Is Mady (far right) crying?

Alexis on a whale watching boat a month before Kate took the children deep sea fishing in North Carolina. Did the children vomit on the whale watching trip? Did Kate knowingly force them to go on another boat ride knowing they would get sea sick?

185 sediments (sic) from readers:
Mady is obviously sobbing. But looks like Kart has her hand on her shoulder, no doubt warning her to put her game face on.
Not gonna work, Kart. They've had enough.
Look at how the kids gravitate toward the dogs.
They remember when THEY had dogs who loved them.
Very sad.
I find it unusual for a nine almost ten year old to be that upset, especially in public. Who knows why, although I strongly suspect given the slumped shoulders body language she is simply tired. Long grueling shoots every day now pose for still photos, too!
Look at her hands, which are hidden away in her shirt sleeves. Or maybe she just needs a pair of gloves. Not until we get the photos, child!
Many of the expressions in that group photo looked forced. It is heart breaking. Looks like Kate drug Mady into the shot.
Cara looks "haunted".
I'm wondering how a mother can stand there, with a forced smile, while her little girl is sobbing. Oh, that's right...it's all about the photo shoot.
I think the kids look sincere especially when they are hugging the dog. I also think kids make the best of a situation. I also think they would look sincere if they had simply stayed home and invited a few school friends over for a swim.
I noticed this too. Wonder how hard she is squeezing Mady. Poor kid. So why would TLC issue a picture with Mady crying? Drama?
Do the kids shoes have LACES????
Disappointed that Kate didn't get voted "worst dancer" on DWTS's last night. :( I guess they figured if they awarded her that honor then they would have to invite her back and who wants that wanna-be diva back on set??
Even w/ the promo photo's, I'm not gonna buy into TLC's attempt to get viewers. NOT GONNA WATCH!!! Besides Desperate Housewives is on @ 9pm. Would rather give them the ratings.
Once again, poor Mady is probably having a meltdown in the photo by the river that Kate is totally ignoring for the sake of a photo. Cara even looks unhappy but is forcing a half smile.
This woman needs to disappear already!!!
Is this why people watch this now? To see exactly who and how many tantrums and heartbreaks and meltdowns?
Does TLC allow and release these photos so that WE say "I gotta watch to see what Kate did to Mady this time?" and the sheeple will say "I gotta watch to see how our Queen handles that ungrateful child this time?"
Are they deliberatly pitting mother against little children to create drama? for US and the sheeple?
Or is this something the rest of you have known for a while and I am just now catching on?
They are just so little and innocent and this is just no kind of life for little ones. They didnt go on a trip - they went on an extended photo shoot. So very sad. I am out of words, for a change.
Oh Mady. I'm so sorry you were unhappy at the time the photo was taken...
I don't know what made Mady so upset, but she is a child and it could be anything- especially since she is a pre-teen. She looks like she needed a little one-on-one attention, and a hug & kiss too.
That said, it's sad that a parent would decide that it's more important to smile for a camera, than to stop (even for just a few minutes) to calm her daughter. If that doesn't work, maybe take a break, so that her child can let off some steam. Instead, that photo has been released for all to see, and maybe mock or criticize.
My Grandmother used to say: just because you made a baby, it doesn't make you a parent. There are animals in the wild that make better parents than some human parents.
Admin wrote TLC has released some publicity photos of the Alaska trip in preperation for Sunday's new episode. Still no mention of Sarah Palin. It's nice to see the kids looking so relaxed.
LOL when I glanced at the headline I read desperation rather than preparation!
Poor Mady - Katezilla probably is pinching her because she is crying!
I really feel for those children They will grow up not receiving a penny for all their hardwork. Kate will live off of the money they worked for if Kate was so popular why is it that she cannot seem to get her own show off the ground??? It's because she is nothing with out the children to help bring her a paycheque. She will continue to use and abuse her children I hope people wake up and boycott this show.
The kids look exhausted! Which I'd imagine they were after an 8 hour plane flight on top of the other extra travel and time getting to the actual 'set' for their shoots. (and yes, it does look like Mady is crying)
I don't watch the show and hope no one else does either. However, I ask that anyone who does to take a critical look at each scene and ask themselves if they think the kids were EVER given the opportunity to immerse themselves in the experience and to enjoy it fully or were they dragged away as soon as the crew had enough good footage - like at the corn maze.
I just noticed all but Cara and Alexis? have their hands inside their sleeves. They don't just look exhausted, they look like they're freezing! For crying out loud, TLC - didn't anyone think to bring some gloves?!
I see forced smiles all around. Isn't there something sadistic about "forcing" young children to smile??
Teaching them to deny valid emotions? "Pretending to be happy" when really in pain??
Reminds me of a Dickens novel, or the Dark Ages when children were forced to beg or work for a living.
Who knows if Mady is crying, but to me it looks like she's rebelling against taking the picture and is looking away and saying something like, "I'm cold." I feel sorry for those little ones.
TLC does not have Kate's or the children's best interest at heart -- they care about ratings. That is their game. Controvery sparks viewer interest. Anyone (even me) with a little practice and an inexpensive computer program can change heads in a photo. Crying twin could have easily morphed into happy twin. She could have matched Kate's beaming photo op face! TLC chose to release the photo of an upset and probably cold child. It is just sad -- all the way around.
Sorry, I forgot to say this in my earlier post. I saw that pic of the boat and remembered the fishing trip fiasco also - and what struck me at that time (if my memory serves me well), that as sick as the kids were, Kate was still determined to get her fishing time in, on camera. Didn't they get to where they were going, and she hooted and hollered over catching a fish? And only then did they head for home? Very, very sad. Mary Ann is right, they don't have the children's best interests at heart.
Jeeze, I can't help but dwell on the group photo.
I think that Mady feels invisible, helpless, and discouraged- and that no one cares. The only response she gets for her frustration is either being ignored or punished for her behavior. I'm afraid she is going to grow up thinking that no one gives a sh*t about her or her feelings.
She just needs a little more attention than the others- a little extra love, attention, and understanding.
Her habitual bursts are a cry for help- "stop ignoring me, look at me, hear me, validate me etc...". She could also be tired, maybe she's cold, maybe she just feels sad, maybe she feels ignored- whatever. For her to cry out the way she does, is a sign that she feels her needs are not important and valid.
Kate, if you don't help that child now, her teen years are going to be a real doozie for her AND for you. A frustrated child often leads to an aggressive, and rebellious teenager.
Stop smiling for the stupid camera- and pay attention to your child! That innocent child is paying dearly for your horrible legacy.
I wonder how the sheeple will spin it? Was she sneezing, or coughing, or maybe she was trying to "ruin" the moment for all the others who are clearly playing and having fun! (sarcasim).
WHY oh WHY does Mady have to be in the picture?
Seems to me that if Jon was concerned about his kids, this would be the PERFECT opportunity to make a move. He could print that out and ask Mady what was wrong and why was she upset? Take the info and go straight to a judge who isn't in TLC's pocket.
No disrespect to your area of expertise Admin, but ANY judge who allows a media giant control over children vs. a father and his concerns is being paid off in some way.
I think the Gosselin children are both spoiled and neglected. I can't imagine what message that combination ends up giving them.
What are these pictures? Reality? I don't think so..Has anyone forgot the paparazzi pictures where the kids look MISERABLE? These are probably the ONLY three pictures with relatively smiling kids.We all know the kids didn't really have fun in this trip.We all know the kids spend two days with sitters and bodyguards(well except for Steve).We all know this trip exhausted them...Even if some of us(the sheeple) wouldn't admit come hell or high water.I don't need to see TLC's cuts to the few moments with smiling kids enjoying God knows what activity..No thank you.Say good night Kate Gosselin!(once and for all)
I still think the title of the book that will be written by the children will be "Raised by Strangers".
Or what was that line in a Streetcar Named Desire??
Kate replaces love, time and compassion with toys, food and shiny things. And she will indulge her girls and destroy her boys.
Here we go, now hollybaby.com is "reporting" that one of the tup girls was suspended from school for hitting another student. SEE, now the KIDS are the subject of tabloids...welcome to Lindsay Lohan's world girls, we wish you luck!
I know this is off topic but I just found this;http://www.hollybaby.com/2010/11/03/kate-gosselins-daughter-sextuplets-school-suspended-fighting-bullying I hope that this is just hear say and not true!!
I want to hug and comfort Mady. Kate Gosselin is a cold, worthless POS.
I think that we should nix Admin watching & re-capping. Isn't this just adding fuel to the fire? Don't watch & don't recap! What does everyone think about this?
Pate said...
I see forced smiles all around. Isn't there something sadistic about "forcing" young children to smile??
Teaching them to deny valid emotions? "Pretending to be happy" when really in pain??
Reminds me of a Dickens novel, or the Dark Ages when children were forced to beg or work for a living.
Oh for goodness sakes. You do not know these children and do not know how they were feeling. You see what you want to see.
Poor Mady :( I have a 9 year old daughter, and she can be quite moody at times. However, I know she would be absolutely humiliated if anyone ever saw her crying or having a meltdown, let alone having it diplayed all over the internet and TV. All kids have a bad day, we all do, but to have it out there for the world to see just breaks my heart.
I cannot even pretend to be surprised by the lashing out at school news.
Those poor little bits. Nowhere to go with their feelings, no one who believes that they have any negative emotions about their lives at all.
Happy now, Sheeple? Are you proud of Kate, that she has children who are so angry that they hit? Tell us how this is okay. EXPLAIN IT without invoking Jon or Ellen or Jodi and Kevin.
