When asked about the fiasco that was Kate last season, Tony went on and on about how hard Audrina Partridge (also a reality star) works and how good she is. The man is absolutely giddy to partner up with someone who wants to put in the work, appreciates him, and is halfway decent out there.

TVGuide.com: After last season, with all the hate and negative publicity Kate Gosselin got, how does it feel knowing that fans are cheering you on?
Dovolani: It makes me feel really good. I feel like people have gotten to know us. I feel like people were rooting for me to get a good partner — and I got one! The fact that I got a good partner this season who wants to work this hard is great. With her, I'm able to do what I've always wanted to do, which is to train somebody to be a dancer. As teachers, you don't truly get the credit until you get somebody like her and transform her into a dancer. I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds, somebody who never danced before and wants to work that hard.

TVGuide.com: After last season, with all the hate and negative publicity Kate Gosselin got, how does it feel knowing that fans are cheering you on?
Dovolani: It makes me feel really good. I feel like people have gotten to know us. I feel like people were rooting for me to get a good partner — and I got one! The fact that I got a good partner this season who wants to work this hard is great. With her, I'm able to do what I've always wanted to do, which is to train somebody to be a dancer. As teachers, you don't truly get the credit until you get somebody like her and transform her into a dancer. I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds, somebody who never danced before and wants to work that hard.
48 sediments (sic) from readers:
I suppose Tony is just a jealous hater, too.
Nah the man just wants somebody who isn't a lazy sloth, is that so much to ask.
Well, even though Tony lied through his teeth to make Kate look good; we all knew what a disaster he had on his hands. He simply could not make "lemonade" out of the lemon he was given...
Good to see Tony paired up with Audrina. At least she wants to learn to dance, and allows herself to be taught. Good for them!
Admin, you spelled "jellus" wrong.
There is a more recent article where Tony trashes Kate, can you post it?
I think this was Kart's most energetic performance, even though it was one hot mess and she couldn't remember her steps. The look on Kart's face was priceless as Tony swung the sack of potatoes between his legs. I was surprised he didn't have to go to the hospital with a hernia. If he had to swing Audrina with that much force, she would end up being thrown into the audience.
I thought this was the most recent article what other are you referring to?
You know what is real strange, Jon tweets about filming and getting his kids off TV, and yet complete silence on Karts court except for her loud mouth attorney. No pics of Jon or Kart the last few days, just complete silence. Where is the Purse Holder been? No pics of him holding Karts hand or purse in weeks, just strange.
Tony the Gentleman knows how to say what he wants to say without saying it, doesn't he?
I don't watch DWTS, but I am assuming that Audrina deserves every accolade Tony is handing out. He's also being quite subtle about last season. Gotta love him!
Hahahahahaha!! Karma's a bitch, Kate.
Tony does seem positively giddy. It's almost like he woke up from a nightmare and can't believe his luck. I hope he makes it to the final round.
Also, where can I write to tell Momjian, Kate's slimebag attorney to go !@#$ himself???
I remember Tony talking about how is wife just loves kart! I wonder how many of those talked about playdates actually happened? Wonder what Tony's wife thinks of kart now? Oh, yeah, wasn't she talking about getting together with Brook Burk, too? Wonder if any of the DWTS cast has kept in touch with their "friend" kart, especially poor Even Lysachek? I wonder why she is not chasing after single Jake Palveka(sp), afterall, she did have a crush on him while on the show.Where are all of those 'close-like-family" friends are now?
Hahaha I remember Brooke Burke loving on Kart on the Kimmel Show, coming to Karts defense and all saying that she felt sorry for her. Well Boo Hoo, seems like Brooke Burke has trouble of her own with the law to worry about Kart right now. As for Tony, he seems to be doing so well on DWTS and his partner is doing great. I do watch DWTS and have to say that Florence Henderson at the age of 77 can dance better than Kart. Its been Florence Henderson dream to be on that show and now that she is ,you can tell she puts everything she has to dancing . Kart thinks that the littlest effort is better than nothing, that is why her show with her 8 is flopping.
