US Weekly has named Kate one of their turkeys of the year, right up there with celebrity sludge like Kanye West, who is so jealous of Taylor Swift he could spit and all but ruined that sweet and hard-working young girl's greatest career moment, and David Arquette, who told Howard Stern all about his sex life with Courtney Cox.
Kate is also in the running for a local turkey of the year: http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/news/local_news/vote-now%3A-turkeys-of-the-year
Meanwhile, Kate is reported to have the kids for the second Thanksgiving in a row, while Jon gets the leftovers on Friday.
82 sediments (sic) from readers:
Wow- Kate is a piece of ...work. She tells A & C that they won't get into heaven for getting expelled. Way to parent your kids. It's pretty bad when Spencer is more likeable than Kate.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Kate's left the competition in the dust.
I don't think someone comes back from this kind of bad press. She is now a genuine laughing stock, and TLC and ET are contributing to the joke in a big way. I'd like to know why.
Administrator, could you have someone in the mental health field comment on your blog to officially say that Kate is a narcissist. How can someone who is so mentally ill (IMHO, since I am not a psychiatrist/psychologist) keep on keeping on, like she does. This woman's antics baffle me. I went dress shopping for Thanksgiving and there is NO WAY I would wear a way-way-too-small dress like Khate did at DWTS with Mary Hart that was SO painfully tight and that showed off her thong and the outline of her pubic area. Disgusting. I would say to myself, "No way! This is not right, it's just not right." But idiot-woman Khate wears such a disgracefully ill-fitting dress.
All of this is with a backdrop of her kids (at LEAST two of them) ALREADY failing miserably at being civilized human beings.
We can all jibber-jabber all we want on here, but I would like to hear from a true mental health professional with experience... How does such a narcissist (IMHO) get that bad.
hahahaha now we will be serving up Kate Gobble Gobble on Thanksgiving..Thanks for the laugh Admin..Happy Thanksgiving everyone..and now back to my pies
Anita, I have read comments by psychologists, and they all say pretty much the same thing, that they cannot comment on something like that without actually assessing the person. It really would be pretty unprofessional.
There have been a lot of comments from people who have been raised by narcissists and the stories are so very similar. There have also been profiles of narcissists posted that you can find on the internet describing their traits.
I haven't read anywhere how they get to be the way they are. It would be interesting to try and delve into that a little bit.
Hahaha This is too funny, Kate Gobble will be known as Turkey of the Year. How appropriate for someone who used a private issue about her kids for a rating boost for ET. The woman is the worse Turkey ever. Hope Jon takes that ET tape to the judge and shows him or her how their own mother is using the kids misfortune for her own career gain. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
I nominate Kate Gobbelin as the newest "clever" version of her name lol.
Re: Kate's statement that the kids would "fall apart" if they could no longer have their lives be scripted, nationally broadcasted and spend their entire summer on a plane. This is the same woman that when the tups were four, claimed they had a family meeting to decide whether to do another season. Kate herself said these were the options the kids were given: do the show and have a mommy and daddy who stay home with you and go on lots of fun trips, or have a mommy and daddy who have to work all the time and you will all have to go to daycare and maybe go on one trip a year. Gee, what do you think their answer was when they had it put to them that way?
Also, how interesting that Kate claimed when the kids were told of their parent's divorce, they shrugged and asked what was for lunch, which I'm sure was a lie, but she wanted it to appear the kids don't care about Jon. The man who had just cared for them for 2 months 24/7 while Mommie Dearest was galavanting about the country promoting her new book with Steve & her new boobs. When Jon halted the filming last year, Kate said there was 8 kids "wailing and sobbing" in her van as she told them while picking them up from the bus. So... beloved Daddy moving out- no emotion-but any suggestion that the show will end- hysterical kids. Yeah right. When her mouth opens, does the truth ever come out?
That's my Kate rant for the day, back to my cake! Happy Thanksgiving all!!!!
In case you want to read more about the Gosselins, try Dr. Lillian Glassman's blog. She has written some of the best articles about them and their poor parenting. She believes the kids need help and so do I. Where is the GAL for these kids?
As a retired Mental Health Professional, I need to tell you that the best you might get from any of us is
"Kate's behaviour exhibits some of the characteristics connected with various disorders, including Narcissistic Personality Disorder; but without a comprehensive face-to-face assessment, we are unable to provide a definitive diagnosis, and it would be unethical of us to comment in a diagnostic way without actually meeting and assessing the client."
Any Psychologist who does come out with a definitive diagnosis without this assessment is guessing.It may be an educated guess; it may be right on; but it's guessing, and against ethical practice.
Some interesting pictures of Kate on Preesi today.
