Kate Plus 8 will return Nov 14th, but it will be old footage from the July trip to Alaska leading into their cameo on Sarah Palin's new show. So what's the deal, is the show cancelled or just being retooled?
82 sediments (sic) from readers:
That is too funny. My spouse consistently and endearingly mixes up his euphemisms, and he would say, "Give up the goat (ghost) already."
Retooling sounds like another one of those Hollywood euphemisms for "it's done."
If you think about it, it's a reality show. It's supposed to be REAL. How can you really retool REALITY? It is what it is. Or are they suggesting this is really not reality at all and thus capable of having its concept retooled?
"My spouse consistently and endearingly mixes up his euphemisms, and he would say, "Give up the goat (ghost) already."
Mrs. Malaprop? LOL!
I say its CAPOOT!!!! Finished, Done, and Expired.
If they are piecing together footage from the Alaska trip to create an episode on Nov. 14th, the only purpose it will have is to pique people's interest in Sarah Palin's Alaska and get them to watch. TLC is probably rubbing their hands together in delight on all the millions they plan on making off Palin's show. This Nov. 14th Kate Plus 8 episode will be the usual bitching, complaining, pissing and moaning. Maybe at least Take won't have on her $2 hooker high-heeled sandals. She's done. I really thing she's done. She may try to keep going with other things through Julie Carson May, but at this point people are sick of her and she is simply irrelevant.
I wrote this same thing somewhere else - either another thread here or on another site.
If rumor gets out that Kate + 8 is shutting down, it will get MORE viewers on its last episode, not fewer. If TLC has said "Raise the ratings or you're gone", then this might be just the ticket to get higher ratings - let everyone think the end is coming by the end of this year. Many would tune in for what they think might be the final episode even if they haven't followed the show during its run.
Remember the final episode of M*A*S*H. Suddenly there were millions more watching than there had been up to that time. I fear this will happen here too, and TLC will interpret it as "oh goody, they really LIKE this show!" and keep grinding it out.
I don't give a damm if it was her last show on earth, I will not watch this vile woman. I can't bare to hear her squeech-ish voice and cackle-ish laugh. I'm sorry but I will come here and read what our Admin writes when she views the show but i'll be damm to spend my holiday-ish weeks waiting for Katezilla to come on. I can't stand that woman!!!!!!!! She will never get a rating from my house.
fidosmommy said...If rumor gets out that Kate + 8 is shutting down, it will get MORE viewers on its last episode, not fewer. If TLC has said "Raise the ratings or you're gone", then this might be just the ticket to get higher ratings - let everyone think the end is coming by the end of this year. Many would tune in for what they think might be the final episode even if they haven't followed the show during its run.
See series finale ratings for Jon&Kate Plus 8.
Before the finale was announced, the previous episodes averaged 2 million viewers.
Series finale had 4.3 million viewers, some who tuned-out for season 5 but were curious how this series would end.
These sources I.E. TLC/Kate's PR are probably leaking all this information as a last hurrah for Kate.
Are you sure it's going to be "old episodes" shot from Alaska?
According to Star Magazine...
“They were able to shoot a lot in the summer, because the kids were out of school," adds the source. "With all the kids in school now, they shoot more sporadically.”
Betsy said...
I say its CAPOOT!!!! Finished, Done, and Expired.
I think you mean "kaput," from the German, kaputt, meaning out of order.
Capoot works, too, and here's hoping the show is capoot, kaput and kaputted!
Retooling - is that what they did when they edited the shows that had already aired in order to present Kate in a more favorable light? Or is retooling having Kate dress more conservatively and hug and kiss her children? I guess Kate 3.0 or whatever the next version is due out in November.
I agree with Admin asking how do you retool reality. You don't. A few weeks ago a news story came out about how some of the wildlife documentaries were staged, yet were presented as shot in the wild. Turns out the cameramen couldn't sit for hours on end to get footage of a bear feeding on a deer, so they would fill a dead deer with jelly beans and then bring in a tame bear to "feed" on it and film. My point - is there really such a thing as reality tv? I'm beginning to seriously have my doubts. I believe the ratings are more important than reality.
