Facebook page is laughing at us for even talking about it. I say drop it. It's a prank. And Radar is not trustworthy with their sources.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 148

This is an addition to my previous post about Clarissa posting a Biblical forgiveness verse and "Ann Imperfectwomen" posting in response about mercy ("I'm Voting for Kate Gosselin in Life!" on Facebook).

From Imperfectwomen on October 11:

"32.I mean in all seriousness to those who like to troll and pose questions regarding Mom of KT, etc. — what type of proof does one really need? Ann@IW has met Mom of KT a few months back in Hershey. What does it really take for the naysayers? Copy of a birth record or social security card? Several of us from IW have developed friendships with them, hence the meeting in Hershey, etc. If you don’t believe us that is your prerogative. We aren’t “forcing” the issue – it’s your choice."


In my opinion based on the FB connections, that was the real Charlene Kreider posting and the real Ann posting. And Charlene now feels badly about it--hence, the apology. My guess, as others have said, is that Charlene never figured this would go beyond IW and the world of Kate blogs. Maybe not feeling so bad about saying it as in sort of getting "caught".

Last post on the topic! I just wanted to clarify.

LisaNH said... 149

Save the kids said... Where is Waldo? We haven't seen him with Kart since the bikini spread on People Mag?


I've been wondering that too. Haven't seen hide nor grey hair of him. I'm wondering since rumor has it, the show could possibly be cancelled (or re-tooled as TLC put) maybe his services are no longer required i.e. TLC isn't paying the bill anymore.

Anonymous said... 150

When rumors (insider) surfaced from DWTS that Kate was acting like a diva, the fans DEMANDED NAMES in order to believe that story.

A few months later another insider confirms this women posting is Kates’ mother. The fans say YES it is Kates’ mom.

I have no problem with them being fans or liking Kate, but if they want to discuss things they are going to have to use the same set of standards.

BTW remember how Erin Andrews was saying how nice Kate was? Guess what show she is on and what channel it is on?

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

Anonymous said... 151

I'm glad whoever it is apologized to Jodi and Kevin but when is she going to apologize to Jon for these comments?

"Poor Jon–He is so sad!! He supposedly became a Christian years ago. THAT is the change that makes a difference in a person’s life–IF after accepting the Lord, you LIVE FOR HIM.. Maybe that was all fake on Jon’s part. I certainly haven’t seen him “Living for the Lord” I will continue to pray for him. There is a huge hole on his heart he is trying to fill with women, drugs, and dragons!!! Only God can fill that hole!!"

"Jon lists his occupation as “Celebrity”!!! So does anyone think Jon would try to get rid of the Paps??? He LOVES the attention–it’s his “job” to get his face in the tabloids! The kids are his ticket!"

"I agree with a couple of you ladies. Jon will do ANYTHING to get ANY kind of pictures taken of him. Seeing him just picking up the kids or taking them back is getting hum drum Sooooooo–let’s PRETEND to shield them from cameras–What a great Dad he is!!!
Don’t buy it for a minute!!!"

"If you knew what happened when Jon had his visitation in the house, you wouldn’t have said they should switch in and out for visitation. I wish I could tell you but I can’t. Suffice is to say–you wouldn’t want him in YOUR house!!
Jane: I am VERY proud of my daughter! She didn’t trash Jon–she only commented that the kids like to be at home–It’s not as comfortable at Jon’s crowded apt. as it is in their Big house and there’s not as much to do there, I am sure. Kate was just stating facts!
What Kate said WAS true–up until lately he has NOT spent much time with his kids–It keeps one BUSY being a “CELEBRITY” you know!! Yes–He USED to be an attentive dad–THEN–he wasn’t!"

Maybe Kate's Mom should take her own advice and realize if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Karen said... 152

About the interview with Jon, doesn't he sound young and innocent? To me, he sounds like he is just "along for the ride." That got him in to a ton of trouble. This is such a sad story.

Diane said... 153

Hey Karen- I was thinking that same thing....that Jon looks so young in this video. The last 2 years have aged them both ( and I guess all of us, too). It's sad. Kate has aged even more, IMO.

Well, I wonder if we will find out who is playing the part of Kate's Mom on the internet???

browneyedgirl said... 154

I never thought I'd back Kate on anything, but if that woman posting is her mom, then good for Kate for cutting her out of her life.

