“We had the opportunity to go to Alaska,” Kate explains. And by “we had the opportunity,” she means, I had eight kids, sold them to TLC which then proceeded to pimp them out for five years, and TLC has now decided to pay for yet another filmed trip no one honestly wants to go on other than to bank their $250,000 for purposes of doing a cross-over which will ultimately end up on the cutting room floor anyway!
“Ironically, it is one of the places on our wish list,” Kate adds. Kate still has places on her wish list she hasn‘t been to yet? How long is that list? Also, I don’t understand what is ironic about that. I think growing up she must have been in the same English class as Alanis, who thinks it’s ironic to have rain on your wedding day, or a traffic jam when you’re already late. Actually Alanis, that’s not really ironic. The first one is unfortunate, and the second is just plain bad planning. And so is this trip, when the children should be 1. Enjoying their summer at home with their friends and dad and 2. Enjoying their summer without cameras.
Kate brags that ever since they went to Hawaii they’ve wanted to go to Alaska, not because Alaska is unique and amazing and gorgeous, but because Hawaii and Alaska are both “un

Break out the Indian Jones map and cheap graphics as a little plane makes its way up to Alaska. It was a seven to “eightish” hour flight, says Kate. The kids did well. Or did Kate just not have to be all that concerned with them because she brought nannies, helpers and bodyguards to go along with her? Speaking of which, they outright completely cut out Ashley from this entire episode, even though we know she went along because her mom Carla blabbed about it on her blog. They literally make it seem like it was just Kate the entire time and not an army of qualified, experienced helpers, too. It can be hurtful as a nanny to be so discredited.
The background music is all swashbuckling, frontier sounding as they show us beautiful shots of the mountains and lakes. The music sounds so familiar, did they steal this from Oregon Trail IV for Windows?
Day One and they’re visiting a family that raises Iditarod dogs. The dog owners are really nice to the kids and do a good job explaining all about the race and the dogs. Hey, if you can keep eight kids under ten interested for more than a few minutes you’re doing fine. Finally they bring out the tiniest, sweetest little Husky puppies, only two days old! I wonder if this makes the kids heartsick for the dogs they used to have. Poor kids. In typical Kate fashion, she tells us the family had about “280 million dogs.” Fortunately Colin has not inherited the obnoxious exaggeration gene. Maybe it‘s recessive in males. There was really probably ten or twelve dogs, Colin explains rationally.
They hook up the dogs to a sled and everyone gets aboard. Since there’s no snow, the sled really just looks like one of those mule things with wheels the Little People have. I assume this may be how dogs are trained in the summer but TLC is not concerned about teaching us anything useful.
What concerns me about this episode is that I think people are interested in Alaska, as I am. It’s sort of a trendy place right now after the Palin craze. I think we might see some decent ratings because people are interested in ideas for a trip. Oh, well.
Back from commercials, Kate says they were visiting the “Iditarod family.” Kate knows the Iditarod is the name of a race, and not the last name of one random family who happens to be training dogs for it….right? Ha. Iditarod is in actuality the name of a town in Alaska, from an Athabascan word, a Native American tribe. The kids are really loving this rough, speedy ride. They are honestly thrilled. On the couch, which the children are all spending an absurd amount of time on, (Are they keeping track of these hours, too? They count.) they are laughing and making fun of Kate who didn’t really enjoy the ride as much as they did. I just love when the kids mock Kate. I guess it’s good to know we’re not the only ones who think she’s ridiculous. They stop to strap the children in with seatbelts. “They were not in any harm!“ Kate says defensively, literally slamming her hands in the air for emphasis. Okay, okay they were not in any harm! Not from that anyway, Kate.
Peace, Love, World should be ashamed of themselves. That’s all the kids wear lately. Kate forces the kids to wave at David the cameraman who is following alongside them during the ride. Why do they have to wave at the cameraman when they were doing just fine and enjoying themselves? Seriously, why? I thought this was supposed to be reality anyway. It’s not real to wave at a cameraman.
Kate claims Alaska does not have grocery stores or restaurants. Geez, Kate, it’s not Calcutta. She really cannot help insulting everyone and anyone she crosses paths with. I bet she tried to order an English-Alaskan dictionary on Amazon before she left, and pulled out her passport at the airport too. Uh, ma’am, this is a domestic flight, I just need to see your driver’s license.