If you are interested in reading this story, here is a link.
her last book was expected to sell 1.3 million copies and only 10,000 were sold, 400 of which were purchased by babymamma. no one cares (except for the 10,000 or so) and no one will start to care. she is over. too many lies, too many abuses and too many documented instances of kate being less than motherly to these poor, poor children. stop watching and call child protective services. she is over.. poor kids either way. oh how i hope john impacts the custody arrangement so that hey are afforded some relief from her abuse and neglect.
Moose Mania, I hesitated to correct Betsy's word because of my husband's tendencies (and I loved your new moniker for me as I forgot it was indeed malapropisms), and because she is so darn cute in the way she says CAPOOT! I mean, I really giggled at how cute that was! But I think it is kaput too and I hope Kate is kaput soon. Kate Kaput and forced to raise her children herself like she claims she wants to do will be a happy day indeed.
Good grief, enough of this woman that does nothig but make her children work. Twist of Kate is suppose to have the kids in it! Why is it any different than K+8? It is not, she still having them in it for people to watch so she can make money off them still. Little Profits Machines is what they are to Kate Gosselin and I'll be darn if I watch anything this evil person is on or buy anything that she has anything to do with. Be gone evil, selfish, greedy mommie dearest Kate Gosselin. You are never going to be a star or get ratings on any show you're on that will make the show worth keeping on air. You have used and abused your whole family at one point or another and we are sick of you! Go away, far away and give Jon the kids so they can be happy!
"I hesitated to correct Betsy's word because of my husband's tendencies (and I loved your new moniker for me as I forgot it was indeed malapropisms),"
Is your husband related to Norm Crosby? :-)
Well, my concern is that this last ditch effort will drive the ratings sky high as everyone will want to see the final episode. I also think that Kate will be riding Sarah Pallins coattails on this one and that will raise the rating. TLC will then announce that Kate's fabulous ratings mean that the show must go one which means the children's work is never done. I wonder too if even the custody hearing might stir up drama and interest in this last episode Not sure if there isn't something of a perfect storm in Kate's favor brewing. The best response of course is to not watch this road show.
Anonymous said...
Good grief, enough of this woman that does nothig but make her children work. Twist of Kate is suppose to have the kids in it! Why is it any different than K+8?
Twisted Kate was supposed to be Kate visiting homes of people who wrote to her (fans) and live a day in their shoes, offering advice to them and 'learning from them'. The Gosselin kids weren't supposed to be integral to the series at all - if there ever was a real focus to the show anyway. I believe TLC said the kids 'might' make a appearance, but this show was supposed to be Kate w/o the kids.
Let her go out with a BANG! Let the LAST show be their highest rated, who cares? It'll be another nail in her coffin when she realizes the world is REJOICING that she (hopefully) is GONE! I think there should be parties happening, you know, all across the little pubs, sports bars...people CELEBRATING the end of the end. And may her last words be "I'm done, I'm done" as she wipes the tears from her eyes.
Kate's ONLY talent is being an imposter and a grifter. She's a lazy, whiny, complaining, screeching shrew who does nothing and takes credit for the work of others. Wise up TLC before you lose even more viewers for enabling such behavior.
What is TLC going to do to make this woman likable? She has burned her bridges with most of America. Kate can't help but say stupid & vile things about Jon, she can't help but lie. I don't see how retooling her show will help in the least. I do know that I STILL won't be watching, & I hope everyone else stands strong & not watches also.
This could also be a ploy by TLC, like ToK, to keep Kate under the wings of TLC until the hearing. Maybe they are dangling that proverbial carrot again...Kate is dumb enough to fall for it. I guess we'll see.