I have to figure it really is her mom - I'm assuming IW saw proof of ID. But what a crazy, nasty woman. Wouldn't you feel better if she were your pastor's wife ... Gossip, innuendo, maliciousness, decidely unChristian attitudes.

Reality Bites said... 155

Can someone explain why Radar did not verify the blogger's identity by contacting Mrs. Kreider herself? Why rely on the blog and its sources? Second, when the alleged Mrs. Kreider offered up her apology why not have it published on RADAR as well as IW? Could it be Radar has lost interest in their own "exclusive", LOL? ~ Administrator said... 156

On what planet was Kate not bashing Jon on Regis and Kelly? Not to mention, it is no one's business but her, Jon's, the courts and God-willing a therapist how the children feel about going to Jon's. This "mom" is delusional. It was parental alienation backwards and forwards. If Kate's mom cannot recognize that and moreover supports it, she's as bad as Kate.

I want to know how can she possibly know that there is not much "to do" at Jon's apartment? Has she been there? Has she seen the children there? Jon said she is NOT INVOLVED so how does she know this? Has she talked to the children about what they do there and how they feel about going there? Looks to me like at his place, on the contrary, there is a pool, picnics, the arcade, hikes, and other things. Or does she mean there is not a lot to do that COST MONEY? Kids don't need you to throw down money to have fun. That's something Kate will never get of course and neither does her mom it seems.

From that post alone she sounds like a sheeple simply trying to back up and lend "credibility" to everything the sheeple have said--i.e. the kids don't like going to Jon's, the kids are bored at Jon's, Jon is a bad parent. What we have is not some lady on the internet claiming to be her mom, but rather photographic proof and video proof that the children have been seen over and over having a blast with him and scream and practically have a freakout fest for him when he has to leave. ~ Administrator said... 157

I totally agree I said this awhile ago after the kind of venim that woman was spewing about the family without any kind of indication she had permission from the people she spoke about, I would estrange her in a heartbeat.

It is a wonderful thing to give your children the gift of grandparents, but not if they are toxic people.

browneyedgirl said... 158

It is interesting that Mom uses the same comparison tactics that fans use: Kate isn't SO bad when you compare her with Jon, Jodi, Kevin, Julie, anyone else who has wronged Kate. They are always said to be much worse than anything Kate does, which then exonerates Kate from any wrong at all.
There are ways to defend someone without trying to deflect all blame to others. But Mom seems to lacking in that kind of ability/compassion.

Mimi to 3 said... 159

Admin, this is the very reason I do not for a minute believe this is Charlene Kreider posting. Her sanctimonious BS towards Jon -- there is nothing Christian about it. She is calling him out on his Christian values and she is raking him over the coals, in a very judgmental way. She has often been referred to, in the past, by people that know her that she is soft spoken and subservient to her controlling husband, who is just like Kate. This comment she made is NOT in any way soft spoken or kind. It is mean spirited, and she is repeating the same things that have been said about Kate. So, Kate has not been seen at the bus stop with the kids??? She does not consider herself a celebrity?? This is just so much BS and there is no way this is Kate's mom. She talks like a 20 year old and adds all the exclamation points to sound like Kate. The fans are despicable. It's o.k. to rake Jodi and Kevin over the coals, although they have been quiet for over a year, but it's not o.k. to say one word against dear darling Kate. Whatever will they do when this woman is off TV? All this is happening right now because they are getting ready to bring Kate back in November and hoping to get those ratings up. There is always an agenda with TLC and Kate.

And seriously, is anyone believing that ROL is a responsible and accurate source for anything. Come on, they are a fan site and always have been. And Perez, geesh. Just a few weeks ago he claimed the show had been canned. Another really reputable source. And this is who the sheeple are relying on for accurate information.

Tucker's Mom said... 160

You've got to watch the other segments of this interview (Kate must have been po'd!) to see Jon actually talk about "marketability" of their kids. It's also bizarre to think that since people "fail", you shouldn't rely on anyone (just rely on God). Really? What an odd belief system. That marriage was doomed! I can't imagine saying that I can't rely on my husband.
It's also very telling how Jon explains that so many people did NOT want to be on their show due to the "craziness" that comes with it. Too bad none of the children had the luxury of that choice.

Tucker's Mom said... 161

Maybe someone can explain to me how Jon's request to stop filming was denied? How is this instance different than the previous time he stopped the filming?

Midnight Madness said... 162

Apparently from Jon...