Kate says the crew was shocked when she stopped at a convenience store and picked up some peanut butter, fluffernutter, bread, crackers, cookies and fruit for the kids‘ lunches. What’s funny is she doesn’t exactly explain what is shocking about this. Like, is it shocking Kate would feed her children something substantial? Or perhaps shocking she wouldn’t just rely on craft services to worry about this? Or shocking that Kate even thinks about the children’s needs for once? I don’t get it! But I do love when Kate runs her mouth like this.
Back at Mr. and Mrs. Iditarod’s house, the kids are loving on the dogs and it’s so sweet and they’re having so much fun and it’s so sad that their parents set the family up for failure with their own dogs.
The kids have to eat lunch in the bus, which looks kind of depressing, but they don‘t seem to care. Kids slugged around day after day on various sets quickly adapt to whatever they need to do, whether it‘s eating on a bus or under a tent or sleeping in a strange place or what have you. Emma Watson wrote a great article, in her own words, for today’s Parade about how she had adjusted to set life in a rather creepy way. It is a must read and can be found here.

At least this time Kate only says they need to eat the cookies last and doesn’t dictate a specific order to eat the rest of the food. Fair enough.
Kate takes Mady and Cara on a plane ride to land on a glacier. I really like that Kate is doing something with just the twins. They need her so much. Kate says she’s never gone this long without wearing heels before. A whole two days? Wow, I cannot imagine. She’s so courageous. The mountainous terrain is amazing, the twins love it, even Kate seems to appreciate it. This is surprisingly relaxing and beautiful. Of course Kate can’t help herself and has to shriek a bit over some of the biggest mountains, but oh, well you can’t expect perfection. Snowball fight with Kate, Steve and the twins. Just like a cozy little family. I wonder if deep down Kate sometimes pretends that’s the way it really is.
I’m not sure what day it is now but today they’re going to pan for gold with the help of another random family. Where do they find these families anyway? Let me get this straight. Kate wants them to go on a long hike into the woods, but doesn’t want them to get muddy. The entire unpleasant hike consists of Kate moaning and groaning and bellowing out, “Watch the mud!” “please don’t!” “Go quick!” “ohhhh!” and so on and so on. The problem with a parent like this is that it raises a child’s blood pressure, is irritating to him or her, and puts anyone in earshot in a bad mood, certainly the child. In other words, it ruins it. Also it is annoying even to a casual viewer.
The kids are really interested in panning for gold. When you have a parent who is obsessed with money, this kind of obsession trickles down to the kids and they too become overly preoccupied. It’s just like it’s 1849 and the whole family is pitching in. Kids, you are already more than pulling your weight in the financial department, you really shouldn’t be all that concerned about this.
Kate is shocked that they are not finding giant gold nuggets and is very “impatient” with this whole process. This woman has been impatient about a lot of things in her life, starting with her alleged “infertility.” I wonder if she realizes how many weeks and months of pan-swirling people did before they ever struck it rich back in the day. I guess that’s understandable when most of your money has been just handed to you by the 250-thousands simply for at this point, well, breathing! Meanwhile the kids adore this activity. Kate cannot like anything her kids like, it’s like if the kids like it, Kate is programmed to feel the opposite, and vice versa. “Clearly I’m not a gold digger!” Kate says, slapping her knee and cracking herself up. Well, that’s true actually. She’s more like an Asian sperm doormat digger.
“If we find gold we’re gonna split it up for everybody, okay?” the gold guy says as he digs. Excuse me Mr. Gold Man, but by split it up does that mean evenly? Or 15% to the kids and 85% to Kate? Sadly this really does need to be clarified.
Steve gives Colin a ring to put in a pan and trick Kate. Colin takes it over to Kate, all proud of himself at what he “found.” I can’t tell if she is just playing along or was really fooled. The oddest part about this is I’ve never seen a photo of Steve with his ring on, certainly not recently. Where did the ring come from? Also are they trying to drill it into our heads he‘s married? Because no married person would have an affair, right?
Kate gives the gold guy’s absolutely adorable two-year-old son Levi more attention in two minutes than she has to her kids in a year. What’s with the name Levi and Alaska? I seriously perked up thinking this was the part where they meet Sarah Palin, but alas, no. Kate even wants to take Levi home. Hmm, he’s no cousin Oliver but hey it might work.