Retooling? But Kate already is a tool. Oh, they mean they're gonna turn her into something other than a hoe?
I hope it is over although I think the show would have been much more interesting if it had been just Jon with the experiences of raising the kids! I only think that in retrospect as I of course do not want the kids being filmed, but if it had to be done that would be more of a challenge that Kate who has all the work done for her but pretends otherwise.
Well, yes, Kate is not the sharpest tool in the shed, I am sure they did have to do some retooling.
Ooooooh retooling....bleh! It's a marketing ploy- Don't fall for it! This is TLC's insulting way of making it interesting for the "simpletons/viewers" to tune in again.
They REALLY think that viewers are that stupid!
This time around, give a damn- don't tune in. The Gosselin 8 deserve to live normal lives.
I'm betting the retooling is more in the lines of "editing" bits and pieces to make a show. They haven't filmed recently, so I think unless they do something along the lines of a Christmas special (and we all know how fake that is), then it's got to be over.
And I totally agree....if TLC plants the rumor out there that the Alaska show may be the last, the ratings will go up, and Gosselin may live to see 2011 filming. They may be counting on Palin fans to tune in too. Regardless, TLC may be finally seeing the lignt as to Gosselin's lack of talent. It was a good ride for them, but looks to me like TLC has moved on.
FYI, "retooling" is a term that TLC used when Jon was ditched from the show, so the "source" quoted, IMO, is TLC. Also, I went back and read all the online show biz chatter about the Alaska filming and Palin, and it seems to me that TLC has no choice but to air this Kate Plus 8 episode with a Palin cameo because that was part of the deal to introduce Palin's new show. I think TLC is more vested now in Palin's show than salvaging Kate Plus 8. TLC was willing to put up with Kate to shoot the kids, but if it's just Kate, then I think they are over her prima donna attitude and money demands. Bottom line, if the ratings aren't there, she's toast.
I think alot of people are going to tune in hoping to see her meltdown about the 'potty in a pail' at the campsite and I don't think they would show that if they are trying to improve her image.
This announcement is part of the hype and dumbing-down of the viewers. Hopefully, the show is OVER. Maybe TLC has finally had enough of their precious Kate. Can it be so?
I'm with you on this one, Admin. How can they retool the "realest reality"?
Apparently the expensive travel shows with Kate SCREECHING about how hard it all is, arent clicking with as many viewers as they would like?
Kate doesnt DO ANYTHING in life that anyone is the least bit interested in. How many episodes can they get out of her sleeping in, screeching, strapping on shoes, screeching, getting her hair done, screeching,being inhumanly rude, and then complaining all the way to the bank about how hard she has it?
I guess by "retooling" they mean they are going to try to force this woman to fake some kind of life that they can film? And we will all tune in to see the 5th phony revision of Katie Kreider?
Based on the fact that TLC is not promoting Kate Plus 8 anywhere and that the tabloid sites have stopped writing about her (hence they have stopped being paid by TLC), I would say that Kate Plus 8 has been cancelled.
This story is based on "rumor has it" and "according to sources." Where did the word "retooling" come from, TLC, a "source,” the writer of the article?
It says Kate is on “notice” to boost her ratings or get the boot. Help me out here. How is Kate supposed to boost her ratings? Her show isn’t even on TV! LOL Do people really believe this crap?
I’m really fed up with the gossip rags being a source of information and how they’re taken seriously.
"Retooling" is a marketing ploy. This is term TLC has used before (when they kicked Jon off the show). The source for Star magazine was obviously TLC. "You betcha" the ratings for Kate's show will be higher just to see Palin. TLC will crow and Kate will be saved for 2011. Wait for it.....
If they are going to continue filming and retooling the show, they will need to renew the work permits. Has any of the media reported that this has been done?
Hi Karen- I agree that this is part of TLC and their hype machine. Not that many people tuned in last year for the last episode. Maybe, they won't this time either. But, I think there will be a small boost on the ratings because of the Alaska thing and people hoping to see Kate lose it over the porta potty. Won't happen, though. Personally, I think TLC will keep Kate around for the kids. It will only end when they can't film the kids any more. JMO.
