Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kate's revolving 10 nannies could contribute to 'future failures' for kids

Kate has been through at least TEN nannies in the past two years, and here is the photographic proof.

Recent reports say another nanny, Ariel Cantara, has quit on the Gosselins. A little sleuthing and we discovered that Ariel graduated in Fall 2009 from a PA school and then moved to Phoenixville, PA, where she helped open a bakery with a friend way back last spring. On her Twitter account, Ariel talks about going to the spa with "Ashley" and hitting up Phillies games.

What we do know is that the children have been through an unusually high number of nannies and caretakers, even for a large family. The proof is in the paparazzi photos, as well as the episodes themselves. What kind of psychological damage is this revolving door policy having on the kids? Dr. Lindsay Heller, a psychologist in L.A. who actually specializes in working with nannies and families (and has significant experience working with children in both the Head Start program and Children's Hospital of Los Angeles), has this to say:

"All too often, a parent has a conflict with the nanny and instead of making an attempt to work it out, they fire the nanny. The result? The child wakes up the next day and a significant attachment figure in their lives has disappeared. For children, the nanny was a person who maintained their physical and emotional safety on a daily basis. When it becomes clear that that person can just disappear, children may be more cautious to develop a bond in the future, which may contribute to future failures. A loss of or a change in caregivers can be a significant stressor on a child." Dr. Heller goes on to say that a broken bond with a nanny can do significant damage to a child's future "relationships throughout childhood and then in our friendships and romantic relationships as adults."

Some of the nannies/caretakers. (We counted a whopping ten caretakers in just the past few years, not even counting the retirement-aged helpers like Nana Janet, or the family friends like Beth and Jodi):

1. Nanny Unknown. Spotted Fall 2010 at the bus stop. Appears to be the current nanny.

2. Ariel Cantara. Worked for the family circa 2009-10. Paparazzi reports say she recently quit. Was Ariel working for the Gosselins on June 2, 2009, when, according to a local newspaper, she was arrested for retail theft? What kind of background checks are done on the nannies?

3. Nanny Unknown. Spotted frequently with the children in 2009 and parts of 2010. Then disappeared. Jon referred to an "Asian nanny" in a speech he gave in February 2009.

4. Nanny Unknown. Spotted working together with Nanny Unknown #3. Hasn't been seen in awhile.

5. Nanny Unknown and 6. Nanny Unknown. Two girls were spotted helping out with the kids in Los Angeles in April 2009. Not including the two bodyguards who also tagged along.

7. Stephanie Santano. Model who worked for the family. She met them at a twin convention years ago and ended up working for them for one month in 2009. She alleges that she had an affair with Jon.

8. Jenny. Worked for the family in summer 2008 and was dragged along on a two-week trip to North Carolina with them.

9. Ashley Turner. Long-time family friend who just recently went to North Carolina and Alaska with the family.

10. Carla Turner. Ashley's mom who frequently watched the kids in the past. Now it appears Ashley has taken over most of the duties.

118 sediments (sic) from readers:

Skeptical said... 1

Phoenixville is in PA. So she could have been working as a nanny for Kate while working at the bakery. ~ Administrator said... 2

You're right I misread that as Phoenix. Phoenixville is in Pa....which makes a lot more sense now. ~ Administrator said... 3

Altering my take on this slightly....see revised article ~ Administrator said... 4

And was she working for Kate when she got arrested??? ~ Administrator said... 5

It strikes me that you might as well replace these photos with photos of the banished relatives.

One by one Kate estranged each and every one of the people in the children's lives they love the most. And at the top of the list, we need a giant photo of their father.

Questions said... 6

Administrator said...

And was she working for Kate when she got arrested???

Who knows? Could Kate have fired her when she found out, if she was still working for her? If Ariel is a thief, perhaps she is a liar as well.

Mimi to 3 said... 7

I read earlier this week that the nanny that was arrested, it actually happened in 2009. Who knows for sure. Those kids are sunk no matter what. Kate has screwed their lives up in every way possible every chance she gets. It's really a tragic situation.

MickeyMcKean said... 8

Kudos to you Admin for coming up with all these photos. However, the nanny that was in THAT heartwrenching video, the one who came and drove the van from the front gate, does not appear to be in the above list.

Dr. Heller makes a lot of sense to me. If these 8 children have learned that they can't rely on nannies or family members to stay in their lives at an early age, I won't be surprised to hear one day that they all have commitment issues as adults or in the alternative the first person they meet they will want to hurry up and marry them as a way to keep them from leaving them.

Sad situation, either way.

JMO ~ Administrator said... 9

All Kate had to do was Google her name and that arrest report would have come right up. It also likely would have come up as an arrest on a simple background check you pay $25 for. It's her responsibility to check out the backgrounds of the girls she is allowing AROUND HER KIDS AND IN HER HOME. Shows how much she cares about the kids' safety to not run a simple background check and disqualify people with arrests from being around kids. She would rather spend $25 to get her pinky finger manicured.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 10

Oh hell- These are the nannies we are aware of. While Kate is home with nannies, or missing, how can she ever say she does it all alone? Her mantra.

I will say, I don't care what SHE does, but rather cut your kids loose from filming, so they are spared the embarassment of having their every moment filmed, for classmate foder. Kate - Have a heart, hard enough growing up in public eye without filming, and then having to figure out how to explain/deal with your mother's atrocious behavior. They are not babies any more and fully receive the consequences of filming. Never mind behaviors of Cara and Mady, who both seem to want this madness to end so they can have a normal life, without the cameras. One withdrawn, the other making it known she is not into your shananigans on film. Get a clue Kate- time to end the filming, as a mother. Although we all know what this "mother" will do.

These kids deserve so much better. ~ Administrator said... 11

It doesn't take a psychologist to tell you that it is common sense that when you allow your children to love ten separate women then rip those 10 women from their lives one by one never to be seen again, there is going to be emotional damages the children will have to cope with for years to come.

Anonymous said... 12

Honestly, who cares about the "arrest" for pity theft! Maybe Kate wasn't paying her enough.

It's not like she was arrested for murder, assault, molestation, etc etc....

Everyone has probably 1 little secret....

Ellie said... 13

It's funny you know-Stephanie Santano (nanny #7) was the nanny Kate denied knowing the day she cried ouside of the compound and the police were called. Remember-she was trying to defend herself on 'The View' against Whoopie. Kate kept saying it was a 'Mother's intuition' about this woman. She said she'd never met her.