@wayward it was not Kate who said the kids asked what's for lunch it was Jon(wait for it,I am not kate fan-God forbid) It was like this:
regarding the divorce kate said: Mady said I can't say I'm surprised,Cara started to cry.They told Joel,Collin,Leah,Alexis,Collin and Hannah( I hate it when they are treated like a pack by their mother) the easy version,as much as you can tell a 5yo.
After the cease and deseased Kate said:
It was wailing 8 times when I told them the show was over
Jon's reply: The kids were not wailing because the show is over, Kate probably told them that their friends(the crew) will go away and that MIGHT have upset the a LITTLE.And now I quoute Jon: "You know how I know this[that the kids aren't devastated by the lack of filming]? because when we told them we are getting a divorce, the 5 year olds asked what's for dinner" SO Jon actually said the dinner thing, in hopes of showing the sheeple that if the kids could barely comprehend the consequences of a divorce, how on Earth will they find cameras going away such a tragedy?(unless coached and told bad things would happen without the camera of course which we all know Kate did)
granny 66 said... Some interesting pictures of Kate on Preesi today.
Sure. She gets her picture taken and she doesn't have to cook. Not a kid in sight.
The picture with Kate and the other smiley woman (whom I'm sure I should recognize) - does it look like Kate has a big wad of gum in her
left cheek? It does to me. Wonder what she does with her gum when it's time to eat the food?
Amen Alyssa- Kate is one dimented, self-absorbed lying chick. With the kids coming in a far last in terms of what SHE wants. What mother torments her kids with all of the things they will not get, rather than simply asking them what THEY want? We all know the answer and the kids clearly need to be away from the cameras and with Jon, if he is ready to put his ego aside. The most important job one will ever do is parent their kids and make sure choices are made that are in their best interest in the long run. And this does not mean money, fame, trips Kate. They will survive without and probably enjoy every second of not having their lives scrutinized before their classmates. This is 101 stuff.
You can go on ET's facebook photo page and comment on the pictures.
IDModo said: "As a retired Mental Health Professional, I need to tell you that the best you might get from any of us is
"Kate's behaviour exhibits some of the characteristics connected with various disorders, including Narcissistic Personality Disorder; but without a comprehensive face-to-face assessment, we are unable to provide a definitive diagnosis, and it would be unethical of us to comment in a diagnostic way without actually meeting and assessing the client."
Any Psychologist who does come out with a definitive diagnosis without this assessment is guessing.It may be an educated guess; it may be right on; but it's guessing, and against ethical practice."
This! Also, if a professional did meet the client and do a comprehensive assessment, he/she would not be able to comment publically without a signed release from the client. Confidentiality and all that.
Jill P (sorry about the anonymous)
Popping in between roasting squash and an apple pie....
I too hate the way Kate projects all her feelings onto the kids, railroading them to be aligned with what she wants. How convenient it is the children are always on the same page as what she wants. We're not that stupid. I refuse to believe that all eight children feel the exact same way about each and every single thing that Kate wants.
At least Jon is able to distinguish that some feel this way and some feel that way, i.e. he has said some don't want to film more than others.
As for Kate and her nicorette gum, I imagine she sticks it behind her ear to eat turkey.
What's this thing Kate was judging and when was it?
She really is the happiest when she is in LA or NY with other celebs isn't she? She is all smiles and cheery.
The Thanksgiving potluck pictures at Pressi site were from a potluck and cooking contest held at Entertainment tonight on Monday. If you go to ET website it has the pictures and says it was Monday and was a potluck and cooking contest (with Kate as a judge) and food etc was brought in and donated to the needy.
Seems to me like neither one of these bad parents is very interested in having the kids for the holidays. Kate keeps flying off to God knows where so she doesn't have to spend time with them, and Jon doesn't seem very motivated to fight for more visitation. No matter what he says. I just feel bad for these poor kids, I'm pretty sure they're aware of what's all going on (kids are a lot smarter than given credit for) and it's going to show up over the years in all osrts of self-esteem and behavioral issues. Way to go Kate and Jon, IMO you both suck big time.
Apparently it's a combination pot-luck dinner, cooking contest and food drive. There are signs in the background of some of the pictures.
Is Stevie MIA??
Figures this witch leaves her kids with strangers every minute she can...
Sarah Palin was on the Glen Beck show and she said something like "we have to stand behind our North Korean allies". Now I am Canadian but even I know your ally is South Korea. Stupid is as stupid does. No wonder TLC likes these women, they are morons.
Hey at least Sarah Palin understands there are countries out there other than the U.S., and that Korea is divided into North Korea and South Korea! Kate just wanted to take the kids to "Korea."
mama mia, we have a vice president that told a man in a wheelchair to stand up so the audience could see him
I just ventured over to ET Online and watched a video of the Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner, where she was a judge.