On Friday 15th October 2010, @jongosselin1 said:

As you may or may not be aware, I have been working for some time to remove my children from television. I do not believe being on TV is beneficial to any of them. They are no longer toddlers that are oblivious to what is going on around them. They are now six and ten, in school and desperately in need of a normal life.

Each of them has experienced negative effects of having their lives so public. Some are struggling with emotional and/or behavioral issues. My goal for my children is for them to have a normal childhood, and gain back their much deserved privacy. This is not about money, this is about my children. No amount of money is worth the price my children are paying. You cannot put a price on childhood. Money comes and goes, but you only have one childhood.

For those questions about money and support, I can say I am supporting my children to the best of my ability. All parties involved know the truth about this. I am and have been actively seeking employment. I have been barred from accepting entertainment deals that would generate income for my family due to contractual obligations. I am also actively looking for a job outside of the entertainment industry and so far, have not secured a position. In the mean time, I have been focusing on spending time with my children and providing a safe, stable, normal and private environment for them!

On October 13, 2010, I went to court to act in the best interest of my children- to remove them from television. The judge respectfully denied my plea, and granted filming rights to their mother. I honor the judge’s decision, but I do not support it. I will not stop fighting to remove my children from television. It is not a child’s job to support themselves, or a lifestyle, they need to be kids. I would like to apologize to my friends, family, and especially my children for not taking a stand earlier in my life and not questioning my decisions to have our lives documented and displayed. I will have to answer to my children for the rest of my life. I will have to live with this guilt the rest of my life. I am truly sorry!

browneyedgirl said... 163

"This comment she made is NOT in any way soft spoken or kind."

Hee, hee, hee, just like the fans accuse us - Charlene let her Inner Mean Girl out on the blogs. Poor old Kenton better watch out if she ever decides to let it loose at home.

Anonymous said... 164

browneyedgirl said...
I have to figure it really is her mom - I'm assuming IW saw proof of ID. But what a crazy, nasty woman. Wouldn't you feel better if she were your pastor's wife ... Gossip, innuendo, maliciousness, decidely unChristian attitudes.

I'm putting myself in the position of a member of her husband's church -- just think of having a pastor's wife who talks about her children this way, that she can't be trusted to keep a secret or confidence, that she is two-faced. If she will talk about her family this way, imagine what she'll say about congregation members.

IF this is Kate's mom, I can't imagine the backlash she 'should' face from the congregation. She's got a lot of repentance and work to do to repair her image at church, imo.

Anonymous said... 165

The latest from Radar:
Part 1:
Jon Gosselin Violated Court Order By Revealing TV Battle Over Kids, Charges Kate's Lawyer

Jon Gosselin violated an “unambiguous” court order not to comment on his recent legal battle with ex wife Kate to keep their children off TV, Mark Momjian, Kate’s lawyer, told exclusively. has also learned exclusive details about the secret court appearance that took place October 13.

Jon Tweeted on Friday that he had been back to court to try to keep his kids off TV, saying they were suffering emotional and behavioral issues from their lack of privacy. He revealed that he lost his secret battle.

Momjian told that Jon should have kept his big Twitter shut.

“The court has previously entered an order restricting the parties from commenting on the underlying custody proceedings,” Momjian said, without talking about the specifics of the case. learned that the October 13 court case was a six-hour hearing. One source said Jon’s arguments were ridiculous and the judge certainly wasn’t impressed – giving Kate the right to make the decision about the kids appearing on TV.

While that verdict is in, Kate’s lawyer promised that Jon revealing the private court battle against the judge’s orders is an issue that will continue.

Through her lawyer Kate “is going to consult about the latest Tweet and respond vigorously to it, through the court,” Momjian added.

“We think this is in violation of a court order preventing any parties from discussing these matters.

“We will respond to it through the court, as that is the appropriate forum to deal with these issues.

“The court was very clear in its orders to maintain privacy for this couple and their children and the issues they are dealing with.

“Because of that prior admonition, I am not going to respond substantively to anything in his Tweet, because it is not in accord with the clear directive of the judge who is presiding over this case.

See Part 2 below.

Anonymous said... 166

Part 2 of the latest Radar post:

“Ms. Gosselin has obliged the court directive to keep it confidential and now we will have to work with the court to address the claims.

