Monday, November 15, 2010

Joy Behar: 'Father knows best'

"This is exploitation," said Anthony Cumia.
"It's scary, they need help," said Dr. Lillian Glass.

Mainstream media is catching on. Finally. We always wondered what it would take.

133 sediments (sic) from readers:

PJ's momma said... 1

I have almost no hope that things will ever get better for these children. With a bully for a mother, kids just go into retreat mode to keep the peace. They will never have conflict resolution because the conflict that would ensue would be too painful. They will remain in the same environment, perhaps without cameras, but their situation will likely remain largely the same, with no therapy, no intervention, no nothing. I speak as one of those former children raised by a controlling mother and a passive father. Our dad also left. All my brothers are drug addicts/alcoholics/criminals. I escaped, not unscathed, but I made better choices. I feel very sorry for those kids and fear for them too.

Save the kids said... 2

Just saw that interview and the one on Showbiz tonight. Must say Jon and Kate are both taking a beating for shitty parenting. Shame on her for doing her extended 15 minutes on every talk show out there, as for Jon, go and take care of them kids buddy. All agree that home schooling in that house and keeping them kids locked in that Mcmansion will be a disaster. Those kids are doomed.

emschick1128 said... 3

Very well said by all. It's just to bad that it had to come to this and took so long for the mainstream media to finally speak out against Kate. Her horrible parenting,laziness and bitchiness have been on display since day one and few ever spoke out about it. I can't imagine why the kids would have issues?? Maybe Joy and Dr. Glass are jellus of Kate

Anonymous said... 4

May G od bless the G kids, and all the little children who need help, until some adult in their lives stands up and makes this right.

This makes me so sad.

AuntieAnn said... 5

I'm really afraid those kids are going to be soooo punished now by their narcissist mommy.

"Look what you done to me after ALL I've done for you!!!!"

Yes, it IS scary. Yes, they DO need help, before something terrible happens. ~ Administrator said... 6

The sheeple posting today would have us believe Joy is jealous of Kate because Kate is skinny. I'm sure that's it.

I guess they don't take into account that some of us are skinny hem. Another theory debunked.

AuntieAnn said... 7

Of course I meant *you've*.

AuntieAnn said... 8

I guess they don't take into account that some of us are skinny hem. Another theory debunked.

And that she has money. Do they think no one but Kate Gosselin has money?

Betsy said... 9

I really hope that these children get off television and can be normal like all the other kids and just go to school. I have always said that when that separation was announced that dumb bitch should have shut the cameras off. Instead she turned it into a live soap opera. Remember her words "the show must go on, we can't turn back Jon"..ughhhhhhhhhhhhh

Moose Mania said... 10

The sheeple posting today would have us believe Joy is jealous of Kate because Kate is skinny.


Well, then, by that reasoning, Joy will never have anyone on her show who is skinny because she would be jellus of them. That's going to narrow her guest list considerably, with only obese guests qualifying to be on the same stage with her. ~ Administrator said... 11

And that she has money. Do they think no one but Kate Gosselin has money?
Exxxactly. And while we're on the subject, do they think no one else is as good looking as her?

Lauren said... 12

The only lifeline these kids have is Jon.
I hope something good comes out of the court hearing scheduled for November 30th.

alyssa said... 13

I wonder if TLC will dare to go on with the new special from Nov 28th after these recent events...

alana said... 14

I hope this doesn't sound petty butttt.....

It really pisses me off when Joy interrupts a guest's comment with an obviously pre-rehearsed joke. It doesn't really 'fit in' and it's NEVER even funny.
Tonight's segment on the Gosselins wasn't the first time I really wanted to hear someone's comment and she drowned it out with her drivel; DAMN!

I think I've found the perfect cure for the few of 'us' who are STILL tuning in to Hate's show because they "just cannot help themselves."
It is from a comment following an article entitled "Jon and Kate plus rage issues" in the Globe&Mail, a Canadian newspaper:

"Anyone who is still watching this show is PSYCHOLOGICALLY MOLESTING THESE CHILDREN every time you cannot control your urge to tune in."

That ought to give them pause.

Darcy said... 15

I think it may be too late for these poor kids. Even if the show were cancelled tomorrow, it's obvious that nobody (least of all the parents) is going to get them the help they need.

In about 10 years, we'll start hearing about them again. They'll be following in the footsteps of Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen.

I pray that somehow, someone in their lives can get them some heavy duty therapy, but the fact is they are likely stuck living with Kate until they turn 18 and no amount of therapy will be able to counteract that.

Midnight Madness said... 16

alyssa said...

I wonder if TLC will dare to go on with the new special from Nov 28th after these recent events...


TLC has never had a conscience. I doubt that they will get one now. One can only hope, but I think they're banking (pun intended) on high ratings due to the recent happenings. The old rubber-necking at a fatal car accident.

cathy518 said... 17

With your background would you know if it is possible and perhaps hopeful that family counseling could be mandated as a result of the child custody hearing on the 30th? I say family counseling because it is clear these children suffer from the family dysfunction and from their Mother's narcissism. I sincerely hope that the children do not all of a sudden get an ADHD diagnosis and medication that identifies them as having individual problems. This would play right into Kate's hands, she would not be responsible because the kids would be diagnosed with an underlying condition. She would probably blame it on their being premies. In my opinion, it is often easier to write a script for kids and to dispense meds then to really deal with why they are out of control. In the case of drugging them, it would be a band-aid over a festering home environment.
One additional comment. I hope that Jon continues to keep quiet about this and not publicly comment. He is only helping himself and the children by doing so.

cathy518 said... 18

One additional comment about Jon and "Father knows best". I am worried that Kate will launch somekind of assault on him before the hearing on the 30th. Who knows what nonsense she will use but she obviously doesn't think she needs to show any restraint in trying to bury the father of her children. She may pop up on one of her forums-Good Morning America, Regis and Kelly, etc, and say the children are acting out because Jon is not responsible about visiting them or something.

Karen said... 19

These kids have a "bully" for a mother, and a passive father so what chance do they have to change their behavior? Kate is so full of herself, it's doubtful she will get help for herself or the kids. Also, I wonder if all the people who have come and gone out of the Gosselin's lives were dropped by Kate, or did they see her for what she is and just give up trying to help? This would include Beth and many of the relatives. This is such a sad story and I wish the reports would not "name" the two who were suspended from kindergarten. That isn't necessary, is it?

XYZed said... 20

Kate's seat on The View couch just got a bit more uncomfortable thanks to Joy Behar bringing up the issue of the children's expulsion on her show. I think we can assume Mrs. Gosselin won't be gracing The View panel any time soon.

There have been many opportunities over the years to haul Kate over the carpet. The media, however, has chosen to ignore her bad behaviour. Although we can rejoice that Kate is finally been exposed for the person she really is, I am truly sad that it comes again at the expense of the children who are at the centre of this story.

And Joy, you're not innocent in all of this either. You and your View pals sat cheek to jowl many times with Kate Gosselin and not once in her precence was there a negative comment on air about her treatment of the Gosselin children. Now that Kate's lustre has faded (likely because her PR team has been downsized), she's fair game. Too little too late, Joy, et al.