Kate's "entertainment, reality job" will all come to an end one day. It just has to, nothing last foresver as the saying goes. When the reality show is gone, when the talk shows are gone, when all her "friends," are gone, when she can't afford a trip on her own and actually has to take her kids to a store where "gasp" other people shop along side them, WHAT is Kate REALLY going to do? She has said how resorceful, how determined she is, yet on DWTS, when did we EVER see her put an real effort into dancing? Even for those who aren't acclaimed really good dancers at least put all they have into it or have been willing. Just doesn't make any sense how she goes on and on about how she is determined to win, be the best, only look forward, that she hasn't stopped to smell to roses and see how good she think she has it! Sad, sad, sad.
We all know Kart reads these blogs about herself - swallow this, you lazy nobody: Tony is GLAD to have a partner this year who tries!!!!!!!! LOL
And I agree, it is almost spooky the silence coming from Mine-All-Mine Mansion. Purseboy is MIA and even Kart's obligatory weekly tabloid photo of her shopping or "running" - again - is not seen.
Has she been instructed to lay low, keep out of sight, for some soon-to-come appearance as a new, improved, kinder, gentler Kart?
Hmmmm..... I'm thinking........ another plastic surgery! Yep, gotta be.
Or it could be that she's just finally broken because TLC has dropped her. Could be that at this very moment she is in bed, sucking on that wine bottle, scarfing down organic chocolate truffles, dirty fake hair, baggy face without makeup, crying as she reads these tabloid sites.
Karma, Kart...... Karma.
A man with such a passion for his profession must'a been miserable last year with a sloth such as Kate.
Go Tony, you deserve all the accolades coming your way this season, you certainly have paid your dues 10x's over putting up with Kate as a partner.
I think it's so hysterical for the past few months all Tony can talk about is how Audrina 1.works and 2. tries. He's not exactly saying she's fantastic or has some special talent or is unusual. She just works hard! HAHA after working with Kate all you have to do is show up and sort of TRY and Tony's thrilled beyond believe. And I like how he is telling us exactly where Kate stands in his book without actually being a dick about it.
Karma - Good for Tony, Bad for Kart said..
Has she been instructed to lay low, keep out of sight, for some soon-to-come appearance as a new, improved, kinder, gentler Kart?
Hmmmm..... I'm thinking........ another plastic surgery! Yep, gotta be.
Nope, not plastic surgery. TLC has finally figured out how to do a personality transplant. They removed Kart's disguisting one and replaced it with Mother Theresa's.
Kate is one evil, horrible abusive mother. I feel so badly for those children. I can only hope for the day Maddy blows the whistle on that thing that calls herself a mother.
Kate my read these blogs, but what people need to realize is in her narcissistic mind, she WAS trying hard and she really believed she was a good dancer. She really believed she would win DWTS. You will never change that mindset in her. She's a narcissist and they can not be rehabilitated with medication or therapy. And because of this, her selfish, rude, entitled behavior will be her own undoing. The wheels have already started to come off because the public has caught on to her true nature and the interest in this story is dying a slow death. I think by this time next year, she will be on one of those "whatever happened to" shows.
What is UNSAID in this quote is a far stronger message than what is actually said: "I feel like people were rooting for me to get a good partner — and I got one!"
Administrator said... I think it's so hysterical for the past few months all Tony can talk about is how Audrina 1.works and 2. tries. He's not exactly saying she's fantastic or has some special talent or is unusual. She just works hard! HAHA after working with Kate all you have to do is show up and sort of TRY and Tony's thrilled beyond believe. And I like how he is telling us exactly where Kate stands in his book without actually being a dick about it.
Exactly Administrator! He's definitely throwing little daggers at Kate everytime he comments on Audrina being so hard working etc...
After weeks and weeks of ongoing dance class with a master teacher, even the most pigeon-toed among us can pick up a few technical skills if we're busting our behinds. I'm 37 years old and I still take class (in recovery from a PE) so I can keep up on stuff.
So to come out of it with "surprised kitten" hands and stiff ankles and zero rotation in her hips and nary a lost pound, Kate had to have been asleep.
