Taylor Momsen, 17, who first shot to fame as adorable Cindy Lou Who in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and later scored a lead role on "Gossip Girl," has joined the long list of child actors growing up and now speaking out about her childhood in the shackles of the spotlight.
Taylor says she is "miserable" today. And who is to blame? Her parents, she says.
"Everyone's like, 'Wow, why is she upset and why is she so miserable about things?' My parents signed me up with Ford [modeling agency] at the age of two. No 2-year-old wants to be working, but I had no choice." Momsen, went on to say, "My whole life, I was in and out of school. I didn't have friends. I was working constantly and I didn't have a real life."
Taylor says she is "miserable" today. And who is to blame? Her parents, she says.

"Everyone's like, 'Wow, why is she upset and why is she so miserable about things?' My parents signed me up with Ford [modeling agency] at the age of two. No 2-year-old wants to be working, but I had no choice." Momsen, went on to say, "My whole life, I was in and out of school. I didn't have friends. I was working constantly and I didn't have a real life."
Sorry to hear that, Taylor, but thanks for speaking out about this.
209 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»Great post, how sad that a child so young as 2 would be signed up to work and than have no childhood.
Very sad and this is from a young lady who worked in a state where there were some protections set up for her . . . . She still speaks of the sad consequences she endured. . .. . how anyone can support this any longer boggles the mind. Looks like the school expulsion is true -- how many wake up calls does it take . . . HELLOOOOOOOOOOO
They all looked so young and innocent in that picture, who would have thought that all this craziness with this family would have happened.
She's a fame W*ore IMO. If she didn't like it, why is she still in the Biz? She loves the attention and will do and say anything to get it. Google her interviews and see. The gut who plays Eddie Munster has just gone into rehab. He would have made a better story than Taylor.
I don't think it's appropriate or fair to call a CHILD a famewhore. She is a child, she is not even an adult yet.
That is Taylor's whole point, her life is in shambles because she was pushed into this lifestyle. She had no choice when she was pushed into fame at age two. Is a 2-year-old a famewhore?
Is she a famewhore or is fame just all she knows? Is this her "normal"?
Also, look at Demi Lovato in rehab. Another young star that was given too much freedom & attention at a young age. There are tons of blind items/gossip that now appear to be written about her. Lots of drugs and risky behavior. What a shame.
and as far as Taylor, it's scary. showing off her "assets" on stage? very scary
but "not my kids" gosselin! if she spent 1/4 of the time on her children as she did her nails or even picking out her CFM pumps, they'd be in better shape.
they really need our prayers.
Anonymous said...
Very sad and this is from a young lady who worked in a state where there were some protections set up for her . . . . She still speaks of the sad consequences she endured. . .. . how anyone can support this any longer boggles the mind. Looks like the school expulsion is true -- how many wake up calls does it take . . . HELLOOOOOOOOOOO
Do you boycott all television shows and films featuring children?
Administrator said...
I don't think it's appropriate or fair to call a CHILD a famewhore. She is a child, she is not even an adult yet.
That is Taylor's whole point, her life is in shambles because she was pushed into this lifestyle. She had no choice when she was pushed into fame at age two. Is a 2-year-old a famewhore?
Is she a famewhore or is fame just all she knows? Is this her "normal"?
Aren't you the person who has talked about being on set with children? So it was okay for those children to work but not okay for Taylor Momsen or the Gosselin children?
I agree, Amin, it is totally inappropriate. Mumsen DOES have a lot of problems, and she is explaining WHY. This is her "acting out". Even all the crazy interviews she gives is "acting out". Don't you see that?
Yeah, there are other people calling her a "famewhore" and are attacking the kid on that story page. Sorry group who have no feelings for what this sort of thing causes inflicted by their parents. Others get expelled from school, others do drugs, others commit suicide.
Yes, Mumsen is totally messed up, but she is STILL a child. Hopefully, she will find a better way, when she matures.
Very sad. My advice to Taylor is to apply to a college, and forget about show business for a bit.
Where did anyone say children should not work? Don't assign extremist views. No one is saying children shouldn't act, we're saying that there is certainly a fine line that can be crossed by parents and that the Gosselin parents have crossed it and then some. Most of us had NO problem with this family for the first few seasons. Most of us thought they were cute and sweet--and then sure enough, they crossed that line.
Not everyone steals, but we need laws because some parents steal. No everyone is bad parents, but we need child abuse laws because of the few that are.
As for the set I was on, it was three children performing in just two scenes that only took one day to film. There was a set teacher on set with a stopwatch watching them like hawks and giving them school instruction at every spare moment. I knew both sets of their parents very well, and none of those parents pushed their children into doing the part, nor have they pushed them to do anymore acting since--only one of them did a few more commercial then decided he would rather play football. All of them are teenagers and have normal lives at normal schools and are NOT famous. In fact I know for a fact that both those parents put every dime of the money in the children's pre-established trust fund. None of them took their 85% cut. There are good parents in the entertainment world, like them, and bad ones. Because of parents like the Gosselins and Taylor's parents, it is a slippery slope that can easily go very badly.
Hmmm...will the tup girls be called "famewhores" too if/when they try and pursue a career in the "biz", after all it's all they know! This actress is a RESULT of the business and from parents who pushed this career on her. Dysfuntion breeds dysfunction.
I should point out that both of those parents were quite wealthy and had no need to take their 85% cut or to have their kids work. The kids could do acting as long as it was fun and if they didn't want to do it anymore, who cares.
It seems to me that where we see the most problems in the entertainment business is not from parents who are already in the business themselves or who are already independently wealthy, but from those who are struggling and think their children were born to put bread on the table. Ironically this seems to be an area where the very wealthy are actually quite good about protecting their children, for the simple fact that they don't have the financial motivation to put their children out there. The conflict of interest is not there for them.
The conflict of interest is clear--if you need money and if your children will bring in money for you, some parents will exploit them. You cannot mix up children with money or some end up getting exploited.
Because of parents like the Gosselins and Taylor's parents, it is a slippery slope that can easily go very badly.
Do you know anything about Taylor Momsen's parents or are you basing your judgment on this one quote from the girl? The article also quotes her saying she wouldn't have sex with Tommy Lee because he wasn't "good" in his sex tape with Pamela Anderson. Do you think perhaps she gets off on making outrageous remarks?
I have no idea what Taylor Momsen's parents did or didn't do, but I sure as hell am not going to condemn them based on a single quote from their screwed up daughter.
Administrator said...
Where did anyone say children should not work? Don't assign extremist views. No one is saying children shouldn't act, we're saying that there is certainly a fine line that can be crossed by parents and that the Gosselin parents have crossed it and then some. Most of us had NO problem with this family for the first few seasons. Most of us thought they were cute and sweet--and then sure enough, they crossed that line.
And therein lies your hypocrisy. The filmed a lot more when they were younger and it was a-ok with you, but suddenly if a camera is on them for one afternoon you are screaming about how they are overworked. I guess they weren't overworked when you enjoyed the show, right? The cries about the "poor children" got louder in direct proportion to the hatred for Kate. Coincidence? I think not.
Anonymous, do you think a two year old should be working? Are you disputing her parents WANTED this for her and put her in the spotlight? How can she possibly consent at two years old, at that age you can barely manage to say mama and dada let alone consent to being a child model.
Her parents are welcome to make a statement refuting this. I don't see anything yet.
Hm, screwed up daughter, daughter whose parents made her work since she was two...but there's no connection? Ok, let's assume Taylor is messed up through no fault of her parents. What about all the other child actors who have said the same thing about their parents? Mary Kate Olsen just did an interview essentially saying the same thing. Is she not to be trusted either? Where there is smoke there's fire. And I still think it's diplorable to put all the blame on a CHILD for her problems, she is a minor and there are two adults responsible for her. Take responsibility. I don't blame children when they are still CHILDREN.
I guess now we know what they'll say when the Gosselin eight do their interviews when they're old enough to speak out: They are famewhores.
And by the way, why is a child watching a Tommy Lee sex tape? It is a parents' responsibility to monitor what their children are watching. Where were they when she saw this? What kind of punishment did they give her for watching it? Or did they just giggle with her or say kids will be kids. But this is not her parents' fault either?
Cindy Lou Who! Say it ain't so. It's a shame she isn't following in the footsteps of Dakota Fanning. She seems to really have it together.
Mary Kate Olsen feels unconnected to her child and felt like a little monkey performer.
There are a lot of talented youngster who perform. Many of them really enjoy it. They are older, normally, in their teens or preteens. If you read about many of them, their success and level headedness has been due to thier PARENTS tightly controlling what they do. The RESPONSIBLE parents. I remember Brooke Shield's mother being soundly critiqued because she so tightly controlled what Brooke could not could not do. Brooke is grateful to her now. Her mother made sure she got a good education, and she graduated from Princeton. Brooke was wealthy and she did not have to even go to school, but her mother insisted. Her mother put MOST of the money she made up for her. She only kept enough as her manager for them to live decently. If a parent is responsible and the kids have the talent and WANT to model or sing or act, then go for it. But there HAS to be protections for the parents who only use their kids for a paycheck. Or allow them to do just about anything, as long as they get PAID for it. OR force them to contiunue when they don't want to. The irresponsible ones.
There is nothing hypocritical here. Filming a few episodes of these children WAS cute and sweet. There was nothing wrong with it. I think they had good intentions. The problem was when it became detrimental they wouldn't stop.
Then they started filming their constipation and ear infections and meltdown after meltdown. Then the wouldn't stop filming while they went through a horrific public divorce, Collin was walking around with his hands over his eyes, and the children got expelled from school. The reason I think they should not be filmed anymore PERIOD, no matter how innocent, is because they have filmed over 150 episodes and completely destroyed any last bit of privacy they ever had and have a right to get that privacy back. Every episode filmed further delays their right to privacy. There is nothing hypocritical about not wanting them to film anymore whether they are being filmed getting expelled or just eating an ice cream cone. How many episodes are required before you think it's enough? 1,000, a million?
Momsen's MOTHER was in the audience, reportedly, when she lifted her shirt up showing pasties. Her mother clapped and laughed too, alledgely. I think I read that on Paris Halton's site. I am sure many are like Lohan's mother. Enablers, as long as the money keeps flowing.
I totally agree, I think there is a clear direct relation to parents and how well a child actor will do. People say there are so many child actors who are doing FINE--well, why is that? We need to take a look at the parents and sure enough, we see a lot of healthy parents backing them up.
Ron Howard is the poster child for a healthy and happy child actor. He had normal childhood experiences like sports, playing with the kids on the block, going to a real school.
This is what he said about his parents: "I always felt loved. I never felt that my parents love or affection depended in any way, shape, or form on…how I was doing at the set."
Anonymous no one is rushing to judgment based on a quote. But on a mountain of evidence from child actor after child actor. The ones with bad experiences say exactly what Taylor has said, and the ones with good ones say what Ron Howard has said. It is not one isolated quote.
Someone just posted about her mother in the audience, so there ya go, more evidence right there. Like I said I bet they giggled at their daughter's sexualization. $$$
Again, why was this minor CHILD watching a Tommy Lee sex video and where were her parents? There's some more evidence right there.
Another sad case about childhood lost. There have been so many of these child stars who have turned out badly. If I remember correctly, Shirley Temple was the exception. She had a mother who put her into show business at a very early age. She was so successful she saved her studio from bankruptcy. She was not so popular in her teenage years, was married briefly at the age of 16 (some thought at the time to get away from her domineering mother). She is said to have found happiness in her second marriage and went on to become involved in Republican party matters and was appointed to the post of Ambassador to Ghana.
Administrator said...
Anonymous no one is rushing to judgment based on a quote. But on a mountain of evidence from child actor after child actor. The ones with bad experiences say exactly what Taylor has said, and the ones with good ones say what Ron Howard has said. It is not one isolated quote.
Someone just posted about her mother in the audience, so there ya go, more evidence right there. Like I said I bet they giggled at their daughter's sexualization. $$$
Again, why was this minor CHILD watching a Tommy Lee sex video and where were her parents? There's some more evidence right there
Were your parents with you at every moment of the day when you were 17? Somehow, I doubt it. Thanks to the Internet, kids have easy access to sex videos, etc.
Again, I'm not defending the parents, I'm simply saying that one quote from the girl does not the truth make. If her mother was in the audience and laughed at her daughter lifting her shirt, that's disgusting.
I don't assume that every troubled kid has horrible parents and I'm not willing to assume that about her parents based on one comment from the kid. I don't see what's so controversial about that.
Admin- I agree about the conflict of interest. When filming the family becomes Mommy's "job" and primary source of income, how can you expect that she will always rise above temtpation? How have they got by all these years without an independent advocate for the kids? It's mind boggling. The state of PA should hang their heads in shame. And I'm from there!
For example- the 2 kids who got expelled get to go shopping for Halloween and to the corn maze (albeit for filming purposes only)? I truly believe that their behavior is the result of their very complicated lives, but come on, no punishment? If I got my ass kicked out of school, I'd be so grounded. But Kate, "the show must go on" Kate, takes them out for Halloween activities. Why? money. Pretend that everything is A-OK in Gosselin Land, just like she's been doing throughout the disintegration of her marriage and the break up of her family.