BerksPa said... 21

Watch the Video in the corner... OUCH! This is pretty scathing when it comes to opinions on the show, TLC, and the whole Gosselin mess. Looks to me like TLC is loosing their control of MSM (main stream media).

Hippie Chick said... 22

I'm happy Joy Behar stepped up & spoke out against this. Maybe more will now. You think Nancy Grace will change her tune? (hahahaha)

Flock said... 23

Auntie Ann, I believe you are correct, that the poor ones at home will be subject to additional punitive actions by their mother for "making" her take care of them during the day instead of enjoying her "freedom" to come and go as she pleases.

Besides that, I always felt that school was an escape from the tension of being bullied by their mother at home. Now they will be in her clutches 24/7 and subject to her verbal, emotional, psychological abuses without end. The mother has no clue as to how to be kindhearted and sympathetic.

These children are not treated as valuable, treasures, they are items of commodity.

Flock said... 24

I forgot to mention that Dr. Lilian Glass has a (fascinating) blog in which she has long supported the children. I'm glad she's finally getting the chance to say so on a more public forum.

Vanessa said... 25

I find it very odd that there is not one single thread on the View's message board that addresses the flub yesterday. On every Gosselin blog it's mentioned, but NOTHING on the View's? They are such hypocrites! If it's a HOT topic, then discuss it! They are known to take down any thread discussions for no apparent rhyme or reason.

Anonymous said... 26

Has Kate's mother or sister commented on the children getting expelled?

JudyK said... 27

Glad that after The View pulled the segment yesterday after promising to discuss it that Joy had the kahonas to deal with it on her own show. Kate is intolerable, but those children are precious and victims of their upbringing.

Khater said... 28

Thanks admin. Here is the other video being talked about - "piss-poor parenting" in their words.
I am almost in tears for those children. So sad.

Anonymous said... 29

I am not in a place where I can listen to the sound on the video. Can someone Please tell me what the gist of the conversation was?

Vanessa said... 30

@ Hippie Chick, I was thinking the same thing about Nancy Grace, but I'm sure she'll just avoid the subject just like the View did.
She never backtracks or changes her mind or owns up to anything...sound like someone?

Crabitha Codswallop said... 31

I have a feeling we might be hearing from Kate fairly soon. She will do an interview somewhere where she basically blames Jon and the divorce for these problems. She will never accept any responsibility for the children's behavior.

optimist said... 32

alana @ Nov. 15 11:59pm posted:
"Anyone who is still watching this show is PSYCHOLOGICALLY MOLESTING THESE CHILDREN every time you cannot control your urge to tune in."

Absolutely true. Thank you for posting that.

A light at the end of the tunnel might be TLC's apparent new Golden Goose (Palin's show). With that to focus on, maybe they'll cut the Gosselin children loose. We can only pray.

Michelle said... 33

I just kills me to read Sheeple comments like "big deal, kids get expelled everyday" - "bullying happens all the time". What is their point? That this is no big deal? If word got out that a couple of kids at school had been expelled for bullying the Gosselin kids would the same attitude hold? I think not. The hypocricy is insane.

And I agree that sadly, with or without cameras, those kids have very tough lives ahead. Kate will not change. She's simply not capable of admitting fault. ~ Administrator said... 34

With your background would you know if it is possible and perhaps hopeful that family counseling could be mandated as a result of the child custody hearing on the 30th? I
Absolutely possible! The judge shoulder order it and hold those parents in contempt if they don't comply, right after the judge appoints a minor's counsel to represent the children. ~ Administrator said... 35

And again I ask, if it were their kids being bullied would that then be okay? Bullying is a huge problem in our schools that is only finally getting recognized. It took several students killing themselves or nearly so for strict laws to finally be passed, and it's a good thing.

Their was PA legislation proposals not too long ago trying to create state laws to address bullying, other states have done the same:

No big deal? That's the attitude people had that caused some of those kids to commit suicide because no one would stop the bullies. ~ Administrator said... 36

I meant "There" of course, spelling police please don't ticket me.

Darcy said... 37

Admin, your comment brings up something that has been bothering me for a long time now. I have always felt that those kids needed a guardian ad litem, but I'm not sure what the criteria is for when one is appointed. Does there have to be a serious allegation of abuse to DCF and an investigation of some sort before a judge will appoint one?

I realize that hasn't happened (yet) in this case, but if any situation cries out for intervention and protection of children's interests, it's this one.

What's next? said... 38

I can't download the video due to time constraints, so I went to the archives for Joy's show. Here are the transcripts from that show regarding the Gosselins:

BEHAR: We`re all whores. We`re media whores. (INAUDIBLE), right? OK. All right. Next up, two of Jon and Kate Gosselin`s 6-year-old kids have been expelled from a private school in Pennsylvania, reportedly for rage issues. Gee, I wonder why, and are now being home schooled. OK. Colin and Alexis were reportedly violent and bullying other kids. I think that`s called acting out?

GLASS: Exactly. And also, it`s no surprise. These were the two children in "Jon & Kate Plus 8" if you watch the show. Kate called little Alexis the wild child. Little Colin was the one that bullied all the other brothers and sisters.

BEHAR: Right. Right.

GLASS: And they`re surprised? And they`re home schooling these children?


GLASS: Unacceptable.

BEHAR: And only those two are going to be home schooled. The other kids are -- see, I say bring the whole bunch of them to home school. Like a little classroom --

GLASS: But who`s the teacher?

BEHAR: I don`t know who the teacher is. I mean, do you think that they were taunting little Colin and Alexis by saying, your mother can`t dance!


BEHAR: Do you think? She was like she`s avoiding land mines on "Dancing with the Stars." What do you think? Now, the kids are still starring in new episodes of "Kate Plus 8," should they stop filming the show, Anthony?

CUMIA: I think, and believe me, I don`t care much about kids. I don`t have any. They`re cute, and you give them a shucka-shucka (ph) under the chin, and it`s great and then they go away, but this exploitation. I really do think this is an exploitation.

BEHAR: OK. For those women out there who are looking for a husband - -

CUMIA: I ain`t it. Believe me.

BEHAR: It ain`t him.

CUMIA: Eight hundred is on the list, having kids with the likes of me, but it is exploitation. I think they suffer from parents are media whore syndrome. I`m sure there`s an acronym for it.

BEHAR: There probably is.

CUMIA: But, you know, obviously, chips off the old block. I mean, if they`re exposed to that kind of attention that these two have shown over the years in such a public form, why aren`t they going to act out in school.

BEHAR: They`re going to be crazy, right?

GLASS: It`s dangerous.

BEHAR: But Jon Gosselin had tried to get the kids off the TV. He`s becoming like father knows best.


GLASS: He did the right thing. Joy, this is only going to get worse.


GLASS: This is only going to get worse. It`s scary. They need help.

What's next? said... 39

The lead in to the View is saying they are going to discuss the Gosselin kids getting expelled and whether or not they should be expelled from the show, too. Maybe today they will actually discuss it. Off to watch the show, now.

Sport said... 40

Though no fault of their own, these kids have lived a life or privilege. It has not been a normal childhood of playing with other kids at the park, getting dirty and goofing around. They havent been allowed to find their own identities and interests, havent been nurtured as individuals.