Have a good day Karen.
Possibly TLC have put her in parenting classes as part of the "retooling".
I'll pass on the show and look forward to the re-cap.
The Celebrity Apprentice people are starting to leak in the next few days. So far, it's Latoya Jackson, Star Jones & Mark McGrath (or however you spell it). They start filming next week. We should know in the next few days if K8 is gonna be on or not by the end of the week. Somehow, I doubt it, but looking at these Z-listers, it may not surprise me.
Let's hope "Retooling" is like the the sign you see posted on a failed retaurant that is "closed for renovations".
More people are talking at GWOP:
readerlady said...
Re Khate's nursing career: Early on in the show - when the little kids were about 2, Khate was working on Saturdays at a dialysis center, while Jon stayed home and took care of the kids (with no help). She mentioned several times that she had been an L&D nurse, but I don't recall any mention of her working in L&D after the tups were born - not saying she didn't, just that I don't recall any mention of it.
Early in the show it was mentioned that the twins were going to this school because someone sponsored a scholarship for them. TLC may foot the bill for tuition now, but they didn't in the early years.
Lesleigh - thanks for your input. I have a friend who moved to Ohio from the Reading area about 5 years ago. She worked as a volunteer at the hospital for a year, and what she has to say about Khate pretty much tallies with what you've said. I don't feel comfortable in passing on specifics that she's related to me, but I'll see if I can't talk her into signing on to the blog and posting comments herself.
Wow, huh? I can only imagine what these people were saying while Kate had her t.v. show, and then appeared on magazines, talk shows, and DWTS.
Talk about biting your tongue.
As Jane Lynch said (when she was dancing toward Kate Gosselin at the Emmys opening; "What is wrong with this world?"
**Meanwhile, a miracle is occurring in Chile-
God bless all the miners, their families, and the recue people as well**
At first I couldn't believe people still wanted to watch the show.After the deep sea episode I really thought people will start to wonder... little did I know..Here are two awful comments regarding that episode:
"the kids thought Collin was the best person to sell. lol. And the puke fest was hilarious with kids and crew puking and Kate cleaning up. It must have been chaos but how could one know the kids would get seasick when they've been on a boat before?"
"Feel sorry for the kids here but this was hilarious....can imagine pandemonium for real"
And here are their concerns:
"Did Cara puke?"
"Why is one twin so much taller than the other one? Why do the kids look so Asian? They don't look white at all."
I honestly don't think we can count on people stop watching the show..They just don't see any problem with it :(
They should've called her show "Little People, Big Head." She is so full of herself!!
Apparently Kate had a major meltdown in Alaska when she learned that a camping trip actually involved camping. Did the camera crew capture the temper tantrum? And will TLC air it?
RE: Celebrity Apprentice
* La Toya Jackson
* Mark McGrath
* Star Jones
"Jones, Jackson, and McGrath will be three of the contestants on the fourth installment of Celebrity Apprentice, which will air in the first quarter of 2011. Expect more names to leak soon once the cast arrives in New York City in the next few days."
Filming supposed to begin next week.
Others rumored (not confirmed):
*Jose Canseco, former Major League Baseball star
*Richard Hatch, season one Survivor winner
*Niki Taylor, supermodel
*Lil Jon, rapper
*Lisa Rinna
*Dionne Warwick
Not mentioned on any list or rumors thus far...Kate Gosselin.
Anonymous said...
Apparently Kate had a major meltdown in Alaska when she learned that a camping trip actually involved camping. Did the camera crew capture the temper tantrum? And will TLC air it?
Are you trying to get ratings for her show? LOL
I doubt Lisa Rinna will be on Celebrity Apprentice. Her new lips aren't big enough to kiss Trump's rear.