OMG...I can't believe that this loser is this stupid and annoying, yet ET is interested in her.
You gotta' hear what she says....she is so stupid !
Judys said...
I just ventured over to ET Online and watched a video of the Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner, where she was a judge.
OMG...I can't believe that this loser is this stupid and annoying, yet ET is interested in her.
You gotta' hear what she says....she is so stupid !
Kate squealed and said something like it's the only time it's okay to have food in your teeth. I agree, she is an idiot. She probably irritated everyone at the party.
I wonder when Kate will get the message that she's done.
Just dropping in to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble, Gobble, Kate Gobblelin... ;o)
Lauren said:
I wonder when Kate will get the message that she's done.
Sadly Lauren,I don't think she's done yet. D-listed idiots seem to last longer than some real true talented actors.
And so...we are going to be stuck listening to that screeching,annoying,irratating, voice every time we turn on the tv.
"Kate squealed and said something like it's the only time it's okay to have food in your teeth. I agree, she is an idiot. She probably irritated everyone at the party."
Yeah and then smiled and did a little curtsy like she'd really accomplished something learning that line.
One of the guys at the potluck said he was shoving the food in his pants. I wonder if that's what Kate had in her jock strap the other night - leftovers.
Khate "Gobble Gobble" Gosselin! Ha Ha Ha. She has cemented herself in the Laughingstock Hall of Fame, and it is HER OWN FAULT! No pity ever for this witch.
Denise said: "mama mia, we have a vice president that told a man in a wheelchair to stand up so the audience could see him"
mama mia, at the Gridiron dinner, which supposedly was very boring, our vice president decided to liven things up by inviting the guests back to his place at the old Naval Observatory. He told everyone that they could play with the trains at the secret shelter underneath, therefore disclosing the location of the bunker that the vice-presidents use in the event of war, or a terrorist attack.
Judys said...
"I just ventured over to ET Online and watched a video of the Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner, where she was a judge.
OMG...I can't believe that this loser is this stupid and annoying, yet ET is interested in her.
You gotta' hear what she says....she is so stupid !"
Watch the commercial at the end of the video...it starts out with the DWTS contestants. Right after they say, "Our skating with the stars correspondent," look at the head-on shot of Kate (holding the microphone). It's there for only a split second. It looks exactly like the caricature at the top of this blog!
My son was 6 when his dad and I separated. When we told him that Daddy was moving out, he listened and then asked if he could go watch TV. I know another woman who had a similar reaction from her son, who was 4 or 5 when she separated from his father. My son was obviously uncomfortable and it was pretty apparent that he didn't know what else to say and it was a way of coping with being upset - remove himself from the room and the situation. Years later when he was in high school, I read a paper he wrote where he described that moment. He verified then that he didn't know what else to do because while he understood what divorce was, he didn't really "get it" as it applied to him at that time.
Anyway - I have no doubt that the Gosselin children, or at least the younger ones, probably did ask "what's for lunch?" after they were told about the divorce. It's a way for them to remove themselves from an uncomfortable situation and try to return to normalcy.
Robin, exactly. Yet another example of Kate's elementery understanding of child development in particular a child the same age as the sextuplets.
Children this age cannot always process such grave big news all at once. In fact if you read about how to talk to a child about death, often-times parents are taken aback when a child reacts to the sad news that a grandparent or friend has died with questions that make it seem like the child doesn't care--i.e. what's for dinner, when are we going to the amusement park, can you help me with my homework. Remember a child this age has a hard time even processing what it means for things to so permanently change--what a divorce or death even means. They know something is wrong and different, but they don't know how to react. If you don't jump on it right then, as Kate obviously didn't, you are setting yourself up for potentially years of unprocessed anger, fear, and sadness.
It does not surprise me at all that the children are taking a long time to process these changes. No one helped them get through it in the first place. Just like the cupcakes, Kate thinks out of sight out of mind. She really does need a child development class, an intensive one.
Geez if Kate even Googled divorce and children for a few minutes she would know that it is normal for a child to act like a divorce is no big deal, and that it absolutely does not mean a divorce is REALLY no big deal for them, they are just ACTING like it is. What an idiot.
This article talks about how it's normal for a child that young to act like they didn't even hear you when you broke the news of the divorce. And certainly does not mean they are FINE, from Donald T. Saposnek, Ph.D., is a Clinical-Child psychology:
"Younger children (under the age of 5 or so) have diverse reactions to challenging information. Upon first hearing the news, some may cry briefly and then act as if they didn’t hear it. Some may change the subject (a young child’s typical way of defending against thoughts and feelings that are overwhelming). Some may show no emotion at all, and, after hearing the news, may just ask if he/she can go play. Never assume that the absence of an initial upset means that the child is fine with the divorce. A child’s response to this event will always unfold in time."