The only thing that makes me truly happy are the spoilers(maybe this way less people will watch)
For the Halloween episode:
Spoiler1: Gosselins pick costumes at party city
Spoiler2:Gosselins go to a corn maze/pumpkin patch-->possible pumpkin carving scenes
Spoiler3:Here are the costumes they picked:Cara: Is going as her own creation, which we’re told is “interesting” and “involves a wig.” (interesting. Involves a wig)
Mady: Is going as a “cute pirate”
Alexis: Will dress up as Cleopatra
Hannah: Is going as a sailor girl
Aaden: Is a “Swat team boy”
Collin: Is dressing up as a skeleton
Leah: Will be a pink bunny
Joel: Is dressing up as a ninja boy
For the Alaska trip
Spoiler1:Kids went to the zoo and got to pick a stuffed animal on the way out
Spoiler2:Kids went sight seeing(and I say kids because kate was..oh well not there)
Spoiler3:The actual camping trip went wrong, never happened in the end
Spoiler(well more like anouncement):Gosselins go out in the ocean
These are the main ideas.I guarantee there is nothing extra.So now will you PLEASE not watch? Admin will post the review here(probably),every detail you may be interested in so will you please not contribute to the ratings?
Free the Gosselin 8!
Do not watch!
Fahnette, they will explain it away. They ARE proud of Kate. This IS Jon, Ellen, Kevin and Jodi's fault and that the child will snap out of it and be just fine.
Furthermore watch this 2 minutes sneak peek
There you have it the sum up of the Alaska episode.I do think Admin should recap because only one extra view is better than more extra views.Let him be the only one watching and we'll just read here...
Is Mady (far right) crying?
Yes she is. Well sorry that's just too bad isn't it because she's gonna damn well stand there and have her picture taken anyway. She should know by now mommy is making memories. And not just memories for a personal photo album, it's for public consumption like all the rest. Lots of people will now have the opportunity to see how miserably she behaved on this trip. She'd better buck up and tow the line because there's alot of money at stake here. Does she want to ruin it for everyone? Does she want to lose her home and put her family on the street? She should put her personal problems aside, like her parents very public divorce and the fact that she is ten years old and has classmates who will badger her until she goes completely over the edge. She'd better learn to get that moodiness under control or pretty soon she's going to start hurting herself and it will be all her fault. Shame on Mady for acting out. Doesn't she know her mother is doing all this for HER? What's the matter with her anyway?
Enought snark. What the matter is, is that photo is so telling it could make Mady the posterchild for child exploitation. She's the victim of a mother who got lured into the wolf's den over at TLC. If any of those kids enter their adult lives with a shred of emotional stability it will be a miracle. That's why they need laws to protect kids in reality tv because without them, people like Kate Gosselin and Richard Heene will keep doing what they do to their own children. And we'll be seeing even sadder pictures of Mady and her brothers and sisters.
I find it ironic that some people are upset about one person going with permission to a corn maze to openly report for her blog and not upsetting anyone who was present (including precious Kate,) and consider that exploitation and stalking, when the children have been pimped out by TLC and their parents, especially their mother, since they were born. The children have said for some time they do not want to film, their father has tried a few times to get them off TV, and the children are exhibiting behavioral problems that are consistent with problems experienced by other children exploited in entertainment, yet the mother keeps filming to make money off her children. It is also ironic that the sites that are most upset with my corn maze report post the most pictures of the children, have the cattiest and most bullying comments, do not contribute to having laws drafted that will help the children, and collect ad revenue on blogs that they don't have to pay for. Pot, meet huge kettle.
ROL has a story how Jon and Ellen were complaining about how they were treated at a local Taco Bell. Complaining about it to the manager. Of course all the commentors can do is pick apart Ellens looks or Jon. Simply amazing. At least ROL hasn't spun this into "Jon applies for work at Taco Bell" lol.
Good grief. Enough already.
After the Alaska trip, Kate started getting bad press and her image went downhill big time.
I wonder if TLC will include Kate's camping meltdown or the little side trip that she and Steve went on. This is all such fakery bullshit.
Of course, this child's behaviour problem, if the report is true, will only be recognized by this mother as an "embarrassment" to her. Always about her. Perhaps it's time to get the counseling that she said that they were going to have.
This is in reference to:
This is sad all around. And it breaks me heart to even comment on this.
The Judge who decided in Kate's favor obviously didn't know or care about the facts and should be removed from the bench or disciplined in some way for further enabling the abuse of these children. The tup who was suspended for hitting has learned to be a bully from her own mother. Oh, and I wonder if it was the same tup Kate hit in the driveway of her home a couple of years ago? I can't bear to think what is going to happen to that little one behind closed doors.
Fahnette said...
I cannot even pretend to be surprised by the lashing out at school news.
Those poor little bits. Nowhere to go with their feelings, no one who believes that they have any negative emotions about their lives at all.
Happy now, Sheeple? Are you proud of Kate, that she has children who are so angry that they hit? Tell us how this is okay. EXPLAIN IT without invoking Jon or Ellen or Jodi and Kevin.
First, this is rumor, not fact.
Second, if true...children are suspended from school every day. 99.99% of them are not on television, so for you to assume that is the reason is ludicrous.
Third, these children have two parents, so if you want to blame poor parenting there are two people potentially at fault, not one. (Sorry, I did not feel compelled to follow your "rules for response.")
Fourth, if one child has been suspended for hitting, that means that 7 have not been.
I suppose none of the perfect parents posting here have ever had a child suspended from school. That only happens to those other "bad" parents, right?
First TLC plants the seed that Alexis is a bully, showing her marched off the beach for hitting her siblings. Then they release a still photo of Alexis in Alaska, the lone tup to be singled out. Then comes news a Gosselin tup has been expelled for hitting another kid. Who says this isn't all planned,plotted and scripted for ratings! Shameless. The poor kid needs privacy, not being the scape goat for Kate's dying ratings.
Too late, Fahnette. It's already been blamed on Jon and Ellen and even WernyGal! Go figure.
I maggots at TLC & Kate had better not make this child's suspension the subject of a Kate + 8 episode!!!!!!!!!!
Do the sheeple need to see any more reason to STOP filming these children?
BOYCOTT Kate + 8!!!!
NT said...
I know this is off topic but I just found this;http://www.hollybaby.com/2010/11/03/kate-gosselins-daughter-sextuplets-school-suspended-fighting-bullying I hope that this is just hear say and not true!!
I read the article, and it says that once again, Kate made it all about her. When Kate got to the school, she yelled at her daughter, "You're embarrassing me!" That shouldn't have surprised me since Kate makes everything about her, but it did. But Kate, you're embarrassing YOURSELF. How can she not see it??
I'm not really surprised by the fighting at school story (if it is true). For years, before we all stopped watching, we've seen the children interact that way with each other. I don't know how many comments I've seen on blogs or forums about the kids hitting each other. And neither Kate nor Jon did a thing about it. Probably because it made for "good television" in TLC's eyes. This is what is natural for these children (IMHO). They hit each other and were never told that that type of behavior is unacceptable. When they got out into the real world, they didn't know what was appropriate behavior and what wasn't.
This is only the beginning, I'm afraid. It will get worse as they get older and have to start tackling the realities of life. They have never been raised, they've been parented mostly by nannies. They have had no guidance up to this point in their lives by their mother so they won't be prepared for real life as the rest of us know it. Hopefully some of those children will be able to adjust but I'm afraid not all of them. I see a rough future for them when they're grown.
NT said...
I know this is off topic but I just found this;http://www.hollybaby.com/2010/11/03/kate-gosselins-daughter-sextuplets-school-suspended-fighting-bullying I hope that this is just hear say and not true!!
Whether this is true OR accurate or not, makes no difference. It's just plain WRONG for it to have been reported by anyone!!!!!!! These kids are minors and just because their mom continues to exploit them doesn't mean it's right for anyone to blab to a tab or for the tab to post the info.
Do you get it now, Kate? Do you still insist it's good to keep your kids in front of the cameras? Do you still think that no matter what, the show must go on and the family must continue to work?
Well one site has an article about Jon and Ellen being angry at Taco Bell for the way their employees treated them, and another site has the latest news that one of her girls hit another child and was suspended for 2 weeks. This is either a way for their show to get publicity or they have all gone bonkers in that family.
Mady is definitely crying. Enlarging the photo on ETOnline, I could see her little nose was even red. Poor baby. These kids have no life, just documented misery.
Someone from Alaska said on one of the blogs that it was cold that week and not a good time to be out and about. The twins both have on a thin sweater while everyone else is bundled up. Maybe she was complaining about being cold and Khate is doing her infamous shoulder maneuver on her, who knows. I feel so sorry for all of the kids and won't be watching any of it.
Virginia Pen Mom said...
Mady is definitely crying. Enlarging the photo on ETOnline, I could see her little nose was even red. Poor baby. These kids have no life, just documented misery.
Well put, Virginia Pen Mom.
The Gosselin 8 really do not have a life, just documented misery.
And Kate (if you are reading this), you have no one to blame but yourself!
To the poster who said the Judge in this case was most likely paid off, I totally agree.
Regarding Taco Bell-Gate, Ellen had better get thicker skin because that show will follow the entire Gosselin family for the rest of their lives.
Insisting on firing employees is beyond the pale-you just do not jeopardize someone's income because they made fun of you. She's talking about people's ability to pay their bills and keep a roof over their head.