God bless Lisa Ling for speaking out (and sending Barbara Walters into an apoplectic state) about how terribly devastating divorce is for kids, and how they should NOT film. Everyone else is still drinking the Kool-Aid.
When will the mainstream media get it? Huh, Merideth? Huh, Mary? Huh, Babawa?
Anoynmous please pick a name. There is nothing controversial about your comment. It is your right to not blame her parents.
But if you are excusing every parent of responsibity who has ever raised a troubled child star, that I take issue with.
Shirley Temple's mother also locked her in a locker/trunk when she misbehaved on the set, in order to get her to "behave". After the tens of millions of dollars she earned as a child, the only $$ she got was $40,000 given to her when she got married.
Thank goodness she overcame that childhood to become a happy adult, no credit to her mother/parents
Administrator said...
Anoynmous please pick a name. There is nothing controversial about your comment. It is your right to not blame her parents.
But if you are excusing every parent of responsibity who has ever raised a troubled child star, that I take issue with.
Please do not twist my words. I did not say that her parents are not to blame. I said that I don't have enough information to form an opinion. I am most certainly not excusing every parent who has raised a troubled child star.
Look at it this way, adults do things all the time that are not in their best interest because they need money.
A typical situation, the boss asks you to work overtime. But maybe you are sick, or tired, or you're supposed to take your son to soccer practice, or you were going to cook a nice big dinner. But you say yes anyway because you need that overtime. That was probably not in your best interest. But you needed the money and the fact is, you are an adult and you have the right to do something that is not in your best interest.
But what if that is a CHILD who is sick, or tired, or hungry, or has soccer practice? The adult still needs the money. Only now the adult is deciding a third party should work, and a child no less. Therein lies the conflict of interest--money vs. the child.
Yes I've heard actually quite bad things about Shirley Temple's childhood.
I wouldn't call getting married at 16 the best choice, maybe she did it to escape.
She managed to have a good adulthood DESPITE her parents, it does happen. But why risk it?
Name, your opinion is a reasonable one. It is the people who don't want us laying blame on any parents at any time under any circumstances because they don't want us to then lay blame on Kate, that's no reasonable.
Do we know exactly what is going on in this situaiton? Of course not no one does. Is it highly suspect? Absolutely.
I read the story last night about Taylor thought about Kate right away. If anything "fits" the pattern of the way the Gosselins could go, this one does. Too bad Kate is clueless to life around her (and wouldn't care anyway). She could learn much from these celebrities who grew up with cameras shoved into their faces. One could tell her, but I'm afraid it would fall on deaf ears.
I'm sorry Admen, I do have to disagree with you about this girl. Here is a snippet from an interview in Revolver magazine:
Seems that even though she’s only 17 she’s already a veteran when it comes to courting controversy. Taylor Momsen often takes heat for her overtly sexy look and choice of clothing and her latest magazine cover will do nothing to quieten the critics. The Gossip Girl actress poses, holding a rifle and a hand gun, with her usual thick black eye make-up and with her over-bleached blonde hair cascading around her shoulders, clad in lace topped black stockings and suspenders and barely there lingerie. Topping off her entirely age-inappropriate ensemble the teenager teeters on some sky-high stripper style perspex and patent heels. Momsen glares at the camera with her regular contrived bored teenager sneer, with the rifle slung over her shoulder and handgun pointing to the floor. The star loves to play-up her ‘dangerous’ ‘edgy’ image, admitting during interviews to everything from owning a vibrator to carrying a knife – apparently she ‘relaxes by opening and closing a switchblade’. And she gives little thought to the parents worried that she could be a negative influence on impressionable teenage daughters. ‘To be honest, I don’t fucking care,’ she said in an interview earlier this year. ‘I didn’t get into this to be a role model. So I’m sorry if I’m influencing your kids in a way that you don’t like, but I can’t be responsible for their actions. I don’t care.’
And therein lies your hypocrisy. The filmed a lot more when they were younger and it was a-ok with you, but suddenly if a camera is on them for one afternoon you are screaming about how they are overworked.
There's no hypocrisy at all. They filmed when they were younger -- it seemed fairly benign. The kids were cute, viewers wanted to see how a couple cares for two sets of multiples. Then all that changed because they were FORCED to work to support a lifestyle that their parents thought they needed and deserved. Viewers sat up and took notice. What was happening with this family? The emphasis was on the freebies, the endless trips, the material possessions. No children should work to support their parents. That's when the objections started flying around. There are some great articles online about the evolution of this family's greed over the years. Their mother made the statement that when any of them wanted to stop filming, they would. It's quite clear that they DON'T want to be filmed (Collin hiding his face, not wanting his school pictures to be taken because he's tired of the camera), but it doesn't matter to her. It's her way or the highway.
Anonymous, pick a name. Had her parents never decided when she was TWO to thrust her into the spotlight, we never would have been in such a position to be so publically sexualized.
It is wrong to lay all the blame on this child. It starts somewhere.
In much the same way had Jon and Kate never decided when the children were 1 to put them in the spotlight, we never would have known about school problems.
I have a question, if when the Gosselin kids are 17 and they did this, would it be all their fault? Or would you blame the parents?
I know I would certainly look to the parents for answers first.
Here's an article stating that Hollywood Life spotted Taylor's mom in the audience. A psychiatrist believes Taylor's mom is vicariously enjoying her daughter's "fame" and that Taylor is responding to that. To repeat--Taylor is still a child.
Not only did Taylor pull her top down to reveal her barely covered nipples at one of her NYC concerts — but Hollywoodlife.com saw her mom, Colette, in the crowd! Should she have pulled Taylor off the stage?
Taylor Momsen shocked everyone when she flashed the crowd at her Pretty Reckless concert at NYC’s Don Hill’s club,Oct. 21, and HollywoodLife.com was there in the audience of about 65 fans! But, we can now also reveal that Taylor’s mom, Colette Momsen was also in attendance! Not only did Taylor don stripper heels, and a necklace that read “Slave,” at the PAPER Magazine & Express Celebrate “Rock The Sidewalk” event, her mom seemed to be totally fine with her 17-year-old daughter’s performance!
We spoke to Beverly Hills psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman, to discuss why Taylor’s mother would tacitly allow such over sexualization of her underage daughter.
“[Her behavior] could be directed towards her stage mom, who is obviously egging her on in order to vicariously enjoy her fame,” believes Dr. Lieberman. “Taylor is following in the footsteps of Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears whose moms are actively working on making them superstars, regardless of whether they self-destruct in the process.”
Do YOU think Taylor’s mom is a “bad mom” for not intervening?
The girl started modeling when she was two. Who put her out there? She certainly didn't, at age two, insist that her parents get her a modeling job. When her parents saw what direction her life was taking in front of the cameras, did they stop it or try to stop it? We don't know.
If she's so miserable, why doesn't she stop what she's doing? Why would one continue being miserable when there is an alternative?
Lolly said...
I remember Brooke Shield's mother being soundly critiqued because she so tightly controlled what Brooke could not could not do. Brooke is grateful to her now. Her mother made sure she got a good education, and she graduated from Princeton. Brooke was wealthy and she did not have to even go to school, but her mother insisted. Her mother put MOST of the money she made up for her. She only kept enough as her manager for them to live decently. If a parent is responsible and the kids have the talent and WANT to model or sing or act, then go for it.
November 12, 2010 10:50 AM
i'm sorry but brooke shields mom allowed and even encouraged her to do sexually explicit roles and photo sessions when she was younger than mady and cara gosselin!
her mother was criticized for that...not for how good a mother and manager she was.
if anything brooke shields is an example of not-so-good decision making by her parent/manager who made something good and useful with her life.
Kimmie read Brooke's OWN WORDS, she graduated from PRINCETON. Enough said. I remember the so called provocative poses.LOL Funny you putting down Brooke's mother, when you think Kate is a saint. LOL READ BROOKE"S OWN WORDS.
I believe that the parents should take part of the blame, yes. I also believe that The Gosselin kids should be off tv. Perhaps they should take all kids of of all tv shows. A lot of them have screwed up lives as adults. And I'm not being glib.
J that's why a lot of us say we would never put our kids on tv period. Not worth the risk.
Lolly said...
Kimmie read Brooke's OWN WORDS, she graduated from PRINCETON. Enough said. I remember the so called provocative poses.LOL Funny you putting down Brooke's mother, when you think Kate is a saint. LOL READ BROOKE"S OWN WORDS.
November 12, 2010 12:51 PM
so since brooke s graduated from princeton it makes it just fine that her mother allowed and encouraged sexually explicit and provocative pictures and movie roles when she was just a child?
what kind of logic ic that from someone who cares about how being in the spotlight harms kids?
i do NOT think kate gosselin is a saint. i just don't find her worthy of hatred; mine or anyone's.
J that's why a lot of us say we would never put our kids on tv period. Not worth the risk.
But most WILL watch those shows that have children on them. And not just reality shows. Myself Included.
Admin, TLC had no comment. A source close to the situation, though, told The Post that mom Kate Gosselin's "number one concern is protecting her children and is keeping this personal situation as a private matter that she works out with her kids."
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/tv/kate_kids_expelled_dUDOUrU7MQzXw7Hnq6byBJ#ixzz156SZ0GXI
Kimmie, I agree to DISAGREE. You have your opinon, and I know what her own daughter says, that formed mine. This is a Goseelin blog, NOT a Brooke blog. The point I had has long gone. Sorry I brought it up. Geeez. Enough.
Admin that article sounds like a confirmation to me. What do you think?
Even if filming of the Gosselins would stop right now, would that ensure that everything would be right in the household? They have to live with her. How can someone who has obvious psychological issues assure any kind of family stability or normalcy? Before any kind of positive changes are made with the kids, the root of the problem as to be dealt with, and I'm not sure that Kate is capable of that kind of logical thinking. If she doesn't see that the problem is with her, how is anything going to get fixed? What kind of a chance at a normal life do these kids have with her in charge?
People Magazine posted the story about the Gosselin kids being expelled from school and as expected put their own twist on the matter. I don't care for People cause they have always thrown Jon under the bus but they are taking it lightly that (2 )6 year olds would get expelled and no big deal. Just love the way People Mag puts things in perspective for their beloved Kartzilla. Didn't she do a People bikini spread for them not long ago leaving all 8 kids with the nannies? She didn't seem concerned for the troubled 6 year olds as she lay around the beach with boyfriend in tow.
I'm bothered by all these people attacking Taylor. She's stating that it wasn't her choice but SHE'S a famewhore? How can a 2 year old be a fame whore?
I too find it very offensive a 17-year-old is being blamed for her problems and called a famewhore. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for your children?
I think Kate surrounds herself with enablers. People Magazine being just one offender. The thing is, if you really love someone sometimes you help them more by calling them out, by staging an intervention. I think anyone who truly loves her would say Kate, wake up, something has got to change here. Your children are only in kindergarten and they're being expelled, treat this as a wake up call, do something. Sometimes the greatest love is actually not standing behind someone in all of their failures, but in refusing to let those failures continue. It's known as Tough Love.
You sort of expect to hear about teenagers expelled occasionally, par for the course. But I cannot believe People is trying to downplay something like this happening in kindergarten.
I just read at a fansite that it's normal for kids to act out up to 3 years after a divorce. Really? This is normal? Wouldn't kindergarteners be getting expelled all over the country if this was "normal?"
"The kids are going through a challenging time, but Kate doesn't feel this is something that should be discussed publicly. It is a private matter."
Oh the irony. Now Kate doesn't think this should be discussed. No matter how many other private moments she's revealed, now she doesn't want people discussing it.
Kate YOU put your kids out there. YOU are the reason people discuss them.
That said, I hope this is just the beginning of her wake-up call that yes indeed, her children are private and should stay that way.
I have to disagree that Jon and Kate had "good intentions" when they started filming. I think they saw the dollar signs and never considered the negative effects.
Their intentions were about money from the beginning of Jon's "Gimme website".
Trucker, maybe.
So they're saying being expelled is "normal." Good Lord. Even if it is normal for children to act up after a divorce, is it normal to force them to do it in front of all of America? That's the abnormal part, why can't they get that? Why can't the kids cope with their problems, no matter what the cause, in private?
"That said, I hope this is just the beginning of her wake-up call that yes indeed, her children are private and should stay that way."
Kate is a narcissist. She'll will never change or admit to any mistakes she's made. This is embarrassing to HER. That's why she wants to treat it privately.
Sadly that's probably the case. Kate doesn't want anyone talking about this not because she thinks the children should be able to have privacy, but because this whole incident reflect badly on her, the one who has claimed to do it all, all, all and Jon is not in the picture for the past 18 months. Oops, bad call there making it seem like Jon is as involved in their childhoods as a pet rock. Good ole karma.
Miss Do-it-all, time to start taking responsiblity for the children whom you keep telling us are always in your care custody and control.
Administrator said... "The kids are going through a challenging time, but Kate doesn't feel this is something that should be discussed publicly. It is a private matter."
Oh the irony. Now Kate doesn't think this should be discussed. No matter how many other private moments she's revealed, now she doesn't want people discussing it.
Or in Kate speak, it's private until someone coughs up some money for an exclusive interview or she can write about it in a book.
I just read "People Ragazine's" excuse for what happened recently in Gosselin world:
"Despite reports of violence and bullying, the children are not behaving as badly as has been claimed"
"The situation is being grossly overstated," the source says. "The kids are going through a challenging time, but Kate doesn't feel this is something that should be discussed publicly. It is a private matter."