You don't have to be a technician--that being said, I do see whispers of technical ability in Audrina (I LOVE how straight her back is and how square her shoulders are in that picture up there, just fantastic for a non-dancer) and it's gotta be wonderful for Tony--just be willing to let go, do the work and have fun.
I will never understand how anyone can squander such an opportunity.
I feel like he's trying to prove to the viewers (and to himself) that he IS a great teacher, when the pupil is willing to work hard and be committed. I'm sure he felt it was a reflection of his teaching ability when he couldn't get Kart to improve one iota. It's like "see, I CAN teach!"
kart is just lazy and DOES NOT TAKE INSTRUCTION. She feels it's an insult to her superiority and always tries to deflect any bad results by LAYING BLAME on someone else-in this case Tony. She's a TALKER, NOT A DO-ER.
Linda in NS said...
Nope, not plastic surgery. TLC has finally figured out how to do a personality transplant. They removed Kart's disgusting one and replaced it with Mother Theresa's.
Man, I do NOT want to be around when her body rejects it.
Kart got a free dance floor installed in her basement, and Tony bringing her morning cup of Joe every day.
It always amazed me how much 'fancy' stuff Tony had to do himself to make it look like she was doing something. And all the neat moves just played up her natural UNgracefulness. She had no rhythm at all, was just stiff and jerky (and I'm not talking about her personality now).
DLCF said... Linda in NS said...
Nope, not plastic surgery. TLC has finally figured out how to do a personality transplant. They removed Kart's disgusting one and replaced it with Mother Theresa's.
Man, I do NOT want to be around when her body rejects it.
OH MY GOD. I never thought of that! Your comment made me literally laugh out loud.
Vanessa said... I feel like he's trying to prove to the viewers (and to himself) that he IS a great teacher, when the pupil is willing to work hard and be committed. I'm sure he felt it was a reflection of his teaching ability when he couldn't get Kart to improve one iota. It's like "see, I CAN teach!"
True, Vanessa. The Kate supporters were blaming Tony for being a bad teacher, if you can believe that.
Has anyone heard if Karts scooter was auctioned off? GO TONY!!!!
Crabitha Codswallop said...
Admin, you spelled "jellus" wrong.
There is a more recent article where Tony trashes Kate, can you post it?
October 18, 2010 7:22 PM
Dani, how much more recent than the same day?
Kate wouldn't know hard work if it 'up and slapped her in the face!'
I don't watch but I'm still throwing my votes to Tony and Audrina. He deserves to be in the finals.
I looked for the article, can't remember where I saw it. I'll post it if I can find it again!
That photo of Kate is one priceless photo which should have made the cover of People. I had never watched DWTS before watching this woman so I have no idea if anyone else looked as painfully bad as she did. Anyone that has watched ever seen anyone any worse than that picture above?
Found this on another site - and it cracked me up: http://www.mouthyhousewives.com/husbands/lets-play-dress-up-not
This site is a hoot for just pithy comments and they brought up J&K as Halloween costumes
"In fact, last year he totally ignored my repeated pleas to drape himself in Don Hardy wear and go as Jon Gosselin. I can’t even begin tell you how depressing it was to sport a Kate Gosselin wig without a balding douchebag by my side that night. I didn’t even have the energy to scream at my eight kids."
HEhe...just loved it.
ADMIN: I'm sorry to post this on this thread but I thought it was important. Jon tweeted the following message:
Jon GosselinOn Tuesday 19th October 2010, @jongosselin1 said:
Due to the overwhelming amount of questions, statements, false statements in the media, I would like to clarify a few things.
First and foremost, for people who did not watch Jon & Kate Plus 8, I stated years ago, and on television, that I no longer wanted to film and wanted my privacy back. This is not a decision I made lightly or without weighing all the factors involved. The negative effects on my family was my greatest concern and far outweigh any monetary gain we received. Today, my children are much older than when we first started. They are acutely aware their life is markedly different from their peers. They are six, and ten, and have to deal with the paparazzi! They can’t visit a public place without a crowd gathering to stare or people snapping pictures with cell phones.
