Kate and the kids are traveling 8 hours to Alaska - their longest trip ever! The Gosselins set out to see huge snow-covered mountains, bright white glaciers and pan for gold! But excitement builds when they head out to sea in search of whales!
Sunday 9 p.m. EST
83 sediments (sic) from readers:
go Kate!
Anonymous said... go Kate!
Yes, go, Kate! Go far, far away. Off my television screen. Out of the cablewaves...forever.
This morning, with cups of coffee in hand, my husband and I were sifting through the thick pile of Sunday paper ads. Hubby was commenting on potential Christmas gifts, big box store bargains, and some Sears Craftsman tools and the prices for everything. It felt really good to look straight at him and say, "Hey! Stuff is just stuff." I think that is a new philosophy we can use in this home. (By the way, we will be watching the Amazing Race tonight. I saw the ad with Kate screaming and that was enough for me.)
Yes, let me third that, "Go Kate and don't come back!" It is sad to see the tup with the Husky, obviously loving that dog.. I have a black, blue eyed husky and he is a sweetie. The children's dogs were just another casualty in Kate's throwing away all those that love them.
I watched the trailer on You Tube and will take yet another pass on the show. You are a not a little girl Khate - you are a grown woman - your kids put you to shame.
Is she yawning or screeching in that pic? Either way, she is annoying as heck and her kids aint all that much anymore. Too bad that others are so unhappy with their own children and own lives that they have to play-pretend through their TVs. Seriously, grown women doing that? And harming 8 little strangers in the process? Ill and odd, odd and ill.
I havent watched in, I dont know, 2 years? And I dont like travelogues all that much anyway.
Heading off to my sisters now for a football party with lots of drinks, good food, fun friends, and did I mention drinks? the screeching I hear today will be from my friends when our team tries to convert on 4th down. Between all of us we have 3 babies on the way (grands, nieces/nephews, and one preggo! LOL)so there will be lots of loving nattering and planning about that.
One of my daughters is working today as a hospice nurse; my other nurse-daughter is working as a nanny for 12 year old profoundly disabled with cerebral palsy, the family is taking him on an outing today and my daughter will assist him, ventilator and all. My eldest is doing animal rescue and transport today, her hubby is in Afghanastan. My son is painting his dining room.
Yep, I did it all alone, all alone, all alone. And it seems as if they turned out ok. Enjoy your Sunday, Admin and all posters. We are a blessed lot. God save the little Gosselin children, because it seems no one else can.
After all this time, I have decided I'm done watching. If Admin does a recap, that will be enough for me. It's become nothing more than the "same old, same old", and expected entitlement of Kate and her kids. (Insert a really big yawn here.)
Hey TLC! Just because you add a bunch of exclamation points to your press releases to make this more exciting, that doesn't mean people are going to watch! No one cares! We want the show to go away! And for the kids to have a normal life!
I'll forth that. Go Kate, to H.E. Double-hockey sticks and don't come back. If I want to look at Alaska I'll watch National Geographic.
Agree, it takes a lot more than exclamation points to promote interest in her. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, she can do that would get my attention. It's bad enough watching 6 1/2 year olds act like 2 year olds but when they are outdone by HER 2 year old actions, well, that just explains the name 'terrible twos'. Glad to see Fox Philly says she's doing her finale and being replaced by some 'other' trash that they hope will bring in more than she has been lately. Can't say this is 'sweet sorrow' (her passing), it's just SWEET!
Even the completely uncreative episode title is actually listed with an exclamation point: Alaska, Here we Come! Sheesh.
In the preview the children are all calmly and reverently looking at the whales, while Kate is screeching and carrying on like a banshee every time she spots one. Meanwhile she yells at Alexis in the Back to School episode "no screaming."
Hi! I have already expressed my feelings regarding the Alaska trip in the previous thread,there is no point in repeating myself. Here's whats bugging me? Isn't it anything we can do to stop people from CUSRING a 10 year old little girl named Mady all over the Internet? It's just so heartwreching..Every Gosselin video, many facebook accounts ,most threads,tlc,kate(no stopping those two) has at least two insults directed at this innocent defenseless child.Administrator,anyone, any ideas on what we could do to spare Mady from having a depression when google-ing herself in a couple of years?
Enjoy your Sunday as well, BeDoneNow :o)
And what a glorious Sunday it is!!