Oh...really? B*llsh*t!
The most telling of all is:
A representative for TLC declined to comment.
Looks like it was not a rumour afterall.
O.k. sheeple, your turn to spin away....
Puleeezz..it's a private matter to her till People Ragazine offers her cash for her story, that's when she will throw Jon under the bus along with the two Gosselettes that got expelled as tears roll down her fake face. Watch n see if People Rag doesn't have a interview for the thousandth time with this dried up not a mom to me.
Michelle said:
Or in Kate speak, it's private until someone coughs up some money for an exclusive interview or she can write about it in a book.
Spot on! I'm sure there's an interview with People in the works.
From Hollywood Reporter:
"Gosselin Kids School Expulsion Not Part of Next ‘Kate Plus 8’"
Halloween special will air Nov. 28th.
"Gosselin Kids School Expulsion Not Part of Next ‘Kate Plus 8’"
Halloween special will air Nov. 28th.
A Halloween special the week after Thanksgiving and three weeks before Christmas. How relevant!
Expulsion not part of Kate Plus 8? What part don't they understand--the show was very likely the reason FOR their bad behavior and expulsion. Ignore the elephant in the room all they want and go on with the fakest reality show.
I'm not saying it should be part of the show, I'm saying there should be no more show period. They really are so arrogant.
Kate-go-away, I'm not going to allow political discussion but when did I ever say I supported Sarah Palin's reality show? I am very skeptical of her reality show, especially how much it appears her child with Down Syndrome is going to be a part of it. Not only is he not old enough to consent but he has special needs. I haven't seen it yet, I remain very wary.
HOWEVER, it is my understanding from everything I have read that her reality show is not a series but in fact sort of a mini-series, and that eight and only eight episodes have been ordered. That comforts me, as one of my biggest problems with the Gosselins is the shere volume of footage out there. 150 plus episodes.
Had the Gosselins only filmed eight episodes and left it at that, I highly doubt we would be where we are today. It would have remained a cute, sweet, brief look at one family's unique circumstances.
Halloween special will air Nov. 28th...
Why bother, Kate/TLC/Discovery.
Few people are willing to watch the Kate + 8 debacle anymore. The viewers are fully aware of the destruction "reality t.v" has caused to its participants.
Time to call it a day.
"Despite reports of violence and bullying, the children are not behaving as badly as has been claimed"
Right. Six-year-olds get expelled from Kindergarten all the time, for no reason at all, especially from private schools who make every effort to correct the situation. How absolutely stupid do they think we are? This is going to stay on their permanent school record. It will go on their admissions application to college. But, of course, it's not a serious matter. Shove it under the rug.
Remember when the two were going through the divorce, and Kate said that the two of them were handling it privately? Within days, she was on television babbering about the whole thing.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Halloween special will air Nov. 28th...
It's not going to end, is it? She will just keep plugging away at this until there is a tragedy among one of the eight. Something is going to happen. It's a time bomb waiting to go off. It's just a matter of time.
I don't think anyone would object if Kate issued a statement saying that the family needs some time to be private and that they are pulling the show indefinitely to work through some things in private.
Continuing to air episodes, even episodes that were filmed at the same time the children were having very serious problems in school, is just arrogant and makes her look very stubborn and hellbent. Gimme my money and everyone else be damned.
I saw an interesting post in the comment section of an article at Hollybaby. (The one about Kate making the kids take spoiled food to school for lunch.) Didn't Kate's "closest friend" go on the New York trip with them? If I am remembering correctly, the Alaska trip followed closely after. Kate had to call Ashley "at the last minute" to accompany them on that trip. I wondered then, and still do, if Jamie was supposed to have gone with them and something happened to change her mind.
Disclaimer - After "Kate's mom" posted on another blog, I do realize that this could be somebody posting as Jamie, but if it IS Kate's "closest friend", Jamie posting - then WOW!
"Jamie Ayers
Posted at 10:20 AM on November 12, 2010
Kate is a filthy pig. They will all turn on her and she will be left with no one."
I wasn't sure if I should post this here or on the other thread, but here goes. I've been reading some of the gossip sites that have been announcing the expulsion of the kids and a few sheeple have posted that they blame the divorce and Jon (because he "cheated" and therefore brought on the divorce) for the kids rage issues. Sigh.
Nothing was stated about the fact that they were damanaged by their mother's incessent need for fame and that she forced them into "show biz".
I know it's a moot point, but they will never see the forest for the trees. To them, Kate walks around with a halo over her head, followed by little forest animals as she sings a sweet melody. Ugh!!
Administrator said...
I don't think anyone would object if Kate issued a statement saying that the family needs some time to be private and that they are pulling the show indefinitely to work through some things in private.
Well said.
As a non-sheeple, I would fully support Kate if she decided to do what's best for her kids and seek professional help for her entire family, including herself.
Administrator said... Filming a few episodes of these children WAS cute and sweet. There was nothing wrong with it. I think they had good intentions.
IMO, Kate Gosselin never had good intentions. I am convinced she used devious methods of getting pregnant, for no other reason than to 'be famous' and hopefully earn money off of them. It may have "looked" more benign in the beginning, but that was only because KG was "new" to the business and she hadn't gotten her nastiness/greed 'up and running' yet.
Midnight Madness said...Remember when the two were going through the divorce, and Kate said that the two of them were handling it privately? Within days, she was on television babbering about the whole thing.
You have that right. That's the pattern she follows whenever things go south for her. We can expect her to start making the rounds starting in a week or so. Put your money on People or Live with R & K, both have their heads up her butt. It's a sure bet she'll be crying the blues to one of them. Kate's idea of issuing a statement is throwing someone under the bus when she gets a chance to speak publicly. She seems to be able to fall into a shitpile and come up smelling like a rose.
From LA Times, 11/12/10 - 'Sarah Palin's Alaska': Reality show or campaign ad?
"She is such a high-profile, engaging character that it made sense to be part of our brand, where we've really brought ordinary and extraordinary characters to life," said TLC President Eileen O'Neill, who compared Palin to the network's other famous mom, Kate Gosselin of "Kate Plus Eight." (The network even arranged a crossover episode that airs later in the season, in which Gosselin and her eight children fly to Alaska to go camping with the Palins.)
Apparently, the Halloween special isn't the only Gosselin episode TLC will air.
An Alaskan reporter's review of Sarah Palin's Alaska - "In Sarah Palin’s Alaska, there are floatplanes for everyone"
"This is where "Sarah Palin's Alaska" veers away from ours. The show dips into Sarah's life, with interesting snippets of her interior world and her politics, but it's built to be a National Geographic-style travelogue, with the Palins as Alaska tour guides. The idea is that they do these kinds of things all the time. We all do.
Surfing through press materials for the eight episodes filmed over the summer, I saw that Sarah fishes in Bristol Bay, four-wheels, kayaks outside of Homer, shoots, scales rock ledges, mushes a dog team, glacier-treks, rafts and climbs part of Denali. I can see a working mother of five doing one or two of those things in a summer up here, but all of them? Maybe if you are a millionaire. With lots of child care. And no regular job.
Oh, that's right."
LisaNH said...
I wasn't sure if I should post this here or on the other thread, but here goes. I've been reading some of the gossip sites that have been announcing the expulsion of the kids and a few sheeple have posted that they blame the divorce and Jon (because he "cheated" and therefore brought on the divorce) for the kids rage issues. Sigh.
Nothing was stated about the fact that they were damanaged by their mother's incessent need for fame and that she forced them into "show biz".
I know it's a moot point, but they will never see the forest for the trees. To them, Kate walks around with a halo over her head, followed by little forest animals as she sings a sweet melody. Ugh!!
Nobody here knows what issues the Gosselin children may have. Divorce negatively impacts millions of children, yet you "know" that in the case of these children, the problem is the filming and not the divorce? Maybe the root of the problem is the filming. Maybe it's the divorce. Maybe it's a combination of the two. Maybe there's a third variable and a fourth involved. It is no more logical to assume that the filming is the core problem than to assume that it isn't.
Why do some people seem to think it's OKAY for 2 six year olds to get kicked out of school? How is this normal? How is it normal that we know they got kicked out of school? That's not right. But their parents put these kids out there for the most reality show, right? Those kids are at a very tender age. They need love, tough love, to be held and to know their "parent" will will always be there. That's all a kid needs. I know this. I had a crappy childhood. My mom had severe issues that weren't her fault. My dad hired many nannies. Nannies weren't the same. They took care of us but there wasn't that parent love.
Kate needs to deflate her ego and come back down to reality. In the end, she will have no one. BUT, her kids are young enough for her to change. My childhood haunts me. I can't begin to think what the 8 will go trough.
These kids still love their mom. They want to please her and all that. It's what kids do. If mom is happy, everything is ok for the hour.
What pisses me off more? Sheeple think she needs to whore out her kids so they can go to college!! Since when are kids supposed to bring home the bacon? Kate gets the bacon and the kids get a stale lunch. Sounds about right.. BTW. Many HOM families can apply for for college monies and get a mess load. They get more of a break (huge break) then sending a singleton to college.
Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest said...
"Despite reports of violence and bullying, the children are not behaving as badly as has been claimed"
Right. Six-year-olds get expelled from Kindergarten all the time, for no reason at all, especially from private schools who make every effort to correct the situation. How absolutely stupid do they think we are? This is going to stay on their permanent school record. It will go on their admissions application to college. But, of course, it's not a serious matter. Shove it under the rug.
People did not say they were expelled for "nothing at all." There's plenty of ground between the wild stories about physical violence and rage and "nothing at all."
People did not say they were expelled for "nothing at all." There's plenty of ground between the wild stories about physical violence and rage and "nothing at all."
What wild stories? It was merely suggested the kids were bullying and hitting, not that they are some out of control ferrel children on a rampage. Whatever it was, it was enough to get them expelled, so I don't think we're talking about a little pinch. In any case, I don't know how you can be smacking your children, allow them to smack each other, and then turn around and expect them not to do the same at school and then suspend them if they do. The confusion over this contradiction in a child's head I cannot imagine.
What pisses me off more? Sheeple think she needs to whore out her kids so they can go to college
Me too. Fifty to sixty percent of American children end up going to college. That's more than half of all kids. Since we know that most of those kids probably do not have a TV show, somehow they seem to find a way.
Few colleges are cheap anymore, even state schools cost over five grand a semester and often much higher. Private schools can run you in the 20 to 30 grand range per year. Guess what, the government knows this and they've outlined a way to pay your way if you want to go to college (and not everyone should). There are many private and public opportunities to help pay for school. There is a little something called FAFSA, as well as grants, scholarships, work study, loan forgiveness, and so on. And if all that falls short, you can take on loans to make up the difference, which have some of the lowest interest rates of all kinds of loans. This isn't your car loan at 9 percent, we're talking 2.0-2.5 percent some of them, that's nothing. And if you do something like Teach for America or the PeaceCorp, sign up to be a public defender (like me) or a host of other programs, they'll help you even more. For all the bellyaching people do over government, myself included, they really are constantly working to figure out how to help kids pay for school who don't have TV shows to do it.
I was just reviewing some of the loan forgiveness programs out there to refersh my memory, and most kids with college debt have a Federal Perkins loan. Guess what, there is a laundry list of jobs you can do that will qualify you to get it CANCELLED. That's right, it's gone, forgiven, no more. These include public defense work, corrections officers, some medical professions, daycare, teaching, and so on. There are a variety of career choices you can take in the public service sector to get that forgiven. And if you refuse to do a job in those areas, chances are you are in a job that is paying enough to pay it yourself.
Here's another FEDERAL GOVERNMENT program that forgives all your loans after 10 years. You just have to consolidate them into the correct one, simple as that. Look at all the career choices you can do to qualify. http://www.finaid.org/loans/publicservice.phtml
Assumptions, that's exactly what they are saying, that it could have been the filming. It's the sheeple who are blaming it all on Jon.
The people here are not sure what caused it but filming could have. We are also saying regardless of the cause, they should be taken off TV so they can deal with this issue in private (which I even said in an actual post just below this one.) Do you understand the cause does not matter, what matters is taking them out of the public eye to deal with it? That is my main issue, let these kids deal with their issues, regardless the cause. Instead TLC/Kate is just brazingly going on like normal airing yet another intrusive episode in a few weeks. That I find disgusting and really, baffling.
If it's People mag reporting that she "wants to keep this private" and "it's not as bad as has been reported", the source must be her other BFF. The one from People mag who couldn't stop praising Wonder-Mom on "Kate's World " (or whatever that stupid docu-crap thing was) She probably went straight to Kate for an "exlusive" and Kate's being advised not comment, on record, until they figure out the "spin"
No one seems to be considering the fact that these children are biracial, and (among all of their other issues) need to deal with that in their social relations with other children. Children start to become aware of sameness and difference at about the age of four, and by six are well aware of these concepts. While Kate, and probably most of us, simply think that Eurasian girls are unusually pretty, young children are simply aware of a "difference". My daughters (Caucasian) grew up with two friends of the same ages who had a Korean mother and a Caucasian father. I clearly remember (with some embarrassment) when my younger daughter, probably about 6 at the time, looked at her little friend and pulled her eyes back with her fingers to try to make them look like her friend's eyes. I don't think that my daughter thought anything negative about her friend; she was just responding to something she saw in her friend that was different from herself and was checking to see if she could look the same. Two of my grandsons have Hispanic heritage that is visible in their facial appearance, and they too had to learn how to interpret this and make it part of their identity at about six years of age.