It's entitled and immature and there was no need to escalate the issue to the point of writing a scathing, whiny letter, with such language as "I'm telling everyone!"
Wow, look out Taco Bell, Ellen isn't going to be running to the border any longer.
I'm waiting with bated breath to see if their stock plunges.
I know everyone gives her the benefit of the doubt, but I've seen poor judgement in her Tweeting and blogging. Now this. It's no way to fly under the radar-she should have chalked it up to the crap that comes with dating someone with such notoriety. And Jon needs to shut it down...now. She's an interloper, and one text, tweet or voicemail away from being dumped and no longer a part of Jon's life. She has absolutely no place speaking for Jon or any of the children. It's simply not her place and were I Jon, I'd put an end to her access to the kids before she ever made a public statement about them again. If this doesn't bother him, it should. The very last thing Jon needs is an even more pissed-off Kate. Ellen is making matters worse, probably not her intent, but her life experience at a tender 23 doesn't allow her to see around the corners just yet.
Regarding one of the girls getting suspended from school-I hope it's not true, but the tups hitting one another has been documented over and over and over.
It's just awful that it leaked out...if, if it's true. About as awful as choosing a photo of Mady having a moment to be what TLC puts out there for promotional reasons.
Anonymous said...
First, this is rumor, not fact.
Second, if true...children are suspended from school every day. 99.99% of them are not on television, so for you to assume that is the reason is ludicrous.
Third, these children have two parents, so if you want to blame poor parenting there are two people potentially at fault, not one. (Sorry, I did not feel compelled to follow your "rules for response.")
Fourth, if one child has been suspended for hitting, that means that 7 have not been.
I suppose none of the perfect parents posting here have ever had a child suspended from school. That only happens to those other "bad" parents, right?
FIRST, this is not rumor. It has been substantiated by a parent who has 2 children that go to the Gosselin's school.
SECOND, simply BECAUSE the Gosselins are on t.v., EVERYONE is aware of all their (and their mother's) dirty laundry. It reasonable to say if they were not on t.v, and living private lives, the only people that would be privy to this information would be her parents, and her classmates.
THIRD, you know damn well that Kate has primary custody of those children. The few times they see their father, they are happy, engaging, and adoring their loving/attentive father. I wish that I could claim the same of their mother-thing. Blame Kate, not Jon.
FOURTH, what the heck does that mean: "if one child has been suspended for hitting, that means that 7 have not been"? Does that mean it's o.k.? Does that absolve Kate from the situation? I guess it's a good thing she has 7 more that were not suspended, huh? Whew! Good thing!
Lastly, how typical that whenever someone is having a debate/discussion, and knows that he/or she is losing, you resort to a back-handed, smart-alecy comment...
I will agree with one thing: Kate IS a very BAD PARENT. I suggest you pray for their little souls, and ask God to protect them- because their mother is failing them big time.
Wow, I read the Ellen/Jon thing on Radar...talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. Ellen totally overreacted. I am with Tucker's Mom 100% on this.
Interesting how radar describes their source:
When RadarOnline.com contacted Ellen Ross she declined to comment on the incident which was first picked-up by ***************** which tracks Jon and Kate Gosselin sightings and stories in Pennsylvania.
They accuse others of stalking!
Re: the tup being suspended from school for 2 weeks. I don't see the school suspending a student 2 weeks for a first time offense. That is a long period of time for a child that age. Surely there were at least warnings issued. I'm not privy to that particular school's rules, but my son attended a private school and they gave a warning, then a parent and principal conference then suspension. And no, my son was never in any trouble. I know this because the parents were required to read the student handbook and sign an understanding/agreement to the rules of said handbook.
ADMIN said: I find it unusual for a nine almost ten year old to be that upset, especially in public. Who knows why, although I strongly suspect given the slumped shoulders body language she is simply tired. Long grueling shoots every day now pose for still photos, too!
Look at her hands, which are hidden away in her shirt sleeves. Or maybe she just needs a pair of gloves. Not until we get the photos, child!
November 3, 2010 6:51 AM
Admin, Are you being facetious? I do not find it at all unusual for Mady or Cara or any of the kids to be extremely upset in public. Their "mother" is a mean, abusive narcissist. Any "child slave" with a "master/mother" like that is bound to manifest acting out. The "slumped shoulders" are not representative mere fatigue in my opinion - Cara is probably emotionally fried, depressed, and anxious because of the way she and the rest of the kids are treated. Would anyone be normal if they came home to chronic abuse and an environment of fear and threat of punishment? Severe punishment. I think not.
Anonymous said... I think that we should nix Admin watching & re-capping. Isn't this just adding fuel to the fire? Don't watch & don't recap! What does everyone think about this?
November 3, 2010 12:11 PM
Yes, I think that is an outstanding idea. The watching and recapping is doing TLC a huge service and that is not the purpose of this blog, is it? Why would this blog want to aid and abet TLC?
I suppose none of the perfect parents posting here have ever had a child suspended from school.
You got that right. Five kids, grades K-12, private school, extremely strict no-nonsense policies.
No suspension EVER.
Sarah said:
"For the Alaska trip.
Spoiler1:Kids went to the zoo and got to pick a stuffed animal on the way out."
This has to be for shooting purposes only. Remember back in one of the cleaning the house episodes, Kate started ranting about how she hates stuffed animals? Remember...I think she even took some and gave them away?
WHY OH WHY THEN would you taunt your children by letting them choose a stuffed animal, only to know that you're going to get rid of it when they are not looking? It's called a photo shoot, people.
Nothing "real" about it. Definitely not a "reality" either.
Reminds me of the scene in "Mommie Dearest" when Christina kept Joan awake when she was playing with her doll. When Christina came home from school the next day, the doll was gone. Joan made a comment about how now the doll won't disturb Christina when she's trying to rest. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was something like that.
Hey Anonymous - are you confusing detention with suspension. The article says the child was suspended. My children were never suspended - ever. Only ever knew of one child in my high school who got suspended for possession of drugs. There may be many people who have gotten a detention (having to stay after school) for something they have done. Suspension - I doubt it as school suspensions in Pennsylvania have to be for something serious.
Saw a preview with Kate describing Alaska, and her shirt was soooooo low cut with her bazonkas bulging out. She sure loves to show those things off.
"Ellen is making matters worse, probably not her intent, but her life experience at a tender 23 doesn't allow her to see around the corners just yet."
I agree. I had hoped that she was mature, capable of handling situations like this, but I guess I was wrong. She has so much to learn about life experiences. I read the complaint she filed, and it's so unprofessional, so juvenile, threatening a lawsuit (for taking photos?) and demanding someone be fired. Nobody is going to take her seriously. This is exactly what you don't want to do when something like this happens. There would have been a much better way to deal with it, but because she is young, she doesn't have the ability to figure that out. And she gives ADVICE?
Why did Ellen write this and not Jon?
I don’t post on any of the blogs, pro or con, but I read them. There’s an interesting dynamic involved regarding the particular blogs that post links and recaps of the Gosselin shows yet wonder why she is not yet gone.
There is very little discussion regarding any responsibility the bloggers might feel for keeping the whole Gosselin epic alive. Are discussions about it not allowed or are they avoided?
Jaye: I just watched the ET clip and thought the same thing. Man, one wrong move and her yippers would be showing. YUCK!
I also agree with whoever said that the kids look tired. Of course they are! Geez, just imagine a plane ride from Philadelphia to Alaska. Let's not forget that there is a 3-hour time difference between Philly and Alaska. Add to that a long day of the kids playing for the camera. OF COURSE they're tired. It's hard enough on an adult. Can't imagine what it must be like for 6-year-olds.
I've said it before on other blogs, but I really, really can't stand those blood curdling screeches that Alexis does when something doesn't go her way. Sorry, but that is not appropriate and should be corrected. Just another example of Kate's great parenting skills hard at work.
As for the photo of Mady crying, I'm sure she is. She might not have wanted to pose for that picture. There may have been some kind of insect or something crawling near her that she was afraid of (Gee, I wonder where she gets that from?). She may have started picking at one of the other kids and Kate has the "death grip" on her shoulder making her cry.
I agree with whoever said that it would have been better to "cut" and "take 5" to talk to Mady to set her straight, calm her down, or whatever needed to be done. Not with Kate - no matter what, "the show must go on." You can see Kate's fake, forced smile as she's looking over at Mady and looks like she's got her by the shoulder.
She is a horrible excuse of a mother.
Looks like gal-pal Jamie was there, too.
do not contribute to having laws drafted that will help the children
I don't understand this comment. This blog has fully supported Rep. Murt from the very beginning, even providing streaming links to the hearings. I did a whole post on one of the hearings about why PA has an incenstive not to regulate the entertainment industry, (but does have an incentive to regulate others, such as miners) that was even featured on the radio program Dr. Beth DuPree. She said I nailed it.
Murt has already drafted legislation that we like. Why would we draft something different? The legislature is not in session. Murt just got reelected I imagine he is regrouping from his campaign and getting ready to tackle the next session. I don't live in PA so I can't go door to door, not sure what else I'm supposed to do. I support the legislation as much as I can but I also have a full time job and a life.
I don't think people who support the children being off TV should turn on each other. That's what the sheeple want, divide and counquer. Let's move on.
There is very little discussion regarding any responsibility the bloggers might feel for keeping the whole Gosselin epic alive. Are discussions about it not allowed or are they avoided?
