TLC sure cracks us up! After sending this blog a (very polite, thanks) cease and disest letter in August (which we promptly responded to and discarded, not changing a thing this blog does in the name of Free Speech), TLC has come crawling back and personally invited this Administrator (and likely other bloggers I assume) to go to a sneak peek of Sarah Palin's Alaska in New York City.
Thanks for the invite, Adam. Probably won't be able to make it!
Thanks for the invite, Adam. Probably won't be able to make it!
According to TLC: TLC has launched five channels of conversation to promote and support engagement around the show, including four dedicated blogs (focused on culture, politics, media and behind the scenes) and a twice-weekly podcast show. We will also be hosting regular conference calls and briefing events, supporting watch parties and more. The channels will serve as an integrated part of the overall marketing and promotion of Sarah Palin’s Alaska and a complement to the show-related information that is available on TLC.com and the networks’ various social media outlets. About the Open House: TLC, and the team behind www.SPAlaska.com, are hosting an ‘Open House’ event for bloggers, online media and digital influentials to help formally launch the digital/social outreach and engagement effort around Sarah Palin’s Alaska. The event provides a special opportunity to learn a bit more about the show, ask questions, and see some more exclusive clips.

60 sediments (sic) from readers:
You know this just proves they don't care what we say about Kate as long as we're talking about her. Kate, they do not have your back. They are not trying to protect you from those who speak out against your choices. They are not trying to protect you. They just care about making as much money as possible. And what a slap in the face, trying to use a Gosselin blogger to promote their next big thing.
Oh my.. Oh Admin, I wish I knew you personally, I would beg you to go and take my 2 daughters and I with you. Nothing exciting like that has ever happened to us. You are so lucky. I see it a little different than you, but I respect your decision.
Anonymous, your comment sounds boarderline facicious....however giving you the benefit of the doubt, if anyone does want to go and report on it for the blog, I can ask Adam as he did say if I have writers in NYC I can send them. I haven't made the final call whether I will go. My sister is in New York. She is seeing if she can get some time off. Then I may go for the weekend to see her and take her to this.
Won't be watching this or any of their other freak shows.
They are really going all out here on the promotion. FOUR blogs about the show, twice weekly podcasts? Events in NYC? Wonder if Kate is jealous. Where's the promotion for her show?
TLC is the Edward D. Wood of cable tv. I ceased and desisted watching anything related to that channel a long time ago.
I wonder if the kate-is-our-queen sites will be going, even if kate doesn't go?
You couldn't pay me enough to watch Sarah Palin. Ugh. I'd almost rather watch Kate (please don't make me prove it!).
Admin when is this supposed to take place? I live close to Manhattan (and 15 miles from BM. Maybe we could carpool...NOT!).
I am still on disability from this damn stroke. I am grateful that it was mild and happened in the back of my head. My only problems are perpetual dizziness and balance problems. Maybe I could take the train and have one of my friends go with me.
Admin, you sure you don't want to reconsider going to ask the question about whether TLC/Palin have separated themselves from Kate and why they're not promoting the two shows together? I'd love to hear your report of their reaction (I was hoping for something along the lines of what you got when you went to her book signing. LOL)
My 9cats, it is in Manhattan near Central Park. If you are serious about going email me. Anyone else can email me if you want to go, maybe they will let me send a few people. This event is free but I have to RSVP.
If you go you'd have to commit to writing up your experience there, as well as asking the TLC people there if Kate is going to appear on Sarah's show and if not, why not.
And it takes place this Thursday evening.
Administrator said... Anonymous, your comment sounds borderline factitious....however giving you the benefit of the doubt, if anyone does want to go and report on it for the blog, I can ask Adam as he did say if I have writers in NYC I can send them. I haven't made the final call whether I will go. My sister is in New York. She is seeing if she can get some time off. Then I may go for the weekend to see her and take her to this.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
NO! Admin, I meant every word of it. I am not being factitious or malicious. I am real. We can't go because we live in the south, not in NY. But we would go and report back to you in a heartbeat, if we could. Thank you for the offer. That was really nice of you. We are very professional and unbiased and would jump at the chance.