I bet they arent each allowed to have favorite music, favorite foods, favorite cartoons, colors, activities or anything else 'normal' kids are allowed. Instead, their mother has sold them out for a fame grab of her own in a desperate attempt to thrust herself into relevance.

With the only parenting strategy being bribery and a reward system it is really no wonder these kids are running into issues as they try and interact with other kids their age. Their beast of a mother has always verbally and non-verbally let them know that they are more special than others, and that regular rules do not apply for them.

When you mother expects special treatment in her own everyday life it has to have an impact on the kids. They dont know what it is like to wait for a dinner reservation, wait in line at a store, interact with others and maybe ever SHARE something or go without.

It's a MESS all around, but with a pathetic excuse for a mother like kHATE does it honestly surprise anyone? It shouldnt.

Denise said... 41

The View mentioned it again on the promo - I am watching it now.

Not Watching... said... 42

Hm so I hope that family court judge sees how "okay" it is for their mother to continue filming. Those kids need a CASA volunteer.

Big Deal Joy - now that the Gosselins are rating makers again (see the internet search rankings for the last few days) you suddenly address it on your show? Still a media ho like - "is the head dead yet?" and make sure you get a live feed of video when it dies.

Canuck said... 43

Monkey see, monkey do. These kids are being raised by a mother who is a bully - what possible outcome can there be? Children mirror what they see and what they are taught. Seems very elementary to me. I see that Kate's camp has not issued any warning to the media outlets to cease and desist, nor has there been any retraction that I'm aware of. Her fans cannot possibly believe this entire mess arose out of one gossip rag and that there is no truth to it? I would imagine if it wasn't true, the screams from Kate-land would have been heard by now. And as far as Kate trying to hang Jon out to dry any time in the near future, be it on talk shows in anticipation of the November 30th court date, or any other forum for that matter. Sorry...that likely won't fly with anyone at this point either. She has made a very public and vocal campaign against her ex-husband, claiming that she was raising those children "all alone", with "no support", that she was a "single mother" functioning on her own - thus, she "alone" can be held responsible for the school fiasco. What a mess.

Anonymous said... 44

Sharon here: Yeah- The View mentioned it again and just like yesterday- they conveniently did NOT get to that topic! You would have thought that since they missed it yesterday, they would have made sure to have gotten to it today. Cowards!

JudyK said... 45

Okay, I'm watching The View--they said they were going to discuss the kids being expelled but I never saw it, but I got distracted by my two dogs barking. Did it happen?

LisaNH said... 46

alana said... I hope this doesn't sound petty butttt.....

It really pisses me off when Joy interrupts a guest's comment with an obviously pre-rehearsed joke. It doesn't really 'fit in' and it's NEVER even funny.
Tonight's segment on the Gosselins wasn't the first time I really wanted to hear someone's comment and she drowned it out with her drivel; DAMN!


No you don't sound petty at all. Personally, I cannot stand Behar and her elitest, "she knows best" attitude. Half the time she spouts off on stuff and doesn't have the facts correct. But in this case, I will give her a pass for at least bringing this to the forefront. And you are right, it was annoying that she interrupts the guests.

What's next? said... 47

Well they (The View) did it again. Mentioned it in the promo, but no mention after that. Why? Something very odd going on.

Trucker said... 48

I don't see these 2 bullying. I see screaming and melting down inappropriately, throwing a fit. We have seen those over reactions plenty. Still surprised a the boy tup. He struck me as one who would have enjoyed learning and the structure. I wonder if some of this, for him, has come from teasing HIM? I am sure this has put added stress and pressure on all the children. Wonder how Cara is feeling about leaving him home all day?

Also, have asked this once before-does anyone know if their school will allow for reapplication next year?

So sad.

alyssa said... 49

@Sport you are ABSOLUTELY right!Look at the McCaughey family(they have septuplets and an older girl).They've only a 5 minutes news report every year on the septuplets' birthday and that was it.From the few pictures and the videos, here's what I gathered
1.When they grew older(older than 5 as far as I know) they were allowed to dress in different clothes(I am not even sure if the dressing alike wasn't merely for the photos)
2.When they went to school,only TWO were in the same classroom,otherwise they brought different homeworks at home.
3.Two of the kids have cerebral palsy.The family has dealt with this,quietly,without crying on TV
4.They have housechores ever since they were little
5.They have made it to THIRTEEN with no suspentions,expulsions or anything else
Good job MCcaughey parents!

AuntieAnn said... 50

Now watch...Kate's gonna spin this to make herself look like the poor overstressed working mom who's having problems because of what other people have done to her. She'll blame the producers, the paps, the ex, the blogs, the tabloids, and even her own kids, but NONE of it will be on her shoulders. She'll have a cover story on People over this too. Place your bets.

alyssa said... 51

As for the fact that they will be the subject of a special on Discovery channel somethime in the next couple of months,DO NOT even think of spinning this sheeple!At 13 and 15 a teenager CAN SAY NO!It is the first special ever, and the only other thing I know is a book called "Seven from Heaven" in which the parents are not humiliating the kids.

IDModo said... 52

Sport- her other parenting strategies are threats, yelling, physical violence, and neglect.

Which is how the children might react if their life of entitlement is questioned; it's certainly how Kate reacts when they question hers!

sarah said... 53

WOW! Seriously disturbing:
To the Kids of Jon and Kate
I pledge my love that will never stop.
They make me laugh, they make me cry,
they are heroes, and there's a million and one reasons why.I love how cute and loving they are, it's 100% true they are little stars. They make my heart melt when they sing and play. I just want to say Cara,Mady,Alexis,Hannah,Aaden, Collin,Leah,Joel I really love you and hope it shows. So I pledge this to the gosselin kids, I will be a true fan for eternity."
A 12 years old fan!

PatE said... 54

Some of our lawyers here should write up a defense for Jon. I wonder if his lawyers are doing a good job.

He needs to come out swinging at KKate if he wants to win. Enough of his "not criticizing his kid's mother". She throws him under the bus at EVERY opportunity and that's why she WINS.
AND kids STILL love him best.

He is fighting for the mental health of his kids. No time to be wearing kit gloves.

Karen said... 55

I believe that many people who used to be close to Jon and Kate could see where this family was headed. Things took a real nose dive about the time Jon quit his job and Kate went on the road permanently with her body guard. People wanted to help, but Kate just couldn't stand to be questioned in her quest for fame and fortune.

Phony baloney is the premise of the show and has been since the beginning. We were played for all it was worth. These kids are older, not as cute, and certainly not well behaved. I don't blame anyone for staying far away from Kate G. Toxic to the max and appears to be unstable as a parent. Sad for the kids.

I read recently that Kate G. stated they are too famous to attend church. Reese Witherspoon is more famous and more talented and she and her children attend services regularly. Must be more about ego than fame on Gosselin's part.

Anonymous said... 56

TLC confirming the expulsion.

leigh said... 57

In fairness to the View, they often mention items in the preview that they never get to. I think they end up talking about other subjects and just don't get to it. I watch every day and see it from time to time. Yesterday they took a lot of time talking about their weekends.

Now, I didn't see the part about Whoopi possibly starting to talk about it, but stopped, before they started talking about the mugs b/c I FF all that stuff.

gotyournumberKate said... 58


Fahnette said... 59

Huh? What does being on television have to do with having "favorites?"