I guess we’re now on Day 2, according to TLC. However from all the paparazzi photos, twitterers, blogging mothers, and other blabbers, we know they spent over a week here. Remember Ashley actually flew home for a wedding then flew back out there? Crazy. I find it very hard to believe all of this stuff was crammed into just two days, or that they could comply with Alaska’s child labor laws and still get enough footage in just two days. More than likely this was spread out over many more days than just two. It’s very telling the kids have on the same outfits the entire trip. It would be a good safeguard when you don’t know how many days it will take to just have your actors (and I say actors because that‘s really how they should be treated under the law) wear the same thing day after day so it doesn‘t look like you worked the poor kids nine days in a row.
They’re in beautiful Girwood, Alaska. All these little towns are incredibly far apart, which probably meant very long, tiring bus rides. Explains all the exhausted child actors in the paps photos from the trip.
They ride a gondola to the top of a mountain. On the couch, I just noticed, is Kate wearing panty hose? What is this, 1993? Please tell me that‘s not just her tan, it‘s very dark. Some guys are trying to parachute off the mountain but I guess they were having some difficulty and Kate and the kids all watch. It’s surprisingly boring. Some of the kids look really cold, they have their hoodies on and are tucking their hands in their sleeves.
Day 3, the “very last day.” Uh, huh, Kate, we know you did not spend just three days up there, we have proof. Who spends just three days in Alaska? And also, where was your overnight trip with Sarah Palin? How about the trip to the zoo where we saw cameras? Or to a tourist gift shop? No decent footage out of all of that? Just read our blog they were there over a week filming all kinds of things. Proof that what is filmed and what ends up on the cutting room floor has a ratio of maybe 100 to 1. But whatever. On the “last day” they go whale watching.
The kids are getting impatient because there aren’t any whales out. Well this isn’t a zoo the animals cannot be forced to just stand there while you ogle and take photos. It’s kind of an eerie contrast watching the kids ogle at other living things and demand they come out to be seen just like America ogles at them and demands they be seen. I think Kate is adding “ish” to everything just to piss everyone off. The whales were “slimish to none,” she says. Gaa. Alexis melts down, throwing a fit because she cannot see the whales anywhere people are pointing. She screams and stomps around. Who does that remind you of? Why is it necessary to show this?
More shrieking and screaming, mostly from Kate and Alexis. Kate is disappointed they didn’t really see the whales that much. Sorry Kate, the whales don’t know it’s THEE Kate Gosselin they’re supposed to be coming out for.
Kate tries to make whale calls. The kids look at her like she’s a nut. “You’re horrible at it!” one of them says. Haha. Sure enough the whales really start coming out and Kate is shrieking like crazy. It is the most annoying thing ever, I hate screamers and shriekers. The kids scream, too. You know there are other people on this boat. Even a nice young couple with their arms around each other. Show some consideration. I hate when people stomp around through the environment talking loudly and shouting and not only scaring the crap out of any living thing within a mile radius, but also pissing off all other humans around, too. I am the type of person who would confront someone being this rude even when other people are saying just ignore them, please don‘t. I‘m sorry but it‘s rude and it‘s ruining other people‘s good times. Also, does Kate assume whales are deaf? Because anyone who has ever been on a boat before knows if you want to see wildlife, you should be very quiet.
The trip winds up. What happened to Sarah Palin? Did Kate no likey going camping with her having to pee in the woods and roast a hotdog on a stick? You betch-ya!
243 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 243 of 243 Newer› Newest»So while PA may not have jurisdiction over other states it's not exactly accurate to say that it is only up to the individual state to determine labor laws.
That was not my understanding, and I've spoken to state legislators. If that were true, and it might very well be, then who, from PA accompanies these kids out of state and keeps track of the hours? Who makes sure the work permits are displayed, as required by PA law...or doesn't that law apply in other states? Certainly not TLC, and certainly not Kate or Steve! They're not going to keep track of the hours. How does PA DOL know the number of hours the kids are being filmed in another state? I was told that when they travel to another state, they are under the jurisdiction of that state. If a working child is protected by both federal and state child labor laws, then the more protective law (whether it is the state or the federal law) is followed. In other words, if the federal law is more restrictive than PA's laws, then the federal law is the one that is followed, and PA's laws (and another state's or country's) are disregarded. Federal law supercedes state laws.