Then later on in the corn shucking episode you could see a pair of arms shucking corn with the kids. The 'paps' realeased a photo of the same shooting and sure enough there's Stephanie at the end of those arms.

This is nothing against Stephanie-just pointing out out another Kate-TLC spin.

Denise said... 14

Is number 3 the nanny called Judy? I recall pictures of Mady giving her a pedicure at the picnic table.
Not only nannies, but family members and friends revolve through these children's lives. The only continuity that Kate desires is TLC - and supposedly the original crew - who now work for and LOVE the Duggars. ~ Administrator said... 15

Anonymous, I don't care about an arrest for petty fact. I know plenty of people who have a few black marks on their record from their 20s and it does not make them bad people. Except this is a person Kate let in her house around her kids. Do you want someone with theft in your background in your million dollar home with free access to your things? I wouldn't.

There are many girls out there with childcare experience and no arrests. Why hire someone with ANY arrests when you can hire someone with a clean background?. And proof Kate did not go through an agency. She's too cheap for that. An agency would never send a nanny in there with a background, for liability reasons. ~ Administrator said... 16

theft not fact, lol I was out late last night.

Midnight Madness said... 17

"And was she working for Kate when she got arrested???"


She was still a college student when she was arrested. It would have been a heck of a commute from St. Davids to Wernersville for nanny duties, while attending college (mainline Philly) and concentrating on academics. When would she have had the time? The article says she moved to Phoenixville (also near Philly) AFTER graduation in the fall (term) of 2009. I seriously doubt she was a nanny in Wernersville while going to college in St. Davids at the same time.

"We counted a whopping ten caretakers"


I think you mean caregivers. A caretaker is a person who looks after a building, an estate, grounds, i.e., janitor, custodian, maintenance personnel. ~ Administrator said... 18

So Kate never met her at a twin convention? So that wasn't Stephanie being filmed with the kids? There are tons of photos of Stephanie with the kids, just Google her name and Gosselin. So Kate doesn't know someone who is with her own children? It's her responsibility to know who is with her kids whether Jon is watching them or Kate is. I agree, she is full of it.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 19

Admin - I agree - lots of detachments based no Kate's whim. Quite frankly, over at least the last season, Kate's behavior on camera while filming K + 8 made it clear that anyone but her could care for the kids while she "ran errands" or went about her business, as if she did not have 8 kids. (ie-buying ice cream in NY with 2 assistants -they could not handles this by themselves?) while Jamie held down the fort on the bus. The best example of her desire not to be a mom, was the episode when she said, "Get me out of here," why clearly frustrated/angry with the kids the entire episode if they came to her with any problem. They were brushed off, as Kate clearly wants to delegate parenting duties to others as much as possible, while continuing to advertise herself as a SUPER MOM. She does not even come close. God help these kids for having a mother who only wants to be a mom while filming. So sad for the kids,and they know it. ~ Administrator said... 20

I think you mean caregivers. A caretaker is a person who looks after a building, an estate, grounds, i.e., janitor, custodian, maintenance personnel.

Not according to Webster's: one that gives physical or emotional care and support. "Served as caretaker to the younger children."

Besides Kate treats them as property enough anyway. ~ Administrator said... 21

I'd like to ask these ten nannies how it made them feel when Kate said, "It all rests on me. All, all, all."

No it doesn't rest on you, Kate Gosselin. It rests on your shafted hired help who drop like flies because you're a nightmare to work for.

Gosseli8ComeFirst said... 22

I'd like to ask these ten nannies how it made them feel when Kate said, "It all rests on me. All, all, all."
I think the absentee mom was referring to the TLC Contract Renewal and the fact that it all rests on her, as no one else in the family still wants to film. So it all does rest all on her - ALL, ALL, ALL- Selfish, self-absorbed, narcissitic person that she is. Regardless of what the kids want. MINE, ALL MINE! ~ Administrator said... 23

She said it all rests on me "all, all, all" in the Home Roost episode when she was talking about fixing up the house. She was referring to how she had to keep up the house on her own. Meanwhile there were no less than six workers outside taking care of it. Plus nannies. So I fail to see what rests on her. If anything, it all rests on the hired help!

Linda said... 24

Yikes, that IS a lot of nannies. And it's true those are only the ones we know about.

Those poor kids. This really illustrates just one more sad aspect of their lives--a revolving door of people who are supposed to care about them and that they could potentially get attached to. How much can these nannies even get to know all eight kids when they are there and gone so fast?

One thing I was always thankful for, as a working mom, was the wonderful nursery I found for my daughter. She had the same caregivers (two different ladies) from infancy to three years old. It was SO nice. Then from three to five, she had the same preschool teacher, because she went to a Montessori mixed age classroom school. That was also nice. A lot of stability and bonding.

It's especially important to me I think because I had a lot of "revolving door adults" in my life as a kid and it was so damn confusing and painful when I'd get attached, then they'd be gone. I didn't want to do that to my kid.

Not that she'd care, but someone really ought to clue Kate in that it's confusing and sometimes emotionally painful. But not to worry! Soon (if it hasn't happened already) they'll learn what I did--just don't get attached.

Lauren said... 25

I think we need to give Ariel a break.
Just because she worked for Kate doesn't mean it's okay to start digging through her past.

Kate should have done her due diligence and performed a background check prior to Ariel's hiring.

I have to wonder if Kate just wanted to hire a nanny ASAP that she didn't care or is Kate so naive that she just assumed that Ariel wouldn't have a record.

Several celebs have been accused of shoplifting like Megan Fox, Britney Spears and Winona Ryder.

MickeyMcKean said... 26

I cut Jon all the slack in the world when Kate decided she no longer needed him in order for her to stay on TV. Sure I think Jon made some poor choices especially in his love life but he seems to have calmed down, moved back to PA and remembered what is important - the children.

Even though Jon has been banished from the compound and has to pick the children up outside of the gates, the fact is Jon is still there to pick them up. It would be so easy for him to just give up, especially after being thrown publicly under a bus so many times.

I know because when I was 13 my mother divorced my father. There was no violence or yelling, I just think that they fell out of love and were polite strangers. So my mom thought it would be best for all concerned to file for divorce; she told me she figured we kids would see him more. But because he grew up in an orphanage, he took this rejection by his wife so hard that he "divorced" his children too. Whereas he never missed a child support payment, he never opted to see us kids on his visitation weekends. After a while even his phone calls stopped.