I am sorry if you took it the wrong way or if "the law in you" made you suspicious. I read your site for the different topics and comments to see where people stand on different issues and opinions, not just for the main topic.
What I see is...most all want the same thing, honesty and real reality, as much as possible, and not any fakeness or lies.
TLC is a private network on the business aspect side of things. By offering invitation only to certain screenings and events, I looked at it as a once in a lifetime opportunity. They don't really do this very often, do they?
I really thought you personally were fortunate to receive an invite from Adam.
I will give myself a name. That will make you happy. I like you and TLC, not wanting to offend either of you. They should hire you as an advisor and me as a professional commentator for the Internet. ;)
So they don't care if you don't like Kate, They just want you to like Sarah Palin! LOL What a hoot!
Hey if you can't fight em, join em! This cracks me up. I wish you could go, Admin.
To be honest, I'd much rather see Sarah Palin tied-up on TV with her own show than to see her get anywhere near politics or the government. If TLC keeps her away from politics, I would have to think positively of them for that ONE thing.
Auntie Ann~Hahaha...the Ed Wood of cable TV. That was great!
Why should we?
We'll talk when TLC/Discovery actually gives a damn about the viewers and not their need to make $$$$ off the backs of innocent children.
How about TLC growing a conscience first !
Totally Lame Channel
This morning I am still shaking my head at TLC. TLC, which sends this blog a cease and disest letter, now wants me at their launch party. Kate, they don't care about you. They will even work with a blog that criticizes you as long as it might make them more money. The next big thing is Sarah Palin and you're just someone to appease and string along until you're of no use to them anymore.
I haven't gotten an email from anyone in NYC who wants to go. I'd like to send someone since likely I won't be going. Please feel free.
Maybe I'm seeing this a little differently.
You have definitely struck a nerve...so TLC decides "HEY, let's Nudge 'Admin' a little over to this other side so she can promoted or pan the Sarah Palin show and get attention away from Kate (and what may possibly be in the works)"
Plus, this would add to Sarah's ratings which is always good in TLC's eyes.
I smell something fishy going on (and it's not coming from Blue Marsh Lake) as they try to defer attention away from Kate and invite this blog to focus on Sarah...
I actually live 2 hours from NYC, but seriously have no desire to drive my backside up there and support TLC's latest venture. NOT INTERESTED.
Berks, I don't think it's that complicated, I really don't. This is very simple. TLC wants to make money. They want to make as much money as possible. They contact a popular blog to promote a new show and whether the subject matter of that blog was murder, rape or pornography who cares.
And whether that blog has been highly critical of another TLC star Kate they don't care. It all boils down to is the blog potentially going to make them more money? If yes, then they want us.
Does Kate still think TLC cares about her?
This is funny! I confess, I watched the season premiere of What Not to Wear last night. I love that show. They had Mindy Cohen from the Facts of Life on. She was absolutely adorable and gracious. AND she said she would take the help, but gave the money back and used her own money. Prior to that, they had a rerun of the girl who played Blossom many years ago, and it was the same thing: gracious girl who also said she'd pay for her own clothes. What a contrast to the Gosselin parents who consider themselves stars and take and take and take.
Seems like they are really pulling for Ms Sarah Palin, what about Kartzilla? Won't be watching Sarah at all. Whats creepy is to think that this woman could have ended up being our Vice President instead of having her own show with TLC.
Whats creepy is to think that this woman could have ended up being our Vice President instead of having her own show with TLC.
No more creepy than the one we ended up with...the one who drops the F-Bomb in a public forum. I'd rather listen to "You betcha" than hear the vice president tell a wheelchair bound person to stand up.
In a word - "politics".
Administrator said...
You know this just proves they don't care what we say about Kate as long as we're talking about her.
Bingo! They sure know how to pull our strings.
AuntieAnn said...
TLC is the Edward D. Wood of cable tv.
Oh, AuntieAnn. That is such an insult to Ed Wood! He had far more integrity!
Wow is all I can say. TLC does NOT care about Kate, or the kids. I wonder if the brainiac we know as Kate knows this! TLC is putting all they're PR behind Palin (UGH) & screw Kate. (good) It's what we wanted, but now we have to deal with Palin! I don't care, cause I won't watch anyways. TLC is just one big boil on the asshole of corporate America.