Because they are neatly packaged as the Gosselin 8 and have been so since the moment the sextuplets were conceived. They are presented as a concept, a unit.

This Makes No Sense said... 60

Fahnette said...

Huh? What does being on television have to do with having "favorites?"

Because they are neatly packaged as the Gosselin 8 and have been so since the moment the sextuplets were conceived. They are presented as a concept, a unit.


Really? Then why is it that I distinctly recall Alexis and her love of alligators, Aaden's love for animals, etc.? It's simply untrue that the children have not been allowed to develop unique personalities. I'm not a fan of having them dressed identically, but their individual personalities have never been hidden.

Unknown said... 61

@Oh Please...

There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between watching the show for the purpose of examining, identifying, and labeling abuses issues AND watching the show for entertainment and/or pleasure.

Anonymous said... 62

Reese Witherspoon is more famous and more talented and she and her children attend services regularly.


Really? I didn't know that. What religion is she?

alana said... 63

Oh Please said... and then I said,

Good thing I didn't hold my breath as I waited for someone to "alert" my sorry ass to this fact; I would've asphyxiated myself. Golly gee, I could've been charged with murder. What took you so long?

Tucker's Mom said... 64

The My Fox Philly interview was interesting. The anchorwoman really spoke from her heart as a mother. She could not fathom having her kids grow up on Reality TV. The reporter guy on the street really needs to look at some shows on YouTube before he speaks. He contends that the show should really address bullying etc.-that the Gosselins have this opportunity to talk about real things. I say bullshite. Showing these expelled kids getting home schooled or directly recording this debacle is disatrous. He's got to step away from the crack!
The woman reporter was appropriately aghast at the potty training, but she said that the parents "wouldn't fit" into the potty room and that's why the kids were alone with the crew while their pants were down around their ankles. No, lady, it's even worse than that. Kate was seen coming in and out of the laundry room where they potty trained. She had Mady sit in there with the kids to supervise and only came in to wipe and clean the tups.
Finally, people are seeing just how sick it is to allow cameras to document the kids half naked while on the potty.

Frank said... 65

Poor Collin and Alexis. We were ( shamefully hanging my head ) privy to witness on national tv:

*Alexis with poop smeared all over herself.
*Alexis being mocked as the "loud one" and "wild one" by both parents.
*Alexis falling in the woods and splitting her lip after being yelled at by her dad.
*Alexis being sent to time out.
*Alexis begging her daddy to come home.
*Alexis being separated from Hannah and Leah ( Kate constantly saying how special H & L's relationship is and H & L kept together while Alexis is shipped off with the boys ).
*Alexis having her potty training and fecal matter filmed for the public's entertainment.

*Collin having impacted fecal matter pulled out by his father in the bak of the van.
*Collin sitting on a potty with his underwear to his ankles.
*Collin sent to time out.
*Collin being called a bully by his parents.
*Collin being called stubborn by his mother.
*Collin in tears because he is afraid of the eye doctor.
*Collin in tears because his mother was threatening to throw away his beloved blankey because it had a speck of gum on it.
*Collin being ignored by his mother when he so badly needed to ask her a question because he didn't want to do anything to make her mad.
*Collin being yelled at and threatened by his mother when he got his feet wet by the pool.

These are just a small number of incidents that were filmed and thrown on tv for everyone to witness on a Monday night @ 9 on TLC.....incidents that should have been private and not for public entertainment. These incidents should never have gone further than the other 9 people living in that household, let alone millions of strangers ( some of whom are pedophiles ).

And now these two particular children are experiencing the fallout from having their private moments exploited...because their parents thought money and fame were more important than the future emotional well being of their babies.

Alexis and Collin are most likely being heavily punished now for the end results of what their parents did to them.

I certainly hope there are no sensible adults out there who lay any blame on Alexis and Collin for the choices they made at school. Anybody with half a brain saw this kind of future behavior from the G kids as far back as season one, and now it's come to fruition. Jon and Kate would not listen to people's concerns back then, and everything that is happening now is THEIR fault. I like Jon ( I really do ), but he has certainly not done enough for those kids and hasn't tried hard enough IMO to save them from more of this public humiliation.

I am angry as hell at Kate Gosselin, who has gone on record as saying she had a too strict, not so happy childhood...and yet she didn't stop the cycle. Not only did she not stop the cycle, she continued it on to the nth degree.

She is effing nuts if she thinks her children won't sit in front of a camera some day, or dictate to a co-author of a book, about how traumatic and difficult their childhoods were.

Kate thinks all the trips and fancy mansion and cars(hers)and freebies will make up for it. She is sadly mistaken. And I CANNOT wait til these kids are old enough to rake her over the coals. Jon, too.

I truly hope the G kids, especially Alexis and Collin, some day sue the $hit out of Jon and Kate and TLC and any business who sponsored their exploitation and subsequent public humiliation.

Denise said... 66

Catch these news people in Philadelphia!!

video in corner

Gin said... 67

The suggestion that the Administrator watching Kate Plus 8 was psychologically molesting the kids really got to me. She watches it so we don't have to. I admit that I am addicted to watching the undoing of Kate Gosselin. I'm ashamed of that fact, but so be it; however, I don't watch Kate Plus 8 because it only adds to the ratings. Plus, I truly can no longer stand to watch this woman talk and screech and play to the camera. However, I love the Administrator's blogs and recaps which satisfies my need to watch this fame whore crash and burn.

Debby said... 68

Kate is so unbelievably delusional about how her kids are being affected by her angry perosnality and having cameras in their faces all the time.

I'm sure Dina Lohan, Lynn Spears and Kathy Hilton all bragged about how loving and sweet and resilient their kids were when they were 6 and 10 years old, too.

Yeah. They all turned out so well adjusted.

It's as if Kate has a crystal ball sitting in front of her ( in the form of Lindsey, Britney and Paris ), yet she chooses to dismiss that what happened to them will not happen to her kids. Because, she is after all, Kate Gosselin. The mother of all mothers. The one who can do no wrong. The one whose children wouldn't DARE cross her or make her look bad.

Does she seriously think she can keep them little ( and therefore unable to speak out, go nuts, and rebel ) forever?

I want front row seats and a big tub of popcorn to whatever talk show has Kate on their show in 10 years, while she sits there and sobs because she doesn't get it. Doesn't understand why her kids turned on her. Doesn't understand why she is being held accountable for her kids gone wild.

Denise said... 69

"Really? I didn't know that. What religion is she? "

She was raised Episcopalian.

Anonymous said... 70

Expelled Gosselin children need psych evaluation, no TV cameras: experts

Can homeschooling help the two Gosselin 6-year-olds who got expelled from their private school?

Collin and Alexis might be better off getting a psychological evaluation and intensive anger-management skills, according to experts. A little parental role modeling wouldn't hurt either. And maybe it's time to shut off the cameras.

"A divorce is hard enough on kids without also making them perform on a TV show," said Leah Lagos, a psychotherapist at Springfield Psychological Associates. "We have two serious stressors there."

While it's easy to blame the stress of being on a reality show for the kids' rage, their anger issues may have their roots in the family home.