Take had her meltdown in Alaska because Sarah (or one of her lackeys) passed Take a plastic bucket with a lid for use as a toilet during the camping trip. That sent her over the edge. Also, she was pissed about the food Sarah had put together for the kids - I think it was those packages of "lunchables" nasty stuff, for sure, but for God's sake, can't she just be gracious? I loathe Sarah Palin, but the camping trip was only a two day thing. She could have had a TLC crew member call for pizza or something. Or go pick it up.
Karen said...
This announcement is part of the hype and dumbing-down of the viewers.
I didn't see any announcement. Just gossip from a magazine.
Re-tooling? Does that mean they're finding a replacement for Jon?
I thought retooling meant Kate was getting screwed.
Merette said...
Take had her meltdown in Alaska because Sarah (or one of her lackeys) passed Take a plastic bucket with a lid for use as a toilet during the camping trip. That sent her over the edge. Also, she was pissed about the food Sarah had put together for the kids - I think it was those packages of "lunchables" nasty stuff, for sure, but for God's sake, can't she just be gracious? I loathe Sarah Palin, but the camping trip was only a two day thing. She could have had a TLC crew member call for pizza or something. Or go pick it up.
I don't believe that story for a minute. The Palins are frequent campers. They don't have a porta-potty? And who (out of the crew, Steve, Kate) would just take some lunchables if they were going camping if it was only for two days? Sumthin' if fishy.
She could have had a TLC crew member call for pizza or something. Or go pick it up.
LOL!!! They were out in the wilderness. If there are no hotels or inside bathroom facilities in the camping area, I kind of doubt if there's a Pizza Hut on the corner that offers delivery! In fact, didn't they have to use a seaplane to get to the remote area?
I'll try this again. Regarding the story about the camping trip, I don't believe it. The Palin's are experienced campers. They don't have a porta-potty?
As far as the lunchables, who goes on a camping trip even if it's for only two days and on takes lunchables? Was there not one person who would think to bring food?
I could just imagine kate girlishy flirting with Jose Canseco!! And "working" on a project with Star Jones!! And trying to convince Latoya Jackson that she could sing and dance!! She would make such a grand fool of herself, over and over and over again!!
Why would Kate have a problem with a porta potty camping out? She had her children sitting on them for cameras indoors, outdoors and she kept them in her van. She should know how to use a porta potty by now. Maybe she flipped out because she had to share her porta potty and she didn't have her favorite boxed wine.
Anonymous said...
Why would Kate have a problem with a porta potty camping out? She had her children sitting on them for cameras indoors, outdoors and she kept them in her van. She should know how to use a porta potty by now. Maybe she flipped out because she had to share her porta potty and she didn't have her favorite boxed wine.
Or she flipped cuz her kids are potty trained. hahaha..
Trying again said: As far as the lunchables, who goes on a camping trip even if it's for only two days and on takes lunchables? Was there not one person who would think to bring food?
Ahhhhhhh I go camping on a regular basis and to make the trip lighter I take lunchables with me for lunch. For supper I take "regular food" but lunch is a lighter fare; I take the boxed lunchables for us just to fill our tummy until supper. They're convenient and easy to pack.
Or Big Head, Little Heart
Part 1
Orig in The National Enquirer, print edition, August 16, 2010:
"Kate Gosselin’s much-hyped Alaskan camping trip with Sarah Palin turned into a nightmare when Kate suffered a diva-like meltdown - and stormed off despite Sarah’s please.
The reality show star stayed at the campsite for just two hours of the planned two-day adventure - and left amid an avalanche of insults, complaints and tears, the Enquirer learned exclusively.
On July 26, Kate plus her 8 and a full TLC film crew arrived at the Palin’s Wasilla home.
Kate decided right then she didn’t want to go camping because it was raining.
The plan was for the Palin family - including the ex-governor, her father and brother - to give Kate and her brood a taste of the Alaskan wilderness. They would fly on seaplanes to the remote site for activities, including fishing, panning for gold and the two-night campout.