Even if the children's school is multicultural and progressive, they cannot erase the fact that children of the age of the sextuplets are aware of cultural, ethnic, and racial identities. Children need to be aware of their own identities and be proud of them. Sometimes other children say or do things that are detrimental to this process.
Kate operates according to the philosophy that "If it looks good, then it is good". Unfortunately, this superficial approach to life is often characteristic of an abusive parent. There is no way that she is equipped to help the sextuplets develop an identity that incorporates their biracial heritage in a healthy way. Only Jon, and to some extent the twins, have been through the lessons that the sextuplets must learn.
All this back and forth b*llsh*t about the specifics of the 2 little Gosselins expulsion isn't the point.
The point is because these children are on t.v., EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED- including the children's names. If the Gosselin 8 were not on t.v., the matter would have quietly been resolved- no one would know (or care)that such a thing happened, and there would have been less trauma for the kids.
These children have no privacy because of greed, and because Kate & TLC demanding the show to go on.
This morning, I almost choked on my coffee when Fox t.v. news announced the Gosselin expulsion-
they even mentioned the both kids names. That is BAD.
See what happens when you drag your kids into your dream, Kate? Pull them out off the show now. Your children have the right to peaceful, happy and private lives.
Sheeple- please be a part of the solution, not the problem. Your idol doesn't need enabling. The type of support you are giving her is the type that has been feeding the Kate-monster for years. It's not working- as a matter of fact, it's destroying her.
And one more thing, it's getting old and stupid, when pro-Katers & anti-K(h)aters go at it over semantics. Bottom line, there is a family being destroyed because of a t.v. show.
If you truly care for the kids, do not watch
Kate + 8!!!!
BOYCOTT Kate + 8!!
What I'm surprised at is ROL has not covered the story yet, they must be trying to sugar coat it before they put it out there, it worked for People Rag, at least for the Sheeples. What gets me is she went for 5 days to do a bikini spread for People Mag, that's after she went on R@K to throw Jon under the bus, then flies to Mexico with her married boyfriend. Those kids were left at home with young-ish nannies for the whole week. She has left those kids alone for weeks while trying to be a Sta, when she should have been home raising them kids. How many times have we seen her over the past year sneaking around NY, LA, and other places leaving behind the 8 kids with yung-ish girls to care for them. No wonder them kids have issues, thanks to Mommy Dearest.
There is a great deal of 'assuming' that the kids that were expelled were hitting.
Other reasons they could have been expelled:
screaming and shrieking in class
refusal to follow rules or class structure
inattention to class WORK, instead defiantly wanting to PLAY all the time; inability to work or play independently, cannot leave other children alone
trying to dominate the other children, and even teacher, verbally and yes, physically
basic skills that are frighteningly behind, such fine motor coordination, language comprehension, ability to concentrate.
In general, very anti-social behavior that cannot be corrected or even improved, coupled with pronounced development issues.
The mother blames everyone but her own lack of parenting and her own demonstrative and flamboyant style. Even blames the school for not knowing how to handle 'preemies'.
The judge was not aware of this at the time of the last ruling.
Didn't kate once say in an interview that the divorce (news?) didn't bother the kids at all and when she told them about it their attitude was "Whatever, what's for dinner?"....
BTW Admin, thanks for the tip on loan forgiveness. My child went into juvenile corrections after graduating from college to "help the kids". This is definately something that we'll look into.
It's kind of ironic... I always felt that Kate had the kids in private school because she thought if situations like this occured, she'd get more latitude than at public school. Guess not.
I read something on another blog and it gave me chills. When it was discussed that the kids had monitors and still behaved badly, someone pointed out that their 35 yr. old mother needs a monitor when out in public and has for years- Steve. We have all joked around that Steve was hired to protect *the public* from Kate. Now it doesn't seem that funny.
I live in Central Pa just about 15 miles from Ellen. IMO, the best thing that could happen for the kids is for Jon to get primary custody and relocate them here. There is a very highly regarded 200+ yr old private school (located incidentally, just down the street from the infamous Taco Bell) where the children could get a fresh start. There is also a nearby public school district in an almost Mayberry-like town. It is so small they don't use buses, all the kids walk or their parents drive them. The kids in this district receive an education almost identical to that of a private school, with 97% or so of their HS seniors going onto college. Our outgoing Gov. Rendell assisted in getting Jon the IT job he previously held with the PA government, maybe Jon could see about getting back in before the end of Rendell's term. These poor babies are crying out for help and their cries have been ignored and sanitized for a very long time for the sake of a buck. Now, two of them have made it clear they were not going to back down anymore. Jon and Ellen, I pray everything works out on the 30th and I hope you will consider bringing them to our neck of the woods if you get the chance. This area has loved your babies since they day they were born at Hershey Med and we would embrace them again, should they get a second chance at childhood.
(The network even arranged a crossover episode that airs later in the season, in which Gosselin and her eight children fly to Alaska to go camping with the Palins.)
This really puzzles me. According to the gossip rags, there was no camping trip and Kate had a snit fit and dragged her entourage back to civilization.
Yeah I remember her saying while sitting on her cushy chair that the kids made no big deal when given the news about the divorce. I do remember her saying them asking "Whats for dinner", after given the news. Why all of a sudden now it's because of the divorce that the kids are behaving badly. I think it's because the way these two parents are handling things, it's her spending more time on herself, and Jon not spending enough time with his kids cause she won't allow it. Comes down to that awful so called mother again.
Maybe they're right, maybe it is about the divorce, and how Kate won't let the children see their father as much as they want to such that they scream and cry their poor voices hoarse when Jon has to drop them off at Kate's.
Maybe it is about the divorce and how Kate cannot help trashing Jon and throwing him under the bus every time she speaks publically--if she does that live on Regis and Kelly, what is she saying about him at home in front of the kids?
So I think they're right it's about the divorce.
Anon on this one said..."The mother blames everyone but her own lack of parenting and her own demonstrative and flamboyant style. Even blames the school for not knowing how to handle 'preemies'."
First off, it sounds as if you have inside info and based on your list are asserting that these children are in need of an education and psychological assessment to determine special needs and eligibility for services.
Secondly, and I say this as the mom of four kids on the autism
spectrum, Kate's comments, if true, are disgraceful. If she had truly been concerned about their potential developmental issues as preemies, why weren't these kids receiving speech, occupational therapy and ABA the past 6 years? Sorry Kate, you can't play that card with me. As usual, your looking for an excuse to justify your lack of parenting.
My children have their challenges but one thing they have learned from day one is that their diagnosis explains their behavior but it doesn't excuse it. They still have to learn to be functioning members of their community, to think of others and to work to the best of their ability. That's not always easy for them - I won't go into a spiel about autism traits here - and doesn't necessarily come naturally but they have to learn to do these things, just like we all do/did. That is why we have worked hard since they were little to make sure our kids had those supports and why my husband and I have and continue to educate ourselves on autism, because we are their parents. It's our job, not the therapists, to guide them and give them the tools to become all that God meant them to become.
Sorry, Kate (and Jon too). Being a preemie may explain their behavior but you don't get to throw up your hands and say "Nothing we can do! They're just preemies!" It's your job to teach them how to become human beings and to give them the educational, emotional, and physical tools and supports they need to accomplish that. You don't just get to toss your kids into a school and say "Here you fix this and if you don't, their problems are all your fault!"
Your school is an important player on your team, but Jon and Kate - YOU ARE THE PARENTS!
Sorry to rant - this kind of attitude just SO pisses me off!
Secondly, if these children
Here's how mom describes her sextuplets...
Aaden, a baby of extremes. He plays alone or screams at the top of his lungs.
Collin, he likes to eat & screams.
Hannah, impatient & demands her mothers attention.
Alexis, She is patient, kind, happy and takes her time.
Joel, he is a big flirt, laughs a lot, and gets into drawers.
Leah, an actress, she is animated and sweet.
From a 2005 article,little before the first special,a couple of days before their first birthday.
Weird..Here's how she described them in the first special:
Alexis-very complacent
Hannah-attached to me,want to be like me, takes stuff to other babies
Aaden-he just studies a situation, I call him the profesor
Collin-laid back,daddy's boy
Leah-a little princess,the biter
Joel-everyone forgets about Joel,constantly playing by himself
Some description just don't match do they? And than during the first season
Hannah-mommy's helper
Aaden-the profesor
Collin-stubborn but kind
Leah-a tiny controler
Joel-snicky and cuddly
I wonder if she ever knew those kids..it looks to me like she changed the adjectives for most kids in a very short period of time.Notice how the description kind of sticks for the cool kids Hannah,Aaden and Leah? Only the uncool ones constantly change..probably saying the first things which come to mind she probably had no interest in knowing collin-trouble maker,joel-too much like jo or alexis-too wild..So sad
Save the kids said... What gets me is she went for 5 days to do a bikini spread for People Mag, that's after she went on R@K to throw Jon under the bus, then flies to Mexico with her married boyfriend. Those kids were left at home with young-ish nannies for the whole week.
And I remember Jon's tweets during that time about "had a great dinner with my kids. Miss them." or something like that. I thought it was the oddest thing that a father has to return his own children to spend the night with nannies instead of with him. I can't even imagine how that feels to the kids.
And Kate felt it was far more important to do a story on how she's "earned the right to look this good" instead of helping her kids adjust to a new school year.
It's hard to believe stuff this ridiculous is actually true.
Admin said...
What pisses me off more? Sheeple think she needs to whore out her kids so they can go to college.
This is what gets me. I'm a small biz owner & student. My husband works a great job. I didn't always own my own business, I bartended my butt off to get where I was, but even then, when we had my son, we opened a college acct. for him the day after he was born practically & we sock money in that account every month. We take a percentage of our earnings, (& luckily enough his grandparents do too) for his college expenses. We don't make a crap-load of money, trust me, but we survive. We just know that college is VERY important to our son. We would never take that away from him. It's called budgeting! If you don't see it, you don't have it. Kate thinks she can't do unless she's making the big bucks. WRONG. We don't make 250$ every time we hit that alarm to wake up in the morning. (we wish) She is delusional to think she is the only person is the country, or the world to have kids that need to earn a living to send their kids to college. I don't care if it's 8 kids or 6 or 1. Not all of her kids will want to go. We also are depending on grants, scholarships, etc. She is maddening.
I said this on an earlier thread, but again, who wants to watch these kids doing their Halloween thing after Thanksgiving? Seriously. And that's for the dwindling crowd still actually watching the show.
Aside from that I will agree with the comment way above as to the sheer arrogance of this woman out and about on her filming adventures, when two of her children are expelled from school. And now she wants 'privacy' to deal with this - deal how? Therapy perhaps, nah, not in her vocabulary. No, let's just keep filming, filming, filming. Of course this is partly about the divorce, and partly about the fact that their lives are already not private at all - lay all of this at the feet of the parents. It's just all a horrid mess, and I honestly feel nothing, nothing at all, will improve at long as the TLC cameras are part of these childrens lives.
As for money for college, that's almost hysterical as a defensive talking point - perhaps they should be concentrating on getting them through the more formative years first. At this rate, none of the kids are going to be college material, and I hardly see the role modeling for higher education in either parent.
The bottom line is Kate knows full well there are 100 different ways to save for college that don't involve whoring the children out to the public, but since those ways aren't a quick fix, she doesn't want to bother. You have 18 years to save for college. She just wants it all and she wants it now. Has she ever heard of a 529 college savings plan? It is a TAX FREE way to save for college. If she set aside just a few hundred dollars a month since the day they were born, in 18 years she would be sitting on a pretty decent nestegg. Any shortfalls can be made up with scholarships, grants, and low-interest loans. All 50 states have 529 plans and contrary to popular belief you don't usually have to use them at a spefici college and you can use them on ANY college expenses not just tuition--so that includes room, board, and other expenses.
Oh and by the way, not all children have their mommies and daddies paying for school for them. Heck when I went to school, IN PENNSYLVANIA NO LESS, a lot of people's parents were blue collar and gave what they could and then the kids, who are now adults, have to figure out the difference. And guess what, they did. Children ARE adults at 18 and if they want to go to school and mommy and daddy couldn't quite make ends meet, kids figure it out. At a certain point, especially when you get old enough to be going to grad school and so on, it gets a little pathetic to just expect mom and dad to pay for it all.
The "we need to pay for college" mantra is complete bullshit and Kate knows it.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
the matter would have quietly been resolved- no one would know (or care)that such a thing happened, and there would have been less trauma for the kids.
November 13, 2010 5:52 AM
it should have been this way even though they are on tv. people (and media) make choices all the time.
unfortunately some made the choice this time to make this *newsworthy*.
Administrator said...
Maybe they're right, maybe it is about the divorce, and how Kate won't let the children see their father as much as they want to such that they scream and cry their poor voices hoarse when Jon has to drop them off at Kate's.
Maybe it is about the divorce and how Kate cannot help trashing Jon and throwing him under the bus every time she speaks publically--if she does that live on Regis and Kelly, what is she saying about him at home in front of the kids?