“Whatever the recourse, we will do it through the court, because there is very little I can do to respond. Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Jon previously had denied TLC permission to film his children but then allowed them to appear again as he settled the Discovery network’s breach of contract lawsuit against him.

Friday’s Tweet reminded a lot of people of Jon’s actions from last year, when he first said his kids loved being on TV, then said it was bad for them, then allowed it again, tried to get custody from Kate, accused her of being a bad mom for appearing on Dancing With the Stars and generally created chaos.

Momjian told about Jon: “He decided to Tweet on a legal proceeding when a court was unambiguous about its order that it did not want it to be discussed.

“Ms. Gosselin is going to adhere to the court’s admonition to keep this matter private.”

On Friday Jon Twittered: "On October 13, 2010, I went to court to act in the best interest of my children- to remove them from television. The judge respectfully denied my plea, and granted filming rights to their mother. I honor the judge’s decision, but I do not support it. I will not stop fighting to remove my children from television. It is not a child’s job to support themselves, or a lifestyle, they need to be kids.”

Jon also said his TLC contract is preventing him from taking other entertainment-related jobs and that he has not been able to find a job outside of the field.

The Gosselin 8 appear on Kate Plus 8, the series of specials that replaced Jon & Kate Plus 8. And while Kate has continued to earn money on reality TV and through her appearance on Dancing With the Stars last season, Jon says he’s struggling.

He did not mention in Friday’s Twitter that TLC is still paying him.

“I have been focusing on spending time with my children and providing a safe, stable, normal and private environment for them!”

Anonymous said... 167

Tucker's Mom said...
Maybe someone can explain to me how Jon's request to stop filming was denied? How is this instance different than the previous time he stopped the filming?

Jon went to Family Court this week to prevent Kate from filming the kids during her custody time (didn't he go to a different court last year? idk). I'm assuming the judge told Jon he hadn't proven his reasons for saying filming was detrimental to the kids and that Kate could film when she has them. Until we see a copy of the ruling we really won't know - and since family court documents are sealed - I doubt we'll ever know 100% what the judge said.

say what! said... 168

Hells Bells. What a mess. If it's granny then shame on her, if it's a kooky fan then not surprised after seeing the whackos that hang at ROL and roll en mass to any "celeb" site that runs a blurb about Katie, diva in her own mind. Those poor kids having to live in such a corrosive environment so Katie doesn't have to go a day w/o her mani/peds and ompah lompah orange shade. The one time I saw that Clarissa's blog and her desire to adopt a "China doll" and all her religious blathering I knew she was a bit touched. Perhaps that whole family needs intensive therapy and it's not just one nutty fruitcake that came out of that oven afterall.

Get Paul Peterson, Jon said... 169

Wow, so they are going to trash Jon because he is trying to get those kids off the TV. Why the hell isn't he taking Paul Peterson up on his offer for assistance?

Anonymous said... 170

KT's mom still has a lot of comments posted over on "that" ridiculous site. Shop around people, look on the different blogs. He/she bashed not only bashed her son, but ABC's, DWTS, Bruno the judge ect.

All she does is bash. What verses in the bible say it is ok to do this Mrs. K?

IW met KG's mother in person? She would agree to meet a total stranger to support her daughter on a unknown message board, but not to go see her own daughter dance in front of the world, attend the Emmy's with her daughter, or even visit her own grand children? cough..cough.. TLC, you are way out there. Somebody grab a fishing pole.

A preacher's wife bashing on the Internet is accepted by her husband or the church? What religion is his?

It is hard core gossip and the bible has strict rules about this Ms. K. Especially regarding your own flesh and blood. Remember "the tongue is sharper than a sword'? Or did you miss church that Sunday to stay home and post on IW?

It is either KG herself, (which is the most believable with the immature grammar, nasty comments and horrific punctuation) or a very immature TLC intern, or KG's sister, who should know better.

Don't sit on the fence ladies. G-d is watching. Remember him?

Anonymous said... 171

KT's mom still has a lot of comments posted over on "that" ridiculous site. Shop around people, look on the different blogs. He/she bashed not only bashed her son, but ABC's, DWTS, Bruno the judge ect.

All she does is bash. What verses in the bible say it is ok to do this Mrs. K?

IW met KG's mother in person? She would agree to meet a total stranger to support her daughter on a unknown message board, but not to go see her own daughter dance in front of the world, attend the Emmy's with her daughter, or even visit her own grand children? cough..cough.. TLC, you are way out there. Somebody grab a fishing pole.