Katie’s bodyguard Steve Neild persuaded her to get on the seaplane to fly to the campsite, but she was complaining the entire time - about the weather, the food and rustic atmosphere, revealed the insider.
At the campgrounds, the mega-mom’s mood turned even more sour when she saw the bathroom facilities.
“They handed her a bucket with a toilet seat on top,” said the insider.
“Kate said, ‘What the hell am I going to do with this!’
“Then she burst into tears and started moaning that she wanted to leave.
“When it was time to eat, Kate opened the cooler prepared for her and the children and threw another fit when she saw prepackaged mini meals.
“There were tiny pieces of cheese and processed meats along with crackers and a few condiments.
“She said ‘My kids can’t eat this crap, they need a real meal! Then she started griping - in front of Sarah - that the ex-governor’s food was better than hers.
“Sarah’s meal was grilled hamburgers and hotdogs!”
See Part 2 for the rest of the article.
Part 2
Orig in The National Enquirer, print edition, August 16, 2010:
Kate was also disgusted by the primitive conditions at the campgrounds and let everyone know it.
“I can’t have my kids stay in a dirty place like this,” she fumed, according to the close source."
Sarah was shocked but bit her lip, said the source. “She said ‘Come on, give it a little time, it’ll be fun, we’ll make it fun.’”
While the stunned TV crew apologized profusely to the Palins, a cabin with modern conveniences was arranged for Kate and the kids.
“Selfish Kate ditched the Palins, who spent the night in their tents,” said the close source. And the next morning, everyone flew back to the family’s Wasilla home, a day earlier than planned."
"Can you imagine? The Palins took two whole days out of what must be very busy schedules to go on that trip with Kate, only to be met with absolutely no gratitude and her nasty complaints! Kids usually don’t notice if things are dirty, (at least mine doesn’t, but I know some kids are fussy like that) and are often game to go camping and be out in the woods as long as their parents don’t mind. Kate made a big deal out of roughing it just for a couple days and couldn’t even stay the allotted time in a cabin with a bathroom and electricity. I understand how she got skeeved out by the bucket toilet, though. I’m not an outdoors person, but I like to think I would have tried to make the best of it for the sake of my kids and some show that was taping me the entire time. This woman is too much. Would she still be such a piece of work if she never tasted fame?"
The comments are pretty good!
FFS - what did she think she'd find at a location so remote in AK that they needed a sea plane to get to?!
Admin did a couple entries when Kate & Steve disappeared for 2 days in AK:
Early in the show it was mentioned that the twins were going to this school because someone sponsored a scholarship for them. TLC may foot the bill for tuition now, but they didn't in the early years.
Speculation at the time was that Beth Carson paid the twins first year of private school.
Merette said...Also, she was pissed about the food Sarah had put together for the kids - I think it was those packages of "lunchables" nasty stuff, for sure, but for God's sake, can't she just be gracious? I loathe Sarah Palin, but the camping trip was only a two day thing. She could have had a TLC crew member call for pizza or something. Or go pick it up.
Reports had it that TLC packed Kate's food for the weekend and the Palin's brought their own (Palin's had burgers, Kate had lunchables). Sure, someone could have called for a pizza delivery, but I doubt the restaurant used sea planes to make deliveries.
For whatever reason she flipped, I think we can all agree that the most bizarro part of the stories/rumors/whichever is that she flipped on Sarah Palin, who has a reputation for being a bit nutty. (no partisanship intended here, just an observation)
When you make Palin look sane, you really need help, and not of the boxed wine variety.
Regarding the camping trip: As with most things K8, on the surface, they seem somewhat plasible (not everyone likes - or takes to - camping)..... Didn't her family derive an income from running a camping facility? Wouldn't it seem normal/rational that someone connected to camping would have an idea of different types of camping with regards to food, electricity, plumming, etc?