So I think they're right it's about the divorce.
Which parent used the word "despise" when discussing the other? Hint: it wasn't Kate.
I remember when I first became bothered by the show, I searched out everything I could find on the net regarding the family and found something I thought was odd. I believe it was in the local Reading paper, a blogger or letter to the editor complaining about Kate wanting to extend the home nurse for a another year the blogger mentioned that two of the sextuplets even had United Way services. I always thought that it was odd, since Kate proclaimed that the tups were perfect why would they have needed services. Now I wonder if the the blogger was telling the truth and if they got rid of the services since it would it would not follow the script of the life they planned to show on TV.
Once-Troubled Teen Star Patty Duke Sticks Up for Lovato and Lohan
Former teen star Patty Duke would like to urge restraint: "Be quiet and let the girl figure it out. These are people, these young girls," she tells PopEater. "Some of them can build a shield against the negative media, but most of them can't -- and it hurts."
As I was reading the above story I could not help but wonder what Patty Duke, age 63, would say to Kate, the mother of 2 children who were expelled from kindergarten but yet still have to film a TV show even when they no longer want to *WORK*.
IIRC, K8 went to court to extend the state provided nurse because (paraphrasing here) "today's society encourages fertility treatments, therefore society should have to help with the cost". She also wanted extra help/insurance because Aaden's eye sight was weak.
I may have a few details confused but basically
Jon and esp K8 have been begging for handouts and freebies since day one.
Save the Kids : great memory.
Unfortunately, the sheeple just cannot fathom that mostly likely the toxic combination of a narcissistic monster mom, filming, complete lack of privacy, the divorce, etc are ALL responsible for where the kids are today.
Jon is not perfect. He said over a year ago he despised Kate and he later apologized for it, apologized for many other of his behaviors and actions, and says he regrets putting his kids on TV.
Meanwhile Kate has continued to trash him right up until this day, even on her own show she throws him under the bus every chance she gets without giving him any opportunity to debut, since he's not on the show anymore. Her appearance on Regis and Kelly was disgusting and inexcusable. It's Kate who cannot get over Jon. He's moved on and is making different choices. When has Kate ever apologized for any of her behaviors or admitted she made a mistake or tried to change anything? That's right, never.
Yeah I remember her saying while sitting on her cushy chair that the kids made no big deal when given the news about the divorce. I do remember her saying them asking "Whats for dinner", after given the news.
Yes, Kate surely did say that. She also said the kids cried "times eight" when she gave them the TERRIBLE news that there would be no more filming and the crew would no longer be around. If that is true, she must have truly painted a picture of horror and gloom for them to "envision," as she always calls it.
Divorce = no reaction
No crew or filming = crying times eight
Regarding college tuition :
Obviously there is a HUGE problem if K8 hasn't saved enough for the the kids' tuitions by now.
Over 100 episodes, DWTS, love offerings, speaking engagements , Beth's bestselling book for which K8 took credit = $$$$$$$$$$$$$
K8 is either hiding the cash somewhere or she has pissed it all away on her boobs, hair , house and hooker wear. Either is viable.
When has Kate ever apologized for any of her behaviors or admitted she made a mistake or tried to change anything? That's right, never.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when J & K ended, the second to last episode I believe was "You Ask, Kate Answers" and it showed some her famous meltdowns (Toys R Us, coupon fiasco) and I seem to remember her saying "I'll just put it out there. I was wrong, wrong wrong" and she also admitted she was stressed out during the Toys R Us episode but again admitted she shouldn't have yelled at Jon. I also remember her saying, "did I really have that many meltdowns?" And in her book I Just Want You To Know, she does confess that much of what she said to Jon was unwarranted and that she could have watched her tongue better. I am not a sheeple, and I'm definitely NOT Team Kate. I just remember Kate did actually try to apologize. Call me naive, but at first I was happy Kate had finally seen that it was her actions that drove Jon away, and glad that she somewhat apologized. Now I'm wondering if she was really sorry, or if it was just to appease the sheeple.
It's a good thing if Kate recognizes her meltdown was "wrong." But she always qualifies any regret with, while that might be wrong BUT I was stressed, and so on. That is not an apology.
In any case, I'm not talking about her apologizing for a meltdown, I'm talking about the divorce and the filming--she has never, ever apologized for anything to do with the divorce or filming or the mess the kids are in. It's all on Jon. Need I remind Kate it takes 2 to break up a marriage and that Kate is the plaintiff in the divorce, not Jon. SHE filed for divorce.
Silimom said:
"Secondly, and I say this as the mom of four kids on the autism
spectrum, Kate's comments, if true, are disgraceful. If she had truly been concerned about their potential developmental issues as preemies, why weren't these kids receiving speech, occupational therapy and ABA the past 6 years? Sorry Kate, you can't play that card with me. As usual, your looking for an excuse to justify your lack of parenting."
Amen, silimom - as a fellow parent of special needs children, I have been thinking this for years. And to any sheeple who start in with, "how do we know the tups weren't getting help?": clearly you have never had a child receiving special ed services, because if you did you would know that there is no way to successfully pull of filming a TV show and coordinating therapy sessions. Trust me, therapy schedules often prevent 'regular' families from doing everything they'd like to do - the thought of simultaneously filming a TV show is laughable.
I just want to add my two cents here about Jon saying he despised Kate. I'm not suggesting he was right to go on national TV and say that, but I think he was giving an honest answer at the time. He should've shown a little restraint but he was speaking from his heart, I feel. That was early on, when feelings were still raw. I say this because that's exactly how I felt about my husband when he told me he wanted a divorce, It didn't matter what I said or did-he made up his mind at that was it. Oh how I hated him for what he was doing to us, we had two kids and only six months prior moved to a new town about 45 minutes from our families. Our kids were happily adjusting to their new schools and I was still getting used to my new job that I was luckily hired for despite having no experience at. Then on top of that having to go through a divorce and keep my s@!$ together at a new job and help my kids through it too. That was six years ago and I do not hate my ex-husband at all. Now we live about one mile apart and my kids see him whenever they want to. We are friendly to each other, I don't know that you could say that we're "friends", but I let go of all that anger because it wasn't doing me or anybody else any good to be so bitter.
I guess my point is, I actually felt sorry for Jon when he said that. I don't think he meant that he despised everything about her, he didn't give any specific examples or call her out on her parenting skills or really say anything negative about her. He simply said how he felt about her. He felt like he had no control of the situation, things were going to happen the way she wanted them to. She didn't give a damn how he felt and he despised her for that.
"Joel-snicky and cuddly"
I think that's "sneaky" and cuddly!!
Administrator said....Maybe it is about the divorce and how Kate cannot help trashing Jon and throwing him under the bus every time she speaks publically--if she does that live on Regis and Kelly, what is she saying about him at home in front of the kids?
So I think they're right it's about the divorce.
It has to be hard to reconcile hearing your parents promise they'll stay together forever (and ever)in front of you, let alone a tv show, and then witness them divorce a few months later and duking it out in the media. Add to that the struggle they're having trying to distinguish between the two lives they've been living, ie - the false life of reality tv and now the real one of school. They're having identity problems at the age of six for crying out loud.
Another thing that's probably happening is that through no fault of their own they've developed a sense of entitlement. They've been in front of the camera for so long they might think they're more important than their classmates and should get star treatment. They've pretty much been isolated from other children since Jodi and Kevin disappeared from their lives so they don't know how to interact with kids their age. They've always been in the spotlight. Remember the episode where they treated Jamie's little boy like crap? That might be how they treat others at school and it won't be tolerated.
No doubt these two will be punished at home too, for what they've done - to HER.
I just wanted to point out a general observation of Kate's parenting style. She seems to believe that her kids will raise themselves and that they'll take care of each other. All she needed to do was feed and water them, then lock them up in a bedroom/playroom for hours. For the past couple years she's been able to pay for child supervision, so no need to shackle the kids up anymore. Heck, she can even leave the state whenever she wants! But the kids will be fine, they'll teach each other how to talk, they'll fight their own fights and the nannies will hear the rest. I won't even factor in Jon's input, because the nannies are a bigger presence in the kids' lives. Jon may give the kids some stability, but it's not frequent enough. In fact, it probably creates more imbalance for the kids, being thrown back and forth between extremes.
Just another two cents of mine, I don't really like the G8 being compared to Hollywood brats. Emma Watson had a nice article, but this Taylor girl sounds like a hot mess. No one's making you act NOW, the past is the past. So sorry you had to be such an attractive tot, that must have been rough. If she didn't enjoy acting as a child, it probably would have shown and she wouldn't have gotten any work to begin with. My opinions aside, the G8 are NOT actors, they are real kids being themselves. Their environment IS their set and they cannot escape it. Worse yet, these kids were working with no protection and compensation for all those years. They are not stars, just normal kids that have had their personal lives on TV for all to see.
Yeah, Anon., Jon did say he despised Kate. He should despise her. She treated him like dirt. He treated her with kid gloves. He apologized, she never did. She made excuses. Sure, I shouldn't have said this or that BUT. Always an excuse. Never just a simple 'I'm sorry, I was wrong'. Always an excuse. A lot of what she has done is coming back to bite her on the butt. Just remember, Sheeple, she is the one who claimed she is doing this all by herself. She is all alone. She has the weight of the world on her shoulders. She has shut Jon away from the children's home, and forced him out of their life as much as she possibly can. She has had the courts and TLC on her side exclusively. Now, the children have misbehaved to the point of being expelled from Kindergarten, and all the other negative reports coming out and it is all on her doorstep. You can't blame Jon for this, by her own admission, she is doing all this on her own. She is the one they are exposed to as often as she deems to be home.
Charlene, I loved your story. It always bothers me when the sheeple play that card to paint Jon as worse than Kate. It was ONE TIME and - you nailed it Charlene - it was raw feelings coming to the surface, not malice. He apologized and has not done it again but the sheeple just can't let go of it.
Moose Mania said... "Joel-snicky and cuddly"
I think that's "sneaky" and cuddly!!
So you've never written in a hurry and misspelled a word? Wow! I finally meet the perfect human been! I am honored! So should I assume you are one of the sheeple who at the time have nothing to pick on other than the spelling? And just to spare you the effort of writing another comment, yes I do know that spelled that way the word means something else...
kimmie said...
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
the matter would have quietly been resolved- no one would know (or care)that such a thing happened, and there would have been less trauma for the kids.
November 13, 2010 5:52 AM
it should have been this way even though they are on tv. people (and media) make choices all the time.
unfortunately some made the choice this time to make this *newsworthy*.
I agree with you.
Unfortunately reality is, if you are on t.v., or in the movies, that automatically opens you up to public scrutiny- whether it's fair or not.
And if you are controversial, FORGET IT! Every single thing you say and do will be magnified analysed, digested, and spit out.
It's not right or fair, or anyone's business, but it happens to be that way.
The moment Kate & Jon signed their contracts with TLC/Discovery, they also signed over their children's freedoms, and right of privacy. Sad part is that apparently TLC/Discovery Corp. doesn't give a rat's ass about feelings, or what's proper. We all know that bottom line is all about money.
Kate should have pulled her kids out of t.v. when she had the chance, and resolved her families issues away from the public's eye.
I don't know for the life of my why she would choose to continue having her children filmed.
I guess that Greed is a humdinger of a sin....
I think I finally understand Sheeple. IMO, the vast majority must have some type of mental illness that mentally bonds them with Kate. I checked out a Sheeple site to see if they were actually admitting things need to change and this is what they have to say:
"This is Jon's attempt to try to regain what he lost."
"Jon clearly is saying to hell with what's best for my kids."
"Is it possible for Kate to ask the court for help in terminating Jon's parental rights to the children if a court appointed psychologist can ascertain that the children have been worked into a frenzy by their Father?"
"What a tiny mind & heart this man must have."
"Does anyone in India have an IT job that might entice Jon?"
"From VanGate, it was clear that Jon was not below working the kids into a frenzy if he felt it could benefit him, without regard for how it would affect the kids."
"I place this squarely on Jon's and Ellen's shoulders. There were no reports of serious misbehavior until Ellen came into the picture."
"He's a liar, a theif (sic), a cheat, rumor starter and spreader. Those are proven facts."
I knew they were out there, but WOW! These are all quotes today from the same people who feel the "Kate haterz" are hurting the kids by making bad comments about their mother. Hypocrites or as mentally ill as Kate seems to be?
I've said it before, Kate could be filmed tossing a bag of puppies into a river and in their minds it would be all Jon's fault. No way the children's behavior could be due to the parenting (or lack thereof) of both parents or the filming. I don't think I could sleep at night if these were my "fans".
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... I guess that Greed is a humdinger of a sin.
Let's see, the Seven Deadly Sins are:
1. Lust
2. Gluttony
3. Greed
4. Sloth
5. Wrath
6. Envy
7. Pride
I think Kate has them pretty much covered and sadly Jon's nailed quite a few of them too. Thankfully he appears to be working on himself (as most of us try to do), but Kate seems pretty content with herself.
Geez, Alyssa, don't get yourself all bunched up! It was just a friendly correction. There was no malice, and not intended to offend you. No need to lash out! I'm not a spelling or grammar police on here. I didn't know that YOU knew that there is a word like "snicky" and thought perhaps others would find it strange that Kate and company described one of the kids as "snicky," which means unpleasant, miserable personality, and crabby.