Just finished walking the dogs, and grocery shopping with my husband. Tonight, at 8 o'clock, I will be enjoying Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean on the ABC Family channel ;o)
Anonymous said...
go Kate!
Yes, Kate- GO! The farther away, the better.
Question: if Kate's on the moon, will we still hear her screech, sigh and complain?
Heaven doesn't want her, and hell is scared of her....
I'll leave these shows to the sheeple to watch. They can fire up the popcorn and get comfy for yet another episode of Kate moaning, exclaiming and mugging for the camera while her accessories stand by miserably until they are called upon to scream, melt down or crack sarcastic remarks back at her. Yawn
Barbra said...It's bad enough watching 6 1/2 year olds act like 2 year olds but when they are outdone by HER 2 year old actions
Exactly. Screeching over the whales, the reported tantrums over the bucket toilet, the mini meals and her refusal to sleep in a tent are all things a misbehaving two-year-old might do. No wonder they need a babysitter for her. I'm beginning to think she should be institutionalized for her own safety.
I'll second that!! Go Kate Gosselin off our Televisions and don't come back now, ya hear!!!!! Desperate Housewives are on the same time, will be watching that instead.
Yes Kate, GO. Go to your kids. They need you. They need you to STOP filming every single part of their lives. GO be a parent instead of a famewhoring wannabe celebrity, which you are NOT. GO get help. And while you're at it, just GO.
I think recent history will prove that Kate and her show will fail. People magazine bombed. The media doesn't care anymore. This will be her swan song. Good riddance...
Alyssa -- There's nothing that can be done now. It's too late.
Kate and Jon should have just lived a normal life and not sold out their kids.
It's too late. Kate and Jon didn't think far enough ahead regarding the little minds and souls.
I won't be watching but would appreciate reading the re-cap. I saw the preview video and, I don't know why, but I was surprised when she over-reacted when the gold ring was found - and the squealing!! while the youngsters seemed to be taking the whales in their stride. Is it any wonder they scream at each other - they have been listening to their mother make a fool of herself all their lives. Hopefully the ratings will indicate to TLC that she is toast.
Anonymous said: ..." I saw the preview video and, I don't know why, but I was surprised when she over-reacted when the gold ring was found - and the squealing!! while the youngsters seemed to be taking the whales in their stride."
You're right- I think the poor kids are so afraid of pissing off Mommie Dearest, they are gun shy and afraid of showing emotion in her presence. Then for the cameras they're supposed to whoop it up and their meltdowns are acceptable because that's what pays the mortgage on Casa del Exploitationada.
Anyone wanna bet the ring they 'found' was the wedding band of one of the camera guys...lol?
I'll add to the motion for Kate to just GO AWAY...will be watching "The Next Iron Chef"--love that show, and there's a double elimination tonight.
Children imitate what they see and hear. That screeching diva behavior coming from their mom is not a good example of what a mother should be doing. Of course, neither is using your children to support your lifestyle a good example. These kids will end up with a multitude of issues. Even with the expensive trips, perks, etc., this is a very sad story. Not a viewer in this household.
It was probably Steve's "missing" ring.
When is she getting that mother of Pearl thing?
Have to add that the pure sweetness of Hannah kissing the Husky while gently holding its head with her hand nearly brought me to tears. Kate, you have to be made of ice.
all ya gotta do is turn the channel or shut off the TV completely. Don't surf to any Kate blogs or websites. As if by magic Kate will be gone!
Anyone remember how long the plane-ride-from- hell to Utah ended up being? Geeze, didn't that seem like 8+ hours? :(
Alyssa, unfortunately there is nothing to be done about crazies on the internet saying and posting harmful things about the children. And this is why soooo many of us feel that children should not be in reality programs, exposing some of their most private and not so private moments without their adult-self permission. These poor kids have no idea of what lies ahead for them in the future because of foolish decisions their parents have made for them on their behalf.
US Mag is reporting that Kartzilla fell asleep in the van while Steve her boyfriend/bodyguard drove the kids around but warned them to be quiet so they wouldn't wake the Queen up. Whats shocking is to read there are some so called mothers out there making excuses for her. There is no excuse I can think of that would ruin the kids one night out. She should have stayed home, the kids would have been better off anyways without her.