This is why the bill needs to be passed. Right now it is nebulous. Nobody seems to know what the heck is happening, who is monitoring the hours or these activities. I'm going to check into whether the state hours apply when filming out of state. Maybe DOL doesn't even know! Nothing would surprise me. I was told that the hours applicable in other states are the ones that are followed.
Update: All the questions about Kate Plus 8, motivated me to go to the spreadsheet. Sunday’s 9pm show averaged 1.331 million viewers, we have no demo ratings information for it. Assign absolutely no significance to the fact that it wasn’t in Travis’ list below.
I do not know what this means.
Here's a link to a ratings report:
It's not listed in the chart, but there is this paragraph prior to the chart...apparently added after initial posting:
"Update: All the questions about Kate Plus 8, motivated me to go to the spreadsheet. Sunday’s 9pm show averaged 1.331 million viewers, we have no demo ratings information for it. Assign absolutely no significance to the fact that it wasn’t in Travis’ list below. "
Kate Plus 9 numbers for Sunday, November 7, 2010
Ratings Info: Kate Plus 8
⇔ June 6 ------------ 3.4 million (ep1)
⇩ June 6 ------------ 3 million (ep2)
⇩ July 11 ------------ 2.229 million
⇩ August 31 -------- 1.613 million
⇩ September 6 ---- 1.389 million
⇧ September 13 --- 1.415 million
⇧ September 20 --- 1.605 million
▼ November 7 --- 1.330 million DOWN
(info from Pressi's site)
Just FYI preesi's blog is NOT just a Gosselin blog. Actual conversations do exist outside the Gosselins there :/
1.33 is 1.33 too many. Progress is slow, but at least the numbers are going in the right direction.
Thank you to all that decided to take a stand for the Gosselin 8 and not watch. Let's hope IF there is another Kate + 8 episode, more will join the boycott, and the ratings will continue to fall.
But Pressi is not a source for ratings unless she works for Nielson! She got it from somewhere else and I needed her source, that's my point. I have other conversations about the Gosselins every day of my life, usually about much more important and meaningful things. No need for snark!
The law says that during the school week minors can't work more than 28 hours a week. It doesn't say just in PA, it just says IN ONE WEEK. If I'm not mistaken it was Rep Murt who was pointing out the plain meaning of the statute suggests that it doesn't matter if you film one day in Spain, one day in Portugal, one day in Alaska, and one day in PA, they all better not be adding up to more than 28 hours per week if you're trying to tack on some hours in PA.
It is the responsibility of the employer to keep track of hours. Whether they do? Doubtful. Once again why a set teacher is so necessary because it's their job to keep track of things like this and they have no ulterior motive like production does to circumvent the law, like TLC did.
Ratings said...Update: All the questions about Kate Plus 8, motivated me to go to the spreadsheet. Sunday’s 9pm show averaged 1.331 million viewers, we have no demo ratings information for it. Assign absolutely no significance to the fact that it wasn’t in Travis’ list below.
I do not know what this means.
When I first saw the Sunday cable final ratings on pifeedback.com, I was surprised that Kate Plus 8 was not listed. Some were probably speculating that it didn't have high enough ratings to garner any attention; however, the lowest rated show on the list had 0.454 million viewers (Football Wives).
Humans make mistakes and even Travis Yanan (who tvbythenumbers.com gets their info) has admitted to making mistakes to his ratings post on twitter. (Just today he posted Monday cable ratings in the wrong thread.) I've noticed in the past that if you ask him about a show on twitter, he'll respond especially if there is a mistake or missing ratings for a show.
Hippie Chick said...PS No demo ratings info though? Hmmmm....And who the hell kept asking TV by the numbers what the ratings was for kate+8? Jeez.
Probably many people who are still curious about the ratings for Kate Plus 8. I didn't watch the special but I'm still curious about the ratings because it's an indicator if this show stays on air.
As for demo ratings, Travis Yanan can probably provide the info but I haven't seen any responses from him about Kate Plus 8 so maybe no one has asked him yet.
Sorry I don't twitter but if anyone is curious about the demographics (which is a key role for advertisers), just twitter him @travisyanan.