Should you assume that I'm a sheeple? LOL!! You may assume anything you want, but I think my many posts prove otherwise!
Pink Straight Jacket:
Agreed. Kate put herself out there and then said that she had no idea that they would be under such a microscope. What did she think would happen? Then she went on Larry King Live and said that since she's on television, they've basically made it our business (to know all the goings-on, and scrutinize). Now she wants to keep the recent events with the kids private? I don't think she knows WHAT she wants! She thinks she can have it both ways, but it doesn't work that way.
Moose Mania Lol I kind of overreacted I guess but I just don't like it when people correct spelling mistakes.And btw I read your comments and you do not seem to be on Kate's side so sorry for OFFENDING you because in my opinion being accused of standing by Kate is sort of an insult...But I do think Kate might see her kids as snicky just not in front of a camera I guess...
I just saw a couple of scenes from Kate's World( Which I downloaded from the Internet) I just watched the scenes with the kids.Four things hit me:
At the table,while colouring:
Kate:Great Job Hannah
Alexis:Look at mine mommy!
Kate-complaining about the kids and ignoring Alexis
SO Hannah is still the golden child I see
2.At the crooked houses,while cleaning up:
Kate( to her 6 year old little boy): I'm annoyed Collin so you might want to start working a little faster.
SO how fast is a 6 year old supposed to "work"?
And more important: What happens if he doesn't work fast enough?
3.Kate is now calling Mady Madelyin?
4.This footage is supposed to have been filmed May 2010 according to TLC but we know from the paparazzi that most of the footage was filmed around April 23.Why hide that?
silimom said...
Secondly, and I say this as the mom of four kids on the autism
spectrum, Kate's comments, if true, are disgraceful. If she had truly been concerned about their potential developmental issues as preemies, why weren't these kids receiving speech, occupational therapy and ABA the past 6 years? Sorry Kate, you can't play that card with me. As usual, your looking for an excuse to justify your lack of parenting.
Well said, silimom. I don’t know if Kate sought out treatment for the tups when they were younger, but I DO know that they would have qualified for *free* Early Intervention services (Occupational Therapy, etc.) up to the age of three. My twins were preemies as well, and at the first signs of developmental delays, we contacted E.I. They came to our house every week until the boys were on track. I don’t know how it works in other states, but as a resident of PA, I can say with 100% certainty that Kate could have used these services to help the tups overcome any delays. And again, it’s free up to the age of three, so she couldn’t have used “the cost for eight, count ‘em eight” as an excuse.
I agree with you that being a preemie doesn’t excuse their behavior – but I’d have to say that at this juncture it doesn’t even explain their behavior. Their negative behavior seems to be the result of neglect and bad parenting; the result of parents who likely didn’t get them the aggressive therapies they may have needed/benefited from as toddlers (after all, who has time for OT when you’re filming all day??); the result of a self-centered mother who takes no responsibility for her children, expecting them instead to be raised by themselves and their nannies; the result of a narcissistic mother who displaces accountability for any of her own failings on “the others” : Jon, her parents, the school , etc. – remember, “nobody knows how to help her.” And, of course, the result of having to provide the family’s paycheck for the better part of their young lives.
Sadly, the longer Kate continues to excuse the tups’ behavior by blaming it on everything and everyone else, the worse it’s going to get. Instead of pointing fingers and making excuses, she needs to get those kids help – and FAST.
Kudos to you and your hubby for being such great advocates for your kids. Kate could learn a lot from the pair of you.
"There is nothing hypocritical here. Filming a few episodes of these children WAS cute and sweet. There was nothing wrong with it. I think they had good intentions. The problem was when it became detrimental they wouldn't stop."
I agree. As soon as Jon quit his job I got a bad feeling about what was going to happen. The pressure was on to keep the show running no matter how negative the impact was on the kids.
Michelle, I agree with you in reference to Kate's fans. Or, to quote Kate, "I just don't get it!"
On the morning the expulsion news broke, the (self-proclaimed) "#1 Kate fansite" seemingly hadn't heard about it yet. I wondered what their take was. As it happened, the morning's post was called, "When Hate For Kate Gosselin Should Not Go Goes Too Far" [sic].
I thought the post was pretty ironic--given the children's serious problems at school were at that moment becoming international news. The post said:
"- she [Kate] has NOT robbed her kids of their childhoods
- she has NOT robbed her kids of their privacy
- she has NOT robbed her kids of having a voice
- she has NOT robbed her kids of having a choice
- she has NOT robbed her children of having a mother (she is quite wonderful)
- she has NOT robbed her children of having normal relationships with friends
- she has NOT robbed her parents of having relationships with THEIR children
- she has NOT opened her children unfairly to ridicule But thanks for asking!"
If she had truly been concerned about their potential developmental issues as preemies, why weren't these kids receiving speech, occupational therapy and ABA the past 6 years?
Here's what is really sad. The school offers FREE IU 13 speech therapy, as well as other developmental sessions for ALL students, grades K-12. Why wasn't she using them?
The sheeple can't handle the truth so as usual, they are rewriting history. They now claim it was Kate who was unhappy with the school and she pulled the kids, they didn't get expelled. They fear this truth will ever come out because Saint Kate wants this matter kept private. Another group of sheeple think the public has made a big deal out of nothing. Who hasn't been expelled, they titter? Seems every single one of them was kicked out and they are all model sheeple today. Unreal.
Virginia Pen Mom, I believe that was her rebuttle to my original post.
I call it "grasping at straws".....
My prayer for the sheeple of the world is that after Kate & children move on to obscurity- if they must admire someone, that it be someone more worthy of admiration: Christ, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Reverend Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, you can fill in _______with who you feel deserves admiration.
Now, those people REALLY walked the walk, and talked the talk.
But I do think Kate might see her kids as snicky just not in front of a camera I guess...
I know...that's exactly why I pointed it out. She's probably said a lot worse, only not in script as an introduction to the show. We know that Kate thinks the boys are icky and gross, but as far as I know, she hasn't said that her son is snicky. I doubt she even knows the meaning of the word! I wasn't nit-picking your spelling. I was correcting the word, without any evil intentions!
Something has been puzzling me. The boy tup the reports are refering to seems so eager to please. Is always talking quietly yet very articulate. Seems to know the rules and doesn't give Kate a hard time. I would never have thought this of him. The girl, yea sadly.
mama mia said... The sheeple can't handle the truth so as usual, they are rewriting history. They now claim it was Kate who was unhappy with the school and she pulled the kids, they didn't get expelled.
I had to see what the sheeple were saying....now, here's one in a single post, who's managed to come up w/an excuse or reason, and blame the kids and of course, Jon. They never cease to amaze me:
___ said ..
"I've been mulling over this for the last few days. It is so out of place and considered not productive to ever use the term "expelled" with kindergartners!
The sextuplets just started their first year in regular daily school sessions...it's only been two months!
I also find it very unusual that 2 of them at the same time leave the school.
That suggests to me that this may have been a mutual decision between Kate and the school that a couple of her kids were having difficulty with the every day requirements of said school.
If the two named are correct...we know one lad is known for his streak of stubbornness...which I might add is not a bad quality at all when directed in the right way....and the other child is known for mischief and a short attention span.
So who knows...Kate may have decided that these two needed some individual attention and help and the school may have suggested this arrangement. (So they opted to call it expulsion???? - My words in parentheses)
That said...this whole last two weeks has been one drama after another, perfectly timed to disrupt the Alaska special.
First we had the corn maze hoopla...
next we had Kate sleep-gate Halloween nite...
then the expert (not) opinion of drug addict Eric Roberts...
followed by kids removed from school...
and finally the ridiculous Kate sends spoiled food in kids lunch boxes!
One rapid fire rumor after another...all on the heels of Jon's whining about the kids filming!
I don't for a minute think this is a coincidence. I believe it was all well orchestrated and timed to assualt Kate as a mother and to further the illusion that someone else is better suited to care for the kids!"
(What is wrong w/them? Now, all of a sudden even People.com is not a reliable source..I love to look at their postings, it's always good for a few laughs)
Nobody here knows what issues the Gosselin children may have. Divorce negatively impacts millions of children, yet you "know" that in the case of these children, the problem is the filming and not the divorce?
For someone who is concerned about assumptions, for you to say that nobody here knows what issues the Gosselins have is, in fact, an assumption. You don't know for a fact that there is nobody reading this blog (and posting) who doesn't know what issues they may have, who may be affiliated in some way with the school, with nannies, with employees, or with counselors, for example.
Collin covers his face because he doesn't want his pictures taken (we've seen photos of him doing that). He is upset during school picture time because he's been on camera enough (yes, I DO know that for a fact). One of the twins puts a sign on her door indicating she doesn't want the cameras there (we've seen that during an episode). The kids show up at school exhausted after filming (yes, I DO know that for a fact). I don't think it's an assumption to say that filming is an issue with these kids. It may not be the ONLY issue, but it certainly cannot be excluded.
I agree with you Trucker..that little boy I believe is the one who is camera shy and has been hiding his little face for months, maybe a year already. The little girls I agree are ones to believe to be the bullies. I remember my sister watching the show where Jamies son visits and the girls were ready to rip Jamies son a new ass hole for grabbing their playdoh, The look on those girls faces at the boy gave my sister the hibbie jibbies.
A Pink Straight Jacket for Kate said...
"I call it grasping at straws!"
LOL. Yes, that, and methinks the sheeple doth protest too much! If you got a rebuttal, you must have rattled a cage. :)
Anon725 said: Here's what is really sad. The school offers FREE IU 13 speech therapy, as well as other developmental sessions for ALL students, grades K-12. Why wasn't she using them?
Because it would have interfered with filming and also because Kate is too wrapped up in herself to educate herself on normal childhood development, apparently, or to listen to the myriad people in her life who may have been expressing some concerns during their toddler/preschool years - pediatricians, teachers, nannies, etc.
It is sad that their school offers so much. They sound very progressive for a private school - most don't have services at all - and I'm sure that they were probably offering those services to Kate and Jon. I have to believe that expulsion is truly a last resort and that they probably bent over backwards to try and help these two children.
There really is no excuse for this situation except utter disregard on the part of their parents. I hope Jon is indeed trying to man up and address the issues his children have and that things go well on November 30, if there is indeed a court date still schedule for then.
I'm still waiting for a declaration from Kate, Jon, TLC, the children's school-
vehemently denying that the children were expelled from school.
Instead Kate said that it was a (and I'm paraphrasing here- I don't have the exact quote) "private matter that's being handled", TLC is refusing to comment, and Jon hasn't said peep. I think that is pretty telling.
Perhaps the information that was leaked
to the public is not too far from the truth...sadly.
But ANYWAY- it is, what it is. A huge wakeup call for Kate to stop filming.
Just wanted to comment on a few things that were mentioned above:
Did she ever know those kids? Not very well. Remember when she couldn't tell the camera which ones were left and right handed?
Would Kate say publicly that the family needs some private time and put a pause on filming? That would be like death to her. She feeds off that filming.
College: Many opinions, but I have said many times that when you are applying for college, they take into consideration how many siblings are also in college/will be attending at that time. They will go to college for NOTHING, so there is no worry about their future education. P.S. this is predicated on the sure fact that the family will be broke at that time.
If you are unhappy with the school, you pull ALL the kids.
Maybe if KrazyKate has a total meltdown, then the kids can finally go to their dad. The one parent that loves them.
Wow- Some of the sheeple comments are simply ridiculous. For the first time, the tups are attending school full-time and 2 of the 6 have been expelled within 2 months!!!!If this is not symptomatic of problems at home, I don't know what is. We can not know if other tups are having problems, but have not been expelled as the school may be trying to work with them. I am sure the school tried to work with the 2 tups prior to expulsion, as most private schools do give special attention to children.
Mady's outbursts that actually made it to film, are symptomatic that there have been issues for quite a while. Once again, sloughed off by Khate and blamed on the child. Even Cara looks depressed, like she has given up.
Bottom line- Kate and Jon need to focus on their kids, stop filming, and address the children's needs. I agree with a prior comment that the kids should attend counseling to address their individual needs/coping skills, but until the underlying problem (Khate) addresses her parenting/personal issues affecting her children, not much is likely to change. These kids deserve so much better. I do not want to even get started on Kate's atrocious behavior on film, let alone, what did not make it to the show. Or their "real" day to day lives. Parents lead by example. Khate has been a horrible role model since Season 3 and unless she changes and the kids are given some privacy, I predict very bleak results for these kids.
With her bad diva behavior with DWTS and the Alaska episode, I am not sure TLC is supportive of her at all. This mess of her kids on TV is coming to an end, but what will happen then? Not advocating for continued filming, actually the opposite, but you have to seriously wonder what will go/continue to go on in that house once the filming ends. God bless the 8 Gosselin kids, and hopefully Jon or someone will address the obvious damage done, and look out for the children's best interest in the future. Bluntly put, the Gosselin 8 need an advocate.
All this talk of Kate needing to continue filming so that she can send the kids to college is ridiculous At this juncture, with the children suffering from so much emotional distress with zero nurturing from their "mother", it is more likely that they will need bail money.
Khate projects her eating/weight issues on to her kids. Probably afraid they will have "weight" issues like Jon, which she constantly pointed out.