So based on my personal experience, KUDOS TO JON for putting up with all of Kate's BS and still hanging in there for his kids. These kids need one consistent person in their life other than their mother and even though it probably is a battle with Kate each and every time, Jon is still there for his children. ~ Administrator said... 27

No one's ragging on Ariel. She spoke what so many others of her have spoke about--Kate is a nightmare, and kudos to her for not putting up with it any longer.

This is less of a reflection on Ariel and more of a reflection on Kate. Ariel was 25 or so and it was just petty theft--it was a mistake and I'm sure she's already moved on from it. The point is Kate is careless with who is around her children, from nannies who have stolen to who knows the backgrounds of all the men on the crews around the kids. Yet Kate needs the bodyguard. Kate.

lala said... 28

There was also a girl shown shucking corn with the kids that a lot of people thought was Stephanie Santoro and others thought they just resembled each other.

boo said... 29

We only know that Ariel was arrested. I haven't seen anything indicating she was convicted. A routine background check typically would not uncover an arrest without a conviction.

Anonymous2 said... 30

We wonder why more people don't come out and talk about their experiences with Kate. But Ariel spoke out, and now we know she's been arrested for theft.

Now we don't have to wonder anymore.

DISGUSTING said... 31

Admin, I find your lack of discretion appalling and reminiscent of what one reads in the trashy tabloid magazines. Anything for a story. When you're called on it you detour the conversation toward Kate's bad behavior.

kimmie said... 32

i don't think these are all nannies. just b/c someone *we* don't know is seen with the kids, helping kate or jon, or at the house does not mean they are nannies, caregivers/takers, or even baby sitters.

a nanny is one who is a constant caregiver and usually lives with the family for most of the time they are working. like lives there mon-fri then home on the weekends or whatever schedule is set-up. i have 3 close friends who are or have been nannies.

carla and ashley are helpers. they were neighbors who helped kate out and then ashley was a sitter/helper when home from college. no way could they be considered nannies.

just b/c stephanie s (if that was her) helped kate after the police being called doesn't mean kate knew her before that.

imo the only nannies the kids have had were number 3 and jenny. the others were helpers who came and helped when needed.

Livvy said... 33

Admin, Question. Exactly how binding are confidentiality agreements?? How are they enforced?? If I am a college kid without a pot and I sign one, what are the potential ramifications??

inside info said... 34

1. Is Sassi. She's 19 years old and is often left alone with the 6 for days at a time. Children are not fond of her.

2 & 4 look like the same person, who may be corn-chucking nanny.

3. is Nanny Judy. Children love her and she loves them. Kate cut her hours because she communicates with Jon. Kate doesn't want nannies talking to Jon.

You also forgot Jamie.
Nannies are allowed to spank too.

Anonymous said... 35

Does anyone know if Jon can make use of this hired-help-revolving-door information in order to increase his custody of the children? After all these nannies were hired for the sake of the children; they were not hired as grounds-keepers or maintenance crew. The court should be concerned that the children do not seem to be in a stable environment. ~ Administrator said... 36

Admin, Question. Exactly how binding are confidentiality agreements?? How are they enforced??
Depends on the agreement. They are enforced in civil court, if anyone cares to bother. ~ Administrator said... 37

i don't think these are all nannies. just b/c someone *we* don't know is seen with the kids, helping kate or jon, or at the house does not mean they are nannies, caregivers/takers, or even baby sitters.
Okay....Whether you call them nannies, caretakers, caregivers, girls, people just with the children, random drive-bys, it does not matter to the kids. All the kids know is they are building genuine attachments to these young women (as evidenced by holding their hands, playing with them, going to them), and then they are one by one, systematically ripped from their lives with no looking back. ~ Administrator said... 38

DISGUSTING said... Admin, I find your lack of discretion appalling and reminiscent of what one reads in the trashy tabloid magazines. Anything for a story. When you're called on it you detour the conversation toward Kate's bad behavior.

I'm not understanding this comment. This article IS about Kate's bad behavior. What about this is objectionable to you? Are you disputing the photographic proof as to all the nannies she has forced her children to cycle through? I know, why doesn't she stay home with her own kids and mother them herself? Jon manages without 10 nannies.

Actually I would say when called on Kate's behavior, the sheeple detour the conversation to personal attacks on me.

Anonymous said... 39

You can bet if Jon had hired Ariel the sheeple who be all over him for hiring someone with a background and putting the kids in danger. But since Kate hired her it's brushed aside like she did nothing more than spoke out of turn in class.

IDModo said... 40

Admin., in PA do allegations of abuse take precedence over confidentiality agreements?

As for Nannies being allowed to spank, I find it appalling that you can pay someone to hit your children.If you paid someone to hit your spouse it would be conspiring to commit assault.

My guess is that Kate doesn't usually hire Nannies from a reputable agency, because they would know enough to complain about her mistreatment of them and of the kids. I think she hires youngsters who really need the money and are caught up in the star-f**ing aspect of it all. ~ Administrator said... 41

In all states, allegations of abuse take precedence over any confidentiality agreements as a matter of public policy. The only time you can claim confidentiality is if you have a legally recognized confidential relationship. And since most of said legal relationships are mandatory reporters--therapists, teachers, it doesn't usually apply. But for example if a client of mine disclosed abuse I am under no obligation to report it to anyone and I can assert attorney-client privilege if asked about it, even on the witness stand. Right? Not sure. The law? Yes. ~ Administrator said... 42

As a nanny I also was given permission to spank the little girl I nannied. She was by no means a bad kid and time outs worked for her. I was disgusted her parents would suggest I could do this to her. Despite being given permission to abuse her, I never touched her, ever. Just because a nanny is given permission to hit doesn't mean she will choose to do so.

Hippie Chick said... 43

Kate is so irresponsible & lazy when it comes to her own children. It's a revolving door of childcare. She works those nannies to the bone, then expects to take all the credit. She is a POS. There is just nothing this woman can do to get in my good graces, not that it even matters. She doesn't have to answer to me. She will be answering to those kids when they start asking questions, if they haven't started already. Does she even care about her kids at all? Respect them? Want them to be happy and well-rounded members of society? I fear they will have abandonment issues, commitment issues, relationship issues, the list goes on & on. Kate does NOT care about anyone but herself.