That's simply not true. I have allowed discussion after discussion about this exact topic, ad nauseum. Frankly it's been a violation of rule number 2 "refusing to let things go and move on" but I've let it slide because I think the topic is an important one. If you'd like to continue discussing it, go ahead. Personally I think it's a dead horse.
Tucker's Mom said...
Regarding Taco Bell-Gate,...
While I agree with you that it is in everyone's best interest that Ellen stay out of the twitter/FB/blog/letter writing limelight, I think the bigger problem is that a Taco Bell restaurant employee gave the business letter to a horrendously, horrendous blog in the first place and then that this blog gave it to ROL. I know Admin doesn't want any board vs board posts and that's not my intent at all. I just want to point out that the source of all of this info is from one that is vile and disgusting at best and their intentions for posting the information and passing it to ROL is very apparent.
No one in my family has ever been suspended or so much as gotten a detention, certainly not myself. One time I got in trouble for going off to the bathroom without a hall pass. I didn't like that I had to get something in writing just to go do a basic human right like using the restroom. I sucked it up and waited until I was 18 when I wouldn't have to ask to use the restroom.
I don't think I've ever even known someone suspended. I think at prom a couple guys I barely knew got suspended for showing up drunk, that's all I can remember.
This is just a report, I hope it's not true. The bigger problem is the tabloids reporting on something so private in nature, true or not. For this reason alone why doesn't Kate take her poor kids OUT OF THE PUBLIC EYE????
Why would a school suspend a SIX year old Kindergarten child for 2 weeks? That makes no sense. The punishment is really severe. I'd understand sending a kid home for the day...maybe 2 days but 2 weeks? Thats insane! The story maybe somewhat true. But I doubt the kid was put out of school for 2 weeks.
When I was 5 and attending a pvt Catholic Kindergarten I kicked a kid while she was sitting on the ground. I was told to sit out of recess that day.
If true, how can we really blame this child? What must this child be thinking when they've seen their own mother slap their father over and over and over, and degrade and bully him, then their own bother smacks them until they're crying, and there is photo proof of that.
Their mom hits others, their mom hits them, and then the CHILD ends up getting in trouble for hitting and gets suspended? That has to be one very confused, troubled child.
Don't embarrass Kate? Kate speak for yourself!
Jessica said...
Hey Anonymous - are you confusing detention with suspension. The article says the child was suspended. My children were never suspended - ever. Only ever knew of one child in my high school who got suspended for possession of drugs. There may be many people who have gotten a detention (having to stay after school) for something they have done. Suspension - I doubt it as school suspensions in Pennsylvania have to be for something serious.
I meant suspension, which is why I said suspension. I'm well aware of the difference between suspension and detention.
About the school suspension for hitting a classmate:
Must be a big misunderstanding, because after all, the child often saw Mommy slapping Daddy and calling them "love taps."
Anonymous said....I suppose none of the perfect parents posting here have ever had a child suspended from school. That only happens to those other "bad" parents, right?
"Anonymous" - Kids get suspensions all the time. Rules need to be followed and when they're broken, there are consequences, suspension being one of them. We don't hear about a lot of them because most of those kids aren't on a reality show and therefore the news of their suspension, true or not, isn't plastered all over the internet. Apparently Kate never gave that much thought when she sold out her children's privacy.
IF true, a 2 week suspension indicates to me that this is a repeat offender and efforts by the school to correct the situation have been unsuccessful. I truly hope for the sake of the children that it is not true but based on what we have seen it is almost inevitable. It is said that 'children learn what they live' and these 8 have seen kate repeatedly abuse their father. The children have been seen smacking one another with no consequence. About the promo pic for the Alaska show, my heart broke looking at Mady. She appears to be sobbing while Kate just smiles for the camera. I put my sons face at that age on Mady's little body and cannot imagine a mother not stopping everything and tending to her child. Mady may have been having a hissy fit but she is having them all too often and that photo should never have been published. That child needs love and attention from her mother. Sadly, Kate is not capable of giving Mady what she needs. The others need the same but maybe keeping it inside which is worse. I don't see anything positive in the future of these children unless something is done very soon.
I am not a perfect parent but NO, I have not had a child suspended from school. My son has graduated and is now serving in the United States Marine Corps. My daughter is a Junior in high school. So far so good.
But then my kids have not seen anger and bullying modeled to them their whole lives. My kids have not been pimped out for money, showing the whole world their most embarrassing and vulnerable moments.
Nobody here is judging the poor child who was suspended (IF the report is true). We are angry that there are behavior issues due to the children's lives and nobdody seems to be addressing it.
As far as blaming Jon AND Kate, your point might be better taken if Kate herself had not been telling all of us she does it all herself. She has proclaimed herself the only parent that cares for thesse children. You can't have it both ways...either Kate does it all and Jon does nothing or Jon is an equal partner.
JudyK said...The Judge who decided in Kate's favor obviously didn't know or care about the facts and should be removed from the bench or disciplined in some way for further enabling the abuse of these children. The tup who was suspended for hitting has learned to be a bully from her own mother.
I wonder if this school suspension, along with the expiration of the first-issued child work permits, lead to Jon appealing to the court to remove his children from television.
Jon must have presented this (if factual) as evidence to the judge. Couldn't Jon have that child's teacher or school counselor make a statement/testify about the behavioral/emotional problems his children exhibit in school?
I don't understand how the judge denied Jon's plea instead of delaying his ruling until further examination of the children from unbiased professionals.
As for current child labor laws or working permits, doesn't the school have to sign off on these permits? If so, shouldn't there be a clause where the child must be in good standing, both academically and behaviorally including consistent attendance, in order to participate in filming (similar to participating in a school event i.e. field trip, classroom party, etc.)? Filming should be regarded as a privilege, which can be taken away if a children does not meet these expectations.
I find it sad that some people are already assuming which sextuplet girl received the suspension, based on how that child is portrayed on television.
Admin, I vote that you do not re-cap the next episode.
My church preschool, a few years before I started going to that church, had an incident with a student in which he pushed another little boy down the stairs and broke his arm. He was expelled. Prior to this the little boy had been biting other children and was suspended for that. Even a preschool will suspend a child, even expell them, to protect the other children.
I heard this child is actually doing just fine now, he's a teenager and a friend of a friend, but at that age he had issues.
. If in fact one of the kids was suspended, the assumption that somehow it happened because the child is on television is ridiculous, as is the automatic "Kate is a terrible parent"
But that is missing the whole point. The point is these children need to be off TV to deal with their private lives IN PRIVATE. Jon himself said they have emotional issues--regardless WHY, they need to be off TV to cope with them IN PRIVATE, this is just so fundamentally obvious I just don't understand why anyone would object to this, yet they do.
No matter what caused this alleged suspension, it needs to be dealt with in PRIVATE.
What is anyone's objection to the children dealing with something as emotional as this in private? Can you imagine if you were suspended, put yourself in this child's shoes. You have to deal with very upset parents, teachers, classmates and siblings making fun of you. And then to top it all off a freaking tabloid tells all of America all about it. I wish the sheeple would think about that for two seconds.
Now let's say no one was suspended. Nonetheless, America thinks you were because your parents exposed you to the tabloids and they make up crap about you. That is just disgusting. These children are SIX. It's sickening.
Sure Mady is crying. And Kate had a death grip on her neck making her hurt even more and prevent her from running away. Poor kid. I'll be first in line when Mady's book "Behind the Scenes with Mother" is released.
haunted? forced? sobbing? invisible? helpless? I guess I'm as blind as a bat, I dont see any of that. I see a bunch of smiling, happy kids. Mady looks like she sees a nasty bug or whatever on the ground. No way?? Its just as likely to be true as her 'sobbing'. The over dramatics does not help the kids at all.
Thanks for communicating my point better than I did, Admin. :) I just one want one person to explain how it's okay for these kids to go through so much in such a public fashion and how people can deny that the G8 are dealing with things little kids should not have to go through when they're young. Just one.
Guess we're not going to get that.
Anyone want cake?
And then to top it all off a freaking tabloid tells all of America all about it. I wish the sheeple would think about that for two seconds.
That would expend their reasoning powers. I give up. They don't get the connection. They just don't.
Anonymous I am agreeing with you.
We can speculate all we want about why a child was suspended, if they even were. But no matter what, why, how, and when, it still boils down to a suspension should happen IN PRIVATE.
I want every sheeple to have their child suspended from school then be required to report it to a national tabloid for publication and see how it feels. Not freaking good, does it???
Publicizing an alleged suspension of a 6-year-old kindergarten student is pretty much the final straw for me. This is despicable. I do not care if it is true or not. Student academic and behavioral records are CONFIDENTIAL information--a protection mandated by federal law. The fact that this incident is reported on the internet is beyond comprehension. When will this torture called Kate Plus Eight ever end?
Concerned Teacher, you summed it all up.
And THIS is why most parents, when somebody like TLC calls wanting to exploit their children year after year, says no if not right away, at least knows when to STOP IT. Because they have the foresight to think ahead three chess moves and think about how something like this might someday become public information and potentially destory their child's self-esteem and any shred of privacy they have left. So horrible.
Concerned Teacher said...
Publicizing an alleged suspension of a 6-year-old kindergarten student is pretty much the final straw for me. This is despicable. I do not care if it is true or not. Student academic and behavioral records are CONFIDENTIAL information--a protection mandated by federal law. The fact that this incident is reported on the internet is beyond comprehension. When will this torture called Kate Plus Eight ever end?
November 3, 2010 7:30 PM
you can't blame tlc and kate for this one. they had nothing to do with the incident being on the internet.
other than that i agree with your post.