Anonymous said...
Why would a production company go from PA to NJ to film, unless they want to double their costs by crossing a river? NJ has child labor laws regarding filming and nothing is cheap in NJ.
The tax incentives/benefits are different in NJ and PA, thus many production companies decide to tape in different states depending on the incentives. There was a pretty good explanation (the tapes may still be available via a link on Rep. Murt's page) about this from the last person who testified in the most recent hearing held by Rep. Murt (I can't remember which group she represented).
So while PA may not have jurisdiction over other states it's not exactly accurate to say that it is only up to the individual state to determine labor laws.
That was not my understanding, and I've spoken to state legislators. If that were true, and it might very well be, then who, from PA accompanies these kids out of state and keeps track of the hours? Who makes sure the work permits are displayed, as required by PA law...or doesn't that law apply in other states? Certainly not TLC, and certainly not Kate or Steve! They're not going to keep track of the hours. How does PA DOL know the number of hours the kids are being filmed in another state? I was told that when they travel to another state, they are under the jurisdiction of that state.
You're right. From my information, when they film out of state they are under the jurisdiction of that other state's labor laws (unless they also film in their home state that same week). It's up to the employer, TLC, to keep track of the hours the minors work and it's up to them to supply this info to PA (or any local where they film) IF they ask to see the records. But states don't monitor this as they should, imo.
IF there is an investigation and the children have filmed in two different states within the same work week, then both states would need to confirm the total number of hours didn't exceed the permitted amount as it applies in their state (but what are the odds this ever happens). Again, this is normally done by the production company IF they're professional, protective, and proactive for minors and follow the laws.
It's basically up to the production company keep records of the work hours, but we all know how TLC feels about this issue (they don't believe reality tv kids are 'working' and thus don't need work permits) and I'm doubtful this happens and I'm even more doubtful the PA DOL has ever asked to see any records.
Each state has their own child labor laws and the law in PA states that the permits must be displayed IN PA (I don't know what AK laws say).
I agree with you that federal laws are needed so there is no ambiguity and children are protected no matter where they WORK.
Administrator said...
But Pressi is not a source for ratings unless she works for Nielson! She got it from somewhere else and I needed her source, that's my point.
The numbers came from tvbythenumbers.com. Pressi's site was just the first to report the info from them.
The info is in the 5th paragraph down on the page in this link. tvbythenumbersKatePlus8info
The statement that everyone has copied/pasted, "Assign absolutely no significance to the fact that it wasn’t in Travis’ list below. and that so many have questions about simply means there is no significance to the information just because it didn't happen to be included in the original list farther down on the page.
Ratings info from tvbythenumbers.com: Kate Plus 8
June 6 ----------- 3.4 million (ep1)
⇩ June 6 ----------- 3 million (ep2)
⇩ July 11 ---------- 2.229 million
⇩ August 31 -------- 1.613 million
⇩ September 6 ------ 1.389 million
⇧ September 13 ----- 1.415 million
⇧ September 20 ----- 1.605 million
▼ November 7 -------- 1.330 million
The numbers reflect a steady decline (except for a small rally in September with the back-to-school and Bald Head episodes). This last episode was the lowest since June 6. IMO, the show is on it's very last legs.
I thought a group of whales was also a "pod," but it can be either "pod" or "school."
Google is your friend said...
According to many sources I googled, groups of whales can be referred to as pods, runs or schools.
November 9, 2010 2:57 PM
NJ has child labor laws regarding filming and nothing is cheap in NJ.
LOL!! Gasoline is, and has been for several years! We always get a fill-up in NJ before coming back into PA! Not only that, but NJ still has full-service stations!
"There was a pretty good explanation (the tapes may still be available via a link on Rep. Murt's page) about this from the last person who testified in the most recent hearing held by Rep. Murt (I can't remember which group she represented)."
It was Diane Heery of the Pennsylvania Film and Television Industry Association and the owner of a casting company. She was concerned that language in both bills is suitable for big businesses but not the smaller ones. There are film and production companies in PA who choose to cross the river to film in New Jersey because of the tax benefits that are offered there.
Why did the show not address the absence of Mady on the dog farm trip? Also, ovrall it looked like the kids had a nice time, and I think a lot of this negativity is projected, not real. I also think the "expulsion" of the two kids will lead to all the little ones being homeschooled, on camera (just my prediction).