Save the kids said... 44

Baaaa, she don't care who watches them kids as long as someone shows up at the cave so she can go for her run, get her manis and pedis, go for her phot0 shots at the parking lots with Chris, do her UPS pick up, and just be free of her 8 kids. BTW, saw her pics running..again. Is this all this woman does is do for herself? When is she actually doing stuff with her kids?

Anonymous said... 45

lala said...
There was also a girl shown shucking corn with the kids that a lot of people thought was Stephanie Santoro and others thought they just resembled each other.

The girl shown shucking corn in the photos is Ariel, nanny #2, the person who has been mistaken for Stephanie Santoro, nanny #7.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 46

A little OT but, it looks like TLC & NBC are partners of sorts:

Although TLC has yet to announce whether or not there will be a second season of their hit polygamy show Sister Wives, they have scheduled an hourlong interview special that will air on Halloween.

Kody Brown and his four wives, Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robin will be interviewed by NBC's Natalie Morales a week before the special airs on October 31.


Natalie Morales, huh? Same one that interviewed Kate....

Anon 1 said... 47

In one of the stories/articles out at the time Kevin and Jodi went to news media and broke their story about Jodi being paid/not being paid, Kevin, stated that Kate does not like confrontation. So he walked over to the house to ask her what the real truth was, rather than get in secondhand from one of the crew. Perhaps that's what she does w/the nannies, as she did with friends and family, and w/the cleaning lady, she doesn't talk w/them, she just fires 'em.

Anonymous said... 48

Unless you have proof of all the nannies you say Kate has had, I don't believe it. Some people shown on the show were helpers at parties etc. No one has ever seen Jon alone with the kids, Ellen and even Hailey was with him. He has the twins by themselves and the 6 on other day. Why can't he take all 8 at a time??? Ellen and Jon are shown with the 6 but not with the twins now!! I wonder why? ~ Administrator said... 49

Anonymous, most of the girls pictured here we have seen them again and again and again with the children. They are hardly drive-by helpers. They are nannies. We have seen literally dozens of photos of Ariel, Stephanie, Jenna, Ashley, Carla and Sassi with the children. They are clearly nannies who are there on a regular basis.

It does not matter whether you call people helpers or nannies. The bottom line is, Kate runs through them. You can choose to believe that she does not run through nannies, but the kids are still suffering whether you want to believe it or not. The evidence is in this corner, sadly. I only wish this family had only been through one or two nannies. It would be a million times more healthy for the children. ~ Administrator said... 50

It's incorrect to say Jon is never alone with the kids. Here he is just a few weeks ago on Sept 29th picking them up from school. No nanny or Ellen or anyone in site. Picking up ALL EIGHT. Picking them up alone.

The bottom line is Kate wants other people to raise her children.

Denise said... 51

I have seen many pictures of Jon alone with the kids. Didn't he sell lemonade at the Reading fire station with all 8? ~ Administrator said... 52

You know in any case, why is a drive-by helper better than a nanny? Why are you so insistent that these are drive-by helpers and not nannies? It seems to me it is much healthier for the children to have a consistent person looking after them, someone who knows them, knows the family, knows the routines, is always there. Instead of a bunch of different faces all the time. If Kate doesn't want to raise them, the least she can do is give them consistency and give them one or two young girls who do have an interest in raising them.

Anonymous said... 53


You claim to have nannied for a famous person. Would you be okay with someone plastering your picture and name on a blog and delving into details of your life? If not, why in the world are you doing that to someone else? Leave these women alone.

Anon725 said... 54

"No one has ever seen Jon alone with the kids, Ellen and even Hailey was with him. He has the twins by themselves and the 6 on other day. Why can't he take all 8 at a time???"


Not true. I have seen him alone with his kids. How in the world could you possibly know that he isn't ever alone with all eight of them? He's not photographed every single waking minute he has with the kids. He's not photographed at school, when he is alone with them, supporting them in their school activities. To make the statement that he is never alone with them, based on sporadic photographs, just doesn't hold water.

"Ellen and Jon are shown with the 6 but not with the twins now!! I wonder why?"


Could it possibly be that some of the time they are involved in other activities and events, either at school, or doing things with their friends? ~ Administrator said... 55

Please don't exaggerate. This post is not trashing the nannies. This blog leaves the nannies alone. We have never said a thing about the nannies before. It is ONE post pointing out that Kate runs through nannies. If the photos are not posted, the sheeple will say it's not true. There is no other way to prove that Kate has, indeed, run through nannies. See Kimmie's comment above--even with photos the sheeple refuse to believe the truth. It's really quite facinating. If you are a nanny for a famous family, you accept that your face may pop up in paparazzi photos from time to time. The trade off is you make good money, you get good perks, you get to travel, you get to be around famous people. If you don't like it, don't nanny for famous people. There are many other wealthy families who need nannies whom you would never have to worry about the photogs. After I nannied for someone who was recognized, I moved on to still wealthy but by no means famous people, and the experience was a lot less stressful. It was my choice to leave and nanny in a different environment. These girls have that choice too and it appears that many of them did leave.

The sheeple just don't like when it's pointed out that Kate runs through nannies and doesn't care about their backgrounds. Don't shoot the messenger. ~ Administrator said... 56

Delving into details of your life?
Huh?? What details? The tabloids ran with a story about a nanny named Ariel defecting. We just posted the story. Go after the tabloid that broke that story if you have a problem with the nannies leaking stories about how horrible working for Kate is. This is what this blog does every day, posts the Gosselin news. Don't like it don't come here. I'm not going to post something because people think it shouldn't be talked about it--the reality is the cat is already out of the bag.

jibberjabbers said... 57

Jon is never alone with the kids?

You obviously never watched J&K Plus 8.

Check out the episode where Kate went away for weeks to promote her book while Jon stayed home to watch the kids.

(Jon - Mr Mom Episode.).

fidosmommy said... 58

I thought there was once an older Asian nanny.
Not Judy - she's young. Anybody else remember?

Anonymous said... 59

I just ventured to the dark side and sure enough, in the top post on a Sheeple site the blog owner is saying I don't recall ever seeing a dozen nannies. I knew they would say that unless it was laid out for them. Admin has a point if you don't post photos--proof of it the sheeple try to pretend it never happened. There are ten nannies pictured right here--not a dozen but pretty close. This is the proof. Because the sheeple are in such denial and so delusional and want to re-write history, posts like these are sadly necessary.