"It's possible that one or both parents has role-modeled anger toward each other and not kept it private," said Dr. Susan Bartell, author of "The Top 50 Questions Kids Ask." "So this is what the kids see, that this is how to handle your anger."

But homeschooling may not be an ideal solution. "Being able to interact with one's peers is necessary at any age," Lagos said. "If you take them out of school it reduces their opportunity to learn these skills."

And the reality, said Bartell, is that these two kids "need to learn to be social." Besides learning social skills, she added, they need to be taught respect for others and frustration tolerance.

The anger that reportedly has surfaced in Collin and Alexis in school could partly be caused by the constant presence of photographers, Lagos says. Six-year-olds don't have the same coping skills as adults, and having paparazzi lurking around can cause anxiety as well as anger.

But anger-management training is the "tip of the iceberg," Lagos said. "The question is, where is the hostility coming from to make them act out?"

She said the parents should be working together to help their kids cope with stress. But given the reported animosity between Jon and Kate, that may not be happening anytime soon.

Still, Bartell said, the parents need to be on the same page here. If the sextuplets and older twin sisters are being raised by Jon and Kate to be entitled and disrespectful, the couple needs professionals to guide them on learning behavioral techniques to teach to their children.

"Getting kicked out of private school is a hard feat," Bartell said. "Schools don't want to kick out two kids and risk losing all the other kids."

In the end, she said, it's likely that the kids' poor behavior is driven by how they're being parented. Maybe it's time Jon and Kate learned to behave.

Sport said... 71

Huh? What does being on television have to do with having "favorites?"


Did you read what I wrote or are you just a snide person who likes to bitch at others?

I dont see anywhere where I talked about the kids being on television.

Instead my post was directed at the lack of compassion and parenting these poor kids get from their fame-grabbing-skanky-dressed mother.

My point was they are always a PACK, never listened to, cared for or taken seriously as INDIVIDUALS. They are dressed alike, expected to perform on cue alike, behave alike and have the same likes and dislikes, as directed by their mother.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 72

I agree:

1) Piss-poor parenting
2) Stop filming the kids

3)And my own analysis - Kate, get help for your kids and yourself. Your horrible decision to keep on filming has had a huge negative impact on your kids. And you need a lot of help too, based on your continuous bad choices, which has affected your kids.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 73

Amazing. The View announced two days straight (at the beginning of the show), that they will discuss Kate's dilemma in "Hot Topics"- and absolutely nothing.

It looks like The View will never take a stand. COWARDS!

This is probably Bill Geddes setting up the stage for a Kate Gosselin interview to set the story straight. I guess Whoopie, and Joy will not be on that day....

What a joke!


PA Mom ALSO said... 74

From MyFoxPhilly...

"A TLC spokesman has indirectly acknowledged that Collin and Alexis Gosselin were kicked out of a private school near Reading, Pa., the 6-year-olds had been attending since August."


I guess TLC isn't too well informed when it comes to the kids' schooling. The school is not "near Reading," it's in the next county, 40 miles away, and they have been attending it since LAST August.

PA Mom ALSO said... 75

It's interesting that Carlos Diaz, the Hollywood correspondent who used to make my blood boil when he threw adulations Kate's way and saw nothing wrong with filming the kids, came out and said on Showbiz Tonight that the Gosselin kids shouldn't be on television. Who would have thought it? The tide certaining is turning, and not in a small way.

JurseyChic24 said... 76

If the kids aren’t being filmed then Kate wouldn’t be able to use them for A PAYCHECK…

Just Sayin’… :)

emschick1128 said... 77

There's an article in OK this week about Kate forcing the kids to eat week old sandwiches at school. The negatve press just keeps on rolling in. I love it, to bad it took so long.

kate's scary said... 78

I guess the media hasn't finished with this story yet.

Exclusive: Source: Kate Gosselin Makes Kids Eat Week-Old Sandwiches
Tuesday – November 16, 2010 – 5:35pm

Waste not, want not!

Budget-minded Kate Gosselin has no tolerance for the finicky eating habits of her eight kids. A source close to the single reality TV mom, 35, tells that Kate gets incensed when her children don't finish their packed lunches at school.

Instead of throwing away the uneaten grub, "she repacks it for them in the next's day lunch," the source explains, adding that it's school policy to send any untouched food home with students each day.

And those PB and Js can get a little gross, the source adds. "The kids are stubborn, so sometimes the little kids have the same half-eaten sandwich in their lunch all week."

Sometimes the 9-year-old twins and 6-year-old sextuplets get teased for the musty sandwiches. "Some of the little ones cry, and some get angry and fight," the source adds.

Kate's ex-husband Jon, 33, isn't a fan of Kate's frugal fits. A pal overheard the single dad quip to his kids: "If you lived with me, you wouldn’t have to eat rotten food for lunch every day."

Hard to Keep Loving Jon said... 79

Khate has always had "food issues." Remember when she accused Jon of taking food when he was on duty at the orphanage?
Years ago my children and I laughed at a friend w/the same issues. At her house they were forced to share a yoghurt and divide a soda 4 ways. When she served tacos to the kids there were NO toppings.
She'll never change --- penurious is penurious!

Anonymous said... 80

PA Mom ALSO said... It's interesting that Carlos Diaz, the Hollywood correspondent who used to make my blood boil when he threw adulations Kate's way and saw nothing wrong with filming the kids, came out and said on Showbiz Tonight that the Gosselin kids shouldn't be on television. Who would have thought it? The tide certaining is turning, and not in a small way.
Do you really think Carlos Diaz cares a fig about the Gosselin kids? Think again, he's just jumping on the popular bandwagon. Wonder where all these psychologists and folks now speaking out claiming how terrible it was for the kids to go thru the divorce on TV, etc., were last year???

Anon725 said... 81

Instead of throwing away the uneaten grub, "she repacks it for them in the next's day lunch," the source explains, adding that it's school policy to send any untouched food home with students each day.


This is true. They are not allowed to throw away food in Kindergarten because it's felt that parents should know what the children are eating, and how much they are eating. It's always been that way. Isn't it a sad state of affairs that here is a parent who allegedly makes $250,000 per episode on the backs of their children who are doing the work, and their money can't even buy them fresh sandwiches?
While the tups can't purchase food in the dining commons, the twins may do so. Maybe Jon should buy them meal tickets so they can get a decent lunch there.

Carys said... 82

Make sure you read the stupid sheeple comments under that US Mag story.

They think it's no big deal to give your kids a week old sandwich.

It is so frightening that we live in the same country with twits like this.

PA Mom ALSO said... 83

"Do you really think Carlos Diaz cares a fig about the Gosselin kids? Think again, he's just jumping on the popular bandwagon. Wonder where all these psychologists and folks now speaking out claiming how terrible it was for the kids to go thru the divorce on TV, etc., were last year???"

I didn's say that he has a personal interest in this situation. I'm not so sure that ANY of those commenting right now are close enough to the situation to make it personal. I pointed out that he has said the kids should be off television. He has historically defended Kate and the kids, even when confronted by those who thought Kate was evil incarnate. Diaz is a stubborn guy, and for this very reason, he wouldn't jump on the band wagon just for the sake of, well...jumping on the band wagon. If anything, he'd be even more defiant in his defense of Ms. Gosselin. He can be very arrogant. He's a maverick, not known to go with the status quo.