Yeah I like the way she immediately said you found me a ring...what if he wanted to keep the ring Khate or give it to one of his sisters? I guess that never entered your pea brain. I hate that faky fake fake voice when she is trying to be nice to one of the kids for the camera and love the way they look at her like she is nuts all but shaking their heads.
I think at this point, recapping any episode is a very bad idea. We already know what it will be like - another ludicrous, formulaic travelogue with that vile imbecile schrieking, yelling, being rude, smacking her gum, and blabbing on and on about herself. No recap is necessary. Why do TLC the service of recapping and get all the sheeple excited? Recapping has come to be a form of promoting the show at this point and aiding and abetting Take Greedslin in continuing her exploitation of those kids. This is just my opinion, but I had to say what I believe. Thanks.
Why do TLC the service of recapping and get all the sheeple excited?
Why would the recap get the "sheeple" excited? According to all of you, the sheeple are obsessed with watching the show. Why would someone be excited to read a recap of a show they watch?
Why would the recap get the "sheeple" excited? According to all of you, the sheeple are obsessed with watching the show. Why would someone be excited to read a recap of a show they watch?
Excited in positive way or negative way? Excited and overjoyed because the attention is focused on the show, thereby giving more publicity to TLC; or getting them excited (ticked off) because the recap exposes Kate's manipulative behavior? I'm not sure I understand, either.
JudyK said...
Have to add that the pure sweetness of Hannah kissing the Husky while gently holding its head with her hand nearly brought me to tears. Kate, you have to be made of ice.
Thats not Hannah kissing the dog, its Alexis. And why does seeing Alexis kiss the dog have anything to do with Kate being as cold as ice?
I thought the implication was that their parents gave them dogs, for Christmas no less, then took the dogs away. Knowing full well how much Alexis loved them. All the kids did. They had no business getting the dogs in the first place if they weren't committed to looking after them for life.
Auntie Ann said: "I'm beginning to think she should be institutionalized for her own safety."
...and for the safety of others, namely, her own kids.
@ Admin, I can't stand people who purchase dogs (well in their case it was purchased through TLC) than decide after almost a year and a half that it's too much and send the animals away. Not only does it show a bad example to the kids, it's also terrible to do to a animal. You gave the animal a home than you take it back, so Kate Gosselin.
And why does seeing Alexis kiss the dog have anything to do with Kate being as cold as ice?
Plenty. Those kids loved the dogs that they had. Kate didn't want the dogs underfoot and didn't want the responsibility of caring for them, even though she told the kids that they would have the dogs "until the kids were in college." The selection of the dogs was solely for the purpose of filming an episode. Once the dogs had served their purpose, she took them away. If that's not being as cold as ice, I don't know what is. Shades of "Mommy Dearest."
Anonymous said... JudyK said...
Have to add that the pure sweetness of Hannah kissing the Husky while gently holding its head with her hand nearly brought me to tears. Kate, you have to be made of ice.
"Thats not Hannah kissing the dog, its Alexis. And why does seeing Alexis kiss the dog have anything to do with Kate being as cold as ice?"
Sorry, I got the wrong tup, but the message is the same. It has EVERYTHING to do with Kate being cold as ice. Since I am a big animal lover, I well remember everything related to the dogs. Jon loved the dogs, but Kate got rid of them because they were "smelly" and needed love and attention, something she is incapable of giving. The children were attached to the dogs, but that didn't matter to Kate. By then, Jon was gone and there was no one to take care of the dogs. She couldn't deal with their accidents on the floor or the fact that they were living creatures that required being fed and cleaned up after. She promised to bring the dogs back, but like most of her lies, it never happened. She is cold and heartless--the dogs were an inconvenience to her, so she got rid of them and the hell with the affect it had on the kids.
Werny Gal has an email interview with actor, Eric Roberts (Julia's brother) re: Kate. He is quite clear in his negative opinion. Also, an article in MyPhilly about her impending fade out. Both are interesting.
I agree. When I got my dog three years ago I had to go through a lot of screening paperwork, they asked me a ton of questions. I think part of it was for them to be sure I was going to be a good choice but I also think it was for the potential owner to really think hard about this before making the choice. I was thrilled when I got my adorable puppy but I was also scared, but I think it's okay to feel that way because when you're making a commitment that huge it comes with a lot of emotions, or SHOULD. I was scared because I knew come hell or high water this was my dog for his life. If you knew you could just give it up if anything goes wrong, you wouldn't feel that kind of emotion. But that was not on the table for me.