Nanny Express said... 60


One of the anonymouses asked if, as a nanny, you would have liked it if your name and photo were put on a blog. I think it's a fair question. Would it have bothered you, or would you have just dismissed it as one of those things that just goes with the territory? I'm not talking about delving into any details of a nanny's personal life, because that wasn't done here. I'm just curious about your reaction if you were to see your name and photo on a blog such as this. ~ Administrator said... 61

It's not about me. I'm not a nanny for this family. If I were, yes it would bother me. But it would bother me more a creepy paparazzi is jumping out at me while I'm trying to look after eight very young children.

I feel for these girls, I feel for them that Kate is a nightmare, I feel for them that she pretends they don't exist, I feel for them they have to deal with being swept up in the fame, I feel for them that it is not just the children who make bonds with nannies--the nannies themselves often get very close to the children and it can be heartbreaking to be cut off from them. This blog does not make a regular habit of harassing nannies, so let's just drop it. This post made the point it intended to make so move on. ~ Administrator said... 62

By the way if any of the nannies have a problem with this we have an email, they are welcome to contact the blog. Most of the photos were pulled from photos already out their on the net, so perhaps they should work on removing photos already out there if they don't want them popping up elsewhere. For pity sake Jenny's photo is a screen capture from an episode, maybe she should work on getting that episode banned from everywhere--please. Drop it.

Concerned Teacher said... 63

I've lurked around this site for months, and I finally feel compelled to post. I'm a teacher (reading specialist) with 20 years of experience with children from preschool to 5th grade. I also have a degree in child development, and I'd like to offer an opinion about these children. At this point, I believe that the kids have suffered emotional and psychological damage. The divorce alone is damaging enough, but these children have also endured years of intrusive filming and a mother with an erratic, authoritarian parenting style. Further, they have witnessed her countless abusive tirades directed at Jon. They do not have contact with their extended family. Now I see that they have not had a consistent nanny either. Young children bond emotionally with the caregivers in their lives. If these caregivers come and go, it is incredibly upsetting and disruptive for the kids. This causes a lack of trust and security. At this point, the only consistency in their lives appears to be the school. Although I think Jon has stepped up and is trying to be a responsible father, it is risky for him to involve his current girlfriend when he has custody of the kids. She is not his fiance, and this relationship could end, as his others have. Here again is another potential lost relationship for the Gosselin children. I feel incredibly sad for them.

AuntieAnn said... 64

Maybe they should simply be called Kate's assistants but regardless of what title they go by she's never been without help since the day she started bedrest carrying the six in her womb. The point is Kate gets others do the work for her but she takes all the glory. She wants to maintain the illusion that she's still the long-suffering supermom she was when she started this whole sham. And when another helper quits or gets canned the children are the ones who suffer AGAIN. Why can't sheeple see that?

Moose Mania said... 65

Admin has a point if you don't post photos--proof of it the sheeple try to pretend it never happened.


But why does one need to "prove" anything to the Sheeple? Admin says she doesn't read the Sheeple sites and doesn't know (or care) if they make personal attacks on her. I wouldn't care either. It doesn't matter how much proof of ANYTHING (the number of nannies included) you provide to the Sheeple. They are in denial, and will find any way they can to make their own facts fit the situation. They wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in their woolly little faces!

MickeyMcKean said... 66

According to, Kate Plus 8 will air "Alaska Here We Come" on Sunday, November 7.

This Stupid Show. ~ Administrator said... 67

They are in denial, and will find any way they can to make their own facts fit the situation. They wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in their woolly little faces!
Yes well said. It's really not so much for the sheeple who wouldn't believe an apple is an apple if they were chewing it in their mouths, but for people who maybe are just coming into this mess or who are on the fence. ~ Administrator said... 68

Wait a minute, Nov 7? Sarah Palin's show is airing Nov 14th. Wasn't this supposed to be a lead in? Are they abandoning ship early, man overboard? Distancing this mess from Sarah Palin?

You have two episodes about Alaska, it is downright elementary they should be aired on the same night....unless they are jumping overboard.

A4Eliz said... 69

Ellie, when was the corn shucking episode? I never watched the show until J & K got really famous.

TLC ship is sinking said... 70

From TLC's "Kate Plus 8" tv schedule:

Kate Plus 8
Alaska, Here We Come!

Kate and the kids are traveling 8 hours to Alaska - their longest trip ever! The Gosselins set out to see huge snow-covered mountains, bright white glaciers and pan for gold! But excitement builds when they head out to sea in search of whales!

Only scheduled for Nov. 7 @ 9 and 11pm, not scheduled to re-air on Nov. 14th thus far.

Is this how they want to lead-in to Sarah Palin's premiere? A week earlier? LOL...not the big ratings sweep night I originally expected from TLC.

My, my how things have changed so quickly. As soon as photos of the Gosselins in Alaska leaked, many of us speculated on a Gosselin/Palin night. Is TLC worried that Kate might poison Palin's ratings if their shows were aired back-to-back? Guess TLC didn't want to take the chance!

(So...are they cutting Kate out of Palin's show? If I were Sarah Palin, I'd want to distance myself from Kate. I'd talk to my producers (maybe she's signed on as a producer for this docu-series) and have her edited out.)

IDModo said... 71

Concerned Teacher: ANY relationship is risky for any kids, because potentially all relationships could end and cause emotional harm.

The Gosselin children, IMO, can only benefit from the presence of a caring woman who appears to meet many of their emotional needs. Ellen Ross is not a flash in the pan, she is a long time girlfriend, and some magazines say there has been talk of marriage.

Even if this were not true,she appears to be providing more hands-on attention and positive regard for the children than we ever see Kate providing.She appears to be an oasis of good sense in what appears to be a very bleak existence for Kate's little money makers.

Any real caring and compassion that those children get can't be wrong, IMO.

MickeyMcKean said... 72

Wait a minute, Nov 7? Sarah Palin's show is airing Nov 14th. Wasn't this supposed to be a lead in? Are they abandoning ship early, man overboard? Distancing this mess from Sarah Palin?

My guess is that it was originally scheduled to be a lead in *BUT* keep in mind that Jon has recently tweeted what is going on behind the scenes and why he is trying to get his children OFF TV.