A preacher's wife bashing on the Internet is accepted by her husband or the church? What religion is his?

It is hard core gossip and the bible has strict rules about this Ms. K. Especially regarding your own flesh and blood. Remember "the tongue is sharper than a sword'? Or did you miss church that Sunday to stay home and post on IW?

It is either KG herself, (which is the most believable with the immature grammar, nasty comments and horrific punctuation) or a very immature TLC intern, or KG's sister, who should know better.

Don't sit on the fence ladies. G-d is watching. Remember him?

Get Paul Peterson, Jon said... 172

Wow, so they are going to trash Jon because he is trying to get those kids off the TV. Why the hell isn't he taking Paul Peterson up on his offer for assistance?

Anonymous said... 173

Part 2 of the latest Radar post:

“Ms. Gosselin has obliged the court directive to keep it confidential and now we will have to work with the court to address the claims.

“Whatever the recourse, we will do it through the court, because there is very little I can do to respond. Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Jon previously had denied TLC permission to film his children but then allowed them to appear again as he settled the Discovery network’s breach of contract lawsuit against him.

Friday’s Tweet reminded a lot of people of Jon’s actions from last year, when he first said his kids loved being on TV, then said it was bad for them, then allowed it again, tried to get custody from Kate, accused her of being a bad mom for appearing on Dancing With the Stars and generally created chaos.

Momjian told about Jon: “He decided to Tweet on a legal proceeding when a court was unambiguous about its order that it did not want it to be discussed.

“Ms. Gosselin is going to adhere to the court’s admonition to keep this matter private.”

On Friday Jon Twittered: "On October 13, 2010, I went to court to act in the best interest of my children- to remove them from television. The judge respectfully denied my plea, and granted filming rights to their mother. I honor the judge’s decision, but I do not support it. I will not stop fighting to remove my children from television. It is not a child’s job to support themselves, or a lifestyle, they need to be kids.”

Jon also said his TLC contract is preventing him from taking other entertainment-related jobs and that he has not been able to find a job outside of the field.

The Gosselin 8 appear on Kate Plus 8, the series of specials that replaced Jon & Kate Plus 8. And while Kate has continued to earn money on reality TV and through her appearance on Dancing With the Stars last season, Jon says he’s struggling.

He did not mention in Friday’s Twitter that TLC is still paying him.

“I have been focusing on spending time with my children and providing a safe, stable, normal and private environment for them!”

Anonymous said... 174

browneyedgirl said...
I have to figure it really is her mom - I'm assuming IW saw proof of ID. But what a crazy, nasty woman. Wouldn't you feel better if she were your pastor's wife ... Gossip, innuendo, maliciousness, decidely unChristian attitudes.

I'm putting myself in the position of a member of her husband's church -- just think of having a pastor's wife who talks about her children this way, that she can't be trusted to keep a secret or confidence, that she is two-faced. If she will talk about her family this way, imagine what she'll say about congregation members.

IF this is Kate's mom, I can't imagine the backlash she 'should' face from the congregation. She's got a lot of repentance and work to do to repair her image at church, imo.

Tucker's Mom said... 175

You've got to watch the other segments of this interview (Kate must have been po'd!) to see Jon actually talk about "marketability" of their kids. It's also bizarre to think that since people "fail", you shouldn't rely on anyone (just rely on God). Really? What an odd belief system. That marriage was doomed! I can't imagine saying that I can't rely on my husband.
It's also very telling how Jon explains that so many people did NOT want to be on their show due to the "craziness" that comes with it. Too bad none of the children had the luxury of that choice.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 176

Amen to moving on!!

Administrator said... 177

On what planet was Kate not bashing Jon on Regis and Kelly? Not to mention, it is no one's business but her, Jon's, the courts and God-willing a therapist how the children feel about going to Jon's. This "mom" is delusional. It was parental alienation backwards and forwards. If Kate's mom cannot recognize that and moreover supports it, she's as bad as Kate.

I want to know how can she possibly know that there is not much "to do" at Jon's apartment? Has she been there? Has she seen the children there? Jon said she is NOT INVOLVED so how does she know this? Has she talked to the children about what they do there and how they feel about going there? Looks to me like at his place, on the contrary, there is a pool, picnics, the arcade, hikes, and other things. Or does she mean there is not a lot to do that COST MONEY? Kids don't need you to throw down money to have fun. That's something Kate will never get of course and neither does her mom it seems.