I wish I knew where to find videos of the Bristol Kate dwts interview.
I think a lot of this negativity is projected, not real.
Yes. You are so right. Those kids are very happy and well-adjusted. THe fact that Mady is hysterically crying and 2 kids just got expelled must have nothing to do with going to Alaska.
It's just projected negativity. This is a happy family. (yes, snark)
I think a lot of this negativity is projected, not real.
Yes. You are so right. Those kids are very happy and well-adjusted. THe fact that Mady is hysterically crying and 2 kids just got expelled must have nothing to do with going to Alaska.
It's just projected negativity. This is a happy family. (yes, snark)
NJ has child labor laws regarding filming and nothing is cheap in NJ.
LOL!! Gasoline is, and has been for several years! We always get a fill-up in NJ before coming back into PA! Not only that, but NJ still has full-service stations!
Gwop is reporting 1.3 million viewers.
Kate wanted to see Alaska because it was "unattached"?
Yes, it is attached to Canada, but if you recall, Kate thinks Canada is part of the US. She had been to Canada for a speaking engagement, yet proudly proclaimed that her bikini trip to Mexico was her first trip out of the country.
So, in KateWorld, Alaska is attached to the giant state of Canada! There goes that silly reason!
I appreciate your observations, BerksPa.
I also understand (I'm pretty sure all of us here do) how sad it is to see a person, obviously lonely- maybe even overwhelmed. It's very sad. Her condition is also self inflicted, you know.
Fact is, Kate deliberately chose her path in life for herself and her children. Who did not agree with her was against her. She knew exactly what she was doing.
Problem with that is:
- she has robbed her kids of their childhoods
- she has robbed her kids of their privacy
- she has robbed her kids of having a voice
- she has robbed her kids of having a choice
- she has robbed her children of having a normal mother
- she has robbed her children of having normal relationships with friends
- she has robbed her parents of having NORMAL relationships with her children
- she has opened her children unfairly to ridicule
- I can go on and on...
And for what? Fame and fortune?... Feh.
Look what that has given her and her children- EMPTY LIVES with emotional issues, etc... Her children have become performing monkeys, and she's (and TLC) their trainer.
I don't think any of us would ever expose our children the way she has hers. That does not make us perfect. That makes us conscientious.
She is to blame for her choices, not us for opening our mouths and protesting for her kids.
You said she looks sad, and all alone. Maybe she's feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders... maybe feeling contrite for her decisions... maybe she upset about her t.v. show going into the toilet, or her career tanking... maybe she's upset because her cook, babysitter, laundry person, gardener, pool person etc... etc... is not available as before... maybe people aren't available to her beck and call... maybe she could not get an appointment with her nail salon... maybe she's pissed off that she's burned so many bridges, made so many enemies... maybe she had cramps....maybe her children are worrying her... maybe her souffle fell...maybe is realises that people are on to her- only Kate knows.
Truth of the matter is that everyone on this board has made decisions, good and not so good. But I think we can unanimously say that children come first, not money, and not fame.
I feel bad for Kate. But she has the power to fix all this crap- if she really wants to. And it's not to late, she's still young, and her children are still young.
FREE ADVICE TO KATE (take it or leave it):
She is not star material (she really isn't), but perhaps she can parlay her strong personality into a career that involves managing a company... or something along that line? She can provide for her family in an honorable, kinder manner, and away from the public- so that she and her kids can live happy, peaceful lives. And this is a big one: she's going to have to die unto herself, give up her pride, and reconnect with her family and friends. I promise, people will respond positively to her intention, and leave her alone. That is, if that's what she really wants.
P.S. I don't remember any of us here proclaiming to be "supermoms... :o)
(Pardon me, I must be going. I have to pick up my cape at the cleaners...oops ;o) )
Observing Kate for ONE morning taking her own kids to school without a nanny is certainly no proof she does this every day. There are certainly plenty of pictures across the web proving otherwise. Even a few lately of nannies arriving in their car to help load them on the bus.
As far as being lonely? That is Kate's own fault. I do NOT feel sorry in the least for her. She needs to make amends with GOOD friends she discarded, like Beth. Even her own mother.
She is still using her children to "do the best she can". Give me a break.