In particular, they had a section asking some of the following:
If you move will you take the dog with you?
If you marry, or divorce, what will happen to the dog?
If you have a new baby what will that mean for the dog?
If work gets busier, you get a promotion, what does that mean for the dog?
What if the dog gets sick?
What if your dog has a hard time with barking, or being housebroken?
If any of your answers are I would give up the dog, you're not ready to have a dog. But for pity sake have enough self-awareness to know that if that is your answer you have no business commiting to a dog. No one will judge you unless you actually get the dog knowing full well you might give it up.
Just curious as to why the Kate lovers who post on this site and seem to pick fights always use the screen name Anonymous?
Pittsburgh,PA to Juneau,AK - approx 3520 miles
Pittsburgh, PA to Maui, HI - approx 4660 miles
How is the Gosselins' trip to Alaka "their longest trip ever!" ?
Our family adopted a dog over 11 years ago (a soft-coated wheaten terrier mix). As soon as my Dad saw the dog, he said "You're in with this dog for the long haul because she is part of the family now". How right he was! Our kids have grown up with her, she's been my husband's companion and therapist on the many long walks they took together. She's surely one of the best dogs in the world!! Last week she was diagnosed with cancer. My husband and I thought long and hard about what we were going to do about it, and opted for (a rather pricey) surgical procedure which should extend her life for a couple of years. We feel that our kids need to see that life is precious and should be respected. We hope our kids will remember this when it's time to make some important decisions about our own welfare later in our lives. Do you think Kate's kid's will give her the same consideration? Doubtful.
Emschick1128, EXACTLY! If they are such proud fans of their queen, why hide behind "anonymous"? Why not use their real posting name??
I adopted all my pets from the Humane Society and love them dearly. It is like being a full/time mommy to 2 year olds forever, but I wouldn't change a thing.
I know that the Gosselin children loved the dogs, but from what I could see they were not allowed to be involved in any way with their training. It was reported that the kids were rough with the pups. When one dog tried to chew his way through the metal bars of its crate, it should have been apparent to everybody that this was not a good home for them.
Kate could not be bothered to look after them properly and I believe they spent a lot of time in their crates, only being let out to pee and poop.Sending them away may have been sad for the children but was a humane act on behalf of the dogs, IMO.
I imagine the children are allowed to have actual fun with Ellen's 3 chihuahuas when they visit their dad. Maybe they will learn some good things from this opportunity to know some dogs that are friends, not props.
K8SUCKS said
How is the Gosselins' trip to Alaka "their longest trip ever!" ?
TLC is probably referring to the interminable suffering of the film crew, which can only have made each trip seem ten times longer than the last. That would make Alaska the longest ever.
Dear TLC,
I won't be watching Kate's Alaska fiasco. I'm not even interested in tuning in for the 'freak factor' to see how bad she has become. Kate Gosselin is a boring one time reality darling who has morphed in to a bitter has been.
prairiemary said... Emschick1128, EXACTLY! If they are such proud fans of their queen, why hide behind "anonymous"? Why not use their real posting name??
Because they are cowards and insecure, pathetic people who identify with Take - they see something in her with which they connect. That something that binds them is called "Evil." They know we have no use for people like that, so they post under Anon with their tails between their legs and then retreat. They are also very limited in intellect and don't have the ability to engage in any type of meaningful adult discourse.
Anonymous said...
Thats not Hannah kissing the dog, its Alexis. And why does seeing Alexis kiss the dog have anything to do with Kate being as cold as ice?
Yep, you're right, that is Alexis.
Why does seeing Alexis kiss the dog have anything to do with Kate being cold as ice?
Why, EVERYTHING. Kate made the announcement to her children that their Christmas gifts were going to be dogs, and be the eight's ONLY Christmas gifts.
Then Kate had the gall to announce that she would not allow the children to give their own pets/Christmas gifts names- simply because Kate feels kids don't know how to give good names to dogs. Yet, Kate chose for those beautiful dogs the oddest names (but whatever). Kate always has to be in control- she just does not know how to pick and choose her "fights", so it's all or nothing for her.
Back to the timeline- then, of course whenever Kate happened to be home (from her many trips) she would bitch and moan about those poor creatures.