The only thing that shocks me about Kate all of a sudden showing up again for the paps, is that everyone is shocked. Sorry to say I told you so, but I said all along TLC is not done with Kate. They had her lay low for a while just so they could throw her back in everyone's faces in preparation for the November sweeps. That's exactly what they have done. Kate's not going anywhere. There are too many blog entries with pictures about her at the Party Store and out running -- AGAIN. How utterly boring. Been there done that. Like how many times? And yet people keep watching. Haven't seen her in over a year and never intend to watch her again. But even if everyone on this blog stopped watching, it wouldn't impact the ratings. I venture most of those people are not fans, they watch because she is such a toxic personality and they can't stop glaring. She may eventually go away, but not right now.
There is a mega fan who tweeted that she wished Jon would be hit by a car and be in a coma for 6 months and then in rehab for at least a year. This is what sheeple think like. It's why people can't stand Kate. These are the people who love her. It's sick.
They are really going all out here on the promotion. FOUR blogs about the show, twice weekly podcasts? Events in NYC? Wonder if Kate is jealous. Where's the promotion for her show?
palin is not popular in certain sections of the country and they KNOW they HAVE to promote her to get an audience. Pretty simple to me. They spent a pretty penny on both Kate and Palin's camping trip/Alaska adventure and need to wring every penny out of stone to foot the bill and convince advertisers its a viable product. It shows that TLC is SCARED.
I hadn't realized that this blog had received a cease and desist letter from TLC. Is there an entry here about this? I'd love to know more about it.
The only thing that would really concern me about this new show would be regarding the younger children. I wasn't thrilled that the babies were dragged around the campaign trail and in front of huge crowds, esp. later at night when they should have been in bed.
But take the politics and religion out of the picture and Sarah Palin actually seems to be a very nice woman....and this is coming from a die-hard democrat...but she seems much nicer and more considerate than Kate's ever been. And I feel no trepidation whatsoever that she treats her children badly....like I always have with Kate.
And Bristol Palin, who brought in huge ratings for DWTS, also seems like a lovely and gracious young lady....and also a good mother.
I have to say I think TLC has likely hit a goldmine with this new show....so it makes perfect sense to invite the administrator of this blog to this sneak peek in NYC....especially if they know K + 8 is on its way out the door. I'm sure they'd love to have this blog switch over to dealing with this new show once Kate is out of the picture...as any exposure is good, be it positive or negative.
What Barbara!! You mean to say that someone actually posted about wishing the 8's father would be in a coma after a car accident. This is why I don't read any blogs that support this woman, her fans are pure evil. I like Jon and hope the best for that young man. Out of the two, he seemed like the most caring and nurturing parent.
I was wondering...is there any chance that TLC is obligated to do any more K+8 shows due to any sort of signed contract with Kate? Even though for all practical purposes, they are pretty much done with her?
AND...if this Palin show is a big hit, would it in any way replace and possibly help to expedite the exit/canceling of K+8?
I don't know but my gut feeling is "stick a fork in her (Kate)"...she (and her show) are pretty much done.
Also...to any others here who don't like Palin....believe me, there are many things I don't like and even detest about her. There are also things I haven't liked about Octomom and even Jon Gosselin. But to me...personality-wise...they are all far from being as despicable as Kate is.
In fact, I think it would be difficult to find others as despicable as Kate is. Her level of malignant narcissism is not seen that often.
Huge difference between Kate Plus 8 and Sarah Palin's Alaska. Kate's show is about HER and the kids. Palin's show is about ALASKA and not her family. I hope the producers of Palin's Alaska do the state justice and show viewers the nature/wildlife/activities/lifestyle there.
Barbara said...
There is a mega fan who tweeted that she wished Jon would be hit by a car and be in a coma for 6 months and then in rehab for at least a year. This is what sheeple think like. It's why people can't stand Kate. These are the people who love her. It's sick.
Oh...my...God...that...is...so...damn... disturbing...on so many levels.