Also keep in mind that it has been reported that Sarah and her family saw first hand some things as to whether or not Jon has just cause to stop filming.

So yes I'm sure Sarah wants to distance herself from Kate and the kids. I'm also pretty sure TLC knows Sarah's feelings on this matter too, and with Sarah's star rising and Kate's is burned out ...

That being said, if you were Sarah Palin who may or may not be considering running for President, would you want to be accused of using 8 little kids for ratings or enabling their mother to continue to use her kids?

Besides Sarah is well aware that Alaska does not need to exploit children, and I'm sure she will prove this fact very quickly.

IF EVER there was a new show of Kate Plus 8 that people should not watch, it is the one that will be aired on November 7. If there are no viewers, there is no show, and the Gosselin children can become private citizens.


Anonymous said... 73

#5 looks like Jamie to me

Anonymous said... 74

I think the separate airing is a setup for failure so they can bail on the show. if the shows aired back to back there would probably be a decent audience. Now, Kate has to pull in her audience all by herself, all HERS HERS HERS.

Let's see how she does.


Beejcctx said... 75


I have an interesting article I found on Indiscriminate Friendliness, which is what I think we are seeing the Gosselin 8 experiencing.

I am not a psychologist, but the parallels in what I read about foster children and these kids are strong and to an extent, frightening.

In many ways those kids are just in a large foster care setting with revolving caregivers... never having the security of a solid caregiver - except on dad's visitation weekends.... *so sad*

Phrases that really stuck out to me:
"Seeking comfort from strangers when upset or otherwise distressed." - as captured in photos when Steve and/or a nanny is comforting one of the kids

"Children might encounter a stranger who intends harm. If indiscriminately friendly children approach a child predator, they could be abducted and suffer further abuse." - what I know *I* personally fear for the kids (all I need to do is think of Lindbergh...)

Anyway, the link is here:

Skeptical said... 76

Moose Mania said...

Admin has a point if you don't post photos--proof of it the sheeple try to pretend it never happened.


But why does one need to "prove" anything to the Sheeple? Admin says she doesn't read the Sheeple sites and doesn't know (or care) if they make personal attacks on her. I wouldn't care either.

Moose, I've been meaning to tell you, I enjoy reading your posts. They're always logical in this world where wild speculation runs amok!

Anonymous2 said... 77

Administrator said...

Wait a minute, Nov 7? Sarah Palin's show is airing Nov 14th. Wasn't this supposed to be a lead in? Are they abandoning ship early, man overboard?

I don't recall reading anything about Kate's Alaska episode being a lead-in to Sarah Palin's show. Not from TLC anyway. I thought that was speculation.

Anon 1 said... 78

It seems to me it is much healthier for the children to have a consistent person looking after them, someone who knows them, knows the family, knows the routines, is always there.
Not only sad about the nanny situation, but all the family and friends that had been in their childhoods for years, have been dismissed by Kate. Her family, Jon's family, Beth, the list goes on.

Joanne said... 79

Which one is the nanny who had colin by the arm, yelling at him?

MickeyMcKean said... 80

Phrases that really stuck out to me:
"Seeking comfort from strangers when upset or otherwise distressed." - as captured in photos when Steve and/or a nanny is comforting one of the kids


In the Home Roost episode of Kate Plus 8 at the end of the day Collin is attached to Farmer Dan.

Kate said something along the lines of she found Collin sitting in Farmer Dan's lap stroking his beard ... that Collin loves attention ... that he loves MAN attention ...

Like Kate had conveniently forgotten that Collin has a man in his life - Jon, his father.

The more information that comes out, like the revolving doors of the nannies, the more I'm sure these kids have attachment problems and always will have them as they go through life.

So sad.


Anon 1 said... 81

If Kate really left the campsite in Alaska after only 2 hrs., as was reported, they probably hadn't even started filming yet, or they only had a small bit of film. Yep, Kate has to make it or break it on her own it appears. I'm betting neither TLC nor Sarah wanted her in any way associated with Sarah's show. Somewhere along the way, since filming in Alaska, I think TLC has gone in a different direction, and I don't think it includes Khate.

IDModo said... 82

I believe that was Jamie that had Collin by the arm, yelling at him. Kate allowed Jamie to discipline the kids too.

As a former therapist,it would be extremely surprising to me if the kids did not all have some attachment disorders.Kate has programmed them that way, to isolate them from any meaningful long-standing relationships with supportive and caring people.This is part of Kate's pathology.

Kate needs the children to be totally dependent on her, and she needs them to not have other trusted adults to whom they can disclose her bad treatment of them.

Fortunately Jon has continued to maintain a close and loving relationship with them in spite of the avalanches of mud that Kate, TLC and their paid mouthpieces have tried to sling at him.

Meanwhile, there is a real fear that the childrens' indiscriminate search for affection from strangers could very easily end in tragedy.

Anonymous said... 83

Save the kids said... Baaaa, she don't care who watches them kids as long as someone shows up at the cave so she can go for her run, get her manis and pedis, go for her phot0 shots at the parking lots with Chris, do her UPS pick up, and just be free of her 8 kids.

That's not entirely accurate - there is one person whom she doesn't want with the kids - and that's their father. He is ready, willing and able to be a parent to the children, and if she really cared about them, she would agree to share custody with him, instead of having a parade of nannies. How many times did she leave the kids with nannies instead of their father when she was pursuing a show-biz career in Hollywood?

Anonymous said... 84

IDModo said...

... As a former therapist,it would be extremely surprising to me if the kids did not all have some attachment disorders.Kate has programmed them that way, to isolate them from any meaningful long-standing relationships with supportive and caring people.This is part of Kate's pathology.

Kate needs the children to be totally dependent on her, and she needs them to not have other trusted adults to whom they can disclose her bad treatment of them.

Fortunately Jon has continued to maintain a close and loving relationship with them in spite of the avalanches of mud that Kate, TLC and their paid mouthpieces have tried to sling at him.


Jon has introduced his children to a string of girlfriends. Do you really believe that's healthier than having multiple nannies over a period of time?

Livvy said... 85

Tony Dovaloni on the Ellen Show today.

Laughing about Kate.