Then, when Kate no longer had any use for those innocent dogs, SHE decided they had to go. Just like everyone in her life. I'm sure that broke Alexis' heart, and probably the rest of her siblings as well. Yes, Kate is cold as ice. Ice-cold blood flows through her veins.
I think it's pretty transparent that Kate never really wanted those dogs from the start. They were used because the show was losing its cuteness factor, and TLC thought by adding puppies to the mix, that it might help out.
Meanwhile, no one ever thought of the possibility that the children might STILL want their Christmas puppies. It's obvious they love dogs/animals, and I'm willing to wager, they would love to see their dogs come back.
No one ever brings into account the feelings of these kids. It's all about what Kate wants, when she wants it, where she wants it, how she wants it, and how she could use it for her advancement. Apparently, her childrens feelings are inconsequential to her and TLC.
Anonymous- please, please, please find someone else to admire/emulate. There is a good reason why people walk/run away from her. And don't say it's because everyone's "jellus".
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. She's a poison/toxic person, that happens to be mother to 8 children.
In 34 years of marriage we've had 3 dogs. Why only 3? Becasue we love them and keep them until they day they die. We only get one dog at a time because it's hard to have more than one when you move with the military. Our dogs have been all over the world with us. Our kids know that when you get them it's for life.
What Kate did with those dogs was a usual selfish and not thinking at all about the feelings of her children. I'm sure it made for a good episode but once they were of no more use to her they were gone. If I'm not mistaken she kept them in crates alot anyway. In most homes dogs become members of the family and would never given away unless there were extreme circumstances and then it would be a heart breaking thing to do. I have dogs that have grown up with my kids and we love them to pieces and get so much enjoyment from their company. Taking care of them can be a lot of work but that's your responsibility once you take ownership. I would imagine the kids were heart broken when the dogs were gone just because that selfish bitch couldn't be bothered anymore. It was a very cruel thing to do but again what else is new? Hopefully now they are in forever homes with people who love them and will take care of them.
Pittsburgh,PA to Juneau,AK - approx 3520 miles
Pittsburgh, PA to Maui, HI - approx 4660 miles
How is the Gosselins' trip to Alaka "their longest trip ever!"
They went from Philadelphia to Anchorage, 3,374 miles. I can't remember what airport they used for the trip to Maui -- either BWI or Philly (not Pittsburgh), a distance of approximately 4,861 miles, so yes, the Hawaii trip was the farthest. However, since they stopped over in San Diego on their way to Hawaii, I guess TLC is figuring that Alaska is the farthest non-stop flight they ever took.
"They are also very limited in intellect and don't have the ability to engage in any type of meaningful adult discourse."
And they can't understand what one of the kids kissing a dog has to do with Kate being cold as ice. They can't connect the dots; they have no ability to perform a causal analysis. There is a disconnect among the sheeple. They simply cannot see the forest for the trees. When it comes to reasoning, and figuring out why one act may lead to an undesired outcome, they're totally lost in that big cornfield maze -- as clumsy and out of place as Kate is in her high heel boots.
Boring show. Very, very boring. Kate sat in the interview chair for most of the show, with her boobs hanging out, literally. Kate boobs are everywhere in Hollywood and you are almost 40 years old. Put them away, please?
I have refrained from ever commenting negatively about the kids but as they are getting older their immaturity is much more apparent, a few more so than the rest. Alexis acts like she is a three year old and pitifuly whines to the camera. I don't think she is clear that the camera doesn't care about her. Poor Joel's speech is awful...and no signs of improving. These kids are not normal kids. We WILL here their sad stories in years to come.
And why does seeing Alexis kiss the dog have anything to do with Kate being as cold as ice?
See Kate
See dogs
See Kate get dogs
See kids
See kids loving dogs
See dogs in crate
See Kate send dogs away
See Alexis kissing other dog
See connection?
MilitaryWife&Mom said... In 34 years of marriage we've had 3 dogs. Why only 3? Becasue we love them and keep them until they day they die. We only get one dog at a time because it's hard to have more than one when you move with the military. Our dogs have been all over the world with us. Our kids know that when you get them it's for life.