"you can't blame tlc and kate for this one. they had nothing to do with the incident being on the internet."
They created the environment in which a child's school transgression becomes national news. I think that might count just a little.
you can't blame tlc and kate for this one. they had nothing to do with the incident being on the internet
Let's make this into a quiz. Kimmie, do you know WHY it's on the internet?
To SAHM, actually Kate was voted WORST FEMALE DANCER ON DWTS. There were 5 dancers voted for the title, 4 were males, that means KATE WAS WORST FEMALE DANCER!
On second thought, never mind the quiz. I just realized it would be easier to get my cat to bark than to make sheeple understand this.
I'm actually glad TLC didn't alter that photo with Mady crying. They easily could have covered it up and we'd never know the difference. That poor girl; it must suck to have a mother who doesn't gave a damn about her or her siblings. It's sad that a nine-year old still has public outbursts so frequently. There is something wrong there and it saddens me that her behavior is continuing.
It's also sad to hear about one of the tups being suspended. The only kids I ever knew in school that were suspended were the ones that got into big fights in the hallways. That was in high school. But I suppose it's easier to be suspended as a young child than as a tween/teen. Young kids still need guidance and a parent watching over them. There are those poor, misguided young ones that get suspended for bringing a toy gun to school, or pulling a girl's pants down. Well, Kate & Jon, this is your reality now. Those kids need help NOW while they're young.
I suspect the reason for the severeness of the penalty is because the schools have a zero tolerance for fighting and bullying. I'm not saying the sextuplet that was suspended was bullying, even though I did read that this is one of the things she was accused of, but if that is the case, then the schools have taken a very hard line on this. It seems awfully young to be treated this harshly. But we saw all those kids hitting each other all the time on the show. I'm sure they would think 'So why would there be different rules at school vs. at home.' Kids are kids, they get upset and act out sometimes and sometimes without thinking first. These are 6 year olds. But I guess the discipline in schools has to start at the beginning and there are no exceptions. I just can't imagine it is for 2 weeks.
AuntieAnn said...
On second thought, never mind the quiz. I just realized it would be easier to get my cat to bark than to make sheeple understand this.
And it would be easier to get all five of my cats to bark simultaneously than to get you and your brethren to understand that just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make the person an idiot. In your world everything seems to be very black and white. In my world, there can be multiple layers of "blame." Yes, the Gosselin children would not be tabloid fodder if it were not for the fact that they are on television, a decision originally made by both parents and now supported only by Kate. That does not, however, absolve the rest of the world of responsibility for their actions, which was Kimmie's point. Nobody put a gun to someone's head and forced someone to share the story, true or not, with the gossip site. Nobody forced the site to post the story. They chose to do so. The people who made those shameful choices are responsible for their behavior.
kimmie said:
you can't blame tlc and kate for this one. they had nothing to do with the incident being on the internet.
Hello kimmie. Please take a moment and think very hard about what you just said. How can it escape anyone's understanding that this has EVERYTHING to do with TLC and Kate? As long as they continue to exploit those children and show every single private moment of their lives on TV, they are completely to blame for this information ending up on the internet. If the children were not on TV having their lives ogled and judged by strangers, this would not be news at all, and no one would ever even think about informing a blog about it. Get it?
On another note, I find it extremely suspect that all this drama is once again coming out just days before a new episode airs. Same disgusting MO as usual.
I don't know if the suspension report is true or not but schools are taking bullying very seriously these days. The Gosselin children are so controlled by their mother, it would not surprise me if away from her they might want to get physical if they are teased(bullied).If the little girl is to spend two weeks off school, I hope for her sake she gets to spend it with Jon. She probably feels badly enough without Kate telling her "You've ruined my career".
If Kate had nothing to do with one of her babies having their private school business splashed all over the internet, then you would expect to see any random child's personal school disipline history splashed all over the internet at any time. Even your own child's.
Kate needs to start taking some responsibility here, and she needs to take a long hard look at whether this is really worth it anymore.
Ok anonymous what was said here that we are responding to is that Kate is NOT AT FAULT WHATSOEVER. That is what is black and white here, not the responses. There have been hundreds of posts here talking about how MANY are to blame, including Kate. The majority of the posts here are far from black and white. The majority of people here, myself included, have said the blame is on Kate, Jon, TLC, Figure 8, people who say nothing and let this happen, the paparazzi, the tabloids, the media, and so on and so on and many other factors. What's black and white is laying none of the blame on Kate, which was just done by Kimmie.
What you are saying is reasonable--this is layered and no, it's not all Kate's fault. But what was said by Kimmie was taking all the blame off Kate, which is just ridiculous, and that is what we are responding to: how can anyone not blame Kate at least in PART for her baby's stolen privacy?
"I've said it before on other blogs, but I really, really can't stand those blood curdling screeches that Alexis does when something doesn't go her way. Sorry, but that is not appropriate and should be corrected..."
Who is going to correct her? This is a case of "do as I say, not as I do." Her mother screeches the same way. It must be inherited.
Anonymous, I'll up the ante and get ten cats to bark if you can sense what we're trying to say. The point is it isn't WHO is to blame for the alleged suspension being on the internet it's why it's on the internet.
Do you think it would be an issue if a child gets suspended for hitting another student, UNLESS it was a child whom everyone recognizes? Those kids have a magnifying glass on them. They can't step out of line or it IS all over the internet BECAUSE they're so well known. THAT is the point. They have no privacy. No, it it shouldn't have been broadcast on that gossip site, but it also shouldn't be a surprise that it was and it will keep happening until the lightbulb goes on in Kate's head.
(brethren? lol)
TLC ship is sinking said...
As for current child labor laws or working permits, doesn't the school have to sign off on these permits? If so, shouldn't there be a clause where the child must be in good standing, both academically and behaviorally including consistent attendance, in order to participate in filming (similar to participating in a school event i.e. field trip, classroom party, etc.)? ,,, I find it sad that some people are already assuming which sextuplet girl received the suspension, based on how that child is portrayed on television.
No, the schools have nothing to do with the issuance of labor permits.
I haven't seen any speculation here about which child might have been expelled IF the story is indeed true.
When I looked at the Party City photos, I wondered why only some of the tups were in uniform. I was worried that some were home sick but made to work.
Now I wonder if this was leaked to explain why not all of the tups were in school that day. But still I won't watch TLC and find out.
Anonymous said..."No, the schools have nothing to do with the issuance of labor permits."
This provides information on child labor laws and work permits...
"Kate needs to start taking some responsibility here, and she needs to take a long hard look at whether this is really worth it anymore."
It's not going to happen. It's all worth it to her because it's making her money. I honestly believe that she is in this way over her head, and is just too darn stubborn to quit now. Nothing anyone can say will make any difference; in fact, it just may make her more obstinate. She's never going to end this fiasco. The only way that will happen is when somebody does it for her. At that point, I would bet my ten barking cats that she will end up in a psychiatric hospital.
Those poor, poor children.
Carol said -- I've said it before on other blogs, but I really, really can't stand those blood curdling screeches that Alexis does when something doesn't go her way. Sorry, but that is not appropriate and should be corrected
You can solve that problem real fast. Don't watch the show if it annoys you! Many of us haven't!
If the suspension is true what a shame, but if the story is nothing but fabricated rumor drummed up by TLC with the mothers approval simply to drum up ratings, what an even bigger shame. Those poor children.
I find it odd that Khate would throw her children's stuffed animals out when there is a picture of her as a late teen surrounded with her Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals along with her Winnie the Pooh tattoo. And then there was the time in the basement she found one of Alexis' favorite stuffed in a box from the move months afterward
Kimmie and Anonymous: let's all agree on one thing - the child's personal life should not be made public like this. Right?
Internet, video, still shots, books, night vision cameras, reality TV.... The children's private lives should not be public fodder.
Finally now we all agree. Finally now, you see what we have been trying to say all along (snark here). Finally now you get it. (yeah right).
If Kate had been paid a handsome sum to disclose a school suspension during a tearful interview, would THAT have been ok? why is the public humiliation and virtual prostitution of these little children OK with you, as long as Kate gets paid for it? The ONLY ONLY ONLY time you all have a problem is when Kate doesnt get PAID for the children's humiliation. As long as Kate gets cash for it, you seem to think it's all worth it. Odd....
And a kindergartner getting suspended is serious business, no matter who we think is to blame. It's just the beginning and we all know it. Poor babies. Please leave them alone and dont watch them.
suppose none of the perfect parents posting here have ever had a child suspended from school.
Ummm...i have (said meekly) My son got a 2 day in-house suspension for threatening another child. There were no punches thrown, it was just a threat. My son's school has a zero-policy rule against bullying, which I fully stand behind. Though I think my son didn't at the time THINK it was a bullying action until it was described to him, he still did it, & got the suspension. The thing is, my son was bullied for a year and a half at his other school & NOTHING was done about it, so we moved him to this new school, & then this happened. The guidance counselor called it "transferred anger".
It wouldn't surprise me if the tup who did the bullying is just transferring her anger onto someone weaker, smaller, etc. Maybe she saw her mother's face, or a sibling, in that child? There could be several reasons for lashing out. These kids are probably angry. BTW, my son is OK, & he wrote an apology letter. But when you're picked on or degraded for years, you're bound to take it out on someone, like my son, or the tup who did it. They are obviously in need of therapy. Wake up Kate! This should be the jolt she needs to get them some help. Bullying is a serious issue. My son & I are in a support group for the year and a half he was bullied.