Where were the psychologists and folks? Speaking out! There have always been interested persons making their concerns known. This isn't anything new. It's not a "bombshell tonight." Sometimes, though, it takes an incident to really susbstantiate what they have been saying all along, In this case, the expulsion was the proverbial straw. The media and former defenders, as well as mental health professionals, are no longer playing the game of hide-and-seek. That's a good thing. ~ Administrator said... 84

Three celebs you would know go to my church in LA. One of them is even a church elder and his wife sings in the choir. NO ONE bothers them. We're Presbyterian.

Lots of celebs are religious, but I think sadly some of them are afraid to flaunt it. I know in particular one of them came to the faith through the 12-step program since he shared his testimony once.

Julianna said... 85

They think it's no big deal to give your kids a week old sandwich.


Now we know why the school infirmaries and nurses' offices see so many kids with tummy aches! It's the offspring of the sheeple!

Don't these twits know that a tuna sandwich does not stay fresh in a lunchbox all day? Lunchboxes are not designed to be refrigerators, for gosh sakes! Nothing like week-old tuna sandwiches to really make a kid want to hurl!

Anonymous said... 86

Kate claims everything she does is for the kids. How is giving them week-old sandwiches doing it for them? I'd like to hear the sheeple explain that. ~ Administrator said... 87

What scares me about the sandwich story is that it seems like most of the stories that start out as obscene rumors often turn out to be true. Not the least of which was the kids being expelled. I hope this is not true but I wouldn't be surprised, especially after Kate's comment in Back to School that she does in fact review their lunches after school.

Mommy Dearest made Christina eat the same bloody steak meal after meal. ~ Administrator said... 88

You know I don't know if this is a characteristic of narcissists but the narcissnotists I worked for also had food issues. She did not like wasting food. I remember she had a big cast party once and ordered a ton of sushi, way too much. It really, really bothered her to throw it out, even though sushi only lasts a day at most before it's gross. She was pushing it on everyone to take home, and when I was over the next day she was still going on and on about how she has two pans of sushi still in the fridge. She also got very upset if you didn't buy a particular brand, and wanted everything cooked from scratch. For instance pre-prepared salmon you can get at the counter or the bags of lettuce were an absolute no-no, even if it would save a lot of work.

Any other food issues with narcissists in your lives? ~ Administrator said... 89

This should be a given, but I'm not going to have a lot of patience for BICKERING back and forth between two posters. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not publishing comments like these, so enough already.

KyPastor said... 90

Admin, thanks for the confirmation that some really famous people can go to church. I have long "preached" that we don't go the church to be seen, but to worship, which ought remind us that before God we are all on the same level. ~ Administrator said... 91

Since Christians are supposed to believe in the first shall be last and the last first and all that stuff about God loving the weak just as much as the strong, it would be kind of awkward to go ga-ga all over a celebrity right in church. I've never seen anyone do that.

One of the celebs was one of the voices for a popular children's movie a few years ago and the parents of two young kids said look guys that's him, that's the character you love! The kids looked at this guy, didn't see the connection, and ran off to play with their friends.

Nobody cares. And I think these people like this church because they're treated like everyone else.

Zoe said... 92

Administrator said...

This should be a given, but I'm not going to have a lot of patience for BICKERING back and forth between two posters. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not publishing comments like these, so enough already.
Thank you Admin!

have to ask said... 93

Does God love the weak and we mortals can rip them a new one when we don't like them? ~ Administrator said... 94

Huh? Are you actually implying Kate is "the weak." The weak people in this situation are the children, the minors, the victims. The Gosselin kids. The strong is Kate. So yes I do believe God loves the weak. Also God loves "little children" and admonished those that brushed them aside as just kids. ~ Administrator said... 95

And personally I live by this passage, "SPEAK UP and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy."

SPEAK UP AND DEFEND....that's pretty clear to me.

Save the kids said... 96

I for one do not care what her followers say, serving your kids even day old half eaten sandwiches is just plain gross. They can say whatever they want to twist it, but it's wrong to do this to any kid never mind 8 that are supporting your ass.

Carys said... 97

Kelly Ripa and her family go to church each Sunday and no one bothers them, either.

You know how in some churches the pastor will take a minute and have the congregation turn to each other and say hello and shake hands? Kate probably considers that as being bothered.

Nobody was bothering them. That old cow just doesn't want to get her lazy butt up on Sunday morning and get the kids ready if she doesn't have to.

Maybe somebody said something about her being a millionaire and only tithing $5 a week.

Whatever the real reason, I just know it has nothing to do with people coming up to them and bothering them. That's crap. ~ Administrator said... 98

Kate and Jon preached God as it was convenient for them and helped get them money, then when it was no longer adventageous to their situation (i.e. TLC told them to stop pandering to the religious crowd and become more mainstream) they quit. Even God got sent to the black hole along with everyone else estranged! They were televangelists of the worst kind and when they got caught they had to pack up shop and do something else.

have to ask said... 99

Truth be known, Kate is mentally ill. That her illness makes her easy to hate makes it easier for us to judge her. Her mental illness IS a weakness. ~ Administrator said... 100

Fair point, but even mental illness is no excuse for hurting children. In America we take kids away from people whose mental illness is hurting their children. Kate may be weak but the kids are weaker.

Save the kids said... 101

Oh Gee, I did go to the other side just to see what her idiots were saying about the half eaten sandwiches, yipe, they think its just fine and dandy. I'd like to see them sit their fat asses at the table and eat old dried up bread with spoiled meat in the middle and enjoy it. Their lying hypocrites just like their leader. Enuf said on that issue.

Midnight Madness said... 102

Admin said, "They were televangelists of the worst kind and when they got caught they had to pack up shop and do something else."


They're lucky those who gave those donations to "the cause" didn't file a class action fraud/deception lawsuit, or the "televangelists" would be sitting in prison, ala Jim Bakker, who later wrote a book, "I Was Wrong." Doubt if we'll see anything like that written by Kate, although Zondervan might jump on it!

silimom said... 103

The other reason schools will send food home is so the parents can discuss with kids what they're not eating and why and perhaps involve the kids in packing their own healthy, nutritious lunches. Kate has control isdues and food is one of the ways they manifest.

Poor kids.

AuntieAnn said... 104

Maybe she can quit buying another pair of shoes (or two) every time she walks past the shoe department and put that money down for some decent lunch items. Why doesn't she do some of things the school recommends? Find out what they like, get them involved in their meal planning so they have some say in their lives. Up until now all she's been interested in is travel plans. Even those are always a surprise to the kids.

AuntieAnn said... 105

Even God got sent to the black hole along with everyone else estranged!
Bwahahaha haha! Too funny admin. I imagine even he is scratching his head over her.

Vanessa said... 106

An old neighbour from E-town (I'm sure some posters here can provide the link, he has a blog) said whenever anyone passed by BOTH jon and kate in the neighbourhood, walking or whatever SHE would look away and not even acknowledge the person. Jon would always say hello and have a little chat. This was AAALLLL before they became "celebrities". Some neighbours pitched in to make them meals or give them "stuff" and not ONCE did she thank ANYONE!! The blogger went on to say she had a very uppity attitude (or something like that)
Again, I repeat, this was ALL before the show. And crap about them being hounded at church is exactly that, crap!