As usual, the hissy fit doesn't pass the smell test. K8 sees here star as being above camping.
Linda in NS said...
Trying again said: As far as the lunchables, who goes on a camping trip even if it's for only two days and on takes lunchables? Was there not one person who would think to bring food?
Ahhhhhhh I go camping on a regular basis and to make the trip lighter I take lunchables with me for lunch. For supper I take "regular food" but lunch is a lighter fare; I take the boxed lunchables for us just to fill our tummy until supper. They're convenient and easy to pack.
Typo. Where I typed "on" I mean "ONLY." The stories I read and the comment I replied to here made it sound like the only food the Gosselin bunch had were lunchables -- no "regular" food.
RE: Celebrity Apprentice - Update
Cast gathered in NYC to meet for the first time and supposedly includes:
* Niki Taylor
* Hope Dworaczyk, 2010 Playmate of the Year
* LaToya Jackson
* Dionne Warwick
* Mark McGrath
* Star Jones
* Richard Hatch
* Meatloaf
* Lil Jon
* David Cassidy
* Lisa Rinna
* Marlee Matlin
* Jose Canseco
* Gary Busey
* John Rich of Big and Rich fame
As for reality star...
* Nene Leakes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta
Guess Trump didn't like it when Kate ruffled his feathers...er, hair a little bit.
Or, Kate was turned down when Trump realized her charity was the (Kate) Gosselin Foundation or couldn't find a charity who wanted to be associated with her.
TLC is supposed to be "The Learning Channel". What exactly are we "learning" from Kate, Sarah, and the couple with 19 kids? I don't get it and I wish they would take them all off and start putting together quality programming.
RE: Celebrity Apprentice - Update
Cast gathered in NYC to meet for the first time and supposedly includes:
* Niki Taylor
* Hope Dworaczyk, 2010 Playmate of the Year
* LaToya Jackson
* Dionne Warwick
* Mark McGrath
* Star Jones
* Richard Hatch
* Meatloaf
* Lil Jon
* David Cassidy
* Lisa Rinna
* Marlee Matlin
* Jose Canseco
* Gary Busey
* John Rich of Big and Rich fame
As for reality star...
* Nene Leakes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta
Guess Trump didn't like it when Kate ruffled his feathers...er, hair a little bit.
Or, Kate was turned down when Trump realized her charity was the (Kate) Gosselin Foundation or couldn't find a charity who wanted to be associated with her.
TLC is supposed to be "The Learning Channel". What exactly are we "learning" from Kate, Sarah, and the couple with 19 kids? I don't get it and I wish they would take them all off and start putting together quality programming.
Part 1
Orig in The National Enquirer, print edition, August 16, 2010:
"Kate Gosselin’s much-hyped Alaskan camping trip with Sarah Palin turned into a nightmare when Kate suffered a diva-like meltdown - and stormed off despite Sarah’s please.
The reality show star stayed at the campsite for just two hours of the planned two-day adventure - and left amid an avalanche of insults, complaints and tears, the Enquirer learned exclusively.
On July 26, Kate plus her 8 and a full TLC film crew arrived at the Palin’s Wasilla home.
Kate decided right then she didn’t want to go camping because it was raining.
The plan was for the Palin family - including the ex-governor, her father and brother - to give Kate and her brood a taste of the Alaskan wilderness. They would fly on seaplanes to the remote site for activities, including fishing, panning for gold and the two-night campout.
Katie’s bodyguard Steve Neild persuaded her to get on the seaplane to fly to the campsite, but she was complaining the entire time - about the weather, the food and rustic atmosphere, revealed the insider.
At the campgrounds, the mega-mom’s mood turned even more sour when she saw the bathroom facilities.
“They handed her a bucket with a toilet seat on top,” said the insider.
“Kate said, ‘What the hell am I going to do with this!’
“Then she burst into tears and started moaning that she wanted to leave.