Remember, she allegedly held the kids back for a year to go to Full-Time kindergarten. At age 5, I was fully capable of eating a WHOLE sandwich; these kids are 6. Again, another example of Kate projecting her eating concerns on to her kids. They are growing kids!! What a selfish moron. This woman projects her own eating/weight issues on to her kids.
As with many folks in the limelight, kHATE expects the public to follow her every move only when choreographed by her. She documents inappropriate moments of her kids for all to see - and even pokes fun at them on camera as they vomit, use the bathroom, etc. All in the name of making a buck of their poor backs. But when something unflattering goes down (as with the school problems) it becomes a "thanks for respecting our privacy" moment. Sorry lady - you sold out your families' childhood for fame you have to take the good with the bad.
What is incredible to me is the fact that this embarrassment of a person acts like a bratty diva on camera, thinking she is cute and in her mind proving that she is SuperMom. From the clips and commercials I have seen she is the nastiest person I have ever watched - and this is her BEST BEHAVIOR? Edited for TV to portray herself in a good light. SCARY - can you imagine what this hag is like OFF camera?
It's such a tragedy. This stupid show should have run its course for a couple season, then they should have gotten out and lived their life comfortably together.
Instead, Mom decided to dress like a crack whore every chance she gets, ignores her kids, flaunts her fake boobs, fake hair, fake teeth, fake nails, fake tummy, fake lashes and fake celebrity and then has the arrogance to claim to anyone that will listen how she did it all herself, earned it and DESERVES it.
Just an absolute MESS of a person. Seriously not a single shred of decency, class, dignity or common sense.
If one of the Sheeple's children were being repeatedly bullied by 1 or 2 of the Gosselin 8, would they have a different take on this situation? I am quite sure the school tried every remedy possible BEFORE expelling them.
They make one excuse after another, kind of pathetic actually. What about the kids being bullied or assaulted?? I guess they don't count.
Does anyone know if they can go back to their school at some point, second semester, next fall?
There is nothing that I can contribute here that hasn't already been posted -- with thoughtfulness or insight. I appreciate reading all of your messages. TLC/Discover is a TV entity. They are involved as long is there is some benefit. When TLC is completely finished dealing with this family, they will be dumped into a wasteland of television has-beens. No more attention, perks, bill paying, "body guards" -- no more anything. Then an emotionally and physically broken family will be left to pick up the pieces with no skills to do so. The kids will be victims for a long time into their futures...even after the cameras are gone.
Virginia Pen Mom said...
On the morning the expulsion news broke, the (self-proclaimed) "#1 Kate fansite" seemingly hadn't heard about it yet. I wondered what their take was. As it happened, the morning's post was called, "When Hate For Kate Gosselin Should Not Go Goes Too Far" [sic].
I thought the post was pretty ironic--given the children's serious problems at school were at that moment becoming international news. The post said:
"- she [Kate] has NOT robbed her kids of their childhoods
- she has NOT robbed her kids of their privacy
- she has NOT robbed her kids of having a voice
- she has NOT robbed her kids of having a choice
- she has NOT robbed her children of having a mother (she is quite wonderful)
- she has NOT robbed her children of having normal relationships with friends
- she has NOT robbed her parents of having relationships with THEIR children
- she has NOT opened her children unfairly to ridicule But thanks for asking!"
Ummm...What??? Are they blind? Every single thing they wrote is a blatant lie. Kate is quite wonderful? Really now. Is she? No, no she isn't, but the sheeple can keep telling themselves that. How can they not see what damage has been done to these children? Expulsions, children covering their face when cameras are on them, kids screaming when getting dropped off to their mother, bullying, nasty language, spitting, hitting, the list goes on & on, & the kids are alright?
Kate & her followers are wearing blinders. And if Kate continues to pursue this fame & celebrity, she will be (if she isn't already) the most hated mother to ever grace reality TV. People know what she has done, people know her kids have gotten in trouble. People know what is more important to Kate. Money. Not her childrens welfare, not their happiness, not their need for privacy, just Kate & her quest for more fame. She is despicable. The best thing TLC can do is pull the rug out, & NOW. Why haven't they already? SIX year old kids getting into trouble...TLC, you are deplorable.
Does anyone know for sure if she has acrylic nails or if they are real nails? To have acrylic nails you have to have them maintained every two weeks, fills etc. We always knew she liked her spas and pedicures but when did she get into the fake nail thingy? Reason why I ask is because she spends lots of money on herself for fakeness and time as well when she should have been spending time with them kids.
Hippie Chick said... Ummm...What??? Are they blind? Every single thing they wrote is a blatant lie. Kate is quite wonderful? Really now. Is she? No, no she isn't, but the sheeple can keep telling themselves that.
It really makes you wonder what type of parenting the sheeple were raised with if Kate's parenting looks so amazing to them. If they are aspiring to parent as well as Kate does, god help their kids.
Remember, she allegedly held the kids back for a year to go to Full-Time kindergarten.
That's a misconception. She didn't hold them back. They were in pre-school at church-related school and when they applied for Kindergarten at their present school, they were not on target for the regular Kindergarten class, even though they were the appropriate age. Extensive testing is done for placement, and it was determined that the kids would do best in its Pre-K class there. Kate got no favors because of her celebrity status. She could have kicked and screamed and insisted that they be placed in Kindergarten last year because she was embarrassed to have her six-year-olds in Kindergarten, but it wouldn't have mattered. The school determines where students should be (and not be), not the parents. If they would have been ready for Kindergarten last year, that's where they would have been.
Anon725 You are right it wasn't kate's decision whether they were ready or not,but it was kate who didn't let the three who were ready go.It was kate's faul she didn't try over the summer to get the kids ready,to work on whatever problems there were..What she did instead was dragg all 6 + Mady and Cara in filed trips...
THIS is the mentality of a Kate fan!
katefan01 said...
wow reading that is making me cry , im in class and im trying to hold back my tears. kate is my hero and it kills me to hear theese fals acusations about her parenting. she IS by far the best mother i have ever heard of ,(no offence babymama or anyother mom), she strives to do the best for her kids and protect them.
these stories about alexis and collin are sickiningly false who in thier right mind would spread rumors about two six year olds? its wrong and discusting . team Kate,Cara,Mady,Alexis,Hannah,Aaden,Collin,Leah and Joel<3 we love you
At least she's just a kid I can excuse that sort of.
Mary Ann said... TLC/Discover is a TV entity. They are involved as long is there is some benefit. When TLC is completely finished dealing with this family, they will be dumped into a wasteland of television has-beens.
I agree. TLC won't hesitate to end the relationship with Kate when the contract expires. Eileen O'Neill doesn't want to be bothered with Kate's problems much longer even though she had a hand in creating them. And even with her narcissist thought processes Kate's got to know the show is on its last leg. She doesn't tolerate losing very well which must be adding to her already spastic behavior and the kids are getting the brunt of it worse than ever at home.
alyssa said...
Anon725 You are right it wasn't kate's decision whether they were ready or not,but it was kate who didn't let the three who were ready go.It was kate's faul she didn't try over the summer to get the kids ready,to work on whatever problems there were..What she did instead was dragg all 6 + Mady and Cara in filed trips...
How do you know that 3 were ready and 3 weren't? Because you read it on the Internet?
Betsy said...
Does anyone know for sure if she has acrylic nails or if they are real nails? To have acrylic nails you have to have them maintained every two weeks, fills etc. We always knew she liked her spas and pedicures but when did she get into the fake nail thingy? Reason why I ask is because she spends lots of money on herself for fakeness and time as well when she should have been spending time with them kids.
Do you criticize the millions of mothers out there with acrylic nails, or just Kate?
Administrator said... At least she's just a kid I can excuse that sort of.
True, but again what is this poor girl's mother like if Kate is her "hero" and "the best mother ever".
Did any of those mothers put their 8 kids to work for 5 years to pay for those nails? Then yes that's a problem.
Hippie Chick said...
Virginia Pen Mom said...
"- she [Kate] has NOT robbed her kids of their childhoods
- she has NOT robbed her kids of their privacy
- she has NOT robbed her kids of having a voice
- she has NOT robbed her kids of having a choice
- she has NOT robbed her children of having a mother (she is quite wonderful)
- she has NOT robbed her children of having normal relationships with friends
- she has NOT robbed her parents of having relationships with THEIR children
- she has NOT opened her children unfairly to ridicule But thanks for asking!"
Ummm...What??? Are they blind? Every single thing they wrote is a blatant lie.
Much of what was written is opinion (e.g., Kate is a wonderful mother) and therefore cannot, by definition, be a lie. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean the person is lying.
Administrator said...
Did any of those mothers put their 8 kids to work for 5 years to pay for those nails? Then yes that's a problem.
The OP criticized Kate for spending time away from her children to get her nails done. That's a different issue than yours. If you're going to criticize Kate for spending time away from her kids to get her nails done, then that criticism should be applied to all mothers who do the same.
Fact vs. Gossip said... alyssa said...
Anon725 You are right it wasn't kate's decision whether they were ready or not,but it was kate who didn't let the three who were ready go.It was kate's faul she didn't try over the summer to get the kids ready,to work on whatever problems there were..What she did instead was dragg all 6 + Mady and Cara in filed trips...
How do you know that 3 were ready and 3 weren't? Because you read it on the Internet?
No because JON AND KATE said so in one of the episodes, back when there was still a Jon and Kate plus 8...somewhere in season four or five...I am not the only one who knows this..This is not gossip,this is FACT(unless you are calling Kate a liar,of course)
And yet the madness continues..Apparently the show must go on.
This is from BabyMama's site:
"We have a new Kate Plus 8 Special airing November 28th. It will be interesting to see how all of corn maze privacy issue plays out."
Nothing official on wikipedia, I don't know about TLC,I stopped visiting that site a long time ago(I know, I should do the same with BabyMama's lol)
I am disgusted!
Anonymous said...
Much of what was written is opinion (e.g., Kate is a wonderful mother) and therefore cannot, by definition, be a lie. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean the person is lying.
Maybe so, if ALL of those points haven't been refuted at one point or another. Kate has done ALL of those things. Perhaps I used the wrong word, but frankly, IMO, they are lies, & that my fellow blogger, is MY opinion.
I laugh at the "corn maze privacy issue" since of course the privacy issue was expounded on by the sheeple.
It's a public place and was not shut down for them to visit privately. There's nothing to address since filming continued after they encountered her and nothing was done to disrupt filming.
If they do "address" it in the show as the sheeple think they might, what can they show? Steve asked someone else in the field how they were today, show the other people waiting in line to get in?
sarah said... And yet the madness continues..Apparently the show must go on.
This is from BabyMama's site:
"We have a new Kate Plus 8 Special airing November 28th. It will be interesting to see how all of corn maze privacy issue plays out."
She's such a hypocrite. As if she wouldn't have been there with bells on if she heard the Gosselins were filming anywhere near her. Don't think she'd have been worried about privacy then. No one gets privacy in an open to the public corn maze. She's all up in arms like someone was peeping in Kate's windows (which I wouldn't put it past her to do).
Steve himself said in his interview that the "fans" are the scary ones.
sarah said...
And yet the madness continues..Apparently the show must go on.
This is from BabyMama's site:
"We have a new Kate Plus 8 Special airing November 28th. It will be interesting to see how all of corn maze privacy issue plays out."
Nothing official on wikipedia, I don't know about TLC,I stopped visiting that site a long time ago(I know, I should do the same with BabyMama's lol)
I am disgusted!
It was confirmed by Hollywood Reporter.
BabyMama is more concerned about corn maze privacy than how Figure 8/Kate will skirt the fact that two of her sextuplets were already expelled prior to filming this Halloween special? How will they explain the reason that two of the kids are not in uniform while costume shopping? Excuse it for sickness, doctor's appointment, etc.
This "corn maze privacy issue" will probably be addressed just like the Bald Head Island incident with the Huffington reporter on vacation...left on the cutting room floor. If there were any issues, Steve would have addressed the person in concern and dealt with it immediately.
Crabitha Codswallop said
THIS is the mentality of a Kate fan!
katefan01 said...
wow reading that is making me cry , im in class and im trying to hold back my tears. kate is my hero and it kills me to hear theese fals acusations about her parenting. she IS by far the best mother i have ever heard of ,(no offence babymama or anyother mom), she strives to do the best for her kids and protect them.
these stories about alexis and collin are sickiningly false who in thier right mind would spread rumors about two six year olds? its wrong and discusting . team Kate,Cara,Mady,Alexis,Hannah,Aaden,Collin,Leah and Joel<3 we love you
Awwwwww.... crap.
I'm tempted to comment, but this poster sounds like a youngster.
She sounds innocently sweet, and has no idea of the depth of the Gosselin situation. Bless her heart.
You know, judging from alot of the comments left on blogs etc...I'm starting to believe that perhaps the majority of Kate's fans are youngsters who are in love with the cuteness of the Gosselin 8...
All I have to say about those laying all the blame on Jon, how hypocritical. We are not allowed to speculate what happens when the kids have Kate, even though we have a mountain of actual video evidence. But Jon, whom we've only briefly seen and heard from during the past 18 months, is subject to all the speculation in the world at their hands. Unbelievable.
Do they see the irony in worrying about privacy, when there will be a camera following the kids up close down every row in that corn maze and then broadcasting the footage to millions? Pot meet kettle.
sarah said...