Vanessa said... 107

Admim, there is a poster on another blog, if you'll allow me to say it, on Small Town Gosselins. Her name is Heather and she has some truly disturbing insight on narcissists. Her husband was raised by a narissitic woman. She has some truly unbelievable stories about FOOD. Readers here should have a gander over there. We've all had a weird feeling about Kate and food for a long time and we've all said "Imagine what we DON'T see?"

Vanessa said... 108

AMEN to that Frank!

Vanessa said... 109

check out Rene Syler's Good Enough Mother-Kate Gosselin:Reality Bites. When words can't make you believe, the video montage speaks loudly.
Get them off TV, but please get them HELP! They'd be living their lives with that dysfunctional woman regardless of the show.

Bubbles said... 110

The food rumor is freaking me out.

It's believable because we've seen her controlling ways with food. Yet, I also think that because of her obsession with appearances, she'd be compelled to send the kids with perfect lunches. If she is actually sending the uneaten food back day after day, I certainly hope school staff is taking notice of it and reporting it as appropriate.

What I'd like to know is, if Jon is aware enough of the situation to make a comment like "if you lived with me, you wouldn't have to eat rotten food every day," WHY THE HELL ISN'T HE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT?? He could pack lunches for the kids and drop them off at the bus stop or the school every day, or he could purchase them hot lunches at school. They have joint custody which means she can't prevent him from doing this.

Aeris said... 111

Vanessa said... An old neighbour from E-town (I'm sure some posters here can provide the link, he has a blog) said whenever anyone passed by BOTH jon and kate in the neighbourhood, walking or whatever SHE would look away and not even acknowledge the person. Jon would always say hello and have a little chat. This was AAALLLL before they became "celebrities"


I remember reading these stories, too. Kate herself has admitted that she is "antisocial" and is fine with staying indoors all day. This was back several years ago. That's fine and all, but it's proof that she's not of the right mindset for showbiz.

Kate seems to have major control issues and I think "food" is really where it manifests. Both water and food are very powerful "weapons" to use against another person. Kate will try to control those kids the best she can. It's interesting that TLC always showed the kids as being great eaters, willing to eat whatever was in front of them. They really had no choice, as Kate also stated in an episode, "I'm not a short-order cook". I can understand that. But the kids are older now and they are comparing themselves with other kids. They're going to rebel.

Just something regarding old sandwiches. I've had day-old PB&J sandwiches and they are no good. The jelly starts to crystalize and soak the bread into a soggy mess. The peanut butter is usually okay, but the bread on that side is hard. They're edible, but it's not pleasant. I can't imagine eaten a day-old lunchmeat sandwich that sat out for over 24 hours. That just isn't safe.

Anon 1 said... 112

Vanessa said..
This was AAALLLL before they became "celebrities".
Since I believe Kate was pursuing fame (and fortune) for a longgg time, I think the instant she found out she was preg. w/7 babies, she considered herself famous.

Anon725 said... 113

WHY THE HELL ISN'T HE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT?? He could pack lunches for the kids and drop them off at the bus stop or the school every day, or he could purchase them hot lunches at school.


It's about control. She'd never let him do that. He cannot purchase them hot lunches in school. Kindergarten kids don't have that option. They must bring their lunches. ~ Administrator said... 114

I really loved Joy's response to Joel Olstein when he tried to explain with that goofy smile on his face while the church is against gays.

Sge said, so you're saying it's a deformity. Would you shun someone who had a deformity of an arm or leg?

Wow, awesome.

Midnight Madness said... 115

Admin said, "They were televangelists of the worst kind and when they got caught they had to pack up shop and do something else."


They're lucky those who gave those donations to "the cause" didn't file a class action fraud/deception lawsuit, or the "televangelists" would be sitting in prison, ala Jim Bakker, who later wrote a book, "I Was Wrong." Doubt if we'll see anything like that written by Kate, although Zondervan might jump on it!

Administrator said... 116

Fair point, but even mental illness is no excuse for hurting children. In America we take kids away from people whose mental illness is hurting their children. Kate may be weak but the kids are weaker.

Save the kids said... 117

I for one do not care what her followers say, serving your kids even day old half eaten sandwiches is just plain gross. They can say whatever they want to twist it, but it's wrong to do this to any kid never mind 8 that are supporting your ass.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 118

Amazing. The View announced two days straight (at the beginning of the show), that they will discuss Kate's dilemma in "Hot Topics"- and absolutely nothing.

It looks like The View will never take a stand. COWARDS!

This is probably Bill Geddes setting up the stage for a Kate Gosselin interview to set the story straight. I guess Whoopie, and Joy will not be on that day....

What a joke!


Administrator said... 119

Huh? Are you actually implying Kate is "the weak." The weak people in this situation are the children, the minors, the victims. The Gosselin kids. The strong is Kate. So yes I do believe God loves the weak. Also God loves "little children" and admonished those that brushed them aside as just kids.

have to ask said... 120

Does God love the weak and we mortals can rip them a new one when we don't like them?

Debby said... 121

Kate is so unbelievably delusional about how her kids are being affected by her angry perosnality and having cameras in their faces all the time.

I'm sure Dina Lohan, Lynn Spears and Kathy Hilton all bragged about how loving and sweet and resilient their kids were when they were 6 and 10 years old, too.

Yeah. They all turned out so well adjusted.

It's as if Kate has a crystal ball sitting in front of her ( in the form of Lindsey, Britney and Paris ), yet she chooses to dismiss that what happened to them will not happen to her kids. Because, she is after all, Kate Gosselin. The mother of all mothers. The one who can do no wrong. The one whose children wouldn't DARE cross her or make her look bad.

Does she seriously think she can keep them little ( and therefore unable to speak out, go nuts, and rebel ) forever?

I want front row seats and a big tub of popcorn to whatever talk show has Kate on their show in 10 years, while she sits there and sobs because she doesn't get it. Doesn't understand why her kids turned on her. Doesn't understand why she is being held accountable for her kids gone wild.

Frank said... 122

Poor Collin and Alexis. We were ( shamefully hanging my head ) privy to witness on national tv:

*Alexis with poop smeared all over herself.
*Alexis being mocked as the "loud one" and "wild one" by both parents.
*Alexis falling in the woods and splitting her lip after being yelled at by her dad.
*Alexis being sent to time out.
*Alexis begging her daddy to come home.
*Alexis being separated from Hannah and Leah ( Kate constantly saying how special H & L's relationship is and H & L kept together while Alexis is shipped off with the boys ).
*Alexis having her potty training and fecal matter filmed for the public's entertainment.

*Collin having impacted fecal matter pulled out by his father in the bak of the van.
*Collin sitting on a potty with his underwear to his ankles.
*Collin sent to time out.
*Collin being called a bully by his parents.
*Collin being called stubborn by his mother.
*Collin in tears because he is afraid of the eye doctor.
*Collin in tears because his mother was threatening to throw away his beloved blankey because it had a speck of gum on it.
*Collin being ignored by his mother when he so badly needed to ask her a question because he didn't want to do anything to make her mad.
*Collin being yelled at and threatened by his mother when he got his feet wet by the pool.