Whether the children want to film or not is completely irrelevant. Children rely on the guidance of the adults in their life to ensure their best interest. Left to their own most children would not eat properly, visit the dentist, or complete their homework. Do you think a child would choose a day on the beach instead of attending school? Of course. Is this the best thing for them? Is it the child’s decision to make? Of course not.
I am acutely aware of the mistakes I made in 2009 and I am ashamed of the choices I made. I have apologized to Kate, my family, and to my friends. Through counseling I have learned to own my actions. My goal is to move forward in a positive direction.
Lastly, my children have experienced a lot of life changes in a short period of time; new home, new school, parents divorced, increased media attention, and much more. Obviously it would be short-sighted to declare that all of their current struggles are attributed to one factor. These multiple changes are exactly why I feel they need privacy, stability, and security. Filming and displaying their private lives at this time is not in their best interest.
New Tweet by Jon...
On Tuesday 19th October 2010, @jongosselin1 said:
Due to the overwhelming amount of questions, statements, false statements in the media, I would like to clarify a few things.
First and foremost, for people who did not watch Jon & Kate Plus 8, I stated years ago, and on television, that I no longer wanted to film and wanted my privacy back. This is not a decision I made lightly or without weighing all the factors involved. The negative effects on my family was my greatest concern and far outweigh any monetary gain we received. Today, my children are much older than when we first started. They are acutely aware their life is markedly different from their peers. They are six, and ten, and have to deal with the paparazzi! They can’t visit a public place without a crowd gathering to stare or people snapping pictures with cell phones.
Whether the children want to film or not is completely irrelevant. Children rely on the guidance of the adults in their life to ensure their best interest. Left to their own most children would not eat properly, visit the dentist, or complete their homework. Do you think a child would choose a day on the beach instead of attending school? Of course. Is this the best thing for them? Is it the child’s decision to make? Of course not.
I am acutely aware of the mistakes I made in 2009 and I am ashamed of the choices I made. I have apologized to Kate, my family, and to my friends. Through counseling I have learned to own my actions. My goal is to move forward in a positive direction.
Lastly, my children have experienced a lot of life changes in a short period of time; new home, new school, parents divorced, increased media attention, and much more. Obviously it would be short-sighted to declare that all of their current struggles are attributed to one factor. These multiple changes are exactly why I feel they need privacy, stability, and security. Filming and displaying their private lives at this time is not in their best interest.
Gee here it is nearing the end of October so can we safely say the new improved 2010 Can-Do-Kate Campaign flopped? Because it sure seems like everything she's done this year has been a miserable failure starting with her extensions. DWTS was a complete disaster, Kate Plus 8 ratings dropped to an all time low, her hopes of being an ET correspondent went south, real actors talked smack about her at the Emmys, Twist of Kate is a no-show and her gigolo seems to have jumped ship.
She faulted Tony for not knowing how she needed to be taught to dance. She couldn't pull it off but she wouldn't take responsibility for looking like the hind end of a horse on the dance floor. I wonder who she'll find to blame for the rest of her doomed attempts at celebrity.
By the way, Kate is definitely not on the next Celebrity Apprentice. They're filming across the street from my office right now, and Kate is not one of the celebrities. Too bad, it actually would've been a win-win-win situation. Kids get relief from Kate, Kate gets to prolong her 15 minutes, and we get to watch Kate make a fool of herself. Oh well.
I remember watching poor Tony trying to teach Kate how to dance, and she was like, "you're not teaching me right." Um hello, he's a freakin' DANCE TEACHER!! He's been doing this for years and has WAY more experience than she'll ever have. I was surprised that she wasn't eliminated right away, and disappointed that Buzz Aldrin got sent off before she did.
AuntieAnn said..
I wonder who she'll find to blame for the rest of her doomed attempts at celebrity.
Jon and/or the kids, who else? Oh, maybe TLC, they just "didn't know how to help" her make it big as a ?????
SmileyGrl752 said...
I remember watching poor Tony trying to teach Kate how to dance, and she was like, "you're not teaching me right." Um hello, he's a freakin' DANCE TEACHER!! He's been doing this for years and has WAY more experience than she'll ever have. I was surprised that she wasn't eliminated right away, and disappointed that Buzz Aldrin got sent off before she did.