Lorrie said... 86

I've usually supported Jon, but I do believe he jumped the gun when introducing the kids to his previous girlfriends after only knowing them a short period of time. However, he and Ellen seem like they're going strong, and he seems to have realized the error of his ways. He's calmed down A LOT over the past six months, and seems intent on fostering a loving, stable environment for his kids now. ~ Administrator said... 87

Jon has introduced his children to a string of girlfriends. Do you really believe that's healthier than having multiple nannies over a period of time?
Neither is healthy. The fact that we are pointing out Kate is doing something unhealthy for the children doesn't mean we are excusing things Jon has done that was unhealthy. There was a lot of concern here when Jon introduced Ellen to the kids--and heated, but respectful, debate.

We are now six months later and he is still with her. I'm curious how long the sheeple will require Jon to be with Ellen before they are satisfied she should be permitted to be around the children.

In any case, psychologists are divided on this view. There are many reputable child psychologists who say it can actually be bad for the children to hide a new girlfriend from them--it can make a child feel distanced from their parent's new life, left out, and can cause trust issues when parts of the parent's life is hidden from them. Many psychologists recommend easing the new girlfriend in as soon as possible. This is not a settled issue and I hope Jon gave a lot of thought to how and when he introduced Ellen. The children seem to love her, which is good to see.

Livvy said... 88

Admin said

The children seem to love her, which is a good thing.

Its only a good thing if Ellen in in it for the long haul. Otherwise, just another person in the revolving door which is the Gosselin 8s life.

K8stimewillcome said... 89

Hopefully the children have figured out by now who keeps sending family, friends and nannies away from them, hopefully the person responsible doesn't tell the children it is their fault. Or she doesn't tell the children, it is their Dad's fault. Children aren't stupid...Kate cannot spin herself as a victim when those kids, when older-- all turn on her for answers, because they will know the truth.

IDModo said... 90

Anonymous- I'm not sure you are correct in saying that Jon introduced his "string" of previous girlfriends to his children. I don't think that's a fact. Where did you get your information on this?

Dr. Freud said... 91

MICKEY McKEAN: Thanks for posting the date and time of Kate's show when she has been off TV for so long so that WE WILL NOT WATCH IT!!! Is that what you call subliminal, Admin? Is this a joke or are you working for TLC?

Moose Mania said... 92

Skeptical said..."Moose, I've been meaning to tell you, I enjoy reading your posts. They're always logical in this world where wild speculation runs amok!"


Thanks, Skeptical! I guess because there are so many attorneys in my life who deal in facts, I've always been told that people don't run on GAS -- Guesses, Assumptions, and Speculation. Opinions are one thing, but when an issue is presented as a fact without having it confirmed, nothing good ever comes of it. As you say, speculation often runs amok, with rumors flying wild based on one simple unconfirmed assertion.

fidosmommy said... 93

Joanne said... Which one is the nanny who had colin by the arm, yelling at him?

That would be BFF Jamie Cole Ayres. She was sittig on a plastic throne outside on the driveway when some kind of altercation happened, and she grabbed Collin with some real force. Either Aaden or Aaden was crying, if I recall. It was probably one child hitting another child, which of course broke the rule of no physical violence, which of course led to a rather violent physical reaction from the adult in charge. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

Anonymous said... 94

Good work Admin.

I too heard elsewhere that nanny 3 is "Judy." She's a cutie. Anyone got anymore info on her?

Anonymous said... 95

Anyone think that nanny #9 (Ashley) kinda looks like one of the Gosselin girls (I don't which is which)?

Anonymous said... 96

Anyone think that nanny #9 (Ashley) kinda looks like one of the Gosselin girls (I don't which is which)?

Anonymous said... 97

Good work Admin.

I too heard elsewhere that nanny 3 is "Judy." She's a cutie. Anyone got anymore info on her?

IDModo said... 98

Concerned Teacher: ANY relationship is risky for any kids, because potentially all relationships could end and cause emotional harm.

The Gosselin children, IMO, can only benefit from the presence of a caring woman who appears to meet many of their emotional needs. Ellen Ross is not a flash in the pan, she is a long time girlfriend, and some magazines say there has been talk of marriage.

Even if this were not true,she appears to be providing more hands-on attention and positive regard for the children than we ever see Kate providing.She appears to be an oasis of good sense in what appears to be a very bleak existence for Kate's little money makers.

Any real caring and compassion that those children get can't be wrong, IMO.

K8stimewillcome said... 99

Hopefully the children have figured out by now who keeps sending family, friends and nannies away from them, hopefully the person responsible doesn't tell the children it is their fault. Or she doesn't tell the children, it is their Dad's fault. Children aren't stupid...Kate cannot spin herself as a victim when those kids, when older-- all turn on her for answers, because they will know the truth.

Moose Mania said... 100

Admin has a point if you don't post photos--proof of it the sheeple try to pretend it never happened.


But why does one need to "prove" anything to the Sheeple? Admin says she doesn't read the Sheeple sites and doesn't know (or care) if they make personal attacks on her. I wouldn't care either. It doesn't matter how much proof of ANYTHING (the number of nannies included) you provide to the Sheeple. They are in denial, and will find any way they can to make their own facts fit the situation. They wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in their woolly little faces!

AuntieAnn said... 101

Maybe they should simply be called Kate's assistants but regardless of what title they go by she's never been without help since the day she started bedrest carrying the six in her womb. The point is Kate gets others do the work for her but she takes all the glory. She wants to maintain the illusion that she's still the long-suffering supermom she was when she started this whole sham. And when another helper quits or gets canned the children are the ones who suffer AGAIN. Why can't sheeple see that?

Nanny Express said... 102


One of the anonymouses asked if, as a nanny, you would have liked it if your name and photo were put on a blog. I think it's a fair question. Would it have bothered you, or would you have just dismissed it as one of those things that just goes with the territory? I'm not talking about delving into any details of a nanny's personal life, because that wasn't done here. I'm just curious about your reaction if you were to see your name and photo on a blog such as this.

fidosmommy said... 103

I thought there was once an older Asian nanny.
Not Judy - she's young. Anybody else remember?

Administrator said... 104

Delving into details of your life?
Huh?? What details? The tabloids ran with a story about a nanny named Ariel defecting. We just posted the story. Go after the tabloid that broke that story if you have a problem with the nannies leaking stories about how horrible working for Kate is. This is what this blog does every day, posts the Gosselin news. Don't like it don't come here. I'm not going to post something because people think it shouldn't be talked about it--the reality is the cat is already out of the bag.