Amen, Military Wife & Mom. As a fellow military wife, we have moved with our two cats from CA to MA to GA, and then overseas to Naples, Italy. We adopted two dogs there, both of which we brought back to the States. Our commitment to these animals? FOR LIFE. It's a menagerie, but it's OUR MENAGERIE. lol.
As for the Gosselins giving those poor dogs to their kids as Christmas gifts ... I don't know if that rumor is true, but making any living creature a "gift" to a child is the worst possible thing you can do for any animal. As a former Humane Educator with the Santa Barbara Humane Society (and as a thinking adult), I can say with certainty that an animal should never be entrusted to the care of a minor. Nor should a child "learn responsibility" via caring for a pet. Kids are not reliable enough nor responsible enough to tend to (nor understand) the daily needs of an animal, and any parent who puts the care of an animal in the hands of a child is being negligent on multiple levels. Just as the Gosselin kids should not be in charge of the chickens, nor should they have had to care for the dogs. Share in their upkeep? Sure -- help clean the coop; scoop some poop; help fill the dog bowls. Fine. BUT, the sole responsibility for any animal resides with the ADULT who was responsible for adopting the animal(s) in the first place. It's plain abusive to any animal to "chance" that a child might take care of it. Again, I agree that a child should take part in caring for his or her family pet(s), but in no way should a minor be expected to take total care of any animal. Pet adoption is an adult endeavor, and at the end of the day, an ADULT responsibility.
Lee said..
TLC is probably referring to the interminable suffering of the film crew, which can only have made each trip seem ten times longer than the last. That would make Alaska the longest ever.
BWHAHAHAHA..loved it!
Julianna said..
They can't connect the dots; they have no ability to perform a causal analysis. There is a disconnect among the sheeple. They simply cannot see the forest for the trees. When it comes to reasoning, and figuring out why one act may lead to an undesired outcome, they're totally lost in that big cornfield maze -- as clumsy and out of place as Kate is in her high heel boots.
That's exactly it, even the simplest observation, not to mention, after all this time of watching, either doesn't ring a bell to them or they are so steeped in their determination to be 'right' about Kate, that they are willing to fight to the death, that she's actually, in real life, a good mom. It never ceases to boggle my mind how anyone could watch and read all that is 'out' there on this woman, and still defend her.
A Pink Straight Jacket for Kate said..
No one ever brings into account the feelings of these kids. It's all about what Kate wants, when she wants it, where she wants it, how she wants it, and how she could use it for her advancement. Apparently, her childrens feelings are inconsequential to her and TLC.
And the sheeple, don't forget the sheeple. Those kids are on their TV screens for their entertainment and viewing pleasure. Hopefully tonite was the of Kate, and most especially, her kids, on TV.
It's not a rumor, Kate said on the dog episode that the dogs were a Christmas gift. So when they gave them back did she get them something else?
XYZed said...
Dear TLC,
I won't be watching Kate's Alaska fiasco. I'm not even interested in tuning in for the 'freak factor' to see how bad she has become. Kate Gosselin is a boring one time reality darling who has morphed in to a bitter has been.
Kate isn't a has-been. She's a never-was, and a never-will.
When is TLC planning on using the footage from Party City (Halloween shopping) and the corn maze scripted filming?
My son has a girlfriend whose mother is very much like Kate. One of her first memories is of her mother teaching her how to ride a bike without the training wheels.
Her mom made a big production of telling her,"I'm hanging on to the back! I'm right with you! You won't fall!"'
So my son's girlfriend, who was four at the time, trusted her mom and started to ride. Of course her mom let go after a minute or two and the little girl landed in the bushes, getting scraped and cut in the process.
She was also given a dog for Christmas one year that left under mysterious circumstances.
This young woman's father is like Jon, from what I can tell. He loves her dearly, but can't even take care of himself, let alone her.
She's twenty now, and trusts no one. She is self-destructive, and tries to test anyone who claims to love her, because the only love she's known has been crazy and damaging.
If this is typical behavior of children who grow up unable to trust their parents and feel safe and loved, the Gosselin kids have a hard row to hoe. I wish them well.
All Kate does is scream like a banshee and draw attention to herself while neglecting her kids , just to keep herself in the spotlight . It's time for her to grow up and act like an adult. The poor kids mimic all her crazy antics and just parrot her screeching whalish 2yr old behavoiur . Her 15 minutes should have been up eons ago.