Makes you wonder what kind of a person would wish that on anybody- heck, we would never wish that on their sainted Kate, no matter how repugnant she is to of us.
Brings to mind Stephen King's "Misery"
These are the same people outraged that someone made a little joke about Kate's toe. Do they ever think about the kids when they are wishing terrible violence on their father? Do they ever think about the kids at all when they defend all of Kate's craziness?
Here it is:
On Saturday 30th October 2010, @MsGoody2Shoes21 said:
I know this is not a nice thing to say, but I hope Jon gets hit by a car and put into a coma that last 6 months. At the end of the six months it will take another 12 months of rehab.
This is one of the reasons I changed sides in this whole Gosselin fiasco. I was originally a fan, yes, I was. But after being in the middle of fans who were so frothing at the mouth crazy for Kate and hating on Jon to this level, all the while claiming they didn't hate him, well, I just knew I didn't want anything to do with them anymore. And all the while telling us how disgusting we are for holding Kate to a standard they don't have the capacity to understand. You know, the old tired argument they keep giving about 'she is their mom, she can raise them however she chooses'. They are right about that. But how many people stand around when someone is getting abused in any way and just do nothing. How many people think these children were born so they could be entertained on Monday evenings? Disgusting.
Here's another disgusting tweet by that vile woman:
To the Gosselin sextuplets! Your daddy, Jon, wanted your mommy to murder, I mean abort, 4 of you, but your mommy, Kate, saved your lives!
1 hour ago
Oh My, I am so shocked that there is a living and breathing thing out there that would wish such a vile thing on a father of 8. I don't care if this person worships the ground this woman walks on or even rubs this womans feet and kisses them at night, to wish such things on another person like that only tells me that her fans are led by the nose of Satan. Just Horrendous!
Here it is:
On Saturday 30th October 2010, @MsGoody2Shoes21 said:
I know this is not a nice thing to say, but I hope Jon gets hit by a car and put into a coma that last 6 months. At the end of the six months it will take another 12 months of rehab.
WOW... this is simply sadistic and crazy. Whatever was she thinking? This is the kid's father! GET SOME HELP QUICKLY CRAZY!
I for one wish Jon and his kids the best and peace. I think with all the awful comments that people have said about him, he should have a body guard.
Must check out WG's post today about filming at the corn maze! Excellent post that confirms all we have thought about Kate and that filming for kids involves NO FUN for them. Very sad for the kids. Shame on you Kate & TLC.
Do they ever think about the kids when they are wishing terrible violence on their father? Do they ever think about the kids at all when they defend all of Kate's craziness?
Sherri Shepherd did it on national television, saying "You know what? To Kate - I'm going to tell her when she gets here. If you've got timber wood, I've got matches because I will burn up the house and tear up a car for you, Kate. You don't have to say you did it. I'll leave my name - Sherri. I'll blow up Jon Gosselin's car." Whether it was done in jest really doesn't matter. She said it. Can you imagine if the children would have heard about this -- that someone wanted to blow up their father's car, a car in which they possibly would have been riding in?
I really don't think blogger "Goody" is typical of all sheeple. I mean, she's nuts of course, but most of them appear to be benign. It seems like she is clever enough only to "wish" something happens to Jon, falling just short of an actual threat, which of course would be subject to an investigation.
was wondering...is there any chance that TLC is obligated to do any more K+8 shows due to any sort of signed contract with Kate? Even though for all practical purposes, they are pretty much done with her?
AND...if this Palin show is a big hit, would it in any way replace and possibly help to expedite the exit/canceling of K+8?
I don't know but my gut feeling is "stick a fork in her (Kate)"...she (and her show) are pretty much done.
We can only hope. God knows Kate will never do what is best for her kids, only herself, and her selfish needs to be in the spotlight, no matter how it affects her kids.
Werny Gal witnessed Kate and kids being filmed today at a corn maze!
For details go to:
"No more creepy than the one we ended up with...the one who drops the F-Bomb in a public forum. I'd rather listen to "You betcha" than hear the vice president tell a wheelchair bound person to stand up"
BEST comeback I have heard in a long time..I totally agree too !!!