From that post alone she sounds like a sheeple simply trying to back up and lend "credibility" to everything the sheeple have said--i.e. the kids don't like going to Jon's, the kids are bored at Jon's, Jon is a bad parent. What we have is not some lady on the internet claiming to be her mom, but rather photographic proof and video proof that the children have been seen over and over having a blast with him and scream and practically have a freakout fest for him when he has to leave.

Must Love Dogs said... 178

Sorry everyone but what I read here and on another post, I can say I don't like her mom. There is something odd with this woman and she seems to be very hateful towards Kevin and his wife. Kevin and Jody went onto ROL more than a year and half ago, why all of a sudden this hate and blogging too. Jon has been quiet for quite some time and no drama to make her daughter relevant, so now she is trying to stir something up to keep her daughter interesting, Yawn, not working.

LisaNH said... 179

alana said... LisaNH,

How can you "know Pennmommy" if you don't know who Julie is? There's no way!

[Julie is Jodi's sister. Julie was the first to be used and abused by Pennmommy. PM was then inadvertently introduced to entire blog/s, which she used and took advantage of; this was all at Julie's expense and detriment.


That is right!! I remember about Julie. It's been so long I totally forgot about Julie's blog. I remembered PM posting at GWOP but totally forgot about Julie's blog. Duh!! I didn't realize that when I hit my mid forties my memory would start to go LOL.

Administrator said... 180

Her apology was simple and direct. And necessary. I'm surprised she got there this quickly.

It's either Kate's mom who has realized she messed up, as we all sometimes do, or it's not Kate's mom and is finding a quick way out. Either way, it's okay, I'm hoping we can move on too!

Merette said... 181

Moose Mania said...

No way. There's too much of a chance that the person or persons doing this will be busted. Kate couldn't possibly risk doing this much damage to her character/reputation as a celebrity to pull this stunt. There are other ways to stay relevant without resorting to these tactics.
October 14, 2010 5:02 PM
You may be right. But Take has to be pretty desperate these days. She has nothing but time on her hands and is a hateful person who loves to lash out. Why not sit down and throw people under the bus online all day posing as her own mother? Today we find that she drove 60 miles one way to go to the grocery store and that she used recyclable bags just so Chris from INF could get pics of her so she can stay in the news. That's desperate!

Anonymous said... 182

What if this Kate's mom poster is directly associated with the blog owner? Maybe the blog owner is using a fake Kate's mom to generate traffic for the blog. Would the blog owner be in trouble with the law? Maybe that's why the posts are being removed.

Anonymous said... 183

I am sorry about using the term All of you. I apologies.
I think if that is Kate's mother then she's probably shocked that it was picked up by ROL. She loves her all her kids but sometimes they disappointed. And a lot of Mothers don't like their DIL. Maybe this is the case. But she's shouldn't have said that on a public forum. And she no doubt realized it now.
I hope they all take this in private. I hope Jodi doesn't go to the media. No good will come from a public feud. This has all gone too far and I for one am done with all this. Thank you for letting me post this and I am sorry if my previous post offended anyone. I no longer want to be a voyeur to this family.

Administrator said... 184

No I have no idea if it's Kate's mom.

To me either it's Kate's mom and she's embarrassed by what she said and is hiding, it's Kate's mom and she's not embarrassed by what she said but IS embarrassed to be on Radaronline (Kate may see it, her friends and so on), or it's not Kate's mom and the impersonator is terrified right now of getting BUSTED by the real Kate's mom who could sue her.

Administrator said... 185

Yes and on that note, I actually said in my recap of Inside Kate's World way back in JUNE that I didn't think they were having an affair and they were much more like brother and sister. We are not some solid mass, we each have our own opinions and respect that we don't all think the same.

Administrator said... 186

There's a difference between one person saying something, and source after source after source telling the same story (i.e. Kate and her bodyguard, Kate's personality, and so on). Also even if it is a close friend who is to say they are not lying? Why can't Kate's mom confirm this herself, why did she disappear today, and why isn't the blog she was on thrilled to be on Radar Online?

In a court of law, one witness isn't worth much. But two witnesses is good, three is better, and four is even better. The more the better. Everyone should be free to believe what they like, I just don't like to see anyone duped and I think that's the main thing.