I am 18 and I just bought a dog(I am still in highschool,in my country you go to college at 19). It took me 18 years to convince my parents to let me have a puppy and the main confition was that I was to look after him,feed him ,clean up after him,train him,wash him and NOT GET BORED OF HIM and want to return him.Dogs become attached to the families who look after them. I'vve only had the puppy for 3 months and it is obvious he would be heartbroken if I gave him away.Can you imagine how SAD the dogs were(after being attached to the family) when they were send away, 18 months later?This is animal cruelty..dogs have feelings too.They are actually smarter than some people
Don't know where to put this, so here goes.
Dear Kate Gosselin,
When you are shopping at Target, it actually helps your day if you smile a little - or at least look pleasant, and stop staring at my husband - who took the day off today to purchase items for our new home.
I'm sorry no one saw your show last night here in town or maybe they did however they never acknowledged seeing you on TV and not one person in a very packed Target (weird for a Monday Morning at 11:00am) even said 'hi' or screamed out "We Love You Kate". (Didn't you say people did that when you shopped?)
I guess it's true that most people have lives.
As for the paparazzi Chris, well, I did not see him nor anyone else with a camera sitting outside Target waiting for you so they can take your picture. Isn't it nice to know that maybe the P-People will finally leave you alone. Of course, I don't know who Chris is, and he could have been the weird looking man sitting on the bench outside the store front.
The tight gray sweater and long slim jeans with the 5 inch pumps that you were wearing seemed nice, however, if you wore a belt, maybe it would make you look like you had a waist. (Hubby said that you looked like Olive Oil with a set of Double D's).
I did feel a little sad for you because you did look so alone and by yourself as you tossed in those 'items' from the end cap.
As we passed I was shocked you wouldn't even make eye contact with me but instead my hubby (yeah, sorry, after 19 years, he's a keeper).
All Snark aside, Happy Monday Kate! Hope you enjoyed your shopping trip - truly, if you were a bit more pleasanter I would guarantee people would be nice and friendly to you.
Didn't watch. Sounds painful and embarrassing. And that thing Steve did with the ring is beyond odd. Everything is scripted, so somebody came up with that "bright" idea (maybe so we'd be commenting on their relationship).
Anyway, let's hope TLC ditches her, which seems to be happening with the falling ratings and Jon fighting for custody.
Didn't watch, but someone who did said they didn't see Mady when they visited the family who trains the Iditarod dogs.
When is TLC planning on using the footage from Party City (Halloween shopping) and the corn maze scripted filming?
I have refrained from ever commenting negatively about the kids but as they are getting older their immaturity is much more apparent, a few more so than the rest. Alexis acts like she is a three year old and pitifuly whines to the camera. I don't think she is clear that the camera doesn't care about her. Poor Joel's speech is awful...and no signs of improving. These kids are not normal kids. We WILL here their sad stories in years to come.
MilitaryWife&Mom said... In 34 years of marriage we've had 3 dogs. Why only 3? Becasue we love them and keep them until they day they die. We only get one dog at a time because it's hard to have more than one when you move with the military. Our dogs have been all over the world with us. Our kids know that when you get them it's for life.
Amen, Military Wife & Mom. As a fellow military wife, we have moved with our two cats from CA to MA to GA, and then overseas to Naples, Italy. We adopted two dogs there, both of which we brought back to the States. Our commitment to these animals? FOR LIFE. It's a menagerie, but it's OUR MENAGERIE. lol.
As for the Gosselins giving those poor dogs to their kids as Christmas gifts ... I don't know if that rumor is true, but making any living creature a "gift" to a child is the worst possible thing you can do for any animal. As a former Humane Educator with the Santa Barbara Humane Society (and as a thinking adult), I can say with certainty that an animal should never be entrusted to the care of a minor. Nor should a child "learn responsibility" via caring for a pet. Kids are not reliable enough nor responsible enough to tend to (nor understand) the daily needs of an animal, and any parent who puts the care of an animal in the hands of a child is being negligent on multiple levels. Just as the Gosselin kids should not be in charge of the chickens, nor should they have had to care for the dogs. Share in their upkeep? Sure -- help clean the coop; scoop some poop; help fill the dog bowls. Fine. BUT, the sole responsibility for any animal resides with the ADULT who was responsible for adopting the animal(s) in the first place. It's plain abusive to any animal to "chance" that a child might take care of it. Again, I agree that a child should take part in caring for his or her family pet(s), but in no way should a minor be expected to take total care of any animal. Pet adoption is an adult endeavor, and at the end of the day, an ADULT responsibility.