On Saturday 30th October 2010, @MsGoody2Shoes21 said:
I know this is not a nice thing to say, but I hope Jon gets hit by a car and put into a coma that last 6 months. At the end of the six months it will take another 12 months of rehab.
That is just downright disgusting and plain mean. I don't like Kate, but I would never wish even this on her.
According to Werny Gal, they were there for all of 20 minutes. So much for the "it takes hours and hours to get 5 minutes of reality TV footage because that's what it takes to shoot scripted television" theory. No camera blocking, no re-takes...
Admin said..."Do they ever think about the kids at all when they defend all of Kate's craziness?"
I really think the kids are secondary in all of this -- IF they exist at all to the sheeple. I wonder if the sheeple would miss them if they wouldn't be on the show. Kate is their idol. All the rest are just crumbs of bread.
Admin also said, "And whether that blog has been highly critical of another TLC star Kate they don't care. It all boils down to is the blog potentially going to make them more money? If yes, then they want us."
Bingo. It's all about money for TLC. Kate doesn't realize it yet, but she soon well. When she's dropped like the proverbial hot potato, she's going to be dumbfounded, "What happened? I just don't get it. I just don't get it," as TLC laughs all the way to the bank with a new "golden girl."
According to Werny Gal, they were there for all of 20 minutes. So much for the "it takes hours and hours to get 5 minutes of reality TV footage because that's what it takes to shoot scripted television" theory. No camera blocking, no re-takes...
was wondering...is there any chance that TLC is obligated to do any more K+8 shows due to any sort of signed contract with Kate? Even though for all practical purposes, they are pretty much done with her?
AND...if this Palin show is a big hit, would it in any way replace and possibly help to expedite the exit/canceling of K+8?
I don't know but my gut feeling is "stick a fork in her (Kate)"...she (and her show) are pretty much done.
We can only hope. God knows Kate will never do what is best for her kids, only herself, and her selfish needs to be in the spotlight, no matter how it affects her kids.
Berks, I don't think it's that complicated, I really don't. This is very simple. TLC wants to make money. They want to make as much money as possible. They contact a popular blog to promote a new show and whether the subject matter of that blog was murder, rape or pornography who cares.
And whether that blog has been highly critical of another TLC star Kate they don't care. It all boils down to is the blog potentially going to make them more money? If yes, then they want us.
Does Kate still think TLC cares about her?
Totally Lame Channel
To be honest, I'd much rather see Sarah Palin tied-up on TV with her own show than to see her get anywhere near politics or the government. If TLC keeps her away from politics, I would have to think positively of them for that ONE thing.
Auntie Ann~Hahaha...the Ed Wood of cable TV. That was great!
Admin, you sure you don't want to reconsider going to ask the question about whether TLC/Palin have separated themselves from Kate and why they're not promoting the two shows together? I'd love to hear your report of their reaction (I was hoping for something along the lines of what you got when you went to her book signing. LOL)
You couldn't pay me enough to watch Sarah Palin. Ugh. I'd almost rather watch Kate (please don't make me prove it!).
Won't be watching this or any of their other freak shows.
You know this just proves they don't care what we say about Kate as long as we're talking about her. Kate, they do not have your back. They are not trying to protect you from those who speak out against your choices. They are not trying to protect you. They just care about making as much money as possible. And what a slap in the face, trying to use a Gosselin blogger to promote their next big thing.
What Barbara!! You mean to say that someone actually posted about wishing the 8's father would be in a coma after a car accident. This is why I don't read any blogs that support this woman, her fans are pure evil. I like Jon and hope the best for that young man. Out of the two, he seemed like the most caring and nurturing parent.
Barbara said...
There is a mega fan who tweeted that she wished Jon would be hit by a car and be in a coma for 6 months and then in rehab for at least a year. This is what sheeple think like. It's why people can't stand Kate. These are the people who love her. It's sick.
Oh...my...God...that...is...so...damn... disturbing...on so many levels.
Makes you wonder what kind of a person would wish that on anybody- heck, we would never wish that on their sainted Kate, no matter how repugnant she is to of us.
Brings to mind Stephen King's "Misery"
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