Anon725 said... 105

"No one has ever seen Jon alone with the kids, Ellen and even Hailey was with him. He has the twins by themselves and the 6 on other day. Why can't he take all 8 at a time???"


Not true. I have seen him alone with his kids. How in the world could you possibly know that he isn't ever alone with all eight of them? He's not photographed every single waking minute he has with the kids. He's not photographed at school, when he is alone with them, supporting them in their school activities. To make the statement that he is never alone with them, based on sporadic photographs, just doesn't hold water.

"Ellen and Jon are shown with the 6 but not with the twins now!! I wonder why?"


Could it possibly be that some of the time they are involved in other activities and events, either at school, or doing things with their friends?

Denise said... 106

I have seen many pictures of Jon alone with the kids. Didn't he sell lemonade at the Reading fire station with all 8?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 107

A little OT but, it looks like TLC & NBC are partners of sorts:

Although TLC has yet to announce whether or not there will be a second season of their hit polygamy show Sister Wives, they have scheduled an hourlong interview special that will air on Halloween.

Kody Brown and his four wives, Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robin will be interviewed by NBC's Natalie Morales a week before the special airs on October 31.


Natalie Morales, huh? Same one that interviewed Kate....

Hippie Chick said... 108

Kate is so irresponsible & lazy when it comes to her own children. It's a revolving door of childcare. She works those nannies to the bone, then expects to take all the credit. She is a POS. There is just nothing this woman can do to get in my good graces, not that it even matters. She doesn't have to answer to me. She will be answering to those kids when they start asking questions, if they haven't started already. Does she even care about her kids at all? Respect them? Want them to be happy and well-rounded members of society? I fear they will have abandonment issues, commitment issues, relationship issues, the list goes on & on. Kate does NOT care about anyone but herself.

Administrator said... 109

In all states, allegations of abuse take precedence over any confidentiality agreements as a matter of public policy. The only time you can claim confidentiality is if you have a legally recognized confidential relationship. And since most of said legal relationships are mandatory reporters--therapists, teachers, it doesn't usually apply. But for example if a client of mine disclosed abuse I am under no obligation to report it to anyone and I can assert attorney-client privilege if asked about it, even on the witness stand. Right? Not sure. The law? Yes.

Anonymous said... 110

You can bet if Jon had hired Ariel the sheeple who be all over him for hiring someone with a background and putting the kids in danger. But since Kate hired her it's brushed aside like she did nothing more than spoke out of turn in class.

Anonymous said... 111

Does anyone know if Jon can make use of this hired-help-revolving-door information in order to increase his custody of the children? After all these nannies were hired for the sake of the children; they were not hired as grounds-keepers or maintenance crew. The court should be concerned that the children do not seem to be in a stable environment.

Livvy said... 112

Admin, Question. Exactly how binding are confidentiality agreements?? How are they enforced?? If I am a college kid without a pot and I sign one, what are the potential ramifications??

DISGUSTING said... 113

Admin, I find your lack of discretion appalling and reminiscent of what one reads in the trashy tabloid magazines. Anything for a story. When you're called on it you detour the conversation toward Kate's bad behavior.

lala said... 114

There was also a girl shown shucking corn with the kids that a lot of people thought was Stephanie Santoro and others thought they just resembled each other.

MickeyMcKean said... 115

I cut Jon all the slack in the world when Kate decided she no longer needed him in order for her to stay on TV. Sure I think Jon made some poor choices especially in his love life but he seems to have calmed down, moved back to PA and remembered what is important - the children.

Even though Jon has been banished from the compound and has to pick the children up outside of the gates, the fact is Jon is still there to pick them up. It would be so easy for him to just give up, especially after being thrown publicly under a bus so many times.

I know because when I was 13 my mother divorced my father. There was no violence or yelling, I just think that they fell out of love and were polite strangers. So my mom thought it would be best for all concerned to file for divorce; she told me she figured we kids would see him more. But because he grew up in an orphanage, he took this rejection by his wife so hard that he "divorced" his children too. Whereas he never missed a child support payment, he never opted to see us kids on his visitation weekends. After a while even his phone calls stopped.

So based on my personal experience, KUDOS TO JON for putting up with all of Kate's BS and still hanging in there for his kids. These kids need one consistent person in their life other than their mother and even though it probably is a battle with Kate each and every time, Jon is still there for his children.

Linda said... 116

Yikes, that IS a lot of nannies. And it's true those are only the ones we know about.

Those poor kids. This really illustrates just one more sad aspect of their lives--a revolving door of people who are supposed to care about them and that they could potentially get attached to. How much can these nannies even get to know all eight kids when they are there and gone so fast?

One thing I was always thankful for, as a working mom, was the wonderful nursery I found for my daughter. She had the same caregivers (two different ladies) from infancy to three years old. It was SO nice. Then from three to five, she had the same preschool teacher, because she went to a Montessori mixed age classroom school. That was also nice. A lot of stability and bonding.

It's especially important to me I think because I had a lot of "revolving door adults" in my life as a kid and it was so damn confusing and painful when I'd get attached, then they'd be gone. I didn't want to do that to my kid.

Not that she'd care, but someone really ought to clue Kate in that it's confusing and sometimes emotionally painful. But not to worry! Soon (if it hasn't happened already) they'll learn what I did--just don't get attached.

Gosseli8ComeFirst said... 117

I'd like to ask these ten nannies how it made them feel when Kate said, "It all rests on me. All, all, all."
I think the absentee mom was referring to the TLC Contract Renewal and the fact that it all rests on her, as no one else in the family still wants to film. So it all does rest all on her - ALL, ALL, ALL- Selfish, self-absorbed, narcissitic person that she is. Regardless of what the kids want. MINE, ALL MINE!

Midnight Madness said... 118

"And was she working for Kate when she got arrested???"


She was still a college student when she was arrested. It would have been a heck of a commute from St. Davids to Wernersville for nanny duties, while attending college (mainline Philly) and concentrating on academics. When would she have had the time? The article says she moved to Phoenixville (also near Philly) AFTER graduation in the fall (term) of 2009. I seriously doubt she was a nanny in Wernersville while going to college in St. Davids at the same time.

"We counted a whopping ten caretakers"


I think you mean caregivers. A caretaker is a person who looks after a building, an estate, grounds, i.e., janitor, custodian, maintenance personnel.