I may get slammed for saying this.... BUT as embarrassing as it is for the child who was suspended, I am kind of glad that it was made public - at least on the blog scene. I still haven't seen any media outlets pick up on the story - so who knows if its true. Maybe now, people will see that these kids need help. Maybe more pressure will be put on Kate to stop filming these children and get them out of the spot light so they can finally start having a childhood and receive the therapy that they so desperately need!
All i know is Jon better have documented this and put it in his journal for his fight to get the kids off tv. Every incident like this is just fuel for his fire and more proof for why the kids need off tv. Also too, I hope that Jon went to the school to discuss the incident w/ the principal. This will just show his concern for the kids and his involvement.
I honestly think that Kimmie and some of the Anonymous posters are either on TLC's or Kate's PR payroll sent in to stir the pot and get people riled up with their comments. In their twisted media minds any news about Kate whether good or bad keeps Kate relevent. No one, not even a die hard sheeple, can be that dense. I agree that the timing of the story is suspect since there is a new show coming on and they've (TLC) done this in the past. I also think that there may be some truth to the rumor which is whay why we've not seen a pictures of the kids being dropped off or picked up. Such a sad situation. Kate, in the wee small hours of the morning when you're lying in bed alone with your thoughts, do you feel any regret with what you've done to your family?
I think there is a policy at all schools-"hands off". It is easy to follow through on a punishment when there is PROOF that a child has hit. Bullying is another story. But maybe there's another scenario. What if said child is the one being bullied? What if they were standing up for one of their siblings who maybe doesn't have the type of personality to defend themsleves? It's possible.
I agree, there's absolutely NO REASON that a suspension is being made public, but it's just ONE more thing to add to the growing list of information the public knows about the Gosselin kids.
Notice how the promos (ET, Comcast, etc) for the Alaska show are spotlighting Alexis's meltdown on the boat? Way to go, Khate & TLC. Way to whore out a little 6-year-old girl for your ratings.
Khate should really hire a tour guide to accompany them on all these trips. That way, at least the kids might actually learn something - might have points of interest explained to them, instead of merely having to listen to their illiterate egg-donor screech and howl and point and smile for the camera. I mean, "Say 'bye-bye' to the Statue of Liberty" is about all Khate has got in her bag of travel-speak.
I still haven't seen any media outlets pick up on the story - so who knows if its true
It is also in US magazine - don't know if that means anything.
BeDoneNow. BRILLIANT!!!!
When I read about the Gosselin tup suspension from school, the first thing I thought about was the episode where Hateful-Kate was being interviewed in the basement(cleaning, organizing episode, with all of the Rubbermaid containers), and in the background you could hear the kids SCREAMING, clearly fighting - yet Kate did not break her stride - kept right on with the 'blah blah blah' for the camera. Throughout the entire series, Kate has let those kids hit and shove each other without her ever intervening. She even would advise babysitters (such as Nana Janet, RIP) to just ignore it. Oh - and how about the episode where Jon & Kate's brother-in-law (Kendra's husband) were painting the twins' bedroom......and Kate was in the garage with the kids. The kids were going wild - fighting - while Kate was ignoring them, sorting through the shoes. This school suspension of one of her tups is on Kate's neglectful back! She never parented those children.
Kimmie, this one of my biggest frustrations of with people that support kids on reality tv, they don't seem to understand the dangers of the internet. There are crazy, irresponsible people out there that will publish just about anything they can get away with. I would never put anything out there about my minor children for that reason alone. TLC AND KATE have chosen to take the RISK of making the private lives of 8 minor children public. If you threw innocent babies/children into a pack of wolves and the minors were chewed up and/or eaten, you might say, "oh my, what terrible mean wolves." BUT would you not lay MOST of the blame on the ones that THREW the children in the first place??? Of course they are to blame! Get it, now?
The tabloids have nothing left to report on Jon or Kate. The sensationalism is over. The general public is over them. So now the tabloids are going after their children. If this suspension incident is false, then why don't the parents sue the publication or at least have the tabloid apologize for the rumor? If this show continues, the tabloid stories focusing on their children will only get worse.
NONE of the Kate worshippers have expressed any concern for the victim. Which, could be injured seriously enough to warrant a 2 week suspension.
That's because KATE is the victim. SHE was embarassed. SHE was the one who is inconvenienced.
No disrespect to your area of expertise Admin, but ANY judge who allows a media giant control over children vs. a father and his concerns is being paid off in some way.
TCV, I totally agree. This "judge" and his ruling reeks of corruption.
As for the supposed suspension - well K8, just add that to your long list of accomplishments for Mother of the Year.
My children attended private school. Discipline was clearly stated to parents and infractions were clearly followed according to the rules. A two week suspension? no ... if they were that serious, the parents would have been asked to find another school. There's always another family waiting for that child's "spot."
As a public school teacher, I have never heard to a two week suspension. After a 1,2,3, 1 week suspension, the child is sent to a disciplinary hearing and most likely sent to another school.
And we still don't know if this story is accurate. I admire the parents of this school for never repeating Gosselin gossip. Imagine how much a family having a hard time meeting the steep tuition might garner with a "tell all" (confidential, of course) story to one of the supermarket rags.
That's because KATE is the victim. SHE was embarassed. SHE was the one who is inconvenienced.
Explain to me how Kate is the victim. I see 8 kids that are starved for attention and love.
They are embarrassed that their mom yells at them on live TV, and that their potty-training and puke moments are forever caught on tape. (Have you ever been yelled at in front of anyone? Have you ever had your closest friends over at your place to watch old home movies of you as a kid being potty-trained or throwing up? Embarrassing? Imagine the whole world).
How is she inconvenienced? The 8 kids are repeatedly pulled out of school to go on 'trips', but think of all the school they're missing and all the work they have to make up.
SmileyGirl☺ , So sorry.
I was being sarcastic and sometimes I sound too much like a real sheep. ☺
Why was she tired?
Robin said... My children attended private school. Discipline was clearly stated to parents and infractions were clearly followed according to the rules. A two week suspension? no ... if they were that serious, the parents would have been asked to find another school. There's always another family waiting for that child's "spot."
As a public school teacher, I have never heard to a two week suspension. After a 1,2,3, 1 week suspension, the child is sent to a disciplinary hearing and most likely sent to another school.
If you go the the school website, you can download a pdf version of the parent handbook and it clearly states the progressive disciplinary actions they take. A two-week suspension is in there. I can see your point, however, if one G. kid goes, they all go - Kate would pull them all out, IMO, so the school would lose tuition x 8.
I can't believe TLC released that pic. Mady is definitely crying and it looks like Kate has her talons dug in deep in the poor child's neck and/or shoulder.
There's another story about the supposed suspension over at limelife, but this one says it's one of the twins who got into a scrap. The rumor mill is churning.
The photo they have up of Kate isn't flattering. She's looking old and haggard. Whoever the hell said she looked "flawless" last week needs to get their eyes checked.
SmileyGirl☺ , So sorry.
I was being sarcastic and sometimes I sound too much like a real sheep.
Oh, sorry! Sometimes I'm rather gullible and admit it did sound like a sheeple. I apologize. :)
How is she inconvenienced? The 8 kids are repeatedly pulled out of school to go on 'trips', but think of all the school they're missing and all the work they have to make up.
How many times this year (since they all are in school full-time) have they repeatedly been pulled out of school for "trips?"
I believe Maty was crying. I think she is the barometer for what is really happening with the family. She is frustrated from the injustice of what her world has become. We all know that poor girl speaks her mind and is always shut down. She is labeled "the brat" but I think she is highly intelligent and knows what is happening to her family is not right, thus the meltdowns. She feels she has no power over what is going on aroud her circus life.
She has been "acting out" since the beginning. She see's her mom pretend to be supermom on tv and knows the truth and in her own little way is trying to get her message out. JMO
How many times this year (since they all are in school full-time) have they repeatedly been pulled out of school for "trips?"
Actually thanks to Jon, up until the Party City trip, none, because Jon was fighting Kate in the family law courts as to whether he could put a stop to his children working away his childhoods. As soon as a judge said the filming can go on, Kate was right back at it.
Mady clearly is crying, but just as sad is that smile Cara is trying so hard to muster. What a tragedy. I just can't imagine what these little kids go through every day of their lives.
I feel sorry for all of them. All of them -- even their pathetic, misguided parents.
I read on one of the blogs that the last nanny that quit was the "source close to the family" that leaked the story of the school suspension. I wonder if that could be true.
Dani said...
Why was she tired?
Most likely because she was tuckered out from the 3 days of filming prior to the actual holiday. She's exhaustedish from the stress and WORK of filming, but it's perfectly ok to put her kids thru it and more!
Wednesday was the trip to Party City, Friday a hayride, Saturday the corn maze and then Sunday, the actual holiday. That's a longggg week for young kids!
It's ok that the kids work the same amount of hours she does as well as go to school all day and endure a long bus ride each way and yet she is the one who has a full time nanny and housekeepers (WTH does she do all day?), but she is the one who needs to sleep in the van and can't be awake to participate in the excitement of the holiday with her kids (one which she professed to not celebrate a few years ago). It's all about Kate.
You know it's funny I assumed the kids would be the victims of bullies, not the bullies themselves. But if they are acting like bullies, it doesn't surprise me. I think they are trying to beat the other kids to the punch, and I think they have a host of issues they've internalized with no healthy way of letting it out. And of course, they've been taught all their lives bullying is the way to get what you want. Monkey see monkey do.