These are just a small number of incidents that were filmed and thrown on tv for everyone to witness on a Monday night @ 9 on TLC.....incidents that should have been private and not for public entertainment. These incidents should never have gone further than the other 9 people living in that household, let alone millions of strangers ( some of whom are pedophiles ).

And now these two particular children are experiencing the fallout from having their private moments exploited...because their parents thought money and fame were more important than the future emotional well being of their babies.

Alexis and Collin are most likely being heavily punished now for the end results of what their parents did to them.

I certainly hope there are no sensible adults out there who lay any blame on Alexis and Collin for the choices they made at school. Anybody with half a brain saw this kind of future behavior from the G kids as far back as season one, and now it's come to fruition. Jon and Kate would not listen to people's concerns back then, and everything that is happening now is THEIR fault. I like Jon ( I really do ), but he has certainly not done enough for those kids and hasn't tried hard enough IMO to save them from more of this public humiliation.

I am angry as hell at Kate Gosselin, who has gone on record as saying she had a too strict, not so happy childhood...and yet she didn't stop the cycle. Not only did she not stop the cycle, she continued it on to the nth degree.

She is effing nuts if she thinks her children won't sit in front of a camera some day, or dictate to a co-author of a book, about how traumatic and difficult their childhoods were.

Kate thinks all the trips and fancy mansion and cars(hers)and freebies will make up for it. She is sadly mistaken. And I CANNOT wait til these kids are old enough to rake her over the coals. Jon, too.

I truly hope the G kids, especially Alexis and Collin, some day sue the $hit out of Jon and Kate and TLC and any business who sponsored their exploitation and subsequent public humiliation.

alana said... 123

Oh Please said... and then I said,

Good thing I didn't hold my breath as I waited for someone to "alert" my sorry ass to this fact; I would've asphyxiated myself. Golly gee, I could've been charged with murder. What took you so long?

This Makes No Sense said... 124

Fahnette said...

Huh? What does being on television have to do with having "favorites?"

Because they are neatly packaged as the Gosselin 8 and have been so since the moment the sextuplets were conceived. They are presented as a concept, a unit.


Really? Then why is it that I distinctly recall Alexis and her love of alligators, Aaden's love for animals, etc.? It's simply untrue that the children have not been allowed to develop unique personalities. I'm not a fan of having them dressed identically, but their individual personalities have never been hidden.

leigh said... 125

In fairness to the View, they often mention items in the preview that they never get to. I think they end up talking about other subjects and just don't get to it. I watch every day and see it from time to time. Yesterday they took a lot of time talking about their weekends.

Now, I didn't see the part about Whoopi possibly starting to talk about it, but stopped, before they started talking about the mugs b/c I FF all that stuff.

What's next? said... 126

Well they (The View) did it again. Mentioned it in the promo, but no mention after that. Why? Something very odd going on.

Canuck said... 127

Monkey see, monkey do. These kids are being raised by a mother who is a bully - what possible outcome can there be? Children mirror what they see and what they are taught. Seems very elementary to me. I see that Kate's camp has not issued any warning to the media outlets to cease and desist, nor has there been any retraction that I'm aware of. Her fans cannot possibly believe this entire mess arose out of one gossip rag and that there is no truth to it? I would imagine if it wasn't true, the screams from Kate-land would have been heard by now. And as far as Kate trying to hang Jon out to dry any time in the near future, be it on talk shows in anticipation of the November 30th court date, or any other forum for that matter. Sorry...that likely won't fly with anyone at this point either. She has made a very public and vocal campaign against her ex-husband, claiming that she was raising those children "all alone", with "no support", that she was a "single mother" functioning on her own - thus, she "alone" can be held responsible for the school fiasco. What a mess.

What's next? said... 128

I can't download the video due to time constraints, so I went to the archives for Joy's show. Here are the transcripts from that show regarding the Gosselins:

BEHAR: We`re all whores. We`re media whores. (INAUDIBLE), right? OK. All right. Next up, two of Jon and Kate Gosselin`s 6-year-old kids have been expelled from a private school in Pennsylvania, reportedly for rage issues. Gee, I wonder why, and are now being home schooled. OK. Colin and Alexis were reportedly violent and bullying other kids. I think that`s called acting out?

GLASS: Exactly. And also, it`s no surprise. These were the two children in "Jon & Kate Plus 8" if you watch the show. Kate called little Alexis the wild child. Little Colin was the one that bullied all the other brothers and sisters.

BEHAR: Right. Right.

GLASS: And they`re surprised? And they`re home schooling these children?


GLASS: Unacceptable.

BEHAR: And only those two are going to be home schooled. The other kids are -- see, I say bring the whole bunch of them to home school. Like a little classroom --

GLASS: But who`s the teacher?

BEHAR: I don`t know who the teacher is. I mean, do you think that they were taunting little Colin and Alexis by saying, your mother can`t dance!


BEHAR: Do you think? She was like she`s avoiding land mines on "Dancing with the Stars." What do you think? Now, the kids are still starring in new episodes of "Kate Plus 8," should they stop filming the show, Anthony?

CUMIA: I think, and believe me, I don`t care much about kids. I don`t have any. They`re cute, and you give them a shucka-shucka (ph) under the chin, and it`s great and then they go away, but this exploitation. I really do think this is an exploitation.

BEHAR: OK. For those women out there who are looking for a husband - -

CUMIA: I ain`t it. Believe me.

BEHAR: It ain`t him.

CUMIA: Eight hundred is on the list, having kids with the likes of me, but it is exploitation. I think they suffer from parents are media whore syndrome. I`m sure there`s an acronym for it.

BEHAR: There probably is.

CUMIA: But, you know, obviously, chips off the old block. I mean, if they`re exposed to that kind of attention that these two have shown over the years in such a public form, why aren`t they going to act out in school.

BEHAR: They`re going to be crazy, right?

GLASS: It`s dangerous.

BEHAR: But Jon Gosselin had tried to get the kids off the TV. He`s becoming like father knows best.


GLASS: He did the right thing. Joy, this is only going to get worse.


GLASS: This is only going to get worse. It`s scary. They need help.

Michelle said... 129

I just kills me to read Sheeple comments like "big deal, kids get expelled everyday" - "bullying happens all the time". What is their point? That this is no big deal? If word got out that a couple of kids at school had been expelled for bullying the Gosselin kids would the same attitude hold? I think not. The hypocricy is insane.

And I agree that sadly, with or without cameras, those kids have very tough lives ahead. Kate will not change. She's simply not capable of admitting fault.

Flock said... 130

I forgot to mention that Dr. Lilian Glass has a (fascinating) blog in which she has long supported the children. I'm glad she's finally getting the chance to say so on a more public forum.

Lauren said... 131

The only lifeline these kids have is Jon.
I hope something good comes out of the court hearing scheduled for November 30th.

AuntieAnn said... 132

I guess they don't take into account that some of us are skinny hem. Another theory debunked.

And that she has money. Do they think no one but Kate Gosselin has money?

AuntieAnn said... 133

I'm really afraid those kids are going to be soooo punished now by their narcissist mommy.

"Look what you done to me after ALL I've done for you!!!!"

Yes, it IS scary. Yes, they DO need help, before something terrible happens.