Watching this season's scores and judges comments to those given to Kate, imo proves the fix was on for her last season! She NEVER danced better than any of the eliminated celebs this season, never put in the practice time or effort, and NO WAY did she deserve higher scores than the 4's and 5's given this season.
Go Tony! It was tough watching him try to teach the unteachable Kate G. That little "you don't know how to teach me" was disgusting. She didn't try and it was quite obvious. I believe the show is rigged and I don't vote. Just hope the producers throw it Tony's way this year!
I love that picture of Kate! Classic.
Bottom line - Kate on "her own" shows her work ethic and personality. This woman wants to do as little as possible but yet thinks she is great. Delusional, and from this perspective, many challenge her own judgement and choices.
Earn your own living Kate and give your children some privacy. They are out in the REAL world now, and have to face their classmates, etc daily. They are no longer babies who no concept of what is normal, but deserve some privacy as they are out in the world on their own. Relying on 6 year olds who want to please you is insane. And I think Mady and Cara's behavior on most recent filming speaks volumes. Wake up Kate, and move out of your narcissistic selfish mode for the sake of your kids. You, after all claim to be a super mom. Let them be kids unencumbered by cameras to have their every move captured on film for all the world to see, and scrutinized. Have you no shame? The kids did not sign on for this, you did. Time to be a mother and protect your kids.
Tony and Audrina are doing great, and will get my votes. He is definitely getting some retribution votes from me (for his efforts with ShoppingKart/FrockonaHanger/Stepford Wife Kate, but is still a great dancer.
Tony and Audrina are doing great, and will get my votes. He is definitely getting some retribution votes from me (for his efforts with ShoppingKart/FrockonaHanger/Stepford Wife Kate, but is still a great dancer.
We all know Kart reads these blogs about herself - swallow this, you lazy nobody: Tony is GLAD to have a partner this year who tries!!!!!!!! LOL
And I agree, it is almost spooky the silence coming from Mine-All-Mine Mansion. Purseboy is MIA and even Kart's obligatory weekly tabloid photo of her shopping or "running" - again - is not seen.
Has she been instructed to lay low, keep out of sight, for some soon-to-come appearance as a new, improved, kinder, gentler Kart?
Hmmmm..... I'm thinking........ another plastic surgery! Yep, gotta be.
Or it could be that she's just finally broken because TLC has dropped her. Could be that at this very moment she is in bed, sucking on that wine bottle, scarfing down organic chocolate truffles, dirty fake hair, baggy face without makeup, crying as she reads these tabloid sites.
Karma, Kart...... Karma.
I think this was Kart's most energetic performance, even though it was one hot mess and she couldn't remember her steps. The look on Kart's face was priceless as Tony swung the sack of potatoes between his legs. I was surprised he didn't have to go to the hospital with a hernia. If he had to swing Audrina with that much force, she would end up being thrown into the audience.
Well, even though Tony lied through his teeth to make Kate look good; we all knew what a disaster he had on his hands. He simply could not make "lemonade" out of the lemon he was given...
Good to see Tony paired up with Audrina. At least she wants to learn to dance, and allows herself to be taught. Good for them!
I feel like he's trying to prove to the viewers (and to himself) that he IS a great teacher, when the pupil is willing to work hard and be committed. I'm sure he felt it was a reflection of his teaching ability when he couldn't get Kart to improve one iota. It's like "see, I CAN teach!"
kart is just lazy and DOES NOT TAKE INSTRUCTION. She feels it's an insult to her superiority and always tries to deflect any bad results by LAYING BLAME on someone else-in this case Tony. She's a TALKER, NOT A DO-ER.
Administrator said... I think it's so hysterical for the past few months all Tony can talk about is how Audrina 1.works and 2. tries. He's not exactly saying she's fantastic or has some special talent or is unusual. She just works hard! HAHA after working with Kate all you have to do is show up and sort of TRY and Tony's thrilled beyond believe. And I like how he is telling us exactly where Kate stands in his book without actually being a dick about it.
Exactly Administrator! He's definitely throwing little daggers at Kate everytime he comments on Audrina being so hard working etc...
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