BerksPa, there is no need to feel sorry for Kate. She brought her loneliness upon herself by shutting everyone out of her life, except those she needs to use to further her celebrity status.
As for providing for her kids...please! Her kids are providing for HER.
She may look sad, but she's laughing all the way to the bank.
Khater said....Aaden Jonathan Gosselin's name caused controversy in the Gosselin household. Jon wanted to spell Aaden's name A-i-d-e-n but Kate wanted it to be spelled A-a-d-e-n like the male version of the name Aaron.
Um...the male verion of the name AARON!!? that IS the male version. These people don't fact check for anything.
There is nothing wrong with what was said. How else would you explain the spelling of the male version of the name Aaron? There is a female version spelled Erin.
Where was the story reported concerning a "deal" TLC made to not report Kate grabbing Mady? Does this come from someone who was there? How was this leaked, and has it been confirmed?
Not Appropriate said...
I would expect them not to follow her, as this person did. It's quite simple. I've seen plenty of celebrities in my time and having followed one of them.
That was supposed to say "haven't" followed one of them.
To "Not Appropriate". If I put my children and myself on national TV then I certainly would have to expect people to want to see us. BerksPA did not speak to them or go up to them. She parked in a public parking lot. What would you like the locals to do. Pull their cars over when she in the area or perhaps turn their backs to them when they see them in a store.
Me thinks Khate doesn't like the the recap. Poor, poor Mady, that is why she was left out of the episodes. She should have been reported. Those kids need an intervention. Steve is a fool. He is going to end up saddled with her when this is all said and done and for what nothing. It took Jon 10 years to figure it all out. He got lucky when she kicked him to the curb.
Not Appropriate said... AuntieAnn said...
(Be prepared for the onslaught Berks - you'll be accused of stalking her now, even if you live in the same town, drive on the same road and shop at the same store.)
She admits she followed them to their destination. She didn't just happen to be at the bus stop. So if someone followed you and your kids, parked a safe distance and watched them, you'd be okay with that? If you don't have kids, would you be okay if someone did that to your friend or relative?
The answer is no BUT you and I are not in the public eye. Kate is well aware that one of pitfalls of being a celebrity is that one might be followed by fans if one is recognized.
Berks, I don't have a problem with what you did this morning. In fact, THANK YOU for OBSERVING from a distance and then REPORTING on it. Kudos to the locals who are speaking up these days.
Now I'm curious ~ What if it was not Kate ... BUT the woman with the double D's who the day before was in Target and who made eye contact with Berks' husband and then the next day was on the same road as her husband as he went to work.
Is it OK for a wife to wonder if there is a cougar on the loose?
If yes, is it acceptable for a wife to follow this cougar in the blue van?
Or is it only wrong because it is Kate who is used to being followed in the first place?
There are no such words as "stupidist/stupidest" or "favoritist," so the spelling is irrelevant. The correct usage is "most stupid" or "most favorite," although Kate talks that way all the time and, in fact, said "favoritist" in last night's episode in regard to the whale adventure. She's an expert at making up non-existent words.
Not appropriate: What you aren't considering here is that Kate is a 'celebrity'. It's not like anyone was stalking her. This person lives in the area and saw the big blue bus and followed to see who was driving. I see nothing wrong with what she did. As long as she didn't approach them and stayed a discreet distance away, this is what a lot of people do with a lot of 'celebrities'. And then she reported back to let people here know what she saw. When you say, 'so if someone followed you and your kids -- you'd be okay' is something I've heard a lot. Kate chose this life, it is part of the fall out of 'celebrityship'.
Oh, and the comments by Kate about her heels. What a doofus. For the first couple of years on the show she never wore shoes period. Certainly never heels. That has been just in the last year while she has been trying to get some man, any man, to notice her. She's pretty on the outside but toxic on the inside. Every man who has ever watched TLC knows this and runs, not walks in the opposite direction when she appears.
AuntieAnn said...
(Be prepared for the onslaught Berks - you'll be accused of stalking her now, even if you live in the same town, drive on the same road and shop at the same store.)
She admits she followed them to their destination. She didn't just happen to be at the bus stop. So if someone followed you and your kids, parked a safe distance and watched them, you'd be okay with that? If you don't have kids, would you be okay if someone did that to your friend or relative?