Bubbles said...I nominate Kate Gobbelin as the newest "clever" version of her name lol.
I second the nomination and move that she be plucked in the town square.
"Kate thinks out of sight out of mind. She really does need a child development class, an intensive one."
Kate "needs" a lot of things, like therapy, however, that's never going to happen. The children need to get out of that environment. Kate will never change.
I've been reading up on narcissists, and they do not have the ability to see others as feeling human beings. They see them as extensions of themselves. That's why she said the children would fall apart of filming of K+8 stopped. She can only relate to how things affect her.
It's such a bad situation for those kids.
Their school does have opportunities for children going through life changes (like divorce) to have some special time to discuss it with a counselor and with other children in the same boat. It's in their handbook.
I wonder if Kate considers this enough "therapy".
Happy Thanksgiving to all 15 Mins posters and Admin.
A little OT, but I have to say we've had a lovely Thanksgiving. It was just three of us, my husband (who works 3rd shift and didn't get the holiday off), my mother and me. However, we had a very special reason to be thankful on this day. My mother had an edoscopy (sp?) yesterday (dr's thought she might have esophagal cancer) and she came out with a clean bill of health, no tumors and everything was healthy!!
Back on topic, these are the things that Kate is missing out on, the importance of family. She'll never know the joy of a good prognosis of a parent or a sibling, the joy of one or all 8 of her children getting an A in school or the success of a team sport her children participate in winning a game. She's too caught up in her material world.
While Kate may have a heck of a lot of money in her bank account, our lives are much richer because we here at 15 mins truly know what makes us all richer than her.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving!
after reading others stories about divorce, I remembered what I said/did when my parents told me about their divorce. I was four and when they told me that my dad was moving into his own place I ran out the door to tell my neighbour friend that my daddy was getting his own house at the beach! I was so excited! I had no idea.
Anyway, just some reminiscing from me. I hope the kids had a good day, that would be something to really be thankful for!
To "Kate is Scary": Thanks for the insight into narcissists. I have been plagued with a narcissist my entire life (my older sister). Learning about Khate 'Gobble Gobble' Gobbelin has really helped me to learn that narcissists will never change. Like Khate 'Gobble Gobble' Gobbelin's family, our family cannot stand my older sister. She is 50 years old and we are all sick to death with her antics. Today is Thanksgiving and we could care less about her. My sister called me today (as if I cared) and all of a sudden, after YEARS of NEVER sending out a birthday card or any holiday greeting to anyone in the family, she all of a sudden wanted me to give her the list of all the family birthdays. I gave her the list, but, you know, too little too late. The horse left the barn a LONG time ago. She even asked me if I knew of anyone in nursing homes so she could send them a card. She said, "That would be a good thing to do". I said to her THREE TIMES: "Yeah, it would make you LOOK like you're a good person." I said it to the witch THREE TIMES. I am SO sick of her crap, I have NO pity for her anymore.
My point is that miserable, dysfunctional Khatezilla Gobbelin will end up just like my 50-year-old sister: a lonely, toxic woman that people can't stand.
Anonymous pick a name.
Kate's comments about the kids not even reacting to the divorce were clearly said with the undertone, See they are fine the divorce didn't even bother them! Which then leads to, no reason the show can't continue. We're on to her and these comments are not innocent, she knows exactly what she is doing.
The bigger issue is not Kate's intent, but the fact that she is disclosing to us the children's private and personal reactions to the divorce. I cannot imagine feeling more betrayed as a child to have a mother telling strangers about my personal feelings about what had to be the single worst thing that has ever happened to them. Divorce is hard enough without your mother running to People to tell them all about it for cash.
Hmm maybe her PR people got to it and said we can't admit the children are in counseling quick cut it out, admitting they are in counseling means we're admitting something is wrong!
Do they not understand we all think the kids SHOULD be in counseling or at the very least be evaluated for it???
The queen of mean was dissed yet again in dlisted. Exquisite!
I have a daughter that is 3 months younger than the Gosselin sextuplets, but adjusting for when they were due she is only 1 month younger than they are. I have been divorced from her father since she was an infant - he left me for someone else when I was 7 months pregnant. She's never known a life with him in the home although she's had somewhat regular (albeit brief) visits with him.
Even though she never went through us "divorcing" she still knows we are divorced and that it makes her different than some of her classmates because her daddy doesn't live in our house, and it bothers her. When he comes around, she acts out both while he's around and for a while afterward. She's affected by our divorce even though she essentially didn't even know about it.
I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it is for the Gosselin children to comprehend a "divorce" because the ONLY thing that has been permanent in their lives is their mother, and we've seen how she treats them. They've seen family members, friends, crew members, and pets come and go. They've lived in 3 different houses, and for the younger children, that's 3 houses in 6 years. Now we know even their school experience hasn't been consistent.