DISGUSTING said... 187

In all honesty, I'm so sorry I checked in to this blog today. All this reminds me of a group of 7 grade girls, so petty and nasty. "We'll stop calling them sheeple when they stop calling jellus haterz."

I am going to go now and try and forget this whole disgusting mess.

Merette said... 188

I still think it was Kate herself who posted those comments. The entire Kreider family is seriously mentally ill/dysfunctional, but based on the writing style, I think it was Kate. She is doing this to try to remain relevant/in the news/on the blogs.

TLC ship is sinking said... 189

Anonymous said...This month her TLC/Kate decide to trash Jodi and Kevin using the mother thereby creating more controversy for Kate and give Kate's show higher ratings....

Yeah, this could all end up being a TLC ruse...just like the media picking up the rumors on the Kate Plus 8 cancellation.

Maybe the cancellation rumors didn't really draw the attention TLC was looking for...let's re-hash the controversy that started prior to the big ratings-draw season 5!

The Jodi and Kevin controversy really stirs the pot, dividing the Gosselin community into "sheeple" and "haters" or those pro-Jodi or pro-Kate. Even more than a year later after their first interviews, it's clear to see that certain media still have villianous opinions about them.

If this is the underworking by TLC, that is sick to create more rift within the Gosselin/Kreider family...just to garner more ratings for November sweeps.

Unfortunately, it looks like it worked in riling all the pro-Kate supporters to give their support to "Kate's mom".

Ohhhh my eyes.......... said... 190

I think it's the witch herself .... She could use what she knows about the family to "confirm" the story. She knows her mother well enough to know that she isn't out there in the blogosphere and knows her mom won't come forward to either confirm or deny. Plus the Jodie-Kevin hate just reeeeeeeks of Ms Kate herself.

Heide said... 191

Kate PUTS HERSELF out there. If you don't want criticism, don't make yourself a public spectacle. Duh! We can nitpick all we want. It's a public forum. If you really hate all the criticism, don't read here. We're not stopping because someone comes here and tells us they don't like it.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 192

What a HUGE turnoff!!!

This whole Kreider/Kate Gosselin crap-fest is only making more and more people realize how dysfunctional and out of control they ALL are.

And WORST OF ALL!!! Nobody (except Jodi & Kevin)
gives a rat's ass what the Gosselin 8 think- or the fact that for the rest of their lives, they will be known by their crazy mother's antics, and their Grandparent's/and their various aunts indifference to their plight. The only thing that matters to them is Kate's honor.

What an embarrassing bunch of fools! When all this mess is said and done, I don't think that anyone in that family will be able to hold their heads high.

To all Kate fans, save your dignity- it's still not too late to walk away from that train wreck.

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 193

If that was Kate's mother...IF...then crazy doesn't fall far from the crazy tree.

I think the thing that bothers me most is that this is supposed to be a "Christian" family. The father is a preacher so his wife is a preacher's wife. Her behavior belies this and her values are terribly skewed, not Christian at all. Where is the love, the compassion, the conciliation, the charity that are hallmarks of Christians? Or should be.

It is hardly credible that a loving mother and grandmother would knowingly create more chaos in this family.

Kate and her mother: two BAD MOMS

silimom said... 194

A person extremely close to Charlene told “Yes, it’s her. She posted the material and couldn’t stand to see Kate attacked any more.”

Sorry, if people aren't willing to go on the record publicly, then it's just gossip, pure and simple and we only have radaronline's word that they confirmed their source, and we know how reliable they are.

As others have said, if Charlene Kreider truly wishes to defend her daughter then she should:

A) Have spoken out, officially and on the record - not on BM's blog - against Jodi and Kevin when they initially went to radaronline. Charlene, I'm sure Radar would still love to talk and photograph you and if they don't please contact David Zurawik at the Baltimore Sun. Again, he would be happy to interview you and will give you a fair shake.

B) Have traveled out to California and been in the audience to support her daughter as she 'worked' to support her family.

C) Be visiting her daughter and her grandchildren on a regular basis. (I grant you, perhaps she is, but I find it funny that it's never been photographed. I know there is a pic out there but people aren't certain if it's Kate's parents and to be fair, they didn't look anything like the photos I have seen online of them). Actions speak louder than words, Charlene. Anyone can go on a blog and say they are you. Sorry, I may be a doubting Thomas, but I'll need to see a video statement before I believe it's you. Talk to Baby Mama. I'm sure she'll oblige you.