And yet the madness continues..Apparently the show must go on.
This is from BabyMama's site:
"We have a new Kate Plus 8 Special airing November 28th. It will be interesting to see how all of corn maze privacy issue plays out."
Nothing official on wikipedia, I don't know about TLC,I stopped visiting that site a long time ago(I know, I should do the same with BabyMama's lol)
I am disgusted!
Don't allow yourself to get too upset over it, Sarah. Kate + 8 is basically done.
Let them have their corn field/Halloween show.
It's probably going to be the last show anyway.
Reminder to all:
If you want the children to live peaceful, happy and private childhoods,do not feed the TLC money machine- stop watching Kate + 8!
Shouldn't that little girl who is ready to cry over the Gosselins be paying attention to her classes and learning how to spell instead of typing on a blog?
She'll end up a full bore sheeple.
Pink said...You know, judging from alot of the comments left on blogs etc...I'm starting to believe that perhaps the majority of Kate's fans are youngsters who are in love with the cuteness of the Gosselin 8...
Reasoning with sheeple is an exercise in futility. I'm convinced 'the sheeple' is a just a software program that spews out stupid remarks and which apparently never has any updates. It's the same old argument everytime.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I'm tempted to comment, but this poster sounds like a youngster.
She sounds innocently sweet, and has no idea of the depth of the Gosselin situation. Bless her heart.
You're right on--she's a child. I think she said she was 12 in one comment. In another comment, she said she was going to sneak to watch the Alaska episode. Her dad hated Kate and wouldn't allow it. But she said something like "too bad for him!" because he wouldn't be home to stop her. Or something like that. And she did defy him to watch her idol Kate.
There are two other posters on that site using translation programs from Brazil. They are all of 13, they've said.
The sheeple are starting mighty young.
Here's an older post from that same person and it is much worse.
"And I'm 16 <3 I would die for Kate or her Kids and I'm so glad u made this site "
Makes me so sad. Something is missing in her life for her to say that.
Yes, I read that post about her dad not liking Kate. Called the show crap - LOL. Go Dad!!!!
I'm sure it won't get posted but I wrote a comment on the Peace, Love, World blog explaining exactly why I won't be buying their products for my granddaughters like I thought about before I read this.
I can't wait to see the ratings for Kate's grand finale Halloween special over the Thanksgiving weekend. I bet they'll be rock bottom particularly being over the big shopping weekend. Most people will be to tired or disinterested to listen to her whining in her stilletto heels going through a corn field. It should be a nice sendoff, can't wait
The sheeple are now upset, they think this video indicates Jon was the one who was the source for the kids being expelled.
Teehee, an article saying Kate is so last week!
@ Fake nails..all I meant was we all know how much she loved spas and pedicures, I never once saw her get her nails done. Now she sports what looks like acrylic nails and flashes her hands on couch interviews to show them off. That's fine but like I said earlier, when did she become a fake-ish nail person? I loved mine at one time but every two weeks for fills and than once a month or so for full sets can be expensive and just so time consuming. I realize a lot of moms get them but how many moms with 8 kids have the time or money for that? Really
You guys have GOT to check out new pictures of Kate up on Celebrity Gossip Center dressed incognito in dark glasses, hat, stringy weave and it get much better.. skin tight black leggings and silver stiletto heels yikes!!! She looks like a trashy teenager but then again I think most would no better than to dress so tacky
Not to nitpick but... said...
Shouldn't that little girl who is ready to cry over the Gosselins be paying attention to her classes and learning how to spell instead of typing on a blog?
What's really important to her is that she can spell the names of Kate and all eight children correctly, but nothing else. This will serve her well in the years to come. It's sad.
I watched the video, Jon made a statement on his twitter that the children were having problems and it was not in their best interest, this was several weeks ago. It seems to me she was referring to that. If Jon was their source and wanted to remain anonymous he would have said so and she wouldn't be permitted to say "according to Jon." Simply not including "according to Jon's TWEETS" and the sheeple have their panties in a bind.
It is a red herring anyway. The point is the children need privacy to deal with this no matter what the cause no matter who reported it. Blaming it all on Jon is distracting from the real issue, kindergarteners getting expelled.
And where is this InTouch reporter getting her source that they just film for a "few months and then they're done." We have proof right here on this blog they filmed constantly from April to August, then had a break (clearly because Jon was taking her to court), then when Jon lost in court not a week later Kate was right back out there filming the crap out of them. And on their OWN SHOW they admitted they film YEAR ROUND, they said so. Which settled the contention the sheeple had they only film a little bit out of the year. As well as this crap they don't film during the schoolyear it was just a summer special--that was also crap the only reason they stopped was because Jon tried to stop it in court, it just happened to be during the school year.
Out of Kate and Jon's own mouths, they film year-round.
It was reported on GMA this morning that Sarah Palin makes 250K an episode. Sorry if that has been posted. How long has it taken Kate to get there? Kate must be livid with all the promotion Palin is getting...
Hippie Chick said...
It was reported on GMA this morning that Sarah Palin makes 250K an episode. Sorry if that has been posted. How long has it taken Kate to get there? Kate must be livid with all the promotion Palin is getting...
It's been reported for the last year that Kate is also paid $250,000 per episode.
Teehee, an article saying Kate is so last week!
And yet the madness continues..Apparently the show must go on.
This is from BabyMama's site:
"We have a new Kate Plus 8 Special airing November 28th. It will be interesting to see how all of corn maze privacy issue plays out."
Nothing official on wikipedia, I don't know about TLC,I stopped visiting that site a long time ago(I know, I should do the same with BabyMama's lol)
I am disgusted!
Hippie Chick said...
Virginia Pen Mom said...
"- she [Kate] has NOT robbed her kids of their childhoods
- she has NOT robbed her kids of their privacy
- she has NOT robbed her kids of having a voice
- she has NOT robbed her kids of having a choice
- she has NOT robbed her children of having a mother (she is quite wonderful)
- she has NOT robbed her children of having normal relationships with friends
- she has NOT robbed her parents of having relationships with THEIR children
- she has NOT opened her children unfairly to ridicule But thanks for asking!"
Ummm...What??? Are they blind? Every single thing they wrote is a blatant lie.
Much of what was written is opinion (e.g., Kate is a wonderful mother) and therefore cannot, by definition, be a lie. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean the person is lying.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I'm tempted to comment, but this poster sounds like a youngster.
She sounds innocently sweet, and has no idea of the depth of the Gosselin situation. Bless her heart.
You're right on--she's a child. I think she said she was 12 in one comment. In another comment, she said she was going to sneak to watch the Alaska episode. Her dad hated Kate and wouldn't allow it. But she said something like "too bad for him!" because he wouldn't be home to stop her. Or something like that. And she did defy him to watch her idol Kate.
There are two other posters on that site using translation programs from Brazil. They are all of 13, they've said.
The sheeple are starting mighty young.
sarah said...
And yet the madness continues..Apparently the show must go on.
This is from BabyMama's site:
"We have a new Kate Plus 8 Special airing November 28th. It will be interesting to see how all of corn maze privacy issue plays out."
Nothing official on wikipedia, I don't know about TLC,I stopped visiting that site a long time ago(I know, I should do the same with BabyMama's lol)
I am disgusted!
Don't allow yourself to get too upset over it, Sarah. Kate + 8 is basically done.
Let them have their corn field/Halloween show.
It's probably going to be the last show anyway.
Reminder to all:
If you want the children to live peaceful, happy and private childhoods,do not feed the TLC money machine- stop watching Kate + 8!
Remember, she allegedly held the kids back for a year to go to Full-Time kindergarten.
That's a misconception. She didn't hold them back. They were in pre-school at church-related school and when they applied for Kindergarten at their present school, they were not on target for the regular Kindergarten class, even though they were the appropriate age. Extensive testing is done for placement, and it was determined that the kids would do best in its Pre-K class there. Kate got no favors because of her celebrity status. She could have kicked and screamed and insisted that they be placed in Kindergarten last year because she was embarrassed to have her six-year-olds in Kindergarten, but it wouldn't have mattered. The school determines where students should be (and not be), not the parents. If they would have been ready for Kindergarten last year, that's where they would have been.
There is nothing that I can contribute here that hasn't already been posted -- with thoughtfulness or insight. I appreciate reading all of your messages. TLC/Discover is a TV entity. They are involved as long is there is some benefit. When TLC is completely finished dealing with this family, they will be dumped into a wasteland of television has-beens. No more attention, perks, bill paying, "body guards" -- no more anything. Then an emotionally and physically broken family will be left to pick up the pieces with no skills to do so. The kids will be victims for a long time into their futures...even after the cameras are gone.
As with many folks in the limelight, kHATE expects the public to follow her every move only when choreographed by her. She documents inappropriate moments of her kids for all to see - and even pokes fun at them on camera as they vomit, use the bathroom, etc. All in the name of making a buck of their poor backs. But when something unflattering goes down (as with the school problems) it becomes a "thanks for respecting our privacy" moment. Sorry lady - you sold out your families' childhood for fame you have to take the good with the bad.
What is incredible to me is the fact that this embarrassment of a person acts like a bratty diva on camera, thinking she is cute and in her mind proving that she is SuperMom. From the clips and commercials I have seen she is the nastiest person I have ever watched - and this is her BEST BEHAVIOR? Edited for TV to portray herself in a good light. SCARY - can you imagine what this hag is like OFF camera?
It's such a tragedy. This stupid show should have run its course for a couple season, then they should have gotten out and lived their life comfortably together.
Instead, Mom decided to dress like a crack whore every chance she gets, ignores her kids, flaunts her fake boobs, fake hair, fake teeth, fake nails, fake tummy, fake lashes and fake celebrity and then has the arrogance to claim to anyone that will listen how she did it all herself, earned it and DESERVES it.
Just an absolute MESS of a person. Seriously not a single shred of decency, class, dignity or common sense.
Wow- Some of the sheeple comments are simply ridiculous. For the first time, the tups are attending school full-time and 2 of the 6 have been expelled within 2 months!!!!If this is not symptomatic of problems at home, I don't know what is. We can not know if other tups are having problems, but have not been expelled as the school may be trying to work with them. I am sure the school tried to work with the 2 tups prior to expulsion, as most private schools do give special attention to children.
Mady's outbursts that actually made it to film, are symptomatic that there have been issues for quite a while. Once again, sloughed off by Khate and blamed on the child. Even Cara looks depressed, like she has given up.
Bottom line- Kate and Jon need to focus on their kids, stop filming, and address the children's needs. I agree with a prior comment that the kids should attend counseling to address their individual needs/coping skills, but until the underlying problem (Khate) addresses her parenting/personal issues affecting her children, not much is likely to change. These kids deserve so much better. I do not want to even get started on Kate's atrocious behavior on film, let alone, what did not make it to the show. Or their "real" day to day lives. Parents lead by example. Khate has been a horrible role model since Season 3 and unless she changes and the kids are given some privacy, I predict very bleak results for these kids.
With her bad diva behavior with DWTS and the Alaska episode, I am not sure TLC is supportive of her at all. This mess of her kids on TV is coming to an end, but what will happen then? Not advocating for continued filming, actually the opposite, but you have to seriously wonder what will go/continue to go on in that house once the filming ends. God bless the 8 Gosselin kids, and hopefully Jon or someone will address the obvious damage done, and look out for the children's best interest in the future. Bluntly put, the Gosselin 8 need an advocate.
Just wanted to comment on a few things that were mentioned above:
Did she ever know those kids? Not very well. Remember when she couldn't tell the camera which ones were left and right handed?
Would Kate say publicly that the family needs some private time and put a pause on filming? That would be like death to her. She feeds off that filming.
College: Many opinions, but I have said many times that when you are applying for college, they take into consideration how many siblings are also in college/will be attending at that time. They will go to college for NOTHING, so there is no worry about their future education. P.S. this is predicated on the sure fact that the family will be broke at that time.
I'm still waiting for a declaration from Kate, Jon, TLC, the children's school-
vehemently denying that the children were expelled from school.
Instead Kate said that it was a (and I'm paraphrasing here- I don't have the exact quote) "private matter that's being handled", TLC is refusing to comment, and Jon hasn't said peep. I think that is pretty telling.
Perhaps the information that was leaked
to the public is not too far from the truth...sadly.
But ANYWAY- it is, what it is. A huge wakeup call for Kate to stop filming.
I agree with you Trucker..that little boy I believe is the one who is camera shy and has been hiding his little face for months, maybe a year already. The little girls I agree are ones to believe to be the bullies. I remember my sister watching the show where Jamies son visits and the girls were ready to rip Jamies son a new ass hole for grabbing their playdoh, The look on those girls faces at the boy gave my sister the hibbie jibbies.
Something has been puzzling me. The boy tup the reports are refering to seems so eager to please. Is always talking quietly yet very articulate. Seems to know the rules and doesn't give Kate a hard time. I would never have thought this of him. The girl, yea sadly.
Virginia Pen Mom, I believe that was her rebuttle to my original post.
I call it "grasping at straws".....
My prayer for the sheeple of the world is that after Kate & children move on to obscurity- if they must admire someone, that it be someone more worthy of admiration: Christ, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Reverend Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, you can fill in _______with who you feel deserves admiration.
Now, those people REALLY walked the walk, and talked the talk.
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