We hear so much in the news about how terrible it is to be a victim of a bully. Bullies have even driven kids to suicide. And yet, the bullies themselves I think need just as much help. Kids bully for a reason, there is something deeper going on there, usually.
There was a parent at that school lurking here who actually about a week ago kept insisting no bullying goes on at that school. I don't know how they could possibly know that unless they sit in on every class every day. Bullies can become good at keeping it well hidden, only bullying when no teacher is watching, threatening their victim with even worse treatment if they tell. Just because parents and teachers THINK their school has no bullying and are so proud of that, doesn't mean that there is in fact, no bullying.
As far as many kids being suspended who turn out just fine, I imagine that was because their parents treated the suspension as a wake-up call and immediately got to the heart of the issue, changed what was causing the behavior, and the child went on to be successful. This is only kindergarten it's certainly not too late to change things. But you can bet most good parents would be incredibly concerned about a child that young already getting suspended and alarm bells would be going off like crazy. Here's hoping Kate treats this like a huge wake up call and really takes the time to examine and get to the heart of the issue, whatever it may be.
And if this incident didn't happen, here's hoping Kate treats it like a wakeup call ANYWAY, in that she put the children in the public eye and now these are the consequences.
Wow, I just can't fathom anyone not faulting Kate for the child having issues at school. She's the one that persisted in having their lives filmed. She's the one seen demeaning them on that nasty show where she loves to tell the camera what horrors her children are. She's the one that whines a one bedroom apartment sounds good rather then reassuring the children she'd never want to be away from them. She's the one that kicked all their support systems to the curb. She's the one dressing like a tramp and acting like a tween with her histrionics and giggling school girl act. She's the one that beats them with a wooden spoon and never taught them to settle arguments in a correct manner.
If I had a monster mom like Katie Irene I'm sure I'd be acting out too. Those children have been doomed the minute Katie Irene began to incubate them. I wish I could say I can't believe she made the suspension all about her and her embarrassment. Unfortunately, everything is about Katie when it comes to her way of thinking, no one else is allowed to have feelings. Soon, they will be 8 little Lindsey Lohans on the gossip sites. Report after report of the Gosselin kids run ins with the law and other bad behavior. Great job, Gosselin parents, TLC, PA DOL, and judges.
We can only pray that someone steps up and stops the madness before that is a reality for them.
Bullying and hitting are two different things. Bullying involves repeated acts, either verbal or physical, in order to make the other person feel inferior.
Hitting is hitting. Striking out on the spur of the moment in retaliation for something that someone did to you. A kid takes another kid's magic marker. He gets hit. A warning is given. The same kid gets pushed on the playground and he hits the other kid on the back. Another warning.
Since reports were that "hitting" took place, to say that kids are/were bullied at school, or that they are the bulliers, really is just speculation. We don't know what happened or any of the details.
"Actually thanks to Jon, up until the Party City trip, none, because Jon was fighting Kate in the family law courts as to whether he could put a stop to his children working away his childhoods."
Again, was it confirmed that the kids were taken out of school on that day? How do we know that there wasn't an early dismissal?
"There is very little discussion regarding any responsibility the bloggers might feel for keeping the whole Gosselin epic alive."
I'm not sure what blogs this person has been reading, but we went through this not too long ago until it was beaten to death!
Has any publicity appeared concerning the premiere of Twisted Kate? Wasn't this supposed to be sometime this month? Shouldn't she be off filming...walking in sheeple's shoes, giving out advice on parenting -- how to prevent school suspensions, and how to stay awake on Trick-or-Treat nights?
Moose Mania said... Has any publicity appeared concerning the premiere of Twisted Kate? Wasn't this supposed to be sometime this month? Shouldn't she be off filming...walking in sheeple's shoes, giving out advice on parenting -- how to prevent school suspensions, and how to stay awake on Trick-or-Treat nights?
... How to:
remain calm for your children...
teach them to tie their shoes...
treat them as individual human beings...
accept life's curves with grace...
how to do higher math, 3 grapes for 8 paperplates equals 24grapes...maybe...
how to cut one sandwich eight ways, or 6 at least...
how to speakish North America-ish
the proper fitting of magic invisible bras...
How to give love taps instead of hitting, it's all in the wrist and the wooden spoon...
How to use sticky notes...
How to choose the right stripper stillettos for cornfiels, balloon rides, and parking lot prancing...
how to pull little arms out of their sockets...
Two weeks suspension? That's a really long time to be out of school. I'm pretty sure that's even longer than Christmas break at some schools!
As for Mady crying in the picture, I'm not too surprised. They've shown time and time again that she's not an "outdoorsy" girl, so I bet that camping trip was pretty miserable (I can kinda' relate, btw, as I've never been much of a camping fan either.)
Bullwinkle said...
Again, was it confirmed that the kids were taken out of school on that day? How do we know that there wasn't an early dismissal?
A check of the school calendar the day after the Party City visit was leaked showed a full day of school. The first announcement via Twitter was at 1:49pm. I take that to mean they were not in school for the full day, if at all.
A check of the school calendar the day after the Party City visit was leaked showed a full day of school. The first announcement via Twitter was at 1:49pm. I take that to mean they were not in school for the full day, if at all.
Photos show at least one of the kids in school uniform. I don't know about you, but my kids don't wear their uniform unless they go to school! They don't like the uniforms THAT much, especially since they need to wear them five days a week!
They could have done a half day. Doesn't it actually make it worse if they went to school? They had to be in school ALL day then film all afternoon into the early evening. Seems to me if they're going to be required to film, like every other child who is on TV you pull them out of school and get a set teacher to make up the required hours.
Or just don't film these poor kids period and let them be normal.
Seems to me if they're going to be required to film, like every other child who is on TV you pull them out of school and get a set teacher to make up the required hours.
Admin said...
They could have done a half day. Doesn't it actually make it worse if they went to school? They had to be in school ALL day then film all afternoon into the early evening.
If they did a half day, then they weren't in school ALL day.
This is exactly why they need a set teacher, whose responsibilities include not only making sure they are keeping up with their school work, but that the hours are observed in accordance with the law, and that the kids aren't forced to film when they are throwing up. Let's see what happens when and if the bill is passed. It's really going to throw a wrench into Kate's obsession with controlling everything.
Werny Gal just put up an excellent post. She interviewed Eric Roberts, the actor (Julia's brother) and he had some very interesting and highly compelling things to say about Take, Jon, the kids, and the kids' job (the show). Check it out!
I think we agree. Half a day, whole day, no day, a set teacher needs to be on set.
Why would anyone object to someone specialized in education being around these kids? They don't want the kids to done get edu-cated?
WHOA John Roberts is PISSED that Kate hits her kids. He calls her a child abuser! He says she needs a 12-step program. Holy crap I've never heard anyone like him lay into her like that, everyone in the public eye tip-toes around.
He needs to be more worked up about the filming though.
Administrator said... WHOA John Roberts is PISSED that Kate hits her kids. He calls her a child abuser! He says she needs a 12-step program. Holy crap I've never heard anyone like him lay into her like that, everyone in the public eye tip-toes around.
He needs to be more worked up about the filming though.
November 6, 2010 11:11 PM
Yes! Eric said a lot! We all should be pissed that she hits her kids, degrades and demeans them and has never been a mother to them in any way, except that they were carried in her clown car uterus until she spawned them for profit. She is a child abuser. Eric not only said she needs a 12 step program, but anger management with a professional. He even recommended a psychologist, Dr. Green, in Woodland, Hills, CA. He said that she is perpetuating generational violence. I know what you mean about needing to be more worked up over the filming. I agree. I think he missed the point on that. He seems to think that Take and Jon should be assuming their parental responsibility to ensure that the kids are not overworked, neglected, and unprotected. He doesn't realize that Take is incapable and unwilling to do that and lose money off her 8 little commodities. Jon may be trying, but seems pretty ineffectual to me. Eric is probably using the CA model where there are rules and regs. which govern child performers and their work. These kids are not doing two or three specials a year - they have been working constantly to film new episodes. Their only "job" is to be kids, go to school, and live their lives. I hope this interview draws more attention to her abuse and those kids can get their lives back and be free from her reign of terror!!!!
I read WGs interview with Eric Roberts. It was a very good interview and he had amazing insight into KG, something I wish all the people who have interviewed her and given her high regard would at least try and do.
As an aside they are pitching Kelly's new show now and I like the premise of it, giving creative and inventive people a chance to market their product on HSN. I think it will do very well. A refreshing change of pace from all the many multiples shows. Maybe they will give that a rest now. They are just really painful to watch after having been deceived by Khate for so long into thinking she was actually a good parent when quite the opposite she is truly a monster.
Eric Roberts is right on about Gosselin hitting her kids (and how much worse it must be when cameras are not rolling), but he doesn't seem to understand how much more damaging filming their lives is than the acting his own daughter has done.
The Gosselin children have had none of the protections Roberts' daughter has enjoyed, and no line drawn between their video personas and whoever it is they are in "real" life. That alone is incredibly damaging, never mind everything their irresponsible parents (and harridan mother) have done to them in addition.
If no one was there, how would we know about their condition. As for Mady, she has been like that her entire life. I have watched from the beginning and she has emotional issues. I remember Disney, and she didn't want to get out of the babies stroller, burst into a crying hissyfit....doesn't anyone who watched remembered all her outbursts? Getting her ears pierced, coming home from school angry, when they went west for skiing???? The kids have had opportunites that they never would of had. They missed the crew when the Idiot John didn't want the show anymore, I just don't feel to bad for them. Kate I don't care, she annoys me, and her 15 are up. I like the kids...We don't know what goes on behind closed doors or have 6 kids at once...then 8...