It's not "different" for them when people go out of their lives or are less involved in their lives - that's their normal. And that's what's so sad about the whole situation. They're learning that they can't count on anyone. And the one person they should be able to count on, their MOTHER, is so incredibly INconsistent and controlling that it's impossible to please her.
Have you had any luck finding the original "Mady got slapped, Palin made a 'threatening deal,' and Take and Purseboy booked" comment?
I answered your post soon as I saw it yesterday, on the "Hate's L.A. Trip: The Pressure Was Getting To The Kids" thread.
I remember many details about it except the most important - WHERE on the internet it was.
Please try to find my post to you; some of it might help. [IF TLC hasn't long ago removed it, dammit.]
Good Luck! alana
I've done alot of reading on narcissists...in order to better understand/heal myself after being raised by one. Some believe it stems from childhood neglect or trauma, causing arrested development. These types of people have the mindset of a 3-5 year old, hence the roles are reversed. The child is expected to care for the parent, which leads to severe dysfunction, and the cycle continues.
Some children of narcissists end up with the disorder as well (since their needs are not met as children) or they turn out to be extreme people pleasers, to the expense of their own feelings. They have no sense of identity, and feel invisible in the world. This often leads to the usual suspects...drug abuse, inability to form relationships, higher suicide rate, etc. Narcissism is also one of the most difficult disorders to treat, and for the children, it takes alot of work to become healthy.
It's an interesting disorder really, just incredibly sad because it causes so much damage. Who knows if Kate really has this or not, but the shoe certainly seems to fit.
So much for handling the matter privately..... who else would be "close to the situation" besides Kate, Jon, Ellen and the nannies?????
re the dress/pic from DWTS...
I got an email from a male friend of mine who is a part time drag queen. Dont laugh, he is a nice guy. anyway he says he feels pretty certain Kate is wearing thigh pads in that pic, to try to make her waist look smaller. Even told me the style he thinks she is wearing and where she got them, possibly Victorias Secret. She got the dress too tight to begin with and then put the pads in there and it was WAY too tight.
It's a hysterical email, I am debating asking admin if I could post it.
Yesterday at Thanksgiving dinner a family member who is a doc was talking about DWTS and Jennifer Grey winning. the topic came up about Kate's dress although most of the family never heard of the woman. Doc said she looked like she had a something Vaginal Bone. soemthing I dont recall, perhaps the word was "Protuding". Anyway, Kate was likely unaware of it since she has never had a vaginal birth.
Just thought I would share some opinions.
TessaKittysMom said... Seems to me like neither one of these bad parents is very interested in having the kids for the holidays. Kate keeps flying off to God knows where so she doesn't have to spend time with them, and Jon doesn't seem very motivated to fight for more visitation.
I thought that Jon has a court hearing for NEXT WEEK to fight for more visitation? 2nd court hearing this month? At Jon's request?
Jon can only go to court so many times. And in PA - dads get a raw deal.
Did you see that Kate is now claiming that the two weren't expelled? It's on the abcnews website.
Could someone put the link up for the picture with the protrusion. I haven't dared to look at anything ET, but would like to see the anomaly? Thanks!
I don't believe for a second the kids weren't expelled, let go, asked to leave, however they want to call it they were forced out of there. But let's assume, now that Kate is, sort of, denying it, that it's true they were not "expelled."
Where the hell was Kate two weeks ago when this story broke??? If it wasn't true why didn't she say so right there and then instead of making the kids suffer through all these horrible rumors for two weeks before finally getting around to denying them? What a horrible mother. If it were something vicious about her she would be right out there. No wonder the kids are suffering, no one is in their corner until they can figure out how to make money off it.
This is why I don't believe her, it took two weeks to figure out how to handle this and her PR team finally decided the only way out is to lie. If this was a lie from the beginning any mother would be out there front and center saying You say that again about my babies and I'll sue the pants off you. That is any mother who has a maternal bone in her body.
I also find it funny that a minority of news media turn to KATE to set the record straight. As if she's reliable! This from a woman whose nose is practically growing branches and leaves from all the lying she does.
LisaNH...I'm happy to hear your mom is OK. MY dad had esophegeal cancer in 1987 & lived through it. It's rare that that happens. He also just recently lived through 2 pulmonary embolisms. You can't keep that man down! I'm happy you had nice day. I am not a big believer in Thanksgiving, I feel as though I don't need one day to be thankful for the things I thank God for everyday. (that's just my opinion, please don't get upset with me about it!!) but I still understand that it IS about family. Does Kate? I don't think she ever thinks about family first, no matter the day.