"Kate claims Alaska does not have grocery stores or restaurants."
I love how someone constantly complaining about Kate exaggerating does the exact same thing repeatedly. She did not claim that Alaska does not have grocery stores or restaurants. She said they are not "readily available." They were not in major cities, so that statement is -- gasp -- true.
Anonymous said... This recap is the lamest, stupidist thing I ever read. You should be embarrassed! lol what a dope you are.
My teenagers (13 & 14) speak like this. Hmmmmm a young sheeple perhaps.
While flipping through the channels I saw the promo snipit where she states "I have never gone this long without heels in my life". I guess she forgets that when we first met her on the show she was in sweat pants and t-shirts,normal newborn mom hair and no heels. Kate heels did not become a must for you till you decided to stop being a real mom and become a "TV Mom".
Anonymous, before you proclaim something to be "the stupidist thing I ever read" you should learn how to spell "stupidest." You would be taken more seriously then.
Anonymous said...
This recap is the lamest, stupidist thing I ever read. You should be embarrassed! lol what a dope you are.
Oh, that's really nice..... is that the best you can do? Really.
Judging from your very mature post, I'd say you are in grade school. Does your mommy know you are on the computer?
This recap is the lamest, stupidist thing I ever read. You should be embarrassed! lol what a dope you are.
Just a Thought said...
Yet another thing Kate can be proud of...robbing a loving daughter of the chance to make her daddy proud one last time.
Wow, that's a little over the top. We don't have to hunt for crappy things Kate does. I find it disrespectful to bring Shannen and her father (may he rest in peace) into Kate's sorted life.
I don't know who wrote the 1st post, but I have to agree with the 2nd one (Just a Thought's). Kate has nothing to do with this & I am the LAST person to stick up for Kate. What does Kate have to do with Shannen Doherty, or anything relevant to this at this point & time for that matter?
As for her crappy show, (didn't watch) & I am so glad. All I am reading is that she shrieked & screeched throughout the entire show! And the kids are following suit with their babyish behavior. Why would ANYONE want to sit through someone's boring home movies, watching this tripe? Does Kate think this is "cutesy" to scream at whales? Isn't she a grown woman? I remember when I was younger & an older girl told me to act scared & helpless in front of boys by shrieking & screaming when I saw spiders or was up in their tree house & couldn't climb down their ladder. Maybe she thinks this is a way to get attention from Stevie-boy. Acting all helpless. I outgrew that when I hit 14. Kate apparently is still in that mindset. She is in desperate need of help if this is the way she was acting. And she is doing her kids no favors by teaching them to react the same way. She has 8 screaming kids on her hands. She better start plugging Excederin.
Saw Kate (again) this morning as I driving back from taking the hubby to work.
Here's the story:
Came of the highway on my exit (we've moved so now I have a different route to get home) and saw the big Blue van heading to the 'bus stop'. It looked like the nanny was driving, so I figured I'd just see if it was just to see if the jellus haters or the sheeple were right about who takes the kids to the bus.
I parked a ways away in the parking lot but close enough to observe and saw a short blonde woman, with her hair up in bun, sweatshirt, etc. NO paparazzi...and it looked like the 'look-a-like' nanny.
Satisfied, I headed back on my route home, and noticed that the van was in the other lane so I looked over and that's when I saw that it was Kate not the nanny who brought the kids to school.
So here's what I learned this morning:
Kate looks like crap in the morning (just like every other mom early in the morning dropping her kids off to the bus) especially when there is no planned paparazzi photo session.
I was impressed she actually did the driving/dropping off herself. Rumors are that the nannies do it all. We all saw her sleep in and let Jon do the morning routine before the big divorce.
Other families seemed to be waiting in their cars with their students until the kids were on the bus. (not sure why, could have been a coincidence)
There are no p-people following her anywhere, no one bugging her. So she does live a pretty private life (or people just choose to ignore her)
Two sightings in two days - amazing. So, I hope this clarifies a couple of the arguments on both sides.
Oh...and I was going to say in my last (Target) post...that Kate is Skinny! She's a board with HUGE boobs. No waist at all. I'm impressed at her thinness, but I don't really think she's that attractive in person. However, she was dressed pretty appropriately on Monday with NO cleavage, just a tight grey sweater.
Have a great Tuesday.
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