Did you also happen to catch the look of total boredom and disgust on Kate's face when they were in the plastic chairs at the Ididerod (sp?) school? She just looked like she couldn't be bothered to sit there and listen to what the man had to say. After all, it's far beneath her to take direction from anyone, right?
Anyone priviledged enough to fly into a glacier in Alaska and say that the snowball fight was the best part of the day, has said it all, about herself.
Eric Roberts is right on about Gosselin hitting her kids (and how much worse it must be when cameras are not rolling), but he doesn't seem to understand how much more damaging filming their lives is than the acting his own daughter has done.
The Gosselin children have had none of the protections Roberts' daughter has enjoyed, and no line drawn between their video personas and whoever it is they are in "real" life. That alone is incredibly damaging, never mind everything their irresponsible parents (and harridan mother) have done to them in addition.
"There is very little discussion regarding any responsibility the bloggers might feel for keeping the whole Gosselin epic alive."
I'm not sure what blogs this person has been reading, but we went through this not too long ago until it was beaten to death!
I still haven't seen any media outlets pick up on the story - so who knows if its true
It is also in US magazine - don't know if that means anything.
Khate should really hire a tour guide to accompany them on all these trips. That way, at least the kids might actually learn something - might have points of interest explained to them, instead of merely having to listen to their illiterate egg-donor screech and howl and point and smile for the camera. I mean, "Say 'bye-bye' to the Statue of Liberty" is about all Khate has got in her bag of travel-speak.
Notice how the promos (ET, Comcast, etc) for the Alaska show are spotlighting Alexis's meltdown on the boat? Way to go, Khate & TLC. Way to whore out a little 6-year-old girl for your ratings.
I can't believe TLC released that pic. Mady is definitely crying and it looks like Kate has her talons dug in deep in the poor child's neck and/or shoulder.
Kimmie and Anonymous: let's all agree on one thing - the child's personal life should not be made public like this. Right?
Internet, video, still shots, books, night vision cameras, reality TV.... The children's private lives should not be public fodder.
Finally now we all agree. Finally now, you see what we have been trying to say all along (snark here). Finally now you get it. (yeah right).
If Kate had been paid a handsome sum to disclose a school suspension during a tearful interview, would THAT have been ok? why is the public humiliation and virtual prostitution of these little children OK with you, as long as Kate gets paid for it? The ONLY ONLY ONLY time you all have a problem is when Kate doesnt get PAID for the children's humiliation. As long as Kate gets cash for it, you seem to think it's all worth it. Odd....
And a kindergartner getting suspended is serious business, no matter who we think is to blame. It's just the beginning and we all know it. Poor babies. Please leave them alone and dont watch them.
Carol said -- I've said it before on other blogs, but I really, really can't stand those blood curdling screeches that Alexis does when something doesn't go her way. Sorry, but that is not appropriate and should be corrected
You can solve that problem real fast. Don't watch the show if it annoys you! Many of us haven't!
Anonymous said..."No, the schools have nothing to do with the issuance of labor permits."
This provides information on child labor laws and work permits...
TLC ship is sinking said...
As for current child labor laws or working permits, doesn't the school have to sign off on these permits? If so, shouldn't there be a clause where the child must be in good standing, both academically and behaviorally including consistent attendance, in order to participate in filming (similar to participating in a school event i.e. field trip, classroom party, etc.)? ,,, I find it sad that some people are already assuming which sextuplet girl received the suspension, based on how that child is portrayed on television.
No, the schools have nothing to do with the issuance of labor permits.
I haven't seen any speculation here about which child might have been expelled IF the story is indeed true.
I don't know if the suspension report is true or not but schools are taking bullying very seriously these days. The Gosselin children are so controlled by their mother, it would not surprise me if away from her they might want to get physical if they are teased(bullied).If the little girl is to spend two weeks off school, I hope for her sake she gets to spend it with Jon. She probably feels badly enough without Kate telling her "You've ruined my career".
Concerned Teacher said...
Publicizing an alleged suspension of a 6-year-old kindergarten student is pretty much the final straw for me. This is despicable. I do not care if it is true or not. Student academic and behavioral records are CONFIDENTIAL information--a protection mandated by federal law. The fact that this incident is reported on the internet is beyond comprehension. When will this torture called Kate Plus Eight ever end?
November 3, 2010 7:30 PM
you can't blame tlc and kate for this one. they had nothing to do with the incident being on the internet.
other than that i agree with your post.
Anonymous I am agreeing with you.
We can speculate all we want about why a child was suspended, if they even were. But no matter what, why, how, and when, it still boils down to a suspension should happen IN PRIVATE.
I want every sheeple to have their child suspended from school then be required to report it to a national tabloid for publication and see how it feels. Not freaking good, does it???
I believe Maty was crying. I think she is the barometer for what is really happening with the family. She is frustrated from the injustice of what her world has become. We all know that poor girl speaks her mind and is always shut down. She is labeled "the brat" but I think she is highly intelligent and knows what is happening to her family is not right, thus the meltdowns. She feels she has no power over what is going on aroud her circus life.
She has been "acting out" since the beginning. She see's her mom pretend to be supermom on tv and knows the truth and in her own little way is trying to get her message out. JMO
My church preschool, a few years before I started going to that church, had an incident with a student in which he pushed another little boy down the stairs and broke his arm. He was expelled. Prior to this the little boy had been biting other children and was suspended for that. Even a preschool will suspend a child, even expell them, to protect the other children.
I heard this child is actually doing just fine now, he's a teenager and a friend of a friend, but at that age he had issues.
About the school suspension for hitting a classmate:
Must be a big misunderstanding, because after all, the child often saw Mommy slapping Daddy and calling them "love taps."
Why would a school suspend a SIX year old Kindergarten child for 2 weeks? That makes no sense. The punishment is really severe. I'd understand sending a kid home for the day...maybe 2 days but 2 weeks? Thats insane! The story maybe somewhat true. But I doubt the kid was put out of school for 2 weeks.
When I was 5 and attending a pvt Catholic Kindergarten I kicked a kid while she was sitting on the ground. I was told to sit out of recess that day.
There is very little discussion regarding any responsibility the bloggers might feel for keeping the whole Gosselin epic alive. Are discussions about it not allowed or are they avoided?
That's simply not true. I have allowed discussion after discussion about this exact topic, ad nauseum. Frankly it's been a violation of rule number 2 "refusing to let things go and move on" but I've let it slide because I think the topic is an important one. If you'd like to continue discussing it, go ahead. Personally I think it's a dead horse.
Jaye: I just watched the ET clip and thought the same thing. Man, one wrong move and her yippers would be showing. YUCK!
I also agree with whoever said that the kids look tired. Of course they are! Geez, just imagine a plane ride from Philadelphia to Alaska. Let's not forget that there is a 3-hour time difference between Philly and Alaska. Add to that a long day of the kids playing for the camera. OF COURSE they're tired. It's hard enough on an adult. Can't imagine what it must be like for 6-year-olds.
I've said it before on other blogs, but I really, really can't stand those blood curdling screeches that Alexis does when something doesn't go her way. Sorry, but that is not appropriate and should be corrected. Just another example of Kate's great parenting skills hard at work.
As for the photo of Mady crying, I'm sure she is. She might not have wanted to pose for that picture. There may have been some kind of insect or something crawling near her that she was afraid of (Gee, I wonder where she gets that from?). She may have started picking at one of the other kids and Kate has the "death grip" on her shoulder making her cry.
I agree with whoever said that it would have been better to "cut" and "take 5" to talk to Mady to set her straight, calm her down, or whatever needed to be done. Not with Kate - no matter what, "the show must go on." You can see Kate's fake, forced smile as she's looking over at Mady and looks like she's got her by the shoulder.
She is a horrible excuse of a mother.
Looks like gal-pal Jamie was there, too.
"Ellen is making matters worse, probably not her intent, but her life experience at a tender 23 doesn't allow her to see around the corners just yet."
I agree. I had hoped that she was mature, capable of handling situations like this, but I guess I was wrong. She has so much to learn about life experiences. I read the complaint she filed, and it's so unprofessional, so juvenile, threatening a lawsuit (for taking photos?) and demanding someone be fired. Nobody is going to take her seriously. This is exactly what you don't want to do when something like this happens. There would have been a much better way to deal with it, but because she is young, she doesn't have the ability to figure that out. And she gives ADVICE?
Why did Ellen write this and not Jon?
I suppose none of the perfect parents posting here have ever had a child suspended from school.
You got that right. Five kids, grades K-12, private school, extremely strict no-nonsense policies.
No suspension EVER.
Interesting how radar describes their source:
When RadarOnline.com contacted Ellen Ross she declined to comment on the incident which was first picked-up by ***************** which tracks Jon and Kate Gosselin sightings and stories in Pennsylvania.
They accuse others of stalking!
Wow, I read the Ellen/Jon thing on Radar...talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. Ellen totally overreacted. I am with Tucker's Mom 100% on this.
Virginia Pen Mom said...
Mady is definitely crying. Enlarging the photo on ETOnline, I could see her little nose was even red. Poor baby. These kids have no life, just documented misery.
Well put, Virginia Pen Mom.
The Gosselin 8 really do not have a life, just documented misery.
And Kate (if you are reading this), you have no one to blame but yourself!
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