BTW LisaNH..I'm in NH too!
more pictures with alexis aand collin,this time the papparazzi had a better angle..so good that it looks they were extremely close to the kids. Now how can this be without any trasspassing: seriously! http://www.radaronline.com/photos/image/101427/2010/11/photos-gosselin-kids-play-with-their-dog
Also the other article which says the alexis and collin are doing better after the expulsion( NO ONE believes kate's version of we pulled them out because they needed breathing space) and it's apparently a certainty that they will be homeschooled for the rest of the year. Apparently Kate's "as soon as possible" means next year.Now why do they have to wait until next year if they were not expelled,again? Kate made it look like they can go bakc anythime they want and it's apparently(shockingly isn't it?) a LIE!
Shame Shame, here is the link you wanted. Scroll to bottom of page and click on the pic to enlarge it.
Admin, thanks for letting the professionals offer their input about whether or not Kate has a personality disorder.
Observable behaviors are only a small part of any disorder. A person NEEDS to be properly assessed by a professional asking the right questions, so that a thought disorder can be verified. A thought process disorder is not something that can be determined by observable behaviors (usually).
"My point is that miserable, dysfunctional Khatezilla Gobbelin will end up just like my 50-year-old sister: a lonely, toxic woman that people can't stand."
I think she is already there, Anita.
The more I read her quotes regarding the kids 'leaving school' the more I have to laugh and call BS. I was thinking back to what kindergarten was for my kids and realizing it was mostly about relationships, and interacting with other kids and learning some social behavior and etiquette. There was some learning about plants, animals, finger painting, reading stories and other activities - but mainly it was learning to coexist with other kids and building one's own self confidence.
My point being: A TUTOR??
How do you remove those kids (voluntarily according to Mommy Dearest) from an environment like that and expect things to get better? What does a tutor teach a kid that age? Are they doing pre-SAT work? Geometry? Learning a foreign language? If the kids main issues are getting along with others the WORST thing you could do is to keep them at home, isolated. All it really takes is some consistent parenting to right that ship.
Just another in a pathological history of LIES by this shrew. If she seriously has anyone else helping her at home with kids that age its called CHILD CARE, and its only because SuperMom cant think of her kids well being long enough to parent them herself.
Based on ET interview, in Kate's own words, the kids talk to the dog, because he doesn't talk back. Her kids would fall apart if the show ended.
Seriously, what does this say about her? That her kids need to talk to a dog for comfort and their lives would fall apart without the cameras? Cameras and a dog will fix the problem.
Does anyone find this so incredibly ludicrous that it seems obvious the Family Court needs to intervene? A dog and cameras are her solution to two expelled kindergarteners.......Unbelievable.
Sport said...
"My point is that miserable, dysfunctional Khatezilla Gobbelin will end up just like my 50-year-old sister: a lonely, toxic woman that people can't stand."
I think she is already there, Anita.
The more I read her quotes regarding the kids 'leaving school' the more I have to laugh and call BS. I was thinking back to what kindergarten was for my kids and realizing it was mostly about relationships, and interacting with other kids and learning some social behavior and etiquette. There was some learning about plants, animals, finger painting, reading stories and other activities - but mainly it was learning to coexist with other kids and building one's own self confidence.
My point being: A TUTOR??
How do you remove those kids (voluntarily according to Mommy Dearest) from an environment like that and expect things to get better? What does a tutor teach a kid that age? Are they doing pre-SAT work? Geometry? Learning a foreign language? If the kids main issues are getting along with others the WORST thing you could do is to keep them at home, isolated. All it really takes is some consistent parenting to right that ship.
You're seriously questioning why a kindergartner needs a tutor if they're not in school? Kindergarten is about a heck of a lot more than social skills. There are academic outcomes and standards for kindergarten students, just as for every other grade level. Ask any kindergarten teacher if all they're expected to do is teach social skills.
"You're seriously questioning why a kindergartner needs a tutor if they're not in school? Kindergarten is about a heck of a lot more than social skills. There are academic outcomes and standards for kindergarten students, just as for every other grade level. Ask any kindergarten teacher if all they're expected to do is teach social skills."
I didnt say that was ALL it was about, my point was it was the beginnings of social interaction. Starting to work alongside others and interact. Obviously there is more to it and learning takes place, too. I didnt mean to ruffle your feathers or that of any teachers.
So are you arguing that the best thing for these particular kids, who obviously dont know how to coexist socially, is to be 'tutored' at home - AWAY from any interaction on a regular basis with anyone their own age? Ridiculous.
Kindergarten is supposed to be the first real transition from home to an educational environment. Removing them from the social environment and creative play seems pointless to me.
And by the way...YEAH, I am seriously questioning why a kindergartner needs a tutor ... those kids need a PARENT.
Administrator said...