“When it was time to eat, Kate opened the cooler prepared for her and the children and threw another fit when she saw prepackaged mini meals.
“There were tiny pieces of cheese and processed meats along with crackers and a few condiments.
“She said ‘My kids can’t eat this crap, they need a real meal! Then she started griping - in front of Sarah - that the ex-governor’s food was better than hers.
“Sarah’s meal was grilled hamburgers and hotdogs!”
See Part 2 for the rest of the article.
I'll try this again. Regarding the story about the camping trip, I don't believe it. The Palin's are experienced campers. They don't have a porta-potty?
As far as the lunchables, who goes on a camping trip even if it's for only two days and on takes lunchables? Was there not one person who would think to bring food?
I'm with you on this one, Admin. How can they retool the "realest reality"?
Apparently the expensive travel shows with Kate SCREECHING about how hard it all is, arent clicking with as many viewers as they would like?
Kate doesnt DO ANYTHING in life that anyone is the least bit interested in. How many episodes can they get out of her sleeping in, screeching, strapping on shoes, screeching, getting her hair done, screeching,being inhumanly rude, and then complaining all the way to the bank about how hard she has it?
I guess by "retooling" they mean they are going to try to force this woman to fake some kind of life that they can film? And we will all tune in to see the 5th phony revision of Katie Kreider?
Re-tooling? Does that mean they're finding a replacement for Jon?
Ooooooh retooling....bleh! It's a marketing ploy- Don't fall for it! This is TLC's insulting way of making it interesting for the "simpletons/viewers" to tune in again.
They REALLY think that viewers are that stupid!
This time around, give a damn- don't tune in. The Gosselin 8 deserve to live normal lives.
Well, yes, Kate is not the sharpest tool in the shed, I am sure they did have to do some retooling.
They should've called her show "Little People, Big Head." She is so full of herself!!
Well, my concern is that this last ditch effort will drive the ratings sky high as everyone will want to see the final episode. I also think that Kate will be riding Sarah Pallins coattails on this one and that will raise the rating. TLC will then announce that Kate's fabulous ratings mean that the show must go one which means the children's work is never done. I wonder too if even the custody hearing might stir up drama and interest in this last episode Not sure if there isn't something of a perfect storm in Kate's favor brewing. The best response of course is to not watch this road show.
Moose Mania, I hesitated to correct Betsy's word because of my husband's tendencies (and I loved your new moniker for me as I forgot it was indeed malapropisms), and because she is so darn cute in the way she says CAPOOT! I mean, I really giggled at how cute that was! But I think it is kaput too and I hope Kate is kaput soon. Kate Kaput and forced to raise her children herself like she claims she wants to do will be a happy day indeed.
Betsy said...
I say its CAPOOT!!!! Finished, Done, and Expired.
I think you mean "kaput," from the German, kaputt, meaning out of order.
Capoot works, too, and here's hoping the show is capoot, kaput and kaputted!
Are you sure it's going to be "old episodes" shot from Alaska?
According to Star Magazine...
“They were able to shoot a lot in the summer, because the kids were out of school," adds the source. "With all the kids in school now, they shoot more sporadically.”
fidosmommy said...If rumor gets out that Kate + 8 is shutting down, it will get MORE viewers on its last episode, not fewer. If TLC has said "Raise the ratings or you're gone", then this might be just the ticket to get higher ratings - let everyone think the end is coming by the end of this year. Many would tune in for what they think might be the final episode even if they haven't followed the show during its run.
See series finale ratings for Jon&Kate Plus 8.
Before the finale was announced, the previous episodes averaged 2 million viewers.
Series finale had 4.3 million viewers, some who tuned-out for season 5 but were curious how this series would end.
These sources I.E. TLC/Kate's PR are probably leaking all this information as a last hurrah for Kate.
I say its CAPOOT!!!! Finished, Done, and Expired.
Retooling sounds like another one of those Hollywood euphemisms for "it's done."
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