Tickledsunflower said... 195

Most of the women at Imperfect Women used to have a blog called "Gosselins Do Not Need Our Pity". It was a Pro-Gosselin blog that claimed they were fair, but all they did was monitor the posts and fight with every blog that was against the children being filmed. When the divorce went down publicly and TLC used it to boost ratings, they opened this other site.

It is true that they found out who Pennmommy was before others, then harassed a number of bloggers to publicly eat crow about it. Some bloggers deleted everything regarding Pennmommy from their blogs, and another (one that they harassed for months)addressed it on her blog when she had finished her own investigation into the mess. She was also the only one that never deleted anything off her blog regarding Pennmommy.

I also wanted to state that I find it very curious that Kate's Mom would choose to defend her daughter (and throw Jodi, Kevin and Julie under the bus)on a site that has been Pro Gosselin for so long and has openly disdained Jodi, Kevin and Julie for the same amount of time. It is also interesting that Kate's Mom has never made the choice to support Kate on KATE'S OWN BLOG. There is a blog wherein TLC can verify that it is Kate's Mom supporting her daughter on her own daughter's blog, but yet she chooses to post wonderful things about her daughter on an obscure blog while in the same breath disparage her son and his wife/wife's sister on that same obscure blog.

Lastly, it is my opinion that IW leaked that story to Radar. IW seems a bit obsessed with getting Gosselin interviews. I think that they think it validates them in some way.

Hippie Chick said... 196

I am wondering why this is gaining any "media" interest. I know it's ROL, but it's Kate, & let's face facts, her relevance has pretty much fallen flat over the past month and a half, right? I also agree that ROL gets their stories wrong about many things, many times, so this could be wrong too. Unless Kate's mom says it herself, I don't believe it. I wonder though, if in fact it is just someone pretending, like a sheeple, to be Kate's mom, are they sweating right now that it HAS gained the interest of ROL?

And if it IS Kate's mom, who the hell would throw their own child under the bus? It blows my mind. The speculating is hard!

To the poster who commented on Kate's new blog being tedious & boring, I agree. I just read what you wrote, I didn't read it myself. Um, do something about the trash problem you lazy cow! When my family & I go bike riding, I bring a trash bag & I pointy stick & do trash detail to keep our city clean. We were even in the paper once! Try making your kids proud Kate & start teaching them values! Stop just going through the motions of parenthood for once.

alana said... 197


How can you "know Pennmommy" if you don't know who Julie is? There's no way!

[Julie is Jodi's sister. Julie was the first to be used and abused by Pennmommy. PM was then inadvertently introduced to entire blog/s, which she used and took advantage of; this was all at Julie's expense and detriment.]

Tickledsunflower said... 198

Believe what you want, it was Charlene posting and now she regrets it. But not for the reasons you may think. She regrets it because Radar picked up her comments, not that she was defending Kate and bashing her son and DIL.


So if was only that "Radar picked up her comments", who is the person that Radar claims as the source? Someone very close to Charlene. So this person very close to Charlene didn't tell Charlene that they were talking to Radar? Those posts were still up on IW this morning,but were deleted soon after Radar published their story.

I don't believe for a second that it was Kate's Mom posting there. I think that IW have been had, and they just realized it, hence the delete, delete and more delete. It is so very curious, as well as ironic, that this happened in a post that they dedicated to the impostor Pennmommy and chastised GWOP for deleting Pennmommy's posts. ROTFLMAO! So what does IW do? Deletes all of "Kate's Mom's" posts. They will never live this one down.

Diane said... 199

How sad for the Gosselin 8 to not have contact with their maternal grandparents. Sad for Kate, too. Maybe, the fact that Kate's parents are not involved in her life made her strange? I cannot imagine living like that. If my Mom had been the proud grandmother of 6 babies at once....I could not have kept her away. And, if my daughter-in-law had had 6 babies at once, she could not have kept me away either.

I don't care if Kate's Mom didn't want to be on the show. That I can understand. Not wanting to be a part of her grandkids lives, I can never understand.

Personally, I doubt that that is Kate's Mom. Maybe, Kate....but, not her Mom. Maybe, I am giving Kate's Mom too much credit.

I also do not understand the mentality of putting another person down to make yourself or someone else look better. It makes no sense to me. It just the person doing the put downs look bad, IMO.