I don't believe for a second the kids weren't expelled, let go, asked to leave, however they want to call it they were forced out of there. But let's assume, now that Kate is, sort of, denying it, that it's true they were not "expelled."
Where the hell was Kate two weeks ago when this story broke??? If it wasn't true why didn't she say so right there and then instead of making the kids suffer through all these horrible rumors for two weeks before finally getting around to denying them? What a horrible mother. If it were something vicious about her she would be right out there. No wonder the kids are suffering, no one is in their corner until they can figure out how to make money off it.
This is why I don't believe her, it took two weeks to figure out how to handle this and her PR team finally decided the only way out is to lie. If this was a lie from the beginning any mother would be out there front and center saying You say that again about my babies and I'll sue the pants off you. That is any mother who has a maternal bone in her body.
I also find it funny that a minority of news media turn to KATE to set the record straight. As if she's reliable! This from a woman whose nose is practically growing branches and leaves from all the lying she does.
Isn't it obvious? Khate laid low and kept uncharacteristically quiet for a couple of weeks because she and TLC knew that they could milk this expulsion story and use it this week for publicity and a lead up to her new episode this weekend. They need some reason to get her booked on shows and get the interest up every time she has a new episode scheduled. It's become so very predictable by now, hasn't it?
Btw, I think her phrasing in the ET interview is very telling - she said the goal is to get the two kids back "into" school asap. Most people would tend to say that they're home with a tutor but will get back TO school soon. Her use of the word "into" indicates that she is attempting to get them into ANOTHER school, because going back there is not an option. I figure she'll keep them out the remainder of the year and enroll them in a new school next fall....perhaps she's planing on transferring all eight to that new school. We know she's probably pissed at hell at this school and probably wants to make them pay by withdrawing all of them. Little does she know that although the school is losing tuition times eight, they are not really losing because I'm sure she is definitely more trouble than she's worth. They'll probably be thrilled to be rid of her for once and for all!
Let's face it. Most children have had much interaction with other children, whether by family, day care, neighborhood, friends well prior to kindergarten, outside of the immediate family. Kate chose to keep the kids away from other children, outside of her 8. And held the tups back a year, so at six, some have no social skills or home training to the point they were expelled! Seriously, is Shoka supposed to teach them social skills? Or the tutors, nannies.......How about the PARENTS. Seriously, the Courts need to intervene. Kate's actions speak much louder than words. Although her words are always contrived and mixed with lies to make her look like the Supermom she is not. It is sickening.
Sport said...
"You're seriously questioning why a kindergartner needs a tutor if they're not in school? Kindergarten is about a heck of a lot more than social skills. There are academic outcomes and standards for kindergarten students, just as for every other grade level. Ask any kindergarten teacher if all they're expected to do is teach social skills."
I didnt say that was ALL it was about, my point was it was the beginnings of social interaction. Starting to work alongside others and interact. Obviously there is more to it and learning takes place, too. I didnt mean to ruffle your feathers or that of any teachers.
So are you arguing that the best thing for these particular kids, who obviously dont know how to coexist socially, is to be 'tutored' at home - AWAY from any interaction on a regular basis with anyone their own age? Ridiculous.
Kindergarten is supposed to be the first real transition from home to an educational environment. Removing them from the social environment and creative play seems pointless to me.
Actually, preschool is supposed to be the first real transition from home to an educational environment.
Saying that they need a parent in lieu of a tutor is ridiculous. That's the equivalent of saying that children with good parents don't need to go to school. They need both parents and teachers.
I'm not in a position to judge what is best for these kids since I do not know them; neither are you. I'm actually not a fan of home schooling in general, but if these kids are getting help with their behavioral issues, then it's possible that home schooling them while those issues are being addressed may be best for them. I'll leave it to the school officials, mental health professionals and parents who actually know the children to work together to figure out what is best for them.
Last night National Geographic had this great show on about wolves. There was a scene in the beginning that explained the life of wolf pups - that the adults dote on them and all these pups are expected to do is eat and play. Even when they are full grown, they are pups until a certain age and then and only then are they taught to hunt and fall into pack structure. See Kate, even animals know that adults provide for the kids, not the other way around.
So much for handling the matter privately..... who else would be "close to the situation" besides Kate, Jon, Ellen and the nannies?????
The article even claims that "Both Collin and Alexis are happy that they are enjoying spending more time with their mother and also with (their dog) too now that he has returned to the house."
They ENJOY spending time w/ their mother? Bahahahah!!!! Yeah right.
Bubbles said...I nominate Kate Gobbelin as the newest "clever" version of her name lol.
I second the nomination and move that she be plucked in the town square.
Does that make her hair extensions her feathers? :)
Found a site that claims that Kate and Ellen Ross have not met yet. The site also says "Despite the fact that Ross is definitely in Kate’s children’s lives, the two women have yet to meet face-to-face," states RadarOnline.com. "Kate is reportedly fine with the situation so long as Ross treats the children well."