Anonymous said... JudyK said...
Have to add that the pure sweetness of Hannah kissing the Husky while gently holding its head with her hand nearly brought me to tears. Kate, you have to be made of ice.
"Thats not Hannah kissing the dog, its Alexis. And why does seeing Alexis kiss the dog have anything to do with Kate being as cold as ice?"
Sorry, I got the wrong tup, but the message is the same. It has EVERYTHING to do with Kate being cold as ice. Since I am a big animal lover, I well remember everything related to the dogs. Jon loved the dogs, but Kate got rid of them because they were "smelly" and needed love and attention, something she is incapable of giving. The children were attached to the dogs, but that didn't matter to Kate. By then, Jon was gone and there was no one to take care of the dogs. She couldn't deal with their accidents on the floor or the fact that they were living creatures that required being fed and cleaned up after. She promised to bring the dogs back, but like most of her lies, it never happened. She is cold and heartless--the dogs were an inconvenience to her, so she got rid of them and the hell with the affect it had on the kids.
US Mag is reporting that Kartzilla fell asleep in the van while Steve her boyfriend/bodyguard drove the kids around but warned them to be quiet so they wouldn't wake the Queen up. Whats shocking is to read there are some so called mothers out there making excuses for her. There is no excuse I can think of that would ruin the kids one night out. She should have stayed home, the kids would have been better off anyways without her.
Anyone remember how long the plane-ride-from- hell to Utah ended up being? Geeze, didn't that seem like 8+ hours? :(
Alyssa, unfortunately there is nothing to be done about crazies on the internet saying and posting harmful things about the children. And this is why soooo many of us feel that children should not be in reality programs, exposing some of their most private and not so private moments without their adult-self permission. These poor kids have no idea of what lies ahead for them in the future because of foolish decisions their parents have made for them on their behalf.
Anonymous said: ..." I saw the preview video and, I don't know why, but I was surprised when she over-reacted when the gold ring was found - and the squealing!! while the youngsters seemed to be taking the whales in their stride."
You're right- I think the poor kids are so afraid of pissing off Mommie Dearest, they are gun shy and afraid of showing emotion in her presence. Then for the cameras they're supposed to whoop it up and their meltdowns are acceptable because that's what pays the mortgage on Casa del Exploitationada.
Anyone wanna bet the ring they 'found' was the wedding band of one of the camera guys...lol?
Alyssa -- There's nothing that can be done now. It's too late.
Kate and Jon should have just lived a normal life and not sold out their kids.
It's too late. Kate and Jon didn't think far enough ahead regarding the little minds and souls.
I'll second that!! Go Kate Gosselin off our Televisions and don't come back now, ya hear!!!!! Desperate Housewives are on the same time, will be watching that instead.
Enjoy your Sunday as well, BeDoneNow :o)
And what a glorious Sunday it is!!
Just finished walking the dogs, and grocery shopping with my husband. Tonight, at 8 o'clock, I will be enjoying Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean on the ABC Family channel ;o)
Anonymous said...
go Kate!
Yes, Kate- GO! The farther away, the better.
Question: if Kate's on the moon, will we still hear her screech, sigh and complain?
Heaven doesn't want her, and hell is scared of her....
Even the completely uncreative episode title is actually listed with an exclamation point: Alaska, Here we Come! Sheesh.
In the preview the children are all calmly and reverently looking at the whales, while Kate is screeching and carrying on like a banshee every time she spots one. Meanwhile she yells at Alexis in the Back to School episode "no screaming."
I watched the trailer on You Tube and will take yet another pass on the show. You are a not a little girl Khate - you are a grown woman - your kids put you to shame.
This morning, with cups of coffee in hand, my husband and I were sifting through the thick pile of Sunday paper ads. Hubby was commenting on potential Christmas gifts, big box store bargains, and some Sears Craftsman tools and the prices for everything. It felt really good to look straight at him and say, "Hey! Stuff is just stuff." I think that is a new philosophy we can use in this home. (By the way, we will be watching the Amazing Race tonight. I saw the ad with Kate screaming and that was enough for me.)
go Kate!
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