Kate's OKAY with the situation as long as Ellen treats the kids well, but she can't even be kind to them herself!!
Here is the link: http://www.hollywoodnews.com/2010/11/26/kate-gosselin-not-yet-interested-in-meeting-exs-new-girl/
wryview said... Jon can only go to court so many times. And in PA - dads get a raw deal.
Did you see that Kate is now claiming that the two weren't expelled? It's on the abcnews website.
They're just using the same comment from the Mary Hart interview as the basis for that article. Kate never answers questions, she's the queen of avoidance.
Q Are you and your bodyguard involved?
K That's so disgusting, I can't even talk about it
Q Did you have breast implants?
K I have a really good bra.
Q Did you get Botox injections?
K No, I didn't have botox. (just another 'brand name apparently)
Did you see that Kate is now claiming that the two weren't expelled? It's on the abcnews website.
I thought she was dealing with this privately and had no comment. That didn't last very long!
What does a tutor teach a kid that age? Are they doing pre-SAT work? Geometry? Learning a foreign language?
Spanish is taught in some of the private school Kindergartens here, as well as addition/subtraction/fractions, reading, writing, and science, to mention a few. My kids came home one day knowing the entire solar system, based on a song, "Family of the Sun." From there they learned the features of each planet, origin of the name, etc. I remember thinking that this is a heck of a lot different than the Kindergarten that I remembered when I was a kid!
LancNative I agree, and just to clear things up once more I understand learning goes on at that level too, and its not all goofing around and finger painting. I think Admin has since explained it better than I, the point being that so much non-verbal education is also going on at that age. Even your example of learning the Solar System by a song would require the kids to work together, sing in tune at the same time, listen to the teacher's, etc.
Kids are figuring out the social structure, small groups are forming, they have to interact and share with other kids. There are rules to follow. I would hope that creativity dominates; my opinion of schooling at that level is to spark an interest in learning that sets the stage for future education. If a kid is interested and ready for a foreign language/advanced math/reading that is great, if they aren't there is PLENTY of time for that later down the road.
I am saddened every time I read about kHATE as it feels like the individuality of those children is never addressed, encouraged or nurtured.
Did you see that Kate is now claiming that the two weren't expelled? It's on the abcnews website.
I thought she was dealing with this privately and had no comment. That didn't last very long!
It was a privacy issue until ET offered her money to flap her jaws. In Kate's world, her children's privacy can always be purchased for the right price.
Is that not Steve's son (gotten much taller) playing with the kids in the yard (guess he got his kids as well). Maybe a resourceful nanny made those Indian wraps out a T-shirt. Maybe she did the face painting as well or maybe Khate flew her "friend" in from New York. But alas it looks like they are cold as usual.
Sport said:
If a kid is interested and ready for a foreign language/advanced math/reading that is great, if they aren't there is PLENTY of time for that later down the road.
No question about it. If a child isn't ready, he just isn't ready. To push him into something at such an early age is wrong on so many levels, and many times only results in frustration and high stress levels. What Kindergarten kid needs to be under stress, struggling to keep up with his peers? If he can't read at the end of the Kindergarten year, so what? He will learn.
Let the kid be a kid. Not every child needs to go to a private school that has an accelerated Kindergarten program. There are so many excellent public school systems in which a child can thrive. Some kids do best in very small classes in a private school and would feel overwhelmed in a class of 45 kids and one teacher; others do best in large classes in a public school and develop much better socially because there are so many other kids with whom they can interact. The school system, too, plays a major role in assessing the needs of each child. It seems that the push for academic excellence in Kindergarten (and Lower School) is going to result in many children being turned off by the whole educational process by the time they get to Middle School.
Thanks for the link Laura D. Disgusting...as always.
Lauren said:
I wonder when Kate will get the message that she's done.
Sadly Lauren,I don't think she's done yet. D-listed idiots seem to last longer than some real true talented actors.
And so...we are going to be stuck listening to that screeching,annoying,irratating, voice every time we turn on the tv.
Just dropping in to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble, Gobble, Kate Gobblelin... ;o)
Sarah Palin was on the Glen Beck show and she said something like "we have to stand behind our North Korean allies". Now I am Canadian but even I know your ally is South Korea. Stupid is as stupid does. No wonder TLC likes these women, they are morons.
granny 66 said... Some interesting pictures of Kate on Preesi today.
Sure. She gets her picture taken and she doesn't have to cook. Not a kid in sight.
The picture with Kate and the other smiley woman (whom I'm sure I should recognize) - does it look like Kate has a big wad of gum in her
left cheek? It does to me. Wonder what she does with her gum when it's time to eat the food?
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